00-584o R � �����. Presented By Re£erred To i a 3 4 5 Committee: Date �� RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the appointment and reappointments, made by the Mayor, of the following 'sndividuals to serve on the ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES. 6 � a 9 10 11 iz 13 APPOINTMENT Tom Heint Michelle Bergman Janet Vogel Betty Copeland REAPPOINTMENTS Jose Basques Susan Bronner Laurel Frost Dan Reed Kay Willshire Mike Garsteig i4 All of the above except Michelle Bergman shall serve two-year terms that will is expire on June 30, 2002. Michelle Bergman shalll serve the remainder of the ie unexpired term of Alan Herman which wilt expire on June 30, 2601. Requested by Department of: C'� Adopted by Council: Date � p� Adoption Certified.by Council Secretary BY: � � _� �} . 1� lgproved by Mayor: Date v J� '�? � Y ; <?'�.�� Council File # � O� $ 8�� Green Sheet # ( 0 �s g1SJP RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Form Approved by City Attorney ll �• , ,r . �.(�. - ,,._ j , , Approved by Mayor for Submission to Covncil y B y : �„ � 4„ Mayor`s Office Lucia Lebens 6-8533 6-14-00 TOTAL # OF SIGPJATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET oir.a�ra�a� 0 4b -say No '} ��$$$ a�u+uwa crtr�auK4 � CRYATfCIIMY � dIYCILtK �NMMGLLiF1MCifM �RYNtl4LfFRb4CCT6 � YYORpIIAHLLT�Mry ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR S{GNATURE) Agproving of the appointments of Tom Heinl, Michelle Bergman, Janet Vogel and Betty Copeland and the reappointments of Jose Basques, Susan Bronner, Laurel Frost, Dan Reed, Ray Wilshire and Mike Garsteig to the Advisory Committee for People with Disabilities PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIV1L SERYICE COMMISSION � Has thic Pe�«uRfin ever wakeU wWer a coMmct tor Mie aepartment7 YES No Hes mis penonfirm ever been a crtY emPbYeeZ YE3 Np Dnes tAis persa�rTirm OoeseeF a sIa71 na nam�a11Y7� M'snY curteM �itY emP�oY�7 YES NO UtluapereoNNmete�qe[edveMoR . Y6 NO CAL MAOUNT OF TRANSACTION ! DING SOURCE ICIALIMiORMAl10N (IXPWN) COSTMEVfiNUEBUDQETEOt��R��ff ONE) _.hl �ul�' l:I!"'?53.1 YE4 NO C �h1��a •,_+. �����`�20� . _ .� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Nornt Colemaa, Ma}�or TO: 390 Cin Hal! IS West Kel[ogg Baulevard Sairzt Paul, MN 5510? Saint Paul Citv Councilmembers Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Counciimember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Aarris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter FROM: Lucia Lebens���,(��� Assistant to the Ma or DATE: RE: June 14, 2000 Advisory Committee for People with Disabilities Telepkone: 672-266-8510 Facsimite: 612-266-8513 Mayor Coleman has recommended the reappointments of Jose Basques, Susan Bronner, Laurel Frost, Dan Reed, Kay Wilshire and 1Vlike Garsteig and the appointments of Tom Heinl, Michelle Bergman, Janet Vogel and Betty Copeland to serve on the Advisory Committee for People with Disabilities. A11, except Michelle Bergman will serve two-year terms which will expire on June 30, 2002. Michelle Bergman will serve the remainder of Alan Herman's unexpired term which will expire on June 30, 2001. Attached is a copy of the resotution nominating these individuals, copies of the applications uf Tom Heint, Michelle Bergman, Janet Vogei and Betty Copeland and an applicants report listing applicants on file since January i, 2000. Feel free to contact me at 266-8533 if you have any questions regarding these appointments. Attachments c: Roger Schwagmeyer, Disabilites Committee Staff � �. �• • i i ... �,. .�.�. . .. �,. CbNA`�IITTEE : MACf� Mayors Prlvisory Coimuttee FOR APPLICATIONS DA`PID AFTER. O1j01/00 oo-s�� PAGE 1 APPLIQIDTI' j REl�'ERINC� �3I'S NtARD PI�I�SIl�TG SII��T'E APP DATE EI'H GE�1 DIS DISPRICP DISIRSCT (PRIOR) (CIi�IER Cl';MNII`ITF.E'S SII2VING ON) --------------------------------- --- -------- ------ ------- --- -- -- 003448 &>rga�an, Michelle 05f30/00 W F 1379 Margaret Street St. Paul, M[�77 55106 Visitor Assistant 003392 Cogeland, Betty 612 E. Cook Avenue St. Paul, Ml�dd 55101 3837 Retired Dietician 6 5 03j03/00 W F Y a�2837 Heinl, Thotras 456 Blair Avenue St. Paul, M[�TT 55103 1 7 OS/30/00 W M Y Info�tion Specialist 003683 Rausch, Sandra J. 1261 N. Cleveland Ave. #2A Saint Pau1, MC�T 55108 Consenrater C! 04/21j00 W F 003640 Vo�el, Janet L. OS/30J00 W F 2086 Highland Parkway St. Paul, ML�tt 55116 Supervisor ,�- From: <janet.vogel(�ssa.gov> To: <alberto.quirrtela�ci.stpaul.mn.us> Date: 10/5l99 10:49AM Subject: application Office Of The Mayor 390 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 Tefephone: 651-266-8525 Fax: 651-266-8513 tJame: Janet L. Vogel Home Address 2086 Highfand Pkwy St Paul MN 55116 . Zip Teiephone Number. Home (651) 698-5059, Work (651) 659-0316 ,Fax Plan�irtg District Cou�cii: Highland Park City y Council Ward: Three Preferred Mailing Address: (see home address above) What is your occupation? Supervisor Place of Employment: Social Security Administration Committee(s) AQplied for. St. Paul Mayors Advisory Committee for PeopVe with Disabiiities What skiits, training, or experience do you possess for the committee(5) for which you seek appointment? I have been totally blind since birth. My high school and cotlege had no speciai accommodations available and as the onty biind pupii f{eamed ear{y in life how to be resourceful. Of the 30 empioyees f Supe�vise two are blind and one is mobiiity impaired. 1 am adepi at seeking needed equipment and working with special needs situations. As part of my emptoyment t have assisted many disabled individuafs with problems with Social Security. This has taught me understanding and acceptance towards people with a wide range of disabling conditions. 0�-��4 3��� � /� f �i'�`�i �" � �. _. ___ �. .... __ .. _ .. . Darlyne ?