277065 WHITE - CITY CLERK '��..� ����J PINK - FINANCE ��� CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I�TY O� SA I NT PA U L COURCII BLUE - MAYOR . F1Ie N O. o ncil Resolution ' Presented By . Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative Re solution e stablishing the title and class specification for Medical Records Administrator in the Civil Service Rules. RESOLVED, that the C�vil Service Rules be amended in Section 3. J (Professional-Administrat�ve Non-Supervisors), by inserting the title of Medical Records Admimistrator in Grade 7, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED� that the Civil Service Rules be further amended in Section 32 by inserting, in proper alphabetical order, the attached class specification for Medical Records Administrator. Approved: �--� c Chairman Civil Servic Commission COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt PERSO OFFICE ke,M,e� [n Favor n�edde,� � McMahon Showalter __ Agel[lst BY — Iedeeev �Iw� Adopted by Council: Date �uN 3 O 1�` Form proved b Ci t ey C Certified assed b Cou � Se ar BY ' 1 ' � Ap by :Navoc e � 2 ,�i Appr by Mayor for S b ' si n to Co cil By _ BY UBLI HE J U L 1119€�i Title of class: �;J� ��!� C"' J MEDICAL RECORDS A.DMINISTRATOR � DESCRIPTION OF WORKt General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible professional worlc planning, organizing, directing and coordinating the Central Medical Records Unit in the Division of Public Health; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general supervision of a unit head. Supervision Exercised: Exercises immediate technical and administrative supervision over technical and clerical workers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by aI1 positions in this class. Establishes, evaluates, reviews and ensures compliance with Central Medical Records poiicies and procedures. • Designs medical record and health information collection, storage and retrieval systems. Designs and monitors the quality assurance program of the Central Medical Records Unit. . . Designs medicaZ. recor.ds and forms. . _ .. Selects, trains and supervises clerks assigned to the Medical Records Unit. Designs a control system of inedical records and health information. Designs research and special studies utilizing medical records. Plans, directs and conducts in-service records ` training for medical/clinical , staff. Prepares statistical and narrative reports. � - KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES ` . . Thorough knowledge of inedical records principles, practices, procedures and systems. Considerable knowledge of inedical terminology. ' � . Considerable knvwledge of legal responsibilities of inedical records. - Considerable ability in organizing, analyzing and problem solving. � Working ability to communicate effectively with staff and public. 6�orking ab.ility in human r�lations skills. . MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation in medical or health record administration and eligibilitq for registration as a Registered Records Administrator. �......_,.. , _ .. . I - - Title of class: MEDICAL RECORDS ADMINISTRATOR ������ DESCRIPTION OF WORK: � - General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible professional work planning, organizing, directing and coordinating the Central riedical Records Unit ia the Division of Public Health; and performs related duties as require�. Supervision Received: Works u�lder the general supervision of a uni.t head. Supervision Exercised: Exercises immediate technical and administrative supervision over technical and clerical workers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED C The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Establishes, evaluates, reviews and ensures compliance with Central Medical , Records �olicies and procedures. Designs medical record and health information collection, storage and retrieval systems. Designs and monitors the quality assurance program of the Central Medical Records Unit. . Designs medical records and f�rms. . . _ Selects, trains and supervises clerks. as.signed to the Medical Records Unit. Designs a control system-of inedical records and health information. Designs research and special studies utilizing medical records. . Plans, directs and conducts in-service records training for medical/clinical staff, Prepares statistic.al and narrative reports. " KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES', � _ Thorough knowledge of inedical zecords principles, practices, procedures and . systems. Considerable knowledge of inedica.l terminology. Considerable knowledQe of legal responsibilities of �edical records. - Considerable ability in organizing, analyzing and problem solving. Working ability to communicate effectively wzth staff and public. Working ability in human relat3ons ski�ls. . MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS � College graduation in medical br health record administration and eligibility for registration as a Regis;tered Records Administrator. ', I i ,� i �� �, � �WHITE - CITY CLERK � PINK ' FINANCE - �� n TT COlIIIC11 � ���� � � CANARY - DEPARTMffNT" G I TY OF SA I NT 1. � l3 L BLUE - MAYOR , F11C N O. CITYCLERK Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � An administrative Resolution establishing the title a.nd cla.ss speci.fication for Medical, Records � . Administrator in the Civil Service Rules. . RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended i.n Section 3.J (Professional-Admi.nistrative Non-Supervisors), by inserting �he title of Medical Records Administrator in Grade 7, a.nd be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the