279131 w WH17E - CITV CLERK COUIICII � �9��� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. BLUE - MAVOR Coun 'l Resolution . . , _ Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, a traffic survey of the Public Stairway hereto ma.intained in the section', of ELIZABETH STREET, adjacent to and east of Stryker Avenue, indicated that pedestrian use has been reduced to the extent that they are no longer required, and WHEREAS, Maintenance of the stairway in a safe condition has been quite extensive due to damage caused by vandals; be it RESOLVED, that the removal of said stairway is hereby authorized, and the Director of the Department of Public Works is directed to disma.ntle said stairway as necessary to prevent further use;, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that an adequate barricade be erected, by said Director at the eastern access to said stairway to the end that none of the same shall be available for public travel thereon. COUNC[LMEN Yeas Nays � Requested by Depa�tment of: Fletcher � �evtne In Favor Masanz � �����/���/� ,�, 1 Nicosia � �/�/ U Scheibel __ Against BY �edeeeo Donald Nygaard, Dire to (REG) -�IAFi1�aa- AUG 2 4 1982 Form Approve by Ci ttor y Adopted by Council: Date Certified P�: Counci , r BY r � � 2'� 1982 Appr ayor�for Sub i io� to Coun ' , Approv y Mavor. Date By — BY �U6USNED S E P 4 1982�. i . ������� � �,� �� Sent- to: TIr. [dm. Sagert, Principal rir. D. Sonsalla, Principal � Humboldt Senior High School Humboldt Junior High School 30 E. Baker 640 Humboldt Ave. St. Faul 55107 St. Paul, 55107 West Side Citizens Organi�' • Mr. Ron Bloch, C.�. Baker Center 209 W. Page . St. Paul, 55107 :?,.. c,�.,.{.?" •)�• i�l ' ��T;.'i1 i T�` (` . . . �r�z:.;,-T-- nr^t n f f>rr�;��;c r (1��_� rc.f��-��nc.ed slai.n�ay i,;as ori�iz�ally co»structed in 1911 of ZJOOCj, an�, since �-�1�'1'� {L.�F. �-,�����12 �-nl-,�)jr>�p��r r�>��t�•:a�nil nr ?�rtJ_'�1�_jr. Z'C� 1 Pl�tce ci r.,��ly Y�.ric.., so ttiat ' �- �� °� rc�� �ire <i c�,-�+ f.rl�ec�� ;J.�• 'V1�t-^�hle for redestri�n tr.a,ffie. The rk-�in users t':i'r`. �'`=C" 5!"�] Z(. t�:S fi'01" F liT:1��0],(�t: � l�`Il >CIlQO].� 211:i �S t11!' ;if_110C�1 C�115 COI1StTLiCtPC1 ,� f� � �°� � r l.i��l'r ��('. 1.(' >liili„1 t-?i�t r�lE SC:).i..7���V WF�S. 2Yf-CtF':1 �'O %1CCQT�T'(�'i•?r !t-' _ *tts. � .. .� t:l� In .. '.Ji t:t_c�r� Lv <;er��jr,� it:�. i;�tciz�e�? rurPose, tl,.e statrFZav line also been usecl '� n t:'�°.*•in� ;!re� for sm�l]_ �r�u�s G7110 have not onlZ cr.c.�tec; � nuis^nce tc� the 'c:.i.'� , „t n��t;�'ihor.lioc,.ca, lrtil li:�vc caused Feneral d�mane. to tlie str�tcture. hepairs "� t`"' �z°=�;�G az�,? rai.l.in�;s, wtt.i_ch t?�ve Leen lelibera:tely rc.meved from the stairwAys, t��.�"' 1'een cost.ty to ti.i.e I!ep�z!-n�ettt of Public Works �n.d the nublic, and th� •;:ir.�i,���ti�;n h�� �1c;�,�G left s d,zri,-Gro,_ts situ�ition .for thr.. u::crs until the dar�a�e . � . d:t>covr,c�-j .-�nd r.enairec; 1,v our cre..s. ?t' tl�e' t'a.st, v,�rl.ei��; tr:�ffic r-i.lrvc�ys to detern�ine if th�� ?�:av�, iu�:icate� tii�t �:� � � � stairw.�y cot;ld he re:noved, liil.e tl c u�e ha� been lo��, � the;� �hnul� rer�in iz� place. �'.`�ZIt�• 1=FC�i,,c of ntm•r.r.ov� cor�,];?ints �nd a reccnt ra�;h of vt�ndalism, a traffic c�'"'.'�- 'rl<3s "'ad� zt th�� stairway on June 1, 1982. I�t ti��s found tha:t of all the ^�.:i:!'erit� �Jl1T1�02 a.��cl Senior Hi�;ti) wiio p2ssed the ot�ervatien Pcint at Stryker -'ric' � .1i.^.Fhntt�, only 31 percent usecl tlle stairw�y to or from the sct,00ls, and �1�"�' '. ���-e .�11. Ju�iior i:i.�li students. The remainder of the students uaed Bak.er �treet �•;J�icli a,ould not be a �,�allc of greater distancc for Hich School students, !>t:t � ��ich i.�i^lit sll^htlq ir.cr^,�>c t1ic distance for tl�e Junior Iiitih students. z� ��` � 31'P�'�r ttiat the staiz��ay is no lon�er a necessity and could be removed �•rizhout �r.y adcerse ef.fect. Prior to brin�inR tlie m��tter Uefore the City Council, � <' �����'J<� al�pr�ci�zte ����ur cc-�nr.�cnts anci advi.ce on. the possibility of removing the st_air�,�y �n� the re3ulting effect an the schools and nei£hhorhood. . � Y���ir:> ver.y [rul.Y, Rey T.�, Crieder, . 1`,:i�i�e I�;ri;;inc�er �.�;/,•,:n o � -�–—�}—L� � '�n Z. . �� ____..71�/ _\ �.., . A.� � V W. �� �f"`� ~ I >� \, r� � 1 . . .