�f4rre�„ a�lication .. .. . . . .. _ ... . _ _ .. _ . _. .. . . . - _ Page 2 oo-Sdy I have always been very organized which i feei is an asset to any committee. The infortnation included in this application is considered private data according to the Minnesota Govemment Data Pradices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the generai pubiic. Personaf References Name: Lori Muelier Address: 30 W 22 ST apt 203 Minneapolis MN 554�4 Telephone: {hiome) (Work) 612371-8427 Name: Thomas Summers Address: 2258 Goodrich St Paul MN 5511fi Telephone: (Home) 651-698-0446 (Work} Name: Address: Telephone: (Home) (�Na�l Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: I'd like to assist in making St Paul as accessibie as possibie to the disabled. _ _ _.. ._.._... _.... _. .._... _ _. .. . _ _� Dad ne#Ao[ro4v-.a@plication _ ,_, Page,� Ob -$�y Have you had previous contactwith the committee forwhich you are making appiication? If so, when and describe the circumstances. i am acquainted with committee members and have attended a meeting as a citizen of St Paul. I also attended the empioyer appreciation breakfast hosted by the committee last October. In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of ourcommunity, ptease check the line applicable to you. This intormation is strictly voluntary. White (Caucasian) X Black (African American) Pacific islander Native American or Alaskan Eskimo Mate Femaie X 10/22/1952 Hispanic Asian or Date of Birth: Person with a disability: Yes X No If speciai accommodations are needed, please specify: information in Braille or e-mail How did you hear about this opening? Committee members discussed it with me and suggested that i appiy. '� ���� °,� �����Z-����: � ;, �`� ;:� - � � ri�� ae-stY �, h �n . . .. ;_. . , . � � OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ;;' , `390 CITY HALI. = NIAR 0 4��S = - - -- - - - - - - - - SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA = 55102 � _ - Phone: 266-8525, ._FAX: 265-8513 At(AYOf�'S OffFL�E - � - _ �. ° : _ - . �� Name: � ('n�P�Rnri; � RP++�r , �-„�'�; �ahAth� g� � " _ _ " _ _ " Home Address: 6� 2 E� Cook Ave St Paul 55101-3837 � Street City Zip Telephone Number: (l�omg� 776-7894 • orkLN/A (g�y� N/A Planning District Council: 5 City Council Ward: 6 Preferred Mailing Address: �12 E Cook Ave � 5t Pau1��5101-383h �� What is your occupation? � Dietitian, � retire$ ,- , � ��.Place of Employment r �(� -' - � _ - . _ � ��, � Committe , . � _« „ e(s) AppLed For ; Mayor's Advisory Comma ttee for People �Iith '3hsabil, t, es ; _- , , n Skills, training and experience. oo-s8'� My volunteer training and experience started as a child when rny Dad (Farm & Garden Editor for Guy 6annett Newspapar, Portland, Maine) took me along to trade, flower and garden shows. 4ie gave me the "honor" of passing out brachures, fetching coffee plus any errands to "help." It didn't take long to learn how much fun 'st was to work with an organizat+on you truly befieved in! This early "smile schoo!" tra+n+ng benefitted me thraugh high school (as active 4-H'er winning state & National awards), coliege (U-ME radio station, Memorial Un+on Student Activity Board (PR, recruitment & booking of guest speakers,entertainers), Maine Masque Little Theater (Pr, set design, lighting, ticket sales). College earnings came from picking and selling strawberries, Avon and greeting cards, clerking in a pharmacy, packing sardines and working in coilege cafeterias. These varied jobs put me in contact with interesting folk from all walks of life and common bonds were quickly established. After earning a BS degree in Nutrition & Food Service Management, 1 completed a 13 month Dietetic Internship at Colorado State �lospital, Pueblo C0. As wife of a Naval Intelligence Officer following the USS Forrestal (CVA-59) accident August,1967 in the Gulf of Tonkin during the Viet Nam War, 1 helped establish a liason support network for wives and family. Starting as a heart rending program to notify wives that their husbands were either dead or MIA it quickly branched to other areas.. (ocating affordable housing, food, clothing, transportation, children's daycare & fests. Coordinating fundraisers to fund these projects became a priority. Through public speaking, hard work and "comshaw" (Navy term for begging for freebies!) 1 helped collect and disburse food, household goods, medical aids and helped establish ongoing thrift shops and annuaf baazars to continue the cash flaw to fund these activities. I've sucessfully written grants and news releases. As a vofunteer, I've taught craft programs, arranged day trips for Senior Citizens and children, worked with Mental Health fundraisers, after school play grounds and little theater groups both in the US and Europe. Teaching JTPA High School drop outs that you CAN "be the best you can be" was fun & fullfifling. My employment with the State of Florida as an Environmental Health specialist inspecting restaurants and food services of nursing homes, schools and hospitals changed my life. On May 7, 1992 I was rearended while on the job. OD—SPy Reasons for interest in the "Mayor's Advisory Committe for People With Disabilities" This accident "blessed" me with TBI (Traumatic Brain lnjury) plus other permanent physical injuries which now give me the title "Disability." I've come fuN circle and have had to seek help from services and agenc+es that I once helped. Nfy new life is a continuous quest for accessibifity to banks, businesses, bathrooms, crosswalks and medical facifities, i'm astounded at the ignorance, poor quality and lack of information and disregard for the disabied. 1've lived here almost 6 years and just recently learned of th+s Disabilities Council. I desire to use my management, fund raising and "people" skilis to help further the work of this Counci{ and help disabled folks, like myself, enjoy the VERY best that living in St Pau{ offers. Though brain injured i'm not brain dead. "QUIT" is NOT in my vocabulary. ' \ OFFICE OF THE MAYOR (i � 340 CITY HALL �� SAINT PAUL, MINI�ESOTA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 Name: Thomas J. Heinl Home Addr¢SS: 456 Blair Avenue St, Pau1 Street Telephone Number: Planning District Council: Preferred Mailing Address: What is your occupation? Place of Employment: Committee(s) Applied For: ie -aPP1�e�Q 6 � . Aho� City Zip .