279128 i
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FINAL ORDER - . ' ' �
By � ."`"� e ,,/�",��
=-11AG7. �•litf�M
File No.�_•+� �
In the Matter of �'�@p�t�MRt10l1 O� »l�llll'��kr 1N.tL 1't��l R�1trb idd il1 I�t�it MO�it�<j
��ti� t�Y1'ite;
r��t� �m
alluo7 s.se t�i�is tZac � �n. ntioae �w�e t. 11sts�► �w�. 3 '
��110Qt i�a►t �i� �Ci � tra� Ki1teN �t�rwt to 1�s�asa �trsft S i
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=lo.ai �.�r li..�,t �oet -' s l�.c �i. (1M�-! r..u�r� � ce�.trnetioa
� �.OQ �,pr 1laatl� tooe - � taat x� (1-2•3 !'ril�r) �tse�st�aettier� '
�b 1!�►i'�s (Ail Pr�N�ty ot,�rr t�o �tii�ttial)
100�, •# ac�+t2 �tt - ar�t� te 1� �3.0Y p�s sqw�►+t teet ;
rs •• j
under Administrative Order approved �
under Preliminary Order approved �
The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice
thereof having been given as prescribed by the C1ty Charter; and
WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve-
ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement
be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calcul�te
all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Chart�r.
AUG 2 4 1982
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date
Yeas Nays
. `,:4,,;�,.:r Certifi a e b Council Secretar
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° =- -""-' �In Favor
�, , A,
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�;� Against $�
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" �AuguBt ltT, 1982 � , -
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I�. Dar, Vpgasrcl, n3re�ator - '
` a+�' Yablic�'�Tor3ce Dept. � � , �
� 6th ll.ag� City Aali Aa�c , ,
SC. �aul, Minaeaota • 1 ; `.
! D�ear Sir: 4 .
Tha City Cc�ci.]. tcxir�v laid �,ac far tw�o we�ke, Ea 1�gu�C 24th, 1982, a - - j
- Ri�aal �rder in tha matte� of tha re�onatrt;ctiaci a� ei.8�sas1l�s oa portfa�pa '
a! Rice 3trest, uiid"e.r P.O. 2 $973. T�e order wos laid aver to allow ttme�
� � far Councilmea °,��sai� to d�. +us ths �g+}ttsr more f�i1y ai�h represeutsaive� � ` .
o# the Public Worke �t�f€. ' - _�'�l .
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City Council District 4�5
g��nin� C'�attnsil
F I L.E N 0. s—��oo�
To decide on whether to proceed, except where good and sufficient
sidewalk exists, with reconstruction of tlie fol.lowing s.idec,•alk
orders: •
�'U R P O�� East Sid� RICE STREET from Front Avenue to Hatch Avenue
(with integral curb)
�oc �►� io �
���R��G Tuesday, August 10, 1982, 10:00 AM
City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor cicy x�1�
' _ — •--a
If the Council approves the ordersy or any part thereo�,
a portion of the costs will be assessed (after con5tr«ctir�n)
� against benefitted properties. The estimated assessmemts
�� � �� �S���,T, � for thi5 project are as follows:
�1�FaR�AT��N j , " � * r
M New construction (tahere no walk existPd) $1-0.00 pe
front foot
Replacement of old walk--$5.00* per front foot.
*Please note that Residentfal rates are based on the
construction of a S-foot �oide sidewalk; all extra widtl�
sidewalks will be assessed at the estimated rate of $2.OU
per frpnt foot f.or each foot over S-feet wide (applies to
both r�ew and replacement) .
COMMERCIAL rates (all property other than residential)
100� of. actual cost estimated to be approximately $3.00
per square foot of walk constructed with integral curb.
Without integral cutib the cost is estimated ta be $2.00
per square foot of. walk constructed.
Construction: 298-4255 Assessments: 292-7029
Q U E S T I Q N S � �lso, City staff. will be available to answer any last
minute questions on this project in the City Council
Chambers from 9t30 to 10':00 A.M. the same day as the
� hearing.