C�ivil Serv'tce Rules be further amended in Secti.on 32 by inserting, in proper alghabetical order, the ' attached class specification for Medical Records Administratar. Appr ove d: Chairman- - Civll Service Comznis sion - COUNCIC.MEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: H�m � PER.SONNEL OFFTCE �ew++� In Favor n�do�- M�"�1O° A ainst _- BY Shorvalter � g T� - Wilson - I J�N 3 Q 1981 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY B}� Approved by Ylayor Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council n.. Rv _ —� I � � � ^ Title of class: wM' �1`� MEDICAL RECORDS AD�IINISTRATOR DESCRIPTION OF WORK: General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible professional work planning, organizing, directing and coordinating the Central Medical Records Unit in the Division of Public Health; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general supervision of a unit head. Supervision Exercised: Exercises immediate technical and administrative supervision over technical and clerical workers. TYPTCAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Establishes, evaluates, reviews and ensures complianee with Central Medical Records policies and procedures. Designs medical record and health information collection, storage and retrieval systems. Designs and monitors the quality assurance program of the Central Medical Records Unit. Designs medical records and £orms. Selects, trains and supervis�s clerks assigned to the Medical Records ITnit. ' Designs a control system of inedical records and health information. Designs research and special studies utilizing medical records. . Plans, directs and conducts in-service records training for medical/clinical staff. Prepares statistical and narrative reports. " KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Thorough knowledge of inedical records principles, practices, procedures and systems. Considerable knowledge of inedical terminology. Considerable knowledge o.f legal. responsibilities of inedical records. - Considerable ability in organizing, analyzing and problem solving. Working ability to communicate effectively with staff and public. Working ability in human relations skills. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation in medical or health record administration and eZigibility for registration as a Registered Records Administrator. , j . , F", ��I.r Pe. � � �- /og Do not detach thi memorandum from th� ,�`�"Z resolution so that t is information will be � available to the City Council. EXPLANATIO OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS RECEIVED RESOL TIONS AND ORDINANCES �u►� 3 - 1981 Date: May 11, 1981 MAYORS OFFICE T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATTMER ' FR: Personnel Office RE: Resolution for submission to C ty Council ACTIUN REQUESTED We recommend your approval and submis ion of this Resolution to the City Council. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION This resolution establishes the title a d class specification for Medical Records Administrator in Grade 7 of Section 3 J (Professional-Administrative Non-5uperviso s) in the Civi� Service Rules. This class is needed to set up and ad i.nister a medical records system which will reduce the city�s exposure to liability Minimum qualifications require eligibility for registration by the profe s sional a sociation. Grade 7 —�— B C D E F G 10 yr. 15 yr 648. 62 674. 71 702. 63 737. 20 774.83 813. 67 853. 70 879. 19 904. 8 $16� q22� $23, 02. FINANCIAL IMPAC T Some of the cost will be paid from Fa ily Planning Program funds and Medicare and Welfare reimbursements. In addition, two clerical positions will be dropped through attrition. None of the salary and bene its is expected to come from City funds. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution and copy for City Clerk. _ , . `y�" . ;.1 � V�i .L �.L' �.t1S.1�1 �l. �t1 lJ� � ������ � �� �� °�'' OF�+'�CE OI` TIIF CITY COU2TCIL � �. ;.'��- � �„..,... �jy tl�Y�7 �. . . � .. . . � l s h:' �". - �" Date : June 19, 1981 .��� C � � i�Ci � 1 �L. � [� � � � � i TO : Soint P��l Cify Cvuncii � � FROI�'I � COt'f�rt11��'@� OCi FINAP�CE, P�ANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL . � George McMahon , chairman, makes the following : reporf on C. F. [� Ordinance (9) XX Resolution �] Other � � TlTL� : At its meeting of June 18, 1981 , the Finance Committee recommended ap�rovaZ of the following: _ _ _ .. . _ ___ , - -1 . Resolutions approving modifications 7n pension plan for increasing retirement age and using Special Reserve fund for payment of consultant services. 2. Resolutiort approving collateral pledged by Northwestern National Bank ta protect city funds held in said bank. (120�J3-GM) . 3. Resolution approving collateral pledged by Su►rnnit National Bank to protect city funds held in said bank. (12037-GM) 4. Resolution approving 1981 Agreement between School Service Employees, LocaT 284. (12008-GM) 5. Resolution abolishing title and class,specification for Laboratory Technician and substituting new title and class specification .for Health Labaratory Technician I. (12017-GP9) ' 6. Resolution adjusting wage rate for title of Parking Lot Guard (SchooIs). (12018-GM) ' 7. Resolution establishing title and class specification of P1edical Records Practitioner. (12045-GM) 8. Resolution establishing title and class specification for Medical Records. Administrator. (12044-GM) � 9. Resolution approving amendment to 1980-1981 contract to cover additional � insurance plans now available. (72048-GM) CITY HAI.� SEVEN:Z-i FLOOR SAI�1T PAUL, �.I�INrSOTA 5�1d' :�'��':;