278975 M�NITE - C�TV CLER1( COURCII 2����V PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA lJ L CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE � -'MAVOR File NO. � Co cil Resolution . . Presented By , Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PROPERTY ACQUISITION SELBY AVENUE REDEVELOP- MENT AREA, SUMMIT-UNIVERSITY, DISTRICT 8 WHEREAS, the City Council has approved the Housing Development and Redevelopment Plan for the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project by Resolution, Council File No. 276969, adopted June 9, 1981; and WI�REAS, said Redevelopment Plan provides for the undertaking of a program and project to increase the supply of decent, safe and sanitary housing for all income groups with em- phasis on low and moderate income families, to provide such housing in cooperation with private developers on blighted and deteriorated sites within the City, thereby effecting their development or redevelopment, to assist in the provision of low and moderate income housing in such development at affordable prices and rents, and to undertake and finance these activities by means of tax increment generated by Project Improvements and develop- ment; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, by its Resolution No. 81-6/3-12 approving the Redevelopment Plan and Project has determined that the housing development sites constituting the Project Area are blighted or deteriorated within the provision of Minnesota Statutes Section 462.421 Subdivision 13(1) , (2) or (3) , and constitute housing, housing development and redevelopment project undertakings within the provision of Section 462.421 Subdivisions 12, 13 and 25; that the program proposed and Project activities provided for in said Plan can be accom- plished and feasibly financed only by their undertaking as one housing development and re- development project and tax increment financing district; and that the displacement to occur by the Project undertaking is limited, relocation of displacees can feasibly be accomplished and residential displacees shall have priority in applying for purchase or rental of new housing units developed in the Project undertaking; and TNHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission by its Resolution, File No. 81-21, and after consideration of the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project Programs, Redevelopment and Tax Increment Financing Plans, determined said Plans to be consistent COUNCIL�tEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher P1 �n a E �evine In Favor Masanz Nicosia Scheibel _ _ Against BY — Tedesco Wilson Form Appr b� City Att r ey Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By t�pproved by ;Navor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ - BY WH17E - CITV GLERK / �`789'75 PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA l.J L COUIICIl CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE �- MAVOR File N . ' , . Cou cil Resolution � . Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan and recommended approval of said Plans; and WI�REAS, on July 15, 1982, the City Council conducted a public hearing on the proposed acquisition, in order that the property owners may attend and indicate their opposition or support for this proposed acquisition. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, in view of the foregoing hereby adopted as findings that the public acquisition by HRA of the properties identified as Parcels 141-1 at 171 North Dale/624-626 Selby; 142-2 at 165 North Dale; and 141-3 at 161-163 North Dale in the Selby Avenue Redevelopment Area, Summit-University District 8, under provision of the New Housing and Blighted Lands Redevelopment Project, is hereby approved in accordance with these additional findings: (1) That the sites in the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project would not be made available for redevelopment, nor would the provision of new housing and including housing for low and moderate income families be accomplished, without the financial aid sought and to be provided under the Project Financing Plan; (2) That the Housing Development and Redevelopment Plan for the New Housing And Blighted Lands Development Project and Project area will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the community as a whole, for the provision of new housing by redevelopment of the Project area by private enterprise; and (3) That the Relocation Plan approved with the Project established capability to relocate persons, families and businesses dis- placed by this acquisition. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher d E omic Develo ment � [n Favor Masanz � Nicosia scneibel __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date .lUl 1 5 19$2 Form Appr � Crty At n Certified Passed b Co il S crgtary BY r e }' `� � ,JV� 16 1�82 Approv Mayor for Sub ' 'on to Council !