278970 N'H17E - CITV CLERK COl1I1C11 2'�89`7Q PINK - FINANCE C I TY OF SA I NT PAUL CANARV - DEPARTMENT BIUE - MAVOR File NO. � ouncil Resolution Presented By / Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are available for appropriation total revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1982 budget; and WHEREAS, Council File 277510, adopted October 1, 1981, did establish certain Special Fund Policies; and WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following additions be made to the 1982 budget: FINANCING PLAN Current Budget Changes Amended Budget 724 Utilities Rate Investigation Admin. 50200-4325 Reimbursement for Investigation 3,300 11,700 15,000 50200-7299 Transfer from General Fund 0 22,000 22,000 3,300 37,000 NET CHANGE 33,700 SPENDING PLAN 724 Utilities Rate Investigation Admin. � 50200-219-000 Fees-Other 2,000 32,580 34,580 50200-251-000 Transportation 400 400 50200-252-000 Lodging, Meals, etc. 450 450 50200-253-000 Registration Fees 270 270 50200-381-000 Books, Periodicals 1,300 1,300 4,420 37,000 NET CHANGE 32,580 RESOLVED, that the City Council adopts the above additions to the 1982 budget. APPROVED: � �S�C.�X.di' Budge Di ector COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested b Department of: '.I Fletcher � W•`°'"�"'2 �°"�'e" In Favor Masanz � � Nicosia Scheibel _ �__ Against BY Tede�sc`_ � � � ��� 1 31g82 Form Approv b C' y ttorne Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by C nc Secretary BY i - . B�- �lp o by 1�lavor: te � �5�1" 19$� Approved Ma for Submission to Council By BY PU6LISME� ,�UL � 4 1982. �- -,• __�_. ..,. .,... �...�...,... .-- j'� , �t��� OFFICE pF TIIr CITY CflTT.�,I'C�L ��E4 -�� , �= ��::.;x;� ��. � 2`�89`�p ' , �-��-�� , Date ; July 9, 1982 ' �:... -- . �- C4 �3I� iTTEE �' � PC3R� ; � . � . . � � - � , . TO : Soini� Pctul Cif� Counci I - F R O I�� = G om m i t�e e O t? F�TNANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL � � - _ _ :__ � James'. Scheibel , chai�man, . � � The Finance Committee, �at the meeting af 7/g/82 , recommended approval of the follawin�: Resolution ze�ris�,ng the Utilities R,ate Investigation Administration Trust Fund �udget, The resolut�on will �.ncrease ths Financzng Plan and Spending , Plan for Utila:ties Rate �nvestigation Administration Trust Fund by the amount of actual revenue, (See attached Resalution) . NOTE: This xesolut�,an was not on the Finance Cozam��ttee agenda established �ox'. ,7uly 8, 1982. It basically is a transfer of funds t;o allow the _ city to pay Tom Stearns for work he has perfor�med. The resolution was approVed 2-Q (Fletcher had left the meeting for � a p7revi_ously scheduled appointment.) NQTE; Caunci,lman Wilson introduced a motion to xequisi�tion an Rk'� for the purpose of hiring a consultant ta i.ntervene in the ugcoaning . Bell Telephone rate case. This mo�iott was approved unanimously. � DEPARTME�IT: Council Research . � ` ' . I . CONTACT. . ,Tohn Connelly � ROU7ING ar�n�IXPIANATION�SNEET pNOtdE: 3 G EEN SHEET) s. � � . . �a �16 For admiaistrative Orders, R�solutioas, Ordinances and Agreements � 0 T C�,�RL'cR – r�OUTE BY ASSIGN� N iMRFR; I , 2�8V�O -- ---� � DIRECTOR OF MANA6EMENT . . � _John Connellv�,(,,� MAYOR '1� ' AEPARTMENT DIRECTOR I '� DIRECTOR, FINI4NCE & MGT. SERYICES��iNb I � CITY ATTORNEY � 5 CITY CLERK • � �BUDGET DIRECTOR � y�2 `�..... �Y�lCr�X -" ��_ . . _. i .:. . . ACTION R � t cT � ( _ tP A t 1 0 QjIaN�, FaR Mlj(ORA St,NAT IR ); � - T- . I Revise Utilities Rate Irrvestigation As�min. Trust Fund Budget. � _ �NAT NI I B A -Hi V D AY TAKTNR ACTjdN ON � F ATTACHFD MATFRiALS �PIRPOSF AND RAT20NA�,�)7, � This resolution will increase Financi g Plan and Spending �lan for Utii�t�es . _ � Rate Investigation Admin. Trust Fund y amount of actual revenue. Charges: FINANCING $33,�100 SPENDING $32,�80 . i , `�GiAL,�RIt�G„�T�1RY AMD PE$SONNEL IMPAGTS bNTICI�AT,�,n: � . � This Revenue can only be used for the �urpose set forth by this: Council Reaolution. .' _ . . I� . _ . _ � . . . _. _ . i : : : : i �. -; - - � - . I ATTRCHMENTS �LIST ALL ATTACHMENTS): I � � . , Y. Council File I 2. �� : . 3. _ � . . ! . j _ � _ I , � � Qea.ae •tev�.ew neceaa.c.ty oon a.Ltucr,ment .tne no�Zouu.ng suppo�.rrg ocume►r.ta De;�w`,L�na�x ; • . �I C.i,ty A.t,tenre¢y: . . : 1. Counc.i.0 R26oeriti.on Reqcu.zedY Y�S N . 1. ,Reso.f�cti.anY yES NO 2. Inawra.nce Req;r,viced? . �YES _N . '�. Trtiewcarcce'See6 fri.c,�e».t?_yES _�VO 3. Ir.ewranc2 A.ttackedt yES N � -- — ; _...: _ .> . . , . . . .__ y .. � t ,�'. � , r T aj '1 � Aevisia¢i C�i:4i29/82 .. . ... .. � ' — 4✓..#' n.l���r1 T�,�,"'� . .. .�'.. . .v. •a+ . � '. . ... ' . . . . . . .: ..-. . . .. , .,� ; , ��� . . . . . . r ��. . ..,. . . .�- .: .:!'� ,:'�,