279090 N'HITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COIII�CII �� � CANARV - DEPARTMENT OF SA I NT PA U L � ���� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. cil Resolution Presented By � J` Re err d To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date BE IT RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifies and approves the action of the City of Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review pertaining to the following listed property and as shown by the Excerpted Minutes of said Board of Appeals and Review, dated July 13, 1982, and marked EXHIBIT A, and attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference: DATE OF BOARD MINUTES CASE NO. PROPERTY APPELLANT 7/13/82 31-82-H 620 Livingston Donald Michalec (single family house) BOARD ACTION: Granted refund of $10. 00 filing fee because city erred in ordering appellant to make wall repairs which were not his responsibility. Property Description: West St. Paul Blocks 100 thru 171, Etc. N. 1/2 of El.izabeth St. Vacated Adjacent and Lot 5 , Block 112 ------------------------------ 7/13/82 36-82-H 333 Atwater Eric Slindee (10 units) BOARD ACTION: Granted refund of $10. 00 filing fee because case was settled administratively prior to scheduled hearing. Property Description: Alabama Addition No. 2 Lots 10 and 11, Block 3 ------------------------------ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher � '�e°'�"°'� [n Favor Masanz Nicosia � sche�bei _ __ Against BY — Tedesco Wilson AUG 12 1982 Form Approved by City Attorne � � Adopted by Council: Date Certified P-s- Counc ,e r �� ���f�� ;, �� ,,\ �p rov by Mavor: e _ AUG 1 6 81 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy � -� ., 1��'1 � _ $y � J PUBLlSN�O AU G 2 1 1982 . �� f� ll3 /T _ 7/13/a2 Mcetin� No. lE6 MINUTES OF THE MEETING - �"' U ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS � REVIEW � ���a��� Tuesday, July 13, 1982 Room 707 City Hall, 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. MEMBERS PRE5ENT: Ron Glassman, Chairman . Lucille Collins Harold Knutson � Rudolph Sawyer Rosann Bostrom . ABSENT: William Tilton Glenn Gausman AGENCIES PRESENT: Dept . of Community Services - Division of Housing � Building Code Enforcement : G. L. Kern Frank Staffenson Alice Bijjani Steve Roy OTHERS PRESENT: Bill Slettom Richard E . Johnson Carl E. Warner Ed Verby S. C. Grossbaum John Magnusson Jane Miller STAFF PRESENT: Patricia Pdoxness Chairman Glassman called the meeting to order at 1 : 30 p.m. The minutes of the meeting of June 8, 1982 , were approved as distributed to the members . Chairman Glassman reported that two cases on the agenda had been resolved. In Case No. 31- 82-H , 620 Livin�ston , Appellant Donald Michalec, the housing code office had determined that responsibility for repair of a retaining wall belonged to the adjoining property owner at 612 Livingston. In Case No. 36- 82-H , 333 Atwater, Appellant Eric Slindee , the owner and the housing code office had come to a mutual agreement on making the ordered repairs. Both appellants requ�sted return of the filing fee of $10. BOARD ACTION: Mr. Knutson moved that Donald Michalec and Eric Slindee be grante re unds of their filing fees . Mrs . Collins seconded. MOTION CARRIED AND SO ORDERED. THE VOTE : Ayes - 4 Nays - 0 Abstentions - 0 (Mrs . Bostrom had not arrived as yet, but joined the meeting after the vote. } ' w � - � � d��� WHITE - GTV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council . CANARV - DEPARTMENT �� BLUE - MAYOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 7 `3/82 33- 2-H 88 E. Be1 ' dere Richard . Johnson (single fam y residence) BOARD A ION: Granted riance of that ' ty of St. Pa l ordina e which proh' its storage of licensed an inopera � vehicles in en axea, to pe it open sto age of n more than two uch vehicles on appellant' s roperty. Property De cri tion: Hornsby' Subdivision of ot 7, Etc. ' Lots 5 and , Bl.ock 1 -------------- ------------ I � � ..