�• .. � 7 � �� � t City Council Ward: Home In£ormation Specialist, Ramsey County Ramsey County — 50 West Kellogg &oulevard, 55102 Mapor's Advisory Committee for People with Disabilities <: What skiils, training or esperience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appaintment? ;.; By virtue of the fact that I am disabled, I believe I can add unique perspectives to the committee. ?ti:. The information inc3uded in this applicaYion is considered private data according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. As a result, this inlormation is not released to the general public. {OVER) Rev. 8-5-97 s:�S> R�'� 60 _ S , AUG 11 1997 ��YQ+�'� U�f!&f - 55103 gs; Name: Address: Phone: Name: Address: Phone: Name: Address: Phone: - PERSONAL REFERENCES _ b0 — S$Y. ~i Marp Aeb � � ' �s�, Ramsey CQUnty Records and Revenue, 720 RCGCW, St. Paul, MN 55102 � �'-�r� ome} ork) 266-2122 - 3 � jAom� ork� % X T � ' � � ►i.'�'� Tteasons for your interest in"this particu3ar committee: Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application? If so, when, and the circumstances? In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. X White (Caucasian) _ Black (African American) _ American Indian or Ataskan Eskimo x Male Female Disabled: Yes X No Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander Date of Birth• December 2, 1942 If special accommodations are needed, please specify: , Alternative media for all print materials. How did you hear about this opening? _ , �'7l � t��L��� 11 � J f``�` Name: � � C Home Address: � �� 1 Y Street � OFF1Ci: U.c' i'FiL N�iYO� s90 czTY �r. SAINT PAUL� MI1StIESOTA 55102 , 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 L'(�W1tli,� . ��'� ,, � �' 4 � c�t� Telephone 23u�ber: (Home) 4 I �t " Planni.ng pistrict Covncil: P=eferzed �failing Address: t J !� 1 SThat is povr occupation? �� } S� s CY Place�of Eaployment: �C`�'�CQ 4 Co�aitCee(s) Applied For: ��� t l��c�nl� 1n1��� �I��cr,4���ti��-�. 1 - S� ,�fi U� -�sao 3 -. z 3—p� e .� ;� OQ - �� � 4 S�I o t� Zgp - .tFAx� � City Council Aard; � . S � . �GILti� , C "l� �J � � O � n � Ahat skills/tsaining or esperience do you possess for the concnittee(s) for vRicn pou seek appointment? ��.�v c��� Ca��oYv�ob�� GCC`�����_I_. �n�1u2 C� �kUw�c�Ut��� c��Sa�O' C��� 1,'�. G VJV1.�QlC�I(A�Y. `1 V1`�� �t1�C C�/.?Vl��,{it01,�.P� 1,1n\t Cf(Orn��ilt0 The information included in this application is considered private data according to tl:e Hinnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a zesulc, this infora��ion is not xeleaszd to the general public. (OV�R) Rev. Zr2�/.96 /� • i 4 Name• ` Address: Phone:__ Clnll a� - a�� L Name: ��,� 1�� � V\�� Address• ��Ci�(I�(�_Q �'� Phone: (Homel � V Name • _ Address Phone: i aai-�� �� � ��L�V� �l�'(n _ �o=k, c'a��)�1�(� Reasons for your interest in this particular co�ittee• �� C�t �U✓1��ICVIC�IV -�QV 'm o�, t;}�r , Z aG�n a �nc.{ �- nF I'� Q�v� �-, �'� 1� lv e,h c� .t o� �r `; l I J�v � v�; ����� v�nQ ��Q i��vsox.c�s�� o� a S�_'��t�� vxs��9¢�nt� �.��,a-�, ct r� 7caL��,1�,�,�. Have you had previous contact vith the co�ittee for vhich you are making application. I£ so, when, and circumstances7 �� tiMo��� �S c� C�.wQ�i ��nev��� a�d -�- l�ct�z o.���a.e �^z ��.ez+�, bV� Y�tL�C� ;�p�� I�� - � � � �� In an attempt to ensure that co�itCee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntarp. 1 ' /� \ __ v White (Caucasian) _____ Hispanic B1ack (A£rican Ame=ican) Asian or Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eski_mo Hale _� Female Date of Birth: V y I C' 0�7p� Disabled: Yes v No If special accommodations are needed, please specify. Hov did you hear about this opening7 t` bt�QV' � 1 �. 1 C� �� �.rZ c� � �2. S � �. {� _ � �41 i�;.4 �C � 1�! C: � ' o R � �����. Presented By Re£erred To i a 3 4 5 Committee: Date �� RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the appointment and reappointments, made by the Mayor, of the following 'sndividuals to serve on the ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES. 6 � a 9 10 11 iz 13 APPOINTMENT Tom Heint Michelle Bergman Janet Vogel Betty Copeland REAPPOINTMENTS Jose Basques Susan Bronner Laurel Frost Dan Reed Kay Willshire Mike Garsteig i4 All of the above except Michelle Bergman shall serve two-year terms that will is expire on June 30, 2002. Michelle Bergman shalll serve the remainder of the ie unexpired term of Alan Herman which wilt expire on June 30, 2601. Requested by Department of: C'� Adopted by Council: Date � p� Adoption Certified.by Council Secretary BY: � � _� �} . 1� lgproved by Mayor: Date v J� '�? � Y ; <?'�.�� Council File # � O� $ 8�� Green Sheet # ( 0 �s g1SJP RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Form Approved by City Attorney ll �• , ,r . �.(�. - ,,._ j , , Approved by Mayor for Submission to Covncil y B y : �„ � 4„ Mayor`s Office Lucia Lebens 6-8533 6-14-00 TOTAL # OF SIGPJATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET oir.a�ra�a� 0 4b -say No '} ��$$$ a�u+uwa crtr�auK4 � CRYATfCIIMY � dIYCILtK �NMMGLLiF1MCifM �RYNtl4LfFRb4CCT6 � YYORpIIAHLLT�Mry ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR S{GNATURE) Agproving of the appointments of Tom Heinl, Michelle Bergman, Janet Vogel and Betty Copeland and the reappointments of Jose Basques, Susan Bronner, Laurel Frost, Dan Reed, Ray Wilshire and Mike Garsteig to the Advisory Committee for People with Disabilities PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIV1L SERYICE COMMISSION � Has thic Pe�«uRfin ever wakeU wWer a coMmct tor Mie aepartment7 YES No Hes mis penonfirm ever been a crtY emPbYeeZ YE3 Np Dnes tAis persa�rTirm OoeseeF a sIa71 na nam�a11Y7� M'snY curteM �itY emP�oY�7 YES NO UtluapereoNNmete�qe[edveMoR . Y6 NO CAL MAOUNT OF TRANSACTION ! DING SOURCE ICIALIMiORMAl10N (IXPWN) COSTMEVfiNUEBUDQETEOt��R��ff ONE) _.hl �ul�' l:I!"'