277103 i WHI�E � • CITY CLERK i�}t�J� �� �Plti�� - FINANCE � rT COU[1Ct1 � �, CANARY - DEPARTMENT (� I Ty OF SA I NT �� V L ' BLUE - MAYOR File N O. � � RET(JRN �i�PY TO • • VALUATION REAU cil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date � Out of Committee By Date WF�REA.S, The Council of the City of Saint Paul by Council Resolution, / Council File No. 2748�+8, adopted May l, 1980, did vacate that public sewer easement legally described as; That paxt of Hammer Avenue lying between the , extension of the North line of Lot 7, Hammer's Rearrangement and the south Line of the Chicago, � St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Reilroad right- J of-way. � WI-iERFAS, Said vacation reserved to the City of Saint Paul and other ry public instrumentalities, public utility easements contained therein � and thereon; and WHEI2EAS, The City Council has been requested to waive and release said easements and the vaxious City Depaxtments, and other utility companies ' have f�.led written certificates of intended non-use with the office of the City Clerk, which certificates are incorporated herein by reference; NOW Tf�kZEE'ORE BE IT RF50LVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul, pursuant to Section 130.06 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, I as amended, does hereby waive, release and extinguish all public easements retained in Council Resolution, Council File No. 2748�+8, adopted May l, 1980; and BE IT FURTI�R RESOLVID, That the above mentioned waivers and releases all sai:d easements for the City of Saint Paul and those persons for whom the City has reserved easements in said vacated praperty for the installation, maintenance and operation of ar�y aewer, water, gas or electric main, pipe or conduit of public instrumentality. I COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays r Requestgd by Department of: Hunt I�, Finance d M ment Services Levine �� [n Favor Maddox �1°n �� A ainst B snoWeice► g Dire tor Tedesco wlson JUL 7 19A1 Form Approved by City Attorne ! Adopted by Council: Date _ / Certified • •ed by Counc' Secr BY 7w� � , �� -a.�2tv`� ' � ���t Ap by Mayor for Su m �sio t uncil � Appro by 11� �c�r: Date _ -st-s�L—�--�-_- - �� � �� , ; , B �� ' �v,-'� ' Bv — ----_ _ v , � ! � W f��D � � � N 7�', � —I �• . �: � m o � � = N � o � � . \ r � m � ro • N � c m \� � ��^y N' ro p. � �, � 0 1 �,\ 0 !i' N •+ '71 � � O � � O � C � o N -� � � � z / , A C.GO Z � n p Q" O � � � Z -1 � h � � m 1 z � � ��= o �, � � � � .� � o � r� � �° r'- �� . � � �n � D � s. � � �• 3; -'. � o � U � �� o �. n. � � � � O � _" � � Q � �, � � "" r� . m � `° � _� .� � � � na � � � (� � � N c .�_+ �-�+ 'D c�D • '-G � 7 C .+ � � � � � ����`� � A WHITE - CITY CLERK �1���� PINK - FINANCE vl CANARY - DEPARTMENT COUIICII _ � . � BLUE - MAVOR GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. ,�_, VAI,UATION Y REAU cil Resolution Presented By ' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date I WHERFA.S, The Council of the City of Saint Paul by Council Resolution, Council File No. 27�+848, adopted May l, 1980, did vacate that public sewer easement legally described as; That paxt of Hammer Avenue lyi.ng between the extension of the North line of T,ot 7, Hammer's Rearrangement and �he south line of the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha R�ilroad right- , of-way. I� WI-]EFtFAS, Said vacation reserved to the City of Saint Paul and other public instrumentalities, public utility easements contained therein and thereon; and I WI�72EAS, The City Council has been requested to waive and release said