00-585; OR�GI�AL Presented By Referred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT P. Council File # bp � C �5' Green Sheet j ��� y� Date �� 1 RESOLVED, that the licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill, Inc. d/b/a Amellia's for the 2 premises at 1183 University Avenue in Saint Paul (License ID# 54523} are hereby suspended 3 for a period of foriy-five days, fifteen of the days to be stayed, for the violations occurring on 4 September 23, 1999 and October 8, 1999 of the condition on the licenses requiring that there be 5 video surveillance cameras operating on the exterior of the building and that tapes be maintained 6 for seven days. The suspension shall begin on the third Wednesday following passage and 7 approval of this resolution 9 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the findings of fact and conclusions of law contained in the 10 ALJ Report in this case dated May 3, 2000 are adopted as the written findings and conclusions of 11 the Council in this matter, except as amended below. The reasoning of the Memorandum of the 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ALJ attached to the findings and conclusions is not adopted. The recommendation of the ALJ for dismissal of the adverse action against the licenses is also not accepted. FURTHER RESOLVED, that the following amendments to the ALJ Report are hereby adopted: 1. Finding of Fact No. 3 is hereby amended to read as follows: 1 - -- - -- - - - --- - - - --- - :,a.:,.�::�,�:..:.�...-.�_:.: - - - - - - -- - 24 25 26 . Conditions have been 27 holder. the nei�hbors, the police and LIEP, and have been desioned 28 to deal with problems caused bv patrons of Amellia's. These 29 restrictions include imposing a dress code on customers, requiring 30 picture identification, banning individuals from the premises, 31 screening music played on the premises for inappropriate content, 32 using a metal detector to exclude weapons from the premises, and 33 providing security to ensure orderly behavior on the premises." 34 35 36 37 38 2. Finding of Fact No. 5 is hereby amended to read as follows: "5. After agreeing to the condirions regarding the video I•1 1 surveillance system, a manager at Amellia's developed a system to 2 be followed for tapin�. The first tape of the day would be started 3 when the establishment was opened for business, azound noon each 4 day. When that tape ran out, another employee inserted the second 5 tape. That tape would record until after closing. Tapes were kept 6 for a week and then reused for taping. Larry Allen testified that the 7 ta�es were not always started risht at openina, and that there was 8 no one empl'ovee responsible for insuring that the tape was 9 o�eratin�." 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 � 5. Finding of Fact No. 6 is hereby amended to read as follows: "6. In August, 1999, Amellia Allen discovered that one of the four surveillance cameras was not working properly. The camera operated properly in daylight, but did not return a clear image at night. The contractor who initially installed the system, Earl Allen, was contacted in eazly August, and he examined the system approximately one week later. The contractor concluded that a new camera was required and it was ordered from the manufacturer in California. 7erry Allen paid the contractor to order the camera on August 13, 1999. The date that the camera was ordered by the contractor is unknown. The failure to have this fourth camera in workin2 order was not listed as a basis for adverse action." Finding of Fact No. 7 is hereby amended to read as follows: "7. The camera was delivered to Amellia's in early September. The conuactor was notified that the camera had arrived. The camera had sti]1 not been installed bv the October 7. 1999 date, and testimony bv Jerry Allen at the hearine was that he did no follow- up to see what the delav was in installina the camera." Findin� of Fact No. 8 is hereby amended to read as follows: 38 "8. On September 23, 1999, a shooting incident occurred in the 39 alley behind Aruellia's. Testimony bv the�olice established that 40 the particioants had been oatrons of Amellia's eazlier in the 41 evenine. Sergeant Munoz of the Saint Paul Police Department 42 went to Arnellia's to obtain the videotape of the imagery captured 43 by the video surveillance camera. Ser�eant Munoz was informed 44 that there was no tape available for that evening. Larry Allen had 45 forgotten to put the second tape in that day." 46 47 48 Finding of Fact No. 12 is hereby amended to read as follows: 49 "12. Neaz midnight on October 7, 1999, an altercation began 50 between patrons in Arnellia's. Those part3cipating in the 51 altercation were removed from the premises. The dispute bo -S$,S 1 continued outside and someone fired shots. A car struck and killed 2 a pedestrian in the pazking lot of the estabfishment, and the body 3 was drag�ed into the middle of University Avenue at that time. A 4 large number of officers of the Saint Paul Police Department 5 responded to the scene." 6 7 9 7. Conclusion of Law No. 5 is hereby amended to read as follows: 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 "5. The Licensee is � ' .in violation of the condition on its license relatin� to maintaining tapes from the video surveillance cameras on both September 23, 1999 when no t�e was inserted and on October 7, 1999. when the tape was not operated until after the police had been called. �ke > > • �� 00 -SS.S 8. Conclusion of Law No. 6 is deleted and a new Conclusion of Law No. 6 is adopted to read as follows:: � �" � 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 "6. The short time between the two violations, and the fact that the second violation was within a week of Licensee beinQ notified that LIEP would be takina adverse action based upon the first violation reflect that the Licensee was not making serious efforts to comply with the condition." 9. Conclusion of Law No. 7 is hereby amended to read as follows: 38 39 "7. There is �a a basis for taking adverse acrion against the 40 Licensee under See�iaris � 310.06(b)(5) °-'���^�o of the Saint 41 Paul Legislative Code for 42 sysfem- {ailure to com�lv with the condition on the license 43 requiring that video surveillance cameras be maintained in eood 44 workin� arder and that tapes from the cameras be maintained for 45 seven davs." 46 47 48 This Resolution is based on the record of the proceedings before the ALJ, including the 49 hearing on January 26, 2000, the documents and exhibits introduced therein, the findings of fact 50 and conclusions of law of the AL7 as referenced above, the written submissions by counsel for 51 the parties, and the azguments and statements of the parties and the deliberations of the Council 1 in open session on 7une 7, 2000. 2 ao �S$5 3 A copy of this Resolution, as adopted, shall be sent by first class mail to the 4 Administrative Law Judge, and to the Licensee's attomey, S. Mark Vaught. ' 5 6 � 7 Requested by DepartmenC of: sy: Form Approved by City Attorney ,� By: / ____y�°^^.�-C Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council HY � ' t '�� a ' j— � ' � � B y : Approved by Mayor: Date L�YYG 1^7 r.pyQ By !� ��C�2 \ Adopted by Council: Date e�� �Ob Adoption Certified by Counci ecretary oo-5gS DEPARTMENT/OFFICFJC-0UNCiL GTE1NrtuTED c�� June9 ,ZOOO GREEN SHEET No ���� -�" � 266-8710 �""��`� �""""��' u.ue,�m�row�cra, «n�w�ce MUST 8E ON COUNCIL AGQJDA BY (DAl� ' AalIGN 7une14,2000 xu�rswrs ° "` T ` O° �'` �° rto�rnxc oxDVt w1MKJn� sFUUxcss ooL ❑ cNaNCU6 av,wuccrc ❑����,�.� a TOTAL # OF SiGNATURE PAGES (CUP ALL LOCATiONS FOR SIGNATURE) tON REQUESTm Resolution finalizuig City Council action taken June 7, 2000, conceming adverse action against all licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill, Inc., dba Arnellia's, 1183 Uzriversity Avenue. R COMMENOATIONApprove(A)wRejeG(R) VERSONqLSERYICECONTRA4TSMUSTAMSWERTt4EF�LLOWIN6QUE5SION5: 1. Has this persoMrrm ever wnrked uMer a coMract tw this departmeM? PL4NNING CAMMISSION YES NO CIBCOMMITTEE 2. MasthispewoNfrmeverbemacityempbyee7 CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION rES No 3. Dces this persoruTi�m possess a sidll not normallyp�seE by arry cu�eM cM1y employee'1 YES NO 4. Is this pe'soNfirm a}argeted vendoR YES NO Fxplain all yea ansxeis on upa2te shee[ aM attach to preen sheet INITWTING PROBLEM ISSUE.OPPORNNI7Y(Who, What, When, Where, Why) AOVAN7AGES IF APPROVED DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVE� 70TAI. AMOUNT oF TRANSACTION f CO3T/REVENUE BUDGEfED (CIRCLE ONE� YES NO FUNOING SOURCE ACTNIIY NUMBER FlNANCWLINFORMAiION(IXPWN) ��R1�,"'�� 13y�!!��� w�a� � � �Q�� -Tt J � J c/ile ? �!� Andy Dawkins State Representative Minnesota po-5�� Disirict 65A Ramsey County House of Representatives COMMITTEES: TAXES: CIVIL LAW; JOBS AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT June 1, 2000 To Whom It May Concern: Re: Arnellia's Restaurant, 1183 University Avenue, St. Paul I live at 788 Charles Avenue, several blocks from Amellia's Restaurant. I represent District 65A in the Legjslature, which includes Arnellia's Restaurant. I often go doorknocking on Sherburne Avenue just to the north of Arnellia's. I understand that a decision will be made regarding suspension of Arnellia's license to operate. would like to offer my opinion that Arnellia's has been responsibly owned and managed to the best of their abilities. I would encourage that the decision not be to suspend their license. Sincerely, �� `#�K.��Z�S Andy Dawkins State Representative 788 Charles Avenue St. Paul Minnesota 55104 (651) 224-6270 Siate Office Building, 100 Constitution Ave., St. Paul, Minnesota 55155-�298 (657) 296-5�58 �f House Fa�c (657 ) 296-4165 TTY (651) 296-9896 �ij� E-mail: rep.andy.dawkins@house.leg.state.mn.us CITY OF SAINT PAUL Narm Ca[em¢n, M¢yo� Apri120,2000 NOTICE OF COUNCIL HEARING Mr. S. Mazk Vaught Attorney at Law Six West Fifth Street, Suite 700 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Alllicenses held by Metro Bar & Grili, Inc. dlbla Arnellia's for the premises at 1183 University Ave. in St. Paul License ID #: 54523 Deaz Mr. Vaught: SS ,�,� a � P , . .. ' �sv' Please take notice that a hearing on the report of the Administrative Law 3udge concezning the above-mentioned license has been scheduled for 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, May 10, 2000, in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. You have the opportunity to file exceptions to the report with the City Clerk at any time during normal business hours. You may also present oral or written azgument to the council at the Heazing. No new evidence will be received or testimony taken at this hearing. The Council will base its decision on the record of the proceedings before the Administrative Law Judge and on the arguments made and exceptions filed, but may depart from the recommendations of such Judge as permitted by law in the exercise of its judgement and discretion. Sincerely, ��� ,tita�j ��.. �c; �� Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney ca Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary, 310 Ciry Hall Robert Kessier, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP . Cathy Lue, Community Organizer, Hamline Midway Coalition, Paul, MN 55104 Cazoi Atkins, 633 N. Snelling Ave., St. Paui, MN 55104 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Claytox M. Robinson, 7r., Ciry Attorney 80-5�� Civit Division 400 Ciry• Ha11 7eLephone: 651 266-87I0 ISWestKeIIoggB(vd Facrimile:651298-i619 Saint P¢ul, Minnuot¢ Si102 1564 Lafond Ave, St. �c -S8S 9-2911-12640-3 STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS FOR THE GITY OF ST. PAUL in the Matter of All Licenses Held by FINDINGS OF FACT, Mefro Bar & Grill, Inc., d/b/a Arnefiia's, for CONCLUSIONS OF LAW the Premises at 1183 University Avenue, AND RECOMMENDATION Saint Paul, License 4.D. No. 54523. The above-entifled mafter came on for hearing before Administrative Law Judge Phyl(is A. Reha, acting as a hearing officer for the Saint Paul City Council, commencing at 9:30 a.m. on VVednesday, January 26, 20��, a� tha Saint Paul City Hai!/Ramsey County Courthouse, Room 41, 15 West Keliogg Bouievard, St. Pauf, Minnesota. The hearing was held pursuant to a Notice of Hearing dated December 15, 1999. Virginia D. Palmer, Assistant St. Pauf Cifij Attorney, 400 City Hall, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102, appeared on behalf of the City's Office of License, Inspections and Environmentai Protection (LIEP). S. Mark Vaught, Attorney at Law, Six West Fifth Street, Suite 700, Saint Paul, M+nnesota 55102-1412, appeared on behalf of the Licensee (hereinafter "Arnellia's" or "Licensee"). The record cfosed on March 7, 2000, with the receipt of the last post-hearing submission. NOTICE This Report contains a recommendation and not a fina{ decision. The f+nal decision wiil be made by the Saint Paul City Council, which may affirm, reject, or modify the Findings and Conclusions contained herein. The Council will consider the evidence in this case and the Administrative Law Judge's recommended Findings of Fact and Conclusions, but wil{ not consider any factual testimony not pseviously submitted to and considered by the Administrative Law Judge. The Licensee wiif have an opportunity to present oral or written arguments regarding its posifion on the recommendation of the Administrative Law Judge in the application of the law or interpretation of the facts and ,;,ay presert a�y�ment related to its positi�n. The CounciPs decision as to what, if any, adverse action shafi be taken wili be by resolution under § 310.05 of the St. Pauf Legislative Code. To ascertain when the Council will consider this matter, the parties shoufd contacf the Saint Paul City Council, Room 310, St. Paul City HaII/Ramsey County Courthouse, 15 West Keflogg Boulevard, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102. STATEMENT OF ISSUES The issues in this matter are whether Licensee violated conditions on its license by failing to maintain video survei(lance of the exterior of the licensed premises and faiiing to record that imagery, and, if so, what penalty is appropriate. Based upon ail of the files, records and proceedings herein, the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) makes the following: Go-S8S FiNDiNGS OF FACT 1. Metro Bar & Grill, 4nc. is a corporation doing business as Arnellia's at 1183 Universifij Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota 551�4. The corporation is owned by Arnellia Allen. Arnellia's has an Entertainment (B) license, a Gambling Location (B) license, a CigarettelTobacco license, and two Liquor On-Saie iicenses. Arneilia's licenses remain valid pending the outcome of this proceeding. The business is owned by ArneNia A11en. The manager is her son, Jerry Aflen. Jerry A41en's brother, Larry Allen,� is employed by Amellia's to provide security. 2. Arnellia's is located directiy on Universify Avenue. To the west on that block is Antiqiaes Minnesota. To the east side of Arnellia's +s a parking lot and fhe Midway Car Wash. To the north side is an alley with some parking and a dumpster. Four external video cameras have been in place on the building fior approximately six years. One camera �rovides a view of the fran± d.00r on ±he south side ef the b�ilding, one camera observes the north side around the back door of Arnellia's (near the dumpster), and the ather two cameras provide difFerent angles of the parking lot on the east side of the buifding. Signs posted on the build±ng state that video surveiilance is being conducted. The video cameras send images to a monitor, which displays a picture for each camera together on the same screen. 3. The area in the vicinity of Arnellia's is subject to frequent poiice calis and significant leveis of crime. To address these neighborhood problems and prevent any exacerbation of those probiems, Arnel4ia's operates its business under a number of restrictions that have been in place for years.� These restrictions include imposing a dress code on customers, requiring picture identification, banning individuafs from the premises, screening music piayed on the premises for inappropriate content, using a metai detector to exclude weapons form the premises, and providing security to ensure orderiy behavior on the premises. 4. In May, 1999, a man was shot and killed whife in a car parked in front of the Midway Car Wash. In response to that killing, management at Arnellia's met with the Saint Paul Police, LlEP, and community representatives fo determine what additional efforts could be made to address violent acts in the vicinity of Arnellia's. The Licensee agreed to add taping equipment to its existing video surveil(ance system. This additional condition became effective on Jufy 8, 1999 and states: licensee holder will maintain in good working order at ieast 4 video surveiflance cameras on the exterior of the building to constantly monitor the exterior of the premises. Tapes must be maintained for 7 days 3 5. After agreeing to the conditions regarding fhe video survei(lance system, a manager at Arne{fia's developed a system to be folfowed for taping. The first tape of the ' The entire list of restrictions, identifled as condikions on Arnellia's 4icense, is attached as Appendix A. The fist of conditions includes the subsequently agreed-to conditions regarding the video cameras. 2 Midway Car Wash is focated at 1169 University Avenue. 3 Exhibit 2. 2 �6—Sg day wouid be started when the establishment was opened for business, around noon each day. When that tape ran out, another employee inserted the second.tape. That tape would record until after closing. 7apes were kept for a week and then reused for taping. 6. in August, 1999, Arnel(ia Ailen discovered that one of the four surveiflance cameras was not working proper(y. The camera operated properiy in daylight, but did not return a clear image at night ° The contractor who initialiy instailed the system, Earf Allen, was contacted in early August, and he examined the system approximate{y one week later. The confractor concluded that a new camera was required and it was ordered from the manufacturer in California. Jerry Aiien paid the contractor to order the camera on August 13, 1999. The date that the camera was ordered by the contractor is unknown. 7. The camera was de�ivered to Arnel(ia's in eariy September. The contractor was notified that the camera had arrived. 8. On September 23, 1999, a shooting incident occurred in the alley behind Arneilia's. Sergeant Munoz of the Saint Pauf Police Department went to Arneliia's to obtain the videotape of the imagery captured by the video survei{lance camera. Sergeant Munoz was informed that there was no tape available for thaf evening. Larry Alien had forgotten to put in fhe second tape on that day. 9. Arneflia's responded to the failure to tape by modifying its system of taping. tonger duration videotape was purchased, the employees responsible for the system were instructed to make certain that a tape was in the machine, and the system of retaining videotapes was modified. 10. On September 30, 1999, the Saint Paui City Attorney's O�ce issued a Notice of Violation to Arneilia's. The Notice indicafed that on September 23, 1999, the Licensee failed to have its video cameras on and taping and that constitutes a violafion of the video surveillance condition on Ameilia's license. No citation was made in the Notice of Violation to what provision of the Saint Paul Legfslative Cade was alleged to have been violated and no suggested penalty was indicated. 11. On October 7, 1999, Larry Allen was working the evening shifE at Arnellia's. At about 8:00 p.m., Larry Aiien switched the videotape for the tape that had been recording since Arnei4ia`s opsned that morning. When he activated the video recorder, he inadvertentfy pressed the "play" buttbn rather than the "recard" buttan. 12. Near midnight on October 7, 1999, an altercation began betv��een patrons in Arnellia's. Those participating in the altercation were removed firom the premises. The dispute continued outside and someone fired shots. A car struck and killed a ° The image retumed by that camera at night would only show objects wifh their own iliumination, such as automobile headlights and taillights. 5 Eari Ailen is no relatfon to Amellia AI4en, Jerry Al;en, or Lsrry Ailen. - 6 Exhibit 5. � �� _ S�S pedestrian in the m+ddle of University Avenue at that time. A large number'of officers of the Saint Paul Police Department responded to the scene. 13. Larry Alien had been observing the incidenf outside Arnellia's. He went in to check on the v'sdeotape system and noficed for the first time that eveni�g thaf fhe recorder had been set to piay, rather than record. He immediately stopped the tape and began recording. An officer of fhe Saint Pauf Pofice Department entered a few minutes later and requested the videotape. Larry Allen gave the officer fhe videotape. 14. in mid-October, the contractor returned to Arnellia's and instailed the new camera. The instal(ation of fhe new camera allowed nighttime images from a second angle in the parking lot to be recorded on the VCR. 15. As a resuit of the October 7 error in operating the VCR, Arnel�ia's again modified how the videotaping system was to operate. A three-week rofation of videotape was instituted. Each staff member at Arnelfia's was instructed to check the operation of the VCR throughout the work shift. Any staff member observing anything unusual about the monitor or VCR is instructed to report to the manager on duty. 16. On November 10, 1999, the Saint Paul City Attorney's Office issued a Notice of Second Violation to the Licensee. The Notice stafed that on October 7, 1999, Arnel{ia's failed to have its video cameras on and taping and that constitufes a viofation ofi the video surveillance condition on Arnellia's license.' No citation was made in the Notice of Violation to what provision of the Saint Paul Legisiative Code was alfeged to have been violated and no suggested penalty was indicated. 17. On December 15, 1999, the Assistant City Attorney, Virginia D. Paimer, issued a Notice of Hearin� in this matter. The Notice of Hearing identifed the hearing date as January 26, 1999. 18. The misidentification of the date of the hearing in the notice of this matter did not cause any confusion for Licensee. Licensee was not prevented from fully participating in the hearing due fo the erroneous date. Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact, the Administrative Law Judge makes the following: CONCLUSIdNS 1. The Administrative Law Judge and the Saint Paul City Council have authority to consider the charges against the respondent and the penalty, if any, that should be paid the city pursuant to Sec. 310.05 of ths St. Pau{ L�egislative Code. � Exhibit 9. $ Exhibit 10. 0 o a _ s �s 2. LIEP has substantially compiied with ail relevant substanfive and procedurai legai requirements. 3. The Licensee received adequate and�timely notice of the hearing and of fhe charges against it. 4. LIEP has the burden of proof to establish, by a preponderance ofi the evidence, that fhe respondent vio{ated the conditions of its licensure. • 5. The Licensee is in substantial compliance with the conditions of its license through the instaliation and operation of a videotaping system attached to its video surveillance cameras. The failure to record the images captured by the video surveillance cameras outside the licensed premises on September 23 and October 7, 1999, was inadvertent by the Licensee. 6. The efforts made by the licensee to repair the malfunctioning camera comp4ied with the conditios+ that four video cameras be "maintained in good working order" outside the business premises. 7. There is no basis for taking adverse action against the Licensee under Sections 310.06(b)(5) and 409.10 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code for the operation of its video surveillance system. Based upon the foregoing Conclusions, the Administrative Law Judge makes the foliowing: RECOMMENDATION IT IS HEREBY RECOMMENDED: That the Saint Paul City Council DISMISS the action against the licenses heid by Metro Bar & Grill, lnc. Dated this �-�day of Aprii, 2000 ��� � � ��- ; ,:,. . � PHYLLI A. REHA �" ' Administrative Law Judge Reported: Taped, three tapes MEMORANDUM Three incidents of violence are the motivation for bringing this action against the Licensee. A killing in May, occurring in front of the business next door; a shooting in September, occurring in the alley behind the business; and a shooting in Ocfober, 5 pa — S,�s resulting in a pedestrian being struck by a car and kilied. There is no evidence in the record of this matter that any of these incidents took place on the licensed premises. in response to the May kiliing, the conditions under which Arnellia's operates were reconsidered. Conditions regarding video sunreillance were added. The fanguage of the new condition itself is ambiguous, since fhaf language does not expressly require that the imagery captured by the exterior video surveillance cameras be recorded. There is no dispute, however, that bofh L1EP and Arneilia's understood the condition to require the addifion of a VCR and recording the imagery from those cameras. The record in this matter is clear that Arnellia's implemented the new requirement consistent with its agreement. At first, tapes of six and eight hours in duration were used to cover the fourteen hours per day that Arnellia's is open. After a period of trial and error, Arnellia's discovered that additional time was needed to ensure that the videotaping covered the entire time the establishment was open. Arneilia's then switched to two eight-hour tapes per day. During this period stafF discovered, aiso by trial and error, that the extended piay option must be selected to ensure that the eight- hour tape covers ali eight hours." No one at Arnefiia's was able to set ihe date and time feature on the VCR. The second act of violence near Arnellia's was a shooting that took place in fhe alley behind the building on September 23, 1999. The victim in that incident was struck in the foof. The Saint Paul Police sought the videatape from that evening to assist in their investigation of the incident. There was no tape from that evening, since Larry Alien had forgotten to put a tape in the VCR. Arnelfia's responded to the error by reviewing the system that had been established for videotaping, adjusting that system to ensure that the VCR was being activated at the appropriate times, and reminding the responsibfe empfoyees that the taping was a requirement. The third act of violence occurred on October 7, 1999. At approx+mately 8:00 p.m. on that date, Larry Allen changed the videotape in the VCR for the evening. He inadvertently pressed the wrong button on the VCR after inserting the new tape. Around midnight, an alfercation started in Arneilia's. in accordancs with the establishmenYs policy, the participants were ejected from Arnefiia's. Those persons continued their dispute outside and shots were fired. A car then struck a pedestrian in University Avenue and that pedestriar� was killed. After seeing the events outside, Larry Allen went to check on the VCR. At that time he discovered that it was in "play" mode, rather fhan "record" mode. He immediately began recording. At the hearing in this matter, Larry Alien acknowledged his mistake. LIEP maintains that violation of any condition is sufficient to take adverse action against Arnellia's license. The serious consequences on September 23 and October 7 are asserted to be justification for a penalty of sixty days suspension. Arnellia's points 9 Several witnesses suggested that the automobile striking the pedestrian was exiting Arne4lia's parking lot. 10 While Condition 11 states that the cameras must monitor the exterior continuously, both Arnellia's and LfEP understood the taping requirement to be only during business hours. " The ofher option, standard piay, provides better video qua(ity but much sho�ter duration. � Do — S8S out fhat there is no evidence that any videotape from either evening would have prevented the incidents or materially aided the Saint Paul Police in their subsequent investigations. � Section 310.06(b)(5) authorizes adverse action be taken against a licensee when the licensee fails to comply with any condition of ths license. Section 409.10 sets out the standards to apply in adding conditions to licenses as follows: Sec. 4�9.1a. Restrictions on ticenses. When a reasonable basis is found by the council to impose reasonable restrictions upon a licsnse held under this chapter, the councif, upon issuing a new license or renewing a license or approving a transfer of a license, may impose reasonable conciitions and restrictions pertaining to the manner and circumsfances in which the business shall be conducted to preserve ihe pub(ic peace and protect and promote good order and security. These reasonable conditions or restrictions may pertain to: (1) A limifation as to the hours when intoxicating liquor may be sold and/or consumed on the licensed premises; (2) A limitation and restriction as to the exact iocation within a building where intoxicating {iquor wiii be served andlor sold andlor consumed; (3) A limitation and restriction as to the means of ingress to or egress from the iicensed estabiishment; (4) A requirement that certain off-street parking facilities be provided; (5) A condition that the license wili be in effect only so long as the estabfishment remains a drugstore, restaurant or hotei as defined by the state liquos act or regulations adopted pursua�t thereto; (6) A limitation and restriction as to the means and methods of advertising the safe of intoxicating liquor on fhe buiiding andlor on the premises adjacent thereto; (7) Reasonable conditions limiting the operation of the licensed premises so as to ensure that the licensed business wifl comport with the character of the district in which it is located and/or to the end that nuisances will be prevented;and (8) Addifionaf condifions upon hotels and restaurants which may in the discretion of the ccuncil tend to insure that the sale of liquor will iake piace only in conjunction with the saie and service of fiood. The one repeated standard throughouf the section is that any condition imposed on a ficensee must be "reasonabie". 7he condition at issue in this matter falis under item 7, which is the imposition of "reasonable conditions limiting the aperation of the licensed premises ... fo the end that nuisances will be prevented."' Rdverse action can certainly be taken against a licensee for any unreasonabie fiailure to meet a condition 12 Saint Pau! Legislative Code Sec. 4�9.10. 7 �� - cS3"S requiring videofaping. Conversely, where a licensee has a reasonable excuse for that failure, adverse acfion is inappropriate. {n each instance where the videotaping system was fiound to be faulty, action was taken by Arnellia's to improve fhe system. VCRs are not "fool-proof' technoiogy, and gaps in recording are inevitable. The Licensee has demonstrated substantial compliance with the {icense condition and the two instances of noncompiiance were inadvertent. The degree of ongoing compliance is demonstsated by the ofher material on the tape provided to the Saint Paui Poiice Department on October 7, 1999. LIEP asserts that violations of the license condition are established by the failure of Amellia's to ensure that the correct date and iime are imprinted on the recording. There is no such requirement in the conditions estab{ished for ArneNia's. Adverse action cannot be taken against the Licensee for faifing to properly set the date and time of the VCR, absent some undersfanding tha± such cond�ct is required.� Having one video camera malfunction is also cited by LIEP as a violation of the license condition. The ob4igation in the license condifion to "maintain in good working order" four video surveiliance cameras assumes thaf the technology will periodically maifunction and need to be fixed. The measure of compliance is not whether any of the cameras are broken, but whether prompt action +s taken to repair them. In this matter, the Licensee was prompt and a contractor was dilatory. The Licensee met the requirement that the video surveillance system be maintained. "This standard of conduct is reflected in other Iicense actions invo(ving entertainment establishments. For example, in assessing whether adverse action was appropriate where female dancers "went topless" without a bar owners knowfedge, Administrative Law Judge Peter Erickson stated: This case is not so much one where critical issues of fact must be determined, but rather one in which the penalty must be appropriate to the violation. This case wouid be much different if, when Mr. Jensen had seen that the dancers were topiess, he had immediately taken action, wfiether or not successful, to curb the topiess activities. However, Mr. Jensen decided that he could do nothing at that time and it was not until after O�cer Nohr became involved that Mr. Jensen put an end to the topless behavior. Additionaffy, Mr. Jensen could have instructed his bouncers and other employees regarding the law on nudify and told them to enforce the prohibition if any of the dancers decided undress. Atthough Mr. Jensen was not aware that the show would be topless, he is not btametess for the resulting nudity which continued until after Officer Nohr arrived. However, Mr. Jensen's good faith efforts to ensura that the show would not be topless before ever pooking it shou4d be give� great weight. Cify of Coleraine v. Hariey Jensen, dfb/a Harley's Hui 1I, OAH Docket No. 4-2101-5430-6 (Recommendation issued Aprii 23, 1991)(emphasis added). 14 The time stamp on the tape provided is October 30, 1989, and that tape-records the entire evening's events outside of Arnellia's. With the rotation of tapes described by Arnellia's, the ne� time stamp that wouid 6e imprinted on that particular tape is November 7, 1989. At about the midd(e of the tape (approximately four hours at extended play}, the scene changes to the events on October 7, 1999, and the time stamp changes to November 7, 1989. 7he new date and imagery lasts only a few minutes, which is consistent with the police officer receiving the tape that night. These facts support the testimony of larry Al1en that the tape was inserted according to the procedure, but that the "piay" button was inadvertentiy pressed. t5 As discussed above, the language of the license condition faits to expressly require taping, much less requiring accurate time stamps. There was no understanding between Arnellia's and LfEP that the VCR must imprint an accurate time stamp to meet the license condition. � �7.,a��r-z RoberE Kessler, Director of LIEP, festifisd fhat the purpose of the video surveiiiance license condition was: This establishment attracts people that (sic) are prone to viofence. And that we have a responsibility to do everything we can to prevent that from happening. And the conditions were designed, especially with fhe conditions in regard to the cameras, fo send a message to those peop(e that practice violence that they will be watched and that we will have recards that wili protecf the public. Secause of the lack of good management practices at that establishment, those records are not avaitable and 1 think as a resuit, the message is that they can get by with these k+nds of acts af that esfablishmenf without having to pay the price. There is no way for anyone outside ihe establishment to know whether videotapes are being recorded at a�y particular moment. The video cameras and signs warning about surveilfance are praminently displayed. Each of the three incidents that prompted action concerning the Licensee occurred off of the licensed premises. Possession of a business license does not grant police power to control the actions of persons outside of the licensed premises. 7he purpose of "sending a message" to persons outside the controi of the ficensee is accompfished by the visible indicia of video surveil(ance. The efforts made by Arneflia's to prevent a nuisance condition in the vicinity of its business are reasonable. Maintaining videotape generated by surveillance cameras does not reiate to the ongoing business of the Licensee, but merely aids in the subsequent investigations by po{ice. The inadvertent faifure, on two occasions, to record the video camera imagery from outside the premises does not rise fo a failure to comply with the conditions on Arneiiia's ficense. The actions taken to replace a malfunctioning camera were reasonable. Arnellia's has demonstrated by a preponderance of the evidence that it was in substantial compliance with ifs license conditions. LIEP fai{ed to demonstrate that Arneflia's has faiied to compfy with the conditions on its license. Therefore, the Administrative Law Judge recommends that this matter be DfSMISSED. _�� 16 Hearing Testimony, Tape 1. � Oo-S�S Appendix A EFFEC7IVE 07/OS/99: 1. Dress Code: Amellia's agrees to continue to enforce a dress code for customers designed specificatly to prevent patrons or cusYomers from concealing weapons or contraband inside baggy c(ofhing or wearing gang a�liated coiors. 2. Adherence to Strict Identification Requirements: Amellia's wili require proper picture identification from anyone who appears to Be you�ger than 30 years old. Those without proper identification shall be denied entrance. 3. increase Communication with Police and Neighbors: Arnellia's shall initiate and maintain regular communicatio� wifh the west sector team police commander or his designee, and licensing officiais, Christine Rozek and Kristina Schweinler. Meetings shali include neighborhood organizations to the extent possible. 4. Controi Music Type and Format: Arne{{ia's shall continue to be responsibie for screening out music that promotes or glorifies violence and nefarious or anti-social behavior. 5. Arnellia's management and security personnei wiii insure that patrons do not leave enmasse, but rather, management and secuirty will encourage patrons to Ieave in an orderty and controlled manner between 12:30 a.m. and 1:15 a.m. 6. The pubiic telephones shali not affow incoming calis, nor any calls to or from electronic beepers or pagers. 7. Arnellia's shaA maintian a list of all patrons who have been banned from the estabfishment, and this list shall be strictly enforced by Arne(lia's. Such list shall inciude proper identification of that person, photograph and a notice of trespass. This notice should be in triplicate with one copy goinq to each ofi the fiollowing; 1) Maintained by the establishment; 2) LIEP; 3) the individual being ba�ned. Once banned, a person wiil remain 6anned for a minimum of one year. Arneflfas will cooperate with police in filling out trespass notice(s). 8. Arnellias shall continue to provide security personnel to promote the orderly behavior of patrons on and ieaving the premises. The premises shali inciude the area immediately adjacent to the establishment. Special attention will be paid to encouraging patrons to leave the area. 9. AII employees and security personnel information shalf be provided to LIEP for background checks. 10. Arnellla's wili employ the use of a metal detecting devices to ensure there are no weapons on the premises. , 11. Licensee holder wiil maintain in good wvrking order at (east 4 video surveiifance cameras on the exterior of the buiiding to constantiy monitar the exterior of the premises. Tapes must be maintained for 7 days. 12. A video surveillance camera shalf be maintained in good working order in the interior of - the estab{ishment to monitor cusfomers as they enter the estabiishment. Tapes must be maintained for 7 days. 13. Signage shall be posted on the exterior of the building to notify patrons that the area may be under video surveiilance. 14. Security personnel wili be on duty daily from 8:0o p.m. unti( cfosing. 15. Back door wili remain locked after 5:30 p.m. to prevent entry. 16. The Iicensee will iock the door of the establishment at 12:30 a.m. No additional patrons will be alivwed entry after thai time. 17. Conditions reviewed at renewal. 10 OFFICE OF TF� CITY ATTORNEY Claylon M. Robinson, Ja, CityAtto�ney CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor Civi! Division 4D0 Ciry Hat! 1.5 Li'estKelloggBh•d. Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 bo— S.4S Telephone: 651266-87l0 Facsimile: 651 298-� 619 May 3, 200� S. Mazk Vauaht Attorney at Law Six West Fifth Street, Suite 700 Saint Pau1, Minnesota 55102 RE: All licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill, Tnc. d/b/a Arnellia's fQr the premises at 1183 University Avenue in Saint Paui License ID #: 54523 Dear Mr. Vaught: Enclosed and served upon you please find the City's Exceptions to the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommendation of the Administrative Law 3udge in the above- referenced matter. As you know, this matter is scheduled for hearing before the Saint Paul City Council on Wednesday, May 10, 2000, af 530 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 3T' Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County CoLrthouse. Sincerely, � � ��� � � Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary, 310 City Hall Robert Kessler, Director of LIBP Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP Cathy Lue, Community Organizer, Hamline Midway Coalition, 1564 Lafond Avenue, Saint Paui, NIlV 5� 104 L.'o- SSS STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFTCE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS FOR TI� CITY OF SA1NT PAUL In re the licenses held by Metro Bar & Crrill, dlb/a Arnellia's CITY'S EXCEPTIONS TO THE REPORT OF TF� ALJ The City of Saint Paul, acting duough its Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection, files the following exceptions to the report of the Admuustrative Law Judge, dated April 4, 2000, and filed thereafter with the City Clerk. I. Exceptions to Findings of Fact. A. Findine 3: The finding neglects to state that the conditions piaced on Amellia's license aze ali restrictions designed to prevent problems caused by patrons of Arnellia's, not simply crime in and around the neighborhood. B. Findina 5: This finding shouid include a finding that the testunony of Larry Alien indicated that the time at which tapes were started was inconsistent, and that taping did not always start when the premises were opened. C. Findin� 5: This finding is factually true but irrelevant, as the fact that only thzee cameras were properly working was not a basis for adverse action at the hearing. D. Findine 7: Same exception as C, above. E. Findine 8: This finding should include a finding that the participants in the shooting incident had been patrons of Arnellia's eazlier in the evening. F. Findind This finding should include a finding that the pedestrian was struck in the parking lot and dragged into University Avenue. IT. Exceptions to Conclusions of Law. A. Conclusion 5: This Conclusion is erroneous in that the recording and maintenance of the tapes was an integral part of the condition requiring surveillance cameras outside the building. Neither of the incidents in which the tapes were not available resulted from malfunctioning of the equipment, but were due to the empioyee of Arnellia's not putting tapes in the machine or activating the record button as required. -1- C�-S�S B. Conclusion 6: This Conclusion should be deleted as it is irrelevant. The fact that the fourth camera was not in working order was not raised as a ground for adverse actiori in either Notice of Violation, nor in the Notice of Hearing. C. Conclusion 7: This is enoneous, in that there is a basis for taking adverse action against the Licensee under Saint Paul Legislauve Code §310.06(b)(5), which states that adverse action may be taken where the "licensee or applicant has failed to comply with any condifion set forth in the license." III. Exceprions to Recommendation. The recommendation made by the ALJ is excepted to and the Council urged not to follow it. The recommendation for dismissal is based upon the finding that the failure to record tapes was not a material violation of the condition that surveiliance cameras be installed and tapes be maintained for seven days. The memorandum attached to the Report states that the language of the condition is axnbiguous. [1'age 6]. It is di�cult to understand where the ambiguity is in a condition which requires tapes to be maintained for a period of seven days. There would be little point in requiring the establishment to maintain tapes, if taping were not a requirement. The licensee never claimed that the condition itself was ambiguous nor tbat they did not understand that the cameras were to be recording. To find that the failure to tape on two occasions does not constitute a violafion of the conditions of the license is sunply incomprehensible. The Administrative Law Judge also states that "three incidents of violence aze the motivation for bringing this action against the Licensee. *** There is no evidence in the record of this matter that any of these incidents took place on the licensed premises." [Page 5-6]. In actual fact, an incident of violence did prompt the nnposition of the license condition, but the moUvation for bringing the action was that the Licensee was not complying with the condition she had agreed to. It was during the police investigafions of the two subsequent violent incidents, that it became clear that the condition was not being followed. There is evidence in the record that both the September 23, 1999 and October 7, 1999 incidents involved patrons of Arneilia's. The September 23, 1999 mcident was directly behind the establishment in the alley, just off the premises and the October 7, 1999 incident began in the parking lot, as the report notes in a footnote. The memozandutn states on page $"In each instance where the videotaping system was found to be faulty, action was taken by Amellia's to improve the system. VCRs are not "fool- proof' technology, and gaps in recording are inevitable." There was no evidence that either instance in which the taping was not done was related to a faulty VCR. While the technology may not be foolproof, neither failing to put a tape into the machine nor failing to properly record are "inevitable" problems that must be accepted. The memorandum of the ALJ also states that the malfunction of one of the four video cameras was clauned to be a violation of the license condition, as was the failure of Arnellia's to -2- 00 -S�S ensure that the correct date and time aze imprinted on the recordings. [Page 8]. This is absolutely incorrect. The position of the Office of LIEP, which was put forth in the City's written final argument, which is attached hereto and which the Council is urged to read, was that the two occasions on which the establishment was asked for tapes of events, they were unable to produce them because there was either no tape in the machine, or the machine was not recording. Both incidents, occiuxing in a two week period, involved violent incidents directly outside the licensed establishxnent and involved people who had eazlier been patrons of Ameliia's. The memoranduzn also goes on to state that: "Possession of a business license does not grant police power to control the actions of persons outside of the licensed premises." [Page 9]. It is not cleaz what the ALJ means by this statement, but it is clear that possession of a business license does carry with it the duty to take all reasonable steps to control the adverse consequences of patrons of the establishment, and the City does have the authority to impose conditions on a business license. In this instance, the City imposed, with the consent of the Licensee, the condition that required taping of the outside of the premises. The Licensee agreed to the condition, and then failed to comply with it. The City need not pzove that the Licensee deliberately failed to tape on the rivo dates in question, only that they did fail to tape. . No reasonable excuse was offered for failing to comply witl� the requirement - there was no mechanical failure, no flaws in the tape used, nothing but a failute to put a tape in the V CR on one occasion and failure to hit the record button on the second occasion. To dismiss these violations would send the wrong message to this Licensee and every other establishment required to have surveillance cameras and maintain the videos. TV. Amended Findings, Conciusions and Recommendation. Attached hereto aze proposed amended findings and conclusions and recommendation which aze prepared for use in lieu of those contained in the ALJ Report. The undersigned urges that the Council adopt all the Findings and Conclusions of the AL7 except those for which an Amended Finding or Conclusion is proposed, reject the Recommendation and reject the Memorandum in its entirety. Subrrutted this 3T day of May, 2000. � ��`• � l., ,-�..� Virgini . Palmer Assistaut City Attorney 400 City HalUCourthouse Saint Paul, MN 55102 (651)266-8710 Attorney Registration # 128995 -3- �o -S�S AMENDED FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS I. Amended Findings of Fact: A. Axnended Finding of Fact 3: 3. � •, , . Conditions have been placed on the licenses for Arnellia's for a number of vears. The conditions have been the result of discussions with the license holder. the neiehbors, the�olice and LIEP. and have been desi�ned to deal with problems caused bv patrons of Arnellia's. These restrictions include imposing a dress code on customers, requiring picture iden6ficarion, bamiing individuals from the premises, screening music played on the premises for inappropriate content, using a metal detector to exclude weapons from the premises, and providing security to ensure orderiy behavior on the premises. B. Amended Findin¢ of Fact 5: 5. After agreeing to the conditions regarding the video surveiliance system, a manager at Arnellia's developed a system to be followed for taping. The first tape of the day would be started when the estabiishment was opened for business, around noon each day. When that tape ran out, another employee inserted the second tape. That tape would record until after closing. Tapes were kept for a week and then reused for taping. Larrv Allen testified that the tapes were not alwavs started ri hg t at openin¢, and that there was no one employee responsible for insuringthat the ta�e was operatine. C. Amended Finding of Fact 6: 6. In August, 1999, Arneliia Allen discovered that one of the four surveillance cameras was not working properly. The camera operated properly in daylight, but did not return a cleaz unage at night. The contractor who initially installed the system, Eari Allen, was contacted in eazly August, and he examined the system appro�mately one week later. The contractor conciuded that a new camera was required and it was ordered from tbe manufacturer in California. Jerry Allen paid the contractAr to order the camera on August 13, 1999. The date that the camera was ordered by the contractor is uuknown. The failure to have this fourth caruera in workin� order was not listed as a basis far adverse action. D. Amended Findine of Fact 7: 7. The camera was delivered to Arnellaa's 1n early September. The contractor was notified that the camera had arrived. The camera had still not been instalied by the October � �e -.s�s 7. 1999 date, and testimony bv Jertv Allen at the hearin� was that he did no follow-up to see what the delav was in installina the camera. , E. Amended FindinQ of Fact 8: S. On September 23, 1999, a shooting incident occurred in the alley behind Arnellia's. Testimonv bv the police established that the participants had been natrons of Arnellia's earlier in the evenin�. Sergeant Munoz of the Saint Paul Police Department went to Amellia's to obtain the videotape'of the nnagery captured by the video surveillance camera. Sergeant Munoz was informed that there was no tape available for that evening. Larry Allen had forgotten to put the second tape in that day. F. Amended Findin� of Fact 12: 12. Near midnight on October 7, 1999, an altercation began beiween patrons in Arnellia's. Those participating in the altercation were removed from the premises. The dispute continued outside and someone fired shots. A car struck and killed a pedestrian in the pazking lot of the estabiishment, and the bod�, was draP�ed into the middle of University Avenue at that time. A lazge number of officers of the Saint Paul Police Aeparhnent responded to the scene. II. Aznended Conclusions of Law. A. Amended Conclusion 5: 5. The Licensee is ' ea�eras. in violation of the condition on its license relaring to maintaining tapes from the-video surveiilance cameras on both September 23. 1999 when no ta�e was inserted and on October 7, 1999, when the tape was not operated until after the police had been called. 'T'` `-='•--- `- --°--�' , , • B. Amended Conclusion 6: ' r" _C'_' _ _" ' _' '__'"" " __" . ' _' ' "" '_ _ '__"_' _ " i _ ' _ _ _ _ _ ' _ _ " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' _ ' _ . : ' _ ' 6. The short time between the two violafions and the fact that the second violation was within a week of Licensee bein� notified that LIEP wouid be takine adverse action based upon the first violarion reflect that the Licensee was not making serious efforts to comply with the condition. -5- de -S8'.� C. Amended Conclusion 7: 7. There is ae a basis £or taking adverse action against the Licensee under �ee�ie�s § 310.06(b)(5) -- '�ro of the Saint Paul Legislative Code for �1�����-s€�s . failure to com� with the condition on the license re�guiriug that video surveiliance cameras be maintained in �ood workiniorder and that tapes from the cameras be maintained for seven davs. AMENDED FINDINGS AND CONCLUSTONS I. Amended Findings of Fact: A. Amended Findingof Fact 3: 3. '' � � •> > . Conditions have been nlaced on the licenses for Arneilia's for a number of vears. The conditions have been the result of discussions with the license holder. the neighbors, the police and LIEP. and have been desianed to deal with problems caused by patrons of Arnellia's. These restrictions include imposing a dress code on customers, requiring picture identification, bamiing individuals from the premises, screening music played on the premises for inappropriate content, using a metal detector to exclude weapons from the premises, and providing security to ensure orderly behavior on the premises. B. Amended Findine of Fact 5: 5. After agreeing to the condifions regazding the video surveillance system, a manager at Aruellia's developed a system to be followed for taping. The first tape of the day would be started when the establishment was opened for business, azound noon each day. When that tape ran out, another employee inserted the second tape. That tape would record until after closing. Tapes were kept for a week and then reused for taping. Lanv Allen testified that the tapes were not alwavs started ri hg t at opening, and that there was no one employee responsible for insurine that the tage was operating C. Amended Finding of Fact 6: 6. In August, 1999, Amellia Allen discovered that one of the four surveillance cameras was not working properly. The camera operated properly in daylight, but did not return a clear image at night. The contractor who initially installed the system, Earl Allen, was � ac� -�S8'S contacted in eazly August, and he examined the system approximately one week later. The contractor concluded that a new camera was required apd it was ordered from the mauufacturer in California Jerry Allen paid the contractor to order the camera on August 13, 1999. The date that the camera was ordered by the contractor is unlaiown. The failure to have this foutth camera in workin¢ order was not listed as a basis for adverse acrion. D. Amended Findine of Fact 7: 7. The camera was delivered to Arnellia's in eazly September. The contractor was notified that the camera had arrived. The camera had still not been installed bv the October 7. 1999 date, and testunonv by Jerrv Ailen at the hearing was that he did no follow-up to see what the dela� was in installing the camera. E. Amended Findins of Fact 8: 8. On September 23, 1999, a shooting incident occutred in the aliey behind Arnellia's. Testimony bYthe oolice established that the participants had been patrons of Arnellia's eariier in the evenin¢. Sergeant Munoz of the Saint Paui Police Department went to Amellia's to obtain the videotape of the imagery captured by the video surveillance camera. Sergeant Munoz was informed that there was no tape available for that evening. Larry A11en had forgotten to put the second tape in that day. F. Amended Finding of Fact 12: 12. Neaz midnight on October 7, 1499, an altercation began between patrons in Arnellia's. Those participating in the altercation were removed from the premises. The dispute continued outside and someone fired shots. A car struck and killed a pedestrian in the pazkinng lot of the estabtishment. and the bodv was drageed into the middle of University Avenue at that tune. A large number of officers of the Saint Paul Police Department responded to the scene. II. Amended Conclusions of Law. A. Amended Conclusion 5: 5. The Licensee is ' ear�terss. in violation of the condition on its license relatine to maintaining tapes from the video surveillance cameras on both September 23, 1449 when no taoe was inserted and on October 7. 1999. when the tape was not operated until after the police had been called. ''''-- r:,..-_ ... __ .__� > > . -7- �t� - S�S B. Amended Conclusion 6: : " - - - - - - - :. - - - - - - :,.- .; ,:- -- - -- - - - - - - - --- - ---- - ..:= - -- 6. The short time between the two violarions. and the fact that tbe second violation was within a week of Licensee beina notified that LIEP would be takine adverse action based upon the first violation reflect that the Licensee was not making serious efforts to com�l,v with the condition. C. Amended Conclusion 7: 7. There is t�e a basis for taking adverse action against the Licensee under �eeEiens § 310.06 5-- of the Saint Paul Le islative Code for �n�� (b)( ) g� �ie�fl.._.,.___ _ . failure to complv with the condition on the license reauirin¢ that video surveillance cameras be maintained in eood workina order and that tapes from the caxneras be maintained for seven davs. � oa -s.�s OFFTCE OF AD1dINISTRATIVE HEARINGS FOR THE COUNCIL OF TT� CITY OF SAINT FAUL In re the licenses held by Metro Baz & Grill, CITY' S FIi�1AL ARGUMENT Inc., d!b!a Arnellia's STATEMENT OF FACTS The Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection initiated adverse action against the licenses held by Metro Baz & Grill, Inc., d/b!a Arnellia's, for violating conditions placed on the license. 5aint Paul Legislative Code §310.06(b)(5) permits adverse action to be taken against licenses where the licensee "has failed to comply with any condition set forth in the license, or set forth in the resolution granting or renewing Che license." There have been license conditions on the licenses heid by Metro Bar & Grill for several years, and the most recent revision of those conditions was done after meeting with the license holder and a number of other interested persons, including LIEP staff and St. Paul police officers. Effective July 8, 1999, rivo conditions relatin� to secwity cameras were placed on the Iicense. Condition # 11 states: "Licensee [sic] holder will maintain in good working order at least 4 video surveillance cameras on the exterior of the building to constantly monitor the exterior of the premises. Tapes must be maintained for 7 days." Robert Kessler, Director of LIEP, testified that the conditions regarding the surveillance cameras were put in place as a result of a fatal shooting which took place outside of Arnellia's. Jackie Hicks, a manager of Amellia's, acknowledged that the licensee had a�reed -1- �o — S�� to the conditions and was awaze of them. On September 23, 1999, a shooting took place outside of Ameliia's. Saint Paul Police Officer Johnson was sent to the baz to recover the tape from the outside video surveillance cameras, but was advised by the owner, Arnellia Allen, that there was no surveillance camera behind the building. The officer advised her that tapes from the other cameras might be helpful in identifying the suspects. After Ms. Allen contacted her son, Larry Allen, by phone, she informed the officer that the cameras were not operating the previous evening. S�t. Richard Munoz also went to Arnellia's to attempt to obtain a video tape of the incident. Ms. Allen stated that she did not have a tape to give him because the camera in the reaz of the building was broken, the other cameras were not operating and there was no tape in the recorder. A Notice of Violation dated September 30, 1999, was sent to Amellia Allen alleging that the failure to have the video cameras on and taping on September 23, 1999 was a violation of condition # 1 I of the license. The Notice was served by mail on October l, 1999 on Ms. Allen, at the licensed establishment, and gave the licensee until October 11, 1499 to respond on how they would like to proceed. While that matter was still pending, on October $, 1999, there was a suspected homicide which took place outside of Arnellia's, beginning in the parking lot and ending up on University Avenue. Once again, pofice went to Arnellia's to obtain videos from ihe surveillance cameras. The video tape which was obtained was reviewed by several Saint Pau1 Police officers, among them Sgt. Mazk Kempe. Sgt Kempe testified that the video tape which he reviewed was obtained from the bar by Officer Arno1d, who then took it to the police station and gave it to Sgt. Younghans. Sgt. Younghans and other officers reviewed the tape. The tape was played at the hearing, and no claim has been made that the tape is not authentic nor has any -2- o � - S �s" claim been made that the tape was tampered with. The tape is divided into four quarters, with one squaze for each of the four outside surveillance cameras. The upper left hand square is blank; testimony later established that this camera was not operating for at least two months, and probably longer. The remaining three squazes show the front door area (lower left screen), the back door azea (lower right screen) and the east pazking lot (upper right screen). There aze numbers which reflect a date and time, but these aze not related to the actual date and time of the recording. Tt was Sgt. Kempe's opinion that the tape was not operating at the time of the incident in the parking lot on November 8, 1999, but that the tape had been tumed on after the police had been called. He based this opinion upon the review of the tape, which showed a sudden jump in the dates of the tape counter, from 10-30-89 at 8:50 to 11-7-89 at 12:11:42; the abrupt change in the items being viewed (a view of the front doar with no one outside and a jump to a large crowd of people); and the fact that the squad cazs can be seen arriving. His conclusion was that the tape had not been constantly operating, but had been tumed on after the fact. The �vitnesses presented by the licensee did not dispute that there was no tape from the incident on September 23, 1949. In fact, Lany Allen acknowledged that he forget to use the surveillance cameras, despite being told of the conditions on the license. He also admitted that the tapes were not operating on October 8, 1999 until after the incident occurred, and the police had been called. His explanation was that he had hit the play, but not the record button on the tape machine. It also was apparent from the testimony of both Larry and Jerry Allen that one of the video surveillance cameras (the upper 1eft quarter of the tape) was not operational for a period of over two months. The witnesses for the licensee seemed to be azguing that the recommended -3- o � - s�.� penalry of 60 days was too severe because the violation of the condition on the license did not cause the shooting on September 23, 1999 or the death on October 8, 1999. ARGL3MENT The City's burden of proof in this hearing is a preponderance of the evidence; if it is more likely than not that the licensee violated the conditions of the license, then the City has met its burden. In re Kaldahl, 418 N.W.2d 532, 535 (Minn. App. 1488). The license condition in question in this matter is Condition # 11, which states: "11. The Licensee [sic] holder will maintain in good working order at least 4 video surveillance cameras on the exterior of the building to constantly monitor the exterior of the premises. Tapes must be maintained for 7 days." Implicit in the wording of this condition is that the video cameras are to be operating, and taping, at all times that the baz is open. One of the reasons for placing the condition on the license was to assist police by providing them with possible means of identifying suspects in the assaults, shootings and other problems being caused by baz patrons after leaving the bar. Clearly, the licensee violated the condition on September 23, 1999, when no tape was in the video and it was not being operated, and again on October 7, 1999, when taping did not start until after the incident occurred. The Director of LIEP, Robert Kessler, testified that he recommended a suspension of 60 days for the licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill, Inc. He acknowledged that it was a severe penalty, although he also noted that his initial inclination was to recommend revocation of the iicenses. He noted that the condition on the license was the result of a meeting with the owner and management of Arnellia's, as well as Saini Paul police officers, and that the recommendation for video surveillance cameras was something the police felt would assist them i� � � _ S �"� in investigating and solving crunes occurring at or azound the bar. The meeting and the additional conditions on the license were motivated by a murder which occuned outside the bar, on University Avenue. The conditions were effective July $, 1999. Within a matter of months, there was another shooting outside of Arnellia's, and only two weeks later, a person was killed in an incident which was investigated as a possible homicide and which began in the bar's pazking lot. Officers testified that in both the September 23 and the October 7, 1999 incidents, that the people involved had been inside the baz as patrons eazlier in the evening. It w�as apparent from the testimony of Jackie Hicks that she felt the condition tivas unnecessary and that the bar feels no responsibility for the behavior of patrons once they aze outside the building. However, the bar had the opportunity to oppose the cond'ations being placed on the license, as imposition of conditions is an adverse action, pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code §310.0�(a). The licensee chose not to contest the imposition of conditions, and cannot now argue that the conditions aze unreasonable. Ms. Hicks acknowledged that there has been a prior adverse action against the licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill, Inc., based upon the number of shootings which have occurred outside and around the establishment. Rather than demonstrating concem for the problems generated by patrons of the establishment, the licensee seems to argue that because the violation of the conditions did not directly cause the incidents, they should not be punished. In fact, the continuing neglect of the conditions regazding the surveillance cameras is both a serious violation; and contributes to the ongoing probiems outside the bar. As long as the establishment ignores the condition to have cameras monitoring both inside and outside the premises, the police aze denied access to valuable evidence to solve felony-level and other crimes occurring just -5- C'�� - S�S outside the doors of the baz. In both the September 23 and October 7, 1999 incidents, the participants were patrons of the baz; although they did not commit the crirnes inside the building, they were present outside the building because they had been at the baz. The licensee obviously benefits from the custom of its patrons by chazging them for food and aIcohol. Thas is conduct permitted by the licenses it holds. It would be unfair to say that the establishment can benefit from the licenses it holds but escape all responsibility for the obligations irnposed on the licenses by the Office of LIEP. The sanction recommended by the Office of LIEP is warranted by the inaction of the license holder in implementing the conditions agreed to. The conditions were to be effective on July 9, 1999. It was apparent from the testimony of all of the witnesses for the Iicensee that no training had been done with employees to advise them of the importance of the conditions or how to implement them. Thus, on September 23, 1999, the cameras were not even operating. Despite receiving a Notice of Violation advising them of the failure to abide by the conditions, it was only two weeks later that Larry Allen elther failed to turn the recorder on or failed to tum it to record untii after another instance of violent behavior required a call to the police. Oniy then did the cameras actually begin to record. Further evidence that the attitude of the licensee towards the condition was lackadaisical at best was the testimony regarding the fourth surveillance camera, which was determined to be malfunctioning in August of 1999, and which was still inoperafive at the time of the October 7, 1999 incident, two months later. The testunony made it cleaz that°there was no sense of urgency about gettina the camera replaced once the bar finally realized that it was not functianing. There was no clear responsibility for taking chazge of the repair or reinstallation, and Larry Allen, the � 6z� � S8".S� manager, appazently relied upon his mother's statement that Eazl AlIen had been contacted to come install the caznera without checking to see that it was done or to have it done in a timely fashion. When asked if anyone ever reviewed the tapes, Larry A11en stated that he did not, and Jackie Hicks believed that it wasn't incumbent upon the bar to do so. This lack of responsibility for checking the tapes meant that they couldn't be sure the cameras were in worl:ing order, and further demonstrates the fact that they did not take the condition on the license seriously, The Office of LIEP made every effort to work with the licensee to deal with concems about the violent incidents taking place outside Arnellia's by meeting with them to develop conditions that would deal with the problem. Both the testimony of Jackie Hicks, and the actions and inactions of Larry and Jerry Allen make it cleaz that the employees of the licensee do not take the condition seriously and do not feel it is necessary. No training was ever done on how to implement the condition, it appeats that when the cameras are turned on and off was largely a matter of personal decision by the individual employee, and no effort is made to see that the cameras are functioning properly by reviewing the tapes. The mere fact that on the two occasions that the police looked for tapes to assist them in investigating crimes the tapes weren't available because the recorder had not been used or had been improperly used, warrants a severe penalty, but added to that, the recommended penalty of a sixty-day suspension is warranted because the testimony shows that ttus was not a one-time lapse on the part of the licensee, but part of a general disregazd for the condition. Additionally, this is a second adverse action against the licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill, Inc. CONCLUSION The City has met its burden of showing that the licensee violated Condition #11 on the -7- ac� -S�J` license on both September 23, 1999 and October 7, 1999, because the licensee failed to have a tape in and the machine operating at all on September 23` and failed to have the machine continuously monitoring and recording on October 7`". These violations occurred in short period of time, were part of a continuing pattern of indifference to the condition being imposed on the license, and were a result of her failure to convey the importance of the condition to her employees or train them in its implementation. The argument that these violations aze not serious because they did not cause the incidents themselves simply underscores the fact that the licensee does not consider the condition to be unportant, as does her manager's tesrimony that the condition is unnecessary and was only imposed because the Director of LIEP doesn't like the bar. The Office of LIEP has worked with the establishment to deal with the problems caused by some of the patrons of the bar, and the licensee's failure to abide by the conditions and take responsibility for their part in the problems wanants a severe sanction. Respectfully submitted this 18'h day of February, 2000. � � �� Virginia D. almer (Atty Lic. # 128995) Assistant City Attnmey 400 City HalUCourthouse 15 W. Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN SS 102 (651)266-8710 � -- - - - - ---- - - - - -- Nancy Andevson -1tem #32 . May_10 Council Agenda_ ___._ _ , _ _„_ _ . . __ Page 1 . • � � S�� From: Nancy Mderson To: Council , Date: 5/9/00 2:32PM Subjecf: Item #32 - May 10 Council Agenda. FYI - The City Attomey's Office has requested that Item #32 on tfie May 10th Council Agenda (Report of the Administrative Law Judge conceming all licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill, dba Arnel{ia's, 1163 University Avenue, be I.AID OVER TO June 7th for Public Hearing. (This date was requested by Attorney for Arnellia's.) CC: Byrne, Phil � 5�5 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colemars, Mayor October 25, 2000 CITIZEN SERVICE OFFICE Fred OwusK �}' Qerk i�o cuy aou ZS W. %ellogg Boulevmd SaixtPmr�Minnesota SSIO2 TeL: 651-2668989 Fax: 651-266-8689 A'eb: hdp://www.stpauLgm TDD: 26(r8509 At the direction of Saint Paul Assistant City Attorney, Virgnua Palmer, the original copies of all documentation relating to Council File #00585 a resolution to suspend the license of Metro Baz & Grill d/b/a Arnellia's and adopt the Report of the ALJ with exceprions and aznendments, have been sent to the Clerk of the Appellate Courts in order to satisfy the requirement of Court of Appeals File Number: C6-00-1156. The copies haue been filed as the original documents in the City Clerk's office files. ,�°�� K, ((�;� �� Fred Owusu City Clerk <��� � /Jd� Shari Moore Deputy City Clerk � � COURT OF APPEAI,S NIIMBER:C6-06-1156 IND&% OF COIINCIL FILE (C.F.) DO-585 DOC. NUMBER 1 2 DATE 6-21-00 Resolution and Green Sheet suspending the (date , license of Metro Bar & Grill d/b/a adopted Arnellia's and adopting the Report of the by ALJ with exceptions and amendments Council) 6-1-00 Letter from State Representative Andy Dawkins offering opinion that Arnellia's license not be suspended. NIIMBER OF PAGSS 5 1 3. 4-20-00 Notice of Public Hearing letCer sent to 11 Attorney Mark Vaught by Assistant City Attorney Virginia Palmer regarding 1-26-00 Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommendation of the Administrative Law Judge. 4. 5-3-00 Letter from Virginia Palmer to Mark Vaught 17 regarding the City's Exceptions to the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommendation of the ALJ. Includes City's Final Argument - Statement of Facts 5. 5-9-00 Memo to City Council from Nancy Anderson 1 regarding laying over of item #32 on the May 1�"' Council Agenda to June 7 for a Public Hearing. 6. 144 petition cards requesting the City 144 Council to support the findings of the caras in ALJ, as it relates to not sanction i Arnella's. envelope 7. 6-21-00 8. 6-21-00 Videotape of 6-21-00 Saint Paul City Council meeting. Summary minutes of 6-21-00 Saint Paul City Council meeting. DOCUMENTS RETURNED SY TA& ALJ RECEIVED IN THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE 4-5-00 L� 10 4-4-00 Letter from Phyllis Reha, Administrative Law Judge, to the City Council regarding the Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Recommendations. 3-6-00 Letter from Virginia Palmer to the ALJ Phyllis Reha regarding City's Rep1y Memorandum. 1 tape 14 12 � �s i 11 12 13 3-6-00 3-2-00 a-is-oo Fax cover from Mark Vaught to Phyllis Reha regarding no further submissions in the Metro Bar & Grill matter. FaY £rom Mark Vaught to Phyllis Reha summarizing and presenting Respondent's view of the evidence_ Letter from Virginia Palmer to Phyllis Reha enclosing the Final Argument on behalf of LI&P. 14. 2-28-00 Letter from Phyllis Reha to Virginia Palmer granting her request to extend the period for reply briefs. Attached is the letter from Virginia Palmer requesting the extension. 15. 12-15-99 16. 1-26-00 17. 9-30-99 18. 19. 9-23-99 20. 9-23-99 21. 9-30-99 22. 11-8-99 23. 10-29-49 24. 11-10-99 25. 12-15-99 26. 10-7-99 Letters from Virginia Palmer and Peter Pangborn announcing Notice of Hearing to Arnellia Allen. List of City's proposed exhibits. City's Exhibit #1, License Information Report City's Exhibit #2, License conditions for Metro Bar & Grill dba Arnellia's City's Exhibit #3, Police report prepared by Officer Gerald E. Johnson City's Exhibit #4, Police report prepared by Sgt. Richard J. Munoz City's Exhibit #5, Notice of Violation City's Exhibit #6, Police report prepared by Sgt. Mark C. Kempe City's Exhibit #8, Letter from Ms. Arnellia Allen to Robert Kessler City's Exhibit #9, Notice of Second Violation City's Exhibit #10, Notice of Hearing City's Exhibit #7, Videotape from Arnellia's 1 5 11 2 5 2 4 1 2 3 3 2 2 3 5 1 tape �� _ STATE OF MINIVESOTA IN COURT OF APPEALS Metro Bar & Gri13, Inc., dtbla Arneliia's, Petitioner, WRIT OF CERIORARi ►�� COURT OF APPEALS FILE NO.e.� —� — � 15 � City of Saint Paul, a municipal corporation, CITY OF SAINT PAUL Respondent. COUNCIL FILE NO. 00-58� DATE OF DECISION: ADOPTED: TUNE 21, 2000 APPROVED BY MAYOR: JUNE 27, 2000 TO: The City of Saint Paul and the City Council of the City of Saint Paul: You are hereby ordered to return to the Court of Appeals within ten (10) days after the date xealtor's brief is due the record, exhibits and proceedings in the above-entitled matter so that this Court may review the decision of the City Council issued on the date noted above. Copies of this Writ and the accompanying Petition shall be sen�ed torthwith either personally or by mail upon the City of Saint Paul as follows: City Clerk 170 City Hail 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 � And upon the attorney for the City of Saint Paul as foilows: Virginia Palmer Assistant City Attorney 400 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Proof of service shali be f51ed with the Clerk of the Appeliate Courts. Clerk of Appellate Courts iL. Aated: July _, 2000 - A . By: �l, � ��� a l.F� Ass�stant C?erk (Clerk's File Stamp) 2 S. MARK VAUGHT Attorney At Law auiy �, a000 Sui[e 700 Six West Fifth Stteet Sainc Paul, Minnesora 55102-1412 (651)297-6400 FAX (651) 22q-8328 e-maii: markvaught@worldnet.att.net Mr. Frederick K. Grittner Clerk of Appellate Courts Minnesota Judicial Center 25 Constiturion Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55155 RE: Metro Bar & Grill, Inc. vs. Citv of Saint Paul Dear Mr. Grittner: t��EIVE� JUL 7 2Q00 c►rr �,�� Enclosed you will find with respect to the above-entitled matter the following: 1. An original and the requisite nuraber of copies of a Petition for a Writ of Certiorari with attachments; Z. An original proposed Writ of Certiorari; 3. An original and the requisite number of copies of Petitioner's Statement of the Case; 4. An original and the requisite number of copies of Petitioner's Notice of Mot'son and Motion requested an emergency stay of the license suspension handed down by the Saint Paul City Council in the matter; 5. An original and the requisite number of copies of the Affidavits of Jackie Hicks and S. Mark Vaught offered in support of the Motion for a Stay; and 6. A check in the sum of $250.00 to cover the cost of the filing fee. Please see that the documents are properly filed. Additionally, the Motion needs to be heard on an emergency basis as the license suspension is scheduled to go into effect at 12:01 a.m. next Wednesday, July 12, 2000. As a courtesy in helping her to respond to the motion I have already provided a copy of the enclosed documents to Virginia Palmer, Assistant City Attorney. Very truly yours, S. Mark Vauaht Attorney at Law cc Virginia Palmer, Assistant City Attorney Fred Owuzu, Saint Paul City Clerk �� � STATE OF MINNESOTA IN COURT OF APPEALS �Pp QF TFE O��a-fe JUL 0 7 200Q :_ ��LEC� Metro Bar & Grill, Inc., dlbla Arnellia's, Petitioner, vs. PETITION �'OR WRIT OF CERTIORARI COURT OF APPEALS FILE NO � "QQ _ , ` � � City of Saint Paul, a municipal corporation, CITY OF SAINT PAUL Respondent. COiJNCIL FILE NO.OQ-585 ADOPTED: JUNE 21, 2000 APPROVED BY MAYOR: JLJNE 27, 2000 DATE AND DESCRIPTION OF EVENT TRIGGERING APPEAL: JUNE 27, 2000; MAILING OF CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION TO The Court of Appeals of the State of Minnesota: Tbe above-named Petitioner hereby petitions the Court of Appeals for a Writ of Certiorari ta review a decision of the City Council of the City of Saint Paul issued on the date noted above, upon the following grounds: 1. On June 21, 2000, the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, acfing in a quasi-judicial capacity, passed a resolution, approved by the Mayor on June 27, 2QOQ, suspending all licenses held by Petitioner at 1183 University Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota, for a period of forty-five days (45), fifteen (15) days of which to be stayed. 2. In passing said resolution, the City Council made tbe following errors: A. Acted arbitrarily and capriciously in rejecting many of the findings of fact and legal conclusions of the Administrative Law Judge and in not adopting the reasoning and recommendation of the Administrative Law Judge that the matter be dismissed. B. Failed to accord Petitioner equal time to present its case as was permitted the attomey representing City licensing officials constituting a denial of Petitioner's due process rights. C. Failed to accord Petitioner an opportunity to rebut the inflammatory and irrelevant testimony from certai» witnesses, who had not previously been heard and who testified after the completion of Petitioner's testimony, constituting a denial of Petitioner's due process rights. D. Failed to exclude the irrelevant and inflammatory testimony regarding unrelated incidents of violence by certain witnesses constituting arbitrary and capricious action. E. Acted arbitrarily and capriciously in reliance on inflammatory and irrelevant testimony regarding the general subject of violence and specific acts of violence from witnesses and comments in the same regard by Councilmember Blakey in arriving at a decision in this matter. F. Acted arbitrarily and capriciously in imposing the severe penalty in this case, both with respect to the nature of the alleged violations and with respect to its own statutory regulatory scheme of matrix penalties for certain sorts ofviolations? G. Erred and acted arbitrarily and capriciously in concluding that there were violations of license conditions by the Petitioner in this matter. H. Acted arbitrarily, capriciously, illegally and in contravention of the provisions of Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 310.05(c-2) by engaging in ex parte contacts or discussions with each other or third parties regarding these matters outside the public record or final Council deliberations. Review of the decision of the City Council by the Court of Appeals pursuant to issuance of a Writ of Certiorari is authorized by past decisions of this Court and the Supreme Court of the State of Minnesota. Dated: July 7, 2000 � +,�✓� ��%GGc� S. Mark Vaught (Atty. No. 1519) Attorney for Pefitioner Suite 700 Six West Fifth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1412 651-297-6400 651-224-832& (fax) markvaueht(a�worldnet.att.net OFFICE OF LICEtiSE. INSPECTIONS .1DID ENYIRO`1MENTAL PItOTECTION Robert Kess(er, Direaoi CITY OF SAINT PAUL .NOrm Co(eman, :Kayor June 27, 2000 LOK'RY PROFESS/O.NAL BUILtl[NG Suite 300 350 St. Perer S[reet Soiu Paul, :1linnesata SJIO2-I510 NOTICE OF LICENSE SUSPENSION Amellia Allen, President Metro Bar & Grill, Inc. dba Amellia's 1183 Universiry Avenue West Saint Paul, MN 55104 Dear Ms. Allen: ?e[ephane: 651-2E690A7 Fatslrule: Qi1-2665YN9 6�7-266-9f24 Enclosed is a copy of City Council Resolution Number 00-585 which suspends all the licenses issued to you by the City of Saint Paul for a period of forty-five (45) days with fifteen (15) days stayed for the followin�: Violations occurring on September 23, 1999 and October 8,1999 of the condition on the licenses requiring that there be video surveillance cameras operating on the exterior of the building and that t�pes be maintained for seven days. The suspension was adopted by the Saint Paul City Council in final written form at the CounciPs regulaz meeting on June 21, 2000. The effect of this notice is that no business operations shall be permitted for thirty (30) days beginning at 12:01 a.m. on Wednesday, July 12, 2000 through 11:59 p.m. Thursday, Au�ust 10, 2000. This is a serious matter that demands your adherence. Absolutely no sale, consumption or display of alcohol shall be permitted on the licensed premises during this �vhole period. Please contact me at 266-9108 if you have any questions re?ardin� this matter. Sincerely, C V � �L- Christine A. Ro2ek Deputy Director [�.7�i7 A j�-� cc: Commander Dan Cazison, SPPD-Western District Robert Kessler, Director-LIEP Peter Pangborn, Legal Assistant Kris Schweinler, Senior License Inspector S. Mazk Vau�ht, Attomey at Law Administrative Law Judge ORIGINAL Presented By Referred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT P. Council File # � .. C QS Csreen Sheet � c�y3 ti� Date i�} i RESOLVED, that the licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill, Inc_ dJUla Amellia's for the 2 premises at I 183 University Avenue in Saint Pau1(License ID# 54523) aze hereby suspended 3 for a period of forty-five days, fiReen of the days to be siayed, for the violations occurring on 4 September 23, 1999 and October 8, 1499 of the condition on the licenses requiring that there be 5 video surveiilance cameras operating on the exterior of the building and that tapes be maintained 6 for seven days. The suspension shall begin on the third Wednesday following passage and 7 approval of this resolution 9 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the findings of fact and conclusions of law contained in the 10 ALJ Report in this case dated May 3, 2000 aze adopted as the written findings and conclusions of 11 the Council in this matter, except as amended below. The reasonin� of the Memorandum of the 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 14 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 ALJ attached to the findings and conclusions is not adopted. The recommendation of the ALJ for dismissal of the adverse action against ttte Iicenses is also not accepted. FURTHER RESOLVED, that the following amendments to the ALJ Report aze hereby adopted: 1. Finding of Fact No. 3 is hereby amended to read as follows: n3 , . . Conditions nave been placed on the licenses for Amellia's for a number of vears. The conditions have been the result of discussions with the license holder. the neighbors, the police and LIEP and have been desi n�ed to deal with oroblems caused bv patrons of Arneilia's. These restrictions include imposing a dress code on customers, requiring picture identification, banning individuals from the premises, screening music played on the premises for inappropriate content, using a metal detector to exciude weapons from the premises, and providing security to ensure orderly 6ehavior on the premises." 2. Finding of Fact No. 5 is hereby amended to read as follows: "5. After agreeing to the conditions regazding the video � � 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3b 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 � 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 3. � 5. GQ surveillance system, a manager at Amellia's developed a system to be followed for taping. The first tape of the day would be started when the establishment was opened for business, azound noon each day. When that tape ran out, another employee inserted the second tape. That tape would record until after closing. Tapes were kept for a week and then reused for taping. Lam Alien testifred that the tapes were not alwavs started ri t at openine. and that there was no one emolovee responsible for insurin¢ that the tape was ooerarina." Finding of Fact I3o. 6 is hereby amended to read as foliows: "6. In August, 1999, Ameilia Allen discovered that one of the four surveillance cameras was not working properiy. The camera operated properly in daylight, but did not rehun a ciear image at night. The contractor who inirially installed the system, Eazi Ailen, was contacted in early August, and he examined the system approximately ane week later. The contractor concluded that a new camera was required and it was ordered from the manufacturer in California. Jerry Allen paid the contractor to order the camera on August 13, 1999. The date that the camera was ordered by ihe contractor is unknown. The failure to have this fourth camera in workine order was not listed as a basis for adverse action." Finding of Fact No. 7 is hereby amended to read as follows: "7. The camera was delivered to Ameilia's in eazly September. The contractor was notified that the camera had arrived. The camera had still not been instailed bv the October 7. 1999 date. and testimony 6v Jemr Atlen at the hearine was that he did no follow- un to see what the delav was in installing the camera." Finding of Fact No. 8 is hereby amended to read as follows: "8. On September 23, 1999, a shooting incident occurred in the alley behind Amellia's. Testimonv bv the �olice established that the participants had been patrons of Amellia's eazlier in the evenine" Sergeant Munoz of the Saint Paul Police Department went to Amellia's to obtain the videotape of the imagery captured by the video surveiilance camera. Sergeant Munoz was informed that there was no tape available for that evening. Larry Allen had forgotten to pui the second tape in that day." Finding of Fact No. 12 is hereby amended to read as folIows: "12. Neaz midnight on October 7, 1999, an altercation began between patrons in Amellia's. Those participating in the aliercation were removed from the premises. The dispute b0 —S$S 1 continued outside and someone fired shots. A caz struck and killed 2 a pedestrian in the garkine lot of the estabiishment. and the bodv 3 was draesed into the middle of University Avenue at that time. A 4 large number of officers of the Saint Paul Police Department responded to the scene." 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 4b 47 48 49 50 51 7. Conclusion o£ Law No. 5 is hereby amended to read as follows: "5. The Licensee is � . in violation of the condirion on its license relatin¢ to maintainine ta_pes from the video surveillance cameras on both Seotember 23. 1999 when no tape was inserted and on October 7. 1999, when the tape was not operated until after the �olice had been called. �ke -, �� , > � D o ^Sgs Conclusion of Law No. 6 is deleted and a new Conclusion of Law No. 6 is adopted to read as follows:: Y. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - "6. The short time between the two violations. and the fact that the second violation was within a week of Licensee bein2 notified that LTEP would be takina adverse action based npon the first violation reflect that the Licensee was not makine serious efforts to comglv with the condition." 9. Conclusion of Law No. 7 is hereby amended to read as follows: "7. There is ne a basis for taking adverse action against the Licensee under 8eetiens � 310.Ob(b)(5) --'� "m�^�r.'rA of the Saint Paul Legislative Code for sqstem- failure to com� with the condition on the license requirine that video surveillance cameras be maintained in good working order and that tapes from the cameras be maintained for seven davs. This Resolution is based on the record of the proceedings before t4ie ALJ, including ihe hearing on January 26, 2000, the documents and exhibits introduced therein, the findings of fact and conclusions of law of the ALJ as referenced above, the written submissions by counsel for the pazties, and the arguments and statements of the parties and the deliberations of the Counci3 in open session on June 7, 2000. 2 � 00 —$$S A copy of this Resolution, as adopted, shall be sent by first class mail to the Administrative Law Judge, and to the Licensee's attomey, S. Mark Vaught. Requested by Departmeat of: By: Fozm Acproved b City Attoraey � ey ` ��,�..�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B Y� �r,"���\ � �� By: Appzoved Sy Mayor: Date �?1G �� s.�yQ ey r �� Adopted by Couacil: Date �� �00 Adoptioa Certified by Couaci ecreta� , 9-2111-12640-3 STATE OF MINNESOTA OF�ICE OF ADMINISTR.4TIVE HEARfNGS FOR THE CITY OF ST. PAUL !n the Matter of All �icenses Held by Metro Bar & Grill, Inc., d/b/a AmelGa's, for the Premises at 1183 University Avenue, Saint Paul, License I.D. No. 54523. FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSlONS OF LAW AND RECOMMENDATION The above-entitled matter came on for hearing before Administrative Law Judge Phyliis A. Reha, acting as a hearing officer for the Saint Paul City Council, commencing at 930 a.m. on Wednesday, January 26, 2000, at the Saint Paui City Hall(Ramsey County Courthouse, Room 41, 15 West Kellogg Bou4evard, St. Paul, Minnesota. The hearing was held pursuant to a Notice of Hearing dated Decembes 15, 1999. Virginia D. Palmer, Assistant St. Paul City Attorney, 400 City Hall, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102, appeared on behaif of the City's O�ce of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection (LIEP). S. Mark Vaught, Attorney at Law, Six West Fifth Street, Suite 700, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1412, appeared on behaif of the Licensee (hereinafter "Amellia's" or "Licensee"). The record closed on March 7, 2000, with the receipt of the last post-hearing submission. NOTICE This Report contains a recommendation and not a final decision. The final decision will be made by the Saint Paul City Councii, which may affirm, reject, or modify the Fi�dings and Conclusions contained herein. The Councii will consider the evidence in this case and the .Administrative Law Judge's recommended Findings of Fact and Conc(usions, but wiii not consider any factual testimony not previously submitted to and considered by the Rdministrative Law Judge. The Licensee wiil have an opportunity to present oral or written arguments regarding its position on the recommendation of the Adm+nistrative �aw Judge in the application of the law or interpretation ot me r'acts anci may present argument related to its position. The Counci('s decision as to what, if any, adverse action shall be taken will be by resolution under § 310.�5 of the St. Paul Legis{ative Code. Te ascertain when the Council wi4l consider this matter, the parties should contact the Saint Paul City Council, Room 310, St. Paul City HaIlfRamsey County Courthouse, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, St. Paui, Minnesota 55102. STATENIENT OF ISSUES The issues in this matter are whether licensee vioiated conditions on its license by fail+ng to maintain video surveillance of the exterior of the licensed premises and failing to recard that imagery, and, if so, what penalty is appropriate. Based upon ail of the files, records and proceedings herein, the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) makes the foliowing: FiNDINGS OF FACT 1. Metro Bar & Griil, lnc. is a corporation doing business as Arneliia's at 1183 University Avenue, Saint Paui, Minnesota 55104. The corporafion is owned by Amefiia Allen. Amellia's has an Entertainment (B) license, a Gam6ling Location (B) ficense, a CigareitelTobacco iicense, and two �iquor On-Sale licenses. Amellia's licenses remain va{id pending the oufcome of this proceeding. The business is owned by Amel(ia Allen. The manager is her son, Jerry Allen. Jerry Ailen's brother, Larry Aflen, is employed by Ame4lia's to provide security. 2. Ame!!ia's is located directly on University Avenue. To the west on fhat block is Antiques Minnesota. To the east side of Amellia's is a parking lot and the Midway Cas Wash. i o ihe north sicle is an ailey, with some parking and a dumpsier. Four extemai video cameras have been in place on the building for approximately six years. One camera prov+des a view of the front door on the south side of the 6uilding, one camera observes the north side around the back door of Arneifia's (near the dumpster), and the other two cameras provide different angles of the parking lot on the east side of the building. Signs posted on the buiiding state that video surveifiance is being conducted. The v+deo cameras send images to a monitor, wh+ch displays a picture for each camera together on the same screen. 3. The area in the vicinity of ArneNia's is subject to frequent police ca11s and significant levels of crime. To address these neighborhood prob(ems and prevent any exacerbation of those probfems, Arnellia's operates ifs business under a number of restrict+ons that have been in place for years.' These restrictions include imposing a dress code on customers, requiring picture ident�cation, banning individuals from the prem+ses, screen+ng music played on the premises for inappropnate content, using a metal detector to exclude weapons form the premises, and providing security to ensure orderly bel�avior on the premises. 4. ln May, 1999, a man was shot and killed while in a car parked in front of the Midway Car Wash? In response to that killing, management at ArneHia's met with the Sai�t Paul Police, LIEP, and community representatives to determine what additional efforts couid be made to address violent acts in the vicinity of Amellia`s. fihe Licensee agreed to add taping equipment to its existing video survei{lance system. This additionaf condition became effective on July 8, 1999 and states: Licensee hoider wil{ maintain in good working order at least 4 video surveiilance cameras on the exterior of the buiiding to constantiy monitor the exterior of the premises. Tapes must be maintained for 7 days. 5. After agreeing to the conditions regarding the video surveiilance system, a manager at Arnellia's developed a system to be followed fior taping. The first tape of the ' The entire list of restrictions, identified as conditions on Arnellia's license, is attached as Appendix A. The iist of conditions includes the subsequently agreed-to c,�nditions regarding the video cameras. Z Midway Car Wash is located at 1169 University Avenue. 3 Exhibit 2. 2 day wouid be stasted when the establishment was opened for bus+ness, around noon each day. When that tape ran out, another employee inserted the second tape. That taQe wouid record until after closing. Tapes were kept for a week and then reused for taping_ 6. {n August, 1899, Arnellia Alien discovered that one of the four surveiilance cameras was not working properly. Tiie camera operated properly in day{ight, but did not reium a clear image at night 4 The contractor who initially installed the system, Earl AI4en, was contacted in early Augusf, and he examined the system approximately one week later. Tfie contsactor conciuded that a new camera was required and it was ordered from the manufacturer in Caiifomia. .ferry Aflen paid the contractor to order the came�a C�i QU9USi 1?, ?�Q9. Th? date that the camera �a;as orc! 5�j }iI �ort:ra tS unknown. 7. The camera was delivered to Amell+a's in early September. The contractor was notified that the camera had arrived. 8. On September 23, 1999, a shooting incident occurred in the alley behind Arneliia's. Sergeant Munoz of the Saint Paul Police Department went to Arneilia's to obtain the videotape of the image+y captured by the video surveillance camera. Sergeant Munoz was informed that there was no tape available for tfiat evening. Larry Ailen had forgotten to put in tne second tape on that day. 9. Ameflia's responded to the faiiure to tape by modifying its system of taping. Longer duration videotape was puschased, the employees responsibie for the system were instructed to make certain that a tape was in the machine, and the system of reTaining videotapes was modified. 10. On September 30, 1999, the Saint Paul City Attorney's Office issued a IVotice of Violation to Amellia's. The Notice +ndicated that on September 23, 1999, the Licensee failed to have its video cameras on and taping and that constitutes a violation of the video surveiilance condition on Arneliia's license. No citation was made in the NoUce of Vioiation to what provision of the Saint Paul Legislative Code was alieged to have been violated and no suggested penalty was indicated. 11. On October 7, 1999, Larry Allen was working the evening shift at Amellia's. At about 8:00 p.m., Larry Ailen switched the videotape tor the tape that had been recording since Arnellia's opened that moming. When he activated the video recorder, he inadvertentiy pressed the "play" button rather than the "record" butto�. 12. Near midnight on October 7, 1999, an altercation began beiween patrons in Arneliia's. Those participating in the altercation were removed from the premises. The dispute continued outside and someone fired shots. A car struck and kilied a 4 The image returned by that camera at night wouid only show objects with their own illumination, such as automobiie headlights and taiilights. 5 Ead Aflen is no reiation to Arneflia Allen, Jerry Allen, or Larty Allen. 6 Exhibit 5. 3 pedestrian in the middle of University Avenue at that time. A large number of officers of the Saint Pauf Police Department responded to the scene. 13. Larry Allen had been observing the incident outside Ameilia's. He went in to check on the videotape system and noticed for the firsf time that evening that the recocder had been set to play, rather than record. He immediately stopped the tape and began recording. An officer of the Saint Paui Po{ice Department entered a few minutes later and requested the videotape. Larry Allen gave the officer the videotape. 14. In mid-October, the contractor retumed to Amellia's and instailed the new camera. The instal(ation of the new camera aliowed nighttime images from a second ang{e in th� parking !ot to �e recosded �n tl�e �lGR. 15. As a result of the October 7 error in operating the VCft, Arnellia's again modified how the videotaping system was to operate. A three-week rotation ofi videotape was instituted. Each staff member at Amellia's was insYructed to check the operation of the VGEt throughout the work shift. Any staff member observing anything unusuaf about the monitor or VCR is instructed to report to the manager on duty. 16. On November 10, 1999, the Saint Paul City Attomey's Office issued a Notice of Second Violation to the Licensee. The Notice stated that on October 7, 1999, Arnetlia's failed to have its video cameras on and taping and that constitutes a violation of the video surveillance condition on Ame!(ia's license.' No citation was made in the Notice of �olation to what provision of the Saint Paul tegislative Code was a{leged to have been vioiated and no suggested penaity was indicated. 17. On December 15, 1999, the Assistant City Attorney, Virginia D. Palmer, issued a Notice of Hearin� in this matter. The Notice of Hearing identified the hearing date as January 26, 1999. 18. The misidentification of the date of the hearing in the notice of this matter did not cause any confusion for Licensee. Licensee was not prevented from fiuily participating in the hearing due to fhe erroneous date. Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact, the Administrative Law Judge makes the following: CONCLUSiONS 1. The Administrative Law Judge and the Saint Pauf City Counci4 have authority to consider the charges against the respondent and the penaity, if any, that should be paid the city pursuant to Sec. 310.05 of the St. Pau( Legisiative Code. ' Exhibit 9. 8 Exhibit 10. C! 2. LIEP has substantiaily complied with al{ relevant substantive and procedural legal requirements. 3. The Licensee received adequate and timely notice of the hearing and of the charges against it. 4. L1EP has the burden of proof to estabiish, by a preponderance of the evidence, that the respondent violated the conditions ofi its licensure. 5. The Licensee is in substantiaf compfiance with t�e conditions of its license through the installation and operation of a videotaping system attached to its video surveillance cameras. The failure to record the images captured by the video surveillance cameras outside the licensed premises on September 23 and October 7, '1999, was inadvertent by the Licensee. 6. The efforts made by the Licensee to repair the malfunctioning camera compiied with the condition that four video cameras be "maintained in good woricing order" outside the business premises. 7. There is no basis for taking adverse action against the �icensee under Sections 310.06(b)(5) and 409.10 of ihe Saint Paui Legisiative Code for the operation of its video surveillance system. Based upon the foregoing Conclusions, the Administrative Law Judge makes the foilowing: REGOMMENDATlON IT IS HEREBY RECOMivIENDED: That the Saint Paul City Council diSMISS the action against the licenses held by Metro Bar & Griil, Inc. Dated this � day of April, 2000 ��� 1�I �`-�Y�.ei• �:.�,, � PHYLLI A. REHA ;�'���— Administrative Law Judge Reported: Taped, three tapes MEMORANDUM Three incidents of violence are the motivation for bringing this action against the Licensee. A kiiling in May, occurring in front of the business next door; a shooting in September, occurring in the ailey behind the business; and a shoot+�g in October, ti resulting in a pedestrian being struck by a car and killed. There +s no evsdence in the record of this matter that any of these incidents took place on the licensed premises 9 In response to the May kiliing, the conditions under which Arnellia's operates were reconsidered. Conditions regarding video surveiilance were added. The language of the new condition itself is ambiguous, since that language does not expressly require that the imagery captured by fhe exterior video surve+llance cameras be recorded. There is no disQute, however, that bofh LIEP and Amellia's understood the condition to require the addition of a VCR and recording the imagery from those cameras. The record in this matter is clear that Arnellia's impiemented the new requirement consistent with its agreement. At first, tapes of six and eight hours in duration were use�' to co��er the �au�t°°n ho!;rs per da� thai �meUia's s o�2n. F,°er a�erioa cf trial and error, Amellia's discovered that additionaf time was needed to ensure that the videotaping covered the entire time the estabiishment was open. Arnellia's then switched to two eight-hour tapes per day. During this period sfafF discovered, also by trial and error, that the extended play option must be selected to ensure that the eight- hour tape covers all eight hours.'� No one at Arnellia's was able to set the date and time feature on the VCR. The second act of violence near Arne4lia's was a shooting that took place in the alley behind the building on September 23, 1998. The victim in that incident was struck in the foot. The Saint Pau1 Police sought the videotape from that evening to essist in their investigation of the incident. There was no tape from that evening, since Larry Allen had fiorgotten to put a tape in the VCft. ArnelVia's responded to the error by reviewing the system that had been established for videotaping, adjusting that system to ensure that the VCR was being activated at the appropriate times, and reminding the responsible employees that the taping was a requirement. The third act of violence occurred on October 7, 1999. At approximate(y 8:00 p.m. on that date, Larry Allen changed the videotape in the VCR for the evening. He inadvertent{y pressed the wrong button on the VGR after inserting the new tape. Around m+dnigfit, an altercation started in Arnellia's. in accordance with the establishmenYs policy, the participants were ejected from Amellia's. Those persons co�tinued their dis�uSe cutside and shots �vese fired. A cer ±.hsr: s±r�_ck a�ed�strsas? 'sn University Avenue and that pedestrian was kifled. After seeing the events outside, Larry Allen went to check on the VCR. At that time he discovered that it was in "play" mode, rather than "record" mode. He immediately began recording. At the hearing in this matter, Larry Alien acknowledged his mistake. LIEP maintains that viofation of any condifion is sufficient to take adverse action against Arneliia's license. The serious consequences on September 23 and October 7 are asserted to be justification for a penalty of sixty days suspension. Amellia's points 9 Several witnesses suggesYed that the automobile striking the pedestrian was exiting Amellia's parking lot. i0 Whiie Co�dition 11 states that the cameras must monitor the exterior continuousty, botfi Amellia's and LfEP understood the taping requirement to be only during business hours. " The othes option, standard play, provides better video quality but much shorter duration. � out that there is no evidence that any videotape from either evening wouid have prevented the fncidsnts or materially aided the Saint Paui Poi+ce in their subsequent invesfigations. Section 310.06(b)(5) authorizes adverse acfion be taken against a licensee when the licensee fai4s to comply with any condit+on of the license. Section 409.10 sets out the standards to apply in adding conditions to licenses as follows: Sec. 409.10. Restrictions on ticenses. When a reasonable basis is found by the council to impose reasonabie restrictions upon a license held under this chapter, the councii, upon issuing a new license or renewing a license or aoproving a transfer of a iicense, may impose reasonable conditions and restrictions pestaining to the manner and circumstances in which the business shall be conducted to preserve the pub{ic peace and protect and promote good order and security. These reasonabie conditions or restrictions may pertain to: (1) A limitation as to the hours when intoxicating liquor may be sald and/or consumed on the licensed premises; (2) A limitation and restriction as to the exact location within a buiiding where intoxicating liquor will be served and/or sofd andlor consumed; {3} A fimitation and restrict9on as to the means of ingress to or egress from the licensed estabiishment; (4) A requirement that certain ofF-street parking facilities be provided; (5) A condition that the license wilf be in effect only so tong as the establishment rema+ns a drugstore, restaurant or hotel as defined by the state liquor act or regulations adopted pursuant thereto; (6) A limitation and restriction as to the means and methods of advertising the safe of intoxicating iiquor on the buiiding andlor on the premises adjacent thereto; (7) Reasonable conditions fimiting the operation of the licensed premises so as to ensure that the licensed business wiil comport with the character ot the district in which it is focated andJor to the end that nuisances wili be prevented; and (8) Additional conditions upon hoteis and restaurants whicli may in the discretion of the council tend to insure that the sale of liquor wiil take place only in conjuncYion with the sale and sesvice of food. The one repeated standard throughout the section is that any condition imposed on a licensee must be "reasonabie". The condition at issue in this matter falls under item 7, which is the imposition of "reasonable conditions limiting the operation of the licensed premises .., to the end that nuisances wil] be prevented."' Adverse action can certainly be taken against a licensee for any unreasonable faiiure to meet a condition ' Saint Paui Legislative Code Sec. 409.10. 7 requiring videotaping. Conversely, where a iicensae has a seasonable excuse for that failure, adverse action is inappropriate. In each instance where the videotaping system was found to be fauity, action was taken by Amellia's to improve the system. VCRs are not "fool-proof' technology, and gaps in recording are inevitabie. The Licensee has demonstrated substantiai campl+ance with the Iicense condition and the two instances of noncompliance were inadvertent. The degree of ongoing compliance is demonstrated by the other material on the tape provided to the Saint Paui Police Department on October 7, 1999.' LtEP asserts that violations of the license condition are estabiished by the failure of Arneflia's to snsure that the carrecY date and time are imprinted on the recording. TFe;e is no such requirerent in the conditions establishad �or Ameliia`s. Adverse aation cannot be taken against the Licensee for fai(ing to properly set the date and time of the VCR, absent some understanding that such conduct is required. Having one video camera malfunction is aiso cited by LIEP as a violation of the license condition. The obligation in the license condition to "maintain in good working order" four video survei0ance cameras assumes that the technology wiA periodically malfunction and need to be fxed. The measure of compliance is not whether any of the cameras are broken, but whether prompt action is taken to repair them. In this matter, the Licensee was prompt and a contractor was diiatory. The Licensee met the requirement that the video surveiilance system be maintained. ' This standard of conduct is reflected in other license actions invoiving entertainment estabiishments. For example, in assessing whether adverse action was appropriate where female dancers "went topless" without a bar owners knowledge, Administrative Law Judge Peter Erickson stated: This case is not so much one where critica! issues of fact must be determined, but rather one in which the pena{ty must be appropriate to the violation. This case would be much different if, whea Mr. Jensen had seen that the dancers were topiess, he fiad immed'sately taken acYion, wfiether or not successful, to curb the topfess activities. However, Mr. Jensen decided that he could do nothing at fhat time and it was not until after Officer Nohr became fnvolved that Mr. Jensen put an end to the topless behavior. Additionally, Mr. Jensen could have instructed his bouncers and other emp;oyees regar�ing the lavd an rudiry and toid �hem to an�orca the prah�bition if ar,y of the dancers decitied undress. Atthough Mr. Jensen was not aware that the show wouid be topless, he is not biameless for the resuiting nudity wfiich continued until after Officer Nohr arrived. fiowever, Mr. Jensen's good faiih efForts to ensure that the show would not be topless before ever booking it should be given great weight. City of Coleraine v. Har/ey Jensen, d/b/a Ha�ley's Huf /l, OAH Docket No. 4-2101-5430-6 (Recommendation issued Aprii 23, 1991)(emphasis added). 14 The time stamp on the tape psovided '+s October 3�, 1989, and that tape-records the en6re evening's events outside of Amellia's. With the rotation of tapes described by Ameffia's, the next time stamp that wouid be imprinted on that particular tape is November 7, 1989. At aboui the middfe of the tape (approximately four hours at extended play), the scene changes to the events on October 7, 1999, and the time stamp changes to November 7, 1959. The new date and imagery lasts onty a few minutes, which is consistent with the potice officer receiving the taQe that night These facts support the testimony 04 Larry Aifen that the tape was +nserted accarding to the procedure, but that the "play" button was inadvertentty pressed. ' As discussed above, the language of the iicense condition fails to expressfy require taping, much less requiring accurate time stamps. There was no understanding beiween Amellia's and LIEP that the VCR must imprint an accurate time stamp to meet the license condition. 0 Robert Kessler, Direcfor of LIEP, testified that the purpose of the video surveillance iicense condition was: This establishment attracts people that (sic) are prone to vioience. And that we have a responsibillty to do everything we can to prevent that from happening. And the conditions were designed, especiaily with the conditions in regard to the cameras, to send a message to those people that practice violence fhat they will be watched and that we wiil have tecords that will protect the public. Because of the lack of good management Qractices at that establishment, those records are not avai{able and { th+nk as a result, the message is that they can get by with these kine�s ef acts at Yhaf estabrshment withcu� having pay :he price. There is no way for anyone outside the establishment to know whether videotapes are being recorded at any particular moment. The video cameras and signs warning about surveillance are promi�ently displayed. Each of the three incidents that prompted aetion concerning the Licensee occurred off of the licensed premises. Possession of a business license does not grant police power to controi the actions of persons outside of the {icensed premises. The purpose of "sending a message" to persons outside the control of fhe licensee is accompiished by the visible indicia of video surveiliance. The efForts made by Ameflia's to prevent a nuisance condition in the vicinity of its business are reasonab4e. Maintaining videotape generated by surveiflance cameras does not refate to the ongoing business of the Licensee, but mere4y aids in the subsequent investigations by police. The inadvertenf faiiure, on two occasions, to record the video camera imagery from outside the premises does not rise to a failure to comply with the conditions on Amellia's iicense. The actions taken to repiace a maifunctioning camera were reasonable. Arnellia's has demonstrated by a preponderance of the evidence that it was in substantial compliance with its license conditions. LIEP failed to demonstrate that Arnellia's has failed to comply with the condifions on its iicense. Therefore, the Administrative Law Judge recommends that this matter be DISMISSED. ..- 76 Hearing Testimony, Tape 1 � Appendix A EFFECTIVE 07/08/99: 1. Dress Code: Amellia's agrees to continue to enforce a dress code for customers designed specificaliy to prevent patrons or customers from concealing weapons or contraband inside baggy clothing or wearing gang affiliated coiors. 2. Adherence to Strict tdentfication Requirements: Amelfia's wiif require proper picture identification finm anyone who appears to be younger than 30 years old. Those without proQer identification shait be denied entrance. 3. increase Communication with Police and Neighbors: Ameliia's shali initiate and maintain reguiar communication with the west sector team police commander or his designee, and licensing officiais, Christine Rozek and Kristina Schweinler. Meetings shaii inciude neighborhood organizations to the extent oossib!e. 4. Control Music Type and Format Amellia's shail continue to be responsible for screening out music that promotes or glorifies violence and nefarious or anti-social behavior. 5. Amellia's management and security personnel will insure that patrons do not leave enmasse, but rather, management and secuirty wiil encourage patrons to leave in an orderly and conVolled manner between 12:30 a.m. and 1:15 a.m. 6. The public teiephones shall not allow incoming calis, nor any calis to or from electronic beepers or pagers. 7. Amellia's shafl maintian a list of aIl patrons who have been banned from the establishment, and this list shali be strictly enforced by Arneliia's. Such list shail include proper identification of that person, photograph and a notice of trespass. This notice shoufd be in tripficate with one copy going to eacfi of the foliowing: 1) Maintained by the establishment; 2) UEP; 3) the individual being hanned. Once banned, a person wiil remain banned for a mi�imum of one year. Ameillas will cooperate with police in filting out trespass notice(s). 8. Ameliias shall continue to provide security personnei to promote the orderly behavior of patrons on and leaving the premises. The premises shall include the area immediately adjacent to the establishment. Special attention will be paid to encouraging patrons to leave the area. 9. AII employees and security personnel information shall be provided to LIEP for . background checks. 10. Amelila's wiil empioy the use of a metal detecting devices to ensure there are no weapons on the pcemises. 11. Licensee holder will maintain in good working order at Ieast 4 video surveillance cameras on the exterior of the building to constantlV monitor the exterior of the premises. Tapes must be maintained for 7 days. 12. A video surveiilance camera shali be maintained in good working order in the interior of the establishment to monitor customers as they enter the estabiishment. Tapes must be maintained for 7 days. 13. Signage sfiall be posted on the exterior of the buiiding to notiTy patrons that the area may be under video surveillance. 14. Security personnet will be on duty daiiy from 8:00 p.m. untii closing. 15. Back door wiil remain locked after 5:30 p.m. to prevent entry. 16. The licensee wiil lock the door of the establishment at 12:30 a.m. No additional patrons will be allowed antry after that time. 17. Condifions reviewed at renewal. 10 OFFSC=' TFIE CITY ATTORNBy Ctayton, obinson, Ja, GryAnorney CITY OF SAINT PAUL Nomr Coltmart, bfayor �r December 15, 1999 civit Divisiort JDO City Hatt 15 3Yesr Re11ag� Bh•d Saint P¢u!, A/innesofa SSIO? NOTICE OF FIEARING Ameilia Allen Arnellia's 1183 University Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 RE: All licenses held by i�ietro Baz & Grill, Inc. d/b1a Ameilia's for the premises at i 183 University Ave. in St. Paui License ID �: 54523 Dear Ms. A11en: Teleplione: 651 ?6G.3; IO Farsrixi(e: 657198-5619 Piease take notice that a hearing will be held at the followin� time, date and place concemin� all licenses for the premises stated above: Date: Wednesday, January 26,1999 Time: 9:30 a.m. PIace: Room 41 Saint Paai City Hall 15 West Kelloge Bouievard Saint Paul, Minnesota S�IO2 The hearing will be presided over by an Administrative Law Judge from the State of �rtinnesota Of#ice ofAdministrative Hearings: Name: Phyllis A. Reha Office of Administrative Hearings I00 �Vashinb on Square, Suite 1 i00 Nlinneapolis,l'IN. SS4p1 Telephone: (612) 341-7602 � � Grill, Inc. d/b/a Arnellia's — City's Exh. # 10 — �� The Council ofthe Cify of �_.nt Paul has the auihoritp to provide for nearin�s coaceming licensed premises and for adverse acTion a�ainst such licenses, under Chapter 3 I0, inctudin� sections 310.05 and 310.06, of the Saint PauI Legislative Code. In the case of licenses ior intosicatin� and non- intoxicating liquor, authority is also conveyed by Minnesota Statutes section 340A.�15. Adverse action may include revocation, suspension, fines and other penaities or conditions. Evidence �vil] be presznted to the judge �c may lead to adverse action aQainst a11 the licenses you hold at the above premises as iollows: ` On September 23,1999 there �vas a shooting outside of Arnellia's, near the alIey on the tirest side of the bvilding. Saint Paul police officers ��•ent fo the bar later thaY day to recover tapes from the video surceillance cameras to assist the police in identifi•ing the suspecfs in the shooting. Officer Sohnson tivas informed by the o�vner that therewas no camera near the area in question. When asl:ed if police could revie�c the other camera tapes, the o�vner stated that the cameras �cere not taping at the time of the incident. There is a condition on the licenses that the License hoIder must maintain "in good tivorking order at least four video survelllance cameras on the etterior ofthe building to constantly monitor the exterior of the premises. Tapes must be maintained For 7 days." Failure to have the video cameras on and taping on September 23, 1999 is a��iolation of the condition. On October 7, 1999 there ti�•ere shoYs fired outside of ArneIlia's, and an individual tivas run down in the parking lot and l:illed. Saint Paul police officers obtained the tapes from the video surveillance cameras to assist the police in inti�estigating the incident. SeveralmembersofthehomicideLTnitzvatchedthetape provided, and it �vas apparent that a large portion of the events from October 7, 1999 are not on the tape. It appears that the seeurity cameras were not acEivated until after the incident in which the person was I:illed, as the first thing from the date in quest9on is the arrival of the squads called to incestigate. Additionaliy, the times and dates on the tapes mal;e no sense, and the iYems being viewed in the specific sun�eilIance areas covered by the various cameras shift abrupth�. There is a condition on the licenses that the License hoIder must maintain "in aood icorl:ing order at least four video surceillance cameras on the e�terior of the building to consYantly monifor the exterior of the premises. � Tapes must be maintained for 7 da}•s." Failure fo have the video cameras on and taping af all times on October 7, 1949 is a violation of the condition. Notice oi f��aring - page 2 � You have the right to'be s��,resented by an attomey before and du�,�ig the hearin�, or you can represent yourself. You may also have a person of your choice represent you, to the extent not prohibited as unauthorized practice oflaw. The hearing �vili be conducted in accordance with the requirements of tifinnesota Statutes sections 14.�7 to 14.62 and such paris of the procedures under section 310.0� of the Saint Paul Leeislative Code as may be applicable. ` At the hearing, the Administrative Law Jud�e �vill have all parties identify themsztves for the record. The Ciry cvill then present its t�ztnesses and evidence, each of �vhom the licensee or attorney may cross-examine. The licensze may then offer in rebuttal any witnesses or evidence it may tic ish to present, each of �vhom the City's attomey may cross-examine. The Administrati� e La�v Judse may in addition hear relevant and material testimony from persons not presented as �vitnesses b5� either party who have a substantial interest in the outcome of the proceedin�; for eYample, the o«�ners or occupants of pzoperty located in close prosimity to the licensed premises may have substantial interest in the outcome o£ the proceedin'. Concluding azguments ma}• 6e made 6y the parties. Following the hearin�, the Jud�e will prepaze Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and a specific recommendation for action to be taken by the City Council. You should bring to the hearin� all documents, records and witnesses you �vill or may need to suppott your posiCion. Subpoenas may be available to compel the attendance of witnzsses or the production of documents in conforsnity �vith Minnesota Rules, part 1400.7000. if you think that this matter can be resolved or settled without a foranal hearino, please contact or have your attorney contact the undersi�ned. If a stipulation or a�reement can bz reached as to the facts, that stipulation tivill be presented to the Administrative Law 3udse for incorporation into his or her recommendation for Council action. y If you fail to appear at the hearin�, your ability to challenge the allegations �vi11 be forfeited and the allesations a�ainst you cvhich have been stated earlier in this notice ma}' be taken as true. if non- public data is received into evidence at the,hearin�, it may become public nnless objection is made and re(ief requested under Minnesota Statutes, Section 14.60, subdivision 2. If you have any questions, you can call me at 266-8710. Very tnzly yours, i \ �� /� �_��It c�,._.c,ci 1� �--t' �x.c-i Vir�inia D`. Palmer Assistant City Attomey cc: Arlazk VauQht, Suite 700, Six W'est Fifth St., St. Paul, �' SS1D2 Nancy Thomas, Office of Administrative Hearin�s, 100 �Vashington Square, Snite 1700, l�ipls, NIN »40i Notice of Heariag - Paae 3 _ , _ --, Nancy Anderson, fvsistant CounciI Secretary, 310 Ciry Hatl Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christiae Rozek, LIEP Cathy Lue, Community Organizer, Hamline Mid�vay Coalition,1564 Lafond Ave., St. Paul, i�IN 55104 Notice of Hearing - Pag c STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF t'2AMSEY ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MASL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being firsL duly sworn, deposes and says that on December 15, 1999, she served the attached NOTrCE OF AEARING on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as foliows: Arnellia Allen Arnellia's 1183 University Avenue St. Paul, MN. 55104 (which is the last known address of sa same, with postage prepaid, in the Un} Minnesota. / ) and depositing the s mails at St. Paul, G Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15"' day of Dece�er, 1999. tary Publi PETEA P.PANGB4RN NOTARY PllBLfC — M{N�ESOTA dy Comm Expues Jan.31.200; OFFICF ' THE CITY ATI'ORNEY Clay(on,41..,obiraon, Jr., CiryA[torney CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Nfayor Civi1 Division 400 Ciry Hall IS IV¢s[Ke[loggBhd Suint Paul, .Lfenneso[a SSIO? Telephane: 651 266-8970 Facsimile: 651 298-S6T 9 September 30, 1999 NOTICE OF VIOLATTON Amellia Allen Amellia's 1183 University Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 RE: A11 licenses hetd by Metro Baz & CTri11, Inc. d!b/a Arnellia's for the premises at 1183 I3niversity Avenue License ID #: 54523 Dear Ms. Allen: The Director of the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has recommended advexse action against all licenses heid by Metro Bar & Grill d!b/a Amellia's for the premises at 1183 University Avenue. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: On September 23,1999 there was a shooting outside of Arneilia's, near the alley on the west side of fhe building. Saint Paui police o�cers went to the bar later that day to recover tapes from the video surveillance cameras to assist the police in identifying the suspects in the shooting. Officer Johnson was informed by the o�vner that there was no camera near the area in question. When asked if police could review the other camera tapes, the owner stated that the cameras were not taping at the time of the incident. There is a condition on the licenses that the License ho(der must maintain "in good working order at least four video surveillance cameras on the exterior of the building to constantly monitor the eaterior of the premises. Tapes must be maintained for i days." Failure to have the vadeo cameras on and taping on September 23, 1999 is a violation of the condition. � S � � Grill, Ine. d/bfa Arnellia's � City's Exh. # 5 Page 2 Amellia Allen September 30, 1999 If you do not dispute the above facts piease send me a letter with a statement to that effect. The matter wili then be scheduled for a hearing before the St. Paul City Council to determine what penalty, if any, to impose. You will have an opportunity to appeaz and speak on your own behalf, or to have someone appeaz there for you. On the other hand, if you wish to dispute the above facts, I will schedule an evidentiary hearin� before an Administrative Law Judge (AL�. Tf you wish to have such a hearing, please send me a letter stating that you aze contesting the facts. You will then be sent a"Notice of Hearing," so you wi11 know when and where to appeaz, and what the basis for the hearing will be. In either case, please let me know in writing no later than Monday, October li, 1999, how you would like to proceed. If I have aot heard from you by that date, I will assume that you are not contesting the facts. The matter will then be scheduled for the hearing before the St. Paul Cify Council. ' If you have any questions, feel free to call me or have your attomey call me at 266-8710. Sincereiy, ` ��r�c, f U Virginia D. Palmer AssistanY City Attorney cc: Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Cathy Lue, Community Orgainzer, Hamline Midway Coalition, 1564 Lafond Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF :2�MSEY ss. AFFIDAVIT OE SERVICE BY MAIZ JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on October 1, 1999, she served the attached NO:ICE OF VIOLATION on the =ollowing named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as zollows: Arnellia Allen Arnellia`s 1183 University Avenue SC. Pau1, MN. 55104 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st d� of O�tob�, 1999. � ( ./ / �� PETER P. PANG80RN � NOTAAY pUBUC - MINNFSOTA � =� Mv omm, Expires dan.3t, 2co� Notary Pub ; �c •`^`^^^�,,,,,,____ OFFICF ^F THE CITY ATTORNEY Clay�on 1. ibinson, Ja, Ciry Attorney CITY OF SAINT PAUL CivilDivision Norm Cafeman, 3fayar 400 Ciry Xal1 Telephone: 651 266-8i70 ISiVestKe!loggBlvd Fauimile:651298-5619 Saint Paul, bfinnesata 55102 i November 10, 1999 NOTICE OF SECOND VIOLATION � Arnellia Allen Arnellia's 1183 University Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 RE: All licenses held by Metro Baz & Grill, Inc. d/b/a Arnellia's for the premises at 1183 University Ave. in St. Paul License ID #: 54523 Dear Ms. Allen: The Director of the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has recommended adverse action against all licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill d/b/a Amellia's for the premises at 1183 University Avenue. T'he basis for the recommendation is as follows: On October 7,1999 there were shots fired outside of Arnellia's, and an individual was run down in the parking lot and kiIled. Saint Paui police officers obtained the tapes from the video surveillance cameras to assist the police in investigating the incident. Several members of the homicide Unit �vatched the tape provided, and it was apparent that a large portion of the events from October 7,1999 are not on the tape_ It appears that the security cameras were not activated until after the incident in which fhe person was killed, as the first thing from the date in question is the arrival of the squads called to investigate. Addifionally, the times and dates on the tapes make no sense, and the items being viewed in the specific surveillance areas covered by the various cameras shift abruptly. There is a condition on the licenses that the License holder must maintain "in good working order at least four video surveillance cameras on the exterior of the building to constantly monitor the exterior of the premises. Tapes must be maintained for 7 days." Failure to have the video cameras on and taping at ail times on October 7, 1999 is a violation of the condition. � � _ Grill, Inc, d/b/a Arnellia's City's Exh. # 9 — Page 2 Amellia Allen November 10, 1999 If you do not dispute the above facts please send me a letter with a statement to that effect. The matter will then be scheduled for a hearing before the St. Paul City Council to determine what penalty, if any, to impose. You will have an oppomuiity to appear and speak on your own behalf, or to have someone appeaz there for you. On the other hand, if you wish to dispute the above facts, I �vill schedule an evidentiary hearing before an Administrative Lacv 7udge (A.L�. If you wish to have such a hearing, piease send me a letter stating that you aze contesting the facts. You will then be sent a"Notice of Hearing," so you �vill know when and where to appeaz, and what the basis for the heazing will be. In either case, please let me knorv in writing no late than Monday, November 22,1999, how you would like to proceed. If I have not heard from you by that date, I will assume thaf you are not contesting the facts. The matter wlll then be scheduled for the hearing before the St. Paul City Council. ' If you have any questions, feel free to call me or have your attomey call me at 266-8710. Sincerely, ��� ��� Virginia D.