?53.1 YE4 NO C �h1��a •,_+. �����`�20� . _ .� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Nornt Colemaa, Ma}�or TO: 390 Cin Hal! IS West Kel[ogg Baulevard Sairzt Paul, MN 5510? Saint Paul Citv Councilmembers Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Counciimember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Aarris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter FROM: Lucia Lebens���,(��� Assistant to the Ma or DATE: RE: June 14, 2000 Advisory Committee for People with Disabilities Telepkone: 672-266-8510 Facsimite: 612-266-8513 Mayor Coleman has recommended the reappointments of Jose Basques, Susan Bronner, Laurel Frost, Dan Reed, Kay Wilshire and 1Vlike Garsteig and the appointments of Tom Heinl, Michelle Bergman, Janet Vogel and Betty Copeland to serve on the Advisory Committee for People with Disabilities. A11, except Michelle Bergman will serve two-year terms which will expire on June 30, 2002. Michelle Bergman will serve the remainder of Alan Herman's unexpired term which will expire on June 30, 2001. Attached is a copy of the resotution nominating these individuals, copies of the applications uf Tom Heint, Michelle Bergman, Janet Vogei and Betty Copeland and an applicants report listing applicants on file since January i, 2000. Feel free to contact me at 266-8533 if you have any questions regarding these appointments. Attachments c: Roger Schwagmeyer, Disabilites Committee Staff � �. �• • i i ... �,. .�.�. . .. �,. CbNA`�IITTEE : MACf� Mayors Prlvisory Coimuttee FOR APPLICATIONS DA`PID AFTER. O1j01/00 oo-s�� PAGE 1 APPLIQIDTI' j REl�'ERINC� �3I'S NtARD PI�I�SIl�TG SII��T'E APP DATE EI'H GE�1 DIS DISPRICP DISIRSCT (PRIOR) (CIi�IER Cl';MNII`ITF.E'S SII2VING ON) --------------------------------- --- -------- ------ ------- --- -- -- 003448 &>rga�an, Michelle 05f30/00 W F 1379 Margaret Street St. Paul, M[�77 55106 Visitor Assistant 003392 Cogeland, Betty 612 E. Cook Avenue St. Paul, Ml�dd 55101 3837 Retired Dietician 6 5 03j03/00 W F Y a�2837 Heinl, Thotras 456 Blair Avenue St. Paul, M[�TT 55103 1 7 OS/30/00 W M Y Info�tion Specialist 003683 Rausch, Sandra J. 1261 N. Cleveland Ave. #2A Saint Pau1, MC�T 55108 Consenrater C! 04/21j00 W F 003640 Vo�el, Janet L. OS/30J00 W F 2086 Highland Parkway St. Paul, ML�tt 55116 Supervisor ,�- From: <janet.vogel(�ssa.gov> To: <alberto.quirrtela�ci.stpaul.mn.us> Date: 10/5l99 10:49AM Subject: application Office Of The Mayor 390 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 Tefephone: 651-266-8525 Fax: 651-266-8513 tJame: Janet L. Vogel Home Address 2086 Highfand Pkwy St Paul MN 55116 . Zip Teiephone Number. Home (651) 698-5059, Work (651) 659-0316 ,Fax Plan�irtg District Cou�cii: Highland Park City y Council Ward: Three Preferred Mailing Address: (see home address above) What is your occupation? Supervisor Place of Employment: Social Security Administration Committee(s) AQplied for. St. Paul Mayors Advisory Committee for PeopVe with Disabiiities What skiits, training, or experience do you possess for the committee(5) for which you seek appointment? I have been totally blind since birth. My high school and cotlege had no speciai accommodations available and as the onty biind pupii f{eamed ear{y in life how to be resourceful. Of the 30 empioyees f Supe�vise two are blind and one is mobiiity impaired. 1 am adepi at seeking needed equipment and working with special needs situations. As part of my emptoyment t have assisted many disabled individuafs with problems with Social Security. This has taught me understanding and acceptance towards people with a wide range of disabling conditions. 0�-��4 3��� � /� f �i'�`�i �" � �. _. ___ �. .... __ .. _ .. . Darlyne ?�f4rre�„ a�lication .. .. . . . .. _ ... . _ _ .. _ . _. .. . . . - _ Page 2 oo-Sdy I have always been very organized which i feei is an asset to any committee. The infortnation included in this application is considered private data according to the Minnesota Govemment Data Pradices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the generai pubiic. Personaf References Name: Lori Muelier Address: 30 W 22 ST apt 203 Minneapolis MN 554�4 Telephone: {hiome) (Work) 612371-8427 Name: Thomas Summers Address: 2258 Goodrich St Paul MN 5511fi Telephone: (Home) 651-698-0446 (Work} Name: Address: Telephone: (Home) (�Na�l Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: I'd like to assist in making St Paul as accessibie as possibie to the disabled. _ _ _.. ._.._... _.... _. .._... _ _. .. . _ _� Dad ne#Ao[ro4v-.a@plication _ ,_, Page,� Ob -$�y Have you had previous contactwith the committee forwhich you are making appiication? If so, when and describe the circumstances. i am acquainted with committee members and have attended a meeting as a citizen of St Paul. I also attended the empioyer appreciation breakfast hosted by the committee last October. In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of ourcommunity, ptease check the line applicable to you. This intormation is strictly voluntary. White (Caucasian) X Black (African American) Pacific islander Native American or Alaskan Eskimo Mate Femaie X 10/22/1952 Hispanic Asian or Date of Birth: Person with a disability: Yes X No If speciai accommodations are needed, please specify: information in Braille or e-mail How did you hear about this opening? Committee members discussed it with me and suggested that i appiy. '� ���� °,� �����Z-����: � ;, �`� ;:� - � � ri�� ae-stY �, h �n . . .. ;_. . , . � � OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ;;' , `390 CITY HALI. = NIAR 0 4��S = - - -- - - - - - - - - SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA = 55102 � _ - Phone: 266-8525, ._FAX: 265-8513 At(AYOf�'S OffFL�E - � - _ �. ° : _ - . �� Name: � ('n�P�Rnri; � RP++�r , �-„�'�; �ahAth� g� � " _ _ " _ _ " Home Address: 6� 2 E� Cook Ave St Paul 55101-3837 � Street City Zip Telephone Number: (l�omg� 776-7894 • orkLN/A (g�y� N/A Planning District Council: 5 City Council Ward: 6 Preferred Mailing Address: �12 E Cook Ave � 5t Pau1��5101-383h �� What is your occupation? � Dietitian, � retire$ ,- , � ��.Place of Employment r �(� -' - � _ - . _ � ��, � Committe , . � _« „ e(s) AppLed For ; Mayor's Advisory Comma ttee for People �Iith '3hsabil, t, es ; _- , , n Skills, training and experience. oo-s8'� My volunteer training and experience started as a child when rny Dad (Farm & Garden Editor for Guy 6annett Newspapar, Portland, Maine) took me along to trade, flower and garden shows. 