277109 WHITE - CITY CLERK � ��{j��� PINK - FINANCE CANARY - DEPARTMENT COUIICII B�ue -, MAYOR G I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L File N O. � ` Resolution Presented By i Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � W�iEREA5�,: t�.e �ivision of Housing and Building Code Enforcement ha requested the City Council to hold a public hearing to consider the ad� visability and neeessity of the correction or wrecking and removal of , the following described building, said structure having been reported t�o constitute a public hazard: I 1082 E. Seventh E Z o� Lot 8, Block 7, Two unit Terry's Addition to the frame City of Saint Paul, County structure of Ramsey and State of Minnesota i WHEREAS, it appears that as of July l, 1981 the last record owner � and other parties of interest of said building are as follows: Norbert D. Kaczmarek - Owner of record 1693 E. 4th S t. Ontario, California 91764 Richard Ward - unregistered contract purchaser ', 899 Payne Ave. St. Paul, MN 55102 i There are no outstanding mortgages or liens of record. I � WHEREAS, the Division of Hou�ing and Building Code Enforcement, on� behalf of the City Council did notify by mail the above noted parties o�f interest at their last known addresses; ', WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by and before the Council of thje City of Saint Paul, in the Council Chambers of the Court House in said , city at 10: 00 a.m. on Thursday, July 9, 1981 to consider the advisabililty and necessity of ordering the correction or wrecking and removal of saiid structure on the above described property inasmuch as said structure is� I COUIVCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt ' unit S ' ces Levine In Favor �� Maddox McMahon � Showalter __ Ag8111St BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary B 7�� I Bv -- Approved by ;Vlavor: Date _ Ap o by Mayor for S i i�n to Council � Bv - -�-- B ' � 1�4�r � ���•-:�a�' 2. reported to constitute a hazard to public health, safety and welfare. WHEREAS, upon the facts presented at the said hearing, consisting of photographs, inspection reports and the recommendation of the Build� ing Department, it is further determined that the above building con- stitutes a hazardous building within the definition of Minnesota 5tatutes 463. 15 for the following reasons: l. The subject property has been boarded up by the City sin�e May 31, 1979; ' 2. This building is condemned as "Unfit for Human Habitatio�" ; 3. It is vacant and boarded; 4. Permits were taken out in November 1980 and no work has been done on the structure to date; 5. The conditions outlined above constitute a public hazard� 6 . The owner has made no attempt to satisfactorily repair t�e damage; 7. The continued vacant and boarded up condition contribute� a blighting effect on the neighborhood; now, therefore, be it, RESOLVED, That in accordance with Minnesota Statutes Section 463. 15 through 463. 25, and based upon the foregoing findings of the City Coun�il, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby make the following O�der: ORDER 1. The owners of the above described building shall make the sam� safe and not detrimental to the public peace, health, safety and welfa�e by having the said building razed and the materials therefrom removed �rom the premises within thirty (30) days from the date of the service of t1�is Order; 2. Unless such corrective action is taken to comply with this Or�er or an Answer served upon the City of 5aint Paul and filed in the offic� of the Clerk of District Court of Ramsey County, Minnesota within twenty �20) days from the date of the service of this Order, a Motion for Summary ', Enforcement of this Order to raze and remove the said building will be � made to the Ramsey County District Court; —�--�� �a-f � WNITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE i ���� CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T I,A U L COIli1C1I BLUE � MAYOR , File N i ' _ Council Resolution ' Presented By Referred To Committee: Date -- I Out of Committee By Date 3. 