�1 by i4lavor: — By _ — BY � PUBUSHED ,f U L 2 41982 � -� � ' � 2'�89�7� � � �" � I�PARTMENT: PED CONTACT. s eri Pemberton ROUTING a�n EXPt.I�lAT14N St�ET pNp�; 6421 G EEN SHEET For Admiaistrative Orders, R solutions, Ordinances and AQrsements ROUTIN6 ORDER - ROUTE BY ASSIfNF� N��FR: DIRECTOR OF MAWAGEMENT �G��I��� c 3�� w►YOR , JUL 13 �2 (1) X DEpARTMENT DIRECTOR - Bel�.us DIRECTOR, FINANCE b �T,������ OFFICE �2� X CITY ATTORNEY - BYrne O X CITY CLERK ' A1 Olson BUDGET DIRECTOR � � X Commissioner [�Tilson I � . COUNCIL RESOLUTION FOR PUBLIC HEARIN TO BE HELD JULY 15, 1982. (SIGNATURES) . . UPON APPROVAL OF THE PUBLIC HEARING F R THREE PROPERTIES AT THE SW CORNER OF DALE AND SELBY {171 NORTH DALE/624-62 SELBY; 165 NORTH DALE AND 161-163 NORTH � DALE) , THE HRA WILL PROCEED WITH ACQU SITION. THIS ACOUISITION ACTIVITY WILL ELIMIN EXISTING CONDITIONS OF BLIGHT AND NON- CONFORMANCE OF USE AND WILL ENABLE THE CITY TO PROVIDE BADLY NEEDED ADDITIONAL 'HOUSING UNITS THAT ARE STANDARD. . FiNANCIAL. BL�GETARY AND PERcpNNEi_ IMPA�T ANTICIP T D; ESTIMATED RELOCATION AND ACOUISI'!'ION C�STS ARE $266,640, WHICH WIT�L BE EXFENDF.D FROM THE HRA'S TAX LEVY FUND OR URBAN �tENEF]AL BOND FUND AS AP�ROVED BY THE HRA BOARD ON JULY l, 19$2. � � 1 I � � , I ATTACHMENTS �LIST ALL ATTACHMENTS): I � 1� HRA RF50LUTION AUTHORIZIN SCHEDULING OF A PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE CITv COUNCIL AND SUBSEOUENTLY OCEED WITH ACnUISITION IF ADOPTED. 2� PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE PUB CATION 3 CITY COIJNCIL RESOLUTION FO PUBLIC HEARING FOR JULY 15, I982 . , '� I e nev.c.¢w nec oh en.t o e c aup c.wN �; . I C.i.tl A�ttat�cey: 1. Counc.i.0 Rebo�Cu.ti.on Requ.uc¢dY YES 0 1. R¢ao.Cu,LiAitY YES NO 2. In6w�an.et Req;iit�.¢.d! !/ES 2. IneuAance Su6�cc.i.¢.n.tY YES MO 3. Ineunance A#achedY YES 0 lievi�ia► dlt:4/29/82 �� vv � � I30TICE OF PUBLIC HEARING UPON ' ��SQ��j PROPOSED PROPERTY ACQUISITION v V OF PARCEI.S NUMBERS 141-1, 141-2 AI3D 141-3, COML�IUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM SCJ��IMIT-UNIVERSITX DIS- TRTCT 8, SAINT PAUL, MIN:NESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of a Public Hearing before the COUNCI•L OF THE CITY � OF SAINT P�UL, in the Council Chambers; Cxty Hall, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, �aint Paul, Minnesota, on Thursday, July 15, 1982, at 10:00 a.m. , Centxal Day� light Time, upon the proposal of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, to acquire by purchase or exercise the pawer of eminent domain, on parcels or tracts of land on Selby Avenue and North Dale Street� as identified below, under provisions of the approved New Housing and Blighted Lands Developmznt Plan and the City �•�ide Redevelopment Plan therefor as a part o� the Sumr►it-University District 8 area. Upon said Public Hearing, the Council shall consider whether the acquisition nf the �,roperti�s identified by parcel nunber and str.eet ad3ress as .fal.le�ws: PARCEL NO. PRECEDE5 PROPERTY ADDRESS 141-1 171 North Dale/624-626 Selby Avenue 141-2 165 North Dale " 141-3 161-163 North Dale is necessary or desirable in order to carry out the objectives of the tde�•� H�usinq and Blighted Lands Development Plan and the City Wide Redevelopment Plan, Saint Paul, Minnesota. At said Pualic Hearing al:. interested Y�rsons r,ia�r appear L�Fore a;id ,�ill Qe heard by the Council upon the proposed acquisition of these identified properties. Dated this 2nd day of Juiy, 1982. _ ,�1LBERT B OLSON CITY CLERI: �`� �� 2'789�75 �i��l�I�fi AaD IREDEYELOPNIENT AUTHORITY �F THE CIT�f 0� SAl�1T P1�UL, 11������ / , � REPOAT T� THE Cd�iVlMi�lONERS DI6TE �UNE 25, i 9g2 REGARnl�1G AUT'HORIZATION TO SCHEDULE A PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE CiTY COUNCIL AND SUBSEQUENTLY PROCEED WITH ACQUISITION OF PARCELS 14k-1 (lll NORTH DALE/624-626 SELBY), 1�+1-2 (165 NORTH DALE) AND 1�1-3 (16I-163 NORTH DALE), SUMMI'f-UNIVERSITY, DISTRICT 8 On June 3, 1981, HRA approved The New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Projeet and Redevelopment Plan which included the above-noted properties. The Plan, along with the creation of a Tax Increment Financing District for carrying-out certain activities, was approved by the City Council on June 9, 1981. The basic purpose of this Project Area and Plan is to provide and increase housing units for persons af low and moderate income families, and to develop or redevelop in cooperation with private enterprise underdevelcped lands. In order to accomplish the goals and objectives for increased suitable housing units and revitalization of commercial and retail shops within the area, it will be necessary for HRA to acquire certain properties along Selby Avenue, in addition to assisting current owners with rehabilitation efforts. The first phase in accomplishing these goals is already underway with the construetion of 74 cooperative units by the Selby Dale Cooperative located at 621-693 Selby Avenue. The second phase is also underway with acquisition completed on the property located at 628 Selby Avenue, Elijah Barker, and the building will be demolished by July 15, 1982. In order to continue with this major revitalization effort along Selby Avenue, acquisition of Parcels 141-1 (171 1Vo. Dale — SUBA Club), 141-2 (165 No. Dale) and 141-3 (161-163 1`�10. Dale) is essential. These three parcels will then be packaged with 628 Selby for new development on the southwest corner of Selby and Dale. In reviewing these properties for possible acquisition, staff has had preliminary appraisals