279119 WHITE - CITV CIERK C�unCll �w!aJ.1 PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA 11 L 1 � ��+.Jr�� CANAR4 - DEPARTMENT BLUE � - MAVOR � Flle NO. � C uncil olution Presented By � y Referred To Committee: Date I Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Lucky Lanes , Inc. dba Pudge 's (.Kit Hymanson, President) is the holder of an On-5ale Intoxicating Liquor License, Sunday On-Sale Liquor' License, and Entertainment License for the premises at 2155 Ford Parkway in 5aint Paul; WHEREA5, The License Inspector recommended suspension of the On-Sale Liquor and Sunday On-Sale Liquor Licenses and revocation of the Entertainment License on th.e following grounds : 1. Customers on the licensed premises have been permitted to remain on the premises after the closing hour and consume or display intoxicating liquors on May 28, 1982; 2 . Dancers or performers on the licensed premises have exposed to publi�c view all or portions of their pubic hair on June 27 , 1982; ; 3. Dancers or performers on the licensed premises have permitted or encouraged customers to touch , caress or fondle thei�r buttocks and genitals on , June 27 , 1982 ; ' WHEREAS, the above grounds and recommendations wiii�. the additional following information were communicated to the licensee by letter dated July 8 , 1982 : i COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: FletCher Levine In Favor Masanz Nicosia scheibe� _ __ Against BY , Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY ��'� �' By tapproved by i4lavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ — BY i . � :��,��;"� � 1. The City Council would hear complain�s from the residents of the area adjacent to or in the vicinity of the licensed premises with respect to the manner in which the licensee h�d conducted his business and thereby caused it to become a neighborhood nuisance; 2 . Notwithstanding the License Inspector's recommenda- tions, the City Council could suspend, revoke, or impose conditions in lieu o� revocation of the licenses ; WHEREAS , The licensee was also notified by the letter dated July 8, 1982 of the hearing date of August 10 , 1982 and again notified by letter dated July 15 , 1982 that the August 10 , 1982 hearing time had been changed from 10 :00 a.m. to 7 :30 p.m. ; WHEREAS , The licensee appeared together with his attorney , Alan Dorfman, at the 7 :30 p.m. August 10 , 1982 hearing and was permitted, through his attorney, to cross-examine witnesses , present evidence and witnesses in his own behalf and to make a final argument to the City Counci7. and all evidence was under oath and taken by a court reporter; WHEREAS, The City Council heard testimony from Joseph F. Carchedi, Officer Nancy DiPerna, and Officer Lisa Miller, Kit "Pudge" Hymanson and four of his employees , Mr. and Mrs . Don Swenson, Jeff Lee and John Gasuwitz ; Lawrence Cohen and numerous residential and commercial neighbors of the licensee; WHEREAS , The City Council in addition received exhibits , . police reports and other physical evidence numbered 1 through 9 : WHEREAS , The evidence established and the licensee stipulated that the aforementioned grounds for adverse action as set forth in the License Inspector's July 8 , 1982 letter were correct; WHEREAS, The evidence from the licensee 's commercial and residential neighbors further established: 1. That the licensee 's customers were drawn to the licensed establishment by virtue of "specials" advertised by the Iicensee; 2 . That the licensee 's customers were nightly observed to be arriving and leaving in conditions that would lead reasonable persons to conclude that said customers were under the influence of alcoholic beverages , such service to intoxicated persons being violation of the Intoxicating Liquor Act of the State of Minnesota; -2- . • � ����!��.� . �� 3. That the licensee's customers were observed I carrying intoxicating liquors from the licensed premises in violation of the Saint Paul Legisla- tive Code; 4 . That the licensee 's customers , over a period of time extending from July of 1981 through August 9 , 1982 , con�.istently engaged in the following acts on both public and private property to the reasonable annoyance, detriment, and fright of the licensee 's commercial and residential neighbors : urination, vomiting, and defication; vandalism; harassment; littering; assaults , fighting, and brawling; disorderly conduct in the nature of noisy and boisterous conduct and obscene and abusive language; damage to property; and window peeping; 5 . That some of the licensee 's customers , upon leaving the licensed establishment, drove while under the influence of an alcoholic beverage, thereby consti- tuting a danger not only to themselves but also to the community at large; 6 . That the licensee knew of the aforementioned items 1 through 5 and did not take reasonable steps to control or alter the situation; 7 . That the licensee was responsible for the creation and continued existence of a substantial public nuisance; WHEREAS, The City Council engaged in extensive questioning of the witnesses and discussion of their testimony and the ex- hibits and considered the type and nature of the evidence sub- mitted, the demeanor of the witnesses and based its determination on the overall weight of the evidence; WHEREAS, The City Council determined that the licensee violated provisions of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and the Intoxicating Liquor Act for the State of Minnesota and that the activities .of the licensee in the licensed activity have created a serious danger to the public health, safety or welfare, all of which are bases for license suspension or revocation pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 310 .06 subdivision 2 ; -3- WMITE - CiTV CLERK COURCIl �,i ��1�qJ � PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT 1 A lf L CAN9,RV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �� �� Cou cil esol tion Presented By � �'� Referred To Committee: Date � Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The City Council attempted a compromis.e �aith the licensee whereby he would voluntarily close his, establishment for a period of thirty ( 30) days during which he would investigate sale or transfer of his license and then reappear before the Council for formal action; WHEREAS, The licensee refused such compromise and requested a vote on the revocation motion; WHEREAS , The City Council voted 7-0 to revoke all of the licenses; WHEREAS, A copy of this resolution has been mailed to the attorney for the licensee prior to the date it was considered by full council with a letter advising as to the date on which it would be considered; NO THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That a11 of the licenses for the premises at 2155 Ford Parkway in Saint Paul held by Lucky Lanes, Inc. dba Pudges ' are hereby revoked; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That such revocation i:s effective upon the publication of this resolution; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk is hereby directed to publish this resolution after its approval by the mayor, as requixed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council, August 19, 1�82. Approved August 19 , 1982. -4- COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher � Levine [Il FBVOi Masanz NiCOSia � sct,e�bei _ __ A.gainst BY — Tedesco aA�ileor�-. AUCj � 9 �982 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified a � y Counci ,e BY �/Cc,Gt..�L �• ������'el�� gl, tapprove by M or: Date _ ~uu ,1 g 1��1 Approved by Mayor fot Submission to Council gy. L�t' _ �/Z— gY PUBLISN�D AU G 2 1 198� j ��91:�� � ��-���T� � '"'"°°° � CITY OF SAINT PAUL _:-���,T, ,,�.:;, =` � '���` DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES j '• =: `: .oi�i I�ii' �' ;� �_= DIVISIQN OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION I Room 203, City Hall i �..• i � '""` '` Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102; GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR July 15, 1982 Mr. Kit Hymanson Pudge's Bar 2155 Ford Parkway St. Paul , Minnesota 55116 Dear Mr. Hymanson: In order to accommodate people who wish to testify, the Saint Paul City Council has rescheduled the public hearing regarding your On Sale Liquor, Sunday On Sale Liquor, and Entertainment Licenses from August 10, 1982 at 10:00 a.m. to 7:3_ O�.m,,, on the same date. This hearing will be held on the third floor of the City and County Court House (Council Chambers) . Sincerely, � ' JOSEPH F. CARCHEDI License Inspector JFC/tb CC: Mayor �eorge Latimer Council President Victor 7edesco Councilman Robert Fletcher Councilman Leonard Levine Councilman Hugo Masanz Councilman Chris Nicosia Councilman James Scheibel Councilman Bill Wilson Asst. Atty. Jane McPeak Mr. Kit Hymanson at his home address ,��'.�;U�. C� ,' -�� C.�-��-�^--� I� � ♦ "` I - � CITY UF SAINT PAUL �'. ��:, OFFICE OF TFIE CITY COIINCIL �����`�` � 1�Rj ��fP�ru'�' t�lp4i�:i0T^ ±m ssar tn _z-�_�1`�. L.EONARD W. LEVINE Councilman July 14, 1982 Council President Vic Tedesco Room 719 City Hall St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 Dear Vic: Because there has been so much neighborhood interest in the matter of Pudge's and its operation, residents have requested a night hearing for that same day, August 10. Could we schedule this hearing in the evening at our usual time of 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers? Thank you for your attention to this matter. ` Sincerely, LEONARD W. LEVINE � ' Councilman City of St. Paul cc: Ma or Latimer � Carchedi '�"���'��u DIVISION OF LICENSE ANb PERMIT ADMINISTRATlO�J .:!�L 1 ��: 1982 DEPARTMENT OF FINAf�CE '� M�NAGEMCNT_ SERVICE: CTTY" HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-4473 �e � � �����.9 � m i • m � o _�.___-p._.�_��__--____�___..r_._— -n - rn � J i W � N O � \ N f V f I i— — c \ � � .A � C � m F D j oo r � � r I � ~ t __------------ -----_. __...._--__.._— �____�------ _ m z m c� V 7� �—+ \ ' � � � � -___. � � � V � � � � � V \ N U� I _�_��_____..,.-------___ __—----— .. ___ - °---- ._.. �_._ ____T � I J �- -________------ _ _ - - 1 � � � � �o ` � ������ V V V V V V V V V V V� V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V 01 O�O� O+O�O�O�01 T 01 O�O�O� O \\\\\\ \\\\\\ \\\\\ \\\\\\\ \\\\\\\ \\\\\\ \\\\\ \\\\\ V Ot CT A W N W�N N NN N NNO� ��--+ ��-� �--�tOOD V O�lT A W N�(J N N NN NNN -+�-+�-� � �O�N V O� W N-�N�D V 01CTAW N�--� O OIOOJ AW N�O IOpJ V 01 W I*1 O L V1T-iE13 E �1-iE-V3 L T-iE-13 E NTI-IS-i3N 'E NT-iZ13V1 E NT11E-i3 E -�IE-/3N S {nT�EVf -nG m o, z �ro co �T+ � �� c o m � ��oco m mz �mcoc m ol j �rococ m c� J �m � o m �mcoc m n� zsroc m �-�•cam � m •cnro � m caro3 m e+�•cn�o > > m �+ •cnro » m e+ •caro � m cnm > > m K�.ca� o � � a� � ,� a �c a� � �nn �c is �v, n �c cni �� on �c cas � inan �c cn� ��nn �c z � � nn �c cnz � a � r zo� u, m ao+ r a v+ mao+ r ain �nao� r zn� inmao� a r zo� v� fnamo� r zmv� mao+ r inmado� r ze+ v� rc a < n'�c n�n m',c � `� a n�� � a n��c < ��c a wa'�'�c�c � d�c a n��c'�c < a� d n�� K a a'��c�c'�c � a� a c� m ..� °i � � y`� 1 K o+ -i �c c� -i �c m -i �c o� -i �c o� -i o� 1 �c m m � a� o 'G O '�c o '�C o �c o K o '�c O '< 7c r r r r � r r r N A N I'ry 1 p � A 01�O A W (T --�[T N Q�� (WSt (.JW 01 Ot V N(T N W�VI A O�N� �W N-�W Vt V N NN N V N A N 00-' O� Ot W V W V O O� H r N 2 n�-/ � �� �. 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DATE TIME A� ` LOCATION PM LOCATIQN DESCRIPTION: DESCRIPTION: � NOISE W/0 OBSENITY � URINATING IN PUBIIC L NOISE W/0 OBSENITY � URINATING IN PUBLIC � NO15E IJITH OBSENITY u FIGHTING � NOISE WITH OBSENITY 0 iIGHTING � IILEGAI PARKING `I INDECENT EXPOSURE � ILLEGAL PARKING u INDECENT EXPOSURE � SEX ACTS IN PUBLIC n SEXUAL HARRA55MENT '-' SEX ACTS IN PU5LIC � $EXUAL HARRASSN,ENT �� ` PROPERTY DAMAGE i 1 OTHER (DESCRIBE) PROPERTY DAMAGE 1J OTHER (DESCRIBE) 2. DATE TIME AM pM 5. DATE TIME AM � PM LOCATION LOCATION DESCRIPTION: DESCRIPTION: NOISE W/0 OBSENITY � URINATING IN PUBLIC � NO]SE W/0 OBSENITY � URINATING IN PUBLIC NOISE WITH OBSENITY L1 FIGHTING _ NOISE WITH 065ENITY _ FI6HTI��G � � ILLEGAL PARKING � INDECENT EXPOSURE [] ILLEGAL PARKING 1� INDECENT EXPOSURE '-' SEX ACTS 1N PUBLIC i SEXUAL HARRASSMENT � SEX ACTS IN PUBLIC r' SEXUAL HARRASSNENT - PROPERTY DFIhWGE ` OTHER (UESCRIBE) PROPERTY DAMAGE '�I OTHER (DESCRI6E) 3. DATE TIME 4M PM 6. OATE TIMi AM LOCATION ' PM LOCATION �' DESCRIPTION: DESCRIPTI'ON: NOISE W/0 OBSEP�ITY f` URINATING IN PUBLIC 'L-1 NOISE W/0 OBSENITY L URINATING IN PUBLIC - NOISE WITH OBSENITY ` FIGHTIN6 r' NOISE WITH OBSENITY L FIGHTInG ^ ILLEGAL PARKING LI INDECENT EXPOSURE r' ILLEGAL PARKING � INDECENT EXPOSURE '- SEX ACTS IN PUBLIC � SEXUAL HARRASSMENT !-I SEX ACTS IN PUBLIC � SEXUAL HARRASSMENT -' PROPERTY DAr�AGE ` OTHER (DESCRIBE) PROPERTY DAMAGE �] OTHER (DESCRI6E) ; �" _g_ - ' OUTLINE OF PRESENTATION ��3��� I . INTRODUCTION OF SELF - Name, address II . PURPOSE - Group's statitician - will provide overview of situation in neighborhood via audit form I designed - not as exciting as other testimony but will destroy some myths. III . QUALIFICATIONS: • MS in Experimental Physics from IIT • 35+ graduate hours in Physics/Math/Statistics beyond Masters degree • Taught Measurement Theory, analysis and Lab Practices at junior/senior level of college • 13 years in Market Research in both .a consumer and industrial environment. Design, analysis, and interpretation of surveys. Responsible for research function for products with sales in excess of $400-500 MM. • Delivered papers to AMA, and MRA • Have given disposition to FTC on market research studies as they pertained to acquisitions • Member AMA, Society of Sigma Chi and proposed for membership Chemical Market Research • Am a professional with solid qualifications to design, tabulate, analyze and interpret data of this type IV. DESCRIPTION OF SURVEY: • Self administered survey to record incidence (form attached in hand-out) • Tabulation programmed on an Apple II via Visa File • One point-self administered surveys of this type will always � understate what they are measuring - conservative estimate is 2-3 times • What I am going to tell you is bad enough, but to get a true picture, multiply results by 2-3. • Survey covers time span from week of 6/13 to week of 8/1/82 V. RESULTS: Present overall pattern of information that will clearly show: • Incidents are increasing in last two weeks • Serious �incidents against people and property are increasing • Describe the character of the type of people Pudge's is bringing into Highland Park Leads to a pattern of information that shows that Pu�e •cannot or will not control his operation �. �, ������ V. RESULTS (cont. ) A. OVERALL PATTERN: AS FIRST CHART SHOWS • First week heavy - most incidents skewed toward: Noise Illegal parking Urination • Drop in 2nd & 3rd week due to: Police enforcing parking regulatiors Our meeting of 6/23 with press coverage led to Pudge curtailing his hours Police presence in Pudge's on 6/27 • 4th & 5th week i nci dents be�;n tic �.�crease .�oai�� • Slight drop in 6th week as License Depart�nent puts on pressure • Gets completely out of hand on 7th and 8th weeks as Pudge takes his stand in writing that he will not change his operating style B. TYPE OF INCIDENTS: • Incidents against property and people havemore than doubled since first week - up 250% e In first week skewed toward noise, public urination; now skewed toward sexual harassment, peeping toms, property damage e In first week "other" category included contained overturned mailbox, taffic violation, trespassing, empty beer cans • In last week includes verbal threats against specific people, property and businesses, attempted minor assaults, attempted break-ins, broken versus whole glass bottles Not only is number of incidents increasing but the seriousness of them is increasing as well . Obviously heightened tension and increased probability that serious physical volume will occur C. CONCLUSIONS: 1 . Number of incicents is on an upswing. Clearly increasing in past two weeks: - First myth destroyed:things are not getting better. /� ��.�..�.c..�7 � , � � C. CONCLUSIONS (cont. ) 2. The seriousness of the incidents is increasing - Second myth destroyed: Pudge's customers have been described by the news media as preppie - threats, harass- ment, property damage, break-ins are not preppie. 3. The only time there has been relief in the neighborhood is when significant pressure was brought to bear by the police, the press and/or the Licensing Department. As soon as the pressure is off the problems come back worse than before. - Third myth out the window - Pudge does not want to work with the neighbors. He reacts only to pressure. He has clearly demonstrated, and actually put in writing through his lawyer, that he will not work with the neighborhood. 4. A large portion (over 1/3) of the incidents reported in the last week come from the business neighbors of Pudges. - Fourth myth gone - This is not an issue of residents versus commercial businesses. Pudge's operation affects the ethical business in the area as well as the residents. Further, religious community in area has taken a stand in letter to the Mayor and Councilmen plus an open petition at church service to pray that the neighborhood is spared the trouble Pudge's operation brings. VI . ACTION STEPS: This is what is known as a "no brains" decision. Problem is wide spread, serious, getting worse and the source of the problem has demonstrated a lack of desire or ability to solve it, unless forced to do so. The source of the problem refuses to bargain honestly with the residents and other businesses in the area, and in his letter of last week has basically defied the City to do anything. The decision is clear. His promises of action are worthless. Pudge's cannot be allowed to conduct business in a way that destroys everyone else. He most be moved, shut down, or made to undertake radical changes in his unethical operation procedures. . _• •. _ __._. _...� ___ . --------� : -. �?o r. �-;� � �- ��,,,�`L� � ._ . . ; j � � Xh,�-, L� . , 1 � . . . . ���L�i+ � � ' Y !" �� � � /Y II ���V �� . O � � _ y � '� � � . � � . 1 � ,1 � l �.,� '� . ' . , �• . t • • I ,' , ! � - ' � ���f aft� ���. .. . . .'+ �: . . N y �p . o v v n , t--� n u � � - � 1-� � -�i : � � � � O � � . . � co . _ �, � y � � � . a . �. � I � � .n , �, .tApZZ , � � II , . �� C � .,� N O -i '.�,�_•� _ _r+ _ l�,r�� � T � �'. � �, � � = c ' _ ._' . � � � a � A a r �-�5 ��. ' i �:� . . v . � .ti A � Z � � / � � -'' •'f • • OQ . V 4 /1 . �� � �N � I � . ` �J��(� � {�,. . .. . : � . � f�y. .� � � T � � � �� {:.� �� . : . �iF . a � D J .,, . .�:�r. � ��n > 3 � l' �. •-- ...__� __ --�.t' � � Z .. � � '' � ` � ���� S p 'ti ��' ' , . � w � � �..��1�1 ' 8 �s�a.+ � � i -=•7t� o �\! 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' ' . ,. 11' .., ." , . . . . . . - .� +��� .:� � . .. . • � RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAI!-30y (plus postage)� � SENT TO � POR DATE � �T S7REET AND N0. � woab � � P.O., STATE ANO ZIP CODE � `"� C.S N. �S S�a,�" n N OPTIONAI SE YICES FOR ADOITION�L fEEi w RETURN 1. Shows to whom snd E�te Aslivere ,,,,,,,,,,, � Q QO a RECEIPi With ratritled deliyery_„...............,,,....65e 1 .r tERY10ES � 2' Shows to whom,Oate sn!whert delirered..35� � WitA restricted delivery.................._..... 85� � • RESTRICTED DELIVERY............................__.................__..........._........ 50! � SPECIAL OELIVERY (�Mro fN r�quir�d).-...................»............ F� PS Fortn NO INSURANCE COYERAGE PRDVIDED— (S�� oth�r sid�) • AuQ 197538� NOT FOR INTERNATIONAI MAII �t cro:�ns�-o-sa�rsz � ' %� ����� �,.,,,,.,:,:, . . _�����•• �:;-,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL -'� ���'� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES �e y,' '.� �Il ll l lllfl� r: :a 1111 1 11 111 s_ . %; ..�= DIVISION OF UCENSE AND PERMlT ADMINISTRATION `'o; ,... � Room 203,City Hall ��jm"`����c"```' Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR �uiy $, �982 . Mr. Kit Hymanson Pudge's Bar . 2155 Ford Parkway � St. Pau1 , Minnesota 55116 Dear Mr. Hymanson: As l.icence Inspector for the City of Saint Paul , I am hereby notifying you that On August 10, 1982, a public hearing will be held before the Saint Paul City. Council regarding your On-sale Liquor, Sunday On-sale Liquor and Entertainment Licenses. This hearing will be held in the Saint Paul City Council Chambers, third floor of the City and County Court House at 10:00 a.m. At this hearing, the License and Permit Division will recommend that your On- sale Liquor and Sunday On-Sale Liquor Licenses issued to you at 2155 Fo�d Parkway be suspended. However, the City Council may suspend, revoke or impose conditions in lieu of revocation. The License and Permit Division bases its recommendation on the following: . w Display of alcoholic beverages after legal hours �n violation of St. . , Paul Legislative Code 409.07, Subd. 7. Hours of Sale; Sunday Sales. (see attached) Specifically, on May 22, 1982 at 2:55 a.m. on the premises at 2155 Ford Parkway (Pudges) tfie following occurred: Two employees (the Assistant Manager and Doorman) and three customers were issued citations for displaying and/or consuming of alcoholic beverages after the legal hours allowed. The License and Permit Division also recommends that your Entertainment License ' at 2155 Ford Parkway be revoked. Again, however, the City Council may suspend, revoke or impose conditions in lieu of revocation. The License and Permit Division bases its recommendation on the fiollowing: Allowing unlawful acts/conduct on licensed premises by entertainers employed by you in violation.of St. Paul Legislative Code 409.09 Certain Sexual Conduct Prohibited (see attached) . Specifically, it is alleged that at 2155 Ford Parkway between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 12:00 a.m. on June 26, 1982 the following conduct occurred: 1 . A male dancer known as Rockin Robin appeared in a G-string which exposed his full . buttocks. This same dancer's genitals were fondled by a woman patron. �O . � �����.� . Mr. Kit Hymanson . ' July 8, 1982 page 2 � 2. A male dancer known as Magical Musical Michael appeared in a transparent G-string. This dancer was also fondled in the genital area and allowed his buttocks to be stroked by women patrons. Additionally_, his G-string was too small so that p�bl i c h�a�-was�vfis#�i�:-- �'Ffi�hael al so i s al l eged to , i�ave �tr�d his body against the breast of women patrons. - �3. -The dancer known as Sexy Sly appeared in a G-string which \ exposed his buttocks. He is alsa alleged to have shaken his covered penis at women patrons and to have pulled women patrons to him and ground his genitals into their crotches. `'�, 4 / Sly is also alleged to have put his hands into the front of % his G-string with the appearance of fondling himseif. ,: �-- .