3. In the event that the building is to be razed by th� City of Saint Paul pursuant to judgment of the District Court, all personal ' property or fixtures of any kind which may unreasonably interfere with I the razing and removal of this building shall be removed within ten (10� days from the entry of judgment; and if not so removed, the City of Saint Paul shall remove and dispose of such personal propert� and fix- ' tures as provided by law; 4. If the City of Saint P�,ul is compelled to take any corrective ! action herein, all necessary co5ts expended by the City will be assessec� against the above described real estate and collected as other taxes; FURTHER RE50LVED, that a certified copy of this resolution and in- corporated Order herein be serv�d upon the last record owners of the above described property in the manner provided by law. ' � ; COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: , Yeas Nays Hunt COIl1M Servic Levine IR Favor Maddox McMahon B snowalter - __ Against Y — Tedesco ��SO� ��� g Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date ��� � Certified P •s d by Cou .� Sec tar BY —��' ��^F� B�� _ I App by Ylayor. at ��iT_, A by Mayor for Subm s ion �ouncil . I BY - — — By BLISNED J U L 18 1981 . , I��r�l�,• r _ �.;•TM o. C1TY OF SAINT PA L ;"� �'N DEPARTftAfNT OF CQMMUNITY SERVt E5' Z ,.�� B 1LDING CODE ENFORCEM N�' F D1VIS�QN Qf F�OUSING AND U �Q"",u„�„•�'�' � 4t5�ty Hat(,S� Pwl,Min►�sota 102 . GEORGE UTIMER 612- Y'12 . MAYOR ' � . . . � � ... . ....:.r`'�M\ � . . . July 7, 1981 Mr. Presi�ent and _ - Members of the City C�unc�:�1 - . . .. Re: 10 82 E. 7th St. File #3476 :�=, ��„ , ; , . ' .. . T� .. ... " K .. . � ' . .. � HonQrable Coimcil: The Division of Hausing and Building Ca Enforcemen,t i� hereb� submitting its repoxt o the condition of the structure at the 1 ca�ion referred ta above. The owners of record are': (F'EE) Norbert .D. Kaczmarek, 1693 4th St. E, Ontari:o, Cali�orn a. 91764, and (CP) Richard Ward, 899 Payne Ave, St. PauZ, Mf�ii. 551Q2. The leg�.l description of the pxvperty i : E % of Lat 8 Block 7, Terry's Addition. Parc 1 coae (o2-�4soo-o80-0�� . The b�i.l d�.ng is- a TwQ imit €rame struct re. The subject property has been boarded by the City since Ma.y 31, 1979. This b�ilding is condemned as "Un.fit Fo Htiinan Habitation". Zt is va.cant and bc�arded. Permits were taken out in November 1980 No work has been done on the structure to da.� . Inasmuch as the conditions autlined �bo e constitut�„ a pubZi� ha.zaxd and� ti�� owner ha5 macle no attempt to satisfactr�riYy repai the damage despite our warnings, and the con- tinued vacant and boar�ed up candition ntributes a blig�ting influence an the neigh- borhood, it is the recananendatioz� of th s Division that this matter be:referred to the City Attorney's office f�r razing and val �hrough District Court pzroceeclings. Yo t y, _ enn A. Erickson upervisor of Code Enforcement GAE:TAS:rd cc:N�ssrs. George Latimer, Ma.yor Walter A. Bowser, Asst. City Attorne Dan Norrgran, Fire Ma.rshal F. Staffenson, Housing Code I L. Levine, Coimcilman � I �� , , . ���;�►`�� 0 4��t==o. ,� CITY OF SAI NT PA L OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTOR EY r iill�ll,�ll a m „ EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORI�EY ,... 647 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 5�5102 612-298-L5121 GEORGE LATIMER , MAYOR ' July 2, 1981 I! R�C�1��� JUL7 - 1981 iUlAYORS OFFICE 'I'can Strohkirch Housing and Building 502 City Hall Bldg. i Re: 1082 E. Seventh S71-1770 Dear Tom: �closed is resolutiari you requested for presentation to the City CoLmcil on July 9, 1981. Yours truly, � �-�- I �1LTER A. Assistant City Attorney Tn1��B:rl IIic. � � -, c, ,.� . "_{:� c� :� �r°- ."�; ,»:r1 • . 4.:..X? M � ��:i �� N' � � I � x� � � !I c'? • � M � _:� ....� :�a w..yy •u.ii -',ti�':�`55� .- J _ � - , . . � �, ',� , , � � ' ' - ' � - , ` '� ,'�i ' - e � � � � , . � , „ � • � � � � � � � � � � � � � : , , ;�� . � � , _ - � • � � ' � December �1� 39$0 ,� : Mr. Glenn Er3ckson � Sure.rviaor, Code Enforceax t - . , , Ror�m �45, Ci�y HaI], � - , _ . ' Atten��.on e .Mr. Zbm Strohk ab ' • Dear�Sir: . _ . , � � . � , �The City Council .tociay con urred in your re�c�s�endation �end - � , � d�:scontinued condemnatioa roceedings sgain�t � stri�cture at - � _ 1(�82 E.as�t 7th�St. _ . , �". _ . ' Yery truly yaura, , . , , � � � � , ` . ; � Rose Mix — City C2erk - , . AHO..�a .. ,, _ . ,. _ . _ ; � � . , , , . . . � . - . . . . j . ' . . . . . . . . . . .