� Assistant City Attomey cc: Mazk Vaught, Suite 700, Six West Fifth St., St. Paul, M�155102 Robert Kessler, Director, LIBP Christine Rozek, LIEP Cathy Lue, Community Orgainzer, Hamline Midway Coalition, 1564 Lafond Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on November 10, 1999, she served the attached NOTICE OF SECOND VIOLATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Arnellia Al1en Arnellia's 1183 University Avenue St. Paul, MN. 55104 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the Un' tates mails at St Paul, Minnesota. � ��� . Subscribed and sworn to before me this lOth day_ of Noyembe�, 1999. ER P. PANGSORN NOtaY'}� PUI�IIC � �J NOTARYPUBLIC-MINPJESCTA ° My Comm. FXpires Jan. 31, 2C0 STATE OF MINNESOTA IN COURT OF APPEALS Metro Bar & Griil, Inc., d/b/a Arnellia's, Petitioner, vs. WRIT OF CERIORARI COURT OF APPEALS FILE NO: �— CX� — I� 5 � City of Saint Paul, a municipal corporation, CITY OF SAINT PAUL Respondent. COUNCIL FILE NO. 00-585 DATE OF DECISIOiV: ADOPTED: JUNE 21, 2000 APPROVED BY MAYOR: JUNE 27, 2000 TO: The City of Saint Paul and the City Council of the City of Saint Paul: You are hereby ordered to return to the Court of Appeals within ten (10) days after the date realtor's brief is due the record, exhibits and proceedings in the above-entitled matter so that this Conrt may review the decision of the City Council issued on the date noted above. Copies of this Writ and the accompanying Petition shall be served forthwith either personally or by mail upon the City of Saint Paul as follows: City Clerk 170 City Ha11 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, Minnesota 551�2 And upon the attomey for the City of Saint Paul as follows: Virginia Palmer Assistant City Attorney 400 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Proof o1'service shall be filed with the Clerk of the Appellate Courts. Clerk of Appellate Courts � �.. Dated: July _, 2000 gy;��'� �`��Z� a�,4 Assistant C?er?c (Clerk's File Stamp) 2 STATE OF MINNESOTA IN COURT OF APPEALS Mefro Bar & Griil, Inc., d/b/a Arneitia's, STATEMENT OF THE CASE Peritioner, OF PETITIONER vs. COURT OF APPEALS FILE NO. City of Saint Paul, a municipal corporation, CITY OF SAINT PAUL Respondent. COUNCIL FILE NO. 00-585 DATE OF DECISION: ADOPTED: JUNE 21, 2000 APPROVED BY MAYOR: NNE 27, 2000 1. Court or a2encv of case ori�ination and name of presidin� iud¢e or hearine officer. City Council of the City of Saint Paul Dan Bostrom, President and Presiding Officer Phyllis A. Reha Administrative Law Judge 2. Jurisdictional statement. B. Certiorari appeal. There is no specific statute or appellate rule conveying jurisdiction. However, the Court by decision has established the procedure to be followed in matter such as this. A party seeking to obtain judicial review of a quasi-judicial decision of a city council must proceed by petition to the Court of Appeals seeking a writ of certiorari. Micius vs. St. Paul Citv Council, 524 N.W.2d 521 (Minn.App.1994). See aiso, Neitzel vs. Countv of Redwood, 521 N.W.2d 73 (Minn.App. 1994), pet. for rev. denied (Minn. 1994) and Town of Honner vs. Redwood Countv, 518N.W.2d 639 (Minn.App.1994), pet. for rev. denied (Minn. 1994). C. Other appellate proceedin�s. With respect to the Motions regarding a stay of enforcement of the license suspension, jurisdiction of the Court of Appeals is established by Minnesota Statufes Section I4.65. 3. Tvpe of liti2ation and desienate anv statutes at issue. This matter involves adverse action taken by the City of Saint Paul against the Petitioner, the holder of certain licenses, including on sale liquor licenses, issued by the City. The adverse action was taken pursuant to 1Vlinnesota Statutes Section 340A.415 and Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapters 310 and 409. 4. Brief description of claims, defenses, issues liti�ated and result below. Respondent sought to take adverse action against Petitioner based on two incidents occurring, respectively, on September 23,1999 and October 7, 1999, during which the Respondent alieged Petitioner failed to comply with Condition No. ll on its licenses which reads "License holder will maintain in good working order at least 4 video cameras on the exterior of the building to constantly monitor the exterior of the premises. Tages must be maintained for 7 days." After Notices of both violations were issued, a hearing was held before an Administrative Law Judge on January 26, 2000. At that hearing Respondent maintained that with respect to the September 23,1999 incident, Petitioner failed to insert a tape into the videocassette recorder and that said conduct constituted a violation of the condition. Petitioner defended against the allegation by presenting testimony that the camera most likely to have captured the incident in question ontside the estabtishment Fvas broken. Petitioner further maintained tke non- functioning nature of the cameras had been discovered in August,1999; a new camera had been ordered and had not yet been installed by a third party contractor at the time of the incident. Petitioner produced a check dated August,1999, in payment of the cost of the new camera. With respect to October 7,1999 incident, Respondent maintained that the camera system was not properly recording and therefore there was no record of an incidenf which potentially occurred within the view of one of the cameras and that said conduct violated the condition. Petitioner defended against allegation by presenting testimony from an employee that he had inadvertently pushed the play button rather than the record bntton when loading a tape into the recorder earlier itt the day. He further testified when 2 he discovered, as the incident outside unfolded, that the system was not taping, he immediately switcbed the play button to record in an attempt to record whatever information he could. After listening to an entire day of testimony and having the benefit of further submissions from the parties, the Administrative Law Judge issued her Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommendation on April 4, 2000. In her decision, Judge Reha found that the actions of the Petitioner on both dates were reasonable and any failure with respect to the surveillance system was inadvertent or attributable to a third party not under Petitioner's control. She recommended that the City Council dismiss the adverse action against the Petitioner. The City Council considered the report of the Administrative Law Judge on May 3, 2000. It heard first from the attorney representing the City licensing office without limitation on time. It then accorded representatives of the Petitioner fifteen minutes in which to present their case followed by fifteen minutes of testimony from those who opposed the recommendations of the Administrative Law Judge. During this latter testimony, the City Council allowed into the record inflammatory testimony trom members of a community group who had not participated in the prior hearing regarding the general subject of violence in the community and specific acts of violence without ever requiring any showing of relevance to the issue at hand, which involved an allegedly non- functioning video taping system. The Petitioner was not accorded an opportunity to rebut any of the inflammatory and substantially irrelevant tesfimony. At the conclusion of the public hearing, the City Council, with minimal discussion, acted on a resolution by Councilmember Blakey to reject both the reasoning and the recommendation of the Administrative Law Judge and impose as a sanction, a license suspension of forty five (45) days with fifteen (15) days stayed. In speaking in support of his resolution, Councilmember Blakey adopted much of the rhetoric of the testifying community members about violence and only tangentially dealt with the allegations in the Notices of Violation. He recounted at least one past incident of violence near, but not at, the licensed premises as though it were the responsibility of the Petitioner. The decision of the City Council was ultimately codified into a written resolution which was passed on June 21, 2000 and approved by the Mayor on June 27, 2000. 5. SFecific issues prouosed to be raised on anneal. The Petifioner purposes to raise the following issues on appeal: A. Did the Respondent aet arbitrarily and capriciously in rejecting many of the findings of fact and legal conclusions of the Administrative Law Judge and in not adopting the reasoning and recommendation of the Administrative Law Judge that the matter be dismissed? B. Did the failure of Respondent to accord Petitioner equal time to present its case as was permitted the attorney representing City licensing officials constitute a denial of Petitioner's due process rights? C. Did the failure of the Respondent to accord Petitioner an opportunity to rebut the inflammatory and irrelevant testimony from certain witnesses, who had not previously been heard and who testified after the completion of Petitioner's testimony, constitute a denial of Petitioner's due process rights? D. Was the failure of Respondent to exclude the irrelevant and inflammatory testimony regarding unrelated incidents of violence by certain witnesses arbitrary and capricious? E. Did the Respondent act arbitrarily and capriciously in reliance on inflammatory and irrelevant testiraony regarding the general subject of violence and specific acts of violence from witnesses and comments in the same regard by Councilmember Blakey in arriving at a decision in this matter? F. Did the Respondent act arbitrarily and capriciously in imposing the severe penalty in this case, both with respect to the nature of the alleged violations and with respect to its own statutory regulatory scheme of matrix penalties for certain sorts of violations? G. Did the Respondent err and act arbitrarily and capriciously in concluding that there were violations of license conditions by the Petitioner in this matter. II. Did any of the members of Respondent's City Council act arbitrarily, capriciously, illegally and in confravention of the provisions of Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 310.05(c-2) by engaging in ex parte contacts or discussions with each other or third parties regarding these matters outside the public record or final Council deliberations. 0 6. Related appeals. None. 7. Contents of record. A full transcript is necessary to the review the issues on appeal. A transcript has not been delivered to the parties nor filed with the City Clerk. A transcript has not been ordered From the court reporter. No court reporter was present during the proceedings but they were taped and can be transcribed. 8. Oral ar�ument. Oral argument is requested at the location speciTied in Rule 13904, Subd. 2 of the Minnesota Rules of Civil Appellate Procedure. 9. Tvpe of brief to be filed. Formal briefs pursuant to Rule 128.02 of the Minnesota Rules of Civil Appellate Procedure will be filed. 10. Name, address, zip code, telephone number, and attornev registration license number of attorneys for Petitioner and Respondent. For Petitioner: S. Mark Vaught Attorney at Law Suite 700 Six West Fifth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1412 651-297-6400 651-224-8328 (fax) Email: markvav�htna,worldnet.att.net Attorney Reg. No. 131519 For Respondent: Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney 400 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 651-266-8710 Attorney Registration No.128995 Respectfully submitted, Dated: July 7, 2000 ��� / S. Mark Vaught (Atty. �o. 131519) Attorney for Petitioner Suite 700, Six West Fifth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1412 651-297-6400 651-224-8328 (fax) markvau�htnu,worldnet.att.net 0 STATE OF MINNESOTA IN COURT OF APPEALS Metro Bar & Grill, Inc., d/b/a Arnellia's, NOTICE OF MOTION AND TO STAY SUSPENSION Petitioner, PENDING 12EVIEW vs. COURT OF APPEALS FILE NO. City of Saint Paul, a municipal corporation, CITY OF SAINT PAUL Respondent. COiTNCIL FILE NO. 00-585 DATE OF DECISION: ADOPTED: JLTNE 21, 2000 APPROVED BY MAYOR: NNE 27, 2000 TO: The City of Saint Paul and the City Council of the City of Saint Paul: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the above-named Petitioner, acting through its undersigned counsel of record, and pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 14.65 will move the Court of Appeals as soon as said 1Vlotion can be heard for an Order staying the suspension of certain licenses issued Respondent to Petitioner, said suspension currently scheduled to take effect at 12:01 a.m., Wednesday, July 12, 2Q00, pending the review by the Court of Appeals of the action of the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, dated June 21, 2000, imposing said suspension. In the alternative, Petitioner will move the Court of Appeals for an Order temporarily staying said snspension and remanding the matter to the City Council for consideration of a Motion from Petitioner requesting that the City Council stay the suspension pending review of its decision by the Court of Appeals. Petitioner's Motions shall be based upon the files and records herein and the attached Affidavits. Dated: July 7, 2000 � /���/� S. Mark Vaught (Atty. l�o. 131519) Attorney for Pefitioner Suite 700, Six West Fifth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1412 651-297-6400 651-224-8328 (fax) markvau�htna,worldnet.att.net STATE OF MINNESOTA IN COURT OF APPEALS Metro Bar & Grill, Inc., dJb/a Arnellia's, Petitioner, vs. City of Saint Paul, a municipal corporation, Respondent. STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) ) ss. ) AFFIDAVIT OF JACHIE HICKS COURT OF APPEALS FILE NO. CITY OF SAINT PAUL COITNCIL FILE NO. 00-585 DATE OF DECISION: ADOPTED: JLTNE 21, 2000 APPROVED BY MAYOR: JI7NE 27, 2000 Jackie Hicks, being first duly sworn upon oath, alleges and states to the Court as follows: 1. She is one of the management team of Arnellia's, which is the name by which Petitioner Metro Bar & Grill, Inc. does business at 1183 University Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota. 2. She offers this Affidavit in support of Petitioner's Motions to stay the suspension pending review or to remand the matter to the City Council for consideration of a stay. 3. Petitioner is involved in the hospitality business, serving as a retail seller of liquor and food and providing musical entertainment for customers of the establishmenf. 4. In her management capacity she is familiar with the financial books and records of the Petitioner and has conducted a review of those records prior to composing this Af�davit. 5. Her review has indicated that the suspension meted out by the City Council will impose a substantial, if not fatal, financial burden on the Petitioner if the thirty day suspension must be served prior to review of the decision. 6. Her research has yielded the following effects if the suspension goes into effect on July 12, 2000, as currently scheduled: a. She estimates the lost revenue for the Petitioner during the suspension, exclusive of kitchen revenues (the kitchen is leased and operated separately by a separate licensee, but is operated as an adjunct to the business conducted by Petitioner), to be approximately $27,000. b. Over twenty (20) fuil and part time employees will lose their employment during the suspension period, including bartenders, maintenance personnel, cocktail servers and musicians. c. Another sis (6) full and parE time kitchen employees will, likewise, be deprived of their jobs during the suspension period. 2 7. The effect on the Petitioner and the nofed employees would be irreparable and would render the appeal of the suspension, which she believes to be meritorious, virfually moot and of symbolic value only, if a stay is not granted. FURTHER YOUR AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. Dated; July 7, 2��� �--f�k�-� /t� a cie Hicks Subscribed and swom to before me this 7 day of July, 2000. . Q�_ l�otary Public r•1 CA7MEiUEABOaE NotatrtvtBL�C_fmi�ESpip .,� MY COMMf$S10N E� �� JANUAF?Y3t,2005 �'�^--�-�.�.�y STATE OF MINNESOTA IN COURT OF APPEALS Metro Bar & Grill, Inc., d/b/a Arnellia's, Petitioner, vs. City of Saint Paul, a municipal corporation, Respondent. AFFIDAVIT OF S. MARK VAUGHT COURT OF APPEALS FILE NO. CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. 00-585 DATE O� DECISION: ADOPTED: JUNE 21, 2000 APPROVED BY MAYOR: JUNE 27, 2000 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) ) ss. ) S. Mark Vaught, being �rst duly sworn upon, states and alleges to the Court as follows: 1. matter. 2. He is the attorney of record for the Petitioner in the above-entitled He offers this Affidavit in support of Petifioner's Motions for a Stay of the license revocation pending review or for a Remand to the City Council for that body to consider such a stay. 3. On or about Friday, 3une 30, 2000, he received by mail, the Resolution of the City Council memorializing the decision, the review of which the Writ in this matter seeks. 4. On Monday, July 3, 2000, he spoke by telephone with Virginia Palmer, Assistant City Attomey, and inquired as to whether the Respondent would agree to such a stay or would agree to consider such a stay. 5. Ms. Palmer indicated she would speak with her clients regarding your affiant's request. 6. Ae next spoke by telephone with Ms. Palmer on or about July 6, 2000, during which conversation she indicated she had spoken to the legislative assistant to Councilmember Jerry Blakey, who had sponsored the resolution imposing the suspension which is the subject of review. 7. Ms. Palmer indicated in the 3uly 6 telephone conversation that based on her conversation with Councilmember Blakey's assistant, Respondent would not be considering a stay of the suspension pending review of the matter by the Court of Appeals. 8. After learning of that declination, your affiant has moved as expeditiously as possible to bring a Motion before the Court of Appeals addressing the issue of a Stay. FURTHER YOUR AFFIANT SAYETA NOT. Dated: July 7, 2000 �� � S. Mark Vaught (Atty. No. 131519) Attorney for Petitioner Suite 700, Six W est Fifth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1412 651-297-6400 651-224-8328 (fax) markvau�ht(�a,worldnet.att.net 2 6c:uYr-:"��nc illi� r)�i¢ b'.� +, j�Ili� � ! �?; {� � � , ;�'�ai� tU t Pi ,i j.�;�.';.e:;.c�' :.'Y_ � �" "� "��st�`'�: n � ' D '� �A��R±�,.�. . `C,is•FC � . i y, :; ��f �~ ~° ; 1 . ; � 3 t n-` o Il��Y� z i���H'- yQt,�w E4dS: vv3%a�5;,�;. � .� �+ a � w O yw V �z� a� � > � � �zz � �o� � F�� '� Wza o z °v v�i Xi � N N N � O ri � U Q � N � � �+.! J � � � �, � � � � V. � e � _ Q yyy \�� n � � l�� � J � � � �� � 3�.�- � � y�3� � - � � �� � � �- 1 COURT OF APPEALS NiJMBER:C6-00-1156 INDER OF COIINCIL FILS (C.F.) 00-585 DOC. NIIMBSR 1 2 3 G! 5 DATS DESCRIPTION 6-21-00 Resolution and Green Sheet suspending the (date license of Metro Bar & Grill d/b/a adopted Arnellia's and adopting the Report of the by ALJ with exceptions and amendments Council) 6-1-00 Letter from State Representative Andy Dawkins offering opinion that Arnellia's license not be suspended. 4-20-00 Notice of Public Hearing letter sent to Attorney Mark Vaught by Assistant City Attorney Virginia Palmer regarding 1-26-00 Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommendation of the Administrative Law Judge. 5-3-00 Letter from Virginia Palmer to Mark Vaught regarding the City's Exceptions to the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommendation of the ALJ. Includes City's Final Argument - Statement of Facts 5-9-00 Memo to City Council from Nancy Anderson regarding laying over of item #32 on the May 10 Council Agenda to June 7 for a Public Hearing. NIINIDER OF PAGBS 5 FI 11 17 F� 6. 144 petition cards requesting the City 144 Council to support the findings of the cards in ALJ, as it relates to not sanction 1 Arnella's. envelope 7. 6-21-00 8. 6-21-00 Videotape of 6-21-00 Saint Paul City Council meeting. Summary minutes of 6-21-00 Saint Paul City Council meeting. DOCUMENTS RETIIRNED BY TfiE ALJ RECEIVED IN THE CITY CLERR'S OFFICS 4-5-00 E� 10 4-4-00 Letter from Phyllis Reha, Administrative Law Judge, to the City Council regarding the Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Recommendations. 3-6-00 Letter from Virginia Palmer to the Ai,J Phyllis Reha regarding City�s Reply Memorandum. 1 tape 14 Fya E � ii. , 12. 13. 14 . 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 3-6-00 3-2-00 2-18-00 2-28-00 12-15-99 1-26-00 9-30-99 9-23-99 9-23-99 9-30-99 11-8-99 10-29-99 Fax cover from Mark Vaught to Phyllis Reha regarding no further submissions in the Metro Bar & Grill matter. Fax from Mark Vaught to Phyllis Reha summarizing and presenting Respondent's view of the evidence. Letter from Virginia Palmer to Phyllis Reha enclosing the Final Argument on behalf of LIEP. Letter from Phyllis Reha to Virginia Palmer granting her request to extend the period for reply briefs. Attached is the letter from Virginia Palmer requesting the extension. Letters from Virginia Palmer and Peter Pangborn announcing Notice of Hearing to Arnellia Allen. List of City's proposed exhibits. City's Exhibit #1, License Information Report City's Exhibit #2, License conditions for Metro Bar & Grill dba Arnellia's City's Exhibit #3, Police report prepared by Officer Gerald E. Johnson City's Exhibit #4, Police report prepared by Sgt. Richard J. Munoz City's Exhibit #5, Notice of Violation City's Exhibit #6, Police report prepared by Sgt. Mark C. Kempe City's Exhibit #8, Letter from Ms. Arnellia Allen to Robert Kessler 11-10-99 City's Exhibit #9, Notice of Second Violation 12-15-99 City's Exhibit #10, Notice of Hearing 10-7-99 City's Exhibit #7, Videotape from Arnellia�s 1 5 li 2 5 2 4 1 2 3 3 2 2 3 5 1 tape C le �� c� � �P �1 �c�.`�e- �� �-�� �ece�ved �o l a� l a� b� °- �'�Q�A, � d�i,�� 7 -= �a , ,m/Jr ��. %> s i1 e'�� Gl���� C�d�� I, Dy�� Ltl. ,�� {�`"/ �C�V� �)f ; request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanetion the Metro Bar and Griil, common3y known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at �(,�,�� -kO.C�it,x /� (i/O Zip _�/1�.3 UD-ss£S - � �� �v � �� � ,. r ���� .�^ �^d2�o �,�,: � e Signed)/ Date) /, (,� J �C,� �L/m-a�� ��"�. .L��, a yu��v�`�v,z.�` � - I y 1 f�y���� , request that the St. Paul City Cauncil vote to support the findings of the Administrative La�v Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grili, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly '.'eel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both the:r customers and the general pubiic. I am a resident at � -� _ Zip ��� �,��� �U�_ (Dace> �ip-585 �' LIOQYi ���5 vote to svp rt the fi��ings of the Adminisirative Law �e 1 ates o not to1l sanction the Metro Bar and GrilI, common3y Irnown as �ella's Night Club. I� a Fatron of this establishmenY, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the gerieral pubiic. I am a resident at ��"q� �� � � n` l,Gf-� Zip�� _ (Signed) ,T—/t'!-�1 {Date) T> >ahr....a � � vote to su � r�Quest that the St. Paul City Council pport the fndmgs of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly }mo� as Arnella's Night Club. I� a patron of this estabIislunent, and I strongly feel that they are doing al1 within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their cusYomers and the general public. I am a resident at �, ,� U Up� � � � yLo- Zip 5 Si��} � (5ign d) 5 — 4 `�'i ^ �u (Date) �'�S I _, request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support fhe findings of the Admmistrative Law Judge, as it relates to noY to sanction t he Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's I�ight Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their po�ver to maintain a safe environment for both their cus mers and the general public. I am a resident at ���[—������� Zip ���� --�5� � � (Signed � (Datg� ♦r .= UO•585� � Gy/ J,(�a��ivt �1%'��s;��/�-----request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Admmistrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanetion the Meuo Bar and Grili, common�y known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at � Z �� �r� � �� z� .SS�°`� ��� � ��',��� � - 7 � (Signed) (Date) .. `00-585 I, - � request that the St. Paul City Councii voie s port fhe £ndings of the dmuustrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and C�riII, commonly laiown as Ainella's Night Ciub. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for bgth $heir ,c�y�tomers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at ... � / f (5i e (Data OU- 5$S I, � request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative Law 3udge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their pawer to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at (Signed) (Date) Zip I, `� �1 p fl GlI,Q =�t�Qna� , request that the St. Paul City Councii vote to support the findings o he Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commoniy known as Amelta's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing ali within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at �.��� `---�I� Zip r `J�G � � ��91d7, �A� 2��C� (Signed) r (Date ♦ • _v �� C?t�- SSS n �. I�`�� �,� f(I � request that the St. Paut City Council vote to support the findings of the Admmistrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Ameila's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing ali within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at �f�� �.t� �l�t�� �� Zip , S�� . �,��__.__ � -� -� u _ (Signed) (Date) - ---- ----- _---__-_ _-,�..,-.__„_,! �~ �J I, ��t;; ip �.J� �`r� , request that the St. Paul City Councii vote to support the findings of the Admmistrative Law Judge, as it re]ates to not to sanetion the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arne11a's Night Club, I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing a11 within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the generat puUlic_ I am a resident at � s-� �u ��" �•� � r/`� -- ZiP S �� � . h , , � 0 GC� (Signed) (D te) _ _ _ • - .: _ _ ._. __�- - ��SgS j �' �� � � , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to sup o e findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanct'ron the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doin� ail within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at �G��,� ��� ��`'� Zip,�..S�D�- . , f�y'�-� ���� d � (Si d (DaLe �� . I i f�,�� j� �t'J/Ti° � , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the AdministraYive I.aw Zudge, as it relates to not to sanetion the Metro Bar and C�rill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing ati within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general publac. I am a resident at 7�� L.�'�° �D �� Zip �S � b� ���,� �/h..�c�, � ( . 7: G � (Si (Date) - I, �(Z ('Y1e, �C. �1��1') t� , request that the St. Paul Ciry Council �� �� vote to support the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's.Night Club. I am a patron o£ this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at ����X a� �� Zip la �. .., 5 ��� ��- �D�lq-�U c�, �s-saS I �C� ,.„,_ —�—�, � yt� i T`i� , request that the St. Paui City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commoniy known as Amelia's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at If �� �- �� Zip �5��' � �.��. s. ' �,: -� �� -�..�- (Signe ) (Date) �U-S�S � J � f T, �/ request that the 5� Paul City Council vote to suppo e findings of the Administrative Law 7udge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly imown as.Amella's Night Ciub. I am a patron of this establishtnenk, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at � 7�� �>��� �--. Zip S� , �' r � � � �� � (Signed) ` (D te) -- — -- --- — . _.. __ ------- __ av.-s�s I v?�p/-'� �� request that the St. Paul City Council vote to suppoct the findings of the Admmistrative Law Judge, as it relaYes to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly lrnown as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at l � �� '��� Zip 5�� � f� � :���� 1 ^ � �- �-P -_ L���i (Signed) (Date) - - � rX�� .585 I, �p �-��- . "��'`�L� , request that the St. Paul City Councii vote to support the findings of the Administrative I.aw 3udge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I stron�ly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers �nc�lhe generai public. I ara a resident at ��� � �� (Date) _ - tx� - s8s I� � � request that the St. Paul City Council vote o s pport f e findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly Imown as Amella's Night CIub. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintaiu a safe environment for both tbeir cusfomers and the general public. I am a residenY at � �J S�' ��"�Zip ��eJ �� � :�1 � ��`��'.� (Signed} ` (Date) ---�..-_--- --=----- --�--- --------- --- — --- -- --------F�:,� Gn' ``JsS sanction the Metro uest that the St. Paul City Council Law 7ud�e, as it relates to �ot to z as Amella's Night Ciub. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing aii within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. at Zip ��ZY C?� .��� l (Date) a?-'`J ��'". . v_e� I, I:J>���G�o r�.o..� , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to supp rt the findmgs of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sancfion the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I sVOngly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general pubiic. I am a resident at S� b �� S��(�• h.� �, t/1/� ,"-�� 4�� Zip •,S J l f �. � b � (Signed) (Date) v� �.�� :;�.� cb- SgS I> request that the St. Paul City Council vote to supp t the findings of tlte Administrative Law Judge, as it relates Yo nof to sanction the Metro Bar and Griil, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishmenT, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their cns,tomers and the general public. I am a resident at J�� �� z;p S5l �..�' . � C��� (Signed) (Dat��� I' �~ C#�-58� I, _•�� request ihat the S� Paul City Councal vote to suppor findmgs of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly knorvn as Arnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at � ) J �✓dv'r'1.� Zip �L � �-���� � �. � (Signed) (Dat ) - �- - - � - !1D- S$5� I e,��/ '�j�.,,,�.-, , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support th indings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly lrnown as Arnella's Night Ciub. I am a Qatron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to mamtain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at 'tl �f �?LA� t'� �'`'-- Zip �j ,Sla � .. � � �, � ,,,,,.,� �' . � 1 _ C'�, 0 I -�.�Q S� �./ ��� w�� �c �; request that the St Paul City Council vote to svpport the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amelia's Night Club. i am a patron of this establishment, and I strongiy feel thai they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. � ( G � I am a resident at ���l5 G��T i'�� '�� Zip SS /� . � ` C��IS�� � S �� � �dc� (Signed} (Date) i���/ /� J tJ �`� ���st t�hat the St. Paul City Council vote o svpport the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly lcnown as Arnelia's Night Ciub. Do-S�S �� V�� I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing ali within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the ner pu �c. �' F am a resident at �" 9��PEfJ r,�o o p�,� � P � p '�.. �-��� , —�-- � .�., � f , . �` �1 aaoo {Signed} (Date) I> � , request that the St. Paui City Council vote t pQort the indings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. °-° -: ., : :_ _:..:.,. 00 •s8S I am a patron of this establishtnent, and I strongly feel thai they aze doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. -- __... - --=::�__ � � _ - -- - --0 $ I,�PUrl1 �,U. �20Gt/l✓ , request that the St Paul City Council vote to support tLe findings of the Administrative Larv 3udge, as it relaies to not to sanction the Metro Bar a�d Griil, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongty feeI that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at .S�g ���'i��/ s� Zips-�/(i _.' �/`��� / /V i �L.!/( //vV ! �'�d��" l/ V {Signed) (Date) _ _ ._ __ . - -- - - b0• 58S I _� request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Admmistrative La�v 7udge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they aze doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at a�0 t-���'1 �E{ ) f'� ai� Zip CS�j 1� . ., � ,gS't 1'k �2 2C 7� ����C�;�.�'`ZlJ`t� ( igned) � (Date) - -- — - - — --- -- t;a- SgS I �� � ��j{ � , rec{uest that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Admmistrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their po�ver to maintain environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. 1 am a resident at �� �"�9 �� Zip y���. � ( ate) _�_ . .=�.�. oo-SS S 1, �� ,.I �� - , ,� � � � � , , reqnest that the St� Paul Clry Council vote to support the findings of the Admmistrative Law 7udge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as AmeIla's Night Club. I am a patron of this estabiishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at � , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to supp rt the mdi gs of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. Zip � ,��? � s- � - �i tJ (Dace) I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at �� {��9�`� S�` l� �'�6�VL� Zip SS � , = � � 2- S � (Signed) (Date) j�U' S�3b — - �� sg +7 -- j ��jJ(/�LY}'t S , request that the St. Paut City Council vote to support the findings of the Admimstrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at (��7 Gt-e—l� ���'�'� Zip �j U�. .. IQ�� � ����-a�K'a� tS'�� 11�d (Signed} (Date) - - --- - - - - - - - ---- _. !�0' S8S I � �-��fi�� ��request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly irnown as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I stron�ly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain� afe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at �i��U ///� Zip • ( � ��G'.� /���-��-�� � � � V G� (Signed) (Date} I .'t�/?!l�s�--� `x `�'� , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to suQport the andings of the Admimstrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amelia's Night Club. i I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe e�vironment for both their customers and the general puUlic. Iama Zip � or� � � S��l/'� (Date) �_ _ � � �_ I, � J� �pr.�-s �, �ru, t�.e, �— , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Admmistrative Law 3udge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishmem, and I strongiy feel that they aze doing alI within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at �J c� � f u vi c� e. � Zip �S/ Q�'j .. �� _`��„Q� �� �� S ' � 1 � � {Signed) (Date) � -- �r :. i �� ��� � fJ �(`� j� , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to s pport the findings of the Admimstrative Iaw Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grili, commonly known as Amella's Nlght Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their potiver to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. i am a resident at i�l i���� �" n Zip �//� _ � �, �tit�,�,� � a� �!� (Signe ) (D e) j ��j� ��! /����_ request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a re� at /�/�`� s'/ C�/�'!lJ �— T ZiP `�� � ! � � � {DaYe�% !x�•��� < _:. v .� - - - -- - � oV�S$S I ���� > request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findi� s of the Administrative Law dudge, as it relates to not to sanetion the Metro Bar a Grill, commonly known as Amelia's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing alI within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at ��{ d� f� � C� f f i r� ef �� __ Zip � rSY R �� �-- f .. ' J�IL(tGC� (Signed) (Date) - - - co-s8S I ��-•a � � i" (,�C� �, request that the St Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Admimstrauve Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Griil, commonly lmown as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establis4tment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power ta maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at / t / �� � ��� Z � {--.� � � S � '' {Dat�e) Gd'r`JSS T �fQ�f/Za �� �fr ��� � , request that the St. Paul City Councii vote to svpport the �ndings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanetion the Metro Bar and Grili, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongiy feel that they are doing alt within their power to maintain a safe envimnment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at �✓�� �UGL �� Zip ���� � � r���,,�.��,�� 5 a� (Signed � �a�) I �,�C�. 1J��--�,�1 , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to suppo � the findings of the Administrative Law 3udge, as it relates to not to sanetion the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. — - �^ �s I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they aze doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at ���__� ��,���J�� ���� Zip �J�j �3� , .�.-��- � �^-_ � �� - �� (Signed} (Date) 1 �(� }` �� V� ���'v��, request thai the SL Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Admmistrative La�v Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as AmeIla's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel thai they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at t�� ��n ��� � �� Zip �� ��-4. . � �.�� ������ �� 5- at -o� (Signed) (Date) I�� � � (�' ' _ re uest that the St. Paul Ci Council ,�' h Q�C ��7 �^" > q ty vote to svpport the findings o�the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonIy known as Amella's 23ight Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environmesy�€er�both their custome and the general puUlic. a t�i .� � �� _ . I am a resid t at ... �., C���� (Sign ) � � (Date) _00-58� Do• 58S � I, � i�O�L r , request that the St. Paul City CounciS vote to support the findings of e Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feei that they are doing ali within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I a�a resident at 1�� � �ri ,/v�v�� 'V Zip S S Oo• SSS � �� (Date) =� - - Ot� - 58S I fl��S ��L������� request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Admirusuative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a re�ide�t at `7 ��` ) �� �� Zip �_ ��� � s --�.�- c� � (Date) -- - (�0-�JSS I ��'�.� e � �,F�� , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the Fndings of the Ad inistrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanetion the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their po�ver to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at �� �\ �''��` Zip����� `��-��c� � �-�b 1 T— (Date) 8n - - - G10^'S85� I ����� �� �{� (` � S , zequest that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Admimstrative Law Judge, as it relazes to not to sanetion the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I xm a patron of this establishment, and 1 strongty feel that they are doing all within their po��er to maintain a safe environment for hoth their customers and the general public. I am a resident at _? �/J �' ( L �� �! E� C� �� ZIF �� l �� ,S -a � �C� (Date) ,% � I, ' �,���j �� request that the S� Paul City Council vo e support the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it retates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grili, commonly Imown as Amelia's P3ight Club. � ___�� 00- 5$S I am a patron of this esiablishment, and I strongIy feel that they are doing ali within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. at �� A ,�l Zip � / . ��fb� �D�re> I, � � � �f n7c>� � X/ 9 6' , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the ndings of the Administrative Law 3udge, as it relates to not to sanetion the Metro Bar and Griil, commonly known as Arnella's Ni�ht Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and 1 strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at /� j� ��n n/�l �` � Zip SS �� � . ;/ _ �� 2� ac ( �gned) �.- � (Date) av-5sS v0- S8S �, ���h �r�,,,l > request that the St. Paul City Council voie io support the findings of the Admimstrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Griil, commonly known as Amelia's I3ight Club. 1 am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at �/G/ ��c�i�j1� �l�T Zip �5/GZ . �� ��� (Signed) � 1�1 �v (Date) � I J!'- l G� � ���� n , request that the St Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Admmistrative Law ludge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and GrilI, commonly known as Ameila's Night Club. I sm a patron of this estahlishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their custoiners and the general puUlic. I am a resident at �? f 7 �c � f � rrc� z�p S s Y�� � � .� ����i�I ��7�2i�/'� � �}'� � � (Sig�ed � (Date) I, t�� N�i-'�-� �eu,�r,�'S , request tt�at the SL Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative Law 3udge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Griil, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. ao-58S -- - OG S �S I am a patron of this estabiishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their po�ver to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. �� r�,, /`' I am a resident at �� � 7 ��� C a• Zip c�� �'E� , . �� � �1�,^ �� (Signed} (Date) �' � �S I request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly lmown as Amelia's Night Club. 1 am a patron of this establishment, and I strongiy feel that they are doing all within their power to maintai a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. iT *PZ"dent t ����'( ��..� ZiF �� ..1���� �� �-����� (Date) , � I, r , t�. �(_�� p e request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support t6 findings o e Admuustrative L.aw Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnelia's Night Club. �_ �s I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongIy feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a residenY at '� r�' S����� Zip �� �� � � c(T e� C�_q e r s _ (Signed) 5 ��� (Date) - - -co-S$S .� I ,{ ��, ��� , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the �indmgs of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Czri l l, commonly known as Ameila's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puU3ic. I am a resident at � �v f�rut�/ /'n/ S�'� 3 Zip 1 S�l� . S- � 1- U c� (Si d} (Date) I, � � cv r �(I �- �r1�i t"t '�'` C jG `f l , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Admirustrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanetion the Metro Bar and Grili, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. 00 I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe envirorunent for both their customers�n� general public. ��/ J �/1 I am a resident at �`7 �"Z'� �-- � r ��� ZiP �- . � ������� (Signed) / (Date) - � request that the St Paul City Council vote o support the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relaies to ssot to sanction the Ivletro Bar and Grill, commonly Irnown as Amelia's Night Club. I am a patron of this esiablishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing ali within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their ustomers and the general public. 1 am a resident at �� S v.� Zip ����� � l �� � ' � A.C� � � (Signed) (Date) cx�= s8� --- ---- -- - - Oo-5�5 j ��������"� ��� �vr (�. , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to supQort the findings of the Admuustcative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their gower to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the genera] puUlic. I am a resident at � 2 - 3 � ` rk ,v � ��� Zlp S � ^ y �� � �c�:�-� °'�� ����- S � Z / � o � � � (Sign�e (Date) - - �p'�'J$`J I %�/(/�Lr/� ? C G .S �V(�Sd1� , request that the St. Paul City Councii vote to support the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commoniy known as Amelia's Night Club. I am a pauon of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at � U� d �n�l a' S � vE N' Zip y�J . �°���� � ^ �` � - �o (Signed) (Date) .. ----- ----- -- - - - - - -- - C�-5 � -_. I `���i/i-� �`�� , request that the St Pau( City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative La�v Ju dge, as rt re lates to not to sanction the Meno Bar and Grill, common3y known as Arnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this estabiishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the genezal public. I am a resider�t at ��� � [(�(1�-C, Zip � 53 jG ( . ��%�°" � /V' k; .� �! �i�i 1�� � (Date} I> 1" /�C"vr �r �v- Y�1!-�" request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support t e findings of the dministrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly knawn as Arnella's Night Club. - -�"5� I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the geS�ral public,.� j J ,�J �U�,,�.��. I am_a resident at ,� �'�'�`�,�,�„�` -�}-�_e �iv�,uG S (3 } �Lip �����5 � 1 � ��� �,� � �� � �� (Signed) � (Date) I, ` lj f� , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to sc port t' findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sancYion the tro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amelia's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they ue doing all within their po�ver to maintain a safe environment for hath their customers and the general public. 1 am a resident at Zip _�y/� . -- - DO � ,C.v � 5 � / % 2 � �'j ,� � (Date) � - � � request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findin o the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. - - od- 58S -- I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their po�ver to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at � Zip �� C� S ��� (Date) I ��//A G���� , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to su ort the findings o e Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly knawn as Amella's Night CIub. I am a patron of this estabtishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at ������I� S� � Zip �-`J �. . .� �. L DC� (Signe (Date) CJ�+ ' .) p J �- 5S5 - I, � 6 ����Ji +.l �- > request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Admmistrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanetion the Meuo Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this estabiishment, and I strongly feel thai they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at ydl�J �, 1 �H � 1C �n - {_ 1f��5 Zip �S�Li�. .� � ��,� �-a i- o� (Signed) (Date) I ° -� �� "_' V `�� �� request that the St Paul City Council vote'to support he findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. tb- 58� I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environm e�for both their custpmers and the general public. ��a�1dY It � � Zi p—=�t.! �� � ( e /1 tsi��) � + —�� � � (Date) . � ' L'L/tiLr.P �' � J�O S vote to support the find�of���� ve Law ud�eeas re a es o not to ii sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnelia's Night Club. ; I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at _ 1 3 I��Z �i �' Zip �.1 1 (Signed) � � �� " � (Da e) � --- - - - I, request thaC the St. Paul City Council vote su port t$ fin ngs of the �nistrative Law 3udge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Gritl, commoniy known as Amella's Night Club. �Q� S0� I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. a resident at ; � �"'� �1 ���� _�� Zip ��� � ���(-f�� 00 -585 I, �(' �-� �7 (���� \��� , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the f ndings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Baz and CTrill, commonly Irnown as Amelia's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feet that they aze doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at �� �� 1N C� �� J-� �' i'�c� Zip .JSfT. � t ... �- ��-OC� ( igned) (Date) �o-sss I, request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanctio� the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. _ __,_ . .._: ��„ Cn• 585 I, �� �X � , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Meuo Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establislunent, and I strongly feel that they are doing ail within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at � p`1" i�V�Y����-'� �'L�x Zip ���� r Z o� (Si d) (Date) I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they ase doang a11 within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I, �( Gt',� � request that the St. Pau1 City Council vote #o support e findings of the Adminisuative L.aw 3udge, as it relafes to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Griil, commonly known as Arnelia's Night Club. I am a pauon of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at Zip ��r . S - a�-� (Date) I,..�- (=� �w��-� request that the St. Paul City Council vote to suppor e findings of the Adminisuative La�v Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at f Z � f ��� �`�e- Zip �5 (�. C � ,-- � U �� �} ` �.� (Si d) (Date) I,.f /�[�C�� (� /(�/"�� J7c���request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Admimst�dtive Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Griii, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their pawer to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the generai public. I am a resident at ,�jL C�S Ci Zip S 5��. t � i ♦ :�i UO - Sd5"� �'�J$s� 2t� �b �� igned) 'G? � ? �'� (Date) � d�r �� _��'A�' � , request that the St Paul City Council vote tb support the findings of the Administrative I.aw Judge, as it relates Yo not to sancfion the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. �-58.5 I am a patron of this establishznent, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at ��� �(a �� p�. � Zip� ,_ � -1����-- �5-z[-Q� (Si ed) (Date) I> �'%`� � �('e�-�"'� request that the St. Paul City Council vot�ct�suppSrt the findings of the Administrative Law 7udge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commoniy known as Arnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly £eel that they are doing ali within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at 1 ��41� //�,��. � V" � Zip ��i [ ° t� : ` �, i'�� /1 /�//1�l � O.A�-� .✓ ! L �� � � �°''�"� (Date)� __ - - - � - - ---_____... - -- --- --- .. . _- - . ..._.__� � �-r Q� � 5g� I> -S�^- l� request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the ''strative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amelia's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that atey are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the generai public. � am a resident at � J� �(,Z't � �` y_ Zip � 1 b �s� ���� � (Signed) (Date�(�--�-!�� Uo -5SS I, ��Y}� �e�'j , request that the St. Paul City Council �o+e to support the �inuings of the �csninistrative Law Judge, as it relates io not to sanction �he Ivietro Bar �nd G S ili� commonly known as P rr.elia's Night Club. I am a patron of `�'r,is estab;ishment and I s�ronely fzel that they are doing aII within ineir power to maintain a safe enviror,mer.t for both their customers and u'�e gene:al public. I am a resident at �iZ'� •..�'SSt? !k� x:�, `�cL�e_ � Zip ��/,7 _ � � �/ �'_/? (`�at°) r � CV ✓ I, �' � request that the St. Paul Clty Council vote to support the findings the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanetion the Metro Bar and riil, commonly lmown as Arnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they aze doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. ., � / �S/� I am a resident at ,�� /,[.�/��� /.f.f� Zip�����4� � �"� /�azs (Date) '�-�� 00 -$'85 I, � l 1 �,���'1.-� request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the A�tive Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanetion the Metro Sar and Gri11, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establisFupent, and I strongly feei that they are doing afl within their power to maintain a safe environment for both Yheir custome � and the general public. am a re 'dent at ^ �CCg Zip � , � � . _ ^ (Signed) ( (Date} od - 58� I Gl (� �^,( ��,�} S6N , request that the St. Paui City Council . vote to support the findings o£the Admimstrative Law 7udge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel thaY they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at �! � U G` ��'d'�� �T�`P—' Z 'p '��� I s " �_�o �L� :..� �:-X�z.t.cJ�3__ �/� l �� � (Signed) (Date) � � i ��' 1 ( I, C G r I� � request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the A inistrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. ��5�� I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they aze doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the generai public. I am a resident at ��� 1V �� t�C��F�f'(-���"� �'�°�. Zip �� � ��Zr jo� (Signed) (Date) - I �nn i s Il e,�n�yv , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings o the Administrative Law 3udge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commoniy known as Amelia's Night Ciub. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at 5(8 SGi,�r �urh � (-�V�e._ Zip ,S`s � n . _. ., w __..._v___-_-�.=_:. v_ r ��� �'„ I��.Q�.�,� ' zl �b `{'�igned) (Date I, � request that the St. Paul City Council vote t support the findings oP the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanct n the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as AmeIla's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing al1 within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at "� g�,(�, �(/n �yLp��lj�� .Q.��{ Zip s s>(�� 1!(�Y1 `� �'� igned) (Date) � I 1� � i' ��Q W1 _�G �� v� , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findmgs of the Admimstrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and 1 strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the generai public. I am a resident at �n � "fi U"1 ot`�'`2`�' Zip S� l/ �. �,1.�..i..�l��.,,�� �a.�,�'t,ru 5 /3 D�o a (Signed) (Date) I ��y �� J� � -S C C7-r �. _, request that the St. Paul City Council vote to supPort the findings of t e Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Meuo Bar and Grill, commonly lmown as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron af this establishment, and I strongly feet that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the generai public. I am a resident at 3� 6 tn L. Zip _� S�L} `� � G���� � S z/ �ro ,� ,. ,,,�. , ro•S�S t� �- 585� — - ii : ' l n / � o� I > �-�`� �/a� t�-`e.i� Y'�i request that the St. Paul City Council vote to svpport the findings of the Adm�i trative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amelia's Night Club. s/����__ (Date) Oo'S$� - I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at �) �- �� t e r #� Zip S 5� . z �(.t�r..�,t� �� , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Admmistrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Ciub. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am resident at `t� � � �-�"/N'L'�^P `�� ��f47�.2t/�L�p J � � .�-,b � �21 b U _ (Signe (Date) ° --•-_�-_� oo-sg� I �E/�� �� rt d , request that the St. Paut Gity Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relaYes to not to sanetion the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at I/ A ��i9�1 Zip ��� p _�� '�l� (Signed) (Date) �-5gs I request that the St. Paui City Council vote to s po t the findings of the Administrative Law 7udge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Ameila's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and 1 strongiy feel that they are doing ali within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their custs�e��a� e general public. I am a resident at /� C3�_� 1 ''� +� �' � `� Ztp S 16 � �� � - .Z ( - � crz�z�— i ed (Date) I, � ro�/ Q�1 , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the AdmmLStrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the MeSro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. Ol� -. J�'$b� I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. Iamaresiden�t ��V b ���Dt� � Z�P— 2:J! `!� '�� �'� l_.e_/ (�V�SO� I , �,�, request that the St. Paul City Council vote to supQort the findings o� e Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commoniy known as Arnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at ,� (� 5�� r bu�c- �n � PU �_-- Zip , 3" � D. 51'. �a w� �h n.. .�• , � o o__ �/z//cc� .. ! oo - s85� 1 , T, � S'C�i' i /''� �d�equest that the St. Paul City Council vote to support e finding of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly laiown as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel th�t they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at �3� ,���iQ �/j�� �R�/L � ����Zip � ��, l S-�/-GG (Date) W � �.�II I ���,�.� t� _� �;e.,�s , request that the St Paul City Councii vote to support the findings of the Admimstrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I suongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customexs and the general pubiic. I am a resident at � t-��A�'+�--� �.� '��lZo�����iP-51- ��/ �-a�-�c� (Date) - - --- - Gi� - J` I, � � D request that the St. Paul City Councii vote to suppor the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and GriII, commoniy known as Arnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this estabiishmenY, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the generai public. I am a resident at />��� �j�%���� f�� �j �� Zip��7 � G b � ,��. S :-�l� - b� (Signed) (Date) I, �(� J'1) iii 1 r L^' � e��, i�W. n� y�9uest that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Admimstrative Law 7udge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. DO - 585 I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel thai they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. � I am a resident at (� C� 3�= � i� ��L�. W� Zip �. (} ( .. � T�iw.°.�� ' 1 ' � �-- �C./�...�,�-�� '� �. l — O � ( igned) (Aate) "– _ � p -, --'_____. ;��� – _—__ _ � 5gS I �=�_ --} }� .� ;. .,�, 'a . '°�:��.,�request that the St Paul City Council 5 � `� ''* vote toTsupport the findings of"the A inistrative Law 3ud�e, as it relates to not ta sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this esYablishment, and I strongly feel that they aze doing all within their power to rnaintain a safe environment for both their customers and the �eneral public. � �.,, '"'.= �''.�, -m �., � ,- ,� "° :� , � =a � � s�s- _ �, <.. _ _ Zip 1 am a resident at x '" '"�--`�' � � � � ` �' ` �..,..._ . �. � - �•, -°- ^�' � : � � o � � . ; � A ,."'_, ..,-_-n._ .�., - _ - � �....�?»._ >i _ ,�:,..�.-, �.,.._.., r .,.�,..,-' (Signed)� � � (Date) C�.G; I;�- �, �6,��L� rx�-5g�" I, request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not ta sanetion the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's I3ight Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at �� 3$�.� �R �� {� v � rt If � Zip S 5( �j �s=�-Q� ���.�� �a � l � (Signed) (Date) .. c�-�s I, •, ��"'' £s �' �� request that the St Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Ciub. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing aIl within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at g�y � v16/4 /� � Zip S� ' . __ ��� C°� S-al��a (Signed) (Date) �"SO� I, �� CL.�� c�� ��'�:..C4� that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Ad ' inistrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at �'� 5# �`�-�-� Zip �S l CJ� .� � �..e�- ����� S� ds ��-�l� (Signed) ` (Date) �' J�BS `� .'x � � ,'� ? 3 3 �R ? � 3 I, ; � ''''�� ;»,��.�� '�. '?'�.�=�-:� that the St. Paut City Council vote to support the findings of`the Admiriistrati`ve Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Ame11a's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I suongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. � ` � � �-- -: f ? � �' � -�`��:�: � I am a resident at ,,�.: ''-�" �°°�' � sk�"� ��- � Zip- a�` °� ;� �- '� 3 _� � � � J �" �� .e � `� ? 9'.� �q� !,� � i +"tC� �l J1f �.���f"�3 y�� s� ✓ _ (�igrieii) . , �� - � � (Date) ' > - 00-58� I, �/L �-t— /,e.(�«� request that the St. Paul City Council Yote to support the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Griil; commonly known as /�rnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and 1 strongiy feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a r sid nt at !!�lj ���r�-,�f) LC. '�� t r�� Zip S S��'' �zreo (Date) �— 'J`�J� I> � , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to svpport the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. (Signed) ' (Date) I, /�' (� /7/6 5 I'/o� (/ �� , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to sup�ort the findings of the Administrative L,aw Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnetla's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at �� �✓. w• ��/e-� �� Z�P ���� G���- ��- -fSigned) ����1� (Date) -- �_ z�P� "� tl ���-i C� DD-585 I atn a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to mainrain a safe environment for both their customers and the genetal public. - _:�. M oa - ssS I ' �-�r� � request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative Iaw Judge, as it relates to not to sanctionthe Metro Bar and GriII, commonly known as Arnetla's Night Ciub. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel th3t they are doing alI with9n their poiver to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at _� �;� G��� �Q Zip �'rj Q% "� ��f� � i�ed) - ,s/z� oa (Date) I � est that the St. Paul City Council vote t port the fin ' gs of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commoniy known as Amella's Night Club. ao - s$s I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a s� environr�ent fqr b�th their customers and the general public. I am �-resident at (Signed) Zip 5 ���� (Date) ___ ...--- G�0- 585 I, o est that the St. Paul City Council vote o support the fin ings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Czrill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both thei: customers and the general public. I am a resident at �J�_.;�1�'j������r/__2°�_ Zip ��� ! � �� � � � {Signed) (Datei - -- -- -- �- --- -=-�- - - ------ DO - 68s I 1�1�� �) �� , request that the St. Paul City Council vote o suppor the findings of the Admuustrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I atn a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their go�ver to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at �533 �>�o����� / Zip S�//7. ` A / r /SdS \ � � (Date) - — — --- --- - -� — V I request that the St. Paul City Council vote io support t e findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Me o Bar and Grill, commonly known as Ameila's Night Club. I am a patron of this esiablishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at �� 1 �,E C�1711 � Z�P ;J���� ` , % � �i �Gf� (Date av -sgs I, J o�' �.1 /� •�v �t -e 5 , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative La�v Judge, as it relates to not to sanetion the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as AmeIla's Night Ctub. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. . n .� ; , n .^ _ e � ,�� �t� zip �3y�/ � � ,�/ � /vd (Date) _-- - ---- -- --- op_ ��5 I ���9� %,tq � j/� , request that the 5t. Paul City Council vote to svpport the findings of the Admimstrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Baz and Grill, commonly irnown as Arnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing atl within their po��er to maintain a safe environment far both their customers and Yhe general puUlic. I am a resident at �� �l��To� �% f A�L ' zip S .. �� i�/"�- '��Y �� . ��oc (Signed) (Date) I, ��p-y–/jo�a ,�1.��.,,� /�_ , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. (.'� – S8 � I am a patron of this estabiishment, and I strongly feel thai they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for boYh their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at �� o�.�„� �,oi,�2 Zip S�`//D ' ' ��77`n�r ,�J'i�a ��'� � Y / (Signed�� (Date) Y e, request that the St. Paui City Couacit vo e to support ffie findings of the dministrative Larv Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's NighY Club. �� S�? -- I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at // I� ��1' �__ Zip ��� i . \ �� ��; � igned) ( aie) -- ------ --------------- �_ s$s_. �--- I � ���, request that the St. Paul City Council vote to suppo t the findings of t�ie Admimstrative Law 7udge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. I am a pauon of this _establishment, and I strongIy feel that they are doing ati within their po�ver to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at l(D � Y `�J�� ��� Zip �u� . �-- _a (Signed} (Daie) UO - 5`a5 I, � ���-.� S� (�C � , request that ihe St. Paui City Council vote to support the findings of the Admmistrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amelta's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a residenY at � Y����=�=z� �� Zip �C� ` ,� ;� �-- �� lgned)\ (Date) ' �_ , --- -------- -- — -- (�" S$5 \ � . '�`� �`L��� 4'�� 1, request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Admi tive Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanetion the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongIy feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the generai public. I am a resident at i�� lr'f✓ �\� �� Z�P �� � G � ^ �-,� ��-�� � �`-� � ° 1 � (Signed) d (Date) � U request that the St. Paul City Council I, r� vo o support the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Baz and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I stron�iy feel that they are doing all within their po�ver to maintain a safe environment for both t ir customers and the general public. I am a reside at �/�X _`� �✓� C� Gt !/� Zip �� � � �' oZ O� ._ ,-_. � •��� (Date) t�- 58S - ------------- - (.�-�$5 I ���f`a � ����/�_, request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findiugs of the Admmistrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feei that they are doing ali within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the generat public. I am a resident at �� �{.� (� `�' � B Zip J�y� � ..� �' �S ,,,,,P�il (Date} I C� , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Admmistrarive Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Ciub. i1 : I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing alI within their po�ver to maintain a safe environment for oth their customers and the general public. (��/ �`�'��--- ziP ? S��S I am resi ent at , � t' �-� ., �¢;�,Prti (Date) I /"I !f' C�/ � request that the St� Paul City Council vote to support he findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as AmeIIa's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that ihey are doing al2 within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at ��j �/ \.J� G�'2.C,.� /� � Zip � S� �Y . �-- � �� � �v� v (Signed) (Date) I � n �. �Q P.( > request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. a�-sgS W' �Jgs I am a pauon of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing ail within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a esident at � . XA/V / V ' { OY��IA z�p '� l U.�/ � - Z2 - �� (Date) --- �"S� J I �,�,,. ��� � G� , request that the St. Paui Ciry Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative I.aw 7udge, as it relates to not to sanetion the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel thai they are doing all within their power io maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the generai public. I am a resident at -�� r l �-� �-- � s .� �� �� �Q (Signed) --ZIP �3<C 4 '`j ��� � (Date) I, %)oJ� D���; , request that the St. Paul Ciry Council vote tio support Yhe findings ofthe Administrative La�v Judge, as it retates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Gril1, commonly known as ArneIla's Night Club. I am a patron of this estabiishment, and I stron�Iy feei that they are doing all within their po�ver to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the generat public. I am a resident at __��Uy S�� z�p 5 '��c `t . �� � � .r-��>> (S� �� (Date) �= r I , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to svpport th ndings of the Administrative La�v Judge, as it relates to not to sanetion the Meko ar and Griil, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. b0 -5$S - - Do -585 I am a patron of this estabiishment, and I strongly feel that they are doin� ali within their po�ver to maintain a safe environment for both theiz customers and the generai public. I am a resident at C 1� Zip� �� // � � (Signed} (Date) � /� I�� _°" ,1 /'/ , request that the St. Pau1 City Councii vote to support the m}ng o the A istrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction Yhe Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Ame l la's Ni� ht C iu b. �-S�5 I am a patron of this establishment, and I strong[y feel that they are doing alt within their po�ver to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at ��� �� ,C' � 2 tP � � � . `-�" � ���2G� (Signed} (Date) I, �,. � i•�, (9���'S , request that the St Paul City Council vote to supgort the findings of Yhe Administrative Law Judge, as it reiates to not to sanction the Metro Baz and Grill, commonly known as AmelIa's Night CIub. I am a patron of this estabiishment, and I stron;ly feel that they are doing all within their po�ver to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general pubiic. a ����u�� Zz �� I am a resident at � P � � ����-� c� 2��% (Signed) �Dat� / I, '�q � 1�-('} ��� CaG �''� �� , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to supporY the findings of the Administrative Law 7udge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and GrelE, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. � -585 �� ;� I atn a patron of this establishment, and I strongiy feel that they are doing all within their potiver to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at ��� ����� �'""� �f ��"'"'�- Zip � s� v� .. ,�-„� �e�G`„" .�r,- � G — `�.,-��° � (Signed) (Date} T �C�,q �. / ����,{/�jf/�,( ° - request That the St Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Admmtstrative Law Judge, as it reIates to not to sancYion the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongiy feei that they are doin� ail within their po�ver to maintain a safe environment for both t5eir customers and the general pubtic. I am a resident at /�� ���'�,� �� AG(c �� S � k Z P���D�_ _ „?�— � • S�° (Signed) Q�- 5$5 � / I, 1�i �"���f�"i "i r,t r�f I?Ir< ��I I�equest that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Administra+frve Law Judge, as it relates Yo not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongiy feel that they aze doing a11 within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. �� � C - z� � � � �?`� I am a resident at � 1'Y� ��. �� - �n �,� . �C.. 1� �Q �`�" c� - � - � C> {Signed) (Date) -- -�'��� I, __ ('�G�L �� � C( l��V\ , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly knorvn as Ameila's Night Club. I am a patron of this esiablishanent, and I strongly feel that they are doing alI within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at �� ���G' ���h �v� 1 =� S`V�U+1(Zjp ,�� ' r - ^ 1�T/1 . l � �Y� � �/��-"' V �� '� �-, �� (Signed) � (Date G�'Sg5 I �� j� p �� �'j� � , request ihat the SY. Paul City Councii vote io support the findings of the AdmimstraYiva Larv 7udge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arneita's Night Club. I am a pairon of this establishment, and I strongiy feet that they are doing all within their po��er to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the genera] puUlic. I am a resident at ��� �f��✓ ,��E'� Zip S S Ib �. . ���,c � ,8c��--� S ����`�� (Signed) ' (Date) . - ------ - -- - - _ _--,._,_ �_�.:�= � � c� • S�S I `���/� �i7�'n� i'�� , request that the St. Paul City Council vote tn support'the findings of the Adzninistrative Law Judge, as it relates to aot to sanetion the Metto Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I stron�ly feel that they are doing aII within their power to maintain a safe environment far both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at ��� G��1`�G �� �'� �� Zip S� �' � � �.��� ��.�..- �-� � G� faa-/� �� � (Signed) (Datej � � i ���� p'�" , requesl that the S� Paul City Couneil vot io support the findings of the Admmistrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Gri11, commoniy known as ArnelIa's Ni�ht Ciub. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongIy feel that they aze doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for boYh their customers and the general public. I am a resident at �� � /�1��� �� ZiP ��� .. . �� ,� �/�' �--� ( tgned) (Date) I �r,,, ���" y/ ��. ���' SB �1 , request that the St. Paut City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relaYes To not tfl sanction the Metro Bar and GrilI, commonly known as Arnelia's Ni�ht Ctub. Cx3• 5$S _._ _ _ .._ �' �J � � I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongiy feel that they are doing ail within their po�ver to maintain a safe environment for both tneir customers and the general puUlic. ) g7?C�.r�CtS . '/ I am a resident at J� r/���U� �`� h-� S o fFt �{'f/. Zip .S`�S��a 7- . ��� �y�� %w � (Signed) �=�� a em� (Date) - - - -- - - - - - - --- -- - �' S85 I �-�'11� - .� �� �� , requesY that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative Lativ 7udge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I stron�Iy feel that they are doing all within their pol�rer to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at f� O( � �� -� ��-IG� ��� � Zip �S� . --�� ' ��c� S-a� G � (Signed) (Date) '' l < ` < I, ����'&� �N � l� 1�V�J , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative La�v Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Griil, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongIy feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at � � �� \ �� �L� � ��" i �`P ���. � � ��� , �, ��� L - �� (Sign (Date) l�0- 5$S I ��� Q �j'� �� �,(��� request that the St Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Admimstrative La�v Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Griil, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they aze doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their custom rs and the general public. I am a resident at 1`\F� J u�\ Zip �J . � �PpJ� ���1.�/I � - Z`�� � (Signed} (Date) Q'J-S$5" I p /� , � , request that the St Paul City Council vote to support he finding of e Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at �� �� v��T {� / r� 11 i'Y� I l�i�ip (Signed} (Date) 00-585 �—S�J� I �`( �\ `�� ��`t`(� � , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support t�ie findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. (�' ���, � I am a resident at �"I ��1,�1� � � Z � 1 ��� � ��� � 5 � ed) (Date) I, � z n r� r� �,t' W.' �� c'�m S , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support fhe findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general pubiic. I am a resident at I S 6 Gi�'S'-� 2✓ %i^t <��i^EOC Zip S�S' /O 7 L�-585 . - ,�i �U'��'�c;� 2,/�-��z� s Z Z G�/' (Signed) (Date) ---=�-_ I request that the St. Paul City Council vote to sup ort the findings o the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and rill, commonly known as'Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongIy feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. � I am a resident at 0 �� \' � � '" � V �� ZlP �� � �O G� � U (Si d) (Date) I r: �%�,[�G�C'�I� `�'''?� , request that the St Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Admmistrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. --- 00-58� �' S$S I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they aze doing all within their power to maintain a safe environme t for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at �/1 � 4�-��L�--- ���'`l /'�' Zip ✓�S� O j . /� C��2-� � " `f /� (Signe (Date) -- - --- ----- --- --- — -- - — — - - —_.. ._ --- �" S$S I�� IPf�1� Q , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support Yhe findings of the Admimstrative I,arv Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at ��� �(�.� bl,l,4 n� Zip ��L . y .2�� � c�c��� (Signed) (Date) � - 585 I, �� �jv� �i4-� S , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative I.aw Judge, as it relates to not to sancrion the Metro Bar and Griil, commonly lrnown as P,mella's Night Ciub. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel thaY they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at -! / U G�`��h� �/ Zip �6 � �� �� ��� (Signed) (Date) I������ ��� � request that the St. Paul City Council , vote to support the findings of the A inistrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. UO • S8� I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. j � A /� �- {n,, I am a resident at �JS /t! � � � iC/1 �'�l�-b�\� Zip �� � { �/� /f? (Signed) (Date) I ��n n���e �1 e r �� request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings o the�' Administrarive Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's Night Ciub. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongiy feel that they are doing aIl within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at S(8 S�i�� �urn � AV�. Zip 5�; � a s/��/�o � � �Ss ° 1 _�6_.w---�. �G��r� � .� �D `f5igned) (Date CITIZEN SERVICE OFFICE F2d Owusq City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, .Yfayor 170 City Hall Tel.: 651-266-8989 ISWKellaggBou[evm�d F�: 651-266-8689 SaintPaul Mi�mesota 55702 October 25, 2000 Mr. Frederick K. Grittner Clerk of the Appellate Courts Minnesota Judicial Center 25 Constitution Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55155 Re: Metro Bar & Grill, Inc., dba Arnellia's at 1183 University Ave. Appellate Court File: C6-00-1156 Dear Mr. Grittner: HAND DELIVERED Enciosed herewith please find an index and originals of the Saint Paul City Council's record in the above referenced matter. This is the City Council's complete record and its index. By copy of this letter, the index is being sent to Attorneys for Petitioner and Respondent, together with affidavits of service by Mail. Sincerely, a�fi %��"� !G, �� Frederick K. Owusu City Clerk cc: Virginia Palmer, Assistant City Attorney (index only) S. Mark Vaught, Attorney at Law (index only) STATE OF NIINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) Frederick K. Owusu, City Clerk, being first duly swom, deposes and says that on October 25, 2000 he servedthe attached: Index to the Saint Paul City Councii File No. 00-585 upon the followuig attorney(s), individual(s) or corporation(s) by placing a mie and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as shown and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at Saint Paul, Muuiesota. Ciayton Robinson Saint Paul City Attorney Virginia D. Palmer Assistant Saint Paul City Attorney Atty. Reg. No. 128995 15 West Kellogg Blvd, Suite 400 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Attomeys for Respondent S. Mazk Vaught Attorney at Law Atty. Reg. No. 131519 Six VJest Fifth Street, Suite 700 Saint Paul, MN 55102-1412 Attorney for Petitioner -�� �. ��� -.� Subscrihed and sworn to before me this ��' day of �c , 20�� � Notary Public v'�. SHARI A. MOORE N4TARY RJ�C _ � �... � A EXA�RES JqN. 31, ZOOg �� COURT OF APPEALS NUMBER:C6-00-1156 INDSX OR COIINCIL FILE (C.F.) 00-585 DOC. NUMBLR 1 � 3 0 � DATE DESCRIPTION 6-21-00 Resolution and Green Sheet suspending the (c3ate , license of Metro Bar & Grill d/b/a adopted Arnellia's and adopting the Report of the by ALJ with exceptions and amendments Council) 6-1-00 Letter from State Representative Andy Dawkins offering opinion that Arnellia's license not be suspended. 4-20-00 Notice of Public Hearing leCter sent to Attorney Mark Vaught by Assistant City Attorney Virginia Palmer regarding 1-26-00 Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommendation of the Administrative Law Judge. 5-3-00 Letter from Virginia Palmer to Mark Vaught regarding the City's Exceptions to the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommendation of the ALJ. Includes City's Final Argument - Statement of Facts 5-9-00 Memo to City Council £rom Nancy Anderson regarding laying over of item #32 on the May 10 Council Agenda to June 7 for a Public Hearing. NLTMB&R OF PAGES 7 il 11 17 1 6. 144 petition cards requesting the City 144 Council to support the findings of the caras in ALJ, as it relates to not sanction i Arnella's. envelope 7. 6-21-00 8. 6-21-00 Videotape of 6-21-00 Saint Paul City Council meeting, Summary minutes of 6-21-00 Saint Paul City Council meeting. DOCUMENTS RETURNED BY TEiE AT,J RECEIVED IN THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE 4-5-00 � 10 4-4-00 Letter from Phyllis Reha, Administrative Law Judge, to the City Council regarding the Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Recommendations. 3-6-00 Letter from Virginia Palmer to t11e ALJ Phyllis Reha regarding City's Reply Memorandum. 1 tape 14 F_ya 0 � 11. 3-6-00 12. 3-2-0� 13. 2-18-00 Fax cover from Mark Vaught to Phyllis Reha regarding no further submissions in the Metro Bar & Grill matter. Fax from Mark Vaught to Phyllis Reha summarizing and presenting Respondent's view of the evidence. Letter from Virginia Palmer to Phyllis Reha enclosing the Fina1 Argument on behalf of LIEP. 14. 2-28-00 Letter from Phyllis Reha to Virginia Palmer granting her request to extend the period for reply briefs. Attached is the letter from Virginia Palmer requesting the extension. 15. 12-15-99 Letters from Virginia Palmer and Peter Pangborn announcing Notice of Hearing to Arnellia Allen. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1-26-00 List of City's proposed exhibits. 9-30-99 City's Exhibit #1, License Information Report City's Exhibit #2, License conditions for Metro Bar & Gri11 dba Arnellia's 9-23-99 9-23-99 9-30-99 11-8-99 10-29-99 11-10-99 12-15-99 10-7-99 City's Exhibit #3, Police report prepared by Officer Gerald E. Johnson City's Exhibit #4, Police report prepared by Sgt. Richard J. Munoz City�s Exhibit #5, Notice of Violation City's Exhibit #6, Police report prepared by Sgt. Mark C. Kempe City's Exhibit #8, Letter from Ms. Arnellia Allen to Robert Kessler City's Exhibit #9, Notice of Second Violation City's Exhibit #10, Notice of Aearing City's Exhibit #7, Videotape from Arnellia's 1 5 11 2 5 2 4 1 2 3 3 2 2 3 5 1 tape � CITY p 4 y � i x O - y � IIflffII� �Q�II a � 119H II � q h � 1g54 � SUMMARY MINUTES OF THE SAINT PAUL CITY COUNCIL Wednesday, June 21, 2000 - 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 3RD FLOOR City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard The meeting was called to order at 3:40 pm. by Council President Bostrom. Present - 7- Benanau, Blakey, Bostrom, Coleman, Harris, Lantry, Reiter Absent - 0 CONSENT AGENDA (Items 1- 28) Gerry Strathman stated that the City Attorney's Office requested Item 26 be withdrawn. Councilmember Coleman requested Item 27 be removed for discussion. Councimember Coleman moved approval of the consent agenda as amended. Adopted as amended Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 GTi] 7�y1 Y [U��I Approval of minutes of May 10 & 17, 2000. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 2. Claims of Kenneth Colaizy, Robert Distad, David & Maria Snyder, Darla Aansen, Milton Kendall, Katharine Lovich, Anthony Rybak, Thomas Rykel, and Hieu Tran. Referred to the Employee/Risk Management Office 3. Class Acrion Sununons and Class Action Complaint and Demand for Jury Trial in the matter of Deryl Baysinger, Barrori Chapman, Darron Chapman, Sammie Chapman, and all other similazly situated, vs. the City of Saint Paul. Referred to the City Attorney's Office 4. Letter from the Office of the City Attorney announcing a public hearing before the City Council on June 28, 2000, to consider adverse acrion against all licenses held by Fleming Companies, Inc., dba Rainbow Foods, 892 Arcade Street. (LJncontested) June 21, 2000 City Council Summary Minutes Page 2 5. Letter from the Office of the City Attomey announcing a public hearing before the City Council on June 28, 2000, to consider the report of the Administrative Law Judge conceming the application for an auto repair license by MFK Enterprises, 830 Robert Street South. 6. Letter from the Office of License, Inspecrions and Environmental Protection announcing a public hearing before the City Council on 7une 28, 2000, to consider the appeals of Nationwide Group and REF LLC to a decision of the Plauuiug Commission denying a site plan for a mini-storage facility on the former railroad property between Agate Street and 35E and between Case and Suns Avenues. Letter from the Department of Plauuing and Economic Development announcing a public hearing before the City Council on July 12, 2000, to consider the application of Jaunae and David Brooks to rezone properiy at 1528 Grand Avenue, between Saratoga and Snelling, from RM-2 to OS-1 to allow an office use. 8. Administrative Order: D001891 Transferring CIB funds from the Eustis Street Pedesriian ChokerBuxnpout project to the Curb Bumpouts:Cleveland & Pinehurst project in the Department of Public Works Noted as on file in the City Clerk's Office 9. Resolution - 00-580 - Approving the Memorandum of Understanding between the St. Paul Civic Center Authority (also known as RiverCentre Authority), an agency of the City of Saint Paul, and International Operating Engineers Local 70, International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, and 1Vlanual and Maintenance Supervisors Association. (To be laid over one week for adoption) Laid over to July 28 for adoprion 10. Resolution - 00-581 - Approving the reappoinhnent of William Dunnigan, by Mayor Coleman, to the Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Commission. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 11. Resolution - 00-582 - Approving the reappointments of Robert Nardi and Paul Finsness, by Mayor Coleman, to the Truth in Sale of Housing Boazd of Evaluators. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 12. Resolution - 00-583 - Approving the reappoinhnent of Valdi Stefanson, by Mayor Coleman, to the Ramsey Action Program. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 June 21, 2000 City Council Suinmary Minutes Page 3 13. Resolution - 00-584 - Approving the appointments of Tom Heinl, Michelle Bergman, Janet Vogei, and Betty Copeland, and the reappoinhnents of 7ose Basques, Susan Broaner, Laurel Frost, Dan Reed, Kay Willshire, and Mike Garsteig, by Mayor Coleman, to the Advisory Committee for People with Disabilities. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 14. Resolution - 00-585 - Finalizing City Council action taken June 7, 2000, conceming adverse acrion against all licenses held by Metro Baz & Grill, Inc., dba Arnellia's, 1183 University Avenue. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 15. Resolurion - 00-586 - Authorizing the City of Saint Paul to accept a gift of air transportation and related necessary meals or dinner expenses from St. Jude Medical to allow Mayor Coleman to attend a"Salute to Bruce Vento" celebration in Washington, D.C. on June 27, 2000. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 16. Resolution - 00-587 - Approving the changes in polling locations and approving the list ofpolling locations. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 17. Resolution - 00-588 - Approving Right-of-Way management pernut fee structure. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 18. Resolurion - 00-589 - Approving the following organizations to the 2000 Charitable Gambling 10% Club: Asian Pacific Youth Alliance, El Rio Vista Booster Club, Front Booster Club, Groveland Booster Club, Hazel Park Booster Club, 7ohnson Area Baseball Boosters, and Stazlings Volleyball Club. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 19. Resolution - 00-590 - Approving disbursement of Youth Programs Funds to the following organizations: District 6 Planning Council, Dunuing Boosters, Eastview Booster Club, Edgcumbe Community Center Hockey Booster Club, Frost Lake Athletic Membership Endowrnent Society, Harding Area Girls' Fastpitch Softball, Hayden Heights Youth Alliance, Lexington/Hamline Community Council, St. Paul Midway Little League, St. Paul Police Explarer Post #454, St. Paul Urban Tennis Program, SuperClown, and Twin Star Baseball Club. Adopted Yeas = 7 Nays - 0 June 21, 2000 City Council Summary Minutes Page 4 20. Resolution - 00-591 - D'uecting the Division of Pazks and Recreation to enter into a joint use agreement with Saint Paul Public Schools for the construction and use of a baseball field at ArlingtoniArkwright Park. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 21. Resolution - 00-592 - D'uecting the Division of Pazks and Recrearion to renew the existing lease agreement with Higher Education Services Office/Get Ready Program for office space at Baker Comxnunity Center. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 22. Resolution - 00-593 - Authorizing the Police Department to enter into an agreement with the Miunesota Deparhnent of Huxnan Services to provide training to the 2000-02 Recruit Academy on how to interact and provide service to the hearing impaired community on June 14, 2000. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 23. Resolution - 00-594 - Authorizing the Police Deparhnent to enter into an agreement with the Miunesota Vehicle Safety Traiving & Research Center to provide driving inshuction for the 2000-02 Recruit Academy and three hours of classroom training. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 24. Resolution - 00-595 - Authorizing the Police Department to enter into an agreement with the Washington County Agricultural Society to use the Washington County Fairgrounds on June 21, 2000, to train the 2000-02 Recruit Academy in Mobile Field Force Tactics. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 25. Resolufion - 00-596 - Accepting a donation of motorcycle helmets and radio equipment, valued at $5,627, to the Police Department Motorcycle Patrol Unit from Mr. John Nasseff: Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 26. (Removed for discussion 27. (Removed for discussion) 28. Resolution Approving Assessment - 00-599 - In the matter of sumuiary abatements (property clean-up) during April and/or May, 2000 (J0003A); towing abandoned vehicles from private propert7 during December, 1999 and/or January or February, 2000, and vehicles towed from775 Reaney Avenue and 672 Arcade Street (J0002V); demolirion of vacant buildings during April, 2000 (J20002C); and boazding-up buildings during Mazch, 2000, and setting date of Legislative Hearing for August 15, 2000, and City Council Hearing foz August 23, 2000. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 June 21, 2000 City Council Summary Minutes Page 5 NIISCELLANEOUS 41. Slide presentation of 2000 Saint Paul heritage preservation awards. Brian Wass, Arclutect and Principal for Krech, O'Brien, Mueller, and Wass, and President of the American Insritute of Architects-Saint Paul Chapter, representing 350 azchitects in Saint Paul, appeazed. Mr. Wass said their firm sponsors the awazds along with the Heritage Preservation Commission (HPC). These awards were presented on May 17, 2000, for 17 projects representing 53 individuals, owners, architectural firms, developers, contractors, and govemment agencies. They all were honored for maintaining the history of Saint Paul. Dudley Yuukin, HPC, appeared and stated there are a wide range ofprojects that represent the positive benefits of historic preservation for the sake of history, community, and revitalization of Saint Paul. Aaron Rubenstein, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection and staff to the HPC, presented slides of the buildings which received awazds. 26. Resolution - 00-597 - Allowing placement of "Snoopy" figures in the public right-of-way, exempting them from permit fees under Chapter 135, and accepfing liability. Councilmember Blakey moved to withdraw the resolution. Withdrawn Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 FOR DISCUSSION (Items 27 and 29 were discussed in tandem.) 27. Resolution - 00-598 - Memorializing City Council action taken May 10, 2000, granting the appeal of Neighbors Opposed to Victoria Plaza, Inc., Suminit Hill Association, and East Mall Association to a decision of the Planning Commission approving the site plan for a commercial development and parking ramp at 864 Grand Avenue. Councilmember Coleman moved to lay over one week. (see discussion under Item 29) Laid over to June 28 Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 29. Update by the Administrarion regarding addirional parking at the corner of Grand and Victoria Avenues. (iJpdate requested by Council on June 7) Susan Kimberly, Deputy Mayor, appeared. She said staff from the Department of Plauuiug and Economic Development ha�e been meeting with the developer, neighbors, and relevant parties and they have requested a one week lay over with the hope that there June 21, 2000 City Council Summary Minutes Page 6 will be a resolution agreeable m everyone by that time. Councilmember Coleman moved to lay over one week. He said he has not seen the final agreement but he understands it has been signed by all of the parties and, hopefully, it will be an agreement that everyone can live with. Laid over to June 28 Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 30. Report from the Office of Human Rights pertaining to "fair housing." (Report requested by the Council on May 3) (Laid over from June 'n A report was presented by Tyrone Terrill, Director, Office of Huxnan Rights. Tyrone Terrill, Office of Human Rights, stated that housing has become more problematic and there is an increase in housing discrimination. Like other cities, most people do not file housing discrimination charges. They simply go somewhere else to look for housing. Another issue is that some people may think they were denied housing because there is not enough housing available and the Fair Housing Council is an asset in dealing with issues in this azea. Councilmember Blakey noted that $30,00� was allocated to Auman Rights for fair housing testing. He asked if the testing was going to be done so landlords are aware of these issues. Mr. Terrill responded there will be a contract with the Minnesota Fair Housing Center for $30,000 which will be used for training and testing. Some of the training components would include the involvement of the Human Rights Office, Housing and Urban Development (H[JD), and the Minnesota Depariment of Human Rights. The City would be participating free of cost. (Benanau, Coleman & Harris left during the discussion) Councilmember Blakey asked when would the testing be done and the when would the results be auailable. Mr. Terrill responded that testing will be done when someone has been denied an apartment or home. Testing could also include a particulaz building or bank. The cost is usually about $300 to $400 per test. Testing does not always mean discrnnination took place but there needs to be a full investigation in order for the chazges to be upheld. Councilmember Blakey stated that sometime in 2000 there will be a contract with the Minnesota Fair Housing Council and the City will be provided with the results if there was an indicarion of bias. Mr. Terrill said he will provide a report to the Council on a quarterly basis regarding this information. Councilmember Blakey said he wouid like to see the scope of the contract with the Minnesota Fair Housing Council when it is signed. By the next City budget cycle, the Council can deternune whether they are receiving a return on money invested in this issue. June 21, 2000 City Council Sununary Minutes Page 7 31. Report from City Council staff and the Admiuistrarion regarding District Energy Saint Paul, Inc's. request for an extension of the Term of the District Heating Development Company Franchise for an additional twelve years from October 4, 2013 to October 4, 2025. (Report requested on June 7) Gerry Strathman stated a meeting was held with City Council and Aduiiiustrative staff and his recommendation is that this issue be referred to the City Council Organizarional Meeting on June 28, 2000. Councilmember Blakey moved to refer the matter to the June 28 Organizational Meeting. Referred to the City Council Organization Meeting on June 28, 2000. Yeas - 4 Nays - 0 (Benanav, Coleman and Harris were not present) (Coleman returned) 32. Report from the Mayor and his administration on nnplementing a program to provide technology trauung for Saint Paul residents to establish a base of "Huxnan Capital" for business. (Report requested by Council May 3, 2000; C.F. 00-429; laid over from June 14) Councilmember Blakey moved to lay over one week. Laid over to June 28 Yeas - 5 Nays - 0 (Benanav and Harris were not present) (Benanav & Harris returned) 33. Resolution - 00-547- Approving a Management Agreement for RiverCentre with Saint Paul Arena Company, LLC. (Laid over from June 14) Joe Reid, Budget D'uector, appeared and stated there was a new agreement and some of the issues raised in previous discussions were incorporated in the document. Mr. Reid reviewed the changes in the document. Councilmember Coleman asked where the responsibility for liability will be for the connection -- as it leaues the library or as it leaves the existing skyway system. Mr. Reid responded his expectarion is that it would cover the public portion from where it goes down underground to the RiverCentre. He is not sure how the elevator would be dealt with. Council President Bostrom suggested the Port Authority would be responsible for the elevator and stair tower. Mr. Reid responded that would be correct once there is a clear right-of-way into the building. June 21, 2000 City Council Summary Minutes �� Councilmember Coleman asked if the language needs clarification or if the current language is okay. Mr. Reid responded the current language is okay, but the documents related to the Port Authority, the Convention and Visitors Bureau, and the City should be reviewed. Coleman presented two amendments to the document. Councilmember Coleman moved approval of the amendments Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 Mr. Reid reviewed the sections of the agreement pertaining to management fees and commissions. Councilmember Blakey asked about the management fee and why the RiverCentre Authority would not be getting a matching revenue as well. Mr. Reid responded they are talking about a certain number of revenues generated by the facility. 17ae agreement does not deal with other revenues such as the parking ramp. Based on the information provided by the RiverCentre Authority fiscal staff, the RiverCentre will net approximately $45Q000 to $500,000 as a result of this agreement. The RiverCentre will be getting some money, but it is not reflected in the document; it will be reflected in the yeaz-end financials for the RiverCentre Authority. Mr. Reid said he would have liked to see it reflected in the agreement, but it cannot be done because of IRS regulations. Of the $500,000, Blakey asked if it reflects the 50% share the RiverCentre Authority received. Mr. Reid responded the authority will get 100% of that as a result of increased revenues and reduced eacpenditures because of the ability to share staff, equipment, etc. Councilmember Blakey asked about the issue of the tunnel and if the projection of a 15% increase in business was added into the revenue. Mr. Reid responded it is reflected to some extent but he didn't build in anything specific. The huinel will not be completed until the end of 2001 and will not be in operation unti12002 or 2003. Councilmember Blakey suggested there be an amendment to reflect 15% so the City would get a share of the money. He is concerned that it is not reflected in the agreement. Mr. Reid responded if they were to assume that happens, and the numbers are approximate, the City would take in another $50,000 or $75,000, all of which goes to the RiverCentre Authority. If the Council is bringing the Arena and RiverCentre management together, the tazget should be higher, stated Mr. Blakey. Mr. Reid responded it is a projection and the projections haue been higher than the actual. That is why he thought it was a reasonable figure to use for the first tazget. June 21, 2000 City Council Suivmary Minutes Page 9 Mr. Blakey stated the $3.7 million is sometbing that should be reached very easily. Witl� both operations playing offeach other, it seems the projections would have been higher. Mr. Reid stated that in the past, the estimates haue been overly optimistic. He was most interested in meeting these targets, creating some stability in the revenues generated, and managing the cost without doing it at the eapense of the revenue. Councilmember Benanav stated there was an anticipated 15% increase in revenues as a result of the tunnel being built. If that is the case, he asked if the target is correct and if it can be incorporated. Mr. Reid responded he did not remember 15% as the number, but it is an estunate and there is nothing to go on at this point. Councilmember Benanav stated $10 million was spent on a tunnel and the Council was given assurance it would generate new business. A lot of money was spent on an estimate that the City is not sure will be met. It should be reflected in the year 2003. Also, he asked if there can be assurances that two years &om now all the goals will be met. Mr. Reid responded he can give that assurance in good faith, but it will be up to the RiverCentre Authority and the City Council to see that it happens because they will be approving the budget every year and they will have financial information on the prior year's eaperience when doing it. If the goals have been met at the end of the first year but the RiverCentre Authority has not received what the City Council thought they would, Benanav asked if the targets can be amended. Mr. Reid responded changes can be proposed at anytime, but this is a three year agreement. If the revenue targets are being met, then the Council would haue to look at the expenditure elements during the budget deliberations. Councilmember Benanav asked far assurances from Mr. Reid that someone wiil not say later that the RiverCentre has not met the projected revenues. Mr. Reid responded he hopes they will exceed the revenue tazgets. Council President Bostrom stated several things have happened that contributed to problems with finances at the RiverCentre. When the 5mithsonian Eachibit was brought in, many other organizations that had booked there had to be relocated. The cost to do that was expensive. Also, the new arena put the old arena out of service for two years. Something could happen at the Wilkins Auditorium and thus something could happen to some of this revenue. The Council needs to recognize that this is an area constantly in flus. Councilmember Coleman moved approval. He stated the tunnel was not strictly to enhance doilazs directly coming out of the RiverCentre, but it was a benefit to the hotels, restaurants, eta The tunnel will help increase business at the RiverCentre. He pointed out that the State Teachers Association has now booked the facilities whereas they previously were not going to come to Saint Paul. Ultimately, three years from now the June 21, 2000 City Council Summary Minutes Page 10 Council can re-look at this issue if it is not producing what it should. However, the Council should do whatever it can to ensure success of the Minuesota Wild and the RiverCentre, otherwise the inveshnent will be for naught. The document now assures the success of the facility and the smooth transition to single management. This is an important step and the Council should go forwazd with it, Coleman said. Councilmember Blakey asked if the I S% was captured in the budget cycle in the end. Mr. Reid responded the benefit of the 15% is to the RiverCentre and the City. For the portion that benefits the RiverCentre, it will fall to the bottom line of the RiverCentre budget. Because of the connection, the City will be able to draw larger conventions. In three years if the City decides to part from the agreement, Councilember Blakey asked what will happen to the employees. Mr. Reid responded that 180 days before that would happen, a decision will be made that the manager will not continue to provide that service to the facility and the Council will have a choice of hiring a different manager. Or there is an option of bringing the employees back to the City. If this agreement is not renewed, Blakey asked if another management company would retain the 70 employees. Mr. Reid responded that may be what the Council chooses to do. It is explained on Page 8, Section 2.7(b). Councilxnember Reiter asked if there will still be a RiverCentre Board and how many members it would consist of. Mr. Bostrom responded there will still be a board and he and Mr. Coleman will be on it. Councilmember Blakey asked about cost allocation of employee terminations. Mr. Reid responded this was one of the more important things for the City and the RiverCentre Authority -- that the employees would be treated fairly at the time of separation and that Saint Paul Arena Company (SPAC) would pay those costs. The allocation plan is something that has to be agreed to by the RiverCentre Authority, City Council, and SPAC. Mr. Blakey asked about the employee pension issue. There are 17 non-union employees who receive $300 each for retiree health care benefits and City employees got 5.18% in their pension plan. Those employees will not get any allocation to their pension plan. Mr. Reid responded the compensation plan was offered to all employees and discussed with them in some detail. Martha Fuller, SPAC, appeazed and stated the pian that SPAC offered is not a pension plan but a 401K plan in which employees can defer a percentage of their salaries before tases and they have the opportunity to choose how it would be invested. It is a typical plan structure for a private sector employer. It also provides for an employer match. At this point in their evolution, the board is not authorized to provide an employee match, June 21, 2000 City Council Summary Minutes Page 11 but it may be done at some point. The 5.18% is part of the total package that the unions negotiated. The non-represented staff have a variety of tools for compensation: discretionary bonuses, potential for profit sharing, and a whole array of tools that private sector employers, not bound by union agreements, can make auailable to ariract and maintain qualified staff. Councilmember Blakey asked what would prevent City employees from wanting the 5.8% that they were missing. Terry Haitiner, Office of Labor Relations, appeazed and stated it is not allowed under State law: time cannot be bought back from a private employer. Councilmember Blakey moved an amendment indicating that nothing in this contract shall obligate the City of Saint Paul or the RiverCentre Authority to pay any future employer pension contributions during the term of this contract or extended contracts or former RiverCentre employees hired by the SPAC in the event they become rehired by the City when this contract ends. Peter McCa11, City Attorney, appeazed and stated the City will be giving layoff notices on June 30, 2000, to the employees terminating their employment and SPAC will be offering employment begiiming 7uly 1, 2000. As a matter of law, they will be terminating obligations of the City to pay future contributions for those employees. As a matter of law, the City is covered. If the employees return to the City at some future date, the obligation of the City to pay pension would be reactivated at that time. If the State legislature were to pass a law affording those sorts of rights to employees, it would override any provision in the contract at this point. Councilmember Blakey asked about disclosure, vote, and record regarding pension for non-union employees. Mr. Halriner responded meetings were held with the employees. There was legislation passed to provide enhanced PERA benefits for the employees. They looked at what the Wild was proposing and the projections of the benefit available to people at the time of retirement is comparable to what the City has now. In addition, there are possibilities of enhancement that SPAC will be worldng on in the fuhxre. Councilmember Lantry stated she had concerns with this contract regarding how the employees would be treated and the boolang policy but she felt all the issues raised at ttris meeting were addressed or eaplained to her satisfaction. As for the targets being correct, the City has never had a hockey team in a new azena with a new convention center and a tunnel connecrion. She assumes there aze educated guesses and the City Council has to rely on other people to give estimates. Adopted (including the new version of the Agreement dated 6/16l00, as amended on 6/21/00) Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 (Blakey & Coleman left the meeting) 3une 21, 2000 City Council Summary Minutes Page 12 34. Report from the Division of Pazks and Recreation on the Inirial Lease Term and any extended Lease Terms regatding the Saint Paul Yacht Club's performance on specific provisions contained in the Lease Agreement. (Report requested by the Council on April 17, 1999; C. F. 99-306) Mike Hahm, Division of Parks and Recreation, appeared. He noted that a written report was prepared and dishibuted by Vic Wittgenstein, D'uector of Parks and Recreation. Mr. Hahm said things are going well with the Yacht Club and the majority of the good news is related to the Harriet Island Renovation Project. This year, the gas dock operations were moved from the area neaz the Wabasha Bridge to a location at the upper hazbor. ORDINANCES 35. Second Reading - 00-571 - An ordinance amending Chapter 166 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code by revising the residential street permit pazking district in the University of Minnesota Farm Campus Neighborhood and which provides for the orderly administration of the district. Laid over to June 28 for third readingJpublic hearing 36. Second Reading - 00-572 - An ordinance amending Chapter 166.10 of the Saint Paul Legislarive Code by changing the residential street permit parking district in the Irvine Park Neighborhood from Two Hour Pazking, 8AM-8PM Monday-Friday, Except by Permit, Area 13 to No Pazking Except by Permit, Except Holidays, Area 13. Laid over to June 28 for third readinglpublic hearing 37. Second Reading - 00-573 - An ordinance to clarify the imposition of penalties for violarion of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. Laid over to 7une 28 for third reading/public hearing 38. Second Reading - 00-574 - An ordinance to clarify and supplement tasi driver's license requirements. Laid over to June 28 for third reading/public hearing 39. First Reading - 00-600 - An ordinance amending various sections of Legislative Code Chapters ll 6 and 135 of the Saint Paul Legislarive Code to provide for regulation of the public right-of-way. Laid over to June 28 for second reading 40. First Reading - 00-6�1 - An ordinauce to provide far the publication and distribution of the legislative and administrarive codes by the City Clerk. Laid over to 7une 28 for second reading 7une 21, 2000 City Council Summary Minutes Susroension Items Page 13 Councilmember Reiter moved suspension of the rules and approval of the following resolution: Resolufion - 00-602 - Amending Council File 00-271, adopted on June 14, 2000, �anting the property owner addirional time of 180 days to complete repairs at 783 Como Avenue. Councilmember Reiter indicated that the owner will be posting the bond shortly. Adopted Yeas - 5 Nays - 0 (Blakey and Coleman were not present) Councilmember Reiter moved suspension of the rules and approval of the following resolution: Resolution - 00-603 - Authorizing payment to Wasche Commercial Finishes, Inc., in full settlement of their claim against the City of Saint Paul. Phil Byrne eacplained that this issue, regarding the settlement for painting the skyway bridges, was discussed in a City Council closed meeting. Adopted Yeas - 5 Nays - 0 (Blakey and Coleman were not present) Councilmember Reiter moved suspension of the rules and approval of the following resolution: Resolution 00-604 - Requesring that the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) include Minnesota in their investigation into the cause of escalated price levels of gasoline. Council President Bostrom explained this resolution pertains to the increase in gasoline prices. Several agencies have asked the FTC to look at this issue and our Ciry budget could suffer by over $600,000 due to the increase of these gasoline prices. Councilmember Benanau stated he would like to see the wards "of price gouging and inclusion" removed from Line 12. Adopted Yeas - 4 Nays - 1(Benanav) (Blakey and Coleman not present) POLICY SESSION There was no policy session this month. June 21, 2000 City Council Summary Minutes Councilmember Lantry moved to adjourn the meeting Nays - 5 Nays - 0(Blakey & Coleman not present) ATTEST: � � A r - Nancy An t�On Assistant Council Secretary AD70 D AT 5:25 P.M. �/ Daniel Bostrom, Council President Minutes approved by Council Page 14 � \ O00 rn/mce STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADiVIINISTRATIVE HEARINGS 100 Washington Square, Sude 1700 100 Washington Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401-2138 Apri14, 2000 Saint Paul City Council Room 310 St. Paui City Hall/Ramsey Co. Gourthouse 15 West Kellogg Boulevard St. Paul, MN 55102 RE: In the Matter of All Licenses Held by Metro Bar & Grill, Inc., d/b/a Arnellia's, for the Premises at 1183 University Avenue, Saint Paul, License I.D. No. 54523; OAH Docket No. 9-2111-12640-3 To Whom It May Concern: Enclosed herewith and served upon you by mail is the Administrative Law Judge's Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Recommendation in the above- entitled matter. Also enclosed is the official record. Ous file in this matter is now being closed. Sincerely, r�� ��� � � �,� � PHYLLIS A. REHA —� Administrative Law Judge Telephone: 612/341-7602 'dG u. Encs. ca Virg'inia D. Palmer S. Mark Vought ����'�F�% �� s �aa� � Providing Impartiai Hearings for Governme�t and Citizens � An Equal Opp o rt unity Employer Admmistrative Law Section & Administrative Serv�ces (612} 341-76�0 + TDD No. (612) 341-7346 � Fax No. (612) 349-2665 STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY U.S. MAIL Margaret K. Is4eman, being first duly sworn, hereby deposes and says that on the 4 day of A ril, 2000, at the City of Minneapo{is, county and state aforementioned, she served the attached FINDINGS OF FACT. CONCLUSIOfVS OF LAW AND RECOMMENDATION: OAH Docket No. 9.-2111-12640-3 by depositing in the United States maii at said City of Minneapolis, a true and correct copy thereof, properiy enveloped, with first ciass postage prepaid and addressed to the individuais named herein. Saint Pau( City Council Virginia D. Palmer Room 310 Assistant St. Paui City Attorney St. Paui City Hall/Ramsey Co. Courthouse 400 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard 15 West Keliogg Boulevard St. Pauf, MN 55102 St. Paul, MN 55102 S. Mark Vought Attorney at Law Six West Fifth Street, Suite 700 St. Paul, MN 55102-1412 ��2L..k4QA-�' K � �-�.m-�_a..v`. Marg e K. Isleman Subscribed and sworn to before me this �ay of April, 2000 �� � . Notary Public � '°' tavoNAEC�tW e.,r�, . • ��ssior� � , e .uwwRr�.zoos 9-2111-12640-3 STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS FOR THE C1TY OF ST. PAUL In the Matter of All Licenses Held by Metro Bar & Grill, Inc., d1b/a Arnellia's, for the Premises at 1183 University Avenue, Saint Paui, License I.D. No. 54523. FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW AND RECOMMEIVDATION The above-entitled matter came on for hearing before Rdministrative Law Judge Phyilis A. Reha, acting as a hearing officer for the Saint Paul City Council, commencing at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, January 26, 2000, at the Saint Paul City Hall/Ramsey County Courthouse, Room 41, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, St. Paul, Minnesota. The hearing was heid pursuant to a Notice of Hearing dated December 15, 1999. Virginia D. Palmer, Assistant St. Paul City Attorney, 400 City Hall, 15 West Keilogg Boulevard, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102, appeared on behalf of the City's Office of License, lnspections and Environmental Protection (LIEP). S. Mark Vaught, Attorney at Law, Six West Fifth Street, Suite 700, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1412, appeared on behalf of the Licensee (hereinafter "Arnellia's" or "Licensee"). The record closed on March 7, 2000, with the receipt of the last post-hearing submission. NOTICE ;. This Report contains a recommendation and not a final decision. The final decision will be made by the Saint Paul Gity Council, which may a�rm, reject, or modity the Findings and Conclusions contained herein. The Council wili consider the evidence in this case and the Administrative Law Judge's recommended Findings of Fact and Conclusions, but wi11 not consider any factual testimony nat previously submitted to and considered by the Administrative Law Judge. The Licensee will have an opportunity to present oral or written arguments regarding its position on the recommendation of the Administrative Law Judge in the application of the law or interpretation of the facts and may present argument related to its position. The Council's decision as to what, if any, adverse action shall be taken will be by resolution under § 310.05 of the St. Paul Legislative Code. To ascertain when the Council wifi consider this matter, the parties shoufd contact the Saint Paul City Council, Room 310, St. Paul City Hall/Ramsey County Courthouse, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102. STATEMENT OF ISSUES The issues in this matter are whether Licensee violated conditions on its license by failing to maintain video surveillance of the exterior of the licensed premises and failing to record that imagery, and, if so, what penalty is appropriate. Based upon all of the files, records and proceedings herein, the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. Metro Bar & Grill, lnc. is a corporation•doing business as Arnellia's at 1183 Universifij Avenue, Saint Paui, Minnesota 55104. The corporation is owned by Arneilia Ai1en. Arnellia's has an Entertainment (B) license, a Gambling Location (S) license, a Cigarette/Tobacco license, and two Liquor On-Sa(e licenses. Arnel(ia's licenses remain valid pending the outcome of this proceeding. The business is owned by Arnellia Allen. The manager is her son, Jerry Allen. Jerry Allen's brother, Larry Ailen, is employed by Arnellia's to provide security. 2. Arnellia's is located directfy on University Avenue. To the west on that block is Antiques Minnesota. To the east side of Arneliia's is a parking lot and the Midway Car Wash. To the north side is an alley, with some parking and a dumpster. Four external video cameras have been +n place on the building for approximately six years. One camera provides a view of the front door on the south side of the building, one camera observes the north side around the back door of Arnellia's (near the dumpster), and the other two cameras provide different angles of the parking lot on the east side of the building. Signs posted on the building state that video surveillance is being conducted. The video cameras send images to a monitor, which displays a picture for each camera together on the same screen. 3. The area in the vicinity of Arnellia's is subject to frequent police ca(Is and significant levels of crime. To address these neighborhood problems and prevent any exacerbation of those problems, Arneliia's operates its business under a number of restrictions that have been in place for years.� These restrictions include imposing a dress code on customers, requiring picture identification, banning individuals from the premises, screening music played on the premises for inappropriate content, using a metai detector to exclude weapons fiorm the premises, and providing security to ensure orderiy behavior on the premises. 4. ln May, 1999, a man was shot and kilied while in a car parked in front of the Midway Car Wash. In response to that killing, management at Arneliia's met with the Saint Paul Police, LIEP, and community representatives to determine what additional efforts could be made to address violent acts in the vicinity of Arnellia's. The Licensee agreed to add taping equipment to its existing video surveillance system. This additional condition became effective on July 8, 1999 and states: Licensee ho(der wiA maintain in good working order at (east 4 video surveiflance cameras on the exterior of the building to constantiy monitor the exterior of the premises. Tapes must be maintained for 7 days. 5. After agreeing to the conditions regarding the video surveiliance system, a manager at Arnellia's developed a system to be followed for taping. The first tape of the ' The entire list of restrictions, identified as conditions on Arnellia's license, is attached as Appendix A. The list of conditions includes the subsequently agreed-to conditions regarding the video cameras. Z Midway Car Wash is located at 1169 University Avenue. 3 Exhibit 2. I] day would be started when the estabfishment was opened for business, around noon each day. When that tape ran out, another employee inserted the second tape. "{"fiat tape would record until after closing. Tapes were kept for a week and then reused for taping. 6. in August, 1999, Arnellia Allen discovered that one of the four surveillance cameras was not working properly. The camera operated properly in daylight, but did not return a clear image at night. The contractor who initially instalied the system, Earl Allen, was contacted in early August, and he examined the system approximately one week later. The contractor concluded that a new camera was required and it was ordered from the manufacturer in California. Jerry Ailen paid the contractor to order the camera on August 13, 1999. The date that the camera was ordered by the contractor is unknown. 7. 7he camera was delivered to Arnellia's in early September. The contractor was notified that the camera had arrived. 8. On September 23, 1999, a shooting incident occurred in the alley behind Arnellia's. Sergeant Munoz of the Saint Paul Police Department went to Arnellia's to obtain the videotape of the imagery captured by the video surveillance camera. Sergeant Munoz was informed that there was no tape available for that evening. Larry Allen had forgotten to put in the second tape on that day. 9. Arnelfia's responded to the faiiure to tape by modifying its system of taping. Longer duration videotape was purchased, the employees responsible for the system were instructed to make certain that a tape was in the machine, and the system of retaining videotapes was modified. 10. On September 30, 1999, the Saint Paui City Attorney's Office issued a Notice of Violation to Arnellia's. The Notice indicated that on September 23, 1999, the Licensee failed to have its video cameras on and taping and that constitutes a violation of the video surveiliance condition on Arnellia's license. No citation was made in the Notice of Violation to what provision of the Saint Paul Legislative Code was aileged to have been violated and no suggested penalty was indicated. 11. On October 7, 1999, Larry Alfen was working the evening shift at Ameliia's. At about 8:00 p.m., Larry A41en switched the videotape for the tape that had been recording since Arnellia's opened that morning. When he activated the video recorder, he inadvertently pressed the "play" button rather than the "record" button. 12. Near midnight on October 7, 1999, an altercation began between patrons in Arnellia's. Those participating in the altercation were removed from the premises. The dispute continued outside and someone fired shots. A car struck and killed a "The image returned by that camera at night would only show objects with their own illumination, such as automobile headlights and taillights. 5 Earl Allen is no relation to Arnellia Allen, Jerry Allen, or Larry Allen. 6 Exhibit 5. 3 pedesfrian in the middle of University Avenue at that time. A large number of oificers of the Saint Paul Police Department responded to the scene. 13. Larry Allen had been observing the incident outside Arnellia's. He went in to check on the videotape sysfem and noticed for the first time that evening that the recorder had been set to play, rather than record. He immediately stopped the tape and began recording. An officer of the Saint Paul Police Department entered a few minutes later and requested the videotape. Larry Allen gave the officer the videotape. 14. !n mid-October, the contractor returned to Arnellia's and installed the new camera. The installation of the new camera allowed nighttime images from a second angie in the parking lot to be recorded on the VCR. 15. As a result of the October 7 error in operating the VCR, Arneilia's again modified how the videotaping system was to operate. A three-week rotation of videotape was instituted. Each staff member at Arneflia's was instructed to check the operation of the VCR throughout the work shift. Any staff member observing anything unusual about the monitor or VCR is instructed to report to the manager on duty. 16. On November 10, 1999, the Saint Paul City Attorney's Office issued a Notice of Second Violation to the Licensee. The Notice stated that on October 7, 1999, Arneliia's failed to have its video cameras on and taping and that constitutes a violation of the video surveillance condition on Arnellia's license.' No citation was made in the Notice of Violation to what provision of the Saint Paul Legislative Code was alieged to have been vioiated and no suggested penalty was indicated. 17. On December 15, 1999, the Assistant City Attorney, Virginia D. Palmer, issued a Notice of Hearin� in this matter. The Notice of Hearing identified the hearing date as January 26, 1999. 18. The misidentification of the date of the hearing in the notice of this matter did not cause any confusion for Licensee. Licensee was not prevented from fully participating in the hearing due to the erroneous date. Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact, the Administrative Law Judge makes the following: CONCLUSIONS 1. The Administrative Law Judge and the Saint Paul City Council have authority to consider the charges against the respondent and the penalty, if any, that should be paid the city pursuant to Sec. 310.05 of the St. Paul Legislative Code. ' Exhibit 9. 8 Exhibit 10. � 2. LIEP has substantially complied with all relevant substantive and procedural fegal requirements. , 3. The Licensee received adequate and timely notice of the hearing and of the charges against it. 4. LIEP has the burden of psoof to establish, by a preponderance of the evidence, that the respondent vioiated the conditions of its iicensure. 5. The Licensee is in substantiai compliance with the conditions of its license through the installation and operation of a videotaping system attached to its video surveillance cameras. The failure ta record the images captured by the video surveillance cameras outside the licensed premises on September 23 and October 7, 1999, was inadvertent by the Licensee. 6. The efforts made by the Licensee to repair the malfunctioning camera complied with the condition that four video cameras be "maintained in good working order" outside the business premises. 7. There is no basis for taking adverse action against the Licensee under Sections 310.06(b)(5) and 409.10 ofi the Saint Paui Legislative Code for the operation of its video surveillance system. Based upon the foregoing Conclusions, the Administrative Law Judge makes the foliowing: RECOMMENDATION IT IS HEREBY RECOMMENDED: That the Saint Paui City Council DISMISS the action against the licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill, Inc. Dated this �� day o# April, 20�0 ���� ��� ; �,.,wn PHYLLI A. REHA �-�� Administrative Law Judge Reported: Taped, three tapes MEMORANDUM Three incidents of violence are the motivation for bringing this action against the Licensee. A killing in May, occurring in front of the business next door; a shooting in September, occurring in the alley behind the business; and a shooting in October, � resulting in a pedestrian being struck by a car and kiiled. There is no evidence in the record of this matter that any of these incidents took place on the 4icensed premises. In response to the May killing, the conditions under which Arneflia's operates were reconsidered. Conditions regarding video surveillance were added. The language of the new condition itself is ambiguous, since that language does not expressly require that the imagery captured by the e�cterior video surveillance cameras be recorded. There is no dispute, however, that both LIEP and Arnellia's understood the condition to require the addition of a VCR and recording the imagery from those cameras. The record ln this matter is clear that Arnelfia's implemented the new requirement consistent with its agreement. At first, tapes of six and eight hours in duration were used to cover the fourteen hours per day that Arnellia's is open. After a period of trial and error, Arnellia's discovered that additional time was needed to ensure that the videotaping covered the entire time the establishment was open. Arneliia's then switched to two eight-hour tapes per day. During this period staff discovered, afso by trial and error, that the extended play option must be selected to ensure that the eight- hous tape covers ali eight hours." No one at Arnellia's was able to set the date and time feature on the VCR. The second act of violence near Arnellia's was a shooting that took place in the alley behind the building on September 23, 1999. The victim in that incident was struck in the foot. The Saint Paul Police sought the videotape from that evening to assist in their investigation of the incident. There was no tape from that evening, since Larry A(len had forgotten to put a tape in the VCR. Arneliia's responded to the error by reviewing the system that had been established for videotaping, adjusting that system to ensure that the VCR was being aetivated at the appropriate times, and reminding the responsible employees that the taping was a requirement. The third act of violence occurred on October 7, 1999. At approximately 8:�0 p.m. on that date, Larry Ailen changed the videotape in the VCR for the evening. He inadvertently pressed ihe wrong button on the VCR after inserting the new tape. Around midnight, an altercation started in Arnellia's. In accordance with the establishmenYs policy, the participants were ejected from Arnellia's. Those persons continued their dispute outside and shots were fired. A car then struck a pedestrian in University Avenue and that pedestrian was ki{led. After seeing the events outside, Larry AAen went to check on the VCR. At that time he discovered that it was in "piay" mode, rather than "record" mode. He immediately began recording. At the hearing in this matter, Larry Alien acknowledged his mistake. LiEP maintains that violation of any condition is sufficient to take adverse aetion against Arnellia's license. The serious consequences on September 23 and October 7 are asserted to be justification for a penalty of sixty days suspension. Arnellia's points 9 Several witnesses suggested that the automobile striking the pedestria� was exiting Arnellia's parking fot. 70 While Condition 11 states that tfie cameras must monitor the e�erior continuously, both Arnelfia's and LIEP understood the taping requirement to be on{y during business hours. " The other option, standard piay, provides better video quality but much shorter duration. � out that there is no evidence that any videotape from either evening wouid have prevented the incidents or materially aided the S,aint Paul Police in their subsequent investigations. Section 310.06(b)(5) authorizes adverse action be taken against a licensee when the licensee fails to comply with any condition of the license. Section 409.10 sets out the standards to apply in adding conditions to licenses as follows: - Sec. 409.10. Restrictions on licenses. When a reasonable basis is found by the council to impose reasonable restrictions upon a license held under this chapter, the council, upon issuing a new license or renewing a license or approving a transfer of a license, may impose reasonable conditions and restrictions pertaining to the manner and circumstances in which the business shai{ be conducted to preserve the public peace and proiect and promote good order and security. These reasonable conditions or restrictions may pertain to: (1) A limitation as to the hours when intoxicating liquor may be sold and/or consumed on the licensed premises; (2) A limitation and restriction as to the exact location within a building where intoxicating I+quor wiil be served andlor sold and/or consumed; (3) A fimitation and restriction as to the means of ingress to or egress from the iicensed establishment; (4) A requirement that certain off-street parking fiacilities be provided; (5) A condition that the license will be in effect only so long as the establishment remains a drugstore, restaurant or hotei as defined by the state liquor act or regulations adopted pursuant thereto; (6} A limitation and restriction as to the means and methods of advertising the sale of intoxicating liquor on the building and/or on the premises adjacent thereto; (7) Reasonable conditions limiting the operation of the ficensed premises so as to ensure that the Iicensed business wili comport with the character of the district in which it is located and/or to the end thatnuisances wili be prevented; and (8) Additional conditions upon hotels and restaurants which may in the discretio� of the counci! tend to insure that the sale of liquor will take p(ace on{y in conjunction with the sale and service af food. The one repeated standard throughout the section is that any condition imposed on a licensee must be "reasonable". The condition at issue in this matter falis under item 7, which is the imposition of "reasonable conditions limiting the operation of the licensed premises ... to the end that nuisances will be prevented.i Adverse action can certainly be taken against a licensee for any unreasonable faifure to meet a condition ' Saint Pauf Legislative Code Sec. 409.10. requir+ng videotaping. Conversely, where a licensee has a reasonable excuse for that failure, adverse action is inappropriate.' , In each instance where the videotaping system was found to be faulty, action was taken by Arnellia's to improve the system. VCRs are not "fool-proof' technology, and gaps in recording are inevitable. The Licensee has demonstrated substantial compiiance with the license condition and the two instances of noncompliance were inadvectent. The degree of ongoing compliance is demonstrated by the other material on the tape provided to the Saint Paui Police Department on October 7, 1999.' LIEP asserts that violations of the license condition are established by the failure of Arnellia's to ensure that the correct date and time are imprinted on the recording. There is no such requirement in the conditions established fior Arnellia's. Adverse action cannot be taken against the Licensee for failing to properiy set the date and time of the VCR, absent some understanding that such conduct is required.' Having one video camera malfunction is also cited by �IEP as a violation of the license condition. 7he ob{igation in the license condition to "maintain in good working order" four video surveii{ance cameras assumes that the technology will periodicaliy malfunction and need to be fixed. The measure of compliancs is not whether any of the cameras are broken, but whether prompt action is taken to repair them. In this matter, the Licensee was prompt and a contractor was dilatory. The Licensee met the requirement that the video surveiliance system be maintained. 73 This standard of conduct is reflected in other license actions involving entertainment establishments. For example, in assessing whether adverse action was appropriate where female dancers "went topless" without a bar owner's knowledge, Administrative Law Judge Peter Erickson stated: This case is not so much one where critical issues of fact must be determined, but rather one in which the penally must be appropriate to the violation. This case would be much difterent if, when Mr. densen had seen that the dancers were topless, he had immediatety taken action, whether or not successful, to curh the topless activities. However, Mr. Jense� decided that he could do nothing at that time and it was not until after O�cer Nohr became involved that Mr. Jensen put an end to the topless behavior. Additionally, Mr. Jensen could have instructed his bouncers and other employees regarding the law on nudity and told them to enforce the prohibition if any of the dancers decided undress. Although Mr. Jensen was not aware that the show would be topless, he is not blameless for the resulting nudity which continued until after Officer Nohr arrived. However, Mr. Jensen's good faith efforts to ensure that the show would not be topless betore ever bookiog it should be given great weight. Cify of Coleraine v. Har/ey Jensen, d/b/a Harley's Huf ll, OAH Docket No. 4-2101-5430-6 (Recommendation issued April 23, 1991)(emphasis added). 