4ie gave me the "honor" of passing out brachures, fetching coffee plus any errands to "help." It didn't take long to learn how much fun 'st was to work with an organizat+on you truly befieved in! This early "smile schoo!" tra+n+ng benefitted me thraugh high school (as active 4-H'er winning state & National awards), coliege (U-ME radio station, Memorial Un+on Student Activity Board (PR, recruitment & booking of guest speakers,entertainers), Maine Masque Little Theater (Pr, set design, lighting, ticket sales). College earnings came from picking and selling strawberries, Avon and greeting cards, clerking in a pharmacy, packing sardines and working in coilege cafeterias. These varied jobs put me in contact with interesting folk from all walks of life and common bonds were quickly established. After earning a BS degree in Nutrition & Food Service Management, 1 completed a 13 month Dietetic Internship at Colorado State �lospital, Pueblo C0. As wife of a Naval Intelligence Officer following the USS Forrestal (CVA-59) accident August,1967 in the Gulf of Tonkin during the Viet Nam War, 1 helped establish a liason support network for wives and family. Starting as a heart rending program to notify wives that their husbands were either dead or MIA it quickly branched to other areas.. (ocating affordable housing, food, clothing, transportation, children's daycare & fests. Coordinating fundraisers to fund these projects became a priority. Through public speaking, hard work and "comshaw" (Navy term for begging for freebies!) 1 helped collect and disburse food, household goods, medical aids and helped establish ongoing thrift shops and annuaf baazars to continue the cash flaw to fund these activities. I've sucessfully written grants and news releases. As a vofunteer, I've taught craft programs, arranged day trips for Senior Citizens and children, worked with Mental Health fundraisers, after school play grounds and little theater groups both in the US and Europe. Teaching JTPA High School drop outs that you CAN "be the best you can be" was fun & fullfifling. My employment with the State of Florida as an Environmental Health specialist inspecting restaurants and food services of nursing homes, schools and hospitals changed my life. On May 7, 1992 I was rearended while on the job. OD—SPy Reasons for interest in the "Mayor's Advisory Committe for People With Disabilities" This accident "blessed" me with TBI (Traumatic Brain lnjury) plus other permanent physical injuries which now give me the title "Disability." I've come fuN circle and have had to seek help from services and agenc+es that I once helped. Nfy new life is a continuous quest for accessibifity to banks, businesses, bathrooms, crosswalks and medical facifities, i'm astounded at the ignorance, poor quality and lack of information and disregard for the disabied. 1've lived here almost 6 years and just recently learned of th+s Disabilities Council. I desire to use my management, fund raising and "people" skilis to help further the work of this Counci{ and help disabled folks, like myself, enjoy the VERY best that living in St Pau{ offers. Though brain injured i'm not brain dead. "QUIT" is NOT in my vocabulary. ' \ OFFICE OF THE MAYOR (i � 340 CITY HALL �� SAINT PAUL, MINI�ESOTA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 Name: Thomas J. Heinl Home Addr¢SS: 456 Blair Avenue St, Pau1 Street Telephone Number: Planning District Council: Preferred Mailing Address: What is your occupation? Place of Employment: Committee(s) Applied For: ie -aPP1�e�Q 6 � . Aho� City Zip .�• .. � 7 � �� � t City Council Ward: Home In£ormation Specialist, Ramsey County Ramsey County — 50 West Kellogg &oulevard, 55102 Mapor's Advisory Committee for People with Disabilities <: What skiils, training or esperience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appaintment? ;.; By virtue of the fact that I am disabled, I believe I can add unique perspectives to the committee. ?ti:. The information inc3uded in this applicaYion is considered private data according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. As a result, this inlormation is not released to the general public. {OVER) Rev. 8-5-97 s:�S> R�'� 60 _ S , AUG 11 1997 ��YQ+�'� U�f!&f - 55103 gs; Name: Address: Phone: Name: Address: Phone: Name: Address: Phone: - PERSONAL REFERENCES _ b0 — S$Y. ~i Marp Aeb � � ' �s�, Ramsey CQUnty Records and Revenue, 720 RCGCW, St. Paul, MN 55102 � �'-�r� ome} ork) 266-2122 - 3 � jAom� ork� % X T � ' � � ►i.'�'� Tteasons for your interest in"this particu3ar committee: Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application? If so, when, and the circumstances? In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. X White (Caucasian) _ Black (African American) _ American Indian or Ataskan Eskimo x Male Female Disabled: Yes X No Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander Date of Birth• December 2, 1942 If special accommodations are needed, please specify: , Alternative media for all print materials. How did you hear about this opening? _ , �'7l � t��L��� 11 � J f``�` Name: � � C Home Address: � �� 1 Y Street � OFF1Ci: U.c' i'FiL N�iYO� s90 czTY �r. SAINT PAUL� MI1StIESOTA 55102 , 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 L'(�W1tli,� . ��'� ,, � �' 4 � c�t� Telephone 23u�ber: (Home) 4 I �t " Planni.ng pistrict Covncil: P=eferzed �failing Address: t J !