277113 2�'71�� City of St.Paul COUNCIL FIL . — Resolution Approving Assessment By � and Fixing Time of Hearing Thereon and Fixing Time of Hearing on tMe Award File No. 18192-S of Damages SLOPE EASEMENT FOR ALLEY In the matter of Asaeasment for the condemning and taking an eaeemen[ in the land neceasary for the slopes� cuts and fills, including right of removal of lateral support from subject land or remainder theteof, occasioned by excavations thereof or construction of slopes in the grading and paving of the alley in Block 2, Forepaugh' s Division A and Block 2, Smith and Taylor' s Addition from Chatsworth Street to Milton Street. PERMANENT EASEMENT FOR t�LLEY PURPOSE S In the Matter o� openin�, widenin�, and extenGing an a11ey in Block 2 , F'orepaugl;' s Division A and Block 2 , Smith and Taylor' s Addition from C"t��a4sworti-� StreEt to Milton Street by condemning and taking a permanent easement for alley purposes on, over and across the following described lands : �111 ot Lot A in Block 2 , Smith and Taylors Addition. Ttie South 13 feet of Lor. l , Block � , Forepaughs Division A . The South 13 feet of Lct 2 , Biock ? , Forepaughs Division A . The North 3 feet of Lot 5, Block 2 , Forepau�;:s Division A. under, The Nort�i 3 feet of Lot 6, Block 2 , Forepau�;hs Division A. Prelimi A11 tl�at part of Lot 4 , Block 2 , Forepaugn' s Division A bounded by tne following descri�ed line: Beginning at tt;e Fina1C Northeas � corner of said Lot 4 ; ;:hence, South aion; t�:e East line of said Lot 4 , a distance o� 3 feet; Tnence , Northwesterly to a poin= on the '�orttt line of said I,ot =+ , a distance ot 9. 5 feet �,�iest of the N_nrtizeast ccrne_ of said � Lot 4 ; Tt:ence , East along tne North line oF said Let !: tc �hE for th �oint of be�inning. also h � :.11 :i�at oart �f Lot 3 , B1ock 2 , Forepau�,h` s pivisioci A bounced by the followin�; desczibed line: L�.e�innir..>, at t'rie South�asr corner � o� said Lot 3 ; :hence , West alor.�; the Scuth 1inE o� said Lo� 3 , �� of the �t; stance or 9. 5 feet; Tt:erce , '�'or:.;,wes�erlv to a ooint cn tt.e ;,es ; Chamt 1�::e ot said Lot 3 , a cis��nce oi & i-eet Nort'ri o� t�~:e Soutnwes� corner of said Lot 3 ; �;'!ience , iyort}; alon�; the West .__ne o� saic3 he is � ?,�t 3 , a distance oi 16 reet ; T:�ence , So�:theaste:ly to a poi��t ". Cf?f' �,3SC 11RE' Ot Sa1C� (.00 i � �� !ilSl:2[?CEr' i7;. li LfE� �:�OIIi C�:C Sou:t:east corner of sai.d Lot � ; ThPnce , �out:� alon�. ti:e Eas � li::e o� said Lot 3 to ti��e �cint oL be�ir.nin�. COUNCILM�N Haoptea ny tne �ouncil: llate Yeas Nays JuL 1 Q 1981 G�/�JC���'� Certifie a e by Cou '1 Se etary �4� �'IC3nf In Favor B �_^''fnp (7 ��,;` .�,.��� Against � Mayo �''; '��;�;�2 �, ',��;:, , :�r PUBUSN JUL 18 19$1 :;:..,