--_. � � - 4. i4m�zing Ricardo al7owed several wc�men patrons to s��att�his buttocks. _ _ _ . _ 5: The announcer, bon, is alleged to have encouraged the women . to depants a male waiter. In addition, the City Council will also hear compiaints from residents with respect to the manner in which you have con- ducted your business and thereby caused it to become an alleged neighborhood nuisance. You may be represented at this hearing by an attorney or other representative of your choice. You and/or your attorney/representative will be allowed to cross-examine witnesses and present evidence through witnesses and documents at this hearing. Sincerely, �� ' JOSEPH F. CARCHEDI License Inspector JFC/tb Attachments CC: Mayor George Latimer Councilman Robert Fletcher Councilman Leonard• Levine � Councalman Hugo Masanz Councilman Chris Nicosia Councilman James�S�heibel Councilman Victor Tedesco Councilman Bill Wilson Asst. At�t;y. Jane McPeak Mr. Kit Hymanson at his home address . , 1 � ` � ���1�9 409.0T . CLASS III LICENSES from the main public entrance of the premises or building pra posed as the location for the liquor license to any school, church, or synagogue in the area for which the license is sought. ^ All licenses in force and effect upon the effective date of this sub- division 1,the location of which license is in conflict with the pra visions hereof, may be renewed, transferred, or otherwise dealt with in accordance with law,it being the intent of this subdivision that it be applied prospectively for proposed locations of licenses, and further it being the intent of this suhdivision that the limita- tions set forth in this subdivision shall in no manner be applicable to any hotel or motel. Upon written petition signed on behalf of the school,church or svnagogue located within 300 feet of the pro- posed location`of the license, the council may by a �ve-sevenths vote disregard the provisions of this subdivision�insofar as loca- tion adjacent to a church, school or svnagogue of a proposed license is concerned. (Code 1956, as amended, �808.26.) JNov. 10, 1962. 408 07. Hours of sale; Sunday sales, etc,l . Subdivision l. Hours of sale.No sale of intoxicating liquor shall be made after 1:00 a.m. on Sunday, nor until 8:00 a.m. on Mon- day,nor between the hours of 1:00 a.m.and 8:00 p.m.on the day of any stateKZde election. No "on sale" shall be made between the hours of 1:00 a.m, and 8:00 a.m. on any weekday. No "off sale" shall be made before 8:00 a.m.or after 8:00 p.m.of any day,except "off sale" shall be permitted on Saturday until 10:00 p.m.No"off sale"shall be made on New Year's Day,January 1; Independence Day, July 4; Thanksgi�zng Day; or Christmas Day, December 25; but on the evenings preceding such da��s, if the sale of liquor is not otherwise prohibited on such evenings,`bff sale" may be made un- til 10:00 p.m.except that no"off sale" shall be made on December 24 after 8:00 p.m. � Subd 2. Sunday sales. (1) Notwithstanding the provisions of Subdivision 1, establish- ments t� which "on sale" licenses have been issued ar hereafter ma�� be issued for the sale of intoxicating liquors . which are hotels or restaurants and which have facilities for serving no fewer than 50 guests at one time, ma�•serve intox- icating ]iquors between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and twelve � , o'clock midnight on Sundays in conjunction with the serving of food,`but no liquor shall be served on Sundays other than to persons who are seated at tables, provided that the licensed establishment is in conformance with the Minnesota Clean In- I l r3(I;H1 � 9a5 � . , . ._ ; . • � ������ aos.o� LEGISLATIVE CODE door Air Act. (2) It i5 unlawful for an}• such establishment, directly or in- directly, to sell or sen•e intoxicating liquors as provided in paragraph (1) above, w ithoUt having first obtained a special license therefor. Such special license ma,y be issued by the council for a period of one year and for which the fee shall be b200. Application for said special license shall be made to the council in the same manner as application for other licenses to sell intoxicating liquor are made. Subd 3. ;Vo consumption or display when prohibited.No per- son shall consume or display or allow consumption or display of liquor upon the premises of an"on sale" licensee at an��time when the sale of such liquor is n�t permitted. � Subd 4. Private Christmas parties. Notw�ithstanding anyo uther provision of the Legislative Code, the license holder of premises having an"on sale" license may once a vear during the Christmas season ha��e a private part�• at no charge to the guests after the la��ful closing hours,provided that a w-ritten request for said pam� is submitted to the license inspector 30 days prior to the proposed date of the party, and provided funher that no sales as de�ned by law of intoxicating liquors or non-intoxicating malt liquor shall be made at or during said pam•. The inspector shall noiif,y the chief of police of the date of each proposed party�. (Code 1956, as amended, �308.20; further amended: Ord. 16815. July 23, I981.) 409.08. R.egulations geaerall��.1 All licensees hereunder are hereby required to obsen�e the fo11o��•ing regulations, provided however, that an��such regulation w•hich specificall��refers to an "on sale" licensee shall not bind an "off sale" licensee, nor shall am�regula- tion which specificall�•refers to an "off sale" licensee bind an'"on sale,, licensee: -'.•t (1) All sales shall be made in full �•iew of the public. (2) �o liquor shall be sold or furnished for an��purpoce whate�•er to am�person under 19 vears of age dr to a habitual drunkard or io one obviousl�•intoxicated or to an�•person to«�hom such sale is prohibit.ed b��an�•la�y of this state or this chapter. The pro��isiom of this subsection shall appl�•to all per�ons�•hether or not licensed under this chapter. In defense of an�•prosecu- tion for a�•iolation hereunder, the defendant ma�•establish b�• ccirnpetent e��idence that he has made an im•estigation of the '' status �f such person's age b�• compl�ing «•ith the procedui•e� ��-�r, .�: ,; � �����.9 4�.� . LEGISLATIVE CODE spicuous place in that portion of the premises for which the license has been issued. (Code 1956, as amended, �308.23, (1)-(10).) 409.09.Certain sexual conduct prohibited.The following acts or . conduct on licensed premises are unlawful and shall be punished as pro��ided by Section 1.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code: (1) To emplo�• or use an��person in the sale or service of alcoholic beverages in or upon the licensed premises while such person is unclothed or in such attire,costume or clothing as to eapose to view any portion of the female breast below the top of the areola or of any portion of the pubic hair, anus, cleft of the buttocl:s, vulva or genitals. (2) To employ or use the services of an�•hostess v�•hile such hostess is unclothed or in such attire,costume or clothing as described in paragraph (1} above. (3) To encourage or permit an��person on the licensed premises to touch, caress or fondle the breasts, buttocks, anus or genitals of any other person. (4) To perinit am-employee or person to wear or use any device or �o��ering exposed to view which simulates the breast, genitals, anus, pubic hair or am�ponion thereof. ; (5) To permit any person to perform acts of or acts v�•hich simul- : at.e: . (a) with or upon another person sekual intercourse, sodom�•, oral copulation, fla�ellation or am• �exual act �•hich is prohibited b,y law•. (b) masturbation or bestialih�. (c) with or upon another person the touching, caressing or fondling on the buttocks; anus, genitals or female breast. (d) the displaying of the pubic hair, anus, �vlva, genitals, or female breast belov�• the top of the areola. (6) To permit any person to use artificial devices or inanimate ob- jects to depict am�of the prohibited acti�•ities described abo�-e. (i) To permit am�person to remain in or upon the licensed pre- mises who exposes to public v�ew any portion of his or her genitals or anus. (8) To permit the showing of film, still pictures, electronic reproduction, or other ��isual reproductions depicting: var; .�.��;; _._.. . ....... . . .. ... ... _. ._. _._ I � �'����.�9 4�.,o CLASS III LICE:�'SES (a) acts or simulated acts of sexual intercourse, masturba- tion, sodom�•, bestialit�•, oral copulation, flagellation or an�• sexual act «�hich is prohibited b�• law. (b) an�• person being touched, caressed or fondled on the breast, buttocks, anus or genitals. (c) scenes�c•herein a person displa�•s the ��ul��a or the anus or - the genitals. (d) scenes �ti•herein artificial de�•ices or inaniminate objects are employed to depict, or dra�ti•ings are emplo�•ed to portra��, an�• of the prohibited acti�•ities described above. (Code 1956. as amended. �308.?3 (11).) 409.10. Restrictions on licenses.«�here a reasonable basis is found b�- the council to impose reasonable restrictions upon a license held under this chapter, the council, upon issuing a ne�•license or rene�c•ing a license or appro��ing a transfer of a license,ma�•impose reasonable conditions and restrictions pertaining to the manner and circumstances in �rhich the business shall be conducted to presen•e the public peace and protect and promote good order and securit�•. These reasonable conditions �r restrictioris may pertain tU: (1) A limitation as to the hours tirhen intoxicating liquor ma�• be sold and.�or cansumed on the licensed premises; (2) A limitation an`d,restriction as to the e�:act location �cithin a building where intoxicating iiquor �vill be �er��ed andior sold - and-or consumed; `�` (3) A limitation and restriction as tiofthe means of ingress to or egress frum the licensed establishment; ' (4) A i•eyuirement that certain off-street parking facilities be pro- �•idecl; (�) .a conditior�that the licerise�i�ill be in effect onl�•so long a�the . estatilishment remains a drug�tore;or restaurant, or hotel as defined b}• the state liquor act or regulations adopted pur- � suant�thereto; � � � (6) A limitation and restriction a� to the means and methods of ad�•ertising the saie oi intoxicatinr liquor on the buildinh and or cin the }�remi�es adjacent thereto; (7) Keason�ible condition, limitin�; the �peratic�n of the licensed premise� so as to insure that ;he lirensed business «•ill com- port �ti•ith the chai•acter of the district in «-hich it i� locateci _ �•.; � �a�, . - �cl�b�f Z = RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL-30¢ (pius postage) ' SENT.TO POSTMARK . J„� � U — nv e OR DATE � 1 •1' SiREET AND N0. 5 o b ��G w �. • P.C., STATE AND 21P COOE � . t� �S!/(p � OP IONAI SERYICES fON ADOITIONAL FEES \ ' RETUNN �. hows to whom and dat�dN vered „..._... 15� � RECERT With ratrieted delire►Y_........••••-..:__...65f 1 SERVICES Z• SAows to whon�,date and wMn deliva�d_ 35� , WitA restrieted dslivery r.................._.. BSt �� RESTRICTED DELIVERY................................................_......•••-._....... b0t SRECIAG DELIVERY (�Mro f�e r�qui���.........--...�-................. . PS Fomt 3800 NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROYIDED— (5�� ofb�r sid�). Aug. 1975 NOT fOR INTERNAt10NAl MAIL *�,������ , 1= :��: -.:� !� • t a:�.. ti r .!.�: , - - . _ �Z., "'` z ;;„„ ; ; ' I i K� � } . �'! � '� � � ,, .-. � � : .- z �6+ s ... , �, ��. �; ^ : � ;; � �; � �.. $ ��j ! R , '/" a ' � � "�' '�; ^ \ 'Y' � �_ �f ''�. �, ;: :� ; � � . -. � , s � . �.�'� ' ,y o.:, �, - �`?` - � p��:•�,n.�a� r i�� � � � � � .� .� '�" 3 � � � _ t w .. � p ,Y � � � » � M I` � � � � W � y.l 1 x� � � � . �r� 5 � � � �j y �,. o, `o c � _ � �"� M � 'a � o '4 � � 4 a. � � � � 9 '� 'a 'D r� � ,'; 4 �v z"¢ . � '� � ,. � : ; =` S .� � *�. � p � Q :Q `�2 � � �v �• p � a ' 2�_ � '^ : T � .,. �3T � L .: ; _ 'z � W. .. � ��'� � a � ,F � �R , � o� '�:� � � ,. .sYs « � � g. af �_- � �: � o _ � p��pQ � �� b ��.� Q� � ....� _I J e4i-.�_... ; - � .� M � '�.' W `-`• - v VJ t7 �i/1� ��. `�+ ., .n �W. ... . . � .. "I ." . ... � ., ��. ,�, ,.� � � _ �' o ' ��Po ❑ ` <�-�.,,� g d _ �: � _ � � ._ - � ,� o.. _ . � t � � � �, z � � , �, . ` . .► � d :: RETURN RECEiPT,REQISTERED,�NSCJRED AND CERTiFtED MAt4 - � . ... . . , . . . . � ., - , ,_ , ' . c , - i _ . ��""�"'�'° � CITY OF SAINT PAUL '`a��a`\T f p,��,ry . . �, . . . " -`�� '"" ''��"'� � DEPARTMENT OF��FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ;e �., ': i0��'���'�� ;� . . �;+, ,.a= DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION �'',� . ,... .' Room 203,City Hail '•m�,•,,...�'��� GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR �u�y s, �9sz . �����:� Mr. Kit Hymanson Pudge's Bar 2155 Ford Parkway St. Pau1 , Minnesota 55116 Dear Mr. Hymanson: As License Inspector for the City of Saint Pau1 , I am hereby notifying you that On August 10, 1982, a public hearing will be held before the Saint Paul City Council regarding your On-sale Liquor, Sunday On-sale Liquor and Entertainment Licenses. This hearing will be held in the Saint Paul City Council Chambers, third floor of the City and County Court House at 10:00 a.m. - At this hearing, the License and Permit Division will recommend that your On- sale Liquor and Sunday On-Sale Liquor Licenses issued to you at 2155 F�d Rarkway be suspended. However, the City Council may suspend, revoke or impose conditions in lieu of revocation. The License and Permit Division bases its recommendation on the �following: - _ Display of alcoholic beverages after legal hours in violation of St. Paul Legislative Code 409.07, Subd. 7. Hours of Sale; Sunday Sales. (see attached) Specifically, on May 22, 1982 at 2:55 a.m. on the premises at 2155 Ford Parkway (Pudges) the following occurred: Two . employees (the Assistant Manager and Doorman) and three customers were issued citations for displaying and/or consuming of alcoholic beverages after the legal hours allowed. The License and Permit Division also recommends that your Entertainment License at 2155 Ford Parkway be revoked. Again, however, the City Council may suspend, revoke or impose conditions in lieu of revocation. The License and Permit - Division bases its recommendation on the following: Allowing unlawful acts/conduct on licensed premises by entertainers employed by you in violation of St. Paul Legislative Code 409.09 Certain Sexual Conduct Prohibited (see attached). Specifically, it is alleged that at 2155 Ford Parkway between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 12:00 a.m. on June 26, 1982 the following conduct occurred: 1 . A male dancer known as Rockin Robin appeared in a G-string � which exposed his. full buttocks. This same dancer's genitals were fondled by a woman patron. �O , __.�._,__.. .. __ .. .,.:_ _ . ..____ . __ _ � v. _ , , : � _ , , . , . � ���..�-tiJ ' Mr. Kit Hymanson ; July 8, 1982 � page 2 . ' ; , 2. A male dancer known as Magical MusicaY Michael appeared �n a transparent G-string. This dancer was also fondled in the genital area and allowed his buttocks to be stroked by women patrons. Additionally, his G-string was too small so that public hair was visible. Michael also is alleged to have rubbed his body against the breast of wom�n patrons. 3. The dancer known as Sexy Sly appeared in a G-string which exposed his buttocks. He is also alleged to have shaken his covered penis at women patrons and to have pulled women patrons to him and ground his genitals into their crotches. Sly is also alleged to have put his hands into the front of his G-string with the appearance of fondling himself. 4. Amazing Ricardo allowed several women patrons to stroke his buttocks. 5. The announcer, Don, is alleged to have encouraged the women to depants a male waiter. . In addition, the City Council will a7so hear complaints from residents with respect to the manner in which you have con- ducted your business and thereby caused it to become an alleged neighborhood nuisance. You may be represented at this hearing by an attorney or other representative of your choice. You and/or your attorney/representative will be allowed to cross-examine witnesses and present evidence through witnesses and documents at this hearing. Sincerely, �� JOSEPH F. CARCHEDI License Inspector JFC/tb Attachments CC: Mayor George Latimer - Councilman Robert Fletcher Councilman Leonard Levine Councilman Hugo Masanz Councilman Chris Nicosia � Councilman James �S�heibel � Councilman Victor Tedesco Councilman Bill Wilson Asst. At��y. Jane McPeak � Mr. Kit Hymanson at his home address ... ....__��=f:....� , - .. .. . .s...'T...1'�. ...�..'.�.. �.��....'�.._�...�-.�.... ... r .''""___..._ . . .._ . .._... ._. ._._. .. . .. . . . ... , . . _ . - . . . . ............ .._ .. -.. -. _... _ _ , _.. . . . . ,. , ... _.. :. ... _ .�. . .... ,, .... �... . . . , . M . . .. .. I .. . . �r,. . . _. - . - . �����9 409.0T CLASS III LICEI�'SES from the main pu�ilic entrance of the premises or.building pro- posed as the location for the fiquor license to any school, church, or synagQgue in the area for which the license is sought. All licenses in force and effect upon the effective date of this sub- di�•ision t, the location of«•hich license is in conflict wzth the pro- �•isions hereof, ma�• be rene«•ed, transferred, or otherwise dealt «•ith in accor3ance�s•ith la�,'it:being the intent of this subdi�•ision that it be applied prospecti��ely for proposed locations of licenses, and further it being the rntent of this suhdic•ision that the Iimita- tions�et fo*th in this suhdi.•ision shall in nu nranner t�e app!icable to am� hotel or motel. lipon written petition signed on behalf of the school,ctlurch or s��na�ugue located «•ithin 300 feet of the pru- po�ed location of the license, the council ma}• b} a �.•e-se��enths �•ote disre�ard the pro�•i=ions of this �ubdivision insofar a� loca- tion adja;er.; tu a church, srhool or s�•nago;ue of a proposed license is concerned. (Co�le 19i6. as amended, s308.?6.1 .11VOC�. 10. 1963. 409.O7..Hours of sale; Sund�3• sales, etc.i Subdiuision I. Hours of sale.No sale of intoxicatina liquor shall be niade after 1:00 a.m. on Sunda�•, nor until 8:00 a.m. on '.Vion- r da�•,nor bet«•�en the hour�of 1:00 a.m.and 8:00 p,m.on the da�•of anti• ;ta,ew�idE election. '.�o "on sale" shall be made berw-een tl:e hours of 1:�)O ?.m, and 6:00 a.m. on an�• «�eekda��. No "oii sale" shal! be made before 8:00 a.m. or aher 8:00 p.m.of an�•da�•,except � "off sale" shali be permitted on Saturda�•until 10:00 p.m. :`o"off sale" shali be made on Ne«-Year's Dav,Januan-l; Independence Da�•, Jul�•�; Thanksgi�•ing Da�•; or Christmas Da}•, December 2�; but on the e�•enings prerQriin�;uch daj•s, if the sale of liquor is not other��ise proh:bited on such e�•enings,"off sale" ma��be made un- tiI 1G:00 p.rn. except that no"off sale" shall be made on Detember '?4 a�er S:OC► p.m. Subd �. Sunda�� saIes. (1) Nota•ith;;antiin� the pro�•isions of Subdi�•ision 1, e.tabiish- r.�ent� tc� �i•��ich "on �aie" license� ha�•e been i�suec: or hereafcer ma�• be is�u4d for the salr of intoxicatin� :;quur� . «•hicn art• hotels or re:taurai�ts ancl ��-hich ha�-e farilitie� fur ser�•in� ne !e«•er than 5i� �uest� at one time, ma}-ser�•e into�- icating liyuors between tne hours oF 10:0� a,m, and t«•eh•e o'clock rni�night on Sunda��s in conjunction a•i�h the sen•in� . of food, but no Iiquor;hall be ser��ed oa Sunda�•s otner than to person� «•ho are seated at tables, pro�•ided that the licensed estabIishmer�t ic in conformance��•ith the i�linr.e;ota Clean In- t i;:�u�1 �►s:; I _.�. _.. .�. _ -_.____ __._.._____..�_ _ _ . , _ . . � ���� � _ • 409.07 � LEGISI.�TIVE CODE door Air Act. � (2) It is unlawful for anS• such establishment, directly or in- directl1�, to sell or sen•e intoxicating liquors as provided in paragraph �11 abo�•e; withuut ha�•in� first ubtained a special lirense therefor. Such special license ma�• be issued by the council for a period of<►ne}•ear and for K�hich the fee shall be 5200. Ap;�lication for said special license shall t�e made to the council in the same manner as application fvr other licenses to �eli intoxicating liqu.or are made. Subd.3. No consumption or displa�•when prohibited.l�o per- : son shall consumE or d:'splay or al�ow consumption or disptay of liquor upon the pr.emise;of an"on sale" licensee at am•time when the sale of such liyuor is not permitted. Subd.�. Pri�-ate Christmas parties.Notti�-ithstandin;am�other , pro�•ision of tHe I,egislative Cade, the license holder of premises : ha�•ing an"on sale" license ma�•once a year during the Christmas : season ha��e a priti•ate party at no charge to the guests after the law-ful closing hours,pro��ided that a w-ritten request for said pam• is submitted to the license inspec;or 30 day�s prior to the propose d date of the pam•, and provided further that no sales as de�ne d b�• � law of intosicating liquors or non-intoxicating malt liquor shall be r made at or durin�said pam•. The inspector shall noti:�•the rhief of police of the date of ea�h nroposed pam•. (Cod� 19.56, a� amended. §�303.:,�0; j;�rth�r amerided: Urd. 1631.i. luly��.3, 1981.� 409.U8, Regulations generall3�.1 Ali licec�.cees hereunder are hereb�- required to obsen•e the follo«�ng ;erulations, pro��ided however, thai an�•such regulation �c•hich speciiicall�• refers to an "on sate" licensee shall not bii�d�n "off saiF" licen,ee,nor shall ar.�•regula- tion w•hich speci�ca.l}�:e;ers to an '•c,f'f;ale" licensee bind an "on sale" licen�ee: ' _ ��f��`•"?'.4..r .` •j�' . (1) All sale� sha11 be made�in full��•ie�r vf the public. (�) �'o liquor�hall be;old or furnishecf for am•purl,�o5e«•hate��er to ar.�•nersc,n uncier 19�•ears oi a�e or to a.habitual drunkard or to one ot,�•ioucj�;nto�icared o�to am•per.s"on_to u•hom such : sale i�pi•ohibiterl b�-am•lau� c�f thi��tate or this rhapter. The pro�•isionc of tni��ub�ection.h�ll app!�•to aIl ��er�ons cchether or not licen.ed ur.der thi� chapte:, In defen�e af am• orosecu- tion for a �•i�la;ic,r. hereunde��, the defenc!ant ma�•e�tablish bc- ,,competent eti-ider.ce �l:at he ha� macle ar im•e�ti��*�an of the statu� of•uch I�eron': age b�• rom}�l�inr��;th the prc�cedure: l,;G �it�{ t y � • I��J��rJ � 409.08 . LEGISLATIVE CODE spicuous place in that portion of the premises for �rhich the license has been issued. , , (Code 1556, as amended, g30823. (1)-(10).J 409.09.Certain se:cual conduct prohibited.Thefollo�cing acts or conduct on licensed premises are unla�sfu, and shall be punished as pro�•ided by Section 1.05 of the Saint Pai�l Leeislati�•e Code: (1) To emplo�•or use am•person in the sale or sen•ice of alcc�holic be�•erages in or upon the licensed premises�rhile such person is unc?othed or in such attire,costume or clothing as to expase to �•ie�- am• portion of the female breast belo«• the top of the areola or of am• portion of the pubic hair, anus, cleft of the buttoc�:s, vul�-a or genitals. (2) Te empl��'or use the services of an�•hoste:s«-hile��ich hostess is unclothed or in such atti:e,costume or clothina as de�cribed ir. pa:ab aph !I) above. : (3) To encourage or perniit any person on the licensed premi�es to touch, caress or fondle the breasts, buttock�, anus �r getiitals of am• other gerson. (4) .To permit an�•emplo�•ee or person to«•ear or use am•de�•ice ur w�•er:ng e�iwsed to��ie««•hich simulates the breast, �er.itals. � anus, pvbic ::air or any portion thereuf. . � ; (�) To permit an�perso;► to perfo:m acts of or acts «•:.ich sirnu!