14 The time stamp on the tape provided is October 30, 7989, and that tape-records the entire evening's events outside of Arnellia's. With the rotation of tapes described by Amellia's, the next time stamp that would be imprinted on that particular tape is November 7, 1989. At about the middle of the tape (approximately four hours at extended pfay), the scene changes to the events on October 7, 1999, and the time stamp changes to November 7, 1989. The new date and imagery lasts only a few minutes, which is consistent with the police officer receiving the tape that night. These facts support the testimony of Larry Allen that the tape was inserted according to the procedure, but that the "play" button was inadvertently pressed. 15 As discussed above, the language of the license condition fails to expressly require taping, much less requiring accurate time stamps. There was no understanding between Arneflia's and L1EP that the VCR must imprint an accurate time stamp to meet the license condition. E:1 Robert Kessler, Director of LIEP, testified that the purpose of the video surveillance license condition was: . This establishment atfracts people that (sic) are prone to violence. And that we have a responsibility to do everything we can to prevent that from happening. And the conditions were designed, especially with the conditions in regard to the cameras, to send a message to those people that practice violence that they will be watched and that we wili have records that wili protect the public. Because of the lack of good management practices at that establishment, those records are not available and I think as a result, the message is that they can get by with these kinds ofi acts at that establishment without having to pay the price.� There is no way for anyone outside the establishment to know whether videotapes are being recorded at any particular moment. The video cameras and signs warning about surveiilance are prominently displayed. Each of the three incidents that prompted action concerning the Licensee occurred off of the licensed premises. Possession of a business license does not grant police power to control the actions ofi persons outside of the licensed premises. The purpose of "sending a message" to persons outside the control of the licensee is accomplished by the visible indicia of video surveillance. The efforts made by Arneliia's to prevent a nuisance condition in the vicinity of its 6usiness are reasonable. Maintaining videotape generated by surveiilance cameras does not relate to the ongoing business of the Licensee, but merely aids in the subsequent investigations by police. The inadvertent failure, on two occasions, to record the video camera imagery from outside the premises does not rise to a failure to comply with the conditions on Arnellia's license. The actions taken to replace a malfunctioning camera were reasonable. Arnellia's has demonstrated by a preponderance of the evidence that it was in substantial compiiance with its license conditions. LfEP failed to demonstrate that Arnellia's has failed to compiy with the conditions on its license. Therefore, the Administrative Law Judge recommends that this matter be DISMISSED. � 76 Fiearing Testimony, Tape 1 . �, Appendix A EFFECTIVE 07/08i99: 1. Dress Code: Arnellia's agrees to continue to enforce a dress code for customers designed specifically to prevent patrons or customers from concealing weapons or contraband inside baggy cfothing or wearing gang affiliated colors. 2. Adherence to Strict ident�fication Requirements: Ameifia's wifl require proper picture identification from anyone who appears to be younger than 30 years old. Those without proper identification shali be denied entrance. 3. Increase Communication with Police and Neighbors: Amelfia's shall initiate and maintain regular communication with the west sector team police commander or his designee, and licensing officials, Christine Rozek snd Kristina Schweinler. Meetings shalf include neighborhood organizations to the extent possible. 4. Controi Music Type and Format: Arnellia's shall continue to be responsib{e for screening out music that promotes or glorifies violence and nefarious or anti-social behavior. 5. Arnelfia's management and security personnel will insure that patrons do not leave enmasse, but rather, management and secuirty will encourage patrons to leave in an orderly and controlled manner between 12:30 a.m. and 1:15 a.m. 6. The public telephones shall not allow incoming calis, nor any cafls to or ftom electronic beepers or pagers. 7. Arnellia's shall maintian a list of all patrons who have bee� banned from the establishment, and this list shall be strictly enforced by Arnellia's. Such list shall include proper identification of that person, photograph and a �otice of trespass. This notice should be in triplicate with o�e copy going to each of the followi�g: 1) Maintained by the establishment; 2) LIEP; 3) the individual being 6anned. Once banned, a person will remain banned for a minimum of o�e year. Arnelllas wfll cooperate with police in filling out trespass notice(s). 8. Arnellias shal! continue to provide security personnel to promote the orderly behavior of patrons on and leaving the premises. The premises shall include the area immediately adjacent to the establishment. Special attention will be paid to encouraging patrons to leave the area. 9. A(i employees and security personnel information shall be provided to LIEP for background checks. 10. Arnellla's wiil employ the use of a metal detecting devices to ensure there are no weapons on the premises. 11. Licensee holder wili maintain in good working order at Ieast 4 video surveillance cameras on the exterior of the building to constantly monitor the exterior of the premises. Tapes must be maintained for 7 days. 12. A video surveillance camera shall be maintained in good working order in the interior of the establishment to monitor customers as they enter the establishment. Tapes must be maintained for 7 days. 13. Signage shall be posted on the exterior of the building to notify patrons that the area may be under video surveillance. � 14. Security personnef wiil be on duty daiiy from 8:00 p.m. until closing. 15. Back door wiil remain locked after 530 p.m. to prevent entry. 16. The licensee will lock the door of the establishment at 12:30 a.m. No additional patrons will be aliowed entry after that time. 17. Conditions reviewed at renewal. fiD7 OFFICE OF TI� CITY ATTORNEY Clayton M Robinson, Jr_, Ciry Attorney CITY �F SAINT pAUL. ��(� � t �� �� CivilDivisian ,Vo,mColeman,Mayor �� �-j!� _7 t !!1 n. �f1QCityHa11 Telephone:6J1266-8710 -' r'�Yi'estKellaggBlvd. Facsimile: 6i1?98-5619 r. --; ��,., ._ _, _ _. .- SarntPaul..Ninnesota5J102 .-� :' :�. ...: �U.. Mazch 6, 2000 The Honorable Phyllis A. Reha Administrative Law Judge Office of Administrative Hearings 100 Washington Square, Suite 1700 100 Washington Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55401-2138 RE: In the Matter of the Licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill, inc. d/b/a Arnellia's OAH Docket #: 9-2 1 1 1-1 2640-3 Dear Judge Reha: Enclosed please find the City's Reply Memorandum in the above-referenced matter. A copy of the same has been served by mail on Mr. Vaught. I am also enclosing copies of a commurucation that I received from a Cornelius Brown Jr., who is the Chairperson of the Ramsey Action Programs, Inc. This arrived after the hearing, and I advised Mr. V aught, who offered no objection to my submission of this document to you, with copies to him, as part of the "public comment" portion of the hearing. Sincerely, /'"_ �/ �'� �-��, �� Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: S. Mark Vaught encl. OFFICE OF ADNIINISTRATIVE HE�GS ,� � C` � V C p FOR THE COUNCIL, OF THE ��, j � ,� ,��� CITY OF SAINT PAUL �"" :": t("I f J•,, � -- -�i _ � i_. . ,;'�(ij In re the licenses held by Metro $az & Grill, CTTY'S REPLY MEMORANDiJM Inc., d/b/a Arnellia's The City has the letter brief of the licensee dated March 1, 2000, which was received via FAX on March 3, 2000, and submits the following in reply. The failure to have one of four surveillance cameras operatin� was not willful The failure by the Iicensee to haue one of the £ouz surveillance cameras operating was not actually raised as a basis for adverse action, althougk it is a violation of the conditions. In fact, it was not until the testimony at the hearittg by the sons of the licensee that it was apparent that the fourth camera had been inoperable for a significant period of time. The actual violations noted as the basis fox advexse action were the September 23, 1999 fail�e to have the video operaUng at a11, so that no cameras were recording, and the failure to activate the recording mechanism on October 7, 1999 until after the incident had already occuned. Nonetheless, the City did azgue and does believe that the delay in discovering and fixing the problem with one of the surveillance cameras illustrates that the licensee did not take the conditions relating to security cameras seriously. This, together with the lack of communication to staff about the importance of the condition and the lack of planning and training on how to implement it made it easy for the employees to ignore the condition. Lany Allen's actual testimony was that he did not know how the October 7, 1999 failure to record happened; he stated that initially he believed that another employee must have been responsible for failing to activate the machine, but that he then decided that he could have pushed "play" rather than "record". While Sb . Kempe testified that the explanation was possible, ke did not believe that it was necessarily the true eYplanation or the only way in which the failure to recard the inczdent could have happened. The £ailure to have one camera in operatine order did not contribute to or cause the underlvinE incidents. nor did the Respondent or nav of its employees participate in or contribute ta either of the two incidents Licensee argues that the vantage of the broken camera on the October 7, 1999 incident did not encompass the area of the incident, and speculates that the camera would also have been of little assistance in the investigation of �lie September 23, 1999 incident. No1 only is this conclusion pure speculation, but it is completely inelevant. Nowhere in the conditions is there an exception to the recording requirement stating that it is unnecessary i€the events which happened might not have been in the range of the camera. The Licensee agreed to the condition requiring at least four surveillance cameras on the outside of the building, to constantly monitor the extexior of the premises. Tapes from the surveillance cameras were to be maintained for seven days. Licensee quite simply failed to abide by these conditions. Licensee argues that because there is no causation between the failure to zbide by the conditions and the crimes committed on the two dates in question, thaY no penalty is appropriate. The basis for the adverse action was that the Licensee faited to abide by the conditions placed on the license. In fact, an azbument could easily be made that Licensee's failure to comply with the conditions contributed to the ongoing problems, by failing to offer the police any useful evidence to solve the crimes committed. Licensee did not dispute in any substanfial way that the people involved in the September 23"' and October 7"' offenses had been customers of Amellia's earlier in the evenin�. The fact that the Licensee failed to comply with conditions desiened to deal with the probiems caused by her own customers is not onJy a basis for adverse action, but a reason to treat the violations seriously. The recommended penaltv is too severe Licensee argues that the penalty is too severe, and that no penalty is appropriate at all. However, as the City has previously azgued, the penalty recommended is appropriate given the fact that there were two violatiotts of these conditions within a short period of time after the condition was agreed to, and the second violation happened shortly after the Notice of Violation was sent on the first incident. In addition, it became ctear at the hearing that there was a camera which was not operable for at least two months, and possible longer, and that employees of the establishmettt felt no obligation to ckeck on the equipment to see if it was in working order. The two violations which were discovered came to light as a result of gunshots on one date and a hit and run in the establishment's parking lot on the second date. It was apparent from the testimony that there were other times during the establishment's open hours that the cameras were not recording, as no procedures had been established for when they should be turned on or when the tapes should be changed. Licensee azgues that the curative actions outlined in her letter o£ October 29, 1999 should mitigate whatever penaIty is imposed. Unfortunately, the "curative action" outlined in the Ietter amounts to nothing more than the obligation imposed by the condition - tapes are placed in the VCR daily and are being kept for a week before being taped over. There is no indication that there has been any training, any discussion with staff, any change in philosophy to take the condirion seriously beyond a promise to abide by the bare minimum required. In fact, the testimony at the hearing from the manager, 7ackie Hicks, made it clear that the Licensee's employees still Think the condition unnecessary and 'unposed only aY the whim of the Office of LIEP. Also, whether or not it is a zninor esor, Licensee states that there was a problem with the VCR, which was then repaized. The testunony at the hearin� is that there was a problem witki one of the cameras, not the VCR. Finally, Ms. Hicks acknowledged, albeit grud�ingly, that the establishment has already been the subject of adverse action because of problems caused by vioIence of the customers. For a11 of the foregoing reasons, the City respectfully submits that the violations should be found to have been proved, and the recommendation should be made for a sixty-day suspension of the licenses held by the Licensee. Dated: 3��o C3 ��` � Virginia . Palmer (Atty Lic. # 128995) Assistant City Attorney 400 City HalUCourthouse 15 W. Kellogg Boulevazd Saint Pau1, MN 55102 (651) 266-8710 ��C=iV=� nn ea.-. � i;:� , � �" —7 ra� �• .� �• �� . '_il?.- I'�`.�;:i,aUJ J'3riU� �O, �VOO To: City of Saint Pau1, Office of the City Attomey � / V / � S /V�l �� From: Cornelius Brown Jr., ll92 Edmund Avenue, St. Pau1, MN. ,5 �-- Re: ADMINTSTRATIVE LAW TUDGE HEARING, JANUARY 26"', 2000 I want to extend my support of punitive measures to be imposed on Arnellia's on the Avenue, hereafter referred to as the "establishment". I agree That the establishment's decision not to provide video surveillance tapes and their refi�sal to cooperate with lativ enforcement is in violation of the conditions of their liquor license. I believe these actions compromise public safety in the neighborliood. However, the lack of African-American business in this largely black neighborhood is aiso a concern. To my knowledge, this establishment is one of two black-owned businesses authorized to retail alcoholic beverages. To lose a profitable business in otu neighborhood is also a concern. The establishment certainiy employs residents from this neighborhood whose Iiveiihood is connected to the continued operation of the business. For me, it is not just a matter of public safety, which is number one, but aiso a matter of economic concern. For this reason I would suggest suspension in lieu of revocation of the estabtishment's license to operate. Thank you for consideration of our corresgondence. Cornelius Brown Jr., Resident of St. Paul Midway Neighborhood ��i�,l.filll ��-/Ll,/�l/✓T// � I --'� (o ` � 6v O �� C � � S� Ramsey Action Programs, � ,�. �j �n 4�0 Notth Sc�ndicate �;:eec, Sainc Paul, Vlinne ��lpa L . (6i') 6 5-64,� ... � l .� A' ' �;�ii;� - -; �:i! �' ?.�, �v AREA ".�," AD�'ISORY COL�CIL MEETT�iG �_. �. -';;,,:i �� � � : _; ..: .::, o., December 6�', 1999 — 7:00 p.m, �?'� ?�` Ficor Cunference xoom l�oiiB£RS PRESEh'T Sheila Jones Comelilis E. Brown Jr. Pauline Mims Reverend Liada Stampley Lillie Hollinasworth Patricia Martin WiIliam B. Davis :12E'�IB£RS ABSENT WaIlace Tavlor Arif MoBammed Donna McI}uffie R4P STAF'�' Paul H_ Freacf� �Iei�Itborfiood Associate GLrEST PRESENT Dr. James T. Shelton .............................i....,�::hnig Minutes.........,......,.,,,.............� Call to Order/Roll Call, 7:30 p.zn. — Comelius E. Brown 7r., Chaiiperson A quonim wzs present. Absence of two members was not considered or contested. MOTION BY LNi DA STA.�LEy A1VD SECONDBD SHEI[,A 70NES: T'O APPROVE T'gE CURRENT AGEti'DA, MOTTON CARRIED. MOTION BY LLNDA STAMPLEY AND SECONDED BY LILLIE HOLLINGS WORTH: TO �PRfl� T� ��EETING D�i'T7TE5 OF NOVEII�IBE12 16, 1999, MEETIiYG. MOTTO�i C_�,.IZRI�D. REPOIZTS Chaisperson, Cornelius Brrnvn Jr. —�, Brown began his report by reco�nlTng an effor� on the part of the City of Saint Paul to discipline the biack ow�ed nightclub, Arenllia'on the Avenue, 1183 tinivE����Y Avz�ne, SE_ Paul. The effort is based on the owner's refusal to furni;h� visie� surveillance tapes to aid in a police investigation regarding two shooting incidents, in which one resulted in a homicide. It was the consensus of the �oup that although public safery is the number one concern, it is also important that the limited nnmber of black owned businesses in the Summit- Univzrity,'Fro�tow neighborhoods be maintained if possible. It was a�so the consensus of the group tfiat they should drafr a letter to the St. Paul City Council indicating their position on the matter. They do not favor revocation of the license at this time. By and large, the TAAC wants to convey their dissatisfaction with the management of Arnellias' and their belief th2t ownership sl:ou!d be di,oiplir.ed. At the same time, they are also concerned about tiie limite� number of liquor licenses available in St. Paui and their astronomical costs that almost make it impossible for African-Americans to secure. From the goup's vantaQepoint, Acnellias' is the only African- Janu� American owne�i.li�uor�ab ishment in the citv Tfie administrative hearin� will be held on � a,n�.,, rn.�..,.__r___ . . --r----_� "V:obilizing Communiry Resourc� co Reduce Poverry in Ramsey and Wasningcon Count:es." An Affirmacive AecionJEqual Opporcunity Employer. ��C`i'�i�� �. , �: {';ri�-7� ni, �%�ti �e.�:ri::\ �lembers d,•scusse3 the option o� cLanan� tha meeting time from 7:OOp.m. �-9��pii�:"to�o:00p.n. To 8:p.rn. in order io adjou,-n earlier in winter months: MOTIp�; 3y j,L�?�� 5�;���ri.Ei' :�.�tD SEL.O�?��?� BY' Lu.;_,�t iiOLLL�+GSWQRTH: TO CH�tiGE THE T�AC A 1SEETLtiG TLRiE TO 6:dflP �S. — 8:OOP �L 1IflTIOV CAI2RIED. �1PBOARD/P&E, LiilieHollingnvorth —IyTs. Hollingsworth reported tl�at tbeP&E and Operations committees wiIl be�in io meet at the same time as directed br Pau1 Gasian, RAP Board President. Steff Repfln, Pau1 H. Fret:ch — tiIr French reporte OQ IllS L7Cill1Iy into the Summtmi; Collaborative fundin� issue. He reported that the money is still tar�eted to the S-U area but changes have been made in atiministration of the funding. He reporteci that the Departmen# of Children Families and Leamintr indicated the S-U collaborative was not funded and did not offer any reason for the denial. They went on to say that the funding was attached to an RFP. A new collaborative based in the Summit-University area, A.frican-�nerican Mentor Group, was the successful candidate. It is still unciear if the former recipients of the �ant money continue to receive funds. Sunshine Fun� Lil[ie Hollingszvorth — i�eported remaining balance as $�.50. L'nfinished Business: No*. app!:cab:e. New Business: There was some discussion on the proposed "I'own Meetins" to be scheduled in March. Time etapsed and members decided to place the subject on the neat aQenda and discuss it at that time. Announcemenls — Mr. French also inviYed members to attend the Community Circte Dialowe on Race, Poverty and Education, Friday, becember 17`�, 1999, aT The Minneapolis Hilton and Towers. He indicated scholarships were available to him tha± would defray costs for re�stration. Five members indicated they wanted to attend. 1tieYtmeeiing—January 1Q, 2000, 6:OOp.m., Ramsey ActionPro�ams, Inc., 450 Syndicate Street, 2 Floor Conference Room. Adjournment — 9:OQ p.m. APPROVED BY CHAII2PFRSO�i CORNELNS BROW'_V JR / '� // / � C p ��1 �1��L` ,� �x'��'�-�C��`'�'"'/.[�zEri� J// , (. � ✓ � C h,-��c.L2 rz��c���- �—� �/ �, v �� 4`' �%� 4j yA p 0 � � � c.� s c ;a � p p � � � `� O� O A � Co (�D G � � � O `v C' A� O O ✓ '.�' r.' � O �'� 0�0 U�Q � �. O' � O O �. � � � � R, �-' `�y � �.a h � � � � � � � �. O � � � � � � Uj C/� � N O ��„ C�i �` 00 ',�.,, .N �' W J � O O o � N n � O O '17 S � C1 � � � - � O � 2 � '` l. r' � � l t� a �n C � � n n � �e � � � o � � � z p £A � C n ti � m O n R "T. 0 � ro ,��:� J uv ^VL i� v. ..CW ✓1 .....v .`A4 iYO� J.///�CvC. !'� S�I �RK V�IIGHT, Attornev at Law' Snite 700, Six �'est Fiffh Strect Saint Paul, Minnesota ��102-1412 Telephone (6�1) Z47-64Q0 Racsimiie (651) 224-832& E-mail * n a �kvau�h`�worldnct.a�.net � t�� I "�� +2�,�-��� 1 CpNFTDEtiT1.4i. FACSIMILE COMMUNICATION �r Date: March 6, 2000 �lease deliver the folJowing a pages, includin; this cover s�eet to tl�e foAowing uamed individual: Name: Phyttis A. Reha Company or Firm: Teiephane Number: �acsimile Number: FROM: Marl� Vaught (651)29 Adminiatrative Law Judge 612�34i-7600 b12-3�9-2665 Comments or Ins2ructions: 3ust a courtesy fax ko let you know 1 plan� no snbmissxons in the iVTetro Bar & Grill inatter. If you havc any problems reeeiving these pages, plcase contact {6�1) 297-6400 and ask for thc fax operator. v �.:: - ��'�� "i{. J��.','U .."'++ .. ....`.J ."AX i`�C� CiCCC4t1�C.�', N�' � V: S.1�1�RK �ALrGHT, AftQrney at I-aw Suite ; 04, Six �Vest Fifth SYreet Saint Paul, ylinnesota 5�102-1412 Telephone (6�1.) 297-6400 Facsimiie {6S1) 224-8328 E-mail �a'kvau8h*,�awo*ldnet.att.ne� CONRTDENTIAL FACSIMILE COMMU�TICATTON cnmmu�z ieation is strictiv Drohrbiied X1' vou have rece tkis comm unication iv� error please immediatetv noti{y the above Dartv bv telephone arrd return ihe nr:nenal messa2e to tke address tisted above Thank vou for vaur co�eratcan. Date: March 2, 200� Pleasc deliver the following 4 pages, iz�cluding this cover sheet Yo the folTowing nazned indzvidual: Name: Company or Firm: Telepbone Nuraber: Facsimile Nnmber: T'+220M: Mark Yaughf (651) 297-b400 Comments or Tnstructions: Phyllis A. itchn administrative Law Judge 612-341-'76fl0 6I2-349-2665 if yon kave any problams rcceivino these pages, please contact (fi51) 297-6404 and t�sk for tkte fax opexator. 11 GY — �� — ���� .... ��: _�� �TY.�CJ t'A� :�IG, C.!CC!.C�C� r j. 1�L1RK �'.AIJGHT .i%LnYI](?V n'Y jliU% $vi[c 7� s:x W csc F:� i S:;ct. Satac?a�i, Min^.esoca SSi02-l?i? - ;6:�}?97 .: AX (C:j.� »e-R3� r::a l: a`arrvaugF.t�?wor(d.^.ct.a[[.:1C[ �'u��'Cr 1, �Dd� Phyllis A. �eha, Admiristrative Law ,tudge Office of Adminzstrative Hearings 100 WasY�ington Square, Suite 1700 100 Washington Aver.ue South Minneapolis, Minnesota �540I-2138 R�: All licenses lxeld by Metro �ar & GriIl, Zne., d(b1a Arnellia's for the premises located at 1183 linivcrsity Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104; License 1� R54�?� . Bear Judge Reha: This letter is intended to summari�c and preseni Rcspondent's view of the evidence evinced at the hearing held on January 26, 20�Q before yourself in �he above- erititicd m�tter. 'The failure to have one af Pour surveillance cameras opetatin� was not willful. �rom the evidende, Respondent concedes that one of four sur�reiliance cameras was not in operating condition at the time of the twv incidcnts on Seotemner 23 and October 7, 1999. However, respondent submixs that the evidence sk�ows li'�e faiI'are rh�as not willful. L'pon discove:�ng tLai the camara was uat fi,mc:ionin�, Iiesp�ndcnt took pzoper and timely steps to assuze tr.at a replacement car�erl was ordered and saw that it was installed in a timely manner a£ter t'r.e zeplacement azrived. T.o be certain, theze was a tim� lag between the dxscovery of the n�n-funCtioninb camera and its repiacement. lindar the c�rcumstanc�s, as presented in this case, that time lag was not urseasonabJe and tY!c orderieg , pt:rchase and insta?!ation of the reolacement cameza� was done in the nors:zl course of business. The City presented no evidence tZiat the Respondent was in any way negligent in the mann�r in whictx it went about replacing the camera. , . Ui .`E.�,-�s-�., r:�? �9�3: :.�.:, �=":��� �P.X NC. 5i2%%^.8�28 ^ n? ;, It wok�c'ne unreESOnabie .o rezd �`:e licens�cor.d',tion rea�i,ing Ehz cameras �o LTIdIIG�2iC 1rilltt¢f�tBYc �c'Piu'.Ce_^_:C'.^.I O: ?�IC ROP_-�. C8.^,?ET�� iZt2S�)ELi:Ve O't Lti!2 S2CI ilidC irle Slip�.?�IB-" 1S IOCGieC� I;1 CwIfOI�i.?8 2:.d IIO:OC21 VBIIdO* COl:'IC 'J� �'0:2^G� ;�72t'{CDt L^_C cz,�.era ;n stock. i. woLld :i;ewisc oe �nreasonable tp :caa the cor_3 :;on zs :eq;:ir-g ;'r:e kCS�70IlQ to ra;.° :or a:: K ee� iz� :is s�ock one or more reptac �RlC:^.: C2.LSS:.I2 2�d:. iIl� posszbilitv o* faiI�:re. i.arry A:Ien testiied `,hat 11e apnarently and inadverlantly sct ti�c camera .`tmction on play raiher �.han record on che nigk�t of thc October 7, 1999 i„,cidenf and thaz he changed it when he disco�-ered it immediately afer 2h2 in�ident when ne went t� the recordzng device to be certai.� it was recording. Mr. A11en's testiinony as to his appazent failure to properIy activate the cecord fiu�ction is consistent ��Zth the tap� reco:ding in evzdence as was concedcd by S� . Kempe, thc City's witness who analyzed the tape. The failure to have oAe caruera in qperatin� order did not contribute to or cause the undexlvSnd incidents nor did the Resnondent or anv �+f its emolovees i�aYticipate in or coatribute � to cither of The twv incidentv. F*or!m the evidence, it is e�t�emety doubtful that the non-functioning camera, had it bcen in workia� order, wouici have capt�red either of the two incidcnts. 'I his is clearly true of the fatai +nciden: Octobet 7, 1999. �he vantage of the brokca camcra simply did not encompass the azea of tEie incident. Wztla respect to the September 23, 1999 incident it is doub±fu[ based on the evidcnce, that a�nctionin; camera from the vantage poirC dcscrfeed in tY:e testimozly woutd have offered much assistance in the iavestigation. While arguabiy a properly functionina rec�rding system at th.e ticne o� October 7, ] 999 incident might have offered some view of tbe zmmediate area of tha incident, :hat is not cleaz form the evidcnce and there is no evzdence in the record that the dewice was deliberately di5abled or shut off to ptevent recording of the incident. Mr- A11en's failurc to proper?y activate the record function is a mistake that any individual cauld have and most have r„ade with�home vidco cassctte recordets. . There is ne causzl iir1: between the bTOken carmera and Mr. .�:len's 'record/piay misiake and t't'�e crimes commstted in either incident. Despite Mr, Kessler's inceqdiazy rhetoric, neill2e: the Respor�dent nor any of its employees nor anyone else under its cor.uol was dizeotly involved it or culpabla Pos the actions in either of the :ncidents. The City offered zzo evidence 10 the contrary--other than IVlr. ICcssler's misplaced a��d uasuppvried value jud�m�nt---�icl cune:ccled iii ihe testiction}� of tlie poliee oficee.s �,at it had no evidence of ir_volvement ny the Respondent or any of its employees or agents in eiciier of tha incidents. � :'.SK-u3-uO rKi �9�3i �AW �tr.;,'�w �'AX NC, o':L22�u?L9 .,C� r�Y WOiSi u E hLQKC.^. C2TTle_2 2.^.0 i.�:C 7000Tdi'�I2V ITll$`id.�8 reant :n.a: `ne �'6A.Ce invast:�ar.on wa<_ �ot assisted. �t'�e broic�n ca.riera ane recor�.�p�ay ri:s'�ake cid :ot cz::sc either inc:d�n., nor dic t��cy :^pede ;ne poiice investigatien o` °i;he_ i:,cider.t. Trere we:e a subst�,tiz� n:�.:�zz o: e;jervitnesses io each of t"e iacident �vno viewed tne activ�ties from a be�er vantage thac� the surveiiianee casneras. Voiar.t ineidzr.ts are always �oublesome an d a deatn as a zesult oT violence is L*za;c_ But sucl�: a t ragedy ar.d li'�e zact'the Ceath ram2ins unsoived, apparenTly, does not serve as evid�nce of causauor. on the pa*f oi L�;e Respondent. T�Ze recomztzended penaltv is too severe. � Gi�en the conlext oT fhe two incidents and the clea: evidence ;n the record that the Respondent did not play any role ir, eausin� either incident, the recon�snended penaliy is far too severe, it,.indeed a penalty is appropriate at all. Mr. Iiessler ,estified ihat ihe recommended penally is unprecedentcd. rurthe;, hc o££ezed as }ustification oniy ,�e fact that a"nnuder" was involved. His irnplication ftzat the Respondent's action or iailuze� to act "caused" one or both of the incidents, most oarltcularly ttze deati, are not }ustificd by one scintilla of evidence and border on thc irresnonsible, • The actions of the Respondent with respect to replacin� the broken camera were commercially teasor.abte anc� do not merit a penaity of any sort. Whiie Respondent does not concede that any penalty is appropriate or even that a violation took place, it ol�ers foc your consideration that if a ge��alty is appropriate, that penaity should be substantially less than that recommended by Mz. Kesslcr. The Respondcnt took aonronriate cnrative action aftec the incidents. The one area where Respondent col�ccdes a need Sor greater attention is in the axea of record/piay error. The actions of Mr. Ailen may we11 represent a training failure. ' That is why the R2spondent took the curative actiuc? outlined in �mellia Aiten's Ictter which was introduced in evidence. ,And the Respondent offers that c�:rative action, which it undertook voluntariiy a:id witiiout prompting by the City, in mitigution of whatever faiiure is represcnted by Mr: Alien's recoxd/play mistake. V aly �q� _ � , � S. ark Vaugh attomey for Respon�izi.Y ec Virgir.ia Yaime:, �sq. ID1AR. -OS' OOtFRf) 08�23 OFFICE OF .1DMIti. HEARIKG TEL:6123492665 P. 001 TR?.VSaGTtON REPORT RecePtion Transaction(s) compieted �O. TX ➢ATE/TIbtE DESTIVATION ?07 MAR. 3 08:20 6122248528 DURATION PGS. RESULT YIODE 0° 02' 19" 004 OK N ECM OFFICE OF TF� CITY ATTORNEY Clayton M. Robiresan, Jr., Ciry Attorn¢y C�� �F' il�l� pA�, 4 r(, ��,� �� CivilDivision Norne Cateman, :Ltayor n^ � C7 `7 A�! ��'-, S Z 300 City Hall � 7elephone: 65T ?66-87Z0 _.: a �,� nC� v I�7.yestKel7aggBlvd Facsimile:6i1?98-5619 Saint Paul, :Krnnesota i57D2 ;•U ',iJ Cr-.:1`v�'._ �i�� .:;; �.�r.,�•.i:xuJ February 18, 2000 The Honorable Phyllis A. Reha Adaunistrative Law 7udge Office of Administrative Hearings 100 Waskrington Square, Suite 1700 Mi;uieapolis, MN 55401-2138 RE: In re the licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill, Inc., d/b/a Arnellia's Dear Judge Reha: Enclosed is the Final Argument on behaif of the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental ProtecUOn in the above-referenced matter. A copy of the same has been served bp mail upon Nir. Vaught, attorney for the licensee. Sincereiy, ��r `t,C= ��ce-1'.-,^-¢�. U Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey cc: S. Mark Vaught OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS q` C� �,� � U FOR THE COUNCIL, OF Tf� CITY OF SAINT PAUL �� �=� 2? ��; ^: 52 ,._ ;r�':� riC��'=`±�C Yvl. � In re the licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill, CITY'S FINAL ARGiJMENT Inc., d!b!a Amellia's STATEMENT OF FACTS The Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection initiated adverse action against the licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill, Inc., dlb/a Arnellia's, for violating conditions placed on the license. Saint Paul Legislative Code §310.06(b)(5) permits adverse action to be taken against licenses where the licensee "has failed to comply with any condition set forth in the license, or set forth in the resolution granting or renewing the license." There have been license conditions on the licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill for several years, and the most recent revision of those condirions was done aRer meeting with the license holder and a number of other interested persons, including LIEP staff and St. Paul police officers. Effective Juiy 8, 1999, two condirions relating to security cameras were placed on the license. Condition # 11 states: °Licensee [sic] holder wi:l maintain in good working order at least 4 video surveillance cameras on the exterior of the buiiding to constantly monitor the ea�terior of the premises. Tapes must be maintained for ? days." Robert Kessler, D'uector of LIEP, testified that the conditions regazding the surveillance cameras were put in place as a result of a fatal shooting which took place outside of Arnellia's. 7ackie Hicks, a manager of Arnellia's, aclrnowledged that the licensee had agreed -1- to the conditions and was awaze of them. On September 23, 1999, a shooting took place outside of Arneliia's. Saint Paul Police Qfficer 7obnson was sent to the baz to recover the tape from the outside video surveillance caxneras, but was advised by the owner, Arnellia Allen, that there was no surveillance camera behind the build'mg. The officer advised her that tapes from the other cameras might be helpful in identifying the suspects. After Ms. Allen contacted her son, Larry Allen, by phone, she informed the officer that the cameras were not operating the previous evening. Sgt. Richard Munoz also went to Arnellia's to attempt to obtain a video tape of the incident. Ms. A11en stated that she did not have a tape to give him because the camera in the rear of the building was broken, the other cameras were not operating and there was no tape in the recorder. A Notice of Violation dated September 30, 1999, was sent to Amellia Allen alleging that the failure to have the video cameras on and taping on September 23, 1999 was a violation of condition # i l of the license� The Notice was served by mail on October l, 1999 on Ms. Ailen, at the licensed establishxnent, and gave the licensee until Qctober 1 i, 1999 to respond on how they would like to proceed. While that matter was still pending, on October $, 1999, there was a suspected homicide which took place outside of Arnellia's, beginning in the parking lot and ending up on University Avenue. Qnce again, police went to Arnellia's to obtain videos frorn the surveillance cameras. The video tape which was obtained was reviewed by several Saint Paul Police officers, among them Sgt. Mark Kempe. Sgt. Kempe testified that the video tape which he reviewed was obtained from the bar by O�cer Arnold, who then took it to the police station and gave it to Sgt. Younghans. Sgt. Younghans and other officers reviewed the tape. The tape was played at the hearing, and no claim has been made that the tape is not authentic nor has any -2- ciaim been made that the tape was tampered with. The tape is divided into four quartezs, with one square for each of the four outside surveillance cameras. The upper left hand square is blank; testimony later established that tlus camera was not operating for at least two months, and probably longer. The remaining three squares show the front door azea (lower left screen), the back door azea (lower right screen) and the east pazking lot (upper right screen}. There are numbers which reflect a date and time, but these aze not related to the actual date and time of the recording. It was Sgt. Kempe's opinion that the tape was not operating at the time of the incident in the pazking lot on November 8, 1999, but that the tape had been turned on after the police had been called. He based this opinion upon the review of the tape, which showed a sudden jump in the dates of the tape counter, from 10-30-89 at 8:50 to I i-7-89 at 12:11:42; the abrupt change in the items being viewed (a view of the front door with no one outside and a jump to a lazge crowd of people); and the fact that the squad cars can be seen arriving. His conclusion was that the tape had not been constantly operating, but had been turned on after the fact. The wimesses presented by the licensee did not dispute that there was no tape from the incident on September Z�, 1999. In fact, Larry Allen acknowledged that he forget to use the surveillance cameras, despite being told of the conditions on the license. He also admitted that the tapes were not operating on October 8, 1999 until after the incident occurred, and the police had been called. His expianation was that he had hit the play, but not the record button on the tape machine. It also was appazent from the testimony of both Larry and Jerry Allen that one of the video surveillance cameras (the upper left quarter of the tape) was not operational for a period of over two months. The witnesses for the licensee seemed to be arguing that the recommended -3- penalty of b0 days was too severe because the violation of the condition on the license did not cause the shooting on September 23, 1999 or the death on October 8, 1999. AAGiIi�1ENT The City's burden of proof in this hearing is a preponderance of the evidence; if it is more likely than not that the licensee violated the conditions of the license, then the City has met its burden. In re Kaldahl, 418 N.W.2d 532, 535 (Minn. App. 1988). The license condition in question in this matter is Condition #k 11, which states: "1 l. The Licensee [sic] holder will nlaintain in good working order at Ieast 4 video surveiliance cameras on the exterior of the building to constantly monitar the ea�terior of the premises. Tapes must be maintained far 7 days." Implieit in the wording of this condition is that the video cameras are to be operating, and taping, at all times that the baz is open. One of the reasons for placing the condition on the license was to assist police by providing them with possible means of identifying suspects in the assaults, shootings and other problems being caused by bar patrons after leaving the baz. Cleazly, the licensee violated the condition on Septembez 23, 1999, when no tape was in the video and it �vas not being operated, and again on October 7, 1999, when taping did not start until after the incident occurred. The Director of LIEP, Robert Kessler, testified that he recommended a suspension of 60 days for the licenses hetd by Metro Bar & Crri11, Inc. He acknowiedged that it was a severe penalty, although he also noted that his initial inclination was to recommend revocation of the licenses. He noted that the condition on the license was the result of a meeting with the owner and management of Arnellia's, as weil as Saint Paul police officers, and that the recommendation for video surveillance cameras was something the police felt would assist them � in mvestigating and solving crimes occurring at or around the bar. The meeting and the additional conditions on the license were motivated by a murder which occurred outside the baz, on University Avenue. The conditions were effective July $, 1999. Within a matter of months, there was another shooting outside of Arnellia's, and only two weeks later, a person was killed in an incident which was investigated as a possible homicide and which began in the baz's parking lot. Officers tesfified that in both the September 23 and the October 7, 1999 incidents, that the people involved had been inside the baz as patrons eazlier in the evening. It was apparent from the testimony of Jackie Hicks that she felt the condition was unnecessary and that the bar feels no responsibility for the behavior of patrons once they are outside the building. However, the bar had the opportunity to oppose the conditions being placed on the license, as imposition of conditions is an adverse action, pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code §310.05(a). The licensee chose not to contest the imposition of conditions, and cannot now azgue that the conditions aze unreasonable. Ms. Hicks acknowledged that there has been a prior adverse action against the licenses held by Metro Bar & Grili, Inc., based upon the number of shootings which have occuned outside and azound the establishment. Rather than demonstrating concern for the problems generated by patrons of the establishment, the ficensee seems to azgue that because the violation of the conditions did not directly cause the incidents, they should not be punished. In fact, the continuing neglect of the conditions regarding the surveillance cameras is both a serious violafion, and contributes to the ongoing problems outside the baz. As long as the establishment ignores the condition to have cameras monitoring both inside and outside the premises, the police are denied access to valuable evidence to solve felony-level and other crimes occun•iug just -5- outside the doors of the baz. In both the September 23 and October 7, 1999 inciderns, the participants were patrons of the baz; although they did not commit the crunes inside the building, they were present outside the building because they had been at the baz. The licettsee obviously benefits from the custom of its patrons by charging them foz food and alcohol. This is conduct permitted by the licenses it holds. It would be unfair to say that the establishment can benefit from the licenses it holds but escape ail xesponsibility for the obligations imposed on the licenses by the Office of LIEP. The sanction recommended by the Office of LIEP is warranted by the inaction of the license holder in implementing the conditions agreed to. The conditions were to be effective on July 4, 1999. It was appazent from the testimony of all of the wimesses for the licensee that no training had been done with employees to advise them of the importance of the conditions or how to unplement them. Thus, on September 23, 1999, the cameras were not even operating. Despite receiving a NoUce of Violation advising them of the failure to abide by the conditions, it was only two weeks later that Lany Allen either failed to turn the recorder on or failed to turn it to record until after another instance of violent behauior required a call to the police. Only then did the cameras actually begin to record. Further evidence that the attitude of the licensee towards the condition was lackadaisical at best was the testimony regazding the fourth surveillance camera, which was determined to be malfunctioning in August of 1999, and which was still inoperative at the time of the October 7, 1999 incident, two months later. The testimony made it cleaz that there was no sense of urgency about getting the camera replaced once the baz finally realized that it was not functioning. There was no clear responsibility for taking chazge of the repair or reinstallation, and Larry Allen, the � manager, appazently relied upon his mother's statement that Earl Allen had been contacted to come install the camera without checking to see that it was done or to have it done in a timely fashion. When asked if anyone ever reviewed the tapes, Lazry Allen stated that he did not, and Jackie Hicks believed that it wasn't incumbent upon the bar to do so. This lack of responsibility for checking the tapes meant that they couldn't be sure the cameras were in working order, and fiirther demonstrates the fact that they did not take the condition on the license seriously. The Office of LIEP made every effort to work with the licensee to deal with concerns about the violent incidents taking place outside Amellia's by meefing with them to develop conditions that would deal with the problem. Both the testimony of Jackie Hicks, and the actions and inactions of Lany and Jerry Allen make it ciear that the empioyees of the licensee do not take the condition seriously and do not feel it is necessary. No training was ever done on how to implement the condition, it appears that when the cameras are turned on and off was lazgely a matter of personal decision by the ind'avidual employee, and no effort is made to see that the cameras aze functioning properly by reviewing the tapes. The mere fact that on the two occasions that the police looked for tapes to assist them in investigating crimes the tapes weren't available because the recorder had not been used or had been improperly used, warrants a severe penalty, but added to that, the recommended penalty of a sixty-day suspension is warranted because the testunony shows that this was not a one-tune lapse on the part of the licensee, but part of a general disregard for the condition. Additionally, this is a second adverse action against the licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill, Inc. CONCLUSION The City has met its burden of showing that the licensee violated Condition #11 on the -7- . license on both September 23, 1999 and October 7, 1999, because the licensee failed to have a tape in and the machine operating at all on September 23Td and failed to have the machine continuously monitoring and recording on October'T"'. These violations occurred in short period of rime, were part of a continuing pattem of indifference to the condition being nnposed on the license, and were a resuit of her faiitue to convey the importance of the condition to her employees oz train them in its unplementation. The argument that these violations are not serious because they did not cause the incidents themselves simply underscores the fact that the licensee does not consider the condition to be important, as does her manager's testimony that the condition is unnecessary and was only imposed because the Director of LIEP doesn't like the bar. The Q�ce of LIEP has worked with the establishment to deal with the problems caused by same of the patrons of the bar, and the licensee's failure to abide by the conditions and take responsibility for their part in the problems warrants a severe sanction. Respectfully submitted tkus 18"' day of February, 2000. '� � � �t-'"-�-� Virginia D. almer (Atty Lic. # 128495) Assistant City Attorney 400 City HalllCourthouse 15 W. Keliogg Boulevazd Saint Paul, MN 55102 (b51)266-8710 � STATE OF MSNNESOTA ) ) COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) R.�- C�iV'�L rr�4 27 „;i � 52 �;; _ ss. ,,:.�r�YF1FIDAVIT OF SERVICE SY MAIL �r�.-: �i':'�JJ JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on the 18th day oi February, 2000, she served the attached CITY'S FINAL ARGUMENT on the following named attorney by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Mr. S. Mark Vaught Attorney at Law Six West Fifth Street Suite 7�0 St. Paul, MN. 55102 (which is the last known address of said attorney) by depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in t ited States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. , n /f � G. Subscribed ancl sworn to before me this 18th day of February, 2000. �' �� Notary Public R! s''S �R. i3pSSAi2D - FKI SNY ChMA9i58fON EXF'(fTE$ dA7i. 95. ZOCiS s » s� °� o � .-. n "� [:1 � O O � _ 't] m � � � b 7 -. � � � � m � � r �o��� � o��� �� �. , � o N -o � o � Y m p ° , a, a ... 6 . � o �. m co �� � � � �s `C O � C � �. � � � � ��x� � W� ���� � � �� � �� o� 0 � a � � � � � a � �e � � � µ 3 � 4 2 " �e Q 0 ti fi � p � fi N � � A. '�'� C A � � t � � r l�" February 28, 2000 STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFTCE OF ADMINi5TRATIVE HEARINGS 700 Washington Square, Suite 1700 100 Washington Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401-2138 Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney Civil Division 400 City HaN 15 West Kelfogg Soufevard St. Paui. MN 55102 S. Mark Vaught Attomey at Law 6 West Fifth Street Suite 700 St. Paui, MN 55102 RE: In the Matter of the Licenses heid by Metro Bar and Griii, Inc., dlb/a Arneilia's; OAH Docket No. 9-2111-1264�-3 Dear Counsel: This letter is in response to Ms. Paimer's request to extend the period for repiy briefs from February 28, 2000 to March 6, 2000. Her request is granted. { have not as yet received Mr, VaughYs initial brief. Although he has not requested an extension of the time to submif his initiai brief, in light of the above extension i w+li extend the time period for his initial brief to March 1, 2000. !f Respondent wishes to fi{e a repiy, it too mus# be filed by March 6, 2000. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, �,t� G� ��..�.,.- PHYLLfS A. REHA Administrafive Law Judge Telep hone: 612/341-7602 PAR:mki Providing impartial Hearings for Government and.Citizens An Equal OppoRUnity Empfoyer Administrative Law Section & Administrative Services (612) 341-760D � TDD No (612) 341-7346 � Fax No. (652) 3q9-2665 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Clayton M. Robimon, Jr., City Afiorney CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, :4tayar Civil Division 400 Ciry Hall I S West KelZogg Blvd Saint Pau1. Minnesota SSIO2 Pelephome: 651266-8710 Facsimile: 651298-� 619 Febniary 24, 2000 The Honorable Phyliis A. Reha Administrative Law Judge Office of Administrative Hearings 100 Washington Square, Suite 1700 Minneapolis, MN 55401-2138 RE: In re the licenses hetd by Metro Bar & Grill, Inc., d!b(a Arnellia's Dear Judge Reha: � �� ' � � - .� � ;7 ✓ � ;� �_ � G � � f l� ,.� f �-�' - w � � co I am writing to you regarding the briefing schedule in the above-referenced cased, which you heazd on January 26, 2000. The City and the Licensee were to submit sianultaneous written final argument by February 18, 2000, with reply briefs due by February 28, 2000. I will be out of town tomorrow and Monday, and am requesting an ea�tension of the reply brief deadline from February 28, 2000 to March 6, 2000. I spoke to Mr. Vaught, who had no objection to my request for an extension of the reply brief deadline. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. If you have any questions, I can be reached at(651) 266-8719. Sincerely (/ � �,c,�(' w�-r� � Vixginia . Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: S. Mazk Vaught OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEX Claytnn M. Robinsorr, Jr., CityAttorney CITY O�' SAINT PAUL �' :_ :; `�'i _ J Norm Colera¢n, Mayor �9 ��G 3�� �i� 9� 2� December 15, 1999 Amellia Allen Amellia's 1183 University Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 r.. ',� "� i� ( i� i�ti c= •' il ` inNli`�VJ Civi[Division 400 Ciry Hatt - TeZephone: 63I ?66-87I0 ISYYUtKetloggBlvd Faalmile:651298-i679 SaiM Paul, Minxesota i5101 RE: A111icenses held by Meho Baz & Grill, Inc. dtbla Arnellia's for the premises at ll 83 Universiry Ave. in St. Paul License ID #: 54523 Dear Ms. Allen: Our office recently sent out a NOTICE OF HEAFiING dated December I5, 1999, which mistakenly identified "3anuary 26, 1999" as the date for your up-coming administrative hearing. The date should more appropriately be "7anuary 26, 2000." I wish T could blame this on Y2K, but it was only a typo on my part. T apologize if this caused any confusion. If you have any questions, you can call me at 266-8710. Very tru��ours /`��%`�� � Peter P. Pangborn J �' Legal Assistant cc: Mark Vaught, Suite 700, Six West Fifth St., St. Paul, MN 55102 Nancy Thomas, O�ce of Admuustrative Hearings, 100 Washington Squaze, Suite 1700, Mpls, MN 55401 Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary, 310 City Hall Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Cathy Lue, Community Organizer, Hamline Midway Coalition,l �fi4 Lafottd Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEy CI¢yfon M. Rabinson, Jr., CityAttorney CITY OF SAINT PAUL �' �_ ^ - f '� �'" ��,,,ro�v;�co„ _.,_:.�. Norm Cnlemair, Mayor �� 11 r �� 40 y Ci ` ry Ha11 Te(epkone: 6i1266-8710 i.�'i UCC � 0 Nl i 6�-e•y�t Ke1la�g Blvd Facsimile: 6il 298-i679 Saint P¢ul, iYlinnesota 55702 e;..,r;:'`;, ,; \� i i i,�i i i'i � 11`l:1llft�t�� December 15, 1999 NOTICE OF HEARING Arnellia Allen Arnellia's 1183 University Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 RE: All licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill, Inc. d/b!a Amellia's for the premises at 1183 University Ave. in St. Paul License ID #: 54523 Dear Ms. A11en: Please take notice that a hearing will be heid at the following time, date and place concerning all licenses for the premises stated above: Date: Wednesday, January 25,1999 Time: 9:30 a.m. Ptace: Room 41 Saint Paul City Aall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 The hearing will be presided over by an Administrative Law Judge from the State of Minnesota Office of Adsninistrative Hearings: Name: Phyllis A. I2eha Offica of Administrative Hearings -- 100 `Vashington Square, Suite 1700 ;, Minneapolis, MN. 55401 Telephone: (612) 341-7602 The Councii of the City of Saint Paul has the authority to provide for hearings concerning licensed premises and for adverse action against such licenses, under Chapter 310, including sections 310.Q5 and 310.06, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. In the case of licenses for intoxicafing and non- into�cicating liquor, authoriry is also conveyed by Minnesota Statutes section 340A.4i5. Adverse action may include revocation, suspension, fines and other penalties or conditions. Evidence will be presented to the judge which may lead to adverse action aeainst all the licenses you hold at the above premises as follows: � On September23,1499 therewas a shooting outside ofArneilia's, near the alley on the west side of the buiiding. Saint Paul police officers zvent to the bar later that day to recover tapes from the video surveillance cameras to assist the police in idenrifying the suspects in the shooting. Officer Johnson was informed by the owner that there was no camera near the area in question. When asked if police could review the other camera tapes, the owner stated that the cameras were not taping at the time of the incident. There is a condition on the licenses that the License holder must maintain "in good working order at least four video surveillance cameras on the exterior of the building to constantly monitor the exterior of the premises. Tapes must be maintained for 7 days." Failure to have the video cameras on and taping on September 23,1999 is a violation of the condition. On October 7, 1999 there were shots fired outside of Arnellia's, and an individual was run down in the parking lot and killed. Saint Paul police o�cers obtained the tapes from the video surveillance cameras to assist the police in investigating the incident. SeveralmembersofthehomicideUnitwatchedthetape provided, and it was apparent that a large portion of tfie events from October 7, 1999 are not on the tape. It appears that the security cameras were not activated until after the incident in which the person was killed, as the first thing from the date in quesfion is the arrival of the squads called to in� estigate. AdditionaRy, the times and dates on the tapes make no sense, and the items being viewed in 2he speci£ic surveillance areas covered by the various cameras shift abruptly. There is a condirion on the licenses that the License holder must maintain "in good working order at least four video surveillance cameras on the exterior of the building to constantly monitor the esterior of the premises. Tapes must be maintained for 7 days." Failure to have the video cameras on and taping at all times on October 7, 1999 is a violation of the condition. �.;, Notice of Hearing - Page 2 You have the right to be represented by an attorney before and during the hearing, or you can represent yourself. You may also have a pezson of your choice represent you, to the extent not prohibited as unauthorized practice of law. • The hearing will be conducted iu accordance with the requirements of Minnesota Statutes sections 14.57 to 14.62 and such parts of the procedures under section 310.05 of the Saint Pau1 LeQislative Code as may be applicable. y At the hearing, the Administrative Law Judge will have all parties identify themsel'ves for the record. The City will then present its witnesses and evidence, each of whom the licensee or attomey may cross-examine. The licensee may then offer in rebuttal any wimesses or evidence it mav �vish to present, each of whom the City's attorney may cross-examine. The Administrative Law Iudge may in addition hear relevant and material testimony from persons not presented as witnesses hy either party who have a substantial interest in the outcome of the proceeding; for exampie, the o�vners or occupants of property located in close proximity to the licensed premises may have substantial interest in the outcome of the proceeding. Concluding arguments may be made by the parties. Following the hearing, the 3udge wi11 prepare Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and a specific recommendation for action to be taken by the City Council. You should bring to the hearing all documents, records and witnesses }�ou will or may need to support your position. Subpoenas may be available to compel the attendance of witnesses or the production of documents in conformity with Minnesota Rules, part 1400.7000. If you think that tius matter can be resolved or settled without a formal hearing, please contact ar have your attorney contact the undersigned. If a stipulation or agreement can be reached as to the facts, that stipulation will be presented to the Administrative Law Judge for incorporariQn into his or her recommendation for Council action. If you fail to appear at the hearing, your ability to challenge the allegations will be forfeited and the allegations against you which have been stated earlier in this notice may be taken as true. If non- public data is received into evidence at the hearing, it may become public unless objection is made and relief requested under Minnesota Statutes, Section 14.60, subdivision 2. If you have any questions, you can ca11 me at 2b6-871Q. Very tnxiy yours, �� \ n = 'tic �J �,�-t'� Virginia l�: Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Mark Vaught, Suite 700, Six West Fifth St., St. Paul, NRV 55102 Nancy Thomas, Office of Administrative Hearings, 100 Washington Square, Suite 170Q, Mpls, MN 55401 Notice of Aearing - Page 3 Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary, 310 City Hall Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP � Cathy Lue, Community Organizer, Hamline Midway Coalition,1564 Lafond Ave., St. Paul, NN 55104 ' Notice of Hearing - Page 4 � 4 � OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS ROR THE COUITCIL O� THE CTTY OF SAII`�T PAUL In Re The Licenses Held By Metro Baz & Gril1, Inc. d/bfa Arnellia's C"i ( Z�� CITY'S PROPOSED EXHIBITS 7anuary 26, 200Q T0: Judge Phyllis A. Reha, Administrative Law Judge, Office of Administrative Hearings, 100 Washington Square, Suite 1700, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 The following constitutes a list of the Ciry's proposed e�ibits for the Administrative Hearing on January 26, 2000. Exhibit No. E�. No. 1 E�. No. 2 Exh. Na!�3� .� 1" ' E�. NoC �1 �� � E�. No. 5 E�, No� > � , �E�. No. 7� y�� E�. No. 8 JYuf ''' �� Description License Information Report, dated September 30, 1999 (4 pp.); License conditions for Metro Bar & Grill, Inc. rUb1a Arnellia's (1 p.); Police Report CN99-157945, prepared by Officer Gerald E. Johnson, dated Septembet 23, 1999 (2 pp.); Police Report CN99-15794�, prepazed by Sgt. Richard J. Munoz, dated September 23, 1999 (S pp.); Norice of Violation, dated Septemher 30, 1999, with Affidavit of Service � PP�); Police Report CN99-167633, prepared by Sgt. Mazk C. Kempe, dated November 8, 1999 (2 pp.); Video tape recovered from the licensed establishment on October 7, 1999; Letter from Ms. Arnellia Allen, dated October 29, 1949 (2 pp.); A +( 'E�i. No. 9 E�. No. 10 �� i Notice of Second �Jiolation, dated November 10, 1999, with �davit of Service (3 pp.); , Notice of Hearing, dated December 1�, 1999, with �davit of Service t� PP-)� Also attached please find courtesy copies of applicable St. Pau1 City ordinances: St. Pau1 Legislative Code § 310.05 St. Pau1 Legislarive Code § 310.06 St. Paul Legislative Code § 310.17 Respectfully submitted this 26th day of January, 2000. �. � Virginia D mer Assistant Ciry Attomey Office of The City Attorney 400 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612)266-8710 � � �s P1 �, r: � � � � � � k � �a . � �� �-. y � 0 � � y � �i �� � � I �� i I Z �" ! C � m D . � �7 � � D � �i G r N1 m r�� r2 ' m: � ���� �I � �i� ni NI I i I � i � I �� I 'i i I i I� i I I �I �+ �i � wl m �' WI x W �, �i W � �AI �I NI N � �l v� � �i� IZ c � i� I� 1=I IN I I Ci N� �, � i � � m. � �: Z m �, L_ i -: !m'I c iv� ! nl m � �. 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Adherence to Strict Identification Requirements: Amellia's will require proper picture identification from anyone who appears to be younger than 30 years old. Those without proper identification shall be denied entrance. 3. Inaease Communication with Police and Neighbors: Amellia's shall initiate and main7ain regufar communication with the west sector team police commander or his designee, and licensing offipals. Christine Rozek and Kris6na Schweinler. Meetings shall include neighborhood organizations to the extent possible. 4. Controi Music 7ype and Format Amellia's shall conBnue to be responsible for screening out music that promotes or glorifies violence and nefarious or arti-social behavior. 5. Amellia's management and security personnel will i�sure that patrons do not leave enmasse, but rather, management and secuirty will encourage patrons to leave in an orderly and conV011ed manner behveen 12:30 a.m. and 1:'15 a.m. 6. The pubiic telephones shalt not allow incoming cafis, nor any caiis to or from electronic beepers or pagers. 7. Amettia's shall mainUan a fist of atl patrons who have been banned from the esta6lishment, and this list s0a11 be stnct4y enforced by Arnellia's. Such list shall include proper identification of that person, photograph and a notice of trespass. This nofice should be in triplicate with one copy going to each of the following: �) Maintained by the esfabiishment; 2) LIEP; 3) the indfvidual being banned. Once banned, a person will remain banned for a minimum of one year. Amellia's will cooperate unth police in filling out trespass notice{s). 8. Arneltia's shalf conGnue to provide security personnel to promote the orderiy behavior of patrons on and leaving the premises. The premises shall i�GUde the area immediately adjacent to the establishmeat. Speciaf attenfion wilf be paid to en�uragi�g patrons to leave the area. 9. All employees and security personnel information shall be provided to LIEP for background checks. 10. Amellia's will employ the use of a metal detecting devices to ensure there are no weapons on the premises. � L Licensee holder vrill maintain in good working order at leasi 4 video surveillance cameras on the exterior of Yne building to constantry monitor the exterior of the premises. Tapes must be maintained for 7 days. 12. A video surveillance camera shall be maintained in good working order in the interior of the esiablishment to monitor customers as they enter the establishment. Tapes must be maintained for 7 days. 13. Signage shaff be posted on the exterior of the building to rwtify patrons that the area may be under video surveiNance. 14. Security personnel will be on duty daily finm 8:00 p.m. until closing. 15. Back door wiil remain locked after 5:30 p.m. to prevent entry. 16. The ficensee wilt lock�the door of the establishment at �2:30 a.m. No additional patrons witt be allowed entry after that 6me. 17. Conditions reviewed at renewal. � � , Grill, Inc. dibla Arnellia's _ City's Eah. # 2 r � Saint Paui Police Department �a9e � � SUPPLEMENTAL OFFENSE / I.NGIDENT REPORT Complamt Number Reference C,N. Pamary oXertse Date and Tme ot RepoR 99-157945 AGG RAVAT ED A SSAULT 09I2311999 14:52 Pnmary Repomng Offitec �ERALD E.lOHNSON Cocaaon ofinddentr Primar� oSense deta�7: Pnmary squad: � 90 Secondar� repoting ofhcer. Dismct: WESTERN ( WEST.DIST/N.QFC ) SeconCary offense: Name otlocaHon/6usiness: Date S 6ma of occurence; Afrest made? Date 8 Sme of amest: POUCE PEftSONNEL 1NVOLYED Arrestmadeonview: NQ Parsuitertgaged: rJQ Rrrest made on wanant or pravioos CN: (�JQ Weapons used by police: (�}Q Weaports used dy suspect at time of anesf: NO Resrsia�ce encou�tered: NO CHARGES NONE NAMES OWNER ARNELIA ALLEN 1183 UNIVERSITY AV W STPAUL MN 55104 PhysicalDescripUon Phanes � �� sex FEMALE Hergbt Ha�rcolor Home phone 651-642-5975 �`� Race B�,qCK Nispanic D08 Age Weight Ha'v Type -� � Budd Hai�Length � t � SWn Facia! Harr �l �v � �� Physical Condkion Employment `� l Consciousness CONSCIOUS Occupa6on OWNER Drugla/coho/ use FmWoyer SEIF CRlME SCENE DESCRIPTORS Crime Scene ryPe Descnpfion Method & Point of Entry Farce used NOT FORCED Point al entry Method 'ROPERTY � ONE � --"",. � � � �--- - , ( � /, Griil, Inc. d/b/a Arnellia's _ � `�=1S.� f`` C C (� �7� City's Exh. # 3 ,� .. Saint Paul Poiice Department °age 2 SUPPLEMENTAL OFFENSE / INCIDENT REPORT Comp'aint Number Reference CN. Pnmary oBense , 99-157945 AGGRAVATED ASSAULT Date and 7ime of fteporf 09/23/1999 14: 52 VEHICLE INFORMATION NONE NARRATIVE SQUAD 190, G,JOHNSON, WAS SENT Td 1�83 UNiVEftSiTY, ARNELtA'S BAR, TO RECOVER THE TAPE FROM THE1R VIDEO CAMERA. THERE WAS A SHOOTlNG THERE UNDER TNIS CN. UPON ARRIVAL, I TRLKED TO THE OWNER HERSELF, ARNELIA ALLEN PH- 65'i-642- 5975. I EXPl1aINED TO HER THAT f WOULD LIKE TO COLLECT THE ViDEO CAMERA TAPE FROM LAST NIGHT TO HELP IDENTIFY THE PEOPLE INVOLVED. ARNELIA SAID SHE HEARD THERE HAD BEEN A SHOOTiNG IAST NIGHT BEHIND THE BAR BUT THAT THERE WAS NO CAMERA THERE. I THEN ASKED WHERE SHE HAD CAMERAS. SHE SAID THERE WERE CAMERAS LOCATED ON THE EASl' SIDE OF THE BUILDING. 1 THEN SAiD THAT lT WAS POSSIB�E THAT ONE OF THE CAMERAS WOULD HAVE RECOROED SOMETHING USEFUL IN IDENTIFYING SUSPECTS. ARNE�IA THEN CALLED HER SON, LARRY ALLEN, PH 770-1477, AND TALKED TO HfM. SHE THEN TOLD ME THAT LARftY SAID THEY DID NOT HAVE THE CAMERAS ON AND TAPING LAS7 NIGHT. i THEN WALKED OUTSIDE AND SAW ONE CAMERA ON THE SOUTH SfOE, WEST END OF THE BUILDING, POINTED TOWARDS THE FRONT DOOR. I ALSO SAW TWO MORE CAMERAS ON THE EAST SiDE OF THE BUILDING, ONE ON THE SOUTH END FACiNG IN A NORTH- EASTERLY DIRECTING AND THE OTHER WAS QN THE NaRTH END FACING IN A SOUTH-EASTERLY DIRECTION. THERE WAS ALSO A FOURTH CAMERA IN TriE BACK OF THE BU1LQlNG, ON THE NQRTH WALL AND LOCATED NEAR THE EAST END OF THE BUILDING. THIS CAMERA WAS P0INTED TOWARDS THE NORTH-WESTERLY DIRECTION. PLEASE SEND A COPY TO THE ClTY LICENSING DIVISION Please distribute to: �CFiF _Hom _Sex _D/C _CO _Rptr _Rob _1uv _Oper _PSC _Lab _Burg _Theft _Prop _CAU _F&F Vice Nazco SIU T&A Other _Rec �Team _Au[o _DAO Saint Pau{ Police Department Page , _ _. .... SUPPLEMENTAL OFFENSE / iNCIDENT REPORT Comp'aint Number Reterenca C.N. Pnmary offense Date and Time ot RepoR 99-157945 Agg. Assault ' 09/23/1999 20:44 Primary Repoi6ng Oihce� RICHARD .l MUNOZ Primary otiense detad: Pdmary squad: 719 Secondary raporting officer. ��+�� WESTEfttS ( CAPERS-HOMiCIDE ) Secondary oXense: Locaffon ofincident Name otfoca6aNbusiness: Date & Sma of occurence: Arresf made? Date 8 6me of arrest POLICE PERSONNEL iNVOLVED Arresf made on view: NO A�rest made on warrant or pievious GN: NO Pursud engaged: pf Q Resrstance encauntered.' NO Weapons used by poGce: NO Weapons used by suspect at tlme of a�rest NO CHARGES NONE NAMES NONE CRIME SCENE �ESCRIPTORS Crime Scene Ty� Descdption PROPERTY NOlVE VEHICLE 1NFORMATiON NONE Method 8 Polni of EMry Porce used NOT FORCED Paint ot entry Method 0 NARRATIVE 4, Sergeant Munoz, was assig�ed to investigate this incident. On September 23, '19999 at '1815 hrs. I went to Amellia's Bar to see if there was a video taQe to recover from the time of this incident. When f arrives at the bar 1 first observed a group ofi 6-7 biack males hanging in the parking lot. After i parked and got out and approached the front door there only remained 5 btaCk maies stilt hanging in the tot. I asked the group ifi any of them worked at the bar and they said no. I then walked to the front door was was the� toid by one ofi the male that he did work for the bar. f then went into the bar and met the owner Ameliia. 1 explained to her that I was investigating the incident that had occurced the night before at closing. 1 asked AmeUia if any officers had been there Yo recover her video security tape and she said yes. She expiained to me that she didn't have a tape to give the officer because ths camera in the � � C. �� �� ? .s , x .W U y H 'yia �U � Saint Paui Poiice Department Page 2 SUPPLEMENTAL OFFENSE / INCIDENT REP4RT Comqaint Number Relerance C.N. Primary ottense � Dafe and Time ot Report 99-157945 Agg. Assault 09/23/1999 20:04 rear was broken and wasn't working. I asked if any of the cameras were wor(vng and if she had a tape in the recorder and she said no. She then showed me a video tape and toid me it was full and that the recoder wasn't on. I then explained to Ameflia that there was a group of people hanging in the parking lot and she told me that one of them was working for fier. Ptease distribute Yo: _CHF _Hom _Sex _D!C _CO _Rptr _Rob _Juv _Oper _PSC _L.ab _Rec _Team ` Butg _TheR _Prop _CAU _F&F _Auco _DAO Vice Nazco SIU T&A Other Saint Paul Police Department Page 3 _ _ SUPPLEMENTAL OFFENSE i 1NCIDENT REPORT Gamp/aint Number Refe2nca C.N. Pnmar/ oflense Date and Time of Report 99-157945 Agg. Assauft ' 09>23/1999 20:04 P4ease distribute to: _CHF _Hom _Sex _D/C _CO _Rpts _Rob ^ Juv _Oper _PSC _Lab _Rec _Team _Burg �Thefr _Prop _CAU _F&F _Auto _DAO Vice Nazco SIU T&A Qther OFFICF ' TE� CIT�,' ATTORNEY Claymrs M. ..obinson, Js., City Attorney CITY OF SA1NT' PAUL Norm Caleman, Mayor Civil Divisinn 400 Ciry Ha71 I S St�est Kellogg Blvd Saint Paul, �Llinnesota 55102 Telephone: 657 266-8710 Facsimile: 651298-5619 September 30, 1999 NOTICE OF VIOLATION Amellia Allen Amellia's 1183 University Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 RE: All licenses held by Metro Baz & Griil, Inc. d/b/a Arnellia's for the premises at 1183 University Avenue License ID #: 54523 Dear Ms. Al1en: The Director of the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has recommended adverse action against all licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill d/b/a Amellia's for the premises at 1183 University Avenue. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: On September 23,1999 there was a shooting outside of Arnellia's, near the alley on the west side of the building. Saint Paul palice officers went to the bar later that day to recover tapes from the video surveillance cameras to assist the police in idenfifying the suspects in the shooting. Officer Johnson was informed by the owner that there was no camera near the area in question. When asked if police could review the other camera tapes, the owner stated that the cameras were not taping at the time of the incident. There is a condition on the licenses that the License holder must maintain "in good working order at least four video surveillance cameras on the exterior of the buiiding to constantly monitor the exterior of the premises. Tapes must be maintained for 7 days." Failure to have the video cameras on and taping on September 23, 1999 is a violation of the condifion. � � Grill, Inc. d/b/a Arnellia's _ City's Exh. # 5 Page 2 Ameilia Allen September 30, 1999 If you do not dispute the above facts piease send me a letter with a statement to that effect. The matter wi11 then be scheduled for a hearing before the St. Paui City Council to detemune what penalty, if any, to impose. You will have an opportunity to appeaz and speak on your own behalf, or to have someone appeaz theze for you. On the other hand, if you wish to dispute the above facts, I will schedule an evidentiary hearing before an Administrative Law Judge (AL3}. If you wish to have such a hearing, please send me a letter stating that you aze contesting the facts. You will then be sent a"Notice of Hearing," so you will know when and where to appeaz, and what the basis for the hearing will be. In either case, please let me know in writing no later tHan Monday, October 11, 1999, how you would like to proceed. If I have not heard from you by that date, I will assume that you are not contesting the facts. The matter will then be scheduled for the hearing before the St. Paul Cify CounciL ' Tf you have any questions, feel free to call me or have your attorney call me at 26b-8710. Sincerely, ` �/��cFJ. J��,"c���-uch Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessler, DirecYOr, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Cathy Lue, Community Ozgainzer, Hamline Midway Coalition, 1564 Lafond Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104 STATE OF MIPNES0IA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEV AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on October l, 1999, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOZ,ATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Arnellia Al1en Arnellia`s 1183 University Avenue St. Paul, MN. 55104 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn this 1s�� of �' / .0 I ti �� '�/��. to before me ■ .- �� � ��r.�. 6122653844 5aint Paul Police Department P.az�e3 Page t _ SUPPLEMENTAL OFFENSE / fNC1DENT REPORT Comp(eint Numbe/ Relslence C.N. • Pdmary oflanse Date and T/me afReport 99- investigation of Deatb '1 i/08/1999 11:13 PAmary ReperCng Officer. �K C KEMPE Pdmery o9ense defa8; Pnmarysquad: 715 Secontlery repwt/ng olfic�r. �� WESTERN ( CApERS-HOMICIOE ) SeCOr�Cery of/ense: Locaaon of/nrJdanL tJame olloc&UaNOUSiness Date 8 tlme of accumncs: Arrest madel Date 8 Sme of a,resY.• POLICE PERSDNNEL IN110LVED � AneSt an HeW: {�JQ MestmadeonwenanCOipiuNousCN.' NO Weepons usad by po6ce: � p Weaporrsused6ysuspectatHmeofertasr. NO Pursuitengaged: NO Resishanee antountered: NO CHARGES �� NONE NAMES � � NONE CRiME SCENE DESCRlPTORS �� Crima Scene Typa Descrip6an Method & Polnt oJ EnUy Force used {�OT FORCED Poln[ ofentry MeMOd PROPERTY NONE VENICIE INFaRMAT10N NONE NaR�zanvE On 10-7-98, a shoft time after the incident occurred, Off. Arnoid obtained from Arneilia's a video tape af severai areas outside of fhe buiiding. The tape is supposad to be a reCOrding of events +'ecorded on 11-7-99. This tape was then given to Sgt. Younghans. Severa{ members of the Nomicide Unit, induding myself, watched the tape and agree there is a large portion of events not recorded on the tape. lt appears tfie security cameras were not on during the incident in which Mr. Fariey was kiiled, but were tumed on immediately aftervvards. The tape monitors three areas outside the Amellia's buiiding; the front door, the back door and parking area to the east of tfie buiiding. The screen is divided into fourths, but one section (upper � r � C L �� _� �. �s .� x u y � y�. =U � J NOV-09-1999 14�04 S7. PAUL PDLICE 99i P•02 N011-09-1999 14�08 6122653844 P.03/03 Saint Paui Palice Department P� z SUPPLEMENTAL OFFENSE i INCIDENT REPORT CartrplaintNam6er Reference C.N. Pnmery oilanse Date antl Time otRepod 99-167fi33 { nvesfs g ation of Death 11t08 11:13 left) is btank The lower left side of the sueen is the front door area of Amellia's. ft also includes ' University Avenue east of Amelfia's frorrt door. The fower right portion of the screen is the back door area with a large dumpster and parking spots. The upper right screen is the east parking. The dates and times racorded onto the tapa do not make any sense, the tape begins with�the date of 10�0-89 at �70o hours. The tape continues on the date of 10-30.89 to 0850 untiN there is cSearly a break in the sequence of events. The tape counter dispiayed on the screen jumps to 11-7-89 with a time of 12�'I:42 and after a shoR time, shows severaf squad cars arriving on University Avg to the easi of the front door. in addition to Ehe sudden jump in the dates of the tape counter, tha items bei�g viewed in the specific surveiffance areas also change abruptiy. The foilowing scenes are on the tape at � 0-30-89, at 0850:50 just prior to the break in sequence: - 7he front door area of Ameilia's is empty with no peopie around. - The back door area shows a large van parked facing south and a 2 door sedan parked on the west side of the dumpster. - The eas# side parking shows thres vehiclss, a smal! sedan facing east, a mini van faeing east and an SUV type vehicle parked facing west The tape then has a clear break in sequence to 11-7-89 ai 1211:42, and fhe following changes have occurred in the tape: - Tnere is a large crowd of people near the front door of Ameflia's and people continue to exit fhe bui(ding. Squad cars then arrive on University Ave. and stop to the east of the front door. - The rear of the building shows a white car pariced on ffie east side of the dumpster and a large van par4ced facing noRh. - The east parking shows a white convertible facing west and a van facing easf, Please distribute ta: _CNF _Hom _Seac _D/C _CO ,_Rptr NOU-�9-1999 14�04 _Rab _Juv _Oper _PSC �Burg _TheR _Prap _CAU Vice Narco SN T&A ST. PAUL POLICE 99� Lab Rec T�am F&F Auto DAO Other T07AL P.03 P.03 I� � l ' October 29, 1999 Robert Kessler, Director License, Inspections and Environmental Protection 300 Lowry Professional Building 350 Saint Peter Street Saint Paul MN 55102 Dear Mr Kessler: In light of the recent incident Arneilia"s stafF have met with interested community leaders and formulated the fol4owing as a means to deal with some issues: • We have ordered signs for the property, " No Trespassing - Violators will be prosecuted" and "Private property - No loitering". Signs will be delivered on Wednesday, November 3 and in place by Thursday, November 4, 1999. • We are pricing Halogen lighting fiorArnellia's parking lot, on the buifding on the � West side, to face the Antiques Minnesota lot and at the rear of our building expect to have this work completed within the next 2- 3 weeks. • We wil{ put additionai informatior on our ca{endar regarding the strict dress enforcement. We code y � U n d� :s � � . �� �� U � � L :U i C7 • Our VCR was in need of repair and is now in proper working order. Tapes are placed each day. We are using two sets of tapes and keeping them 4or a week before we tape over them. • We are in the process of looking at other promotional ideas that do not appeal to younger audiences on Wednesday and Thursday nights. • We have increased our diligence in making sure that patrons that have been barred from the establishment do not enter. • We wili continue to work with the interested citizens "The "Just Stop �t" Non- Violence Campaign" to make these and other items are carried out We welcome any other suggestions that may be forth coming to improve conditions for AmelOa's On-The-Avenue • New gathering spot tor foad, ddrdc, musk and hospitaBty • 1183 University Ave. W., St. Pauf, MN. SS10d •(672) 642-597E our neighbors, patrons and employees. Sincerely, . l�� Amellia Allen Owner cc: Mayor Norm Coleman City Council members Chief W(liam K Finney Commander Dan Carlson The "Just Stop IY' Tyrone Terrell Biily Collins Johnny Howard DonEsther Morris Rev Devin Miiler Non-Violence Campaign OFFICF 'F � CITY ATTORNEY Cltry[on a ,binson, J>., Ciry Attorney CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Co(eman, .4f¢yor Civil Drvisian 400 Ciry Hall 15 West Kellagg Blvd Saint P¢u(, .Ninnzsota S51 D2 Telephone: b5! 26b-87f0 Facsimile: 657 298-5619 November iQ, 1999 NOTICE OP SECQND VIOLATIQN Arnallia Alien Amellia's 1183 University Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 RE: All licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill, Inc. dlbla Amellia's for the premises at 11$3 University Ave. in St. Paul License ID #: 54523 Deaz Ms. Ailen: The Director of the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has recommended adverse action against all licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill d/bla Amellia's for the premises at 1183 University Avenue. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: On October 7,1999 there were shots fired outside of Arnellia's, and an individnal was run down in the parking lot and killed. Saint Paul police officers obtained the tapes from the video surveillance cameras to assist the police in investigating the incident. Several members of the homicide Unit watched the tape provided, and it was apparent that a large portion of #he events from Qctober 7,1499 are not on the tape. It appears that the security cameras were not activated until after the incident in which the person was killed, as the first thing from the date in question is the arrival of the squads cailed to investigate. Additionally, the times and dates on the tapes make no sense, and the items being viewed in the specific surveillance areas covered by the various cameras shift abrugtly. There is a condition on the licenses that the License holder must maintain "in good worl:ing order at least four video surveillance cameras ofl the exterior of fhe building to constantly monitor the esterior of the premises. Tapes must be maintained for 7 days." Failure to have the vidpo cameras on and taping at all times on October 7,1999 is a violation of the condition. � � Grill, Inc. dlt�la Arnellia's — City's Exh. # 4 -" Page 2 Amellia Allen November 10, 1999 If you do not dispute the above facts please send me a letter with a statement to that effect. The matter will then be scheduled for a heaiing before the St. Paul City Council to determine what penalty, if any, to unpose. You wi11 have an opportunity to. appeaz and speak on your own behalf, or to have someone appear there for you. On the other hand, if you wish to dispute the above facts, I will schedule an evidentiary hearing before an Administrative Law 7udge (AL�. If you wish to have such a hearing, please send me a letter stating that you aze contestin; the facts. You will then be sent a"Notice of Hearing," so you wiil know when and where to appear, and what the basis for the hearing wiil be. In either case, please let me kno�v in writing no late than Monday, November 22,1999, how you wouid like to proceed. If I have not heard from you by that date, I will assume that you are not contesting the facts. The matter will then be scheduled for the hearing before the St. Paul City Council. � If you have ang questions, feel free to ca11 me or have your attorney call me at 266-8710. Sincerely, � � � �� ��- Virginia A. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Mark Vaught, Suite 700, Six West Fifth St., St. Faul, MN 55102 Robert Kessler, Airector, LIEP Christina Rozek, LIEP Cathy Lue, Community Orgainzer, Hamline Midway Coalition, 1564 Lafond Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104 STATS OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RA1`iIS&Y ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MA2L JOANNE G. CLEMEI�TS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on November 10, 1999, she served the attached NOTICE OF SECOND VIOT�ATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Arnellia Allen Arnellia' s 1183 University Avenue St. Paul, MN. 55104 (which is the last known address of same, with postage prepaid, in the Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this lOth dav of Novembe�, 1999. � l� r %vw�-> I/ Notar Public ERP.PANGBORN Y - NOTAflYPUBLIC-MINNESCTA ` My Cqmm. Exp¢es Jan. �t, 2000 said person) and depositing the OFF2Cz'—Oc THE CITY ATTORNEY ClaytOn. .abirtson, Jr., CrlyAttprney CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norne Coleman, Mayar Civi1 DiviSian a00 Crry Hall I S {f'ut Ketloeg B(vd Sain[ P¢ul, blinxuofa Si703 I'eLephone: 65I 166-8710 Facsimil e: 651398-3619 December 15, 1499 NOTICE OF HEARING Arnellia Allen Ameilia's 1183 University Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 RE: All licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill, Inc. dJbJa Arnellia's for the premises at 1183 University Ave. in St. Paul License ID #: 54523 Dear Ms. Allen: Please take notice that a hearing wi11 be held at the foilowing time, date and place concerning all licenses for the premises stated above: Aate: Wednesday, January 26, 1999 Time: 9:30 a.m. PIace: Room 41 Saint Paul City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard 5aint Paul, Minnesofa 55102 The hearing will be presided over by an Administrative Law Jud�e from the State of Minnesota Office of Administrative Hearings: Name: Phyllis A. Reha Office of Administrative Hearings 100 Washington Square, Suite 1100 Minneapolis, MN. 55401 Telephone: (612) 341-7602 � � Griil, Inc. d/b!a Amellia's — City's Exh. # 10 — 1'he Council of the City of .. _�nt Pau1 has the authority to provide for nearings conceming licensed premises and for adverse action against such licenses, under Chapter 310, including sections 310.05 and 310.06, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. In the case of licenses for intoxicatin� and non- into�cating laquor, authority is also conveyed by Minnesota Statutes section 340A.415. Adverse action may include revocation, suspension, fines and oEher penalties or conditions. Evidence will be presented to the judge which may lead to adverse action atrainst all the ticenses you hold at the above premises as foilows: � On September23,1449 fherezvas a shooting outside ofArnellia's, near the aIley on the Fvest side of the building. Saint Paul police officers went to the bar later that day to recover tapes from the video surveillance camerAS to assist the police in identifying the suspects in the shooting. Officer 3ohnson �vas informed by the o�vner that there was no camera near the area in question. When asked i£ police could review the other camera tapes, the o�vner stated that the cameras �vere not taping at the time of the incident. There is a condition on the licenses that the License holder must maintain "in good �vorl:ing order at least four video surveillance cameras on the exterior of the buiiding to constantly monitor the exterior of the premises. Tapes must be maintained for 7 days." Failure to have the video cameras on and faping on September 23, 1999 is a violation of the condit3on. On Octoher 7, 1999 there tivere shots t'ired outside of Arnellia's, and an individual was run down in the parking lot and l:illed. Saint Paul poiice officers obtained the tapes from the video surveillance cameras to assist the police in investigating the incident. 3everal members of the homic3de UnitFVatched the tape provided, and it was apparent that a large porfion of the events from October 7, 1999 are not on the tape. It appears that the security cameras were not activated until after the incident in which the person was killed, as the first thing from the date in question is the arrival of the squads called to inl�estigate. Additionally, the times and dates on the tapes make no sense, and the items being vie�ved in the specific surveilIance areas covered by thevarious cameras shift abruptiy. There is a condition on the licenses that the License holder must maintain "in good vvorking order at least four video sun�eiilance cameras on the e�terior of the building to constantly monitor the esterior of the premises. Tapes musY be maintained for 7 days." k'aiture to have the video cameras on and taping aC all times on October 7, 1999 is a violatian of the condition. Notice of Hearing - Page 2 You have the right to be L,.,,resented by an attomey before and du�.,�� the hearing, or you can represent yourself. You may also have a person of your choice represent you, to the extent not prohibited as unauthorized practice of law. The hearin� will be conducted in accordance with the r�quirements of �riinnesota Statutes sections 14.57 to 14.62 and such parts of the procedures under section 310.0� of the Saint Paul Legislative Code as may be apglicable. At the hearing, the Administrative La�v Judae will have all parties identify themsel"ves £or the record. The City wi11 then present its witnesses and evidence, each of whom the licensee or attorney may cross-examine. The licensee may then offer in rebuttal any witnesses or evidence it may �vish to present, each of whom the City's attomey may cross-examine. The Administrative Law Judge may in addition hear relevant and material testimony from persons not presentzd as �vitnesses by either party who have a substantial interest in the outcome of the proceeding; for e;cample, the o�vners or occupants of property located in close proximity to the licensed premises may have substantial interest in the outcome of the proceeding. Concluding arguments may be made by the parties. Following the heazing, the Judge will prepaze Findin�s of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and a specific recommendation for action to be taken by the City Council, You should bring to the hearing all documents, records and witnesses }�ou will or may need to support your position. Subpoenas may be availabie to compel the attendance of witnesses or the production of documents in conformity with Minnesota Ru1es, part 14Q0.700Q. If you think that this matter can be resolved or settled �vithout a formal hear]na, please contact or have your attorney contact the undersigned. If a stipulation or a�reement can be reached as to the facts, that stipulation will be presented to the Administrative Law Judge for incorporation into his or her recommendation for Council action. If you faii to appeaz at the heazin�, your ability to challenge the aliegations wiil be forfeited and the allegations against you which have been stated earlier in this notice may be taken as true. If non- public data is received into evidence at the hearing, it may become public unless objection is made and relief requested under Minnesota Statutes, Section 14.60, subdivision 2. If you have any questions, you can cail me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, � j \ � � n _i'L�.L�u.�'ti LJ �GL�Y�x..�� Virginia TJ Palmer Assistant City Attomey cc: Mark Vaught, Suite 7Q0, Six West Fifth St. St. Paul, �T 55102 Nancy Thomas, Office of Administrative Hearings, 1 QO Washinoton Square, Suite 170Q, Mpls, NIN SS401 Notice of Hearing - Page 3 Nancy Anderson, [�sistant Council Secretary, 310 City Hall Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Cathy Lue, Community Or�anizer, Hamline Midway Coalition, l�64 Lafond Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104 • Notice of Hearing - Page 4 STATE OF MID7N C�UNTY OF RAMS&Y ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on December 15, 1999, she served the attached NOTICE OF HEARING on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Arnellia A11en Arnellia`s 1183 University Avenue St. Paul, MN. 55104 (which is the last known address of same, with postage prepaid, in the Minnesota. on) and depositing the Sta es mails at St. Paul, G Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15 day of Decey�er, 1999. PE7ER P. PANGBORN NOSARY PUBLiC- MINVESOTA fy CAmm. E<prtes 3an. 31. 20G ; OR�GI�AL Presented By Referred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT P. Council File # bp � C �5' Green Sheet j ��� y� Date �� 1 RESOLVED, that the licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill, Inc. d/b/a Amellia's for the 2 premises at 1183 University Avenue in Saint Paul (License ID# 54523} are hereby suspended 3 for a period of foriy-five days, fifteen of the days to be stayed, for the violations occurring on 4 September 23, 1999 and October 8, 1999 of the condition on the licenses requiring that there be 5 video surveillance cameras operating on the exterior of the building and that tapes be maintained 6 for seven days. The suspension shall begin on the third Wednesday following passage and 7 approval of this resolution 9 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the findings of fact and conclusions of law contained in the 10 ALJ Report in this case dated May 3, 2000 are adopted as the written findings and conclusions of 11 the Council in this matter, except as amended below. The reasoning of the Memorandum of the 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ALJ attached to the findings and conclusions is not adopted. The recommendation of the ALJ for dismissal of the adverse action against the licenses is also not accepted. FURTHER RESOLVED, that the following amendments to the ALJ Report are hereby adopted: 1. Finding of Fact No. 3 is hereby amended to read as follows: 1 - -- - -- - - - --- - - - --- - :,a.:,.�::�,�:..:.�...-.�_:.: - - - - - - -- - 24 25 26 . Conditions have been 27 holder. the nei�hbors, the police and LIEP, and have been desioned 28 to deal with problems caused bv patrons of Amellia's. These 29 restrictions include imposing a dress code on customers, requiring 30 picture identification, banning individuals from the premises, 31 screening music played on the premises for inappropriate content, 32 using a metal detector to exclude weapons from the premises, and 33 providing security to ensure orderly behavior on the premises." 34 35 36 37 38 2. Finding of Fact No. 5 is hereby amended to read as follows: "5. After agreeing to the condirions regarding the video I•1 1 surveillance system, a manager at Amellia's developed a system to 2 be followed for tapin�. The first tape of the day would be started 3 when the establishment was opened for business, azound noon each 4 day. When that tape ran out, another employee inserted the second 5 tape. That tape would record until after closing. Tapes were kept 6 for a week and then reused for taping. Larry Allen testified that the 7 ta�es were not always started risht at openina, and that there was 8 no one empl'ovee responsible for insuring that the tape was 9 o�eratin�." 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 � 5. Finding of Fact No. 6 is hereby amended to read as follows: "6. In August, 1999, Amellia Allen discovered that one of the four surveillance cameras was not working properly. The camera operated properly in daylight, but did not return a clear image at night. The contractor who initially installed the system, Earl Allen, was contacted in eazly August, and he examined the system approximately one week later. The contractor concluded that a new camera was required and it was ordered from the manufacturer in California. 7erry Allen paid the contractor to order the camera on August 13, 1999. The date that the camera was ordered by the contractor is unknown. The failure to have this fourth camera in workin2 order was not listed as a basis for adverse action." Finding of Fact No. 7 is hereby amended to read as follows: "7. The camera was delivered to Amellia's in early September. The conuactor was notified that the camera had arrived. The camera had sti]1 not been installed bv the October 7. 1999 date, and testimony bv Jerry Allen at the hearine was that he did no follow- up to see what the delav was in installina the camera." Findin� of Fact No. 8 is hereby amended to read as follows: 38 "8. On September 23, 1999, a shooting incident occurred in the 39 alley behind Aruellia's. Testimony bv the�olice established that 40 the particioants had been oatrons of Amellia's eazlier in the 41 evenine. Sergeant Munoz of the Saint Paul Police Department 42 went to Arnellia's to obtain the videotape of the imagery captured 43 by the video surveillance camera. Ser�eant Munoz was informed 44 that there was no tape available for that evening. Larry Allen had 45 forgotten to put the second tape in that day." 46 47 48 Finding of Fact No. 12 is hereby amended to read as follows: 49 "12. Neaz midnight on October 7, 1999, an altercation began 50 between patrons in Arnellia's. Those part3cipating in the 51 altercation were removed from the premises. The dispute bo -S$,S 1 continued outside and someone fired shots. A car struck and killed 2 a pedestrian in the pazking lot of the estabfishment, and the body 3 was drag�ed into the middle of University Avenue at that time. A 4 large number of officers of the Saint Paul Police Department 5 responded to the scene." 6 7 9 7. Conclusion of Law No. 5 is hereby amended to read as follows: 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 "5. The Licensee is � ' .in violation of the condition on its license relatin� to maintaining tapes from the video surveillance cameras on both September 23, 1999 when no t�e was inserted and on October 7, 1999. when the tape was not operated until after the police had been called. �ke > > • �� 00 -SS.S 8. Conclusion of Law No. 6 is deleted and a new Conclusion of Law No. 6 is adopted to read as follows:: � �" � 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 "6. The short time between the two violations, and the fact that the second violation was within a week of Licensee beinQ notified that LIEP would be takina adverse action based upon the first violation reflect that the Licensee was not making serious efforts to comply with the condition." 9. Conclusion of Law No. 7 is hereby amended to read as follows: 38 39 "7. There is �a a basis for taking adverse acrion against the 40 Licensee under See�iaris � 310.06(b)(5) °-'���^�o of the Saint 41 Paul Legislative Code for 42 sysfem- {ailure to com�lv with the condition on the license 43 requiring that video surveillance cameras be maintained in eood 44 workin� arder and that tapes from the cameras be maintained for 45 seven davs." 46 47 48 This Resolution is based on the record of the proceedings before the ALJ, including the 49 hearing on January 26, 2000, the documents and exhibits introduced therein, the findings of fact 50 and conclusions of law of the AL7 as referenced above, the written submissions by counsel for 51 the parties, and the azguments and statements of the parties and the deliberations of the Council 1 in open session on 7une 7, 2000. 2 ao �S$5 3 A copy of this Resolution, as adopted, shall be sent by first class mail to the 4 Administrative Law Judge, and to the Licensee's attomey, S. Mark Vaught. ' 5 6 � 7 Requested by DepartmenC of: sy: Form Approved by City Attorney ,� By: / ____y�°^^.�-C Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council HY � ' t '�� a ' j— � ' � � B y : Approved by Mayor: Date L�YYG 1^7 r.pyQ By !� ��C�2 \ Adopted by Council: Date e�� �Ob Adoption Certified by Counci ecretary oo-5gS DEPARTMENT/OFFICFJC-0UNCiL GTE1NrtuTED c�� June9 ,ZOOO GREEN SHEET No ���� -�" � 266-8710 �""��`� �""""��' u.ue,�m�row�cra, «n�w�ce MUST 8E ON COUNCIL AGQJDA BY (DAl� ' AalIGN 7une14,2000 xu�rswrs ° "` T ` O° �'` �° rto�rnxc oxDVt w1MKJn� sFUUxcss ooL ❑ cNaNCU6 av,wuccrc ❑����,�.� a TOTAL # OF SiGNATURE PAGES (CUP ALL LOCATiONS FOR SIGNATURE) tON REQUESTm Resolution finalizuig City Council action taken June 7, 2000, conceming adverse action against all licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill, Inc., dba Arnellia's, 1183 Uzriversity Avenue. R COMMENOATIONApprove(A)wRejeG(R) VERSONqLSERYICECONTRA4TSMUSTAMSWERTt4EF�LLOWIN6QUE5SION5: 1. Has this persoMrrm ever wnrked uMer a coMract tw this departmeM? PL4NNING CAMMISSION YES NO CIBCOMMITTEE 2. MasthispewoNfrmeverbemacityempbyee7 CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION rES No 3. Dces this persoruTi�m possess a sidll not normallyp�seE by arry cu�eM cM1y employee'1 YES NO 4. Is this pe'soNfirm a}argeted vendoR YES NO Fxplain all yea ansxeis on upa2te shee[ aM attach to preen sheet INITWTING PROBLEM ISSUE.OPPORNNI7Y(Who, What, When, Where, Why) AOVAN7AGES IF APPROVED DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVE� 70TAI. AMOUNT oF TRANSACTION f CO3T/REVENUE BUDGEfED (CIRCLE ONE� YES NO FUNOING SOURCE ACTNIIY NUMBER FlNANCWLINFORMAiION(IXPWN) ��R1�,"'�� 13y�!!��� w�a� � � �Q�� -Tt J � J c/ile ? �!� Andy Dawkins State Representative Minnesota po-5�� Disirict 65A Ramsey County House of Representatives COMMITTEES: TAXES: CIVIL LAW; JOBS AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT June 1, 2000 To Whom It May Concern: Re: Arnellia's Restaurant, 1183 University Avenue, St. Paul I live at 788 Charles Avenue, several blocks from Amellia's Restaurant. I represent District 65A in the Legjslature, which includes Arnellia's Restaurant. I often go doorknocking on Sherburne Avenue just to the north of Arnellia's. I understand that a decision will be made regarding suspension of Arnellia's license to operate. would like to offer my opinion that Arnellia's has been responsibly owned and managed to the best of their abilities. I would encourage that the decision not be to suspend their license. Sincerely, �� `#�K.��Z�S Andy Dawkins State Representative 788 Charles Avenue St. Paul Minnesota 55104 (651) 224-6270 Siate Office Building, 100 Constitution Ave., St. Paul, Minnesota 55155-�298 (657) 296-5�58 �f House Fa�c (657 ) 296-4165 TTY (651) 296-9896 �ij� E-mail: rep.andy.dawkins@house.leg.state.mn.us CITY OF SAINT PAUL Narm Ca[em¢n, M¢yo� Apri120,2000 NOTICE OF COUNCIL HEARING Mr. S. Mazk Vaught Attorney at Law Six West Fifth Street, Suite 700 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Alllicenses held by Metro Bar & Grili, Inc. dlbla Arnellia's for the premises at 1183 University Ave. in St. Paul License ID #: 54523 Deaz Mr. Vaught: SS ,�,� a � P , . .. ' �sv' Please take notice that a hearing on the report of the Administrative Law 3udge concezning the above-mentioned license has been scheduled for 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, May 10, 2000, in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. You have the opportunity to file exceptions to the report with the City Clerk at any time during normal business hours. You may also present oral or written azgument to the council at the Heazing. No new evidence will be received or testimony taken at this hearing. The Council will base its decision on the record of the proceedings before the Administrative Law Judge and on the arguments made and exceptions filed, but may depart from the recommendations of such Judge as permitted by law in the exercise of its judgement and discretion. Sincerely, ��� ,tita�j ��.. �c; �� Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney ca Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary, 310 Ciry Hall Robert Kessier, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP . Cathy Lue, Community Organizer, Hamline Midway Coalition, Paul, MN 55104 Cazoi Atkins, 633 N. Snelling Ave., St. Paui, MN 55104 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Claytox M. Robinson, 7r., Ciry Attorney 80-5�� Civit Division 400 Ciry• Ha11 7eLephone: 651 266-87I0 ISWestKeIIoggB(vd Facrimile:651298-i619 Saint P¢ul, Minnuot¢ Si102 1564 Lafond Ave, St. �c -S8S 9-2911-12640-3 STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS FOR THE GITY OF ST. PAUL in the Matter of All Licenses Held by FINDINGS OF FACT, Mefro Bar & Grill, Inc., d/b/a Arnefiia's, for CONCLUSIONS OF LAW the Premises at 1183 University Avenue, AND RECOMMENDATION Saint Paul, License 4.D. No. 54523. The above-entifled mafter came on for hearing before Administrative Law Judge Phyl(is A. Reha, acting as a hearing officer for the Saint Paul City Council, commencing at 9:30 a.m. on VVednesday, January 26, 20��, a� tha Saint Paul City Hai!/Ramsey County Courthouse, Room 41, 15 West Keliogg Bouievard, St. Pauf, Minnesota. The hearing was held pursuant to a Notice of Hearing dated December 15, 1999. Virginia D. Palmer, Assistant St. Pauf Cifij Attorney, 400 City Hall, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102, appeared on behalf of the City's Office of License, Inspections and Environmentai Protection (LIEP). S. Mark Vaught, Attorney at Law, Six West Fifth Street, Suite 700, Saint Paul, M+nnesota 55102-1412, appeared on behalf of the Licensee (hereinafter "Arnellia's" or "Licensee"). The record cfosed on March 7, 2000, with the receipt of the last post-hearing submission. NOTICE This Report contains a recommendation and not a fina{ decision. The f+nal decision wiil be made by the Saint Paul City Council, which may affirm, reject, or modify the Findings and Conclusions contained herein. The Council will consider the evidence in this case and the Administrative Law Judge's recommended Findings of Fact and Conclusions, but wil{ not consider any factual testimony not pseviously submitted to and considered by the Administrative Law Judge. The Licensee wiif have an opportunity to present oral or written arguments regarding its posifion on the recommendation of the Administrative Law Judge in the application of the law or interpretation of the facts and ,;,ay presert a�y�ment related to its positi�n. The CounciPs decision as to what, if any, adverse action shafi be taken wili be by resolution under § 310.05 of the St. Pauf Legislative Code. To ascertain when the Council will consider this matter, the parties shoufd contacf the Saint Paul City Council, Room 310, St. Paul City HaII/Ramsey County Courthouse, 15 West Keflogg Boulevard, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102. STATEMENT OF ISSUES The issues in this matter are whether Licensee violated conditions on its license by failing to maintain video survei(lance of the exterior of the licensed premises and faiiing to record that imagery, and, if so, what penalty is appropriate. Based upon ail of the files, records and proceedings herein, the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) makes the following: Go-S8S FiNDiNGS OF FACT 1. Metro Bar & Grill, 4nc. is a corporation doing business as Arnellia's at 1183 Universifij Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota 551�4. The corporation is owned by Arnellia Allen. Arnellia's has an Entertainment (B) license, a Gambling Location (B) license, a CigarettelTobacco license, and two Liquor On-Saie iicenses. Arneilia's licenses remain valid pending the outcome of this proceeding. The business is owned by ArneNia A11en. The manager is her son, Jerry Aflen. Jerry A41en's brother, Larry Allen,� is employed by Amellia's to provide security. 2. Arnellia's is located directiy on Universify Avenue. To the west on that block is Antiqiaes Minnesota. To the east side of Arnellia's +s a parking lot and fhe Midway Car Wash. To the north side is an alley with some parking and a dumpster. Four external video cameras have been in place on the building fior approximately six years. One camera �rovides a view of the fran± d.00r on ±he south side ef the b�ilding, one camera observes the north side around the back door of Arnellia's (near the dumpster), and the ather two cameras provide difFerent angles of the parking lot on the east side of the buifding. Signs posted on the build±ng state that video surveiilance is being conducted. The video cameras send images to a monitor, which displays a picture for each camera together on the same screen. 3. The area in the vicinity of Arnellia's is subject to frequent poiice calis and significant leveis of crime. To address these neighborhood problems and prevent any exacerbation of those probiems, Arnel4ia's operates its business under a number of restrictions that have been in place for years.� These restrictions include imposing a dress code on customers, requiring picture identification, banning individuafs from the premises, screening music piayed on the premises for inappropriate content, using a metai detector to exclude weapons form the premises, and providing security to ensure orderiy behavior on the premises. 4. In May, 1999, a man was shot and killed whife in a car parked in front of the Midway Car Wash. In response to that killing, management at Arnellia's met with the Saint Paul Police, LlEP, and community representatives fo determine what additional efforts could be made to address violent acts in the vicinity of Arnellia's. The Licensee agreed to add taping equipment to its existing video surveil(ance system. This additional condition became effective on Jufy 8, 1999 and states: licensee holder will maintain in good working order at ieast 4 video surveiflance cameras on the exterior of the building to constantly monitor the exterior of the premises. Tapes must be maintained for 7 days 3 5. After agreeing to the conditions regarding fhe video survei(lance system, a manager at Arne{fia's developed a system to be folfowed for taping. The first tape of the ' The entire list of restrictions, identifled as condikions on Arnellia's 4icense, is attached as Appendix A. The fist of conditions includes the subsequently agreed-to conditions regarding the video cameras. 2 Midway Car Wash is focated at 1169 University Avenue. 3 Exhibit 2. 2 �6—Sg day wouid be started when the establishment was opened for business, around noon each day. When that tape ran out, another employee inserted the second.tape. That tape would record until after closing. 7apes were kept for a week and then reused for taping. 6. in August, 1999, Arnel(ia Ailen discovered that one of the four surveiflance cameras was not working proper(y. The camera operated properiy in daylight, but did not return a clear image at night ° The contractor who initialiy instailed the system, Earf Allen, was contacted in early August, and he examined the system approximate{y one week later. The confractor concluded that a new camera was required and it was ordered from the manufacturer in California. Jerry Aiien paid the contractor to order the camera on August 13, 1999. The date that the camera was ordered by the contractor is unknown. 7. The camera was de�ivered to Arnel(ia's in eariy September. The contractor was notified that the camera had arrived. 8. On September 23, 1999, a shooting incident occurred in the alley behind Arneilia's. Sergeant Munoz of the Saint Pauf Police Department went to Arneliia's to obtain the videotape of the imagery captured by the video survei{lance camera. Sergeant Munoz was informed that there was no tape available for thaf evening. Larry Alien had forgotten to put in fhe second tape on that day. 9. Arneflia's responded to the failure to tape by modifying its system of taping. tonger duration videotape was purchased, the employees responsible for the system were instructed to make certain that a tape was in the machine, and the system of retaining videotapes was modified. 10. On September 30, 1999, the Saint Paui City Attorney's O�ce issued a Notice of Violation to Arneilia's. The Notice indicafed that on September 23, 1999, the Licensee failed to have its video cameras on and taping and that constitutes a violafion of the video surveillance condition on Ameilia's license. No citation was made in the Notice of Violation to what provision of the Saint Paul Legfslative Cade was alleged to have been violated and no suggested penalty was indicated. 11. On October 7, 1999, Larry Allen was working the evening shifE at Arnellia's. At about 8:00 p.m., Larry Aiien switched the videotape for the tape that had been recording since Arnei4ia`s opsned that morning. When he activated the video recorder, he inadvertentfy pressed the "play" buttbn rather than the "recard" buttan. 12. Near midnight on October 7, 1999, an altercation began betv��een patrons in Arnellia's. Those participating in the altercation were removed firom the premises. The dispute continued outside and someone fired shots. A car struck and killed a ° The image retumed by that camera at night would only show objects wifh their own iliumination, such as automobile headlights and taillights. 5 Eari Ailen is no relatfon to Amellia AI4en, Jerry Al;en, or Lsrry Ailen. - 6 Exhibit 5. � �� _ S�S pedestrian in the m+ddle of University Avenue at that time. A large number'of officers of the Saint Paul Police Department responded to the scene. 13. Larry Alien had been observing the incidenf outside Arnellia's. He went in to check on the v'sdeotape system and noficed for the first time that eveni�g thaf fhe recorder had been set to piay, rather than record. He immediately stopped the tape and began recording. An officer of fhe Saint Pauf Pofice Department entered a few minutes later and requested the videotape. Larry Allen gave the officer fhe videotape. 14. in mid-October, the contractor returned to Arnellia's and instailed the new camera. The instal(ation of fhe new camera allowed nighttime images from a second angle in the parking lot to be recorded on the VCR. 15. As a resuit of the October 7 error in operating the VCR, Arnel�ia's again modified how the videotaping system was to operate. A three-week rofation of videotape was instituted. Each staff member at Arnelfia's was instructed to check the operation of the VCR throughout the work shift. Any staff member observing anything unusual about the monitor or VCR is instructed to report to the manager on duty. 16. On November 10, 1999, the Saint Paul City Attorney's Office issued a Notice of Second Violation to the Licensee. The Notice stafed that on October 7, 1999, Arnel{ia's failed to have its video cameras on and taping and that constitufes a viofation ofi the video surveillance condition on Arnellia's license.' No citation was made in the Notice of Violation to what provision of the Saint Paul Legisiative Code was alfeged to have been violated and no suggested penalty was indicated. 17. On December 15, 1999, the Assistant City Attorney, Virginia D. Paimer, issued a Notice of Hearin� in this matter. The Notice of Hearing identifed the hearing date as January 26, 1999. 18. The misidentification of the date of the hearing in the notice of this matter did not cause any confusion for Licensee. Licensee was not prevented from fully participating in the hearing due fo the erroneous date. Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact, the Administrative Law Judge makes the following: CONCLUSIdNS 1. The Administrative Law Judge and the Saint Paul City Council have authority to consider the charges against the respondent and the penalty, if any, that should be paid the city pursuant to Sec. 310.05 of ths St. Pau{ L�egislative Code. � Exhibit 9. $ Exhibit 10. 0 o a _ s �s 2. LIEP has substantially compiied with ail relevant substanfive and procedurai legai requirements. 3. The Licensee received adequate and�timely notice of the hearing and of fhe charges against it. 4. LIEP has the burden of proof to establish, by a preponderance ofi the evidence, that fhe respondent vio{ated the conditions of its licensure. • 5. The Licensee is in substantial compliance with the conditions of its license through the instaliation and operation of a videotaping system attached to its video surveillance cameras. The failure to record the images captured by the video surveillance cameras outside the licensed premises on September 23 and October 7, 1999, was inadvertent by the Licensee. 6. The efforts made by the licensee to repair the malfunctioning camera comp4ied with the conditios+ that four video cameras be "maintained in good working order" outside the business premises. 7. There is no basis for taking adverse action against the Licensee under Sections 310.06(b)(5) and 409.10 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code for the operation of its video surveillance system. Based upon the foregoing Conclusions, the Administrative Law Judge makes the foliowing: RECOMMENDATION IT IS HEREBY RECOMMENDED: That the Saint Paul City Council DISMISS the action against the licenses heid by Metro Bar & Grill, lnc. Dated this �-�day of Aprii, 2000 ��� � � ��- ; ,:,. . � PHYLLI A. REHA �" ' Administrative Law Judge Reported: Taped, three tapes MEMORANDUM Three incidents of violence are the motivation for bringing this action against the Licensee. A killing in May, occurring in front of the business next door; a shooting in September, occurring in the alley behind the business; and a shooting in Ocfober, 5 pa — S,�s resulting in a pedestrian being struck by a car and kilied. There is no evidence in the record of this matter that any of these incidents took place on the licensed premises. in response to the May kiliing, the conditions under which Arnellia's operates were reconsidered. Conditions regarding video sunreillance were added. The fanguage of the new condition itself is ambiguous, since fhaf language does not expressly require that the imagery captured by the exterior video surveillance cameras be recorded. There is no dispute, however, that bofh L1EP and Arneilia's understood the condition to require the addifion of a VCR and recording the imagery from those cameras. The record in this matter is clear that Arnellia's implemented the new requirement consistent with its agreement. At first, tapes of six and eight hours in duration were used to cover the fourteen hours per day that Arnellia's is open. After a period of trial and error, Arnellia's discovered that additional time was needed to ensure that the videotaping covered the entire time the establishment was open. Arneilia's then switched to two eight-hour tapes per day. During this period stafF discovered, aiso by trial and error, that the extended piay option must be selected to ensure that the eight- hour tape covers ali eight hours." No one at Arnefiia's was able to set ihe date and time feature on the VCR. The second act of violence near Arnellia's was a shooting that took place in fhe alley behind the building on September 23, 1999. The victim in that incident was struck in the foof. The Saint Paul Police sought the videatape from that evening to assist in their investigation of the incident. There was no tape from that evening, since Larry Alien had forgotten to put a tape in the VCR. Arnelfia's responded to the error by reviewing the system that had been established for videotaping, adjusting that system to ensure that the VCR was being activated at the appropriate times, and reminding the responsibfe empfoyees that the taping was a requirement. The third act of violence occurred on October 7, 1999. At approx+mately 8:00 p.m. on that date, Larry Allen changed the videotape in the VCR for the evening. He inadvertently pressed the wrong button on the VCR after inserting the new tape. Around midnight, an alfercation started in Arneilia's. in accordancs with the establishmenYs policy, the participants were ejected from Arnefiia's. Those persons continued their dispute outside and shots were fired. A car then struck a pedestrian in University Avenue and that pedestriar� was killed. After seeing the events outside, Larry Allen went to check on the VCR. At that time he discovered that it was in "play" mode, rather fhan "record" mode. He immediately began recording. At the hearing in this matter, Larry Alien acknowledged his mistake. LIEP maintains that violation of any condition is sufficient to take adverse action against Arnellia's license. The serious consequences on September 23 and October 7 are asserted to be justification for a penalty of sixty days suspension. Arnellia's points 9 Several witnesses suggested that the automobile striking the pedestrian was exiting Arne4lia's parking lot. 10 While Condition 11 states that the cameras must monitor the exterior continuously, both Arnellia's and LfEP understood the taping requirement to be only during business hours. " The ofher option, standard piay, provides better video qua(ity but much sho�ter duration. � Do — S8S out fhat there is no evidence that any videotape from either evening would have prevented the incidents or materially aided the Saint Paul Police in their subsequent investigations. � Section 310.06(b)(5) authorizes adverse action be taken against a licensee when the licensee fails to comply with any condition of ths license. Section 409.10 sets out the standards to apply in adding conditions to licenses as follows: Sec. 4�9.1a. Restrictions on ticenses. When a reasonable basis is found by the council to impose reasonable restrictions upon a licsnse held under this chapter, the councif, upon issuing a new license or renewing a license or approving a transfer of a license, may impose reasonable conciitions and restrictions pertaining to the manner and circumsfances in which the business shall be conducted to preserve ihe pub(ic peace and protect and promote good order and security. These reasonable conditions or restrictions may pertain to: (1) A limifation as to the hours when intoxicating liquor may be sold and/or consumed on the licensed premises; (2) A limitation and restriction as to the exact iocation within a building where intoxicating {iquor wiii be served andlor sold andlor consumed; (3) A limitation and restriction as to the means of ingress to or egress from the iicensed estabiishment; (4) A requirement that certain off-street parking facilities be provided; (5) A condition that the license wili be in effect only so long as the estabfishment remains a drugstore, restaurant or hotei as defined by the state liquos act or regulations adopted pursua�t thereto; (6) A limitation and restriction as to the means and methods of advertising the safe of intoxicating liquor on fhe buiiding andlor on the premises adjacent thereto; (7) Reasonable conditions limiting the operation of the licensed premises so as to ensure that the licensed business wifl comport with the character of the district in which it is located and/or to the end that nuisances will be prevented;and (8) Addifionaf condifions upon hotels and restaurants which may in the discretion of the ccuncil tend to insure that the sale of liquor will iake piace only in conjunction with the saie and service of fiood. The one repeated standard throughouf the section is that any condition imposed on a ficensee must be "reasonabie". 7he condition at issue in this matter falis under item 7, which is the imposition of "reasonable conditions limiting the aperation of the licensed premises ... fo the end that nuisances will be prevented."' Rdverse action can certainly be taken against a licensee for any unreasonabie fiailure to meet a condition 12 Saint Pau! Legislative Code Sec. 4�9.10. 7 �� - cS3"S requiring videofaping. Conversely, where a licensee has a reasonable excuse for that failure, adverse acfion is inappropriate. {n each instance where the videotaping system was fiound to be faulty, action was taken by Arnellia's to improve fhe system. VCRs are not "fool-proof' technoiogy, and gaps in recording are inevitable. The Licensee has demonstrated substantial compliance with the {icense condition and the two instances of noncompiiance were inadvertent. The degree of ongoing compliance is demonstsated by the ofher material on the tape provided to the Saint Paui Poiice Department on October 7, 1999. LIEP asserts that violations of the license condition are established by the failure of Amellia's to ensure that the correct date and iime are imprinted on the recording. There is no such requirement in the conditions estab{ished for ArneNia's. Adverse action cannot be taken against the Licensee for faifing to properly set the date and time of the VCR, absent some undersfanding tha± such cond�ct is required.� Having one video camera malfunction is also cited by LIEP as a violation of the license condition. The ob4igation in the license condifion to "maintain in good working order" four video surveiliance cameras assumes thaf the technology will periodically maifunction and need to be fixed. The measure of compliance is not whether any of the cameras are broken, but whether prompt action +s taken to repair them. In this matter, the Licensee was prompt and a contractor was dilatory. The Licensee met the requirement that the video surveillance system be maintained. "This standard of conduct is reflected in other Iicense actions invo(ving entertainment establishments. For example, in assessing whether adverse action was appropriate where female dancers "went topless" without a bar owners knowfedge, Administrative Law Judge Peter Erickson stated: This case is not so much one where critical issues of fact must be determined, but rather one in which the penalty must be appropriate to the violation. This case wouid be much different if, when Mr. Jensen had seen that the dancers were topiess, he had immediately taken action, wfiether or not successful, to curb the topiess activities. However, Mr. Jensen decided that he could do nothing at that time and it was not until after O�cer Nohr became involved that Mr. Jensen put an end to the topless behavior. Additionaffy, Mr. Jensen could have instructed his bouncers and other employees regarding the law on nudify and told them to enforce the prohibition if any of the dancers decided undress. Atthough Mr. Jensen was not aware that the show would be topless, he is not btametess for the resulting nudity which continued until after Officer Nohr arrived. However, Mr. Jensen's good faith efforts to ensura that the show would not be topless before ever pooking it shou4d be give� great weight. Cify of Coleraine v. Hariey Jensen, dfb/a Harley's Hui 1I, OAH Docket No. 4-2101-5430-6 (Recommendation issued Aprii 23, 1991)(emphasis added). 14 The time stamp on the tape provided is October 30, 1989, and that tape-records the entire evening's events outside of Arnellia's. With the rotation of tapes described by Arnellia's, the ne� time stamp that wouid 6e imprinted on that particular tape is November 7, 1989. At about the midd(e of the tape (approximately four hours at extended play}, the scene changes to the events on October 7, 1999, and the time stamp changes to November 7, 1989. 7he new date and imagery lasts only a few minutes, which is consistent with the police officer receiving the tape that night. These facts support the testimony of larry Al1en that the tape was inserted according to the procedure, but that the "piay" button was inadvertentiy pressed. t5 As discussed above, the language of the license condition faits to expressly require taping, much less requiring accurate time stamps. There was no understanding between Arnellia's and LfEP that the VCR must imprint an accurate time stamp to meet the license condition. � �7.,a��r-z RoberE Kessler, Director of LIEP, festifisd fhat the purpose of the video surveiiiance license condition was: This establishment attracts people that (sic) are prone to viofence. And that we have a responsibility to do everything we can to prevent that from happening. And the conditions were designed, especially with fhe conditions in regard to the cameras, fo send a message to those peop(e that practice violence that they will be watched and that we will have recards that wili protecf the public. Secause of the lack of good management practices at that establishment, those records are not avaitable and 1 think as a resuit, the message is that they can get by with these k+nds of acts af that esfablishmenf without having to pay the price. There is no way for anyone outside ihe establishment to know whether videotapes are being recorded at a�y particular moment. The video cameras and signs warning about surveilfance are praminently displayed. Each of the three incidents that prompted action concerning the Licensee occurred off of the licensed premises. Possession of a business license does not grant police power to control the actions of persons outside of the licensed premises. 7he purpose of "sending a message" to persons outside the controi of the ficensee is accompfished by the visible indicia of video surveil(ance. The efforts made by Arneflia's to prevent a nuisance condition in the vicinity of its business are reasonable. Maintaining videotape generated by surveillance cameras does not reiate to the ongoing business of the Licensee, but merely aids in the subsequent investigations by po{ice. The inadvertent faifure, on two occasions, to record the video camera imagery from outside the premises does not rise fo a failure to comply with the conditions on Arneiiia's ficense. The actions taken to replace a malfunctioning camera were reasonable. Arnellia's has demonstrated by a preponderance of the evidence that it was in substantial compliance with ifs license conditions. LIEP fai{ed to demonstrate that Arneflia's has faiied to compfy with the conditions on its license. Therefore, the Administrative Law Judge recommends that this matter be DfSMISSED. _�� 16 Hearing Testimony, Tape 1. � Oo-S�S Appendix A EFFEC7IVE 07/OS/99: 1. Dress Code: Amellia's agrees to continue to enforce a dress code for customers designed specificatly to prevent patrons or cusYomers from concealing weapons or contraband inside baggy c(ofhing or wearing gang a�liated coiors. 2. Adherence to Strict Identification Requirements: Amellia's wili require proper picture identification from anyone who appears to Be you�ger than 30 years old. Those without proper identification shall be denied entrance. 3. increase Communication with Police and Neighbors: Arnellia's shall initiate and maintain regular communicatio� wifh the west sector team police commander or his designee, and licensing officiais, Christine Rozek and Kristina Schweinler. Meetings shali include neighborhood organizations to the extent possible. 4. Controi Music Type and Format: Arne{{ia's shall continue to be responsibie for screening out music that promotes or glorifies violence and nefarious or anti-social behavior. 5. Arnellia's management and security personnei wiii insure that patrons do not leave enmasse, but rather, management and secuirty will encourage patrons to Ieave in an orderty and controlled manner between 12:30 a.m. and 1:15 a.m. 6. The pubiic telephones shali not affow incoming calis, nor any calls to or from electronic beepers or pagers. 7. Arnellia's shaA maintian a list of all patrons who have been banned from the estabfishment, and this list shall be strictly enforced by Arne(lia's. Such list shall inciude proper identification of that person, photograph and a notice of trespass. This notice should be in triplicate with one copy goinq to each ofi the fiollowing; 1) Maintained by the establishment; 2) LIEP; 3) the individual being ba�ned. Once banned, a person wiil remain 6anned for a minimum of one year. Arneflfas will cooperate with police in filling out trespass notice(s). 8. Arnellias shall continue to provide security personnel to promote the orderly behavior of patrons on and ieaving the premises. The premises shali inciude the area immediately adjacent to the establishment. Special attention will be paid to encouraging patrons to leave the area. 9. AII employees and security personnel information shalf be provided to LIEP for background checks. 10. Arnellla's wili employ the use of a metal detecting devices to ensure there are no weapons on the premises. , 11. Licensee holder wiil maintain in good wvrking order at (east 4 video surveiifance cameras on the exterior of the buiiding to constantiy monitar the exterior of the premises. Tapes must be maintained for 7 days. 12. A video surveillance camera shalf be maintained in good working order in the interior of - the estab{ishment to monitor cusfomers as they enter the estabiishment. Tapes must be maintained for 7 days. 13. Signage shall be posted on the exterior of the building to notify patrons that the area may be under video surveiilance. 14. Security personnel wili be on duty daily from 8:0o p.m. unti( cfosing. 15. Back door wili remain locked after 5:30 p.m. to prevent entry. 16. The Iicensee will iock the door of the establishment at 12:30 a.m. No additional patrons will be alivwed entry after thai time. 17. Conditions reviewed at renewal. 10 OFFICE OF TF� CITY ATTORNEY Claylon M. Robinson, Ja, CityAtto�ney CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor Civi! Division 4D0 Ciry Hat! 1.5 Li'estKelloggBh•d. Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 bo— S.4S Telephone: 651266-87l0 Facsimile: 651 298-� 619 May 3, 200� S. Mazk Vauaht Attorney at Law Six West Fifth Street, Suite 700 Saint Pau1, Minnesota 55102 RE: All licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill, Tnc. d/b/a Arnellia's fQr the premises at 1183 University Avenue in Saint Paui License ID #: 54523 Dear Mr. Vaught: Enclosed and served upon you please find the City's Exceptions to the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommendation of the Administrative Law 3udge in the above- referenced matter. As you know, this matter is scheduled for hearing before the Saint Paul City Council on Wednesday, May 10, 2000, af 530 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 3T' Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County CoLrthouse. Sincerely, � � ��� � � Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary, 310 City Hall Robert Kessler, Director of LIBP Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP Cathy Lue, Community Organizer, Hamline Midway Coalition, 1564 Lafond Avenue, Saint Paui, NIlV 5� 104 L.'o- SSS STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFTCE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS FOR TI� CITY OF SA1NT PAUL In re the licenses held by Metro Bar & Crrill, dlb/a Arnellia's CITY'S EXCEPTIONS TO THE REPORT OF TF� ALJ The City of Saint Paul, acting duough its Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection, files the following exceptions to the report of the Admuustrative Law Judge, dated April 4, 2000, and filed thereafter with the City Clerk. I. Exceptions to Findings of Fact. A. Findine 3: The finding neglects to state that the conditions piaced on Amellia's license aze ali restrictions designed to prevent problems caused by patrons of Arnellia's, not simply crime in and around the neighborhood. B. Findina 5: This finding shouid include a finding that the testunony of Larry Alien indicated that the time at which tapes were started was inconsistent, and that taping did not always start when the premises were opened. C. Findin� 5: This finding is factually true but irrelevant, as the fact that only thzee cameras were properly working was not a basis for adverse action at the hearing. D. Findine 7: Same exception as C, above. E. Findine 8: This finding should include a finding that the participants in the shooting incident had been patrons of Arnellia's eazlier in the evening. F. Findind This finding should include a finding that the pedestrian was struck in the parking lot and dragged into University Avenue. IT. Exceptions to Conclusions of Law. A. Conclusion 5: This Conclusion is erroneous in that the recording and maintenance of the tapes was an integral part of the condition requiring surveillance cameras outside the building. Neither of the incidents in which the tapes were not available resulted from malfunctioning of the equipment, but were due to the empioyee of Arnellia's not putting tapes in the machine or activating the record button as required. -1- C�-S�S B. Conclusion 6: This Conclusion should be deleted as it is irrelevant. The fact that the fourth camera was not in working order was not raised as a ground for adverse actiori in either Notice of Violation, nor in the Notice of Hearing. C. Conclusion 7: This is enoneous, in that there is a basis for taking adverse action against the Licensee under Saint Paul Legislauve Code §310.06(b)(5), which states that adverse action may be taken where the "licensee or applicant has failed to comply with any condifion set forth in the license." III. Exceprions to Recommendation. The recommendation made by the ALJ is excepted to and the Council urged not to follow it. The recommendation for dismissal is based upon the finding that the failure to record tapes was not a material violation of the condition that surveiliance cameras be installed and tapes be maintained for seven days. The memorandum attached to the Report states that the language of the condition is axnbiguous. [1'age 6]. It is di�cult to understand where the ambiguity is in a condition which requires tapes to be maintained for a period of seven days. There would be little point in requiring the establishment to maintain tapes, if taping were not a requirement. The licensee never claimed that the condition itself was ambiguous nor tbat they did not understand that the cameras were to be recording. To find that the failure to tape on two occasions does not constitute a violafion of the conditions of the license is sunply incomprehensible. The Administrative Law Judge also states that "three incidents of violence aze the motivation for bringing this action against the Licensee. *** There is no evidence in the record of this matter that any of these incidents took place on the licensed premises." [Page 5-6]. In actual fact, an incident of violence did prompt the nnposition of the license condition, but the moUvation for bringing the action was that the Licensee was not complying with the condition she had agreed to. It was during the police investigafions of the two subsequent violent incidents, that it became clear that the condition was not being followed. There is evidence in the record that both the September 23, 1999 and October 7, 1999 incidents involved patrons of Arneilia's. The September 23, 1999 mcident was directly behind the establishment in the alley, just off the premises and the October 7, 1999 incident began in the parking lot, as the report notes in a footnote. The memozandutn states on page $"In each instance where the videotaping system was found to be faulty, action was taken by Amellia's to improve the system. VCRs are not "fool- proof' technology, and gaps in recording are inevitable." There was no evidence that either instance in which the taping was not done was related to a faulty VCR. While the technology may not be foolproof, neither failing to put a tape into the machine nor failing to properly record are "inevitable" problems that must be accepted. The memorandum of the ALJ also states that the malfunction of one of the four video cameras was clauned to be a violation of the license condition, as was the failure of Arnellia's to -2- 00 -S�S ensure that the correct date and time aze imprinted on the recordings. [Page 8]. This is absolutely incorrect. The position of the Office of LIEP, which was put forth in the City's written final argument, which is attached hereto and which the Council is urged to read, was that the two occasions on which the establishment was asked for tapes of events, they were unable to produce them because there was either no tape in the machine, or the machine was not recording. Both incidents, occiuxing in a two week period, involved violent incidents directly outside the licensed establishxnent and involved people who had eazlier been patrons of Ameliia's. The memoranduzn also goes on to state that: "Possession of a business license does not grant police power to control the actions of persons outside of the licensed premises." [Page 9]. It is not cleaz what the ALJ means by this statement, but it is clear that possession of a business license does carry with it the duty to take all reasonable steps to control the adverse consequences of patrons of the establishment, and the City does have the authority to impose conditions on a business license. In this instance, the City imposed, with the consent of the Licensee, the condition that required taping of the outside of the premises. The Licensee agreed to the condition, and then failed to comply with it. The City need not pzove that the Licensee deliberately failed to tape on the rivo dates in question, only that they did fail to tape. . No reasonable excuse was offered for failing to comply witl� the requirement - there was no mechanical failure, no flaws in the tape used, nothing but a failute to put a tape in the V CR on one occasion and failure to hit the record button on the second occasion. To dismiss these violations would send the wrong message to this Licensee and every other establishment required to have surveillance cameras and maintain the videos. TV. Amended Findings, Conciusions and Recommendation. Attached hereto aze proposed amended findings and conclusions and recommendation which aze prepared for use in lieu of those contained in the ALJ Report. The undersigned urges that the Council adopt all the Findings and Conclusions of the AL7 except those for which an Amended Finding or Conclusion is proposed, reject the Recommendation and reject the Memorandum in its entirety. Subrrutted this 3T day of May, 2000. � ��`• � l., ,-�..