277121 WHITE - CITY CLERK [�
BLUE - MAYOR G I T Y A I N T PA U L File N O. ��� ¢`�
CO � tZOyl
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED: That app],icat�on for Sunday on Sal.e Li.quo� License made by fihe follQwing app,lican s
caho are holders of an Qn Sa1e Liquor T,icense at the addresses shocan, be and the s me
are hereby gx�anted and in comp,liance with C. F. No. 235531 , Ordinance No. 13755, hich
amends ChaQtex No. 308 of the St, Pau1 Legis�.ative Code and O�rdinances.
Saa.nt Paul Ramsey Arts � Sc�ence Counc�.�.
75 W 5th St Appn. Q13288 R�ne�r
Mounds Park Lounge, Tnc 1067 Hudson Rd Q17747 Renew
B A L, Inc. 427 S Wabasha St Q18092 "
Boca Chica, Inc. 11 Concoxd St Q18184 "
George's Bar, Inc. 537 Greenwood Av Q18205 "
Thomond R. 0'Brian 79 N Western Av Q18223 "
Joe-Art, Inc. 249 FI 7th St Q18616 "
James M. Morelli 421 E 7th St Q18788 "
Primo's Fine Food & Liquors, Tnc 959 Arcade St Q18817 "
Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of:
Levine In Favor
McMahon (7 B
snowaite� __ Against Y
Jul n �� Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date �y
Certified a.s d by Counci , cre BY
Ap by :N yor: Da e •1U1 1 0 1981 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By _— sy
LlSHED J U L 18 198i