- ate: (a) «•ith or upon another person sexua! intercourse. sodom��, oral cupulation, fla;ellatian o� an}• cexual art �;•hicn is prohibited b�• la�ti�. (b) masturbation or bestialit�•. (c} �iih or upon another pe:_on the touchir.�, care�sin� o. fondlin; on the butt.ocks, anus, �ei�i►ats o:' fe:*iale breast. (d) the displa�-in� of the pubi� hair, anus, �-ul�•a, geni�a��, or female breast beio�c tre top of t7e ��reo:a. _ (6) To permit am•person to use ar�ificiai de�•ices or inani.^.�at�ob- jects to depici an�•o�the pruh:bite�' a;:�ir::�e�describec! aba��e. (7) To permit am• person to re:nain in or upon the licens�d pre- • �iises :cho exposes to public �•ie:�• am• porcioii of hi� or her genital� o* arnas. (8) To permit the sho«-ing of film, s:ili pictures, electronic rep:oductio�, or other �•isual reproduction� depicting: �,�� �_,.. � i . . •� . � ' . . • � S ��� � - �,. � 409.10 CL�►S.S III LICE\SE� (a) arts or simulated acts of se�ual intercourse, masturba- tion, sodom�•, bestialiri•, oral cc�pulation, flagellation ur am•serual act «•hich is pruhibited b}� law•. (b) an}• person being touchecl, cares:ed or fondled on the brea�t, buttocl:s, anus or renitals. (c) scenes u•herein a person displa�-s the �•ulti•a or the anus or the ge,iitals. (d) scenes ��•herein artificial de�•ice� ar inaniminate objects are emplored to de��ict. or dra��:ng� are emplrn�ed tc� portra�•, am• of the p:ohibited acti�-ities described atw�•e. (C'ode 1956. as amendecl. �.308.'?.3 (lli.! 4U9.10. Restrictions on licenses.�'�liere a reasonable basis is found b�• tne council to impose reasonable restrictions upon a licer.se held under tnis chapter, the council, upon issuing� ne«• license or . rene�rin;a license or approring a traiisfer of a Iicense,may impose reasonable conditions and restrictions pertaining to the manner and circumstances in �chich the busines� shall.be conducied to p.eser�-e the public peare and protect and ��romote good order and . secur;t�•. These reasonlble conditiuns or restrictions ma�• pertait; - to: (1> :� limitatio�i a.; to the hou*s «•hen iat�xicat;ng liquor ma.• be sold andrar con5umed on the liceiued p*emises; (2) � limitation and restriction a� to the �xact location w•ithin a building crhere intosicating liquor ��•iil be sen•ed and%or sold and;or eonsumeci: (3? :a limitatien and restriction;a� to t�e means of ingress to or egre.�� from the licensed establish!nen,; _� (�) :�requirement that eertain off-�t e�t parkin�facilities be prc>- �•ided; ,� ;;�. •,_,� (5) a condition that the license�i�il!oe in effect onh•so long as the estab�ishmen± remains a drug�to=e, or restaurant, or hotel as defi:ied b�• the state iic�unr :ct or :egulations adopted pur- �uant thereto; � �4 (�) � limitation und restricticTn as to the :reean�� and method. of ad�•er,isin� the ,aie of ir.toxicat.ing liquor on th� buiidin� a�d �r on the premi�e� adjacent there;c;: (7? 'Rrasvnable ronciition� limitinr t!;e �pc�ration of the licen,�ed � premises so a. to insure th�u the�licen�ecf business «•ill com- : port �ti�ith the �harlcter of the cdi�tric*, in «•hich it i� locatrd __,,,; ��.;� r . _ ... ' . - � � , J _ � ''...��������. � PS Form 3800.Apr.]976 : . : 4 . . ., � CONSULT POSTMIISTER FOR FEES .:" 8: .- m m�� � .- . a � � N S '. .:� • -.. �, ' ; OPTIONAI SERVICES m -> ��m -� ..� . o m v. + ' , .. � a REfURN RECEIPi SERVICE s m �; '" =�'�'a . � `zo z � � � O � � t�ii r�i � � p �c �. -�� � ' o m ��� �F{o 7�0� . S y n v. z ',.:.o� "'�_ N . '> �T � < � ^� o �. '�� - cn'OZ .O 4O �i � -1 � �°w-r ss�+ a�-• �-+ '1,O'' m' ►d . ID 2t7 m `.3u,o <..�o � o .-o m m . :v� cD -+rn •.:I - . � � o„� - �� . �� m� C C' � �SD ..� :.. - � - �Ia �. . m �rr9i� - S�) �� oif r m • � �< =C A� r.���..� yy y r�rm� �. i9n2 ��' '-.2 ..m '� '� � �9 m., M. .,..� . ' ,�. W � KF"� �� :" � � ,. �>m —) . 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' � - � . � . : . .. . / t•.� .. ; . .. . • � � • -_ ._�.._ -- - __. . ------_V..__. _, - . ____.._ ... _ ,. _._.__._. _ . _ • • ������ � "��"������''" CITY OF SAINT PAUL _�`„C�T� 0����i �`�� "`" ''��`` DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES `� ��: :� iunimu, ,; + "' 10j �" DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION , . ,��. ,,. Room 203, Ciny Hall J''��m„•.:.<<�' ` � GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR �u�y �5, �9s2 �� Mr. Kit Hymanson Pudge's Bar 2155 Ford Parkway St. Paul , Minnesota 55116 Dear Mr. Hymanson: In order to accommodate people who wish to testify, the Saint Paul . City Council has rescheduled the publ�ic hearing regarding your On Sale Liquor, Sunday On Sale Liquor, and Entertainment Licenses from August 10, 1982 at 10:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. on the same date. This hearing will be held on the third floor of the City and County � Court House (Council Chambers) . Sincerely, � . JOSEPH F. CARCHEDI License Inspector JFC/tb CC: Mayor George Latimer Council President Victor Tedesco Councilman Robert Fletcher Councilman Leonard Levine � Councilman Hugo,Masanz ' Councilman Chris Nicosia Councilman James Scheibel Councilman Bill Wilson Asst. Atty. Jane McPeak Mr. Kit Hymanson at his home address • ; - . . • �' h YJ��6J � � . � r r r 10 4f �' N • � W N � ' _ = o "' � � � �C c � �; � _ �� �'` � � .'� � M � � � ��� D : > � p � � �r ���'� � � � � �w �p p �1 r � � RI a ° � y � � �► N _� r►� _� � � � � � � � � o � � � .� o p � Q a � '� � � w � ° �M � i�i> �1 • M� d • n > � � � A� � � N �► � +�e �► � �'► _ ; " a .� � � � � � - -` � s � " � r, .� � � � � . � � �^� o > � ,�� o � � � � � � � ; .� � a � M � ,� g � s , � . 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T�'HF�FIC� �.,tj��L �.r.t�i�i �:_��N=���+r.ti�'=_:E=1 E�i�rc:�•�::1;':���;�, F 7�iHT:.� L�i}.-i:_;�' 4_i i F�i�����i_�i::. L�i�;:�'4�1 j,:'',_�j, F�'f-jl III 1],I_t� G_1�,G_i'�+1:=:�::t. �_i;�:�`;;:��:�1 FF:H��ri 114=i� R_1 f 4_i'a i_:'_�:� t�i;':';+�_�i';=_��, F��:H�_yU 1 1 E_i�i . F=11 t=i��i_;�a�: G:i;�:���:;,:•_,1 HLFI�:t'��_� C_iF�l::r, i_11 G;1_at_i�j.�i 4_i;�r'�''r_.�:',�t j, r�L1=1�:t�1�R. F_I4�i:��r� t�i i F�1_�'a�=�c=:r G=���.�'�:�.�:-:1 TFIEET 4=tr��r.:�; 4_I 1 E_i;=�r��a.�. �=i;•:�'i.'�:�'c:�1 TFtE:FT E=�r=�r��; '4�1'j,G�t�=�r��.c�_1 4.-1;�:�'1 c_.:�',_�1 THEFT . G=�r.�,�;.:wc �i�.�_jt��'r_".r��. 1 E��;:�'1=;:'-���1 � . . . . l�t��4!E��T I��HTE kil_i r'E�i , G�t E�M:=���,�,1 4_i;�:.��;�:�;=�� � �+ ������ � SOUTHWEST AREA DISTRICT COUNCIL POST O F F I C E BOX# 16095 ST. PAU L, M N 5517 6 (612) 698-0866 August 10, 1982 Mr. Albext B . Olson City Clerk Room 386 �- City Hall St. Paul, rlinnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Olson: Enclosed you will find a copy of a resolution passed unanimously at the Southwest Area District Council Board of Directors meeting on Monday, August 9 , 1982 . The resolution regards Pudge ' s Bar, 2155 Ford Parkway, which we understand will be the topic of a license committee meeting this evening , August 10, 1982 . Yours truly, i / Ken Jefferson Secretary Southwest Area District Council c� A` c� -� � CIs-C �r "�� � -v r '''ttl � c� r-x t=' �N � � 0 -`O .�.� 2� � n Qy f71 ry f � • i F�a'��,�L�� Resolution on Pudge ' s Bar Whereas , the operation of Pudge ' s bar at 2155 Ford Parkway has for several years created traffic , parking, late night noise, and vandalism problems in the immediately adjacent residential neighborhood ; and, Whereas , in the last two years the promotional practices of the bar, including advertising in metro-wide youth oriented _ publications and the institution of several "cheap drink" specials have increased the problems to a level which rightfully should not have to be suffered by the bar ' s residential and commercial neighbors ; and, Whereas , the bar has failed to provide. adequate lavatory space and has persisted in admitting more patrons than the establishment can safely accommodate; and, Whereas, the management of the bar has failed to follow . through on promises made to the neighbors to provide. security and clean-up details, and has announced in the St . Paul newspaper , by its attorney, the intention to continue certain promotional practices which it previously agreed to .curtail , the annot�nced reason being posting of occupancy limits; and , Whereas, the bar is alleged by the city license inspector , to have violated license ordinances and state law, includi.ng the ordinance on nudity and the law prohibiting sale of liquor after hours ; and, Whereas, the complaints of tYee commercial and residential neighbors have come before this board several times and have included the following: vandalism attempted break-ins verbal abuse public urination public defecation public fornication sale of liquor to obviously intoxicated persons sal.e of liquor to under-age persons street fights and neighbors have expressed the fear that some serious v�olent incident is bound to occur if the situation is not remedied ; and , Whereas , the liquor license of Pudge ' s bar is in issue at a meeting of the city council to be held August 10, 1982; Therefore, be it resolved, that the Southwest Area District Council Board of Directors find that Pudge ' s bar has seriously abused the privilege of the license granted to it resulting in a present danger to publ-ic safety and favors the revocation of the bar ' s liquor license. The � board urges the City Council to revoke the license . � �......,,,.,,� . ������ �'" °':'--, CITY OF SAINT PAUL •�� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES uuw ;,= ru n w� �''�• = DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT /1DMINISTRATION ����i,cr Room 203�Clty HB�� J���imm. GEORGE UTIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR July 23, 1981 i0: Council�.an 3onald i•:addox Counc_l�an George Z�cMahon President, (�ty ;ouncil Councilwoman Joanne Showalter Councilwoman Y�uby Hunt Councilr�an Victor Tedesco Councilnan Leonard Levine Councilr.:an �ill �:ilson F�301:: Joseph r. Carchedi, License Inspector On �u1y 28, 1981 at 10:00 A.::., tne �ollo�ring license matters will be considered by the St. �aul City Counc�l. This :�eetin� tir�ll be held in the Council Charlbers, third floor City l:all and Court ?-:ouse. l. Change of officers in Liquor Village, Inc., 0�� �ale I�iquor Licensee at 2289 Ford Parkway, doing business as Liquor Village. (r;o one notif�ed to attend.) 2. Chan�e of officers and stocY.holders in iiar-L7al, Inc., On Sale Liquor Licer_see at 1179-�1 �. Seventr. Street, doin� business as mhadeus Coopers. (Patrick �. Crea and ::ary k. Crea notified to attend.) 3. Chan�e of ofricers in �uiI�:-�top Liquors, Inc., Off Sale Liquor Licensee at 821s E. �eventh S±reet, doing bus�ness as �;uiI� Stop Liquors. (I�o one notified to attend.) lt. Chan�e of of�'�cers and stocI:holders in :'Lalph-��o31e Corporation, On Sale I3quor Licensee at 919 -,anaolrr. ^��enue, doin�� r•.:s�ness as Paul's Tavern. (l�o one notified to attend.) �. �ingo :.�lication - Frost La':e iark Fcoster C1ub, 107° ^.ice Street, 51 peiiods. (Fre� ��.-�es, r'resident and F�eitY: ::ohrl�..^t, i;ana�-er, notified to attend.) � 5. �;plication bzr Lee �:endell ror the trar.cr�r of ^ar.icab License I;o. 1 from Leste� r'. ;:usserl, to do �usiness as Cit3r ',;ide Cab. (Lee .�endell notif�ed to attend.) 7. .�pplicatior� by .:illi�.� G. lirennan for l�:'_ca� yicenses ido. 52 and 53� to do busi- ness as Capitol City Taxi. (�lilliam G. :�rennan notifiec' to attend.) E. npplication by David i•J. JacI:son for the transfer of Taxicab License ryo. 117 from P�.chard C. ?ost, to do businsss as Yellot-r Cab. (David '►•:. Jackson notified to attend.) 9. bpplicaiion by Jones-��endell, �nc. for iaxic�b Licenses llo. tt5 and 1t7, to do busi- ness as City �•jide Cab Company. (Patr�cia Jones not�fied to attend.) 10. npplication by St. �aul Cab Drivers Assoc�.ation, Inc. for '^axicab Licenses ho. 76 and 78, to do busine�s as City `-.�ide Cab Co�pany. (John �ahradka notified to attend.) 11. Public hearir� on the �plication for an On �ale '„ine �icense, 0� Sale Malt Beaverage License, and an All I�ight i.estaurant L�cense b r A. �C 0., Inc. at 102�7 Hudson Aaad, doing business as t�onda's Restaurant. (Gust J. i:ondo notified to attend.) � .,� � C .. • 'ngenda for July 2�, 1981 - cont. � ` �/ � l � � 12. Public hearin�; on the application for a Gar.�e :oon :.=�ce-:se h,- Jo}n P. iasta at �2�- 42� S. ;•:abasha Street. (John P. T.asta notified to at;,er.d. �� 13• Public hearing on the applica�ion for a.n On Sale 47ine License ar,d an Qn Sale ':alt Eevera�e Licer.se by �,n�elo's :izza, Inc. doing business as Angelo's Pizza at 6lt0 ' S. Sriith 1►venue. (Jo:ui F:. Eurbank notified to attend. ) .. ..�.. r - �.:,a�.� - . . 'A.. . x '' �.'.��a b",... � . � *. 1L. �:. .. : . ,� . ., ,,,, ._.. : e . � f , .,,, µ ,. , ,x,; , � �, : , ... . .. ,.; ._. .. . .� �.. cc : I:ayor Geor�e Latimer Mr. I3ernard J. Carls on, :?irec tor Depa:tment of �nance and ?�Sanarer�ent Services Rttorney �dc•�ard Starr Attorney Terry Garvey i4r. A1 Olson, City Clerk✓ Chief of Police, ���illia.� �'. i-:cCutcheon Dr. Paul J. Cox, I7ivision oi' Public Iiealth 24s. Linda Y.ohl, St. Paul �isp atch 2-fr. �ennis Lien, St. Paul Pioneer press 2.is. Jerry JenI�.ins Vice Unit I•Is. C�soline Lowe� �•+CCO ; Ms. Jeanette I:arrison, :1TCI1 _ -;.� Mr. Gary Hill, KSTP I�ei�hborhood Contact, District 3 n n n � �� �► „ 9 . �� �� �� 15 � � i �79�/9 � ��TY p� �` : CITY OF SAINT PAUL � "':••°• ' DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERViCES � - _ r�.::E:i;;s . � ��� . "c DIVlSIOdV OF HOUSING AND BUILDING CODE ENFORCEMENT City Hali,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 George latimcr 612-298-4212 Mayor Ptarch 7 , 193U ProPcrty Gro�:th I.imited ;�0 5 . C1 c��c�land St . t'atil , �1ci . 55116 Attn : Builcii.ng �9anager 'Rc : Ccrtificate of Occunancy 21 �3 S-2163 Ford Pkwy - Store s f� Bo�vl ing A1 1 ey Dc�ir Sir : 11'e are a,aiii writing to you reoardina thr. Certi.ficate o£ Occu��ancy for the abo�fe mentioned building . In our previous letters, we brought to your attention items revealed in our past inspections th��t were in need of c:orrectioii. T}iey werc as follows : 21�35-G7 Ford Pkwy �' f'i-ovic c a secanciary exit stair in Pudgc: 'ti as rcmotc as nossiblc from the primary exit (this is a place of assembly having morc than 1t111 o�rupants) . The exit shall leacl directly to the extcrior oE the huildin� �incl door shall hc pro�,� 'tcled �vith �anic harcl�,rarc . 2 . Pro��icle panic har on cxisting sec.�ndary exit door of bowling alley a►�cl door to be operative . 3 . Provide a 1 -hr. sc�aration wall construction hctwcen howlin� alley ana remainder of cellar , east and west . • �1 . ['rov icle t►ao halicl ra i 1 s on pr ima r�� ex i t sta i i- o f ['ucl,e 's and bo��1 ing allcy. 2151 rorcl Pk��y - Ffaskcl ' s I.ic{uor Storc , [�irst C'loor : 1 . !'rov.icE�n exit si�n for scconclary cxit . 2 . Remove obstruction5 from �econd�iry exit . ria intenance 1 . Repair or replacc rool� to remedy leaks and watcr dama�c . 2 . Patch holes in exi stin; ce.i 1 in�s to m;i inta in 1 -hr construction . ti'�tr : Z1 �15 ( Cormerly Sn�•dcr ' s) is uno��u�� icd . �� , . � �9/�9 I . � Pi•opert�• �ro�.�th Lin�ited -Z -� ��Sarch 7 , 193O Re : Certificate of Occupancy 2145 -G3 Ford Pkwy PLU�I�iI\(� 1 . There are two unvented sinks on the first £loor . Install approved �+rastes and vents if they are put back into service . . ELECTRIC:�L l . Oqen electrical junction boxes and breaker cabinets throu�ho«t Uuilding. Repair to Code . IIEATING 1. Hot �aaten c�ater gas vent pinin� in Pudz;es area is rusted through . {�'e inspected this property again on January 26 , 1980 ancl our inspector re�orts t}iat tlzese conditions are still the same . We feel that tive have given }�ou adequate time to have these items correcteci and find it hard to unclerstand ��lhy you have not contacted this Division or attempted to correct the above items . This letter is to serve as a notice that unless you correct the above items or contact this Division i�ithin sixty days , an ordinance violation ticket k�ill be issued . Yours truly, , Glenn A. Erickson Supervi�or of Code �nforcement GAE/GLK/jr , - , ; , � � / 9 I ' � ! !//� � DEPARTM�.JT OF F1RE aND SAFETI� �ERVICES 101 EAST TENTH STREET ��. SAlNT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 ' `. � � .r ...s � Cf�EF STEVE CONR�Y,D�IRECTOR � ` �. FiRE PRFVE1dT10N ASST Qi1EF EQWARQ NEINEN '' FiFtE St►PPRESSION ASS'T CHEF ROBERT PYE BCUBA RESCUE FIRE Nt/►RSHAL DAN NORRGRAN �!� Ai�ABULAAICE r P'�a'wE°�c — � r��,���`:�' � ��ti J.i June 26, 1980 Mr. Milt Cohen , Harvey Investments 690 South Cleveland St. Paul, Mtr' S5116 SUBJECT: PUDGE 'S BAR 2155 FORD PARKWAY Dear Mr. Cohen: A reinspection was made at Pudge's Bar located at 2155 Ford Parkway on June : 25, 1980. I made the reinspection to determine if the exit system was in compliance with the Fire and 8uilding Codes. The exit system is in violation of the regulations in the applicable codes. The Fire Prevention Div�sian has received complaints about the lack of ade- _ quate exits from Pudge's Bar. On. November 27, 1979 a joint inspection by ' the Fire Inspectors and the Buildi.ng Inspectors was made at the bar. The inspection indicated .that the exit system was in violation of the codes. It was agreed that the Building Department would not review the Certificate of Occupancy for the building and the Fire Prevention Division would not approve the license a�plications for the bar. Aiso the Building Department wou7d issue written orders regarding the installation of an additional exit from the bar.. . As of June 25, 1980, nothing has been done to improve the exit system from Pudge's Bar, The Minnesota Uniform Code and the Life Safety Code were adopted by the City Council in September, 1979. These codes are enforced by the City Fire Inspectors. The exit system at Pudge's Bar violates the regulations in these codes. FIRECODE/LIFE SAFETY CODE REGULATIONS; Section 8-1223 Minimum number of exits Every Class C place of assembly (capacity of 50 to 300 people) shall have at l�ast two means of exit, consisting of two separate and independent exits in different direttions. "Your Safe�y !s Our Concern " � � 0179//9 ' . . C �- JUNE 26, 19$0 PAGE 2 Section 8-1232 Other exits Such additional exits shall be located as far apart as practicable and as far from the main exit as possible. Section 8-1272(d) Aisles No dead-end aisles shall be greater than 20 feet in length. Failure to comply with the Fire Cade Regulations is a violation of the law. The exit system at Pudge's Bar must comply with the regulatians in the Fire Code/Life Safety Code. An approved exit must be provided from the Northwest area of Pudge's Bar. The plans for the c�nstruction of the exit must be approved by the Building �iepartment and reviewed by the Fire Prevention Division. A time frame must be established for the comp7etion of the new exit. The plans must be submitted to the Fire Prevention Division before July 30, 1980. The new exit must be installed and in use before September 30, i980. The Fire Prevention Division is retaining the City Licenses for Pudge's Bar. If the schedule is not strictly followed, we will reject your City Licenses and send them to the City License Division for appropriate action. We will as the City License Committee ta revoke your license� because the exit : system violates the regulatians in the City Fire Code. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call me at the Fire Preventi.pn Divisi.on at 224�7811 . Sincerely, l' . ,���, ,L,�;.;..�. �n� . _ - ���• ,• , , . ,. . . !. _ Dan Narrgran Fi re Marsha 1 DN/ky cc: Jerry Kern . Building Department # . .,.,�--- _ a�9ii9 : � c � HARVEY INVESTMENT CO . 790 SOUTH CLFVElANO AVE. ST. PAUL, M�NNESOTA 55116 PHONE: 690-3524 July 21, 1980 i} Dan Norrgran, Fire Marshal Department of Fire and Safety Services 101 East Tenth Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Dear Mr. Norrgran: I am in receipt of your letter of June 26, 1980 ai�d have met with Jerry Kern and Dick Amey of the City Building Department. I am: this week meeting with Lincoln Construction to make an'littempt to abide by your request. We will then present a drawing to the building department for their approval. � Sincerely, � ��Ki � "\ Milton Cohen - MC:mjd ' . i: i ""` �79//y' � � ��TY �� ` � C ,:ITY OF SAINT PAUL `�� r � '� Df�ARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES � �a� ; '�� ^ DIYISION OF HOUSING AND BUILDWG CODE ENfORCEMENT City Hali,Saint Paul,Minnesoto 55102 George Latimer 612_298-�212 Mayor Septem�er 25 , 1980 r, Mr. ?'!ilton Cohen . 790 S . Cleveland St . Paul , M�1 55116 ' Re : Pugde ' s Bar 2155 Ford Parkway Dear Mr. Cohen: This letter is to confirm our phone conversation concerning the second exit from Pudge ' s bar at 2155 Ford Parkway . Th? concept shown on the drawing as I stated is good , the plar. hocaeve?� lacks the necessary details to allew us to check t:-:e construction for fire ratings , building code • requirements and structural integrity. , I ur�derstand from your remarks that you are arranging to }iave the plan redone professionally. Yours truly, . / � � _ Rlchard . Amey Senior Building Inspector � RLA/lh cc : Dan Plorrgran , Fire Marshall ��� � ---_,. __.�.._.....�__�------�-------_._...-----.. -----------_______ - - - - - . __ -- - ---- _ _ I ., _ __. _ ___.__ _� ._ _...... _.._ . 3. _ . a7q��y �� - C � �� � . � �`TY °- CITY OF SA1NT PAUL 1; ~ . ,;.:. ; DEPARTMENT Of COMMUNITY SERVICES � �'���7 ; ' +, �° DIVISION OF HOUSING AND BUILDING CODE ENFORCEMENT City Hai1,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 : George Latimer 612-298-42'12 � Mayor � T� October 17 , 19 80 � Mr. Mllton Cohen 490 S . Cleveland St . Paul , MN 55116 Re: 2155 Ford Parkway Pudge ' s Bar Dear Mr. Cohen: 'i'he second plan for the exit from Pudge ' s that you submitted last week has insufficient information for a building permit to be issued. - . Please resubmit a plan showing the fire rating of en�lvsing walls , ceiling , floor, deck and doors . Specify the type of hardware to be used and the size of beams and other� supporting members including contr�ibuting loads and design data. The last pl�n you br�oug,ht in specified gr•ating for s�airwa_y and walkway . The floor in both is required to be solid and fire rated. --" Yours truly , � -., . ;�j . .------, ., ,. �,-. � , ' .�1_' ; 1,�,� ' :Z � . �- < _ � ,' � ,� `*= r ,;.G � - L. Ric�ard L. 'Amey Senior Building Inspector , REA/lh cc: Dan Norr�gran , Fire Marshall ' ± . .�.�::�. a 7 9��q .�--: � :� � �o:�� � CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM October 17 , 1980 y MEMO T0: Dan Norrgran . Fire ?�arshall • FROM: . Richard L. Senior Bu' l '�r n ector ; SUBJECT: 2155 Ford rkway Pudge ' s Enclosed is a copy of the first and second plan brought in by the owner of 2155 Ford Parkway. As you can see , neither plan has enough design and fire rating information to justify our issuing a building permit. Mr. Milton Cohen brought the second plan in personally and I told him it was not acceptable and why. Fie stated he would get a professional person to dothe desi�n, .but then, he was going to do that the first two times . RLA/lh - i � . � . wti,.i,�.