277078 WHITE - CITY CLERK ���yy►( yyyyyy PINK - FINANCE n ���� CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T �O F S A I N T 1 A U L COUtICII BLUE - MAYOR File N . cil olution Presented By LICi,i��i CG:u.Tl`:T`�.'L ' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ;�i�1:i�,�: i'ro�er notice has Leen receivea as to a c'r:anF-e oi oi��cers in Se_�vice :�ystern� Corpor- ;, . . ,_ ,� r �.. ���anlc ation, �n .;ale Liquor 1�cerisee ati 355 1i. l:obe-rt �treet, doii�� bu�;,les;� �s t��e �iocI�, tr�ere�ore, be it ' ����Lti�: ihat ,�ith the addition of l:obert G. Steir� as ti"ice i res�.dent, the current of�'��ers are �resident '�;Abert ;.�. �'lickin�er,, (.�rou� �.�ice :reside�:t ';illiari �. .��'isher, Lr�asurer TnoTa�.s 1•. .:ic�:aels� ��ec_:°eta.r,� Carl ��. <<'arnes, '�ice rresiderit Ja;,�es ��. Van LL;ortlel anc�_ 'Jice l�res'_�1�nt :�obert (�. atein, a.r:d the stock is 1-:eld b�r the open mart:et, be �rid the sa.r:e is hereby approveci. ' COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Finr+e� Levine In FavOr Maddox � Me�Aai�ep— B snoweite� - __ Against Y — �ede�o- Wilson JUL � �98� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Cer � ed a- -ed by Counc�l S ry � BY � � B Appro d y :Navor: Dat _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ _ By UBttSNED J U� � 119�� � � �d���7� ...,,,,�„�„� _=:�`'T' °'�;--, CITY OF SAINT PAWL _� ,.,, '� ��: DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVIC�S %� ii�iii�ii �� `>• = DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATI�N /'�'J�� I��• � �im�„�,,,,o�°`` Room 203, City Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55'102 MAYOR cllLl�r 1� 19 rl .•.r. Dresident a.��d nonora�le A�emt;ers of ttie �ity i,ouncil :iain`.. :'au1� -1innesota -ir. �''resirent �:d i_onorable !-embers: Curretltly �ervice Systerzs Corporation holds an On �;a1e Lia,uo� Licez�se issued to tr�em a,t 355 1'+. 1'�obert atreet, doing business as the l'ani: :)ock. The officers of this coroorat�on are �'res'�_dent I'�ol,ert �. �'lickin�;;er, C:rou� Vice i'resider_t .:illi�a.m P. !�'isher, irer:surer `ii:onas �l. �:ichaels, :::ec��etar;;r C::rl 1�. I'arnes �n.' �%ice Pres'_dent Jar�.es t�. ';'�r ?;ortel. �tock is h�ld by the apen market. ;'roper notice iirs been rece'veci as to a eLan�e in the corpo��tion by �.ddin., anotner `fice .'resic�.ent, i'obert G. �te�n. m�_is atplic�tion has 'oe:;n r,viet•red b�r t'_ne I:icense ar�a Ferr�it :�;_�-is�on ;�rc? �l�e City i�tcorne;r's off'�ce. 'lhe recor��er�cl- ati�n is lor approv�.1,. V E'Y`y tT'LLZ.tr ';`OUT';� r � � \ii'���%Q� Joseph ;j. �arcr:ed:_ Licerse Ir,s��ector �� i