277062 WHITE - CITY CLERK � � PINK - FINANCE I _. /'��� � �CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T PA LT L COUIICII ����/� BLUE - MAYOR � �� LjV File N 0. ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date - , Out of Committee By Date An administrativ�e Resolution approving the terms and conditions of a 1980-1981 Memorandum of Agreement between the City of St. Paul and the International Union of Operating Engineers: Locals 36 and 967. WHEREAS, the Council, �pursuant to the provisions of 5ection 12. 09 of the St. Paul City 'Charter and �hhe Public Employees Labor Relations Act ' of 1g71, as amended, recognizes', the International Union of Operating Engineers,� Locals 36 and 967, as exclusive representative for the classes of positions within the City of St. Paul certified by the Bureau of Mediation Services under Case No. 73-PR-449-A, for the �purpose of ineeting and negotiating the terms and conditions of employment for all full-time personnel in the class of positions as set forth in the Agreement betiween the City of St. Paul and the exclusive representatives hereinabove refe�enced; and WHEREAS, the City through designated representatives, and the exclusive representatives have met in good faith and have negotiated the terms and conditi�ns of employment for the period Jan. 1, 1980, through Dec. 31, 1981, for such personnel as are set forth in the Agreement between the City of St. Paul and the exclusive representatives; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Agreement cited above, dated as of the effective da�e of this Resolution, between the City of St. Paul, Independent 5chool District No. 6�25, and the International Union of Op�rating Engineers, Locals 36 and 967, on file inl the office of the City Clerk, is hereby approved, and the authorized administratinre officials of the City are hereby a�thorized and directed to execute said Agreemexlt on behalf of the City. I Approwed: �/� 1 � hairman C' il Service ommission COUIVCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt PERSONNEL OFFICE tevin� [n Favor rMadd.+�-- McMahon Showalter _ AgainSt BY �seo- Wilson JUN 3 0 198i Fo� pprove Ci rne 'i Adopted by Council: Date � ! Certified s_ d by Counci Sec ry ' BY ' I ' � r Ap by ;Vlayor: Dat ' Approv Mayor for S m s' sv _ By -: uBL{SHED ,1 UL 11 ' , , . I F; � ARTICLE XV - INSURANCE i ' r,7 :,� r,o,�. 15.1 The EMPLOYER will continue for the period of this AGREEMENT to provide for employees such health and lif e insurance benef its as are provided by the EMPLOYER at the tim.e of execution of this AGREEMENT. 15.2 The EMPLOYER will for the 'geriod of this AGREEMENT provide for employees who retire af ter the time of execution of this AGREEMENT and until such . emgloyees reach sixty-five �65) years of age such health insurance benefits and life insurance benefits as are provided by the II�IPLOYER for such employees. , 15.3 In order to be eligible for the benef its under this early retiree provision, the employee must: 15.31 Be receiving benef�.ts from a public employee retirement act at the time of 'retirement. 15.32 Have severed his r�lationship with the City of Saint Paul ' under one of the early retiree plans. 15.33 Inform the Personnel Off ice of the City of Saint Pau1 in writing within 60 days of employee's early retirement date that he or she wishes to be eligible for early retiree insurance benefits: - 15.4 Effective May 1, 1981, for each eligible empJ.oyee covered by this AGREEMIIVT who selects B1ue Cross-B1ue Shield insurance coverage, the II�iPLOYER agrees to contribute the cost oflsuch coverage or $54.51 per month, whichever is less. In addition, for each employee who selects Blue Cross-Blue Shield dependent's coverage, the EMPLOYER will contrihute the cost of such dependent's coverage or $126.52 per month, whichever is less. 15.5 Effective May 1, 1981, fox each eligible employee covered by this AGREEMENT who selects Group Health insurance coverage, the EMPLOYER agrees to contr�bute the cost of such coverage 'or $39.79 per month, whichever is less. In add3tion, for each employee who selects Group Hea.lth dependent's coverage, the F�IPL�DYER will contribute the cost of such dependent's coverage or $76.93 per month, whichever is less. - 18 - , - -- _....... _. _.. .__ . ..