done, established relocation costs, and estimates that $266,640 will be suf#icient to cover costs involved with acquisition of these parcels. As soon as acquisition is initiated, staff will solicit formal developer interest in redevelopment of this corner. , , ������ �'age Two - Staff has been working with the District 8 Planning Council on this redevelopment project since January. The Planning Council supports HRA acquisition of fihese three properties. It is siaff`s recommendation that we proceed with the acquisition of these parcels utilizing Urban Renewai Bond Funds, and/or Tax Levy Funds. Staff is requesting authorization to proceed with acquisition Parcels 141-1, 141-2 and 141-3 :� Summit-University District 8, by initiating a Public Hearing to be held before the City Council for their approval and subsequently proceeding with the acquisition of said property. Staff recommends aporoval of the attached Resolution authorizing a Public Hearing to he set before City Council concerning said acquisition, and upon approval, staff ma}� proceed with the acquisition and formal developer solicitation process. Sheri Pemberton Nancy West R T I 0 N N 0. $,-���-6 2'789'7� ESOLU RESOLUTION MAKIPdG A CERTAIN DETERMINATION - RESPECTING PARCELS NU�1BER 141-1 , 141-2 AND � 141-3, AUTFIORIZING SCHEDULING OF A PUBLIC NEARING BEFORE CITY COUNCIL AND SUBSEQUENTLY � PROCEED WITH ACQUISITION IN SUMMIT-UNIVERSITY DISTRICT 8 WHEREAS, on June 3, 1981 , the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota (HRA) approved and adopted the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project and Redevelopment Plan; and - 41HEREAS, the basic purpose of this Project Area is to provide increased suitable housing units, and revitalization of commercial and retail shops w�ithin the Selby Avenue development area; and 4JHEREAS, it will be necessary for HRA to acquire certain properties a�ong Se1by Avenue in addition to assisting current owners with rehabilitation efforts; and WNEREAS, the Ne�A1 Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project and Redevelopment Plan identify tF�e individual acquisition lir�e items and allow fcr• future public hearings to be held concerning pro�erties to be acquired as part of the said clearance and re- development area activity; and WHEREAS, the first phase in accomplishing these goals and objectives iS underway � with the const�°uction of 74 cooperative units by the Se1by Dale Cooperative located at � 621-693 Selby' Rvenue; and � � tdtiEREAS, the second phase is also underway with acquisition completed on Parcel 141-4 (62� Selby) and the building scheduled for demolition by July 15, 19f32; and 4JHEREAS, the Eoard of Commissioners of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul , hiinnesota, has reviewed staff recommendation for acquisition an� clearance of �'arcels Nurr,Ser 141-1 (171 P!orth Dale/62��-626 Selby), 141-2 (165 N�rth Dale) and 141-3 (161-163 North Dale), along with a request to authorize scheduling of a public hearing upon said acquisition before the Council of the City of Saint Paul . N06d, TNEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota, that the structures l ocated on Parcels 141-1 (171 North Dale/624-626 Selby) , 141-2 (165 North Dale) and 141-3 (161-163 North Da1e) are a blight-- ing influence in the area �varranting clearance and that the acquisition af the property is necessary to eliminate existing conditions of blight and non-conformance of use, and in order to carry out the Selby Avenue Area site of the New Housinq and BliQhted Lands R�d.�v_elopment�Project; FURTNER, BE IT RESOLVED that the Executive Director of the Housing and Redeueloament Authority of the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota, is hereby authorized to schedule a public hearing before the Council of the City of Saint Paul , and to take all necessary actions in connection therewith, including preparation and publishing of required notices, all in accordance t�ith applicable State and Federal laws and the purpose of this Resolution. FINALLY, BE IT RESOLVED that upon approval and authorization of the Council of the City of Saint Paul , after said public hearing upon the proposed acquisition, acquisition of fee title to the property by the Nousing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota, is hereby approved. LAIS, BANNIGAN & KELLY, P.A. 2''18915 ATTORNEYS AT LAW 409 MIDWEST FEDERAL BUILDING STH AND CEDAR SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 DONALD L.UIS AREA CODE 612 IOHN F.BANNIGAN,JR. 224-3781 PATRICK).KELLY July 15, 1982 Mr. Willia¢n Wilson % City Hall & Courttiause St. Paul, NIl� 55102 Re: Public Hearing Selby/Dale Redevelo�arexit Project StaYUnit-University District 8 Parcel No. 141-2 165 North Dale our Client Charles E. Willia�ns D�ear Mr. Wilson: This is to advise that the unc�ersigned has been retained by Nh�. Charles Williams to represent him as vwner of property identified as Paroel No. 141-2 cai�uronly ]�own as 165 North Dale Street, St. Paul. Mr Willia�ns is in receipt of your notice of a Public Hearing set for 10:00 o'cloak a.m. 