� . �.�- \� . _ . .. - ,������ �� �i i i� � c,r ri�r ri:iN�.ii ni HUMBOIDT SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL 30 EAST BAKER STREET � �41NT PAUI..., MINNFSOTla 551p7 � TELEPHONE 222-3671 June 18, 1982 Mr. Roy E. Grieder, l3ridge Engineer City of St. Paul Department of Public Works 600 City Hall Annex St. Paul, MN 55102 . Re: Stairway on Elizabeth Street - east af Stryker � Dear Mr. Grieder: E We, at Humboldt Junior and Senior High Schools concur with your recommendation that the stairway in question should be removed. ' Sincerely, � ��� - ,//,� �q y � � �:'-n.n_,f�/. L'-d�c,�!�i i r�- -� � --� � C' �" � Donald R. Sonsalla William F. Sage . Principal Principal `"� Humboldt Junior High School , Humboldt Senior High School DRS/WFS:i . --� ____ __ -__ -- - _ _ _-- __------ _ —__ _ - _�_r_____� R _ ____ __ � ___.___ - _ . , ._._.. ,� , .► _ _ - � �, . . • ` W��V�� ���,�_�� � SI�E C�TTY����� 0�+���t��.��Yti��::���� � 209 West Page, St. Paul, MN 55107 292-8020 Au�ust 4, 1982 , "'Ir. Rov �ri.ed�r, F3rid�e Er�Rineer Department of Public Works 600 Citv Hall Annex 25 IJest Fourth S�eet St. Paul, r1�I 55102 � De,ar t�. Grieder: On June 11, 1982 the West Side Citizens Qrganization (t�JSCO) received vour letter regarding the stairway o:� Elizabeth Street - east of Str�yker. There was some discussion at�out the merits of the stairwav at the WSCO FSoard of Directors meetir�e in July and it was decided to flver the area for three blocks all around the stairs to get more input from those who mi�ht � �st directly affected. Flyers were made uP (a cony of which is included) and were distributed on Jul�� 16. The GISCO office received forty five telenhone calls in res}�onse to the flyer, ei�ht of which 4�ere in favor of keepinr; the stair�,ay a;yd thirty- seven u�ere for tearin� it down. Of those wh� 4�nted to kee� it some of the re3�ns �iver, wPxe that r.ids caould �o throu�h �rivate pro;�ertv if they were rer*x�ved, nolice should 4ratch it better, one persor, said she used it a lot, two pecr?le thou¢ht it was a landrr�rk wr�rth nreservin�; and one caller said the Probla:� had to do caith a shorta�e of prayer. Of the lnr�e r,tiaiority w`� favor�d rernoval many used the wor�i nusiance to describe it, there were lots of stairs of kids throwinc; rocks, usinP it as a �lace to congregate, constant vandali�, rowtyisr*t, ar�1 generallv �tionallv saying tear it do�an? The results of the flyer ;aere presented and discussed at a taSCO Board of Directors meeting held on TLesday Au�ust 3, 1982 where a motion was rnade, seconded and past reco^tmending to the Citv ?ublic Works Det�rt7nent that the stair�c�y be removed. " Sincerely, . Joyce Kerwin President • RECE�V�a DEPARTMENT:Public Works ' I�UTING n EXPtANATI N SNEET ����_ � AU6 � 619�2 � 4 PHONE: 29z-6319 • REEN SHEET CH�C`���� Asreements f�.r �� � trative Orders, esolutions, Ordinances and 3 DIRECTOR OF MANAGEMENT All G 1 � 19 4 "�Y°R CITY ATTORN DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR DIRECTOR, FINANCE. B MGT. SERVICES CITY ATTORNEY 5 CITY CLERK --� ,--�;_ -- � _ ����.�� rl_� _s� BUDGET DIRECTOR i � 1982 E��A�`0�� �r�;���,�.-;� � Process Resolution for removal of ELIZABETH STREET STAIRWAY. 9. Eliminate continua.l expense. of re airing damage caused by vandals. Remove possibility of injury clai due to unsafe condition of stairways after they have been vandalized and bef re we are aware of such condition. Remove complaints of adjacent nei hbors that the stairway is only a gathering place of various groups who creat a nuisance. Save costs of repairs necessitate by the vandalism (approxima.tely $700.00 so far in 1982, $750 in 1981, $35 in 1980, etc.) Time and money can be better used on structures which are requ red. ATTACHMENTS �LIST ALL ATTACHMENTS): 1, Proposed Resolution. 2. Copy of R. E. Grieder's 1 tter dated June 9, 1982. 3. Copy of letter� from Pri �ipals of Humboldt Sr. and Jr. High Schools, dated June 18, 1982. 4. Copy of letter from WSCO dated August 4, 1982. ¢aae xev.cew nee¢� on a o eW�pvn.t.u�9 cum De�.�bna�r,t : - - � C�i.t�l. A.ttonney� . 1, Coun¢�i.L R¢,eoLu.ti.on Reqwii�¢df X YFS NO 1.. R¢.eot.u.ti.onY YES NO 2. Inaunance Req:iihedt YFS NO ' 2. Insunance Su6�.i.c.i.enLY`YES "� NO 3. Inewcance A,ttaehedf yES � NO ' . liev'ision Oli:4/29/82 .