277067 WHITE - CITYCLERK � � �l' /�1 [C' / I PINK - FINANCE COUIICII �i� Uti l CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L �� BLUE - MAYOR File N O. Cou c�l Resol io Presented By Referred To Committee: Date i Out of Committee By Date BE IT RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Transportation is hereby authorized , to act on behalf of the City of Saint Paul, and is requested to take such steps as ma.y be necessary to have the proposed improvements, hereinafter described, approved by the Federal Highway Administrator as a Federal Aid Project eligible for the expenditure of Federal Funds thereon and eligible for construction and the letting of a contract therefor. The proposed improvement consists of the rehabilitation of JACKSON STREET BRIDGE N0. 62508, over Pennsylvania Avenue, by removing and replacing the bridge deck, including the roadway, walks and xailings, and placing a dense concrete wearing surface on the roadway, and by making minor repairs to the substructure and the approaches. �he roadway width on the bridge will be widened. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt Public Works �e�c� [n Favor � n�eddu� McMahon B . Showalter � __ Against Y �o Donald Nygaard, D e tor REG �Iso� JUN 3 p �gg� Form Approved by Cit t o ney Adopted by Council: Date Certifie - d by Counc� Se ry By gy Ap ro by :Vlayor: a — l +�+ � `� App o by Mayor for u ss cfi to Council By _ BY BU ED J U L 111981 , i OM bl : 12/t�7� � F�2v: 9i 8176 FXf'LANr,TI�a�! C� AGMIh;.�i�'.i�.T�VE �:�i?EE?S, �L ' RE`.:��.U71 �;5, A.'�'?���f{�!'�Ah�;'�S �� � Date: June 10, 1981 RECEIVE T0: MAYOR GEQRGE LATIMER �UN 1 9 198� FR: R. E. Grieder, Department of Publ'c Works MAYORS nFFICE RE: JACKSON ST. BR. N0. 62508, over P nnsylvania Avenue City Project B-1090 �; s � ACTtON REQUE�7TED: Process Resolution. PURPOSE A�;D RA710NALE FOR THIS ACTIO�J: Resolution is required by MnDOT t authorize them to act for the Gity in requesting Federal Bridge Rehabil'tation Funds for the referenced project. FINANCIAL IMPACT: If approval for Federal Fimding i received,_ approximately $240,000 of M.S.A. funds, presently programmed for t is project, would be available for other projects. RTTACHMENTS: Resolution. REG/mp �