% - . . . . . . . � � _ . . . � � � � � . . � � � . � , - ' . ,\ . . � _ . . . � � _ . ! . . � _ . . � . . . , • . .. . - \ - . � . . .. . � , . . - . - . . . � � � � .. � � - � ' . ' � . . � . �� � � . - - � . . � . ' .. . . . . .i . � . " . � . -- . .. , . . . . � � � - . '1 . . . . . . . . f . . � . .. - _ ' . , \ � ' . � . � � � . , . . . . . . � / ,� . . _ . . - , ��� . . . . � i WHITE - CITY CLERK � '7 � ��� ��� PINK - FINANCE ( CANARY - DEPARTMENT COl1I1C1I � � BLUE - MAYOR G I T S A I N T PA LT L File N O. � cil Resolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Commit e By Date WHER.EAS, the Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcemen has requested th City Council to ho d a public heaxing to consider the advisabili and necessity of the correction or ecking and rem.ov�l of the following describ building, said structure havi.ng bee reported to cox�stitute a public hazard.: _ 1082 E. Sevent E 1/2 of Lot 8, Block 7, Terry� Two story Addition t�o the City of Sain.t aul, two family dwelli County of Ramsey and State o Minnesota WHEREAS, it appears hat as of qctober 8, 1980 e last record owner and other I parties of interest of sai building are as follows• � i Norbert D. Kaczmare - Owner of record ; 1693 E. �+th St. ' Ontario, California 9 76�+ �I Richard Charles Ward - egistered urchaser $99 Payne Ave. St. Paul, MN 55101 There are n.o outstanding mort ge or liens of record. WHEREAS, the Division of Hous' and Building Code Enforcement, on behalf of th City Council did notif� by mail th ab ve noted parties of interest at their last known addresses: WHEREAS, a public hearing as hald b an.d before the Council of the City of Saint Paul, in the Council Ch ers of the Court House in said city at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, Novamber� 6, 1980 to consider the visability and necessity of ordering th correction or wrecking and r oval of said s ucture on the above described. property i.n.asmuch as said structure s reported to con itute a hazard to public health, safe and welfare; WHEREAS, upon the acts presented at the sai hearing, consisting of photographs, COUNCILME[V Requestg by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt lt Se Levine [n Favor Maddox McMahon B snoweiter A gai n s t Y Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by Cit Attomey Adopted by Council: Date -.,-- Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY �� �� By Approved by avor. Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ BY � � � I . � . , . . .. .. , , j : � � � � � , �I inspection reports and the recommendation of the Building Department, it is 'I further determined that the above building constitutes a hazardous building � within the definition of Minneso�a Statutes �+63.15 for the followin.g reasons: l. The subject property has been boarded up by the City since May 31, � 1979; 2. This building is condemned as "Unfit for Human Habitation"; ' I 3 . It is vacant and boaxded; I 4. The owner had indicated that financin.g and rehabilitation would be ob- , tained by September 25, 1980. To date no permits have been applied for nor has any work been started on thb. building; 5. The conditions outlined above constitute a public hazard.; 6. The owner has made no attempt to satisfactorily repair the damage; I 7. The continued vaca.nt and boarded up condition contributes a blighting in.fluence on the neighborhood; I now, therefore, be it, I, RESOLVED, That in accordan.ce with Minnesota Statutes Section �+63.15 through �+63.25, and based upon the foregoing findings of the City Council, the Coun.cil ' of the City of Saint Paul does hereby make the following Order: ORDER I 1. The owners of the above described building shall make the same safe and not detrimental to the public peace, health, safety an.d welfare by having the sa d building razed a.nd the materials therefrom removed from the premises within thir y (30) days from the date of the service of this Order; 2. IInless such corrective action is taken to comply with th5.s Order or an I, Answer served upon the City of Saint Paul and filed in the office of the Clerk o�f District Court of Ramsey County, Minn.esota within twenty (20) days from the date� of the service of this Order, a Motion for Summary Enforcement of this Order to � raze and remove the said building will be made to the Ramsey County District ; Gourt; , 3. In the event that the building is to be razed by the City of Saint Paul pursuan.t to judgment of the District Court, all personal property or fixtures o -2- I � II � I WHITE - CITY CLERK i � PINK - FINANCE � CANARY - DEPARTMENT C I T y O.