�.�. . � � . . . , I � I i �-. . �7g//q � DEPARTt��NT OF FIRE AND SAFETC SERVlCES 10t EAST TEN'h 5?REET ,�,. SAIh? PAU�, MiNNESOTA 551C1 �� ft .r�� ! q�11EF STEVE CONROY, rJIRFCTpR ' '` � „_ \ FIRE PREVENTtON ASS'T CFBEF EDVVARD i-IEINE►v '' FIRE SUPPRESSipH ASS'T CwE��iOBER7 P7'F , 1 ��g�qE�� FIRF I�4�RSHAI DAN IvOFRGRAN ��� A►ABU_ANCE PIWAAAEGtC _ . � _ Gecembpr 5, 1980 ' T0: Mr. Miltor Cohen Harvey Inves�merts 690 So. Cleveland Ave. St. Paul , Mn. 55116 F�OM: Dan Norrgran Fire Marshal St. Pau1 Fire Dept. SUBJECT: Pudges Bar • . - 2155 Ford Parkway St. Paul , Mn. 55116 �" Jear Mr. Cohen: A fire inspection report was sent to you on June 26, 1980 and on Septer;�her 17, 19&0 regarding the er.it system at Pudges Bar. The ex�t system is not adeguate for this cellar bar occupancy. An additional stairway is- req�ired from the ncr�hwest area of the dow^stairs bar. The bad exit system is a viclatio� of the Fi re Code. We ordered the second stairway to be installed�by September 30, 1980. As of today no stairway has been installed. Mr. Amey, Senior Building Inspector for the City of St. Paul informed me that you submitted plans of the stairway to him. He stated the stairway plans were not approved because they did not comply with the Building Code requirements. As of now the plans for the stairway have not beer, approved and nothing has been done regarding the in�tallation of the stoirway. , Mr. Cohen, we have given you ample tine to install the stairway frc�m Pudges Bzr as reouired by the Fire Code. Your lack of cooperation regarding comp?iance with the Fire Code regulations will cause us to reject all of the C;ty License a��plications that pertain to Pudoes Bar. The Fire Preventian Divicion will not approve any City License appiicatior.s that violate the Fire Code regulations especially the ones that pertain to ex.it systems. Your new license� are due for rene�•.al in January 29�1 . "Your Safety Is Our Concern " ° � . - C� r� � 7�'ii9 � -2- � If you have any ques*ions regarding this matter call me at the Fire Freventiar� Divis;on at 224-78i1. Sincerely, - % ��i �: /� G�"J j-? :�..-' :" _�. Dan Norrgran • Fire Marshal , kld cc: Gick Amey, Bldg. Dept. Joe Carchedi , License Division �- . . -- - _ .,,._ ._ _ .._ . _,-,,.,_ .�,,,,. � � 79//9 � � � DEPARTMENT �F FIRE AND SAFET SERVICES 101 EAST TENTH STREET ��. SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA 55101 I �t - ....R diEF STEVE CONROY,OlRECTOR � � �. FIRE PREVEfdT10N ASS'7 CWEF EDWARd HEtNEN ti � FIRE SUPPRES3tON ASST CFMEF pOeERT PYE SCUBA RESCUE FIRE MAASHAL DAN NORRCiRAN �V��� J `� PARAMEOiC January 20, 1981 _ . _ . 1�4r. Milton Cohen � � Harvey Investments - 690 South Cleveland Avenue St . Paul , AdN 55116 SUEJECT : Pudges Bar . , 2155 Ford Parkway St . Paul, MN 55116 s Dear h2r. Gohen : We have written letters to you regarding the exit system at Pudges Bar. The letters were ,vritten on June 26, September 17, and December 5, 1980 and they stated that the exit system did ' not meet the Fire Code Regula+ior.s . An additional staira�ay is required from this cellar occugancy and it must be located in the nor�hwest co:ner of the bar. You have not complied with our orders regarding the installation of the required stairway . Failure to comply with the Fire Code Regulations is a viola+ion of the law. ' You have had adequate time to install the stairway to conply � - - with-the Fire Code Regulations . Therefore, the Fire Prevention Division will not approve your City License Applications for 1981 . We will request a hearing before the license committee for the denial of your City Licenses to operate Pudges Bar. We must inform you that you may appeal the Fire Code Regulations before the St . Paul Board of Appeals and Reviei�. You can call 29�'-4163 for further inf'ormation regarding the App�als Board. You must file the Appeal within 5 days after receiving this letter . If we don ' t hear from you within 5 days (by January 26, 1981 ) , we will proceed with the denial of your ,City Licenses. If you have any questions regarding this matter call me at the Fire Prevention Division at 224-7811 . Ba-� ;dorrgran � Fire 1.:ar�Y��1 � DN:mw . : a � ``Your Safetv Is Our Concern " . a 79//I �. � � HARVEY INVESTMENT C0. 790 So. Cleveland Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55116 - r January 29, 1981 Ban Norrgran Fire Marshal Department of Fire and Safety Services 101 East Tenth Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Subject: Pudges Bar 2155 Ford Parkway, St. Paul, Nl�i 55116 Dear Mr. Norrgran: s- ��1e are in receipt of your letter of January 20 and are pursuing the exit system to the best of our ability. As I previously discussed with you, we have legal problems in breaking through the west wall or the roof. We are attempting to work those problems out now and are moving on a daily basis. Sincerely, - - - . �,.� � �� � e�-> Milton Cohen MC:mjd � ._ � � . a�9ii9 __ , C � DEPARTMENT OF FlRE AND SAFETY SERVICES 101 EHST TENTH STRc�T ;_ ,.�._ SAINT PAUL M�NNES�TA 55101 i � l� _ � CFNEF STEVE CONROV.DIRECTOR �. FIRE PREVEKTiOH ASS'T CNlEF EDWARJ HEINEN '` � FiRE SUPVRESSIO�t ASS'T CHIEF ROBeRT PYE SCUBA RESCUE FIRE MARSHAL OAN NORRGRAN ��� AMBUTANCE ` PARAMEDIC _ _ *l�il< _ . February 3 , 1G�1 � ?�r . Hy^anson 1730 Ker_��ocd Parkv�ay P,!ir.r.eapolis , Td�J 55�05 Sli��ECT : P�sdges B3r <155 i' oT3 F22'ii.•:S;y� S� . Fau1 , i,`_I� 55116 Dear �:�r. Hyr�anson : �"de �vere told that ycu are +he licer_see of Fudge ' s Bar , ` therefc:�e , t^�e *Nish �c ir�for� you that your City Licenses are being held b�r request of the Fire Prevention Division. Ti-:e lice::ses ��lill .^.ot be approved by the Fire Preven�ion DisJIS1OT1 because tre exi� sytem does not coMply with the Cit� rire Code Regulations . !��e reqLes+ th�t ��ou call the Fire Preventian Division as sccr_ as possible to discuss this mstter. The correspondence to ;:ir . Cohn v�hich is par� of Pudge ' s file v;ill be available to you. rJe sriould discuss this mat�er as soon as possible If we don ' t hear fror.: you within ten days r�� will proceed to reject you ' re City Licenses and ask for a t:earing before the City License Con.r:�ittee . Sincerely, � Dan r:rorrgran Fire T.�arshal � cc : �^e Csrcriedi Dick r.:^ey D;� :�*:vr . "Your Safetv Is Dur C�ncPrn " � , � � a�9�r9'. C ( HARVEY lNVE5TMENT CO . 790 SOUTH CLEVELAND AVE. ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55116 PHONE: 690-3524 March 4, 1981 : Dan Norrgran Fire Marshal Department of Fire and Safety Services 101 East Tenth Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Dear Mr. Norrgran: We are at this time making drawings of the premises for your inspection and we will submit them to you as quickly as possible. SincereZy, y�,-� �..�� �; �`'t-�-� �;. Milton Cohen MC:mjd I . - ��9�i9 DEPARTMtNT OF FiRE AND SAFE� SERVICES 101 EAST TENTH STREET ,�t.�c_ SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 �> �� _ � p�EF STEVE CONROY.WRECTOR � s. FIRE PREVEHTKMI A3S'T C:MEF EDWARD F�MlEN ,'; � FNtE 8UPf+RESSION ASS'T CMEF ROBERT PYE �gA�gC� FIRE AAARSKAL DAH NORRC3RAN �!� I�{,�gULq►�10E PARAA+�DIC � Ni�ch 10, 1981 Mr. Milton Cohen Harvey Invest�,ent Comp�y 790 South Cleveland Avenue St. Paul, T�1 55116 SiTB.TECT: PCTDGF� BAR . . De.ar Mr. Cohen: ,/ We had a�meeting on Februaiy 28, 1981, to discuss the exit systen fran Pudges Bar located at 2155 Ford Parkway. The exit system violates the � Fire Code regulations that require two a�proved exits from the bar area. Yvu indicated that a pl� of the bar with the proposed staizway wauld be s�t to the Fire Prevaition office by FYiday, March-6, 1981. We did not receive the plan. , Ya� letter of March 4, 1981, stating the pl�s are being prepared has beai received. We wi.sh to inform yau that the licenses have not been approved because of the Fire Code violations at Pudges Bar. As the a�mer of the buildir�g, you have to assune certain liabilities in the event of a fire because of the Fise Code violations. We are wai.ting for the p7.an which will be reviewed as soon as possible. If yau`have �y questions, call me at the Fire Prevention Divisian at 224-7811. Sincerely, ' /�(�- /� � ��gr� Fise Marshal DN/ky cc: Pudge Hym�nsvn Joe Carchidi Dick Amey - ; � � : "Your Saf�ty Is Our Concern " I . � (� �?7��/9 HARVEY tNVESTMENT CO . 790 SOUTH CLEVELAND AVE. ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55116 PHONE. 690•3524 March 16 1981 � De�t of Fire and Safety Services , � St Paul, Mn Fire Marshal Dan Norrgran . Dear Sir: Enclosed dra4�ing, peeviously discussed. Aqureciate your reviewing it and contacting us for a further meeting. Resoectfully, � � � ��� M Cohen . a����9 � _ < <. DEPARTMENT OF FIRE AND SAFETY SERVICES 101 EAST TENTH STRE�T ��y�,_ SAINT PAUL. MtNNESOTA 55101 c � r �„R CHEF STEYE CONROY,DIRECTOR 3, FIRE PR�y�M� A$S'T CF�EF EDWARD HElNEN 4 � F�$��83� ASS'T CF�F ROBERT PYE ��A��� FIRE 1AARStiA1 OAN NORRGRAN "t.a,}.�l ��� ��� PARAMEDIC ' � �ril 10, 1981 Mr. Cohen Harvey Investzr�ents 790 South Cleveland Avernae St. Paul, r1N 55116 SL'�TEG'T: PtJDG�'S BAR MFliN'S OF EGRESS Dear Mr. Cohen: - Th�e plan for the �s of egress for Pudge's Bar located 2-155 Ford Park,aay has been reviewed by the Fire Preventivn Divisian and the pla�s ex�jiner for *he ��.ild�ng Departznerit. We find the exit syst� not acceptable �d not in cc�liance with the Suilding Code and Fire Code. Yau sh�.Id take the plans for Pudge's Bar to T�. Christian, plans �iner for the Building Depart�t for a review �d evaluation - of the exit syste�►. Nh�. Christian is in Roccn 445 of the City Hall. The pl�s shauld be reviewed as soan as possible because we carmot approve your City Licenses imtil the exit systern is in ccmpli�ce with the applicable codes. We expect to hear frnm yau within ten (10) days. Sincerely, � Qilti / V ' � D� I3orrgran ' . Fire �S�sshal ' A'V/ky ', cc: R. Any, Building Depar-�#�nt C. (�ristian, Buildir�g �epart..�ent P. Hyc�n.svn, 1730 .Kez:GAOd Pai'raaay, Mirmea�olis, NIN 55405 "Your ,SafPtv IS C�ur �;nn�Prn " � a7���9 DEPARTM�NT OF FIRE AND SAFET� SERVICES 101 EAST TENTH STREET ��. SP.INT PAUL MiNNESOTA 55�U' �� � � .-'�� CHEF STFVE CO►iROY,WfaECTOR ' FIRE PREVENTION ASS'T ChMEF EDWARQ HEMIEN '� � FIRE SUPPRES310N ASS'T CfMEF ROBERT PYE SCUBA RESCUE FIRE MARSFiAI DAN NORRGRAN �� AMBULANCE PARAME�IC - - 6� S\ , - ,,� S.ti°l' ��a;,� 29, 1961 � . �4� ,9 / �� J . �r r 2,�s. PJii��on Cohen • Harvey I^vest^�ent Company 790 So�,:th CleYeland Avenue S�. Dsul, ?�'�. 55116 SUB,"��,C i: Pudee s Bar 2155 Ford �'ar�tiay St. Paul, IVh7. 55116 Dear Nr. Cohen: The eyi� sSTstem for Pudges Bar does not meet the requireren�s of �he fire code or the buildin� cofle. The bar is located in a cellar and it has one approved exi�. io�r� �pproved exits, re�ote from each other, are reo,uired from this cellar occup��cy. . The fire code was adep�ed in Octcber of 1979 and it irlc7.udes the 1973 edition of the life safety code. The fire code and the life safety code are enforced by the fire inspec�ors. Thz viclaticns of the fire eode are as follows: Fire Code/Life Safety Code Re�ulations Section 8-1223 Nlir_imum N�ber of Exi�s Ewery C�ass C place of assembly (capacity 50 to 300 persons) shall have at least 2 :,eans of exit, consisting of 2 separate exits or doors leading to a corridor or other spaces giving access to 2 separate and independer.t exits in separate directions. ' Sectior� 8-1323 Other Er.its Such exits shall be located as far apart as practicable a.nd as far from the main exit as practicable. Section 8-1272 (d) A.isles No dezd end 2isie shall be greater than 20 feet in ler�th. '`Your Safety Is 4ur Concern " � r � � . � a79�r9 The exit system at Pudge's Bar must comply with the re�u�.ations in the Fire Code/Life Safety Code. R'e rEquire the second exit to be located near trie nortr, west area of Pudge's Bar. Mr. Cohen, we have issued orders to provide the second exit from Pudge's Ear for a long time. As of this date no second exit has been provided a.nd no acceptable plans have been submitted tb the Building Department for approval. We are holding your licer.se applications and they will not be approved until the seccnd exit has been provided. � If we do not hear from you by June 15, 19g1, with an acceptable plan for the second exit fro.:, Pudge's Bar, we will reject your city license applications. They wiil be sent to the License Division for proper disposition. You mFiy also request a hearing before �he Board of Appeals 298:�163 regarding . these fire code reg;ilations. We hsve io insist that positive action be taken to correct the fire code violatier.s at Psdge's Bar. Failure to co�piy w-ith the fire code regulations is a vio�ation of the law. If you have any questior,s regarding this ma�ter call �e at trie Fire P*�evention Division at 221�-7811. Sincerely, ��- JY� °�'�1�-°..,'� Dan Norrgran Fire 1t"�rsr.al ," ' cc: Dick Ame;�. .Building Depart�aent � Chris Christian. .Building Depar�ment Pudge HS�anson. .1730 Kenwood P�:wy. , Nfpls. , 2Jfti. 55405 Joe Carchedi. .Licer.se Division - k1d _ - __---._..� vi.i vui V t�, ,.� vur ._�/v� ►l�cl i l _ _ _,.:_�a�_a�i I � � . ��91�9 � , ....,,,,,,�,� _'4��``T* °•;,-<;, � C I TY O F SA f NT PA U L 'e �; DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ;� �uurmu� ;� ;: 'un ru u w_ ' • = DIVISlON OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION �••• ` Room 203. City Hall a��+m�o�..o��. GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR . �� � . RECEIVED ��-�� �` July 14, �9a� JUL � � 998i C1T� AT i�;��EY Pudge Hymanson Pudge's Bar 2155 Ford Parkway Saint Paul , Minnesota 55116 Dear Mr. Hymanson: As License Inspector for the City of Saint Paul , I am hereby notifying you that on July 28, 1981 , a public hearing will be held before the Saint Paul City Council in the Saint Paul City Council Chambers, 3rd floor City and County Court House at 10:00 a.m. At this hearing the Saint Paul License Inspector will recommend suspension of your On Sale Liquor License Application #18896 at 2155 Ford Parkway, St. Paul . � The Saint Paul Fire Department will present to the Saint Paul City Council evidence of misconduct. The License Inspector's office bases its' recommendation for suspension on the following incident: VIOLATION OF FIRE CODE/LIFE SAFETY CODE REGULATIONS: Section 8-1223 . Minimum number of exits - Every Class C place of assembly (capacity of 50 to 300 people) shall have at least two means of exit, consist- ing of two separate and independent exits in different directions. Section 8-1232 Other exits Such additional exits shall be located as far apart as practicable and as far from the main exit as possibTe. Section 8-1272 Aisles No dead-end aisles shall be greater_..than 20 feet in length. Failure to comply with the Fire Code Regulations is a violation of the law. The Fire Prevention Division has received numerous complaints about the lack of adequate exits from Pudge's Bar. � . � ��9��9: � � Pudge Hymanson July 14, 1981 page 2 ; ; Yo� are advised that you may be represented at such hearing by an attorney and/or some other representative of your choice. Your presence at such a hearing is expected. Very truly yours, � �. ��� Joseph F. Carchedi City License Inspector JFC/t � CC: Council President Ronald Maddox � Councilwoman Ruby Hunt Councilman Leonard Levine ! � Councilman George McMahon ' Councilwoman Joanne Showalter � Councilman Victor Tedesco Councilman Bill Wilson Chief Conroy, Fire Dept. Dan Norrgran, Fire Marshal Terry Garvey, Asst. City Atty.� - � ! _� � 79�/9 i �,TY u, �` J. CITY OF SAINT PAUL ` �'��•°•• ' DEPARTM�NT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES ° �:«::�;y� , . �` ' "c DIVISION OF HOUSiNG AND BUILDlNG CODE ENFORCEMENT ••• City Hall,Saent Paui,Minnesota 55102 I George latimcr Mayor 612-298-4212 rtarch 7 , 1980 1'roPcrty Gro�:th Limited 7�0 5 . Cleveland St . Paul � �lIl . 55116 �1ttn : Builciing �4anager Rc : Ccrtificate of Occupancy 21 �35 -2163 Ford Pk�vy - Stores �, Boivling Alley Dcar Sir : ll�e arc a;ain �vriting to you rebardi.n� thc Cei•ti.ticatc of Occupancy foi- t}ie above mentioned b�aildink . In oiir previous letters , we brought to your attc:ntion items revealed in our past in�pections that i�ere in need or correctioii . T}iey were as Eollows : 21�35-G7 l�oi•d Pkwy ' Provi c a secondary exit st�ir in Pudge ' s as rcmotc �zs nossiblc fror� the primary exit (this is a place of assembly havin�; more thaii l0U o��upants) . " Thc exit shall. leacl clirectly to the exterior oE the huildin� aild door shall bc pro�� icled �aith ��anir harcl�varc . 2 . t'ro�,�ide j�anic har on existing sec.�ndary exit door of bowling alley ��ncl cloor to be operative . 3 . Provide a 1 -hr. se�aration wall construction hetween howlin� alley ancl remainder of cellar, east and west . - 4 . I'rovicic two ha►idrails on pi•imary cxit stait- of ('ucl�e ' s and bot�ling allcy. Z151 Forcl 1'kt�y - llaskcl ' s Li�{uor Storc , [�irst ['loor : 1 .!'ro�ic�n exit si�n for seconclary exit . , 2 . Remove obstructions from �econd�iry cxit . ri�� intcnancc 1 . Rc�pazr or replacc roof to remedy 1e<�ks and �vater dama�e . ? . Patch holes in existin; ce.ilings to m�iintain l -hr construction . ti�rr : 214 5 ( formerl y Snydcr ' s) i s u►i����u�� i cd. i �. � . � - _ .�.�� - � . � �9��y Property Gro���th Limited -2 -� F�larch 7 , 1�30 Re : Certificate of Occupancy ?145-G3 Ford Pkwy PLU�IBI\G 1 . There are two unvented sinks on the first floor . Install aprroved �aastes and vents if they are put back into service . . ELECTRICaL 1 . Open electrical junction boxes and breaker cabinets throu�;ho�lt Uuilding. Repair to Code . HEATING 1. Hot water heater gas vent pipin� in Pud�;es area is rusted through. ti�'e inspected this property a�ain on January 26 , 1980 ancl our inspector renorts that these conditions are still the same . We feel that we have given you adequate time to have tfiese items corrected and find it hard to uaclerstand �,�hy you have not contacted this Division or attempted to correct the above items . This letter is to serve as a notice thlt unle�s you correct the above items or co�ltact this Division 1J1�C.I1111 sixty days , an ordinance violation ticket k�ill be issued . Yours truly, J Glenn A. Frickson Supervisor of Code Enforcement GAE/GLK/jr . , ; . _ _ � _ � � ' a79'//9 � DEPARTNIC.JT QF FIRE AND SAFETI� �ERViCES 101 EAS7 TEIVTH STREET ��., SAlNT PAUI, MINNESOTA 55101 f rl � .si piEF STEVE COhIROY,DfAECTOR � �. F����►� ASST CHtEF EDWARII HEINEN '' � FpE StlP�'RESSlON ASS'T CHEF RUBERT PYE ��A��� FtRE btARSI'�Al DAN NORRGRAN �'�� AwtBULANCE � PAAAl�AEpIC r r. � r��,�;,_�� s, ,, � � ,���� June 26, 1980 Mr. Milt Cohen , Harvey Investments 690 South Cleveland St. Paul, MN 55116 SUBJECT: PUQGE 'S BAR 2155 FORC PARKWAY Dear Mr. Cohen: A reinspection was made at Pudge's Bar located at 2155 Ford Parkway on June _ 25, 1980. I made the reinspection tfl determine if the exit system was in compliance with the Fire and 8uilding Codes. 7he exit system is in violation of the regulations in the applicable codes. The Fire Prevention Division has received complaints about the lack of ade- _ quate exits from Pudge's Bar. On. Navember 27, 1979 a joint inspection by ' the Fire Inspectors and the Building Inspectors was made at the bar. The inspection indicated that the exit system was in violation of the codes. It was agreed that the Building Department would not review the Certificate of Occupancy for the building and the Fire Prevention Division would not approve the license applications for the bar. Also the Building Department wou7d issue written orders regarding the installation of an additional exit from the bar. - As of June 25, 198Q, nothing has been done to improve the exit system from P�dge's Bar. The Minnesota Uniform Code and the Life Safety Code were adopted by the City Council in September, 1979. These codes are enforced by the City Fire Inspectors. The exit system at Pudge's Bar violates the regulations in these codes. FIRECODE/LIFE SAFETY CODE REGULATIONS; Section 8-1223 Minimum number of exits Every Class C place of assembly (capacity of 50 to 300 people) shall have at least two means of exit, consisting of two se�arate and independent exits in different directions. "Your Safety Is Our Concem " v - , � . . _ � �9��y � � � JUNE 26, 1980 PAGE 2 Section 8-1232 Other exits Such additional exits shall be located as far apart as practicable and as far from the main exit as possible. Section 8-1272(d) Aisles No dead-end aisles shall be greater than 20 feet in length. Failure to comply with the Fire Code Regulations is a violation of the law. The exit system at Pudge's Bar must comply with the regulations in the Fire Code/Life Safety Code. An approvzd exit must be provided from the Northwest area of Pudge's Bar. The plans for the construction of the exit must be approved by the Building �epartment and reviewed by the Fire Prevention Division. A time frame must be established for the completion of the new exit. The plans must be submitted to the Fire Prevention Division before July 30, 1980. The new exit must be installed and i.n use before September 30, ]980. The Fire Prevention Division is retaining the City Licenses for Pudge's Bar. If the schedule is not strictly followed, we will reject your City Licenses and send them to the City License Division for appropriate action. 'We will as the City Licer,se Committee ta revoke yaur licenses because the exit _ system violates the regulations in the City Fire Code. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please ca11 me at the Fire Prevention Division at 224-7811 . _ Si ncerely, , - /,- ,., . __ I�� ';��� ;�i. ,L,r;,�;.:�. �/7 / �� � // �l i�L' . . . , . ,. . , Dan Narrgran Fi re Marsha 1 DN/ky cc; Jerry Kern Building Department ' � ..--�-~ �79�/9 ' c � HARVEY INVESTMENT CO . 790 SOUTH CLEVELAND AVE. ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55116 PHONE: 690-3524 July 21, 1980 ',� Dan Norrgran, Fire Marshal Department of Fire and Safety Services 101 East Tenth Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Dear Mr. Norrgran: I am in recEipt of your Ietter of June 26, 1980 a�d have met with Jerry Kern and Dick Amey of the City Building Department. I am this week meeting with Lincoln Construction to make an 'Eittempt to abide by your request. We will then present a drawing to the buildi.ng department for their approval. Sincerely, � �.�-�� �=� Milton Cohen �MC:mjd ' � "� � �9/�9 � 4 `�TY �°,; � � �.iTY OF SAINT PAUL o� � s '� �� DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVECES : -'� : "'� "c DIVISiON �OF HOUSING AND BUILDWG CODE ENFORCEMENT City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesot�55102 George Latimer 612_298-�212 Mayor September 25 , 198(1 F� 1'!r. t�!ilton Cohen . � 790 S . Cleveland St . Paul , M�d 55116 ' Re : Pugde ' s Bar ' 2155 Ford Parkway Dear Mr. Cohen: This letter is to confirm our phone conversation concerning the second exit frem Fudge ' s bar at 2155 Ford Parkway . Th? concept s}-�own on tl-ie drawin� as I stated is good , the plan howe•�er lacks the necessary details to allow us to check t'-:e construction for fire ratin�s , building code • requirements and structural integrity. I ur�derstand from your remarks that you are arranging to }�ave the plan redone professionally. Yours truly, . / ' _ Richard . Amey Senior Building Inspector ' RLA/lh cc : Dan Norrgran , Fire Marshall ���J � ., _-- -._ _.