� Virgini . Palmer Assistaut City Attorney 400 City HalUCourthouse Saint Paul, MN 55102 (651)266-8710 Attorney Registration # 128995 -3- �o -S�S AMENDED FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS I. Amended Findings of Fact: A. Axnended Finding of Fact 3: 3. � •, , . Conditions have been placed on the licenses for Arnellia's for a number of vears. The conditions have been the result of discussions with the license holder. the neiehbors, the�olice and LIEP. and have been desi�ned to deal with problems caused bv patrons of Arnellia's. These restrictions include imposing a dress code on customers, requiring picture iden6ficarion, bamiing individuals from the premises, screening music played on the premises for inappropriate content, using a metal detector to exclude weapons from the premises, and providing security to ensure orderiy behavior on the premises. B. Amended Findin¢ of Fact 5: 5. After agreeing to the conditions regarding the video surveiliance system, a manager at Arnellia's developed a system to be followed for taping. The first tape of the day would be started when the estabiishment was opened for business, around noon each day. When that tape ran out, another employee inserted the second tape. That tape would record until after closing. Tapes were kept for a week and then reused for taping. Larrv Allen testified that the tapes were not alwavs started ri hg t at openin¢, and that there was no one employee responsible for insuringthat the ta�e was operatine. C. Amended Finding of Fact 6: 6. In August, 1999, Arneliia Allen discovered that one of the four surveillance cameras was not working properly. The camera operated properly in daylight, but did not return a cleaz unage at night. The contractor who initially installed the system, Eari Allen, was contacted in eazly August, and he examined the system appro�mately one week later. The contractor conciuded that a new camera was required and it was ordered from tbe manufacturer in California. Jerry Allen paid the contractAr to order the camera on August 13, 1999. The date that the camera was ordered by the contractor is uuknown. The failure to have this fourth caruera in workin� order was not listed as a basis far adverse action. D. Amended Findine of Fact 7: 7. The camera was delivered to Arnellaa's 1n early September. The contractor was notified that the camera had arrived. The camera had still not been instalied by the October � �e -.s�s 7. 1999 date, and testimony bv Jertv Allen at the hearin� was that he did no follow-up to see what the delav was in installina the camera. , E. Amended FindinQ of Fact 8: S. On September 23, 1999, a shooting incident occurred in the alley behind Arnellia's. Testimonv bv the police established that the participants had been natrons of Arnellia's earlier in the evenin�. Sergeant Munoz of the Saint Paul Police Department went to Amellia's to obtain the videotape'of the nnagery captured by the video surveillance camera. Sergeant Munoz was informed that there was no tape available for that evening. Larry Allen had forgotten to put the second tape in that day. F. Amended Findin� of Fact 12: 12. Near midnight on October 7, 1999, an altercation began beiween patrons in Arnellia's. Those participating in the altercation were removed from the premises. The dispute continued outside and someone fired shots. A car struck and killed a pedestrian in the pazking lot of the estabiishment, and the bod�, was draP�ed into the middle of University Avenue at that time. A lazge number of officers of the Saint Paul Police Aeparhnent responded to the scene. II. Aznended Conclusions of Law. A. Amended Conclusion 5: 5. The Licensee is ' ea�eras. in violation of the condition on its license relaring to maintaining tapes from the-video surveiilance cameras on both September 23. 1999 when no ta�e was inserted and on October 7, 1999, when the tape was not operated until after the police had been called. 'T'` `-='•--- `- --°--�' , , • B. Amended Conclusion 6: ' r" _C'_' _ _" ' _' '__'"" " __" . ' _' ' "" '_ _ '__"_' _ " i _ ' _ _ _ _ _ ' _ _ " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' _ ' _ . : ' _ ' 6. The short time between the two violafions and the fact that the second violation was within a week of Licensee bein� notified that LIEP wouid be takine adverse action based upon the first violarion reflect that the Licensee was not making serious efforts to comply with the condition. -5- de -S8'.� C. Amended Conclusion 7: 7. There is ae a basis £or taking adverse action against the Licensee under �ee�ie�s § 310.06(b)(5) -- '�ro of the Saint Paul Legislative Code for �1�����-s€�s . failure to com� with the condition on the license re�guiriug that video surveiliance cameras be maintained in �ood workiniorder and that tapes from the cameras be maintained for seven davs. AMENDED FINDINGS AND CONCLUSTONS I. Amended Findings of Fact: A. Amended Findingof Fact 3: 3. '' � � •> > . Conditions have been nlaced on the licenses for Arneilia's for a number of vears. The conditions have been the result of discussions with the license holder. the neighbors, the police and LIEP. and have been desianed to deal with problems caused by patrons of Arnellia's. These restrictions include imposing a dress code on customers, requiring picture identification, bamiing individuals from the premises, screening music played on the premises for inappropriate content, using a metal detector to exclude weapons from the premises, and providing security to ensure orderly behavior on the premises. B. Amended Findine of Fact 5: 5. After agreeing to the condifions regazding the video surveillance system, a manager at Aruellia's developed a system to be followed for taping. The first tape of the day would be started when the establishment was opened for business, azound noon each day. When that tape ran out, another employee inserted the second tape. That tape would record until after closing. Tapes were kept for a week and then reused for taping. Lanv Allen testified that the tapes were not alwavs started ri hg t at opening, and that there was no one employee responsible for insurine that the tage was operating C. Amended Finding of Fact 6: 6. In August, 1999, Amellia Allen discovered that one of the four surveillance cameras was not working properly. The camera operated properly in daylight, but did not return a clear image at night. The contractor who initially installed the system, Earl Allen, was � ac� -�S8'S contacted in eazly August, and he examined the system approximately one week later. The contractor concluded that a new camera was required apd it was ordered from the mauufacturer in California Jerry Allen paid the contractor to order the camera on August 13, 1999. The date that the camera was ordered by the contractor is unlaiown. The failure to have this foutth camera in workin¢ order was not listed as a basis for adverse acrion. D. Amended Findine of Fact 7: 7. The camera was delivered to Arnellia's in eazly September. The contractor was notified that the camera had arrived. The camera had still not been installed bv the October 7. 1999 date, and testunonv by Jerrv Ailen at the hearing was that he did no follow-up to see what the dela� was in installing the camera. E. Amended Findins of Fact 8: 8. On September 23, 1999, a shooting incident occutred in the aliey behind Arnellia's. Testimony bYthe oolice established that the participants had been patrons of Arnellia's eariier in the evenin¢. Sergeant Munoz of the Saint Paui Police Department went to Amellia's to obtain the videotape of the imagery captured by the video surveillance camera. Sergeant Munoz was informed that there was no tape available for that evening. Larry A11en had forgotten to put the second tape in that day. F. Amended Finding of Fact 12: 12. Neaz midnight on October 7, 1499, an altercation began between patrons in Arnellia's. Those participating in the altercation were removed from the premises. The dispute continued outside and someone fired shots. A car struck and killed a pedestrian in the pazkinng lot of the estabtishment. and the bodv was drageed into the middle of University Avenue at that tune. A large number of officers of the Saint Paul Police Department responded to the scene. II. Amended Conclusions of Law. A. Amended Conclusion 5: 5. The Licensee is ' ear�terss. in violation of the condition on its license relatine to maintaining tapes from the video surveillance cameras on both September 23, 1449 when no taoe was inserted and on October 7. 1999. when the tape was not operated until after the police had been called. ''''-- r:,..-_ ... __ .__� > > . -7- �t� - S�S B. Amended Conclusion 6: : " - - - - - - - :. - - - - - - :,.- .; ,:- -- - -- - - - - - - - --- - ---- - ..:= - -- 6. The short time between the two violarions. and the fact that tbe second violation was within a week of Licensee beina notified that LIEP would be takine adverse action based upon the first violation reflect that the Licensee was not making serious efforts to com�l,v with the condition. C. Amended Conclusion 7: 7. There is t�e a basis for taking adverse action against the Licensee under �eeEiens § 310.06 5-- of the Saint Paul Le islative Code for �n�� (b)( ) g� �ie�fl.._.,.___ _ . failure to complv with the condition on the license reauirin¢ that video surveillance cameras be maintained in eood workina order and that tapes from the caxneras be maintained for seven davs. � oa -s.�s OFFTCE OF AD1dINISTRATIVE HEARINGS FOR THE COUNCIL OF TT� CITY OF SAINT FAUL In re the licenses held by Metro Baz & Grill, CITY' S FIi�1AL ARGUMENT Inc., d!b!a Arnellia's STATEMENT OF FACTS The Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection initiated adverse action against the licenses held by Metro Baz & Grill, Inc., d/b!a Arnellia's, for violating conditions placed on the license. 5aint Paul Legislative Code §310.06(b)(5) permits adverse action to be taken against licenses where the licensee "has failed to comply with any condition set forth in the license, or set forth in the resolution granting or renewing Che license." There have been license conditions on the licenses heid by Metro Bar & Grill for several years, and the most recent revision of those conditions was done after meeting with the license holder and a number of other interested persons, including LIEP staff and St. Paul police officers. Effective July 8, 1999, rivo conditions relatin� to secwity cameras were placed on the Iicense. Condition # 11 states: "Licensee [sic] holder will maintain in good working order at least 4 video surveillance cameras on the exterior of the building to constantly monitor the exterior of the premises. Tapes must be maintained for 7 days." Robert Kessler, Director of LIEP, testified that the conditions regarding the surveillance cameras were put in place as a result of a fatal shooting which took place outside of Arnellia's. Jackie Hicks, a manager of Amellia's, acknowledged that the licensee had a�reed -1- �o — S�� to the conditions and was awaze of them. On September 23, 1999, a shooting took place outside of Ameliia's. Saint Paul Police Officer Johnson was sent to the baz to recover the tape from the outside video surveillance cameras, but was advised by the owner, Arnellia Allen, that there was no surveillance camera behind the building. The officer advised her that tapes from the other cameras might be helpful in identifying the suspects. After Ms. Allen contacted her son, Larry Allen, by phone, she informed the officer that the cameras were not operating the previous evening. S�t. Richard Munoz also went to Arnellia's to attempt to obtain a video tape of the incident. Ms. Allen stated that she did not have a tape to give him because the camera in the reaz of the building was broken, the other cameras were not operating and there was no tape in the recorder. A Notice of Violation dated September 30, 1999, was sent to Amellia Allen alleging that the failure to have the video cameras on and taping on September 23, 1999 was a violation of condition # 1 I of the license. The Notice was served by mail on October l, 1999 on Ms. Allen, at the licensed establishment, and gave the licensee until October 11, 1499 to respond on how they would like to proceed. While that matter was still pending, on October $, 1999, there was a suspected homicide which took place outside of Arnellia's, beginning in the parking lot and ending up on University Avenue. Once again, pofice went to Arnellia's to obtain videos from ihe surveillance cameras. The video tape which was obtained was reviewed by several Saint Pau1 Police officers, among them Sgt. Mazk Kempe. Sgt Kempe testified that the video tape which he reviewed was obtained from the bar by Officer Arno1d, who then took it to the police station and gave it to Sgt. Younghans. Sgt. Younghans and other officers reviewed the tape. The tape was played at the hearing, and no claim has been made that the tape is not authentic nor has any -2- o � - S �s" claim been made that the tape was tampered with. The tape is divided into four quarters, with one squaze for each of the four outside surveillance cameras. The upper left hand square is blank; testimony later established that this camera was not operating for at least two months, and probably longer. The remaining three squazes show the front door area (lower left screen), the back door azea (lower right screen) and the east pazking lot (upper right screen). There aze numbers which reflect a date and time, but these aze not related to the actual date and time of the recording. Tt was Sgt. Kempe's opinion that the tape was not operating at the time of the incident in the parking lot on November 8, 1999, but that the tape had been tumed on after the police had been called. He based this opinion upon the review of the tape, which showed a sudden jump in the dates of the tape counter, from 10-30-89 at 8:50 to 11-7-89 at 12:11:42; the abrupt change in the items being viewed (a view of the front doar with no one outside and a jump to a large crowd of people); and the fact that the squad cazs can be seen arriving. His conclusion was that the tape had not been constantly operating, but had been tumed on after the fact. The �vitnesses presented by the licensee did not dispute that there was no tape from the incident on September 23, 1949. In fact, Lany Allen acknowledged that he forget to use the surveillance cameras, despite being told of the conditions on the license. He also admitted that the tapes were not operating on October 8, 1999 until after the incident occurred, and the police had been called. His explanation was that he had hit the play, but not the record button on the tape machine. It also was apparent from the testimony of both Larry and Jerry Allen that one of the video surveillance cameras (the upper 1eft quarter of the tape) was not operational for a period of over two months. The witnesses for the licensee seemed to be azguing that the recommended -3- o � - s�.� penalry of 60 days was too severe because the violation of the condition on the license did not cause the shooting on September 23, 1999 or the death on October 8, 1999. ARGL3MENT The City's burden of proof in this hearing is a preponderance of the evidence; if it is more likely than not that the licensee violated the conditions of the license, then the City has met its burden. In re Kaldahl, 418 N.W.2d 532, 535 (Minn. App. 1488). The license condition in question in this matter is Condition # 11, which states: "11. The Licensee [sic] holder will maintain in good working order at least 4 video surveillance cameras on the exterior of the building to constantly monitor the exterior of the premises. Tapes must be maintained for 7 days." Implicit in the wording of this condition is that the video cameras are to be operating, and taping, at all times that the baz is open. One of the reasons for placing the condition on the license was to assist police by providing them with possible means of identifying suspects in the assaults, shootings and other problems being caused by baz patrons after leaving the bar. Clearly, the licensee violated the condition on September 23, 1999, when no tape was in the video and it was not being operated, and again on October 7, 1999, when taping did not start until after the incident occurred. The Director of LIEP, Robert Kessler, testified that he recommended a suspension of 60 days for the licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill, Inc. He acknowledged that it was a severe penalty, although he also noted that his initial inclination was to recommend revocation of the iicenses. He noted that the condition on the license was the result of a meeting with the owner and management of Arnellia's, as well as Saini Paul police officers, and that the recommendation for video surveillance cameras was something the police felt would assist them i� � � _ S �"� in investigating and solving crunes occurring at or azound the bar. The meeting and the additional conditions on the license were motivated by a murder which occuned outside the bar, on University Avenue. The conditions were effective July $, 1999. Within a matter of months, there was another shooting outside of Arnellia's, and only two weeks later, a person was killed in an incident which was investigated as a possible homicide and which began in the bar's pazking lot. Officers testified that in both the September 23 and the October 7, 1999 incidents, that the people involved had been inside the baz as patrons eazlier in the evening. It w�as apparent from the testimony of Jackie Hicks that she felt the condition tivas unnecessary and that the bar feels no responsibility for the behavior of patrons once they aze outside the building. However, the bar had the opportunity to oppose the cond'ations being placed on the license, as imposition of conditions is an adverse action, pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code §310.0�(a). The licensee chose not to contest the imposition of conditions, and cannot now argue that the conditions aze unreasonable. Ms. Hicks acknowledged that there has been a prior adverse action against the licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill, Inc., based upon the number of shootings which have occurred outside and around the establishment. Rather than demonstrating concem for the problems generated by patrons of the establishment, the licensee seems to argue that because the violation of the conditions did not directly cause the incidents, they should not be punished. In fact, the continuing neglect of the conditions regazding the surveillance cameras is both a serious violation; and contributes to the ongoing probiems outside the bar. As long as the establishment ignores the condition to have cameras monitoring both inside and outside the premises, the police aze denied access to valuable evidence to solve felony-level and other crimes occurring just -5- C'�� - S�S outside the doors of the baz. In both the September 23 and October 7, 1999 incidents, the participants were patrons of the baz; although they did not commit the crirnes inside the building, they were present outside the building because they had been at the baz. The licensee obviously benefits from the custom of its patrons by chazging them for food and aIcohol. Thas is conduct permitted by the licenses it holds. It would be unfair to say that the establishment can benefit from the licenses it holds but escape all responsibility for the obligations irnposed on the licenses by the Office of LIEP. The sanction recommended by the Office of LIEP is warranted by the inaction of the license holder in implementing the conditions agreed to. The conditions were to be effective on July 9, 1999. It was apparent from the testimony of all of the witnesses for the Iicensee that no training had been done with employees to advise them of the importance of the conditions or how to implement them. Thus, on September 23, 1999, the cameras were not even operating. Despite receiving a Notice of Violation advising them of the failure to abide by the conditions, it was only two weeks later that Larry Allen elther failed to turn the recorder on or failed to tum it to record untii after another instance of violent behavior required a call to the police. Oniy then did the cameras actually begin to record. Further evidence that the attitude of the licensee towards the condition was lackadaisical at best was the testimony regarding the fourth surveillance camera, which was determined to be malfunctioning in August of 1999, and which was still inoperafive at the time of the October 7, 1999 incident, two months later. The testunony made it cleaz that°there was no sense of urgency about gettina the camera replaced once the bar finally realized that it was not functianing. There was no clear responsibility for taking chazge of the repair or reinstallation, and Larry Allen, the � 6z� � S8".S� manager, appazently relied upon his mother's statement that Eazl AlIen had been contacted to come install the caznera without checking to see that it was done or to have it done in a timely fashion. When asked if anyone ever reviewed the tapes, Larry A11en stated that he did not, and Jackie Hicks believed that it wasn't incumbent upon the bar to do so. This lack of responsibility for checking the tapes meant that they couldn't be sure the cameras were in worl:ing order, and further demonstrates the fact that they did not take the condition on the license seriously, The Office of LIEP made every effort to work with the licensee to deal with concems about the violent incidents taking place outside Arnellia's by meeting with them to develop conditions that would deal with the problem. Both the testimony of Jackie Hicks, and the actions and inactions of Larry and Jerry Allen make it cleaz that the employees of the licensee do not take the condition seriously and do not feel it is necessary. No training was ever done on how to implement the condition, it appeats that when the cameras are turned on and off was largely a matter of personal decision by the individual employee, and no effort is made to see that the cameras are functioning properly by reviewing the tapes. The mere fact that on the two occasions that the police looked for tapes to assist them in investigating crimes the tapes weren't available because the recorder had not been used or had been improperly used, warrants a severe penalty, but added to that, the recommended penalty of a sixty-day suspension is warranted because the testimony shows that ttus was not a one-time lapse on the part of the licensee, but part of a general disregazd for the condition. Additionally, this is a second adverse action against the licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill, Inc. CONCLUSION The City has met its burden of showing that the licensee violated Condition #11 on the -7- ac� -S�J` license on both September 23, 1999 and October 7, 1999, because the licensee failed to have a tape in and the machine operating at all on September 23` and failed to have the machine continuously monitoring and recording on October 7`". These violations occurred in short period of time, were part of a continuing pattern of indifference to the condition being imposed on the license, and were a result of her failure to convey the importance of the condition to her employees or train them in its implementation. The argument that these violations aze not serious because they did not cause the incidents themselves simply underscores the fact that the licensee does not consider the condition to be unportant, as does her manager's tesrimony that the condition is unnecessary and was only imposed because the Director of LIEP doesn't like the bar. The Office of LIEP has worked with the establishment to deal with the problems caused by some of the patrons of the bar, and the licensee's failure to abide by the conditions and take responsibility for their part in the problems wanants a severe sanction. Respectfully submitted this 18'h day of February, 2000. � � �� Virginia D. almer (Atty Lic. # 128995) Assistant City Attnmey 400 City HalUCourthouse 15 W. Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN SS 102 (651)266-8710 � -- - - - - ---- - - - - -- Nancy Andevson -1tem #32 . May_10 Council Agenda_ ___._ _ , _ _„_ _ . . __ Page 1 . • � � S�� From: Nancy Mderson To: Council , Date: 5/9/00 2:32PM Subjecf: Item #32 - May 10 Council Agenda. FYI - The City Attomey's Office has requested that Item #32 on tfie May 10th Council Agenda (Report of the Administrative Law Judge conceming all licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill, dba Arnel{ia's, 1163 University Avenue, be I.AID OVER TO June 7th for Public Hearing. (This date was requested by Attorney for Arnellia's.) CC: Byrne, Phil � 5�5 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colemars, Mayor October 25, 2000 CITIZEN SERVICE OFFICE Fred OwusK �}' Qerk i�o cuy aou ZS W. %ellogg Boulevmd SaixtPmr�Minnesota SSIO2 TeL: 651-2668989 Fax: 651-266-8689 A'eb: hdp://www.stpauLgm TDD: 26(r8509 At the direction of Saint Paul Assistant City Attorney, Virgnua Palmer, the original copies of all documentation relating to Council File #00585 a resolution to suspend the license of Metro Baz & Grill d/b/a Arnellia's and adopt the Report of the ALJ with exceprions and aznendments, have been sent to the Clerk of the Appellate Courts in order to satisfy the requirement of Court of Appeals File Number: C6-00-1156. The copies haue been filed as the original documents in the City Clerk's office files. ,�°�� K, ((�;� �� Fred Owusu City Clerk <��� � /Jd� Shari Moore Deputy City Clerk � � COURT OF APPEAI,S NIIMBER:C6-06-1156 IND&% OF COIINCIL FILE (C.F.) DO-585 DOC. NUMBER 1 2 DATE 6-21-00 Resolution and Green Sheet suspending the (date , license of Metro Bar & Grill d/b/a adopted Arnellia's and adopting the Report of the by ALJ with exceptions and amendments Council) 6-1-00 Letter from State Representative Andy Dawkins offering opinion that Arnellia's license not be suspended. NIIMBER OF PAGSS 5 1 3. 4-20-00 Notice of Public Hearing letCer sent to 11 Attorney Mark Vaught by Assistant City Attorney Virginia Palmer regarding 1-26-00 Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommendation of the Administrative Law Judge. 4. 5-3-00 Letter from Virginia Palmer to Mark Vaught 17 regarding the City's Exceptions to the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommendation of the ALJ. Includes City's Final Argument - Statement of Facts 5. 5-9-00 Memo to City Council from Nancy Anderson 1 regarding laying over of item #32 on the May 1�"' Council Agenda to June 7 for a Public Hearing. 6. 144 petition cards requesting the City 144 Council to support the findings of the caras in ALJ, as it relates to not sanction i Arnella's. envelope 7. 6-21-00 8. 6-21-00 Videotape of 6-21-00 Saint Paul City Council meeting. Summary minutes of 6-21-00 Saint Paul City Council meeting. DOCUMENTS RETURNED SY TA& ALJ RECEIVED IN THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE 4-5-00 L� 10 4-4-00 Letter from Phyllis Reha, Administrative Law Judge, to the City Council regarding the Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Recommendations. 3-6-00 Letter from Virginia Palmer to the ALJ Phyllis Reha regarding City's Rep1y Memorandum. 1 tape 14 12 � �s i 11 12 13 3-6-00 3-2-00 a-is-oo Fax cover from Mark Vaught to Phyllis Reha regarding no further submissions in the Metro Bar & Grill matter. FaY £rom Mark Vaught to Phyllis Reha summarizing and presenting Respondent's view of the evidence_ Letter from Virginia Palmer to Phyllis Reha enclosing the Final Argument on behalf of LI&P. 14. 2-28-00 Letter from Phyllis Reha to Virginia Palmer granting her request to extend the period for reply briefs. Attached is the letter from Virginia Palmer requesting the extension. 15. 12-15-99 16. 1-26-00 17. 9-30-99 18. 19. 9-23-99 20. 9-23-99 21. 9-30-99 22. 11-8-99 23. 10-29-49 24. 11-10-99 25. 12-15-99 26. 10-7-99 Letters from Virginia Palmer and Peter Pangborn announcing Notice of Hearing to Arnellia Allen. List of City's proposed exhibits. City's Exhibit #1, License Information Report City's Exhibit #2, License conditions for Metro Bar & Grill dba Arnellia's City's Exhibit #3, Police report prepared by Officer Gerald E. Johnson City's Exhibit #4, Police report prepared by Sgt. Richard J. Munoz City's Exhibit #5, Notice of Violation City's Exhibit #6, Police report prepared by Sgt. Mark C. Kempe City's Exhibit #8, Letter from Ms. Arnellia Allen to Robert Kessler City's Exhibit #9, Notice of Second Violation City's Exhibit #10, Notice of Hearing City's Exhibit #7, Videotape from Arnellia's 1 5 11 2 5 2 4 1 2 3 3 2 2 3 5 1 tape �� _ STATE OF MINIVESOTA IN COURT OF APPEALS Metro Bar & Gri13, Inc., dtbla Arneliia's, Petitioner, WRIT OF CERIORARi ►�� COURT OF APPEALS FILE NO.e.� —� — � 15 � City of Saint Paul, a municipal corporation, CITY OF SAINT PAUL Respondent. COUNCIL FILE NO. 00-58� DATE OF DECISION: ADOPTED: TUNE 21, 2000 APPROVED BY MAYOR: JUNE 27, 2000 TO: The City of Saint Paul and the City Council of the City of Saint Paul: You are hereby ordered to return to the Court of Appeals within ten (10) days after the date xealtor's brief is due the record, exhibits and proceedings in the above-entitled matter so that this Court may review the decision of the City Council issued on the date noted above. Copies of this Writ and the accompanying Petition shall be sen�ed torthwith either personally or by mail upon the City of Saint Paul as follows: City Clerk 170 City Hail 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 � And upon the attorney for the City of Saint Paul as foilows: Virginia Palmer Assistant City Attorney 400 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Proof of service shali be f51ed with the Clerk of the Appeliate Courts. Clerk of Appellate Courts iL. Aated: July _, 2000 - A . By: �l, � ��� a l.F� Ass�stant C?erk (Clerk's File Stamp) 2 S. MARK VAUGHT Attorney At Law auiy �, a000 Sui[e 700 Six West Fifth Stteet Sainc Paul, Minnesora 55102-1412 (651)297-6400 FAX (651) 22q-8328 e-maii: markvaught@worldnet.att.net Mr. Frederick K. Grittner Clerk of Appellate Courts Minnesota Judicial Center 25 Constiturion Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55155 RE: Metro Bar & Grill, Inc. vs. Citv of Saint Paul Dear Mr. Grittner: t��EIVE� JUL 7 2Q00 c►rr �,�� Enclosed you will find with respect to the above-entitled matter the following: 1. An original and the requisite nuraber of copies of a Petition for a Writ of Certiorari with attachments; Z. An original proposed Writ of Certiorari; 3. An original and the requisite number of copies of Petitioner's Statement of the Case; 4. An original and the requisite number of copies of Petitioner's Notice of Mot'son and Motion requested an emergency stay of the license suspension handed down by the Saint Paul City Council in the matter; 5. An original and the requisite number of copies of the Affidavits of Jackie Hicks and S. Mark Vaught offered in support of the Motion for a Stay; and 6. A check in the sum of $250.00 to cover the cost of the filing fee. Please see that the documents are properly filed. Additionally, the Motion needs to be heard on an emergency basis as the license suspension is scheduled to go into effect at 12:01 a.m. next Wednesday, July 12, 2000. As a courtesy in helping her to respond to the motion I have already provided a copy of the enclosed documents to Virginia Palmer, Assistant City Attorney. Very truly yours, S. Mark Vauaht Attorney at Law cc Virginia Palmer, Assistant City Attorney Fred Owuzu, Saint Paul City Clerk �� � STATE OF MINNESOTA IN COURT OF APPEALS �Pp QF TFE O��a-fe JUL 0 7 200Q :_ ��LEC� Metro Bar & Grill, Inc., dlbla Arnellia's, Petitioner, vs. PETITION �'OR WRIT OF CERTIORARI COURT OF APPEALS FILE NO � "QQ _ , ` � � City of Saint Paul, a municipal corporation, CITY OF SAINT PAUL Respondent. COiJNCIL FILE NO.OQ-585 ADOPTED: JUNE 21, 2000 APPROVED BY MAYOR: JLJNE 27, 2000 DATE AND DESCRIPTION OF EVENT TRIGGERING APPEAL: JUNE 27, 2000; MAILING OF CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION TO The Court of Appeals of the State of Minnesota: Tbe above-named Petitioner hereby petitions the Court of Appeals for a Writ of Certiorari ta review a decision of the City Council of the City of Saint Paul issued on the date noted above, upon the following grounds: 1. On June 21, 2000, the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, acfing in a quasi-judicial capacity, passed a resolution, approved by the Mayor on June 27, 2QOQ, suspending all licenses held by Petitioner at 1183 University Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota, for a period of forty-five days (45), fifteen (15) days of which to be stayed. 2. In passing said resolution, the City Council made tbe following errors: A. Acted arbitrarily and capriciously in rejecting many of the findings of fact and legal conclusions of the Administrative Law Judge and in not adopting the reasoning and recommendation of the Administrative Law Judge that the matter be dismissed. B. Failed to accord Petitioner equal time to present its case as was permitted the attomey representing City licensing officials constituting a denial of Petitioner's due process rights. C. Failed to accord Petitioner an opportunity to rebut the inflammatory and irrelevant testimony from certai» witnesses, who had not previously been heard and who testified after the completion of Petitioner's testimony, constituting a denial of Petitioner's due process rights. D. Failed to exclude the irrelevant and inflammatory testimony regarding unrelated incidents of violence by certain witnesses constituting arbitrary and capricious action. E. Acted arbitrarily and capriciously in reliance on inflammatory and irrelevant testimony regarding the general subject of violence and specific acts of violence from witnesses and comments in the same regard by Councilmember Blakey in arriving at a decision in this matter. F. Acted arbitrarily and capriciously in imposing the severe penalty in this case, both with respect to the nature of the alleged violations and with respect to its own statutory regulatory scheme of matrix penalties for certain sorts ofviolations? G. Erred and acted arbitrarily and capriciously in concluding that there were violations of license conditions by the Petitioner in this matter. H. Acted arbitrarily, capriciously, illegally and in contravention of the provisions of Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 310.05(c-2) by engaging in ex parte contacts or discussions with each other or third parties regarding these matters outside the public record or final Council deliberations. Review of the decision of the City Council by the Court of Appeals pursuant to issuance of a Writ of Certiorari is authorized by past decisions of this Court and the Supreme Court of the State of Minnesota. Dated: July 7, 2000 � +,�✓� ��%GGc� S. Mark Vaught (Atty. No. 1519) Attorney for Pefitioner Suite 700 Six West Fifth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1412 651-297-6400 651-224-832& (fax) markvaueht(a�worldnet.att.net OFFICE OF LICEtiSE. INSPECTIONS .1DID ENYIRO`1MENTAL PItOTECTION Robert Kess(er, Direaoi CITY OF SAINT PAUL .NOrm Co(eman, :Kayor June 27, 2000 LOK'RY PROFESS/O.NAL BUILtl[NG Suite 300 350 St. Perer S[reet Soiu Paul, :1linnesata SJIO2-I510 NOTICE OF LICENSE SUSPENSION Amellia Allen, President Metro Bar & Grill, Inc. dba Amellia's 1183 Universiry Avenue West Saint Paul, MN 55104 Dear Ms. Allen: ?e[ephane: 651-2E690A7 Fatslrule: Qi1-2665YN9 6�7-266-9f24 Enclosed is a copy of City Council Resolution Number 00-585 which suspends all the licenses issued to you by the City of Saint Paul for a period of forty-five (45) days with fifteen (15) days stayed for the followin�: Violations occurring on September 23, 1999 and October 8,1999 of the condition on the licenses requiring that there be video surveillance cameras operating on the exterior of the building and that t�pes be maintained for seven days. The suspension was adopted by the Saint Paul City Council in final written form at the CounciPs regulaz meeting on June 21, 2000. The effect of this notice is that no business operations shall be permitted for thirty (30) days beginning at 12:01 a.m. on Wednesday, July 12, 2000 through 11:59 p.m. Thursday, Au�ust 10, 2000. This is a serious matter that demands your adherence. Absolutely no sale, consumption or display of alcohol shall be permitted on the licensed premises during this �vhole period. Please contact me at 266-9108 if you have any questions re?ardin� this matter. Sincerely, C V � �L- Christine A. Ro2ek Deputy Director [�.7�i7 A j�-� cc: Commander Dan Cazison, SPPD-Western District Robert Kessler, Director-LIEP Peter Pangborn, Legal Assistant Kris Schweinler, Senior License Inspector S. Mazk Vau�ht, Attomey at Law Administrative Law Judge ORIGINAL Presented By Referred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT P. Council File # � .. C QS Csreen Sheet � c�y3 ti� Date i�} i RESOLVED, that the licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill, Inc_ dJUla Amellia's for the 2 premises at I 183 University Avenue in Saint Pau1(License ID# 54523) aze hereby suspended 3 for a period of forty-five days, fiReen of the days to be siayed, for the violations occurring on 4 September 23, 1999 and October 8, 1499 of the condition on the licenses requiring that there be 5 video surveiilance cameras operating on the exterior of the building and that tapes be maintained 6 for seven days. The suspension shall begin on the third Wednesday following passage and 7 approval of this resolution 9 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the findings of fact and conclusions of law contained in the 10 ALJ Report in this case dated May 3, 2000 aze adopted as the written findings and conclusions of 11 the Council in this matter, except as amended below. The reasonin� of the Memorandum of the 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 14 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 ALJ attached to the findings and conclusions is not adopted. The recommendation of the ALJ for dismissal of the adverse action against ttte Iicenses is also not accepted. FURTHER RESOLVED, that the following amendments to the ALJ Report aze hereby adopted: 1. Finding of Fact No. 3 is hereby amended to read as follows: n3 , . . Conditions nave been placed on the licenses for Amellia's for a number of vears. The conditions have been the result of discussions with the license holder. the neighbors, the police and LIEP and have been desi n�ed to deal with oroblems caused bv patrons of Arneilia's. These restrictions include imposing a dress code on customers, requiring picture identification, banning individuals from the premises, screening music played on the premises for inappropriate content, using a metal detector to exciude weapons from the premises, and providing security to ensure orderly 6ehavior on the premises." 2. Finding of Fact No. 5 is hereby amended to read as follows: "5. After agreeing to the conditions regazding the video � � 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3b 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 � 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 3. � 5. GQ surveillance system, a manager at Amellia's developed a system to be followed for taping. The first tape of the day would be started when the establishment was opened for business, azound noon each day. When that tape ran out, another employee inserted the second tape. That tape would record until after closing. Tapes were kept for a week and then reused for taping. Lam Alien testifred that the tapes were not alwavs started ri t at openine. and that there was no one emolovee responsible for insurin¢ that the tape was ooerarina." Finding of Fact I3o. 6 is hereby amended to read as foliows: "6. In August, 1999, Ameilia Allen discovered that one of the four surveillance cameras was not working properiy. The camera operated properly in daylight, but did not rehun a ciear image at night. The contractor who inirially installed the system, Eazi Ailen, was contacted in early August, and he examined the system approximately ane week later. The contractor concluded that a new camera was required and it was ordered from the manufacturer in California. Jerry Allen paid the contractor to order the camera on August 13, 1999. The date that the camera was ordered by ihe contractor is unknown. The failure to have this fourth camera in workine order was not listed as a basis for adverse action." Finding of Fact No. 7 is hereby amended to read as follows: "7. The camera was delivered to Ameilia's in eazly September. The contractor was notified that the camera had arrived. The camera had still not been instailed bv the October 7. 1999 date. and testimony 6v Jemr Atlen at the hearine was that he did no follow- un to see what the delav was in installing the camera." Finding of Fact No. 8 is hereby amended to read as follows: "8. On September 23, 1999, a shooting incident occurred in the alley behind Amellia's. Testimonv bv the �olice established that the participants had been patrons of Amellia's eazlier in the evenine" Sergeant Munoz of the Saint Paul Police Department went to Amellia's to obtain the videotape of the imagery captured by the video surveiilance camera. Sergeant Munoz was informed that there was no tape available for that evening. Larry Allen had forgotten to pui the second tape in that day." Finding of Fact No. 12 is hereby amended to read as folIows: "12. Neaz midnight on October 7, 1999, an altercation began between patrons in Amellia's. Those participating in the aliercation were removed from the premises. The dispute b0 —S$S 1 continued outside and someone fired shots. A caz struck and killed 2 a pedestrian in the garkine lot of the estabiishment. and the bodv 3 was draesed into the middle of University Avenue at that time. A 4 large number of officers of the Saint Paul Police Department responded to the scene." 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 4b 47 48 49 50 51 7. Conclusion o£ Law No. 5 is hereby amended to read as follows: "5. The Licensee is � . in violation of the condirion on its license relatin¢ to maintainine ta_pes from the video surveillance cameras on both Seotember 23. 1999 when no tape was inserted and on October 7. 1999, when the tape was not operated until after the �olice had been called. �ke -, �� , > � D o ^Sgs Conclusion of Law No. 6 is deleted and a new Conclusion of Law No. 6 is adopted to read as follows:: Y. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - "6. The short time between the two violations. and the fact that the second violation was within a week of Licensee bein2 notified that LTEP would be takina adverse action based npon the first violation reflect that the Licensee was not makine serious efforts to comglv with the condition." 9. Conclusion of Law No. 7 is hereby amended to read as follows: "7. There is ne a basis for taking adverse action against the Licensee under 8eetiens � 310.Ob(b)(5) --'� "m�^�r.'rA of the Saint Paul Legislative Code for sqstem- failure to com� with the condition on the license requirine that video surveillance cameras be maintained in good working order and that tapes from the cameras be maintained for seven davs. This Resolution is based on the record of the proceedings before t4ie ALJ, including ihe hearing on January 26, 2000, the documents and exhibits introduced therein, the findings of fact and conclusions of law of the ALJ as referenced above, the written submissions by counsel for the pazties, and the arguments and statements of the parties and the deliberations of the Counci3 in open session on June 7, 2000. 2 � 00 —$$S A copy of this Resolution, as adopted, shall be sent by first class mail to the Administrative Law Judge, and to the Licensee's attomey, S. Mark Vaught. Requested by Departmeat of: By: Fozm Acproved b City Attoraey � ey ` ��,�..�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B Y� �r,"���\ � �� By: Appzoved Sy Mayor: Date �?1G �� s.�yQ ey r �� Adopted by Couacil: Date �� �00 Adoptioa Certified by Couaci ecreta� , 9-2111-12640-3 STATE OF MINNESOTA OF�ICE OF ADMINISTR.4TIVE HEARfNGS FOR THE CITY OF ST. PAUL !n the Matter of All �icenses Held by Metro Bar & Grill, Inc., d/b/a AmelGa's, for the Premises at 1183 University Avenue, Saint Paul, License I.D. No. 54523. FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSlONS OF LAW AND RECOMMENDATION The above-entitled matter came on for hearing before Administrative Law Judge Phyliis A. Reha, acting as a hearing officer for the Saint Paul City Council, commencing at 930 a.m. on Wednesday, January 26, 2000, at the Saint Paui City Hall(Ramsey County Courthouse, Room 41, 15 West Kellogg Bou4evard, St. Paul, Minnesota. The hearing was held pursuant to a Notice of Hearing dated Decembes 15, 1999. Virginia D. Palmer, Assistant St. Paul City Attorney, 400 City Hall, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102, appeared on behaif of the City's O�ce of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection (LIEP). S. Mark Vaught, Attorney at Law, Six West Fifth Street, Suite 700, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1412, appeared on behaif of the Licensee (hereinafter "Amellia's" or "Licensee"). The record closed on March 7, 2000, with the receipt of the last post-hearing submission. NOTICE This Report contains a recommendation and not a final decision. The final decision will be made by the Saint Paul City Councii, which may affirm, reject, or modify the Fi�dings and Conclusions contained herein. The Councii will consider the evidence in this case and the .Administrative Law Judge's recommended Findings of Fact and Conc(usions, but wiii not consider any factual testimony not previously submitted to and considered by the Rdministrative Law Judge. The Licensee wiil have an opportunity to present oral or written arguments regarding its position on the recommendation of the Adm+nistrative �aw Judge in the application of the law or interpretation ot me r'acts anci may present argument related to its position. The Counci('s decision as to what, if any, adverse action shall be taken will be by resolution under § 310.�5 of the St. Paul Legis{ative Code. Te ascertain when the Council wi4l consider this matter, the parties should contact the Saint Paul City Council, Room 310, St. Paul City HaIlfRamsey County Courthouse, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, St. Paui, Minnesota 55102. STATENIENT OF ISSUES The issues in this matter are whether licensee vioiated conditions on its license by fail+ng to maintain video surveillance of the exterior of the licensed premises and failing to recard that imagery, and, if so, what penalty is appropriate. Based upon ail of the files, records and proceedings herein, the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) makes the foliowing: FiNDINGS OF FACT 1. Metro Bar & Griil, lnc. is a corporation doing business as Arneliia's at 1183 University Avenue, Saint Paui, Minnesota 55104. The corporafion is owned by Amefiia Allen. Amellia's has an Entertainment (B) license, a Gam6ling Location (B) ficense, a CigareitelTobacco iicense, and two �iquor On-Sale licenses. Amellia's licenses remain va{id pending the oufcome of this proceeding. The business is owned by Amel(ia Allen. The manager is her son, Jerry Allen. Jerry Ailen's brother, Larry Aflen, is employed by Ame4lia's to provide security. 2. Ame!!ia's is located directly on University Avenue. To the west on fhat block is Antiques Minnesota. To the east side of Amellia's is a parking lot and the Midway Cas Wash. i o ihe north sicle is an ailey, with some parking and a dumpsier. Four extemai video cameras have been in place on the building for approximately six years. One camera prov+des a view of the front door on the south side of the 6uilding, one camera observes the north side around the back door of Arneifia's (near the dumpster), and the other two cameras provide different angles of the parking lot on the east side of the building. Signs posted on the buiiding state that video surveifiance is being conducted. The v+deo cameras send images to a monitor, wh+ch displays a picture for each camera together on the same screen. 3. The area in the vicinity of ArneNia's is subject to frequent police ca11s and significant levels of crime. To address these neighborhood prob(ems and prevent any exacerbation of those probfems, Arnellia's operates ifs business under a number of restrict+ons that have been in place for years.' These restrictions include imposing a dress code on customers, requiring picture ident�cation, banning individuals from the prem+ses, screen+ng music played on the premises for inappropnate content, using a metal detector to exclude weapons form the premises, and providing security to ensure orderly bel�avior on the premises. 4. ln May, 1999, a man was shot and killed while in a car parked in front of the Midway Car Wash? In response to that killing, management at ArneHia's met with the Sai�t Paul Police, LIEP, and community representatives to determine what additional efforts couid be made to address violent acts in the vicinity of Amellia`s. fihe Licensee agreed to add taping equipment to its existing video survei{lance system. This additionaf condition became effective on July 8, 1999 and states: Licensee hoider wil{ maintain in good working order at least 4 video surveiilance cameras on the exterior of the buiiding to constantiy monitor the exterior of the premises. Tapes must be maintained for 7 days. 5. After agreeing to the conditions regarding the video surveiilance system, a manager at Arnellia's developed a system to be followed fior taping. The first tape of the ' The entire list of restrictions, identified as conditions on Arnellia's license, is attached as Appendix A. The iist of conditions includes the subsequently agreed-to c,�nditions regarding the video cameras. Z Midway Car Wash is located at 1169 University Avenue. 3 Exhibit 2. 2 day wouid be stasted when the establishment was opened for bus+ness, around noon each day. When that tape ran out, another employee inserted the second tape. That taQe wouid record until after closing. Tapes were kept for a week and then reused for taping_ 6. {n August, 1899, Arnellia Alien discovered that one of the four surveiilance cameras was not working properly. Tiie camera operated properly in day{ight, but did not reium a clear image at night 4 The contractor who initially installed the system, Earl AI4en, was contacted in early Augusf, and he examined the system approximately one week later. Tfie contsactor conciuded that a new camera was required and it was ordered from the manufacturer in Caiifomia. .ferry Aflen paid the contractor to order the came�a C�i QU9USi 1?, ?�Q9. Th? date that the camera �a;as orc! 5�j }iI �ort:ra tS unknown. 7. The camera was delivered to Amell+a's in early September. The contractor was notified that the camera had arrived. 8. On September 23, 1999, a shooting incident occurred in the alley behind Arneliia's. Sergeant Munoz of the Saint Paul Police Department went to Arneilia's to obtain the videotape of the image+y captured by the video surveillance camera. Sergeant Munoz was informed that there was no tape available for tfiat evening. Larry Ailen had forgotten to put in tne second tape on that day. 9. Ameflia's responded to the faiiure to tape by modifying its system of taping. Longer duration videotape was puschased, the employees responsibie for the system were instructed to make certain that a tape was in the machine, and the system of reTaining videotapes was modified. 10. On September 30, 1999, the Saint Paul City Attorney's Office issued a IVotice of Violation to Amellia's. The Notice +ndicated that on September 23, 1999, the Licensee failed to have its video cameras on and taping and that constitutes a violation of the video surveiilance condition on Arneliia's license. No citation was made in the NoUce of Vioiation to what provision of the Saint Paul Legislative Code was alieged to have been violated and no suggested penalty was indicated. 11. On October 7, 1999, Larry Allen was working the evening shift at Amellia's. At about 8:00 p.m., Larry Ailen switched the videotape tor the tape that had been recording since Arnellia's opened that moming. When he activated the video recorder, he inadvertentiy pressed the "play" button rather than the "record" butto�. 12. Near midnight on October 7, 1999, an altercation began beiween patrons in Arneliia's. Those participating in the altercation were removed from the premises. The dispute continued outside and someone fired shots. A car struck and kilied a 4 The image returned by that camera at night wouid only show objects with their own illumination, such as automobiie headlights and taiilights. 5 Ead Aflen is no reiation to Arneflia Allen, Jerry Allen, or Larty Allen. 6 Exhibit 5. 3 pedestrian in the middle of University Avenue at that time. A large number of officers of the Saint Pauf Police Department responded to the scene. 13. Larry Allen had been observing the incident outside Ameilia's. He went in to check on the videotape system and noticed for the firsf time that evening that the recocder had been set to play, rather than record. He immediately stopped the tape and began recording. An officer of the Saint Paui Po{ice Department entered a few minutes later and requested the videotape. Larry Allen gave the officer the videotape. 14. In mid-October, the contractor retumed to Amellia's and instailed the new camera. The instal(ation of the new camera aliowed nighttime images from a second ang{e in th� parking !ot to �e recosded �n tl�e �lGR. 15. As a result of the October 7 error in operating the VCft, Arnellia's again modified how the videotaping system was to operate. A three-week rotation ofi videotape was instituted. Each staff member at Amellia's was insYructed to check the operation of the VGEt throughout the work shift. Any staff member observing anything unusuaf about the monitor or VCR is instructed to report to the manager on duty. 16. On November 10, 1999, the Saint Paul City Attomey's Office issued a Notice of Second Violation to the Licensee. The Notice stated that on October 7, 1999, Arnetlia's failed to have its video cameras on and taping and that constitutes a violation of the video surveillance condition on Ame!(ia's license.' No citation was made in the Notice of �olation to what provision of the Saint Paul tegislative Code was a{leged to have been vioiated and no suggested penaity was indicated. 17. On December 15, 1999, the Assistant City Attorney, Virginia D. Palmer, issued a Notice of Hearin� in this matter. The Notice of Hearing identified the hearing date as January 26, 1999. 18. The misidentification of the date of the hearing in the notice of this matter did not cause any confusion for Licensee. Licensee was not prevented from fiuily participating in the hearing due to fhe erroneous date. Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact, the Administrative Law Judge makes the following: CONCLUSiONS 1. The Administrative Law Judge and the Saint Pauf City Counci4 have authority to consider the charges against the respondent and the penaity, if any, that should be paid the city pursuant to Sec. 310.05 of the St. Pau( Legisiative Code. ' Exhibit 9. 8 Exhibit 10. C! 2. LIEP has substantiaily complied with al{ relevant substantive and procedural legal requirements. 3. The Licensee received adequate and timely notice of the hearing and of the charges against it. 4. L1EP has the burden of proof to estabiish, by a preponderance of the evidence, that the respondent violated the conditions ofi its licensure. 5. The Licensee is in substantiaf compfiance with t�e conditions of its license through the installation and operation of a videotaping system attached to its video surveillance cameras. The failure to record the images captured by the video surveillance cameras outside the licensed premises on September 23 and October 7, '1999, was inadvertent by the Licensee. 6. The efforts made by the Licensee to repair the malfunctioning camera compiied with the condition that four video cameras be "maintained in good woricing order" outside the business premises. 7. There is no basis for taking adverse action against the �icensee under Sections 310.06(b)(5) and 409.10 of ihe Saint Paui Legisiative Code for the operation of its video surveillance system. Based upon the foregoing Conclusions, the Administrative Law Judge makes the foilowing: REGOMMENDATlON IT IS HEREBY RECOMivIENDED: That the Saint Paul City Council diSMISS the action against the licenses held by Metro Bar & Griil, Inc. Dated this � day of April, 2000 ��� 1�I �`-�Y�.ei• �:.�,, � PHYLLI A. REHA ;�'���— Administrative Law Judge Reported: Taped, three tapes MEMORANDUM Three incidents of violence are the motivation for bringing this action against the Licensee. A kiiling in May, occurring in front of the business next door; a shooting in September, occurring in the ailey behind the business; and a shoot+�g in October, ti resulting in a pedestrian being struck by a car and killed. There +s no evsdence in the record of this matter that any of these incidents took place on the licensed premises 9 In response to the May kiliing, the conditions under which Arnellia's operates were reconsidered. Conditions regarding video surveiilance were added. The language of the new condition itself is ambiguous, since that language does not expressly require that the imagery captured by fhe exterior video surve+llance cameras be recorded. There is no disQute, however, that bofh LIEP and Amellia's understood the condition to require the addition of a VCR and recording the imagery from those cameras. The record in this matter is clear that Arnellia's impiemented the new requirement consistent with its agreement. At first, tapes of six and eight hours in duration were use�' to co��er the �au�t°°n ho!;rs per da� thai �meUia's s o�2n. F,°er a�erioa cf trial and error, Amellia's discovered that additionaf time was needed to ensure that the videotaping covered the entire time the estabiishment was open. Arnellia's then switched to two eight-hour tapes per day. During this period sfafF discovered, also by trial and error, that the extended play option must be selected to ensure that the eight- hour tape covers all eight hours.'� No one at Arnellia's was able to set the date and time feature on the VCR. The second act of violence near Arne4lia's was a shooting that took place in the alley behind the building on September 23, 1998. The victim in that incident was struck in the foot. The Saint Pau1 Police sought the videotape from that evening to essist in their investigation of the incident. There was no tape from that evening, since Larry Allen had fiorgotten to put a tape in the VCft. ArnelVia's responded to the error by reviewing the system that had been established for videotaping, adjusting that system to ensure that the VCR was being activated at the appropriate times, and reminding the responsible employees that the taping was a requirement. The third act of violence occurred on October 7, 1999. At approximate(y 8:00 p.m. on that date, Larry Allen changed the videotape in the VCR for the evening. He inadvertent{y pressed the wrong button on the VGR after inserting the new tape. Around m+dnigfit, an altercation started in Arnellia's. in accordance with the establishmenYs policy, the participants were ejected from Amellia's. Those persons co�tinued their dis�uSe cutside and shots �vese fired. A cer ±.hsr: s±r�_ck a�ed�strsas? 'sn University Avenue and that pedestrian was kifled. After seeing the events outside, Larry Allen went to check on the VCR. At that time he discovered that it was in "play" mode, rather than "record" mode. He immediately began recording. At the hearing in this matter, Larry Alien acknowledged his mistake. LIEP maintains that viofation of any condifion is sufficient to take adverse action against Arneliia's license. The serious consequences on September 23 and October 7 are asserted to be justification for a penalty of sixty days suspension. Amellia's points 9 Several witnesses suggesYed that the automobile striking the pedestrian was exiting Amellia's parking lot. i0 Whiie Co�dition 11 states that the cameras must monitor the exterior continuousty, botfi Amellia's and LfEP understood the taping requirement to be only during business hours. " The othes option, standard play, provides better video quality but much shorter duration. � out that there is no evidence that any videotape from either evening wouid have prevented the fncidsnts or materially aided the Saint Paui Poi+ce in their subsequent invesfigations. Section 310.06(b)(5) authorizes adverse acfion be taken against a licensee when the licensee fai4s to comply with any condit+on of the license. Section 409.10 sets out the standards to apply in adding conditions to licenses as follows: Sec. 409.10. Restrictions on ticenses. When a reasonable basis is found by the council to impose reasonabie restrictions upon a license held under this chapter, the councii, upon issuing a new license or renewing a license or aoproving a transfer of a iicense, may impose reasonable conditions and restrictions pestaining to the manner and circumstances in which the business shall be conducted to preserve the pub{ic peace and protect and promote good order and security. These reasonabie conditions or restrictions may pertain to: (1) A limitation as to the hours when intoxicating liquor may be sald and/or consumed on the licensed premises; (2) A limitation and restriction as to the exact location within a buiiding where intoxicating liquor will be served and/or sofd andlor consumed; {3} A fimitation and restrict9on as to the means of ingress to or egress from the licensed estabiishment; (4) A requirement that certain ofF-street parking facilities be provided; (5) A condition that the license wilf be in effect only so tong as the establishment rema+ns a drugstore, restaurant or hotel as defined by the state liquor act or regulations adopted pursuant thereto; (6) A limitation and restriction as to the means and methods of advertising the safe of intoxicating iiquor on the buiiding andlor on the premises adjacent thereto; (7) Reasonable conditions fimiting the operation of the licensed premises so as to ensure that the licensed business wiil comport with the character ot the district in which it is focated andJor to the end that nuisances wili be prevented; and (8) Additional conditions upon hoteis and restaurants whicli may in the discretion of the council tend to insure that the sale of liquor wiil take place only in conjuncYion with the sale and sesvice of food. The one repeated standard throughout the section is that any condition imposed on a licensee must be "reasonabie". The condition at issue in this matter falls under item 7, which is the imposition of "reasonable conditions limiting the operation of the licensed premises .., to the end that nuisances wil] be prevented."' Adverse action can certainly be taken against a licensee for any unreasonable faiiure to meet a condition ' Saint Paui Legislative Code Sec. 409.10. 7 requiring videotaping. Conversely, where a iicensae has a seasonable excuse for that failure, adverse action is inappropriate. In each instance where the videotaping system was found to be fauity, action was taken by Amellia's to improve the system. VCRs are not "fool-proof' technology, and gaps in recording are inevitabie. The Licensee has demonstrated substantiai campl+ance with the Iicense condition and the two instances of noncompliance were inadvertent. The degree of ongoing compliance is demonstrated by the other material on the tape provided to the Saint Paui Police Department on October 7, 1999.' LtEP asserts that violations of the license condition are estabiished by the failure of Arneflia's to snsure that the carrecY date and time are imprinted on the recording. TFe;e is no such requirerent in the conditions establishad �or Ameliia`s. Adverse aation cannot be taken against the Licensee for fai(ing to properly set the date and time of the VCR, absent some understanding that such conduct is required. Having one video camera malfunction is aiso cited by LIEP as a violation of the license condition. The obligation in the license condition to "maintain in good working order" four video survei0ance cameras assumes that the technology wiA periodically malfunction and need to be fxed. The measure of compliance is not whether any of the cameras are broken, but whether prompt action is taken to repair them. In this matter, the Licensee was prompt and a contractor was diiatory. The Licensee met the requirement that the video surveiilance system be maintained. ' This standard of conduct is reflected in other license actions invoiving entertainment estabiishments. For example, in assessing whether adverse action was appropriate where female dancers "went topless" without a bar owners knowledge, Administrative Law Judge Peter Erickson stated: This case is not so much one where critica! issues of fact must be determined, but rather one in which the pena{ty must be appropriate to the violation. This case would be much different if, whea Mr. Jensen had seen that the dancers were topiess, he fiad immed'sately taken acYion, wfiether or not successful, to curb the topfess activities. However, Mr. Jensen decided that he could do nothing at fhat time and it was not until after Officer Nohr became fnvolved that Mr. Jensen put an end to the topless behavior. Additionally, Mr. Jensen could have instructed his bouncers and other emp;oyees regar�ing the lavd an rudiry and toid �hem to an�orca the prah�bition if ar,y of the dancers decitied undress. Atthough Mr. Jensen was not aware that the show wouid be topless, he is not biameless for the resuiting nudity wfiich continued until after Officer Nohr arrived. fiowever, Mr. Jensen's good faiih efForts to ensure that the show would not be topless before ever booking it should be given great weight. City of Coleraine v. Har/ey Jensen, d/b/a Ha�ley's Huf /l, OAH Docket No. 4-2101-5430-6 (Recommendation issued Aprii 23, 1991)(emphasis added). 14 The time stamp on the tape psovided '+s October 3�, 1989, and that tape-records the en6re evening's events outside of Amellia's. With the rotation of tapes described by Ameffia's, the next time stamp that wouid be imprinted on that particular tape is November 7, 1989. At aboui the middfe of the tape (approximately four hours at extended play), the scene changes to the events on October 7, 1999, and the time stamp changes to November 7, 1959. The new date and imagery lasts onty a few minutes, which is consistent with the potice officer receiving the taQe that night These facts support the testimony 04 Larry Aifen that the tape was +nserted accarding to the procedure, but that the "play" button was inadvertentty pressed. ' As discussed above, the language of the iicense condition fails to expressfy require taping, much less requiring accurate time stamps. There was no understanding beiween Amellia's and LIEP that the VCR must imprint an accurate time stamp to meet the license condition. 0 Robert Kessler, Direcfor of LIEP, testified that the purpose of the video surveillance iicense condition was: This establishment attracts people that (sic) are prone to vioience. And that we have a responsibillty to do everything we can to prevent that from happening. And the conditions were designed, especiaily with the conditions in regard to the cameras, to send a message to those people that practice violence fhat they will be watched and that we wiil have tecords that will protect the public. Because of the lack of good management Qractices at that establishment, those records are not avai{able and { th+nk as a result, the message is that they can get by with these kine�s ef acts at Yhaf estabrshment withcu� having pay :he price. There is no way for anyone outside the establishment to know whether videotapes are being recorded at any particular moment. The video cameras and signs warning about surveillance are promi�ently displayed. Each of the three incidents that prompted aetion concerning the Licensee occurred off of the licensed premises. Possession of a business license does not grant police power to controi the actions of persons outside of the {icensed premises. The purpose of "sending a message" to persons outside the control of fhe licensee is accompiished by the visible indicia of video surveiliance. The efForts made by Ameflia's to prevent a nuisance condition in the vicinity of its business are reasonab4e. Maintaining videotape generated by surveiflance cameras does not refate to the ongoing business of the Licensee, but mere4y aids in the subsequent investigations by police. The inadvertenf faiiure, on two occasions, to record the video camera imagery from outside the premises does not rise to a failure to comply with the conditions on Amellia's iicense. The actions taken to repiace a maifunctioning camera were reasonable. Arnellia's has demonstrated by a preponderance of the evidence that it was in substantial compliance with its license conditions. LIEP failed to demonstrate that Arnellia's has failed to comply with the condifions on its iicense. Therefore, the Administrative Law Judge recommends that this matter be DISMISSED. ..- 76 Hearing Testimony, Tape 1 � Appendix A EFFECTIVE 07/08/99: 1. Dress Code: Amellia's agrees to continue to enforce a dress code for customers designed specificaliy to prevent patrons or customers from concealing weapons or contraband inside baggy clothing or wearing gang affiliated coiors. 2. Adherence to Strict tdentfication Requirements: Amelfia's wiif require proper picture identification finm anyone who appears to be younger than 30 years old. Those without proQer identification shait be denied entrance. 3. increase Communication with Police and Neighbors: Ameliia's shali initiate and maintain reguiar communication with the west sector team police commander or his designee, and licensing officiais, Christine Rozek and Kristina Schweinler. Meetings shaii inciude neighborhood organizations to the extent oossib!e. 4. Control Music Type and Format Amellia's shail continue to be responsible for screening out music that promotes or glorifies violence and nefarious or anti-social behavior. 5. Amellia's management and security personnel will insure that patrons do not leave enmasse, but rather, management and secuirty wiil encourage patrons to leave in an orderly and conVolled manner between 12:30 a.m. and 1:15 a.m. 6. The public teiephones shall not allow incoming calis, nor any calis to or from electronic beepers or pagers. 7. Amellia's shafl maintian a list of aIl patrons who have been banned from the establishment, and this list shali be strictly enforced by Arneliia's. Such list shail include proper identification of that person, photograph and a notice of trespass. This notice shoufd be in tripficate with one copy going to eacfi of the foliowing: 1) Maintained by the establishment; 2) UEP; 3) the individual being hanned. Once banned, a person wiil remain banned for a mi�imum of one year. Ameillas will cooperate with police in filting out trespass notice(s). 8. Ameliias shall continue to provide security personnei to promote the orderly behavior of patrons on and leaving the premises. The premises shall include the area immediately adjacent to the establishment. Special attention will be paid to encouraging patrons to leave the area. 9. AII employees and security personnel information shall be provided to LIEP for . background checks. 10. Amelila's wiil empioy the use of a metal detecting devices to ensure there are no weapons on the pcemises. 11. Licensee holder will maintain in good working order at Ieast 4 video surveillance cameras on the exterior of the building to constantlV monitor the exterior of the premises. Tapes must be maintained for 7 days. 12. A video surveiilance camera shali be maintained in good working order in the interior of the establishment to monitor customers as they enter the estabiishment. Tapes must be maintained for 7 days. 13. Signage sfiall be posted on the exterior of the buiiding to notiTy patrons that the area may be under video surveillance. 14. Security personnet will be on duty daiiy from 8:00 p.m. untii closing. 15. Back door wiil remain locked after 5:30 p.m. to prevent entry. 16. The licensee wiil lock the door of the establishment at 12:30 a.m. No additional patrons will be allowed antry after that time. 17. Condifions reviewed at renewal. 10 OFFSC=' TFIE CITY ATTORNBy Ctayton, obinson, Ja, GryAnorney CITY OF SAINT PAUL Nomr Coltmart, bfayor �r December 15, 1999 civit Divisiort JDO City Hatt 15 3Yesr Re11ag� Bh•d Saint P¢u!, A/innesofa SSIO? NOTICE OF FIEARING Ameilia Allen Arnellia's 1183 University Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 RE: All licenses held by i�ietro Baz & Grill, Inc. d/b1a Ameilia's for the premises at i 183 University Ave. in St. Paui License ID �: 54523 Dear Ms. A11en: Teleplione: 651 ?6G.3; IO Farsrixi(e: 657198-5619 Piease take notice that a hearing will be held at the followin� time, date and place concemin� all licenses for the premises stated above: Date: Wednesday, January 26,1999 Time: 9:30 a.m. PIace: Room 41 Saint Paai City Hall 15 West Kelloge Bouievard Saint Paul, Minnesota S�IO2 The hearing will be presided over by an Administrative Law Judge from the State of �rtinnesota Of#ice ofAdministrative Hearings: Name: Phyllis A. Reha Office of Administrative Hearings I00 �Vashinb on Square, Suite 1 i00 Nlinneapolis,l'IN. SS4p1 Telephone: (612) 341-7602 � � Grill, Inc. d/b/a Arnellia's — City's Exh. # 10 — �� The Council ofthe Cify of �_.nt Paul has the auihoritp to provide for nearin�s coaceming licensed premises and for adverse acTion a�ainst such licenses, under Chapter 3 I0, inctudin� sections 310.05 and 310.06, of the Saint PauI Legislative Code. In the case of licenses ior intosicatin� and non- intoxicating liquor, authority is also conveyed by Minnesota Statutes section 340A.�15. Adverse action may include revocation, suspension, fines and other penaities or conditions. Evidence �vil] be presznted to the judge �c may lead to adverse action aQainst a11 the licenses you hold at the above premises as iollows: ` On September 23,1999 there �vas a shooting outside of Arnellia's, near the alIey on the tirest side of the bvilding. Saint Paul police officers ��•ent fo the bar later thaY day to recover tapes from the video surceillance cameras to assist the police in identifi•ing the suspecfs in the shooting. Officer Sohnson tivas informed by the o�vner that therewas no camera near the area in question. When asl:ed if police could revie�c the other camera tapes, the o�vner stated that the cameras �cere not taping at the time of the incident. There is a condition on the licenses that the License hoIder must maintain "in good tivorking order at least four video survelllance cameras on the etterior ofthe building to constantly monitor the exterior of the premises. Tapes must be maintained For 7 days." Failure to have the video cameras on and taping on September 23, 1999 is a��iolation of the condition. On October 7, 1999 there ti�•ere shoYs fired outside of ArneIlia's, and an individual tivas run down in the parking lot and l:illed. Saint Paul police officers obtained the tapes from the video surveillance cameras to assist the police in inti�estigating the incident. SeveralmembersofthehomicideLTnitzvatchedthetape provided, and it �vas apparent that a large portion of the events from October 7, 1999 are not on the tape. It appears that the seeurity cameras were not acEivated until after the incident in which the person was I:illed, as the first thing from the date in quest9on is the arrival of the squads called to incestigate. Additionaliy, the times and dates on the tapes mal;e no sense, and the iYems being viewed in the specific sun�eilIance areas covered by the various cameras shift abrupth�. There is a condition on the licenses that the License hoIder must maintain "in aood icorl:ing order at least four video surceillance cameras on the e�terior of the building to consYantly monifor the exterior of the premises. � Tapes must be maintained for 7 da}•s." Failure fo have the video cameras on and taping af all times on October 7, 1949 is a violation of the condition. Notice oi f��aring - page 2 � You have the right to'be s��,resented by an attomey before and du�,�ig the hearin�, or you can represent yourself. You may also have a person of your choice represent you, to the extent not prohibited as unauthorized practice oflaw. The hearing �vili be conducted in accordance with the requirements of tifinnesota Statutes sections 14.�7 to 14.62 and such paris of the procedures under section 310.0� of the Saint Paul Leeislative Code as may be applicable. ` At the hearing, the Administrative Law Jud�e �vill have all parties identify themsztves for the record. The Ciry cvill then present its t�ztnesses and evidence, each of �vhom the licensee or attorney may cross-examine. The licensze may then offer in rebuttal any witnesses or evidence it may tic ish to present, each of �vhom the City's attomey may cross-examine. The Administrati� e La�v Judse may in addition hear relevant and material testimony from persons not presented as �vitnesses b5� either party who have a substantial interest in the outcome of the proceedin�; for eYample, the o«�ners or occupants of pzoperty located in close prosimity to the licensed premises may have substantial interest in the outcome o£ the proceedin'. Concluding azguments ma}• 6e made 6y the parties. Following the hearin�, the Jud�e will prepaze Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and a specific recommendation for action to be taken by the City Council. You should bring to the hearin� all documents, records and witnesses you �vill or may need to suppott your posiCion. Subpoenas may be available to compel the attendance of witnzsses or the production of documents in conforsnity �vith Minnesota Rules, part 1400.7000. if you think that this matter can be resolved or settled without a foranal hearino, please contact or have your attorney contact the undersi�ned. If a stipulation or a�reement can bz reached as to the facts, that stipulation tivill be presented to the Administrative Law 3udse for incorporation into his or her recommendation for Council action. y If you fail to appear at the hearin�, your ability to challenge the allegations �vi11 be forfeited and the allesations a�ainst you cvhich have been stated earlier in this notice ma}' be taken as true. if non- public data is received into evidence at the,hearin�, it may become public nnless objection is made and re(ief requested under Minnesota Statutes, Section 14.60, subdivision 2. If you have any questions, you can call me at 266-8710. Very tnzly yours, i \ �� /� �_��It c�,._.c,ci 1� �--t' �x.c-i Vir�inia D`. Palmer Assistant City Attomey cc: Arlazk VauQht, Suite 700, Six W'est Fifth St., St. Paul, �' SS1D2 Nancy Thomas, Office of Administrative Hearin�s, 100 �Vashington Square, Snite 1700, l�ipls, NIN »40i Notice of Heariag - Paae 3 _ , _ --, Nancy Anderson, fvsistant CounciI Secretary, 310 Ciry Hatl Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christiae Rozek, LIEP Cathy Lue, Community Organizer, Hamline Mid�vay Coalition,1564 Lafond Ave., St. Paul, i�IN 55104 Notice of Hearing - Pag c STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF t'2AMSEY ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MASL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being firsL duly sworn, deposes and says that on December 15, 1999, she served the attached NOTrCE OF AEARING on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as foliows: Arnellia Allen Arnellia's 1183 University Avenue St. Paul, MN. 55104 (which is the last known address of sa same, with postage prepaid, in the Un} Minnesota. / ) and depositing the s mails at St. Paul, G Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15"' day of Dece�er, 1999. tary Publi PETEA P.PANGB4RN NOTARY PllBLfC — M{N�ESOTA dy Comm Expues Jan.31.200; OFFICF ' THE CITY ATI'ORNEY Clay(on,41..,obiraon, Jr., CiryA[torney CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Nfayor Civi1 Division 400 Ciry Hall IS IV¢s[Ke[loggBhd Suint Paul, .Lfenneso[a SSIO? Telephane: 651 266-8970 Facsimile: 651 298-S6T 9 September 30, 1999 NOTICE OF VIOLATTON Amellia Allen Amellia's 1183 University Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 RE: A11 licenses hetd by Metro Baz & CTri11, Inc. d!b/a Arnellia's for the premises at 1183 I3niversity Avenue License ID #: 54523 Dear Ms. Allen: The Director of the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has recommended advexse action against all licenses heid by Metro Bar & Grill d!b/a Amellia's for the premises at 1183 University Avenue. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: On September 23,1999 there was a shooting outside of Arneilia's, near the alley on the west side of fhe building. Saint Paui police o�cers went to the bar later that day to recover tapes from the video surveillance cameras to assist the police in identifying the suspects in the shooting. Officer Johnson was informed by the o�vner that there was no camera near the area in question. When asked if police could review the other camera tapes, the owner stated that the cameras were not taping at the time of the incident. There is a condition on the licenses that the License ho(der must maintain "in good working order at least four video surveillance cameras on the exterior of the building to constantly monitor the eaterior of the premises. Tapes must be maintained for i days." Failure to have the vadeo cameras on and taping on September 23, 1999 is a violation of the condition. � S � � Grill, Ine. d/bfa Arnellia's � City's Exh. # 5 Page 2 Amellia Allen September 30, 1999 If you do not dispute the above facts piease send me a letter with a statement to that effect. The matter wili then be scheduled for a hearing before the St. Paul City Council to determine what penalty, if any, to impose. You will have an opportunity to appeaz and speak on your own behalf, or to have someone appeaz there for you. On the other hand, if you wish to dispute the above facts, I will schedule an evidentiary hearin� before an Administrative Law Judge (AL�. Tf you wish to have such a hearing, please send me a letter stating that you aze contesting the facts. You will then be sent a"Notice of Hearing," so you wi11 know when and where to appeaz, and what the basis for the hearing will be. In either case, please let me know in writing no later than Monday, October li, 1999, how you would like to proceed. If I have aot heard from you by that date, I will assume that you are not contesting the facts. The matter will then be scheduled for the hearing before the St. Paul Cify Council. ' If you have any questions, feel free to call me or have your attomey call me at 266-8710. Sincereiy, ` ��r�c, f U Virginia D. Palmer AssistanY City Attorney cc: Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Cathy Lue, Community Orgainzer, Hamline Midway Coalition, 1564 Lafond Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF :2�MSEY ss. AFFIDAVIT OE SERVICE BY MAIZ JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on October 1, 1999, she served the attached NO:ICE OF VIOLATION on the =ollowing named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as zollows: Arnellia Allen Arnellia`s 1183 University Avenue SC. Pau1, MN. 55104 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st d� of O�tob�, 1999. � ( ./ / �� PETER P. PANG80RN � NOTAAY pUBUC - MINNFSOTA � =� Mv omm, Expires dan.3t, 2co� Notary Pub ; �c •`^`^^^�,,,,,,____ OFFICF ^F THE CITY ATTORNEY Clay�on 1. ibinson, Ja, Ciry Attorney CITY OF SAINT PAUL CivilDivision Norm Cafeman, 3fayar 400 Ciry Xal1 Telephone: 651 266-8i70 ISiVestKe!loggBlvd Fauimile:651298-5619 Saint Paul, bfinnesata 55102 i November 10, 1999 NOTICE OF SECOND VIOLATION � Arnellia Allen Arnellia's 1183 University Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 RE: All licenses held by Metro Baz & Grill, Inc. d/b/a Arnellia's for the premises at 1183 University Ave. in St. Paul License ID #: 54523 Dear Ms. Allen: The Director of the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has recommended adverse action against all licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill d/b/a Amellia's for the premises at 1183 University Avenue. T'he basis for the recommendation is as follows: On October 7,1999 there were shots fired outside of Arnellia's, and an individual was run down in the parking lot and kiIled. Saint Paui police officers obtained the tapes from the video surveillance cameras to assist the police in investigating the incident. Several members of the homicide Unit �vatched the tape provided, and it was apparent that a large portion of the events from October 7,1999 are not on the tape_ It appears that the security cameras were not activated until after the incident in which fhe person was killed, as the first thing from the date in question is the arrival of the squads called to investigate. Addifionally, the times and dates on the tapes make no sense, and the items being viewed in the specific surveillance areas covered by the various cameras shift abruptly. There is a condition on the licenses that the License holder must maintain "in good working order at least four video surveillance cameras on the exterior of the building to constantly monitor the exterior of the premises. Tapes must be maintained for 7 days." Failure to have the video cameras on and taping at ail times on October 7, 1999 is a violation of the condition. � � _ Grill, Inc, d/b/a Arnellia's City's Exh. # 9 — Page 2 Amellia Allen November 10, 1999 If you do not dispute the above facts please send me a letter with a statement to that effect. The matter will then be scheduled for a hearing before the St. Paul City Council to determine what penalty, if any, to impose. You will have an oppomuiity to appear and speak on your own behalf, or to have someone appeaz there for you. On the other hand, if you wish to dispute the above facts, I �vill schedule an evidentiary hearing before an Administrative Lacv 7udge (A.L�. If you wish to have such a hearing, piease send me a letter stating that you aze contesting the facts. You will then be sent a"Notice of Hearing," so you �vill know when and where to appeaz, and what the basis for the heazing will be. In either case, please let me knorv in writing no late than Monday, November 22,1999, how you would like to proceed. If I have not heard from you by that date, I will assume thaf you are not contesting the facts. The matter wlll then be scheduled for the hearing before the St. Paul City Council. ' If you have any questions, feel free to call me or have your attomey call me at 266-8710. Sincerely, ��� ��� Virginia D.� Assistant City Attomey cc: Mazk Vaught, Suite 700, Six West Fifth St., St. Paul, M�155102 Robert Kessler, Director, LIBP Christine Rozek, LIEP Cathy Lue, Community Orgainzer, Hamline Midway Coalition, 1564 Lafond Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on November 10, 1999, she served the attached NOTICE OF SECOND VIOLATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Arnellia Al1en Arnellia's 1183 University Avenue St. Paul, MN. 55104 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the Un' tates mails at St Paul, Minnesota. � ��� . Subscribed and sworn to before me this lOth day_ of Noyembe�, 1999. ER P. PANGSORN NOtaY'}� PUI�IIC � �J NOTARYPUBLIC-MINPJESCTA ° My Comm. FXpires Jan. 31, 2C0 STATE OF MINNESOTA IN COURT OF APPEALS Metro Bar & Griil, Inc., d/b/a Arnellia's, Petitioner, vs. WRIT OF CERIORARI COURT OF APPEALS FILE NO: �— CX� — I� 5 � City of Saint Paul, a municipal corporation, CITY OF SAINT PAUL Respondent. COUNCIL FILE NO. 00-585 DATE OF DECISIOiV: ADOPTED: JUNE 21, 2000 APPROVED BY MAYOR: JUNE 27, 2000 TO: The City of Saint Paul and the City Council of the City of Saint Paul: You are hereby ordered to return to the Court of Appeals within ten (10) days after the date realtor's brief is due the record, exhibits and proceedings in the above-entitled matter so that this Conrt may review the decision of the City Council issued on the date noted above. Copies of this Writ and the accompanying Petition shall be served forthwith either personally or by mail upon the City of Saint Paul as follows: City Clerk 170 City Ha11 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, Minnesota 551�2 And upon the attomey for the City of Saint Paul as follows: Virginia Palmer Assistant City Attorney 400 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Proof o1'service shall be filed with the Clerk of the Appellate Courts. Clerk of Appellate Courts � �.. Dated: July _, 2000 gy;��'� �`��Z� a�,4 Assistant C?er?c (Clerk's File Stamp) 2 STATE OF MINNESOTA IN COURT OF APPEALS Mefro Bar & Griil, Inc., d/b/a Arneitia's, STATEMENT OF THE CASE Peritioner, OF PETITIONER vs. COURT OF APPEALS FILE NO. City of Saint Paul, a municipal corporation, CITY OF SAINT PAUL Respondent. COUNCIL FILE NO. 00-585 DATE OF DECISION: ADOPTED: JUNE 21, 2000 APPROVED BY MAYOR: NNE 27, 2000 1. Court or a2encv of case ori�ination and name of presidin� iud¢e or hearine officer. City Council of the City of Saint Paul Dan Bostrom, President and Presiding Officer Phyllis A. Reha Administrative Law Judge 2. Jurisdictional statement. B. Certiorari appeal. There is no specific statute or appellate rule conveying jurisdiction. However, the Court by decision has established the procedure to be followed in matter such as this. A party seeking to obtain judicial review of a quasi-judicial decision of a city council must proceed by petition to the Court of Appeals seeking a writ of certiorari. Micius vs. St. Paul Citv Council, 524 N.W.2d 521 (Minn.App.1994). See aiso, Neitzel vs. Countv of Redwood, 521 N.W.2d 73 (Minn.App. 1994), pet. for rev. denied (Minn. 1994) and Town of Honner vs. Redwood Countv, 518N.W.2d 639 (Minn.App.1994), pet. for rev. denied (Minn. 1994). C. Other appellate proceedin�s. With respect to the Motions regarding a stay of enforcement of the license suspension, jurisdiction of the Court of Appeals is established by Minnesota Statufes Section I4.65. 3. Tvpe of liti2ation and desienate anv statutes at issue. This matter involves adverse action taken by the City of Saint Paul against the Petitioner, the holder of certain licenses, including on sale liquor licenses, issued by the City. The adverse action was taken pursuant to 1Vlinnesota Statutes Section 340A.415 and Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapters 310 and 409. 4. Brief description of claims, defenses, issues liti�ated and result below. Respondent sought to take adverse action against Petitioner based on two incidents occurring, respectively, on September 23,1999 and October 7, 1999, during which the Respondent alieged Petitioner failed to comply with Condition No. ll on its licenses which reads "License holder will maintain in good working order at least 4 video cameras on the exterior of the building to constantly monitor the exterior of the premises. Tages must be maintained for 7 days." After Notices of both violations were issued, a hearing was held before an Administrative Law Judge on January 26, 2000. At that hearing Respondent maintained that with respect to the September 23,1999 incident, Petitioner failed to insert a tape into the videocassette recorder and that said conduct constituted a violation of the condition. Petitioner defended against the allegation by presenting testimony that the camera most likely to have captured the incident in question ontside the estabtishment Fvas broken. Petitioner further maintained tke non- functioning nature of the cameras had been discovered in August,1999; a new camera had been ordered and had not yet been installed by a third party contractor at the time of the incident. Petitioner produced a check dated August,1999, in payment of the cost of the new camera. With respect to October 7,1999 incident, Respondent maintained that the camera system was not properly recording and therefore there was no record of an incidenf which potentially occurred within the view of one of the cameras and that said conduct violated the condition. Petitioner defended against allegation by presenting testimony from an employee that he had inadvertently pushed the play button rather than the record bntton when loading a tape into the recorder earlier itt the day. He further testified when 2 he discovered, as the incident outside unfolded, that the system was not taping, he immediately switcbed the play button to record in an attempt to record whatever information he could. After listening to an entire day of testimony and having the benefit of further submissions from the parties, the Administrative Law Judge issued her Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommendation on April 4, 2000. In her decision, Judge Reha found that the actions of the Petitioner on both dates were reasonable and any failure with respect to the surveillance system was inadvertent or attributable to a third party not under Petitioner's control. She recommended that the City Council dismiss the adverse action against the Petitioner. The City Council considered the report of the Administrative Law Judge on May 3, 2000. It heard first from the attorney representing the City licensing office without limitation on time. It then accorded representatives of the Petitioner fifteen minutes in which to present their case followed by fifteen minutes of testimony from those who opposed the recommendations of the Administrative Law Judge. During this latter testimony, the City Council allowed into the record inflammatory testimony trom members of a community group who had not participated in the prior hearing regarding the general subject of violence in the community and specific acts of violence without ever requiring any showing of relevance to the issue at hand, which involved an allegedly non- functioning video taping system. The Petitioner was not accorded an opportunity to rebut any of the inflammatory and substantially irrelevant tesfimony. At the conclusion of the public hearing, the City Council, with minimal discussion, acted on a resolution by Councilmember Blakey to reject both the reasoning and the recommendation of the Administrative Law Judge and impose as a sanction, a license suspension of forty five (45) days with fifteen (15) days stayed. In speaking in support of his resolution, Councilmember Blakey adopted much of the rhetoric of the testifying community members about violence and only tangentially dealt with the allegations in the Notices of Violation. He recounted at least one past incident of violence near, but not at, the licensed premises as though it were the responsibility of the Petitioner. The decision of the City Council was ultimately codified into a written resolution which was passed on June 21, 2000 and approved by the Mayor on June 27, 2000. 5. SFecific issues prouosed to be raised on anneal. The Petifioner purposes to raise the following issues on appeal: A. Did the Respondent aet arbitrarily and capriciously in rejecting many of the findings of fact and legal conclusions of the Administrative Law Judge and in not adopting the reasoning and recommendation of the Administrative Law Judge that the matter be dismissed? B. Did the failure of Respondent to accord Petitioner equal time to present its case as was permitted the attorney representing City licensing officials constitute a denial of Petitioner's due process rights? C. Did the failure of the Respondent to accord Petitioner an opportunity to rebut the inflammatory and irrelevant testimony from certain witnesses, who had not previously been heard and who testified after the completion of Petitioner's testimony, constitute a denial of Petitioner's due process rights? D. Was the failure of Respondent to exclude the irrelevant and inflammatory testimony regarding unrelated incidents of violence by certain witnesses arbitrary and capricious? E. Did the Respondent act arbitrarily and capriciously in reliance on inflammatory and irrelevant testiraony regarding the general subject of violence and specific acts of violence from witnesses and comments in the same regard by Councilmember Blakey in arriving at a decision in this matter? F. Did the Respondent act arbitrarily and capriciously in imposing the severe penalty in this case, both with respect to the nature of the alleged violations and with respect to its own statutory regulatory scheme of matrix penalties for certain sorts of violations? G. Did the Respondent err and act arbitrarily and capriciously in concluding that there were violations of license conditions by the Petitioner in this matter. II. Did any of the members of Respondent's City Council act arbitrarily, capriciously, illegally and in confravention of the provisions of Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 310.05(c-2) by engaging in ex parte contacts or discussions with each other or third parties regarding these matters outside the public record or final Council deliberations. 0 6. Related appeals. None. 7. Contents of record. A full transcript is necessary to the review the issues on appeal. A transcript has not been delivered to the parties nor filed with the City Clerk. A transcript has not been ordered From the court reporter. No court reporter was present during the proceedings but they were taped and can be transcribed. 8. Oral ar�ument. Oral argument is requested at the location speciTied in Rule 13904, Subd. 2 of the Minnesota Rules of Civil Appellate Procedure. 9. Tvpe of brief to be filed. Formal briefs pursuant to Rule 128.02 of the Minnesota Rules of Civil Appellate Procedure will be filed. 10. Name, address, zip code, telephone number, and attornev registration license number of attorneys for Petitioner and Respondent. For Petitioner: S. Mark Vaught Attorney at Law Suite 700 Six West Fifth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1412 651-297-6400 651-224-8328 (fax) Email: markvav�htna,worldnet.att.net Attorney Reg. No. 131519 For Respondent: Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney 400 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 651-266-8710 Attorney Registration No.128995 Respectfully submitted, Dated: July 7, 2000 ��� / S. Mark Vaught (Atty. �o. 131519) Attorney for Petitioner Suite 700, Six West Fifth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1412 651-297-6400 651-224-8328 (fax) markvau�htnu,worldnet.att.net 0 STATE OF MINNESOTA IN COURT OF APPEALS Metro Bar & Grill, Inc., d/b/a Arnellia's, NOTICE OF MOTION AND TO STAY SUSPENSION Petitioner, PENDING 12EVIEW vs. COURT OF APPEALS FILE NO. City of Saint Paul, a municipal corporation, CITY OF SAINT PAUL Respondent. COiTNCIL FILE NO. 00-585 DATE OF DECISION: ADOPTED: JLTNE 21, 2000 APPROVED BY MAYOR: NNE 27, 2000 TO: The City of Saint Paul and the City Council of the City of Saint Paul: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the above-named Petitioner, acting through its undersigned counsel of record, and pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 14.65 will move the Court of Appeals as soon as said 1Vlotion can be heard for an Order staying the suspension of certain licenses issued Respondent to Petitioner, said suspension currently scheduled to take effect at 12:01 a.m., Wednesday, July 12, 2Q00, pending the review by the Court of Appeals of the action of the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, dated June 21, 2000, imposing said suspension. In the alternative, Petitioner will move the Court of Appeals for an Order temporarily staying said snspension and remanding the matter to the City Council for consideration of a Motion from Petitioner requesting that the City Council stay the suspension pending review of its decision by the Court of Appeals. Petitioner's Motions shall be based upon the files and records herein and the attached Affidavits. Dated: July 7, 2000 � /���/� S. Mark Vaught (Atty. l�o. 131519) Attorney for Pefitioner Suite 700, Six West Fifth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1412 651-297-6400 651-224-8328 (fax) markvau�htna,worldnet.att.net STATE OF MINNESOTA IN COURT OF APPEALS Metro Bar & Grill, Inc., dJb/a Arnellia's, Petitioner, vs. City of Saint Paul, a municipal corporation, Respondent. STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) ) ss. ) AFFIDAVIT OF JACHIE HICKS COURT OF APPEALS FILE NO. CITY OF SAINT PAUL COITNCIL FILE NO. 00-585 DATE OF DECISION: ADOPTED: JLTNE 21, 2000 APPROVED BY MAYOR: JI7NE 27, 2000 Jackie Hicks, being first duly sworn upon oath, alleges and states to the Court as follows: 1. She is one of the management team of Arnellia's, which is the name by which Petitioner Metro Bar & Grill, Inc. does business at 1183 University Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota. 2. She offers this Affidavit in support of Petitioner's Motions to stay the suspension pending review or to remand the matter to the City Council for consideration of a stay. 3. Petitioner is involved in the hospitality business, serving as a retail seller of liquor and food and providing musical entertainment for customers of the establishmenf. 4. In her management capacity she is familiar with the financial books and records of the Petitioner and has conducted a review of those records prior to composing this Af�davit. 5. Her review has indicated that the suspension meted out by the City Council will impose a substantial, if not fatal, financial burden on the Petitioner if the thirty day suspension must be served prior to review of the decision. 6. Her research has yielded the following effects if the suspension goes into effect on July 12, 2000, as currently scheduled: a. She estimates the lost revenue for the Petitioner during the suspension, exclusive of kitchen revenues (the kitchen is leased and operated separately by a separate licensee, but is operated as an adjunct to the business conducted by Petitioner), to be approximately $27,000. b. Over twenty (20) fuil and part time employees will lose their employment during the suspension period, including bartenders, maintenance personnel, cocktail servers and musicians. c. Another sis (6) full and parE time kitchen employees will, likewise, be deprived of their jobs during the suspension period. 2 7. The effect on the Petitioner and the nofed employees would be irreparable and would render the appeal of the suspension, which she believes to be meritorious, virfually moot and of symbolic value only, if a stay is not granted. FURTHER YOUR AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. Dated; July 7, 2��� �--f�k�-� /t� a cie Hicks Subscribed and swom to before me this 7 day of July, 2000. . Q�_ l�otary Public r•1 CA7MEiUEABOaE NotatrtvtBL�C_fmi�ESpip .,� MY COMMf$S10N E� �� JANUAF?Y3t,2005 �'�^--�-�.�.�y STATE OF MINNESOTA IN COURT OF APPEALS Metro Bar & Grill, Inc., d/b/a Arnellia's, Petitioner, vs. City of Saint Paul, a municipal corporation, Respondent. AFFIDAVIT OF S. MARK VAUGHT COURT OF APPEALS FILE NO. CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. 00-585 DATE O� DECISION: ADOPTED: JUNE 21, 2000 APPROVED BY MAYOR: JUNE 27, 2000 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) ) ss. ) S. Mark Vaught, being �rst duly sworn upon, states and alleges to the Court as follows: 1. matter. 2. He is the attorney of record for the Petitioner in the above-entitled He offers this Affidavit in support of Petifioner's Motions for a Stay of the license revocation pending review or for a Remand to the City Council for that body to consider such a stay. 3. On or about Friday, 3une 30, 2000, he received by mail, the Resolution of the City Council memorializing the decision, the review of which the Writ in this matter seeks. 4. On Monday, July 3, 2000, he spoke by telephone with Virginia Palmer, Assistant City Attomey, and inquired as to whether the Respondent would agree to such a stay or would agree to consider such a stay. 5. Ms. Palmer indicated she would speak with her clients regarding your affiant's request. 6. Ae next spoke by telephone with Ms. Palmer on or about July 6, 2000, during which conversation she indicated she had spoken to the legislative assistant to Councilmember Jerry Blakey, who had sponsored the resolution imposing the suspension which is the subject of review. 7. Ms. Palmer indicated in the 3uly 6 telephone conversation that based on her conversation with Councilmember Blakey's assistant, Respondent would not be considering a stay of the suspension pending review of the matter by the Court of Appeals. 8. After learning of that declination, your affiant has moved as expeditiously as possible to bring a Motion before the Court of Appeals addressing the issue of a Stay. FURTHER YOUR AFFIANT SAYETA NOT. Dated: July 7, 2000 �� � S. Mark Vaught (Atty. No. 131519) Attorney for Petitioner Suite 700, Six W est Fifth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1412 651-297-6400 651-224-8328 (fax) markvau�ht(�a,worldnet.att.net 2 6c:uYr-:"��nc illi� r)�i¢ b'.� +, j�Ili� � ! �?; {� � � , ;�'�ai� tU t Pi ,i j.�;�.';.e:;.c�' :.'Y_ � �" "� "��st�`'�: n � ' D '� �A��R±�,.�. . `C,is•FC � . i y, :; ��f �~ ~° ; 1 . ; � 3 t n-` o Il��Y� z i���H'- yQt,�w E4dS: vv3%a�5;,�;. � .� �+ a � w O yw V �z� a� � > � � �zz � �o� � F�� '� Wza o z °v v�i Xi � N N N � O ri � U Q � N � � �+.! J � � � �, � � � � V. � e � _ Q yyy \�� n � � l�� � J � � � �� � 3�.�- � � y�3� � - � � �� � � �- 1 COURT OF APPEALS NiJMBER:C6-00-1156 INDER OF COIINCIL FILS (C.F.) 00-585 DOC. NIIMBSR 1 2 3 G! 5 DATS DESCRIPTION 6-21-00 Resolution and Green Sheet suspending the (date license of Metro Bar & Grill d/b/a adopted Arnellia's and adopting the Report of the by ALJ with exceptions and amendments Council) 6-1-00 Letter from State Representative Andy Dawkins offering opinion that Arnellia's license not be suspended. 4-20-00 Notice of Public Hearing letter sent to Attorney Mark Vaught by Assistant City Attorney Virginia Palmer regarding 1-26-00 Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommendation of the Administrative Law Judge. 5-3-00 Letter from Virginia Palmer to Mark Vaught regarding the City's Exceptions to the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommendation of the ALJ. Includes City's Final Argument - Statement of Facts 5-9-00 Memo to City Council from Nancy Anderson regarding laying over of item #32 on the May 10 Council Agenda to June 7 for a Public Hearing. NIINIDER OF PAGBS 5 FI 11 17 F� 6. 144 petition cards requesting the City 144 Council to support the findings of the cards in ALJ, as it relates to not sanction 1 Arnella's. envelope 7. 6-21-00 8. 6-21-00 Videotape of 6-21-00 Saint Paul City Council meeting. Summary minutes of 6-21-00 Saint Paul City Council meeting. DOCUMENTS RETIIRNED BY TfiE ALJ RECEIVED IN THE CITY CLERR'S OFFICS 4-5-00 E� 10 4-4-00 Letter from Phyllis Reha, Administrative Law Judge, to the City Council regarding the Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Recommendations. 3-6-00 Letter from Virginia Palmer to the Ai,J Phyllis Reha regarding City�s Reply Memorandum. 1 tape 14 Fya E � ii. , 12. 13. 14 . 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 3-6-00 3-2-00 2-18-00 2-28-00 12-15-99 1-26-00 9-30-99 9-23-99 9-23-99 9-30-99 11-8-99 10-29-99 Fax cover from Mark Vaught to Phyllis Reha regarding no further submissions in the Metro Bar & Grill matter. Fax from Mark Vaught to Phyllis Reha summarizing and presenting Respondent's view of the evidence. Letter from Virginia Palmer to Phyllis Reha enclosing the Final Argument on behalf of LIEP. Letter from Phyllis Reha to Virginia Palmer granting her request to extend the period for reply briefs. Attached is the letter from Virginia Palmer requesting the extension. Letters from Virginia Palmer and Peter Pangborn announcing Notice of Hearing to Arnellia Allen. List of City's proposed exhibits. City's Exhibit #1, License Information Report City's Exhibit #2, License conditions for Metro Bar & Grill dba Arnellia's City's Exhibit #3, Police report prepared by Officer Gerald E. Johnson City's Exhibit #4, Police report prepared by Sgt. Richard J. Munoz City's Exhibit #5, Notice of Violation City's Exhibit #6, Police report prepared by Sgt. Mark C. Kempe City's Exhibit #8, Letter from Ms. Arnellia Allen to Robert Kessler 11-10-99 City's Exhibit #9, Notice of Second Violation 12-15-99 City's Exhibit #10, Notice of Hearing 10-7-99 City's Exhibit #7, Videotape from Arnellia�s 1 5 li 2 5 2 4 1 2 3 3 2 2 3 5 1 tape C le �� c� � �P �1 �c�.`�e- �� �-�� �ece�ved �o l a� l a� b� °- �'�Q�A, � d�i,�� 7 -= �a , ,m/Jr ��. %> s i1 e'�� Gl���� C�d�� I, Dy�� Ltl. ,�� {�`"/ �C�V� �)f ; request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanetion the Metro Bar and Griil, common3y known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at �(,�,�� -kO.C�it,x /� (i/O Zip _�/1�.3 UD-ss£S - � �� �v � �� � ,. r ���� .�^ �^d2�o �,�,: � e Signed)/ Date) /, (,� J �C,� �L/m-a�� ��"�. .L��, a yu��v�`�v,z.�` � - I y 1 f�y���� , request that the St. Paul City Cauncil vote to support the findings of the Administrative La�v Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grili, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly '.'eel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both the:r customers and the general pubiic. I am a resident at � -� _ Zip ��� �,��� �U�_ (Dace> �ip-585 �' LIOQYi ���5 vote to svp rt the fi��ings of the Adminisirative Law �e 1 ates o not to1l sanction the Metro Bar and GrilI, common3y Irnown as �ella's Night Club. I� a Fatron of this establishmenY, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the gerieral pubiic. I am a resident at ��"q� �� � � n` l,Gf-� Zip�� _ (Signed) ,T—/t'!-�1 {Date) T> >ahr....a � � vote to su � r�Quest that the St. Paul City Council pport the fndmgs of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly }mo� as Arnella's Night Club. I� a patron of this estabIislunent, and I strongly feel that they are doing al1 within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their cusYomers and the general public. I am a resident at �, ,� U Up� � � � yLo- Zip 5 Si��} � (5ign d) 5 — 4 `�'i ^ �u (Date) �'�S I _, request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support fhe findings of the Admmistrative Law Judge, as it relates to noY to sanction t he Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's I�ight Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their po�ver to maintain a safe environment for both their cus mers and the general public. I am a resident at ���[—������� Zip ���� --�5� � � (Signed � (Datg� ♦r .= UO•585� � Gy/ J,(�a��ivt �1%'��s;��/�-----request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Admmistrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanetion the Meuo Bar and Grili, common�y known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at � Z �� �r� � �� z� .SS�°`� ��� � ��',��� � - 7 � (Signed) (Date) .. `00-585 I, - � request that the St. Paul City Councii voie s port fhe £ndings of the dmuustrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and C�riII, commonly laiown as Ainella's Night Ciub. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for bgth $heir ,c�y�tomers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at ... � / f (5i e (Data OU- 5$S I, � request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative Law 3udge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their pawer to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at (Signed) (Date) Zip I, `� �1 p fl GlI,Q =�t�Qna� , request that the St. Paul City Councii vote to support the findings o he Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commoniy known as Amelta's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing ali within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at �.��� `---�I� Zip r `J�G � � ��91d7, �A� 2��C� (Signed) r (Date ♦ • _v �� C?t�- SSS n �. I�`�� �,� f(I � request that the St. Paut City Council vote to support the findings of the Admmistrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Ameila's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing ali within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at �f�� �.t� �l�t�� �� Zip , S�� . �,��__.__ � -� -� u _ (Signed) (Date) - ---- ----- _---__-_ _-,�..,-.__„_,! �~ �J I, ��t;; ip �.J� �`r� , request that the St. Paul City Councii vote to support the findings of the Admmistrative Law Judge, as it re]ates to not to sanetion the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arne11a's Night Club, I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing a11 within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the generat puUlic_ I am a resident at � s-� �u ��" �•� � r/`� -- ZiP S �� � . h , , � 0 GC� (Signed) (D te) _ _ _ • - .: _ _ ._. __�- - ��SgS j �' �� � � , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to sup o e findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanct'ron the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doin� ail within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at �G��,� ��� ��`'� Zip,�..S�D�- . , f�y'�-� ���� d � (Si d (DaLe �� . I i f�,�� j� �t'J/Ti° � , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the AdministraYive I.aw Zudge, as it relates to not to sanetion the Metro Bar and C�rill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing ati within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general publac. I am a resident at 7�� L.�'�° �D �� Zip �S � b� ���,� �/h..�c�, � ( . 7: G � (Si (Date) - I, �(Z ('Y1e, �C. �1��1') t� , request that the St. Paul Ciry Council �� �� vote to support the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's.Night Club. I am a patron o£ this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at ����X a� �� Zip la �. .., 5 ��� ��- �D�lq-�U c�, �s-saS I �C� ,.„,_ —�—�, � yt� i T`i� , request that the St. Paui City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commoniy known as Amelia's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at If �� �- �� Zip �5��' � �.��. s. ' �,: -� �� -�..�- (Signe ) (Date) �U-S�S � J � f T, �/ request that the 5� Paul City Council vote to suppo e findings of the Administrative Law 7udge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly imown as.Amella's Night Ciub. I am a patron of this establishtnenk, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at � 7�� �>��� �--. Zip S� , �' r � � � �� � (Signed) ` (D te) -- — -- --- — . _.. __ ------- __ av.-s�s I v?�p/-'� �� request that the St. Paul City Council vote to suppoct the findings of the Admmistrative Law Judge, as it relaYes to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly lrnown as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at l � �� '��� Zip 5�� � f� � :���� 1 ^ � �- �-P -_ L���i (Signed) (Date) - - � rX�� .585 I, �p �-��- . "��'`�L� , request that the St. Paul City Councii vote to support the findings of the Administrative I.aw 3udge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I stron�ly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers �nc�lhe generai public. I ara a resident at ��� � �� (Date) _ - tx� - s8s I� � � request that the St. Paul City Council vote o s pport f e findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly Imown as Amella's Night CIub. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintaiu a safe environment for both tbeir cusfomers and the general public. I am a residenY at � �J S�' ��"�Zip ��eJ �� � :�1 � ��`��'.� (Signed} ` (Date) ---�..-_--- --=----- --�--- --------- --- — --- -- --------F�:,� Gn' ``JsS sanction the Metro uest that the St. Paul City Council Law 7ud�e, as it relates to �ot to z as Amella's Night Ciub. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing aii within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. at Zip ��ZY C?� .��� l (Date) a?-'`J ��'". . v_e� I, I:J>���G�o r�.o..� , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to supp rt the findmgs of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sancfion the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I sVOngly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general pubiic. I am a resident at S� b �� S��(�• h.� �, t/1/� ,"-�� 4�� Zip •,S J l f �. � b � (Signed) (Date) v� �.�� :;�.� cb- SgS I> request that the St. Paul City Council vote to supp t the findings of tlte Administrative Law Judge, as it relates Yo nof to sanction the Metro Bar and Griil, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishmenT, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their cns,tomers and the general public. I am a resident at J�� �� z;p S5l �..�' . � C��� (Signed) (Dat��� I' �~ C#�-58� I, _•�� request ihat the S� Paul City Councal vote to suppor findmgs of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly knorvn as Arnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at � ) J �✓dv'r'1.� Zip �L � �-���� � �. � (Signed) (Dat ) - �- - - � - !1D- S$5� I e,��/ '�j�.,,,�.-, , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support th indings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly lrnown as Arnella's Night Ciub. I am a Qatron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to mamtain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at 'tl �f �?LA� t'� �'`'-- Zip �j ,Sla � .. � � �, � ,,,,,.,� �' . � 1 _ C'�, 0 I -�.�Q S� �./ ��� w�� �c �; request that the St Paul City Council vote to svpport the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amelia's Night Club. i am a patron of this establishment, and I strongiy feel thai they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. � ( G � I am a resident at ���l5 G��T i'�� '�� Zip SS /� . � ` C��IS�� � S �� � �dc� (Signed} (Date) i���/ /� J tJ �`� ���st t�hat the St. Paul City Council vote o svpport the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly lcnown as Arnelia's Night Ciub. Do-S�S �� V�� I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing ali within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the ner pu �c. �' F am a resident at �" 9��PEfJ r,�o o p�,� � P � p '�.. �-��� , —�-- � .�., � f , . �` �1 aaoo {Signed} (Date) I> � , request that the St. Paui City Council vote t pQort the indings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. °-° -: ., : :_ _:..:.,. 00 •s8S I am a patron of this establishtnent, and I strongly feel thai they aze doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. -- __... - --=::�__ � � _ - -- - --0 $ I,�PUrl1 �,U. �20Gt/l✓ , request that the St Paul City Council vote to support tLe findings of the Administrative Larv 3udge, as it relaies to not to sanction the Metro Bar a�d Griil, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongty feeI that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at .S�g ���'i��/ s� Zips-�/(i _.' �/`��� / /V i �L.!/( //vV ! �'�d��" l/ V {Signed) (Date) _ _ ._ __ . - -- - - b0• 58S I _� request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Admmistrative La�v 7udge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they aze doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at a�0 t-���'1 �E{ ) f'� ai� Zip CS�j 1� . ., � ,gS't 1'k �2 2C 7� ����C�;�.�'`ZlJ`t� ( igned) � (Date) - -- — - - — --- -- t;a- SgS I �� � ��j{ � , rec{uest that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Admmistrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their po�ver to maintain environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. 1 am a resident at �� �"�9 �� Zip y���. � ( ate) _�_ . .=�.�. oo-SS S 1, �� ,.I �� - , ,� � � � � , , reqnest that the St� Paul Clry Council vote to support the findings of the Admmistrative Law 7udge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as AmeIla's Night Club. I am a patron of this estabiishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at � , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to supp rt the mdi gs of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. Zip � ,��? � s- � - �i tJ (Dace) I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at �� {��9�`� S�` l� �'�6�VL� Zip SS � , = � � 2- S � (Signed) (Date) j�U' S�3b — - �� sg +7 -- j ��jJ(/�LY}'t S , request that the St. Paut City Council vote to support the findings of the Admimstrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at (��7 Gt-e—l� ���'�'� Zip �j U�. .. IQ�� � ����-a�K'a� tS'�� 11�d (Signed} (Date) - - --- - - - - - - - ---- _. !�0' S8S I � �-��fi�� ��request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly irnown as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I stron�ly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain� afe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at �i��U ///� Zip • ( � ��G'.� /���-��-�� � � � V G� (Signed) (Date} I .'t�/?!l�s�--� `x `�'� , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to suQport the andings of the Admimstrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amelia's Night Club. i I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe e�vironment for both their customers and the general puUlic. Iama Zip � or� � � S��l/'� (Date) �_ _ � � �_ I, � J� �pr.�-s �, �ru, t�.e, �— , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Admmistrative Law 3udge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishmem, and I strongiy feel that they aze doing alI within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at �J c� � f u vi c� e. � Zip �S/ Q�'j .. �� _`��„Q� �� �� S ' � 1 � � {Signed) (Date) � -- �r :. i �� ��� � fJ �(`� j� , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to s pport the findings of the Admimstrative Iaw Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grili, commonly known as Amella's Nlght Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their potiver to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. i am a resident at i�l i���� �" n Zip �//� _ � �, �tit�,�,� � a� �!� (Signe ) (D e) j ��j� ��! /����_ request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a re� at /�/�`� s'/ C�/�'!lJ �— T ZiP `�� � ! � � � {DaYe�% !x�•��� < _:. v .� - - - -- - � oV�S$S I ���� > request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findi� s of the Administrative Law dudge, as it relates to not to sanetion the Metro Bar a Grill, commonly known as Amelia's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing alI within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at ��{ d� f� � C� f f i r� ef �� __ Zip � rSY R �� �-- f .. ' J�IL(tGC� (Signed) (Date) - - - co-s8S I ��-•a � � i" (,�C� �, request that the St Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Admimstrauve Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Griil, commonly lmown as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establis4tment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power ta maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at / t / �� � ��� Z � {--.� � � S � '' {Dat�e) Gd'r`JSS T �fQ�f/Za �� �fr ��� � , request that the St. Paul City Councii vote to svpport the �ndings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanetion the Metro Bar and Grili, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongiy feel that they are doing alt within their power to maintain a safe envimnment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at �✓�� �UGL �� Zip ���� � � r���,,�.��,�� 5 a� (Signed � �a�) I �,�C�. 1J��--�,�1 , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to suppo � the findings of the Administrative Law 3udge, as it relates to not to sanetion the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. — - �^ �s I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they aze doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at ���__� ��,���J�� ���� Zip �J�j �3� , .�.-��- � �^-_ � �� - �� (Signed} (Date) 1 �(� }` �� V� ���'v��, request thai the SL Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Admmistrative La�v Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as AmeIla's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel thai they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at t�� ��n ��� � �� Zip �� ��-4. . � �.�� ������ �� 5- at -o� (Signed) (Date) I�� � � (�' ' _ re uest that the St. Paul Ci Council ,�' h Q�C ��7 �^" > q ty vote to svpport the findings o�the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonIy known as Amella's 23ight Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environmesy�€er�both their custome and the general puUlic. a t�i .� � �� _ . I am a resid t at ... �., C���� (Sign ) � � (Date) _00-58� Do• 58S � I, � i�O�L r , request that the St. Paul City CounciS vote to support the findings of e Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feei that they are doing ali within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I a�a resident at 1�� � �ri ,/v�v�� 'V Zip S S Oo• SSS � �� (Date) =� - - Ot� - 58S I fl��S ��L������� request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Admirusuative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a re�ide�t at `7 ��` ) �� �� Zip �_ ��� � s --�.�- c� � (Date) -- - (�0-�JSS I ��'�.� e � �,F�� , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the Fndings of the Ad inistrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanetion the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their po�ver to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at �� �\ �''��` Zip����� `��-��c� � �-�b 1 T— (Date) 8n - - - G10^'S85� I ����� �� �{� (` � S , zequest that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Admimstrative Law Judge, as it relazes to not to sanetion the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I xm a patron of this establishment, and 1 strongty feel that they are doing all within their po��er to maintain a safe environment for hoth their customers and the general public. I am a resident at _? �/J �' ( L �� �! E� C� �� ZIF �� l �� ,S -a � �C� (Date) ,% � I, ' �,���j �� request that the S� Paul City Council vo e support the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it retates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grili, commonly Imown as Amelia's P3ight Club. � ___�� 00- 5$S I am a patron of this esiablishment, and I strongIy feel that they are doing ali within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. at �� A ,�l Zip � / . ��fb� �D�re> I, � � � �f n7c>� � X/ 9 6' , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the ndings of the Administrative Law 3udge, as it relates to not to sanetion the Metro Bar and Griil, commonly known as Arnella's Ni�ht Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and 1 strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at /� j� ��n n/�l �` � Zip SS �� � . ;/ _ �� 2� ac ( �gned) �.- � (Date) av-5sS v0- S8S �, ���h �r�,,,l > request that the St. Paul City Council voie io support the findings of the Admimstrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Griil, commonly known as Amelia's I3ight Club. 1 am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at �/G/ ��c�i�j1� �l�T Zip �5/GZ . �� ��� (Signed) � 1�1 �v (Date) � I J!'- l G� � ���� n , request that the St Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Admmistrative Law ludge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and GrilI, commonly known as Ameila's Night Club. I sm a patron of this estahlishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their custoiners and the general puUlic. I am a resident at �? f 7 �c � f � rrc� z�p S s Y�� � � .� ����i�I ��7�2i�/'� � �}'� � � (Sig�ed � (Date) I, t�� N�i-'�-� �eu,�r,�'S , request tt�at the SL Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative Law 3udge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Griil, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. ao-58S -- - OG S �S I am a patron of this estabiishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their po�ver to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. �� r�,, /`' I am a resident at �� � 7 ��� C a• Zip c�� �'E� , . �� � �1�,^ �� (Signed} (Date) �' � �S I request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly lmown as Amelia's Night Club. 1 am a patron of this establishment, and I strongiy feel that they are doing all within their power to maintai a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. iT *PZ"dent t ����'( ��..� ZiF �� ..1���� �� �-����� (Date) , � I, r , t�. �(_�� p e request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support t6 findings o e Admuustrative L.aw Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnelia's Night Club. �_ �s I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongIy feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a residenY at '� r�' S����� Zip �� �� � � c(T e� C�_q e r s _ (Signed) 5 ��� (Date) - - -co-S$S .� I ,{ ��, ��� , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the �indmgs of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Czri l l, commonly known as Ameila's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puU3ic. I am a resident at � �v f�rut�/ /'n/ S�'� 3 Zip 1 S�l� . S- � 1- U c� (Si d} (Date) I, � � cv r �(I �- �r1�i t"t '�'` C jG `f l , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Admirustrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanetion the Metro Bar and Grili, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. 00 I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe envirorunent for both their customers�n� general public. ��/ J �/1 I am a resident at �`7 �"Z'� �-- � r ��� ZiP �- . � ������� (Signed) / (Date) - � request that the St Paul City Council vote o support the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relaies to ssot to sanction the Ivletro Bar and Grill, commonly Irnown as Amelia's Night Club. I am a patron of this esiablishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing ali within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their ustomers and the general public. 1 am a resident at �� S v.� Zip ����� � l �� � ' � A.C� � � (Signed) (Date) cx�= s8� --- ---- -- - - Oo-5�5 j ��������"� ��� �vr (�. , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to supQort the findings of the Admuustcative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their gower to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the genera] puUlic. I am a resident at � 2 - 3 � ` rk ,v � ��� Zlp S � ^ y �� � �c�:�-� °'�� ����- S � Z / � o � � � (Sign�e (Date) - - �p'�'J$`J I %�/(/�Lr/� ? C G .S �V(�Sd1� , request that the St. Paul City Councii vote to support the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commoniy known as Amelia's Night Club. I am a pauon of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at � U� d �n�l a' S � vE N' Zip y�J . �°���� � ^ �` � - �o (Signed) (Date) .. ----- ----- -- - - - - - -- - C�-5 � -_. I `���i/i-� �`�� , request that the St Pau( City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative La�v Ju dge, as rt re lates to not to sanction the Meno Bar and Grill, common3y known as Arnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this estabiishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the genezal public. I am a resider�t at ��� � [(�(1�-C, Zip � 53 jG ( . ��%�°" � /V' k; .� �! �i�i 1�� � (Date} I> 1" /�C"vr �r �v- Y�1!-�" request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support t e findings of the dministrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly knawn as Arnella's Night Club. - -�"5� I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the geS�ral public,.� j J ,�J �U�,,�.��. I am_a resident at ,� �'�'�`�,�,�„�` -�}-�_e �iv�,uG S (3 } �Lip �����5 � 1 � ��� �,� � �� � �� (Signed) � (Date) I, ` lj f� , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to sc port t' findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sancYion the tro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amelia's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they ue doing all within their po�ver to maintain a safe environment for hath their customers and the general public. 1 am a resident at Zip _�y/� . -- - DO � ,C.v � 5 � / % 2 � �'j ,� � (Date) � - � � request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findin o the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. - - od- 58S -- I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their po�ver to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at � Zip �� C� S ��� (Date) I ��//A G���� , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to su ort the findings o e Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly knawn as Amella's Night CIub. I am a patron of this estabtishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at ������I� S� � Zip �-`J �. . .� �. L DC� (Signe (Date) CJ�+ ' .) p J �- 5S5 - I, � 6 ����Ji +.l �- > request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Admmistrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanetion the Meuo Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this estabiishment, and I strongly feel thai they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at ydl�J �, 1 �H � 1C �n - {_ 1f��5 Zip �S�Li�. .