277079 WHITE - CITY CLERK I �����(1 PINK - FINANCE Y CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY SA I NT ��U L COUIICII v BLUE - MAYOR . File N C l solution - '�� Presented By L1C1�:SL C0:'y;ITi�:� ' ' Referred To Committee: Date � Out of Committee By Date ':;izt;';:��: Proper riotice has ueeil rece'ved as to a chan,e of officers and stoc�l_olde�s in .iounds _'arI: Lou�i���e, �ric., un ::ale Liquor �icensee at 1067 I�udsvn ��oad, doiz� bnzsi- ness as :_ounds i'ark I,oun�e, �izerefore, be it ��;:�:;JL'T.�i: 'itiat caith the res�.�r�ation of ��,obert J. :•o�rison �.s Pres'.derit ai�d Treasurer and�; his sale of stocl: to '.iazthew L. i'�;lla� tiie sole officer notia is `_'iatthew L. i'illa iio�Lding t'r:e offices of Presicient, 'fice I'res�cient, Secretary ar:d Treasurer anc� he is allso the sole stoct_liolder, be ar.d �i�e sare is iicrebJ a�uroved. I COU[VCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Wierrr' Levine [n Favor 11Aaddox � McMahon snowatte� - __ Against BY — Tedeu� Wilson �UL '. ��� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — C ified � ssed by Coun �I Se tar BY ' Appr ve by ;Navor: � � �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Couneil , BY – BY � -- uB�iSHED ,1U� � 119$1 i �� ������ .......�����i,R ��`'T' °'�°- CITY OF SAINT PAUL _�• .�,,, '� �� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICE5 ;� u�tum ;: ;• ntl 111 II � �`�• "'c- DIVISION OF UCENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATIOhJ ,'- . �'��i,�'!!,��'� Room 203,City Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 551tl2 MAYOR July 1, 1981 :�.r. �resicient and �..onorat le :ie:�l�ers Ol t�7� �1�� COUTIC�Z �a_.�� Paul, :.innesota :x. -'res_ruent �nd l::onorati.,,le iiembers : �urrer.tly �:o�ands i ark LounE,e, l:nc. holc.s arl �n �41e Licluor =�icerlse issueci to the�� at 1067 iiudson :�oad doin� b�zs�rless as ::our�ds i'ar� LouLz�e. ':he officers a.re �'res�dent-�re<��urer �:obert J. :�orrry- soii �:c. �Tice ?resident-uec���etary i;a��tY1P.W L. f'illa. LPie stock is held by r;ouert � . .�:orrison and .•attiiew L. ?illa. 'r'ron�r notice has k�e�n receyve� as �o a chan£;e o�' o�"fi- cers and stockholders. l'`obert �. ':ior�son l�as re��.�ned and has sold i��s stoc?: to ::at;,he,,r L. �'illa. �ir. P�-11a not�r holds all �our offices and -i_s tl�e sole stoc'::�ol:?er. i:is ap��licatior� ras been reviet�red b, the License and �,er:,,it :�_v-ision as:d tre C�t;,T '`:�to-^ney's oif:ice. Tl..e recoilr�end- ation �is for a:�nr•oc<.1. tiTer�T tru � ;;-ours, CJ • J�se; h �'. :;arcr_�di Lic�i_se Tnsn�c�or ��