}+ S A I N T �A U L COUIICII . BLUE - MAYOR File N 0. Council ' , Resolution Presented By Referre ' d To Committee: Date Out of Committee By � Date inspection reports and the recomme�dation of the Building Department, it is further determined that the above building constitutes a hazardous building within the definition of Min.nesota Statutes �+63.15 for the following reasons: 1. The sub�ect property has been boarded up by the City since May 31, 1979; 2. This building is condemned as "Unfit for Htmian Habitation"; � 3 . It is vacant a.nd boarded; �+. The owner had indicated �hat fina.nci.ng and rehabilitation would be ob- tained by September 25, 1980. To date no permits have been applied for nor has any work been started on th�. building; f 5. The conditions outlined �.bove constitute a public hazard; 6. The owner has made no attempt to satisfactorily repair the damage; 7. The continued vacant and,' boarded up condition contributes a blighting influence on the neighborhood; now, therefore, be it, RESOLVED, That in accordance with Minnesota Statutes Section �+63.15 through �+63.25, and based upon the foregaing findings of the City Council, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hqreby make the following Order: i ORDEi�.. 1. The owners of the above� described building shall make the same safe and not detri.mental to the public pe$ce, health, safety and welfare by having the sa d building razed an.d the materials! therefrom removed from the premises within thir y (30) days from the date of the service of this Order; 2. Unless such corrective ,action is taken to comply with this Order or an Answer served upon the City of Sai.nt Paul and filed in the office of the Clerk o District Court of Ramsey County,� Minnesota within twenty (20) days from the date of the service of this Order, a Motion for Summary Enforcement of this Order to raze and remove the said buildir:�g will be made to the Ramsey County District �ourt; 3. In the event that the building is to be razed by the City of Saint Pa pursuant to judgment of the Dis�rict Court, all personal property or fixtures o -2- I ; � � . � � : ° . ` , �� ��':_'�:r . �. , �. .. i f �. .... _ � . . - . .. . -.,. . . �.. ° . October 10, 19�0 -� .. , � , ,,`. � r�' �„y � ,. � � _ ;. .. . , .._, . ...;;. St. Paul City Council . c�o Rose N;ix � City Hall St. Paul, NiN 55102 KE: 1082 �. 5eventh St. File No. 3476 ?)e�,r Sirs: ' . v�e are in receipt of your letter informing us of the public hea;iag on the above named propertg. We would like �o ask you to resehedt�e the hearing as w�e have a previous commitment to appear in another court— room at that time. (Thursday, October 30, 19g0 10:00 a.m.) � � Sincerely, -��11�� �� � Rich�rd C. Ward RC[li/arp ///�► O�' k►i'?�11 .=W ,�''� ♦ST�'vN�/P�.�f �€s. c��l�+-ED.. — "�R/3 �-� t c'�l 1�. . R�--y�T,,�',C,,,4 r,0 /t� �� ,f',,(�'� )�/��� � . i,� ' .. . �. ti � ,'• " ' J Ra`c'*Y �`�, CITY OF SAtNT PAUL - - � � DEPARTMENT OF:COMMUNITY SERVICES �, -� ab � � . . �' � ^c DIVISION OF HOUSING AND BUILDING CODE ENFORCEMENT ... Ciry Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 George Latimer 6�2_298-42�2 MaYor No.vember ;4, 1980 Mr. President and Members of the City Coimcil , , � RE: 1082 E. Seventh v File #34.76 Honorable Cotm.cil: The Division�of Housi.ng and Building C�le Enforcement is hereby submitting its report on the conclition of th�-strueture at the location refexred :�o above. The owners of`record`a�e: 1. Registered Fee Owner: Norbert D: Kaczmarek, 1693 E. Fourth Street, Ontario, California 91764; and 2. Unregistered Contra.ct Purchaser: Richard Ward, $99 Payne Avenue, St. Pau1, A�i 55101. The legal description of the property is: E 1/2 of Lot 8, Block 7, Terry's Addition parcel code 02-74800-080-07. The building is a two w�i.t frame structure. The subject property has been boarded u� by the City since May 31, 1979. This bui.lding is condemm.ed as "Unfit for Human Habitation". It is va.cant and boarded. The owner has indicated tha.t financing and rehabilitation would be obtaine by September 25, 1980. To date no permits have been applied for nor has any work been started on the building. Inasmuch as the conditions outlir�ed above constitute a public hazard and the owner has made no attempt to satisfactorily repair the damage despite our warnings, and the continued vacant and board.ed up condition contributes a blighting influence on the neighborhood, it is the recomanendation of this Division that this ma.tter be refe red to to ity Attorney's office for razing and removal through District Court proceedin s. Yo y, 1 A. r ckson upervisor of Code Enforcement GAE:TAS:bmf cc: Messrs. George Latimer, Mayor Walter A. Bowser, Asst. City Attorney Dan Norrgran, Fire Marshal F. Staffenson, Hot�ing