� ._- _ . �_..�, .� _ ___ ._.., _ ----- _ i . � �_ � 7�i�9 � �a t �- �`T' °, CtTY Of SAINT PAUL ,,�` � - � . ,; ; DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES � C�;'�"�7 � � +, � �� DIVISION OF HOUSING ^ND BUfLDING CODE ENFORCEMENT -•• City Hali,Saint Paui,Minnesota 55102 - 612-298-4212 ; George latimer : Mayor � �� . ' � October 17 , 1980 Mr. Milton Cohen 490 S . Cleveland St . Paul, MN 55116 Re: 2155 Ford Parkway Pudge ' s Bar Dear M:. Cohen: � The second plan for the exit from Pudge 's that you submitted last week has insufficient information for a building permit to be issued. • . Please resubmit a plan showing the fire rating of enclvsing walls , ceiling, floor , deck and doors . Specify the type of hardware to be used and the size of beams and other supporting members including contributing loads and d.esign data. The last plan you brou�ht in specified gratin� for s�airwal� ar�d walkway. The floor ir� both is required to be solid and _ fire rated. Yours truly , � . '��� � ---1 � , � � "�� %`; /,�� ' 'i `', •'.�,�� �, �{: L� Richard� L. `Amey � Senior Building Inspector . REA/lh cc : Dan Norr�gran, Fire Marshall ' ;:.�-:>� � �9�ry ._--. � ;a:£ � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM October 17 , 1980 � MEMO T0: Dan Norrgran . Fire ?�arshall • FROM: . Richard L. Senior Bu' 1 '� n ector ;� SUBJECT: 2155 Ford rkway Pudge's Enclosed is a copy of the first and second plan brought in by the owner of 2155 Ford Parkway. As you can see , neither plan has enough design and fire rating information to justify our issuing a building permit. Mr. Milton Cohen brought the second plan in personally and I told him it was not acceptable and why. He stated he would get a professional person to dothe desi�n, but then, he was going to do that the first two times . RLA/lh �>.;�_ __ . . ..�- � �79i�9 � DEPART��NT OF FIRE AND SAFEl�. SERVICES �0� E�ST TE!�Th S�REET ��rc,. SAih? pa��, r,��r�NESOTa 55ic:� �i � f - r�� CME� STfVE CONkOY, rJlAEC7pR � ; ) �. \ FiREPREVEi1T10N ASS'T CF'eE�E�N'ARD'r1EINEk ''� FiRE SUPvRESSIOH ASS'T CWE�RCIBER7 Pl'E � SCUB�AESG'UE FIRE i.tARSH�IL DAN hOFAuAAk ,Yy,����1� /W9ULANCE �� �/L� + PAkAMEalC — � t _ - December 5, 19B0 ' T0: Mr. Milton Cohen Harvey Investmerts 690 So. Cleveland Ave. St. Paul , Mn. 55I16 FROM: Dan Narrgran Fire Marshal St. Pau1 Fire De�t. SU6JECT: Pudges Bar • . - 2155 Ford Parkway St. Pau7 , Mn. 55116 �' Dear Mr. Cohen: A fire inspecti�n report was sent to you on June 26, 1980 and on Septer:�her 17, 1980 regarding the exit system at Pudges Bar. The exit system is not adequate for this cellar bar occupancy. An additional stairway is- required from the narthalest area of the dewr,stairS bar. The bad exit system is a viclation of tre Fire Code. � We ordered the second stairway to be installed�by September 30, 1980. As of today no stairway has been installed. Mr. Amey, Senior Building Inspector for the City of St. Paul informed me that you submitted plans of the stairway to him. He stated the stairway plans were not approved because they did not comply with the Building Code requirements. As of now the plans for the stairway have not beer, approved and nothing has been done regarding the installation af the stairway. . Mr. Cohen, we have given you ample time to install the stairway from p��ges Bar as reouired by the F�re Cade. Your lack of coeperation regarding comp'iance with the Fire Code regu?ations will cause us to reject all of the C;ty License aF�plications that pertain to Pudaes Bar. The Fire Prevention Div;sion will not approve any City License applicatiors that violate the Fire Code regulations especially the enes that per�ain to exit sys�ems. Your new licenses are due for rere�•,al in January ;9�1 . „Your Safe�y Is Our Concern " �� � , C� - - � � ��'i�g 2 If you have any ques*ions regarding this matter call me at the Fire Prevention Divis;on at 224-78i1. Sincerely, - % ��- -� ; � r_ / � t j-r�f"1�- :;..--' ✓ Dan Norrgran • Fire Marshal , kld cc: Gick Ariey, Bldg. Dept. Joe Carchedi , License Division : - i • i _;_ .. ..�_ _ _ __ _. . _., :.e.�.�-_- - ___ _ ._ _ .�- i . . � �7�//9'`. DEPARTMENT OF FIRE AND SAFET SERVICES 101 EAST TENTH STREET ��. SAiNT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 t � 'r -""l CMEF STEVE CONRQY,D/RFCTOR � I � s. FKiE PREVEKTIQF! ASS'T CWEF EDWAAD HEINEN ''� � Fii�SUPPRES31pN ASS'T CHNEF pOBERT PYE ��A qE�� FIRE MAASHAL DAN NORRt3RAN ��!I}+� AAABUTANaE P�� S PARAMEDIG Jar.uary 20, 1981 _ . _ . it2r. Milton Cohen � - Harvey Investments - 690 South Cleveland Avenue St. Paul , AdN 55116 SUEJECT: Pudges Bar . . 2155 Ford Parkway St . Paul, MN 55116 . Dear Mr. Cohen : We have written letters to you regarding the exit system at Pudges Bar. The letters were written on June 26, September 17, and December 5, 1980 and th�y stated that the exit s3�stem did ` not meet the Fire Code Regulations . An additional stairway is required from this cellar occugancy �and it must be located in the northwest co:ner of the bar. You have not complied with our orders regarding the installation of the required stairway. �'ailure to comply with the Fire Code Regulations is a violation of the lav�. " You have had adequate time to install the stairway to comply - - - with -the Fire Code Regulations . Therefore, the Fire Prevention Division will not approve your City License Applications for 1981 . We will request a he�.ring before the license committee for the denial of your City Licenses to operate Pudges Bar. We must inform you that you may appeal the Fire Code Regulations before tne S� . Paul Board of Appeals and Revie��. You can call 29�-4163 for further information regarding the Appeals Board.- You must file the Appeal within 5 days after receiving this letter . If we don ' t hear from you within 5 days (by January 26, 19�1 ), we will proceed with the denial of your ,City Licenses . If you have any questions regarding this matter call me at the Fire Prevention Division at 224-7811 . Dan Norrgran • Fire J.:ar�h�l � DN:mw "Your Safety Is Our Concern " .I� i . . ,�79��9 ,-- � C � HARVEY INVESTMENT C0. 790 So. Cleveland Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55116 • r � January 29, 1981 Dan Norrgran Fire Marshal Department of Fire and Safety Services 101 East Tenth Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Subject: Pudges Bar 2155 Ford Parkway, St. Paul, NIN 55116 Dear Mr. Norrgran: s r?e are in receipt of your letter of January 20 and are pursuing the exit system to the best of our ability. As I previously discussed with you, we have legal problems in breaking through the west wall or the roof. We are attempting to work those problems out now and are moving on a daily basis. Sincerely, _ _ _ _ . . � �.. �-� �.,,_ e-�--� Milton Cohen MC:mjd �� a79r�9 . . �_. . C � DEPARTMENT OF F{RE AND SAFETY SERViCES ?01 E�S? 7EtiTH STRE�T ,, ..ti�yt._ SAWT PA;;L M�NP.;ES^vTA 55101 �,� 1� ' ..-� CHEF STEVE CONROY, DIREC70R s_ FIRE PREVEIiTION ASS'T CHlEF EDWARD HEINEN � FfRE SUPPRESSION ASS'T CHIEF ROBE'RT PYE SCUBA RESCUE FIRE MARSHAL OAN NORRGRAN I �� AMBUTANCE PARAMEDIC _ _ *l�ilt_ _ • February 3, 1981 � �Fr . H,�anson 1730 Ken�.ocd Park�r�ay P��inr.e�polis , r,iP� 55�05 SLTBJECT : Pud�es Bar �15� rord Far�::a;� �� . F a u l , i,°.�� 5 5116 Dear �.^r . Hy�:�ansor�: Vde ivere �old that ;,-ou 3T'2 +re licensee of Pudge ' s Bar, therefc»e , Vre �Nish to irifor:� you that your City Licenses are being held b� r��uest of the Fire Prevention Division. Ti-:e lice::ses �r:ill rot be approved by the Fire Prevention D1`T1SlOri because tre eYi� sytem does not corapl;� �vith the City rire Code Re�ulations . Y:e reques+ that ��ou call the Fire Prevention Division ss sccn as possible to discuss this mstter. The correspondence to �.i_r . Cohn ��hich is par� of Pudge ' s file v.ill be available to you. b'Ie shculd discuss this mat�er as soon as possible If we don ' t hear fror.^. you within ten days r•� will proceed to reject you `re City Licenses and ask for a l:earing before the City License Corn�:�it�ee . Sincerely, • Dan r•?�rrgran Fire ?��48�'sh31 � cc : Joe �srchedi Dicr t.:aey • ' D;J :*r:vr � � . . ' `Yout' Safetv !s Our C�n�Prn " . _ a79��9 C � HARV_EY [ NVE5TMENT CO . � 790 SOUTH CIEVELAND AVE. ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55116 PHONE: 690-3524 March 4, 1981 : � � Dan Norrgran Fire Marshal Department of Fire and Safety Services 101 East Tenth Street , St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Dear Mr. Norrgran: We are at this time making drawings of the premises for your inspection and we will submit them to you as quickly as possible. Sincerely, L...�`�i=-�_ }'�.'� .�ir� ��-i,:.. \. Milton Cohen MC:mjd i • �`l9//9 , DEPARTMtNT OF FIRE AND SAFETIr SERVICES 101 EAST TENTH STREET ��_ SAINT PAUI, MINNESOTA 55101 t � r � CFiEF STEVE CONROY.dRECTOR ' j_ FIRE OREVENtTiON ' ASS'T GiEF EQWARD FEINEN ,� � FIRE SIJPPRES310i�! , ASS'T CF#EF ROBERT PYE SCUBA RESCtJE FIRE MARSlilll DAN NORR(iHAN -� �S��E ��' PARAMEDIC M�ch 10, 1981 1�. Milton Cohen � Harvey Investment Com}��y 790 South Cleveland Avenue st. Paui, r�T 55116 S[TB.TEGT: PUDG'ES BAR . Dear Mr. Cohen: �% We had a meeting o�ri Febrvaiy 28, 1981, to discuss the exit systan fran Pudges Bar located at 2155 Fard Parkway. The exit systen violates the • Fire Code regulations that require tw� approv�ed exits fran the bar area. You indicated that a pl� of the bar with the praposed staizwary would be s�t to tha Fire Preva�tivn office by Friday, March-6, 1981. We did not receive the plan. - _ Yo�s letter of March 4, 1981, stating the pl�s are being prepared has bec� received. We wi.sh to inform you that the licaises have not been approved because of the Fixe Code violations at Pu�es Bar. As the vwner of the buildir�g, you have to assune certain liabilities in the eve�t of a fire because of tt�e Fire Code violations. We are waiting for the pl..an which will be reviewed as soan as possible. If yaufhave �y questions, call me at the Fire Prevention Divisio�. at 224-7811. Sincerely, • �'� D� Norrgr� Fire Marshal ��Y cc: Pudge xym�svn Joe Carchidi Dicic Au�y , "Your Safety Is �ur Concern " . . ���i/9 � (� HARVEY tN VESTM ENT CO . 790 SOUTH CLEVELAND AVE. ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55116 PHONE: 690-3524 March 16 1981 � . Deot of Fire and Safety Services . � St Paul , Mn Fire Marshal Dan Norrgran Dear Sir: Enclosed dra��ing, oeeviously discussed. Aporeciate your reviewing it and contacting us for a further meeting. Resoectfully, � � J �`:"�.._.' M Cohen ��9//f , � ( DEPARTMENT OF FIRE AND SAFETY SERVICES 101 EAST TENTH S7R��T ��- SAWT PAUL. MINNESOTA 55101 c � r � CHEF STEYE CONROY, DIREC70R 3_ FIpE Pq�V�►�'�p►� ASS'T CHEF EDWARD HEINEN � � F�E BL�p�8��0lt A3S'T CI�F ROBERT PYE ��A��� FIRE I�tARS1iAl DAN NORRGRAN '� ��� ��' PARAI�AEDIC �ril 10, 1981 Mr. Cohen Harvey Investrnents 790 South Clevel�d Av��.ie St. Paul, N�1 551I6 SUB,TFGT: PUUDGE'S BAR t�NS OF EG'RESS Dear i�tr. Cohen: The plan for the mea�.s of egress for Rid.�e's Bar located 2-155 Ford Park,aay has been reviewed by the Fire Preventivn Divisian and the pl�.s ex�iner for the ��ilding Departir�ent. We find the e.�t syst� not acceptable �d not in c�liance with the Bta.ilding Code �d Fire Code. You shauld tak.e the plans for Pudge's Bar to NIr. Christi�, plans �iner for the Buildi.ng Departn�ent fQr a review �d evaluati� - of the exit syst�. Mr. Christian is in Room 445 of the City Hall. The pl�s should be reviewed as soan as possible because we caz�not approve your City Licenses ia�.til the exit systezn is in cc�cnpliance with the applicable codes. We e�ect to hear fran you within ten (10) days. Sincerely, - �� / V � Dan ?vorrgr� . Fire �1�rshal A'V/ky cc: R. Arzy, Builcling Dep�:�ent C. (�ris t ian, Bui lding �epar�:�ent P. Hyzr�anson, 1730 Kei:wood Pa�t',aaay, Mismea�olis, i�AT 55405 � . � � l . _ i "Your .S�fPtv IS nt�r t�;nnrPrn " i , r _ l � �79��9 � The exit system at Pudge's Bar must comply with the re�ations in the Fire Code/iife Safety Code. We require the �econd exit to be located near trie nortri west area of Pudge's Bar. Mr. Cohen, we have issued orders to provide the eecond exit from Fudge's Ear for a long time. As of this date no second exit rias been provided and no acceptable plans have been submitted ta the Building Department for approval. We are holding your licer.se applications and they will not be agproved until the seccnd exit has been provided. � � Zf we do not hear fro� you by Jw.-�e 15, 1981, with an acceptable plan for the second exit fro� Fudge's Bar, we will reject your city license applications. They will be sent to the License Division for proper disposition. You may also request a hearing before the Board of Appeals 298:4163 regarding � these fire code reg,,i7.ations. lh'e have to insist that positive action be taken to correct the fire code violat�ons at Pudge's Bar. Failure to co�piy with the fire code regulations is a violation of ttie law. If you heve any questiorls regarding tr�is matter call me at trie Fire rrevention Division at 224-7811. Sincerely, �p,�`' 1�' . Dan Norrgran Fire Jti�,2rsnal , ' cc: Dick Ar.!ey. .Building Department � C?��is Christian. .Euilding Department Pudge HS�anson. .1730 Kenwood PkvPy. , 2�pls. , Iv�. 55405 Joe Carchedi. .Licer.se Division k1d - . _ ---_--.._.I.VV� Vc.+itil� tJ VCJ1 _._.VtJtIIiGJ!! __.,._ .,—^.�,..._..r i I , � . ��I�� � � ..,,,.,,,,,� =�����`'T' °'�"' CITY OF SAINT PAUL _�•` ."'',,, ', � ���,�����, :, DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES j ;: ���� �����, ^; ' ' • = DIVISION OF UCENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION ����,T�!`,�<-�'�_ Room 203,City Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR • .J . , RECE(VED �-`� �u�y �4, �9s� JUL � � 9981 CIT� �T i�;���Y Pudge Hymanson Pudge's Bar 2155 Ford Parkway Saint Paul , Minnesota 55116 Dear Mr. Hymanson: As License Inspector for the City of Saint Paul , I am hereby notifying you that on July 28, 1981 , a public hearing will be held before the Saint Paul City Council in the Saint Paul City Council Chambers, 3rd floor City and County Court House at 10:00 a.m. At this hearing the Saint Paul License Inspector will recommend suspension of your On Sale Liquor License Application #18896 at 2155 Ford Parkway, St. Paul . . The Saint Paul Fire Department will present to the Saint Paul City Council evidence of misconduct. The License Inspector's office bases its' recommendation for suspension on the following incident: UIOLATION OF FIRE CODE/LIFE SAFETY CODE REGULATIONS: Section 8-1223 . Minimum number of exits - Every Class C place of assembly (capacity of 50 to 300 people) shall have at least two means of exit, consist- ing of two separate and independent exits in different directions. Section 8-1232 Other exits Such additional exits shall be located as far apart as practicable and as far fran the main exit as possible. Section 8-1272 Aisles No dead-end aisles sha1T be greater...than 20 feet in length. Failure to comply with the Fire Code Regulations is a violation of the law. The Fire Prevention Divisioo� has received numerous complaints about the lack of adequate exits from Pudge's Bar. I , . � 7 9��9 � � . ; Pudge Nymanson i July 14, 1981 page 2 ! ; You are advised that you may be represented at such hearing by an attorney and/or some other representative of your choice. Your presence at such a hearing is expected. Very truly yours, �� ' ; � Joseph F. Carchedi � City License Inspector , - JFC/t I CC: Council President Ronald Maddox i Councilwoman Ruby Hunt Councilman Leonard Levine Councilman George McMahon Councilwoman Joanne Showalter ' Councilman Victor Tedesco Councilman Bill Wilson Chief Conroy, Fire Qept. Dan Norrgran, Fire Marshal � Terry Garvey, Asst. City Atty. � � , ! , I i i � } � ; _ I � � � ; � � � � « ��, � �i . • � � 7Q��� • ; , . ;, * ' , ;! � ; _ �; � .. �I �...1>>'.�� �.�T�,':;'.IVi:':�T�i i � � i TI-iIS AGriLM�NT, made and entered in�o t:lis lst day of April� ( f� 1�Ju3, by and between � � 5 II JOSLPi-i C:OclEN, �STIIEi;, CC;:�:�;, i i� MILTCN COIIEN, and HAI�,VLY J. � 'i � � �± CO'ri�N, partners doin� bus ir.��s as ' � ' �-IARVEY INVESTM�NT C01GP�NY, ;' � purties of the first part, hereinaiter � jointly and severally referred to as I s "Lessor", ; � �I � � ' � l) � and ' 10 I� � �( . LUC�Y LANES, INC. , a Minr.esota i= ` �orpora��on, par�y of the second part, ' li ' hereinaf�er referred to as "Lessee", 13 � . 1u I W TTN �SSETH : � , � !� That said Lessor, in consideration of the ren�s and cove;.ants , 1� !� hereinafter mentioned to be p�id and performed by said Lessee, coes hereby, , I� '� de::�ise, lease and let unto the said Lessee, and the Lessee does nereby `" �� hi:e and take from said Lessor, tne following described premises situated ' i in the City of Saint Paul, County of R,amsey, State of Minnesota, to-wit: !' . , � -°--' �+7-- �� Di.SCnIPTIO�' OF PF�ET��IS�S. That portion of the base�ent area �f the � _s � building commonly known as 2155 Ford Parkway, Saint Paul, Minnesota, �� ; � , , j� I which is now occupied by Lucky Lanes in the operation of a bowling alley. � � Y� i TEt�,:V[. To have and to hold the aaove premises, just as tney are wit:iout ; Iany lianility or obligation on the p4�t of said Lessor to make any alterations, !� � . �� , i�:iprovements or repairs of any k:;d on or about said �remises or the i ' • �� b�iidinb or buildings of which they ure a part, or ti�e equ:p:nent, iix�ures, ' � 2� � plu:nbing, a,�nlia�ces, or machine:y in, upon, or servicinb sa::7�, or thc ; �� streets, alleys, area ways, or passages adjoir.i:�b or appu-r�e :a;� tneretc, �� � for the �erm oi Twenty (20) years °rom and after the lst day c: .'�_�ril� 1�JJG, ' II to t:ze 31st day of March, 1988. �•. ;� � ;! 2� ;; R�\T. And the said I�essee agre��s to and wit�z said I,essc, ,c y :;� �j Lessor, wherever Lessor may dec :gnate, as rent for the abcve-.:.er.�io�.ec ,,;; �� premises, the sum of: ; f! -� :� Or.e Thousand Four ::undred r or�y �oliars ($: . :-�:�. .,�i ;� • per :nontii, commencing with Aprii 1, i968, u,:�i� , "" iVlarch 1, 1973. Said One Thousand Ii o��r IC::;�c.red Forty Dol.lars ($1, 4•.u. 00) per month for s�..:: iive i�i i� year period shall be aue and payable, in adva;�c�, ' ;,o �� on the first day of e:�,:h and every month, commenc- � �; � ing with the first day of April, 1968. ' �1 I' V (� One Thousand �i ht ..undred Ei ht e: �'1� und 8:�, 1�., � � � Y- �� ` " /' ^ �� ;i Dollars (51, 888. 85) ;.er month, com..r.c�;cir.a witl� �� ,� April 1, 1973, until �ae end of the terin o: thi5 I�c�: �. . �� • !� . ,, � , .._ .,. �� i rc .. . _v._.,,can, i' � ......,.. .. �:ti�.�.a :� ' 'i ' M�1. ...��Tw ��U.LL�II4 � . I, f. •A.... MINI�r�:�TA i�101 ' � , , ' .r �.� � ���'��� � 'l � . � �. .�: � �'9� :s.i�,94 �`. . � �.�'E. ..:� �� �►''r• :.� r 's , . „a. .� o-. ��, � ;�,,ti � ,..F Il�i�'z ' ,• �,,, .+i: � ,'G-� yY� f�' � °3 b t :�,��,;, x�� t` .�'S� a' .�,� � . � t,�; t, - 4�"".` . .. p , . ,.. .. .,.. � . .. � . . .... ... . .... ..,. ....>- . .._ .. -s. . .. _.. . . .., . -.» . .. - . . . . . y i . , , . , i . . . �74��y , � � ► ; 2 Said One Thousand Ei.ght �-Iundre'd Eighty-eight ; and 85/100 Dollars ($1, 888. 85) per month shall � g be paid, in advance, on the first day of each and ' ; 4 every month of the last fifteen (15) years of this � Lease, commencing with April 1, 1973. + . 6 � FYCLUSIVE COCKTAIL LOUNGE. The Lessee is hereby granted the � a e:cclusive rigllt to operate a cocktail lounge, including dancing and enter- ; � tainment incidental thereto, in the building of which the demised premises j � 7 are a part. This exclusive right, however, shall not prevent the Lessor ' I from granting the right to serve beverages, including intoxicating beverag�s,� 8 in another poxtion of the building, if the service of such bevera�es is part I Q of another operation, such as a restaurant or food market or drug store, but the exclusive right shall be only to a cocktail lounge as such. ( • lo , � � ST�CUItITY AGREEMENT AND FINANCING STATEMEIVT, A11 goods, I 11 �chattels, fixtures and personal property, except inventory held for resale in the ordinary course of business, belonging to said Lessee, which are I 12 or may be put into said demised premises, shall at all times be bound with " 13 a lien in favor of said Lessor, with the same force and effect as if the ' Lessee had executed a Security Agreement, to be chargeable for all rents �4 hereunder and the fulfillment of the other covenants and agreements herein contained. In the event of Lessee's failure to pa� the rent provided herein 16 or to fulfill the covenants and agreements herein contained, Lessor may 1G foreclose said lien and Security Agreement in the manner provided by statute. The net amount realized by Lessor from such foreclosure shall ' 17 reduce any indebtedness due Lessor hereu� �er or to become due hereunder. I 1'he undersigned Lessee (known as "Debtor ' in Security Ag�eerr.er�t) hereby � 18 acknowledges the receipt from Lessor (known as "Secured Party" in ' Security Agreement) of a true, correct and complete copy of this Lease 19 (which, by agreement, also constitutes a Security Agreement). Lessee � 20 hereby agrees that simultaneously with the execution of this Lease it will . execute a sufficient number of Financing Statements, which Lessor may . 21 file with the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Minnesota, and the � Secretary of State of the State of Minnesota. The Lessee shall have tlie 22 ri�ht to purchase any personal property on a time-payment plan, and it is abreed and understood that the vendor under said time-payment contract � sl�all be prior and superior to the rights of the Lessor under tlie Security� 24 Agreement. (A loan from a lending institution to cover such purchase shall be considered the same as a vendor's lien for the unpaid purcha�e price. ) 26 It is also agreed and understood that the Lessee shall have the right, without the consent of the Lessor, to replace various items of personal 2s property that may require re�lacement from time to time, but in the event ' of a disposition of any personal property without replacement, the Lessor's I ZT consent shall be required, but such consent shall not be unreasonably ' 28 withheld� 29 CONI)ITIONAL SALrS AGIt�LMLNT DATED FLT31ZUAl.�,Y i, J.��ri, 1'';'I'��/�LN J. W. LIPSCIIULTI AND LVA LIP5CIIUI_.'I'7, 11U;�13�'1ND 11NU 30 ��11�L, ElS "SELLLRS' , LUCKY LANTS, INC. , �1 I�ITNNESOTn CORYOItA- 7'10�1, AS "PUIi,CHl�STR, , AND DLNNIS S. IIYMANSON 11N1� CUI�,TIS J. 81 NiILLI�I�, AS "GUARAN'1'O�tS '. It is specifically agreed and u�lderstood that tl�e above-described Conditional Sales Agreement, which on the 4th day of 32 �,�:ay, 1967, was assigned to R,alph Stacker, and thereafter on the 4th day of 8a May, 1967, assigned by Ralph Stacker to Harvey Investment Company, shall l ��w o.nc�� o• BTACK[R,�81LV[q67CIN� �2� DURK[ 8 RADeON � � � � YIMM[�OTA�uILDINO • . � • •T. /AY1,r MIN11[(pTA�/t0/ . � .. . .. ,..