278967 M�HITE - CITV CLERK •/' J�;)IL�� PINK - FINANCE COUIICII l� � V CANARV - DEPARTMENT C I TY OF SA I NT PA U L � BLUE - MAYOR File NO. . Council Resolution Presented By •�'� � �C� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an Agreement with the Firearms Infirmary pro- viding for the inspection, service and repair of City owned firearms; said Agreement to become effective August 1, 1982 ; a copy of said Agreernent to be kept on file and of record in the Department of �'i- nance and I�Ianagement Services. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Fletcher Po 1 i c e �� In Favor Masanz Nicosia scheibe� _ __ Against BY ----�1� Tedesco 1Mi1svT� JUL 1 31982 Form pproved b Cit ey Adopted by Council: Date c Certifie assed y ncil cretary BY By �+ �p2 . �1pp o d by ;Vlavor: te _ �U� � V ��D'" Ap rov d by Mayor for Sub 'ss n to uncil By - P��11�4 J�L 2 41g82 ' �789s�7 � ,97 o� � DEPARTMENT: Police ROUTING D EXPLANATION SHEET CODITACT: � �i,i✓6 �GREEN SHEET) PHONE: Z!2 3.fai �'or Administrative Orders, �tesolutions, Ordinances and Agreements ROU'!�'ING ORDER - ROUTE BY ASSIGNED NUM�ER: . JUN 2 41982 � .. _.. DIRECTOR-OE MANAGEMENT-- x r�YO� MAYORS O�FFICE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR i X DIRECTOR, FINANCE & MGT. .SERVICES X V CITY ATTORNEY ' CITY CLERK BUDGET DIRECTOR I ACTION RE UESTED (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS OR MAYORAL SIGNATURE) : Council Resolution and signat�res of Mayor and Director, Finance & t�Igt. Services. WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTIO ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS (PURPOSE AND RATIONALE)?: Permit the Police Department irearms Training Officers to concentrate on contin�ial upgrading of off�cers ' firearms skills, relieving them of the unproductive, time consum ng task of inspecting and maintaining the Department' s arsenal. i ' FINANCIAL, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IM�ACTS ANTTCIPATED: Sufficient budget monies (Acc�unt #04303-277-059) are present to impl�ment the contract. The time savin�s, plus eliminating otherwise required train- ing expenses, make the agreem�nt a sound financial decision. ��m• @ /� �`-�l�-- �3��,� - I ��'e- � ____- ATTACHMENTS (LIST ALL ATTACHMENTSr: ' ' 1- Four (4) copies of Agreeme�t: One (1) to be returned to Contractor. 2. 3. i NOTE: P7.ease review necessit for a �achment of the following supporting d cuments. Y � Department: ' City Attorney: 1. Council Resolution Re ired? I�!Yes No 1. Resolution? t/ Yes No � � ____ 2. Insurance Required? IYes No 2. Insurance Sufficient? �,�a'LNo _T_ — 3. Insurance Attached7 _Yes No , — 'I Revision OM:4/29/82 HOW TO US� THE GREEN SHEET The GREEN SHEET has several. gurposes: 1: To assist in routing:.doeum,ents and in securing required signatures. 2. To brief the r.eviewe�s of documents on the impacts of approval. _ 3. To help ensu�e that necessary supporting materials are prepared and, if r�quired, a'ttached. ' ROUTTNG Most GREEN SHEET actions must be rev�ewed by a Department Director, the City Attorney, the Director of Management, the Director of Fi- nance an+d.,�+lanag.ement Services. Other possible reviewers/signatures are listed. BRIEFING Mast of "the GREEN SHEET head�ing� �re -designed to assist in develop- ing a preeis of the decision which the attachments represent. The head�ngs are of£ered to remind users' of some of the more critical elements of this brief. The Fznancial, Bud etar and Per�onnel Im acts heading -provides a space to explain the cost bene it aspects of the decision.