easements and the variaus City Depaxtments, and other utility companies have f`i.led written certif�cates of intended non-use with the office of � the City Clerk, which certif"icates are incorporated herein by reference; ' NOW TfI�EEE'ORE BE IT RF�OLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint , Paul, pursuant to Section 130.06 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, ' as amended, does hereby waive, release and extinguish all public easements retained in Council Resolution, Council File No. 271+8�+8, adopted May l, 1g80; and II BE IT FURTHER RF50LVED, That the above mentioned waivers and releases I all sa�:d easements for the City of Saint Paul and those persons for whom the City has reserved easements in said vacated property for the installation, maintenance and operation of any sewer, water, gas or electric main, pipe or condui�t of public instrumentality. COUIVC[LMEN Requestgd by Depactment of: Yeas Nays Hunt Finance d ent Services ' �evine [n Favor Maddox ' +1�AcMahen snowaite� __ Against B — Tedesco ITi reetmr w�iso� Adopted by Council: Date ��� 19�1 Form Approved by City Attorne � _ / ' Certified • -ed by Counc Secr BY � Appro y 'Vl vor. Date ���_ AP by Mayor for Su m sio t uncil ' BY - — BY BuSNED J U L 18 1981 ' r , .�.. " � ,,., �� �/� � � � �i t�t � � ' STATE OF MINNESOTA ) County of Ramsey ) ss. CITY OF SAINT PAUL ) Albert B. Olson, -_._ I. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .-.City Clerk of the ` °O iw � City of Saint �aul, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have � compared the atCached copy of Council File No. . . ?:��103 . . . . . . . ,I �p 'r • � as adopted by the City Conncil. . . . . ,July ,7,. . . � . . . � . . . . . . .19 81..� . ..._ � and appra�ed by the Mayor. . . . . . . . . . ,July .9,. . . .. � . , . , . . . . . 19 81� .� . with the original thereof on file in my office. I further certify that said copy is a true and correct copq of said original and the whole thereof. WITNESS �my hand and the seal of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota this . . , . 16th. . . . . , day of . . .July: . . . . � . . . , .A.D. 1��: . . ��� . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . ..�. .:"::�. . . . . . . . City Clerk. -_ � � �� �, .. .�;;' �„. , �, i�,�,� . i� �� r ��� � , _f � �,'�`` � , ft (� k i i , �,f' " �` ...,_',' �t�� .�. . t � � ,% t i_ 4 ` � -. �� ,nh� �'�. . L�....:,:. �:"I <' � ! � h..y,yh����� '����' . ._ r '3-�"."'F ... ....; . ._... .. ,,: . � � 0� 3 S0 0.0 � -- A � r - c�r v f�_�_..K ���`C���-'�-.�-'�-�` y y �,�,, a t ) t ..ti _ r,ti..��:'[ �W '��`�.�J C(l::ncll -�, . . � !�) _a .�ir.. .. C�f:�,�.�1�.•F r�7 � ��..1�H ,.�iv A ��` �'�. �._Y:'a � -` ,2' � :�L 4, �i t'1 J C ���. ,'9_�.. � ._.. ' ..�--•---.___ �,_� ,.,:r.���, ,, , __ - _. e ,�. � . �y�j ('� ��r � �4 �" .�j 0 0 � '` , c..�.c,,,,,. .. e? `�� �^�' .v�s -,P• r�d ,D 4 xB k ., y � . , , � / � �C�� .r�.0 a��`.6�tr ..�`9.5..7�.t ,'��..,�i w�e�1 3 F.7�;' _ f %� '• ,,� ;�- ", „�\ / .''L,-�,�� � �,,...,e....x:- - �. ,k. ,. { ,.... �c;�ri,r d P y '� /( i" `.;✓ �_.�--- -- , - ` ---- -C�-?�- -�-- ------ -_..,_ - '� --. ---—--- \ ' - , , t .r _ - - -- __ .� . � � � � � � �J ��� �eferred 'I'o ----- - ---- Committee: Date ��.;:J' ------- --- !���--- ' „ ,.,it,e . � , ..,.., }. Date 0 u� ;;f C�;� . ---------------- — --------. ._. __. F r? ------- � RESOLVED, That upon ��he petition of A�rvin H. Anderson Cons�Yuction Company, et al, the sections of public street � �,nd public alley hereina.