�#3� �' �.i�� `�"" ��� . ` � 'r . '� . A d b , r . . . n`�,�W< � F ax �. �'��r �F.-.f*�, °��� � c"�'���.xn"�� ,� �", tx+ � . ' � t n a°b+r. ti'.�.'M�.. '�.kl+,' u 'n:yt�.,� '8,;e e,. .�.6 Mt .v:" e�. i7 . .. . �:,� :� .. _,�._. -_�. � , . .r� F ): • . . � ,j • . . . , � � . �9//`l i ., . : , � , � g remain in full force and effect until March 31, 1973; and that the monthly payments of One Thousand Five Hundred I�orty-one and 66/100 Dollars � $ ($1, 541. 66) required by said Conditional Sales Agreement to be paid in the months of January, February, March, April, 5eptember, October, • t 4 November and December of each year shall continue to be made until, and ':` ��� � 6 including, the payment of March 1, 1973, in addition to the payments required by this Lease; and that the terms and conditions of said Conditional i � g Sales Agreement of February 1, 1961, shall remain in full force and effect. uutil March 31, 1973; and that the payment of all sums due under said � 7 Conditional Sales Agreement until the last payment on March 1, 1973, shall j be a condition and covenant to be performed by the Lessee under the terms I . � 8 of this Lease. That upon the payment of the installment that is due and ' � payable on March 1, 1973, under said contract, the Lessee shall be fully � released and discharged from any further obligations under the so-called . io "Lipschultz contract". - � ; . � 11 Nl1TU�ZE OF OCCUPANCY. That the demised premises shall be used for the , ' operation of a bowling alley and the sale of any and all bowling equipment : • � � and supplies used by bowlers, together with all other activities incidental " ; ;,.. . 1g thereto. The service of food and beverages (also intoxicating beverages, �." . if under license of law). The operation of automatic gaming machines and ����! , 14 sports activities; and the dispensing of food, beverages and candy out of ' � automatic machines for consumption on the premises. Also, the right to ' . is have music, dancing and entertainment on the premises, if under license � of law, if such license is required. . ' 16 • 17 11DDITIONAL R�NT BY WAY OF TAX INCREASE. In addition to the rental ` � provided for in this Lease, the Lessee agrees that if the taxes in any year-of is the leasehold, commencing with the year 1969, paid by the Lessor, for the ��� . • entire building of which the demised premises are a part and the adjoining � , : 19 land to the building used for parking shall exceed the taxes which were paid ;,• ;�`. � Zo by the Lessor for the entire building and adjacent�land during the year 1968, then the Lessee agrees to pay to the Lessor, upon receipt of the appropriate Zl tax statements indicating such excess, its proportionabe share of such exce� For the purpose of this Lease, it has been agreed between the parties tliat � 22 the proportionate shai•e of the Lessee for such excess (until Lessee acquirea •• the so-called "Nachman Area") shall be 36. 8% of such excess. If and when ' � � the "Nachman Area" is acquired by the Lessee, then the proportionate share of Lessee for such excess shall be 41. 5% of such excess. Payment of such � 24 excess shall be made on or before June 1 of each year, commencing with 26 the year 1969, if such excess exists. (The percentages above outlined for ' excess are based .upon the following assumed facts: that the total building ' 26 area [outside dimensions] of both ground floor and basement contains approximately 59, 350 square feet; that approixmately 5, 000 square feet is 27 not rented and is used for storage area; that the total rentable area of both � floors [outside dimensions] equals 54, 350 square feet; that the area now us�d � � by the Lessee is approximately [outside dimenions) 24, G25 square fec�t; " � 29 that the so-called "Nachman Area" {outside dimensionsj is approximately 2, a00 square feet. ) 80 - :.�° . Nl�CI1MAN 11R�A. The Lessor agrees that upon the e:cpiration of the � .' �iM,`1 81 present Lease to Nachman, who now operates a billiard parlor in the base- � ment of the building of which the demised premises are a p��rt, it will not 82 lcase said area to any other person, firm or corporation, and that said '. � "1Vachman Area" shall become a part of the demised premises, and th.e Lessee shall have the use thereof until the expiration of its Lease for the ; . •,�w o..��.` �, period of thia leasehold until the 31et day of March, 1988. � , ; : • . ,;�': -iACK[11� 91LV[R6T[IN� � . , _ . . ,��!��y BU11R� Ai RAU�ON . � ' . . , . _^`_ , _•,+ . MINM{�OTA �VILDIM11 � , V - , �;, Tr/�AL� MINII[GOIA�/IM � � . . . . ♦�� � , . , ' � . . . � . .� . .Y ; � � �•f.�. . ' . .. '� , ' , . .. ------ _ •cY'y ,�` ��R�.�' ' _`#'.kr ' , . . .;�..�G'-'�.,"'`c�le'S` .:"s ,A, ; i� .l l� .k .' �r'� ,•y. iu: T �..: , .. � .a�x�' Ps'F`4 v '.s r ,'�'°�`"� r"t' �i "��. $�'x�;r � �4N# dfi,a x.r .fi+-',7 � . ����}' AM 1�'� 1 q .,'g�, "��.: .'S it� .. . 6 '� . . .> I � • ' , � II ������. � I , � �I • � I' � ' ' II :; � !; ..,::� t:ie I'Jil�.li for the "\'ac::r.an Arca", �vhen ;�ossession i�� taken by the ,, � 7�c:���e, 51�a1i bc the sum o; Three FIunc�reci Dol�ars (���0, 00) �,cr rnonth, � I� a:;d tiiis sum shall be in addition to the Gne Thousand T'our IIur:dred Forty � I�� Dollar5 (�1, 440. OC) per month provided for as rental for the first five (5) �� ���ars of �his Lease and shall be in addition to the Gne Thousand Ei;;ht l iund red E i�hty-e ight and 35/100 llollars ($1, 888. 85) provided for as rental� b If��: the last fifteen (15) years oL this Lease, and said Three I:u�dred Dollars ' s II (>3GC�. u0) shall be payable in advance on the lst day of eacn anu every rnonth � ; �i the leasehold, tobether with the other rental paya6le under this Lease. 7 I^ It is �.breed anci unde:stood tl�at if the Lessee is successful in r,ego�iating " I tlie surrender of the premises by Nachman prior to the expi-ration of his 9 I Lease, it shall have the ribht to do so, and then the Lease of the Lessee for said "�Tachman Area" shall cornmence as of the date tha� �he Lessee ', 10 + tai:es over the premises from Nachman. .1 i L'pon the taking over of said "�Tachman Area" by the Lessee, whether it be ' 1 at ti�e end o: the Nachman term, or prior the.eto, there shall be no obliga- � 1� tior. on the part of the Lessor to do any repairing, remodelinb or alte:ing 1J �� o: s4id premises, and the Lessee shall ta.ke sai cl area as it now exists. � , � i ( �; ,.: � :� the Lessor leases to Nachman a;� area on the main floor for �he operation ' I, o: a billiai�l parlor, then the Lessee shall not have the ri�ht to operate a �`' �i billiard parlor in the demised area. If the Lessor does not lease ar,other area �o l�acnman, then the Lessee shall have the right to operate a billiard 1G � II �arlor in the demised area. "17 ?I ' � '� '� it is agreeu and understood tnat as long as Nachman is occupying nis - � -��--� . �s � present area in the basement, he shall have joint use with the Lessee of tlze bathroom facilities and the water that is available in the basement area. 13 Tne availability of water to Nacr.man shall be without charbe, whe:. the Lessee 2� I has its own water meter, in accordance witn t:�e terms of this Lease. , ,� ( GPLRATIGN OF BILI.IARD PAI�LOR, ON UTAIIT r LGOlZ. If Lessor sees � , �` ii� to rent a portion of its main floor space to a billiard parlor, the Lessor 22 �I abrees that it will require such operator to provide the front window space . �� with curtains, and that any signs of the billiard parlor shall be required . . . 23 �� to be placed flush on the buildinb and not to extend forward iurther tnan any �� existing signs of the bowling alley. ;, 24 ' �� �I�v�1T REl/IOD�LI\TC'r. The Lessee is hereby granted permission to 2o i remodel the presen� front entrance, leading to the cemised premises, at its � ( own ex�ense, providing the plans of said remodeling must be submitted to 2s the Lessor and approved by the Lessor before the �ommencement of any � work. . 27 �, i�ESPO\TSI�ILITY Ii 0:'� F�,ONT �NTF,,ANCE. It is agreed and ur,derstood 2a I� that if and when the Lessec obtains possession of the so-called ':nachman Lr 'I �'�rca", the stairway leadin� to the demised pre,nises und thc frc�;�t ent��ance, � incluc!;ng the blass and doors thercof, shall be the sole rc:spo�1>il�ilicy of th� 3o j� LesSCe, notwithstanding the fact Lhat said doorway, glass and entryway are ; ;. :: �j struclu:al and are on the exterior of the building. 3i i� �,�nT:;r� ANll M�TI�T�,ING. Within thirty (30) days from �.lie da;,� of th�; 1 �2 �` cxec�:�ion of this Lease, the Lessee will, at its own ea��cnsc, ;�:,t in a 1 �, sc:parute meter for water to be used by the Lessee, and tivill p��y for a::l � 23 �I water consumed by tY,e Les�ee and will, at its own expense, a:ran�c the � faciiities for the creation of its own hot water. That until tiie i��stallai:ion L•w o,.��-� �, � oi saiu meter by Lessee, the :.�essee shall have the T'Lbilt, witl:out chai•ge, :ACKER� £IIV.HL:CIN. . r�UNKC Lc RAL:OM to the water, both hot and cold, now furaished by Lessor. � . � MINNCSOTA L'Jll�ll+'J , , �. 1.1Y{.� MINNCrOSA YGIO1 � � � � � � -4- �; � ._ _- ---,r-----— , �,� ,. ::; ,: . , . _ . , • .ar � y � +�F ,� ��''' t � t+ P .:b �+,, �,�s��, `n� � >.s t `- t - - s� ' 1 �„������"� �ak.t� �k'= t ,"i°r,`fi"''� `k 5`.•�" " � �, � �';� ?1" ,r� " r� .,�, 3.. . , :.. � , ._ .. � � . � • �I . � . � � . � , , �,.�9 ' . . ., _ /�g � � Z 1Z1�;niODrLING, T}ie Lessee is hereby given the right, at its own expense, ' to remodel and alter the demised premises, as to the interior. Any exterior $ remodeling must have the approval of the Lessor, Any rerriodeling to be performed by Lessee shall in no way adversely affect the pluml�ing and elec- � trical system of the rest of the building, nor shall it in any way adversely �• '. 6 affect the central heating and air conditionin� system now on said premises. L� the course of remodeling, if additional healing facilities or air conclitionin a f�ticilities are needed, there shall Ue no obligation upon the Lessor to furnish tiie same. Lessee shall be entitled to receive during the term of this Lease 7 tlie l�eating and air conditionin� that it is now receiving, and there shall be no oUli�ation on tl�e part,of,the Lessor to acld to such facilities for heating and . 8 air conditioning. : " • � � , . 9 LLSS��'S COVT:NANTS. Lessee covenants; 10 . � , (a) To pay promptly and when due all charges for water flowing 11 through liessee's meter, except as provided for here in, gas, and electric current used on said premises during said term; � � � . i$ (b) To keep and maintain all and singular the premises and fixtures .. i, in and upon the same in good condition and repair, damage by fire, �; 14 windstorm, or other unavoidable casulaty only excepted, it being , ' - �' � understood that Lessee is taking the premises as is; 1b . (c) To replace with glass of the same kind and quality any and ' 1s all glass now or hereafter in said premises that may be injured �� � 17 or broken, unless the same shall be broken by fire, Lessee hereby . �' � acknowledging that the same is now whole and in good condition;���� , �----� , < , . . i$ �' (d) Not to place or suffer to be placed on said building or upon " '�� 19 :��: the doors or windows thereof any placards, signs, or awnings + except such and in such place and manner as shall have been first � '� Zp .. . , , •� , � , approved in writing by Lessor; , �' ;� . 21 ; . . �' (e) Not to assign this Lease nor sublet the whole, or any part, ,� 22 of said premises, nor permit any other person, either jointly with � Lessee or otherwise, to occupy the premises, or any part thereof, � without first obtaining, on each occasion , the written consent of ' Lessor; and, should Lessee assign this Lease or sublet the whole, ' z4 or any part, of said premises or permit any other person, either , 2G jointly with Lessee or otlierwise, to occupy said premises, or any . part thereof, without such written consent, neither acceptance of 26 rent by LeSsor from Lessee, or other person, thereafter, nor � failure on the part of Lessor for any particular period to take ' 27 action on account of such breach or to enforce its rights shall be � . � deemed a waiver of the breach, but the same shall be a continuing •:. � ' 28 breach as long as such subtenancy or occupancy continues, but ' 29 Lessor shall not unreasonably withhold its consent to sublettin� or ass igning.of this Lease. 80 - �'� �; (f) To remove at the termination of said term by lapse of time or s1 otherwise, Lessee's goods and effects and those of all persoiis � claiming under Lessee and peaceably to yield up to Lessor the � 82 said premises, and all improvements, alterations, or adclitions ', ag made to or izpon the same, in good repair, order, and condition • in all respects, damage by fire, windstorm, or other unavoidable �Aw o..�«. o. casualty and reasonable use and wear only excepted; iTACKtR. 61LV[ReTE1N� � ' . � ,- � . � . BVAK[ A RAD90M ,.. . • . � ' , �5� � . � MIMNR�Otl1 �VILDINO � ' ' .�. ' - � - '1. ►RVL� NIMM[/OTA ��101 . . . . . I � I . � . �•:,I ;��':, ' . t x: ' •,•�, �r �y,�t`�... �qlt-��. .. , . �. '^��. � �J A } , . � . . -� ' �. . : . �. .a. L �, .���t � a F.�. ,:� :- . i.�.�t,� ..4�ti` �M�;��y4�+}i � t � � �� f YY.��$Y' ' hr ��'.�, y a�y ; , � .: ' � .;'�5 �t �, y p .,y M,.y.a 4"Pi� in L'•� 1 i ,, 'C ,�" �` r �Y" .,a?''$" T r�: � • . � • � I � ' � ,' � ' � ����. . . ' . ' , � ��� . 1 Z (�;) 'fhat durin� the said term and such further time as LeSSee or 8 1ny person or persons claimin� under Lessee shall hold thc premises,' ;�,.. ti�e same shall not be overloaded, damaged, or defaced, and no _'�'�•,� � trade or occupation shall be carried on upon lhe saine or use �� �'� � made thereof lhat'shall be improper, noisy, offensive, or contrary a to any law or ordinance or re fulation overnin � � � � � or applic�t�le to said premises for the time be in� in force, or injuries to any person or 8 ��roperty; that no act or thin� shall be donc upon tiie said premises � which may malce void or voidable any insurance of tl,e saicl premises ' � 7 � or buildin� against fire oz� may render any increased or extra 8 premium payable for any such insurance; lliat no rubbish, dirt, ' • or sweepings shall be allowed to accumulate in or on saicl leased . � prcmises or be put in the streets or passageways adjoining said • leased premises, but the same shall be removed from tlie leased • • � 10 premises and from said streets and passageways by Lessee; that Lessee shall not sell nor allow to be sold any intoxicating liquqrs 11 upon said premises unless the sale thereof is p�rmitted by law and also said premises are rented for such ex�ress purpose here- � . � . under, and that Lessee will not do any act or brin an thin �� i . g Y b n or �g 'r : � upon said premises, or the building of which said premises form a part, or the sidewalks or alleyways adjacent thereto, which will � 14 in any way interfere with the rights of other tenants �in said building is or injui•e or annoy them; � 16 (h) Not to make, or cause to be made, any structural improvements, . � additions or alterations to or upon said leased ' �._ ' � p re m i s e s w i th ou_t.�,___ 17 having first secured the written consent thereto of Lessor, it �j� � � being expressly understood that in the event any structural improve- 18 ments, additions or alterations are made to or upon said leased premises, with the consent of Lessor, Lessee shall pay for the sarne, . 19 � and no obligation''to pay any part thereof sliall rest upon Lessor and � . � Zp that any such improvements, additions or alterations shall become � a part of the demised premises and the property of Lessor. Lessee ' 21 covenants to pay as they become due all just claims for laboi•, •� ' skill, and materials used in making any such additions, alter•ations ZZ or improvements and to indemnify and save Lessor and the leased . , premises harmless of and from all costs, expenses, and damages, � including reasonable attorney's fees and costs of suit, arising out � of or connected with any statutory or other liens against said leased , premises or the building whereof they are a part for or on account 26 of such labor, skill, and materials. • . 2a (i) 'I'hat all property of any kind that may be on the said premises shall be at the sole risk of Lessee or those claiming through or 27 under Lessee,, and Lessor shall not be liable to Lessee, or to any � 28 other person, for injury, loss, or damage to any �erson or � •� - property in or upon the same premises or the building of which 29 � the demised premises are a part, or for the equipment, fixtures, , I � appliances, or machinery in or upon the same or the halls . 8o I vrays, areas, areaways, and sidewalks or streets adjoining orssage- a�purtenant to the same being or becoming out of repair or d�iec- 81 tive or due to happening of any accidents, however occurring, or • 82 . ' : , � . . . � .. • -6- � �M OIIIC[• u► I. . .. ' � � ' • • . �'i j [N• BILVFR07[IH. . ' . .' � 'nKQ d RIDOOM � . ' • ' � . . . . . � n[�OTA�VILO�NO ' , � ., i , V�� YINNqOTA p10f � � . ' ' ' .•��.' r ' � '� x . .. , . .� � ti .' . . ... . ' .'?'`!.\� . . ..J��. 7r J+�� '<f',",:. � . . . � . .. •. . � '..� . .. .. �' . ��.�.�, 1 ,� i�.".�a�t -. � -.. . td.,.;, �:r x �,}� X q� °,,��r�,�{, s�e �t�..,��� ,�,. ! u .. . . ^f°?c� ���„�^�' #1�'i' "`�.'faru�• �;;"P� ��- � �''"«Y.i �-�•�'k. ~ '�y^. � ! ��„�'' y'' �v, .�;, .. . �,.. � .. ,:�. . , . ; ��jg�!/9 � � � . :: ; � .. 2 due to any act or the neglect of Lessee or any other person, persons ; ` � or corporation, or due to the bursting of pipes, or caused by the . � � ,• �. : `�� s use or misuse of any instrumentality in or connected with the said '• a '"'�� �; `� demised premises or the building of which they are a part, or occa- ; �;:�.�-�:�'#�', . . � � � � �s's�ati'1:;r% � sioned by any nuisance made or suffered to occur thereon or therein. , :;..�', � 6 And Lessee assumes all liability and obligation on account of all , ' '" � . damages arising out of the matters and thin gs above referred to � ,' ' g and covenants to hold Lessor harmless and indemnified from all • such injury, loss or damage. The foregoing provisians shall � • 7 • apply especially, but not exclusively, to damage caused by water, '_. � snow, rain, backing up of water mains or sewers, frost, steam, � � ' � 8 sewerage, gas, or odors of any kind, electricity and electric ' � " : �� ; � ` e curren t or by the bursting, stoppage, or leakage or leaking of , `�•� water pipes or radiators, plumbing, and fixtures in or about the • 10 said premises or the building of which the demised premises are • , ' a part. This shall not limit Lessee's rights against others who may 11 be responsible for Lessee's loss, other than Lesaor; � ,, 12 (j) To keep the sidewalks in front of Lessee's entrance at all times , 1s free from ice and snow and other obstructions or things which in the' .. � � . opinion of the Lessor are objectionable; r , . "� , , , } ' 14 ' � �' 1 (k) That Lessee or any other person or persons claiming under � � 1� Lessee will use the halls, passageways, toilet rooms, and . � � alleys in the building of which said leased premises are a part is subject to such reasonable rules as may from time to time be . ' lq made by Lessor for the general safety and convenience of the ' `R.�"'�"�� " " owners, occupants, or tenants of said, building;"""'''�"�"'"�'°" � ., �„" �' . , . , 18 .t: :�;; ;� � . . , ..� '�t.: (1) That Lessor shail have the right to place suitable cards in the � 19 windows of the demises premises and show said premises for �� 20 letting at reasonable times during six (6) months previous to �, � , lhe termination of this Lease, or any extension thereof, and that ; � '� � 21 Lessor, or its authorized agents, �ervants, or attorr.eys, and � '` any contractors, builders, or material men employed by Lessor, � . • � 22 and the ir agents and servants, may at any and all reasonable times , enter to view or examine the leased premises; � � 23 ' , 24 (m) That the service of notice by any officer of the City of Saint Paul ` � upon either party to this Lease to clean said premises or to do any 26 other act in connection therewith, shall be conclusive as to t]ie necessity of Lessee to perform, to satisfy the City. The fail��re by �. 2a Lessee to do so, after notice by Lessor, as provided for on page 12• . o L this Lease with reference to "Notices", shall be considered a , 27 breach of this Lease by the Lessee. If Lessee sees fit to contest � the request of the City, it may do so, providing it has satisfied the . � '`;`":r.r. • 28 • . Lessor that during such contest that the City will not take steps to ' . 29 close the premises pending such contest; and � ao (n) That any notice from the Lessor to the Lessee relating to •�:•� ` the demised premises, or the occupancy thereof, shall be deemed � � �• ., - $i duly served if service is made on Lessee as required on page 12 of this Lease under the paragraph designated "Notices". a2 LESSON,'S COVENANTS. Lesaor covenants: . sa �.�o..���. o. (a) That it has good right and title to make this Lease and that if � • � -ACKER. e,��Ea,.E,N, . Lesaee shall well and truly perform the covenants, terms and � ';� � BUNK[ dl RA060M . � , , � � .. � ' . MINN[�OTA �VILDIMO - �••! ' . ' ' � •. . . . , . . . . . � � � " � �.' . . T ��� . �. . ' ' - �I� '�. . �AYL� MINNp07A�/101 . , � , . . ,II..w' � . � �. ,� . �,. � , �, ' ' � ' � . � . �. . , 7r,. .. 1 I ".'-�---� . . .. . � _ . - � .. � +t � � . ..;y s _,�;�k R:�,� �R �� . .. � � � ' �.,�.. r' � t �t '� : ', T �� � �,., a �� �' � ti ... °-. , . . ''7 riJ1k?�• �Rw,�°�� L�a. '.f�' �°' ,�:t: '"�,�.: y� "4 �� iift . ti2s .. .. , . . �,� �. _ . �... : �'. � .�a- ..._ : _ . . � -�. � .. .,._, . �,. ..:_. . �J.. .. . .,. . . . . �99�/9�: , � � . . . . . . � Q conditions hereof by Lessee to be kept and performed, Lessee , � shall have and possess the demised premises peaceably and quietly ' , � 8 during the term hereby created, subject, however, to prior ter- ' ' . � , ';' ti mination, as in this Lease provided; and � , ;:,' `' 4 � ., .; r � q� ;>,� , � ,` ' . �,�,: . 6 . (b) That, at its own cost and expenae, it will keep in reasonable ' , condition the structural parts of the building. "Structural �arts", . . g as that phrase is used herein, consists of the roof, foundation, � and other supports and the exterior side walls of the said building. � Z . The floor of the first floor tenants, who are Applebaums and • .,.,. ., • ' , Snyders, shall be considered "structural" for the purposes of • . 8 this paragraph. '. ;' � �� e PUBLIC LIABILITY INSURANCE ANll COVENANT TO IiOLD IInItMLESS. • . 