'I'hursday July 15, 1982 in Council ChaQnbers. Mr. Williams clpes not intend to appear either in s�port of or in apposition to proposed acquisition of the property situated at the Southwest o�rner of the intersection of Dale Street and Selby Avenue. Hawever, Mr. WilliaQns desires to go on reoozd as the fee awner of 165 North Dale Street stating that he does not desire to have his prc�perty acrn�ired by the public. Mr. Williams aoquired a sub-standan� property and through his o�m financial resources made it into a code canplying c�aimercial/ retail business building. Mr. WilliaQns, using his awn monies, redeveloped his propPxty and desires to continue to redev�lope his property in concert with the City in its efforts to rehabilitate the area.. At present, Mr. Willia�' building provides cann�ercial ar�d retail rental space for small businesses awned and operated by residents of the imrediate area. Mr. Williams desires to remain in that location providing that sezvice to th� comrnanity. While Mr. Williams will interpose no formal opposition to the City's �lans: to ao�uire properties for the purposes of redevelopment, he c�oes ask that his prqperty not be aoquired unless absolutely necessa.ry or the public health safety and w�lfare. He is finnly oonvinced that his property pravides a bene,fit to the camrnanity r�w. His building provides spaoe for local entrepreneurs and a�loys local people. Va�cant land doesn't. Thank you r considering Mr. Williams' position. t 1 d �� , � � . J F. gan, . oc: Cl�arles Williams Shervl A. Pe.anberton ' 2'789'�� , r , NOUSIN6 ANO REDEYELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF TNE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA / , � I�EPORT TO THE COMMISSIONERS DATE JUNE 25, i 9s2 RE6ARDIN6 AUTHORIZATION TO SCHEDULE A PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE CITY COUNCIL AND SUBSEQUENTLY PROCEED WITH ACQUISITION OF PARCELS 141-1 (171 NORTH DALE/624-626 SELBY), 141-2 (165 NORTH DALE) AND 141-3 (161-163 NORTH DALE), SUMMIT-UIVIVERSITY, DISTRICT 8 On �une 3, 1981, HRA approved The New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project and Redevelopment Plan which included the above-noted properties. The Plan, along with the creation of a Tax Increment Financing District for carrying-out certain activities, was approved by the City Council on June 9, 1981. The basic purpose of this Project Area and Plan is to provide and increase housing units for persons of low and moderate income families, and to develop or redevelop in cooperation with private enterprise underdeveloped lands. In order to accomplish the goals and objectives for increased suitable housing units and revitalization of commercial and retail shops within the area, it will be necessary for HRA to acquire certain properties along Selby Avenue, in addition to assisting current owners with rehabilitation efforts. The first phase in accomplishing these goals is already underway with the construction of 74 cooperative units by the Selby Dale Cooperative located at 621-693 Selby Avenue. The second phase is also underway with acquisition completed on the property located at 628 Selby Avenue, Elijah Barker, and the building will be demolished by July 15, 1982. In order to continue with this major revitalization effort along Selby Avenue, acquisition of Parcels 141-1 (171 No. Dale — . SUBA Club), 141-2 (165 No. Dale) and 141-3 (161-163 No. Dale) is essential. These three parcels will then be�packaged with 628 Selb.y for new development on the southwest corner of Selby and Dale. In reviewing these properties for possible acquisition, staff has had preliminary appraisals done, established relocation costs, and estimates that $266,640 will be sufficient to cover costs involved with acquisition of these parcels. As soon as acquisition is initiated, staff will solicit formal developer interest in redevelopment of this corner. . � � • � Page Two - Staff has been working with the District 8 Planning Council on this redevelopment project since January. The Planning Council supports HRA acquisition of these three properties. It is staff's recommendation that we proceed with the acquisition of these parcels utilizing Urban Renewal Bond Funds, and/or Tax Levy Funds. Staff is requesting authorization to proceed with acquisition Parcels 141-1, 141-2 and 141-3 in Summit-University District 8, by initiating a Public Hearing to be held before the City Council for their approval and subsequently proceeding with the acquisition of said property. Staff recommends approval of the attached Resolution authorizing a Public Hearing to be set before City Council concerning said acquisition, and upon approval, staff may proceed with the acquisition and formal developer solicitation process. Sheri Pemberton Nancy West .. . 2'789'75 � " r �� R E S 0 L U T I O N N 0. 