Code L. Levine, Co�cilman ��� � �.y. �> '`_ / � � � V � - ._ _ _ . � , ' . " � � t� �r� ' ,(,� � , . , , �..r, � � � . � . ;. . ; . ' ; • - �• � . . . - � - � NOYt�1l1" Ei� 1�_ 1�'. t}lenr! Erfckaon � , ' � ' Supervisor of Code ;nfbrcerent �„ � &aum �+�, City Hall ' . ' � � � � , � � , . � . . Attention: Mr. 7bm Strohkirch . . . . . . , . .. . r . . . � 4 Dear S3r: � � � The Cit,y� Coun�il tode`y continued far fi�i�e ire��s� until De�cember ll� , � ' �G80, a hearing on th� reaolution ordering the co�rection or� ' wr�cking e�d remov�l of a structure at 108� $. Sa�v�eAth Strest. - � ' _. . Ve:'y txuly youra� . , � , . � - � � - . � � � - , . - . Rose l�iix , City Clerk , • ` . - . , A�OsLl.tt - � , , _ , . ; _ , , � ; , . . . . . . . , ' � • ' � , . , _ i - : . - . . . . . . . . � � �. : . . .. . , . ! . . . � . . . . ' ' . . � ., . ;. . ' . . . � . .. ' . ' . . . . , . ' . t . ` . - . . . .' � . . �: � - �` � ��: .. '� . . . . , . . . . . %" . . ,� � . � . . . � . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . �t. � .. ' � � � .. . , . % . - \ ` �, ��I����v � . Y . . � � � . � . .. . . . . . �. . � . . ���'. . . � . � . � . � . .. ' . .. . . . � � . . : . . � -� � . . . ` � a� . . '. ... . � , . � . � ' . . � -- . � � . � � . - ' . . � ,. . . :t.. . .. . . , . . , - , . .� . . . .� . . � . . � . .. . . ' � . .. � � - ' �� . � . � . � � . . - . � � . � � �.- � ' . . f' - \ � . . i � � .� . . � � . . . � .. . . . . . . .� . , . . . ., . . . ' . , . . . . - , . , ` . . . _ ,-. � .. . . . . .. �`� - , ��'1 C - J1xlY �• �� , . � , � � �; ; � .., , � . . , Mt. F1'ar�lt Stiti�et'i1�em _ � � H�si. b B�.ilg, c�ode En!'ora�rtt D9.v. ' . � .:; Roaa ��, City�Hall • ` `z >� ; $t.Fw�� Mn. . ,: . . �, R�: RNol�tt��►n ordex'ing :t.hs c�orrte�ori o�r �elcing Irnd i'�wval ; , • of s bnild#ng st 148� S. t�lev+�n#,h B�E�' - Dear Sir: - - . � ; � The loilcti�►ing ebticn ws�s A�i�pted by thw Cit,�► Caun�il, at it�d1 �stir�g � of.�uly 24,19$0: ' " : . � ' i, 1 �. Ttre abo�te-raPerenced ba leid ovr�r ind�tiniteLy �TH �h�e conditiaia': . " � _ tbt b iidiz�g bs bcasrdad up,' ia�diwt�,sly AN'D I�:,. Rie3aard'Wars1 he give� , ' � � � S�ce'periOd t0 m�ke �r1�Cing s�an��ien�f« • 5 �is lidr yau� infore�at�on. ' � � , - • , � Very tx�ly yowrs, , � . . � Roee 2�ix . , : Ci�� Cltr+k , , �,�. � ' f- , . . , � \ . ; � ":� • � � � � � - . � i � � � � . . . �. . ._ , � � . � E . � � .- � . � ' � . . �. . . . 1 _ .. . � �' � . . . �. ' . . i. �. • . . . _ . . — . i � . . . � � . . .. . � . . . . .. .. . . . ' � . •'., � ' � . ' � � .. . . . � , � � . . . . � � .. _ �� ." . � .. . . _ . � . . - . . . � . . . .� . . � - . � . . . . - � . � . . ` ' � � . . � � . .. . � � • .. . . �.\- . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. . ... 31 . � . . . . 1 ' . . � . � � � �/ � ... . . . i . . . . $; . ; � . _. . . . . �*: . . . . ' . . . . ' ' . ' � ' . . . � � . t\ . � . . � . �, . � . � � ' � � • ... . . � . , , . . . . . ,. . ' . t , `Y2� &F�, .' .. . . ...,. .. . . 1 . .. \ . ' 4... 3 . � � � .. . ... . . " . , .. � . . . . ' �... -�� . . i . , . . . . ... ..1... � � / ' �� �� � t 1 ��- r-- ,��C�E:G�''�� '�� ��,,�,�,�� �r'�sr,�:t�� ,�� 'L � � � � � , � �� J M�MITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY SA I NT PA IT L Council CANPRY - DE�ARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR � File N . . � � o i Resolution . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, �tYLe Divisian of Hausing and. Builcling Cocle �.forcerent ha.s requ�ested the City Council to hold a public hearing to cansider the advisability and necessity of the correctian or wrecking and rezroval of the following described buildin�, said structure ha.vin,� been reported to canstitute a public hazard: 1082 E. Seventh E 1/2 of Lot 8, Block 7, Terry's 'Itao story twn • Additian to the City of Saint Paul, family dwelling Cotmty of Ra�nsey and State of Mirmesota. WHEREAS, it appears �th,at as of July 1, 1980 th�e last record owner and other parties of interest of said building are as follows: Norbert D. Kacanarek - awner 1693 E. 4th St. O�.itario, Ca.lifornia. 91764 Richard C��arles Ward - tmxegistered purcha.ser 899 Payne Av�e. St. Paul, M[�TT 55101 There are xw outstanding mortgages or liens of record. WHEREAS, the Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcem�n.t, an behaL of the City CoLmcil did notify by mail the above rwted parties of interest at their last lmown addresses; W�S, a public hearing was held by and before the Coimcil of the City of Sa.int Paul in the Cotm.cil ChamUers of the Court House in said city at 10:00 a.m. an 'Thursday, July 24, 1980 to cansider the advisability and necessity of ordering the correction or wrecking and re�oval of said structure on the abave described property inasmouch as said structure is reported to canstitute a ha.