- Casts and benefits relate both. to City budget (General. Fund -and/ar Special. Funds) and to broader financial. impacts (cost to users,homeowners or other gr.au,ps affected by the action) . The personnel impact is a de- scription of change or shift of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) positions. SUPPORTING MATERIALS In the. Attachments s�ction, iist all attachments. If the GREEN SHEET is well "�one, no letter of t�ansmittal need be included (unless sign- ing such a letter is one of the. requested actions) . Note: Actians snrhich requir�. City Council resolutions include: a. Contrac.tual rela.tionshig with another, gavernment unit. b. Collecti.ue bargaina.ng. - c. Purchase_ or sale of land., or lease of land. d. Issuance. of bonds .by Cit�r. e. Eminent domain. f. Assumption of l.iabili�y by City, or granting by City of � indemnification. ` g. Agreements ,with State or Federal Government under. whi.ch � .... they are providing funding. , Note .also: If an agreement requires evidence af insurance/coinsur- ance,. a Certificate of Tnsurance should be one of the attachments at time of routing. y�1T. 0' . . CITY OF SA�NT��Au�L �� �; DEPARTMENT OF POLICE � unu mn , ; ���� �� �� C WM. W. McCUTCHEON, CHIEF OF POLICE � � 101 East Tenth Street �es• Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 612-291-11�1 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR June 23 , 1982 Mr. Greg Haupt Office of the Mayor 347 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Greg: The enclosed Agreement, Council Resolution and Green Sheet may need some clarification. What we are intending to do is relieve our Range Officers of the time consuming task of routine inspection, service and repair of the Department owned weapons (i.e. , shotguns) . Not only does this task take valuable time away from our Range Officers, but recent retirements and the resultant assignment changes have re- moved our historical armorers ' expertise. Faced with the prospect of spending precious "outside" training dollars to rebuild expertise or contracting this task out, I believe we will be better off with the outside contractor. Your cooperation is appreciated. Sincerely, "Wm. ��1.�Mc tc eon Chief of Police 'r�WMc/tlr/laf enc. O !�- �7,` ,,. . -��^.�''� � :;�:;;';;,'� �' 1 r�„•.,,..:;��;1 � '�~' '�' . � . Dote : July 9, 1982 �']�'1Q�C+� �. �� /� V � Z'=?" ,� �"''! • . . t . . � � C � IUii�J11�TEE REPOR i ; - . . . , . . + . . - _ . - -�- � ; Sain� PQUt Cii��r Co�ncit - _ FRO �f : Commi�l�tee OC] FZNANCE, MANAGE,�IENT & PERSOWEL �_ . ,TaGmes' Scheibel � Chait-m a n, . - _ � �at the meeting of 8�'Z , recommended a roval of the followin : The Finance Committee, �. Approval of minutes o£ meeting held July 1, 1982. U'1�- � � 2. Resolution authorizing an Amendator) Agreement between ]3rig�s & riorgan � �rofessional Association for bond counsel services so as to increase fees for issuance of general obligation bonds from 50 cents to 75 cents per _ thousand. �P'fpJe-� 3"0. . 3. Resolution authorizing an agreement with the Fi.rearms Znfirmar) pro y�Je� � for the i.nspection, service and repair of City owned fi.rearms. • 4. Resolution approving the issuance of zevenue bonds ($3,�i00,000) ta iinance the construction of a �nic3�cility zn the Como Shops of Energy Park for Share Aealth. �� �. Resolution approving the issuance of revenue bonds (52,585,000) to finance � the construction of a parking ra�p to serve the needs of Bandana Square in Energy Park for AHjJ Corporation. Q o+o"rOJ� 3�Q� _ 6. Resolution amending the 1979 and 1.950 Capi.tal Itnprovement BucTgets t� provide County aid funding for ceQrv�a�x�n street resurfacing projects (as outlined in the resolution.) �-�� 7. Fesolution permitting the ZJest Sector Patrol Unit to n�ove frotn Ed�ecumbe School to the Unidale rfall. A�Pro�e+ 3-O . E. Discussion of the proposal to allo�� city eTnployees voluntary leave ��itliout pay as a money saving incentive. CThe Finance Committee voted pn a motion � which approves Councilman Tedesco'•s resolution. They also requested that the administration proceed with surve�a.ng city employees to find our their response to this incentive. Those results of the survey will be returned to the Finance Committee prior to this resolution bein on the Cit Council a enda. �2-� Flf��` r -� . . � . ;;:.�;:=� ;�i =�:.;.,.:. g y �.�c�.�����.��_:►_, t�� ��a e��j _-:.-�: .___-.--�- - _ -�a�. - — - - �: .�-�,��-,.�„��.�,�;��--� �,. ,� _ �r:�_�.,.�r�.._�x--�..�..�.�.—