81-7/1- RESOLUTION MAKING A CERTAIN DETERMINATION RESPECTING PARCELS NUMBER 141-1 , 141-2 AND 141-3, AUTHORIZING SCHEDULING OF A PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE CITY COUNCIL AND �'' SUBSEQUENTLY PROCEED WITH ACQUSITION �+�"` IN SUMMIT-UNIVERSITY DISTRICT 8 WHEREAS, on June 3, 1981 , the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota (HRA) approved and adopted the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project and Redevelopment Plan; and . WHEREAS, the basic purpose of this Project Area is to provide increased suitable housing units, and revitalization of commercial and retail shops within the Selby Avenue development area; .and WHEREAS, it will be necessary for HRA to acquire certain properties along Selby Avenue in addition to assisting current owners with rehabilitation efforts; and WHEREAS, the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project and Redevelopment Plan identify the individual acquisition line items and allow for future public hearings to be held concerning properties to be acquired as part of the said clearance and�-r.e- development area activity; and WHEREAS, the first phase in accomplishing these goals and objectives is underway with the construction of 74 cooperative unit5 by the Selby Dale Cooperative located at _ 621-693 Selby Avenue; and WHEREAS, the second phase is also underway with acquisition completed on Parcel 141-4 (628 Selby) and the building scheduled for demolition by July 15, 1982; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota, has �reviewed staff. recommendation for acquisition and clearance of Parcels Number 141-1 (171 North Dale/624-626 Selby) , 141-2 (165 North Dale) and 141-3 (161-163 North Dale), along with a request to authorize scheduling of a public hearing upon said acquisition before the Council o.f the City of Saint Paul . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT �RESOLVED by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota, that the structures located on Parcels 141-1 (171 North Dale/624-626 Selby) , 141-2 (165 North Dale) and 141-3 (161-163 North Dale) are a blight- ing influence for the area warranting clearance and that the acquisition of the property • is necessary to eliminate existing conditions of blight and non-conformance of use, which proper.ty does not appear capable of redevelopment without public assistance and the� sale for prfvate redevelopment for housing use at its value for such use in accordance with the City Wide Redevelopment Plan. FURTHER, BE IT RESOLVED that the Executive Dire�tor of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota, is hereby authorized to schedule a public """ hearing before the Council of the City of Saint Paul , and to take all necessary actions in connection therewith, including preparation and publishing of required notices , all in accordance with applicable State and Federal laws and the purpose of this Resolution . FINALLY, BE IT RESOLVED that upon approval and authorization of the Council of the City of Saint Paul , after said public hearing upon the proposed acquisition, acquisition of fee title to the property by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota, is hereby appro�ed. � � v T ' ° �"189'75 �Or CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM DATE: JULY 12, 19 8 2 ��L E,D T0: AL OLSON - CITY CLERK ���C /� J � �_ � �a��� 'j ' �-ii i �� FROM: SHERI PEMBERTON - PED?� �"f ly ` i jr,� . r'— � ��'�'j�� � ,r , _ SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE CITY COUNCIL � JULY 15, 1982 On July 1, 1982, I informed Su� Hurley of your office that a public hearing was scheduled for July 15, 1982, before City Council. Attached are the publication notices, Resolution from HRA Board to schedule public hearing and a copy of the City Council Re�olution currently being processed. If you have any questions, please call me at 292-6421. Thank you. SAP:rmf Attachments . � � • . �'789'75 h�CS=Y °- CITY OF SAINT PAUL .�:;�`� ; �° �� x DEPARTMENT OF Pl.ANNtNG AND ECQNOMIC DEVELOPMEP�T 7 a n�t1��i��u b DlVISION �F DEVELOPIVIENT � i it11 �(�1{Ii � ��� h� 25�Nest Fcurth Streec,Saint Paut,Minnesota,551�2 ,2� �sbd 612-292-62?1 �Q, GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR , f , St. Paul Legal Ledger July 2, 1982 Publication �ffi.ce 640 Minnesota Bldg. St. Paul, MN. 551Q1 RE� I.EGAL NOTICE G�ntlemen: A-�tached is a Notice of Public Hearing Upon Proposed Property Acquisit.5.on, please publish this notice in the St. Paul Legal Ledger on Saturday, JuTy 3, 1982. If you have any questions, please contact me at 292-6421. Sixicerely, -,::��G'C�U� ��. T,P/y'/J�k'J��"'L' Sher 1 A. Pemberton Y Real Estate Specialist II/Supervisor Enclosure SAP:sp . � � � - 2'789'75 �,°'T' °- CITY �F SAINT PAUL ;R� a 'H DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � �������w� � DIVIStON OF DEVELOPMENT �� �c 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102 612-292-6271 �Y6� GEORGE UITIMER MAYOR ,� � St. Paul Dispatch and Pioneer Press . July 2, I982 55 East Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN. 55101 RE: LEGAL NOTICE Gentlemen: AttachPd is a Notice of Public Hearing Upon Proposed Property Acquisition, please publish this notice in the St. Paul Pioneer Press and Dispatch on Saturday, July 3, 1982. , If you have any questions, please contact me at 292-6421. Sincerely, ��d�i��� l,( . 