277100 WHITE - CITY CLERK �' �,y�• PINK - FINANCE R CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY O�F SA I NT ��U L COUIICII ����,1,'U�� BLUE - MAYOR ' File N 0. .� unGil Resolution Presented By ' Referred To Committee: Date i Out of Committee By Date � RESOLVED, that upon execution and delivery of a release in full to the City of St. Paul, the proper City officers iaxe hereby authorized and directed to pay out of the Tort Liability Fund, 09070-511-000, to: ' Jan Peyer and Patrick W. Parmater, her attorney, the sum of $500 in full set�tlement of their claim for dama.ges sustained on February 15, 1978, at the � Commodore Hotel as more particularly set out in a communication to the City Council of April 1, 1980; ' , Elaine J. Reed and Patrick W. Parmater, her attorney, ' the sum of $2, 100 in full settlement of their claim for dama.ges sustained on February 15, 1978, at the ' Commodore Hotel as more particularly set out in a ; communication to the City Council dated April 1, 1980. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays � Requestgd by Department of: Hunt �ev�r,e [n Favor MadMoAl{akew V' snoweicer __ Against BY — � Tedesco ' Wilson JUL � �981 Form Ap oved by City Att ey ��' Adopted by Councii: Date — Certified •s:ed by Council ecre Y By Ap ed by :Vlat!or: _" f UL 9 i98� A d by Mayor r brtlRssion to Council , PUBIISHED J U L 18 398i � I . ' + . . '— �b���.� � 00��•==o.;� CITY OF SAINT PAUiL OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNE�Y � ��m um ; + i° 1°" o EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORN�Y @ � +.,. 647 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 551IO2 ' 612-298-5'�21 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR I .7une 23, 1981 RECEIVED � ��N 2 4 1981 MAYORS ��FICE ! M E M 0 R A N D U M ' T0: Members of the City Council FROM: Frank E. Villaume III �y�� Deputy City Attorney � ` RE: Claims of Jan Peyer and Elaine Reed Jan Peyer was an employee of the Summit Manor Nursing Home on February 15, 1978, and was injured when the explosion at the Commodore Hotel blew out the windows of the nursing home. She sustained lacerations to her head and face and claims to have later developed soft tissue injury to her neck and constant headaches. It was the opinion of the treating physicians that she suffered no perma.nent partial disability. She incurred medical expenses and loss of income durin the period of her recuperation. Her claim was settled for �5,000 and the City of ! St. Paul' s 10% share equals $500. Elaine Reed was planning to have lunch at the Commodore Hotel � and on her arrival saw tha.t the emergency equipment ha.d been dispatched in response to the fire. While standing in front of the nursing home watching the activity, the second explosion knocked her to the ground and injured her back and shoulder. She was employed by the St. Paul School District and was unable to return to work until the beginning of the fall school year. Her physician opined that she had sustained a 15% permanent disability as a result of the explosion, while the doctor retained � by the defendants believed she suffered no permanent injury. � Her claim was settled in the amount of $21,000 and the City' s I share is $2,100. The Office of the City Attorney recommends approval of both I settlements. FEV:jr cc: Peter 6. Hames ��O I