�ter descra.bed, be and the sarne ; hereby �r.e vacated and discontinue3 as a public street �:�d , : publ7_c a lley s . . . ` That part of Ht:m'ner Avenue lying between the extension. of the Nor�h � � line of Iaot 7� Hammer' s Rearrange- _ inent and tr�� south Zine of the Chicago, St. Paulr Minneapo3_is and Omaha Ra il- roa d r ight-o�-way j a lso � a Tha t pa rt of the, a lley in Hammer' s Re- , � arrang�ment I.ying between the ex�ension . of �.he North �_ine of Lot 7, Iiammer ' s Rearrangement and Chicago, St. Pau1, � Minneapolis and Omaha Railroad right- of-way� ' subject expressly to the �allowing cond�tions and reservations : ' � , . ' _ ; i � --_�_-___ ` COUN(.`IL14EN � J , Requested by D�partment of: F Yeas Na}•s Butlec In Eavor -------" , Ho7�a — — . �� � fiunt ° l�°.vine -- -- Against �Y --- . — —�--- - t h4addox ' Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney ' ,�dupted bt� Council: Date _.�_.___.__. �---- / ' . �. 1/� �—�`-�y`l F�"�___ _. _._�___,����t� !� J � —_...__ C�rtifif•d Vasscd by Cuuncil Secrctary -�..� —t-- � i3, ------ -- -------------.�------:--- I ' Approved by ",1c:yor for Submission to Council ,;,,�,�,���•r! l;� lla�•or: I)ate . . ,_._.. _ ._.__.___-----------.._..__._ . ��. , � '3y _. - --_ . ._ . . . r ..K C R `� ` � `'.. I :`'��I' ��:� t. I. Co��nc:il � °.i� /(:��:.�(� ��_ M F V i � � r[, k• `.� �� A 1 . 1 . Filc � �._ �: ..' �f����%��� �t���1���'G�!��`� ►'; � �'71�3� � J I3�• _ _ --..-'�---_ ' Referred To _--__._— - Committee: Date O u t o f C o m m i t t e e F3?'---__ --------------_�----------- ._—.._ D a t c __------- 1. That -the vacation be subject to all the terms and condii�irn s of Chapte.r 228 of the Sa int Paul Legislative Code� as arnended. - � 2 . That the petitioner agree to follow thraugh with the recordation o� the pro�osed plat . identi�ied as Cityvill; a copy of which, is � attached hereto and made a part hereof by . reference. " = 3. That the petitior.er be requir_ed �o pay $250.00 as comoensation for this vacation. . 4. That the peti�ioner furnish the City w?th a ' bond iri the amount of $10, 000 .00 and inde�r.i- fies, defends, and holds .harmless the City of Saint Paul, its officexs and employees from all suits, actions, or claims of any character, i including, but not limited to, a cl�im brougl:t because of any injuries, or damaaes received or sust�, iz�ed by any person, persons or properz��, on account o� this vacation; or bec�use o� ar.y act or omission, neglect or miscon�:uct or sz_d petitioner; or because of ar.y c1a im or li.abil:.ty arising fror�� or based on any vio]_�tion o� an_y law or regulstion made in accordance with the lak�, whe�.her by the petitio�zer or any o� its agents or � emplayees . � ' —_ _--_=�_=��—' �_- --------=----_-__--- — -_� . , .` ,.a , ,.. --f. — �--- ----_ COU. C1L .'t.. hcL��s:.-.. b, G�r�-- ,�::�; o . .. � � 1 e�is NiC�i�ilti�n�'� ���ti � —�,»;..-.� � ...� � ----—-------------- ----------------- • [n Fa�•or Hozza ---------- l�unt G L,evine Against �Y — ---------------- ---- --_-----�--- !�4 a d.l e x ---- -- Slz;--...i,--�L.`---` ' i . Te�e ::i: Ferm Ap�r��:e� by C.i�' ,.... : .<<• �I e d �_ _�r' " ��` ,�: .� .,••? �,.��:��c�: I�.,t:. -- � : .. -- <,c�-- , ---ti ! , . � ,� � . _i"� -.. �. `=- f ,, `,` I �-;-_r.,� 1� �=<. _f"-=--_. c� }' • �� C fi J'-�_/ r- —�------- C'.• ,' ` ' :'� ���� _ /:, . ,.. '�. ' �,-' . ,,..-- . C�., ��f:.. �� • i�� � � ..- - t..-.�_.�� .�. .f_� :.--r..�� ___ --- --- -� -� �� � - --- - i , v _--- - � ,1 !a „ •� t� .... r.�r for S�._' .�. ,.�..�� !.� C.-,.. _ .. ,��, :'�. '_. _ [�.. _ _ . _ � � � .. ��„'' , � �iti � � ': �/ i ' • / ._ `--- �. , !'.. - _ ._-_. _ i . , ��'7��:�3 . � � , THE HONOP.ABZ�E MAIOR A?