7��/Y �" C� `�"' Sheryl A. Pembertan Real Estate Specialist II/Supervisor Enclosure SAP:sp � � 2'789'75 NOT2CE Ok' PUBLIC HEARING UPON PROPOSED PROPERTY ACQUISITION OF PARCE'LS NUMBERS 141-1, 141-2 AND 141-3, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM S(JMMIT-UN�VERSITY DIS- TRICT 8, SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of a Publi� Hearing before th° COUNCIZ OF THE CITX OF SAINT PAUL, in the Council Chambers'; City Ha11, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, Saint Paul, Minnesota, ori Thursday, July 15, 1982, at 10:00 a.m. , Central Day- light Time, upon the proposal of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, to acquire by purchase or exercise the po�rrer of eminent domain, on parcels or tracts of land on Selby Avenue and North Dale Street, as identified below, under provisions of the approved New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Plan and the City Wide Redevelopment Plan therefor as a part of the Summit-University District 8 area. Upon said Public Hearing, the Council shall consider whether the acquisition of the rroperti�s identified by parcel nur.lber and street ad3ress as follows: PARCEL NO. PRECEDE5 PROPERTY ADDRESS 141-1 171 North Dale/624-626 Se1by Avenue 141-2 165 North Dale ' 141-3 161-163 North Dale is necessary or desirable in order to carry out the objectives of the New Hausing and Blighted Lands Development Plan and the City Wide Redevelopment Plan, Saint Paul, Minnesota. At said Yublic Hearing all interested persons may appear be:Eore and will Ae heard by the Council upon the proposed acquisition of these identified properties. Dated this 2nd day of Juiy, 1982. ALBERT B OLSON CITY CLERK _ _. _- _ _ '� WH�TE - CITY ClER1( � � ��Ql■�� PINN - F�NANCE 1� COIIIICLI V� CANqRY -- (jEPARTMENT (j I TY ��� SL� I L\T� �,L�LT L File NO. �LUE - MAVpA Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By_ Date RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PROPERTY � ACQUISITION SELBY AVENUE REDEVELOP– MENT AREA, SUMMIT–UNIVERSITY, DISTRICT 8 WHEREAS, the City Council has approved the Housing Development and Redevel.opment Plan for the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project by Resolutiori, Council File No. 276969, adopted June 9, 1981; and WI�REAS, said Redevelopment Plan provides for the undertaking of a program and project to increase the supply of decent, safe and sanitary housing for all income groups with em- phasis on low and moderate income families, to provide such housing in cooperation with private developers on blighted and deteriorated sites within the City, thereby effecting their development or redevelopment, to assist in the provision of low and moderate income housing in such development at affordable prices and rents, and to undertake and finance these activities by means of tax increment generated by Project Improvements and develop- ment; and - WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, by its Resolution No. 81-6/3-12 approving the Redevelopment Plan and Project has determined that the housing development sites constituting the Project Area are blighted or deteriorated within the provision of Minneso�a Statutes Section 462.421 Subdivision 13(1) , (2) or (3) , and constitute housing, housing development and redevelopment. project undertakings within the provisian of Section 462.421 Subdivisions 12, 13 and 25; that the program proposed and Project act.ivities provided for in said Plan can be accom- plished and feasibly financed only by their undertaking as one housing development and re- development project and tax increment financing district; and that the displacement to occur by the Project undertaking is limited, relocation of displacees can feasibly be accomplished and residential displacees shall have priority in applying for purchase or rental of new housing units developed in the Project undertaking; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission by its Resolution, File No. 81-21, and after consideration of the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project Programs, Redevelopment and Tax Increment Financing Plans, determined said Plans to be consi.stent COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher �evine _ (n Favor Masanz Nicosia scnetbe� _ __ Against �Y — -- Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adupted b�� Council: Date Certified Y�,ssed by Council Secretary BY- �� ---- — — Approved by :Vlavor: Date __ _!_ Approved by Mayor Eor Submission to Council [z.. Rv NF/�7E - C�T; �_�,ERK �����` COURC ll �� PINi' • - FINANCE �G I'rY OF �A I i�'T ��A TS L v CA!�:A�tl' - DEPARI�MENT ' File NO. Bl_UE -� MAfOR � �'ouncil Resolution Presented F�� ___ . Referred T'o Committee: Date Out of Committee By — Date ti�ith the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan and recommended approval of said Plans; and WI�REAS, on July 15, 1982, the City Council conducted a public hearing on the proposed acquisition, in order that the property owners may attend and indicate their opposition or support for this proposed acquisition. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, in view of the foregoing hereby adopted as findings that the public acquisition by HRA of the properties identified as Parcels 141-1 at 171 North Dale/624-626 Selby; 142-2 at 165 North Dale; and 141-3 at 161-163 North Dale in the Selby Avenue Redevelopment Area, Summit-University Distri.ct 8, under provision of the New Housing and Blighted Lands Redevelopment Project, is hereby approved in accordance with these additional findings: (1) That the sites in the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project would not be made available for redevelopment, nor would the provision of new housing and including housing for low and moderate income families be accomplished, without the financial aid sought and to be provided under the Project Financing Plan; (2) That the Housing Development and Redevelopment Plan for the New Housing And Blighted Lands Development Project and Project area - will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound.needs of the community as a whoZe, for the provision of new housing lay redevelopment of the Project area by private enterprise; and (3). That the Relocation Plan approved with the Project established capability to relocate persons, families and businesses dis- placed by t'i.is acquisi cion. . � COUNCIL1tEN Yeas NaS�S Requested by Department of: Fletcher �evine In Favor Masanz Nicosia scne�bei _ __ Against BY — Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adupted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By B� Approved by :�tavor: Date __ _ Approved by Mayor Eor Submission to Council B}' ---- - - - BY - ,' � • � ' , 2'7�9�� 1����l�G �ND REDE�IELOP�iIEWT At�T�IORI�Y O�f THE CI�'Y 0� ��1l�T PAUL} BVtINNESOTA / . � �EPORT TO T�iE C09H�Y1l�IO�IER� DI�T� JUNE 25, �9sz RE�ARDIN� AUTHORIZATION TO SCHEDULE A PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE CITY COUNCIL AND SUBSEQUENTLY PROCEED WITH ACQUISITION OF PARCELS 141-1 (171 NORTH DALE/624-626 SELBY), 141-2 (165 NORTH DALE) AND 141-3 (161--163 NORTH DALE), SUMMIT-UNTVERSITY, DISTRICT 8 On June 3, 1981, HRA approved The New Housing and Blighted La.nds Development Pro}ect and Redevelopment Plan which included the above-noted properties. The Plan, along with the creation of a Tax Increment Financing District for carrying-out certain activities, was appraved by the City Council on June 9, 1981. The basic purpose of this Project Area and Plan is to provide and increase housing units for persons of low and moderate income families, and to develop or redevelop in cooperation with private enterprise underdeveloped lands. In order to accomplish the goals and objectives for increased suitable housing units and revitalization of commercial and retail shops within the area, it will be necessary for HRA to acquire certain properties along Selby Avenue, in addition to assisting current owners with rehabilitation efforts. The first phase in accomplishing these goals is already underway with the construction of 7�f cooperative units by the Selby Dale Cooperative located at 621-693 Selby Avenue. The second phase is also underway with acquisition completed on the property located at 628 Selby Avern�e, Elijah Barker, and the building will be demolished by July 15, 1982. In order to continue with this major revitalization effort along Selby Avenue, acquisition of Parcels 141-1 (171 No. Dale — SUBA Club), 141-2 (165 No. Dale) and 141-3 (161-163 No. Dale) is essential. These three parcels will then be packaged with 628 Selby for new development on the southwest corner of Selby and DaIe. In reviewing these properties for possible acquisition, staff has had preliminary appraisals done, established relocation costs, and estimates that $266,640 will be sufficient to cover costs involved with acquisition of these parcels. As soon as acquisition is initia-ted, staff will solicit formal developer i�lterest in redevelopment of this corner. �� � � � �'�89�� , . . . Page Two - Staff has been working with the District 8 Planning Council on this redevelopment project since �anuary. The Planning Council supports HRA acquisition of these three properties. It is staff's recommendation that we proceed with the acquisition of these parcels utilizing Urban Renewal ; Bond Funds, and/or Tax Levy Funds. � Staff is requesting authorization to proceed with acquisition Parcels 141-1, I41-2 and 141-3 in Summii-University District 8, by initiating a Public Hearing to be held before the City Council for their approval and subsequently proceeding with the acquisition of said property. Staff recommends approval of the attached Resolution authorizing a Public Hearing to be set before City Council concerning said acquisition, and upon approval, staff may proceed with the acquisition and formal developer solicitation process. Sheri Pemberton Nancy West � � � � �' � � � 2'789�� � RESOLUT ION N0. 81-7/1-6 RESOLUTION MAKING A CERTAIN DETERMINATION RESPECTING PARCELS NUh1BER 141-1 , 141-2 AND � 141-3, AUTHORIZING SCHEDULING OF A PUBLIC . � HEARING BEFOR� CITY COUNCIL AND SUBSEQUENTLY � PROCEED WI7H ACQUISITION IN SUMMIT-UNIVERSITY DISTRICT 8 WHEREAS, on June 3, 1981 , the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota (HRA) approved and adopted the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project and Redevelopment Plan; and � WHEREAS, the basic purpose of this Project Area is to provide increased suitable housing units, and revitalization of commercial and retail shops within the Selby Avenue development area; and WHEREAS, it will be necessary for HRA to acquire certain properties a7ong Selby Avenue in addition to assisting.current owners with rehabilitation efforts; and WHEREAS, the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project