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S. lbrt the petjtioner tumish the Clty wlth� botid in the�mo�mt ot iS.000.00.�nd 1n W- dltfon WereW,by�aYptann o!the terms �nd caodidom ot this vacaUon agrees to in- demnlh�defmd and ave luimiea t6e CY- h'Ot.Si�Ot P�11�,it3 O}�ClR!�d��py� t+om �Il sufts,actions. m cL� p{�y chaA'�ccer.iocludin`.but nM limlted Lo,a cLim brou�t becaux e{any i�i���or demaga ceceived or wstaioed by rn�per. wn�M+sams or ProPertY.on account of this vacstion:or becaua a1 aqy act or amissjan.. milect or miscoaduct of wid petiUoner,or baause ot any claim or Ilabillty at{sina fmm or based oo an�violation o1 rny law or regulation enade in accmdance�vith the law,whet6er tr�the petlHona or an�ot(ts a8enta or employe�. � Ad°pRed b7 the Cwoot�Jubr 9.19BI._ APPi'bved July 9,1%1. ' ' ca�ia»e» � i � ---___._ , � � 1�� ,- ._._._.�' �,. :! ' / J /� � . ' �,e,;�•�m, ;� (-,L� �" � :O ` . . ...u=.:� �-- ��� � . CITY OF SAINT PAUL �'-��-� INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM To: Ron Maddox, Council President and Members of the City Council From: J. Willia,m Donovan Valuation and Assessment Engineer Date: May 20, 1981 Sub�ect: Petition of Woodmaxk, Inc., et a1 for the vacation of portions of I,ittle Canada Road and DaSoto Street Public Hearing - June 16, 1981 The petitioner, with the current property owners, request that the City Council vacate the subject areas. DaSoto Street is a short, dea.d-ended, unimproved, dedicated street, right-of-way 25 feet wide and approxtmately 130 feet long. Little Canada Road is unimproved, 66 feet wide and approx- imately 260 feet long. Part of the land aPfected by the proposed vacation will be used in the construction of new housing development located a� 530 East I,a.rpenteur. Area to be vacated consists of 20,398•5 squaxe feet and is zoned R.M.-2. � The Depaxtment of Public Works has reviewed the proposed vacation and t recommends approval sub3ect to the following conditions: f 1. A cul-de-sac must be deeded to the City of St. Paul � over a portion oP Lot 2, Block 2, Ga.ston's Subdivision No. 1 lying east of a line 2�+0 Peet east of and paral].el � to the west line of said Lot 2 and also lying south of a � line 10 feet sauth of and parallel to the north line of said Lot 2. ; An easement �or sewer purposes must be deeded by the � petitioners to the City of St. Paul, along an alignment � approved by the Department of Public Works Sewer Engineer, and described in a manner and form to be approved by the ; City Attorney. i The Department of Planning and Economic Develop.�ent has reviewed the proposed vacation and conditionally supports it, sub�ect to the cul-de-sac � dedication referred to by the Department of public �orks. ! �I The Water Utility has no ob�ections to the vacation area as revised. '� ii There were no other objections or recommendations from an,y o#�her public or priva,te agencies involved. In view of the foregoing, I recommend that the vacation be approved, subject to the following terms a.nd conditions: l. That the description of the streets to be vacated read ' as follows: ! � . _.. � � -2- �A l��� All that part of Little Canada Road, as originally ' platted in Gaston's Subdivision No. l, which lies Southeasterly of the Southeasterly right-of-way line of the Soo Line B�ilroad and which lies Southerly of a line located 70 feet South of and parallel to the North line of Section 20, Township 29 North, Range 22 West and which lies Northerly of a line located 363.�2 feet North of and paxallel to the South line oP said Subdivision all in Ramsey County, Minn. Also, all that part of DeSoto Street, as originally platted in Clarke's 2nd Addition, which lies Southerly of the Southeasterly right-of-way line of the Soo Line Railroad and Northerly of the South line of Block �+ of said Addition all in Ramsey Caunty, Minn. I�: That the vacation be subject to a11 the terms and conditions of Chapter 130, codif"ied March l, 1981, of the St. Paul Leg- islative Code, as amended, including the retention of all public utilities easements. � �3': That a cul-de-sac must be deeded to the City of St. Pau1 over a portion of I,ot 2, Block 2, Gaston's Subdiv3sion No. 1 lyi.ng east of a line 21+0 feet east of and parallel to �e west line of said Lot 2 and also �ying south of a line 10 feet sauth of and parallel to the north line of sa3 d I,ot 2. ,j��: That an easement for sewer purposes will be deeded by the � - petitioners to the City of St. Paul, as approved by the Department of Public Works 5ewer �hgineer, and described as follows: A permanent easement for se�wer purposes 20 feet in width, on, under and across a part of Gaston's Subd3vision No. 1, the center line of said easement being described as follaws: Beginning at a point on the South line of Larpenteur Avernze, as widened, in document 11+�+796�+, dated February 5, 1958, a distance of 17�+.5 feet West of the East line of Block l, Gaston's Subdivision No. 1; thence Sauth 33°13'29" West, 169.75 feet; thence South 16°2�+'20" West, 169•33 feet and there terminating. The sides of sa,i.d permanent easements are to be pro- longed or shortened to terminate on the Northeasterly right-of-way line of Little Canada Road and the Sauth right-of-way line of Larpenteur Avenue. �5f That the petitioner pay to the City as maxket value the sum of $2,000.00 as compensation for the vacation. � � - � - ' -3- �'7�1�2 5� That the petitioner flu�nish the City with a bond in the amo�unt of $5,000.00, and in add3tion thereto, by acceptance of the terms and conditions of this vacation agrees to indemnify, defend and save harmless the City of Saint Paul, its off�cers a.nd employees f�om a11 suits, actions, or claims of ar�y character, includin�, but not limited to, a claim brought because of ar�y injuries, or d.amages received or sustained by ar�y person, persons or property, on account of this vacation; or because of a.ny act or omission, neglect or misconduct of said petitioner; or because of a.ny claim or liability arising f�om or based on a.ny violation of any law or regulation made in accordance with the law, whether by the petitioner or any of its agents or employees. � i� \`y --- �!_ cc: Mayor Geor�e Latimer � �