�,ard to public health, safety and welfare; WHEREAS, upan the facts presented at the sa.id hearing, cansisting of photo- he recanrnendatian of the Buil ' artme�.t. it COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Commun' Services In Favor __ Against BY — Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorne �-. � ��y.2�.� �-,;�_�' Certified Passed by Council Secretary sy . tlpproved by Mavor: Date _ A ro by Mayor for b s ion ncil BY - – — B , � � � � : � a 4 is further determined tha.t the abav�e building canstitutes a hazardous builcling wi.thin the definitian of Mirmesota Sta.tutes 463.15 for the follawin,g rea.sans: 1. '1"l�e subject property ha.s been boarded up by the oc�m.er an.d the City since May 31, 1979; 2. This building is conde�m.ed as "i�ifit for Hunan. Ha.bita.tian"; 3. It is vacant and secUred; 4. 'The ac�mm.er ha.s indica.ted it will r�a.in vacant tmtil August of 1980 but no rehabilita.tion work ha.s been started or sttem�ted; 5. The conditians outlined above canstitute a public hazard; 6. 'The awner has made no attempt to sa.tisfactorily repair the dama.ge; 7. 'The continued vacant and boaxcled up candition contributes a bli.ghting infl�uence an the neighborhood; naw, therefore, be it, RESOLVED, That in accordance with Mirmesota. Sta.tutes Sectian 463.15 through 463.25, and ba.sed u}�o�n the foregoing finclings of the City Ca�mcil, the Cotmcil of the City of Sa.int Paul does hereby m�.ke the followJir�,g Order: ORDER 1. The o�mers of the above clescribed building sha.11 make the same safe and not detrimen.tal to the public pea.ce, hea.lth, safety and welfare by haviu� the said builcluzg razed and the materia.l.s therefran r�av�d fran the premises within thirty (30) days fr� the da.te of the servlce of this Order; 2. Llnless such corrective actian is taken to ccxnply with this Ordex or an Ans�r served u�xxZ the City of Sa.int Paul and. filed in the office of the Clerk of the District Caurt of Ramsey CoLmty, Minn.esota. within twenty (20) da.ys fram the da.te of th,e service of this Orcler, a Nlotivn for S�mnary Enforce�n.t of this Order to raze and rsnove the said builcling wi.11 be macle to the Rarnsey County I7istrict Co�t; 3. In the event that the building is to be razed by the Cityof Saint Paul p�suant to judg�t of the District Caurt, all personal property or fixt�es of an.y kind which may imrea.sonably interfere with the razing an.d reimval of this -2- is further detennined tha.t the abave building canstitutes a ha.zarcbus b�u.lding within the definition of Mirmesota Sta.tutes 463.15 for the follo�ring rea.sans: 1. '1'l�e subj ect property has been boarc�ed up by the awner and the City since May 31, 1979; 2. This builciing is candemed as "Unfit for H�anan Habita.tion"; 3. It is vacant and secured; 4. 'The aumer ha.s indica.ted it will remain vacant Lmtil August of 1980 but no rehabilitatian work ha.s been started or stte�npted; 5. The canditians outlined above canstitute a public ha.zard; 6. The awner has made no atte�t to sa.tisfactorily repaix the damage; 7. The cantinued vacant and boarded up conclitian contributes a blighting infl�nce an the neighborhood; now, therefore, be it, RESOLVED, That in accordance with Mirmesota. Sta.tutes Sectivn 463.15 through 463.25; and based upcm. the foregoing findings of the City Caimcil, the Ca�mcil of the City of Saint Paul does hereby make the following Order: ORDER 1. The owners of the abov�e describeci building sha.11 make the sa� safe and not detrim�en.tal to th�e public peace, hea.lth, safety and w�elfare by ha.ving the said building razed and the materials therefram remved fram the prenises within fihirty (30) da.ys fro�n the da.te of the service of this Order; 2. Lhless such corrective actian is take�n, to ccx�ly wi.th this Order or an. Answer served upoi.z the City of Sa.int Paul and filed in the office of the Clerk of the I}istrict Court of Ramsey Cotmty, Mirmesota within t�nty (20) da.ys fram the da.te of the service of this Order, a Motian for S�ry Enforce�n.t of this Order to raze �.d re�ve the said building will be ma.de to the Ramsey Cot.mty ]}istrict Co�t; 3. In the eve7it that the building is to be razed by the Cityof Sain.t Paut pursuant to judgenent of the I7istrict Court, all personal. property or fixt�es of any kind which may i.mrea.sanably interfere with the razing and rem�val of this -2- is further deten.ni�.zed that the above building canstitutes a haz.