__._. __.. _ _. ., .._ _ _ _._. _ ._.. __ , ... � ' , , . �1`�(�s� � ARTICLE XV - INSURANCE (continued) • , 15.6 Effective i�ia.y 1, 1981, for each eZigible enployee covered by this AGREEME�TT who selects the Coordinated Health insurance coverage, the EMPLOYER agrees to contribute the cost of such coverage or $47.40 per month, whichever is less. In addition, for e�.ch employee who selects the Coordinated Health dependent's coverage, the ,EMPLOYER will contribute the cost of such dependent's coverage or $86.40 per month, whichever is I.ess. 15.7 Effective May 1, 1981, fo� each eligible employee covered by this AGREEMEl�iT who selects HMO Minnesota 'insurance coverage, the EbiPLOYER agrees to contribute the cost of su¢h coverage or $46.41 per month, whichever is lelss. In addition, for ea.ch emp�.oyee who selects the I�IO�tinnesota dependent's coverage, the II�IPLOYER will contribute the cost of such dependent's coveriage or $92.03 per month, whichever is less. 15.8 Effective May 1, 1981, fo� each eligible employee covered by this AGREEMENT who selects the SHARE insurance coverage, the II�LOYER agrees to contribu�te the cost of such coverage or $37.51 per month, whichever is Iess. In addkEtian, for each employee who selects the SHARE dependent`s coverage, the Ei�LOYER will contribute the cost of such dependent's coverage or $76.5I per month;, whichever is less. 15.9 Effective May 1, 1981, the EMPLOYER agrees to contribute the cost for $5,qQ0 of life insurance covezage for each employee who is eligible for such cov�r- age or $1.77 per month, whichever amount is less. 15.10 The contributions indicated in 15.4 thru 15.9 shall be paid to the IIKPLO'�ER'S Group Health and Welfare P!lan. — 19 — _.._ .._,,....w _ _ _. _�,._.___,... ._,_.. ._ ._ . . _,.._..,. .�.�_a _ ......_.__ .._ ...... _ _ .. ,. _ . , ___ , ! . .. , . 'r � F � �./, ' . � �APPENDIX A - WAGES � I � � �� � The wage rates and salary rang�s for classifications in this unit are slzown � below: . EFFECTIVE MAY 2, 1981 ', I FIRST AFTER TITLE ' 6 MOS 6 MOS Building Maintenance Superviso�t--�I $ $10.73 � Chief Operating Engineer--Civi�. Center 10.65 11.Ob Custodian-Engineer I , 8.55 8.94 Custodian-Engineer I--Library '' $.55 8.94 Custodian-Engineer I--Public S�.f ety 8.55 8.94 Custodian-Engineer II !, 8.69 9.1.9 Custodia.n-Engineer II--Library�'�, 8.69 9.I9 � Custo�ian-Engineer III '', 8.94 9.43 Custodian-Engineer IiZ--Lit�rary 8.94 9.43 Custodian-Engineer IV ', 9.23 9.73 Custodi.an-Engineer V 9.56 1a.04 **Filter Plant Operator I $.70 9.08 Fil.ter Plant Operator I 9.25 9!.64 Filter Plant Operator II � 9.80 10.20 House Custodia.n II 6.50 Instrument Repairman (Filter P�.ant) 9.80 10.20 Lime Recovery Operator 9.25 9.64 riaintenance Man 9.25 9.64 Operating Engineer I--Civic Center 9.25 9.64 Operating Engineer I"I--Civic Center 9.80 1Q.20 Pumping Engineer I 9.25 9.64 � Pumping Engineer II 9.80 I0.20 Pumping Engineer III 10.65 I1.06 Sewer Pumping Station Operator 10.22 I0.62 Stationary Engineer 9.25 9.64 *Stationary Fireman � 9.01 9.4I Supervising Station Engineer 9.72 10.11 Trainee (Custodian-Engineex) 4.59 Water Plant Aide 8.56 8.95 AFTER AFTER AFTER START 6 MOS 1-YR. 2-YRS Custodian $7.47 $7.68 $7.83 $8.06 General riatron A B C ', D E F IO-yr. 15-yr. 353.94 366.41 379.48 393,81 408.14 423.71 432.44 442.39 Custod',ian (Light Duty) 396.92 411.88 426.83 442.39 459.85 477.28 488.50 500.33 j Security Oficer 398.23 414.48 429.43 '445.63 463.08 482.38 492.34 504.80 �. 'kTatctuaan II 436.90 453.11 469.92 487.99 507.30 527.86 541.56 554.OI ': -- A1 - - . - r , �� � � �-- • APPENDIX A (continued) ` Watchman-Water Department A B C D E F 10-yr. 15-qr. 451.00 467.21 484.02 502.10 521.40 541.96 555.b7 568.iI Civic Genter Plant Helper 619.74 635.64 Assistant Superintendent of Stadium 562.87 585.30 607.72 i633.88 659.42 686.82 704.27 724.20 Stadiva Supervisor � _ 743.27 763.78 Personnel hired for employment, with the City after the date of the signing of this agreement, to a class of positions listed above, shall be compensated at the "0 - 6 months" hourly wage rate during their probationary period. Aft�r completion of the probationary period the employee shall be paid at the "afte�t 6 months" hourly wage rate. Etnployees promoted from any of the position Iist�d above to any other position listed above shall receive the "after 6 months" hourly wage rate. : Temporary and emergency employees shall be paid the minimvm rate indicated in' this appendix for the classification in which they are employed. � i - A2 - .... _ _ _ ._..�.,..n, . ,.,_... ....___ .... _ . _�. . _.__... . . „ ,.. __. _.- .,_, ._,, . ,.., ,�. .�.,. _ .._ _.:. _..v, ,. _ _ _ — -_ _. _ _ _ _ _. _ _ _ . -_ _ . _. _ _ _ - WHITE - CITY GLERK . � ������ � PiNK - FINANCE � � � � CANARY - DEPARTMENT - G I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L Council , � BLUE - MAYOR � File N�. CITY CLERK Counc�l Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date � Out of Committee By Date An administrativ� Resolution approving the terms and conditions of a 1980-1981 Memorandum of Agreement between the City of St. Faul and the International Union of Operating Engineers� Locals 36 and 967. WHEREAS, the Coun.cil, pursuant to the provisions af Section 12. 