10 Lessee agrees to indemnify and save Lessor harmless against and from any ��' . and all claims, damages, costs, and expenses, including reasonable � 11 attorney's fees, arising from the conduct or management of the business • conducted by Lessee in the leased premises. It is further understood and �, � agreed that Lessor shall not be liable, and Lessee waives all claims for � � 13 damages to person or��rq�erty sustained by Lessee or Lessee's employees, . agents, servants, invitees and customers resulting from the building in , , 14 which the leased prer:�ises are situated or the leased premises or any equip- � ment or appurtenance, becoming out of repai�, or resulting from any � 16 accident in or about said building or the leased premises, or resulting . directly or indirectly from any act or neglect of any other tenant in said 1s building. The Lessee agrees to carry and pay the premiums for public • 17 liability insurance, insuring Lessor and Lessee against injury to property, -�-�,-------� -- -,. pers�n or loss of life arising out of the use and occupancy of the leased � �s premisea with limits of at least Five Thousand Dollars ($5, 000. 00) property ~ damage, and One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100, 000. 00) for injury or 1s dcath to one person, and Three Hundred Thousand Dollars (�300, 000. 00) for ZO injury or death to more than one person in any one accident, and shall fur- nish to Lessor from time to time a copy of said policy. . . 21 }�MINENT DOMAIN. In case said premises, or any part thereof, or the � 22 whole of the building of which they are a part, shall be taken by right of . : eminent domain or by other authority of law, after the execution hereof, or 23 during the continuance of this Lease, this Lease may at the election of eithe • ' party be terminated; and any and all claims and demands for damages or , . ' : 24 on account of any such ta.king shall be, and the same hereby are, assigned . 26 by Lessee to Lessor. In case there is an allowance by law for moving expenses or for fixtures awned by Lessee, independent and separate from th 26 award for the real estate and improvements, then such separate award for . moving expense or fixtures owned by Lessee shall be the property of the 27 Lessee, and not the Lessor. � , 28 DESTRUCTION OF PREMISES. In case the said premises, or any pa•rt . 2� thereof, or the whole or any part of the building of which they are a part, s}lall, after the execution hereof and befor^ the expiration of said terrn, be ao �lestroyed or partially destroyed or damaged by fire, windstorm or other unavoidable casualty so that the leased premises, in whole or in part, ; a� are unfit for occupancy and use, then this Lease and the 'said term shall terminate at the election of the Lessor; provided, however, that if Lessor � a2 does not terminate this Lease and the term thereof, then Lessee may ter- ' a3 minate this Lease and the said term by written notice delivered at the usual place designated by the Lessor for the payment of rent within ninety (90) , � , � � �... o..�«. o. , ;'r � . �TACKEA, 61WCASTEIN• . , . � , . . . . ' �'�r OURK[6 RAD90M ' V '� � � , � NIMMf�OtA ■VIlDIMO . • �� +l . ' ' �S� ` . ' 1. . . . . . _ " . i.MYL� MINMt�OM��fy1 _ � - . ,. ' • . . � j ' � � .. � � . . . ' ' � - �. .� . � ' . ' � . � t.•��• . . . ,f ' � , `,;�_ , ?�,�� ...��:. ..t;. � . . ' . � .. ! � i� . y .� _ �'�. �.,.: . . . ^�:_ �,�K s �a��,,r t ,.,�,'� a�. t � K..�x- 'r��� n � �':�:�a r ,r-' E � „".7, s�,�4 ,�• s, - `�r''. . . . • .. _ . _ . . . . . . . . . . . - .. . ..... . ..... ..:.f . : . . . . . i. . : , ��9�/9` . :�, :, . , . ; .. , � . . , $ days from the date of such destruction or dama�e, if within sixty (60) days � . of said destruetion or damage said Lessor has not entered into a contract ; a with a responsible party, or parties, providing for the substantial restora-�. � � ' tion or repair of said premises within one hundred eighty (180) days frum .•:'�,'`� �. ' '� tlie date of such destruction or damage, it being understood that due allow-��,, �� �, ;�` ' 6 ance may be made in any such contract for delays in making such resto.ra- � . tion or repairs where such delays are due to or caused by what are commonl , 6 kno�vn as "labor troubles" or by a shortage of necessary materials or � ir.zbility to secure such materials. If said Lease anc] said term are not so 7 terminated by either Lessor or Lessee, then, in case of any such destruc- � tion of or damage to the leased premises, a just proportion of the rent a hereinbefore. reserved according to the nature and extent of the injury or � � damage sustained by the leased premises shall be suspended or abated until I.�� , the leased premises shall have been put in proper condition for use and � ' 10 , occupancy. If, however, this Lease and said term be terminated pursuant '' � hereto by either Lessor or Lessee, then termination shall be as of the date . 11 of such destruction or damage, and each of the parties hereto shall be released and discharged of all liability and obligation hereunder, one to : . , � the other, as of said date. • 18 Lessor agrees to make no claim for recovery against Lessee, and expreasly �I , 14 waives any right of recovery against Lessee for damages to or loss of the � � . leased premises or improvements thereto or to the building of which the � 1s demised premises are a part, or to personal property, if any, owned by the Lessor and located in any such building or buildings, which damage or loss ; � 16 may arise by fire or any other peril covered by any policy of insurance, ;, 17 and in which policy the Lessor is or shall be the insured, and when such �� � '�� ' loss is caused by or results from any acts or�negligence or carelessness`'"'"'�" 'r'� 18 of the Lessee, its officers, agents, employees or any other person under `. , its control. ' . 19 ,. , Zo RIGI-IT OF REMOVAL OF TRAD1� FIXTUR,ES BY LESSEF. All trade , . fixtures, furniture and equipment installed, attached to or built upon the � '�� � .: 21 demised premises, whether installed during the term hereof, or prior to , the commencement of ttie term hereof, owned by Lessee, shall remain the 22 sole property of Lessee and may be removed by it upon the expiration of the term hereof, provided that any damage or injury to the demised premises . 23 bccasioned by such removal shall be repaired by Lessee at its own expense. Such right of removal shall extend during the period of any renewal of this ' 24 Lease, or any other L,ease hereafter made between the parties or their � 26 successors in interest, and any renewal thereof. , Za RIGIiT OF SUBOIZDINATION. Lessee agrees that upon demand of Lessor it snall execute any and all documents reasonably necessary to effect a 27 subordination of this Lease to any mortgage hereafter placed by Lessor � , upon the demised premises, provided only that such subordination shall � 28 grant to Lessee�the right to continue in possession of the demised:premises ' 29 during the term hereof, as the same may be renewed, upon its fulfillment of all of the terms and conditions hereof. so . , . � NOTICE TO LESSEE OF DEFAULT, Anything to the contrary herein not- ` ,�:;.,:, , , si withstanding, Lessor agrees that it shall take no action under the terms• of this Lease to the detriment of Lessee without first giving to Lessee , g2 thirty (30) days' written notice within which t;:ne Lessee shall have the righ�t , . . 1 aa � , , , � . . • . . . . . -9- � , . , t�w orrtcn or , . . -KCR. BILVFROTUN� � . � , � , � � , • � ' • � . . IURK[ Et RADOOM ' . . . . • � . . , � ' � - �MM[IOTA \VILDIMO - � ' , . , '' � � • ' - � � �MV� MINMi�OTA �OOI . ' ' , . , , • . � ' p ! 'e�.• ����, ' ' .: ' • � ' • , f;. . {, _ _ , . ,: �..- �t �,{;. ;a� � ' " � R �" � . lt. - .: � U'.�. t '� �i�' a '1 �' � .Y.,.'. . . H� . ., Yt;� �#.'Ti31.y�� 'k I'' '`i�: -.��}' 4 � . . .. .. .. e... . . ,�. ,. i a � ... .. �.. . . .- .,. �i� . �'�,. .�. . .' : � R +T l . . . � ' .. �:i� .., . � �.,. � .. - �, . . � .. ��..� . �. '., . . �.. . ..... . . } :. . . �� . . . y' .. . . . t . ... . vv � ..,.. .�� ... . .. ' . _ .. .. . � � . ' ' ���//9 ' , � .. �. . � . • • i •. , , . ,••. . � � • • 1 • . ' • 2 to correct and cure any claimed default, incluclin� lhe nonpayment of rent. ; . Sucli notice shall state the nature and extent of such default. Lessee agrees . $ that Lessor shall lilcewise have a reasonable time after written notice from � � the Lessee of any claimed default or breach on its part, within which Eo ��: ;�; �� � � cure any such �claimed default or breach, including any alleged default or���''� �� � 6 breach for failure to deliver possession on a day certain. ' � 6 , P/11..KiNG AIZT�E1, The Lessor will, at its own expense, maintain the p:irking lot to the east of the building of which the demised premises are a '. 7 part, including the obligation of snow removal. The Lessor reserves to itself the right to estaalish reasonable regulations, from time to time, as to ; • 8 the use: of said parking lot, and Lessee agreea to comply therewith. � � � ; The Lessee agrees that said parking lot shall be used only for patrons of � lo Lessee, in common with customers and patrons of other tenants in the '; � building of which the demised premises are a part. The Lessee agrees 11 that its owners and employees will not use the parking lot for their use, and Lessee agrees to enforce said regulation. Lessor agrees that without� � � the consent of the Lessee it will not nlace anv �rl�i't�onal structures on th� � ls present parking area and will not in any way diminish the �artcin area that � i. ► ow avai�able for customers of the Lessee and other tenants of the buildin i 1d o w �ic e em�se emises are a part. Lessor agrees a so 1a e wi � pu a ro e e par in lot esi na �ng that the arkin are ', 1b sha be available to customers and licensees of the Lessee, as well as the 1s otier tenants of the bui �n� o which the demised premises are a part. � � i 17 AIT�, CONDITIONING, The Lessor agrees that without additional charge -""'t''-' it will furnish to the Lessee air conditioni,ng out of the central system that is `�� , , 1s now in existence in the building of which the demised premises are a part, but no failure to maintain in operation the air conditioning unit in the buildin . � ia of which the demised premises are a part from whatever reasonable cause � . 20 resulting shall be construed as an eviction of the Lessee or work an aban- � donment of the rent, or in anywise render the Lessor liable for damage to k=; . 21 person or property suffered by the Lessee or any other person, by rea5on • � � of such failure. or release the Lessee from the prompt fulfillment of any ' 22 of its covenants under this Lease; provided, however, t �a ail tim use ' i ence and care to keep the resent air conditioning , � � 23 system and eauipment in a sta e o proper r; ;�air, and in the event of any •� brealcdown of the air conditioning, to repalr or restore the same �vt a 1 24 � reasonable speed and dili enc�. There shall be no obligation on the part of � 26 the Lessor to increase the capacity of air conditioning now available from its present system. Any increase by Lessee of the air conditioning capacity 2a shall be on,Lessee's meter, and not on Lessor's. • , 2T �IEAT. The Lessor agrees that without additional charge it will furnish to the Lessee heat out of the central system that is now in existence in the • 28 building of"which the demised premises are a part, but no failure to main- ' '29 tain in operation the heating unit in the building of which the demised pre- inises are a part from whatever reasonable cause resulting shall be ,{ ap construed to be an eviction of the Lessee or work �n abandonment of the ` ;'��;;�;, , :ent, or in anywise render the Lessor liable for damage to person or '.'�: s� property suffered by the Lessee or any other person, by reason of such failure, or release the Lessee from the prompt fulfillment of any of its a2 sa , � � � , . . . -10- . . LAM OI��C[• O► • . � •. .. � • � . �:KCR. 61WCOST¢INr � • .. . ' ' � . � � � � f1UNK[ d RAD90M ' . . . . ' �iMN[�OTA •UI�DINO ' � • • , , ' • ' . � . � . ►�YL� MIMNp07A J�101 � � , . '. .. . . . ' . i. . � , ; . . . . . . . � � . . - � ��i� �"t �'�;-r �r'�...j� . � i � , . .`a'.�yi �{�"�.' - r ^..1 � ,:iF' '� .� .� :. : . „ 4vr�, r-R,fi f �Su, � "� k� , M' �.Mr� x :yY'� �#n,���"t�ti� �ti�s �� s ya ,�;�. `� ` ;; ^.E..n� �"'�� •� •r ..�7� h!C�I. u ,��" r � {�, r� . . .- + _, .. • .��.t � _� ' � �� ,.�� ' . <_. : ., � � ,.. , • • . . / • , � ?,�� I � • � • � � � � , •.\ � • � . . ' • � 1 � a cc�venlnts under this Lcase; provided, howevcr, that Lessor will at all times u:�c due dilibence and care to keep the present heating system and equipment , $ in z state of proper repair, and in the event of any breakdown of the heating ?. ' system, to repair ox �,estore the same with all reasonable speed and dili- • � �ence. There shall be no obligation on the part of the Lessor to increase the i 6 capacity of heat now available from its present system. Any increase by , Lessee of the lieating capacity shall be on Lessee's meter, not on Lessar's. � 6 • \��11T�IZ. Lessor abrees to furnish, at its own exf�ense, water, including 7 hot water, to the Lessee as it is reasonably necessary for the comiortable ! usc, occupation, and operatio.z of the demised premises durin� business hour I 8 of the Lessee without any charge, but no failure to maintain the water pipe i 9 system in the building of which the demised premises are a part from what- ever reasonable cause resulting shall be construed as an eviction of the : 10 Lessee or work an abandonment of the rent, or in anywise render the Lessor � liable for dama�e to person or property suffered by the Lessee or any other ` �1 person, by reason of such failure, or release the Lessee from the prompt � • ' fulfillment of any.of its covenants under this Lease; provided, however, � � that Lessor will at all times use due diligence and care to keep the present 18 wa�er pipe system and equipment in a state of proper repair, and in the event of any breakdown in the water pipe system, to repair or restore the � 14 same with all reasonable speed and diligence. There shall be no obligation .' on the part of the Lessor to increase the capacity of water now available . 1s from its present system. ' 16 Lessee a rees not to ermit the waste of an of said water and to rom tl g P Y P P Y �::.: ' 17 repair any of the fixtures in the demised premises in case of the develop- ' �� ...,....---R. . .._ , . �, .. . ment of any leak. _. _ �-,- .,. --.V.... _,... . 1a � . , . It is further agreed and understood that the Lessor's oUligation to furnish i9 WZter shall terminate in accordance with the paragraph designated "Water ' Zo and Metering", as is contained on Page 4 of this Lease. ' 21 D1:l+AULT. If Lessee neblects or fails to perform or observe any of the � covenants contained in this Lease on the part of Lessee to be performed or • 22 observed, or if Lessee shall be declareci bankrupt or insolvent accordin�; to law, or if any receiver or receivers of the prop�rty of Lessee be a�pointed, ' � � or if any assignment shall be made of Lessee's property for tlle benefit of � � creditors, or if the estate hereby created shall be ta.lcen on esecution or by 24 other process of law, then and in any of said cases (notwithslancling any 26 license or waiver of any former breach of covenant, or waiver of the benefit thereof, or consent in a former instance) Lessor lawfully may immediately, 2a or at any time thereafter and without demand or notice, enter into or upon the said premises, or any part thereof, in the name of the whole, and 27 re�ossess the same as of their former estate, anything nerein to the contrary . nolwithstanding, and expel the Lessee and those claiming through or under K � Z$ Lessee and remove their effects (forcibly, if necessary), and, if it elects, �` � "" � ' 29 may store the same for the account and at the expense and rislc of Lessee, witliout being deemed guilty of any rnanner of trespass and without: prejudice . 3o to any remedies which might otherwise be used for arrears of rent or pre- •.� :;` ceding breach of covenant; and, upon entry as aforesaid, this Lease shall � s1 terminate; and Lessee hereby expressly waives the service of any notice . in writing of intention to re-enter as aforesaid. And Lessee covenants that, az 23 . . ' ' . ' . ' -11- ' � LAN O►IIL[• 0I ' , • . . .. � ' . ' � 'ACK[N� 6tLV6RH�tIN. ' . . .• . . � . . BVRK[ d RAD40M " ' � '�•� � �� � � . YINIIt�OTA �VILDIMO . .. • � . � i•� � � . ��wb r�wwuorw n�a � � . � - � . ' i . . l � :��y�`, � � . � ... � �.� . . . . ..:�t.. � , .. . .. � . .;1 . � - . �r!'.�a�!�...'�.�_,: ..,�r.:E.� . � � - - .. � �� . , . �� 1 � s : k. �.� ��s . ��,� ::f ����,�j _-r� � �.. . . . . . .- . !'�7"r� �� $'�-*�a � „ry�• .��rt°..{:,� M � �� 'a�� �, i�n^�y, .i.�' . 'yrv ' - �.. � � � : . . .�?�'i�� I �s . � .. , . . .. � . . � • . j 1 i • g in case of such termination, Lessee will indemnify Lessor ab:iinst all loss of rents and other payments which Lessor may incur by reason of such � a termination during the residue of the time first above specified for the dura- . tion of said term. . ' ; � . , . . ; . .' ; :� !� 6 In c�se of the eviction�of Lessee or in case of the termination of this Lease ' � �:'� � or any extension tl�creof, for any cause whatsoever, Lessor m1y, without ; � . g prejudice to any other ribhts by law or hereby given it, immediately rer.over ; of Lessee the pro rata rent up to the time of eviction or termination, � 7 irrespective of the periods herein prescribed for the payment of rent. � ' ' . � � � � g In the event Lessee shall vacate said premises during the ternz of this Lease, 9 Lessor may, at its option, without terminating this Lease, enter into said '� premises and re-let the same for the account of Lessee for such rent and ' ' 10 upon such terms as Lessor shall approve; and, if a sufficient sum shall not � '�� be thus realized monthly (after paying the expenses of such re-letting) to �l , satisfy the monthly rent as provided to be paid by Lessee, then Lessee will ' satisfy and pay such deficiency upon demand monthly. � 12 1S LnTENT D�FT�CTS. Lessor shall not be responsible or liable to Lessee, either for dama�e or otherwise, in the event said building, b reason of '" ld latent structural defects or latent weaknesse or because o tiie shiftin�, � crosion, weakenin� or disintegration of the earth, soil, sand �rock or othsr_ is material constituting the foundation wherein said buildin rests or which . • suE�ports the same, or y reason of an other cause becomes or is declared is y any �u �c au ority o e unfit or unsafe for occupancy, and upon the 17 happening o y c i event or events, Lessor ma,y, and �t here y is ully "'��' ' empowere n au orize o, terminate this Lease. Such right of termina- ' �8 tion shall be exercised by Lessor by giving to Lessee writEen notice of ter- mination; which shall be served as provided in the next para�raph of this ' 19 Lease. Upon service of such notice, this Lease shall terminate to all intent � and purposes and with like force and effect as if this Lease had by its terms 20 i�cen made to tcrminate on the day notice is served; provided, however, that ' 21 Lessce shall have a reasonable time within which to remove his property • from tlie demised premises, but any occupancy of said prernises after ser- ' 2z vice of such notice shall be at Lessee's sole risk. • , � If such latent defects appear, and Lessor d�.��s not correct such defects • within a i•easonable time after �iven notice by Lessee of the existence of � such defects, the Lessee shall have the right to terminate this Lease, upon 26 giving Lessor thirty (30) days' written notice of LesSee's intention to termi- • � nate this Lease. . 2s NOTICES. All notices from Lessor to Lessee required or permilted to be 27 �iven hereunder shall be deemed duly served if left at the leased premises, addressed to Lessee, with the Lessee or person in charge of the premises, ; , . 28 and I�essor will note name of person to whom delivered, or, if given by ' " ' 2S re�istered mail, addressed to Lessee at said premises, and ali notices hcreunder from Lessee to Lessor shall be deemed duly served if left at � $o Lessor's office or given by registered mail addressed to Lessor at its said � ofiice. If service is by mail, the time of service shall be the time when the � � ti�' s� notice is deposited in.the maiL � � ' a2 ' � � � ' -12- � aa • , LAM O►/ICf/ 0• �. . . . . � .. I . iACKER. 811V[17eTCIN� ' � OURK[ d RADaOM . .. .• . ' . ' , . r I � YINN�M7A �VIlD�MO . . �.. + . 1' t. ►AY{,� MINNpOL� ��/N . . . . . � , . I � . . . ' .. . . ( . . ,� , ' �y �� � a. xr� ,,R !. � • , , � f � , f� � � e c _}.� : �' ,,y. F j � E 'V` `^�:'A� 7�"� 1C 4 J.-.y �:: ,� ' '� :p� � ��,����t ��.o-. i"w�'�.'�,``� x�*r.�.�r,kn:;+5 j` �:.� ft �"� ��. • ii' 'i� '�s.�r� .� j . ' .S . � . . .. .�' . .. ,. :_. : . .� .. .` �n,. ,.. . _, -. . . . 1 . . .. .- :;, . '- . �. , .. . . _ .. . . . . �. , .. .. . . . . . ..;, � ..:. . .... . ,. � - ..,... � . . . . . . . .. . . ,��� .� � _ , , � 9. � . ., . .. . , � , : 8 NON--WIIIVLIZ Ol� 13P�,TACII Ol� COVPNANT, Each of the �arties agrees tliat no assent, evpress or implied by the other, to any breach of any of the $ covenants or agreements herein contained shall be deemed or taken to be a 1�. � waiver of any succeeding breach of any such covenant, � ' � , a � _ , . . � 6 Time is an essential part hereof. All the covenants, terrns and conditions .���' of tl�is Lease shall extend and apply to and firmly bind the heirs, legal � 6 representatives, successors and assigns of the respective parties hereto as fully as the respective parties are themselves bound, but this provision 7 s}�all not authorize the assi�ning or the sublettin� by Lessee of this Lease or the leased premises contrary to the provisions hereinabove contained. . 8 . . , � IN 'TESTIMONY WHEREOF, Lessor and Lessee have caused . tl�is instrument to be executed, all as of the day and year first above written. ' • io Lessee acknowledges that at the time of making and delivery of this Lease, � and Security Agreement, Lessor delivered to it a full, true and complete • 11 copy of the same. ..; • , � . . . . , . , � . � In Presenc of ' • , ' � . : .;: .. 18 . �� . ��, • � �-� . . �r �, � � � ia � �4� ,1 �. ' �' -1;�� � �� - - . ', � ,�' � . . . � i � ' �b '7 • , .� ./J.OSEPH COHEN . . � �� � � �� ,• 16 — �.-- � . , � % ` / /�" -, , � �i 'r— . 17 ' . . . .. - ESTHER COHEN , .•;�, ,'; �' ^r'r}Fa?"'t--- . , . ._ . . . . ..;�..-.r:.,,e,,�r?b�,..,.,..:-'•,c^t"�.-�.•,.. • �,a", : �s AS TO LESSOR . ' , , - � .� . ��!1 - ,. �. �: • ;. . '� . _ . . ia � " - � „ MILTON COHEN �i . , � . . .�; 20 '. ' � � . . . , � c"f � ; ., ; , . �, - ' �+ n > . ,/ ; ,/� 1 . � 21 . : , _ � � c.�-,�•:�c_-.�.;.�, ,..� ;. ' ' ' - . HARVEY D.vCOHEN 22 .. .. . : . . . Partners, �doing business as HARVEY 23 • � INVESTMENT COMPANY � . , . . � . , � � . LESSOR ' , 2b . • . : . • � � . ' 26 : � � LUCKY LANES, INC. • � 27 � � , ^ 1 . ,�. =� �.C�--�,c 6 �-vL B3' ;._( ,' •U�. , , 2s . . President . ` .. . • 29 � ����___._C' � ��' ' -�6-/1..�. Z�C �c�c_.-- ao '_.'..4. � :� L�. �-�..� gy�, � � ���•_�. ;� ,/ � : / . . ; Sec tary . ' ai , ; . � „,��i:,;,. , , AS TO LESSEE. , ..' • LESSEE ' ' ' � � , . , �'.� ��� , S2 . ,,, (SEATJ) . ��' ,. 83 -13- � - � .�' .. . . . ^ , ; �...o..