� 1 SThat is povr occupation? �� } S� s CY Place�of Eaployment: �C`�'�CQ 4 Co�aitCee(s) Applied For: ��� t l��c�nl� 1n1��� �I��cr,4���ti��-�. 1 - S� ,�fi U� -�sao 3 -. z 3—p� e .� ;� OQ - �� � 4 S�I o t� Zgp - .tFAx� � City Council Aard; � . S � . �GILti� , C "l� �J � � O � n � Ahat skills/tsaining or esperience do you possess for the concnittee(s) for vRicn pou seek appointment? ��.�v c��� Ca��oYv�ob�� GCC`�����_I_. �n�1u2 C� �kUw�c�Ut��� c��Sa�O' C��� 1,'�. G VJV1.�QlC�I(A�Y. `1 V1`�� �t1�C C�/.?Vl��,{it01,�.P� 1,1n\t Cf(Orn��ilt0 The information included in this application is considered private data according to tl:e Hinnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a zesulc, this infora��ion is not xeleaszd to the general public. (OV�R) Rev. Zr2�/.96 /� • i 4 Name• ` Address: Phone:__ Clnll a� - a�� L Name: ��,� 1�� � V\�� Address• ��Ci�(I�(�_Q �'� Phone: (Homel � V Name • _ Address Phone: i aai-�� �� � ��L�V� �l�'(n _ �o=k, c'a��)�1�(� Reasons for your interest in this particular co�ittee• �� C�t �U✓1��ICVIC�IV -�QV 'm o�, t;}�r , Z aG�n a �nc.{ �- nF I'� Q�v� �-, �'� 1� lv e,h c� .t o� �r `; l I J�v � v�; ����� v�nQ ��Q i��vsox.c�s�� o� a S�_'��t�� vxs��9¢�nt� �.��,a-�, ct r� 7caL��,1�,�,�. Have you had previous contact vith the co�ittee for vhich you are making application. I£ so, when, and circumstances7 �� tiMo��� �S c� C�.wQ�i ��nev��� a�d -�- l�ct�z o.���a.e �^z ��.ez+�, bV� Y�tL�C� ;�p�� I�� - � � � �� In an attempt to ensure that co�itCee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntarp. 1 ' /� \ __ v White (Caucasian) _____ Hispanic B1ack (A£rican Ame=ican) Asian or Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eski_mo Hale _� Female Date of Birth: V y I C' 0�7p� Disabled: Yes v No If special accommodations are needed, please specify. Hov did you hear about this opening7 t` bt�QV' � 1 �. 1 C� �� �.rZ c� � �2. S � �. {� _ � �41 i�;.4 �C � 1�! C: � ' o R � �����. Presented By Re£erred To i a 3 4 5 Committee: Date �� RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the appointment and reappointments, made by the Mayor, of the following 'sndividuals to serve on the ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES. 6 � a 9 10 11 iz 13 APPOINTMENT Tom Heint Michelle Bergman Janet Vogel Betty Copeland REAPPOINTMENTS Jose Basques Susan Bronner Laurel Frost Dan Reed Kay Willshire Mike Garsteig i4 All of the above except Michelle Bergman shall serve two-year terms that will is expire on June 30, 2002. Michelle Bergman shalll serve the remainder of the ie unexpired term of Alan Herman which wilt expire on June 30, 2601. Requested by Department of: C'� Adopted by Council: Date � p� Adoption Certified.by Council Secretary BY: � � _� �} . 1� lgproved by Mayor: Date v J� '�? � Y ; <?'�.�� Council File # � O� $ 8�� Green Sheet # ( 0 �s g1SJP RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Form Approved by City Attorney ll �• , ,r . �.(�. - ,,._ j , , Approved by Mayor for Submission to Covncil y B y : �„ � 4„ Mayor`s Office Lucia Lebens 6-8533 6-14-00 TOTAL # OF SIGPJATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET oir.a�ra�a� 0 4b -say No '} ��$$$ a�u+uwa crtr�auK4 � CRYATfCIIMY � dIYCILtK �NMMGLLiF1MCifM �RYNtl4LfFRb4CCT6 � YYORpIIAHLLT�Mry ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR S{GNATURE) Agproving of the appointments of Tom Heinl, Michelle Bergman, Janet Vogel and Betty Copeland and the reappointments of Jose Basques, Susan Bronner, Laurel Frost, Dan Reed, Ray Wilshire and Mike Garsteig to the Advisory Committee for People with Disabilities PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIV1L SERYICE COMMISSION � Has thic Pe�«uRfin ever wakeU wWer a coMmct tor Mie aepartment7 YES No Hes mis penonfirm ever been a crtY emPbYeeZ YE3 Np Dnes tAis persa�rTirm OoeseeF a sIa71 na nam�a11Y7� M'snY curteM �itY emP�oY�7 YES NO UtluapereoNNmete�qe[edveMoR . Y6 NO CAL MAOUNT OF TRANSACTION ! DING SOURCE ICIALIMiORMAl10N (IXPWN) COSTMEVfiNUEBUDQETEOt��R��ff ONE) _.hl �ul�' l:I!"'?53.1 YE4 NO C �h1��a •,_+. �����`�20� . _ .� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Nornt Colemaa, Ma}�or TO: 390 Cin Hal! IS West Kel[ogg Baulevard Sairzt Paul, MN 5510? Saint Paul Citv Councilmembers Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Counciimember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Aarris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter FROM: Lucia Lebens���,(��� Assistant to the Ma or DATE: RE: June 14, 2000 Advisory Committee for People with Disabilities Telepkone: 672-266-8510 Facsimite: 612-266-8513 Mayor Coleman has recommended the reappointments of Jose Basques, Susan Bronner, Laurel Frost, Dan Reed, Kay Wilshire and 1Vlike Garsteig and the appointments of Tom Heinl, Michelle Bergman, Janet Vogel and Betty Copeland to serve on the Advisory Committee for People with Disabilities. A11, except Michelle Bergman will serve two-year terms which will expire on June 30, 2002. Michelle Bergman will serve the remainder of Alan Herman's unexpired term which will expire on June 30, 2001. Attached is a copy of the resotution nominating these individuals, copies of the applications uf Tom Heint, Michelle Bergman, Janet Vogei and Betty Copeland and an applicants report listing applicants on file since January i, 2000. Feel free to contact me at 266-8533 if you have any questions regarding these appointments. Attachments c: Roger Schwagmeyer, Disabilites Committee Staff � �. �• • i i ... �,. .�.