09 of the St. Paul City Charter and the Public Employ�es Labor Relations Act of 1971, as amended, recognizes the International Union of Operating Engineers, Locals 36 and 967, as exclusive representative far the classes of positions within the City of St. Paul certified by the Bureau of Mediation Services under Case No. ?3-PR-449-A, for the purpose of ineeting and negotiating the terms and conditions of employment for jall full-time personnel in the class of positions as set forth in the Agreement betyveen the City of St. Paul and the exclusive representatives hereinabove referenced; and WHEREAS, the City through designated representatives, and the exclusiare representatives have met in good faith. and have negotiated the terms and conditipns of employment for the period Jan« 1, 1980, through Dec. 3I, 1981, for such personnel as are set forth in the �greement between fhe Gity of St. Paul and the exclusive representatives; now, erefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Agreement cited above, dated as of the effective date of this Resolution,. between the Ci:ty of St. Paul, Independent School District No. 625, and the International Union of Operati.ng Engineers, Locals 36 and 967, on file ixQ the office of the City Clerk, is he�eby approved, and the authorized admi.nistratzve officials of the City are hereby authorized and directed to execute said Agreement on behalf of the City. Approved: Chairman, Civil 5ervice Commission COUNCILNIEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays pERSONNEL OFFICE Hunt �tn�- In Favoir naadde�r- /� � McMahon U ' B Showaiter Against I y T� Wilson �UN 3 Q 1981 Form Approved by City Attorney Adapted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary j BY B� Approved by ;�lavor. Date Approved by Mayor Eor Submission to Council By . By F'� /�1 �- /�C'- � # /- //U Do not detach this memorandum from the resolution so that his information will be avai�ab'e to the Cit Council. �r�rync �/ �VV EXPLANATIO OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, RESOL TIONS AND ORDINANCES RECEIVED Date: May 6, 1981 JUIV 3 - �98� MAYORS OFFICE T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER � FR: Personnel Office R���IV�D RE: Resolution for submission to C ty Council ���� 8 - �981 MAYORS OFFICE ACTION REQUESTED We recommend your approval and submission of this Resolution to the City Council. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTIO : This Resolution approves an amend ent to the 1980-1981 contract. The amendment establishes language covering the ad itional optional insurance plans now available. It also adjusts the amounts of the em loyer contribution towards the various insura.n e plans. The wages also are adjusted by this mendment. The net result is that the wages re reduced while the insurance contribu ions are increased. The cost of the additional insurance contributions is equal to e reduction in wages. This type of adjustment is in accordance with the terms of th original Agreement. FINANCIAL IMPACT NONE. There is no additional cost i volved. Money is being taken from wages and applied to insurance. ATTACHIKENTS: Resolution and copy for City Clerk. I �� , 1� Ca�� b� S.A.���c �.�v�c, �� > � , � '�� ,�:�� ,�� ``�' OFFIOE O�' THE CIT� Ct7U�'�IL _l{t.�- �'� . . 3.�.f+ ��. . L.�L � y��`'7.� �� . _ � , . k'� kai v..�ii.:r.. .�'`�, '��,`�!=,�'i''.. �S . � . �.�. =. .. `,��t �v� .� Ddte : June 19, 1981 tN �i�. ,�.�,.L: � :�. . � �! � i�T i �� { � � � � � � Y � 11 " . ' TO : Soi�t Pc�ui Ci�`y Councii FR� �1�'I � C0�'t�tfli��'@@ OCt FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL . George McMahon ,,choirman, makes the following ; report on C.F. � [� Ordinance (9) Q Resol�fiion [� Otfier . T !°fL� : At its meeting of June 18, 19�1 , the Finance Committee recorr�nended approva7 of the following: _ . 1.. Resolutions approving modifications in pension plan for increasing retir�ment� age and using Special Reserve fund for payment of consultant services. 2. Resolution approving coll'ateral pledged by Northwestern National Bank to protect city funds held i,n said bank. (12003-GM) 3. Resolution approving collateral pledged by Suinmit �National Bank to proteCt city funds held in said bank. (12037-GM) 4. Resolution approving 1981 Agreement between School Service Employees, Lo¢al 284. (12008-GM) 5. Resolution abolishing title and class specification for Laboratory Technician and substituting new title and class specification .for Health Laboratory Technician I. (12017-GP1) 6. Resolution adjusting wage rate for title of Parking Lot Guard (Schools) . (12018-G�1) � 7. Resolution establishing title and class specification of Medical Records . Practitioner. (12045-GM) 8. Resolution establishing title and class specification for Medical Record Administrator. (12044-GM) � _ 9. Resolution approving amendment to 1980 1981 contract to cover additional insurance plans now available. (12a48-GM) C3TY H��I.k SEVENTH FLOOR SAI�1T PAUL, hiINI�IrSOTA,5�103 :-<�� _,