277112 � � � � ��1 JCw�il File No. 27711Y — B7 Victor J. Tedesco- RFSOLVED,lbat upon the petition ot We C1ty � Salnt Paul, the public pcopeR� herdnalter dexrl6ed,be and the same hereby, L weated and discontinucd�s pubik proper, ty: ' Soutfi thltt�-lhree and oorthitd(S.�'/i) feet ot the North me hund�ed(N.10�ted of Lot ekva� f1D Block twent� (2G). � RoEatson and Van Ettm's additlaa W ' SiinL P��1.accotdln6 W t6e pl�t theao[ �ble and ot record in the otrice o!the Re`ister of Deeds in u�dfor Ramse7 Coun'. t7.Minnesot�: The South thlR7-th�ce�nd one-thtrd(S. �1N)feet a1 tbe Nort6 flzb-s�aod two- teirds(N.A6�h)teet.e:eept the West t6irt7 (�P.�feet u(i,ot deven(l l)Black twmt� (7p),gupertaon�nd Vm Etten's addiUan to Saiat Pau4 mordic�W the marded p4t thereo!m tlk aad o[reoord fa tbe ot- pp u(the Re�lster ot Deeds in and tor Ramx7 Camb.l[lnneaota: 'Ibe N�th tLitt�-t6tee�ad onc-t61rd(17• �tyy)feat d Lot eievm(Il)Blxk twmt� ' (4C1,e:apt the Wst thirt�(W.�Ol ted of tat ekvm(11).Robatson md Van iktm's additioa W Saint Pau4�dint to t6e piat theceo!oa Ale aad of record in tbe ot- 9ce ot the Re�lster of Deeds In�nd tor . Rrmae7 Counq.Mlnnesotr, � 'South thiR�-two(S.l�feet ot Lot deven (11).Black twentr(TOI.Robectsa�and V�n Ettm'�Addltlm W S�int Prul to�ether vith e�sanmt tor i+�6resa �d esress crated ln Book 1192 Deed�.W�e N7.� ro��W the ylat thereo!on ttle�nd ot nco�d (n the otric� of the Re�ister o( " R�i ia �wd ter R�auq Cawt7. Wua e��: � . T�RSar 1lewlv�d.ThM la�xard�nc�w�ith ' S1N P�m!isloos d S�etlao 41.01(T)d t�Ad- ministntive Code, thou po*tiom ot Lot ll. glocic 20,Robertson and Van Ettm's Addition shall De wld and conveyed W lhe owneAs)of � tAe baLoce of tdd I.d Il,without advertisc mmt or compoldve blds, for the �um o! t2,7S0.00,t61s sum bein{the fairmarket value' thereot u determined b�the City Va1�aUon Eotineer.Dlur tAe sum o!t100.00. �a rdm- bunemeat to Ux Cib torPmc��i��'+a- doo p�nis herel0..aod tbe propar Cit7 oftfcexa ue Eereby auEhorized and dimkd to ueeute�qultcldm deed mwe73ni the Citr's interes4 to those portiom of »W Lot 11 v�nted b�this resolution: Adopted b9 the Councll lul�9.1981. :: � '+PPmved July't0.1961._ � � (Ju�lI.19l1) ' .. . � ' � � �. [:��°.+-::�f �� . �, �: ,,,� `� 1':� � .` CITY OF SAINT PAUL ��� � INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM To: Ron Ma.ddox, Council President and Members of the City Council From; J• William Donovan Valuation and Assessment Engi.neer Da.te: May 19, 1981 __. - � , Sub ject: Petition of the City of Saint I�.ul for the va.cation of part of Lot 11, Block 20, Robertson and Van Etten's Addition (Marion Street). Public Hearing - June 16, 1981 The City of Saint Paul, as fee holder of sub�ect property, has been requested by the adjacent property cswner to vaca.te said property. The praperty wa.s purchased by the City at the request of the Depa.rtment of Public Works for the widening of N�.rion Street. It has since been decla.red surplus to the needs of the City. The property was conveyed to the City by four sepa.rate deeds , in 1967 and 1968. The property would be combined with the remainder of Lot � � 11 from which it was original]y taken and placed ba.ck on the tax rolls. The va.cated area will be used for new residential construction for f�.mily housing. Areas to be va.cated consis�b of �+,597 square feet and is zoned RT-1. The Department oP Public Works has reviewed the proposed vacation and reports it has no ob�ection to it. � The Department of Planning and Economic Development has reviewed this vacation and fin�ds no ob3ection to the �acation as proposed. There were no other ob�ections or recommendations from ar�,y other public or priva�e agencies involved. In view of the foregoing, I recommend tha.t the va.cation be approved, subject to the Pollawing terms and conditions: l. That the description of the property to be va.cated read as follc�ws; - South thirty-three and one-third (S. 33 1/3) feet of the North one hundred (N. 100) feet of Lot eleven (11) Block twenty (20), Robertson � and Van Etten's addition to Saint Pa.ul, accord- ing to the pl.a.t thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota. . • � � , � . : • -2- l:r / i!�, � The South thirty-three and one-third (S. 33 1�3) . feet of the North sixty-six and two-thirds (N. 66 2/3) feet, except the West thirty (W. 30) feet of Lot eleven (11) Block twenty (20), Robertson and Van Etten's addition to Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota. The North thirty-three and one-third (N. 33-1/3) feet of I,ot eleven (11) Block twenty (20, except the West thirty (W. 30) feet of Lot eleven (11), Robertson and Van Etten's addition to Saint Paul, according to the pl.a.t thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota. Sauth thirty-two (S. 32) feet of Lot eleven (11), Block twenty (20), Robertson and Van Etten's addition to Saint Pa.ul together with easement for ingress and egress created in Book 1192 Deeds, pa.ge �+47, according to the plat thereof on file • and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota.. � .2: That the vacation be sub�ect to all the terms and conditions of Chapter 228 of the St. Pa.ul Legisl,ative Cod.e, as amended, including the retention of all public utilities easements. � �: That the petitioner pa.y to the City as market va.lue, the sum of $2,750.00 as compensa.tion for the vacation� plus $100.00 for filing fee. 3 -� Tha.t the petitioner flarnish the City with a bond in the amaunt of $5,000.00, and in addition thereto, by acceptance of the terms and conditions of this vacation, a.grees to indemnify, defend and save harmless the City of Saint Pa.ul, its officers and employees fY�om all suits, actions, or claims of an�y character, including, but not limited to, a clai.m brought be- cause of ar�y injuries, or damages received or susta.ined by ar�y p r- son, persons or property, on account of this vacation; because of ar�y act or omission, neglect or misconduct of said petitioner; or because of ar�y claim or liability arising from or based on ar�y violation of ar�y law or regulation made in accordance with the l.a.w, whether by the petitioner or ar�y oP its agents� or employees. � �_��k#e�-..xeca�e�—tba: the proper City officials be authorized and directed to sell and convey said property herein being va,ca�ted to the awner of the remaining part of Lot 11 of said addition. Said sale being made pursu�nt to the prorvision of Chagter 51 of the Administrative Code of the: City of Saint P�ul. This proper y is filed abstract in the Caunty Recorder's office. cc : riayor George Lati.mer