�. . .. �,. CbNA`�IITTEE : MACf� Mayors Prlvisory Coimuttee FOR APPLICATIONS DA`PID AFTER. O1j01/00 oo-s�� PAGE 1 APPLIQIDTI' j REl�'ERINC� �3I'S NtARD PI�I�SIl�TG SII��T'E APP DATE EI'H GE�1 DIS DISPRICP DISIRSCT (PRIOR) (CIi�IER Cl';MNII`ITF.E'S SII2VING ON) --------------------------------- --- -------- ------ ------- --- -- -- 003448 &>rga�an, Michelle 05f30/00 W F 1379 Margaret Street St. Paul, M[�77 55106 Visitor Assistant 003392 Cogeland, Betty 612 E. Cook Avenue St. Paul, Ml�dd 55101 3837 Retired Dietician 6 5 03j03/00 W F Y a�2837 Heinl, Thotras 456 Blair Avenue St. Paul, M[�TT 55103 1 7 OS/30/00 W M Y Info�tion Specialist 003683 Rausch, Sandra J. 1261 N. Cleveland Ave. #2A Saint Pau1, MC�T 55108 Consenrater C! 04/21j00 W F 003640 Vo�el, Janet L. OS/30J00 W F 2086 Highland Parkway St. Paul, ML�tt 55116 Supervisor ,�- From: <janet.vogel(�ssa.gov> To: <alberto.quirrtela�ci.stpaul.mn.us> Date: 10/5l99 10:49AM Subject: application Office Of The Mayor 390 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 Tefephone: 651-266-8525 Fax: 651-266-8513 tJame: Janet L. Vogel Home Address 2086 Highfand Pkwy St Paul MN 55116 . Zip Teiephone Number. Home (651) 698-5059, Work (651) 659-0316 ,Fax Plan�irtg District Cou�cii: Highland Park City y Council Ward: Three Preferred Mailing Address: (see home address above) What is your occupation? Supervisor Place of Employment: Social Security Administration Committee(s) AQplied for. St. Paul Mayors Advisory Committee for PeopVe with Disabiiities What skiits, training, or experience do you possess for the committee(5) for which you seek appointment? I have been totally blind since birth. My high school and cotlege had no speciai accommodations available and as the onty biind pupii f{eamed ear{y in life how to be resourceful. Of the 30 empioyees f Supe�vise two are blind and one is mobiiity impaired. 1 am adepi at seeking needed equipment and working with special needs situations. As part of my emptoyment t have assisted many disabled individuafs with problems with Social Security. This has taught me understanding and acceptance towards people with a wide range of disabling conditions. 0�-��4 3��� � /� f �i'�`�i �" � �. _. ___ �. .... __ .. _ .. . Darlyne ?�f4rre�„ a�lication .. .. . . . .. _ ... . _ _ .. _ . _. .. . . . - _ Page 2 oo-Sdy I have always been very organized which i feei is an asset to any committee. The infortnation included in this application is considered private data according to the Minnesota Govemment Data Pradices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the generai pubiic. Personaf References Name: Lori Muelier Address: 30 W 22 ST apt 203 Minneapolis MN 554�4 Telephone: {hiome) (Work) 612371-8427 Name: Thomas Summers Address: 2258 Goodrich St Paul MN 5511fi Telephone: (Home) 651-698-0446 (Work} Name: Address: Telephone: (Home) (�Na�l Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: I'd like to assist in making St Paul as accessibie as possibie to the disabled. _ _ _.. ._.._... _.... _. .._... _ _. .. . _ _� Dad ne#Ao[ro4v-.a@plication _ ,_, Page,� Ob -$�y Have you had previous contactwith the committee forwhich you are making appiication? If so, when and describe the circumstances. i am acquainted with committee members and have attended a meeting as a citizen of St Paul. I also attended the empioyer appreciation breakfast hosted by the committee last October. In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of ourcommunity, ptease check the line applicable to you. This intormation is strictly voluntary. White (Caucasian) X Black (African American) Pacific islander Native American or Alaskan Eskimo Mate Femaie X 10/22/1952 Hispanic Asian or Date of Birth: Person with a disability: Yes X No If speciai accommodations are needed, please specify: information in Braille or e-mail How did you hear about this opening? Committee members discussed it with me and suggested that i appiy. '� ���� °,� �����Z-����: � ;, �`� ;:� - � � ri�� ae-stY �, h �n . . .. ;_. . , . � � OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ;;' , `390 CITY HALI. = NIAR 0 4��S = - - -- - - - - - - - - SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA = 55102 � _ - Phone: 266-8525, ._FAX: 265-8513 At(AYOf�'S OffFL�E - � - _ �. ° : _ - . �� Name: � ('n�P�Rnri; � RP++�r , �-„�'�; �ahAth� g� � " _ _ " _ _ " Home Address: 6� 2 E� Cook Ave St Paul 55101-3837 � Street City Zip Telephone Number: (l�omg� 776-7894 • orkLN/A (g�y� N/A Planning District Council: 5 City Council Ward: 6 Preferred Mailing Address: �12 E Cook Ave � 5t Pau1��5101-383h �� What is your occupation? � Dietitian, � retire$ ,- , � ��.Place of Employment r �(� -' - � _ - . _ � ��, � Committe , . � _« „ e(s) AppLed For ; Mayor's Advisory Comma ttee for People �Iith '3hsabil, t, es ; _- , , n Skills, training and experience. oo-s8'� My volunteer training and experience started as a child when rny Dad (Farm & Garden Editor for Guy 6annett Newspapar, Portland, Maine) took me along to trade, flower and garden shows. 4ie gave me the "honor" of passing out brachures, fetching coffee plus any errands to "help." It didn't take long to learn how much fun 'st was to work with an organizat+on you truly befieved in! This early "smile schoo!" tra+n+ng benefitted me thraugh high school (as active 4-H'er winning state & National awards), coliege (U-ME radio station, Memorial Un+on Student Activity Board (PR, recruitment & booking of guest speakers,entertainers), Maine Masque Little Theater (Pr, set design, lighting, ticket sales). College earnings came from picking and selling strawberries, Avon and greeting cards, clerking in a pharmacy, packing sardines and working in coilege cafeterias. These varied jobs put me in contact with interesting folk from all walks of life and common bonds were quickly established. After earning a BS degree in Nutrition & Food Service Management, 1 completed a 13 month Dietetic Internship at Colorado State �lospital, Pueblo C0. As wife of a Naval Intelligence Officer following the USS Forrestal (CVA-59) accident August,1967 in the Gulf of Tonkin during the Viet Nam War, 1 helped establish a liason support network for wives and family. Starting as a heart rending program to notify wives that their husbands were either dead or MIA it quickly branched to other areas.. (ocating affordable housing, food, clothing, transportation, children's daycare & fests. Coordinating fundraisers to fund these projects became a priority. Through public speaking, hard work and "comshaw" (Navy term for begging for freebies!) 