� t�I��RS OF ^_'NE COUNCI�, OF THE CERTIFTc.'`''• ;�, CI'�Y OF SAI2z'?' PAUL Iia'2'ENIDED NOfi-u°SE mhe undersig:�ed hereby certif`y that they do not intend to exercise their utility easemeat rights in the follrncir� described realty: That part of Ha.mmer Avenue lying between the extension of the North line of Lot 7, Har�mer's Rearrangement and the south line of the Chicago, St. Pau1, Minneapolis and Omaha Railroad right-of-way. Daied June 9 , 19 81 ' Director of Public Warks City of SBint Pat:l %%2� �' General Manager, ter B partment City of Saint Paul I�orthern States Pover Campaz�y By (SBAL) Northxestern Bell Telephone Co�pax�y �iY ���A.L) " � �r�'71�3 / T?-iE HOIvORABLE MA�'OR AIv� I�MSERS GF mI� COUNCIL OF THE CERTIF'IGATS OF CIT`_' OF SAIN'P ?AUL IRTEI4DED NON-USE mhe undersig�ed hereby certi�� that they do not intend to exercise �heir utility easeme::t rights in the follcraing clescribed realty: That part of Hanmer Avenue lying between the extension oi the Nortn line of Lot 7, Har.►mer`s Rearrangement and the south line of the Chicago, St. Pau1, Minneapolis and Omaha Railroad ri ght-of-way. Dated June 9 , 19 81 ' Director of Pu�lic S�orks City of Ss.int Paui General Manager, i�ater Bepartment City of Saint Paul I�orthern States Pover Campanv By ���) Northxestern Bell Telepho Ca�par.�yl BY �S�) � a✓; , �rp THE HONORABI,E MAl'OR APID MEMBERS � � 8 .��L�' OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CERTIFICAT& OF CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTFsDIIJED NOR-USE The undersigned hereby certify that they do not intend to exercise their utility easement rights in the follawing described reaZty: That part of Hammer Avenue lying between the extension of the North line of Lot 7, Hammer's Rearrangement and the south line of th� Chica�o, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railroad right-of-way. Dated June 9 , 19 81 ` Director of Public ilorks City of Se.int paul General Mana.ger, pater Bepartment City of Saint Paul Northern Statea Prnrer Compan�* By � � �J C�c�� (�L) � North�restern Bell Telephone Co�pa�y BY �S�) . • ' ' ' .,�3���,I��' THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS � (��'"'" OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CERTIFICATE OF CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTENDED NON-USE The undersigned hereby certify th�t they do not intend to exercise their utility easement rights in the following described realty: That part of Hammer Avenue having been replatted and noMr being part of Lots 5 and 6, Block 1 , Cityvitt , except the utility easements as dedicated in the plat of Ci tyvi 11. Dated TN� /8 , 19 81 G�Gk.c��G, Di rector of Pub 1 i c s City of Saint Paul General Manager, Water Department City of Saint Paul Northern States Power Company By (SEAL) Northwestern Bell Te)ephone Company By (SEAL) -- r � ; • .r. � ' �� � .� ,� I : '� ..•; m ��a 4,� _ _,� _ o �,% ,t:'' � q....�� .....z»o. .... � :. ``.: - � � � a ���� � L-�7Ti7vLT��as` R.M� � c-� • _ .� . � x„ �� -- , l✓ ►-' ' vi .. -.�` �' . .,04 _ � b o ��� ; , e � � •.� ^ C �� 0 �f,/ "�^..l/�+ - 1- - �SO � �j I�� "�( +�. . Y. :� N b � . �.. �a��� ' (� G� . � �., _ . � � yq . ,,,, -� O i ,� �' � F , � ' � � (,� ,=t.. .. ' , #�r w N --` ..1 � . . _ .... '� � � b � � � 1'`• �'�� '� � �°3 .�� � -� 3 x�, � �J � . �11 !( � t .. � L��. r �`'�1� . t . Y� - - -- -r_ - .� -' ^ �.,�,. /fR� . . «� .�- '=� r{�- ;�' � y . � e�� .. .. 1; , {� _ � . . ,,,�s .�4 rF � � , r •� M v ,` -, . i_� � - �. `� . ' � �, ., c� ND .ss (�, .��I � ' �° � ` .�... 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