and Redevelopment Plan identify the individual acquisition line items and allo�� for future pub1ic hearinys to be held concerning properties to be acquired as part of the said clearance and re- development area �ctivity; and WHERtAS, the first phase in accomplishing these goals and objectives is underti•�ay with the construction of 74 cooperative units by the Selby Dale Cooperative located at 4 621-693 Selby' Avenue; and . � : '� 4lNEREAS, the second phase is also under�vay ��ith acquisition completed on Parcel 141-4 (62£� Selby) and the building scheduled for demolition by July 15, 1982; and t�JHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota, has reviewed staff recommendation for acquisition and �learance o� F'arcels Nurr,Ser 141-? (171 North Dale/62n�-52h Se?byly 141-? (155 N�rth Dale} and 141-3 (161-163 North Dale), along with a request to authorize scheduling of a public hearing upon said acquisition before the Council of the C�ty o�f Saint Paul . N041, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota, that the structures located on Parcels 141-1 (171 Nor�h Dale/624-626 Selby) , 141-2 (165 North Dale) and 141-3 (161-163 North Dale) are a blight- ing irfluence in the area �varranting clearance and that the acquisition of the property is necessary to eliminate existing conditions of blight and non-conformance of use, and in order to carry out the Selby Avenue Area site of the New Housinc�and Bliat�ted Lands. R�velopment Project. ' � FURI�HFR, BE IT RESOLVED that the Executive Director of the Hausing and Redevel��men� Authority of the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota, is hereby authorized to schedule a public hearing before the Council of the City of Saint Paul , and to take all necessary actions in connection therewith, including pr•eparation and publishing of required notices, ali in accordance ���ith applicable State and Federal laws and the purpose of this Resolution. FINALLY, BE IT RESOLVED that upon approval and authorization of the Council of the City of Saint Paul , after said publie hearing upon the proposed acquisition, acquisition of fee title to the property b.y the Housing and Redevelopment Author�ty of the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota, is hereby approved. 2�89�5 , . _ � .:,�. � � � � - , . , N � , rors� �' � ��e-�or-�:. r�gc'a� s�r�.�;. coao�ot�hF u� s r�toL. �� «�€+„�„+�;'�;w �: � ,,., � . .:, .,�..,� `-�—t----•Y��;�" �,r.,�. �crrt�is��,�„�,, he�rfae befo �-; OF,�l1�!E P 1:.1V.1R";�,� Cit�:iiidi,,lir JGi1�t=�iY1�MAR�: P�lr�lip pp,�, �' P�d �n���,. naota,to�• `.b���� P�g� .doenad�' of laod an li�le scrcd,as t � .w1�4bns ot 1Ae e Y F�aufos�il�.� 'Lani�,p �S�e ��. ,���� �� ..!�::�-, �� �� �A� . _ �n�r� .��.�� - �. a>�; ��escii. . :��, .� � s�lF.�. l�l�i.: 141�, _ ' 8��4;�,4M�.:i, l4�8»dN1�N: ' �L;��^ti�'�ttl� ,! �� ,�' �i p , Bl�� �- tYP�1! �, nqmGq�tG' v��,�t�it�.xa tl At �b � ifa�rL� -. .• �tri1�XI1K� �� M�4I���� '�'�!r. �#Mll�e��tltiart.dl " thex ,.�:_ � : n.i.a r�ss aar�r h.�. � :,. . . _4 d��ON . „r� •r:?€"�'!'Y C[�881[ . u��,._,:: _ --•- -�,......,_-�_ �7$�� ICE • OF U �? HQ"AORpI�M3 . Nu�/i�i�6 ,1¢L' �`k= OPM�N -� lYl MIT '�o'� of s F ol►SwlN AuL.In1M � .Wesf� K� .. f�� Srint P.,� .AAIe °- ftie Hou � nd� � � meRT-.A .� tfy of� � SAi�t-. .NMn . , . Qhe�� �of� domak4 ` rceFa of 1�pnQ v Nsrth i fi ,��. �� ��¢�r. eRA'0 � m+lnf, Relev! for Oi a. M.pf�. I,Mive Di r1 � whlfbRT �h 1 ' g�,°!�" ." ,�. . �. � ! ,;;• '' ir tt°��� �m� nr�t arseta � t�°� P�i`. �»'�,- r�� �. frQ 27 � � 7 �' ���.���iVE� AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION JUL � �; 1982 STATE OF MINNESOTA �.�r���w �� �����?�� `� ��"t�'r�.._ . �' „f:��a: .t����:�°��T COUNTY OF RAMSEY ROSEMARY J FRANK , being -' ..NOT��E - duly sworn on oath, says: that he is, and during OF PU6LlL HEARING IYPON w°s°or°.O�PPARCE all times herein stated has been, Clerk of the "'j 3 '•'''� "�� ANO Northwest Publications, Inc., publisher of the 1A7-3,G AAUNITV D�VQ4 QpN1�N ° OGRAlN fUM- e iT�-U�1, RSITMY���TAT newspaper known as the St. Paul Dispatch, St. o;►, *�����ti;� Paul Pioneer Press, St. Paul Sunday Pioneer fM L1)O1.F, t�E CITV Press, a newspaper of general circulation within c�il � Ci1y�►i014u15 wes+�_ s��•�a the City of St. Paul and the County of Ramsey. Sain}��P ip ThuY�Q� ��� ` io:ao ;;��' °t That the Notice hereto attached was cut from ��i •�- the columns of said newspaper and was printed do,n�ry .p�..�s ��nein �„ pI and published therein en the following dates: ot lary! .y v . ' "a b� 'vr�ovts+o�s #RD and e tM s ~wlo p�- day Of � 19 f R i plao thwe e� for � tM �++- � 3rd da of JULY 19 g2 Unt }� f UpOw � t� . fhB 9d�°' °°.d: day of , 19 y �y „_ � .�,�:. day of , 19 � �: ui- iStAT � In day of , 19 M tives alnd B1i9bf t M�'�. *"�`°°� day of , 19 qt seftl PuWIC F1a�srMy a11 In- tpresttd ilerfena ntsY�ppex before end WlIA Ae nesrd by po`sea`°°� �o� of"rne� day of , 19 wr�t�°uR"°a+a�i��°fo�s'o�is C1TY E�K. Prou Dis Ju1�R�no S60'� Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day ��f July � 19 82 , Notar�� P lic Washington County, Minnesota Feb 17, ,$9 Mv commission�����e��n�,�.,��,, ,�. .,,..,,.,:�,�1•;..�.r- • �, , � _ _ . � „', , , ;;,_ , < ,. . . ;``. . _ f'������ zu,