� � ��,� �-a i- o� (Signed) (Date) I ° -� �� "_' V `�� �� request that the St Paul City Council vote'to support he findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. tb- 58� I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environm e�for both their custpmers and the general public. ��a�1dY It � � Zi p—=�t.! �� � ( e /1 tsi��) � + —�� � � (Date) . � ' L'L/tiLr.P �' � J�O S vote to support the find�of���� ve Law ud�eeas re a es o not to ii sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnelia's Night Club. ; I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at _ 1 3 I��Z �i �' Zip �.1 1 (Signed) � � �� " � (Da e) � --- - - - I, request thaC the St. Paul City Council vote su port t$ fin ngs of the �nistrative Law 3udge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Gritl, commoniy known as Amella's Night Club. �Q� S0� I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. a resident at ; � �"'� �1 ���� _�� Zip ��� � ���(-f�� 00 -585 I, �(' �-� �7 (���� \��� , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the f ndings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Baz and CTrill, commonly Irnown as Amelia's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feet that they aze doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at �� �� 1N C� �� J-� �' i'�c� Zip .JSfT. � t ... �- ��-OC� ( igned) (Date) �o-sss I, request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanctio� the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. _ __,_ . .._: ��„ Cn• 585 I, �� �X � , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Meuo Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establislunent, and I strongly feel that they are doing ail within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at � p`1" i�V�Y����-'� �'L�x Zip ���� r Z o� (Si d) (Date) I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they ase doang a11 within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I, �( Gt',� � request that the St. Pau1 City Council vote #o support e findings of the Adminisuative L.aw 3udge, as it relafes to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Griil, commonly known as Arnelia's Night Club. I am a pauon of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at Zip ��r . S - a�-� (Date) I,..�- (=� �w��-� request that the St. Paul City Council vote to suppor e findings of the Adminisuative La�v Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at f Z � f ��� �`�e- Zip �5 (�. C � ,-- � U �� �} ` �.� (Si d) (Date) I,.f /�[�C�� (� /(�/"�� J7c���request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Admimst�dtive Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Griii, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their pawer to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the generai public. I am a resident at ,�jL C�S Ci Zip S 5��. t � i ♦ :�i UO - Sd5"� �'�J$s� 2t� �b �� igned) 'G? � ? �'� (Date) � d�r �� _��'A�' � , request that the St Paul City Council vote tb support the findings of the Administrative I.aw Judge, as it relates Yo not to sancfion the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. �-58.5 I am a patron of this establishznent, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at ��� �(a �� p�. � Zip� ,_ � -1����-- �5-z[-Q� (Si ed) (Date) I> �'%`� � �('e�-�"'� request that the St. Paul City Council vot�ct�suppSrt the findings of the Administrative Law 7udge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commoniy known as Arnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly £eel that they are doing ali within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at 1 ��41� //�,��. � V" � Zip ��i [ ° t� : ` �, i'�� /1 /�//1�l � O.A�-� .✓ ! L �� � � �°''�"� (Date)� __ - - - � - - ---_____... - -- --- --- .. . _- - . ..._.__� � �-r Q� � 5g� I> -S�^- l� request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the ''strative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amelia's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that atey are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the generai public. � am a resident at � J� �(,Z't � �` y_ Zip � 1 b �s� ���� � (Signed) (Date�(�--�-!�� Uo -5SS I, ��Y}� �e�'j , request that the St. Paul City Council �o+e to support the �inuings of the �csninistrative Law Judge, as it relates io not to sanction �he Ivietro Bar �nd G S ili� commonly known as P rr.elia's Night Club. I am a patron of `�'r,is estab;ishment and I s�ronely fzel that they are doing aII within ineir power to maintain a safe enviror,mer.t for both their customers and u'�e gene:al public. I am a resident at �iZ'� •..�'SSt? !k� x:�, `�cL�e_ � Zip ��/,7 _ � � �/ �'_/? (`�at°) r � CV ✓ I, �' � request that the St. Paul Clty Council vote to support the findings the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanetion the Metro Bar and riil, commonly lmown as Arnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they aze doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. ., � / �S/� I am a resident at ,�� /,[.�/��� /.f.f� Zip�����4� � �"� /�azs (Date) '�-�� 00 -$'85 I, � l 1 �,���'1.-� request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the A�tive Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanetion the Metro Sar and Gri11, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establisFupent, and I strongly feei that they are doing afl within their power to maintain a safe environment for both Yheir custome � and the general public. am a re 'dent at ^ �CCg Zip � , � � . _ ^ (Signed) ( (Date} od - 58� I Gl (� �^,( ��,�} S6N , request that the St. Paui City Council . vote to support the findings o£the Admimstrative Law 7udge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel thaY they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at �! � U G` ��'d'�� �T�`P—' Z 'p '��� I s " �_�o �L� :..� �:-X�z.t.cJ�3__ �/� l �� � (Signed) (Date) � � i ��' 1 ( I, C G r I� � request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the A inistrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. ��5�� I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they aze doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the generai public. I am a resident at ��� 1V �� t�C��F�f'(-���"� �'�°�. Zip �� � ��Zr jo� (Signed) (Date) - I �nn i s Il e,�n�yv , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings o the Administrative Law 3udge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commoniy known as Amelia's Night Ciub. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at 5(8 SGi,�r �urh � (-�V�e._ Zip ,S`s � n . _. ., w __..._v___-_-�.=_:. v_ r ��� �'„ I��.Q�.�,� ' zl �b `{'�igned) (Date I, � request that the St. Paul City Council vote t support the findings oP the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanct n the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as AmeIla's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing al1 within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at "� g�,(�, �(/n �yLp��lj�� .Q.��{ Zip s s>(�� 1!(�Y1 `� �'� igned) (Date) � I 1� � i' ��Q W1 _�G �� v� , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findmgs of the Admimstrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and 1 strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the generai public. I am a resident at �n � "fi U"1 ot`�'`2`�' Zip S� l/ �. �,1.�..i..�l��.,,�� �a.�,�'t,ru 5 /3 D�o a (Signed) (Date) I ��y �� J� � -S C C7-r �. _, request that the St. Paul City Council vote to supPort the findings of t e Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Meuo Bar and Grill, commonly lmown as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron af this establishment, and I strongly feet that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the generai public. I am a resident at 3� 6 tn L. Zip _� S�L} `� � G���� � S z/ �ro ,� ,. ,,,�. , ro•S�S t� �- 585� — - ii : ' l n / � o� I > �-�`� �/a� t�-`e.i� Y'�i request that the St. Paul City Council vote to svpport the findings of the Adm�i trative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amelia's Night Club. s/����__ (Date) Oo'S$� - I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at �) �- �� t e r #� Zip S 5� . z �(.t�r..�,t� �� , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Admmistrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Ciub. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am resident at `t� � � �-�"/N'L'�^P `�� ��f47�.2t/�L�p J � � .�-,b � �21 b U _ (Signe (Date) ° --•-_�-_� oo-sg� I �E/�� �� rt d , request that the St. Paut Gity Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relaYes to not to sanetion the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at I/ A ��i9�1 Zip ��� p _�� '�l� (Signed) (Date) �-5gs I request that the St. Paui City Council vote to s po t the findings of the Administrative Law 7udge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Ameila's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and 1 strongiy feel that they are doing ali within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their custs�e��a� e general public. I am a resident at /� C3�_� 1 ''� +� �' � `� Ztp S 16 � �� � - .Z ( - � crz�z�— i ed (Date) I, � ro�/ Q�1 , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the AdmmLStrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the MeSro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. Ol� -. J�'$b� I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. Iamaresiden�t ��V b ���Dt� � Z�P— 2:J! `!� '�� �'� l_.e_/ (�V�SO� I , �,�, request that the St. Paul City Council vote to supQort the findings o� e Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commoniy known as Arnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at ,� (� 5�� r bu�c- �n � PU �_-- Zip , 3" � D. 51'. �a w� �h n.. .�• , � o o__ �/z//cc� .. ! oo - s85� 1 , T, � S'C�i' i /''� �d�equest that the St. Paul City Council vote to support e finding of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly laiown as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel th�t they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at �3� ,���iQ �/j�� �R�/L � ����Zip � ��, l S-�/-GG (Date) W � �.�II I ���,�.� t� _� �;e.,�s , request that the St Paul City Councii vote to support the findings of the Admimstrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I suongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customexs and the general pubiic. I am a resident at � t-��A�'+�--� �.� '��lZo�����iP-51- ��/ �-a�-�c� (Date) - - --- - Gi� - J` I, � � D request that the St. Paul City Councii vote to suppor the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and GriII, commoniy known as Arnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this estabiishmenY, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the generai public. I am a resident at />��� �j�%���� f�� �j �� Zip��7 � G b � ,��. S :-�l� - b� (Signed) (Date) I, �(� J'1) iii 1 r L^' � e��, i�W. n� y�9uest that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Admimstrative Law 7udge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. DO - 585 I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel thai they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. � I am a resident at (� C� 3�= � i� ��L�. W� Zip �. (} ( .. � T�iw.°.�� ' 1 ' � �-- �C./�...�,�-�� '� �. l — O � ( igned) (Aate) "– _ � p -, --'_____. ;��� – _—__ _ � 5gS I �=�_ --} }� .� ;. .,�, 'a . '°�:��.,�request that the St Paul City Council 5 � `� ''* vote toTsupport the findings of"the A inistrative Law 3ud�e, as it relates to not ta sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this esYablishment, and I strongly feel that they aze doing all within their power to rnaintain a safe environment for both their customers and the �eneral public. � �.,, '"'.= �''.�, -m �., � ,- ,� "° :� , � =a � � s�s- _ �, <.. _ _ Zip 1 am a resident at x '" '"�--`�' � � � � ` �' ` �..,..._ . �. � - �•, -°- ^�' � : � � o � � . ; � A ,."'_, ..,-_-n._ .�., - _ - � �....�?»._ >i _ ,�:,..�.-, �.,.._.., r .,.�,..,-' (Signed)� � � (Date) C�.G; I;�- �, �6,��L� rx�-5g�" I, request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not ta sanetion the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's I3ight Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at �� 3$�.� �R �� {� v � rt If � Zip S 5( �j �s=�-Q� ���.�� �a � l � (Signed) (Date) .. c�-�s I, •, ��"'' £s �' �� request that the St Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Ciub. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing aIl within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at g�y � v16/4 /� � Zip S� ' . __ ��� C°� S-al��a (Signed) (Date) �"SO� I, �� CL.�� c�� ��'�:..C4� that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Ad ' inistrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at �'� 5# �`�-�-� Zip �S l CJ� .� � �..e�- ����� S� ds ��-�l� (Signed) ` (Date) �' J�BS `� .'x � � ,'� ? 3 3 �R ? � 3 I, ; � ''''�� ;»,��.�� '�. '?'�.�=�-:� that the St. Paut City Council vote to support the findings of`the Admiriistrati`ve Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Ame11a's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I suongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. � ` � � �-- -: f ? � �' � -�`��:�: � I am a resident at ,,�.: ''-�" �°°�' � sk�"� ��- � Zip- a�` °� ;� �- '� 3 _� � � � J �" �� .e � `� ? 9'.� �q� !,� � i +"tC� �l J1f �.���f"�3 y�� s� ✓ _ (�igrieii) . , �� - � � (Date) ' > - 00-58� I, �/L �-t— /,e.(�«� request that the St. Paul City Council Yote to support the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Griil; commonly known as /�rnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and 1 strongiy feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a r sid nt at !!�lj ���r�-,�f) LC. '�� t r�� Zip S S��'' �zreo (Date) �— 'J`�J� I> � , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to svpport the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. (Signed) ' (Date) I, /�' (� /7/6 5 I'/o� (/ �� , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to sup�ort the findings of the Administrative L,aw Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnetla's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at �� �✓. w• ��/e-� �� Z�P ���� G���- ��- -fSigned) ����1� (Date) -- �_ z�P� "� tl ���-i C� DD-585 I atn a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to mainrain a safe environment for both their customers and the genetal public. - _:�. M oa - ssS I ' �-�r� � request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative Iaw Judge, as it relates to not to sanctionthe Metro Bar and GriII, commonly known as Arnetla's Night Ciub. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel th3t they are doing alI with9n their poiver to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at _� �;� G��� �Q Zip �'rj Q% "� ��f� � i�ed) - ,s/z� oa (Date) I � est that the St. Paul City Council vote t port the fin ' gs of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commoniy known as Amella's Night Club. ao - s$s I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a s� environr�ent fqr b�th their customers and the general public. I am �-resident at (Signed) Zip 5 ���� (Date) ___ ...--- G�0- 585 I, o est that the St. Paul City Council vote o support the fin ings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Czrill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both thei: customers and the general public. I am a resident at �J�_.;�1�'j������r/__2°�_ Zip ��� ! � �� � � � {Signed) (Datei - -- -- -- �- --- -=-�- - - ------ DO - 68s I 1�1�� �) �� , request that the St. Paul City Council vote o suppor the findings of the Admuustrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I atn a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their go�ver to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at �533 �>�o����� / Zip S�//7. ` A / r /SdS \ � � (Date) - — — --- --- - -� — V I request that the St. Paul City Council vote io support t e findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Me o Bar and Grill, commonly known as Ameila's Night Club. I am a patron of this esiablishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at �� 1 �,E C�1711 � Z�P ;J���� ` , % � �i �Gf� (Date av -sgs I, J o�' �.1 /� •�v �t -e 5 , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative La�v Judge, as it relates to not to sanetion the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as AmeIla's Night Ctub. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. . n .� ; , n .^ _ e � ,�� �t� zip �3y�/ � � ,�/ � /vd (Date) _-- - ---- -- --- op_ ��5 I ���9� %,tq � j/� , request that the 5t. Paul City Council vote to svpport the findings of the Admimstrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Baz and Grill, commonly irnown as Arnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing atl within their po��er to maintain a safe environment far both their customers and Yhe general puUlic. I am a resident at �� �l��To� �% f A�L ' zip S .. �� i�/"�- '��Y �� . ��oc (Signed) (Date) I, ��p-y–/jo�a ,�1.��.,,� /�_ , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. (.'� – S8 � I am a patron of this estabiishment, and I strongly feel thai they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for boYh their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at �� o�.�„� �,oi,�2 Zip S�`//D ' ' ��77`n�r ,�J'i�a ��'� � Y / (Signed�� (Date) Y e, request that the St. Paui City Couacit vo e to support ffie findings of the dministrative Larv Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's NighY Club. �� S�? -- I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at // I� ��1' �__ Zip ��� i . \ �� ��; � igned) ( aie) -- ------ --------------- �_ s$s_. �--- I � ���, request that the St. Paul City Council vote to suppo t the findings of t�ie Admimstrative Law 7udge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. I am a pauon of this _establishment, and I strongIy feel that they are doing ati within their po�ver to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at l(D � Y `�J�� ��� Zip �u� . �-- _a (Signed} (Daie) UO - 5`a5 I, � ���-.� S� (�C � , request that ihe St. Paui City Council vote to support the findings of the Admmistrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amelta's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a residenY at � Y����=�=z� �� Zip �C� ` ,� ;� �-- �� lgned)\ (Date) ' �_ , --- -------- -- — -- (�" S$5 \ � . '�`� �`L��� 4'�� 1, request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Admi tive Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanetion the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongIy feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the generai public. I am a resident at i�� lr'f✓ �\� �� Z�P �� � G � ^ �-,� ��-�� � �`-� � ° 1 � (Signed) d (Date) � U request that the St. Paul City Council I, r� vo o support the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Baz and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I stron�iy feel that they are doing all within their po�ver to maintain a safe environment for both t ir customers and the general public. I am a reside at �/�X _`� �✓� C� Gt !/� Zip �� � � �' oZ O� ._ ,-_. � •��� (Date) t�- 58S - ------------- - (.�-�$5 I ���f`a � ����/�_, request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findiugs of the Admmistrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feei that they are doing ali within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the generat public. I am a resident at �� �{.� (� `�' � B Zip J�y� � ..� �' �S ,,,,,P�il (Date} I C� , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Admmistrarive Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Ciub. i1 : I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing alI within their po�ver to maintain a safe environment for oth their customers and the general public. (��/ �`�'��--- ziP ? S��S I am resi ent at , � t' �-� ., �¢;�,Prti (Date) I /"I !f' C�/ � request that the St� Paul City Council vote to support he findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as AmeIIa's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that ihey are doing al2 within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at ��j �/ \.J� G�'2.C,.� /� � Zip � S� �Y . �-- � �� � �v� v (Signed) (Date) I � n �. �Q P.( > request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. a�-sgS W' �Jgs I am a pauon of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing ail within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a esident at � . XA/V / V ' { OY��IA z�p '� l U.�/ � - Z2 - �� (Date) --- �"S� J I �,�,,. ��� � G� , request that the St. Paui Ciry Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative I.aw 7udge, as it relates to not to sanetion the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel thai they are doing all within their power io maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the generai public. I am a resident at -�� r l �-� �-- � s .� �� �� �Q (Signed) --ZIP �3<C 4 '`j ��� � (Date) I, %)oJ� D���; , request that the St. Paul Ciry Council vote tio support Yhe findings ofthe Administrative La�v Judge, as it retates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Gril1, commonly known as ArneIla's Night Club. I am a patron of this estabiishment, and I stron�Iy feei that they are doing all within their po�ver to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the generat public. I am a resident at __��Uy S�� z�p 5 '��c `t . �� � � .r-��>> (S� �� (Date) �= r I , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to svpport th ndings of the Administrative La�v Judge, as it relates to not to sanetion the Meko ar and Griil, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. b0 -5$S - - Do -585 I am a patron of this estabiishment, and I strongly feel that they are doin� ali within their po�ver to maintain a safe environment for both theiz customers and the generai public. I am a resident at C 1� Zip� �� // � � (Signed} (Date) � /� I�� _°" ,1 /'/ , request that the St. Pau1 City Councii vote to support the m}ng o the A istrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction Yhe Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Ame l la's Ni� ht C iu b. �-S�5 I am a patron of this establishment, and I strong[y feel that they are doing alt within their po�ver to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at ��� �� ,C' � 2 tP � � � . `-�" � ���2G� (Signed} (Date) I, �,. � i•�, (9���'S , request that the St Paul City Council vote to supgort the findings of Yhe Administrative Law Judge, as it reiates to not to sanction the Metro Baz and Grill, commonly known as AmelIa's Night CIub. I am a patron of this estabiishment, and I stron;ly feel that they are doing all within their po�ver to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general pubiic. a ����u�� Zz �� I am a resident at � P � � ����-� c� 2��% (Signed) �Dat� / I, '�q � 1�-('} ��� CaG �''� �� , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to supporY the findings of the Administrative Law 7udge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and GrelE, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. � -585 �� ;� I atn a patron of this establishment, and I strongiy feel that they are doing all within their potiver to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at ��� ����� �'""� �f ��"'"'�- Zip � s� v� .. ,�-„� �e�G`„" .�r,- � G — `�.,-��° � (Signed) (Date} T �C�,q �. / ����,{/�jf/�,( ° - request That the St Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Admmtstrative Law Judge, as it reIates to not to sancYion the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongiy feei that they are doin� ail within their po�ver to maintain a safe environment for both t5eir customers and the general pubtic. I am a resident at /�� ���'�,� �� AG(c �� S � k Z P���D�_ _ „?�— � • S�° (Signed) Q�- 5$5 � / I, 1�i �"���f�"i "i r,t r�f I?Ir< ��I I�equest that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Administra+frve Law Judge, as it relates Yo not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongiy feel that they aze doing a11 within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. �� � C - z� � � � �?`� I am a resident at � 1'Y� ��. �� - �n �,� . �C.. 1� �Q �`�" c� - � - � C> {Signed) (Date) -- -�'��� I, __ ('�G�L �� � C( l��V\ , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly knorvn as Ameila's Night Club. I am a patron of this esiablishanent, and I strongly feel that they are doing alI within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at �� ���G' ���h �v� 1 =� S`V�U+1(Zjp ,�� ' r - ^ 1�T/1 . l � �Y� � �/��-"' V �� '� �-, �� (Signed) � (Date G�'Sg5 I �� j� p �� �'j� � , request ihat the SY. Paul City Councii vote io support the findings of the AdmimstraYiva Larv 7udge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arneita's Night Club. I am a pairon of this establishment, and I strongiy feet that they are doing all within their po��er to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the genera] puUlic. I am a resident at ��� �f��✓ ,��E'� Zip S S Ib �. . ���,c � ,8c��--� S ����`�� (Signed) ' (Date) . - ------ - -- - - _ _--,._,_ �_�.:�= � � c� • S�S I `���/� �i7�'n� i'�� , request that the St. Paul City Council vote tn support'the findings of the Adzninistrative Law Judge, as it relates to aot to sanetion the Metto Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I stron�ly feel that they are doing aII within their power to maintain a safe environment far both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at ��� G��1`�G �� �'� �� Zip S� �' � � �.��� ��.�..- �-� � G� faa-/� �� � (Signed) (Datej � � i ���� p'�" , requesl that the S� Paul City Couneil vot io support the findings of the Admmistrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Gri11, commoniy known as ArnelIa's Ni�ht Ciub. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongIy feel that they aze doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for boYh their customers and the general public. I am a resident at �� � /�1��� �� ZiP ��� .. . �� ,� �/�' �--� ( tgned) (Date) I �r,,, ���" y/ ��. ���' SB �1 , request that the St. Paut City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relaYes To not tfl sanction the Metro Bar and GrilI, commonly known as Arnelia's Ni�ht Ctub. Cx3• 5$S _._ _ _ .._ �' �J � � I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongiy feel that they are doing ail within their po�ver to maintain a safe environment for both tneir customers and the general puUlic. ) g7?C�.r�CtS . '/ I am a resident at J� r/���U� �`� h-� S o fFt �{'f/. Zip .S`�S��a 7- . ��� �y�� %w � (Signed) �=�� a em� (Date) - - - -- - - - - - - --- -- - �' S85 I �-�'11� - .� �� �� , requesY that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative Lativ 7udge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I stron�Iy feel that they are doing all within their pol�rer to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at f� O( � �� -� ��-IG� ��� � Zip �S� . --�� ' ��c� S-a� G � (Signed) (Date) '' l < ` < I, ����'&� �N � l� 1�V�J , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative La�v Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Griil, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongIy feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at � � �� \ �� �L� � ��" i �`P ���. � � ��� , �, ��� L - �� (Sign (Date) l�0- 5$S I ��� Q �j'� �� �,(��� request that the St Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Admimstrative La�v Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Griil, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they aze doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their custom rs and the general public. I am a resident at 1`\F� J u�\ Zip �J . � �PpJ� ���1.�/I � - Z`�� � (Signed} (Date) Q'J-S$5" I p /� , � , request that the St Paul City Council vote to support he finding of e Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at �� �� v��T {� / r� 11 i'Y� I l�i�ip (Signed} (Date) 00-585 �—S�J� I �`( �\ `�� ��`t`(� � , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support t�ie findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. (�' ���, � I am a resident at �"I ��1,�1� � � Z � 1 ��� � ��� � 5 � ed) (Date) I, � z n r� r� �,t' W.' �� c'�m S , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support fhe findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general pubiic. I am a resident at I S 6 Gi�'S'-� 2✓ %i^t <��i^EOC Zip S�S' /O 7 L�-585 . - ,�i �U'��'�c;� 2,/�-��z� s Z Z G�/' (Signed) (Date) ---=�-_ I request that the St. Paul City Council vote to sup ort the findings o the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and rill, commonly known as'Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongIy feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. � I am a resident at 0 �� \' � � '" � V �� ZlP �� � �O G� � U (Si d) (Date) I r: �%�,[�G�C'�I� `�'''?� , request that the St Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Admmistrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. --- 00-58� �' S$S I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they aze doing all within their power to maintain a safe environme t for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at �/1 � 4�-��L�--- ���'`l /'�' Zip ✓�S� O j . /� C��2-� � " `f /� (Signe (Date) -- - --- ----- --- --- — -- - — — - - —_.. ._ --- �" S$S I�� IPf�1� Q , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support Yhe findings of the Admimstrative I,arv Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at ��� �(�.� bl,l,4 n� Zip ��L . y .2�� � c�c��� (Signed) (Date) � - 585 I, �� �jv� �i4-� S , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative I.aw Judge, as it relates to not to sancrion the Metro Bar and Griil, commonly lrnown as P,mella's Night Ciub. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel thaY they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at -! / U G�`��h� �/ Zip �6 � �� �� ��� (Signed) (Date) I������ ��� � request that the St. Paul City Council , vote to support the findings of the A inistrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. UO • S8� I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. j � A /� �- {n,, I am a resident at �JS /t! � � � iC/1 �'�l�-b�\� Zip �� � { �/� /f? (Signed) (Date) I ��n n���e �1 e r �� request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings o the�' Administrarive Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's Night Ciub. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongiy feel that they are doing aIl within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at S(8 S�i�� �urn � AV�. Zip 5�; � a s/��/�o � � �Ss ° 1 _�6_.w---�. �G��r� � .� �D `f5igned) (Date CITIZEN SERVICE OFFICE F2d Owusq City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, .Yfayor 170 City Hall Tel.: 651-266-8989 ISWKellaggBou[evm�d F�: 651-266-8689 SaintPaul Mi�mesota 55702 October 25, 2000 Mr. Frederick K. Grittner Clerk of the Appellate Courts Minnesota Judicial Center 25 Constitution Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55155 Re: Metro Bar & Grill, Inc., dba Arnellia's at 1183 University Ave. Appellate Court File: C6-00-1156 Dear Mr. Grittner: HAND DELIVERED Enciosed herewith please find an index and originals of the Saint Paul City Council's record in the above referenced matter. This is the City Council's complete record and its index. By copy of this letter, the index is being sent to Attorneys for Petitioner and Respondent, together with affidavits of service by Mail. Sincerely, a�fi %��"� !G, �� Frederick K. Owusu City Clerk cc: Virginia Palmer, Assistant City Attorney (index only) S. Mark Vaught, Attorney at Law (index only) STATE OF NIINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) Frederick K. Owusu, City Clerk, being first duly swom, deposes and says that on October 25, 2000 he servedthe attached: Index to the Saint Paul City Councii File No. 00-585 upon the followuig attorney(s), individual(s) or corporation(s) by placing a mie and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as shown and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at Saint Paul, Muuiesota. Ciayton Robinson Saint Paul City Attorney Virginia D. Palmer Assistant Saint Paul City Attorney Atty. Reg. No. 128995 15 West Kellogg Blvd, Suite 400 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Attomeys for Respondent S. Mazk Vaught Attorney at Law Atty. Reg. No. 131519 Six VJest Fifth Street, Suite 700 Saint Paul, MN 55102-1412 Attorney for Petitioner -�� �. ��� -.� Subscrihed and sworn to before me this ��' day of �c , 20�� � Notary Public v'�. SHARI A. MOORE N4TARY RJ�C _ � �... � A EXA�RES JqN. 31, ZOOg �� COURT OF APPEALS NUMBER:C6-00-1156 INDSX OR COIINCIL FILE (C.F.) 00-585 DOC. NUMBLR 1 � 3 0 � DATE DESCRIPTION 6-21-00 Resolution and Green Sheet suspending the (c3ate , license of Metro Bar & Grill d/b/a adopted Arnellia's and adopting the Report of the by ALJ with exceptions and amendments Council) 6-1-00 Letter from State Representative Andy Dawkins offering opinion that Arnellia's license not be suspended. 4-20-00 Notice of Public Hearing leCter sent to Attorney Mark Vaught by Assistant City Attorney Virginia Palmer regarding 1-26-00 Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommendation of the Administrative Law Judge. 5-3-00 Letter from Virginia Palmer to Mark Vaught regarding the City's Exceptions to the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommendation of the ALJ. Includes City's Final Argument - Statement of Facts 5-9-00 Memo to City Council £rom Nancy Anderson regarding laying over of item #32 on the May 10 Council Agenda to June 7 for a Public Hearing. NLTMB&R OF PAGES 7 il 11 17 1 6. 144 petition cards requesting the City 144 Council to support the findings of the caras in ALJ, as it relates to not sanction i Arnella's. envelope 7. 6-21-00 8. 6-21-00 Videotape of 6-21-00 Saint Paul City Council meeting, Summary minutes of 6-21-00 Saint Paul City Council meeting. DOCUMENTS RETURNED BY TEiE AT,J RECEIVED IN THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE 4-5-00 � 10 4-4-00 Letter from Phyllis Reha, Administrative Law Judge, to the City Council regarding the Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Recommendations. 3-6-00 Letter from Virginia Palmer to t11e ALJ Phyllis Reha regarding City's Reply Memorandum. 1 tape 14 F_ya 0 � 11. 3-6-00 12. 3-2-0� 13. 2-18-00 Fax cover from Mark Vaught to Phyllis Reha regarding no further submissions in the Metro Bar & Grill matter. Fax from Mark Vaught to Phyllis Reha summarizing and presenting Respondent's view of the evidence. Letter from Virginia Palmer to Phyllis Reha enclosing the Fina1 Argument on behalf of LIEP. 14. 2-28-00 Letter from Phyllis Reha to Virginia Palmer granting her request to extend the period for reply briefs. Attached is the letter from Virginia Palmer requesting the extension. 15. 12-15-99 Letters from Virginia Palmer and Peter Pangborn announcing Notice of Hearing to Arnellia Allen. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1-26-00 List of City's proposed exhibits. 9-30-99 City's Exhibit #1, License Information Report City's Exhibit #2, License conditions for Metro Bar & Gri11 dba Arnellia's 9-23-99 9-23-99 9-30-99 11-8-99 10-29-99 11-10-99 12-15-99 10-7-99 City's Exhibit #3, Police report prepared by Officer Gerald E. Johnson City's Exhibit #4, Police report prepared by Sgt. Richard J. Munoz City�s Exhibit #5, Notice of Violation City's Exhibit #6, Police report prepared by Sgt. Mark C. Kempe City's Exhibit #8, Letter from Ms. Arnellia Allen to Robert Kessler City's Exhibit #9, Notice of Second Violation City's Exhibit #10, Notice of Aearing City's Exhibit #7, Videotape from Arnellia's 1 5 11 2 5 2 4 1 2 3 3 2 2 3 5 1 tape � CITY p 4 y � i x O - y � IIflffII� �Q�II a � 119H II � q h � 1g54 � SUMMARY MINUTES OF THE SAINT PAUL CITY COUNCIL Wednesday, June 21, 2000 - 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 3RD FLOOR City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard The meeting was called to order at 3:40 pm. by Council President Bostrom. Present - 7- Benanau, Blakey, Bostrom, Coleman, Harris, Lantry, Reiter Absent - 0 CONSENT AGENDA (Items 1- 28) Gerry Strathman stated that the City Attorney's Office requested Item 26 be withdrawn. Councilmember Coleman requested Item 27 be removed for discussion. Councimember Coleman moved approval of the consent agenda as amended. Adopted as amended Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 GTi] 7�y1 Y [U��I Approval of minutes of May 10 & 17, 2000. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 2. Claims of Kenneth Colaizy, Robert Distad, David & Maria Snyder, Darla Aansen, Milton Kendall, Katharine Lovich, Anthony Rybak, Thomas Rykel, and Hieu Tran. Referred to the Employee/Risk Management Office 3. Class Acrion Sununons and Class Action Complaint and Demand for Jury Trial in the matter of Deryl Baysinger, Barrori Chapman, Darron Chapman, Sammie Chapman, and all other similazly situated, vs. the City of Saint Paul. Referred to the City Attorney's Office 4. Letter from the Office of the City Attorney announcing a public hearing before the City Council on June 28, 2000, to consider adverse acrion against all licenses held by Fleming Companies, Inc., dba Rainbow Foods, 892 Arcade Street. (LJncontested) June 21, 2000 City Council Summary Minutes Page 2 5. Letter from the Office of the City Attomey announcing a public hearing before the City Council on June 28, 2000, to consider the report of the Administrative Law Judge conceming the application for an auto repair license by MFK Enterprises, 830 Robert Street South. 6. Letter from the Office of License, Inspecrions and Environmental Protection announcing a public hearing before the City Council on 7une 28, 2000, to consider the appeals of Nationwide Group and REF LLC to a decision of the Plauuiug Commission denying a site plan for a mini-storage facility on the former railroad property between Agate Street and 35E and between Case and Suns Avenues. Letter from the Department of Plauuing and Economic Development announcing a public hearing before the City Council on July 12, 2000, to consider the application of Jaunae and David Brooks to rezone properiy at 1528 Grand Avenue, between Saratoga and Snelling, from RM-2 to OS-1 to allow an office use. 8. Administrative Order: D001891 Transferring CIB funds from the Eustis Street Pedesriian ChokerBuxnpout project to the Curb Bumpouts:Cleveland & Pinehurst project in the Department of Public Works Noted as on file in the City Clerk's Office 9. Resolution - 00-580 - Approving the Memorandum of Understanding between the St. Paul Civic Center Authority (also known as RiverCentre Authority), an agency of the City of Saint Paul, and International Operating Engineers Local 70, International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, and 1Vlanual and Maintenance Supervisors Association. (To be laid over one week for adoption) Laid over to July 28 for adoprion 10. Resolution - 00-581 - Approving the reappoinhnent of William Dunnigan, by Mayor Coleman, to the Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Commission. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 11. Resolution - 00-582 - Approving the reappointments of Robert Nardi and Paul Finsness, by Mayor Coleman, to the Truth in Sale of Housing Boazd of Evaluators. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 12. Resolution - 00-583 - Approving the reappoinhnent of Valdi Stefanson, by Mayor Coleman, to the Ramsey Action Program. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 June 21, 2000 City Council Suinmary Minutes Page 3 13. Resolution - 00-584 - Approving the appointments of Tom Heinl, Michelle Bergman, Janet Vogei, and Betty Copeland, and the reappoinhnents of 7ose Basques, Susan Broaner, Laurel Frost, Dan Reed, Kay Willshire, and Mike Garsteig, by Mayor Coleman, to the Advisory Committee for People with Disabilities. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 14. Resolution - 00-585 - Finalizing City Council action taken June 7, 2000, conceming adverse acrion against all licenses held by Metro Baz & Grill, Inc., dba Arnellia's, 1183 University Avenue. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 15. Resolurion - 00-586 - Authorizing the City of Saint Paul to accept a gift of air transportation and related necessary meals or dinner expenses from St. Jude Medical to allow Mayor Coleman to attend a"Salute to Bruce Vento" celebration in Washington, D.C. on June 27, 2000. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 16. Resolution - 00-587 - Approving the changes in polling locations and approving the list ofpolling locations. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 17. Resolution - 00-588 - Approving Right-of-Way management pernut fee structure. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 18. Resolurion - 00-589 - Approving the following organizations to the 2000 Charitable Gambling 10% Club: Asian Pacific Youth Alliance, El Rio Vista Booster Club, Front Booster Club, Groveland Booster Club, Hazel Park Booster Club, 7ohnson Area Baseball Boosters, and Stazlings Volleyball Club. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 19. Resolution - 00-590 - Approving disbursement of Youth Programs Funds to the following organizations: District 6 Planning Council, Dunuing Boosters, Eastview Booster Club, Edgcumbe Community Center Hockey Booster Club, Frost Lake Athletic Membership Endowrnent Society, Harding Area Girls' Fastpitch Softball, Hayden Heights Youth Alliance, Lexington/Hamline Community Council, St. Paul Midway Little League, St. Paul Police Explarer Post #454, St. Paul Urban Tennis Program, SuperClown, and Twin Star Baseball Club. Adopted Yeas = 7 Nays - 0 June 21, 2000 City Council Summary Minutes Page 4 20. Resolution - 00-591 - D'uecting the Division of Pazks and Recreation to enter into a joint use agreement with Saint Paul Public Schools for the construction and use of a baseball field at ArlingtoniArkwright Park. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 21. Resolution - 00-592 - D'uecting the Division of Pazks and Recrearion to renew the existing lease agreement with Higher Education Services Office/Get Ready Program for office space at Baker Comxnunity Center. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 22. Resolution - 00-593 - Authorizing the Police Department to enter into an agreement with the Miunesota Deparhnent of Huxnan Services to provide training to the 2000-02 Recruit Academy on how to interact and provide service to the hearing impaired community on June 14, 2000. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 23. Resolution - 00-594 - Authorizing the Police Deparhnent to enter into an agreement with the Miunesota Vehicle Safety Traiving & Research Center to provide driving inshuction for the 2000-02 Recruit Academy and three hours of classroom training. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 24. Resolution - 00-595 - Authorizing the Police Department to enter into an agreement with the Washington County Agricultural Society to use the Washington County Fairgrounds on June 21, 2000, to train the 2000-02 Recruit Academy in Mobile Field Force Tactics. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 25. Resolufion - 00-596 - Accepting a donation of motorcycle helmets and radio equipment, valued at $5,627, to the Police Department Motorcycle Patrol Unit from Mr. John Nasseff: Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 26. (Removed for discussion 27. (Removed for discussion) 28. Resolution Approving Assessment - 00-599 - In the matter of sumuiary abatements (property clean-up) during April and/or May, 2000 (J0003A); towing abandoned vehicles from private propert7 during December, 1999 and/or January or February, 2000, and vehicles towed from775 Reaney Avenue and 672 Arcade Street (J0002V); demolirion of vacant buildings during April, 2000 (J20002C); and boazding-up buildings during Mazch, 2000, and setting date of Legislative Hearing for August 15, 2000, and City Council Hearing foz August 23, 2000. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 June 21, 2000 City Council Summary Minutes Page 5 NIISCELLANEOUS 41. Slide presentation of 2000 Saint Paul heritage preservation awards. Brian Wass, Arclutect and Principal for Krech, O'Brien, Mueller, and Wass, and President of the American Insritute of Architects-Saint Paul Chapter, representing 350 azchitects in Saint Paul, appeazed. Mr. Wass said their firm sponsors the awazds along with the Heritage Preservation Commission (HPC). These awards were presented on May 17, 2000, for 17 projects representing 53 individuals, owners, architectural firms, developers, contractors, and govemment agencies. They all were honored for maintaining the history of Saint Paul. Dudley Yuukin, HPC, appeared and stated there are a wide range ofprojects that represent the positive benefits of historic preservation for the sake of history, community, and revitalization of Saint Paul. Aaron Rubenstein, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection and staff to the HPC, presented slides of the buildings which received awazds. 26. Resolution - 00-597 - Allowing placement of "Snoopy" figures in the public right-of-way, exempting them from permit fees under Chapter 135, and accepfing liability. Councilmember Blakey moved to withdraw the resolution. Withdrawn Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 FOR DISCUSSION (Items 27 and 29 were discussed in tandem.) 27. Resolution - 00-598 - Memorializing City Council action taken May 10, 2000, granting the appeal of Neighbors Opposed to Victoria Plaza, Inc., Suminit Hill Association, and East Mall Association to a decision of the Planning Commission approving the site plan for a commercial development and parking ramp at 864 Grand Avenue. Councilmember Coleman moved to lay over one week. (see discussion under Item 29) Laid over to June 28 Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 29. Update by the Administrarion regarding addirional parking at the corner of Grand and Victoria Avenues. (iJpdate requested by Council on June 7) Susan Kimberly, Deputy Mayor, appeared. She said staff from the Department of Plauuiug and Economic Development ha�e been meeting with the developer, neighbors, and relevant parties and they have requested a one week lay over with the hope that there June 21, 2000 City Council Summary Minutes Page 6 will be a resolution agreeable m everyone by that time. Councilmember Coleman moved to lay over one week. He said he has not seen the final agreement but he understands it has been signed by all of the parties and, hopefully, it will be an agreement that everyone can live with. Laid over to June 28 Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 30. Report from the Office of Human Rights pertaining to "fair housing." (Report requested by the Council on May 3) (Laid over from June 'n A report was presented by Tyrone Terrill, Director, Office of Huxnan Rights. Tyrone Terrill, Office of Human Rights, stated that housing has become more problematic and there is an increase in housing discrimination. Like other cities, most people do not file housing discrimination charges. They simply go somewhere else to look for housing. Another issue is that some people may think they were denied housing because there is not enough housing available and the Fair Housing Council is an asset in dealing with issues in this azea. Councilmember Blakey noted that $30,00� was allocated to Auman Rights for fair housing testing. He asked if the testing was going to be done so landlords are aware of these issues. Mr. Terrill responded there will be a contract with the Minnesota Fair Housing Center for $30,000 which will be used for training and testing. Some of the training components would include the involvement of the Human Rights Office, Housing and Urban Development (H[JD), and the Minnesota Depariment of Human Rights. The City would be participating free of cost. (Benanau, Coleman & Harris left during the discussion) Councilmember Blakey asked when would the testing be done and the when would the results be auailable. Mr. Terrill responded that testing will be done when someone has been denied an apartment or home. Testing could also include a particulaz building or bank. The cost is usually about $300 to $400 per test. Testing does not always mean discrnnination took place but there needs to be a full investigation in order for the chazges to be upheld. Councilmember Blakey stated that sometime in 2000 there will be a contract with the Minnesota Fair Housing Council and the City will be provided with the results if there was an indicarion of bias. Mr. Terrill said he will provide a report to the Council on a quarterly basis regarding this information. Councilmember Blakey said he wouid like to see the scope of the contract with the Minnesota Fair Housing Council when it is signed. By the next City budget cycle, the Council can deternune whether they are receiving a return on money invested in this issue. June 21, 2000 City Council Sununary Minutes Page 7 31. Report from City Council staff and the Admiuistrarion regarding District Energy Saint Paul, Inc's. request for an extension of the Term of the District Heating Development Company Franchise for an additional twelve years from October 4, 2013 to October 4, 2025. (Report requested on June 7) Gerry Strathman stated a meeting was held with City Council and Aduiiiustrative staff and his recommendation is that this issue be referred to the City Council Organizarional Meeting on June 28, 2000. Councilmember Blakey moved to refer the matter to the June 28 Organizational Meeting. Referred to the City Council Organization Meeting on June 28, 2000. Yeas - 4 Nays - 0 (Benanav, Coleman and Harris were not present) (Coleman returned) 32. Report from the Mayor and his administration on nnplementing a program to provide technology trauung for Saint Paul residents to establish a base of "Huxnan Capital" for business. (Report requested by Council May 3, 2000; C.F. 00-429; laid over from June 14) Councilmember Blakey moved to lay over one week. Laid over to June 28 Yeas - 5 Nays - 0 (Benanav and Harris were not present) (Benanav & Harris returned) 33. Resolution - 00-547- Approving a Management Agreement for RiverCentre with Saint Paul Arena Company, LLC. (Laid over from June 14) Joe Reid, Budget D'uector, appeared and stated there was a new agreement and some of the issues raised in previous discussions were incorporated in the document. Mr. Reid reviewed the changes in the document. Councilmember Coleman asked where the responsibility for liability will be for the connection -- as it leaues the library or as it leaves the existing skyway system. Mr. Reid responded his expectarion is that it would cover the public portion from where it goes down underground to the RiverCentre. He is not sure how the elevator would be dealt with. Council President Bostrom suggested the Port Authority would be responsible for the elevator and stair tower. Mr. Reid responded that would be correct once there is a clear right-of-way into the building. June 21, 2000 City Council Summary Minutes �� Councilmember Coleman asked if the language needs clarification or if the current language is okay. Mr. Reid responded the current language is okay, but the documents related to the Port Authority, the Convention and Visitors Bureau, and the City should be reviewed. Coleman presented two amendments to the document. Councilmember Coleman moved approval of the amendments Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 Mr. Reid reviewed the sections of the agreement pertaining to management fees and commissions. Councilmember Blakey asked about the management fee and why the RiverCentre Authority would not be getting a matching revenue as well. Mr. Reid responded they are talking about a certain number of revenues generated by the facility. 17ae agreement does not deal with other revenues such as the parking ramp. Based on the information provided by the RiverCentre Authority fiscal staff, the RiverCentre will net approximately $45Q000 to $500,000 as a result of this agreement. The RiverCentre will be getting some money, but it is not reflected in the document; it will be reflected in the yeaz-end financials for the RiverCentre Authority. Mr. Reid said he would have liked to see it reflected in the agreement, but it cannot be done because of IRS regulations. Of the $500,000, Blakey asked if it reflects the 50% share the RiverCentre Authority received. Mr. Reid responded the authority will get 100% of that as a result of increased revenues and reduced eacpenditures because of the ability to share staff, equipment, etc. Councilmember Blakey asked about the issue of the tunnel and if the projection of a 15% increase in business was added into the revenue. Mr. Reid responded it is reflected to some extent but he didn't build in anything specific. The huinel will not be completed until the end of 2001 and will not be in operation unti12002 or 2003. Councilmember Blakey suggested there be an amendment to reflect 15% so the City would get a share of the money. He is concerned that it is not reflected in the agreement. Mr. Reid responded if they were to assume that happens, and the numbers are approximate, the City would take in another $50,000 or $75,000, all of which goes to the RiverCentre Authority. If the Council is bringing the Arena and RiverCentre management together, the tazget should be higher, stated Mr. Blakey. Mr. Reid responded it is a projection and the projections haue been higher than the actual. That is why he thought it was a reasonable figure to use for the first tazget. June 21, 2000 City Council Suivmary Minutes Page 9 Mr. Blakey stated the $3.7 million is sometbing that should be reached very easily. Witl� both operations playing offeach other, it seems the projections would have been higher. Mr. Reid stated that in the past, the estimates haue been overly optimistic. He was most interested in meeting these targets, creating some stability in the revenues generated, and managing the cost without doing it at the eapense of the revenue. Councilmember Benanav stated there was an anticipated 15% increase in revenues as a result of the tunnel being built. If that is the case, he asked if the target is correct and if it can be incorporated. Mr. Reid responded he did not remember 15% as the number, but it is an estunate and there is nothing to go on at this point. Councilmember Benanav stated $10 million was spent on a tunnel and the Council was given assurance it would generate new business. A lot of money was spent on an estimate that the City is not sure will be met. It should be reflected in the year 2003. Also, he asked if there can be assurances that two years &om now all the goals will be met. Mr. Reid responded he can give that assurance in good faith, but it will be up to the RiverCentre Authority and the City Council to see that it happens because they will be approving the budget every year and they will have financial information on the prior year's eaperience when doing it. If the goals have been met at the end of the first year but the RiverCentre Authority has not received what the City Council thought they would, Benanav asked if the targets can be amended. Mr. Reid responded changes can be proposed at anytime, but this is a three year agreement. If the revenue targets are being met, then the Council would haue to look at the expenditure elements during the budget deliberations. Councilmember Benanav asked far assurances from Mr. Reid that someone wiil not say later that the RiverCentre has not met the projected revenues. Mr. Reid responded he hopes they will exceed the revenue tazgets. Council President Bostrom stated several things have happened that contributed to problems with finances at the RiverCentre. When the 5mithsonian Eachibit was brought in, many other organizations that had booked there had to be relocated. The cost to do that was expensive. Also, the new arena put the old arena out of service for two years. Something could happen at the Wilkins Auditorium and thus something could happen to some of this revenue. The Council needs to recognize that this is an area constantly in flus. Councilmember Coleman moved approval. He stated the tunnel was not strictly to enhance doilazs directly coming out of the RiverCentre, but it was a benefit to the hotels, restaurants, eta The tunnel will help increase business at the RiverCentre. He pointed out that the State Teachers Association has now booked the facilities whereas they previously were not going to come to Saint Paul. Ultimately, three years from now the June 21, 2000 City Council Summary Minutes Page 10 Council can re-look at this issue if it is not producing what it should. However, the Council should do whatever it can to ensure success of the Minuesota Wild and the RiverCentre, otherwise the inveshnent will be for naught. The document now assures the success of the facility and the smooth transition to single management. This is an important step and the Council should go forwazd with it, Coleman said. Councilmember Blakey asked if the I S% was captured in the budget cycle in the end. Mr. Reid responded the benefit of the 15% is to the RiverCentre and the City. For the portion that benefits the RiverCentre, it will fall to the bottom line of the RiverCentre budget. Because of the connection, the City will be able to draw larger conventions. In three years if the City decides to part from the agreement, Councilember Blakey asked what will happen to the employees. Mr. Reid responded that 180 days before that would happen, a decision will be made that the manager will not continue to provide that service to the facility and the Council will have a choice of hiring a different manager. Or there is an option of bringing the employees back to the City. If this agreement is not renewed, Blakey asked if another management company would retain the 70 employees. Mr. Reid responded that may be what the Council chooses to do. It is explained on Page 8, Section 2.7(b). Councilxnember Reiter asked if there will still be a RiverCentre Board and how many members it would consist of. Mr. Bostrom responded there will still be a board and he and Mr. Coleman will be on it. Councilmember Blakey asked about cost allocation of employee terminations. Mr. Reid responded this was one of the more important things for the City and the RiverCentre Authority -- that the employees would be treated fairly at the time of separation and that Saint Paul Arena Company (SPAC) would pay those costs. The allocation plan is something that has to be agreed to by the RiverCentre Authority, City Council, and SPAC. Mr. Blakey asked about the employee pension issue. There are 17 non-union employees who receive $300 each for retiree health care benefits and City employees got 5.18% in their pension plan. Those employees will not get any allocation to their pension plan. Mr. Reid responded the compensation plan was offered to all employees and discussed with them in some detail. Martha Fuller, SPAC, appeazed and stated the pian that SPAC offered is not a pension plan but a 401K plan in which employees can defer a percentage of their salaries before tases and they have the opportunity to choose how it would be invested. It is a typical plan structure for a private sector employer. It also provides for an employer match. At this point in their evolution, the board is not authorized to provide an employee match, June 21, 2000 City Council Summary Minutes Page 11 but it may be done at some point. The 5.18% is part of the total package that the unions negotiated. The non-represented staff have a variety of tools for compensation: discretionary bonuses, potential for profit sharing, and a whole array of tools that private sector employers, not bound by union agreements, can make auailable to ariract and maintain qualified staff. Councilmember Blakey asked what would prevent City employees from wanting the 5.8% that they were missing. Terry Haitiner, Office of Labor Relations, appeazed and stated it is not allowed under State law: time cannot be bought back from a private employer. Councilmember Blakey moved an amendment indicating that nothing in this contract shall obligate the City of Saint Paul or the RiverCentre Authority to pay any future employer pension contributions during the term of this contract or extended contracts or former RiverCentre employees hired by the SPAC in the event they become rehired by the City when this contract ends. Peter McCa11, City Attorney, appeazed and stated the City will be giving layoff notices on June 30, 2000, to the employees terminating their employment and SPAC will be offering employment begiiming 7uly 1, 2000. As a matter of law, they will be terminating obligations of the City to pay future contributions for those employees. As a matter of law, the City is covered. If the employees return to the City at some future date, the obligation of the City to pay pension would be reactivated at that time. If the State legislature were to pass a law affording those sorts of rights to employees, it would override any provision in the contract at this point. Councilmember Blakey asked about disclosure, vote, and record regarding pension for non-union employees. Mr. Halriner responded meetings were held with the employees. There was legislation passed to provide enhanced PERA benefits for the employees. They looked at what the Wild was proposing and the projections of the benefit available to people at the time of retirement is comparable to what the City has now. In addition, there are possibilities of enhancement that SPAC will be worldng on in the fuhxre. Councilmember Lantry stated she had concerns with this contract regarding how the employees would be treated and the boolang policy but she felt all the issues raised at ttris meeting were addressed or eaplained to her satisfaction. As for the targets being correct, the City has never had a hockey team in a new azena with a new convention center and a tunnel connecrion. She assumes there aze educated guesses and the City Council has to rely on other people to give estimates. Adopted (including the new version of the Agreement dated 6/16l00, as amended on 6/21/00) Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 (Blakey & Coleman left the meeting) 3une 21, 2000 City Council Summary Minutes Page 12 34. Report from the Division of Pazks and Recreation on the Inirial Lease Term and any extended Lease Terms regatding the Saint Paul Yacht Club's performance on specific provisions contained in the Lease Agreement. (Report requested by the Council on April 17, 1999; C. F. 99-306) Mike Hahm, Division of Parks and Recreation, appeared. He noted that a written report was prepared and dishibuted by Vic Wittgenstein, D'uector of Parks and Recreation. Mr. Hahm said things are going well with the Yacht Club and the majority of the good news is related to the Harriet Island Renovation Project. This year, the gas dock operations were moved from the area neaz the Wabasha Bridge to a location at the upper hazbor. ORDINANCES 35. Second Reading - 00-571 - An ordinance amending Chapter 166 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code by revising the residential street permit pazking district in the University of Minnesota Farm Campus Neighborhood and which provides for the orderly administration of the district. Laid over to June 28 for third readingJpublic hearing 36. Second Reading - 00-572 - An ordinance amending Chapter 166.10 of the Saint Paul Legislarive Code by changing the residential street permit parking district in the Irvine Park Neighborhood from Two Hour Pazking, 8AM-8PM Monday-Friday, Except by Permit, Area 13 to No Pazking Except by Permit, Except Holidays, Area 13. Laid over to June 28 for third readinglpublic hearing 37. Second Reading - 00-573 - An ordinance to clarify the imposition of penalties for violarion of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. Laid over to 7une 28 for third reading/public hearing 38. Second Reading - 00-574 - An ordinance to clarify and supplement tasi driver's license requirements. Laid over to June 28 for third reading/public hearing 39. First Reading - 00-600 - An ordinance amending various sections of Legislative Code Chapters ll 6 and 135 of the Saint Paul Legislarive Code to provide for regulation of the public right-of-way. Laid over to June 28 for second reading 40. First Reading - 00-6�1 - An ordinauce to provide far the publication and distribution of the legislative and administrarive codes by the City Clerk. Laid over to 7une 28 for second reading 7une 21, 2000 City Council Summary Minutes Susroension Items Page 13 Councilmember Reiter moved suspension of the rules and approval of the following resolution: Resolufion - 00-602 - Amending Council File 00-271, adopted on June 14, 2000, �anting the property owner addirional time of 180 days to complete repairs at 783 Como Avenue. Councilmember Reiter indicated that the owner will be posting the bond shortly. Adopted Yeas - 5 Nays - 0 (Blakey and Coleman were not present) Councilmember Reiter moved suspension of the rules and approval of the following resolution: Resolution - 00-603 - Authorizing payment to Wasche Commercial Finishes, Inc., in full settlement of their claim against the City of Saint Paul. Phil Byrne eacplained that this issue, regarding the settlement for painting the skyway bridges, was discussed in a City Council closed meeting. Adopted Yeas - 5 Nays - 0 (Blakey and Coleman were not present) Councilmember Reiter moved suspension of the rules and approval of the following resolution: Resolution 00-604 - Requesring that the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) include Minnesota in their investigation into the cause of escalated price levels of gasoline. Council President Bostrom explained this resolution pertains to the increase in gasoline prices. Several agencies have asked the FTC to look at this issue and our Ciry budget could suffer by over $600,000 due to the increase of these gasoline prices. Councilmember Benanau stated he would like to see the wards "of price gouging and inclusion" removed from Line 12. Adopted Yeas - 4 Nays - 1(Benanav) (Blakey and Coleman not present) POLICY SESSION There was no policy session this month. June 21, 2000 City Council Summary Minutes Councilmember Lantry moved to adjourn the meeting Nays - 5 Nays - 0(Blakey & Coleman not present) ATTEST: � � A r - Nancy An t�On Assistant Council Secretary AD70 D AT 5:25 P.M. �/ Daniel Bostrom, Council President Minutes approved by Council Page 14 � \ O00 rn/mce STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADiVIINISTRATIVE HEARINGS 100 Washington Square, Sude 1700 100 Washington Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401-2138 Apri14, 2000 Saint Paul City Council Room 310 St. Paui City Hall/Ramsey Co. Gourthouse 15 West Kellogg Boulevard St. Paul, MN 55102 RE: In the Matter of All Licenses Held by Metro Bar & Grill, Inc., d/b/a Arnellia's, for the Premises at 1183 University Avenue, Saint Paul, License I.D. No. 54523; OAH Docket No. 9-2111-12640-3 To Whom It May Concern: Enclosed herewith and served upon you by mail is the Administrative Law Judge's Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Recommendation in the above- entitled matter. Also enclosed is the official record. Ous file in this matter is now being closed. Sincerely, r�� ��� � � �,� � PHYLLIS A. REHA —� Administrative Law Judge Telephone: 612/341-7602 'dG u. Encs. ca Virg'inia D. Palmer S. Mark Vought ����'�F�% �� s �aa� � Providing Impartiai Hearings for Governme�t and Citizens � An Equal Opp o rt unity Employer Admmistrative Law Section & Administrative Serv�ces (612} 341-76�0 + TDD No. (612) 341-7346 � Fax No. (612) 349-2665 STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY U.S. MAIL Margaret K. Is4eman, being first duly sworn, hereby deposes and says that on the 4 day of A ril, 2000, at the City of Minneapo{is, county and state aforementioned, she served the attached FINDINGS OF FACT. CONCLUSIOfVS OF LAW AND RECOMMENDATION: OAH Docket No. 9.-2111-12640-3 by depositing in the United States maii at said City of Minneapolis, a true and correct copy thereof, properiy enveloped, with first ciass postage prepaid and addressed to the individuais named herein. Saint Pau( City Council Virginia D. Palmer Room 310 Assistant St. Paui City Attorney St. Paui City Hall/Ramsey Co. Courthouse 400 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard 15 West Keliogg Boulevard St. Pauf, MN 55102 St. Paul, MN 55102 S. Mark Vought Attorney at Law Six West Fifth Street, Suite 700 St. Paul, MN 55102-1412 ��2L..k4QA-�' K � �-�.m-�_a..v`. Marg e K. Isleman Subscribed and sworn to before me this �ay of April, 2000 �� � . Notary Public � '°' tavoNAEC�tW e.,r�, . • ��ssior� � , e .uwwRr�.zoos 9-2111-12640-3 STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS FOR THE C1TY OF ST. PAUL In the Matter of All Licenses Held by Metro Bar & Grill, Inc., d1b/a Arnellia's, for the Premises at 1183 University Avenue, Saint Paui, License I.D. No. 54523. FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW AND RECOMMEIVDATION The above-entitled matter came on for hearing before Rdministrative Law Judge Phyilis A. Reha, acting as a hearing officer for the Saint Paul City Council, commencing at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, January 26, 2000, at the Saint Paul City Hall/Ramsey County Courthouse, Room 41, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, St. Paul, Minnesota. The hearing was heid pursuant to a Notice of Hearing dated December 15, 1999. Virginia D. Palmer, Assistant St. Paul City Attorney, 400 City Hall, 15 West Keilogg Boulevard, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102, appeared on behalf of the City's Office of License, lnspections and Environmental Protection (LIEP). S. Mark Vaught, Attorney at Law, Six West Fifth Street, Suite 700, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1412, appeared on behalf of the Licensee (hereinafter "Arnellia's" or "Licensee"). The record closed on March 7, 2000, with the receipt of the last post-hearing submission. NOTICE ;. This Report contains a recommendation and not a final decision. The final decision will be made by the Saint Paul Gity Council, which may a�rm, reject, or modity the Findings and Conclusions contained herein. The Council wili consider the evidence in this case and the Administrative Law Judge's recommended Findings of Fact and Conclusions, but wi11 not consider any factual testimony nat previously submitted to and considered by the Administrative Law Judge. The Licensee will have an opportunity to present oral or written arguments regarding its position on the recommendation of the Administrative Law Judge in the application of the law or interpretation of the facts and may present argument related to its position. The Council's decision as to what, if any, adverse action shall be taken will be by resolution under § 310.05 of the St. Paul Legislative Code. To ascertain when the Council wifi consider this matter, the parties shoufd contact the Saint Paul City Council, Room 310, St. Paul City Hall/Ramsey County Courthouse, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102. STATEMENT OF ISSUES The issues in this matter are whether Licensee violated conditions on its license by failing to maintain video surveillance of the exterior of the licensed premises and failing to record that imagery, and, if so, what penalty is appropriate. Based upon all of the files, records and proceedings herein, the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. Metro Bar & Grill, lnc. is a corporation•doing business as Arnellia's at 1183 Universifij Avenue, Saint Paui, Minnesota 55104. The corporation is owned by Arneilia Ai1en. Arnellia's has an Entertainment (B) license, a Gambling Location (S) license, a Cigarette/Tobacco license, and two Liquor On-Sa(e licenses. Arnel(ia's licenses remain valid pending the outcome of this proceeding. The business is owned by Arnellia Allen. The manager is her son, Jerry Allen. Jerry Allen's brother, Larry Ailen, is employed by Arnellia's to provide security. 2. Arnellia's is located directfy on University Avenue. To the west on that block is Antiques Minnesota. To the east side of Arneliia's is a parking lot and the Midway Car Wash. To the north side is an alley, with some parking and a dumpster. Four external video cameras have been +n place on the building for approximately six years. One camera provides a view of the front door on the south side of the building, one camera observes the north side around the back door of Arnellia's (near the dumpster), and the other two cameras provide different angles of the parking lot on the east side of the building. Signs posted on the building state that video surveillance is being conducted. The video cameras send images to a monitor, which displays a picture for each camera together on the same screen. 3. The area in the vicinity of Arnellia's is subject to frequent police ca(Is and significant levels of crime. To address these neighborhood problems and prevent any exacerbation of those problems, Arneliia's operates its business under a number of restrictions that have been in place for years.� These restrictions include imposing a dress code on customers, requiring picture identification, banning individuals from the premises, screening music played on the premises for inappropriate content, using a metai detector to exclude weapons fiorm the premises, and providing security to ensure orderiy behavior on the premises. 4. ln May, 1999, a man was shot and kilied while in a car parked in front of the Midway Car Wash. In response to that killing, management at Arneliia's met with the Saint Paul Police, LIEP, and community representatives to determine what additional efforts could be made to address violent acts in the vicinity of Arnellia's. The Licensee agreed to add taping equipment to its existing video surveillance system. This additional condition became effective on July 8, 1999 and states: Licensee ho(der wiA maintain in good working order at (east 4 video surveiflance cameras on the exterior of the building to constantiy monitor the exterior of the premises. Tapes must be maintained for 7 days. 5. After agreeing to the conditions regarding the video surveiliance system, a manager at Arnellia's developed a system to be followed for taping. The first tape of the ' The entire list of restrictions, identified as conditions on Arnellia's license, is attached as Appendix A. The list of conditions includes the subsequently agreed-to conditions regarding the video cameras. Z Midway Car Wash is located at 1169 University Avenue. 3 Exhibit 2. I] day would be started when the estabfishment was opened for business, around noon each day. When that tape ran out, another employee inserted the second tape. "{"fiat tape would record until after closing. Tapes were kept for a week and then reused for taping. 6. in August, 1999, Arnellia Allen discovered that one of the four surveillance cameras was not working properly. The camera operated properly in daylight, but did not return a clear image at night. The contractor who initially instalied the system, Earl Allen, was contacted in early August, and he examined the system approximately one week later. The contractor concluded that a new camera was required and it was ordered from the manufacturer in California. Jerry Ailen paid the contractor to order the camera on August 13, 1999. The date that the camera was ordered by the contractor is unknown. 7. 7he camera was delivered to Arnellia's in early September. The contractor was notified that the camera had arrived. 8. On September 23, 1999, a shooting incident occurred in the alley behind Arnellia's. Sergeant Munoz of the Saint Paul Police Department went to Arnellia's to obtain the videotape of the imagery captured by the video surveillance camera. Sergeant Munoz was informed that there was no tape available for that evening. Larry Allen had forgotten to put in the second tape on that day. 9. Arnelfia's responded to the faiiure to tape by modifying its system of taping. Longer duration videotape was purchased, the employees responsible for the system were instructed to make certain that a tape was in the machine, and the system of retaining videotapes was modified. 10. On September 30, 1999, the Saint Paui City Attorney's Office issued a Notice of Violation to Arnellia's. The Notice indicated that on September 23, 1999, the Licensee failed to have its video cameras on and taping and that constitutes a violation of the video surveiliance condition on Arnellia's license. No citation was made in the Notice of Violation to what provision of the Saint Paul Legislative Code was aileged to have been violated and no suggested penalty was indicated. 11. On October 7, 1999, Larry Alfen was working the evening shift at Ameliia's. At about 8:00 p.m., Larry A41en switched the videotape for the tape that had been recording since Arnellia's opened that morning. When he activated the video recorder, he inadvertently pressed the "play" button rather than the "record" button. 12. Near midnight on October 7, 1999, an altercation began between patrons in Arnellia's. Those participating in the altercation were removed from the premises. The dispute continued outside and someone fired shots. A car struck and killed a "The image returned by that camera at night would only show objects with their own illumination, such as automobile headlights and taillights. 5 Earl Allen is no relation to Arnellia Allen, Jerry Allen, or Larry Allen. 6 Exhibit 5. 3 pedesfrian in the middle of University Avenue at that time. A large number of oificers of the Saint Paul Police Department responded to the scene. 13. Larry Allen had been observing the incident outside Arnellia's. He went in to check on the videotape sysfem and noticed for the first time that evening that the recorder had been set to play, rather than record. He immediately stopped the tape and began recording. An officer of the Saint Paul Police Department entered a few minutes later and requested the videotape. Larry Allen gave the officer the videotape. 14. !n mid-October, the contractor returned to Arnellia's and installed the new camera. The installation of the new camera allowed nighttime images from a second angie in the parking lot to be recorded on the VCR. 15. As a result of the October 7 error in operating the VCR, Arneilia's again modified how the videotaping system was to operate. A three-week rotation of videotape was instituted. Each staff member at Arneflia's was instructed to check the operation of the VCR throughout the work shift. Any staff member observing anything unusual about the monitor or VCR is instructed to report to the manager on duty. 16. On November 10, 1999, the Saint Paul City Attorney's Office issued a Notice of Second Violation to the Licensee. The Notice stated that on October 7, 1999, Arneliia's failed to have its video cameras on and taping and that constitutes a violation of the video surveillance condition on Arnellia's license.' No citation was made in the Notice of Violation to what provision of the Saint Paul Legislative Code was alieged to have been vioiated and no suggested penalty was indicated. 17. On December 15, 1999, the Assistant City Attorney, Virginia D. Palmer, issued a Notice of Hearin� in this matter. The Notice of Hearing identified the hearing date as January 26, 1999. 18. The misidentification of the date of the hearing in the notice of this matter did not cause any confusion for Licensee. Licensee was not prevented from fully participating in the hearing due to the erroneous date. Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact, the Administrative Law Judge makes the following: CONCLUSIONS 1. The Administrative Law Judge and the Saint Paul City Council have authority to consider the charges against the respondent and the penalty, if any, that should be paid the city pursuant to Sec. 310.05 of the St. Paul Legislative Code. ' Exhibit 9. 8 Exhibit 10. � 2. LIEP has substantially complied with all relevant substantive and procedural fegal requirements. , 3. The Licensee received adequate and timely notice of the hearing and of the charges against it. 4. LIEP has the burden of psoof to establish, by a preponderance of the evidence, that the respondent vioiated the conditions of its iicensure. 5. The Licensee is in substantiai compliance with the conditions of its license through the installation and operation of a videotaping system attached to its video surveillance cameras. The failure ta record the images captured by the video surveillance cameras outside the licensed premises on September 23 and October 7, 1999, was inadvertent by the Licensee. 6. The efforts made by the Licensee to repair the malfunctioning camera complied with the condition that four video cameras be "maintained in good working order" outside the business premises. 7. There is no basis for taking adverse action against the Licensee under Sections 310.06(b)(5) and 409.10 ofi the Saint Paui Legislative Code for the operation of its video surveillance system. Based upon the foregoing Conclusions, the Administrative Law Judge makes the foliowing: RECOMMENDATION IT IS HEREBY RECOMMENDED: That the Saint Paui City Council DISMISS the action against the licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill, Inc. Dated this �� day o# April, 20�0 ���� ��� ; �,.,wn PHYLLI A. REHA �-�� Administrative Law Judge Reported: Taped, three tapes MEMORANDUM Three incidents of violence are the motivation for bringing this action against the Licensee. A killing in May, occurring in front of the business next door; a shooting in September, occurring in the alley behind the business; and a shooting in October, � resulting in a pedestrian being struck by a car and kiiled. There is no evidence in the record of this matter that any of these incidents took place on the 4icensed premises. In response to the May killing, the conditions under which Arneflia's operates were reconsidered. Conditions regarding video surveillance were added. The language of the new condition itself is ambiguous, since that language does not expressly require that the imagery captured by the e�cterior video surveillance cameras be recorded. There is no dispute, however, that both LIEP and Arnellia's understood the condition to require the addition of a VCR and recording the imagery from those cameras. The record ln this matter is clear that Arnelfia's implemented the new requirement consistent with its agreement. At first, tapes of six and eight hours in duration were used to cover the fourteen hours per day that Arnellia's is open. After a period of trial and error, Arnellia's discovered that additional time was needed to ensure that the videotaping covered the entire time the establishment was open. Arneliia's then switched to two eight-hour tapes per day. During this period staff discovered, afso by trial and error, that the extended play option must be selected to ensure that the eight- hous tape covers ali eight hours." No one at Arnellia's was able to set the date and time feature on the VCR. The second act of violence near Arnellia's was a shooting that took place in the alley behind the building on September 23, 1999. The victim in that incident was struck in the foot. The Saint Paul Police sought the videotape from that evening to assist in their investigation of the incident. There was no tape from that evening, since Larry A(len had forgotten to put a tape in the VCR. Arneliia's responded to the error by reviewing the system that had been established for videotaping, adjusting that system to ensure that the VCR was being aetivated at the appropriate times, and reminding the responsible employees that the taping was a requirement. The third act of violence occurred on October 7, 1999. At approximately 8:�0 p.m. on that date, Larry Ailen changed the videotape in the VCR for the evening. He inadvertently pressed ihe wrong button on the VCR after inserting the new tape. Around midnight, an altercation started in Arnellia's. In accordance with the establishmenYs policy, the participants were ejected from Arnellia's. Those persons continued their dispute outside and shots were fired. A car then struck a pedestrian in University Avenue and that pedestrian was ki{led. After seeing the events outside, Larry AAen went to check on the VCR. At that time he discovered that it was in "piay" mode, rather than "record" mode. He immediately began recording. At the hearing in this matter, Larry Alien acknowledged his mistake. LiEP maintains that violation of any condition is sufficient to take adverse aetion against Arnellia's license. The serious consequences on September 23 and October 7 are asserted to be justification for a penalty of sixty days suspension. Arnellia's points 9 Several witnesses suggested that the automobile striking the pedestria� was exiting Arnellia's parking fot. 70 While Condition 11 states that tfie cameras must monitor the e�erior continuously, both Arnelfia's and LIEP understood the taping requirement to be on{y during business hours. " The other option, standard piay, provides better video quality but much shorter duration. � out that there is no evidence that any videotape from either evening wouid have prevented the incidents or materially aided the S,aint Paul Police in their subsequent investigations. Section 310.06(b)(5) authorizes adverse action be taken against a licensee when the licensee fails to comply with any condition of the license. Section 409.10 sets out the standards to apply in adding conditions to licenses as follows: - Sec. 409.10. Restrictions on licenses. When a reasonable basis is found by the council to impose reasonable restrictions upon a license held under this chapter, the council, upon issuing a new license or renewing a license or approving a transfer of a license, may impose reasonable conditions and restrictions pertaining to the manner and circumstances in which the business shai{ be conducted to preserve the public peace and proiect and promote good order and security. These reasonable conditions or restrictions may pertain to: (1) A limitation as to the hours when intoxicating liquor may be sold and/or consumed on the licensed premises; (2) A limitation and restriction as to the exact location within a building where intoxicating I+quor wiil be served andlor sold and/or consumed; (3) A fimitation and restriction as to the means of ingress to or egress from the iicensed establishment; (4) A requirement that certain off-street parking fiacilities be provided; (5) A condition that the license will be in effect only so long as the establishment remains a drugstore, restaurant or hotei as defined by the state liquor act or regulations adopted pursuant thereto; (6} A limitation and restriction as to the means and methods of advertising the sale of intoxicating liquor on the building and/or on the premises adjacent thereto; (7) Reasonable conditions limiting the operation of the ficensed premises so as to ensure that the Iicensed business wili comport with the character of the district in which it is located and/or to the end thatnuisances wili be prevented; and (8) Additional conditions upon hotels and restaurants which may in the discretio� of the counci! tend to insure that the sale of liquor will take p(ace on{y in conjunction with the sale and service af food. The one repeated standard throughout the section is that any condition imposed on a licensee must be "reasonable". The condition at issue in this matter falis under item 7, which is the imposition of "reasonable conditions limiting the operation of the licensed premises ... to the end that nuisances will be prevented.i Adverse action can certainly be taken against a licensee for any unreasonable faifure to meet a condition ' Saint Pauf Legislative Code Sec. 409.10. requir+ng videotaping. Conversely, where a licensee has a reasonable excuse for that failure, adverse action is inappropriate.' , In each instance where the videotaping system was found to be faulty, action was taken by Arnellia's to improve the system. VCRs are not "fool-proof' technology, and gaps in recording are inevitable. The Licensee has demonstrated substantial compiiance with the license condition and the two instances of noncompliance were inadvectent. The degree of ongoing compliance is demonstrated by the other material on the tape provided to the Saint Paui Police Department on October 7, 1999.' LIEP asserts that violations of the license condition are established by the failure of Arnellia's to ensure that the correct date and time are imprinted on the recording. There is no such requirement in the conditions established fior Arnellia's. Adverse action cannot be taken against the Licensee for failing to properiy set the date and time of the VCR, absent some understanding that such conduct is required.' Having one video camera malfunction is also cited by �IEP as a violation of the license condition. 7he ob{igation in the license condition to "maintain in good working order" four video surveii{ance cameras assumes that the technology will periodicaliy malfunction and need to be fixed. The measure of compliancs is not whether any of the cameras are broken, but whether prompt action is taken to repair them. In this matter, the Licensee was prompt and a contractor was dilatory. The Licensee met the requirement that the video surveiliance system be maintained. 73 This standard of conduct is reflected in other license actions involving entertainment establishments. For example, in assessing whether adverse action was appropriate where female dancers "went topless" without a bar owner's knowledge, Administrative Law Judge Peter Erickson stated: This case is not so much one where critical issues of fact must be determined, but rather one in which the penally must be appropriate to the violation. This case would be much difterent if, when Mr. densen had seen that the dancers were topless, he had immediatety taken action, whether or not successful, to curh the topless activities. However, Mr. Jense� decided that he could do nothing at that time and it was not until after O�cer Nohr became involved that Mr. Jensen put an end to the topless behavior. Additionally, Mr. Jensen could have instructed his bouncers and other employees regarding the law on nudity and told them to enforce the prohibition if any of the dancers decided undress. Although Mr. Jensen was not aware that the show would be topless, he is not blameless for the resulting nudity which continued until after Officer Nohr arrived. However, Mr. Jensen's good faith efforts to ensure that the show would not be topless betore ever bookiog it should be given great weight. Cify of Coleraine v. Har/ey Jensen, d/b/a Harley's Huf ll, OAH Docket No. 4-2101-5430-6 (Recommendation issued April 23, 1991)(emphasis added). 14 The time stamp on the tape provided is October 30, 7989, and that tape-records the entire evening's events outside of Arnellia's. With the rotation of tapes described by Amellia's, the next time stamp that would be imprinted on that particular tape is November 7, 1989. At about the middle of the tape (approximately four hours at extended pfay), the scene changes to the events on October 7, 1999, and the time stamp changes to November 7, 1989. The new date and imagery lasts only a few minutes, which is consistent with the police officer receiving the tape that night. These facts support the testimony of Larry Allen that the tape was inserted according to the procedure, but that the "play" button was inadvertently pressed. 15 As discussed above, the language of the license condition fails to expressly require taping, much less requiring accurate time stamps. There was no understanding between Arneflia's and L1EP that the VCR must imprint an accurate time stamp to meet the license condition. E:1 Robert Kessler, Director of LIEP, testified that the purpose of the video surveillance license condition was: . This establishment atfracts people that (sic) are prone to violence. And that we have a responsibility to do everything we can to prevent that from happening. And the conditions were designed, especially with the conditions in regard to the cameras, to send a message to those people that practice violence that they will be watched and that we wili have records that wili protect the public. Because of the lack of good management practices at that establishment, those records are not available and I think as a result, the message is that they can get by with these kinds ofi acts at that establishment without having to pay the price.� There is no way for anyone outside the establishment to know whether videotapes are being recorded at any particular moment. The video cameras and signs warning about surveiilance are prominently displayed. Each of the three incidents that prompted action concerning the Licensee occurred off of the licensed premises. Possession of a business license does not grant police power to control the actions ofi persons outside of the licensed premises. The purpose of "sending a message" to persons outside the control of the licensee is accomplished by the visible indicia of video surveillance. The efforts made by Arneliia's to prevent a nuisance condition in the vicinity of its 6usiness are reasonable. Maintaining videotape generated by surveiilance cameras does not relate to the ongoing business of the Licensee, but merely aids in the subsequent investigations by police. The inadvertent failure, on two occasions, to record the video camera imagery from outside the premises does not rise to a failure to comply with the conditions on Arnellia's license. The actions taken to replace a malfunctioning camera were reasonable. Arnellia's has demonstrated by a preponderance of the evidence that it was in substantial compiiance with its license conditions. LfEP failed to demonstrate that Arnellia's has failed to compiy with the conditions on its license. Therefore, the Administrative Law Judge recommends that this matter be DISMISSED. � 76 Fiearing Testimony, Tape 1 . �, Appendix A EFFECTIVE 07/08i99: 1. Dress Code: Arnellia's agrees to continue to enforce a dress code for customers designed specifically to prevent patrons or customers from concealing weapons or contraband inside baggy cfothing or wearing gang affiliated colors. 2. Adherence to Strict ident�fication Requirements: Ameifia's wifl require proper picture identification from anyone who appears to be younger than 30 years old. Those without proper identification shali be denied entrance. 3. Increase Communication with Police and Neighbors: Amelfia's shall initiate and maintain regular communication with the west sector team police commander or his designee, and licensing officials, Christine Rozek snd Kristina Schweinler. Meetings shalf include neighborhood organizations to the extent possible. 4. Controi Music Type and Format: Arnellia's shall continue to be responsib{e for screening out music that promotes or glorifies violence and nefarious or anti-social behavior. 5. Arnelfia's management and security personnel will insure that patrons do not leave enmasse, but rather, management and secuirty will encourage patrons to leave in an orderly and controlled manner between 12:30 a.m. and 1:15 a.m. 6. The public telephones shall not allow incoming calis, nor any cafls to or ftom electronic beepers or pagers. 7. Arnellia's shall maintian a list of all patrons who have bee� banned from the establishment, and this list shall be strictly enforced by Arnellia's. Such list shall include proper identification of that person, photograph and a �otice of trespass. This notice should be in triplicate with o�e copy going to each of the followi�g: 1) Maintained by the establishment; 2) LIEP; 3) the individual being 6anned. Once banned, a person will remain banned for a minimum of o�e year. Arnelllas wfll cooperate with police in filling out trespass notice(s). 8. Arnellias shal! continue to provide security personnel to promote the orderly behavior of patrons on and leaving the premises. The premises shall include the area immediately adjacent to the establishment. Special attention will be paid to encouraging patrons to leave the area. 9. A(i employees and security personnel information shall be provided to LIEP for background checks. 10. Arnellla's wiil employ the use of a metal detecting devices to ensure there are no weapons on the premises. 11. Licensee holder wili maintain in good working order at Ieast 4 video surveillance cameras on the exterior of the building to constantly monitor the exterior of the premises. Tapes must be maintained for 7 days. 12. A video surveillance camera shall be maintained in good working order in the interior of the establishment to monitor customers as they enter the establishment. Tapes must be maintained for 7 days. 13. Signage shall be posted on the exterior of the building to notify patrons that the area may be under video surveillance. � 14. Security personnef wiil be on duty daiiy from 8:00 p.m. until closing. 15. Back door wiil remain locked after 530 p.m. to prevent entry. 16. The licensee will lock the door of the establishment at 12:30 a.m. No additional patrons will be aliowed entry after that time. 17. Conditions reviewed at renewal. fiD7 OFFICE OF TI� CITY ATTORNEY Clayton M Robinson, Jr_, Ciry Attorney CITY �F SAINT pAUL. ��(� � t �� �� CivilDivisian ,Vo,mColeman,Mayor �� �-j!� _7 t !!1 n. �f1QCityHa11 Telephone:6J1266-8710 -' r'�Yi'estKellaggBlvd. Facsimile: 6i1?98-5619 r. --; ��,., ._ _, _ _. .- SarntPaul..Ninnesota5J102 .-� :' :�. ...: �U.. Mazch 6, 2000 The Honorable Phyllis A. Reha Administrative Law Judge Office of Administrative Hearings 100 Washington Square, Suite 1700 100 Washington Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55401-2138 RE: In the Matter of the Licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill, inc. d/b/a Arnellia's OAH Docket #: 9-2 1 1 1-1 2640-3 Dear Judge Reha: Enclosed please find the City's Reply Memorandum in the above-referenced matter. A copy of the same has been served by mail on Mr. Vaught. I am also enclosing copies of a commurucation that I received from a Cornelius Brown Jr., who is the Chairperson of the Ramsey Action Programs, Inc. This arrived after the hearing, and I advised Mr. V aught, who offered no objection to my submission of this document to you, with copies to him, as part of the "public comment" portion of the hearing. Sincerely, /'"_ �/ �'� �-��, �� Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: S. Mark Vaught encl. OFFICE OF ADNIINISTRATIVE HE�GS ,� � C` � V C p FOR THE COUNCIL, OF THE ��, j � ,� ,��� CITY OF SAINT PAUL �"" :": t("I f J•,, � -- -�i _ � i_. . ,;'�(ij In re the licenses held by Metro $az & Grill, CTTY'S REPLY MEMORANDiJM Inc., d/b/a Arnellia's The City has the letter brief of the licensee dated March 1, 2000, which was received via FAX on March 3, 2000, and submits the following in reply. The failure to have one of four surveillance cameras operatin� was not willful The failure by the Iicensee to haue one of the £ouz surveillance cameras operating was not actually raised as a basis for adverse action, althougk it is a violation of the conditions. In fact, it was not until the testimony at the hearittg by the sons of the licensee that it was apparent that the fourth camera had been inoperable for a significant period of time. The actual violations noted as the basis fox advexse action were the September 23, 1999 fail�e to have the video operaUng at a11, so that no cameras were recording, and the failure to activate the recording mechanism on October 7, 1999 until after the incident had already occuned. Nonetheless, the City did azgue and does believe that the delay in discovering and fixing the problem with one of the surveillance cameras illustrates that the licensee did not take the conditions relating to security cameras seriously. This, together with the lack of communication to staff about the importance of the condition and the lack of planning and training on how to implement it made it easy for the employees to ignore the condition. Lany Allen's actual testimony was that he did not know how the October 7, 1999 failure to record happened; he stated that initially he believed that another employee must have been responsible for failing to activate the machine, but that he then decided that he could have pushed "play" rather than "record". While Sb . Kempe testified that the explanation was possible, ke did not believe that it was necessarily the true eYplanation or the only way in which the failure to recard the inczdent could have happened. The £ailure to have one camera in operatine order did not contribute to or cause the underlvinE incidents. nor did the Respondent or nav of its employees participate in or contribute ta either of the two incidents Licensee argues that the vantage of the broken camera on the October 7, 1999 incident did not encompass the area of the incident, and speculates that the camera would also have been of little assistance in the investigation of �lie September 23, 1999 incident. No1 only is this conclusion pure speculation, but it is completely inelevant. Nowhere in the conditions is there an exception to the recording requirement stating that it is unnecessary i€the events which happened might not have been in the range of the camera. The Licensee agreed to the condition requiring at least four surveillance cameras on the outside of the building, to constantly monitor the extexior of the premises. Tapes from the surveillance cameras were to be maintained for seven days. Licensee quite simply failed to abide by these conditions. Licensee argues that because there is no causation between the failure to zbide by the conditions and the crimes committed on the two dates in question, thaY no penalty is appropriate. The basis for the adverse action was that the Licensee faited to abide by the conditions placed on the license. In fact, an azbument could easily be made that Licensee's failure to comply with the conditions contributed to the ongoing problems, by failing to offer the police any useful evidence to solve the crimes committed. Licensee did not dispute in any substanfial way that the people involved in the September 23"' and October 7"' offenses had been customers of Amellia's earlier in the evenin�. The fact that the Licensee failed to comply with conditions desiened to deal with the probiems caused by her own customers is not onJy a basis for adverse action, but a reason to treat the violations seriously. The recommended penaltv is too severe Licensee argues that the penalty is too severe, and that no penalty is appropriate at all. However, as the City has previously azgued, the penalty recommended is appropriate given the fact that there were two violatiotts of these conditions within a short period of time after the condition was agreed to, and the second violation happened shortly after the Notice of Violation was sent on the first incident. In addition, it became ctear at the hearing that there was a camera which was not operable for at least two months, and possible longer, and that employees of the establishmettt felt no obligation to ckeck on the equipment to see if it was in working order. The two violations which were discovered came to light as a result of gunshots on one date and a hit and run in the establishment's parking lot on the second date. It was apparent from the testimony that there were other times during the establishment's open hours that the cameras were not recording, as no procedures had been established for when they should be turned on or when the tapes should be changed. Licensee azgues that the curative actions outlined in her letter o£ October 29, 1999 should mitigate whatever penaIty is imposed. Unfortunately, the "curative action" outlined in the Ietter amounts to nothing more than the obligation imposed by the condition - tapes are placed in the VCR daily and are being kept for a week before being taped over. There is no indication that there has been any training, any discussion with staff, any change in philosophy to take the condirion seriously beyond a promise to abide by the bare minimum required. In fact, the testimony at the hearing from the manager, 7ackie Hicks, made it clear that the Licensee's employees still Think the condition unnecessary and 'unposed only aY the whim of the Office of LIEP. Also, whether or not it is a zninor esor, Licensee states that there was a problem with the VCR, which was then repaized. The testunony at the hearin� is that there was a problem witki one of the cameras, not the VCR. Finally, Ms. Hicks acknowledged, albeit grud�ingly, that the establishment has already been the subject of adverse action because of problems caused by vioIence of the customers. For a11 of the foregoing reasons, the City respectfully submits that the violations should be found to have been proved, and the recommendation should be made for a sixty-day suspension of the licenses held by the Licensee. Dated: 3��o C3 ��` � Virginia . Palmer (Atty Lic. # 128995) Assistant City Attorney 400 City HalUCourthouse 15 W. Kellogg Boulevazd Saint Pau1, MN 55102 (651) 266-8710 ��C=iV=� nn ea.-. � i;:� , � �" —7 ra� �• .� �• �� . '_il?.- I'�`.�;:i,aUJ J'3riU� �O, �VOO To: City of Saint Pau1, Office of the City Attomey � / V / � S /V�l �� From: Cornelius Brown Jr., ll92 Edmund Avenue, St. Pau1, MN. ,5 �-- Re: ADMINTSTRATIVE LAW TUDGE HEARING, JANUARY 26"', 2000 I want to extend my support of punitive measures to be imposed on Arnellia's on the Avenue, hereafter referred to as the "establishment". I agree That the establishment's decision not to provide video surveillance tapes and their refi�sal to cooperate with lativ enforcement is in violation of the conditions of their liquor license. I believe these actions compromise public safety in the neighborliood. However, the lack of African-American business in this largely black neighborhood is aiso a concern. To my knowledge, this establishment is one of two black-owned businesses authorized to retail alcoholic beverages. To lose a profitable business in otu neighborhood is also a concern. The establishment certainiy employs residents from this neighborhood whose Iiveiihood is connected to the continued operation of the business. For me, it is not just a matter of public safety, which is number one, but aiso a matter of economic concern. For this reason I would suggest suspension in lieu of revocation of the estabtishment's license to operate. Thank you for consideration of our corresgondence. Cornelius Brown Jr., Resident of St. Paul Midway Neighborhood ��i�,l.filll ��-/Ll,/�l/✓T// � I --'� (o ` � 6v O �� C � � S� Ramsey Action Programs, � ,�. �j �n 4�0 Notth Sc�ndicate �;:eec, Sainc Paul, Vlinne ��lpa L . (6i') 6 5-64,� ... � l .� A' ' �;�ii;� - -; �:i! �' ?.�, �v AREA ".�," AD�'ISORY COL�CIL MEETT�iG �_. �. -';;,,:i �� � � : _; ..: .::, o., December 6�', 1999 — 7:00 p.m, �?'� ?�` Ficor Cunference xoom l�oiiB£RS PRESEh'T Sheila Jones Comelilis E. Brown Jr. Pauline Mims Reverend Liada Stampley Lillie Hollinasworth Patricia Martin WiIliam B. Davis :12E'�IB£RS ABSENT WaIlace Tavlor Arif MoBammed Donna McI}uffie R4P STAF'�' Paul H_ Freacf� �Iei�Itborfiood Associate GLrEST PRESENT Dr. James T. Shelton .............................i....,�::hnig Minutes.........,......,.,,,.............� Call to Order/Roll Call, 7:30 p.zn. — Comelius E. Brown 7r., Chaiiperson A quonim wzs present. Absence of two members was not considered or contested. MOTION BY LNi DA STA.�LEy A1VD SECONDBD SHEI[,A 70NES: T'O APPROVE T'gE CURRENT AGEti'DA, MOTTON CARRIED. MOTION BY LLNDA STAMPLEY AND SECONDED BY LILLIE HOLLINGS WORTH: TO �PRfl� T� ��EETING D�i'T7TE5 OF NOVEII�IBE12 16, 1999, MEETIiYG. MOTTO�i C_�,.IZRI�D. REPOIZTS Chaisperson, Cornelius Brrnvn Jr. —�, Brown began his report by reco�nlTng an effor� on the part of the City of Saint Paul to discipline the biack ow�ed nightclub, Arenllia'on the Avenue, 1183 tinivE����Y Avz�ne, SE_ Paul. The effort is based on the owner's refusal to furni;h� visie� surveillance tapes to aid in a police investigation regarding two shooting incidents, in which one resulted in a homicide. It was the consensus of the �oup that although public safery is the number one concern, it is also important that the limited nnmber of black owned businesses in the Summit- Univzrity,'Fro�tow neighborhoods be maintained if possible. It was a�so the consensus of the group tfiat they should drafr a letter to the St. Paul City Council indicating their position on the matter. They do not favor revocation of the license at this time. By and large, the TAAC wants to convey their dissatisfaction with the management of Arnellias' and their belief th2t ownership sl:ou!d be di,oiplir.ed. At the same time, they are also concerned about tiie limite� number of liquor licenses available in St. Paui and their astronomical costs that almost make it impossible for African-Americans to secure. From the goup's vantaQepoint, Acnellias' is the only African- Janu� American owne�i.li�uor�ab ishment in the citv Tfie administrative hearin� will be held on � a,n�.,, rn.�..,.__r___ . . --r----_� "V:obilizing Communiry Resourc� co Reduce Poverry in Ramsey and Wasningcon Count:es." An Affirmacive AecionJEqual Opporcunity Employer. ��C`i'�i�� �. , �: {';ri�-7� ni, �%�ti �e.�:ri::\ �lembers d,•scusse3 the option o� cLanan� tha meeting time from 7:OOp.m. �-9��pii�:"to�o:00p.n. To 8:p.rn. in order io adjou,-n earlier in winter months: MOTIp�; 3y j,L�?�� 5�;���ri.Ei' :�.�tD SEL.O�?��?� BY' Lu.;_,�t iiOLLL�+GSWQRTH: TO CH�tiGE THE T�AC A 1SEETLtiG TLRiE TO 6:dflP �S. — 8:OOP �L 1IflTIOV CAI2RIED. �1PBOARD/P&E, LiilieHollingnvorth —IyTs. Hollingsworth reported tl�at tbeP&E and Operations committees wiIl be�in io meet at the same time as directed br Pau1 Gasian, RAP Board President. Steff Repfln, Pau1 H. Fret:ch — tiIr French reporte OQ IllS L7Cill1Iy into the Summtmi; Collaborative fundin� issue. He reported that the money is still tar�eted to the S-U area but changes have been made in atiministration of the funding. He reporteci that the Departmen# of Children Families and Leamintr indicated the S-U collaborative was not funded and did not offer any reason for the denial. They went on to say that the funding was attached to an RFP. A new collaborative based in the Summit-University area, A.frican-�nerican Mentor Group, was the successful candidate. It is still unciear if the former recipients of the �ant money continue to receive funds. Sunshine Fun� Lil[ie Hollingszvorth — i�eported remaining balance as $�.50. L'nfinished Business: No*. app!:cab:e. New Business: There was some discussion on the proposed "I'own Meetins" to be scheduled in March. Time etapsed and members decided to place the subject on the neat aQenda and discuss it at that time. Announcemenls — Mr. French also inviYed members to attend the Community Circte Dialowe on Race, Poverty and Education, Friday, becember 17`�, 1999, aT The Minneapolis Hilton and Towers. He indicated scholarships were available to him tha± would defray costs for re�stration. Five members indicated they wanted to attend. 1tieYtmeeiing—January 1Q, 2000, 6:OOp.m., Ramsey ActionPro�ams, Inc., 450 Syndicate Street, 2 Floor Conference Room. Adjournment — 9:OQ p.m. APPROVED BY CHAII2PFRSO�i CORNELNS BROW'_V JR / '� // / � C p ��1 �1��L` ,� �x'��'�-�C��`'�'"'/.[�zEri� J// , (. � ✓ � C h,-��c.L2 rz��c���- �—� �/ �, v �� 4`' �%� 4j yA p 0 � � � c.� s c ;a � p p � � � `� O� O A � Co (�D G � � � O `v C' A� O O ✓ '.�' r.' � O �'� 0�0 U�Q � �. O' � O O �. � � � � R, �-' `�y � �.a h � � � � � � � �. O � � � � � � Uj C/� � N O ��„ C�i �` 00 ',�.,, .N �' W J � O O o � N n � O O '17 S � C1 � � � - � O � 2 � '` l. r' � � l t� a �n C � � n n � �e � � � o � � � z p £A � C n ti � m O n R "T. 0 � ro ,��:� J uv ^VL i� v. ..CW ✓1 .....v .`A4 iYO� J.///�CvC. !'� S�I �RK V�IIGHT, Attornev at Law' Snite 700, Six �'est Fiffh Strect Saint Paul, Minnesota ��102-1412 Telephone (6�1) Z47-64Q0 Racsimiie (651) 224-832& E-mail * n a �kvau�h`�worldnct.a�.net � t�� I "�� +2�,�-��� 1 CpNFTDEtiT1.4i. FACSIMILE COMMUNICATION �r Date: March 6, 2000 �lease deliver the folJowing a pages, includin; this cover s�eet to tl�e foAowing uamed individual: Name: Phyttis A. Reha Company or Firm: Teiephane Number: �acsimile Number: FROM: Marl� Vaught (651)29 Adminiatrative Law Judge 612�34i-7600 b12-3�9-2665 Comments or Ins2ructions: 3ust a courtesy fax ko let you know 1 plan� no snbmissxons in the iVTetro Bar & Grill inatter. If you havc any problems reeeiving these pages, plcase contact {6�1) 297-6400 and ask for thc fax operator. v �.:: - ��'�� "i{. J��.','U .."'++ .. ....`.J ."AX i`�C� CiCCC4t1�C.�', N�' � V: S.1�1�RK �ALrGHT, AftQrney at I-aw Suite ; 04, Six �Vest Fifth SYreet Saint Paul, ylinnesota 5�102-1412 Telephone (6�1.) 297-6400 Facsimiie {6S1) 224-8328 E-mail �a'kvau8h*,�awo*ldnet.att.ne� CONRTDENTIAL FACSIMILE COMMU�TICATTON cnmmu�z ieation is strictiv Drohrbiied X1' vou have rece tkis comm unication iv� error please immediatetv noti{y the above Dartv bv telephone arrd return ihe nr:nenal messa2e to tke address tisted above Thank vou for vaur co�eratcan. Date: March 2, 200� Pleasc deliver the following 4 pages, iz�cluding this cover sheet Yo the folTowing nazned indzvidual: Name: Company or Firm: Telepbone Nuraber: Facsimile Nnmber: T'+220M: Mark Yaughf (651) 297-b400 Comments or Tnstructions: Phyllis A. itchn administrative Law Judge 612-341-'76fl0 6I2-349-2665 if yon kave any problams rcceivino these pages, please contact (fi51) 297-6404 and t�sk for tkte fax opexator. 11 GY — �� — ���� .... ��: _�� �TY.�CJ t'A� :�IG, C.!CC!.C�C� r j. 1�L1RK �'.AIJGHT .i%LnYI](?V n'Y jliU% $vi[c 7� s:x W csc F:� i S:;ct. Satac?a�i, Min^.esoca SSi02-l?i? - ;6:�}?97 .: AX (C:j.� »e-R3� r::a l: a`arrvaugF.t�?wor(d.^.ct.a[[.:1C[ �'u��'Cr 1, �Dd� Phyllis A. �eha, Admiristrative Law ,tudge Office of Adminzstrative Hearings 100 WasY�ington Square, Suite 1700 100 Washington Aver.ue South Minneapolis, Minnesota �540I-2138 R�: All licenses lxeld by Metro �ar & GriIl, Zne., d(b1a Arnellia's for the premises located at 1183 linivcrsity Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104; License 1� R54�?� . Bear Judge Reha: This letter is intended to summari�c and preseni Rcspondent's view of the evidence evinced at the hearing held on January 26, 20�Q before yourself in �he above- erititicd m�tter. 'The failure to have one af Pour surveillance cameras opetatin� was not willful. �rom the evidende, Respondent concedes that one of four sur�reiliance cameras was not in operating condition at the time of the twv incidcnts on Seotemner 23 and October 7, 1999. However, respondent submixs that the evidence sk�ows li'�e faiI'are rh�as not willful. L'pon discove:�ng tLai the camara was uat fi,mc:ionin�, Iiesp�ndcnt took pzoper and timely steps to assuze tr.at a replacement car�erl was ordered and saw that it was installed in a timely manner a£ter t'r.e zeplacement azrived. T.o be certain, theze was a tim� lag between the dxscovery of the n�n-funCtioninb camera and its repiacement. lindar the c�rcumstanc�s, as presented in this case, that time lag was not urseasonabJe and tY!c orderieg , pt:rchase and insta?!ation of the reolacement cameza� was done in the nors:zl course of business. The City presented no evidence tZiat the Respondent was in any way negligent in the mann�r in whictx it went about replacing the camera. , . Ui .`E.�,-�s-�., r:�? �9�3: :.�.:, �=":��� �P.X NC. 5i2%%^.8�28 ^ n? ;, It wok�c'ne unreESOnabie .o rezd �`:e licens�cor.d',tion rea�i,ing Ehz cameras �o LTIdIIG�2iC 1rilltt¢f�tBYc �c'Piu'.Ce_^_:C'.^.I O: ?�IC ROP_-�. C8.^,?ET�� iZt2S�)ELi:Ve O't Lti!2 S2CI ilidC irle Slip�.?�IB-" 1S IOCGieC� I;1 CwIfOI�i.?8 2:.d IIO:OC21 VBIIdO* COl:'IC 'J� �'0:2^G� ;�72t'{CDt L^_C cz,�.era ;n stock. i. woLld :i;ewisc oe �nreasonable tp :caa the cor_3 :;on zs :eq;:ir-g ;'r:e kCS�70IlQ to ra;.° :or a:: K ee� iz� :is s�ock one or more reptac �RlC:^.: C2.LSS:.I2 2�d:. iIl� posszbilitv o* faiI�:re. i.arry A:Ien testiied `,hat 11e apnarently and inadverlantly sct ti�c camera .`tmction on play raiher �.han record on che nigk�t of thc October 7, 1999 i„,cidenf and thaz he changed it when he disco�-ered it immediately afer 2h2 in�ident when ne went t� the recordzng device to be certai.� it was recording. Mr. A11en's testiinony as to his appazent failure to properIy activate the cecord fiu�ction is consistent ��Zth the tap� reco:ding in evzdence as was concedcd by S� . Kempe, thc City's witness who analyzed the tape. The failure to have oAe caruera in qperatin� order did not contribute to or cause the undexlvSnd incidents nor did the Resnondent or anv �+f its emolovees i�aYticipate in or coatribute � to cither of The twv incidentv. F*or!m the evidence, it is e�t�emety doubtful that the non-functioning camera, had it bcen in workia� order, wouici have capt�red either of the two incidcnts. 'I his is clearly true of the fatai +nciden: Octobet 7, 1999. �he vantage of the brokca camcra simply did not encompass the azea of tEie incident. Wztla respect to the September 23, 1999 incident it is doub±fu[ based on the evidcnce, that a�nctionin; camera from the vantage poirC dcscrfeed in tY:e testimozly woutd have offered much assistance in the iavestigation. While arguabiy a properly functionina rec�rding system at th.e ticne o� October 7, ] 999 incident might have offered some view of tbe zmmediate area of tha incident, :hat is not cleaz form the evidcnce and there is no evzdence in the record that the dewice was deliberately di5abled or shut off to ptevent recording of the incident. Mr- A11en's failurc to proper?y activate the record function is a mistake that any individual cauld have and most have r„ade with�home vidco cassctte recordets. . There is ne causzl iir1: between the bTOken carmera and Mr. .�:len's 'record/piay misiake and t't'�e crimes commstted in either incident. Despite Mr, Kessler's inceqdiazy rhetoric, neill2e: the Respor�dent nor any of its employees nor anyone else under its cor.uol was dizeotly involved it or culpabla Pos the actions in either of the :ncidents. The City offered zzo evidence 10 the contrary--other than IVlr. ICcssler's misplaced a��d uasuppvried value jud�m�nt---�icl cune:ccled iii ihe testiction}� of tlie poliee oficee.s �,at it had no evidence of ir_volvement ny the Respondent or any of its employees or agents in eiciier of tha incidents. � :'.SK-u3-uO rKi �9�3i �AW �tr.;,'�w �'AX NC, o':L22�u?L9 .,C� r�Y WOiSi u E hLQKC.^. C2TTle_2 2.^.0 i.�:C 7000Tdi'�I2V ITll$`id.�8 reant :n.a: `ne �'6A.Ce invast:�ar.on wa<_ �ot assisted. �t'�e broic�n ca.riera ane recor�.�p�ay ri:s'�ake cid :ot cz::sc either inc:d�n., nor dic t��cy :^pede ;ne poiice investigatien o` °i;he_ i:,cider.t. Trere we:e a subst�,tiz� n:�.:�zz o: e;jervitnesses io each of t"e iacident �vno viewed tne activ�ties from a be�er vantage thac� the surveiiianee casneras. Voiar.t ineidzr.ts are always �oublesome an d a deatn as a zesult oT violence is L*za;c_ But sucl�: a t ragedy ar.d li'�e zact'the Ceath ram2ins unsoived, apparenTly, does not serve as evid�nce of causauor. on the pa*f oi L�;e Respondent. T�Ze recomztzended penaltv is too severe. � Gi�en the conlext oT fhe two incidents and the clea: evidence ;n the record that the Respondent did not play any role ir, eausin� either incident, the recon�snended penaliy is far too severe, it,.indeed a penalty is appropriate at all. Mr. Iiessler ,estified ihat ihe recommended penally is unprecedentcd. rurthe;, hc o££ezed as }ustification oniy ,�e fact that a"nnuder" was involved. His irnplication ftzat the Respondent's action or iailuze� to act "caused" one or both of the incidents, most oarltcularly ttze deati, are not }ustificd by one scintilla of evidence and border on thc irresnonsible, • The actions of the Respondent with respect to replacin� the broken camera were commercially teasor.abte anc� do not merit a penaity of any sort. Whiie Respondent does not concede that any penalty is appropriate or even that a violation took place, it ol�ers foc your consideration that if a ge��alty is appropriate, that penaity should be substantially less than that recommended by Mz. Kesslcr. The Respondcnt took aonronriate cnrative action aftec the incidents. The one area where Respondent col�ccdes a need Sor greater attention is in the axea of record/piay error. The actions of Mr. Ailen may we11 represent a training failure. ' That is why the R2spondent took the curative actiuc? outlined in �mellia Aiten's Ictter which was introduced in evidence. ,And the Respondent offers that c�:rative action, which it undertook voluntariiy a:id witiiout prompting by the City, in mitigution of whatever faiiure is represcnted by Mr: Alien's recoxd/play mistake. V aly �q� _ � , � S. ark Vaugh attomey for Respon�izi.Y ec Virgir.ia Yaime:, �sq. ID1AR. -OS' OOtFRf) 08�23 OFFICE OF .1DMIti. HEARIKG TEL:6123492665 P. 001 TR?.VSaGTtON REPORT RecePtion Transaction(s) compieted �O. TX ➢ATE/TIbtE DESTIVATION ?07 MAR. 3 08:20 6122248528 DURATION PGS. RESULT YIODE 0° 02' 19" 004 OK N ECM OFFICE OF TF� CITY ATTORNEY Clayton M. Robiresan, Jr., Ciry Attorn¢y C�� �F' il�l� pA�, 4 r(, ��,� �� CivilDivision Norne Cateman, :Ltayor n^ � C7 `7 A�! ��'-, S Z 300 City Hall � 7elephone: 65T ?66-87Z0 _.: a �,� nC� v I�7.yestKel7aggBlvd Facsimile:6i1?98-5619 Saint Paul, :Krnnesota i57D2 ;•U ',iJ Cr-.:1`v�'._ �i�� .:;; �.�r.,�•.i:xuJ February 18, 2000 The Honorable Phyllis A. Reha Adaunistrative Law 7udge Office of Administrative Hearings 100 Waskrington Square, Suite 1700 Mi;uieapolis, MN 55401-2138 RE: In re the licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill, Inc., d/b/a Arnellia's Dear Judge Reha: Enclosed is the Final Argument on behaif of the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental ProtecUOn in the above-referenced matter. A copy of the same has been served bp mail upon Nir. Vaught, attorney for the licensee. Sincereiy, ��r `t,C= ��ce-1'.-,^-¢�. U Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey cc: S. Mark Vaught OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS q` C� �,� � U FOR THE COUNCIL, OF Tf� CITY OF SAINT PAUL �� �=� 2? ��; ^: 52 ,._ ;r�':� riC��'=`±�C Yvl. � In re the licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill, CITY'S FINAL ARGiJMENT Inc., d!b!a Amellia's STATEMENT OF FACTS The Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection initiated adverse action against the licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill, Inc., dlb/a Arnellia's, for violating conditions placed on the license. Saint Paul Legislative Code §310.06(b)(5) permits adverse action to be taken against licenses where the licensee "has failed to comply with any condition set forth in the license, or set forth in the resolution granting or renewing the license." There have been license conditions on the licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill for several years, and the most recent revision of those condirions was done aRer meeting with the license holder and a number of other interested persons, including LIEP staff and St. Paul police officers. Effective Juiy 8, 1999, two condirions relating to security cameras were placed on the license. Condition # 11 states: °Licensee [sic] holder wi:l maintain in good working order at least 4 video surveillance cameras on the exterior of the buiiding to constantly monitor the ea�terior of the premises. Tapes must be maintained for ? days." Robert Kessler, D'uector of LIEP, testified that the conditions regazding the surveillance cameras were put in place as a result of a fatal shooting which took place outside of Arnellia's. 7ackie Hicks, a manager of Arnellia's, aclrnowledged that the licensee had agreed -1- to the conditions and was awaze of them. On September 23, 1999, a shooting took place outside of Arneliia's. Saint Paul Police Qfficer 7obnson was sent to the baz to recover the tape from the outside video surveillance caxneras, but was advised by the owner, Arnellia Allen, that there was no surveillance camera behind the build'mg. The officer advised her that tapes from the other cameras might be helpful in identifying the suspects. After Ms. Allen contacted her son, Larry Allen, by phone, she informed the officer that the cameras were not operating the previous evening. Sgt. Richard Munoz also went to Arnellia's to attempt to obtain a video tape of the incident. Ms. A11en stated that she did not have a tape to give him because the camera in the rear of the building was broken, the other cameras were not operating and there was no tape in the recorder. A Notice of Violation dated September 30, 1999, was sent to Amellia Allen alleging that the failure to have the video cameras on and taping on September 23, 1999 was a violation of condition # i l of the license� The Notice was served by mail on October l, 1999 on Ms. Ailen, at the licensed establishxnent, and gave the licensee until Qctober 1 i, 1999 to respond on how they would like to proceed. While that matter was still pending, on October $, 1999, there was a suspected homicide which took place outside of Arnellia's, beginning in the parking lot and ending up on University Avenue. Qnce again, police went to Arnellia's to obtain videos frorn the surveillance cameras. The video tape which was obtained was reviewed by several Saint Paul Police officers, among them Sgt. Mark Kempe. Sgt. Kempe testified that the video tape which he reviewed was obtained from the bar by O�cer Arnold, who then took it to the police station and gave it to Sgt. Younghans. Sgt. Younghans and other officers reviewed the tape. The tape was played at the hearing, and no claim has been made that the tape is not authentic nor has any -2- ciaim been made that the tape was tampered with. The tape is divided into four quartezs, with one square for each of the four outside surveillance cameras. The upper left hand square is blank; testimony later established that tlus camera was not operating for at least two months, and probably longer. The remaining three squares show the front door azea (lower left screen), the back door azea (lower right screen) and the east pazking lot (upper right screen}. There are numbers which reflect a date and time, but these aze not related to the actual date and time of the recording. It was Sgt. Kempe's opinion that the tape was not operating at the time of the incident in the pazking lot on November 8, 1999, but that the tape had been turned on after the police had been called. He based this opinion upon the review of the tape, which showed a sudden jump in the dates of the tape counter, from 10-30-89 at 8:50 to I i-7-89 at 12:11:42; the abrupt change in the items being viewed (a view of the front door with no one outside and a jump to a lazge crowd of people); and the fact that the squad cars can be seen arriving. His conclusion was that the tape had not been constantly operating, but had been turned on after the fact. The wimesses presented by the licensee did not dispute that there was no tape from the incident on September Z�, 1999. In fact, Larry Allen acknowledged that he forget to use the surveillance cameras, despite being told of the conditions on the license. He also admitted that the tapes were not operating on October 8, 1999 until after the incident occurred, and the police had been called. His expianation was that he had hit the play, but not the record button on the tape machine. It also was appazent from the testimony of both Larry and Jerry Allen that one of the video surveillance cameras (the upper left quarter of the tape) was not operational for a period of over two months. The witnesses for the licensee seemed to be arguing that the recommended -3- penalty of b0 days was too severe because the violation of the condition on the license did not cause the shooting on September 23, 1999 or the death on October 8, 1999. AAGiIi�1ENT The City's burden of proof in this hearing is a preponderance of the evidence; if it is more likely than not that the licensee violated the conditions of the license, then the City has met its burden. In re Kaldahl, 418 N.W.2d 532, 535 (Minn. App. 1988). The license condition in question in this matter is Condition #k 11, which states: "1 l. The Licensee [sic] holder will nlaintain in good working order at Ieast 4 video surveiliance cameras on the exterior of the building to constantly monitar the ea�terior of the premises. Tapes must be maintained far 7 days." Implieit in the wording of this condition is that the video cameras are to be operating, and taping, at all times that the baz is open. One of the reasons for placing the condition on the license was to assist police by providing them with possible means of identifying suspects in the assaults, shootings and other problems being caused by bar patrons after leaving the baz. Cleazly, the licensee violated the condition on Septembez 23, 1999, when no tape was in the video and it �vas not being operated, and again on October 7, 1999, when taping did not start until after the incident occurred. The Director of LIEP, Robert Kessler, testified that he recommended a suspension of 60 days for the licenses hetd by Metro Bar & Crri11, Inc. He acknowiedged that it was a severe penalty, although he also noted that his initial inclination was to recommend revocation of the licenses. He noted that the condition on the license was the result of a meeting with the owner and management of Arnellia's, as weil as Saint Paul police officers, and that the recommendation for video surveillance cameras was something the police felt would assist them � in mvestigating and solving crimes occurring at or around the bar. The meeting and the additional conditions on the license were motivated by a murder which occurred outside the baz, on University Avenue. The conditions were effective July $, 1999. Within a matter of months, there was another shooting outside of Arnellia's, and only two weeks later, a person was killed in an incident which was investigated as a possible homicide and which began in the baz's parking lot. Officers tesfified that in both the September 23 and the October 7, 1999 incidents, that the people involved had been inside the baz as patrons eazlier in the evening. It was apparent from the testimony of Jackie Hicks that she felt the condition was unnecessary and that the bar feels no responsibility for the behavior of patrons once they are outside the building. However, the bar had the opportunity to oppose the conditions being placed on the license, as imposition of conditions is an adverse action, pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code §310.05(a). The licensee chose not to contest the imposition of conditions, and cannot now azgue that the conditions aze unreasonable. Ms. Hicks acknowledged that there has been a prior adverse action against the licenses held by Metro Bar & Grili, Inc., based upon the number of shootings which have occuned outside and azound the establishment. Rather than demonstrating concern for the problems generated by patrons of the establishment, the ficensee seems to azgue that because the violation of the conditions did not directly cause the incidents, they should not be punished. In fact, the continuing neglect of the conditions regarding the surveillance cameras is both a serious violafion, and contributes to the ongoing problems outside the baz. As long as the establishment ignores the condition to have cameras monitoring both inside and outside the premises, the police are denied access to valuable evidence to solve felony-level and other crimes occun•iug just -5- outside the doors of the baz. In both the September 23 and October 7, 1999 inciderns, the participants were patrons of the baz; although they did not commit the crunes inside the building, they were present outside the building because they had been at the baz. The licettsee obviously benefits from the custom of its patrons by charging them foz food and alcohol. This is conduct permitted by the licenses it holds. It would be unfair to say that the establishment can benefit from the licenses it holds but escape ail xesponsibility for the obligations imposed on the licenses by the Office of LIEP. The sanction recommended by the Office of LIEP is warranted by the inaction of the license holder in implementing the conditions agreed to. The conditions were to be effective on July 4, 1999. It was appazent from the testimony of all of the wimesses for the licensee that no training had been done with employees to advise them of the importance of the conditions or how to unplement them. Thus, on September 23, 1999, the cameras were not even operating. Despite receiving a NoUce of Violation advising them of the failure to abide by the conditions, it was only two weeks later that Lany Allen either failed to turn the recorder on or failed to turn it to record until after another instance of violent behauior required a call to the police. Only then did the cameras actually begin to record. Further evidence that the attitude of the licensee towards the condition was lackadaisical at best was the testimony regazding the fourth surveillance camera, which was determined to be malfunctioning in August of 1999, and which was still inoperative at the time of the October 7, 1999 incident, two months later. The testimony made it cleaz that there was no sense of urgency about getting the camera replaced once the baz finally realized that it was not functioning. There was no clear responsibility for taking chazge of the repair or reinstallation, and Larry Allen, the � manager, appazently relied upon his mother's statement that Earl Allen had been contacted to come install the camera without checking to see that it was done or to have it done in a timely fashion. When asked if anyone ever reviewed the tapes, Lazry Allen stated that he did not, and Jackie Hicks believed that it wasn't incumbent upon the bar to do so. This lack of responsibility for checking the tapes meant that they couldn't be sure the cameras were in working order, and fiirther demonstrates the fact that they did not take the condition on the license seriously. The Office of LIEP made every effort to work with the licensee to deal with concerns about the violent incidents taking place outside Amellia's by meefing with them to develop conditions that would deal with the problem. Both the testimony of Jackie Hicks, and the actions and inactions of Lany and Jerry Allen make it ciear that the empioyees of the licensee do not take the condition seriously and do not feel it is necessary. No training was ever done on how to implement the condition, it appears that when the cameras are turned on and off was lazgely a matter of personal decision by the ind'avidual employee, and no effort is made to see that the cameras aze functioning properly by reviewing the tapes. The mere fact that on the two occasions that the police looked for tapes to assist them in investigating crimes the tapes weren't available because the recorder had not been used or had been improperly used, warrants a severe penalty, but added to that, the recommended penalty of a sixty-day suspension is warranted because the testunony shows that this was not a one-tune lapse on the part of the licensee, but part of a general disregard for the condition. Additionally, this is a second adverse action against the licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill, Inc. CONCLUSION The City has met its burden of showing that the licensee violated Condition #11 on the -7- . license on both September 23, 1999 and October 7, 1999, because the licensee failed to have a tape in and the machine operating at all on September 23Td and failed to have the machine continuously monitoring and recording on October'T"'. These violations occurred in short period of rime, were part of a continuing pattem of indifference to the condition being nnposed on the license, and were a resuit of her faiitue to convey the importance of the condition to her employees oz train them in its unplementation. The argument that these violations are not serious because they did not cause the incidents themselves simply underscores the fact that the licensee does not consider the condition to be important, as does her manager's testimony that the condition is unnecessary and was only imposed because the Director of LIEP doesn't like the bar. The Q�ce of LIEP has worked with the establishment to deal with the problems caused by same of the patrons of the bar, and the licensee's failure to abide by the conditions and take responsibility for their part in the problems warrants a severe sanction. Respectfully submitted tkus 18"' day of February, 2000. '� � � �t-'"-�-� Virginia D. almer (Atty Lic. # 128495) Assistant City Attorney 400 City HalllCourthouse 15 W. Keliogg Boulevazd Saint Paul, MN 55102 (b51)266-8710 � STATE OF MSNNESOTA ) ) COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) R.�- C�iV'�L rr�4 27 „;i � 52 �;; _ ss. ,,:.�r�YF1FIDAVIT OF SERVICE SY MAIL �r�.-: �i':'�JJ JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on the 18th day oi February, 2000, she served the attached CITY'S FINAL ARGUMENT on the following named attorney by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Mr. S. Mark Vaught Attorney at Law Six West Fifth Street Suite 7�0 St. Paul, MN. 55102 (which is the last known address of said attorney) by depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in t ited States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. , n /f � G. Subscribed ancl sworn to before me this 18th day of February, 2000. �' �� Notary Public R! s''S �R. i3pSSAi2D - FKI SNY ChMA9i58fON EXF'(fTE$ dA7i. 95. ZOCiS s » s� °� o � .