Not:i.:•e sent by the V�luation and Assessment Division
July 23, 1982, Department of Finance ai�d Management Services
Room 218 City Hall-Court }iouse
St. Paul, Plinne,�ata 55102
• ' �
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.�J �. P�� l.. � � � � �. DU � C � �... ���„��'�
City Council District 4�5
District Planning Council ��6
F I L E N 0. s-iioos '
._.._._ �- -
To decide on whether to proceed, except where good and sufficiant
sidewalk exists, with reconstruction of the following sideti,alk
orders: •
�U� �Q�� West Side' RICE STREET from Milford Street to Wayzata Street
(w�'Lh int�gral curb)
L.�JCA�' lOt�
����`�G' Tuesday, August 10, 1982, 10:00 AM
City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall
� _ — --•
If the Council approves the ordersy or any part therpof,
a portion of Che costs will be assessed (after construc�ion)
1 against benefitted Properties. The estimated assessmenCs
��� �� �15���„t, j for this project are as follows:
�SlVF��IYiM 1 �0� � . • * er
t New construction (�ahere no walk existed) $lO.OQ p
front foot
Replacement of old walk--$5.00* ner front foot.
*Please note that Residential rates are based on the
construct3on of a 5-foot wide sidewalk; all extra width
sidewallcs will Ue assessed at tl�e estimated rate of $2.00
per frpnt foot for each foot over S-feet wide (applies to
both new and re.placement).
COMMERC!IAL rates (all property other than residential)
100Y of actual cost estimated to be approximately $3.00
per square foot of walk constructed with integral curb.
Without integral cuicb the cost is estimated to be $2.00
per square foot of walk constructed.
Construction: 298-4255 Assessments: 292-7029
Q !J E S T I 0 N S � �lso, City staff will be available to answer any last
minute questions on this project in the City Council
Chambers £rom 9:30 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the
Notic� sent by the Valuation and Assessment Division
July 23, 1982, Department of Finance and Management Services
Room 218 City Hall-Court House
St. Paul, riinnesota 551.02
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PU � LIC H� A� ItVC I� �TICE �
SIt�� �V'A�I� � C� l��T� �DGTIC� �
City Council District 4�5
DistricC Plannin� Council ��6
� i �E rv o. S-��oo9 '
To decide on whelher to proceed, except where good and suff.irient
sidewalk exists, with r.econstruction of the following side�.�al.k
orders: •
�� � � ��� West Side RICE STREET from Wayzata Street to Front Avenu�
(with integral curb)
�_c� ca�rio �v �
��A�'��°` Tuesday, August 10, 1982, 10:00 AM
City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall
� --_ - --•
If the Council approvEas the order.S, or any part therf*�f,
a porti.on of the costs will be assessed (aft:er construction)
� against Uenefitted properties. The estimated assessments
� � �� ������ • � for this pr.oject ar.e as follows:
��FO�n��►-rso� ; , .
1 New construction (�ohere no walk existed) $].0.00;� per
front foot
Replacement of old walk--$5.00* ner front foot.
*Please note thaC Resi.dential. rates are based on the
construction of a S-foot wide sidewalk; all extra wi.dth
sidewalks wil.l Ue assessed at the estimated rate of. $2.O0
per front foot for each foot over S-feet wicle (applies to
both new and replacement) .
COMMERCIAL rates (all property other than residential)
100% of actual cost estimated to be approximaCely $3.00
per square foot of walk constructed with integral curb.
Without integral cu�b the cost is estimated to be $2.00
per square fo�t af. walk constructed.
.Construction: 298-4255 Assessments: 292-7Q29 �i
� �� ���O w, c �lso, City staf:f will be available to answer any last
1�1 .7 minute questions on this project in the City Council
Chambers from 9:30 to ].0:00 A.At. the same day as the
Not.icc sent by the V�luation and Assessment Division
July 23, 1982, Department of Finance and rianagement Services
Foom 218 City Hall-Court House
St. Paul, Minne.r�ota 55102
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