1 helped collect and disburse food, household goods, medical aids and helped establish ongoing thrift shops and annuaf baazars to continue the cash flaw to fund these activities. I've sucessfully written grants and news releases. As a vofunteer, I've taught craft programs, arranged day trips for Senior Citizens and children, worked with Mental Health fundraisers, after school play grounds and little theater groups both in the US and Europe. Teaching JTPA High School drop outs that you CAN "be the best you can be" was fun & fullfifling. My employment with the State of Florida as an Environmental Health specialist inspecting restaurants and food services of nursing homes, schools and hospitals changed my life. On May 7, 1992 I was rearended while on the job. OD—SPy Reasons for interest in the "Mayor's Advisory Committe for People With Disabilities" This accident "blessed" me with TBI (Traumatic Brain lnjury) plus other permanent physical injuries which now give me the title "Disability." I've come fuN circle and have had to seek help from services and agenc+es that I once helped. Nfy new life is a continuous quest for accessibifity to banks, businesses, bathrooms, crosswalks and medical facifities, i'm astounded at the ignorance, poor quality and lack of information and disregard for the disabied. 1've lived here almost 6 years and just recently learned of th+s Disabilities Council. I desire to use my management, fund raising and "people" skilis to help further the work of this Counci{ and help disabled folks, like myself, enjoy the VERY best that living in St Pau{ offers. Though brain injured i'm not brain dead. "QUIT" is NOT in my vocabulary. ' \ OFFICE OF THE MAYOR (i � 340 CITY HALL �� SAINT PAUL, MINI�ESOTA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 Name: Thomas J. Heinl Home Addr¢SS: 456 Blair Avenue St, Pau1 Street Telephone Number: Planning District Council: Preferred Mailing Address: What is your occupation? Place of Employment: Committee(s) Applied For: ie -aPP1�e�Q 6 � . Aho� City Zip .�• .. � 7 � �� � t City Council Ward: Home In£ormation Specialist, Ramsey County Ramsey County — 50 West Kellogg &oulevard, 55102 Mapor's Advisory Committee for People with Disabilities <: What skiils, training or esperience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appaintment? ;.; By virtue of the fact that I am disabled, I believe I can add unique perspectives to the committee. ?ti:. The information inc3uded in this applicaYion is considered private data according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. As a result, this inlormation is not released to the general public. {OVER) Rev. 8-5-97 s:�S> R�'� 60 _ S , AUG 11 1997 ��YQ+�'� U�f!&f - 55103 gs; Name: Address: Phone: Name: Address: Phone: Name: Address: Phone: - PERSONAL REFERENCES _ b0 — S$Y. ~i Marp Aeb � � ' �s�, Ramsey CQUnty Records and Revenue, 720 RCGCW, St. Paul, MN 55102 � �'-�r� ome} ork) 266-2122 - 3 � jAom� ork� % X T � ' � � ►i.'�'� Tteasons for your interest in"this particu3ar committee: Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application? If so, when, and the circumstances? In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. X White (Caucasian) _ Black (African American) _ American Indian or Ataskan Eskimo x Male Female Disabled: Yes X No Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander Date of Birth• December 2, 1942 If special accommodations are needed, please specify: , Alternative media for all print materials. How did you hear about this opening? _ , �'7l � t��L��� 11 � J f``�` Name: � � C Home Address: � �� 1 Y Street � OFF1Ci: U.c' i'FiL N�iYO� s90 czTY �r. SAINT PAUL� MI1StIESOTA 55102 , 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 L'(�W1tli,� . ��'� ,, � �' 4 � c�t� Telephone 23u�ber: (Home) 4 I �t " Planni.ng pistrict Covncil: P=eferzed �failing Address: t J !� 1 SThat is povr occupation? �� } S� s CY Place�of Eaployment: �C`�'�CQ 4 Co�aitCee(s) Applied For: ��� t l��c�nl� 1n1��� �I��cr,4���ti��-�. 1 - S� ,�fi U� -�sao 3 -. z 3—p� e .� ;� OQ - �� � 4 S�I o t� Zgp - .tFAx� � City Council Aard; � . S � . �GILti� , C "l� �J � � O � n � Ahat skills/tsaining or esperience do you possess for the concnittee(s) for vRicn pou seek appointment? ��.�v c��� Ca��oYv�ob�� GCC`�����_I_. �n�1u2 C� �kUw�c�Ut��� c��Sa�O' C��� 1,'�. G VJV1.�QlC�I(A�Y. `1 V1`�� �t1�C C�/.?Vl��,{it01,�.P� 1,1n\t Cf(Orn��ilt0 The information included in this application is considered private data according to tl:e Hinnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a zesulc, this infora��ion is not xeleaszd to the general public. (OV�R) Rev. Zr2�/.96 /� • i 4 Name• ` Address: Phone:__ Clnll a� - a�� L Name: ��,� 1�� � V\�� Address• ��Ci�(I�(�_Q �'� Phone: (Homel � V Name • _ Address Phone: i aai-�� �� � ��L�V� �l�'(n _ �o=k, c'a��)�1�(� Reasons for your interest in this particular co�ittee• �� C�t �U✓1��ICVIC�IV -�QV 'm o�, t;}�r , Z aG�n a �nc.{ �- nF I'� Q�v� �-, �'� 1� lv e,h c� .t o� �r `; l I J�v � v�; ����� v�nQ ��Q i��vsox.c�s�� o� a S�_'��t�� vxs��9¢�nt� �.��,a-�, ct r� 7caL��,1�,�,�. Have you had previous contact vith the co�ittee for vhich you are making application. I£ so, when, and circumstances7 �� tiMo��� �S c� C�.wQ�i ��nev��� a�d -�- l�ct�z o.���a.e �^z ��.ez+�, bV� Y�tL�C� ;�p�� I�� - � � � �� In an attempt to ensure that co�itCee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntarp. 1 ' /� \ __ v White (Caucasian) _____ Hispanic B1ack (A£rican Ame=ican) Asian or Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eski_mo Hale _� Female Date of Birth: V y I C' 0�7p� Disabled: Yes v No If special accommodations are needed, please specify. Hov did you hear about this opening7 t` bt�QV' � 1 �. 1 C� �� �.rZ c� � �2. S � �. {� _ � �41 i�;.4 �C � 1�! C: � '