-. n "� [:1 � O O � _ 't] m � � � b 7 -. � � � � m � � r �o��� � o��� �� �. , � o N -o � o � Y m p ° , a, a ... 6 . � o �. m co �� � � � �s `C O � C � �. � � � � ��x� � W� ���� � � �� � �� o� 0 � a � � � � � a � �e � � � µ 3 � 4 2 " �e Q 0 ti fi � p � fi N � � A. '�'� C A � � t � � r l�" February 28, 2000 STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFTCE OF ADMINi5TRATIVE HEARINGS 700 Washington Square, Suite 1700 100 Washington Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401-2138 Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney Civil Division 400 City HaN 15 West Kelfogg Soufevard St. Paui. MN 55102 S. Mark Vaught Attomey at Law 6 West Fifth Street Suite 700 St. Paui, MN 55102 RE: In the Matter of the Licenses heid by Metro Bar and Griii, Inc., dlb/a Arneilia's; OAH Docket No. 9-2111-1264�-3 Dear Counsel: This letter is in response to Ms. Paimer's request to extend the period for repiy briefs from February 28, 2000 to March 6, 2000. Her request is granted. { have not as yet received Mr, VaughYs initial brief. Although he has not requested an extension of the time to submif his initiai brief, in light of the above extension i w+li extend the time period for his initial brief to March 1, 2000. !f Respondent wishes to fi{e a repiy, it too mus# be filed by March 6, 2000. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, �,t� G� ��..�.,.- PHYLLfS A. REHA Administrafive Law Judge Telep hone: 612/341-7602 PAR:mki Providing impartial Hearings for Government and.Citizens An Equal OppoRUnity Empfoyer Administrative Law Section & Administrative Services (612) 341-760D � TDD No (612) 341-7346 � Fax No. (652) 3q9-2665 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Clayton M. Robimon, Jr., City Afiorney CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, :4tayar Civil Division 400 Ciry Hall I S West KelZogg Blvd Saint Pau1. Minnesota SSIO2 Pelephome: 651266-8710 Facsimile: 651298-� 619 Febniary 24, 2000 The Honorable Phyliis A. Reha Administrative Law Judge Office of Administrative Hearings 100 Washington Square, Suite 1700 Minneapolis, MN 55401-2138 RE: In re the licenses hetd by Metro Bar & Grill, Inc., d!b(a Arnellia's Dear Judge Reha: � �� ' � � - .� � ;7 ✓ � ;� �_ � G � � f l� ,.� f �-�' - w � � co I am writing to you regarding the briefing schedule in the above-referenced cased, which you heazd on January 26, 2000. The City and the Licensee were to submit sianultaneous written final argument by February 18, 2000, with reply briefs due by February 28, 2000. I will be out of town tomorrow and Monday, and am requesting an ea�tension of the reply brief deadline from February 28, 2000 to March 6, 2000. I spoke to Mr. Vaught, who had no objection to my request for an extension of the reply brief deadline. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. If you have any questions, I can be reached at(651) 266-8719. Sincerely (/ � �,c,�(' w�-r� � Vixginia . Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: S. Mazk Vaught OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEX Claytnn M. Robinsorr, Jr., CityAttorney CITY O�' SAINT PAUL �' :_ :; `�'i _ J Norm Colera¢n, Mayor �9 ��G 3�� �i� 9� 2� December 15, 1999 Amellia Allen Amellia's 1183 University Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 r.. ',� "� i� ( i� i�ti c= •' il ` inNli`�VJ Civi[Division 400 Ciry Hatt - TeZephone: 63I ?66-87I0 ISYYUtKetloggBlvd Faalmile:651298-i679 SaiM Paul, Minxesota i5101 RE: A111icenses held by Meho Baz & Grill, Inc. dtbla Arnellia's for the premises at ll 83 Universiry Ave. in St. Paul License ID #: 54523 Dear Ms. Allen: Our office recently sent out a NOTICE OF HEAFiING dated December I5, 1999, which mistakenly identified "3anuary 26, 1999" as the date for your up-coming administrative hearing. The date should more appropriately be "7anuary 26, 2000." I wish T could blame this on Y2K, but it was only a typo on my part. T apologize if this caused any confusion. If you have any questions, you can call me at 266-8710. Very tru��ours /`��%`�� � Peter P. Pangborn J �' Legal Assistant cc: Mark Vaught, Suite 700, Six West Fifth St., St. Paul, MN 55102 Nancy Thomas, O�ce of Admuustrative Hearings, 100 Washington Squaze, Suite 1700, Mpls, MN 55401 Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary, 310 City Hall Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Cathy Lue, Community Organizer, Hamline Midway Coalition,l �fi4 Lafottd Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEy CI¢yfon M. Rabinson, Jr., CityAttorney CITY OF SAINT PAUL �' �_ ^ - f '� �'" ��,,,ro�v;�co„ _.,_:.�. Norm Cnlemair, Mayor �� 11 r �� 40 y Ci ` ry Ha11 Te(epkone: 6i1266-8710 i.�'i UCC � 0 Nl i 6�-e•y�t Ke1la�g Blvd Facsimile: 6il 298-i679 Saint P¢ul, iYlinnesota 55702 e;..,r;:'`;, ,; \� i i i,�i i i'i � 11`l:1llft�t�� December 15, 1999 NOTICE OF HEARING Arnellia Allen Arnellia's 1183 University Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 RE: All licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill, Inc. d/b!a Amellia's for the premises at 1183 University Ave. in St. Paul License ID #: 54523 Dear Ms. A11en: Please take notice that a hearing will be heid at the following time, date and place concerning all licenses for the premises stated above: Date: Wednesday, January 25,1999 Time: 9:30 a.m. Ptace: Room 41 Saint Paul City Aall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 The hearing will be presided over by an Administrative Law Judge from the State of Minnesota Office of Adsninistrative Hearings: Name: Phyllis A. I2eha Offica of Administrative Hearings -- 100 `Vashington Square, Suite 1700 ;, Minneapolis, MN. 55401 Telephone: (612) 341-7602 The Councii of the City of Saint Paul has the authority to provide for hearings concerning licensed premises and for adverse action against such licenses, under Chapter 310, including sections 310.Q5 and 310.06, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. In the case of licenses for intoxicafing and non- into�cicating liquor, authoriry is also conveyed by Minnesota Statutes section 340A.4i5. Adverse action may include revocation, suspension, fines and other penalties or conditions. Evidence will be presented to the judge which may lead to adverse action aeainst all the licenses you hold at the above premises as follows: � On September23,1499 therewas a shooting outside ofArneilia's, near the alley on the west side of the buiiding. Saint Paul police officers zvent to the bar later that day to recover tapes from the video surveillance cameras to assist the police in idenrifying the suspects in the shooting. Officer Johnson was informed by the owner that there was no camera near the area in question. When asked if police could review the other camera tapes, the owner stated that the cameras were not taping at the time of the incident. There is a condition on the licenses that the License holder must maintain "in good working order at least four video surveillance cameras on the exterior of the building to constantly monitor the exterior of the premises. Tapes must be maintained for 7 days." Failure to have the video cameras on and taping on September 23,1999 is a violation of the condition. On October 7, 1999 there were shots fired outside of Arnellia's, and an individual was run down in the parking lot and killed. Saint Paul police o�cers obtained the tapes from the video surveillance cameras to assist the police in investigating the incident. SeveralmembersofthehomicideUnitwatchedthetape provided, and it was apparent that a large portion of tfie events from October 7, 1999 are not on the tape. It appears that the security cameras were not activated until after the incident in which the person was killed, as the first thing from the date in quesfion is the arrival of the squads called to in� estigate. AdditionaRy, the times and dates on the tapes make no sense, and the items being viewed in 2he speci£ic surveillance areas covered by the various cameras shift abruptly. There is a condirion on the licenses that the License holder must maintain "in good working order at least four video surveillance cameras on the exterior of the building to constantly monitor the esterior of the premises. Tapes must be maintained for 7 days." Failure to have the video cameras on and taping at all times on October 7, 1999 is a violation of the condition. �.;, Notice of Hearing - Page 2 You have the right to be represented by an attorney before and during the hearing, or you can represent yourself. You may also have a pezson of your choice represent you, to the extent not prohibited as unauthorized practice of law. • The hearing will be conducted iu accordance with the requirements of Minnesota Statutes sections 14.57 to 14.62 and such parts of the procedures under section 310.05 of the Saint Pau1 LeQislative Code as may be applicable. y At the hearing, the Administrative Law Judge will have all parties identify themsel'ves for the record. The City will then present its witnesses and evidence, each of whom the licensee or attomey may cross-examine. The licensee may then offer in rebuttal any wimesses or evidence it mav �vish to present, each of whom the City's attorney may cross-examine. The Administrative Law Iudge may in addition hear relevant and material testimony from persons not presented as witnesses hy either party who have a substantial interest in the outcome of the proceeding; for exampie, the o�vners or occupants of property located in close proximity to the licensed premises may have substantial interest in the outcome of the proceeding. Concluding arguments may be made by the parties. Following the hearing, the 3udge wi11 prepare Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and a specific recommendation for action to be taken by the City Council. You should bring to the hearing all documents, records and witnesses }�ou will or may need to support your position. Subpoenas may be available to compel the attendance of witnesses or the production of documents in conformity with Minnesota Rules, part 1400.7000. If you think that tius matter can be resolved or settled without a formal hearing, please contact ar have your attorney contact the undersigned. If a stipulation or agreement can be reached as to the facts, that stipulation will be presented to the Administrative Law Judge for incorporariQn into his or her recommendation for Council action. If you fail to appear at the hearing, your ability to challenge the allegations will be forfeited and the allegations against you which have been stated earlier in this notice may be taken as true. If non- public data is received into evidence at the hearing, it may become public unless objection is made and relief requested under Minnesota Statutes, Section 14.60, subdivision 2. If you have any questions, you can ca11 me at 2b6-871Q. Very tnxiy yours, �� \ n = 'tic �J �,�-t'� Virginia l�: Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Mark Vaught, Suite 700, Six West Fifth St., St. Paul, NRV 55102 Nancy Thomas, Office of Administrative Hearings, 100 Washington Square, Suite 170Q, Mpls, MN 55401 Notice of Aearing - Page 3 Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary, 310 City Hall Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP � Cathy Lue, Community Organizer, Hamline Midway Coalition,1564 Lafond Ave., St. Paul, NN 55104 ' Notice of Hearing - Page 4 � 4 � OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS ROR THE COUITCIL O� THE CTTY OF SAII`�T PAUL In Re The Licenses Held By Metro Baz & Gril1, Inc. d/bfa Arnellia's C"i ( Z�� CITY'S PROPOSED EXHIBITS 7anuary 26, 200Q T0: Judge Phyllis A. Reha, Administrative Law Judge, Office of Administrative Hearings, 100 Washington Square, Suite 1700, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 The following constitutes a list of the Ciry's proposed e�ibits for the Administrative Hearing on January 26, 2000. Exhibit No. E�. No. 1 E�. No. 2 Exh. Na!�3� .� 1" ' E�. NoC �1 �� � E�. No. 5 E�, No� > � , �E�. No. 7� y�� E�. No. 8 JYuf ''' �� Description License Information Report, dated September 30, 1999 (4 pp.); License conditions for Metro Bar & Grill, Inc. rUb1a Arnellia's (1 p.); Police Report CN99-157945, prepared by Officer Gerald E. Johnson, dated Septembet 23, 1999 (2 pp.); Police Report CN99-15794�, prepazed by Sgt. Richard J. Munoz, dated September 23, 1999 (S pp.); Norice of Violation, dated Septemher 30, 1999, with Affidavit of Service � PP�); Police Report CN99-167633, prepared by Sgt. Mazk C. Kempe, dated November 8, 1999 (2 pp.); Video tape recovered from the licensed establishment on October 7, 1999; Letter from Ms. Arnellia Allen, dated October 29, 1949 (2 pp.); A +( 'E�i. No. 9 E�. No. 10 �� i Notice of Second �Jiolation, dated November 10, 1999, with �davit of Service (3 pp.); , Notice of Hearing, dated December 1�, 1999, with �davit of Service t� PP-)� Also attached please find courtesy copies of applicable St. Pau1 City ordinances: St. Pau1 Legislative Code § 310.05 St. Pau1 Legislarive Code § 310.06 St. Paul Legislative Code § 310.17 Respectfully submitted this 26th day of January, 2000. �. � Virginia D mer Assistant Ciry Attomey Office of The City Attorney 400 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612)266-8710 � � �s P1 �, r: � � � � � � k � �a . � �� �-. y � 0 � � y � �i �� � � I �� i I Z �" ! C � m D . � �7 � � D � �i G r N1 m r�� r2 ' m: � ���� �I � �i� ni NI I i I � i � I �� I 'i i I i I� i I I �I �+ �i � wl m �' WI x W �, �i W � �AI �I NI N � �l v� � �i� IZ c � i� I� 1=I IN I I Ci N� �, � i � � m. � �: Z m �, L_ i -: !m'I c iv� ! nl m � �. 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D� mi �; �: �, m; A r r Z n D—, Z! �� mi W� ri D} y� mi �� m I i i � o wI yI A zi � mi � �I f 1 < m �� � n �� I i � �� ; zQ , < ca , m �� , • � � ; � � �i D � c, G r- �+.i � m ` -mi I � ,N1 nl ; !�� � � (mi I I�� , �; ;i � � I I � � , i I � 'I � � � ' I I I � ,� �i W j -�� w� v; w, x. w� o, p�i DJI >i� yl Nj N I cn N � �� �i �� �I � Zj fm� ;, iNl �;; v , �i �. c�: 3 �' m; � Z , �. l ;�I i v', 3I �Ni i .�� i o: �� I i i�� a� �i � i � � I mI v � �I I�i i � I u �� �� � n� ° c� �I 0 m� a� �! m z: y� v, �: g. Q„ m, � � r Z C) D'- z� o, W1 r' ➢! r � Z! p',;ml �I � � i � �' -'-� � '' , o wi � � c Qi �� �� N �J D < m �� � License Group Conditions Text Licensee: METRO BAR & GRILL INC �BA. ARNELIIA'S License #: p054523 09/29H 999 EFFECTIVE 07/08/99: 1. Dress Code: Amellia's agrees to continue to enforce a dress code for customers designed specifically to prevent paVOns or customers from concealing weapons or contra6and i�side baggy clothing or weari�g ga�g affiliated cqlors. 2. Adherence to Strict Identification Requirements: Amellia's will require proper picture identification from anyone who appears to be younger than 30 years old. Those without proper identification shall be denied entrance. 3. Inaease Communication with Police and Neighbors: Amellia's shall initiate and main7ain regufar communication with the west sector team police commander or his designee, and licensing offipals. Christine Rozek and Kris6na Schweinler. Meetings shall include neighborhood organizations to the extent possible. 4. Controi Music 7ype and Format Amellia's shall conBnue to be responsible for screening out music that promotes or glorifies violence and nefarious or arti-social behavior. 5. Amellia's management and security personnel will i�sure that patrons do not leave enmasse, but rather, management and secuirty will encourage patrons to leave in an orderly and conV011ed manner behveen 12:30 a.m. and 1:'15 a.m. 6. The pubiic telephones shalt not allow incoming cafis, nor any caiis to or from electronic beepers or pagers. 7. Amettia's shall mainUan a fist of atl patrons who have been banned from the esta6lishment, and this list s0a11 be stnct4y enforced by Arnellia's. Such list shall include proper identification of that person, photograph and a notice of trespass. This nofice should be in triplicate with one copy going to each of the following: �) Maintained by the esfabiishment; 2) LIEP; 3) the indfvidual being banned. Once banned, a person will remain banned for a minimum of one year. Amellia's will cooperate unth police in filling out trespass notice{s). 8. Arneltia's shalf conGnue to provide security personnel to promote the orderiy behavior of patrons on and leaving the premises. The premises shall i�GUde the area immediately adjacent to the establishmeat. Speciaf attenfion wilf be paid to en�uragi�g patrons to leave the area. 9. All employees and security personnel information shall be provided to LIEP for background checks. 10. Amellia's will employ the use of a metal detecting devices to ensure there are no weapons on the premises. � L Licensee holder vrill maintain in good working order at leasi 4 video surveillance cameras on the exterior of Yne building to constantry monitor the exterior of the premises. Tapes must be maintained for 7 days. 12. A video surveillance camera shall be maintained in good working order in the interior of the esiablishment to monitor customers as they enter the establishment. Tapes must be maintained for 7 days. 13. Signage shaff be posted on the exterior of the building to rwtify patrons that the area may be under video surveiNance. 14. Security personnel will be on duty daily finm 8:00 p.m. until closing. 15. Back door wiil remain locked after 5:30 p.m. to prevent entry. 16. The ficensee wilt lock�the door of the establishment at �2:30 a.m. No additional patrons witt be allowed entry after that 6me. 17. Conditions reviewed at renewal. � � , Grill, Inc. dibla Arnellia's _ City's Eah. # 2 r � Saint Paui Police Department �a9e � � SUPPLEMENTAL OFFENSE / I.NGIDENT REPORT Complamt Number Reference C,N. Pamary oXertse Date and Tme ot RepoR 99-157945 AGG RAVAT ED A SSAULT 09I2311999 14:52 Pnmary Repomng Offitec �ERALD E.lOHNSON Cocaaon ofinddentr Primar� oSense deta�7: Pnmary squad: � 90 Secondar� repoting ofhcer. Dismct: WESTERN ( WEST.DIST/N.QFC ) SeconCary offense: Name otlocaHon/6usiness: Date S 6ma of occurence; Afrest made? Date 8 Sme of amest: POUCE PEftSONNEL 1NVOLYED Arrestmadeonview: NQ Parsuitertgaged: rJQ Rrrest made on wanant or pravioos CN: (�JQ Weapons used by police: (�}Q Weaports used dy suspect at time of anesf: NO Resrsia�ce encou�tered: NO CHARGES NONE NAMES OWNER ARNELIA ALLEN 1183 UNIVERSITY AV W STPAUL MN 55104 PhysicalDescripUon Phanes � �� sex FEMALE Hergbt Ha�rcolor Home phone 651-642-5975 �`� Race B�,qCK Nispanic D08 Age Weight Ha'v Type -� � Budd Hai�Length � t � SWn Facia! Harr �l �v � �� Physical Condkion Employment `� l Consciousness CONSCIOUS Occupa6on OWNER Drugla/coho/ use FmWoyer SEIF CRlME SCENE DESCRIPTORS Crime Scene ryPe Descnpfion Method & Point of Entry Farce used NOT FORCED Point al entry Method 'ROPERTY � ONE � --"",. � � � �--- - , ( � /, Griil, Inc. d/b/a Arnellia's _ � `�=1S.� f`` C C (� �7� City's Exh. # 3 ,� .. Saint Paul Poiice Department °age 2 SUPPLEMENTAL OFFENSE / INCIDENT REPORT Comp'aint Number Reference CN. Pnmary oBense , 99-157945 AGGRAVATED ASSAULT Date and 7ime of fteporf 09/23/1999 14: 52 VEHICLE INFORMATION NONE NARRATIVE SQUAD 190, G,JOHNSON, WAS SENT Td 1�83 UNiVEftSiTY, ARNELtA'S BAR, TO RECOVER THE TAPE FROM THE1R VIDEO CAMERA. THERE WAS A SHOOTlNG THERE UNDER TNIS CN. UPON ARRIVAL, I TRLKED TO THE OWNER HERSELF, ARNELIA ALLEN PH- 65'i-642- 5975. I EXPl1aINED TO HER THAT f WOULD LIKE TO COLLECT THE ViDEO CAMERA TAPE FROM LAST NIGHT TO HELP IDENTIFY THE PEOPLE INVOLVED. ARNELIA SAID SHE HEARD THERE HAD BEEN A SHOOTiNG IAST NIGHT BEHIND THE BAR BUT THAT THERE WAS NO CAMERA THERE. I THEN ASKED WHERE SHE HAD CAMERAS. SHE SAID THERE WERE CAMERAS LOCATED ON THE EASl' SIDE OF THE BUILDING. 1 THEN SAiD THAT lT WAS POSSIB�E THAT ONE OF THE CAMERAS WOULD HAVE RECOROED SOMETHING USEFUL IN IDENTIFYING SUSPECTS. ARNE�IA THEN CALLED HER SON, LARRY ALLEN, PH 770-1477, AND TALKED TO HfM. SHE THEN TOLD ME THAT LARftY SAID THEY DID NOT HAVE THE CAMERAS ON AND TAPING LAS7 NIGHT. i THEN WALKED OUTSIDE AND SAW ONE CAMERA ON THE SOUTH SfOE, WEST END OF THE BUILDING, POINTED TOWARDS THE FRONT DOOR. I ALSO SAW TWO MORE CAMERAS ON THE EAST SiDE OF THE BUILDING, ONE ON THE SOUTH END FACiNG IN A NORTH- EASTERLY DIRECTING AND THE OTHER WAS QN THE NaRTH END FACING IN A SOUTH-EASTERLY DIRECTION. THERE WAS ALSO A FOURTH CAMERA IN TriE BACK OF THE BU1LQlNG, ON THE NQRTH WALL AND LOCATED NEAR THE EAST END OF THE BUILDING. THIS CAMERA WAS P0INTED TOWARDS THE NORTH-WESTERLY DIRECTION. PLEASE SEND A COPY TO THE ClTY LICENSING DIVISION Please distribute to: �CFiF _Hom _Sex _D/C _CO _Rptr _Rob _1uv _Oper _PSC _Lab _Burg _Theft _Prop _CAU _F&F Vice Nazco SIU T&A Other _Rec �Team _Au[o _DAO Saint Pau{ Police Department Page , _ _. .... SUPPLEMENTAL OFFENSE / iNCIDENT REPORT Comp'aint Number Reterenca C.N. Pnmary offense Date and Time ot RepoR 99-157945 Agg. Assault ' 09/23/1999 20:44 Primary Repoi6ng Oihce� RICHARD .l MUNOZ Primary otiense detad: Pdmary squad: 719 Secondary raporting officer. ��+�� WESTEfttS ( CAPERS-HOMiCIDE ) Secondary oXense: Locaffon ofincident Name otfoca6aNbusiness: Date & Sma of occurence: Arresf made? Date 8 6me of arrest POLICE PERSONNEL iNVOLVED Arresf made on view: NO A�rest made on warrant or pievious GN: NO Pursud engaged: pf Q Resrstance encauntered.' NO Weapons used by poGce: NO Weapons used by suspect at tlme of a�rest NO CHARGES NONE NAMES NONE CRIME SCENE �ESCRIPTORS Crime Scene Ty� Descdption PROPERTY NOlVE VEHICLE 1NFORMATiON NONE Method 8 Polni of EMry Porce used NOT FORCED Paint ot entry Method 0 NARRATIVE 4, Sergeant Munoz, was assig�ed to investigate this incident. On September 23, '19999 at '1815 hrs. I went to Amellia's Bar to see if there was a video taQe to recover from the time of this incident. When f arrives at the bar 1 first observed a group ofi 6-7 biack males hanging in the parking lot. After i parked and got out and approached the front door there only remained 5 btaCk maies stilt hanging in the tot. I asked the group ifi any of them worked at the bar and they said no. I then walked to the front door was was the� toid by one ofi the male that he did work for the bar. f then went into the bar and met the owner Ameliia. 1 explained to her that I was investigating the incident that had occurced the night before at closing. 1 asked AmeUia if any officers had been there Yo recover her video security tape and she said yes. She expiained to me that she didn't have a tape to give the officer because ths camera in the � � C. �� �� ? .s , x .W U y H 'yia �U � Saint Paui Poiice Department Page 2 SUPPLEMENTAL OFFENSE / INCIDENT REP4RT Comqaint Number Relerance C.N. Primary ottense � Dafe and Time ot Report 99-157945 Agg. Assault 09/23/1999 20:04 rear was broken and wasn't working. I asked if any of the cameras were wor(vng and if she had a tape in the recorder and she said no. She then showed me a video tape and toid me it was full and that the recoder wasn't on. I then explained to Ameflia that there was a group of people hanging in the parking lot and she told me that one of them was working for fier. Ptease distribute Yo: _CHF _Hom _Sex _D!C _CO _Rptr _Rob _Juv _Oper _PSC _L.ab _Rec _Team ` Butg _TheR _Prop _CAU _F&F _Auco _DAO Vice Nazco SIU T&A Other Saint Paul Police Department Page 3 _ _ SUPPLEMENTAL OFFENSE i 1NCIDENT REPORT Gamp/aint Number Refe2nca C.N. Pnmar/ oflense Date and Time of Report 99-157945 Agg. Assauft ' 09>23/1999 20:04 P4ease distribute to: _CHF _Hom _Sex _D/C _CO _Rpts _Rob ^ Juv _Oper _PSC _Lab _Rec _Team _Burg �Thefr _Prop _CAU _F&F _Auto _DAO Vice Nazco SIU T&A Qther OFFICF ' TE� CIT�,' ATTORNEY Claymrs M. ..obinson, Js., City Attorney CITY OF SA1NT' PAUL Norm Caleman, Mayor Civil Divisinn 400 Ciry Ha71 I S St�est Kellogg Blvd Saint Paul, �Llinnesota 55102 Telephone: 657 266-8710 Facsimile: 651298-5619 September 30, 1999 NOTICE OF VIOLATION Amellia Allen Amellia's 1183 University Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 RE: All licenses held by Metro Baz & Griil, Inc. d/b/a Arnellia's for the premises at 1183 University Avenue License ID #: 54523 Dear Ms. Al1en: The Director of the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has recommended adverse action against all licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill d/b/a Amellia's for the premises at 1183 University Avenue. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: On September 23,1999 there was a shooting outside of Arnellia's, near the alley on the west side of the building. Saint Paul palice officers went to the bar later that day to recover tapes from the video surveillance cameras to assist the police in idenfifying the suspects in the shooting. Officer Johnson was informed by the owner that there was no camera near the area in question. When asked if police could review the other camera tapes, the owner stated that the cameras were not taping at the time of the incident. There is a condition on the licenses that the License holder must maintain "in good working order at least four video surveillance cameras on the exterior of the buiiding to constantly monitor the exterior of the premises. Tapes must be maintained for 7 days." Failure to have the video cameras on and taping on September 23, 1999 is a violation of the condifion. � � Grill, Inc. d/b/a Arnellia's _ City's Exh. # 5 Page 2 Ameilia Allen September 30, 1999 If you do not dispute the above facts piease send me a letter with a statement to that effect. The matter wi11 then be scheduled for a hearing before the St. Paui City Council to detemune what penalty, if any, to impose. You will have an opportunity to appeaz and speak on your own behalf, or to have someone appeaz theze for you. On the other hand, if you wish to dispute the above facts, I will schedule an evidentiary hearing before an Administrative Law Judge (AL3}. If you wish to have such a hearing, please send me a letter stating that you aze contesting the facts. You will then be sent a"Notice of Hearing," so you will know when and where to appeaz, and what the basis for the hearing will be. In either case, please let me know in writing no later tHan Monday, October 11, 1999, how you would like to proceed. If I have not heard from you by that date, I will assume that you are not contesting the facts. The matter will then be scheduled for the hearing before the St. Paul Cify CounciL ' Tf you have any questions, feel free to call me or have your attorney call me at 26b-8710. Sincerely, ` �/��cFJ. J��,"c���-uch Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessler, DirecYOr, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Cathy Lue, Community Ozgainzer, Hamline Midway Coalition, 1564 Lafond Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104 STATE OF MIPNES0IA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEV AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on October l, 1999, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOZ,ATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Arnellia Al1en Arnellia`s 1183 University Avenue St. Paul, MN. 55104 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn this 1s�� of �' / .0 I ti �� '�/��. to before me ■ .- �� � ��r.�. 6122653844 5aint Paul Police Department P.az�e3 Page t _ SUPPLEMENTAL OFFENSE / fNC1DENT REPORT Comp(eint Numbe/ Relslence C.N. • Pdmary oflanse Date and T/me afReport 99- investigation of Deatb '1 i/08/1999 11:13 PAmary ReperCng Officer. �K C KEMPE Pdmery o9ense defa8; Pnmarysquad: 715 Secontlery repwt/ng olfic�r. �� WESTERN ( CApERS-HOMICIOE ) SeCOr�Cery of/ense: Locaaon of/nrJdanL tJame olloc&UaNOUSiness Date 8 tlme of accumncs: Arrest madel Date 8 Sme of a,resY.• POLICE PERSDNNEL IN110LVED � AneSt an HeW: {�JQ MestmadeonwenanCOipiuNousCN.' NO Weepons usad by po6ce: � p Weaporrsused6ysuspectatHmeofertasr. NO Pursuitengaged: NO Resishanee antountered: NO CHARGES �� NONE NAMES � � NONE CRiME SCENE DESCRlPTORS �� Crima Scene Typa Descrip6an Method & Polnt oJ EnUy Force used {�OT FORCED Poln[ ofentry MeMOd PROPERTY NONE VENICIE INFaRMAT10N NONE NaR�zanvE On 10-7-98, a shoft time after the incident occurred, Off. Arnoid obtained from Arneilia's a video tape af severai areas outside of fhe buiiding. The tape is supposad to be a reCOrding of events +'ecorded on 11-7-99. This tape was then given to Sgt. Younghans. Severa{ members of the Nomicide Unit, induding myself, watched the tape and agree there is a large portion of events not recorded on the tape. lt appears tfie security cameras were not on during the incident in which Mr. Fariey was kiiled, but were tumed on immediately aftervvards. The tape monitors three areas outside the Amellia's buiiding; the front door, the back door and parking area to the east of tfie buiiding. The screen is divided into fourths, but one section (upper � r � C L �� _� �. �s .� x u y � y�. =U � J NOV-09-1999 14�04 S7. PAUL PDLICE 99i P•02 N011-09-1999 14�08 6122653844 P.03/03 Saint Paui Palice Department P� z SUPPLEMENTAL OFFENSE i INCIDENT REPORT CartrplaintNam6er Reference C.N. Pnmery oilanse Date antl Time otRepod 99-167fi33 { nvesfs g ation of Death 11t08 11:13 left) is btank The lower left side of the sueen is the front door area of Amellia's. ft also includes ' University Avenue east of Amelfia's frorrt door. The fower right portion of the screen is the back door area with a large dumpster and parking spots. The upper right screen is the east parking. The dates and times racorded onto the tapa do not make any sense, the tape begins with�the date of 10�0-89 at �70o hours. The tape continues on the date of 10-30.89 to 0850 untiN there is cSearly a break in the sequence of events. The tape counter dispiayed on the screen jumps to 11-7-89 with a time of 12�'I:42 and after a shoR time, shows severaf squad cars arriving on University Avg to the easi of the front door. in addition to Ehe sudden jump in the dates of the tape counter, tha items bei�g viewed in the specific surveiffance areas also change abruptiy. The foilowing scenes are on the tape at � 0-30-89, at 0850:50 just prior to the break in sequence: - 7he front door area of Ameilia's is empty with no peopie around. - The back door area shows a large van parked facing south and a 2 door sedan parked on the west side of the dumpster. - The eas# side parking shows thres vehiclss, a smal! sedan facing east, a mini van faeing east and an SUV type vehicle parked facing west The tape then has a clear break in sequence to 11-7-89 ai 1211:42, and fhe following changes have occurred in the tape: - Tnere is a large crowd of people near the front door of Ameflia's and people continue to exit fhe bui(ding. Squad cars then arrive on University Ave. and stop to the east of the front door. - The rear of the building shows a white car pariced on ffie east side of the dumpster and a large van par4ced facing noRh. - The east parking shows a white convertible facing west and a van facing easf, Please distribute ta: _CNF _Hom _Seac _D/C _CO ,_Rptr NOU-�9-1999 14�04 _Rab _Juv _Oper _PSC �Burg _TheR _Prap _CAU Vice Narco SN T&A ST. PAUL POLICE 99� Lab Rec T�am F&F Auto DAO Other T07AL P.03 P.03 I� � l ' October 29, 1999 Robert Kessler, Director License, Inspections and Environmental Protection 300 Lowry Professional Building 350 Saint Peter Street Saint Paul MN 55102 Dear Mr Kessler: In light of the recent incident Arneilia"s stafF have met with interested community leaders and formulated the fol4owing as a means to deal with some issues: • We have ordered signs for the property, " No Trespassing - Violators will be prosecuted" and "Private property - No loitering". Signs will be delivered on Wednesday, November 3 and in place by Thursday, November 4, 1999. • We are pricing Halogen lighting fiorArnellia's parking lot, on the buifding on the � West side, to face the Antiques Minnesota lot and at the rear of our building expect to have this work completed within the next 2- 3 weeks. • We wil{ put additionai informatior on our ca{endar regarding the strict dress enforcement. We code y � U n d� :s � � . �� �� U � � L :U i C7 • Our VCR was in need of repair and is now in proper working order. Tapes are placed each day. We are using two sets of tapes and keeping them 4or a week before we tape over them. • We are in the process of looking at other promotional ideas that do not appeal to younger audiences on Wednesday and Thursday nights. • We have increased our diligence in making sure that patrons that have been barred from the establishment do not enter. • We wili continue to work with the interested citizens "The "Just Stop �t" Non- Violence Campaign" to make these and other items are carried out We welcome any other suggestions that may be forth coming to improve conditions for AmelOa's On-The-Avenue • New gathering spot tor foad, ddrdc, musk and hospitaBty • 1183 University Ave. W., St. Pauf, MN. SS10d •(672) 642-597E our neighbors, patrons and employees. Sincerely, . l�� Amellia Allen Owner cc: Mayor Norm Coleman City Council members Chief W(liam K Finney Commander Dan Carlson The "Just Stop IY' Tyrone Terrell Biily Collins Johnny Howard DonEsther Morris Rev Devin Miiler Non-Violence Campaign OFFICF 'F � CITY ATTORNEY Cltry[on a ,binson, J>., Ciry Attorney CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Co(eman, .4f¢yor Civil Drvisian 400 Ciry Hall 15 West Kellagg Blvd Saint P¢u(, .Ninnzsota S51 D2 Telephone: b5! 26b-87f0 Facsimile: 657 298-5619 November iQ, 1999 NOTICE OP SECQND VIOLATIQN Arnallia Alien Amellia's 1183 University Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 RE: All licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill, Inc. dlbla Amellia's for the premises at 11$3 University Ave. in St. Paul License ID #: 54523 Deaz Ms. Ailen: The Director of the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has recommended adverse action against all licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill d/bla Amellia's for the premises at 1183 University Avenue. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: On October 7,1999 there were shots fired outside of Arnellia's, and an individnal was run down in the parking lot and killed. Saint Paul police officers obtained the tapes from the video surveillance cameras to assist the police in investigating the incident. Several members of the homicide Unit watched the tape provided, and it was apparent that a large portion of #he events from Qctober 7,1499 are not on the tape. It appears that the security cameras were not activated until after the incident in which the person was killed, as the first thing from the date in question is the arrival of the squads cailed to investigate. Additionally, the times and dates on the tapes make no sense, and the items being viewed in the specific surveillance areas covered by the various cameras shift abrugtly. There is a condition on the licenses that the License holder must maintain "in good worl:ing order at least four video surveillance cameras ofl the exterior of fhe building to constantly monitor the esterior of the premises. Tapes must be maintained for 7 days." Failure to have the vidpo cameras on and taping at all times on October 7,1999 is a violation of the condition. � � Grill, Inc. dlt�la Arnellia's — City's Exh. # 4 -" Page 2 Amellia Allen November 10, 1999 If you do not dispute the above facts please send me a letter with a statement to that effect. The matter will then be scheduled for a heaiing before the St. Paul City Council to determine what penalty, if any, to unpose. You wi11 have an opportunity to. appeaz and speak on your own behalf, or to have someone appear there for you. On the other hand, if you wish to dispute the above facts, I will schedule an evidentiary hearing before an Administrative Law 7udge (AL�. If you wish to have such a hearing, please send me a letter stating that you aze contestin; the facts. You will then be sent a"Notice of Hearing," so you wiil know when and where to appear, and what the basis for the hearing wiil be. In either case, please let me kno�v in writing no late than Monday, November 22,1999, how you wouid like to proceed. If I have not heard from you by that date, I will assume that you are not contesting the facts. The matter will then be scheduled for the hearing before the St. Paul City Council. � If you have ang questions, feel free to ca11 me or have your attorney call me at 266-8710. Sincerely, � � � �� ��- Virginia A. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Mark Vaught, Suite 700, Six West Fifth St., St. Faul, MN 55102 Robert Kessler, Airector, LIEP Christina Rozek, LIEP Cathy Lue, Community Orgainzer, Hamline Midway Coalition, 1564 Lafond Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104 STATS OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RA1`iIS&Y ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MA2L JOANNE G. CLEMEI�TS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on November 10, 1999, she served the attached NOTICE OF SECOND VIOT�ATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Arnellia Allen Arnellia' s 1183 University Avenue St. Paul, MN. 55104 (which is the last known address of same, with postage prepaid, in the Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this lOth dav of Novembe�, 1999. � l� r %vw�-> I/ Notar Public ERP.PANGBORN Y - NOTAflYPUBLIC-MINNESCTA ` My Cqmm. Exp¢es Jan. �t, 2000 said person) and depositing the OFF2Cz'—Oc THE CITY ATTORNEY ClaytOn. .abirtson, Jr., CrlyAttprney CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norne Coleman, Mayar Civi1 DiviSian a00 Crry Hall I S {f'ut Ketloeg B(vd Sain[ P¢ul, blinxuofa Si703 I'eLephone: 65I 166-8710 Facsimil e: 651398-3619 December 15, 1499 NOTICE OF HEARING Arnellia Allen Ameilia's 1183 University Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 RE: All licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill, Inc. dJbJa Arnellia's for the premises at 1183 University Ave. in St. Paul License ID #: 54523 Dear Ms. Allen: Please take notice that a hearing wi11 be held at the foilowing time, date and place concerning all licenses for the premises stated above: Aate: Wednesday, January 26, 1999 Time: 9:30 a.m. PIace: Room 41 Saint Paul City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard 5aint Paul, Minnesofa 55102 The hearing will be presided over by an Administrative Law Jud�e from the State of Minnesota Office of Administrative Hearings: Name: Phyllis A. Reha Office of Administrative Hearings 100 Washington Square, Suite 1100 Minneapolis, MN. 55401 Telephone: (612) 341-7602 � � Griil, Inc. d/b!a Amellia's — City's Exh. # 10 — 1'he Council of the City of .. _�nt Pau1 has the authority to provide for nearings conceming licensed premises and for adverse action against such licenses, under Chapter 310, including sections 310.05 and 310.06, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. In the case of licenses for intoxicatin� and non- into�cating laquor, authority is also conveyed by Minnesota Statutes section 340A.415. Adverse action may include revocation, suspension, fines and oEher penalties or conditions. Evidence will be presented to the judge which may lead to adverse action atrainst all the ticenses you hold at the above premises as foilows: � On September23,1449 fherezvas a shooting outside ofArnellia's, near the aIley on the Fvest side of the building. Saint Paul police officers went to the bar later that day to recover tapes from the video surveillance camerAS to assist the police in identifying the suspects in the shooting. Officer 3ohnson �vas informed by the o�vner that there was no camera near the area in question. When asked i£ police could review the other camera tapes, the o�vner stated that the cameras �vere not taping at the time of the incident. There is a condition on the licenses that the License holder must maintain "in good �vorl:ing order at least four video surveillance cameras on the exterior of the buiiding to constantly monitor the exterior of the premises. Tapes must be maintained for 7 days." Failure to have the video cameras on and faping on September 23, 1999 is a violation of the condit3on. On Octoher 7, 1999 there tivere shots t'ired outside of Arnellia's, and an individual was run down in the parking lot and l:illed. Saint Paul poiice officers obtained the tapes from the video surveillance cameras to assist the police in investigating the incident. 3everal members of the homic3de UnitFVatched the tape provided, and it was apparent that a large porfion of the events from October 7, 1999 are not on the tape. It appears that the security cameras were not activated until after the incident in which the person was killed, as the first thing from the date in question is the arrival of the squads called to inl�estigate. Additionally, the times and dates on the tapes make no sense, and the items being vie�ved in the specific surveilIance areas covered by thevarious cameras shift abruptiy. There is a condition on the licenses that the License holder must maintain "in good vvorking order at least four video sun�eiilance cameras on the e�terior of the building to constantly monitor the esterior of the premises. Tapes musY be maintained for 7 days." k'aiture to have the video cameras on and taping aC all times on October 7, 1999 is a violatian of the condition. Notice of Hearing - Page 2 You have the right to be L,.,,resented by an attomey before and du�.,�� the hearing, or you can represent yourself. You may also have a person of your choice represent you, to the extent not prohibited as unauthorized practice of law. The hearin� will be conducted in accordance with the r�quirements of �riinnesota Statutes sections 14.57 to 14.62 and such parts of the procedures under section 310.0� of the Saint Paul Legislative Code as may be apglicable. At the hearing, the Administrative La�v Judae will have all parties identify themsel"ves £or the record. The City wi11 then present its witnesses and evidence, each of whom the licensee or attorney may cross-examine. The licensee may then offer in rebuttal any witnesses or evidence it may �vish to present, each of whom the City's attomey may cross-examine. The Administrative Law Judge may in addition hear relevant and material testimony from persons not presentzd as �vitnesses by either party who have a substantial interest in the outcome of the proceeding; for e;cample, the o�vners or occupants of property located in close proximity to the licensed premises may have substantial interest in the outcome of the proceeding. Concluding arguments may be made by the parties. Following the heazing, the Judge will prepaze Findin�s of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and a specific recommendation for action to be taken by the City Council, You should bring to the hearing all documents, records and witnesses }�ou will or may need to support your position. Subpoenas may be availabie to compel the attendance of witnesses or the production of documents in conformity with Minnesota Ru1es, part 14Q0.700Q. If you think that this matter can be resolved or settled �vithout a formal hear]na, please contact or have your attorney contact the undersigned. If a stipulation or a�reement can be reached as to the facts, that stipulation will be presented to the Administrative Law Judge for incorporation into his or her recommendation for Council action. If you faii to appeaz at the heazin�, your ability to challenge the aliegations wiil be forfeited and the allegations against you which have been stated earlier in this notice may be taken as true. If non- public data is received into evidence at the hearing, it may become public unless objection is made and relief requested under Minnesota Statutes, Section 14.60, subdivision 2. If you have any questions, you can cail me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, � j \ � � n _i'L�.L�u.�'ti LJ �GL�Y�x..�� Virginia TJ Palmer Assistant City Attomey cc: Mark Vaught, Suite 7Q0, Six West Fifth St. St. Paul, �T 55102 Nancy Thomas, Office of Administrative Hearings, 1 QO Washinoton Square, Suite 170Q, Mpls, NIN SS401 Notice of Hearing - Page 3 Nancy Anderson, [�sistant Council Secretary, 310 City Hall Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Cathy Lue, Community Or�anizer, Hamline Midway Coalition, l�64 Lafond Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104 • Notice of Hearing - Page 4 STATE OF MID7N C�UNTY OF RAMS&Y ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on December 15, 1999, she served the attached NOTICE OF HEARING on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Arnellia A11en Arnellia`s 1183 University Avenue St. Paul, MN. 55104 (which is the last known address of same, with postage prepaid, in the Minnesota. on) and depositing the Sta es mails at St. Paul, G Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15 day of Decey�er, 1999. PE7ER P. PANGBORN NOSARY PUBLiC- MINVESOTA fy CAmm. E<prtes 3an. 31. 20G ; OR�GI�AL Presented By Referred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT P. Council File # bp � C �5' Green Sheet j ��� y� Date �� 1 RESOLVED, that the licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill, Inc. d/b/a Amellia's for the 2 premises at 1183 University Avenue in Saint Paul (License ID# 54523} are hereby suspended 3 for a period of foriy-five days, fifteen of the days to be stayed, for the violations occurring on 4 September 23, 1999 and October 8, 1999 of the condition on the licenses requiring that there be 5 video surveillance cameras operating on the exterior of the building and that tapes be maintained 6 for seven days. The suspension shall begin on the third Wednesday following passage and 7 approval of this resolution 9 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the findings of fact and conclusions of law contained in the 10 ALJ Report in this case dated May 3, 2000 are adopted as the written findings and conclusions of 11 the Council in this matter, except as amended below. The reasoning of the Memorandum of the 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ALJ attached to the findings and conclusions is not adopted. The recommendation of the ALJ for dismissal of the adverse action against the licenses is also not accepted. FURTHER RESOLVED, that the following amendments to the ALJ Report are hereby adopted: 1. Finding of Fact No. 3 is hereby amended to read as follows: 1 - -- - -- - - - --- - - - --- - :,a.:,.�::�,�:..:.�...-.�_:.: - - - - - - -- - 24 25 26 . Conditions have been 27 holder. the nei�hbors, the police and LIEP, and have been desioned 28 to deal with problems caused bv patrons of Amellia's. These 29 restrictions include imposing a dress code on customers, requiring 30 picture identification, banning individuals from the premises, 31 screening music played on the premises for inappropriate content, 32 using a metal detector to exclude weapons from the premises, and 33 providing security to ensure orderly behavior on the premises." 34 35 36 37 38 2. Finding of Fact No. 5 is hereby amended to read as follows: "5. After agreeing to the condirions regarding the video I•1 1 surveillance system, a manager at Amellia's developed a system to 2 be followed for tapin�. The first tape of the day would be started 3 when the establishment was opened for business, azound noon each 4 day. When that tape ran out, another employee inserted the second 5 tape. That tape would record until after closing. Tapes were kept 6 for a week and then reused for taping. Larry Allen testified that the 7 ta�es were not always started risht at openina, and that there was 8 no one empl'ovee responsible for insuring that the tape was 9 o�eratin�." 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 � 5. Finding of Fact No. 6 is hereby amended to read as follows: "6. In August, 1999, Amellia Allen discovered that one of the four surveillance cameras was not working properly. The camera operated properly in daylight, but did not return a clear image at night. The contractor who initially installed the system, Earl Allen, was contacted in eazly August, and he examined the system approximately one week later. The contractor concluded that a new camera was required and it was ordered from the manufacturer in California. 7erry Allen paid the contractor to order the camera on August 13, 1999. The date that the camera was ordered by the contractor is unknown. The failure to have this fourth camera in workin2 order was not listed as a basis for adverse action." Finding of Fact No. 7 is hereby amended to read as follows: "7. The camera was delivered to Amellia's in early September. The conuactor was notified that the camera had arrived. The camera had sti]1 not been installed bv the October 7. 1999 date, and testimony bv Jerry Allen at the hearine was that he did no follow- up to see what the delav was in installina the camera." Findin� of Fact No. 8 is hereby amended to read as follows: 38 "8. On September 23, 1999, a shooting incident occurred in the 39 alley behind Aruellia's. Testimony bv the�olice established that 40 the particioants had been oatrons of Amellia's eazlier in the 41 evenine. Sergeant Munoz of the Saint Paul Police Department 42 went to Arnellia's to obtain the videotape of the imagery captured 43 by the video surveillance camera. Ser�eant Munoz was informed 44 that there was no tape available for that evening. Larry Allen had 45 forgotten to put the second tape in that day." 46 47 48 Finding of Fact No. 12 is hereby amended to read as follows: 49 "12. Neaz midnight on October 7, 1999, an altercation began 50 between patrons in Arnellia's. Those part3cipating in the 51 altercation were removed from the premises. The dispute bo -S$,S 1 continued outside and someone fired shots. A car struck and killed 2 a pedestrian in the pazking lot of the estabfishment, and the body 3 was drag�ed into the middle of University Avenue at that time. A 4 large number of officers of the Saint Paul Police Department 5 responded to the scene." 6 7 9 7. Conclusion of Law No. 5 is hereby amended to read as follows: 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 "5. The Licensee is � ' .in violation of the condition on its license relatin� to maintaining tapes from the video surveillance cameras on both September 23, 1999 when no t�e was inserted and on October 7, 1999. when the tape was not operated until after the police had been called. �ke > > • �� 00 -SS.S 8. Conclusion of Law No. 6 is deleted and a new Conclusion of Law No. 6 is adopted to read as follows:: � �" � 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 "6. The short time between the two violations, and the fact that the second violation was within a week of Licensee beinQ notified that LIEP would be takina adverse action based upon the first violation reflect that the Licensee was not making serious efforts to comply with the condition." 9. Conclusion of Law No. 7 is hereby amended to read as follows: 38 39 "7. There is �a a basis for taking adverse acrion against the 40 Licensee under See�iaris � 310.06(b)(5) °-'���^�o of the Saint 41 Paul Legislative Code for 42 sysfem- {ailure to com�lv with the condition on the license 43 requiring that video surveillance cameras be maintained in eood 44 workin� arder and that tapes from the cameras be maintained for 45 seven davs." 46 47 48 This Resolution is based on the record of the proceedings before the ALJ, including the 49 hearing on January 26, 2000, the documents and exhibits introduced therein, the findings of fact 50 and conclusions of law of the AL7 as referenced above, the written submissions by counsel for 51 the parties, and the azguments and statements of the parties and the deliberations of the Council 1 in open session on 7une 7, 2000. 2 ao �S$5 3 A copy of this Resolution, as adopted, shall be sent by first class mail to the 4 Administrative Law Judge, and to the Licensee's attomey, S. Mark Vaught. ' 5 6 � 7 Requested by DepartmenC of: sy: Form Approved by City Attorney ,� By: / ____y�°^^.�-C Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council HY � ' t '�� a ' j— � ' � � B y : Approved by Mayor: Date L�YYG 1^7 r.pyQ By !� ��C�2 \ Adopted by Council: Date e�� �Ob Adoption Certified by Counci ecretary oo-5gS DEPARTMENT/OFFICFJC-0UNCiL GTE1NrtuTED c�� June9 ,ZOOO GREEN SHEET No ���� -�" � 266-8710 �""��`� �""""��' u.ue,�m�row�cra, «n�w�ce MUST 8E ON COUNCIL AGQJDA BY (DAl� ' AalIGN 7une14,2000 xu�rswrs ° "` T ` O° �'` �° rto�rnxc oxDVt w1MKJn� sFUUxcss ooL ❑ cNaNCU6 av,wuccrc ❑����,�.� a TOTAL # OF SiGNATURE PAGES (CUP ALL LOCATiONS FOR SIGNATURE) tON REQUESTm Resolution finalizuig City Council action taken June 7, 2000, conceming adverse action against all licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill, Inc., dba Arnellia's, 1183 Uzriversity Avenue. R COMMENOATIONApprove(A)wRejeG(R) VERSONqLSERYICECONTRA4TSMUSTAMSWERTt4EF�LLOWIN6QUE5SION5: 1. Has this persoMrrm ever wnrked uMer a coMract tw this departmeM? PL4NNING CAMMISSION YES NO CIBCOMMITTEE 2. MasthispewoNfrmeverbemacityempbyee7 CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION rES No 3. Dces this persoruTi�m possess a sidll not normallyp�seE by arry cu�eM cM1y employee'1 YES NO 4. Is this pe'soNfirm a}argeted vendoR YES NO Fxplain all yea ansxeis on upa2te shee[ aM attach to preen sheet INITWTING PROBLEM ISSUE.OPPORNNI7Y(Who, What, When, Where, Why) AOVAN7AGES IF APPROVED DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVE� 70TAI. AMOUNT oF TRANSACTION f CO3T/REVENUE BUDGEfED (CIRCLE ONE� YES NO FUNOING SOURCE ACTNIIY NUMBER FlNANCWLINFORMAiION(IXPWN) ��R1�,"'�� 13y�!!��� w�a� � � �Q�� -Tt J � J c/ile ? �!� Andy Dawkins State Representative Minnesota po-5�� Disirict 65A Ramsey County House of Representatives COMMITTEES: TAXES: CIVIL LAW; JOBS AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT June 1, 2000 To Whom It May Concern: Re: Arnellia's Restaurant, 1183 University Avenue, St. Paul I live at 788 Charles Avenue, several blocks from Amellia's Restaurant. I represent District 65A in the Legjslature, which includes Arnellia's Restaurant. I often go doorknocking on Sherburne Avenue just to the north of Arnellia's. I understand that a decision will be made regarding suspension of Arnellia's license to operate. would like to offer my opinion that Arnellia's has been responsibly owned and managed to the best of their abilities. I would encourage that the decision not be to suspend their license. Sincerely, �� `#�K.��Z�S Andy Dawkins State Representative 788 Charles Avenue St. Paul Minnesota 55104 (651) 224-6270 Siate Office Building, 100 Constitution Ave., St. Paul, Minnesota 55155-�298 (657) 296-5�58 �f House Fa�c (657 ) 296-4165 TTY (651) 296-9896 �ij� E-mail: rep.andy.dawkins@house.leg.state.mn.us CITY OF SAINT PAUL Narm Ca[em¢n, M¢yo� Apri120,2000 NOTICE OF COUNCIL HEARING Mr. S. Mazk Vaught Attorney at Law Six West Fifth Street, Suite 700 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Alllicenses held by Metro Bar & Grili, Inc. dlbla Arnellia's for the premises at 1183 University Ave. in St. Paul License ID #: 54523 Deaz Mr. Vaught: SS ,�,� a � P , . .. ' �sv' Please take notice that a hearing on the report of the Administrative Law 3udge concezning the above-mentioned license has been scheduled for 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, May 10, 2000, in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. You have the opportunity to file exceptions to the report with the City Clerk at any time during normal business hours. You may also present oral or written azgument to the council at the Heazing. No new evidence will be received or testimony taken at this hearing. The Council will base its decision on the record of the proceedings before the Administrative Law Judge and on the arguments made and exceptions filed, but may depart from the recommendations of such Judge as permitted by law in the exercise of its judgement and discretion. Sincerely, ��� ,tita�j ��.. �c; �� Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney ca Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary, 310 Ciry Hall Robert Kessier, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP . Cathy Lue, Community Organizer, Hamline Midway Coalition, Paul, MN 55104 Cazoi Atkins, 633 N. Snelling Ave., St. Paui, MN 55104 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Claytox M. Robinson, 7r., Ciry Attorney 80-5�� Civit Division 400 Ciry• Ha11 7eLephone: 651 266-87I0 ISWestKeIIoggB(vd Facrimile:651298-i619 Saint P¢ul, Minnuot¢ Si102 1564 Lafond Ave, St. �c -S8S 9-2911-12640-3 STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS FOR THE GITY OF ST. PAUL in the Matter of All Licenses Held by FINDINGS OF FACT, Mefro Bar & Grill, Inc., d/b/a Arnefiia's, for CONCLUSIONS OF LAW the Premises at 1183 University Avenue, AND RECOMMENDATION Saint Paul, License 4.D. No. 54523. The above-entifled mafter came on for hearing before Administrative Law Judge Phyl(is A. Reha, acting as a hearing officer for the Saint Paul City Council, commencing at 9:30 a.m. on VVednesday, January 26, 20��, a� tha Saint Paul City Hai!/Ramsey County Courthouse, Room 41, 15 West Keliogg Bouievard, St. Pauf, Minnesota. The hearing was held pursuant to a Notice of Hearing dated December 15, 1999. Virginia D. Palmer, Assistant St. Pauf Cifij Attorney, 400 City Hall, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102, appeared on behalf of the City's Office of License, Inspections and Environmentai Protection (LIEP). S. Mark Vaught, Attorney at Law, Six West Fifth Street, Suite 700, Saint Paul, M+nnesota 55102-1412, appeared on behalf of the Licensee (hereinafter "Arnellia's" or "Licensee"). The record cfosed on March 7, 2000, with the receipt of the last post-hearing submission. NOTICE This Report contains a recommendation and not a fina{ decision. The f+nal decision wiil be made by the Saint Paul City Council, which may affirm, reject, or modify the Findings and Conclusions contained herein. The Council will consider the evidence in this case and the Administrative Law Judge's recommended Findings of Fact and Conclusions, but wil{ not consider any factual testimony not pseviously submitted to and considered by the Administrative Law Judge. The Licensee wiif have an opportunity to present oral or written arguments regarding its posifion on the recommendation of the Administrative Law Judge in the application of the law or interpretation of the facts and ,;,ay presert a�y�ment related to its positi�n. The CounciPs decision as to what, if any, adverse action shafi be taken wili be by resolution under § 310.05 of the St. Pauf Legislative Code. To ascertain when the Council will consider this matter, the parties shoufd contacf the Saint Paul City Council, Room 310, St. Paul City HaII/Ramsey County Courthouse, 15 West Keflogg Boulevard, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102. STATEMENT OF ISSUES The issues in this matter are whether Licensee violated conditions on its license by failing to maintain video survei(lance of the exterior of the licensed premises and faiiing to record that imagery, and, if so, what penalty is appropriate. Based upon ail of the files, records and proceedings herein, the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) makes the following: Go-S8S FiNDiNGS OF FACT 1. Metro Bar & Grill, 4nc. is a corporation doing business as Arnellia's at 1183 Universifij Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota 551�4. The corporation is owned by Arnellia Allen. Arnellia's has an Entertainment (B) license, a Gambling Location (B) license, a CigarettelTobacco license, and two Liquor On-Saie iicenses. Arneilia's licenses remain valid pending the outcome of this proceeding. The business is owned by ArneNia A11en. The manager is her son, Jerry Aflen. Jerry A41en's brother, Larry Allen,� is employed by Amellia's to provide security. 2. Arnellia's is located directiy on Universify Avenue. To the west on that block is Antiqiaes Minnesota. To the east side of Arnellia's +s a parking lot and fhe Midway Car Wash. To the north side is an alley with some parking and a dumpster. Four external video cameras have been in place on the building fior approximately six years. One camera �rovides a view of the fran± d.00r on ±he south side ef the b�ilding, one camera observes the north side around the back door of Arnellia's (near the dumpster), and the ather two cameras provide difFerent angles of the parking lot on the east side of the buifding. Signs posted on the build±ng state that video surveiilance is being conducted. The video cameras send images to a monitor, which displays a picture for each camera together on the same screen. 3. The area in the vicinity of Arnellia's is subject to frequent poiice calis and significant leveis of crime. To address these neighborhood problems and prevent any exacerbation of those probiems, Arnel4ia's operates its business under a number of restrictions that have been in place for years.� These restrictions include imposing a dress code on customers, requiring picture identification, banning individuafs from the premises, screening music piayed on the premises for inappropriate content, using a metai detector to exclude weapons form the premises, and providing security to ensure orderiy behavior on the premises. 4. In May, 1999, a man was shot and killed whife in a car parked in front of the Midway Car Wash. In response to that killing, management at Arnellia's met with the Saint Paul Police, LlEP, and community representatives fo determine what additional efforts could be made to address violent acts in the vicinity of Arnellia's. The Licensee agreed to add taping equipment to its existing video surveil(ance system. This additional condition became effective on Jufy 8, 1999 and states: licensee holder will maintain in good working order at ieast 4 video surveiflance cameras on the exterior of the building to constantly monitor the exterior of the premises. Tapes must be maintained for 7 days 3 5. After agreeing to the conditions regarding fhe video survei(lance system, a manager at Arne{fia's developed a system to be folfowed for taping. The first tape of the ' The entire list of restrictions, identifled as condikions on Arnellia's 4icense, is attached as Appendix A. The fist of conditions includes the subsequently agreed-to conditions regarding the video cameras. 2 Midway Car Wash is focated at 1169 University Avenue. 3 Exhibit 2. 2 �6—Sg day wouid be started when the establishment was opened for business, around noon each day. When that tape ran out, another employee inserted the second.tape. That tape would record until after closing. 7apes were kept for a week and then reused for taping. 6. in August, 1999, Arnel(ia Ailen discovered that one of the four surveiflance cameras was not working proper(y. The camera operated properiy in daylight, but did not return a clear image at night ° The contractor who initialiy instailed the system, Earf Allen, was contacted in early August, and he examined the system approximate{y one week later. The confractor concluded that a new camera was required and it was ordered from the manufacturer in California. Jerry Aiien paid the contractor to order the camera on August 13, 1999. The date that the camera was ordered by the contractor is unknown. 7. The camera was de�ivered to Arnel(ia's in eariy September. The contractor was notified that the camera had arrived. 8. On September 23, 1999, a shooting incident occurred in the alley behind Arneilia's. Sergeant Munoz of the Saint Pauf Police Department went to Arneliia's to obtain the videotape of the imagery captured by the video survei{lance camera. Sergeant Munoz was informed that there was no tape available for thaf evening. Larry Alien had forgotten to put in fhe second tape on that day. 9. Arneflia's responded to the failure to tape by modifying its system of taping. tonger duration videotape was purchased, the employees responsible for the system were instructed to make certain that a tape was in the machine, and the system of retaining videotapes was modified. 10. On September 30, 1999, the Saint Paui City Attorney's O�ce issued a Notice of Violation to Arneilia's. The Notice indicafed that on September 23, 1999, the Licensee failed to have its video cameras on and taping and that constitutes a violafion of the video surveillance condition on Ameilia's license. No citation was made in the Notice of Violation to what provision of the Saint Paul Legfslative Cade was alleged to have been violated and no suggested penalty was indicated. 11. On October 7, 1999, Larry Allen was working the evening shifE at Arnellia's. At about 8:00 p.m., Larry Aiien switched the videotape for the tape that had been recording since Arnei4ia`s opsned that morning. When he activated the video recorder, he inadvertentfy pressed the "play" buttbn rather than the "recard" buttan. 12. Near midnight on October 7, 1999, an altercation began betv��een patrons in Arnellia's. Those participating in the altercation were removed firom the premises. The dispute continued outside and someone fired shots. A car struck and killed a ° The image retumed by that camera at night would only show objects wifh their own iliumination, such as automobile headlights and taillights. 5 Eari Ailen is no relatfon to Amellia AI4en, Jerry Al;en, or Lsrry Ailen. - 6 Exhibit 5. � �� _ S�S pedestrian in the m+ddle of University Avenue at that time. A large number'of officers of the Saint Paul Police Department responded to the scene. 13. Larry Alien had been observing the incidenf outside Arnellia's. He went in to check on the v'sdeotape system and noficed for the first time that eveni�g thaf fhe recorder had been set to piay, rather than record. He immediately stopped the tape and began recording. An officer of fhe Saint Pauf Pofice Department entered a few minutes later and requested the videotape. Larry Allen gave the officer fhe videotape. 14. in mid-October, the contractor returned to Arnellia's and instailed the new camera. The instal(ation of fhe new camera allowed nighttime images from a second angle in the parking lot to be recorded on the VCR. 15. As a resuit of the October 7 error in operating the VCR, Arnel�ia's again modified how the videotaping system was to operate. A three-week rofation of videotape was instituted. Each staff member at Arnelfia's was instructed to check the operation of the VCR throughout the work shift. Any staff member observing anything unusual about the monitor or VCR is instructed to report to the manager on duty. 16. On November 10, 1999, the Saint Paul City Attorney's Office issued a Notice of Second Violation to the Licensee. The Notice stafed that on October 7, 1999, Arnel{ia's failed to have its video cameras on and taping and that constitufes a viofation ofi the video surveillance condition on Arnellia's license.' No citation was made in the Notice of Violation to what provision of the Saint Paul Legisiative Code was alfeged to have been violated and no suggested penalty was indicated. 17. On December 15, 1999, the Assistant City Attorney, Virginia D. Paimer, issued a Notice of Hearin� in this matter. The Notice of Hearing identifed the hearing date as January 26, 1999. 18. The misidentification of the date of the hearing in the notice of this matter did not cause any confusion for Licensee. Licensee was not prevented from fully participating in the hearing due fo the erroneous date. Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact, the Administrative Law Judge makes the following: CONCLUSIdNS 1. The Administrative Law Judge and the Saint Paul City Council have authority to consider the charges against the respondent and the penalty, if any, that should be paid the city pursuant to Sec. 310.05 of ths St. Pau{ L�egislative Code. � Exhibit 9. $ Exhibit 10. 0 o a _ s �s 2. LIEP has substantially compiied with ail relevant substanfive and procedurai legai requirements. 3. The Licensee received adequate and�timely notice of the hearing and of fhe charges against it. 4. LIEP has the burden of proof to establish, by a preponderance ofi the evidence, that fhe respondent vio{ated the conditions of its licensure. • 5. The Licensee is in substantial compliance with the conditions of its license through the instaliation and operation of a videotaping system attached to its video surveillance cameras. The failure to record the images captured by the video surveillance cameras outside the licensed premises on September 23 and October 7, 1999, was inadvertent by the Licensee. 6. The efforts made by the licensee to repair the malfunctioning camera comp4ied with the conditios+ that four video cameras be "maintained in good working order" outside the business premises. 7. There is no basis for taking adverse action against the Licensee under Sections 310.06(b)(5) and 409.10 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code for the operation of its video surveillance system. Based upon the foregoing Conclusions, the Administrative Law Judge makes the foliowing: RECOMMENDATION IT IS HEREBY RECOMMENDED: That the Saint Paul City Council DISMISS the action against the licenses heid by Metro Bar & Grill, lnc. Dated this �-�day of Aprii, 2000 ��� � � ��- ; ,:,. . � PHYLLI A. REHA �" ' Administrative Law Judge Reported: Taped, three tapes MEMORANDUM Three incidents of violence are the motivation for bringing this action against the Licensee. A killing in May, occurring in front of the business next door; a shooting in September, occurring in the alley behind the business; and a shooting in Ocfober, 5 pa — S,�s resulting in a pedestrian being struck by a car and kilied. There is no evidence in the record of this matter that any of these incidents took place on the licensed premises. in response to the May kiliing, the conditions under which Arnellia's operates were reconsidered. Conditions regarding video sunreillance were added. The fanguage of the new condition itself is ambiguous, since fhaf language does not expressly require that the imagery captured by the exterior video surveillance cameras be recorded. There is no dispute, however, that bofh L1EP and Arneilia's understood the condition to require the addifion of a VCR and recording the imagery from those cameras. The record in this matter is clear that Arnellia's implemented the new requirement consistent with its agreement. At first, tapes of six and eight hours in duration were used to cover the fourteen hours per day that Arnellia's is open. After a period of trial and error, Arnellia's discovered that additional time was needed to ensure that the videotaping covered the entire time the establishment was open. Arneilia's then switched to two eight-hour tapes per day. During this period stafF discovered, aiso by trial and error, that the extended piay option must be selected to ensure that the eight- hour tape covers ali eight hours." No one at Arnefiia's was able to set ihe date and time feature on the VCR. The second act of violence near Arnellia's was a shooting that took place in fhe alley behind the building on September 23, 1999. The victim in that incident was struck in the foof. The Saint Paul Police sought the videatape from that evening to assist in their investigation of the incident. There was no tape from that evening, since Larry Alien had forgotten to put a tape in the VCR. Arnelfia's responded to the error by reviewing the system that had been established for videotaping, adjusting that system to ensure that the VCR was being activated at the appropriate times, and reminding the responsibfe empfoyees that the taping was a requirement. The third act of violence occurred on October 7, 1999. At approx+mately 8:00 p.m. on that date, Larry Allen changed the videotape in the VCR for the evening. He inadvertently pressed the wrong button on the VCR after inserting the new tape. Around midnight, an alfercation started in Arneilia's. in accordancs with the establishmenYs policy, the participants were ejected from Arnefiia's. Those persons continued their dispute outside and shots were fired. A car then struck a pedestrian in University Avenue and that pedestriar� was killed. After seeing the events outside, Larry Allen went to check on the VCR. At that time he discovered that it was in "play" mode, rather fhan "record" mode. He immediately began recording. At the hearing in this matter, Larry Alien acknowledged his mistake. LIEP maintains that violation of any condition is sufficient to take adverse action against Arnellia's license. The serious consequences on September 23 and October 7 are asserted to be justification for a penalty of sixty days suspension. Arnellia's points 9 Several witnesses suggested that the automobile striking the pedestrian was exiting Arne4lia's parking lot. 10 While Condition 11 states that the cameras must monitor the exterior continuously, both Arnellia's and LfEP understood the taping requirement to be only during business hours. " The ofher option, standard piay, provides better video qua(ity but much sho�ter duration. � Do — S8S out fhat there is no evidence that any videotape from either evening would have prevented the incidents or materially aided the Saint Paul Police in their subsequent investigations. � Section 310.06(b)(5) authorizes adverse action be taken against a licensee when the licensee fails to comply with any condition of ths license. Section 409.10 sets out the standards to apply in adding conditions to licenses as follows: Sec. 4�9.1a. Restrictions on ticenses. When a reasonable basis is found by the council to impose reasonable restrictions upon a licsnse held under this chapter, the councif, upon issuing a new license or renewing a license or approving a transfer of a license, may impose reasonable conciitions and restrictions pertaining to the manner and circumsfances in which the business shall be conducted to preserve ihe pub(ic peace and protect and promote good order and security. These reasonable conditions or restrictions may pertain to: (1) A limifation as to the hours when intoxicating liquor may be sold and/or consumed on the licensed premises; (2) A limitation and restriction as to the exact iocation within a building where intoxicating {iquor wiii be served andlor sold andlor consumed; (3) A limitation and restriction as to the means of ingress to or egress from the iicensed estabiishment; (4) A requirement that certain off-street parking facilities be provided; (5) A condition that the license wili be in effect only so long as the estabfishment remains a drugstore, restaurant or hotei as defined by the state liquos act or regulations adopted pursua�t thereto; (6) A limitation and restriction as to the means and methods of advertising the safe of intoxicating liquor on fhe buiiding andlor on the premises adjacent thereto; (7) Reasonable conditions limiting the operation of the licensed premises so as to ensure that the licensed business wifl comport with the character of the district in which it is located and/or to the end that nuisances will be prevented;and (8) Addifionaf condifions upon hotels and restaurants which may in the discretion of the ccuncil tend to insure that the sale of liquor will iake piace only in conjunction with the saie and service of fiood. The one repeated standard throughouf the section is that any condition imposed on a ficensee must be "reasonabie". 7he condition at issue in this matter falis under item 7, which is the imposition of "reasonable conditions limiting the aperation of the licensed premises ... fo the end that nuisances will be prevented."' Rdverse action can certainly be taken against a licensee for any unreasonabie fiailure to meet a condition 12 Saint Pau! Legislative Code Sec. 4�9.10. 7 �� - cS3"S requiring videofaping. Conversely, where a licensee has a reasonable excuse for that failure, adverse acfion is inappropriate. {n each instance where the videotaping system was fiound to be faulty, action was taken by Arnellia's to improve fhe system. VCRs are not "fool-proof' technoiogy, and gaps in recording are inevitable. The Licensee has demonstrated substantial compliance with the {icense condition and the two instances of noncompiiance were inadvertent. The degree of ongoing compliance is demonstsated by the ofher material on the tape provided to the Saint Paui Poiice Department on October 7, 1999. LIEP asserts that violations of the license condition are established by the failure of Amellia's to ensure that the correct date and iime are imprinted on the recording. There is no such requirement in the conditions estab{ished for ArneNia's. Adverse action cannot be taken against the Licensee for faifing to properly set the date and time of the VCR, absent some undersfanding tha± such cond�ct is required.� Having one video camera malfunction is also cited by LIEP as a violation of the license condition. The ob4igation in the license condifion to "maintain in good working order" four video surveiliance cameras assumes thaf the technology will periodically maifunction and need to be fixed. The measure of compliance is not whether any of the cameras are broken, but whether prompt action +s taken to repair them. In this matter, the Licensee was prompt and a contractor was dilatory. The Licensee met the requirement that the video surveillance system be maintained. "This standard of conduct is reflected in other Iicense actions invo(ving entertainment establishments. For example, in assessing whether adverse action was appropriate where female dancers "went topless" without a bar owners knowfedge, Administrative Law Judge Peter Erickson stated: This case is not so much one where critical issues of fact must be determined, but rather one in which the penalty must be appropriate to the violation. This case wouid be much different if, when Mr. Jensen had seen that the dancers were topiess, he had immediately taken action, wfiether or not successful, to curb the topiess activities. However, Mr. Jensen decided that he could do nothing at that time and it was not until after O�cer Nohr became involved that Mr. Jensen put an end to the topless behavior. Additionaffy, Mr. Jensen could have instructed his bouncers and other employees regarding the law on nudify and told them to enforce the prohibition if any of the dancers decided undress. Atthough Mr. Jensen was not aware that the show would be topless, he is not btametess for the resulting nudity which continued until after Officer Nohr arrived. However, Mr. Jensen's good faith efforts to ensura that the show would not be topless before ever pooking it shou4d be give� great weight. Cify of Coleraine v. Hariey Jensen, dfb/a Harley's Hui 1I, OAH Docket No. 4-2101-5430-6 (Recommendation issued Aprii 23, 1991)(emphasis added). 14 The time stamp on the tape provided is October 30, 1989, and that tape-records the entire evening's events outside of Arnellia's. With the rotation of tapes described by Arnellia's, the ne� time stamp that wouid 6e imprinted on that particular tape is November 7, 1989. At about the midd(e of the tape (approximately four hours at extended play}, the scene changes to the events on October 7, 1999, and the time stamp changes to November 7, 1989. 7he new date and imagery lasts only a few minutes, which is consistent with the police officer receiving the tape that night. These facts support the testimony of larry Al1en that the tape was inserted according to the procedure, but that the "piay" button was inadvertentiy pressed. t5 As discussed above, the language of the license condition faits to expressly require taping, much less requiring accurate time stamps. There was no understanding between Arnellia's and LfEP that the VCR must imprint an accurate time stamp to meet the license condition. � �7.,a��r-z RoberE Kessler, Director of LIEP, festifisd fhat the purpose of the video surveiiiance license condition was: This establishment attracts people that (sic) are prone to viofence. And that we have a responsibility to do everything we can to prevent that from happening. And the conditions were designed, especially with fhe conditions in regard to the cameras, fo send a message to those peop(e that practice violence that they will be watched and that we will have recards that wili protecf the public. Secause of the lack of good management practices at that establishment, those records are not avaitable and 1 think as a resuit, the message is that they can get by with these k+nds of acts af that esfablishmenf without having to pay the price. There is no way for anyone outside ihe establishment to know whether videotapes are being recorded at a�y particular moment. The video cameras and signs warning about surveilfance are praminently displayed. Each of the three incidents that prompted action concerning the Licensee occurred off of the licensed premises. Possession of a business license does not grant police power to control the actions of persons outside of the licensed premises. 7he purpose of "sending a message" to persons outside the controi of the ficensee is accompfished by the visible indicia of video surveil(ance. The efforts made by Arneflia's to prevent a nuisance condition in the vicinity of its business are reasonable. Maintaining videotape generated by surveillance cameras does not reiate to the ongoing business of the Licensee, but merely aids in the subsequent investigations by po{ice. The inadvertent faifure, on two occasions, to record the video camera imagery from outside the premises does not rise fo a failure to comply with the conditions on Arneiiia's ficense. The actions taken to replace a malfunctioning camera were reasonable. Arnellia's has demonstrated by a preponderance of the evidence that it was in substantial compliance with ifs license conditions. LIEP fai{ed to demonstrate that Arneflia's has faiied to compfy with the conditions on its license. Therefore, the Administrative Law Judge recommends that this matter be DfSMISSED. _�� 16 Hearing Testimony, Tape 1. � Oo-S�S Appendix A EFFEC7IVE 07/OS/99: 1. Dress Code: Amellia's agrees to continue to enforce a dress code for customers designed specificatly to prevent patrons or cusYomers from concealing weapons or contraband inside baggy c(ofhing or wearing gang a�liated coiors. 2. Adherence to Strict Identification Requirements: Amellia's wili require proper picture identification from anyone who appears to Be you�ger than 30 years old. Those without proper identification shall be denied entrance. 3. increase Communication with Police and Neighbors: Arnellia's shall initiate and maintain regular communicatio� wifh the west sector team police commander or his designee, and licensing officiais, Christine Rozek and Kristina Schweinler. Meetings shali include neighborhood organizations to the extent possible. 4. Controi Music Type and Format: Arne{{ia's shall continue to be responsibie for screening out music that promotes or glorifies violence and nefarious or anti-social behavior. 5. Arnellia's management and security personnei wiii insure that patrons do not leave enmasse, but rather, management and secuirty will encourage patrons to Ieave in an orderty and controlled manner between 12:30 a.m. and 1:15 a.m. 6. The pubiic telephones shali not affow incoming calis, nor any calls to or from electronic beepers or pagers. 7. Arnellia's shaA maintian a list of all patrons who have been banned from the estabfishment, and this list shall be strictly enforced by Arne(lia's. Such list shall inciude proper identification of that person, photograph and a notice of trespass. This notice should be in triplicate with one copy goinq to each ofi the fiollowing; 1) Maintained by the establishment; 2) LIEP; 3) the individual being ba�ned. Once banned, a person wiil remain 6anned for a minimum of one year. Arneflfas will cooperate with police in filling out trespass notice(s). 8. Arnellias shall continue to provide security personnel to promote the orderly behavior of patrons on and ieaving the premises. The premises shali inciude the area immediately adjacent to the establishment. Special attention will be paid to encouraging patrons to leave the area. 9. AII employees and security personnel information shalf be provided to LIEP for background checks. 10. Arnellla's wili employ the use of a metal detecting devices to ensure there are no weapons on the premises. , 11. Licensee holder wiil maintain in good wvrking order at (east 4 video surveiifance cameras on the exterior of the buiiding to constantiy monitar the exterior of the premises. Tapes must be maintained for 7 days. 12. A video surveillance camera shalf be maintained in good working order in the interior of - the estab{ishment to monitor cusfomers as they enter the estabiishment. Tapes must be maintained for 7 days. 13. Signage shall be posted on the exterior of the building to notify patrons that the area may be under video surveiilance. 14. Security personnel wili be on duty daily from 8:0o p.m. unti( cfosing. 15. Back door wili remain locked after 5:30 p.m. to prevent entry. 16. The Iicensee will iock the door of the establishment at 12:30 a.m. No additional patrons will be alivwed entry after thai time. 17. Conditions reviewed at renewal. 10 OFFICE OF TF� CITY ATTORNEY Claylon M. Robinson, Ja, CityAtto�ney CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor Civi! Division 4D0 Ciry Hat! 1.5 Li'estKelloggBh•d. Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 bo— S.4S Telephone: 651266-87l0 Facsimile: 651 298-� 619 May 3, 200� S. Mazk Vauaht Attorney at Law Six West Fifth Street, Suite 700 Saint Pau1, Minnesota 55102 RE: All licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill, Tnc. d/b/a Arnellia's fQr the premises at 1183 University Avenue in Saint Paui License ID #: 54523 Dear Mr. Vaught: Enclosed and served upon you please find the City's Exceptions to the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommendation of the Administrative Law 3udge in the above- referenced matter. As you know, this matter is scheduled for hearing before the Saint Paul City Council on Wednesday, May 10, 2000, af 530 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 3T' Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County CoLrthouse. Sincerely, � � ��� � � Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary, 310 City Hall Robert Kessler, Director of LIBP Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP Cathy Lue, Community Organizer, Hamline Midway Coalition, 1564 Lafond Avenue, Saint Paui, NIlV 5� 104 L.'o- SSS STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFTCE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS FOR TI� CITY OF SA1NT PAUL In re the licenses held by Metro Bar & Crrill, dlb/a Arnellia's CITY'S EXCEPTIONS TO THE REPORT OF TF� ALJ The City of Saint Paul, acting duough its Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection, files the following exceptions to the report of the Admuustrative Law Judge, dated April 4, 2000, and filed thereafter with the City Clerk. I. Exceptions to Findings of Fact. A. Findine 3: The finding neglects to state that the conditions piaced on Amellia's license aze ali restrictions designed to prevent problems caused by patrons of Arnellia's, not simply crime in and around the neighborhood. B. Findina 5: This finding shouid include a finding that the testunony of Larry Alien indicated that the time at which tapes were started was inconsistent, and that taping did not always start when the premises were opened. C. Findin� 5: This finding is factually true but irrelevant, as the fact that only thzee cameras were properly working was not a basis for adverse action at the hearing. D. Findine 7: Same exception as C, above. E. Findine 8: This finding should include a finding that the participants in the shooting incident had been patrons of Arnellia's eazlier in the evening. F. Findind This finding should include a finding that the pedestrian was struck in the parking lot and dragged into University Avenue. IT. Exceptions to Conclusions of Law. A. Conclusion 5: This Conclusion is erroneous in that the recording and maintenance of the tapes was an integral part of the condition requiring surveillance cameras outside the building. Neither of the incidents in which the tapes were not available resulted from malfunctioning of the equipment, but were due to the empioyee of Arnellia's not putting tapes in the machine or activating the record button as required. -1- C�-S�S B. Conclusion 6: This Conclusion should be deleted as it is irrelevant. The fact that the fourth camera was not in working order was not raised as a ground for adverse actiori in either Notice of Violation, nor in the Notice of Hearing. C. Conclusion 7: This is enoneous, in that there is a basis for taking adverse action against the Licensee under Saint Paul Legislauve Code §310.06(b)(5), which states that adverse action may be taken where the "licensee or applicant has failed to comply with any condifion set forth in the license." III. Exceprions to Recommendation. The recommendation made by the ALJ is excepted to and the Council urged not to follow it. The recommendation for dismissal is based upon the finding that the failure to record tapes was not a material violation of the condition that surveiliance cameras be installed and tapes be maintained for seven days. The memorandum attached to the Report states that the language of the condition is axnbiguous. [1'age 6]. It is di�cult to understand where the ambiguity is in a condition which requires tapes to be maintained for a period of seven days. There would be little point in requiring the establishment to maintain tapes, if taping were not a requirement. The licensee never claimed that the condition itself was ambiguous nor tbat they did not understand that the cameras were to be recording. To find that the failure to tape on two occasions does not constitute a violafion of the conditions of the license is sunply incomprehensible. The Administrative Law Judge also states that "three incidents of violence aze the motivation for bringing this action against the Licensee. *** There is no evidence in the record of this matter that any of these incidents took place on the licensed premises." [Page 5-6]. In actual fact, an incident of violence did prompt the nnposition of the license condition, but the moUvation for bringing the action was that the Licensee was not complying with the condition she had agreed to. It was during the police investigafions of the two subsequent violent incidents, that it became clear that the condition was not being followed. There is evidence in the record that both the September 23, 1999 and October 7, 1999 incidents involved patrons of Arneilia's. The September 23, 1999 mcident was directly behind the establishment in the alley, just off the premises and the October 7, 1999 incident began in the parking lot, as the report notes in a footnote. The memozandutn states on page $"In each instance where the videotaping system was found to be faulty, action was taken by Amellia's to improve the system. VCRs are not "fool- proof' technology, and gaps in recording are inevitable." There was no evidence that either instance in which the taping was not done was related to a faulty VCR. While the technology may not be foolproof, neither failing to put a tape into the machine nor failing to properly record are "inevitable" problems that must be accepted. The memorandum of the ALJ also states that the malfunction of one of the four video cameras was clauned to be a violation of the license condition, as was the failure of Arnellia's to -2- 00 -S�S ensure that the correct date and time aze imprinted on the recordings. [Page 8]. This is absolutely incorrect. The position of the Office of LIEP, which was put forth in the City's written final argument, which is attached hereto and which the Council is urged to read, was that the two occasions on which the establishment was asked for tapes of events, they were unable to produce them because there was either no tape in the machine, or the machine was not recording. Both incidents, occiuxing in a two week period, involved violent incidents directly outside the licensed establishxnent and involved people who had eazlier been patrons of Ameliia's. The memoranduzn also goes on to state that: "Possession of a business license does not grant police power to control the actions of persons outside of the licensed premises." [Page 9]. It is not cleaz what the ALJ means by this statement, but it is clear that possession of a business license does carry with it the duty to take all reasonable steps to control the adverse consequences of patrons of the establishment, and the City does have the authority to impose conditions on a business license. In this instance, the City imposed, with the consent of the Licensee, the condition that required taping of the outside of the premises. The Licensee agreed to the condition, and then failed to comply with it. The City need not pzove that the Licensee deliberately failed to tape on the rivo dates in question, only that they did fail to tape. . No reasonable excuse was offered for failing to comply witl� the requirement - there was no mechanical failure, no flaws in the tape used, nothing but a failute to put a tape in the V CR on one occasion and failure to hit the record button on the second occasion. To dismiss these violations would send the wrong message to this Licensee and every other establishment required to have surveillance cameras and maintain the videos. TV. Amended Findings, Conciusions and Recommendation. Attached hereto aze proposed amended findings and conclusions and recommendation which aze prepared for use in lieu of those contained in the ALJ Report. The undersigned urges that the Council adopt all the Findings and Conclusions of the AL7 except those for which an Amended Finding or Conclusion is proposed, reject the Recommendation and reject the Memorandum in its entirety. Subrrutted this 3T day of May, 2000. � ��`• � l., ,-�..� Virgini . Palmer Assistaut City Attorney 400 City HalUCourthouse Saint Paul, MN 55102 (651)266-8710 Attorney Registration # 128995 -3- �o -S�S AMENDED FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS I. Amended Findings of Fact: A. Axnended Finding of Fact 3: 3. � •, , . Conditions have been placed on the licenses for Arnellia's for a number of vears. The conditions have been the result of discussions with the license holder. the neiehbors, the�olice and LIEP. and have been desi�ned to deal with problems caused bv patrons of Arnellia's. These restrictions include imposing a dress code on customers, requiring picture iden6ficarion, bamiing individuals from the premises, screening music played on the premises for inappropriate content, using a metal detector to exclude weapons from the premises, and providing security to ensure orderiy behavior on the premises. B. Amended Findin¢ of Fact 5: 5. After agreeing to the conditions regarding the video surveiliance system, a manager at Arnellia's developed a system to be followed for taping. The first tape of the day would be started when the estabiishment was opened for business, around noon each day. When that tape ran out, another employee inserted the second tape. That tape would record until after closing. Tapes were kept for a week and then reused for taping. Larrv Allen testified that the tapes were not alwavs started ri hg t at openin¢, and that there was no one employee responsible for insuringthat the ta�e was operatine. C. Amended Finding of Fact 6: 6. In August, 1999, Arneliia Allen discovered that one of the four surveillance cameras was not working properly. The camera operated properly in daylight, but did not return a cleaz unage at night. The contractor who initially installed the system, Eari Allen, was contacted in eazly August, and he examined the system appro�mately one week later. The contractor conciuded that a new camera was required and it was ordered from tbe manufacturer in California. Jerry Allen paid the contractAr to order the camera on August 13, 1999. The date that the camera was ordered by the contractor is uuknown. The failure to have this fourth caruera in workin� order was not listed as a basis far adverse action. D. Amended Findine of Fact 7: 7. The camera was delivered to Arnellaa's 1n early September. The contractor was notified that the camera had arrived. The camera had still not been instalied by the October � �e -.s�s 7. 1999 date, and testimony bv Jertv Allen at the hearin� was that he did no follow-up to see what the delav was in installina the camera. , E. Amended FindinQ of Fact 8: S. On September 23, 1999, a shooting incident occurred in the alley behind Arnellia's. Testimonv bv the police established that the participants had been natrons of Arnellia's earlier in the evenin�. Sergeant Munoz of the Saint Paul Police Department went to Amellia's to obtain the videotape'of the nnagery captured by the video surveillance camera. Sergeant Munoz was informed that there was no tape available for that evening. Larry Allen had forgotten to put the second tape in that day. F. Amended Findin� of Fact 12: 12. Near midnight on October 7, 1999, an altercation began beiween patrons in Arnellia's. Those participating in the altercation were removed from the premises. The dispute continued outside and someone fired shots. A car struck and killed a pedestrian in the pazking lot of the estabiishment, and the bod�, was draP�ed into the middle of University Avenue at that time. A lazge number of officers of the Saint Paul Police Aeparhnent responded to the scene. II. Aznended Conclusions of Law. A. Amended Conclusion 5: 5. The Licensee is ' ea�eras. in violation of the condition on its license relaring to maintaining tapes from the-video surveiilance cameras on both September 23. 1999 when no ta�e was inserted and on October 7, 1999, when the tape was not operated until after the police had been called. 'T'` `-='•--- `- --°--�' , , • B. Amended Conclusion 6: ' r" _C'_' _ _" ' _' '__'"" " __" . ' _' ' "" '_ _ '__"_' _ " i _ ' _ _ _ _ _ ' _ _ " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' _ ' _ . : ' _ ' 6. The short time between the two violafions and the fact that the second violation was within a week of Licensee bein� notified that LIEP wouid be takine adverse action based upon the first violarion reflect that the Licensee was not making serious efforts to comply with the condition. -5- de -S8'.� C. Amended Conclusion 7: 7. There is ae a basis £or taking adverse action against the Licensee under �ee�ie�s § 310.06(b)(5) -- '�ro of the Saint Paul Legislative Code for �1�����-s€�s . failure to com� with the condition on the license re�guiriug that video surveiliance cameras be maintained in �ood workiniorder and that tapes from the cameras be maintained for seven davs. AMENDED FINDINGS AND CONCLUSTONS I. Amended Findings of Fact: A. Amended Findingof Fact 3: 3. '' � � •> > . Conditions have been nlaced on the licenses for Arneilia's for a number of vears. The conditions have been the result of discussions with the license holder. the neighbors, the police and LIEP. and have been desianed to deal with problems caused by patrons of Arnellia's. These restrictions include imposing a dress code on customers, requiring picture identification, bamiing individuals from the premises, screening music played on the premises for inappropriate content, using a metal detector to exclude weapons from the premises, and providing security to ensure orderly behavior on the premises. B. Amended Findine of Fact 5: 5. After agreeing to the condifions regazding the video surveillance system, a manager at Aruellia's developed a system to be followed for taping. The first tape of the day would be started when the establishment was opened for business, azound noon each day. When that tape ran out, another employee inserted the second tape. That tape would record until after closing. Tapes were kept for a week and then reused for taping. Lanv Allen testified that the tapes were not alwavs started ri hg t at opening, and that there was no one employee responsible for insurine that the tage was operating C. Amended Finding of Fact 6: 6. In August, 1999, Amellia Allen discovered that one of the four surveillance cameras was not working properly. The camera operated properly in daylight, but did not return a clear image at night. The contractor who initially installed the system, Earl Allen, was � ac� -�S8'S contacted in eazly August, and he examined the system approximately one week later. The contractor concluded that a new camera was required apd it was ordered from the mauufacturer in California Jerry Allen paid the contractor to order the camera on August 13, 1999. The date that the camera was ordered by the contractor is unlaiown. The failure to have this foutth camera in workin¢ order was not listed as a basis for adverse acrion. D. Amended Findine of Fact 7: 7. The camera was delivered to Arnellia's in eazly September. The contractor was notified that the camera had arrived. The camera had still not been installed bv the October 7. 1999 date, and testunonv by Jerrv Ailen at the hearing was that he did no follow-up to see what the dela� was in installing the camera. E. Amended Findins of Fact 8: 8. On September 23, 1999, a shooting incident occutred in the aliey behind Arnellia's. Testimony bYthe oolice established that the participants had been patrons of Arnellia's eariier in the evenin¢. Sergeant Munoz of the Saint Paui Police Department went to Amellia's to obtain the videotape of the imagery captured by the video surveillance camera. Sergeant Munoz was informed that there was no tape available for that evening. Larry A11en had forgotten to put the second tape in that day. F. Amended Finding of Fact 12: 12. Neaz midnight on October 7, 1499, an altercation began between patrons in Arnellia's. Those participating in the altercation were removed from the premises. The dispute continued outside and someone fired shots. A car struck and killed a pedestrian in the pazkinng lot of the estabtishment. and the bodv was drageed into the middle of University Avenue at that tune. A large number of officers of the Saint Paul Police Department responded to the scene. II. Amended Conclusions of Law. A. Amended Conclusion 5: 5. The Licensee is ' ear�terss. in violation of the condition on its license relatine to maintaining tapes from the video surveillance cameras on both September 23, 1449 when no taoe was inserted and on October 7. 1999. when the tape was not operated until after the police had been called. ''''-- r:,..-_ ... __ .__� > > . -7- �t� - S�S B. Amended Conclusion 6: : " - - - - - - - :. - - - - - - :,.- .; ,:- -- - -- - - - - - - - --- - ---- - ..:= - -- 6. The short time between the two violarions. and the fact that tbe second violation was within a week of Licensee beina notified that LIEP would be takine adverse action based upon the first violation reflect that the Licensee was not making serious efforts to com�l,v with the condition. C. Amended Conclusion 7: 7. There is t�e a basis for taking adverse action against the Licensee under �eeEiens § 310.06 5-- of the Saint Paul Le islative Code for �n�� (b)( ) g� �ie�fl.._.,.___ _ . failure to complv with the condition on the license reauirin¢ that video surveillance cameras be maintained in eood workina order and that tapes from the caxneras be maintained for seven davs. � oa -s.�s OFFTCE OF AD1dINISTRATIVE HEARINGS FOR THE COUNCIL OF TT� CITY OF SAINT FAUL In re the licenses held by Metro Baz & Grill, CITY' S FIi�1AL ARGUMENT Inc., d!b!a Arnellia's STATEMENT OF FACTS The Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection initiated adverse action against the licenses held by Metro Baz & Grill, Inc., d/b!a Arnellia's, for violating conditions placed on the license. 5aint Paul Legislative Code §310.06(b)(5) permits adverse action to be taken against licenses where the licensee "has failed to comply with any condition set forth in the license, or set forth in the resolution granting or renewing Che license." There have been license conditions on the licenses heid by Metro Bar & Grill for several years, and the most recent revision of those conditions was done after meeting with the license holder and a number of other interested persons, including LIEP staff and St. Paul police officers. Effective July 8, 1999, rivo conditions relatin� to secwity cameras were placed on the Iicense. Condition # 11 states: "Licensee [sic] holder will maintain in good working order at least 4 video surveillance cameras on the exterior of the building to constantly monitor the exterior of the premises. Tapes must be maintained for 7 days." Robert Kessler, Director of LIEP, testified that the conditions regarding the surveillance cameras were put in place as a result of a fatal shooting which took place outside of Arnellia's. Jackie Hicks, a manager of Amellia's, acknowledged that the licensee had a�reed -1- �o — S�� to the conditions and was awaze of them. On September 23, 1999, a shooting took place outside of Ameliia's. Saint Paul Police Officer Johnson was sent to the baz to recover the tape from the outside video surveillance cameras, but was advised by the owner, Arnellia Allen, that there was no surveillance camera behind the building. The officer advised her that tapes from the other cameras might be helpful in identifying the suspects. After Ms. Allen contacted her son, Larry Allen, by phone, she informed the officer that the cameras were not operating the previous evening. S�t. Richard Munoz also went to Arnellia's to attempt to obtain a video tape of the incident. Ms. Allen stated that she did not have a tape to give him because the camera in the reaz of the building was broken, the other cameras were not operating and there was no tape in the recorder. A Notice of Violation dated September 30, 1999, was sent to Amellia Allen alleging that the failure to have the video cameras on and taping on September 23, 1999 was a violation of condition # 1 I of the license. The Notice was served by mail on October l, 1999 on Ms. Allen, at the licensed establishment, and gave the licensee until October 11, 1499 to respond on how they would like to proceed. While that matter was still pending, on October $, 1999, there was a suspected homicide which took place outside of Arnellia's, beginning in the parking lot and ending up on University Avenue. Once again, pofice went to Arnellia's to obtain videos from ihe surveillance cameras. The video tape which was obtained was reviewed by several Saint Pau1 Police officers, among them Sgt. Mazk Kempe. Sgt Kempe testified that the video tape which he reviewed was obtained from the bar by Officer Arno1d, who then took it to the police station and gave it to Sgt. Younghans. Sgt. Younghans and other officers reviewed the tape. The tape was played at the hearing, and no claim has been made that the tape is not authentic nor has any -2- o � - S �s" claim been made that the tape was tampered with. The tape is divided into four quarters, with one squaze for each of the four outside surveillance cameras. The upper left hand square is blank; testimony later established that this camera was not operating for at least two months, and probably longer. The remaining three squazes show the front door area (lower left screen), the back door azea (lower right screen) and the east pazking lot (upper right screen). There aze numbers which reflect a date and time, but these aze not related to the actual date and time of the recording. Tt was Sgt. Kempe's opinion that the tape was not operating at the time of the incident in the parking lot on November 8, 1999, but that the tape had been tumed on after the police had been called. He based this opinion upon the review of the tape, which showed a sudden jump in the dates of the tape counter, from 10-30-89 at 8:50 to 11-7-89 at 12:11:42; the abrupt change in the items being viewed (a view of the front doar with no one outside and a jump to a large crowd of people); and the fact that the squad cazs can be seen arriving. His conclusion was that the tape had not been constantly operating, but had been tumed on after the fact. The �vitnesses presented by the licensee did not dispute that there was no tape from the incident on September 23, 1949. In fact, Lany Allen acknowledged that he forget to use the surveillance cameras, despite being told of the conditions on the license. He also admitted that the tapes were not operating on October 8, 1999 until after the incident occurred, and the police had been called. His explanation was that he had hit the play, but not the record button on the tape machine. It also was apparent from the testimony of both Larry and Jerry Allen that one of the video surveillance cameras (the upper 1eft quarter of the tape) was not operational for a period of over two months. The witnesses for the licensee seemed to be azguing that the recommended -3- o � - s�.� penalry of 60 days was too severe because the violation of the condition on the license did not cause the shooting on September 23, 1999 or the death on October 8, 1999. ARGL3MENT The City's burden of proof in this hearing is a preponderance of the evidence; if it is more likely than not that the licensee violated the conditions of the license, then the City has met its burden. In re Kaldahl, 418 N.W.2d 532, 535 (Minn. App. 1488). The license condition in question in this matter is Condition # 11, which states: "11. The Licensee [sic] holder will maintain in good working order at least 4 video surveillance cameras on the exterior of the building to constantly monitor the exterior of the premises. Tapes must be maintained for 7 days." Implicit in the wording of this condition is that the video cameras are to be operating, and taping, at all times that the baz is open. One of the reasons for placing the condition on the license was to assist police by providing them with possible means of identifying suspects in the assaults, shootings and other problems being caused by baz patrons after leaving the bar. Clearly, the licensee violated the condition on September 23, 1999, when no tape was in the video and it was not being operated, and again on October 7, 1999, when taping did not start until after the incident occurred. The Director of LIEP, Robert Kessler, testified that he recommended a suspension of 60 days for the licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill, Inc. He acknowledged that it was a severe penalty, although he also noted that his initial inclination was to recommend revocation of the iicenses. He noted that the condition on the license was the result of a meeting with the owner and management of Arnellia's, as well as Saini Paul police officers, and that the recommendation for video surveillance cameras was something the police felt would assist them i� � � _ S �"� in investigating and solving crunes occurring at or azound the bar. The meeting and the additional conditions on the license were motivated by a murder which occuned outside the bar, on University Avenue. The conditions were effective July $, 1999. Within a matter of months, there was another shooting outside of Arnellia's, and only two weeks later, a person was killed in an incident which was investigated as a possible homicide and which began in the bar's pazking lot. Officers testified that in both the September 23 and the October 7, 1999 incidents, that the people involved had been inside the baz as patrons eazlier in the evening. It w�as apparent from the testimony of Jackie Hicks that she felt the condition tivas unnecessary and that the bar feels no responsibility for the behavior of patrons once they aze outside the building. However, the bar had the opportunity to oppose the cond'ations being placed on the license, as imposition of conditions is an adverse action, pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code §310.0�(a). The licensee chose not to contest the imposition of conditions, and cannot now argue that the conditions aze unreasonable. Ms. Hicks acknowledged that there has been a prior adverse action against the licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill, Inc., based upon the number of shootings which have occurred outside and around the establishment. Rather than demonstrating concem for the problems generated by patrons of the establishment, the licensee seems to argue that because the violation of the conditions did not directly cause the incidents, they should not be punished. In fact, the continuing neglect of the conditions regazding the surveillance cameras is both a serious violation; and contributes to the ongoing probiems outside the bar. As long as the establishment ignores the condition to have cameras monitoring both inside and outside the premises, the police aze denied access to valuable evidence to solve felony-level and other crimes occurring just -5- C'�� - S�S outside the doors of the baz. In both the September 23 and October 7, 1999 incidents, the participants were patrons of the baz; although they did not commit the crirnes inside the building, they were present outside the building because they had been at the baz. The licensee obviously benefits from the custom of its patrons by chazging them for food and aIcohol. Thas is conduct permitted by the licenses it holds. It would be unfair to say that the establishment can benefit from the licenses it holds but escape all responsibility for the obligations irnposed on the licenses by the Office of LIEP. The sanction recommended by the Office of LIEP is warranted by the inaction of the license holder in implementing the conditions agreed to. The conditions were to be effective on July 9, 1999. It was apparent from the testimony of all of the witnesses for the Iicensee that no training had been done with employees to advise them of the importance of the conditions or how to implement them. Thus, on September 23, 1999, the cameras were not even operating. Despite receiving a Notice of Violation advising them of the failure to abide by the conditions, it was only two weeks later that Larry Allen elther failed to turn the recorder on or failed to tum it to record untii after another instance of violent behavior required a call to the police. Oniy then did the cameras actually begin to record. Further evidence that the attitude of the licensee towards the condition was lackadaisical at best was the testimony regarding the fourth surveillance camera, which was determined to be malfunctioning in August of 1999, and which was still inoperafive at the time of the October 7, 1999 incident, two months later. The testunony made it cleaz that°there was no sense of urgency about gettina the camera replaced once the bar finally realized that it was not functianing. There was no clear responsibility for taking chazge of the repair or reinstallation, and Larry Allen, the � 6z� � S8".S� manager, appazently relied upon his mother's statement that Eazl AlIen had been contacted to come install the caznera without checking to see that it was done or to have it done in a timely fashion. When asked if anyone ever reviewed the tapes, Larry A11en stated that he did not, and Jackie Hicks believed that it wasn't incumbent upon the bar to do so. This lack of responsibility for checking the tapes meant that they couldn't be sure the cameras were in worl:ing order, and further demonstrates the fact that they did not take the condition on the license seriously, The Office of LIEP made every effort to work with the licensee to deal with concems about the violent incidents taking place outside Arnellia's by meeting with them to develop conditions that would deal with the problem. Both the testimony of Jackie Hicks, and the actions and inactions of Larry and Jerry Allen make it cleaz that the employees of the licensee do not take the condition seriously and do not feel it is necessary. No training was ever done on how to implement the condition, it appeats that when the cameras are turned on and off was largely a matter of personal decision by the individual employee, and no effort is made to see that the cameras are functioning properly by reviewing the tapes. The mere fact that on the two occasions that the police looked for tapes to assist them in investigating crimes the tapes weren't available because the recorder had not been used or had been improperly used, warrants a severe penalty, but added to that, the recommended penalty of a sixty-day suspension is warranted because the testimony shows that ttus was not a one-time lapse on the part of the licensee, but part of a general disregazd for the condition. Additionally, this is a second adverse action against the licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill, Inc. CONCLUSION The City has met its burden of showing that the licensee violated Condition #11 on the -7- ac� -S�J` license on both September 23, 1999 and October 7, 1999, because the licensee failed to have a tape in and the machine operating at all on September 23` and failed to have the machine continuously monitoring and recording on October 7`". These violations occurred in short period of time, were part of a continuing pattern of indifference to the condition being imposed on the license, and were a result of her failure to convey the importance of the condition to her employees or train them in its implementation. The argument that these violations aze not serious because they did not cause the incidents themselves simply underscores the fact that the licensee does not consider the condition to be unportant, as does her manager's tesrimony that the condition is unnecessary and was only imposed because the Director of LIEP doesn't like the bar. The Office of LIEP has worked with the establishment to deal with the problems caused by some of the patrons of the bar, and the licensee's failure to abide by the conditions and take responsibility for their part in the problems wanants a severe sanction. Respectfully submitted this 18'h day of February, 2000. � � �� Virginia D. almer (Atty Lic. # 128995) Assistant City Attnmey 400 City HalUCourthouse 15 W. Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN SS 102 (651)266-8710 � -- - - - - ---- - - - - -- Nancy Andevson -1tem #32 . May_10 Council Agenda_ ___._ _ , _ _„_ _ . . __ Page 1 . • � � S�� From: Nancy Mderson To: Council , Date: 5/9/00 2:32PM Subjecf: Item #32 - May 10 Council Agenda. FYI - The City Attomey's Office has requested that Item #32 on tfie May 10th Council Agenda (Report of the Administrative Law Judge conceming all licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill, dba Arnel{ia's, 1163 University Avenue, be I.AID OVER TO June 7th for Public Hearing. (This date was requested by Attorney for Arnellia's.) CC: Byrne, Phil � 5�5 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colemars, Mayor October 25, 2000 CITIZEN SERVICE OFFICE Fred OwusK �}' Qerk i�o cuy aou ZS W. %ellogg Boulevmd SaixtPmr�Minnesota SSIO2 TeL: 651-2668989 Fax: 651-266-8689 A'eb: hdp://www.stpauLgm TDD: 26(r8509 At the direction of Saint Paul Assistant City Attorney, Virgnua Palmer, the original copies of all documentation relating to Council File #00585 a resolution to suspend the license of Metro Baz & Grill d/b/a Arnellia's and adopt the Report of the ALJ with exceprions and aznendments, have been sent to the Clerk of the Appellate Courts in order to satisfy the requirement of Court of Appeals File Number: C6-00-1156. The copies haue been filed as the original documents in the City Clerk's office files. ,�°�� K, ((�;� �� Fred Owusu City Clerk <��� � /Jd� Shari Moore Deputy City Clerk � � COURT OF APPEAI,S NIIMBER:C6-06-1156 IND&% OF COIINCIL FILE (C.F.) DO-585 DOC. NUMBER 1 2 DATE 6-21-00 Resolution and Green Sheet suspending the (date , license of Metro Bar & Grill d/b/a adopted Arnellia's and adopting the Report of the by ALJ with exceptions and amendments Council) 6-1-00 Letter from State Representative Andy Dawkins offering opinion that Arnellia's license not be suspended. NIIMBER OF PAGSS 5 1 3. 4-20-00 Notice of Public Hearing letCer sent to 11 Attorney Mark Vaught by Assistant City Attorney Virginia Palmer regarding 1-26-00 Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommendation of the Administrative Law Judge. 4. 5-3-00 Letter from Virginia Palmer to Mark Vaught 17 regarding the City's Exceptions to the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommendation of the ALJ. Includes City's Final Argument - Statement of Facts 5. 5-9-00 Memo to City Council from Nancy Anderson 1 regarding laying over of item #32 on the May 1�"' Council Agenda to June 7 for a Public Hearing. 6. 144 petition cards requesting the City 144 Council to support the findings of the caras in ALJ, as it relates to not sanction i Arnella's. envelope 7. 6-21-00 8. 6-21-00 Videotape of 6-21-00 Saint Paul City Council meeting. Summary minutes of 6-21-00 Saint Paul City Council meeting. DOCUMENTS RETURNED SY TA& ALJ RECEIVED IN THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE 4-5-00 L� 10 4-4-00 Letter from Phyllis Reha, Administrative Law Judge, to the City Council regarding the Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Recommendations. 3-6-00 Letter from Virginia Palmer to the ALJ Phyllis Reha regarding City's Rep1y Memorandum. 1 tape 14 12 � �s i 11 12 13 3-6-00 3-2-00 a-is-oo Fax cover from Mark Vaught to Phyllis Reha regarding no further submissions in the Metro Bar & Grill matter. FaY £rom Mark Vaught to Phyllis Reha summarizing and presenting Respondent's view of the evidence_ Letter from Virginia Palmer to Phyllis Reha enclosing the Final Argument on behalf of LI&P. 14. 2-28-00 Letter from Phyllis Reha to Virginia Palmer granting her request to extend the period for reply briefs. Attached is the letter from Virginia Palmer requesting the extension. 15. 12-15-99 16. 1-26-00 17. 9-30-99 18. 19. 9-23-99 20. 9-23-99 21. 9-30-99 22. 11-8-99 23. 10-29-49 24. 11-10-99 25. 12-15-99 26. 10-7-99 Letters from Virginia Palmer and Peter Pangborn announcing Notice of Hearing to Arnellia Allen. List of City's proposed exhibits. City's Exhibit #1, License Information Report City's Exhibit #2, License conditions for Metro Bar & Grill dba Arnellia's City's Exhibit #3, Police report prepared by Officer Gerald E. Johnson City's Exhibit #4, Police report prepared by Sgt. Richard J. Munoz City's Exhibit #5, Notice of Violation City's Exhibit #6, Police report prepared by Sgt. Mark C. Kempe City's Exhibit #8, Letter from Ms. Arnellia Allen to Robert Kessler City's Exhibit #9, Notice of Second Violation City's Exhibit #10, Notice of Hearing City's Exhibit #7, Videotape from Arnellia's 1 5 11 2 5 2 4 1 2 3 3 2 2 3 5 1 tape �� _ STATE OF MINIVESOTA IN COURT OF APPEALS Metro Bar & Gri13, Inc., dtbla Arneliia's, Petitioner, WRIT OF CERIORARi ►�� COURT OF APPEALS FILE NO.e.� —� — � 15 � City of Saint Paul, a municipal corporation, CITY OF SAINT PAUL Respondent. COUNCIL FILE NO. 00-58� DATE OF DECISION: ADOPTED: TUNE 21, 2000 APPROVED BY MAYOR: JUNE 27, 2000 TO: The City of Saint Paul and the City Council of the City of Saint Paul: You are hereby ordered to return to the Court of Appeals within ten (10) days after the date xealtor's brief is due the record, exhibits and proceedings in the above-entitled matter so that this Court may review the decision of the City Council issued on the date noted above. Copies of this Writ and the accompanying Petition shall be sen�ed torthwith either personally or by mail upon the City of Saint Paul as follows: City Clerk 170 City Hail 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 � And upon the attorney for the City of Saint Paul as foilows: Virginia Palmer Assistant City Attorney 400 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Proof of service shali be f51ed with the Clerk of the Appeliate Courts. Clerk of Appellate Courts iL. Aated: July _, 2000 - A . By: �l, � ��� a l.F� Ass�stant C?erk (Clerk's File Stamp) 2 S. MARK VAUGHT Attorney At Law auiy �, a000 Sui[e 700 Six West Fifth Stteet Sainc Paul, Minnesora 55102-1412 (651)297-6400 FAX (651) 22q-8328 e-maii: markvaught@worldnet.att.net Mr. Frederick K. Grittner Clerk of Appellate Courts Minnesota Judicial Center 25 Constiturion Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55155 RE: Metro Bar & Grill, Inc. vs. Citv of Saint Paul Dear Mr. Grittner: t��EIVE� JUL 7 2Q00 c►rr �,�� Enclosed you will find with respect to the above-entitled matter the following: 1. An original and the requisite nuraber of copies of a Petition for a Writ of Certiorari with attachments; Z. An original proposed Writ of Certiorari; 3. An original and the requisite number of copies of Petitioner's Statement of the Case; 4. An original and the requisite number of copies of Petitioner's Notice of Mot'son and Motion requested an emergency stay of the license suspension handed down by the Saint Paul City Council in the matter; 5. An original and the requisite number of copies of the Affidavits of Jackie Hicks and S. Mark Vaught offered in support of the Motion for a Stay; and 6. A check in the sum of $250.00 to cover the cost of the filing fee. Please see that the documents are properly filed. Additionally, the Motion needs to be heard on an emergency basis as the license suspension is scheduled to go into effect at 12:01 a.m. next Wednesday, July 12, 2000. As a courtesy in helping her to respond to the motion I have already provided a copy of the enclosed documents to Virginia Palmer, Assistant City Attorney. Very truly yours, S. Mark Vauaht Attorney at Law cc Virginia Palmer, Assistant City Attorney Fred Owuzu, Saint Paul City Clerk �� � STATE OF MINNESOTA IN COURT OF APPEALS �Pp QF TFE O��a-fe JUL 0 7 200Q :_ ��LEC� Metro Bar & Grill, Inc., dlbla Arnellia's, Petitioner, vs. PETITION �'OR WRIT OF CERTIORARI COURT OF APPEALS FILE NO � "QQ _ , ` � � City of Saint Paul, a municipal corporation, CITY OF SAINT PAUL Respondent. COiJNCIL FILE NO.OQ-585 ADOPTED: JUNE 21, 2000 APPROVED BY MAYOR: JLJNE 27, 2000 DATE AND DESCRIPTION OF EVENT TRIGGERING APPEAL: JUNE 27, 2000; MAILING OF CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION TO The Court of Appeals of the State of Minnesota: Tbe above-named Petitioner hereby petitions the Court of Appeals for a Writ of Certiorari ta review a decision of the City Council of the City of Saint Paul issued on the date noted above, upon the following grounds: 1. On June 21, 2000, the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, acfing in a quasi-judicial capacity, passed a resolution, approved by the Mayor on June 27, 2QOQ, suspending all licenses held by Petitioner at 1183 University Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota, for a period of forty-five days (45), fifteen (15) days of which to be stayed. 2. In passing said resolution, the City Council made tbe following errors: A. Acted arbitrarily and capriciously in rejecting many of the findings of fact and legal conclusions of the Administrative Law Judge and in not adopting the reasoning and recommendation of the Administrative Law Judge that the matter be dismissed. B. Failed to accord Petitioner equal time to present its case as was permitted the attomey representing City licensing officials constituting a denial of Petitioner's due process rights. C. Failed to accord Petitioner an opportunity to rebut the inflammatory and irrelevant testimony from certai» witnesses, who had not previously been heard and who testified after the completion of Petitioner's testimony, constituting a denial of Petitioner's due process rights. D. Failed to exclude the irrelevant and inflammatory testimony regarding unrelated incidents of violence by certain witnesses constituting arbitrary and capricious action. E. Acted arbitrarily and capriciously in reliance on inflammatory and irrelevant testimony regarding the general subject of violence and specific acts of violence from witnesses and comments in the same regard by Councilmember Blakey in arriving at a decision in this matter. F. Acted arbitrarily and capriciously in imposing the severe penalty in this case, both with respect to the nature of the alleged violations and with respect to its own statutory regulatory scheme of matrix penalties for certain sorts ofviolations? G. Erred and acted arbitrarily and capriciously in concluding that there were violations of license conditions by the Petitioner in this matter. H. Acted arbitrarily, capriciously, illegally and in contravention of the provisions of Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 310.05(c-2) by engaging in ex parte contacts or discussions with each other or third parties regarding these matters outside the public record or final Council deliberations. Review of the decision of the City Council by the Court of Appeals pursuant to issuance of a Writ of Certiorari is authorized by past decisions of this Court and the Supreme Court of the State of Minnesota. Dated: July 7, 2000 � +,�✓� ��%GGc� S. Mark Vaught (Atty. No. 1519) Attorney for Pefitioner Suite 700 Six West Fifth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1412 651-297-6400 651-224-832& (fax) markvaueht(a�worldnet.att.net OFFICE OF LICEtiSE. INSPECTIONS .1DID ENYIRO`1MENTAL PItOTECTION Robert Kess(er, Direaoi CITY OF SAINT PAUL .NOrm Co(eman, :Kayor June 27, 2000 LOK'RY PROFESS/O.NAL BUILtl[NG Suite 300 350 St. Perer S[reet Soiu Paul, :1linnesata SJIO2-I510 NOTICE OF LICENSE SUSPENSION Amellia Allen, President Metro Bar & Grill, Inc. dba Amellia's 1183 Universiry Avenue West Saint Paul, MN 55104 Dear Ms. Allen: ?e[ephane: 651-2E690A7 Fatslrule: Qi1-2665YN9 6�7-266-9f24 Enclosed is a copy of City Council Resolution Number 00-585 which suspends all the licenses issued to you by the City of Saint Paul for a period of forty-five (45) days with fifteen (15) days stayed for the followin�: Violations occurring on September 23, 1999 and October 8,1999 of the condition on the licenses requiring that there be video surveillance cameras operating on the exterior of the building and that t�pes be maintained for seven days. The suspension was adopted by the Saint Paul City Council in final written form at the CounciPs regulaz meeting on June 21, 2000. The effect of this notice is that no business operations shall be permitted for thirty (30) days beginning at 12:01 a.m. on Wednesday, July 12, 2000 through 11:59 p.m. Thursday, Au�ust 10, 2000. This is a serious matter that demands your adherence. Absolutely no sale, consumption or display of alcohol shall be permitted on the licensed premises during this �vhole period. Please contact me at 266-9108 if you have any questions re?ardin� this matter. Sincerely, C V � �L- Christine A. Ro2ek Deputy Director [�.7�i7 A j�-� cc: Commander Dan Cazison, SPPD-Western District Robert Kessler, Director-LIEP Peter Pangborn, Legal Assistant Kris Schweinler, Senior License Inspector S. Mazk Vau�ht, Attomey at Law Administrative Law Judge ORIGINAL Presented By Referred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT P. Council File # � .. C QS Csreen Sheet � c�y3 ti� Date i�} i RESOLVED, that the licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill, Inc_ dJUla Amellia's for the 2 premises at I 183 University Avenue in Saint Pau1(License ID# 54523) aze hereby suspended 3 for a period of forty-five days, fiReen of the days to be siayed, for the violations occurring on 4 September 23, 1999 and October 8, 1499 of the condition on the licenses requiring that there be 5 video surveiilance cameras operating on the exterior of the building and that tapes be maintained 6 for seven days. The suspension shall begin on the third Wednesday following passage and 7 approval of this resolution 9 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the findings of fact and conclusions of law contained in the 10 ALJ Report in this case dated May 3, 2000 aze adopted as the written findings and conclusions of 11 the Council in this matter, except as amended below. The reasonin� of the Memorandum of the 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 14 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 ALJ attached to the findings and conclusions is not adopted. The recommendation of the ALJ for dismissal of the adverse action against ttte Iicenses is also not accepted. FURTHER RESOLVED, that the following amendments to the ALJ Report aze hereby adopted: 1. Finding of Fact No. 3 is hereby amended to read as follows: n3 , . . Conditions nave been placed on the licenses for Amellia's for a number of vears. The conditions have been the result of discussions with the license holder. the neighbors, the police and LIEP and have been desi n�ed to deal with oroblems caused bv patrons of Arneilia's. These restrictions include imposing a dress code on customers, requiring picture identification, banning individuals from the premises, screening music played on the premises for inappropriate content, using a metal detector to exciude weapons from the premises, and providing security to ensure orderly 6ehavior on the premises." 2. Finding of Fact No. 5 is hereby amended to read as follows: "5. After agreeing to the conditions regazding the video � � 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3b 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 � 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 3. � 5. GQ surveillance system, a manager at Amellia's developed a system to be followed for taping. The first tape of the day would be started when the establishment was opened for business, azound noon each day. When that tape ran out, another employee inserted the second tape. That tape would record until after closing. Tapes were kept for a week and then reused for taping. Lam Alien testifred that the tapes were not alwavs started ri t at openine. and that there was no one emolovee responsible for insurin¢ that the tape was ooerarina." Finding of Fact I3o. 6 is hereby amended to read as foliows: "6. In August, 1999, Ameilia Allen discovered that one of the four surveillance cameras was not working properiy. The camera operated properly in daylight, but did not rehun a ciear image at night. The contractor who inirially installed the system, Eazi Ailen, was contacted in early August, and he examined the system approximately ane week later. The contractor concluded that a new camera was required and it was ordered from the manufacturer in California. Jerry Allen paid the contractor to order the camera on August 13, 1999. The date that the camera was ordered by ihe contractor is unknown. The failure to have this fourth camera in workine order was not listed as a basis for adverse action." Finding of Fact No. 7 is hereby amended to read as follows: "7. The camera was delivered to Ameilia's in eazly September. The contractor was notified that the camera had arrived. The camera had still not been instailed bv the October 7. 1999 date. and testimony 6v Jemr Atlen at the hearine was that he did no follow- un to see what the delav was in installing the camera." Finding of Fact No. 8 is hereby amended to read as follows: "8. On September 23, 1999, a shooting incident occurred in the alley behind Amellia's. Testimonv bv the �olice established that the participants had been patrons of Amellia's eazlier in the evenine" Sergeant Munoz of the Saint Paul Police Department went to Amellia's to obtain the videotape of the imagery captured by the video surveiilance camera. Sergeant Munoz was informed that there was no tape available for that evening. Larry Allen had forgotten to pui the second tape in that day." Finding of Fact No. 12 is hereby amended to read as folIows: "12. Neaz midnight on October 7, 1999, an altercation began between patrons in Amellia's. Those participating in the aliercation were removed from the premises. The dispute b0 —S$S 1 continued outside and someone fired shots. A caz struck and killed 2 a pedestrian in the garkine lot of the estabiishment. and the bodv 3 was draesed into the middle of University Avenue at that time. A 4 large number of officers of the Saint Paul Police Department responded to the scene." 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 4b 47 48 49 50 51 7. Conclusion o£ Law No. 5 is hereby amended to read as follows: "5. The Licensee is � . in violation of the condirion on its license relatin¢ to maintainine ta_pes from the video surveillance cameras on both Seotember 23. 1999 when no tape was inserted and on October 7. 1999, when the tape was not operated until after the �olice had been called. �ke -, �� , > � D o ^Sgs Conclusion of Law No. 6 is deleted and a new Conclusion of Law No. 6 is adopted to read as follows:: Y. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - "6. The short time between the two violations. and the fact that the second violation was within a week of Licensee bein2 notified that LTEP would be takina adverse action based npon the first violation reflect that the Licensee was not makine serious efforts to comglv with the condition." 