��.. o. � � fACK[A� BIIVCR�T[IN�- ' � ' � ' ' ' ' � �� ' � I � OU11K! d RADSOM • � � , � ' . �� • � .. YINM[IO�A �VllDlnO ' � f� ' .� � � � � � ' , i . IAYM YINMp01A ��IN ' � . ' :!1... .. � . I� . i. . �. � . � � . ; + �.l .� . � .. . _ . � . . . . . ` � . , .. . , . . . . � �'"` s ,�.�... . ..# `Y � . � . . . - . , , � . . .. . ' ' .. �i. t�� ,' , „A . .: _. a L. ` ;; � ., � .. � '. :��, � „ ,'� �,.. r� t '� � ,w+ wf •' r. .. F"`�y1",,kj,�.�?vy{�V'� ,�?"'r k,��� � .�� '� ��;,r� �. � �a���iTM,'�. �a �<, ,.r., °"��k.: '��' .5 ",f}> ._ ...... .. .. ... _. �. _. , c. .. �:l+-z ' ...i.. ...;� � . .,. �. . . � _... . . ... . .. � .... � .. .. . �... :�'i. I • � P I '�.'.►y � -� , ti �, ' ' � . . . . . '• '�1! � I//� � 1 . ./ . 'I '. ' , . , .. � . 1 . , . ' $ S'1'ATE Or MINN�SOTA ) ) ) ss. . . , � .a COUNTY. OF RAMSEY . ) � . , . . . . . � ' 4 ' On this ,...�� day of , ,�; l,��_' , 196 8, `' 6 before me, a Notary Public within and for said County, personally appeared ' JOS�PH COH�N, �STII�R COII�N, MIL1'ON COH�N and IiARVEY G. 6 COI-I�N, Partners, � doing business as I3ARVEY INVESTM�NT. COMPANY, I to me known to be the persons described in, and who executed the foregoing i , � instrument, and acknowledged that the xecUt d the same as their free ' : act and deed, ' . ;' •� 8 . .. � . , . '. " . 9 ..• . � �� Z-U � i'-�'�-�"�- �it. " � 10 . , . ; . ' • ' RALPii 3TACt{L-R � 11 NOtary Publtc, Ram;ny Caunty, Mirn. STATE OF MINNESOTA ' ) �Y�mis�bn Explret Aug. 19, �973 • 12 , . ) SS. ig COUNTY,OF,.RAMSEY ) ` � 14 On this .� ��� day of /�'`"—"`—� , 1968, b�fore me, Notary Public within and for sa�id County, personally appeared ibj�--'�'-j- 7�.�:�,•.,,......._.-�-.f and �-�—�._..,�_ �-;.�,� ,,.�,��._..__..,. to me persona ly known, who, being each by me duly sworn, did say that ig , they are respeetively the President and the Secretary of the corporation � _ �q nained in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed to said instru- '�"'"='�� � ment is the corporate seal oi said corporation, and that said ir,strument wae , is sihned and sealed in b half of said corporation by authority of its Board of �. � Directors, and said �--'�- ),f--� �t„�.=.—.---�-��--- and � � 19 ,j'`_ . .� �_, J.�j--��-..ti—>,—.,--�,-.�. — acknowledged said instrument to be , , Zo the free act,and. dee` .of said,corporation. : , 21 ' ' �L� . �•l�'- -��=�-<'._� ' . ._ , . . �. ' �� �-1.��1�-3- 22 . • �.�ADYS tA. HASItELL, , Ck1t:ry Publit. Famsey County, Minn. � �p �ommissiva Fxpires Narch 14, 1974 , ; GUARANTY 2a 26 IN CON5IDERATION of the execution of the within Lease by th� I.essor, at the request of the undersigned, and on the faith of tliis Guaranty, . Z� we do hereby guarantee the payment of the rent by said Lease reserved by the said Lessee and the performance by said Lessee of all covenants and 27 abreements of said Lease, and we will pay all the Lessor's expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees, incurred in enforcing the obl►gation � of the Lessee under said Lease or incurred in enforcing this Guaranty, ��j � " 29 hereby waiving demand of payment and all notice of the Lessee's default. : 80 , WITNESS our hands and seals this .� �; �l� day of : � .,,_..—�—�__ , 19 6 8. �,' _:.,� 81 / � � n Presence of � ��!'� '�- • �•� .- - � a2 ' KIT -�YMA S N /r l _ l � / ( _.._.f� � 7. � L��.. �Y`�-�` -� .\ ��, . / / ` 1 i 88 � , '� , fi "'�.-., �/��'ff� /� � �. ./ � �'�c '�'—� . J.� - �, i`�� C�-�-�; - �.�- � IY AN I3YM�1 SON. �,AM O/IICf• 0/ .,� � 7ACK[R. 61WCf17T[IN� � . •. � � � , . . BURK[ O RADeOM � . ' . . � • � 1._._ M�MM��OTA �VILOIMO � ♦ . I � �\.�. /� 1 / �I �� \ , 1..��—. —_ _ . •. •�°�. M"'��•°:"••'•' AS TO GUARANTORS �•• �LNNIS S. HYjV1 ANSON � ' �'�. • , ', . • • , / ' 1 +�' t' , * +. _. ___ : : .. ' ` , . . M.. � . A i.� M- �,�.. .. . � -,� y♦� Y :• ` � .: #� '-,'��3�yc.Y'i � ��isr� .� ..i;��a v el jMI�Y + �,�+, � *'t� ? . ' r"Y�.n,. �''.f"..'� 'r 1 n}�y.:a, wwq�,N`ki .� �y. " � x.� i a.y1+..1'k,1� 'r, �'''d i.,�,}' ��. ...� �. ' � - .---.�� � ��<. :,y�''". : /_ .��.. .�...'�.. � • .,:.. � . , . . , . , . . � . . .�: . .. . t. ... . . .. .. , .. . _ .. . . ..._. . . . . . ... . . .. -,- 'i . , . i ' , , ,� . y � ' � �i � ?9//�l a ~ a �I� � 1 i �! ' , � II STnTE OF NIINNLSOTA ) � � ) ss. � I CG7JNTY OI' RAMSLY. ) : ; , . � 1 rr, +,; 4 ,: On this ]��\_ day of July, 1968, before ::ze, a l�'otary� , � �I Puulic tivi�l�in and for said County, personully appeared KTt IiYiV:AI�'SO1�T, �' H1'i�;.'1I� III'NlANSON, and D�NNIS S. IIYMAITSON, to me kr�o�vr� to be the g i persons described in, and who executed the foregoing instrurnent, and � acl:nowledged that they executed the same as their free act and deed. ; 7 I . . I . , . . .� . . , �; . S ( r i .;,--'Zt�� � ' ,,.�._.:�. ��t �� • � 10 � . ShErt:�rir. ',-t. r,!�; �,r,F �,,� 11 Not;;ry ►�_ ,;�. rt-r;,�;,,, c-�u���y, „tnu,. , , ! 1'dy Cunirt���;i.•,� L;•;��r,.. ,.,u�� r 1, J.i74, , 12 �I • ' ' � . � i 1S `� , �i . . . . � . . . � V 1' I4 i� • � _ . ,:,,, 15 �� • + I� _ � �� • _ IV . i . � . . � . . �i . [�f..;�.... . Z I I - � . , .. c9w.�y rar,,.--- .. ..� , :d�,.-�qr..._ � . . .. . v y R+,.r.. 'F� � ._ .,,,pr;f i �:�. .. I., . . � � � ' . � * � . . '+r+��.�I�"Y 1'l�a:��'�'1 r� f . IO ' � � , � ``',}�, .3 � 20 ' ���:i:F, ' . i.<M. - 21 I . . 2'l �� il . . 1 I 23 � . '� � ' 24 'i �. . 2: ',I . i 20 �� . �! 27 '( 2a i) _ , , .. I` . • . . �' � 25 �� ' � f . ' 2O � �� � 31 �� . I� � � � � . �� , . . . u �� . �� � , -I 5- �. . „ ��•n ornc�o cr :{ � � � � . - ACRLR. L:LVCR�7CIN. If , . � • . �.URKC � AAG�OIA �� - . . � MINIILGO7A UVILGt11C 1j � . ►AYL� NINNC�OM �i101 �' � , ' � � .,'� :' � - .�v .' . . r ' , � ' , ,!• '��t�f�. 'µ•'�• � , .�, ' � . .c: :. •.. .. r __..... _ ....__� MG� Y ... . .. � _..�_..r._ ...dL�_.._..., - . . : � � �,_ � _ . . �,. . . �.����,� .. �i � �s .s r _ :_ } ��'. :�, t .i �",'�}�y ����S i i.i t ,.�, , �.s �� �r•. � ' .�.`�! lI .°S,��V��Y:M���S� 1 .� ^v*A x�'.1+� .�i, C?41���� ,'�St R* .1.. . � ' J! � �: �.. . . . . . . ... . . -.. � . .�. . - . - . .. . . . .. . � .. ;M.. . . . . .,, .-.:. •. _. _. ��9ir � Li ncol n Properties, inc. , ; July 23, 1981 � -. -. N _ ,. Mr. Pudge Hymanson ,�.. _ -. . .�r: �,.�:-�.,. LUCKY LANES , . " . �„ _ . "' . . .t.r!.r ... . .. r . .. . :� ... .. ... , . , ..:. , � �r M 2155 Ford Parkway ----�.�:..-_ _ . , :�.n-�.....':'��IQ1.�iqs.. . St . Paul, Minnesota 55116 Re: Pudge's Bar � Dear 112r. Hymanson: • This letter will serve notice that on July 22, 1981 , Lincoln Properties, Inc. , as managing agent of the Ford Shopping Center, was notified by r4r. Dan Norrgran, St . Pau1 City Fire Marshall, that a code deficiency relative to the number of exits from Pudge' s Bar presently exists. As per Page 7, Paragraph M of your Lease Agreement, we request that the deficiency be corrected. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact : ' me. ery truly your � � _ e'' Y c; , , , ;� � . : . //�j� , •. � ,�� > �,� i i / . :w+*', . � ... . , , . . # ' � �._ . • ����'.k 'F� dwx .'•i , ,� r�.,:�.� N • "tiy�+- � ' , ... • ..i^,'�H",..��i�i�ify�ry��r:..�r r �°', .. _.w"�'. , �r.� � ..:...L.1�iy�. �-�::► Thomas P. DuFresne ; President TPD/ke � - Lincoln Building, 7325 Wayzata Blvd„ Minneapolis,MN 55426 (612)542-9444 , _ Commercial Development, Brokerage and Mandgement i ''� DEPARTMENT OF FIRE AND SAFETY SERVICES °������ 101 EAST TENTH STREET ti�y�,. SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA 5510� �� � i � ..-a CHIEF STEVE CONROY, DIRECTOR 3. FIRE PREVENTION ASS'T CHIEF EDWARD HEINEN ti � " FIRE SUPPRESSION ASS'T CHIEF ROBERT PYE SCUBA F�ESCUE FIRE MARSHAL DAN NORRGRAN � AMBULANCE PARAMEDIC _ . �lrilt_ _ May z9, 19g1 Mr. Milton Cohen • Harvey Investment Company . 790 South Cleveland Avenue � St. Paul, Mn. 55116 SUBJECT: Pudges Bar 2155 Ford Parkway St. Paul, Mn. 55116 Dear Mr. Cohen: The exit system for Pudges Bar does not meet the requirements of the fire code or the building code. The bar is located in a cellar and it has one approved exit. Tow approved exits, remote from each other, are required from this cellar occupancy. . The fire code was adopted in October of 1979 and it includes the 1973 edition of the life safety code. The fire code and the life safety code are enforced by the fire ir�spectors. The violations o£ the fire code are as follows: Fire Code/Life Safety Code Regulations Section 8-1223 Minimum Number of Fxits Every Class C place of assembly (capacity 50 to 300 persons) shall have at . least 2 means of exit, consisting of 2 separate exits or doors leading to a corridor or other spaces giving access to 2 separate and independent exits in separate directions. Section 8-1323 Other Exits Such exits shall be located as far apart as practicable and as far from the main exit as practicable. Section 8-1272 (d) Aisles No dead end aisle shall be greater than 20 feet in length. ' � i � "Your Safety Is �ur Concern " I' � = .��yiry� The exit system at Pudge's Bar must comply with the re�ulations in the Fire Code/Life Safety Code. We require the second exit to be located near the north west area of Pudge's Bar. h1r. Cohen, we have issued orders to provide the second exit fro�r, Pudge's Bar for a long time. As of this date no second exit has been provided and no acceptable plans have been submitted to the Building Department for approval. �b'e are holding your license applications and they will not be approved until the second exit has been provided. If we do not hear from you by June 15, 1981, with an acceptable plan for the second exit from Pudge's Bar, we will reject your city license applications. They will be sent to the License Division for proper disposition. You may also request a hearing before the Board of Appeals 298:4163 regarding . these fire code regulations. � We have to insist that positive action be taken to correct the fire code violations at Pudge's Bar. Failure to comply with the fire code regulations is a violation of the law. If you have any questions regarding this matter call me at the Fire Prevention Division at 224-7611. Sincerely, , �p,��.. 1'� Dan Norrgran Fire Marshal , ' cc: Dick Amey. .Building Department Chris Christian. .Building Department Pudge Hymanson. .1730 Kenwood Pkwy. , Nfpls. , N�. 554�5 Joe Carchedi. .License Division kld �I I w _ DEPARTMENT OF FIRE AND SAFETY SERVICES ��9/�'-�' 101 EAST TENTH STREET ;,4,, .,�. SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA 55101 � . � C'�"�/ c � •'r r� CHIEF STEVE CONROY, DIRECTOR ' 3_ FIRE PREVENTION ASS'T CHIEF EDWARD HEINEN .'� � FIRE SUPPRESSIQ N ASS'T CHIEF ROBERT PYE ' _ SCUBA RE3Cl1E FIRE MARSHAL OAN NORRGRAN � AMBULANaE PARAMEDIC May 29, 1981 Mr. Milton Cohen Harvey Investment Company • 790 South Cleveland Avenue . St. Paul, Mn. 55116 SUBJECT: Pudges Bar 2155 Ford Parkway St. Paul, Mn. 55116 Dear Mr. Cohen: The exit system for Pudges Bar does not meet the requirements of the fire code or the building code. The bar is located in a cellar and it has one approved exit. Tow approved exits, remote from each other, are required from this cellar occupancy. The fire code was adopted in October of 1979 and it includes the 1973 eciition of the life safety code. The fire code and the life safety code are enforced by the fire inspectors. The violations of the fire code are as follows: Fire Code/Life Safety Code Regulations Section 8-1223 Minimum Number of Exits Every Class C place of assembly (capacity 50 to 300 persons) shall have at • least 2 means of exit, consisting of 2 separate exits or doors leading to • a corridor or other spaces giving access to 2 separate and independent exits in separate directions. Section 8-1323 Other Exits Such exits shall be located as far apart as practicable and as far from the main exit as practicable. Section 8-1272 (d) Aisles No dead end aisle shall be greater than 20 feet in length. "Your Safety Is Our Concern " ' � � � ��9/��, � The exit system at Pudge's Bar must comply with the re�ulations in the Fire Code/Life Safety Code. We require the second exit to be located near the north west area of Pudge's Bar. Mr. Cohen, we have issued orders to provide the second exit from Pudge's ' Bar for a long time. As of this date no second exit has been provided and no acceptable plans have been submitted to the Building Department £or approval. We are holding your license applications and they will not be approved until the second exit has been provided. I£ we do not hear from you by June 15, 1981; with an acceptable plan for the second exit from Pudge's Bar, we will reject your city license applications. They will be sent to the License Division for proper disposition. You may also request a hearing befo're the Board of Appeals 298:1,163 regarding these fire code regulations. • We have to insist that positive action be taken to correct the fire code violations at Pudge's Bar. Failure to comply with the fire code regulations is a violation of the law. If you have any questions regarding this matter call me at the Fire Prevention Division at 224-7811. Sincerely, `i/O�v�' I'� Dan Norrgran Fire M,arshal cc: Dick Amey. .BuiTding Department Chris Christian. .Building Department Pudge Hymanson. .1730 Kenwood Pkwy. , lufpls. , Mn. 55405 Joe Carchedi. .License Division kld � �� �i� ► � �y'��9� DEPARTMENT OF FIRE AND SAFETY SERVICES 101 EAST TENTH STREET ��. SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA 55101 � f r -� ' CHEF STEVE CONROY, D/RECTOR s_ FWE PREVENTIONI ASS'T C�NEF EDWAAD HEINEN '+ � FIRE SUPPRE8310NI ASS'T CHEF ROBERT PYE _ SCl/BA RE9CUE! FIRE MARSHAL DAN NORRGRAN -�i� N„�g��EI �n. PARAAIEDIC April 10, 1981 . ; Mr. Cohen Narvey Investments 790 South Clevel�d Avenue ; St. Paul, MN 55116 ' SUBJECT: PUDG�'S BAR MF1�NS OF EG'RESS Dear Mr. Cohen: � The plan for the means of egress for Pudge's Bar located 2155 Ford , Parkway has been reviewed by the Fire Preventicm Division and the ��I plans e.x�rriner for the Build�ng Department. We find th,e exit system ; not acceptable and not in car�liance with the Building Code �d Fire Code. Yau shaul d take the p lans for Pucige's Bar to N�. Chris t i�, � plans ex�iiner for the Builcling Department for a review �d evaluatian � of the exit syste�. Mr. Christian is in Rc�ccn 445 of the City Hall. The plans should be reviewed as soon as possible because we carmot approve your City Licenses �mtil the exit system is in ccmpliance with the applicable codes. ' • We .expect to hear fran you within ten (10) days. ! Sincerely, � � � �� � ` � Dan Norrgr� I Fire Marshal i DN/ky cc: R. Amy, Bui lding Depart�nt i , C. Q�ristian, Builclir�g Departr.�t ,J�. � ,�� P. Hyti�anson, 1730 Ke2-�od Parkway, Miim�e�olis, riN 55405 , � � rr�/. , .. !� . ! - i„ l.- nrrr �/�r���rnrr I � DEPARTMENT OF FIRE AND SAFETY SERVICES o'� ��//� 101 EAST TENTH STREET ����. SAINT PAU MINNESOTA 55101 � � l r .rl '� CFIIEF STEVE CONROY, DIRECTOR � FIRE PREVENTION ASS'T CHI€F EDWARD HEINEN '� � " s FIRE SUPPRESSION ASS'T CFiIEF ROBERT PYE � � _ _ SCUBA RESCUE FIRE MARSHAL DAN NORRGRAN ��� AMBULANCE January 20, 1981 . . � P�AMEDIC ���� Mr. Milton Cohen Harvey Investments 690 South Cleveland Avenue � _ /,G/ St. Paul, MN 55116 �� l� . . 3:30 SUBJECT : Pudges Bar 2155 Ford Parkway : � St . Pa-ul, MN 55116 O � I � � Dear Mr . Cohen : , We have written letters to you regarding the exit system at Pudges Bar . The letters were written� on June 26, September 17, and December 5 , 1980 and they stated that the exit system did not meet the Fire Code Regulations . An additional stairway is required from this cellar occupancy and it must be located in the northwest corner of the bar. You have not complied with our orders regarding the installation of the required stairway. Failure to comply with the Fire Code Regulations is a violation of the law. You have had adequate time to install the stairway to comply with the Fire Code Regulations . Therefore , the Fire Prevention Division will not approve your City License Applications for 1981 . We will request a hearing before the license committee for the denial of your City Licenses to operate Pudges Bar. . We must inform you that you may appeal the Fire Code Regulations • before the St . Paul Board of Appeals and Review. You can call 298-4163 for further information regarding the Appeal � Board . You must file the Appeal within 5 days after receiving this letter. If we don ' t hear from you within 5 days ( by January 26, 1981 ), we will proceed with the denial of your City Licenses . If you havA any questions regarding this matter ca11 me a.t the Fire Prevention Division at 224-7811 . ��� � Dan PJorrgran • Fire 1:iarshal DN:mw I r � "Your Safety Is Our Concern " � . - � 1 ' " � � �'' � � , � � � � � �� � �� �/� � STATE OF MINNESOTA DISTRICT COURT � ` I COUNTY OF RAMSEY � SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT ------------�----------------�---------- Kit Hymanson and Lucky Lanes, Inc. , Plaintiffs, ; -vs- O R D E R City of St .Paul , a riinnesota ��unicipal (Fi?e No. 453559) corporation, and the Ci t y C o u n c i l o f the City of St.Paul , consisting of � Victor Tedesco, President, Robert Fletcher, Leonard Levine, Hugo riasanz, Chris Nicosia, James Scheibel , and �, � Bill jYilson, �,, � . _ �� � --'��j O �r >� � Defendants. �� N r- ---------------------------------------- ;_c�s ° v , ._�o —� 2� a Q �fJ The above-entitled matter came on for hearing before the undersigned Judge of the Distz�ict Court on Special Term in Room 1439 Court House on August 19, 1982 , pursuant to Plaintiffs ' motion � for a temporary restraining otder. � Plaintiffs were represented by Leo Dorfman ,Esq . , an3 Alan Dorfman ,Esq. Def�ndants tvere represented by Jane A, i:icPeak,Esq. , Assistant St .Paul City Attorney. Plaintiff Lucky Lanes, Inc. , i.s the holder of on-sale liquor, Sunday on-sale and entertainment licenses issued by the City of St . Paul . Plaintiff, Kit Hymanson , is the sole shareholder of Lucky _ Lanes , Inc. Plaintiffs operate an on-sale liquor business known as "Pudge 's Bar" located at 2155 Ford Parkway, St ,Paul , htinnesota. � The City license inspector has recommended that the City Council take adverse action against the licenses held by Plaintiff , � Lucicy Lanes, Inc. The City Council held a public hearing on August 10, 1982, on the question of such adverse action. At the conclusio� of the hearing, the Council members voted unanimously to revoke all licenses held by Plaintiff Lucky Lanes, Inc. The Council adopted a resolution to that effect on August 11 , 1982, which resolution the �Iayor of the City approved on Au�ust 19, 1982 , Under the City Char er the revocation will take effect upon publication of the approved i � , ,- , . resolution. Publication is apparently scheduled for August 21 , 198� . Plaintiffs have commenced a lawsuit for permanent injunction in which they contend that tMe City Council lacked jurisdiction to take the action in question, failed to comply with required notice and hearing procedures, acte�i arbitrarily, capriciously and unreaso�- ably, and denied to Plaintif�s due process and equal protection of � the law. . � Defendants urge that the action of the City Council was a proper and reasonable exercise of legislative discretion, that Plaintiffs were afforded due process, and that Plaintiffs have failed to demonstrate entitlement to injunctive relief . The purpose of a temporary restraining order is to maintain the status quo for a brief time until there can be an adversary hearing at which the issues in dispute can be fully presented, argued, and examined. Such interim relief is an emergency measure premised on a prima facie showing that irreparable harm will befall the movinjg party unless the relief is given . The strict standards for granting injunctive relief are nat necessarily applicable in a motion for a terr.porar3� restraining order, Since a temporary restrain�ng order is a short term expeident that does not settle any issue on the merits , the releva:�t considerations tivould appear to be : 1 . �Yhether a clear personal or property right is involved; 2. �Vhether the moving party has made a sufficient prima facie showing that there are legitimate and material legal issues that can accurately be decided only aft�r a full hearing in which the parties have a meaningful! opportu�ity to present their cases; 3. A balancing of the hardships to the parties; 4. A consideratiqn of the probable irreparable harm that will result if the temporarl� restraining order is granted or denied; and 5. An assessment of �vhether or not the moving party has� an adequate and complete legal remedy. I - 2 - ; � � f n In situations such as the present one, the Court must alsa be mindful of the rule that; if a legislative body having jurisdictioi has properly and reasonably exercised its discretion and has complied with due process and other constitutional requirements , the Court has no authority to substitute its judgment for that of the legisla- tive body. This rule, however, does not deprive the Court of the • power to review legislative action in order to determine whether or n< all the requirements of the law have been met by the legislative body, Based upon the pleadings, memorandums of the parties, affidav� submitted, the transcript of the hearing on. August 10, 1982, the arguments of counsel, and all the files, records and proceedings herein, it is this Court 's view that Plaintiffs have made suffici�nt prima facie showing to satisfy the criteria outlined above. It i� also this Court 's view, however, that a full hearing may well show that the action of the City Council was a proper exercise of legi�la- tive discretion and, therefore , any restraint on the Council 's ac�ion must be as brief as possible. , THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED: ! 1 . That the motion for a Temporary Restraining Order is '� granted, and that Defendants and their agents and servants are hereUy temporarily restrained from enforcing or taking any action to effectuate the resolution of August 11 , 1982, until further order of the Court. 2 . That the motion for Temporary Injunction shall be consolidated with the action for Permanent Injunction . 3. That the matter is hereby advanced for trial on Sept�mber 13 , 1982 . � 4 . That the bond �iled by Plaintiffs in connection with !the present motion is approved and accepted. � � i� � ri i ;�� // �I, � // / / 1����/���/�j� ' ,r / �i���� �. � Y� �"�L^' �- � �" GORDON �Y . SH ,� AKER JUDGE OF DISTRICT COURT DATED: August 20, 1982. __________-------_______._____�__. _ . _____.._._____- ---.. _ .w_.__�_�_.._. _.__ __ .....___�..__.__..____ .. ____....�..._,_._.._.____._.._,.�..�_.�..,..__...s.__.. ._......,_.�__.._.,_ __..._.._�__�._. .._...�..._.__ _._.__..._.____ _ ___ _..._.—.___..�_� _ -_._..,�..._..._..._._.._.. _,..._� . � � _ r X 1 �T I N � �1�,� ;� �. � - _ I - �-- � f � R i � � ; �-- .__.__ ; _ � � _, . _ .__ r� I ` � `- - � � .� ���� .. , , �� -, � : =� � � ,���,,, ; iaC - � � _ :�4s _ � � �, ;; ,�- � � �I�<<--"V �i��!. 1�!�c - . :�-. '�� - % �-I/�N�fZ.;a f;_..., ,:�_. `v '�9 , - - � -�' ;i� 1 � � .n ! . --,, �� � ;�o , � ---� � � �.�- � ; �� � � �tiv� �7 ' �� --------.-_�-- —____+...r�.__..____�..._� ' � _ �.� . 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