�rcbus builclin.g within. the definition of Mismesota. Sta.tutes 463.15 for the follawu�.g rea.sans: 1. The subject property has been boarded up by the awner and the City since Ma.y 31, 1979; 2. 'lfiis buildir�g is cancle.m,ed as "Unfit for H�an Habita.tian"; 3. It is vacant and secured; 4. The awner ha.s indica.ted it will re�nain vacant Lmtil August of 19$0 but no rehabilita.tian w�rk ha.s been started or sttemQted; 5. The conditians outlined abave canstitute a public hazard; 6. The �aner ha.s made no attenpt to satisfactorily repair the dama.�e; 7. The continued vacant and boarded uQ candition contri.butes a blighting influence an the neigYiborhood; now, therefore, be it, RESOLVED, That in accordance with Mirmesota. Sta.tutes Section 463.15 through 463.25, and based u�an the foregoing findings of the City Coimcil, the Cotmcil of the City of Sa.int Paul does hereby make the follawing Order: ORDER 1. 'The aumers of the abov�e described building sha.11 m�ke the sar�e safe and not detrimental to the public pea.ce, hea.lth, safety and welfare by ha.vuzg the said building razed and the material.s therefram remved fram the pranises within thirty (30) days fran the da.te of the service of this Order; 2. tJnless such corrective actian is taken to ca�ly with this Order or an Answer served upan the City of Saint Paul and filed in the office of the Clerk of the I7istrict Crn�-t of Ramsey Cotmty, Minnesota. within twenty (20) da.ys fram the da.te of the senrice of this Order, a Motian for S�ry Enforce�zt of this Order to raze and ranpve the said building will be made to the x�ey co�ty rn.s�i�t court; 3. In the event that the buildisig is to be razed by the Cityof Saint Paul p�suan.t to judgemen.t of the District Court, all persana.l property or fixtures of any kind which may tmrea.sona.bly interfere with the razing and rempval of this e —�— . ` , (;. ,�, ., �, ,�' i.s further deternuned that the abave building canstitutes a hazardous building within the definitian of Mirmesota Sta.tutes 463.15 for the follawin.g rea.sans: l. 'The subject property ha.s been 'boarded up by the owner and the City since May 31, 1979; 2. This builcling is cand�med as "ikifit for Hi��an. Habita.tion"; 3. It is vacant and sec�ed; 4. The awner ha.s indicated it wi.11 renain vacant tmtil August of 1980 but no reha.bilita.tion wnrk ha.s been started or sttanpted; 5. Tl�e conditians autlined above canstitute a public hazard; 6. The owner ha.s made no atte�t to satisfactorily repa.ir the d�na�e; 7. 'The continued vacant and boarded up canditian contributes a blighting influence an the neighborhood; naw, therefore, be it, RESOLVED, That in accordance with Mizmesota. Statutes Sectian 463.15 through 463.25, an.d ba.sed u�an the foregoing findings of the City Crnmcil, the CoLmcil . of the City of Saint Paul does hereby ma}.ce the following Order: ORDER 1. The owners of the above describeci builcling sha.11 make the saa�e safe and not detrimental to the public pea.ce, hea.lth, safety and welfare by ha.vii� the said builcling razed and the materials therefram resmved fram the premises within fihirty (30) days fran the date of the service of this Order; 2. tkiless such corrective actian is taken to comply with this Order or an Answer served upan the City of Saint Paul and filed in the office of the Clerk of the District Court of Ramsey Coimty, Minnesota. within t�,uenty (20) days fram the da.te of the service of this Order, a Nlotion for S�m�ary Enforceme�n.t of this Order to raze and re�ve the said building will be ma.de to the Ramsey Cotmty District Cot�t; 3. In the event tha.t the building is to be razed by the Cityof Saint Paul pursuant to judgenent of the District Court, all persanal property or fixtures of any kind which may tmreason.ably interfere with the razing and re�mval of this -2- NHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE j- CANARV - OEPARTMENT C I TY OF SA I NT PALT L COIIIICS � � ✓') �� BLUE - MAVOR � Flle NO. l , � � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date bui�.ding shall be re�ved within ten (1�) da.ys fram the entry of judge�ent; and if not so re�mv�ed, the City of Saint Paul shall re�mve and dispose of such persanal propex'ty and fixt-�ax'es as provided by law; 4. If the City of Saint Pau1 is co�npelled to take any corrective acti� herein, all necessaiy costs e�.ded by the City will be assessed against the above deseribed rea.l esta.te and collec�ed as other taxes; FU� RESpLUED, that a certified copy of this resolution and ineorporated Order hexein be served upan the last record aumers of the record o�mers of the above deseribed property in the marnzer provi.ded by law. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nay�s Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza [n Favor Hunt Levine __ Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney � Adopted by Council: Date � - __._---_ -7 ? .,/ �-r,� '! -�.�� CertiEied Vassed by Council Secretary � , � ss' � Approved by ;4tavor: Date _ A o e y Mayor for Sub ss' n to uncil ! BY - - — B ^�MITE - C�TV CLERK �INK - FINANCE G I TY O F S�1 I NT PA U L Council � �ANqRY - DEP4RTMENT File NO• !�I.UE' - MAVOR . � � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date b�iid3ng shall be reroved within ten (10) days fram the entry of judger�ent; and if not so re�ved, the City of Saint Paul shall r�nve and dispose of such persona,l property and fixtures as provi.c�ed by law; 4, If th�e City of Saint Paul is ccm�elled to ta.ke any corrective actian I herein, all necessary costs expended by the City wi.11 be assessed against the above descxibed real esta.te and collected as oth�.r taxes; ; FURTF�R RESOLUED, that a certi£ied co�py of this resolution and ineorporated Order herein be served upan. the last record awners of the record awners of the above described property in the mazv.zer pravicled by law. i � I i � # f i i f � ; � ► COUN('IL:�tEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza [n Favor Hunt - L,evine __ Against BY - ' Maddox Sho�valter Tedesco Focm Approved by City Attorney :\dupted b�• Cuuncil: Date �-; � ���;L'`t--"�j ,��-L��� �_�. �;G_ Certifi�•d I'assed b}� Council Secretary � B; :\ppro��ed b�• �lacor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B�' - - — BY NHITE - C�TV CLE�+K ?INK - FINANCE Tr'A TT Council � �:.ANARV - OERARTMENT G I TY O F SL� I NT l " �/ L File NO. yLU6 - MAYOR . � � � Council �Zesolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date buiidin� sha.11 be rempved within ten (10) da.ys frana the entry of judganent; and if not so remved, the City of Saint Paul shall re�mv�e and dispose of such personal property and fixtures as provided by law; 4. If the City of Saint Paul is ca�elled to take any corrective actian herein, all necessary costs expended by the City will be assessed against the � above descri:bed real esta.te and collected as other taxes; FUR1'��.2 RESpLVED, that a certified capy of this resolutian and ineorporated Order herein be served upon the last record owners of the record awners of the above described property in the manner provicled by law. � � � � ; t . i I i I � i I f - i COUN�IL:�1EN i Requested by Department of: � Yeas Nay�s � Butler � Hozza In Fat�or Hunt I.evine __ Against BY — Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney :�dupted by� Cuuncil: Date Certified F'assed by Council Secretary BY B; :\ppro�•ed b�• �la��or: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B}' -- - - — BY NHITE — C�TV CLERK ?4r�4RV — DER RCT ENT CITY �F S�1INT i �UL F1eci1N0. (-.'1 .7 "��i; , [,A ( HLUEe� — M`AVOR , � � ^ • � Council �Zesolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date bui3. ' sha.11 be rem�ved within ten (1�) da.ys fram the ex�try of judge�en.t; � and �not so remved, the City of Sa.int Paul sha.11 rennv+e and dispose of su,ch personal property and fixt�es as provided by law; 4. If the City of Sa.int Paul is compelled to take any corrective acticm � herein, all necessary costs expe�.cled by the City will be assessed against the above descri.bed real esta.te and collected as other taxes; LUED that a certified copy of this resolution and incorporated I � �� ' � Orcler hexein be served upon the last record aumers of the record c�wners of the above described propertY in the marnZer provided by law. , � � i l < � � � ( I i � COUN('IL:�tEN Yeas y�ys Requested by Department of: Butler [n Favor � Hozza Hunt - Levine __ Against BY — Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney :�dupted bt� Cuuncil: Date - r, _-T Ccrtifi��d }'assed by Council Secretary _ �/���u ' _ ��6'-'2 /'� _ ,','% ; ' f3•,• � �� _ :\ppro��ed t>q 11a��or. Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B}• - - — BY