9. Conclusion of Law No. 7 is hereby amended to read as follows: "7. There is ne a basis for taking adverse action against the Licensee under 8eetiens � 310.Ob(b)(5) --'� "m�^�r.'rA of the Saint Paul Legislative Code for sqstem- failure to com� with the condition on the license requirine that video surveillance cameras be maintained in good working order and that tapes from the cameras be maintained for seven davs. This Resolution is based on the record of the proceedings before t4ie ALJ, including ihe hearing on January 26, 2000, the documents and exhibits introduced therein, the findings of fact and conclusions of law of the ALJ as referenced above, the written submissions by counsel for the pazties, and the arguments and statements of the parties and the deliberations of the Counci3 in open session on June 7, 2000. 2 � 00 —$$S A copy of this Resolution, as adopted, shall be sent by first class mail to the Administrative Law Judge, and to the Licensee's attomey, S. Mark Vaught. Requested by Departmeat of: By: Fozm Acproved b City Attoraey � ey ` ��,�..�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B Y� �r,"���\ � �� By: Appzoved Sy Mayor: Date �?1G �� s.�yQ ey r �� Adopted by Couacil: Date �� �00 Adoptioa Certified by Couaci ecreta� , 9-2111-12640-3 STATE OF MINNESOTA OF�ICE OF ADMINISTR.4TIVE HEARfNGS FOR THE CITY OF ST. PAUL !n the Matter of All �icenses Held by Metro Bar & Grill, Inc., d/b/a AmelGa's, for the Premises at 1183 University Avenue, Saint Paul, License I.D. No. 54523. FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSlONS OF LAW AND RECOMMENDATION The above-entitled matter came on for hearing before Administrative Law Judge Phyliis A. Reha, acting as a hearing officer for the Saint Paul City Council, commencing at 930 a.m. on Wednesday, January 26, 2000, at the Saint Paui City Hall(Ramsey County Courthouse, Room 41, 15 West Kellogg Bou4evard, St. Paul, Minnesota. The hearing was held pursuant to a Notice of Hearing dated Decembes 15, 1999. Virginia D. Palmer, Assistant St. Paul City Attorney, 400 City Hall, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102, appeared on behaif of the City's O�ce of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection (LIEP). S. Mark Vaught, Attorney at Law, Six West Fifth Street, Suite 700, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1412, appeared on behaif of the Licensee (hereinafter "Amellia's" or "Licensee"). The record closed on March 7, 2000, with the receipt of the last post-hearing submission. NOTICE This Report contains a recommendation and not a final decision. The final decision will be made by the Saint Paul City Councii, which may affirm, reject, or modify the Fi�dings and Conclusions contained herein. The Councii will consider the evidence in this case and the .Administrative Law Judge's recommended Findings of Fact and Conc(usions, but wiii not consider any factual testimony not previously submitted to and considered by the Rdministrative Law Judge. The Licensee wiil have an opportunity to present oral or written arguments regarding its position on the recommendation of the Adm+nistrative �aw Judge in the application of the law or interpretation ot me r'acts anci may present argument related to its position. The Counci('s decision as to what, if any, adverse action shall be taken will be by resolution under § 310.�5 of the St. Paul Legis{ative Code. Te ascertain when the Council wi4l consider this matter, the parties should contact the Saint Paul City Council, Room 310, St. Paul City HaIlfRamsey County Courthouse, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, St. Paui, Minnesota 55102. STATENIENT OF ISSUES The issues in this matter are whether licensee vioiated conditions on its license by fail+ng to maintain video surveillance of the exterior of the licensed premises and failing to recard that imagery, and, if so, what penalty is appropriate. Based upon ail of the files, records and proceedings herein, the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) makes the foliowing: FiNDINGS OF FACT 1. Metro Bar & Griil, lnc. is a corporation doing business as Arneliia's at 1183 University Avenue, Saint Paui, Minnesota 55104. The corporafion is owned by Amefiia Allen. Amellia's has an Entertainment (B) license, a Gam6ling Location (B) ficense, a CigareitelTobacco iicense, and two �iquor On-Sale licenses. Amellia's licenses remain va{id pending the oufcome of this proceeding. The business is owned by Amel(ia Allen. The manager is her son, Jerry Allen. Jerry Ailen's brother, Larry Aflen, is employed by Ame4lia's to provide security. 2. Ame!!ia's is located directly on University Avenue. To the west on fhat block is Antiques Minnesota. To the east side of Amellia's is a parking lot and the Midway Cas Wash. i o ihe north sicle is an ailey, with some parking and a dumpsier. Four extemai video cameras have been in place on the building for approximately six years. One camera prov+des a view of the front door on the south side of the 6uilding, one camera observes the north side around the back door of Arneifia's (near the dumpster), and the other two cameras provide different angles of the parking lot on the east side of the building. Signs posted on the buiiding state that video surveifiance is being conducted. The v+deo cameras send images to a monitor, wh+ch displays a picture for each camera together on the same screen. 3. The area in the vicinity of ArneNia's is subject to frequent police ca11s and significant levels of crime. To address these neighborhood prob(ems and prevent any exacerbation of those probfems, Arnellia's operates ifs business under a number of restrict+ons that have been in place for years.' These restrictions include imposing a dress code on customers, requiring picture ident�cation, banning individuals from the prem+ses, screen+ng music played on the premises for inappropnate content, using a metal detector to exclude weapons form the premises, and providing security to ensure orderly bel�avior on the premises. 4. ln May, 1999, a man was shot and killed while in a car parked in front of the Midway Car Wash? In response to that killing, management at ArneHia's met with the Sai�t Paul Police, LIEP, and community representatives to determine what additional efforts couid be made to address violent acts in the vicinity of Amellia`s. fihe Licensee agreed to add taping equipment to its existing video survei{lance system. This additionaf condition became effective on July 8, 1999 and states: Licensee hoider wil{ maintain in good working order at least 4 video surveiilance cameras on the exterior of the buiiding to constantiy monitor the exterior of the premises. Tapes must be maintained for 7 days. 5. After agreeing to the conditions regarding the video surveiilance system, a manager at Arnellia's developed a system to be followed fior taping. The first tape of the ' The entire list of restrictions, identified as conditions on Arnellia's license, is attached as Appendix A. The iist of conditions includes the subsequently agreed-to c,�nditions regarding the video cameras. Z Midway Car Wash is located at 1169 University Avenue. 3 Exhibit 2. 2 day wouid be stasted when the establishment was opened for bus+ness, around noon each day. When that tape ran out, another employee inserted the second tape. That taQe wouid record until after closing. Tapes were kept for a week and then reused for taping_ 6. {n August, 1899, Arnellia Alien discovered that one of the four surveiilance cameras was not working properly. Tiie camera operated properly in day{ight, but did not reium a clear image at night 4 The contractor who initially installed the system, Earl AI4en, was contacted in early Augusf, and he examined the system approximately one week later. Tfie contsactor conciuded that a new camera was required and it was ordered from the manufacturer in Caiifomia. .ferry Aflen paid the contractor to order the came�a C�i QU9USi 1?, ?�Q9. Th? date that the camera �a;as orc! 5�j }iI �ort:ra tS unknown. 7. The camera was delivered to Amell+a's in early September. The contractor was notified that the camera had arrived. 8. On September 23, 1999, a shooting incident occurred in the alley behind Arneliia's. Sergeant Munoz of the Saint Paul Police Department went to Arneilia's to obtain the videotape of the image+y captured by the video surveillance camera. Sergeant Munoz was informed that there was no tape available for tfiat evening. Larry Ailen had forgotten to put in tne second tape on that day. 9. Ameflia's responded to the faiiure to tape by modifying its system of taping. Longer duration videotape was puschased, the employees responsibie for the system were instructed to make certain that a tape was in the machine, and the system of reTaining videotapes was modified. 10. On September 30, 1999, the Saint Paul City Attorney's Office issued a IVotice of Violation to Amellia's. The Notice +ndicated that on September 23, 1999, the Licensee failed to have its video cameras on and taping and that constitutes a violation of the video surveiilance condition on Arneliia's license. No citation was made in the NoUce of Vioiation to what provision of the Saint Paul Legislative Code was alieged to have been violated and no suggested penalty was indicated. 11. On October 7, 1999, Larry Allen was working the evening shift at Amellia's. At about 8:00 p.m., Larry Ailen switched the videotape tor the tape that had been recording since Arnellia's opened that moming. When he activated the video recorder, he inadvertentiy pressed the "play" button rather than the "record" butto�. 12. Near midnight on October 7, 1999, an altercation began beiween patrons in Arneliia's. Those participating in the altercation were removed from the premises. The dispute continued outside and someone fired shots. A car struck and kilied a 4 The image returned by that camera at night wouid only show objects with their own illumination, such as automobiie headlights and taiilights. 5 Ead Aflen is no reiation to Arneflia Allen, Jerry Allen, or Larty Allen. 6 Exhibit 5. 3 pedestrian in the middle of University Avenue at that time. A large number of officers of the Saint Pauf Police Department responded to the scene. 13. Larry Allen had been observing the incident outside Ameilia's. He went in to check on the videotape system and noticed for the firsf time that evening that the recocder had been set to play, rather than record. He immediately stopped the tape and began recording. An officer of the Saint Paui Po{ice Department entered a few minutes later and requested the videotape. Larry Allen gave the officer the videotape. 14. In mid-October, the contractor retumed to Amellia's and instailed the new camera. The instal(ation of the new camera aliowed nighttime images from a second ang{e in th� parking !ot to �e recosded �n tl�e �lGR. 15. As a result of the October 7 error in operating the VCft, Arnellia's again modified how the videotaping system was to operate. A three-week rotation ofi videotape was instituted. Each staff member at Amellia's was insYructed to check the operation of the VGEt throughout the work shift. Any staff member observing anything unusuaf about the monitor or VCR is instructed to report to the manager on duty. 16. On November 10, 1999, the Saint Paul City Attomey's Office issued a Notice of Second Violation to the Licensee. The Notice stated that on October 7, 1999, Arnetlia's failed to have its video cameras on and taping and that constitutes a violation of the video surveillance condition on Ame!(ia's license.' No citation was made in the Notice of �olation to what provision of the Saint Paul tegislative Code was a{leged to have been vioiated and no suggested penaity was indicated. 17. On December 15, 1999, the Assistant City Attorney, Virginia D. Palmer, issued a Notice of Hearin� in this matter. The Notice of Hearing identified the hearing date as January 26, 1999. 18. The misidentification of the date of the hearing in the notice of this matter did not cause any confusion for Licensee. Licensee was not prevented from fiuily participating in the hearing due to fhe erroneous date. Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact, the Administrative Law Judge makes the following: CONCLUSiONS 1. The Administrative Law Judge and the Saint Pauf City Counci4 have authority to consider the charges against the respondent and the penaity, if any, that should be paid the city pursuant to Sec. 310.05 of the St. Pau( Legisiative Code. ' Exhibit 9. 8 Exhibit 10. C! 2. LIEP has substantiaily complied with al{ relevant substantive and procedural legal requirements. 3. The Licensee received adequate and timely notice of the hearing and of the charges against it. 4. L1EP has the burden of proof to estabiish, by a preponderance of the evidence, that the respondent violated the conditions ofi its licensure. 5. The Licensee is in substantiaf compfiance with t�e conditions of its license through the installation and operation of a videotaping system attached to its video surveillance cameras. The failure to record the images captured by the video surveillance cameras outside the licensed premises on September 23 and October 7, '1999, was inadvertent by the Licensee. 6. The efforts made by the Licensee to repair the malfunctioning camera compiied with the condition that four video cameras be "maintained in good woricing order" outside the business premises. 7. There is no basis for taking adverse action against the �icensee under Sections 310.06(b)(5) and 409.10 of ihe Saint Paui Legisiative Code for the operation of its video surveillance system. Based upon the foregoing Conclusions, the Administrative Law Judge makes the foilowing: REGOMMENDATlON IT IS HEREBY RECOMivIENDED: That the Saint Paul City Council diSMISS the action against the licenses held by Metro Bar & Griil, Inc. Dated this � day of April, 2000 ��� 1�I �`-�Y�.ei• �:.�,, � PHYLLI A. REHA ;�'���— Administrative Law Judge Reported: Taped, three tapes MEMORANDUM Three incidents of violence are the motivation for bringing this action against the Licensee. A kiiling in May, occurring in front of the business next door; a shooting in September, occurring in the ailey behind the business; and a shoot+�g in October, ti resulting in a pedestrian being struck by a car and killed. There +s no evsdence in the record of this matter that any of these incidents took place on the licensed premises 9 In response to the May kiliing, the conditions under which Arnellia's operates were reconsidered. Conditions regarding video surveiilance were added. The language of the new condition itself is ambiguous, since that language does not expressly require that the imagery captured by fhe exterior video surve+llance cameras be recorded. There is no disQute, however, that bofh LIEP and Amellia's understood the condition to require the addition of a VCR and recording the imagery from those cameras. The record in this matter is clear that Arnellia's impiemented the new requirement consistent with its agreement. At first, tapes of six and eight hours in duration were use�' to co��er the �au�t°°n ho!;rs per da� thai �meUia's s o�2n. F,°er a�erioa cf trial and error, Amellia's discovered that additionaf time was needed to ensure that the videotaping covered the entire time the estabiishment was open. Arnellia's then switched to two eight-hour tapes per day. During this period sfafF discovered, also by trial and error, that the extended play option must be selected to ensure that the eight- hour tape covers all eight hours.'� No one at Arnellia's was able to set the date and time feature on the VCR. The second act of violence near Arne4lia's was a shooting that took place in the alley behind the building on September 23, 1998. The victim in that incident was struck in the foot. The Saint Pau1 Police sought the videotape from that evening to essist in their investigation of the incident. There was no tape from that evening, since Larry Allen had fiorgotten to put a tape in the VCft. ArnelVia's responded to the error by reviewing the system that had been established for videotaping, adjusting that system to ensure that the VCR was being activated at the appropriate times, and reminding the responsible employees that the taping was a requirement. The third act of violence occurred on October 7, 1999. At approximate(y 8:00 p.m. on that date, Larry Allen changed the videotape in the VCR for the evening. He inadvertent{y pressed the wrong button on the VGR after inserting the new tape. Around m+dnigfit, an altercation started in Arnellia's. in accordance with the establishmenYs policy, the participants were ejected from Amellia's. Those persons co�tinued their dis�uSe cutside and shots �vese fired. A cer ±.hsr: s±r�_ck a�ed�strsas? 'sn University Avenue and that pedestrian was kifled. After seeing the events outside, Larry Allen went to check on the VCR. At that time he discovered that it was in "play" mode, rather than "record" mode. He immediately began recording. At the hearing in this matter, Larry Alien acknowledged his mistake. LIEP maintains that viofation of any condifion is sufficient to take adverse action against Arneliia's license. The serious consequences on September 23 and October 7 are asserted to be justification for a penalty of sixty days suspension. Amellia's points 9 Several witnesses suggesYed that the automobile striking the pedestrian was exiting Amellia's parking lot. i0 Whiie Co�dition 11 states that the cameras must monitor the exterior continuousty, botfi Amellia's and LfEP understood the taping requirement to be only during business hours. " The othes option, standard play, provides better video quality but much shorter duration. � out that there is no evidence that any videotape from either evening wouid have prevented the fncidsnts or materially aided the Saint Paui Poi+ce in their subsequent invesfigations. Section 310.06(b)(5) authorizes adverse acfion be taken against a licensee when the licensee fai4s to comply with any condit+on of the license. Section 409.10 sets out the standards to apply in adding conditions to licenses as follows: Sec. 409.10. Restrictions on ticenses. When a reasonable basis is found by the council to impose reasonabie restrictions upon a license held under this chapter, the councii, upon issuing a new license or renewing a license or aoproving a transfer of a iicense, may impose reasonable conditions and restrictions pestaining to the manner and circumstances in which the business shall be conducted to preserve the pub{ic peace and protect and promote good order and security. These reasonabie conditions or restrictions may pertain to: (1) A limitation as to the hours when intoxicating liquor may be sald and/or consumed on the licensed premises; (2) A limitation and restriction as to the exact location within a buiiding where intoxicating liquor will be served and/or sofd andlor consumed; {3} A fimitation and restrict9on as to the means of ingress to or egress from the licensed estabiishment; (4) A requirement that certain ofF-street parking facilities be provided; (5) A condition that the license wilf be in effect only so tong as the establishment rema+ns a drugstore, restaurant or hotel as defined by the state liquor act or regulations adopted pursuant thereto; (6) A limitation and restriction as to the means and methods of advertising the safe of intoxicating iiquor on the buiiding andlor on the premises adjacent thereto; (7) Reasonable conditions fimiting the operation of the licensed premises so as to ensure that the licensed business wiil comport with the character ot the district in which it is focated andJor to the end that nuisances wili be prevented; and (8) Additional conditions upon hoteis and restaurants whicli may in the discretion of the council tend to insure that the sale of liquor wiil take place only in conjuncYion with the sale and sesvice of food. The one repeated standard throughout the section is that any condition imposed on a licensee must be "reasonabie". The condition at issue in this matter falls under item 7, which is the imposition of "reasonable conditions limiting the operation of the licensed premises .., to the end that nuisances wil] be prevented."' Adverse action can certainly be taken against a licensee for any unreasonable faiiure to meet a condition ' Saint Paui Legislative Code Sec. 409.10. 7 requiring videotaping. Conversely, where a iicensae has a seasonable excuse for that failure, adverse action is inappropriate. In each instance where the videotaping system was found to be fauity, action was taken by Amellia's to improve the system. VCRs are not "fool-proof' technology, and gaps in recording are inevitabie. The Licensee has demonstrated substantiai campl+ance with the Iicense condition and the two instances of noncompliance were inadvertent. The degree of ongoing compliance is demonstrated by the other material on the tape provided to the Saint Paui Police Department on October 7, 1999.' LtEP asserts that violations of the license condition are estabiished by the failure of Arneflia's to snsure that the carrecY date and time are imprinted on the recording. TFe;e is no such requirerent in the conditions establishad �or Ameliia`s. Adverse aation cannot be taken against the Licensee for fai(ing to properly set the date and time of the VCR, absent some understanding that such conduct is required. Having one video camera malfunction is aiso cited by LIEP as a violation of the license condition. The obligation in the license condition to "maintain in good working order" four video survei0ance cameras assumes that the technology wiA periodically malfunction and need to be fxed. The measure of compliance is not whether any of the cameras are broken, but whether prompt action is taken to repair them. In this matter, the Licensee was prompt and a contractor was diiatory. The Licensee met the requirement that the video surveiilance system be maintained. ' This standard of conduct is reflected in other license actions invoiving entertainment estabiishments. For example, in assessing whether adverse action was appropriate where female dancers "went topless" without a bar owners knowledge, Administrative Law Judge Peter Erickson stated: This case is not so much one where critica! issues of fact must be determined, but rather one in which the pena{ty must be appropriate to the violation. This case would be much different if, whea Mr. Jensen had seen that the dancers were topiess, he fiad immed'sately taken acYion, wfiether or not successful, to curb the topfess activities. However, Mr. Jensen decided that he could do nothing at fhat time and it was not until after Officer Nohr became fnvolved that Mr. Jensen put an end to the topless behavior. Additionally, Mr. Jensen could have instructed his bouncers and other emp;oyees regar�ing the lavd an rudiry and toid �hem to an�orca the prah�bition if ar,y of the dancers decitied undress. Atthough Mr. Jensen was not aware that the show wouid be topless, he is not biameless for the resuiting nudity wfiich continued until after Officer Nohr arrived. fiowever, Mr. Jensen's good faiih efForts to ensure that the show would not be topless before ever booking it should be given great weight. City of Coleraine v. Har/ey Jensen, d/b/a Ha�ley's Huf /l, OAH Docket No. 4-2101-5430-6 (Recommendation issued Aprii 23, 1991)(emphasis added). 14 The time stamp on the tape psovided '+s October 3�, 1989, and that tape-records the en6re evening's events outside of Amellia's. With the rotation of tapes described by Ameffia's, the next time stamp that wouid be imprinted on that particular tape is November 7, 1989. At aboui the middfe of the tape (approximately four hours at extended play), the scene changes to the events on October 7, 1999, and the time stamp changes to November 7, 1959. The new date and imagery lasts onty a few minutes, which is consistent with the potice officer receiving the taQe that night These facts support the testimony 04 Larry Aifen that the tape was +nserted accarding to the procedure, but that the "play" button was inadvertentty pressed. ' As discussed above, the language of the iicense condition fails to expressfy require taping, much less requiring accurate time stamps. There was no understanding beiween Amellia's and LIEP that the VCR must imprint an accurate time stamp to meet the license condition. 0 Robert Kessler, Direcfor of LIEP, testified that the purpose of the video surveillance iicense condition was: This establishment attracts people that (sic) are prone to vioience. And that we have a responsibillty to do everything we can to prevent that from happening. And the conditions were designed, especiaily with the conditions in regard to the cameras, to send a message to those people that practice violence fhat they will be watched and that we wiil have tecords that will protect the public. Because of the lack of good management Qractices at that establishment, those records are not avai{able and { th+nk as a result, the message is that they can get by with these kine�s ef acts at Yhaf estabrshment withcu� having pay :he price. There is no way for anyone outside the establishment to know whether videotapes are being recorded at any particular moment. The video cameras and signs warning about surveillance are promi�ently displayed. Each of the three incidents that prompted aetion concerning the Licensee occurred off of the licensed premises. Possession of a business license does not grant police power to controi the actions of persons outside of the {icensed premises. The purpose of "sending a message" to persons outside the control of fhe licensee is accompiished by the visible indicia of video surveiliance. The efForts made by Ameflia's to prevent a nuisance condition in the vicinity of its business are reasonab4e. Maintaining videotape generated by surveiflance cameras does not refate to the ongoing business of the Licensee, but mere4y aids in the subsequent investigations by police. The inadvertenf faiiure, on two occasions, to record the video camera imagery from outside the premises does not rise to a failure to comply with the conditions on Amellia's iicense. The actions taken to repiace a maifunctioning camera were reasonable. Arnellia's has demonstrated by a preponderance of the evidence that it was in substantial compliance with its license conditions. LIEP failed to demonstrate that Arnellia's has failed to comply with the condifions on its iicense. Therefore, the Administrative Law Judge recommends that this matter be DISMISSED. ..- 76 Hearing Testimony, Tape 1 � Appendix A EFFECTIVE 07/08/99: 1. Dress Code: Amellia's agrees to continue to enforce a dress code for customers designed specificaliy to prevent patrons or customers from concealing weapons or contraband inside baggy clothing or wearing gang affiliated coiors. 2. Adherence to Strict tdentfication Requirements: Amelfia's wiif require proper picture identification finm anyone who appears to be younger than 30 years old. Those without proQer identification shait be denied entrance. 3. increase Communication with Police and Neighbors: Ameliia's shali initiate and maintain reguiar communication with the west sector team police commander or his designee, and licensing officiais, Christine Rozek and Kristina Schweinler. Meetings shaii inciude neighborhood organizations to the extent oossib!e. 4. Control Music Type and Format Amellia's shail continue to be responsible for screening out music that promotes or glorifies violence and nefarious or anti-social behavior. 5. Amellia's management and security personnel will insure that patrons do not leave enmasse, but rather, management and secuirty wiil encourage patrons to leave in an orderly and conVolled manner between 12:30 a.m. and 1:15 a.m. 6. The public teiephones shall not allow incoming calis, nor any calis to or from electronic beepers or pagers. 7. Amellia's shafl maintian a list of aIl patrons who have been banned from the establishment, and this list shali be strictly enforced by Arneliia's. Such list shail include proper identification of that person, photograph and a notice of trespass. This notice shoufd be in tripficate with one copy going to eacfi of the foliowing: 1) Maintained by the establishment; 2) UEP; 3) the individual being hanned. Once banned, a person wiil remain banned for a mi�imum of one year. Ameillas will cooperate with police in filting out trespass notice(s). 8. Ameliias shall continue to provide security personnei to promote the orderly behavior of patrons on and leaving the premises. The premises shall include the area immediately adjacent to the establishment. Special attention will be paid to encouraging patrons to leave the area. 9. AII employees and security personnel information shall be provided to LIEP for . background checks. 10. Amelila's wiil empioy the use of a metal detecting devices to ensure there are no weapons on the pcemises. 11. Licensee holder will maintain in good working order at Ieast 4 video surveillance cameras on the exterior of the building to constantlV monitor the exterior of the premises. Tapes must be maintained for 7 days. 12. A video surveiilance camera shali be maintained in good working order in the interior of the establishment to monitor customers as they enter the estabiishment. Tapes must be maintained for 7 days. 13. Signage sfiall be posted on the exterior of the buiiding to notiTy patrons that the area may be under video surveillance. 14. Security personnet will be on duty daiiy from 8:00 p.m. untii closing. 15. Back door wiil remain locked after 5:30 p.m. to prevent entry. 16. The licensee wiil lock the door of the establishment at 12:30 a.m. No additional patrons will be allowed antry after that time. 17. Condifions reviewed at renewal. 10 OFFSC=' TFIE CITY ATTORNBy Ctayton, obinson, Ja, GryAnorney CITY OF SAINT PAUL Nomr Coltmart, bfayor �r December 15, 1999 civit Divisiort JDO City Hatt 15 3Yesr Re11ag� Bh•d Saint P¢u!, A/innesofa SSIO? NOTICE OF FIEARING Ameilia Allen Arnellia's 1183 University Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 RE: All licenses held by i�ietro Baz & Grill, Inc. d/b1a Ameilia's for the premises at i 183 University Ave. in St. Paui License ID �: 54523 Dear Ms. A11en: Teleplione: 651 ?6G.3; IO Farsrixi(e: 657198-5619 Piease take notice that a hearing will be held at the followin� time, date and place concemin� all licenses for the premises stated above: Date: Wednesday, January 26,1999 Time: 9:30 a.m. PIace: Room 41 Saint Paai City Hall 15 West Kelloge Bouievard Saint Paul, Minnesota S�IO2 The hearing will be presided over by an Administrative Law Judge from the State of �rtinnesota Of#ice ofAdministrative Hearings: Name: Phyllis A. Reha Office of Administrative Hearings I00 �Vashinb on Square, Suite 1 i00 Nlinneapolis,l'IN. SS4p1 Telephone: (612) 341-7602 � � Grill, Inc. d/b/a Arnellia's — City's Exh. # 10 — �� The Council ofthe Cify of �_.nt Paul has the auihoritp to provide for nearin�s coaceming licensed premises and for adverse acTion a�ainst such licenses, under Chapter 3 I0, inctudin� sections 310.05 and 310.06, of the Saint PauI Legislative Code. In the case of licenses ior intosicatin� and non- intoxicating liquor, authority is also conveyed by Minnesota Statutes section 340A.�15. Adverse action may include revocation, suspension, fines and other penaities or conditions. Evidence �vil] be presznted to the judge �c may lead to adverse action aQainst a11 the licenses you hold at the above premises as iollows: ` On September 23,1999 there �vas a shooting outside of Arnellia's, near the alIey on the tirest side of the bvilding. Saint Paul police officers ��•ent fo the bar later thaY day to recover tapes from the video surceillance cameras to assist the police in identifi•ing the suspecfs in the shooting. Officer Sohnson tivas informed by the o�vner that therewas no camera near the area in question. When asl:ed if police could revie�c the other camera tapes, the o�vner stated that the cameras �cere not taping at the time of the incident. There is a condition on the licenses that the License hoIder must maintain "in good tivorking order at least four video survelllance cameras on the etterior ofthe building to constantly monitor the exterior of the premises. Tapes must be maintained For 7 days." Failure to have the video cameras on and taping on September 23, 1999 is a��iolation of the condition. On October 7, 1999 there ti�•ere shoYs fired outside of ArneIlia's, and an individual tivas run down in the parking lot and l:illed. Saint Paul police officers obtained the tapes from the video surveillance cameras to assist the police in inti�estigating the incident. SeveralmembersofthehomicideLTnitzvatchedthetape provided, and it �vas apparent that a large portion of the events from October 7, 1999 are not on the tape. It appears that the seeurity cameras were not acEivated until after the incident in which the person was I:illed, as the first thing from the date in quest9on is the arrival of the squads called to incestigate. Additionaliy, the times and dates on the tapes mal;e no sense, and the iYems being viewed in the specific sun�eilIance areas covered by the various cameras shift abrupth�. There is a condition on the licenses that the License hoIder must maintain "in aood icorl:ing order at least four video surceillance cameras on the e�terior of the building to consYantly monifor the exterior of the premises. � Tapes must be maintained for 7 da}•s." Failure fo have the video cameras on and taping af all times on October 7, 1949 is a violation of the condition. Notice oi f��aring - page 2 � You have the right to'be s��,resented by an attomey before and du�,�ig the hearin�, or you can represent yourself. You may also have a person of your choice represent you, to the extent not prohibited as unauthorized practice oflaw. The hearing �vili be conducted in accordance with the requirements of tifinnesota Statutes sections 14.�7 to 14.62 and such paris of the procedures under section 310.0� of the Saint Paul Leeislative Code as may be applicable. ` At the hearing, the Administrative Law Jud�e �vill have all parties identify themsztves for the record. The Ciry cvill then present its t�ztnesses and evidence, each of �vhom the licensee or attorney may cross-examine. The licensze may then offer in rebuttal any witnesses or evidence it may tic ish to present, each of �vhom the City's attomey may cross-examine. The Administrati� e La�v Judse may in addition hear relevant and material testimony from persons not presented as �vitnesses b5� either party who have a substantial interest in the outcome of the proceedin�; for eYample, the o«�ners or occupants of pzoperty located in close prosimity to the licensed premises may have substantial interest in the outcome o£ the proceedin'. Concluding azguments ma}• 6e made 6y the parties. Following the hearin�, the Jud�e will prepaze Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and a specific recommendation for action to be taken by the City Council. You should bring to the hearin� all documents, records and witnesses you �vill or may need to suppott your posiCion. Subpoenas may be available to compel the attendance of witnzsses or the production of documents in conforsnity �vith Minnesota Rules, part 1400.7000. if you think that this matter can be resolved or settled without a foranal hearino, please contact or have your attorney contact the undersi�ned. If a stipulation or a�reement can bz reached as to the facts, that stipulation tivill be presented to the Administrative Law 3udse for incorporation into his or her recommendation for Council action. y If you fail to appear at the hearin�, your ability to challenge the allegations �vi11 be forfeited and the allesations a�ainst you cvhich have been stated earlier in this notice ma}' be taken as true. if non- public data is received into evidence at the,hearin�, it may become public nnless objection is made and re(ief requested under Minnesota Statutes, Section 14.60, subdivision 2. If you have any questions, you can call me at 266-8710. Very tnzly yours, i \ �� /� �_��It c�,._.c,ci 1� �--t' �x.c-i Vir�inia D`. Palmer Assistant City Attomey cc: Arlazk VauQht, Suite 700, Six W'est Fifth St., St. Paul, �' SS1D2 Nancy Thomas, Office of Administrative Hearin�s, 100 �Vashington Square, Snite 1700, l�ipls, NIN »40i Notice of Heariag - Paae 3 _ , _ --, Nancy Anderson, fvsistant CounciI Secretary, 310 Ciry Hatl Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christiae Rozek, LIEP Cathy Lue, Community Organizer, Hamline Mid�vay Coalition,1564 Lafond Ave., St. Paul, i�IN 55104 Notice of Hearing - Pag c STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF t'2AMSEY ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MASL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being firsL duly sworn, deposes and says that on December 15, 1999, she served the attached NOTrCE OF AEARING on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as foliows: Arnellia Allen Arnellia's 1183 University Avenue St. Paul, MN. 55104 (which is the last known address of sa same, with postage prepaid, in the Un} Minnesota. / ) and depositing the s mails at St. Paul, G Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15"' day of Dece�er, 1999. tary Publi PETEA P.PANGB4RN NOTARY PllBLfC — M{N�ESOTA dy Comm Expues Jan.31.200; OFFICF ' THE CITY ATI'ORNEY Clay(on,41..,obiraon, Jr., CiryA[torney CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Nfayor Civi1 Division 400 Ciry Hall IS IV¢s[Ke[loggBhd Suint Paul, .Lfenneso[a SSIO? Telephane: 651 266-8970 Facsimile: 651 298-S6T 9 September 30, 1999 NOTICE OF VIOLATTON Amellia Allen Amellia's 1183 University Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 RE: A11 licenses hetd by Metro Baz & CTri11, Inc. d!b/a Arnellia's for the premises at 1183 I3niversity Avenue License ID #: 54523 Dear Ms. Allen: The Director of the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has recommended advexse action against all licenses heid by Metro Bar & Grill d!b/a Amellia's for the premises at 1183 University Avenue. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: On September 23,1999 there was a shooting outside of Arneilia's, near the alley on the west side of fhe building. Saint Paui police o�cers went to the bar later that day to recover tapes from the video surveillance cameras to assist the police in identifying the suspects in the shooting. Officer Johnson was informed by the o�vner that there was no camera near the area in question. When asked if police could review the other camera tapes, the owner stated that the cameras were not taping at the time of the incident. There is a condition on the licenses that the License ho(der must maintain "in good working order at least four video surveillance cameras on the exterior of the building to constantly monitor the eaterior of the premises. Tapes must be maintained for i days." Failure to have the vadeo cameras on and taping on September 23, 1999 is a violation of the condition. � S � � Grill, Ine. d/bfa Arnellia's � City's Exh. # 5 Page 2 Amellia Allen September 30, 1999 If you do not dispute the above facts piease send me a letter with a statement to that effect. The matter wili then be scheduled for a hearing before the St. Paul City Council to determine what penalty, if any, to impose. You will have an opportunity to appeaz and speak on your own behalf, or to have someone appeaz there for you. On the other hand, if you wish to dispute the above facts, I will schedule an evidentiary hearin� before an Administrative Law Judge (AL�. Tf you wish to have such a hearing, please send me a letter stating that you aze contesting the facts. You will then be sent a"Notice of Hearing," so you wi11 know when and where to appeaz, and what the basis for the hearing will be. In either case, please let me know in writing no later than Monday, October li, 1999, how you would like to proceed. If I have aot heard from you by that date, I will assume that you are not contesting the facts. The matter will then be scheduled for the hearing before the St. Paul Cify Council. ' If you have any questions, feel free to call me or have your attomey call me at 266-8710. Sincereiy, ` ��r�c, f U Virginia D. Palmer AssistanY City Attorney cc: Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Cathy Lue, Community Orgainzer, Hamline Midway Coalition, 1564 Lafond Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF :2�MSEY ss. AFFIDAVIT OE SERVICE BY MAIZ JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on October 1, 1999, she served the attached NO:ICE OF VIOLATION on the =ollowing named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as zollows: Arnellia Allen Arnellia`s 1183 University Avenue SC. Pau1, MN. 55104 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st d� of O�tob�, 1999. � ( ./ / �� PETER P. PANG80RN � NOTAAY pUBUC - MINNFSOTA � =� Mv omm, Expires dan.3t, 2co� Notary Pub ; �c •`^`^^^�,,,,,,____ OFFICF ^F THE CITY ATTORNEY Clay�on 1. ibinson, Ja, Ciry Attorney CITY OF SAINT PAUL CivilDivision Norm Cafeman, 3fayar 400 Ciry Xal1 Telephone: 651 266-8i70 ISiVestKe!loggBlvd Fauimile:651298-5619 Saint Paul, bfinnesata 55102 i November 10, 1999 NOTICE OF SECOND VIOLATION � Arnellia Allen Arnellia's 1183 University Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 RE: All licenses held by Metro Baz & Grill, Inc. d/b/a Arnellia's for the premises at 1183 University Ave. in St. Paul License ID #: 54523 Dear Ms. Allen: The Director of the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has recommended adverse action against all licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill d/b/a Amellia's for the premises at 1183 University Avenue. T'he basis for the recommendation is as follows: On October 7,1999 there were shots fired outside of Arnellia's, and an individual was run down in the parking lot and kiIled. Saint Paui police officers obtained the tapes from the video surveillance cameras to assist the police in investigating the incident. Several members of the homicide Unit �vatched the tape provided, and it was apparent that a large portion of the events from October 7,1999 are not on the tape_ It appears that the security cameras were not activated until after the incident in which fhe person was killed, as the first thing from the date in question is the arrival of the squads called to investigate. Addifionally, the times and dates on the tapes make no sense, and the items being viewed in the specific surveillance areas covered by the various cameras shift abruptly. There is a condition on the licenses that the License holder must maintain "in good working order at least four video surveillance cameras on the exterior of the building to constantly monitor the exterior of the premises. Tapes must be maintained for 7 days." Failure to have the video cameras on and taping at ail times on October 7, 1999 is a violation of the condition. � � _ Grill, Inc, d/b/a Arnellia's City's Exh. # 9 — Page 2 Amellia Allen November 10, 1999 If you do not dispute the above facts please send me a letter with a statement to that effect. The matter will then be scheduled for a hearing before the St. Paul City Council to determine what penalty, if any, to impose. You will have an oppomuiity to appear and speak on your own behalf, or to have someone appeaz there for you. On the other hand, if you wish to dispute the above facts, I �vill schedule an evidentiary hearing before an Administrative Lacv 7udge (A.L�. If you wish to have such a hearing, piease send me a letter stating that you aze contesting the facts. You will then be sent a"Notice of Hearing," so you �vill know when and where to appeaz, and what the basis for the heazing will be. In either case, please let me knorv in writing no late than Monday, November 22,1999, how you would like to proceed. If I have not heard from you by that date, I will assume thaf you are not contesting the facts. The matter wlll then be scheduled for the hearing before the St. Paul City Council. ' If you have any questions, feel free to call me or have your attomey call me at 266-8710. Sincerely, ��� ��� Virginia D.� Assistant City Attomey cc: Mazk Vaught, Suite 700, Six West Fifth St., St. Paul, M�155102 Robert Kessler, Director, LIBP Christine Rozek, LIEP Cathy Lue, Community Orgainzer, Hamline Midway Coalition, 1564 Lafond Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on November 10, 1999, she served the attached NOTICE OF SECOND VIOLATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Arnellia Al1en Arnellia's 1183 University Avenue St. Paul, MN. 55104 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the Un' tates mails at St Paul, Minnesota. � ��� . Subscribed and sworn to before me this lOth day_ of Noyembe�, 1999. ER P. PANGSORN NOtaY'}� PUI�IIC � �J NOTARYPUBLIC-MINPJESCTA ° My Comm. FXpires Jan. 31, 2C0 STATE OF MINNESOTA IN COURT OF APPEALS Metro Bar & Griil, Inc., d/b/a Arnellia's, Petitioner, vs. WRIT OF CERIORARI COURT OF APPEALS FILE NO: �— CX� — I� 5 � City of Saint Paul, a municipal corporation, CITY OF SAINT PAUL Respondent. COUNCIL FILE NO. 00-585 DATE OF DECISIOiV: ADOPTED: JUNE 21, 2000 APPROVED BY MAYOR: JUNE 27, 2000 TO: The City of Saint Paul and the City Council of the City of Saint Paul: You are hereby ordered to return to the Court of Appeals within ten (10) days after the date realtor's brief is due the record, exhibits and proceedings in the above-entitled matter so that this Conrt may review the decision of the City Council issued on the date noted above. Copies of this Writ and the accompanying Petition shall be served forthwith either personally or by mail upon the City of Saint Paul as follows: City Clerk 170 City Ha11 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, Minnesota 551�2 And upon the attomey for the City of Saint Paul as follows: Virginia Palmer Assistant City Attorney 400 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Proof o1'service shall be filed with the Clerk of the Appellate Courts. Clerk of Appellate Courts � �.. Dated: July _, 2000 gy;��'� �`��Z� a�,4 Assistant C?er?c (Clerk's File Stamp) 2 STATE OF MINNESOTA IN COURT OF APPEALS Mefro Bar & Griil, Inc., d/b/a Arneitia's, STATEMENT OF THE CASE Peritioner, OF PETITIONER vs. COURT OF APPEALS FILE NO. City of Saint Paul, a municipal corporation, CITY OF SAINT PAUL Respondent. COUNCIL FILE NO. 00-585 DATE OF DECISION: ADOPTED: JUNE 21, 2000 APPROVED BY MAYOR: NNE 27, 2000 1. Court or a2encv of case ori�ination and name of presidin� iud¢e or hearine officer. City Council of the City of Saint Paul Dan Bostrom, President and Presiding Officer Phyllis A. Reha Administrative Law Judge 2. Jurisdictional statement. B. Certiorari appeal. There is no specific statute or appellate rule conveying jurisdiction. However, the Court by decision has established the procedure to be followed in matter such as this. A party seeking to obtain judicial review of a quasi-judicial decision of a city council must proceed by petition to the Court of Appeals seeking a writ of certiorari. Micius vs. St. Paul Citv Council, 524 N.W.2d 521 (Minn.App.1994). See aiso, Neitzel vs. Countv of Redwood, 521 N.W.2d 73 (Minn.App. 1994), pet. for rev. denied (Minn. 1994) and Town of Honner vs. Redwood Countv, 518N.W.2d 639 (Minn.App.1994), pet. for rev. denied (Minn. 1994). C. Other appellate proceedin�s. With respect to the Motions regarding a stay of enforcement of the license suspension, jurisdiction of the Court of Appeals is established by Minnesota Statufes Section I4.65. 3. Tvpe of liti2ation and desienate anv statutes at issue. This matter involves adverse action taken by the City of Saint Paul against the Petitioner, the holder of certain licenses, including on sale liquor licenses, issued by the City. The adverse action was taken pursuant to 1Vlinnesota Statutes Section 340A.415 and Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapters 310 and 409. 4. Brief description of claims, defenses, issues liti�ated and result below. Respondent sought to take adverse action against Petitioner based on two incidents occurring, respectively, on September 23,1999 and October 7, 1999, during which the Respondent alieged Petitioner failed to comply with Condition No. ll on its licenses which reads "License holder will maintain in good working order at least 4 video cameras on the exterior of the building to constantly monitor the exterior of the premises. Tages must be maintained for 7 days." After Notices of both violations were issued, a hearing was held before an Administrative Law Judge on January 26, 2000. At that hearing Respondent maintained that with respect to the September 23,1999 incident, Petitioner failed to insert a tape into the videocassette recorder and that said conduct constituted a violation of the condition. Petitioner defended against the allegation by presenting testimony that the camera most likely to have captured the incident in question ontside the estabtishment Fvas broken. Petitioner further maintained tke non- functioning nature of the cameras had been discovered in August,1999; a new camera had been ordered and had not yet been installed by a third party contractor at the time of the incident. Petitioner produced a check dated August,1999, in payment of the cost of the new camera. With respect to October 7,1999 incident, Respondent maintained that the camera system was not properly recording and therefore there was no record of an incidenf which potentially occurred within the view of one of the cameras and that said conduct violated the condition. Petitioner defended against allegation by presenting testimony from an employee that he had inadvertently pushed the play button rather than the record bntton when loading a tape into the recorder earlier itt the day. He further testified when 2 he discovered, as the incident outside unfolded, that the system was not taping, he immediately switcbed the play button to record in an attempt to record whatever information he could. After listening to an entire day of testimony and having the benefit of further submissions from the parties, the Administrative Law Judge issued her Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommendation on April 4, 2000. In her decision, Judge Reha found that the actions of the Petitioner on both dates were reasonable and any failure with respect to the surveillance system was inadvertent or attributable to a third party not under Petitioner's control. She recommended that the City Council dismiss the adverse action against the Petitioner. The City Council considered the report of the Administrative Law Judge on May 3, 2000. It heard first from the attorney representing the City licensing office without limitation on time. It then accorded representatives of the Petitioner fifteen minutes in which to present their case followed by fifteen minutes of testimony from those who opposed the recommendations of the Administrative Law Judge. During this latter testimony, the City Council allowed into the record inflammatory testimony trom members of a community group who had not participated in the prior hearing regarding the general subject of violence in the community and specific acts of violence without ever requiring any showing of relevance to the issue at hand, which involved an allegedly non- functioning video taping system. The Petitioner was not accorded an opportunity to rebut any of the inflammatory and substantially irrelevant tesfimony. At the conclusion of the public hearing, the City Council, with minimal discussion, acted on a resolution by Councilmember Blakey to reject both the reasoning and the recommendation of the Administrative Law Judge and impose as a sanction, a license suspension of forty five (45) days with fifteen (15) days stayed. In speaking in support of his resolution, Councilmember Blakey adopted much of the rhetoric of the testifying community members about violence and only tangentially dealt with the allegations in the Notices of Violation. He recounted at least one past incident of violence near, but not at, the licensed premises as though it were the responsibility of the Petitioner. The decision of the City Council was ultimately codified into a written resolution which was passed on June 21, 2000 and approved by the Mayor on June 27, 2000. 5. SFecific issues prouosed to be raised on anneal. The Petifioner purposes to raise the following issues on appeal: A. Did the Respondent aet arbitrarily and capriciously in rejecting many of the findings of fact and legal conclusions of the Administrative Law Judge and in not adopting the reasoning and recommendation of the Administrative Law Judge that the matter be dismissed? B. Did the failure of Respondent to accord Petitioner equal time to present its case as was permitted the attorney representing City licensing officials constitute a denial of Petitioner's due process rights? C. Did the failure of the Respondent to accord Petitioner an opportunity to rebut the inflammatory and irrelevant testimony from certain witnesses, who had not previously been heard and who testified after the completion of Petitioner's testimony, constitute a denial of Petitioner's due process rights? D. Was the failure of Respondent to exclude the irrelevant and inflammatory testimony regarding unrelated incidents of violence by certain witnesses arbitrary and capricious? E. Did the Respondent act arbitrarily and capriciously in reliance on inflammatory and irrelevant testiraony regarding the general subject of violence and specific acts of violence from witnesses and comments in the same regard by Councilmember Blakey in arriving at a decision in this matter? F. Did the Respondent act arbitrarily and capriciously in imposing the severe penalty in this case, both with respect to the nature of the alleged violations and with respect to its own statutory regulatory scheme of matrix penalties for certain sorts of violations? G. Did the Respondent err and act arbitrarily and capriciously in concluding that there were violations of license conditions by the Petitioner in this matter. II. Did any of the members of Respondent's City Council act arbitrarily, capriciously, illegally and in confravention of the provisions of Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 310.05(c-2) by engaging in ex parte contacts or discussions with each other or third parties regarding these matters outside the public record or final Council deliberations. 0 6. Related appeals. None. 7. Contents of record. A full transcript is necessary to the review the issues on appeal. A transcript has not been delivered to the parties nor filed with the City Clerk. A transcript has not been ordered From the court reporter. No court reporter was present during the proceedings but they were taped and can be transcribed. 8. Oral ar�ument. Oral argument is requested at the location speciTied in Rule 13904, Subd. 2 of the Minnesota Rules of Civil Appellate Procedure. 9. Tvpe of brief to be filed. Formal briefs pursuant to Rule 128.02 of the Minnesota Rules of Civil Appellate Procedure will be filed. 10. Name, address, zip code, telephone number, and attornev registration license number of attorneys for Petitioner and Respondent. For Petitioner: S. Mark Vaught Attorney at Law Suite 700 Six West Fifth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1412 651-297-6400 651-224-8328 (fax) Email: markvav�htna,worldnet.att.net Attorney Reg. No. 131519 For Respondent: Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney 400 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 651-266-8710 Attorney Registration No.128995 Respectfully submitted, Dated: July 7, 2000 ��� / S. Mark Vaught (Atty. �o. 131519) Attorney for Petitioner Suite 700, Six West Fifth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1412 651-297-6400 651-224-8328 (fax) markvau�htnu,worldnet.att.net 0 STATE OF MINNESOTA IN COURT OF APPEALS Metro Bar & Grill, Inc., d/b/a Arnellia's, NOTICE OF MOTION AND TO STAY SUSPENSION Petitioner, PENDING 12EVIEW vs. COURT OF APPEALS FILE NO. City of Saint Paul, a municipal corporation, CITY OF SAINT PAUL Respondent. COiTNCIL FILE NO. 00-585 DATE OF DECISION: ADOPTED: JLTNE 21, 2000 APPROVED BY MAYOR: NNE 27, 2000 TO: The City of Saint Paul and the City Council of the City of Saint Paul: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the above-named Petitioner, acting through its undersigned counsel of record, and pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 14.65 will move the Court of Appeals as soon as said 1Vlotion can be heard for an Order staying the suspension of certain licenses issued Respondent to Petitioner, said suspension currently scheduled to take effect at 12:01 a.m., Wednesday, July 12, 2Q00, pending the review by the Court of Appeals of the action of the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, dated June 21, 2000, imposing said suspension. In the alternative, Petitioner will move the Court of Appeals for an Order temporarily staying said snspension and remanding the matter to the City Council for consideration of a Motion from Petitioner requesting that the City Council stay the suspension pending review of its decision by the Court of Appeals. Petitioner's Motions shall be based upon the files and records herein and the attached Affidavits. Dated: July 7, 2000 � /���/� S. Mark Vaught (Atty. l�o. 131519) Attorney for Pefitioner Suite 700, Six West Fifth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1412 651-297-6400 651-224-8328 (fax) markvau�htna,worldnet.att.net STATE OF MINNESOTA IN COURT OF APPEALS Metro Bar & Grill, Inc., dJb/a Arnellia's, Petitioner, vs. City of Saint Paul, a municipal corporation, Respondent. STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) ) ss. ) AFFIDAVIT OF JACHIE HICKS COURT OF APPEALS FILE NO. CITY OF SAINT PAUL COITNCIL FILE NO. 00-585 DATE OF DECISION: ADOPTED: JLTNE 21, 2000 APPROVED BY MAYOR: JI7NE 27, 2000 Jackie Hicks, being first duly sworn upon oath, alleges and states to the Court as follows: 1. She is one of the management team of Arnellia's, which is the name by which Petitioner Metro Bar & Grill, Inc. does business at 1183 University Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota. 2. She offers this Affidavit in support of Petitioner's Motions to stay the suspension pending review or to remand the matter to the City Council for consideration of a stay. 3. Petitioner is involved in the hospitality business, serving as a retail seller of liquor and food and providing musical entertainment for customers of the establishmenf. 4. In her management capacity she is familiar with the financial books and records of the Petitioner and has conducted a review of those records prior to composing this Af�davit. 5. Her review has indicated that the suspension meted out by the City Council will impose a substantial, if not fatal, financial burden on the Petitioner if the thirty day suspension must be served prior to review of the decision. 6. Her research has yielded the following effects if the suspension goes into effect on July 12, 2000, as currently scheduled: a. She estimates the lost revenue for the Petitioner during the suspension, exclusive of kitchen revenues (the kitchen is leased and operated separately by a separate licensee, but is operated as an adjunct to the business conducted by Petitioner), to be approximately $27,000. b. Over twenty (20) fuil and part time employees will lose their employment during the suspension period, including bartenders, maintenance personnel, cocktail servers and musicians. c. Another sis (6) full and parE time kitchen employees will, likewise, be deprived of their jobs during the suspension period. 2 7. The effect on the Petitioner and the nofed employees would be irreparable and would render the appeal of the suspension, which she believes to be meritorious, virfually moot and of symbolic value only, if a stay is not granted. FURTHER YOUR AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. Dated; July 7, 2��� �--f�k�-� /t� a cie Hicks Subscribed and swom to before me this 7 day of July, 2000. . Q�_ l�otary Public r•1 CA7MEiUEABOaE NotatrtvtBL�C_fmi�ESpip .,� MY COMMf$S10N E� �� JANUAF?Y3t,2005 �'�^--�-�.�.�y STATE OF MINNESOTA IN COURT OF APPEALS Metro Bar & Grill, Inc., d/b/a Arnellia's, Petitioner, vs. City of Saint Paul, a municipal corporation, Respondent. AFFIDAVIT OF S. MARK VAUGHT COURT OF APPEALS FILE NO. CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. 00-585 DATE O� DECISION: ADOPTED: JUNE 21, 2000 APPROVED BY MAYOR: JUNE 27, 2000 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) ) ss. ) S. Mark Vaught, being �rst duly sworn upon, states and alleges to the Court as follows: 1. matter. 2. He is the attorney of record for the Petitioner in the above-entitled He offers this Affidavit in support of Petifioner's Motions for a Stay of the license revocation pending review or for a Remand to the City Council for that body to consider such a stay. 3. On or about Friday, 3une 30, 2000, he received by mail, the Resolution of the City Council memorializing the decision, the review of which the Writ in this matter seeks. 4. On Monday, July 3, 2000, he spoke by telephone with Virginia Palmer, Assistant City Attomey, and inquired as to whether the Respondent would agree to such a stay or would agree to consider such a stay. 5. Ms. Palmer indicated she would speak with her clients regarding your affiant's request. 6. Ae next spoke by telephone with Ms. Palmer on or about July 6, 2000, during which conversation she indicated she had spoken to the legislative assistant to Councilmember Jerry Blakey, who had sponsored the resolution imposing the suspension which is the subject of review. 7. Ms. Palmer indicated in the 3uly 6 telephone conversation that based on her conversation with Councilmember Blakey's assistant, Respondent would not be considering a stay of the suspension pending review of the matter by the Court of Appeals. 8. After learning of that declination, your affiant has moved as expeditiously as possible to bring a Motion before the Court of Appeals addressing the issue of a Stay. FURTHER YOUR AFFIANT SAYETA NOT. Dated: July 7, 2000 �� � S. Mark Vaught (Atty. No. 131519) Attorney for Petitioner Suite 700, Six W est Fifth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1412 651-297-6400 651-224-8328 (fax) markvau�ht(�a,worldnet.att.net 2 6c:uYr-:"��nc illi� r)�i¢ b'.� +, j�Ili� � ! �?; {� � � , ;�'�ai� tU t Pi ,i j.�;�.';.e:;.c�' :.'Y_ � �" "� "��st�`'�: n � ' D '� �A��R±�,.�. . `C,is•FC � . i y, :; ��f �~ ~° ; 1 . ; � 3 t n-` o Il��Y� z i���H'- yQt,�w E4dS: vv3%a�5;,�;. � .� �+ a � w O yw V �z� a� � > � � �zz � �o� � F�� '� Wza o z °v v�i Xi � N N N � O ri � U Q � N � � �+.! J � � � �, � � � � V. � e � _ Q yyy \�� n � � l�� � J � � � �� � 3�.�- � � y�3� � - � � �� � � �- 1 COURT OF APPEALS NiJMBER:C6-00-1156 INDER OF COIINCIL FILS (C.F.) 00-585 DOC. NIIMBSR 1 2 3 G! 5 DATS DESCRIPTION 6-21-00 Resolution and Green Sheet suspending the (date license of Metro Bar & Grill d/b/a adopted Arnellia's and adopting the Report of the by ALJ with exceptions and amendments Council) 6-1-00 Letter from State Representative Andy Dawkins offering opinion that Arnellia's license not be suspended. 4-20-00 Notice of Public Hearing letter sent to Attorney Mark Vaught by Assistant City Attorney Virginia Palmer regarding 1-26-00 Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommendation of the Administrative Law Judge. 5-3-00 Letter from Virginia Palmer to Mark Vaught regarding the City's Exceptions to the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommendation of the ALJ. Includes City's Final Argument - Statement of Facts 5-9-00 Memo to City Council from Nancy Anderson regarding laying over of item #32 on the May 10 Council Agenda to June 7 for a Public Hearing. NIINIDER OF PAGBS 5 FI 11 17 F� 6. 144 petition cards requesting the City 144 Council to support the findings of the cards in ALJ, as it relates to not sanction 1 Arnella's. envelope 7. 6-21-00 8. 6-21-00 Videotape of 6-21-00 Saint Paul City Council meeting. Summary minutes of 6-21-00 Saint Paul City Council meeting. DOCUMENTS RETIIRNED BY TfiE ALJ RECEIVED IN THE CITY CLERR'S OFFICS 4-5-00 E� 10 4-4-00 Letter from Phyllis Reha, Administrative Law Judge, to the City Council regarding the Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Recommendations. 3-6-00 Letter from Virginia Palmer to the Ai,J Phyllis Reha regarding City�s Reply Memorandum. 1 tape 14 Fya E � ii. , 12. 13. 14 . 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 3-6-00 3-2-00 2-18-00 2-28-00 12-15-99 1-26-00 9-30-99 9-23-99 9-23-99 9-30-99 11-8-99 10-29-99 Fax cover from Mark Vaught to Phyllis Reha regarding no further submissions in the Metro Bar & Grill matter. Fax from Mark Vaught to Phyllis Reha summarizing and presenting Respondent's view of the evidence. Letter from Virginia Palmer to Phyllis Reha enclosing the Final Argument on behalf of LIEP. Letter from Phyllis Reha to Virginia Palmer granting her request to extend the period for reply briefs. Attached is the letter from Virginia Palmer requesting the extension. Letters from Virginia Palmer and Peter Pangborn announcing Notice of Hearing to Arnellia Allen. List of City's proposed exhibits. City's Exhibit #1, License Information Report City's Exhibit #2, License conditions for Metro Bar & Grill dba Arnellia's City's Exhibit #3, Police report prepared by Officer Gerald E. Johnson City's Exhibit #4, Police report prepared by Sgt. Richard J. Munoz City's Exhibit #5, Notice of Violation City's Exhibit #6, Police report prepared by Sgt. Mark C. Kempe City's Exhibit #8, Letter from Ms. Arnellia Allen to Robert Kessler 11-10-99 City's Exhibit #9, Notice of Second Violation 12-15-99 City's Exhibit #10, Notice of Hearing 10-7-99 City's Exhibit #7, Videotape from Arnellia�s 1 5 li 2 5 2 4 1 2 3 3 2 2 3 5 1 tape C le �� c� � �P �1 �c�.`�e- �� �-�� �ece�ved �o l a� l a� b� °- �'�Q�A, � d�i,�� 7 -= �a , ,m/Jr ��. %> s i1 e'�� Gl���� C�d�� I, Dy�� Ltl. ,�� {�`"/ �C�V� �)f ; request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanetion the Metro Bar and Griil, common3y known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at �(,�,�� -kO.C�it,x /� (i/O Zip _�/1�.3 UD-ss£S - � �� �v � �� � ,. r ���� .�^ �^d2�o �,�,: � e Signed)/ Date) /, (,� J �C,� �L/m-a�� ��"�. .L��, a yu��v�`�v,z.�` � - I y 1 f�y���� , request that the St. Paul City Cauncil vote to support the findings of the Administrative La�v Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grili, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly '.'eel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both the:r customers and the general pubiic. I am a resident at � -� _ Zip ��� �,��� �U�_ (Dace> �ip-585 �' LIOQYi ���5 vote to svp rt the fi��ings of the Adminisirative Law �e 1 ates o not to1l sanction the Metro Bar and GrilI, common3y Irnown as �ella's Night Club. I� a Fatron of this establishmenY, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the gerieral pubiic. I am a resident at ��"q� �� � � n` l,Gf-� Zip�� _ (Signed) ,T—/t'!-�1 {Date) T> >ahr....a � � vote to su � r�Quest that the St. Paul City Council pport the fndmgs of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly }mo� as Arnella's Night Club. I� a patron of this estabIislunent, and I strongly feel that they are doing al1 within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their cusYomers and the general public. I am a resident at �, ,� U Up� � � � yLo- Zip 5 Si��} � (5ign d) 5 — 4 `�'i ^ �u (Date) �'�S I _, request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support fhe findings of the Admmistrative Law Judge, as it relates to noY to sanction t he Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's I�ight Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their po�ver to maintain a safe environment for both their cus mers and the general public. I am a resident at ���[—������� Zip ���� --�5� � � (Signed � (Datg� ♦r .= UO•585� � Gy/ J,(�a��ivt �1%'��s;��/�-----request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Admmistrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanetion the Meuo Bar and Grili, common�y known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at � Z �� �r� � �� z� .SS�°`� ��� � ��',��� � - 7 � (Signed) (Date) .. `00-585 I, - � request that the St. Paul City Councii voie s port fhe £ndings of the dmuustrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and C�riII, commonly laiown as Ainella's Night Ciub. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for bgth $heir ,c�y�tomers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at ... � / f (5i e (Data OU- 5$S I, � request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative Law 3udge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their pawer to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at (Signed) (Date) Zip I, `� �1 p fl GlI,Q =�t�Qna� , request that the St. Paul City Councii vote to support the findings o he Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commoniy known as Amelta's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing ali within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at �.��� `---�I� Zip r `J�G � � ��91d7, �A� 2��C� (Signed) r (Date ♦ • _v �� C?t�- SSS n �. I�`�� �,� f(I � request that the St. Paut City Council vote to support the findings of the Admmistrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Ameila's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing ali within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at �f�� �.t� �l�t�� �� Zip , S�� . �,��__.__ � -� -� u _ (Signed) (Date) - ---- ----- _---__-_ _-,�..,-.__„_,! �~ �J I, ��t;; ip �.J� �`r� , request that the St. Paul City Councii vote to support the findings of the Admmistrative Law Judge, as it re]ates to not to sanetion the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arne11a's Night Club, I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing a11 within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the generat puUlic_ I am a resident at � s-� �u ��" �•� � r/`� -- ZiP S �� � . h , , � 0 GC� (Signed) (D te) _ _ _ • - .: _ _ ._. __�- - ��SgS j �' �� � � , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to sup o e findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanct'ron the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doin� ail within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at �G��,� ��� ��`'� Zip,�..S�D�- . , f�y'�-� ���� d � (Si d (DaLe �� . I i f�,�� j� �t'J/Ti° � , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the AdministraYive I.aw Zudge, as it relates to not to sanetion the Metro Bar and C�rill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing ati within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general publac. I am a resident at 7�� L.�'�° �D �� Zip �S � b� ���,� �/h..�c�, � ( . 7: G � (Si (Date) - I, �(Z ('Y1e, �C. �1��1') t� , request that the St. Paul Ciry Council �� �� vote to support the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's.Night Club. I am a patron o£ this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at ����X a� �� Zip la �. .., 5 ��� ��- �D�lq-�U c�, �s-saS I �C� ,.„,_ —�—�, � yt� i T`i� , request that the St. Paui City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commoniy known as Amelia's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at If �� �- �� Zip �5��' � �.��. s. ' �,: -� �� -�..�- (Signe ) (Date) �U-S�S � J � f T, �/ request that the 5� Paul City Council vote to suppo e findings of the Administrative Law 7udge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly imown as.Amella's Night Ciub. I am a patron of this establishtnenk, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at � 7�� �>��� �--. Zip S� , �' r � � � �� � (Signed) ` (D te) -- — -- --- — . _.. __ ------- __ av.-s�s I v?�p/-'� �� request that the St. Paul City Council vote to suppoct the findings of the Admmistrative Law Judge, as it relaYes to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly lrnown as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at l � �� '��� Zip 5�� � f� � :���� 1 ^ � �- �-P -_ L���i (Signed) (Date) - - � rX�� .585 I, �p �-��- . "��'`�L� , request that the St. Paul City Councii vote to support the findings of the Administrative I.aw 3udge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I stron�ly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers �nc�lhe generai public. I ara a resident at ��� � �� (Date) _ - tx� - s8s I� � � request that the St. Paul City Council vote o s pport f e findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly Imown as Amella's Night CIub. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintaiu a safe environment for both tbeir cusfomers and the general public. I am a residenY at � �J S�' ��"�Zip ��eJ �� � :�1 � ��`��'.� (Signed} ` (Date) ---�..-_--- --=----- --�--- --------- --- — --- -- --------F�:,� Gn' ``JsS sanction the Metro uest that the St. Paul City Council Law 7ud�e, as it relates to �ot to z as Amella's Night Ciub. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing aii within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. at Zip ��ZY C?� .��� l (Date) a?-'`J ��'". . v_e� I, I:J>���G�o r�.o..� , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to supp rt the findmgs of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sancfion the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I sVOngly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general pubiic. I am a resident at S� b �� S��(�• h.� �, t/1/� ,"-�� 4�� Zip •,S J l f �. � b � (Signed) (Date) v� �.�� :;�.� cb- SgS I> request that the St. Paul City Council vote to supp t the findings of tlte Administrative Law Judge, as it relates Yo nof to sanction the Metro Bar and Griil, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishmenT, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their cns,tomers and the general public. I am a resident at J�� �� z;p S5l �..�' . � C��� (Signed) (Dat��� I' �~ C#�-58� I, _•�� request ihat the S� Paul City Councal vote to suppor findmgs of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly knorvn as Arnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at � ) J �✓dv'r'1.� Zip �L � �-���� � �. � (Signed) (Dat ) - �- - - � - !1D- S$5� I e,��/ '�j�.,,,�.-, , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support th indings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly lrnown as Arnella's Night Ciub. I am a Qatron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to mamtain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at 'tl �f �?LA� t'� �'`'-- Zip �j ,Sla � .. � � �, � ,,,,,.,� �' . � 1 _ C'�, 0 I -�.�Q S� �./ ��� w�� �c �; request that the St Paul City Council vote to svpport the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amelia's Night Club. i am a patron of this establishment, and I strongiy feel thai they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. � ( G � I am a resident at ���l5 G��T i'�� '�� Zip SS /� . � ` C��IS�� � S �� � �dc� (Signed} (Date) i���/ /� J tJ �`� ���st t�hat the St. Paul City Council vote o svpport the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly lcnown as Arnelia's Night Ciub. Do-S�S �� V�� I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing ali within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the ner pu �c. �' F am a resident at �" 9��PEfJ r,�o o p�,� � P � p '�.. �-��� , —�-- � .�., � f , . �` �1 aaoo {Signed} (Date) I> � , request that the St. Paui City Council vote t pQort the indings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. °-° -: ., : :_ _:..:.,. 00 •s8S I am a patron of this establishtnent, and I strongly feel thai they aze doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. -- __... - --=::�__ � � _ - -- - --0 $ I,�PUrl1 �,U. �20Gt/l✓ , request that the St Paul City Council vote to support tLe findings of the Administrative Larv 3udge, as it relaies to not to sanction the Metro Bar a�d Griil, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongty feeI that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at .S�g ���'i��/ s� Zips-�/(i _.' �/`��� / /V i �L.!/( //vV ! �'�d��" l/ V {Signed) (Date) _ _ ._ __ . - -- - - b0• 58S I _� request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Admmistrative La�v 7udge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they aze doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at a�0 t-���'1 �E{ ) f'� ai� Zip CS�j 1� . ., � ,gS't 1'k �2 2C 7� ����C�;�.�'`ZlJ`t� ( igned) � (Date) - -- — - - — --- -- t;a- SgS I �� � ��j{ � , rec{uest that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Admmistrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their po�ver to maintain environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. 1 am a resident at �� �"�9 �� Zip y���. � ( ate) _�_ . .=�.�. oo-SS S 1, �� ,.I �� - , ,� � � � � , , reqnest that the St� Paul Clry Council vote to support the findings of the Admmistrative Law 7udge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as AmeIla's Night Club. I am a patron of this estabiishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at � , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to supp rt the mdi gs of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. Zip � ,��? � s- � - �i tJ (Dace) I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at �� {��9�`� S�` l� �'�6�VL� Zip SS � , = � � 2- S � (Signed) (Date) j�U' S�3b — - �� sg +7 -- j ��jJ(/�LY}'t S , request that the St. Paut City Council vote to support the findings of the Admimstrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at (��7 Gt-e—l� ���'�'� Zip �j U�. .. IQ�� � ����-a�K'a� tS'�� 11�d (Signed} (Date) - - --- - - - - - - - ---- _. !�0' S8S I � �-��fi�� ��request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly irnown as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I stron�ly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain� afe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at �i��U ///� Zip • ( � ��G'.� /���-��-�� � � � V G� (Signed) (Date} I .'t�/?!l�s�--� `x `�'� , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to suQport the andings of the Admimstrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amelia's Night Club. i I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe e�vironment for both their customers and the general puUlic. Iama Zip � or� � � S��l/'� (Date) �_ _ � � �_ I, � J� �pr.�-s �, �ru, t�.e, �— , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Admmistrative Law 3udge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishmem, and I strongiy feel that they aze doing alI within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at �J c� � f u vi c� e. � Zip �S/ Q�'j .. �� _`��„Q� �� �� S ' � 1 � � {Signed) (Date) � -- �r :. i �� ��� � fJ �(`� j� , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to s pport the findings of the Admimstrative Iaw Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grili, commonly known as Amella's Nlght Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their potiver to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. i am a resident at i�l i���� �" n Zip �//� _ � �, �tit�,�,� � a� �!� (Signe ) (D e) j ��j� ��! /����_ request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a re� at /�/�`� s'/ C�/�'!lJ �— T ZiP `�� � ! � � � {DaYe�% !x�•��� < _:. v .� - - - -- - � oV�S$S I ���� > request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findi� s of the Administrative Law dudge, as it relates to not to sanetion the Metro Bar a Grill, commonly known as Amelia's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing alI within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at ��{ d� f� � C� f f i r� ef �� __ Zip � rSY R �� �-- f .. ' J�IL(tGC� (Signed) (Date) - - - co-s8S I ��-•a � � i" (,�C� �, request that the St Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Admimstrauve Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Griil, commonly lmown as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establis4tment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power ta maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at / t / �� � ��� Z � {--.� � � S � '' {Dat�e) Gd'r`JSS T �fQ�f/Za �� �fr ��� � , request that the St. Paul City Councii vote to svpport the �ndings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanetion the Metro Bar and Grili, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongiy feel that they are doing alt within their power to maintain a safe envimnment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at �✓�� �UGL �� Zip ���� � � r���,,�.��,�� 5 a� (Signed � �a�) I �,�C�. 1J��--�,�1 , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to suppo � the findings of the Administrative Law 3udge, as it relates to not to sanetion the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. — - �^ �s I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they aze doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at ���__� ��,���J�� ���� Zip �J�j �3� , .�.-��- � �^-_ � �� - �� (Signed} (Date) 1 �(� }` �� V� ���'v��, request thai the SL Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Admmistrative La�v Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as AmeIla's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel thai they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at t�� ��n ��� � �� Zip �� ��-4. . � �.�� ������ �� 5- at -o� (Signed) (Date) I�� � � (�' ' _ re uest that the St. Paul Ci Council ,�' h Q�C ��7 �^" > q ty vote to svpport the findings o�the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonIy known as Amella's 23ight Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environmesy�€er�both their custome and the general puUlic. a t�i .� � �� _ . I am a resid t at ... �., C���� (Sign ) � � (Date) _00-58� Do• 58S � I, � i�O�L r , request that the St. Paul City CounciS vote to support the findings of e Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feei that they are doing ali within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I a�a resident at 1�� � �ri ,/v�v�� 'V Zip S S Oo• SSS � �� (Date) =� - - Ot� - 58S I fl��S ��L������� request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Admirusuative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a re�ide�t at `7 ��` ) �� �� Zip �_ ��� � s --�.�- c� � (Date) -- - (�0-�JSS I ��'�.� e � �,F�� , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the Fndings of the Ad inistrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanetion the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their po�ver to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at �� �\ �''��` Zip����� `��-��c� � �-�b 1 T— (Date) 8n - - - G10^'S85� I ����� �� �{� (` � S , zequest that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Admimstrative Law Judge, as it relazes to not to sanetion the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I xm a patron of this establishment, and 1 strongty feel that they are doing all within their po��er to maintain a safe environment for hoth their customers and the general public. I am a resident at _? �/J �' ( L �� �! E� C� �� ZIF �� l �� ,S -a � �C� (Date) ,% � I, ' �,���j �� request that the S� Paul City Council vo e support the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it retates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grili, commonly Imown as Amelia's P3ight Club. � ___�� 00- 5$S I am a patron of this esiablishment, and I strongIy feel that they are doing ali within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. at �� A ,�l Zip � / . ��fb� �D�re> I, � � � �f n7c>� � X/ 9 6' , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the ndings of the Administrative Law 3udge, as it relates to not to sanetion the Metro Bar and Griil, commonly known as Arnella's Ni�ht Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and 1 strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at /� j� ��n n/�l �` � Zip SS �� � . ;/ _ �� 2� ac ( �gned) �.- � (Date) av-5sS v0- S8S �, ���h �r�,,,l > request that the St. Paul City Council voie io support the findings of the Admimstrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Griil, commonly known as Amelia's I3ight Club. 1 am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at �/G/ ��c�i�j1� �l�T Zip �5/GZ . �� ��� (Signed) � 1�1 �v (Date) � I J!'- l G� � ���� n , request that the St Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Admmistrative Law ludge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and GrilI, commonly known as Ameila's Night Club. I sm a patron of this estahlishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their custoiners and the general puUlic. I am a resident at �? f 7 �c � f � rrc� z�p S s Y�� � � .� ����i�I ��7�2i�/'� � �}'� � � (Sig�ed � (Date) I, t�� N�i-'�-� �eu,�r,�'S , request tt�at the SL Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative Law 3udge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Griil, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. ao-58S -- - OG S �S I am a patron of this estabiishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their po�ver to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. �� r�,, /`' I am a resident at �� � 7 ��� C a• Zip c�� �'E� , . �� � �1�,^ �� (Signed} (Date) �' � �S I request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly lmown as Amelia's Night Club. 1 am a patron of this establishment, and I strongiy feel that they are doing all within their power to maintai a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. i *PZ"dent t ����'( ��..� ZiF �� ..1���� �� �-����� (Date) , � I, r , t�. �(_�� p e request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support t6 findings o e Admuustrative L.aw Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnelia's Night Club. �_ �s I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongIy feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a residenY at '� r�' S����� Zip �� �� � � c(T e� C�_q e r s _ (Signed) 5 ��� (Date) - - -co-S$S .� I ,{ ��, ��� , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the �indmgs of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Czri l l, commonly known as Ameila's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puU3ic. I am a resident at � �v f�rut�/ /'n/ S�'� 3 Zip 1 S�l� . S- � 1- U c� (Si d} (Date) I, � � cv r �(I �- �r1�i t"t '�'` C jG `f l , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Admirustrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanetion the Metro Bar and Grili, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. 00 I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe envirorunent for both their customers�n� general public. ��/ J �/1 I am a resident at �`7 �"Z'� �-- � r ��� ZiP �- . � ������� (Signed) / (Date) - � request that the St Paul City Council vote o support the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relaies to ssot to sanction the Ivletro Bar and Grill, commonly Irnown as Amelia's Night Club. I am a patron of this esiablishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing ali within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their ustomers and the general public. 1 am a resident at �� S v.� Zip ����� � l �� � ' � A.C� � � (Signed) (Date) cx�= s8� --- ---- -- - - Oo-5�5 j ��������"� ��� �vr (�. , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to supQort the findings of the Admuustcative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their gower to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the genera] puUlic. I am a resident at � 2 - 3 � ` rk ,v � ��� Zlp S � ^ y �� � �c�:�-� °'�� ����- S � Z / � o � � � (Sign�e (Date) - - �p'�'J$`J I %�/(/�Lr/� ? C G .S �V(�Sd1� , request that the St. Paul City Councii vote to support the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commoniy known as Amelia's Night Club. I am a pauon of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at � U� d �n�l a' S � vE N' Zip y�J . �°���� � ^ �` � - �o (Signed) (Date) .. ----- ----- -- - - - - - -- - C�-5 � -_. I `���i/i-� �`�� , request that the St Pau( City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative La�v Ju dge, as rt re lates to not to sanction the Meno Bar and Grill, common3y known as Arnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this estabiishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the genezal public. I am a resider�t at ��� � [(�(1�-C, Zip � 53 jG ( . ��%�°" � /V' k; .� �! �i�i 1�� � (Date} I> 1" /�C"vr �r �v- Y�1!-�" request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support t e findings of the dministrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly knawn as Arnella's Night Club. - -�"5� I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the geS�ral public,.� j J ,�J �U�,,�.��. I am_a resident at ,� �'�'�`�,�,�„�` -�}-�_e �iv�,uG S (3 } �Lip �����5 � 1 � ��� �,� � �� � �� (Signed) � (Date) I, ` lj f� , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to sc port t' findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sancYion the tro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amelia's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they ue doing all within their po�ver to maintain a safe environment for hath their customers and the general public. 1 am a resident at Zip _�y/� . -- - DO � ,C.v � 5 � / % 2 � �'j ,� � (Date) � - � � request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findin o the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. - - od- 58S -- I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their po�ver to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at � Zip �� C� S ��� (Date) I ��//A G���� , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to su ort the findings o e Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly knawn as Amella's Night CIub. I am a patron of this estabtishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at ������I� S� � Zip �-`J �. . .� �. L DC� (Signe (Date) CJ�+ ' .) p J �- 5S5 - I, � 6 ����Ji +.l �- > request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Admmistrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanetion the Meuo Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this estabiishment, and I strongly feel thai they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at ydl�J �, 1 �H � 1C �n - {_ 1f��5 Zip �S�Li�. .� � ��,� �-a i- o� (Signed) (Date) I ° -� �� "_' V `�� �� request that the St Paul City Council vote'to support he findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. tb- 58� I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environm e�for both their custpmers and the general public. ��a�1dY It � � Zi p—=�t.! �� � ( e /1 tsi��) � + —�� � � (Date) . � ' L'L/tiLr.P �' � J�O S vote to support the find�of���� ve Law ud�eeas re a es o not to ii sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnelia's Night Club. ; I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at _ 1 3 I��Z �i �' Zip �.1 1 (Signed) � � �� " � (Da e) � --- - - - I, request thaC the St. Paul City Council vote su port t$ fin ngs of the �nistrative Law 3udge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Gritl, commoniy known as Amella's Night Club. �Q� S0� I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. a resident at ; � �"'� �1 ���� _�� Zip ��� � ���(-f�� 00 -585 I, �(' �-� �7 (���� \��� , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the f ndings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Baz and CTrill, commonly Irnown as Amelia's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feet that they aze doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at �� �� 1N C� �� J-� �' i'�c� Zip .JSfT. � t ... �- ��-OC� ( igned) (Date) �o-sss I, request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanctio� the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. _ __,_ . .._: ��„ Cn• 585 I, �� �X � , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Meuo Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establislunent, and I strongly feel that they are doing ail within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at � p`1" i�V�Y����-'� �'L�x Zip ���� r Z o� (Si d) (Date) I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they ase doang a11 within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I, �( Gt',� � request that the St. Pau1 City Council vote #o support e findings of the Adminisuative L.aw 3udge, as it relafes to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Griil, commonly known as Arnelia's Night Club. I am a pauon of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at Zip ��r . S - a�-� (Date) I,..�- (=� �w��-� request that the St. Paul City Council vote to suppor e findings of the Adminisuative La�v Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at f Z � f ��� �`�e- Zip �5 (�. C � ,-- � U �� �} ` �.� (Si d) (Date) I,.f /�[�C�� (� /(�/"�� J7c���request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Admimst�dtive Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Griii, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their pawer to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the generai public. I am a resident at ,�jL C�S Ci Zip S 5��. t � i ♦ :�i UO - Sd5"� �'�J$s� 2t� �b �� igned) 'G? � ? �'� (Date) � d�r �� _��'A�' � , request that the St Paul City Council vote tb support the findings of the Administrative I.aw Judge, as it relates Yo not to sancfion the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. �-58.5 I am a patron of this establishznent, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at ��� �(a �� p�. � Zip� ,_ � -1����-- �5-z[-Q� (Si ed) (Date) I> �'%`� � �('e�-�"'� request that the St. Paul City Council vot�ct�suppSrt the findings of the Administrative Law 7udge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commoniy known as Arnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly £eel that they are doing ali within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at 1 ��41� //�,��. � V" � Zip ��i [ ° t� : ` �, i'�� /1 /�//1�l � O.A�-� .✓ ! L �� � � �°''�"� (Date)� __ - - - � - - ---_____... - -- --- --- .. . _- - . ..._.__� � �-r Q� � 5g� I> -S�^- l� request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the ''strative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amelia's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that atey are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the generai public. � am a resident at � J� �(,Z't � �` y_ Zip � 1 b �s� ���� � (Signed) (Date�(�--�-!�� Uo -5SS I, ��Y}� �e�'j , request that the St. Paul City Council �o+e to support the �inuings of the �csninistrative Law Judge, as it relates io not to sanction �he Ivietro Bar �nd G S ili� commonly known as P rr.elia's Night Club. I am a patron of `�'r,is estab;ishment and I s�ronely fzel that they are doing aII within ineir power to maintain a safe enviror,mer.t for both their customers and u'�e gene:al public. I am a resident at �iZ'� •..�'SSt? !k� x:�, `�cL�e_ � Zip ��/,7 _ � � �/ �'_/? (`�at°) r � CV ✓ I, �' � request that the St. Paul Clty Council vote to support the findings the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanetion the Metro Bar and riil, commonly lmown as Arnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they aze doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. ., � / �S/� I am a resident at ,�� /,[.�/��� /.f.f� Zip�����4� � �"� /�azs (Date) '�-�� 00 -$'85 I, � l 1 �,���'1.-� request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the A�tive Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanetion the Metro Sar and Gri11, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establisFupent, and I strongly feei that they are doing afl within their power to maintain a safe environment for both Yheir custome � and the general public. am a re 'dent at ^ �CCg Zip � , � � . _ ^ (Signed) ( (Date} od - 58� I Gl (� �^,( ��,�} S6N , request that the St. Paui City Council . vote to support the findings o£the Admimstrative Law 7udge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel thaY they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at �! � U G` ��'d'�� �T�`P—' Z 'p '��� I s " �_�o �L� :..� �:-X�z.t.cJ�3__ �/� l �� � (Signed) (Date) � � i ��' 1 ( I, C G r I� � request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the A inistrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. ��5�� I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they aze doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the generai public. I am a resident at ��� 1V �� t�C��F�f'(-���"� �'�°�. Zip �� � ��Zr jo� (Signed) (Date) - I �nn i s Il e,�n�yv , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings o the Administrative Law 3udge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commoniy known as Amelia's Night Ciub. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at 5(8 SGi,�r �urh � (-�V�e._ Zip ,S`s � n . _. ., w __..._v___-_-�.=_:. v_ r ��� �'„ I��.Q�.�,� ' zl �b `{'�igned) (Date I, � request that the St. Paul City Council vote t support the findings oP the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanct n the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as AmeIla's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing al1 within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at "� g�,(�, �(/n �yLp��lj�� .Q.��{ Zip s s>(�� 1!(�Y1 `� �'� igned) (Date) � I 1� � i' ��Q W1 _�G �� v� , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findmgs of the Admimstrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and 1 strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the generai public. I am a resident at �n � "fi U"1 ot`�'`2`�' Zip S� l/ �. �,1.�..i..�l��.,,�� �a.�,�'t,ru 5 /3 D�o a (Signed) (Date) I ��y �� J� � -S C C7-r �. _, request that the St. Paul City Council vote to supPort the findings of t e Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Meuo Bar and Grill, commonly lmown as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron af this establishment, and I strongly feet that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the generai public. I am a resident at 3� 6 tn L. Zip _� S�L} `� � G���� � S z/ �ro ,� ,. ,,,�. , ro•S�S t� �- 585� — - ii : ' l n / � o� I > �-�`� �/a� t�-`e.i� Y'�i request that the St. Paul City Council vote to svpport the findings of the Adm�i trative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amelia's Night Club. s/����__ (Date) Oo'S$� - I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at �) �- �� t e r #� Zip S 5� . z �(.t�r..�,t� �� , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Admmistrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Ciub. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am resident at `t� � � �-�"/N'L'�^P `�� ��f47�.2t/�L�p J � � .�-,b � �21 b U _ (Signe (Date) ° --•-_�-_� oo-sg� I �E/�� �� rt d , request that the St. Paut Gity Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relaYes to not to sanetion the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at I/ A ��i9�1 Zip ��� p _�� '�l� (Signed) (Date) �-5gs I request that the St. Paui City Council vote to s po t the findings of the Administrative Law 7udge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Ameila's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and 1 strongiy feel that they are doing ali within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their custs�e��a� e general public. I am a resident at /� C3�_� 1 ''� +� �' � `� Ztp S 16 � �� � - .Z ( - � crz�z�— i ed (Date) I, � ro�/ Q�1 , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the AdmmLStrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the MeSro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. Ol� -. J�'$b� I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. Iamaresiden�t ��V b ���Dt� � Z�P— 2:J! `!� '�� �'� l_.e_/ (�V�SO� I , �,�, request that the St. Paul City Council vote to supQort the findings o� e Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commoniy known as Arnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at ,� (� 5�� r bu�c- �n � PU �_-- Zip , 3" � D. 51'. �a w� �h n.. .�• , � o o__ �/z//cc� .. ! oo - s85� 1 , T, � S'C�i' i /''� �d�equest that the St. Paul City Council vote to support e finding of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly laiown as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel th�t they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at �3� ,���iQ �/j�� �R�/L � ����Zip � ��, l S-�/-GG (Date) W � �.�II I ���,�.� t� _� �;e.,�s , request that the St Paul City Councii vote to support the findings of the Admimstrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I suongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customexs and the general pubiic. I am a resident at � t-��A�'+�--� �.� '��lZo�����iP-51- ��/ �-a�-�c� (Date) - - --- - Gi� - J` I, � � D request that the St. Paul City Councii vote to suppor the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and GriII, commoniy known as Arnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this estabiishmenY, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the generai public. I am a resident at />��� �j�%���� f�� �j �� Zip��7 � G b � ,��. S :-�l� - b� (Signed) (Date) I, �(� J'1) iii 1 r L^' � e��, i�W. n� y�9uest that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Admimstrative Law 7udge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. DO - 585 I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel thai they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. � I am a resident at (� C� 3�= � i� ��L�. W� Zip �. (} ( .. � T�iw.°.�� ' 1 ' � �-- �C./�...�,�-�� '� �. l — O � ( igned) (Aate) "– _ � p -, --'_____. ;��� – _—__ _ � 5gS I �=�_ --} }� .� ;. .,�, 'a . '°�:��.,�request that the St Paul City Council 5 � `� ''* vote toTsupport the findings of"the A inistrative Law 3ud�e, as it relates to not ta sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this esYablishment, and I strongly feel that they aze doing all within their power to rnaintain a safe environment for both their customers and the �eneral public. � �.,, '"'.= �''.�, -m �., � ,- ,� "° :� , � =a � � s�s- _ �, <.. _ _ Zip 1 am a resident at x '" '"�--`�' � � � � ` �' ` �..,..._ . �. � - �•, -°- ^�' � : � � o � � . ; � A ,."'_, ..,-_-n._ .�., - _ - � �....�?»._ >i _ ,�:,..�.-, �.,.._.., r .,.�,..,-' (Signed)� � � (Date) C�.G; I;�- �, �6,��L� rx�-5g�" I, request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not ta sanetion the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's I3ight Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at �� 3$�.� �R �� {� v � rt If � Zip S 5( �j �s=�-Q� ���.�� �a � l � (Signed) (Date) .. c�-�s I, •, ��"'' £s �' �� request that the St Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Ciub. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing aIl within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at g�y � v16/4 /� � Zip S� ' . __ ��� C°� S-al��a (Signed) (Date) �"SO� I, �� CL.�� c�� ��'�:..C4� that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Ad ' inistrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at �'� 5# �`�-�-� Zip �S l CJ� .� � �..e�- ����� S� ds ��-�l� (Signed) ` (Date) �' J�BS `� .'x � � ,'� ? 3 3 �R ? � 3 I, ; � ''''�� ;»,��.�� '�. '?'�.�=�-:� that the St. Paut City Council vote to support the findings of`the Admiriistrati`ve Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Ame11a's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I suongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. � ` � � �-- -: f ? � �' � -�`��:�: � I am a resident at ,,�.: ''-�" �°°�' � sk�"� ��- � Zip- a�` °� ;� �- '� 3 _� � � � J �" �� .e � `� ? 9'.� �q� !,� � i +"tC� �l J1f �.���f"�3 y�� s� ✓ _ (�igrieii) . , �� - � � (Date) ' > - 00-58� I, �/L �-t— /,e.(�«� request that the St. Paul City Council Yote to support the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Griil; commonly known as /�rnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and 1 strongiy feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a r sid nt at !!�lj ���r�-,�f) LC. '�� t r�� Zip S S��'' �zreo (Date) �— 'J`�J� I> � , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to svpport the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. (Signed) ' (Date) I, /�' (� /7/6 5 I'/o� (/ �� , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to sup�ort the findings of the Administrative L,aw Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnetla's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at �� �✓. w• ��/e-� �� Z�P ���� G���- ��- -fSigned) ����1� (Date) -- �_ z�P� "� tl ���-i C� DD-585 I atn a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to mainrain a safe environment for both their customers and the genetal public. - _:�. M oa - ssS I ' �-�r� � request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative Iaw Judge, as it relates to not to sanctionthe Metro Bar and GriII, commonly known as Arnetla's Night Ciub. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel th3t they are doing alI with9n their poiver to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at _� �;� G��� �Q Zip �'rj Q% "� ��f� � i�ed) - ,s/z� oa (Date) I � est that the St. Paul City Council vote t port the fin ' gs of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commoniy known as Amella's Night Club. ao - s$s I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a s� environr�ent fqr b�th their customers and the general public. I am �-resident at (Signed) Zip 5 ���� (Date) ___ ...--- G�0- 585 I, o est that the St. Paul City Council vote o support the fin ings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Czrill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both thei: customers and the general public. I am a resident at �J�_.;�1�'j������r/__2°�_ Zip ��� ! � �� � � � {Signed) (Datei - -- -- -- �- --- -=-�- - - ------ DO - 68s I 1�1�� �) �� , request that the St. Paul City Council vote o suppor the findings of the Admuustrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I atn a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their go�ver to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at �533 �>�o����� / Zip S�//7. ` A / r /SdS \ � � (Date) - — — --- --- - -� — V I request that the St. Paul City Council vote io support t e findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Me o Bar and Grill, commonly known as Ameila's Night Club. I am a patron of this esiablishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at �� 1 �,E C�1711 � Z�P ;J���� ` , % � �i �Gf� (Date av -sgs I, J o�' �.1 /� •�v �t -e 5 , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative La�v Judge, as it relates to not to sanetion the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as AmeIla's Night Ctub. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. . n .� ; , n .^ _ e � ,�� �t� zip �3y�/ � � ,�/ � /vd (Date) _-- - ---- -- --- op_ ��5 I ���9� %,tq � j/� , request that the 5t. Paul City Council vote to svpport the findings of the Admimstrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Baz and Grill, commonly irnown as Arnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing atl within their po��er to maintain a safe environment far both their customers and Yhe general puUlic. I am a resident at �� �l��To� �% f A�L ' zip S .. �� i�/"�- '��Y �� . ��oc (Signed) (Date) I, ��p-y–/jo�a ,�1.��.,,� /�_ , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. (.'� – S8 � I am a patron of this estabiishment, and I strongly feel thai they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for boYh their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at �� o�.�„� �,oi,�2 Zip S�`//D ' ' ��77`n�r ,�J'i�a ��'� � Y / (Signed�� (Date) Y e, request that the St. Paui City Couacit vo e to support ffie findings of the dministrative Larv Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's NighY Club. �� S�? -- I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at // I� ��1' �__ Zip ��� i . \ �� ��; � igned) ( aie) -- ------ --------------- �_ s$s_. �--- I � ���, request that the St. Paul City Council vote to suppo t the findings of t�ie Admimstrative Law 7udge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. I am a pauon of this _establishment, and I strongIy feel that they are doing ati within their po�ver to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at l(D � Y `�J�� ��� Zip �u� . �-- _a (Signed} (Daie) UO - 5`a5 I, � ���-.� S� (�C � , request that ihe St. Paui City Council vote to support the findings of the Admmistrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amelta's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a residenY at � Y����=�=z� �� Zip �C� ` ,� ;� �-- �� lgned)\ (Date) ' �_ , --- -------- -- — -- (�" S$5 \ � . '�`� �`L��� 4'�� 1, request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Admi tive Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanetion the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongIy feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the generai public. I am a resident at i�� lr'f✓ �\� �� Z�P �� � G � ^ �-,� ��-�� � �`-� � ° 1 � (Signed) d (Date) � U request that the St. Paul City Council I, r� vo o support the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Baz and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I stron�iy feel that they are doing all within their po�ver to maintain a safe environment for both t ir customers and the general public. I am a reside at �/�X _`� �✓� C� Gt !/� Zip �� � � �' oZ O� ._ ,-_. � •��� (Date) t�- 58S - ------------- - (.�-�$5 I ���f`a � ����/�_, request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findiugs of the Admmistrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feei that they are doing ali within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the generat public. I am a resident at �� �{.� (� `�' � B Zip J�y� � ..� �' �S ,,,,,P�il (Date} I C� , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Admmistrarive Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Ciub. i1 : I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing alI within their po�ver to maintain a safe environment for oth their customers and the general public. (��/ �`�'��--- ziP ? S��S I am resi ent at , � t' �-� ., �¢;�,Prti (Date) I /"I !f' C�/ � request that the St� Paul City Council vote to support he findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as AmeIIa's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that ihey are doing al2 within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at ��j �/ \.J� G�'2.C,.� /� � Zip � S� �Y . �-- � �� � �v� v (Signed) (Date) I � n �. �Q P.( > request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. a�-sgS W' �Jgs I am a pauon of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing ail within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a esident at � . XA/V / V ' { OY��IA z�p '� l U.�/ � - Z2 - �� (Date) --- �"S� J I �,�,,. ��� � G� , request that the St. Paui Ciry Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative I.aw 7udge, as it relates to not to sanetion the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel thai they are doing all within their power io maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the generai public. I am a resident at -�� r l �-� �-- � s .� �� �� �Q (Signed) --ZIP �3<C 4 '`j ��� � (Date) I, %)oJ� D���; , request that the St. Paul Ciry Council vote tio support Yhe findings ofthe Administrative La�v Judge, as it retates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Gril1, commonly known as ArneIla's Night Club. I am a patron of this estabiishment, and I stron�Iy feei that they are doing all within their po�ver to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the generat public. I am a resident at __��Uy S�� z�p 5 '��c `t . �� � � .r-��>> (S� �� (Date) �= r I , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to svpport th ndings of the Administrative La�v Judge, as it relates to not to sanetion the Meko ar and Griil, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. b0 -5$S - - Do -585 I am a patron of this estabiishment, and I strongly feel that they are doin� ali within their po�ver to maintain a safe environment for both theiz customers and the generai public. I am a resident at C 1� Zip� �� // � � (Signed} (Date) � /� I�� _°" ,1 /'/ , request that the St. Pau1 City Councii vote to support the m}ng o the A istrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction Yhe Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Ame l la's Ni� ht C iu b. �-S�5 I am a patron of this establishment, and I strong[y feel that they are doing alt within their po�ver to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at ��� �� ,C' � 2 tP � � � . `-�" � ���2G� (Signed} (Date) I, �,. � i•�, (9���'S , request that the St Paul City Council vote to supgort the findings of Yhe Administrative Law Judge, as it reiates to not to sanction the Metro Baz and Grill, commonly known as AmelIa's Night CIub. I am a patron of this estabiishment, and I stron;ly feel that they are doing all within their po�ver to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general pubiic. a ����u�� Zz �� I am a resident at � P � � ����-� c� 2��% (Signed) �Dat� / I, '�q � 1�-('} ��� CaG �''� �� , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to supporY the findings of the Administrative Law 7udge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and GrelE, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. � -585 �� ;� I atn a patron of this establishment, and I strongiy feel that they are doing all within their potiver to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at ��� ����� �'""� �f ��"'"'�- Zip � s� v� .. ,�-„� �e�G`„" .�r,- � G — `�.,-��° � (Signed) (Date} T �C�,q �. / ����,{/�jf/�,( ° - request That the St Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Admmtstrative Law Judge, as it reIates to not to sancYion the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongiy feei that they are doin� ail within their po�ver to maintain a safe environment for both t5eir customers and the general pubtic. I am a resident at /�� ���'�,� �� AG(c �� S � k Z P���D�_ _ „?�— � • S�° (Signed) Q�- 5$5 � / I, 1�i �"���f�"i "i r,t r�f I?Ir< ��I I�equest that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Administra+frve Law Judge, as it relates Yo not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongiy feel that they aze doing a11 within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. �� � C - z� � � � �?`� I am a resident at � 1'Y� ��. �� - �n �,� . �C.. 1� �Q �`�" c� - � - � C> {Signed) (Date) -- -�'��� I, __ ('�G�L �� � C( l��V\ , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly knorvn as Ameila's Night Club. I am a patron of this esiablishanent, and I strongly feel that they are doing alI within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at �� ���G' ���h �v� 1 =� S`V�U+1(Zjp ,�� ' r - ^ 1�T/1 . l � �Y� � �/��-"' V �� '� �-, �� (Signed) � (Date G�'Sg5 I �� j� p �� �'j� � , request ihat the SY. Paul City Councii vote io support the findings of the AdmimstraYiva Larv 7udge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arneita's Night Club. I am a pairon of this establishment, and I strongiy feet that they are doing all within their po��er to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the genera] puUlic. I am a resident at ��� �f��✓ ,��E'� Zip S S Ib �. . ���,c � ,8c��--� S ����`�� (Signed) ' (Date) . - ------ - -- - - _ _--,._,_ �_�.:�= � � c� • S�S I `���/� �i7�'n� i'�� , request that the St. Paul City Council vote tn support'the findings of the Adzninistrative Law Judge, as it relates to aot to sanetion the Metto Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I stron�ly feel that they are doing aII within their power to maintain a safe environment far both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at ��� G��1`�G �� �'� �� Zip S� �' � � �.��� ��.�..- �-� � G� faa-/� �� � (Signed) (Datej � � i ���� p'�" , requesl that the S� Paul City Couneil vot io support the findings of the Admmistrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Gri11, commoniy known as ArnelIa's Ni�ht Ciub. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongIy feel that they aze doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for boYh their customers and the general public. I am a resident at �� � /�1��� �� ZiP ��� .. . �� ,� �/�' �--� ( tgned) (Date) I �r,,, ���" y/ ��. ���' SB �1 , request that the St. Paut City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relaYes To not tfl sanction the Metro Bar and GrilI, commonly known as Arnelia's Ni�ht Ctub. Cx3• 5$S _._ _ _ .._ �' �J � � I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongiy feel that they are doing ail within their po�ver to maintain a safe environment for both tneir customers and the general puUlic. ) g7?C�.r�CtS . '/ I am a resident at J� r/���U� �`� h-� S o fFt �{'f/. Zip .S`�S��a 7- . ��� �y�� %w � (Signed) �=�� a em� (Date) - - - -- - - - - - - --- -- - �' S85 I �-�'11� - .� �� �� , requesY that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative Lativ 7udge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I stron�Iy feel that they are doing all within their pol�rer to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at f� O( � �� -� ��-IG� ��� � Zip �S� . --�� ' ��c� S-a� G � (Signed) (Date) '' l < ` < I, ����'&� �N � l� 1�V�J , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative La�v Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Griil, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongIy feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at � � �� \ �� �L� � ��" i �`P ���. � � ��� , �, ��� L - �� (Sign (Date) l�0- 5$S I ��� Q �j'� �� �,(��� request that the St Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Admimstrative La�v Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Griil, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they aze doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their custom rs and the general public. I am a resident at 1`\F� J u�\ Zip �J . � �PpJ� ���1.�/I � - Z`�� � (Signed} (Date) Q'J-S$5" I p /� , � , request that the St Paul City Council vote to support he finding of e Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at �� �� v��T {� / r� 11 i'Y� I l�i�ip (Signed} (Date) 00-585 �—S�J� I �`( �\ `�� ��`t`(� � , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support t�ie findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. (�' ���, � I am a resident at �"I ��1,�1� � � Z � 1 ��� � ��� � 5 � ed) (Date) I, � z n r� r� �,t' W.' �� c'�m S , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support fhe findings of the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general pubiic. I am a resident at I S 6 Gi�'S'-� 2✓ %i^t <��i^EOC Zip S�S' /O 7 L�-585 . - ,�i �U'��'�c;� 2,/�-��z� s Z Z G�/' (Signed) (Date) ---=�-_ I request that the St. Paul City Council vote to sup ort the findings o the Administrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and rill, commonly known as'Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongIy feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. � I am a resident at 0 �� \' � � '" � V �� ZlP �� � �O G� � U (Si d) (Date) I r: �%�,[�G�C'�I� `�'''?� , request that the St Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Admmistrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. --- 00-58� �' S$S I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they aze doing all within their power to maintain a safe environme t for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at �/1 � 4�-��L�--- ���'`l /'�' Zip ✓�S� O j . /� C��2-� � " `f /� (Signe (Date) -- - --- ----- --- --- — -- - — — - - —_.. ._ --- �" S$S I�� IPf�1� Q , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support Yhe findings of the Admimstrative I,arv Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Amella's Night Club. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general puUlic. I am a resident at ��� �(�.� bl,l,4 n� Zip ��L . y .2�� � c�c��� (Signed) (Date) � - 585 I, �� �jv� �i4-� S , request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings of the Administrative I.aw Judge, as it relates to not to sancrion the Metro Bar and Griil, commonly lrnown as P,mella's Night Ciub. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel thaY they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at -! / U G�`��h� �/ Zip �6 � �� �� ��� (Signed) (Date) I������ ��� � request that the St. Paul City Council , vote to support the findings of the A inistrative Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's Night Club. UO • S8� I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongly feel that they are doing all within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. j � A /� �- {n,, I am a resident at �JS /t! � � � iC/1 �'�l�-b�\� Zip �� � { �/� /f? (Signed) (Date) I ��n n���e �1 e r �� request that the St. Paul City Council vote to support the findings o the�' Administrarive Law Judge, as it relates to not to sanction the Metro Bar and Grill, commonly known as Arnella's Night Ciub. I am a patron of this establishment, and I strongiy feel that they are doing aIl within their power to maintain a safe environment for both their customers and the general public. I am a resident at S(8 S�i�� �urn � AV�. Zip 5�; � a s/��/�o � � �Ss ° 1 _�6_.w---�. �G��r� � .� �D `f5igned) (Date CITIZEN SERVICE OFFICE F2d Owusq City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, .Yfayor 170 City Hall Tel.: 651-266-8989 ISWKellaggBou[evm�d F�: 651-266-8689 SaintPaul Mi�mesota 55702 October 25, 2000 Mr. Frederick K. Grittner Clerk of the Appellate Courts Minnesota Judicial Center 25 Constitution Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55155 Re: Metro Bar & Grill, Inc., dba Arnellia's at 1183 University Ave. Appellate Court File: C6-00-1156 Dear Mr. Grittner: HAND DELIVERED Enciosed herewith please find an index and originals of the Saint Paul City Council's record in the above referenced matter. This is the City Council's complete record and its index. By copy of this letter, the index is being sent to Attorneys for Petitioner and Respondent, together with affidavits of service by Mail. Sincerely, a�fi %��"� !G, �� Frederick K. Owusu City Clerk cc: Virginia Palmer, Assistant City Attorney (index only) S. Mark Vaught, Attorney at Law (index only) STATE OF NIINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) Frederick K. Owusu, City Clerk, being first duly swom, deposes and says that on October 25, 2000 he servedthe attached: Index to the Saint Paul City Councii File No. 00-585 upon the followuig attorney(s), individual(s) or corporation(s) by placing a mie and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as shown and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at Saint Paul, Muuiesota. Ciayton Robinson Saint Paul City Attorney Virginia D. Palmer Assistant Saint Paul City Attorney Atty. Reg. No. 128995 15 West Kellogg Blvd, Suite 400 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Attomeys for Respondent S. Mazk Vaught Attorney at Law Atty. Reg. No. 131519 Six VJest Fifth Street, Suite 700 Saint Paul, MN 55102-1412 Attorney for Petitioner -�� �. ��� -.� Subscrihed and sworn to before me this ��' day of �c , 20�� � Notary Public v'�. SHARI A. MOORE N4TARY RJ�C _ � �... � A EXA�RES JqN. 31, ZOOg �� COURT OF APPEALS NUMBER:C6-00-1156 INDSX OR COIINCIL FILE (C.F.) 00-585 DOC. NUMBLR 1 � 3 0 � DATE DESCRIPTION 6-21-00 Resolution and Green Sheet suspending the (c3ate , license of Metro Bar & Grill d/b/a adopted Arnellia's and adopting the Report of the by ALJ with exceptions and amendments Council) 6-1-00 Letter from State Representative Andy Dawkins offering opinion that Arnellia's license not be suspended. 4-20-00 Notice of Public Hearing leCter sent to Attorney Mark Vaught by Assistant City Attorney Virginia Palmer regarding 1-26-00 Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommendation of the Administrative Law Judge. 5-3-00 Letter from Virginia Palmer to Mark Vaught regarding the City's Exceptions to the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommendation of the ALJ. Includes City's Final Argument - Statement of Facts 5-9-00 Memo to City Council £rom Nancy Anderson regarding laying over of item #32 on the May 10 Council Agenda to June 7 for a Public Hearing. NLTMB&R OF PAGES 7 il 11 17 1 6. 144 petition cards requesting the City 144 Council to support the findings of the caras in ALJ, as it relates to not sanction i Arnella's. envelope 7. 6-21-00 8. 6-21-00 Videotape of 6-21-00 Saint Paul City Council meeting, Summary minutes of 6-21-00 Saint Paul City Council meeting. DOCUMENTS RETURNED BY TEiE AT,J RECEIVED IN THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE 4-5-00 � 10 4-4-00 Letter from Phyllis Reha, Administrative Law Judge, to the City Council regarding the Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Recommendations. 3-6-00 Letter from Virginia Palmer to t11e ALJ Phyllis Reha regarding City's Reply Memorandum. 1 tape 14 F_ya 0 � 11. 3-6-00 12. 3-2-0� 13. 2-18-00 Fax cover from Mark Vaught to Phyllis Reha regarding no further submissions in the Metro Bar & Grill matter. Fax from Mark Vaught to Phyllis Reha summarizing and presenting Respondent's view of the evidence. Letter from Virginia Palmer to Phyllis Reha enclosing the Fina1 Argument on behalf of LIEP. 14. 2-28-00 Letter from Phyllis Reha to Virginia Palmer granting her request to extend the period for reply briefs. Attached is the letter from Virginia Palmer requesting the extension. 15. 12-15-99 Letters from Virginia Palmer and Peter Pangborn announcing Notice of Hearing to Arnellia Allen. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1-26-00 List of City's proposed exhibits. 9-30-99 City's Exhibit #1, License Information Report City's Exhibit #2, License conditions for Metro Bar & Gri11 dba Arnellia's 9-23-99 9-23-99 9-30-99 11-8-99 10-29-99 11-10-99 12-15-99 10-7-99 City's Exhibit #3, Police report prepared by Officer Gerald E. Johnson City's Exhibit #4, Police report prepared by Sgt. Richard J. Munoz City�s Exhibit #5, Notice of Violation City's Exhibit #6, Police report prepared by Sgt. Mark C. Kempe City's Exhibit #8, Letter from Ms. Arnellia Allen to Robert Kessler City's Exhibit #9, Notice of Second Violation City's Exhibit #10, Notice of Aearing City's Exhibit #7, Videotape from Arnellia's 1 5 11 2 5 2 4 1 2 3 3 2 2 3 5 1 tape � CITY p 4 y � i x O - y � IIflffII� �Q�II a � 119H II � q h � 1g54 � SUMMARY MINUTES OF THE SAINT PAUL CITY COUNCIL Wednesday, June 21, 2000 - 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 3RD FLOOR City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard The meeting was called to order at 3:40 pm. by Council President Bostrom. Present - 7- Benanau, Blakey, Bostrom, Coleman, Harris, Lantry, Reiter Absent - 0 CONSENT AGENDA (Items 1- 28) Gerry Strathman stated that the City Attorney's Office requested Item 26 be withdrawn. Councilmember Coleman requested Item 27 be removed for discussion. Councimember Coleman moved approval of the consent agenda as amended. Adopted as amended Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 GTi] 7�y1 Y [U��I Approval of minutes of May 10 & 17, 2000. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 2. Claims of Kenneth Colaizy, Robert Distad, David & Maria Snyder, Darla Aansen, Milton Kendall, Katharine Lovich, Anthony Rybak, Thomas Rykel, and Hieu Tran. Referred to the Employee/Risk Management Office 3. Class Acrion Sununons and Class Action Complaint and Demand for Jury Trial in the matter of Deryl Baysinger, Barrori Chapman, Darron Chapman, Sammie Chapman, and all other similazly situated, vs. the City of Saint Paul. Referred to the City Attorney's Office 4. Letter from the Office of the City Attorney announcing a public hearing before the City Council on June 28, 2000, to consider adverse acrion against all licenses held by Fleming Companies, Inc., dba Rainbow Foods, 892 Arcade Street. (LJncontested) June 21, 2000 City Council Summary Minutes Page 2 5. Letter from the Office of the City Attomey announcing a public hearing before the City Council on June 28, 2000, to consider the report of the Administrative Law Judge conceming the application for an auto repair license by MFK Enterprises, 830 Robert Street South. 6. Letter from the Office of License, Inspecrions and Environmental Protection announcing a public hearing before the City Council on 7une 28, 2000, to consider the appeals of Nationwide Group and REF LLC to a decision of the Plauuiug Commission denying a site plan for a mini-storage facility on the former railroad property between Agate Street and 35E and between Case and Suns Avenues. Letter from the Department of Plauuing and Economic Development announcing a public hearing before the City Council on July 12, 2000, to consider the application of Jaunae and David Brooks to rezone properiy at 1528 Grand Avenue, between Saratoga and Snelling, from RM-2 to OS-1 to allow an office use. 8. Administrative Order: D001891 Transferring CIB funds from the Eustis Street Pedesriian ChokerBuxnpout project to the Curb Bumpouts:Cleveland & Pinehurst project in the Department of Public Works Noted as on file in the City Clerk's Office 9. Resolution - 00-580 - Approving the Memorandum of Understanding between the St. Paul Civic Center Authority (also known as RiverCentre Authority), an agency of the City of Saint Paul, and International Operating Engineers Local 70, International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, and 1Vlanual and Maintenance Supervisors Association. (To be laid over one week for adoption) Laid over to July 28 for adoprion 10. Resolution - 00-581 - Approving the reappoinhnent of William Dunnigan, by Mayor Coleman, to the Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Commission. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 11. Resolution - 00-582 - Approving the reappointments of Robert Nardi and Paul Finsness, by Mayor Coleman, to the Truth in Sale of Housing Boazd of Evaluators. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 12. Resolution - 00-583 - Approving the reappoinhnent of Valdi Stefanson, by Mayor Coleman, to the Ramsey Action Program. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 June 21, 2000 City Council Suinmary Minutes Page 3 13. Resolution - 00-584 - Approving the appointments of Tom Heinl, Michelle Bergman, Janet Vogei, and Betty Copeland, and the reappoinhnents of 7ose Basques, Susan Broaner, Laurel Frost, Dan Reed, Kay Willshire, and Mike Garsteig, by Mayor Coleman, to the Advisory Committee for People with Disabilities. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 14. Resolution - 00-585 - Finalizing City Council action taken June 7, 2000, conceming adverse acrion against all licenses held by Metro Baz & Grill, Inc., dba Arnellia's, 1183 University Avenue. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 15. Resolurion - 00-586 - Authorizing the City of Saint Paul to accept a gift of air transportation and related necessary meals or dinner expenses from St. Jude Medical to allow Mayor Coleman to attend a"Salute to Bruce Vento" celebration in Washington, D.C. on June 27, 2000. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 16. Resolution - 00-587 - Approving the changes in polling locations and approving the list ofpolling locations. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 17. Resolution - 00-588 - Approving Right-of-Way management pernut fee structure. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 18. Resolurion - 00-589 - Approving the following organizations to the 2000 Charitable Gambling 10% Club: Asian Pacific Youth Alliance, El Rio Vista Booster Club, Front Booster Club, Groveland Booster Club, Hazel Park Booster Club, 7ohnson Area Baseball Boosters, and Stazlings Volleyball Club. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 19. Resolution - 00-590 - Approving disbursement of Youth Programs Funds to the following organizations: District 6 Planning Council, Dunuing Boosters, Eastview Booster Club, Edgcumbe Community Center Hockey Booster Club, Frost Lake Athletic Membership Endowrnent Society, Harding Area Girls' Fastpitch Softball, Hayden Heights Youth Alliance, Lexington/Hamline Community Council, St. Paul Midway Little League, St. Paul Police Explarer Post #454, St. Paul Urban Tennis Program, SuperClown, and Twin Star Baseball Club. Adopted Yeas = 7 Nays - 0 June 21, 2000 City Council Summary Minutes Page 4 20. Resolution - 00-591 - D'uecting the Division of Pazks and Recreation to enter into a joint use agreement with Saint Paul Public Schools for the construction and use of a baseball field at ArlingtoniArkwright Park. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 21. Resolution - 00-592 - D'uecting the Division of Pazks and Recrearion to renew the existing lease agreement with Higher Education Services Office/Get Ready Program for office space at Baker Comxnunity Center. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 22. Resolution - 00-593 - Authorizing the Police Department to enter into an agreement with the Miunesota Deparhnent of Huxnan Services to provide training to the 2000-02 Recruit Academy on how to interact and provide service to the hearing impaired community on June 14, 2000. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 23. Resolution - 00-594 - Authorizing the Police Deparhnent to enter into an agreement with the Miunesota Vehicle Safety Traiving & Research Center to provide driving inshuction for the 2000-02 Recruit Academy and three hours of classroom training. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 24. Resolution - 00-595 - Authorizing the Police Department to enter into an agreement with the Washington County Agricultural Society to use the Washington County Fairgrounds on June 21, 2000, to train the 2000-02 Recruit Academy in Mobile Field Force Tactics. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 25. Resolufion - 00-596 - Accepting a donation of motorcycle helmets and radio equipment, valued at $5,627, to the Police Department Motorcycle Patrol Unit from Mr. John Nasseff: Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 26. (Removed for discussion 27. (Removed for discussion) 28. Resolution Approving Assessment - 00-599 - In the matter of sumuiary abatements (property clean-up) during April and/or May, 2000 (J0003A); towing abandoned vehicles from private propert7 during December, 1999 and/or January or February, 2000, and vehicles towed from775 Reaney Avenue and 672 Arcade Street (J0002V); demolirion of vacant buildings during April, 2000 (J20002C); and boazding-up buildings during Mazch, 2000, and setting date of Legislative Hearing for August 15, 2000, and City Council Hearing foz August 23, 2000. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 June 21, 2000 City Council Summary Minutes Page 5 NIISCELLANEOUS 41. Slide presentation of 2000 Saint Paul heritage preservation awards. Brian Wass, Arclutect and Principal for Krech, O'Brien, Mueller, and Wass, and President of the American Insritute of Architects-Saint Paul Chapter, representing 350 azchitects in Saint Paul, appeazed. Mr. Wass said their firm sponsors the awazds along with the Heritage Preservation Commission (HPC). These awards were presented on May 17, 2000, for 17 projects representing 53 individuals, owners, architectural firms, developers, contractors, and govemment agencies. They all were honored for maintaining the history of Saint Paul. Dudley Yuukin, HPC, appeared and stated there are a wide range ofprojects that represent the positive benefits of historic preservation for the sake of history, community, and revitalization of Saint Paul. Aaron Rubenstein, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection and staff to the HPC, presented slides of the buildings which received awazds. 26. Resolution - 00-597 - Allowing placement of "Snoopy" figures in the public right-of-way, exempting them from permit fees under Chapter 135, and accepfing liability. Councilmember Blakey moved to withdraw the resolution. Withdrawn Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 FOR DISCUSSION (Items 27 and 29 were discussed in tandem.) 