� ,.\ s� � � i, .� ,t � � 4 � �� COUNCILMEN Req ested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher /1_ t°°'"� �� Favor Masanz NiCOSia 'Q Scheibel __ A ga s t BY , Tedesco i, Wilson Form Approv by City At ne Adopted by Council: Date , Certified Passed by Council Secretary B � sy t�pproved by ;14avor: Date _ Approved by Mayor or Submission to Council BY - – — BY —�— � - � \ � �+g-�"�+�+��'.: C I Y O F SA 1 N T P A U L °� �� � ' •- c�r v wa�nce : , , ,c � ; DEPAf�TRAENT 0 FINANCE AWD MANAGEM�F�I'f SERVICES , , n�r.w�c^�a V- . .. - °M''""� ,�,� City H tl, Saint Pae�l,Minnesota 55102 - �;;�� � , AY �OEl�HER , � - CNARGE TO DE►ARTMENT ivi � N ,, _ . DAT ,-, ., AUTHORITY� � ACCQUMT CO�E � AYMENT N0. E B I !LE N0. T . � V ,. _ 1' A E �i REFER. NO. i x Y D � �tffER. NO. 2 0 R � �� �� � VENDOR NO. �`i� � � � # �t �� +��r� '� �+. � �Mlii�' #t � � �� i�lt`�iMr�i�s ir�� a�1'i ris �rwi �r�► �t� -" ��Ils,�. � �t � . �. �"�'lM�i. - � ' � " �.,�' � � � `�, � r� FOR PROPER US� OF�THIS FORM�067AIN INS RUCTION SHE6T FROM PURCHASING - PAY.THIS Ik OUNT OR ACCOUNTING_DIVISION. EX�MPT FROM PAYMEMT OF MINN. SALES TA . MINN. STATUTE 297A.01 TO 297A.44 �MOUNr oF coNTRACT PURCHASING AG�NTS PPRQ1� L PRion PArMEHrs AS TO PURCHASiNG REQUIREMENTS THIS PAYMENT � r TOTAL PAYMENTS 8AEIINCE DUE ON CONTRACT � BY: ����","••�,���ClC�DRBCQIYO AVAI R��7'OS AY 779E q�� w� ""°` F I I�tAL AU DIT Ap i � � CYAYTY.Aim Ot1AtR�7'Y xi�l�iQIRItD W T+Nf.ORDtR.. . . . � � . p�,�R«�p ,4 ACCOUNTING �IVISION � �: : � ; D Ai�TMENT Approvai for Payment `"�Y , BY . BY 5 � �y �" Y- �/ / � y� .. ST. PAUL BO1lRD OF APPEALS � REVIEN� � � 705A City Hall St. Paul, P�Iinnesota 55102 (612) 298-4163 August 19 , 1982 T0: A1 Olson, City Clerk FROM: Pat Moxness - RE : Return of Filing Fees Attached is a copy of C. F. 279090 authorizing the refund of the $10. 00 filing fee to each of the following appellants : Donald Michalec . � 620 Livingston St. Paul , NIN 55107 Eric Slindee 1768 - 19th Ave . N.W. New Brighton, MIV 55112 n .�-... �i x-� cf�..` �':i ':y,r� �;•� �1; �� � ' • t-vi ,� � �� �" O �� `��` i �� �.w�; � p�� _ ' V WHITE - G�TY CLERK � . �➢���� PINK -{FINANCE COUOC11= �� ���_,OF SAINT PAUL %c � CANARV - DFPqRTMENT. � BLU2 . - uAVOR � Fll@ �O. ��-?-�=���,�� � � cil Resolution �� '`�= § i r_z: .�-�JL. �� �r - . ._._.._�.._-� i ♦ . . . Presented By � j �`� ��� i � Referred To Committee: Date _..� Out of Committee By Date � BS IT RBSOLVED, That the Counci3 af the City og Sai�t Paul hereby certifies and approves the action of the City of Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review pertaini.�ng to the following listed property and as _ shown by the �xcerpted i�iinutes of said �ard of Appeals and Review, lated Julp 13, 1982, and maurked EXx2BIT A, and attached hereto andc made a part here�f by reference: :: ,�_._... : � DATE OF BOARD �=. iKIBTUTES CASE NO. PRUPE�Y APPFLLAAIT ?/13/82 31-82-H �22�I;iv.i-xrc��� : . . _ IIonald. Michalec �singl8 family house} . BOARD ACTION: Grantec� refnnd of $lU.OU filing fee becanse city erred in ordering appellant ta make wall repairs �+rhich were not hia responsibility, Property Description: West St. Paul Blocks 100 thru I73, Etc. , N. 1/2 af Eliaabeth St. Vacated Adjacent and Lot 5, Block ll2 7/13/82 36-82-H 333 Atwater � Eric S7.indee , , (IO units} BOARD ACTION: Granted refu�ad og $10.40 filing fee because case was settled adminis�trative2y grior tQ schedvled hearing. Property De$cription: A1.aba�a Addition 230. 2 � F�t� 10 anc� 11, Block 3 --- .�....____..__�..�.,.