27. Resolution - 00-598 - Memorializing City Council action taken May 10, 2000, granting the appeal of Neighbors Opposed to Victoria Plaza, Inc., Suminit Hill Association, and East Mall Association to a decision of the Planning Commission approving the site plan for a commercial development and parking ramp at 864 Grand Avenue. Councilmember Coleman moved to lay over one week. (see discussion under Item 29) Laid over to June 28 Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 29. Update by the Administrarion regarding addirional parking at the corner of Grand and Victoria Avenues. (iJpdate requested by Council on June 7) Susan Kimberly, Deputy Mayor, appeared. She said staff from the Department of Plauuiug and Economic Development ha�e been meeting with the developer, neighbors, and relevant parties and they have requested a one week lay over with the hope that there June 21, 2000 City Council Summary Minutes Page 6 will be a resolution agreeable m everyone by that time. Councilmember Coleman moved to lay over one week. He said he has not seen the final agreement but he understands it has been signed by all of the parties and, hopefully, it will be an agreement that everyone can live with. Laid over to June 28 Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 30. Report from the Office of Human Rights pertaining to "fair housing." (Report requested by the Council on May 3) (Laid over from June 'n A report was presented by Tyrone Terrill, Director, Office of Huxnan Rights. Tyrone Terrill, Office of Human Rights, stated that housing has become more problematic and there is an increase in housing discrimination. Like other cities, most people do not file housing discrimination charges. They simply go somewhere else to look for housing. Another issue is that some people may think they were denied housing because there is not enough housing available and the Fair Housing Council is an asset in dealing with issues in this azea. Councilmember Blakey noted that $30,00� was allocated to Auman Rights for fair housing testing. He asked if the testing was going to be done so landlords are aware of these issues. Mr. Terrill responded there will be a contract with the Minnesota Fair Housing Center for $30,000 which will be used for training and testing. Some of the training components would include the involvement of the Human Rights Office, Housing and Urban Development (H[JD), and the Minnesota Depariment of Human Rights. The City would be participating free of cost. (Benanau, Coleman & Harris left during the discussion) Councilmember Blakey asked when would the testing be done and the when would the results be auailable. Mr. Terrill responded that testing will be done when someone has been denied an apartment or home. Testing could also include a particulaz building or bank. The cost is usually about $300 to $400 per test. Testing does not always mean discrnnination took place but there needs to be a full investigation in order for the chazges to be upheld. Councilmember Blakey stated that sometime in 2000 there will be a contract with the Minnesota Fair Housing Council and the City will be provided with the results if there was an indicarion of bias. Mr. Terrill said he will provide a report to the Council on a quarterly basis regarding this information. Councilmember Blakey said he wouid like to see the scope of the contract with the Minnesota Fair Housing Council when it is signed. By the next City budget cycle, the Council can deternune whether they are receiving a return on money invested in this issue. June 21, 2000 City Council Sununary Minutes Page 7 31. Report from City Council staff and the Admiuistrarion regarding District Energy Saint Paul, Inc's. request for an extension of the Term of the District Heating Development Company Franchise for an additional twelve years from October 4, 2013 to October 4, 2025. (Report requested on June 7) Gerry Strathman stated a meeting was held with City Council and Aduiiiustrative staff and his recommendation is that this issue be referred to the City Council Organizarional Meeting on June 28, 2000. Councilmember Blakey moved to refer the matter to the June 28 Organizational Meeting. Referred to the City Council Organization Meeting on June 28, 2000. Yeas - 4 Nays - 0 (Benanav, Coleman and Harris were not present) (Coleman returned) 32. Report from the Mayor and his administration on nnplementing a program to provide technology trauung for Saint Paul residents to establish a base of "Huxnan Capital" for business. (Report requested by Council May 3, 2000; C.F. 00-429; laid over from June 14) Councilmember Blakey moved to lay over one week. Laid over to June 28 Yeas - 5 Nays - 0 (Benanav and Harris were not present) (Benanav & Harris returned) 33. Resolution - 00-547- Approving a Management Agreement for RiverCentre with Saint Paul Arena Company, LLC. (Laid over from June 14) Joe Reid, Budget D'uector, appeared and stated there was a new agreement and some of the issues raised in previous discussions were incorporated in the document. Mr. Reid reviewed the changes in the document. Councilmember Coleman asked where the responsibility for liability will be for the connection -- as it leaues the library or as it leaves the existing skyway system. Mr. Reid responded his expectarion is that it would cover the public portion from where it goes down underground to the RiverCentre. He is not sure how the elevator would be dealt with. Council President Bostrom suggested the Port Authority would be responsible for the elevator and stair tower. Mr. Reid responded that would be correct once there is a clear right-of-way into the building. June 21, 2000 City Council Summary Minutes �� Councilmember Coleman asked if the language needs clarification or if the current language is okay. Mr. Reid responded the current language is okay, but the documents related to the Port Authority, the Convention and Visitors Bureau, and the City should be reviewed. Coleman presented two amendments to the document. Councilmember Coleman moved approval of the amendments Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 Mr. Reid reviewed the sections of the agreement pertaining to management fees and commissions. Councilmember Blakey asked about the management fee and why the RiverCentre Authority would not be getting a matching revenue as well. Mr. Reid responded they are talking about a certain number of revenues generated by the facility. 17ae agreement does not deal with other revenues such as the parking ramp. Based on the information provided by the RiverCentre Authority fiscal staff, the RiverCentre will net approximately $45Q000 to $500,000 as a result of this agreement. The RiverCentre will be getting some money, but it is not reflected in the document; it will be reflected in the yeaz-end financials for the RiverCentre Authority. Mr. Reid said he would have liked to see it reflected in the agreement, but it cannot be done because of IRS regulations. Of the $500,000, Blakey asked if it reflects the 50% share the RiverCentre Authority received. Mr. Reid responded the authority will get 100% of that as a result of increased revenues and reduced eacpenditures because of the ability to share staff, equipment, etc. Councilmember Blakey asked about the issue of the tunnel and if the projection of a 15% increase in business was added into the revenue. Mr. Reid responded it is reflected to some extent but he didn't build in anything specific. The huinel will not be completed until the end of 2001 and will not be in operation unti12002 or 2003. Councilmember Blakey suggested there be an amendment to reflect 15% so the City would get a share of the money. He is concerned that it is not reflected in the agreement. Mr. Reid responded if they were to assume that happens, and the numbers are approximate, the City would take in another $50,000 or $75,000, all of which goes to the RiverCentre Authority. If the Council is bringing the Arena and RiverCentre management together, the tazget should be higher, stated Mr. Blakey. Mr. Reid responded it is a projection and the projections haue been higher than the actual. That is why he thought it was a reasonable figure to use for the first tazget. June 21, 2000 City Council Suivmary Minutes Page 9 Mr. Blakey stated the $3.7 million is sometbing that should be reached very easily. Witl� both operations playing offeach other, it seems the projections would have been higher. Mr. Reid stated that in the past, the estimates haue been overly optimistic. He was most interested in meeting these targets, creating some stability in the revenues generated, and managing the cost without doing it at the eapense of the revenue. Councilmember Benanav stated there was an anticipated 15% increase in revenues as a result of the tunnel being built. If that is the case, he asked if the target is correct and if it can be incorporated. Mr. Reid responded he did not remember 15% as the number, but it is an estunate and there is nothing to go on at this point. Councilmember Benanav stated $10 million was spent on a tunnel and the Council was given assurance it would generate new business. A lot of money was spent on an estimate that the City is not sure will be met. It should be reflected in the year 2003. Also, he asked if there can be assurances that two years &om now all the goals will be met. Mr. Reid responded he can give that assurance in good faith, but it will be up to the RiverCentre Authority and the City Council to see that it happens because they will be approving the budget every year and they will have financial information on the prior year's eaperience when doing it. If the goals have been met at the end of the first year but the RiverCentre Authority has not received what the City Council thought they would, Benanav asked if the targets can be amended. Mr. Reid responded changes can be proposed at anytime, but this is a three year agreement. If the revenue targets are being met, then the Council would haue to look at the expenditure elements during the budget deliberations. Councilmember Benanav asked far assurances from Mr. Reid that someone wiil not say later that the RiverCentre has not met the projected revenues. Mr. Reid responded he hopes they will exceed the revenue tazgets. Council President Bostrom stated several things have happened that contributed to problems with finances at the RiverCentre. When the 5mithsonian Eachibit was brought in, many other organizations that had booked there had to be relocated. The cost to do that was expensive. Also, the new arena put the old arena out of service for two years. Something could happen at the Wilkins Auditorium and thus something could happen to some of this revenue. The Council needs to recognize that this is an area constantly in flus. Councilmember Coleman moved approval. He stated the tunnel was not strictly to enhance doilazs directly coming out of the RiverCentre, but it was a benefit to the hotels, restaurants, eta The tunnel will help increase business at the RiverCentre. He pointed out that the State Teachers Association has now booked the facilities whereas they previously were not going to come to Saint Paul. Ultimately, three years from now the June 21, 2000 City Council Summary Minutes Page 10 Council can re-look at this issue if it is not producing what it should. However, the Council should do whatever it can to ensure success of the Minuesota Wild and the RiverCentre, otherwise the inveshnent will be for naught. The document now assures the success of the facility and the smooth transition to single management. This is an important step and the Council should go forwazd with it, Coleman said. Councilmember Blakey asked if the I S% was captured in the budget cycle in the end. Mr. Reid responded the benefit of the 15% is to the RiverCentre and the City. For the portion that benefits the RiverCentre, it will fall to the bottom line of the RiverCentre budget. Because of the connection, the City will be able to draw larger conventions. In three years if the City decides to part from the agreement, Councilember Blakey asked what will happen to the employees. Mr. Reid responded that 180 days before that would happen, a decision will be made that the manager will not continue to provide that service to the facility and the Council will have a choice of hiring a different manager. Or there is an option of bringing the employees back to the City. If this agreement is not renewed, Blakey asked if another management company would retain the 70 employees. Mr. Reid responded that may be what the Council chooses to do. It is explained on Page 8, Section 2.7(b). Councilxnember Reiter asked if there will still be a RiverCentre Board and how many members it would consist of. Mr. Bostrom responded there will still be a board and he and Mr. Coleman will be on it. Councilmember Blakey asked about cost allocation of employee terminations. Mr. Reid responded this was one of the more important things for the City and the RiverCentre Authority -- that the employees would be treated fairly at the time of separation and that Saint Paul Arena Company (SPAC) would pay those costs. The allocation plan is something that has to be agreed to by the RiverCentre Authority, City Council, and SPAC. Mr. Blakey asked about the employee pension issue. There are 17 non-union employees who receive $300 each for retiree health care benefits and City employees got 5.18% in their pension plan. Those employees will not get any allocation to their pension plan. Mr. Reid responded the compensation plan was offered to all employees and discussed with them in some detail. Martha Fuller, SPAC, appeazed and stated the pian that SPAC offered is not a pension plan but a 401K plan in which employees can defer a percentage of their salaries before tases and they have the opportunity to choose how it would be invested. It is a typical plan structure for a private sector employer. It also provides for an employer match. At this point in their evolution, the board is not authorized to provide an employee match, June 21, 2000 City Council Summary Minutes Page 11 but it may be done at some point. The 5.18% is part of the total package that the unions negotiated. The non-represented staff have a variety of tools for compensation: discretionary bonuses, potential for profit sharing, and a whole array of tools that private sector employers, not bound by union agreements, can make auailable to ariract and maintain qualified staff. Councilmember Blakey asked what would prevent City employees from wanting the 5.8% that they were missing. Terry Haitiner, Office of Labor Relations, appeazed and stated it is not allowed under State law: time cannot be bought back from a private employer. Councilmember Blakey moved an amendment indicating that nothing in this contract shall obligate the City of Saint Paul or the RiverCentre Authority to pay any future employer pension contributions during the term of this contract or extended contracts or former RiverCentre employees hired by the SPAC in the event they become rehired by the City when this contract ends. Peter McCa11, City Attorney, appeazed and stated the City will be giving layoff notices on June 30, 2000, to the employees terminating their employment and SPAC will be offering employment begiiming 7uly 1, 2000. As a matter of law, they will be terminating obligations of the City to pay future contributions for those employees. As a matter of law, the City is covered. If the employees return to the City at some future date, the obligation of the City to pay pension would be reactivated at that time. If the State legislature were to pass a law affording those sorts of rights to employees, it would override any provision in the contract at this point. Councilmember Blakey asked about disclosure, vote, and record regarding pension for non-union employees. Mr. Halriner responded meetings were held with the employees. There was legislation passed to provide enhanced PERA benefits for the employees. They looked at what the Wild was proposing and the projections of the benefit available to people at the time of retirement is comparable to what the City has now. In addition, there are possibilities of enhancement that SPAC will be worldng on in the fuhxre. Councilmember Lantry stated she had concerns with this contract regarding how the employees would be treated and the boolang policy but she felt all the issues raised at ttris meeting were addressed or eaplained to her satisfaction. As for the targets being correct, the City has never had a hockey team in a new azena with a new convention center and a tunnel connecrion. She assumes there aze educated guesses and the City Council has to rely on other people to give estimates. Adopted (including the new version of the Agreement dated 6/16l00, as amended on 6/21/00) Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 (Blakey & Coleman left the meeting) 3une 21, 2000 City Council Summary Minutes Page 12 34. Report from the Division of Pazks and Recreation on the Inirial Lease Term and any extended Lease Terms regatding the Saint Paul Yacht Club's performance on specific provisions contained in the Lease Agreement. (Report requested by the Council on April 17, 1999; C. F. 99-306) Mike Hahm, Division of Parks and Recreation, appeared. He noted that a written report was prepared and dishibuted by Vic Wittgenstein, D'uector of Parks and Recreation. Mr. Hahm said things are going well with the Yacht Club and the majority of the good news is related to the Harriet Island Renovation Project. This year, the gas dock operations were moved from the area neaz the Wabasha Bridge to a location at the upper hazbor. ORDINANCES 35. Second Reading - 00-571 - An ordinance amending Chapter 166 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code by revising the residential street permit pazking district in the University of Minnesota Farm Campus Neighborhood and which provides for the orderly administration of the district. Laid over to June 28 for third readingJpublic hearing 36. Second Reading - 00-572 - An ordinance amending Chapter 166.10 of the Saint Paul Legislarive Code by changing the residential street permit parking district in the Irvine Park Neighborhood from Two Hour Pazking, 8AM-8PM Monday-Friday, Except by Permit, Area 13 to No Pazking Except by Permit, Except Holidays, Area 13. Laid over to June 28 for third readinglpublic hearing 37. Second Reading - 00-573 - An ordinance to clarify the imposition of penalties for violarion of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. Laid over to 7une 28 for third reading/public hearing 38. Second Reading - 00-574 - An ordinance to clarify and supplement tasi driver's license requirements. Laid over to June 28 for third reading/public hearing 39. First Reading - 00-600 - An ordinance amending various sections of Legislative Code Chapters ll 6 and 135 of the Saint Paul Legislarive Code to provide for regulation of the public right-of-way. Laid over to June 28 for second reading 40. First Reading - 00-6�1 - An ordinauce to provide far the publication and distribution of the legislative and administrarive codes by the City Clerk. Laid over to 7une 28 for second reading 7une 21, 2000 City Council Summary Minutes Susroension Items Page 13 Councilmember Reiter moved suspension of the rules and approval of the following resolution: Resolufion - 00-602 - Amending Council File 00-271, adopted on June 14, 2000, �anting the property owner addirional time of 180 days to complete repairs at 783 Como Avenue. Councilmember Reiter indicated that the owner will be posting the bond shortly. Adopted Yeas - 5 Nays - 0 (Blakey and Coleman were not present) Councilmember Reiter moved suspension of the rules and approval of the following resolution: Resolution - 00-603 - Authorizing payment to Wasche Commercial Finishes, Inc., in full settlement of their claim against the City of Saint Paul. Phil Byrne eacplained that this issue, regarding the settlement for painting the skyway bridges, was discussed in a City Council closed meeting. Adopted Yeas - 5 Nays - 0 (Blakey and Coleman were not present) Councilmember Reiter moved suspension of the rules and approval of the following resolution: Resolution 00-604 - Requesring that the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) include Minnesota in their investigation into the cause of escalated price levels of gasoline. Council President Bostrom explained this resolution pertains to the increase in gasoline prices. Several agencies have asked the FTC to look at this issue and our Ciry budget could suffer by over $600,000 due to the increase of these gasoline prices. Councilmember Benanau stated he would like to see the wards "of price gouging and inclusion" removed from Line 12. Adopted Yeas - 4 Nays - 1(Benanav) (Blakey and Coleman not present) POLICY SESSION There was no policy session this month. June 21, 2000 City Council Summary Minutes Councilmember Lantry moved to adjourn the meeting Nays - 5 Nays - 0(Blakey & Coleman not present) ATTEST: � � A r - Nancy An t�On Assistant Council Secretary AD70 D AT 5:25 P.M. �/ Daniel Bostrom, Council President Minutes approved by Council Page 14 � \ O00 rn/mce STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADiVIINISTRATIVE HEARINGS 100 Washington Square, Sude 1700 100 Washington Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401-2138 Apri14, 2000 Saint Paul City Council Room 310 St. Paui City Hall/Ramsey Co. Gourthouse 15 West Kellogg Boulevard St. Paul, MN 55102 RE: In the Matter of All Licenses Held by Metro Bar & Grill, Inc., d/b/a Arnellia's, for the Premises at 1183 University Avenue, Saint Paul, License I.D. No. 54523; OAH Docket No. 9-2111-12640-3 To Whom It May Concern: Enclosed herewith and served upon you by mail is the Administrative Law Judge's Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Recommendation in the above- entitled matter. Also enclosed is the official record. Ous file in this matter is now being closed. Sincerely, r�� ��� � � �,� � PHYLLIS A. REHA —� Administrative Law Judge Telephone: 612/341-7602 'dG u. Encs. ca Virg'inia D. Palmer S. Mark Vought ����'�F�% �� s �aa� � Providing Impartiai Hearings for Governme�t and Citizens � An Equal Opp o rt unity Employer Admmistrative Law Section & Administrative Serv�ces (612} 341-76�0 + TDD No. (612) 341-7346 � Fax No. (612) 349-2665 STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY U.S. MAIL Margaret K. Is4eman, being first duly sworn, hereby deposes and says that on the 4 day of A ril, 2000, at the City of Minneapo{is, county and state aforementioned, she served the attached FINDINGS OF FACT. CONCLUSIOfVS OF LAW AND RECOMMENDATION: OAH Docket No. 9.-2111-12640-3 by depositing in the United States maii at said City of Minneapolis, a true and correct copy thereof, properiy enveloped, with first ciass postage prepaid and addressed to the individuais named herein. Saint Pau( City Council Virginia D. Palmer Room 310 Assistant St. Paui City Attorney St. Paui City Hall/Ramsey Co. Courthouse 400 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard 15 West Keliogg Boulevard St. Pauf, MN 55102 St. Paul, MN 55102 S. Mark Vought Attorney at Law Six West Fifth Street, Suite 700 St. Paul, MN 55102-1412 ��2L..k4QA-�' K � �-�.m-�_a..v`. Marg e K. Isleman Subscribed and sworn to before me this �ay of April, 2000 �� � . Notary Public � '°' tavoNAEC�tW e.,r�, . • ��ssior� � , e .uwwRr�.zoos 9-2111-12640-3 STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS FOR THE C1TY OF ST. PAUL In the Matter of All Licenses Held by Metro Bar & Grill, Inc., d1b/a Arnellia's, for the Premises at 1183 University Avenue, Saint Paui, License I.D. No. 54523. FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW AND RECOMMEIVDATION The above-entitled matter came on for hearing before Rdministrative Law Judge Phyilis A. Reha, acting as a hearing officer for the Saint Paul City Council, commencing at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, January 26, 2000, at the Saint Paul City Hall/Ramsey County Courthouse, Room 41, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, St. Paul, Minnesota. The hearing was heid pursuant to a Notice of Hearing dated December 15, 1999. Virginia D. Palmer, Assistant St. Paul City Attorney, 400 City Hall, 15 West Keilogg Boulevard, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102, appeared on behalf of the City's Office of License, lnspections and Environmental Protection (LIEP). S. Mark Vaught, Attorney at Law, Six West Fifth Street, Suite 700, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1412, appeared on behalf of the Licensee (hereinafter "Arnellia's" or "Licensee"). The record closed on March 7, 2000, with the receipt of the last post-hearing submission. NOTICE ;. This Report contains a recommendation and not a final decision. The final decision will be made by the Saint Paul Gity Council, which may a�rm, reject, or modity the Findings and Conclusions contained herein. The Council wili consider the evidence in this case and the Administrative Law Judge's recommended Findings of Fact and Conclusions, but wi11 not consider any factual testimony nat previously submitted to and considered by the Administrative Law Judge. The Licensee will have an opportunity to present oral or written arguments regarding its position on the recommendation of the Administrative Law Judge in the application of the law or interpretation of the facts and may present argument related to its position. The Council's decision as to what, if any, adverse action shall be taken will be by resolution under § 310.05 of the St. Paul Legislative Code. To ascertain when the Council wifi consider this matter, the parties shoufd contact the Saint Paul City Council, Room 310, St. Paul City Hall/Ramsey County Courthouse, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102. STATEMENT OF ISSUES The issues in this matter are whether Licensee violated conditions on its license by failing to maintain video surveillance of the exterior of the licensed premises and failing to record that imagery, and, if so, what penalty is appropriate. Based upon all of the files, records and proceedings herein, the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. Metro Bar & Grill, lnc. is a corporation•doing business as Arnellia's at 1183 Universifij Avenue, Saint Paui, Minnesota 55104. The corporation is owned by Arneilia Ai1en. Arnellia's has an Entertainment (B) license, a Gambling Location (S) license, a Cigarette/Tobacco license, and two Liquor On-Sa(e licenses. Arnel(ia's licenses remain valid pending the outcome of this proceeding. The business is owned by Arnellia Allen. The manager is her son, Jerry Allen. Jerry Allen's brother, Larry Ailen, is employed by Arnellia's to provide security. 2. Arnellia's is located directfy on University Avenue. To the west on that block is Antiques Minnesota. To the east side of Arneliia's is a parking lot and the Midway Car Wash. To the north side is an alley, with some parking and a dumpster. Four external video cameras have been +n place on the building for approximately six years. One camera provides a view of the front door on the south side of the building, one camera observes the north side around the back door of Arnellia's (near the dumpster), and the other two cameras provide different angles of the parking lot on the east side of the building. Signs posted on the building state that video surveillance is being conducted. The video cameras send images to a monitor, which displays a picture for each camera together on the same screen. 3. The area in the vicinity of Arnellia's is subject to frequent police ca(Is and significant levels of crime. To address these neighborhood problems and prevent any exacerbation of those problems, Arneliia's operates its business under a number of restrictions that have been in place for years.� These restrictions include imposing a dress code on customers, requiring picture identification, banning individuals from the premises, screening music played on the premises for inappropriate content, using a metai detector to exclude weapons fiorm the premises, and providing security to ensure orderiy behavior on the premises. 4. ln May, 1999, a man was shot and kilied while in a car parked in front of the Midway Car Wash. In response to that killing, management at Arneliia's met with the Saint Paul Police, LIEP, and community representatives to determine what additional efforts could be made to address violent acts in the vicinity of Arnellia's. The Licensee agreed to add taping equipment to its existing video surveillance system. This additional condition became effective on July 8, 1999 and states: Licensee ho(der wiA maintain in good working order at (east 4 video surveiflance cameras on the exterior of the building to constantiy monitor the exterior of the premises. Tapes must be maintained for 7 days. 5. After agreeing to the conditions regarding the video surveiliance system, a manager at Arnellia's developed a system to be followed for taping. The first tape of the ' The entire list of restrictions, identified as conditions on Arnellia's license, is attached as Appendix A. The list of conditions includes the subsequently agreed-to conditions regarding the video cameras. Z Midway Car Wash is located at 1169 University Avenue. 3 Exhibit 2. I] day would be started when the estabfishment was opened for business, around noon each day. When that tape ran out, another employee inserted the second tape. "{"fiat tape would record until after closing. Tapes were kept for a week and then reused for taping. 6. in August, 1999, Arnellia Allen discovered that one of the four surveillance cameras was not working properly. The camera operated properly in daylight, but did not return a clear image at night. The contractor who initially instalied the system, Earl Allen, was contacted in early August, and he examined the system approximately one week later. The contractor concluded that a new camera was required and it was ordered from the manufacturer in California. Jerry Ailen paid the contractor to order the camera on August 13, 1999. The date that the camera was ordered by the contractor is unknown. 7. 7he camera was delivered to Arnellia's in early September. The contractor was notified that the camera had arrived. 8. On September 23, 1999, a shooting incident occurred in the alley behind Arnellia's. Sergeant Munoz of the Saint Paul Police Department went to Arnellia's to obtain the videotape of the imagery captured by the video surveillance camera. Sergeant Munoz was informed that there was no tape available for that evening. Larry Allen had forgotten to put in the second tape on that day. 9. Arnelfia's responded to the faiiure to tape by modifying its system of taping. Longer duration videotape was purchased, the employees responsible for the system were instructed to make certain that a tape was in the machine, and the system of retaining videotapes was modified. 10. On September 30, 1999, the Saint Paui City Attorney's Office issued a Notice of Violation to Arnellia's. The Notice indicated that on September 23, 1999, the Licensee failed to have its video cameras on and taping and that constitutes a violation of the video surveiliance condition on Arnellia's license. No citation was made in the Notice of Violation to what provision of the Saint Paul Legislative Code was aileged to have been violated and no suggested penalty was indicated. 11. On October 7, 1999, Larry Alfen was working the evening shift at Ameliia's. At about 8:00 p.m., Larry A41en switched the videotape for the tape that had been recording since Arnellia's opened that morning. When he activated the video recorder, he inadvertently pressed the "play" button rather than the "record" button. 12. Near midnight on October 7, 1999, an altercation began between patrons in Arnellia's. Those participating in the altercation were removed from the premises. The dispute continued outside and someone fired shots. A car struck and killed a "The image returned by that camera at night would only show objects with their own illumination, such as automobile headlights and taillights. 5 Earl Allen is no relation to Arnellia Allen, Jerry Allen, or Larry Allen. 6 Exhibit 5. 3 pedesfrian in the middle of University Avenue at that time. A large number of oificers of the Saint Paul Police Department responded to the scene. 13. Larry Allen had been observing the incident outside Arnellia's. He went in to check on the videotape sysfem and noticed for the first time that evening that the recorder had been set to play, rather than record. He immediately stopped the tape and began recording. An officer of the Saint Paul Police Department entered a few minutes later and requested the videotape. Larry Allen gave the officer the videotape. 14. !n mid-October, the contractor returned to Arnellia's and installed the new camera. The installation of the new camera allowed nighttime images from a second angie in the parking lot to be recorded on the VCR. 15. As a result of the October 7 error in operating the VCR, Arneilia's again modified how the videotaping system was to operate. A three-week rotation of videotape was instituted. Each staff member at Arneflia's was instructed to check the operation of the VCR throughout the work shift. Any staff member observing anything unusual about the monitor or VCR is instructed to report to the manager on duty. 16. On November 10, 1999, the Saint Paul City Attorney's Office issued a Notice of Second Violation to the Licensee. The Notice stated that on October 7, 1999, Arneliia's failed to have its video cameras on and taping and that constitutes a violation of the video surveillance condition on Arnellia's license.' No citation was made in the Notice of Violation to what provision of the Saint Paul Legislative Code was alieged to have been vioiated and no suggested penalty was indicated. 17. On December 15, 1999, the Assistant City Attorney, Virginia D. Palmer, issued a Notice of Hearin� in this matter. The Notice of Hearing identified the hearing date as January 26, 1999. 18. The misidentification of the date of the hearing in the notice of this matter did not cause any confusion for Licensee. Licensee was not prevented from fully participating in the hearing due to the erroneous date. Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact, the Administrative Law Judge makes the following: CONCLUSIONS 1. The Administrative Law Judge and the Saint Paul City Council have authority to consider the charges against the respondent and the penalty, if any, that should be paid the city pursuant to Sec. 310.05 of the St. Paul Legislative Code. ' Exhibit 9. 8 Exhibit 10. � 2. LIEP has substantially complied with all relevant substantive and procedural fegal requirements. , 3. The Licensee received adequate and timely notice of the hearing and of the charges against it. 4. LIEP has the burden of psoof to establish, by a preponderance of the evidence, that the respondent vioiated the conditions of its iicensure. 5. The Licensee is in substantiai compliance with the conditions of its license through the installation and operation of a videotaping system attached to its video surveillance cameras. The failure ta record the images captured by the video surveillance cameras outside the licensed premises on September 23 and October 7, 1999, was inadvertent by the Licensee. 6. The efforts made by the Licensee to repair the malfunctioning camera complied with the condition that four video cameras be "maintained in good working order" outside the business premises. 7. There is no basis for taking adverse action against the Licensee under Sections 310.06(b)(5) and 409.10 ofi the Saint Paui Legislative Code for the operation of its video surveillance system. Based upon the foregoing Conclusions, the Administrative Law Judge makes the foliowing: RECOMMENDATION IT IS HEREBY RECOMMENDED: That the Saint Paui City Council DISMISS the action against the licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill, Inc. Dated this �� day o# April, 20�0 ���� ��� ; �,.,wn PHYLLI A. REHA �-�� Administrative Law Judge Reported: Taped, three tapes MEMORANDUM Three incidents of violence are the motivation for bringing this action against the Licensee. A killing in May, occurring in front of the business next door; a shooting in September, occurring in the alley behind the business; and a shooting in October, � resulting in a pedestrian being struck by a car and kiiled. There is no evidence in the record of this matter that any of these incidents took place on the 4icensed premises. In response to the May killing, the conditions under which Arneflia's operates were reconsidered. Conditions regarding video surveillance were added. The language of the new condition itself is ambiguous, since that language does not expressly require that the imagery captured by the e�cterior video surveillance cameras be recorded. There is no dispute, however, that both LIEP and Arnellia's understood the condition to require the addition of a VCR and recording the imagery from those cameras. The record ln this matter is clear that Arnelfia's implemented the new requirement consistent with its agreement. At first, tapes of six and eight hours in duration were used to cover the fourteen hours per day that Arnellia's is open. After a period of trial and error, Arnellia's discovered that additional time was needed to ensure that the videotaping covered the entire time the establishment was open. Arneliia's then switched to two eight-hour tapes per day. During this period staff discovered, afso by trial and error, that the extended play option must be selected to ensure that the eight- hous tape covers ali eight hours." No one at Arnellia's was able to set the date and time feature on the VCR. The second act of violence near Arnellia's was a shooting that took place in the alley behind the building on September 23, 1999. The victim in that incident was struck in the foot. The Saint Paul Police sought the videotape from that evening to assist in their investigation of the incident. There was no tape from that evening, since Larry A(len had forgotten to put a tape in the VCR. Arneliia's responded to the error by reviewing the system that had been established for videotaping, adjusting that system to ensure that the VCR was being aetivated at the appropriate times, and reminding the responsible employees that the taping was a requirement. The third act of violence occurred on October 7, 1999. At approximately 8:�0 p.m. on that date, Larry Ailen changed the videotape in the VCR for the evening. He inadvertently pressed ihe wrong button on the VCR after inserting the new tape. Around midnight, an altercation started in Arnellia's. In accordance with the establishmenYs policy, the participants were ejected from Arnellia's. Those persons continued their dispute outside and shots were fired. A car then struck a pedestrian in University Avenue and that pedestrian was ki{led. After seeing the events outside, Larry AAen went to check on the VCR. At that time he discovered that it was in "piay" mode, rather than "record" mode. He immediately began recording. At the hearing in this matter, Larry Alien acknowledged his mistake. LiEP maintains that violation of any condition is sufficient to take adverse aetion against Arnellia's license. The serious consequences on September 23 and October 7 are asserted to be justification for a penalty of sixty days suspension. Arnellia's points 9 Several witnesses suggested that the automobile striking the pedestria� was exiting Arnellia's parking fot. 70 While Condition 11 states that tfie cameras must monitor the e�erior continuously, both Arnelfia's and LIEP understood the taping requirement to be on{y during business hours. " The other option, standard piay, provides better video quality but much shorter duration. � out that there is no evidence that any videotape from either evening wouid have prevented the incidents or materially aided the S,aint Paul Police in their subsequent investigations. Section 310.06(b)(5) authorizes adverse action be taken against a licensee when the licensee fails to comply with any condition of the license. Section 409.10 sets out the standards to apply in adding conditions to licenses as follows: - Sec. 409.10. Restrictions on licenses. When a reasonable basis is found by the council to impose reasonable restrictions upon a license held under this chapter, the council, upon issuing a new license or renewing a license or approving a transfer of a license, may impose reasonable conditions and restrictions pertaining to the manner and circumstances in which the business shai{ be conducted to preserve the public peace and proiect and promote good order and security. These reasonable conditions or restrictions may pertain to: (1) A limitation as to the hours when intoxicating liquor may be sold and/or consumed on the licensed premises; (2) A limitation and restriction as to the exact location within a building where intoxicating I+quor wiil be served andlor sold and/or consumed; (3) A fimitation and restriction as to the means of ingress to or egress from the iicensed establishment; (4) A requirement that certain off-street parking fiacilities be provided; (5) A condition that the license will be in effect only so long as the establishment remains a drugstore, restaurant or hotei as defined by the state liquor act or regulations adopted pursuant thereto; (6} A limitation and restriction as to the means and methods of advertising the sale of intoxicating liquor on the building and/or on the premises adjacent thereto; (7) Reasonable conditions limiting the operation of the ficensed premises so as to ensure that the Iicensed business wili comport with the character of the district in which it is located and/or to the end thatnuisances wili be prevented; and (8) Additional conditions upon hotels and restaurants which may in the discretio� of the counci! tend to insure that the sale of liquor will take p(ace on{y in conjunction with the sale and service af food. The one repeated standard throughout the section is that any condition imposed on a licensee must be "reasonable". The condition at issue in this matter falis under item 7, which is the imposition of "reasonable conditions limiting the operation of the licensed premises ... to the end that nuisances will be prevented.i Adverse action can certainly be taken against a licensee for any unreasonable faifure to meet a condition ' Saint Pauf Legislative Code Sec. 409.10. requir+ng videotaping. Conversely, where a licensee has a reasonable excuse for that failure, adverse action is inappropriate.' , In each instance where the videotaping system was found to be faulty, action was taken by Arnellia's to improve the system. VCRs are not "fool-proof' technology, and gaps in recording are inevitable. The Licensee has demonstrated substantial compiiance with the license condition and the two instances of noncompliance were inadvectent. The degree of ongoing compliance is demonstrated by the other material on the tape provided to the Saint Paui Police Department on October 7, 1999.' LIEP asserts that violations of the license condition are established by the failure of Arnellia's to ensure that the correct date and time are imprinted on the recording. There is no such requirement in the conditions established fior Arnellia's. Adverse action cannot be taken against the Licensee for failing to properiy set the date and time of the VCR, absent some understanding that such conduct is required.' Having one video camera malfunction is also cited by �IEP as a violation of the license condition. 7he ob{igation in the license condition to "maintain in good working order" four video surveii{ance cameras assumes that the technology will periodicaliy malfunction and need to be fixed. The measure of compliancs is not whether any of the cameras are broken, but whether prompt action is taken to repair them. In this matter, the Licensee was prompt and a contractor was dilatory. The Licensee met the requirement that the video surveiliance system be maintained. 73 This standard of conduct is reflected in other license actions involving entertainment establishments. For example, in assessing whether adverse action was appropriate where female dancers "went topless" without a bar owner's knowledge, Administrative Law Judge Peter Erickson stated: This case is not so much one where critical issues of fact must be determined, but rather one in which the penally must be appropriate to the violation. This case would be much difterent if, when Mr. densen had seen that the dancers were topless, he had immediatety taken action, whether or not successful, to curh the topless activities. However, Mr. Jense� decided that he could do nothing at that time and it was not until after O�cer Nohr became involved that Mr. Jensen put an end to the topless behavior. Additionally, Mr. Jensen could have instructed his bouncers and other employees regarding the law on nudity and told them to enforce the prohibition if any of the dancers decided undress. Although Mr. Jensen was not aware that the show would be topless, he is not blameless for the resulting nudity which continued until after Officer Nohr arrived. However, Mr. Jensen's good faith efforts to ensure that the show would not be topless betore ever bookiog it should be given great weight. Cify of Coleraine v. Har/ey Jensen, d/b/a Harley's Huf ll, OAH Docket No. 4-2101-5430-6 (Recommendation issued April 23, 1991)(emphasis added). 14 The time stamp on the tape provided is October 30, 7989, and that tape-records the entire evening's events outside of Arnellia's. With the rotation of tapes described by Amellia's, the next time stamp that would be imprinted on that particular tape is November 7, 1989. At about the middle of the tape (approximately four hours at extended pfay), the scene changes to the events on October 7, 1999, and the time stamp changes to November 7, 1989. The new date and imagery lasts only a few minutes, which is consistent with the police officer receiving the tape that night. These facts support the testimony of Larry Allen that the tape was inserted according to the procedure, but that the "play" button was inadvertently pressed. 15 As discussed above, the language of the license condition fails to expressly require taping, much less requiring accurate time stamps. There was no understanding between Arneflia's and L1EP that the VCR must imprint an accurate time stamp to meet the license condition. E:1 Robert Kessler, Director of LIEP, testified that the purpose of the video surveillance license condition was: . This establishment atfracts people that (sic) are prone to violence. And that we have a responsibility to do everything we can to prevent that from happening. And the conditions were designed, especially with the conditions in regard to the cameras, to send a message to those people that practice violence that they will be watched and that we wili have records that wili protect the public. Because of the lack of good management practices at that establishment, those records are not available and I think as a result, the message is that they can get by with these kinds ofi acts at that establishment without having to pay the price.� There is no way for anyone outside the establishment to know whether videotapes are being recorded at any particular moment. The video cameras and signs warning about surveiilance are prominently displayed. Each of the three incidents that prompted action concerning the Licensee occurred off of the licensed premises. Possession of a business license does not grant police power to control the actions ofi persons outside of the licensed premises. The purpose of "sending a message" to persons outside the control of the licensee is accomplished by the visible indicia of video surveillance. The efforts made by Arneliia's to prevent a nuisance condition in the vicinity of its 6usiness are reasonable. Maintaining videotape generated by surveiilance cameras does not relate to the ongoing business of the Licensee, but merely aids in the subsequent investigations by police. The inadvertent failure, on two occasions, to record the video camera imagery from outside the premises does not rise to a failure to comply with the conditions on Arnellia's license. The actions taken to replace a malfunctioning camera were reasonable. Arnellia's has demonstrated by a preponderance of the evidence that it was in substantial compiiance with its license conditions. LfEP failed to demonstrate that Arnellia's has failed to compiy with the conditions on its license. Therefore, the Administrative Law Judge recommends that this matter be DISMISSED. � 76 Fiearing Testimony, Tape 1 . �, Appendix A EFFECTIVE 07/08i99: 1. Dress Code: Arnellia's agrees to continue to enforce a dress code for customers designed specifically to prevent patrons or customers from concealing weapons or contraband inside baggy cfothing or wearing gang affiliated colors. 2. Adherence to Strict ident�fication Requirements: Ameifia's wifl require proper picture identification from anyone who appears to be younger than 30 years old. Those without proper identification shali be denied entrance. 3. Increase Communication with Police and Neighbors: Amelfia's shall initiate and maintain regular communication with the west sector team police commander or his designee, and licensing officials, Christine Rozek snd Kristina Schweinler. Meetings shalf include neighborhood organizations to the extent possible. 4. Controi Music Type and Format: Arnellia's shall continue to be responsib{e for screening out music that promotes or glorifies violence and nefarious or anti-social behavior. 5. Arnelfia's management and security personnel will insure that patrons do not leave enmasse, but rather, management and secuirty will encourage patrons to leave in an orderly and controlled manner between 12:30 a.m. and 1:15 a.m. 6. The public telephones shall not allow incoming calis, nor any cafls to or ftom electronic beepers or pagers. 7. Arnellia's shall maintian a list of all patrons who have bee� banned from the establishment, and this list shall be strictly enforced by Arnellia's. Such list shall include proper identification of that person, photograph and a �otice of trespass. This notice should be in triplicate with o�e copy going to each of the followi�g: 1) Maintained by the establishment; 2) LIEP; 3) the individual being 6anned. Once banned, a person will remain banned for a minimum of o�e year. Arnelllas wfll cooperate with police in filling out trespass notice(s). 8. Arnellias shal! continue to provide security personnel to promote the orderly behavior of patrons on and leaving the premises. The premises shall include the area immediately adjacent to the establishment. Special attention will be paid to encouraging patrons to leave the area. 9. A(i employees and security personnel information shall be provided to LIEP for background checks. 10. Arnellla's wiil employ the use of a metal detecting devices to ensure there are no weapons on the premises. 11. Licensee holder wili maintain in good working order at Ieast 4 video surveillance cameras on the exterior of the building to constantly monitor the exterior of the premises. Tapes must be maintained for 7 days. 12. A video surveillance camera shall be maintained in good working order in the interior of the establishment to monitor customers as they enter the establishment. Tapes must be maintained for 7 days. 13. Signage shall be posted on the exterior of the building to notify patrons that the area may be under video surveillance. � 14. Security personnef wiil be on duty daiiy from 8:00 p.m. until closing. 15. Back door wiil remain locked after 530 p.m. to prevent entry. 16. The licensee will lock the door of the establishment at 12:30 a.m. No additional patrons will be aliowed entry after that time. 17. Conditions reviewed at renewal. fiD7 OFFICE OF TI� CITY ATTORNEY Clayton M Robinson, Jr_, Ciry Attorney CITY �F SAINT pAUL. ��(� � t �� �� CivilDivisian ,Vo,mColeman,Mayor �� �-j!� _7 t !!1 n. �f1QCityHa11 Telephone:6J1266-8710 -' r'�Yi'estKellaggBlvd. Facsimile: 6i1?98-5619 r. --; ��,., ._ _, _ _. .- SarntPaul..Ninnesota5J102 .-� :' :�. ...: �U.. Mazch 6, 2000 The Honorable Phyllis A. Reha Administrative Law Judge Office of Administrative Hearings 100 Washington Square, Suite 1700 100 Washington Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55401-2138 RE: In the Matter of the Licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill, inc. d/b/a Arnellia's OAH Docket #: 9-2 1 1 1-1 2640-3 Dear Judge Reha: Enclosed please find the City's Reply Memorandum in the above-referenced matter. A copy of the same has been served by mail on Mr. Vaught. I am also enclosing copies of a commurucation that I received from a Cornelius Brown Jr., who is the Chairperson of the Ramsey Action Programs, Inc. This arrived after the hearing, and I advised Mr. V aught, who offered no objection to my submission of this document to you, with copies to him, as part of the "public comment" portion of the hearing. Sincerely, /'"_ �/ �'� �-��, �� Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: S. Mark Vaught encl. OFFICE OF ADNIINISTRATIVE HE�GS ,� � C` � V C p FOR THE COUNCIL, OF THE ��, j � ,� ,��� CITY OF SAINT PAUL �"" :": t("I f J•,, � -- -�i _ � i_. . ,;'�(ij In re the licenses held by Metro $az & Grill, CTTY'S REPLY MEMORANDiJM Inc., d/b/a Arnellia's The City has the letter brief of the licensee dated March 1, 2000, which was received via FAX on March 3, 2000, and submits the following in reply. The failure to have one of four surveillance cameras operatin� was not willful The failure by the Iicensee to haue one of the £ouz surveillance cameras operating was not actually raised as a basis for adverse action, althougk it is a violation of the conditions. In fact, it was not until the testimony at the hearittg by the sons of the licensee that it was apparent that the fourth camera had been inoperable for a significant period of time. The actual violations noted as the basis fox advexse action were the September 23, 1999 fail�e to have the video operaUng at a11, so that no cameras were recording, and the failure to activate the recording mechanism on October 7, 1999 until after the incident had already occuned. Nonetheless, the City did azgue and does believe that the delay in discovering and fixing the problem with one of the surveillance cameras illustrates that the licensee did not take the conditions relating to security cameras seriously. This, together with the lack of communication to staff about the importance of the condition and the lack of planning and training on how to implement it made it easy for the employees to ignore the condition. Lany Allen's actual testimony was that he did not know how the October 7, 1999 failure to record happened; he stated that initially he believed that another employee must have been responsible for failing to activate the machine, but that he then decided that he could have pushed "play" rather than "record". While Sb . Kempe testified that the explanation was possible, ke did not believe that it was necessarily the true eYplanation or the only way in which the failure to recard the inczdent could have happened. The £ailure to have one camera in operatine order did not contribute to or cause the underlvinE incidents. nor did the Respondent or nav of its employees participate in or contribute ta either of the two incidents Licensee argues that the vantage of the broken camera on the October 7, 1999 incident did not encompass the area of the incident, and speculates that the camera would also have been of little assistance in the investigation of �lie September 23, 1999 incident. No1 only is this conclusion pure speculation, but it is completely inelevant. Nowhere in the conditions is there an exception to the recording requirement stating that it is unnecessary i€the events which happened might not have been in the range of the camera. The Licensee agreed to the condition requiring at least four surveillance cameras on the outside of the building, to constantly monitor the extexior of the premises. Tapes from the surveillance cameras were to be maintained for seven days. Licensee quite simply failed to abide by these conditions. Licensee argues that because there is no causation between the failure to zbide by the conditions and the crimes committed on the two dates in question, thaY no penalty is appropriate. The basis for the adverse action was that the Licensee faited to abide by the conditions placed on the license. In fact, an azbument could easily be made that Licensee's failure to comply with the conditions contributed to the ongoing problems, by failing to offer the police any useful evidence to solve the crimes committed. Licensee did not dispute in any substanfial way that the people involved in the September 23"' and October 7"' offenses had been customers of Amellia's earlier in the evenin�. The fact that the Licensee failed to comply with conditions desiened to deal with the probiems caused by her own customers is not onJy a basis for adverse action, but a reason to treat the violations seriously. The recommended penaltv is too severe Licensee argues that the penalty is too severe, and that no penalty is appropriate at all. However, as the City has previously azgued, the penalty recommended is appropriate given the fact that there were two violatiotts of these conditions within a short period of time after the condition was agreed to, and the second violation happened shortly after the Notice of Violation was sent on the first incident. In addition, it became ctear at the hearing that there was a camera which was not operable for at least two months, and possible longer, and that employees of the establishmettt felt no obligation to ckeck on the equipment to see if it was in working order. The two violations which were discovered came to light as a result of gunshots on one date and a hit and run in the establishment's parking lot on the second date. It was apparent from the testimony that there were other times during the establishment's open hours that the cameras were not recording, as no procedures had been established for when they should be turned on or when the tapes should be changed. Licensee azgues that the curative actions outlined in her letter o£ October 29, 1999 should mitigate whatever penaIty is imposed. Unfortunately, the "curative action" outlined in the Ietter amounts to nothing more than the obligation imposed by the condition - tapes are placed in the VCR daily and are being kept for a week before being taped over. There is no indication that there has been any training, any discussion with staff, any change in philosophy to take the condirion seriously beyond a promise to abide by the bare minimum required. In fact, the testimony at the hearing from the manager, 7ackie Hicks, made it clear that the Licensee's employees still Think the condition unnecessary and 'unposed only aY the whim of the Office of LIEP. Also, whether or not it is a zninor esor, Licensee states that there was a problem with the VCR, which was then repaized. The testunony at the hearin� is that there was a problem witki one of the cameras, not the VCR. Finally, Ms. Hicks acknowledged, albeit grud�ingly, that the establishment has already been the subject of adverse action because of problems caused by vioIence of the customers. For a11 of the foregoing reasons, the City respectfully submits that the violations should be found to have been proved, and the recommendation should be made for a sixty-day suspension of the licenses held by the Licensee. Dated: 3��o C3 ��` � Virginia . Palmer (Atty Lic. # 128995) Assistant City Attorney 400 City HalUCourthouse 15 W. Kellogg Boulevazd Saint Pau1, MN 55102 (651) 266-8710 ��C=iV=� nn ea.-. � i;:� , � �" —7 ra� �• .� �• �� . '_il?.- I'�`.�;:i,aUJ J'3riU� �O, �VOO To: City of Saint Pau1, Office of the City Attomey � / V / � S /V�l �� From: Cornelius Brown Jr., ll92 Edmund Avenue, St. Pau1, MN. ,5 �-- Re: ADMINTSTRATIVE LAW TUDGE HEARING, JANUARY 26"', 2000 I want to extend my support of punitive measures to be imposed on Arnellia's on the Avenue, hereafter referred to as the "establishment". I agree That the establishment's decision not to provide video surveillance tapes and their refi�sal to cooperate with lativ enforcement is in violation of the conditions of their liquor license. I believe these actions compromise public safety in the neighborliood. However, the lack of African-American business in this largely black neighborhood is aiso a concern. To my knowledge, this establishment is one of two black-owned businesses authorized to retail alcoholic beverages. To lose a profitable business in otu neighborhood is also a concern. The establishment certainiy employs residents from this neighborhood whose Iiveiihood is connected to the continued operation of the business. For me, it is not just a matter of public safety, which is number one, but aiso a matter of economic concern. For this reason I would suggest suspension in lieu of revocation of the estabtishment's license to operate. Thank you for consideration of our corresgondence. Cornelius Brown Jr., Resident of St. Paul Midway Neighborhood ��i�,l.filll ��-/Ll,/�l/✓T// � I --'� (o ` � 6v O �� C � � S� Ramsey Action Programs, � ,�. �j �n 4�0 Notth Sc�ndicate �;:eec, Sainc Paul, Vlinne ��lpa L . (6i') 6 5-64,� ... � l .� A' ' �;�ii;� - -; �:i! �' ?.�, �v AREA ".�," AD�'ISORY COL�CIL MEETT�iG �_. �. -';;,,:i �� � � : _; ..: .::, o., December 6�', 1999 — 7:00 p.m, �?'� ?�` Ficor Cunference xoom l�oiiB£RS PRESEh'T Sheila Jones Comelilis E. Brown Jr. Pauline Mims Reverend Liada Stampley Lillie Hollinasworth Patricia Martin WiIliam B. Davis :12E'�IB£RS ABSENT WaIlace Tavlor Arif MoBammed Donna McI}uffie R4P STAF'�' Paul H_ Freacf� �Iei�Itborfiood Associate GLrEST PRESENT Dr. James T. Shelton .............................i....,�::hnig Minutes.........,......,.,,,.............� Call to Order/Roll Call, 7:30 p.zn. — Comelius E. Brown 7r., Chaiiperson A quonim wzs present. Absence of two members was not considered or contested. MOTION BY LNi DA STA.�LEy A1VD SECONDBD SHEI[,A 70NES: T'O APPROVE T'gE CURRENT AGEti'DA, MOTTON CARRIED. MOTION BY LLNDA STAMPLEY AND SECONDED BY LILLIE HOLLINGS WORTH: TO �PRfl� T� ��EETING D�i'T7TE5 OF NOVEII�IBE12 16, 1999, MEETIiYG. MOTTO�i C_�,.IZRI�D. REPOIZTS Chaisperson, Cornelius Brrnvn Jr. —�, Brown began his report by reco�nlTng an effor� on the part of the City of Saint Paul to discipline the biack ow�ed nightclub, Arenllia'on the Avenue, 1183 tinivE����Y Avz�ne, SE_ Paul. The effort is based on the owner's refusal to furni;h� visie� surveillance tapes to aid in a police investigation regarding two shooting incidents, in which one resulted in a homicide. It was the consensus of the �oup that although public safery is the number one concern, it is also important that the limited nnmber of black owned businesses in the Summit- Univzrity,'Fro�tow neighborhoods be maintained if possible. It was a�so the consensus of the group tfiat they should drafr a letter to the St. Paul City Council indicating their position on the matter. They do not favor revocation of the license at this time. By and large, the TAAC wants to convey their dissatisfaction with the management of Arnellias' and their belief th2t ownership sl:ou!d be di,oiplir.ed. At the same time, they are also concerned about tiie limite� number of liquor licenses available in St. Paui and their astronomical costs that almost make it impossible for African-Americans to secure. From the goup's vantaQepoint, Acnellias' is the only African- Janu� American owne�i.li�uor�ab ishment in the citv Tfie administrative hearin� will be held on � a,n�.,, rn.�..,.__r___ . . --r----_� "V:obilizing Communiry Resourc� co Reduce Poverry in Ramsey and Wasningcon Count:es." An Affirmacive AecionJEqual Opporcunity Employer. ��C`i'�i�� �. , �: {';ri�-7� ni, �%�ti �e.�:ri::\ �lembers d,•scusse3 the option o� cLanan� tha meeting time from 7:OOp.m. �-9��pii�:"to�o:00p.n. To 8:p.rn. in order io adjou,-n earlier in winter months: MOTIp�; 3y j,L�?�� 5�;���ri.Ei' :�.�tD SEL.O�?��?� BY' Lu.;_,�t iiOLLL�+GSWQRTH: TO CH�tiGE THE T�AC A 1SEETLtiG TLRiE TO 6:dflP �S. — 8:OOP �L 1IflTIOV CAI2RIED. �1PBOARD/P&E, LiilieHollingnvorth —IyTs. Hollingsworth reported tl�at tbeP&E and Operations committees wiIl be�in io meet at the same time as directed br Pau1 Gasian, RAP Board President. Steff Repfln, Pau1 H. Fret:ch — tiIr French reporte OQ IllS L7Cill1Iy into the Summtmi; Collaborative fundin� issue. He reported that the money is still tar�eted to the S-U area but changes have been made in atiministration of the funding. He reporteci that the Departmen# of Children Families and Leamintr indicated the S-U collaborative was not funded and did not offer any reason for the denial. They went on to say that the funding was attached to an RFP. A new collaborative based in the Summit-University area, A.frican-�nerican Mentor Group, was the successful candidate. It is still unciear if the former recipients of the �ant money continue to receive funds. Sunshine Fun� Lil[ie Hollingszvorth — i�eported remaining balance as $�.50. L'nfinished Business: No*. app!:cab:e. New Business: There was some discussion on the proposed "I'own Meetins" to be scheduled in March. Time etapsed and members decided to place the subject on the neat aQenda and discuss it at that time. Announcemenls — Mr. French also inviYed members to attend the Community Circte Dialowe on Race, Poverty and Education, Friday, becember 17`�, 1999, aT The Minneapolis Hilton and Towers. He indicated scholarships were available to him tha± would defray costs for re�stration. Five members indicated they wanted to attend. 1tieYtmeeiing—January 1Q, 2000, 6:OOp.m., Ramsey ActionPro�ams, Inc., 450 Syndicate Street, 2 Floor Conference Room. Adjournment — 9:OQ p.m. APPROVED BY CHAII2PFRSO�i CORNELNS BROW'_V JR / '� // / � C p ��1 �1��L` ,� �x'��'�-�C��`'�'"'/.[�zEri� J// , (. � ✓ � C h,-��c.L2 rz��c���- �—� �/ �, v �� 4`' �%� 4j yA p 0 � � � c.� s c ;a � p p � � � `� O� O A � Co (�D G � � � O `v C' A� O O ✓ '.�' r.' � O �'� 0�0 U�Q � �. O' � O O �. � � � � R, �-' `�y � �.a h � � � � � � � �. O � � � � � � Uj C/� � N O ��„ C�i �` 00 ',�.,, .N �' W J � O O o � N n � O O '17 S � C1 � � � - � O � 2 � '` l. r' � � l t� a �n C � � n n � �e � � � o � � � z p £A � C n ti � m O n R "T. 0 � ro ,��:� J uv ^VL i� v. ..CW ✓1 .....v .`A4 iYO� J.///�CvC. !'� S�I �RK V�IIGHT, Attornev at Law' Snite 700, Six �'est Fiffh Strect Saint Paul, Minnesota ��102-1412 Telephone (6�1) Z47-64Q0 Racsimiie (651) 224-832& E-mail * n a �kvau�h`�worldnct.a�.net � t�� I "�� +2�,�-��� 1 CpNFTDEtiT1.4i. FACSIMILE COMMUNICATION �r Date: March 6, 2000 �lease deliver the folJowing a pages, includin; this cover s�eet to tl�e foAowing uamed individual: Name: Phyttis A. Reha Company or Firm: Teiephane Number: �acsimile Number: FROM: Marl� Vaught (651)29 Adminiatrative Law Judge 612�34i-7600 b12-3�9-2665 Comments or Ins2ructions: 3ust a courtesy fax ko let you know 1 plan� no snbmissxons in the iVTetro Bar & Grill inatter. If you havc any problems reeeiving these pages, plcase contact {6�1) 297-6400 and ask for thc fax operator. v �.:: - ��'�� "i{. J��.','U .."'++ .. ....`.J ."AX i`�C� CiCCC4t1�C.�', N�' � V: S.1�1�RK �ALrGHT, AftQrney at I-aw Suite ; 04, Six �Vest Fifth SYreet Saint Paul, ylinnesota 5�102-1412 Telephone (6�1.) 297-6400 Facsimiie {6S1) 224-8328 E-mail �a'kvau8h*,�awo*ldnet.att.ne� CONRTDENTIAL FACSIMILE COMMU�TICATTON cnmmu�z ieation is strictiv Drohrbiied X1' vou have rece tkis comm unication iv� error please immediatetv noti{y the above Dartv bv telephone arrd return ihe nr:nenal messa2e to tke address tisted above Thank vou for vaur co�eratcan. Date: March 2, 200� Pleasc deliver the following 4 pages, iz�cluding this cover sheet Yo the folTowing nazned indzvidual: Name: Company or Firm: Telepbone Nuraber: Facsimile Nnmber: T'+220M: Mark Yaughf (651) 297-b400 Comments or Tnstructions: Phyllis A. itchn administrative Law Judge 612-341-'76fl0 6I2-349-2665 if yon kave any problams rcceivino these pages, please contact (fi51) 297-6404 and t�sk for tkte fax opexator. 11 GY — �� — ���� .... ��: _�� �TY.�CJ t'A� :�IG, C.!CC!.C�C� r j. 1�L1RK �'.AIJGHT .i%LnYI](?V n'Y jliU% $vi[c 7� s:x W csc F:� i S:;ct. Satac?a�i, Min^.esoca SSi02-l?i? - ;6:�}?97 .: AX (C:j.� »e-R3� r::a l: a`arrvaugF.t�?wor(d.^.ct.a[[.:1C[ �'u��'Cr 1, �Dd� Phyllis A. �eha, Admiristrative Law ,tudge Office of Adminzstrative Hearings 100 WasY�ington Square, Suite 1700 100 Washington Aver.ue South Minneapolis, Minnesota �540I-2138 R�: All licenses lxeld by Metro �ar & GriIl, Zne., d(b1a Arnellia's for the premises located at 1183 linivcrsity Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104; License 1� R54�?� . Bear Judge Reha: This letter is intended to summari�c and preseni Rcspondent's view of the evidence evinced at the hearing held on January 26, 20�Q before yourself in �he above- erititicd m�tter. 'The failure to have one af Pour surveillance cameras opetatin� was not willful. �rom the evidende, Respondent concedes that one of four sur�reiliance cameras was not in operating condition at the time of the twv incidcnts on Seotemner 23 and October 7, 1999. However, respondent submixs that the evidence sk�ows li'�e faiI'are rh�as not willful. L'pon discove:�ng tLai the camara was uat fi,mc:ionin�, Iiesp�ndcnt took pzoper and timely steps to assuze tr.at a replacement car�erl was ordered and saw that it was installed in a timely manner a£ter t'r.e zeplacement azrived. T.o be certain, theze was a tim� lag between the dxscovery of the n�n-funCtioninb camera and its repiacement. lindar the c�rcumstanc�s, as presented in this case, that time lag was not urseasonabJe and tY!c orderieg , pt:rchase and insta?!ation of the reolacement cameza� was done in the nors:zl course of business. The City presented no evidence tZiat the Respondent was in any way negligent in the mann�r in whictx it went about replacing the camera. , . Ui .`E.�,-�s-�., r:�? �9�3: :.�.:, �=":��� �P.X NC. 5i2%%^.8�28 ^ n? ;, It wok�c'ne unreESOnabie .o rezd �`:e licens�cor.d',tion rea�i,ing Ehz cameras �o LTIdIIG�2iC 1rilltt¢f�tBYc �c'Piu'.Ce_^_:C'.^.I O: ?�IC ROP_-�. C8.^,?ET�� iZt2S�)ELi:Ve O't Lti!2 S2CI ilidC irle Slip�.?�IB-" 1S IOCGieC� I;1 CwIfOI�i.?8 2:.d IIO:OC21 VBIIdO* COl:'IC 'J� �'0:2^G� ;�72t'{CDt L^_C cz,�.era ;n stock. i. woLld :i;ewisc oe �nreasonable tp :caa the cor_3 :;on zs :eq;:ir-g ;'r:e kCS�70IlQ to ra;.° :or a:: K ee� iz� :is s�ock one or more reptac �RlC:^.: C2.LSS:.I2 2�d:. iIl� posszbilitv o* faiI�:re. i.arry A:Ien testiied `,hat 11e apnarently and inadverlantly sct ti�c camera .`tmction on play raiher �.han record on che nigk�t of thc October 7, 1999 i„,cidenf and thaz he changed it when he disco�-ered it immediately afer 2h2 in�ident when ne went t� the recordzng device to be certai.� it was recording. Mr. A11en's testiinony as to his appazent failure to properIy activate the cecord fiu�ction is consistent ��Zth the tap� reco:ding in evzdence as was concedcd by S� . Kempe, thc City's witness who analyzed the tape. The failure to have oAe caruera in qperatin� order did not contribute to or cause the undexlvSnd incidents nor did the Resnondent or anv �+f its emolovees i�aYticipate in or coatribute � to cither of The twv incidentv. F*or!m the evidence, it is e�t�emety doubtful that the non-functioning camera, had it bcen in workia� order, wouici have capt�red either of the two incidcnts. 'I his is clearly true of the fatai +nciden: Octobet 7, 1999. �he vantage of the brokca camcra simply did not encompass the azea of tEie incident. Wztla respect to the September 23, 1999 incident it is doub±fu[ based on the evidcnce, that a�nctionin; camera from the vantage poirC dcscrfeed in tY:e testimozly woutd have offered much assistance in the iavestigation. While arguabiy a properly functionina rec�rding system at th.e ticne o� October 7, ] 999 incident might have offered some view of tbe zmmediate area of tha incident, :hat is not cleaz form the evidcnce and there is no evzdence in the record that the dewice was deliberately di5abled or shut off to ptevent recording of the incident. Mr- A11en's failurc to proper?y activate the record function is a mistake that any individual cauld have and most have r„ade with�home vidco cassctte recordets. . There is ne causzl iir1: between the bTOken carmera and Mr. .�:len's 'record/piay misiake and t't'�e crimes commstted in either incident. Despite Mr, Kessler's inceqdiazy rhetoric, neill2e: the Respor�dent nor any of its employees nor anyone else under its cor.uol was dizeotly involved it or culpabla Pos the actions in either of the :ncidents. The City offered zzo evidence 10 the contrary--other than IVlr. ICcssler's misplaced a��d uasuppvried value jud�m�nt---�icl cune:ccled iii ihe testiction}� of tlie poliee oficee.s �,at it had no evidence of ir_volvement ny the Respondent or any of its employees or agents in eiciier of tha incidents. � :'.SK-u3-uO rKi �9�3i �AW �tr.;,'�w �'AX NC, o':L22�u?L9 .,C� r�Y WOiSi u E hLQKC.^. C2TTle_2 2.^.0 i.�:C 7000Tdi'�I2V ITll$`id.�8 reant :n.a: `ne �'6A.Ce invast:�ar.on wa<_ �ot assisted. �t'�e broic�n ca.riera ane recor�.�p�ay ri:s'�ake cid :ot cz::sc either inc:d�n., nor dic t��cy :^pede ;ne poiice investigatien o` °i;he_ i:,cider.t. Trere we:e a subst�,tiz� n:�.:�zz o: e;jervitnesses io each of t"e iacident �vno viewed tne activ�ties from a be�er vantage thac� the surveiiianee casneras. Voiar.t ineidzr.ts are always �oublesome an d a deatn as a zesult oT violence is L*za;c_ But sucl�: a t ragedy ar.d li'�e zact'the Ceath ram2ins unsoived, apparenTly, does not serve as evid�nce of causauor. on the pa*f oi L�;e Respondent. T�Ze recomztzended penaltv is too severe. � Gi�en the conlext oT fhe two incidents and the clea: evidence ;n the record that the Respondent did not play any role ir, eausin� either incident, the recon�snended penaliy is far too severe, it,.indeed a penalty is appropriate at all. Mr. Iiessler ,estified ihat ihe recommended penally is unprecedentcd. rurthe;, hc o££ezed as }ustification oniy ,�e fact that a"nnuder" was involved. His irnplication ftzat the Respondent's action or iailuze� to act "caused" one or both of the incidents, most oarltcularly ttze deati, are not }ustificd by one scintilla of evidence and border on thc irresnonsible, • The actions of the Respondent with respect to replacin� the broken camera were commercially teasor.abte anc� do not merit a penaity of any sort. Whiie Respondent does not concede that any penalty is appropriate or even that a violation took place, it ol�ers foc your consideration that if a ge��alty is appropriate, that penaity should be substantially less than that recommended by Mz. Kesslcr. The Respondcnt took aonronriate cnrative action aftec the incidents. The one area where Respondent col�ccdes a need Sor greater attention is in the axea of record/piay error. The actions of Mr. Ailen may we11 represent a training failure. ' That is why the R2spondent took the curative actiuc? outlined in �mellia Aiten's Ictter which was introduced in evidence. ,And the Respondent offers that c�:rative action, which it undertook voluntariiy a:id witiiout prompting by the City, in mitigution of whatever faiiure is represcnted by Mr: Alien's recoxd/play mistake. V aly �q� _ � , � S. ark Vaugh attomey for Respon�izi.Y ec Virgir.ia Yaime:, �sq. ID1AR. -OS' OOtFRf) 08�23 OFFICE OF .1DMIti. HEARIKG TEL:6123492665 P. 001 TR?.VSaGTtON REPORT RecePtion Transaction(s) compieted �O. TX ➢ATE/TIbtE DESTIVATION ?07 MAR. 3 08:20 6122248528 DURATION PGS. RESULT YIODE 0° 02' 19" 004 OK N ECM OFFICE OF TF� CITY ATTORNEY Clayton M. Robiresan, Jr., Ciry Attorn¢y C�� �F' il�l� pA�, 4 r(, ��,� �� CivilDivision Norne Cateman, :Ltayor n^ � C7 `7 A�! ��'-, S Z 300 City Hall � 7elephone: 65T ?66-87Z0 _.: a �,� nC� v I�7.yestKel7aggBlvd Facsimile:6i1?98-5619 Saint Paul, :Krnnesota i57D2 ;•U ',iJ Cr-.:1`v�'._ �i�� .:;; �.�r.,�•.i:xuJ February 18, 2000 The Honorable Phyllis A. Reha Adaunistrative Law 7udge Office of Administrative Hearings 100 Waskrington Square, Suite 1700 Mi;uieapolis, MN 55401-2138 RE: In re the licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill, Inc., d/b/a Arnellia's Dear Judge Reha: Enclosed is the Final Argument on behaif of the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental ProtecUOn in the above-referenced matter. A copy of the same has been served bp mail upon Nir. Vaught, attorney for the licensee. Sincereiy, ��r `t,C= ��ce-1'.-,^-¢�. U Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey cc: S. Mark Vaught OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS q` C� �,� � U FOR THE COUNCIL, OF Tf� CITY OF SAINT PAUL �� �=� 2? ��; ^: 52 ,._ ;r�':� riC��'=`±�C Yvl. � In re the licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill, CITY'S FINAL ARGiJMENT Inc., d!b!a Amellia's STATEMENT OF FACTS The Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection initiated adverse action against the licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill, Inc., dlb/a Arnellia's, for violating conditions placed on the license. Saint Paul Legislative Code §310.06(b)(5) permits adverse action to be taken against licenses where the licensee "has failed to comply with any condition set forth in the license, or set forth in the resolution granting or renewing the license." There have been license conditions on the licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill for several years, and the most recent revision of those condirions was done aRer meeting with the license holder and a number of other interested persons, including LIEP staff and St. Paul police officers. Effective Juiy 8, 1999, two condirions relating to security cameras were placed on the license. Condition # 11 states: °Licensee [sic] holder wi:l maintain in good working order at least 4 video surveillance cameras on the exterior of the buiiding to constantly monitor the ea�terior of the premises. Tapes must be maintained for ? days." Robert Kessler, D'uector of LIEP, testified that the conditions regazding the surveillance cameras were put in place as a result of a fatal shooting which took place outside of Arnellia's. 7ackie Hicks, a manager of Arnellia's, aclrnowledged that the licensee had agreed -1- to the conditions and was awaze of them. On September 23, 1999, a shooting took place outside of Arneliia's. Saint Paul Police Qfficer 7obnson was sent to the baz to recover the tape from the outside video surveillance caxneras, but was advised by the owner, Arnellia Allen, that there was no surveillance camera behind the build'mg. The officer advised her that tapes from the other cameras might be helpful in identifying the suspects. After Ms. Allen contacted her son, Larry Allen, by phone, she informed the officer that the cameras were not operating the previous evening. Sgt. Richard Munoz also went to Arnellia's to attempt to obtain a video tape of the incident. Ms. A11en stated that she did not have a tape to give him because the camera in the rear of the building was broken, the other cameras were not operating and there was no tape in the recorder. A Notice of Violation dated September 30, 1999, was sent to Amellia Allen alleging that the failure to have the video cameras on and taping on September 23, 1999 was a violation of condition # i l of the license� The Notice was served by mail on October l, 1999 on Ms. Ailen, at the licensed establishxnent, and gave the licensee until Qctober 1 i, 1999 to respond on how they would like to proceed. While that matter was still pending, on October $, 1999, there was a suspected homicide which took place outside of Arnellia's, beginning in the parking lot and ending up on University Avenue. Qnce again, police went to Arnellia's to obtain videos frorn the surveillance cameras. The video tape which was obtained was reviewed by several Saint Paul Police officers, among them Sgt. Mark Kempe. Sgt. Kempe testified that the video tape which he reviewed was obtained from the bar by O�cer Arnold, who then took it to the police station and gave it to Sgt. Younghans. Sgt. Younghans and other officers reviewed the tape. The tape was played at the hearing, and no claim has been made that the tape is not authentic nor has any -2- ciaim been made that the tape was tampered with. The tape is divided into four quartezs, with one square for each of the four outside surveillance cameras. The upper left hand square is blank; testimony later established that tlus camera was not operating for at least two months, and probably longer. The remaining three squares show the front door azea (lower left screen), the back door azea (lower right screen) and the east pazking lot (upper right screen}. There are numbers which reflect a date and time, but these aze not related to the actual date and time of the recording. It was Sgt. Kempe's opinion that the tape was not operating at the time of the incident in the pazking lot on November 8, 1999, but that the tape had been turned on after the police had been called. He based this opinion upon the review of the tape, which showed a sudden jump in the dates of the tape counter, from 10-30-89 at 8:50 to I i-7-89 at 12:11:42; the abrupt change in the items being viewed (a view of the front door with no one outside and a jump to a lazge crowd of people); and the fact that the squad cars can be seen arriving. His conclusion was that the tape had not been constantly operating, but had been turned on after the fact. The wimesses presented by the licensee did not dispute that there was no tape from the incident on September Z�, 1999. In fact, Larry Allen acknowledged that he forget to use the surveillance cameras, despite being told of the conditions on the license. He also admitted that the tapes were not operating on October 8, 1999 until after the incident occurred, and the police had been called. His expianation was that he had hit the play, but not the record button on the tape machine. It also was appazent from the testimony of both Larry and Jerry Allen that one of the video surveillance cameras (the upper left quarter of the tape) was not operational for a period of over two months. The witnesses for the licensee seemed to be arguing that the recommended -3- penalty of b0 days was too severe because the violation of the condition on the license did not cause the shooting on September 23, 1999 or the death on October 8, 1999. AAGiIi�1ENT The City's burden of proof in this hearing is a preponderance of the evidence; if it is more likely than not that the licensee violated the conditions of the license, then the City has met its burden. In re Kaldahl, 418 N.W.2d 532, 535 (Minn. App. 1988). The license condition in question in this matter is Condition #k 11, which states: "1 l. The Licensee [sic] holder will nlaintain in good working order at Ieast 4 video surveiliance cameras on the exterior of the building to constantly monitar the ea�terior of the premises. Tapes must be maintained far 7 days." Implieit in the wording of this condition is that the video cameras are to be operating, and taping, at all times that the baz is open. One of the reasons for placing the condition on the license was to assist police by providing them with possible means of identifying suspects in the assaults, shootings and other problems being caused by bar patrons after leaving the baz. Cleazly, the licensee violated the condition on Septembez 23, 1999, when no tape was in the video and it �vas not being operated, and again on October 7, 1999, when taping did not start until after the incident occurred. The Director of LIEP, Robert Kessler, testified that he recommended a suspension of 60 days for the licenses hetd by Metro Bar & Crri11, Inc. He acknowiedged that it was a severe penalty, although he also noted that his initial inclination was to recommend revocation of the licenses. He noted that the condition on the license was the result of a meeting with the owner and management of Arnellia's, as weil as Saint Paul police officers, and that the recommendation for video surveillance cameras was something the police felt would assist them � in mvestigating and solving crimes occurring at or around the bar. The meeting and the additional conditions on the license were motivated by a murder which occurred outside the baz, on University Avenue. The conditions were effective July $, 1999. Within a matter of months, there was another shooting outside of Arnellia's, and only two weeks later, a person was killed in an incident which was investigated as a possible homicide and which began in the baz's parking lot. Officers tesfified that in both the September 23 and the October 7, 1999 incidents, that the people involved had been inside the baz as patrons eazlier in the evening. It was apparent from the testimony of Jackie Hicks that she felt the condition was unnecessary and that the bar feels no responsibility for the behavior of patrons once they are outside the building. However, the bar had the opportunity to oppose the conditions being placed on the license, as imposition of conditions is an adverse action, pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code §310.05(a). The licensee chose not to contest the imposition of conditions, and cannot now azgue that the conditions aze unreasonable. Ms. Hicks acknowledged that there has been a prior adverse action against the licenses held by Metro Bar & Grili, Inc., based upon the number of shootings which have occuned outside and azound the establishment. Rather than demonstrating concern for the problems generated by patrons of the establishment, the ficensee seems to azgue that because the violation of the conditions did not directly cause the incidents, they should not be punished. In fact, the continuing neglect of the conditions regarding the surveillance cameras is both a serious violafion, and contributes to the ongoing problems outside the baz. As long as the establishment ignores the condition to have cameras monitoring both inside and outside the premises, the police are denied access to valuable evidence to solve felony-level and other crimes occun•iug just -5- outside the doors of the baz. In both the September 23 and October 7, 1999 inciderns, the participants were patrons of the baz; although they did not commit the crunes inside the building, they were present outside the building because they had been at the baz. The licettsee obviously benefits from the custom of its patrons by charging them foz food and alcohol. This is conduct permitted by the licenses it holds. It would be unfair to say that the establishment can benefit from the licenses it holds but escape ail xesponsibility for the obligations imposed on the licenses by the Office of LIEP. The sanction recommended by the Office of LIEP is warranted by the inaction of the license holder in implementing the conditions agreed to. The conditions were to be effective on July 4, 1999. It was appazent from the testimony of all of the wimesses for the licensee that no training had been done with employees to advise them of the importance of the conditions or how to unplement them. Thus, on September 23, 1999, the cameras were not even operating. Despite receiving a NoUce of Violation advising them of the failure to abide by the conditions, it was only two weeks later that Lany Allen either failed to turn the recorder on or failed to turn it to record until after another instance of violent behauior required a call to the police. Only then did the cameras actually begin to record. Further evidence that the attitude of the licensee towards the condition was lackadaisical at best was the testimony regazding the fourth surveillance camera, which was determined to be malfunctioning in August of 1999, and which was still inoperative at the time of the October 7, 1999 incident, two months later. The testimony made it cleaz that there was no sense of urgency about getting the camera replaced once the baz finally realized that it was not functioning. There was no clear responsibility for taking chazge of the repair or reinstallation, and Larry Allen, the � manager, appazently relied upon his mother's statement that Earl Allen had been contacted to come install the camera without checking to see that it was done or to have it done in a timely fashion. When asked if anyone ever reviewed the tapes, Lazry Allen stated that he did not, and Jackie Hicks believed that it wasn't incumbent upon the bar to do so. This lack of responsibility for checking the tapes meant that they couldn't be sure the cameras were in working order, and fiirther demonstrates the fact that they did not take the condition on the license seriously. The Office of LIEP made every effort to work with the licensee to deal with concerns about the violent incidents taking place outside Amellia's by meefing with them to develop conditions that would deal with the problem. Both the testimony of Jackie Hicks, and the actions and inactions of Lany and Jerry Allen make it ciear that the empioyees of the licensee do not take the condition seriously and do not feel it is necessary. No training was ever done on how to implement the condition, it appears that when the cameras are turned on and off was lazgely a matter of personal decision by the ind'avidual employee, and no effort is made to see that the cameras aze functioning properly by reviewing the tapes. The mere fact that on the two occasions that the police looked for tapes to assist them in investigating crimes the tapes weren't available because the recorder had not been used or had been improperly used, warrants a severe penalty, but added to that, the recommended penalty of a sixty-day suspension is warranted because the testunony shows that this was not a one-tune lapse on the part of the licensee, but part of a general disregard for the condition. Additionally, this is a second adverse action against the licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill, Inc. CONCLUSION The City has met its burden of showing that the licensee violated Condition #11 on the -7- . license on both September 23, 1999 and October 7, 1999, because the licensee failed to have a tape in and the machine operating at all on September 23Td and failed to have the machine continuously monitoring and recording on October'T"'. These violations occurred in short period of rime, were part of a continuing pattem of indifference to the condition being nnposed on the license, and were a resuit of her faiitue to convey the importance of the condition to her employees oz train them in its unplementation. The argument that these violations are not serious because they did not cause the incidents themselves simply underscores the fact that the licensee does not consider the condition to be important, as does her manager's testimony that the condition is unnecessary and was only imposed because the Director of LIEP doesn't like the bar. The Q�ce of LIEP has worked with the establishment to deal with the problems caused by same of the patrons of the bar, and the licensee's failure to abide by the conditions and take responsibility for their part in the problems warrants a severe sanction. Respectfully submitted tkus 18"' day of February, 2000. '� � � �t-'"-�-� Virginia D. almer (Atty Lic. # 128495) Assistant City Attorney 400 City HalllCourthouse 15 W. Keliogg Boulevazd Saint Paul, MN 55102 (b51)266-8710 � STATE OF MSNNESOTA ) ) COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) R.�- C�iV'�L rr�4 27 „;i � 52 �;; _ ss. ,,:.�r�YF1FIDAVIT OF SERVICE SY MAIL �r�.-: �i':'�JJ JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on the 18th day oi February, 2000, she served the attached CITY'S FINAL ARGUMENT on the following named attorney by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Mr. S. Mark Vaught Attorney at Law Six West Fifth Street Suite 7�0 St. Paul, MN. 55102 (which is the last known address of said attorney) by depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in t ited States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. , n /f � G. Subscribed ancl sworn to before me this 18th day of February, 2000. �' �� Notary Public R! s''S �R. i3pSSAi2D - FKI SNY ChMA9i58fON EXF'(fTE$ dA7i. 95. ZOCiS s » s� °� o � .-. n "� [:1 � O O � _ 't] m � � � b 7 -. � � � � m � � r �o��� � o��� �� �. , � o N -o � o � Y m p ° , a, a ... 6 . � o �. m co �� � � � �s `C O � C � �. � � � � ��x� � W� ���� � � �� � �� o� 0 � a � � � � � a � �e � � � µ 3 � 4 2 " �e Q 0 ti fi � p � fi N � � A. '�'� C A � � t � � r l�" February 28, 2000 STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFTCE OF ADMINi5TRATIVE HEARINGS 700 Washington Square, Suite 1700 100 Washington Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401-2138 Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney Civil Division 400 City HaN 15 West Kelfogg Soufevard St. Paui. MN 55102 S. Mark Vaught Attomey at Law 6 West Fifth Street Suite 700 St. Paui, MN 55102 RE: In the Matter of the Licenses heid by Metro Bar and Griii, Inc., dlb/a Arneilia's; OAH Docket No. 9-2111-1264�-3 Dear Counsel: This letter is in response to Ms. Paimer's request to extend the period for repiy briefs from February 28, 2000 to March 6, 2000. Her request is granted. { have not as yet received Mr, VaughYs initial brief. Although he has not requested an extension of the time to submif his initiai brief, in light of the above extension i w+li extend the time period for his initial brief to March 1, 2000. !f Respondent wishes to fi{e a repiy, it too mus# be filed by March 6, 2000. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, �,t� G� ��..�.,.- PHYLLfS A. REHA Administrafive Law Judge Telep hone: 612/341-7602 PAR:mki Providing impartial Hearings for Government and.Citizens An Equal OppoRUnity Empfoyer Administrative Law Section & Administrative Services (612) 341-760D � TDD No (612) 341-7346 � Fax No. (652) 3q9-2665 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Clayton M. Robimon, Jr., City Afiorney CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, :4tayar Civil Division 400 Ciry Hall I S West KelZogg Blvd Saint Pau1. Minnesota SSIO2 Pelephome: 651266-8710 Facsimile: 651298-� 619 Febniary 24, 2000 The Honorable Phyliis A. Reha Administrative Law Judge Office of Administrative Hearings 100 Washington Square, Suite 1700 Minneapolis, MN 55401-2138 RE: In re the licenses hetd by Metro Bar & Grill, Inc., d!b(a Arnellia's Dear Judge Reha: � �� ' � � - .� � ;7 ✓ � ;� �_ � G � � f l� ,.� f �-�' - w � � co I am writing to you regarding the briefing schedule in the above-referenced cased, which you heazd on January 26, 2000. The City and the Licensee were to submit sianultaneous written final argument by February 18, 2000, with reply briefs due by February 28, 2000. I will be out of town tomorrow and Monday, and am requesting an ea�tension of the reply brief deadline from February 28, 2000 to March 6, 2000. I spoke to Mr. Vaught, who had no objection to my request for an extension of the reply brief deadline. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. If you have any questions, I can be reached at(651) 266-8719. Sincerely (/ � �,c,�(' w�-r� � Vixginia . Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: S. Mazk Vaught OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEX Claytnn M. Robinsorr, Jr., CityAttorney CITY O�' SAINT PAUL �' :_ :; `�'i _ J Norm Colera¢n, Mayor �9 ��G 3�� �i� 9� 2� December 15, 1999 Amellia Allen Amellia's 1183 University Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 r.. ',� "� i� ( i� i�ti c= •' il ` inNli`�VJ Civi[Division 400 Ciry Hatt - TeZephone: 63I ?66-87I0 ISYYUtKetloggBlvd Faalmile:651298-i679 SaiM Paul, Minxesota i5101 RE: A111icenses held by Meho Baz & Grill, Inc. dtbla Arnellia's for the premises at ll 83 Universiry Ave. in St. Paul License ID #: 54523 Dear Ms. Allen: Our office recently sent out a NOTICE OF HEAFiING dated December I5, 1999, which mistakenly identified "3anuary 26, 1999" as the date for your up-coming administrative hearing. The date should more appropriately be "7anuary 26, 2000." I wish T could blame this on Y2K, but it was only a typo on my part. T apologize if this caused any confusion. If you have any questions, you can call me at 266-8710. Very tru��ours /`��%`�� � Peter P. Pangborn J �' Legal Assistant cc: Mark Vaught, Suite 700, Six West Fifth St., St. Paul, MN 55102 Nancy Thomas, O�ce of Admuustrative Hearings, 100 Washington Squaze, Suite 1700, Mpls, MN 55401 Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary, 310 City Hall Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Cathy Lue, Community Organizer, Hamline Midway Coalition,l �fi4 Lafottd Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEy CI¢yfon M. Rabinson, Jr., CityAttorney CITY OF SAINT PAUL �' �_ ^ - f '� �'" ��,,,ro�v;�co„ _.,_:.�. Norm Cnlemair, Mayor �� 11 r �� 40 y Ci ` ry Ha11 Te(epkone: 6i1266-8710 i.�'i UCC � 0 Nl i 6�-e•y�t Ke1la�g Blvd Facsimile: 6il 298-i679 Saint P¢ul, iYlinnesota 55702 e;..,r;:'`;, ,; \� i i i,�i i i'i � 11`l:1llft�t�� December 15, 1999 NOTICE OF HEARING Arnellia Allen Arnellia's 1183 University Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 RE: All licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill, Inc. d/b!a Amellia's for the premises at 1183 University Ave. in St. Paul License ID #: 54523 Dear Ms. A11en: Please take notice that a hearing will be heid at the following time, date and place concerning all licenses for the premises stated above: Date: Wednesday, January 25,1999 Time: 9:30 a.m. Ptace: Room 41 Saint Paul City Aall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 The hearing will be presided over by an Administrative Law Judge from the State of Minnesota Office of Adsninistrative Hearings: Name: Phyllis A. I2eha Offica of Administrative Hearings -- 100 `Vashington Square, Suite 1700 ;, Minneapolis, MN. 55401 Telephone: (612) 341-7602 The Councii of the City of Saint Paul has the authority to provide for hearings concerning licensed premises and for adverse action against such licenses, under Chapter 310, including sections 310.Q5 and 310.06, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. In the case of licenses for intoxicafing and non- into�cicating liquor, authoriry is also conveyed by Minnesota Statutes section 340A.4i5. Adverse action may include revocation, suspension, fines and other penalties or conditions. Evidence will be presented to the judge which may lead to adverse action aeainst all the licenses you hold at the above premises as follows: � On September23,1499 therewas a shooting outside ofArneilia's, near the alley on the west side of the buiiding. Saint Paul police officers zvent to the bar later that day to recover tapes from the video surveillance cameras to assist the police in idenrifying the suspects in the shooting. Officer Johnson was informed by the owner that there was no camera near the area in question. When asked if police could review the other camera tapes, the owner stated that the cameras were not taping at the time of the incident. There is a condition on the licenses that the License holder must maintain "in good working order at least four video surveillance cameras on the exterior of the building to constantly monitor the exterior of the premises. Tapes must be maintained for 7 days." Failure to have the video cameras on and taping on September 23,1999 is a violation of the condition. On October 7, 1999 there were shots fired outside of Arnellia's, and an individual was run down in the parking lot and killed. Saint Paul police o�cers obtained the tapes from the video surveillance cameras to assist the police in investigating the incident. SeveralmembersofthehomicideUnitwatchedthetape provided, and it was apparent that a large portion of tfie events from October 7, 1999 are not on the tape. It appears that the security cameras were not activated until after the incident in which the person was killed, as the first thing from the date in quesfion is the arrival of the squads called to in� estigate. AdditionaRy, the times and dates on the tapes make no sense, and the items being viewed in 2he speci£ic surveillance areas covered by the various cameras shift abruptly. There is a condirion on the licenses that the License holder must maintain "in good working order at least four video surveillance cameras on the exterior of the building to constantly monitor the esterior of the premises. Tapes must be maintained for 7 days." Failure to have the video cameras on and taping at all times on October 7, 1999 is a violation of the condition. �.;, Notice of Hearing - Page 2 You have the right to be represented by an attorney before and during the hearing, or you can represent yourself. You may also have a pezson of your choice represent you, to the extent not prohibited as unauthorized practice of law. • The hearing will be conducted iu accordance with the requirements of Minnesota Statutes sections 14.57 to 14.62 and such parts of the procedures under section 310.05 of the Saint Pau1 LeQislative Code as may be applicable. y At the hearing, the Administrative Law Judge will have all parties identify themsel'ves for the record. The City will then present its witnesses and evidence, each of whom the licensee or attomey may cross-examine. The licensee may then offer in rebuttal any wimesses or evidence it mav �vish to present, each of whom the City's attorney may cross-examine. The Administrative Law Iudge may in addition hear relevant and material testimony from persons not presented as witnesses hy either party who have a substantial interest in the outcome of the proceeding; for exampie, the o�vners or occupants of property located in close proximity to the licensed premises may have substantial interest in the outcome of the proceeding. Concluding arguments may be made by the parties. Following the hearing, the 3udge wi11 prepare Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and a specific recommendation for action to be taken by the City Council. You should bring to the hearing all documents, records and witnesses }�ou will or may need to support your position. Subpoenas may be available to compel the attendance of witnesses or the production of documents in conformity with Minnesota Rules, part 1400.7000. If you think that tius matter can be resolved or settled without a formal hearing, please contact ar have your attorney contact the undersigned. If a stipulation or agreement can be reached as to the facts, that stipulation will be presented to the Administrative Law Judge for incorporariQn into his or her recommendation for Council action. If you fail to appear at the hearing, your ability to challenge the allegations will be forfeited and the allegations against you which have been stated earlier in this notice may be taken as true. If non- public data is received into evidence at the hearing, it may become public unless objection is made and relief requested under Minnesota Statutes, Section 14.60, subdivision 2. If you have any questions, you can ca11 me at 2b6-871Q. Very tnxiy yours, �� \ n = 'tic �J �,�-t'� Virginia l�: Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Mark Vaught, Suite 700, Six West Fifth St., St. Paul, NRV 55102 Nancy Thomas, Office of Administrative Hearings, 100 Washington Square, Suite 170Q, Mpls, MN 55401 Notice of Aearing - Page 3 Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary, 310 City Hall Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP � Cathy Lue, Community Organizer, Hamline Midway Coalition,1564 Lafond Ave., St. Paul, NN 55104 ' Notice of Hearing - Page 4 � 4 � OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS ROR THE COUITCIL O� THE CTTY OF SAII`�T PAUL In Re The Licenses Held By Metro Baz & Gril1, Inc. d/bfa Arnellia's C"i ( Z�� CITY'S PROPOSED EXHIBITS 7anuary 26, 200Q T0: Judge Phyllis A. Reha, Administrative Law Judge, Office of Administrative Hearings, 100 Washington Square, Suite 1700, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 The following constitutes a list of the Ciry's proposed e�ibits for the Administrative Hearing on January 26, 2000. Exhibit No. E�. No. 1 E�. No. 2 Exh. Na!�3� .� 1" ' E�. NoC �1 �� � E�. No. 5 E�, No� > � , �E�. No. 7� y�� E�. No. 8 JYuf ''' �� Description License Information Report, dated September 30, 1999 (4 pp.); License conditions for Metro Bar & Grill, Inc. rUb1a Arnellia's (1 p.); Police Report CN99-157945, prepared by Officer Gerald E. Johnson, dated Septembet 23, 1999 (2 pp.); Police Report CN99-15794�, prepazed by Sgt. Richard J. Munoz, dated September 23, 1999 (S pp.); Norice of Violation, dated Septemher 30, 1999, with Affidavit of Service � PP�); Police Report CN99-167633, prepared by Sgt. Mazk C. Kempe, dated November 8, 1999 (2 pp.); Video tape recovered from the licensed establishment on October 7, 1999; Letter from Ms. Arnellia Allen, dated October 29, 1949 (2 pp.); A +( 'E�i. No. 9 E�. No. 10 �� i Notice of Second �Jiolation, dated November 10, 1999, with �davit of Service (3 pp.); , Notice of Hearing, dated December 1�, 1999, with �davit of Service t� PP-)� Also attached please find courtesy copies of applicable St. Pau1 City ordinances: St. Pau1 Legislative Code § 310.05 St. Pau1 Legislarive Code § 310.06 St. Paul Legislative Code § 310.17 Respectfully submitted this 26th day of January, 2000. �. � Virginia D mer Assistant Ciry Attomey Office of The City Attorney 400 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612)266-8710 � � �s P1 �, r: � � � � � � k � �a . � �� �-. y � 0 � � y � �i �� � � I �� i I Z �" ! C � m D . � �7 � � D � �i G r N1 m r�� r2 ' m: � ���� �I � �i� ni NI I i I � i � I �� I 'i i I i I� i I I �I �+ �i � wl m �' WI x W �, �i W � �AI �I NI N � �l v� � �i� IZ c � i� I� 1=I IN I I Ci N� �, � i � � m. � �: Z m �, L_ i -: !m'I c iv� ! nl m � �. 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D� mi �; �: �, m; A r r Z n D—, Z! �� mi W� ri D} y� mi �� m I i i � o wI yI A zi � mi � �I f 1 < m �� � n �� I i � �� ; zQ , < ca , m �� , • � � ; � � �i D � c, G r- �+.i � m ` -mi I � ,N1 nl ; !�� � � (mi I I�� , �; ;i � � I I � � , i I � 'I � � � ' I I I � ,� �i W j -�� w� v; w, x. w� o, p�i DJI >i� yl Nj N I cn N � �� �i �� �I � Zj fm� ;, iNl �;; v , �i �. c�: 3 �' m; � Z , �. l ;�I i v', 3I �Ni i .�� i o: �� I i i�� a� �i � i � � I mI v � �I I�i i � I u �� �� � n� ° c� �I 0 m� a� �! m z: y� v, �: g. Q„ m, � � r Z C) D'- z� o, W1 r' ➢! r � Z! p',;ml �I � � i � �' -'-� � '' , o wi � � c Qi �� �� N �J D < m �� � License Group Conditions Text Licensee: METRO BAR & GRILL INC �BA. ARNELIIA'S License #: p054523 09/29H 999 EFFECTIVE 07/08/99: 1. Dress Code: Amellia's agrees to continue to enforce a dress code for customers designed specifically to prevent paVOns or customers from concealing weapons or contra6and i�side baggy clothing or weari�g ga�g affiliated cqlors. 2. Adherence to Strict Identification Requirements: Amellia's will require proper picture identification from anyone who appears to be younger than 30 years old. Those without proper identification shall be denied entrance. 3. Inaease Communication with Police and Neighbors: Amellia's shall initiate and main7ain regufar communication with the west sector team police commander or his designee, and licensing offipals. Christine Rozek and Kris6na Schweinler. Meetings shall include neighborhood organizations to the extent possible. 4. Controi Music 7ype and Format Amellia's shall conBnue to be responsible for screening out music that promotes or glorifies violence and nefarious or arti-social behavior. 5. Amellia's management and security personnel will i�sure that patrons do not leave enmasse, but rather, management and secuirty will encourage patrons to leave in an orderly and conV011ed manner behveen 12:30 a.m. and 1:'15 a.m. 6. The pubiic telephones shalt not allow incoming cafis, nor any caiis to or from electronic beepers or pagers. 7. Amettia's shall mainUan a fist of atl patrons who have been banned from the esta6lishment, and this list s0a11 be stnct4y enforced by Arnellia's. Such list shall include proper identification of that person, photograph and a notice of trespass. This nofice should be in triplicate with one copy going to each of the following: �) Maintained by the esfabiishment; 2) LIEP; 3) the indfvidual being banned. Once banned, a person will remain banned for a minimum of one year. Amellia's will cooperate unth police in filling out trespass notice{s). 8. Arneltia's shalf conGnue to provide security personnel to promote the orderiy behavior of patrons on and leaving the premises. The premises shall i�GUde the area immediately adjacent to the establishmeat. Speciaf attenfion wilf be paid to en�uragi�g patrons to leave the area. 9. All employees and security personnel information shall be provided to LIEP for background checks. 10. Amellia's will employ the use of a metal detecting devices to ensure there are no weapons on the premises. � L Licensee holder vrill maintain in good working order at leasi 4 video surveillance cameras on the exterior of Yne building to constantry monitor the exterior of the premises. Tapes must be maintained for 7 days. 12. A video surveillance camera shall be maintained in good working order in the interior of the esiablishment to monitor customers as they enter the establishment. Tapes must be maintained for 7 days. 13. Signage shaff be posted on the exterior of the building to rwtify patrons that the area may be under video surveiNance. 14. Security personnel will be on duty daily finm 8:00 p.m. until closing. 15. Back door wiil remain locked after 5:30 p.m. to prevent entry. 16. The ficensee wilt lock�the door of the establishment at �2:30 a.m. No additional patrons witt be allowed entry after that 6me. 17. Conditions reviewed at renewal. � � , Grill, Inc. dibla Arnellia's _ City's Eah. # 2 r � Saint Paui Police Department �a9e � � SUPPLEMENTAL OFFENSE / I.NGIDENT REPORT Complamt Number Reference C,N. Pamary oXertse Date and Tme ot RepoR 99-157945 AGG RAVAT ED A SSAULT 09I2311999 14:52 Pnmary Repomng Offitec �ERALD E.lOHNSON Cocaaon ofinddentr Primar� oSense deta�7: Pnmary squad: � 90 Secondar� repoting ofhcer. Dismct: WESTERN ( WEST.DIST/N.QFC ) SeconCary offense: Name otlocaHon/6usiness: Date S 6ma of occurence; Afrest made? Date 8 Sme of amest: POUCE PEftSONNEL 1NVOLYED Arrestmadeonview: NQ Parsuitertgaged: rJQ Rrrest made on wanant or pravioos CN: (�JQ Weapons used by police: (�}Q Weaports used dy suspect at time of anesf: NO Resrsia�ce encou�tered: NO CHARGES NONE NAMES OWNER ARNELIA ALLEN 1183 UNIVERSITY AV W STPAUL MN 55104 PhysicalDescripUon Phanes � �� sex FEMALE Hergbt Ha�rcolor Home phone 651-642-5975 �`� Race B�,qCK Nispanic D08 Age Weight Ha'v Type -� � Budd Hai�Length � t � SWn Facia! Harr �l �v � �� Physical Condkion Employment `� l Consciousness CONSCIOUS Occupa6on OWNER Drugla/coho/ use FmWoyer SEIF CRlME SCENE DESCRIPTORS Crime Scene ryPe Descnpfion Method & Point of Entry Farce used NOT FORCED Point al entry Method 'ROPERTY � ONE � --"",. � � � �--- - , ( � /, Griil, Inc. d/b/a Arnellia's _ � `�=1S.� f`` C C (� �7� City's Exh. # 3 ,� .. Saint Paul Poiice Department °age 2 SUPPLEMENTAL OFFENSE / INCIDENT REPORT Comp'aint Number Reference CN. Pnmary oBense , 99-157945 AGGRAVATED ASSAULT Date and 7ime of fteporf 09/23/1999 14: 52 VEHICLE INFORMATION NONE NARRATIVE SQUAD 190, G,JOHNSON, WAS SENT Td 1�83 UNiVEftSiTY, ARNELtA'S BAR, TO RECOVER THE TAPE FROM THE1R VIDEO CAMERA. THERE WAS A SHOOTlNG THERE UNDER TNIS CN. UPON ARRIVAL, I TRLKED TO THE OWNER HERSELF, ARNELIA ALLEN PH- 65'i-642- 5975. I EXPl1aINED TO HER THAT f WOULD LIKE TO COLLECT THE ViDEO CAMERA TAPE FROM LAST NIGHT TO HELP IDENTIFY THE PEOPLE INVOLVED. ARNELIA SAID SHE HEARD THERE HAD BEEN A SHOOTiNG IAST NIGHT BEHIND THE BAR BUT THAT THERE WAS NO CAMERA THERE. I THEN ASKED WHERE SHE HAD CAMERAS. SHE SAID THERE WERE CAMERAS LOCATED ON THE EASl' SIDE OF THE BUILDING. 1 THEN SAiD THAT lT WAS POSSIB�E THAT ONE OF THE CAMERAS WOULD HAVE RECOROED SOMETHING USEFUL IN IDENTIFYING SUSPECTS. ARNE�IA THEN CALLED HER SON, LARRY ALLEN, PH 770-1477, AND TALKED TO HfM. SHE THEN TOLD ME THAT LARftY SAID THEY DID NOT HAVE THE CAMERAS ON AND TAPING LAS7 NIGHT. i THEN WALKED OUTSIDE AND SAW ONE CAMERA ON THE SOUTH SfOE, WEST END OF THE BUILDING, POINTED TOWARDS THE FRONT DOOR. I ALSO SAW TWO MORE CAMERAS ON THE EAST SiDE OF THE BUILDING, ONE ON THE SOUTH END FACiNG IN A NORTH- EASTERLY DIRECTING AND THE OTHER WAS QN THE NaRTH END FACING IN A SOUTH-EASTERLY DIRECTION. THERE WAS ALSO A FOURTH CAMERA IN TriE BACK OF THE BU1LQlNG, ON THE NQRTH WALL AND LOCATED NEAR THE EAST END OF THE BUILDING. THIS CAMERA WAS P0INTED TOWARDS THE NORTH-WESTERLY DIRECTION. PLEASE SEND A COPY TO THE ClTY LICENSING DIVISION Please distribute to: �CFiF _Hom _Sex _D/C _CO _Rptr _Rob _1uv _Oper _PSC _Lab _Burg _Theft _Prop _CAU _F&F Vice Nazco SIU T&A Other _Rec �Team _Au[o _DAO Saint Pau{ Police Department Page , _ _. .... SUPPLEMENTAL OFFENSE / iNCIDENT REPORT Comp'aint Number Reterenca C.N. Pnmary offense Date and Time ot RepoR 99-157945 Agg. Assault ' 09/23/1999 20:44 Primary Repoi6ng Oihce� RICHARD .l MUNOZ Primary otiense detad: Pdmary squad: 719 Secondary raporting officer. ��+�� WESTEfttS ( CAPERS-HOMiCIDE ) Secondary oXense: Locaffon ofincident Name otfoca6aNbusiness: Date & Sma of occurence: Arresf made? Date 8 6me of arrest POLICE PERSONNEL iNVOLVED Arresf made on view: NO A�rest made on warrant or pievious GN: NO Pursud engaged: pf Q Resrstance encauntered.' NO Weapons used by poGce: NO Weapons used by suspect at tlme of a�rest NO CHARGES NONE NAMES NONE CRIME SCENE �ESCRIPTORS Crime Scene Ty� Descdption PROPERTY NOlVE VEHICLE 1NFORMATiON NONE Method 8 Polni of EMry Porce used NOT FORCED Paint ot entry Method 0 NARRATIVE 4, Sergeant Munoz, was assig�ed to investigate this incident. On September 23, '19999 at '1815 hrs. I went to Amellia's Bar to see if there was a video taQe to recover from the time of this incident. When f arrives at the bar 1 first observed a group ofi 6-7 biack males hanging in the parking lot. After i parked and got out and approached the front door there only remained 5 btaCk maies stilt hanging in the tot. I asked the group ifi any of them worked at the bar and they said no. I then walked to the front door was was the� toid by one ofi the male that he did work for the bar. f then went into the bar and met the owner Ameliia. 1 explained to her that I was investigating the incident that had occurced the night before at closing. 1 asked AmeUia if any officers had been there Yo recover her video security tape and she said yes. She expiained to me that she didn't have a tape to give the officer because ths camera in the � � C. �� �� ? .s , x .W U y H 'yia �U � Saint Paui Poiice Department Page 2 SUPPLEMENTAL OFFENSE / INCIDENT REP4RT Comqaint Number Relerance C.N. Primary ottense � Dafe and Time ot Report 99-157945 Agg. Assault 09/23/1999 20:04 rear was broken and wasn't working. I asked if any of the cameras were wor(vng and if she had a tape in the recorder and she said no. She then showed me a video tape and toid me it was full and that the recoder wasn't on. I then explained to Ameflia that there was a group of people hanging in the parking lot and she told me that one of them was working for fier. Ptease distribute Yo: _CHF _Hom _Sex _D!C _CO _Rptr _Rob _Juv _Oper _PSC _L.ab _Rec _Team ` Butg _TheR _Prop _CAU _F&F _Auco _DAO Vice Nazco SIU T&A Other Saint Paul Police Department Page 3 _ _ SUPPLEMENTAL OFFENSE i 1NCIDENT REPORT Gamp/aint Number Refe2nca C.N. Pnmar/ oflense Date and Time of Report 99-157945 Agg. Assauft ' 09>23/1999 20:04 P4ease distribute to: _CHF _Hom _Sex _D/C _CO _Rpts _Rob ^ Juv _Oper _PSC _Lab _Rec _Team _Burg �Thefr _Prop _CAU _F&F _Auto _DAO Vice Nazco SIU T&A Qther OFFICF ' TE� CIT�,' ATTORNEY Claymrs M. ..obinson, Js., City Attorney CITY OF SA1NT' PAUL Norm Caleman, Mayor Civil Divisinn 400 Ciry Ha71 I S St�est Kellogg Blvd Saint Paul, �Llinnesota 55102 Telephone: 657 266-8710 Facsimile: 651298-5619 September 30, 1999 NOTICE OF VIOLATION Amellia Allen Amellia's 1183 University Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 RE: All licenses held by Metro Baz & Griil, Inc. d/b/a Arnellia's for the premises at 1183 University Avenue License ID #: 54523 Dear Ms. Al1en: The Director of the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has recommended adverse action against all licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill d/b/a Amellia's for the premises at 1183 University Avenue. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: On September 23,1999 there was a shooting outside of Arnellia's, near the alley on the west side of the building. Saint Paul palice officers went to the bar later that day to recover tapes from the video surveillance cameras to assist the police in idenfifying the suspects in the shooting. Officer Johnson was informed by the owner that there was no camera near the area in question. When asked if police could review the other camera tapes, the owner stated that the cameras were not taping at the time of the incident. There is a condition on the licenses that the License holder must maintain "in good working order at least four video surveillance cameras on the exterior of the buiiding to constantly monitor the exterior of the premises. Tapes must be maintained for 7 days." Failure to have the video cameras on and taping on September 23, 1999 is a violation of the condifion. � � Grill, Inc. d/b/a Arnellia's _ City's Exh. # 5 Page 2 Ameilia Allen September 30, 1999 If you do not dispute the above facts piease send me a letter with a statement to that effect. The matter wi11 then be scheduled for a hearing before the St. Paui City Council to detemune what penalty, if any, to impose. You will have an opportunity to appeaz and speak on your own behalf, or to have someone appeaz theze for you. On the other hand, if you wish to dispute the above facts, I will schedule an evidentiary hearing before an Administrative Law Judge (AL3}. If you wish to have such a hearing, please send me a letter stating that you aze contesting the facts. You will then be sent a"Notice of Hearing," so you will know when and where to appeaz, and what the basis for the hearing will be. In either case, please let me know in writing no later tHan Monday, October 11, 1999, how you would like to proceed. If I have not heard from you by that date, I will assume that you are not contesting the facts. The matter will then be scheduled for the hearing before the St. Paul Cify CounciL ' Tf you have any questions, feel free to call me or have your attorney call me at 26b-8710. Sincerely, ` �/��cFJ. J��,"c���-uch Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessler, DirecYOr, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Cathy Lue, Community Ozgainzer, Hamline Midway Coalition, 1564 Lafond Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104 STATE OF MIPNES0IA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEV AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on October l, 1999, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOZ,ATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Arnellia Al1en Arnellia`s 1183 University Avenue St. Paul, MN. 55104 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn this 1s�� of �' / .0 I ti �� '�/��. to before me ■ .- �� � ��r.�. 6122653844 5aint Paul Police Department P.az�e3 Page t _ SUPPLEMENTAL OFFENSE / fNC1DENT REPORT Comp(eint Numbe/ Relslence C.N. • Pdmary oflanse Date and T/me afReport 99- investigation of Deatb '1 i/08/1999 11:13 PAmary ReperCng Officer. �K C KEMPE Pdmery o9ense defa8; Pnmarysquad: 715 Secontlery repwt/ng olfic�r. �� WESTERN ( CApERS-HOMICIOE ) SeCOr�Cery of/ense: Locaaon of/nrJdanL tJame olloc&UaNOUSiness Date 8 tlme of accumncs: Arrest madel Date 8 Sme of a,resY.• POLICE PERSDNNEL IN110LVED � AneSt an HeW: {�JQ MestmadeonwenanCOipiuNousCN.' NO Weepons usad by po6ce: � p Weaporrsused6ysuspectatHmeofertasr. NO Pursuitengaged: NO Resishanee antountered: NO CHARGES �� NONE NAMES � � NONE CRiME SCENE DESCRlPTORS �� Crima Scene Typa Descrip6an Method & Polnt oJ EnUy Force used {�OT FORCED Poln[ ofentry MeMOd PROPERTY NONE VENICIE INFaRMAT10N NONE NaR�zanvE On 10-7-98, a shoft time after the incident occurred, Off. Arnoid obtained from Arneilia's a video tape af severai areas outside of fhe buiiding. The tape is supposad to be a reCOrding of events +'ecorded on 11-7-99. This tape was then given to Sgt. Younghans. Severa{ members of the Nomicide Unit, induding myself, watched the tape and agree there is a large portion of events not recorded on the tape. lt appears tfie security cameras were not on during the incident in which Mr. Fariey was kiiled, but were tumed on immediately aftervvards. The tape monitors three areas outside the Amellia's buiiding; the front door, the back door and parking area to the east of tfie buiiding. The screen is divided into fourths, but one section (upper � r � C L �� _� �. �s .� x u y � y�. =U � J NOV-09-1999 14�04 S7. PAUL PDLICE 99i P•02 N011-09-1999 14�08 6122653844 P.03/03 Saint Paui Palice Department P� z SUPPLEMENTAL OFFENSE i INCIDENT REPORT CartrplaintNam6er Reference C.N. Pnmery oilanse Date antl Time otRepod 99-167fi33 { nvesfs g ation of Death 11t08 11:13 left) is btank The lower left side of the sueen is the front door area of Amellia's. ft also includes ' University Avenue east of Amelfia's frorrt door. The fower right portion of the screen is the back door area with a large dumpster and parking spots. The upper right screen is the east parking. The dates and times racorded onto the tapa do not make any sense, the tape begins with�the date of 10�0-89 at �70o hours. The tape continues on the date of 10-30.89 to 0850 untiN there is cSearly a break in the sequence of events. The tape counter dispiayed on the screen jumps to 11-7-89 with a time of 12�'I:42 and after a shoR time, shows severaf squad cars arriving on University Avg to the easi of the front door. in addition to Ehe sudden jump in the dates of the tape counter, tha items bei�g viewed in the specific surveiffance areas also change abruptiy. The foilowing scenes are on the tape at � 0-30-89, at 0850:50 just prior to the break in sequence: - 7he front door area of Ameilia's is empty with no peopie around. - The back door area shows a large van parked facing south and a 2 door sedan parked on the west side of the dumpster. - The eas# side parking shows thres vehiclss, a smal! sedan facing east, a mini van faeing east and an SUV type vehicle parked facing west The tape then has a clear break in sequence to 11-7-89 ai 1211:42, and fhe following changes have occurred in the tape: - Tnere is a large crowd of people near the front door of Ameflia's and people continue to exit fhe bui(ding. Squad cars then arrive on University Ave. and stop to the east of the front door. - The rear of the building shows a white car pariced on ffie east side of the dumpster and a large van par4ced facing noRh. - The east parking shows a white convertible facing west and a van facing easf, Please distribute ta: _CNF _Hom _Seac _D/C _CO ,_Rptr NOU-�9-1999 14�04 _Rab _Juv _Oper _PSC �Burg _TheR _Prap _CAU Vice Narco SN T&A ST. PAUL POLICE 99� Lab Rec T�am F&F Auto DAO Other T07AL P.03 P.03 I� � l ' October 29, 1999 Robert Kessler, Director License, Inspections and Environmental Protection 300 Lowry Professional Building 350 Saint Peter Street Saint Paul MN 55102 Dear Mr Kessler: In light of the recent incident Arneilia"s stafF have met with interested community leaders and formulated the fol4owing as a means to deal with some issues: • We have ordered signs for the property, " No Trespassing - Violators will be prosecuted" and "Private property - No loitering". Signs will be delivered on Wednesday, November 3 and in place by Thursday, November 4, 1999. • We are pricing Halogen lighting fiorArnellia's parking lot, on the buifding on the � West side, to face the Antiques Minnesota lot and at the rear of our building expect to have this work completed within the next 2- 3 weeks. • We wil{ put additionai informatior on our ca{endar regarding the strict dress enforcement. We code y � U n d� :s � � . �� �� U � � L :U i C7 • Our VCR was in need of repair and is now in proper working order. Tapes are placed each day. We are using two sets of tapes and keeping them 4or a week before we tape over them. • We are in the process of looking at other promotional ideas that do not appeal to younger audiences on Wednesday and Thursday nights. • We have increased our diligence in making sure that patrons that have been barred from the establishment do not enter. • We wili continue to work with the interested citizens "The "Just Stop �t" Non- Violence Campaign" to make these and other items are carried out We welcome any other suggestions that may be forth coming to improve conditions for AmelOa's On-The-Avenue • New gathering spot tor foad, ddrdc, musk and hospitaBty • 1183 University Ave. W., St. Pauf, MN. SS10d •(672) 642-597E our neighbors, patrons and employees. Sincerely, . l�� Amellia Allen Owner cc: Mayor Norm Coleman City Council members Chief W(liam K Finney Commander Dan Carlson The "Just Stop IY' Tyrone Terrell Biily Collins Johnny Howard DonEsther Morris Rev Devin Miiler Non-Violence Campaign OFFICF 'F � CITY ATTORNEY Cltry[on a ,binson, J>., Ciry Attorney CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Co(eman, .4f¢yor Civil Drvisian 400 Ciry Hall 15 West Kellagg Blvd Saint P¢u(, .Ninnzsota S51 D2 Telephone: b5! 26b-87f0 Facsimile: 657 298-5619 November iQ, 1999 NOTICE OP SECQND VIOLATIQN Arnallia Alien Amellia's 1183 University Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 RE: All licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill, Inc. dlbla Amellia's for the premises at 11$3 University Ave. in St. Paul License ID #: 54523 Deaz Ms. Ailen: The Director of the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has recommended adverse action against all licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill d/bla Amellia's for the premises at 1183 University Avenue. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: On October 7,1999 there were shots fired outside of Arnellia's, and an individnal was run down in the parking lot and killed. Saint Paul police officers obtained the tapes from the video surveillance cameras to assist the police in investigating the incident. Several members of the homicide Unit watched the tape provided, and it was apparent that a large portion of #he events from Qctober 7,1499 are not on the tape. It appears that the security cameras were not activated until after the incident in which the person was killed, as the first thing from the date in question is the arrival of the squads cailed to investigate. Additionally, the times and dates on the tapes make no sense, and the items being viewed in the specific surveillance areas covered by the various cameras shift abrugtly. There is a condition on the licenses that the License holder must maintain "in good worl:ing order at least four video surveillance cameras ofl the exterior of fhe building to constantly monitor the esterior of the premises. Tapes must be maintained for 7 days." Failure to have the vidpo cameras on and taping at all times on October 7,1999 is a violation of the condition. � � Grill, Inc. dlt�la Arnellia's — City's Exh. # 4 -" Page 2 Amellia Allen November 10, 1999 If you do not dispute the above facts please send me a letter with a statement to that effect. The matter will then be scheduled for a heaiing before the St. Paul City Council to determine what penalty, if any, to unpose. You wi11 have an opportunity to. appeaz and speak on your own behalf, or to have someone appear there for you. On the other hand, if you wish to dispute the above facts, I will schedule an evidentiary hearing before an Administrative Law 7udge (AL�. If you wish to have such a hearing, please send me a letter stating that you aze contestin; the facts. You will then be sent a"Notice of Hearing," so you wiil know when and where to appear, and what the basis for the hearing wiil be. In either case, please let me kno�v in writing no late than Monday, November 22,1999, how you wouid like to proceed. If I have not heard from you by that date, I will assume that you are not contesting the facts. The matter will then be scheduled for the hearing before the St. Paul City Council. � If you have ang questions, feel free to ca11 me or have your attorney call me at 266-8710. Sincerely, � � � �� ��- Virginia A. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Mark Vaught, Suite 700, Six West Fifth St., St. Faul, MN 55102 Robert Kessler, Airector, LIEP Christina Rozek, LIEP Cathy Lue, Community Orgainzer, Hamline Midway Coalition, 1564 Lafond Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104 STATS OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RA1`iIS&Y ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MA2L JOANNE G. CLEMEI�TS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on November 10, 1999, she served the attached NOTICE OF SECOND VIOT�ATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Arnellia Allen Arnellia' s 1183 University Avenue St. Paul, MN. 55104 (which is the last known address of same, with postage prepaid, in the Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this lOth dav of Novembe�, 1999. � l� r %vw�-> I/ Notar Public ERP.PANGBORN Y - NOTAflYPUBLIC-MINNESCTA ` My Cqmm. Exp¢es Jan. �t, 2000 said person) and depositing the OFF2Cz'—Oc THE CITY ATTORNEY ClaytOn. .abirtson, Jr., CrlyAttprney CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norne Coleman, Mayar Civi1 DiviSian a00 Crry Hall I S {f'ut Ketloeg B(vd Sain[ P¢ul, blinxuofa Si703 I'eLephone: 65I 166-8710 Facsimil e: 651398-3619 December 15, 1499 NOTICE OF HEARING Arnellia Allen Ameilia's 1183 University Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 RE: All licenses held by Metro Bar & Grill, Inc. dJbJa Arnellia's for the premises at 1183 University Ave. in St. Paul License ID #: 54523 Dear Ms. Allen: Please take notice that a hearing wi11 be held at the foilowing time, date and place concerning all licenses for the premises stated above: Aate: Wednesday, January 26, 1999 Time: 9:30 a.m. PIace: Room 41 Saint Paul City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard 5aint Paul, Minnesofa 55102 The hearing will be presided over by an Administrative Law Jud�e from the State of Minnesota Office of Administrative Hearings: Name: Phyllis A. Reha Office of Administrative Hearings 100 Washington Square, Suite 1100 Minneapolis, MN. 55401 Telephone: (612) 341-7602 � � Griil, Inc. d/b!a Amellia's — City's Exh. # 10 — 1'he Council of the City of .. _�nt Pau1 has the authority to provide for nearings conceming licensed premises and for adverse action against such licenses, under Chapter 310, including sections 310.05 and 310.06, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. In the case of licenses for intoxicatin� and non- into�cating laquor, authority is also conveyed by Minnesota Statutes section 340A.415. Adverse action may include revocation, suspension, fines and oEher penalties or conditions. Evidence will be presented to the judge which may lead to adverse action atrainst all the ticenses you hold at the above premises as foilows: � On September23,1449 fherezvas a shooting outside ofArnellia's, near the aIley on the Fvest side of the building. Saint Paul police officers went to the bar later that day to recover tapes from the video surveillance camerAS to assist the police in identifying the suspects in the shooting. Officer 3ohnson �vas informed by the o�vner that there was no camera near the area in question. When asked i£ police could review the other camera tapes, the o�vner stated that the cameras �vere not taping at the time of the incident. There is a condition on the licenses that the License holder must maintain "in good �vorl:ing order at least four video surveillance cameras on the exterior of the buiiding to constantly monitor the exterior of the premises. Tapes must be maintained for 7 days." Failure to have the video cameras on and faping on September 23, 1999 is a violation of the condit3on. On Octoher 7, 1999 there tivere shots t'ired outside of Arnellia's, and an individual was run down in the parking lot and l:illed. Saint Paul poiice officers obtained the tapes from the video surveillance cameras to assist the police in investigating the incident. 3everal members of the homic3de UnitFVatched the tape provided, and it was apparent that a large porfion of the events from October 7, 1999 are not on the tape. It appears that the security cameras were not activated until after the incident in which the person was killed, as the first thing from the date in question is the arrival of the squads called to inl�estigate. Additionally, the times and dates on the tapes make no sense, and the items being vie�ved in the specific surveilIance areas covered by thevarious cameras shift abruptiy. There is a condition on the licenses that the License holder must maintain "in good vvorking order at least four video sun�eiilance cameras on the e�terior of the building to constantly monitor the esterior of the premises. Tapes musY be maintained for 7 days." k'aiture to have the video cameras on and taping aC all times on October 7, 1999 is a violatian of the condition. Notice of Hearing - Page 2 You have the right to be L,.,,resented by an attomey before and du�.,�� the hearing, or you can represent yourself. You may also have a person of your choice represent you, to the extent not prohibited as unauthorized practice of law. The hearin� will be conducted in accordance with the r�quirements of �riinnesota Statutes sections 14.57 to 14.62 and such parts of the procedures under section 310.0� of the Saint Paul Legislative Code as may be apglicable. At the hearing, the Administrative La�v Judae will have all parties identify themsel"ves £or the record. The City wi11 then present its witnesses and evidence, each of whom the licensee or attorney may cross-examine. The licensee may then offer in rebuttal any witnesses or evidence it may �vish to present, each of whom the City's attomey may cross-examine. The Administrative Law Judge may in addition hear relevant and material testimony from persons not presentzd as �vitnesses by either party who have a substantial interest in the outcome of the proceeding; for e;cample, the o�vners or occupants of property located in close proximity to the licensed premises may have substantial interest in the outcome of the proceeding. Concluding arguments may be made by the parties. Following the heazing, the Judge will prepaze Findin�s of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and a specific recommendation for action to be taken by the City Council, You should bring to the hearing all documents, records and witnesses }�ou will or may need to support your position. Subpoenas may be availabie to compel the attendance of witnesses or the production of documents in conformity with Minnesota Ru1es, part 14Q0.700Q. If you think that this matter can be resolved or settled �vithout a formal hear]na, please contact or have your attorney contact the undersigned. If a stipulation or a�reement can be reached as to the facts, that stipulation will be presented to the Administrative Law Judge for incorporation into his or her recommendation for Council action. If you faii to appeaz at the heazin�, your ability to challenge the aliegations wiil be forfeited and the allegations against you which have been stated earlier in this notice may be taken as true. If non- public data is received into evidence at the hearing, it may become public unless objection is made and relief requested under Minnesota Statutes, Section 14.60, subdivision 2. If you have any questions, you can cail me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, � j \ � � n _i'L�.L�u.�'ti LJ �GL�Y�x..�� Virginia TJ Palmer Assistant City Attomey cc: Mark Vaught, Suite 7Q0, Six West Fifth St. St. Paul, �T 55102 Nancy Thomas, Office of Administrative Hearings, 1 QO Washinoton Square, Suite 170Q, Mpls, NIN SS401 Notice of Hearing - Page 3 Nancy Anderson, [�sistant Council Secretary, 310 City Hall Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Cathy Lue, Community Or�anizer, Hamline Midway Coalition, l�64 Lafond Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104 • Notice of Hearing - Page 4 STATE OF MID7N C�UNTY OF RAMS&Y ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on December 15, 1999, she served the attached NOTICE OF HEARING on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Arnellia A11en Arnellia`s 1183 University Avenue St. Paul, MN. 55104 (which is the last known address of same, with postage prepaid, in the Minnesota. on) and depositing the Sta es mails at St. Paul, G Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15 day of Decey�er, 1999. PE7ER P. PANGBORN NOSARY PUBLiC- MINVESOTA fy CAmm. E<prtes 3an. 31. 20G