�_M COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher "�"s'r In Favor Masanz Nicosia scheibei A gai n s.t BY Tedesco Wilson AuC7 � � 19a� Form Approved by City Attor Adopted by Council: Date Certified Vassed: y Coupc'}'"Se�retary ° `��"`i &� 3� ��"' ' � � l 't ` �-�� B � �- ._;�.;- ��: :, �. � �- � Apprvved by 17avor: Date AUG i Ej �981 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - — BY - ��9� � �-P'����'� CI Y Of SAtNT PAUL �.�,�+�►�-��"°A"� _ _ _ � ° �"� DEPARTMENT� FFNANCE AND MANAGEIv1�1�JT SERVICES ' r�u.c-aen�.� V_ �'�0p'"'�"""''16°�'� City a11,Saint Paul, MinnesoW 55T02 � . . AY VOUCHER � CMARGE TO QEPARTMENT�� � o vi � N DATE AU�HORITY :b A�NT CODE PAYMENT NO. E _ �• • FILE N0. T . ___ P V q E REFER. NO. 1 Y N � � p � ��� #� REFER. NO. 2 � R �'��►<�� � VENDOR NO. � �� � � �' � �� � � � � �l�i'�► �Illi i��11/111M� . �'i 'i�ll��#�M!'�� �M! �l�r,� t�d� s��i ��r �►� �r �w 3�, � �r�►�.t�. l�1� �li� . �� .* ; . . � . .i`ti� `;� FOtt PR�PfiF� 1JSE OF THIS FORM OBTAIN f STRUC�ION SHEET FRdM'PI�RCHA5ING - RAY THIS MOUNT OR ACCOUNTING DIVISION. EXEMRT'FR01MI PAYMENT OF MIN'N: SALES AX, MtNN. STATU7f 297A.01 TO 297A.A4 � � �MOU�T oF coNTRacT - PURCHASING AGENTS APPR VAl :i AS t0 PURCHASING REdUIREME PRIOR PAYMENiS , TNIS PAYMENT _ TOTAL�AYMENTS • � � bAIANCE DUE ON CONTRACT ' BY: i�esa,r ea�,av,,.Rr 000�s r.,►�e�w�c�vs� � -�s�r �sR,,.� v+u.T � ,us �u�s F I NAt/kUC#1'f App ovel n� .0000-art�ose, wrrea� wtm cMSC� ws ro viuLwas ro�wr�n�es o�ms�t. � . � OYALITY�AND��Ql1AN}1YY �i i�t�P1aD IN'Aiif ORDtIl. � . . . .,. _. ACCOUNTING �IVISION � DA'1't RBCE(VSD t� . � �. � �� Sl1 ' DE�i4RTfi11�NT Approvel for Payment . . .._ , . , , � .�:; $Y _ _ ---- - Y . ,� , BY . _ _ ____ _ _r-,,:. � ;r:;; . ► �_ y�� y�� � ST. PAUL $O1lRD OF APPEALS $ REVIENI 705A City Hall St . Paul, P�Iinnesota 55102 (6I2) 298-4163 August 19 , 1982 T0: A1 Olson, City Clerk FROM: Pat Moxness . RE : Return of Filing Fees Attached is a copy of C. F. 279090 authorizing the refund of the $10. 00 filing fee to each of the following appellants : Donald Michalec _ � 620 Livingston St . Paul , MN 55107 Eric Slindee 1768 - 19th Ave . N.W. New Brighton, MN 55112 � . �� C J _ �. `� ' ��� . � -'t' �7 17 . L•� ,�r� � � -�-� ti" O �.� tit c> � r; R� .V wNITE - C�TY ��.ERK � v.��i /'� P�NK -�FiNANCE � � �,.� ZI=� C T �� COUnCII 1�i. D L J�� CAN4qv - DEPAqTMEN.T ���0� ►�J� 1 ♦\ � ��AilL File �O. + BLUQ -MAYOR � - � ���:���r���r�_,�_�,- . ,� cil Resolution , Presented By ' � ,` ��` � . Referre� To Committee: Date ���� Out of Committee By Date � B8 IT I2SSOLVED, That the Couacil of the City of Saint Faul hereby certifies and approves the action of the City of Saint Paul Board of Appeals aad Review pertaining ta the follawing Iisted property and as sho�n by the Excerpted i�iinutes of said 3oard of Appeals and Review, �ated Julp 13, 1982, and narked EXBIBIT A, anc3 attached hereto anc� raade a part hereof by reference: ; DATE OF BOARD � . c�+�INUTES CASE NO. PROPE�T7l APPELLANT � 7/13/82 31-82—H 62�iLi�.izrqsto� : . ' _ Donald. Michalec (single family house) BOAR� ACTION: Granted refrr�nd of $10.00 filing fee because city errsd in ordering appellant to raake wall repairs which were not his responsibilzty. Propertp Description: West St. Panl Blocks 100 thru 171, Etc. N. 1/2 of Elizabeth St. Vacated Adjacent aad Lot 5, Block 112 7/13/82 36-82-H 333 Atwater � Eric Slindee , . (IO units) BOARD ACTION: Granted refund of $10.00 filing fee because case was settled administratively prior to scheduled hearinq. Property Description: Alabaa�a Addition FZo. 2 � LAts 10 and 11, Block 3 COUNCILMEN Requested by Department oE: Yeas Nays Fletcher '�"�� [n Favor Masanz Nicosia scne�be� Against BY Tedesco Wilson 2 1982 Adopted by Council: Date A�G � Form Approved by City Attor Certified Vassed: y Cou�c.;F'S�Gcetary • ��� & � �� , �e--- r ! 'r By. ; '' . •� ���.J �-�,.,� AUG � (j �98Z Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved hy 1�tavor. Date - By ._ By _