278961 N�HITE - CITV CLERK � /��C1
File N .
City Attny/JTH • .
,Co �cil Resolution
Presented By �
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED by the Counci�l of the City of Saint Paul that
the proposed Amendatory Agreement between Briggs and P�torgan
Professional Association and the City for bond counsel services
amending the parties Agreement of November 5 , 1975 to increase
fees for issuance of genera�l obligation bonds to $1,500 for a
bond issue of $2, 000, 000 or less and of 75 cents per thousand
of issue over $2 , 000, 000 is hereby approved on behalf of the
City for execution by its proper officers.
COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays j�
Fletcher "�
4°"i"�" �� In Favot
Scheibel _ __ Against By —
JUL 1 3 1982 Form A ed by Ci Att rney
Adopted by Council: Date �
Certifie assed Co il Fretary BY
,. r ,�-
JUl 1 Appr e Mayor for b is to ouncil
61p o by iVlavor. te —
sy _ — By
• �— ,� •►�,it,� ��;i • . . ..
� Fi• •'`„'L. � ��/�""�'�„� ' .
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�" , �.. � Dvte ; July 9, i982 -
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"� ''.. - �. � . : �Gi/�a7�� .
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. . .
- '�' p : Sain� Paul Ci�t�r Co�cncit � ' - :
�R 0 � = C 4 ii7171 i�''��'l° o n �ZNANCE� MANAGE�SENT & PERS O�JEL -
. . F7'ames' Scheibel � �hQi�m a n, � -- -
T;�e Finance Committee; �at the meeting of� ��'Z , recommended a roval of the� followin :
1. Approval of minutes o£ meeti.ng lzeld July l, 1982. C1'k_
�.... '
� 2. Resolution authorizing an Amendator}T Agreement betweeiY �3riggs & rSorgan ,
`�"' Drofessional Association for boi�d counsel servzces sa as ta inczease fPes
for issuance of genera2 obligation bonds from 50 cents to 75 cents per �
thousand. pt�P�+�'nJe-c� 3-0• �
3. Resolutioa authorizing an agree�enL G;ith the Firearms Zn�irmary provid.ing
for the inspection, service and regair of Gity owned fi.rearms. � "'�'�e
4. Resolution approving the issuanCe of revenue bonds ($3,�i00,00Q) to iinance
the construction of a c].ini 3 o�ility �n the Coino Shaps of Energy Park for
Share Health. PrP'P+�aD�1g.1
�. Resolution approving the issuanc',e o£ revenue. bonds (52,585 000) to finance
� the construction of a parkirtg ra�p to serve the needs of Banclana SRizare in
Energy Yark for AHIJ Corporation.' A vT�OJ� 3--0. -
6. ResoZution amending the 1979 andI1980 Capital Tmprovesnent Budgets to provide
County aid funding for certain street resurFacing projects (as outlined in
the resolution.) LA�U 0 vP.Q
7. fiesolution permitting the West S�ctor Patrol Unit to ��ove from Ed�;ecumbe
School to. the Unidale Pfall. A�}�r��� 3-O.
8. Discussion of the proposal to allow city employees voluntary Ieave caithout
pay as a money saving incentive,. ',CThe Finance Committee uoted pn a motion
'`�� which approves Councilman Tedesco'',s resolution. They also requested that the
+:.: administration proceed with. surve}�.ng city employees to find our their response
to this incentive. Tho.se results 'of the survey will be returned to the Finance
Committee prior to this resolution; being on the City Council agenda. �Z�) F1�- ``
<�;'i . . ;• �';?ti �'ii . :.;,��:; _ - r ,\
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� J,
�� I �''18961
. �
THIS AGREEMENT entered into this day of
1982 between the CITY OF SAINT PAUL (City) , and BRIGGS AND
, -
MORGAN Professional Association (Bond Counsel) , �
WFiEREAS, under date oi November 5, 1975, the parties entered
Agreement (Agreement) respe�cting retainer of bond counsel and
fees for _services which fixed the fee for issuance of general
obligation bonds of $500 for any bond issue less than $1, 000, 000,
and 50 cents per $1, 000, 000' or more; and
WHEREAS, the parties d!esire to amend said general obligation
_ bond fee provision to one oif $1500 for any bond issue of $2, OOO,Q00
or less and 75 cents per $1, 000 for any bond issue of $2, 000, 000
or more.
amended by deleting Paragra�h 2 in its entirety and substituting
therefore the following: i •
_ "2 . Bond Counseliwill charge a fee for
approving the issuance of general obligation
. I
. bonds of the City of $1500 for any bond issue
of $2, 000, 000 or less and 75 cents per $1, 000
for any bond issu� over $2, 000, 000. "
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Amendatory
Agreement as of the date fi�rst above written.
, �W` � , �
� '� � ��� 2'78961 �
Approved as to Form: CITY OF SAINT PAUL
By .
Assistant City Attorney Mayor
Director, Department of Finance
and Management Services
� By .
, City Attorney
' Professional Association
WHITE - CITY CIERK � . � � . � . .
PINK - FINANCE G I TY O� SA I NT PA U L Council ��(���� �
City Attny/JTH • .
Coun�il Resolution
Presented By
Referred T� Committee: Date _
Oui of Committee By Date
RESOLVED by the Counci� of the City of Saint Paul that
the proposed Amendatory Agreement between Briggs and P�organ
Professional Association and the C�ty for bond counsel services
amending the parties Agreem�nt of November 5, 1975 to increase
fees for issuance of general obligation bonds to $1,500 for a
bond issue of $2, 000,000 oriless and of 75 cerits per thousand
of issue over $2,000, 000 is hereby approved on behalf of the
City •for execution by its proper officers.
� �
I •
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
�e°'"e In Favor
scneibel __ Again�t BY —
Form A ed by Ci Att rnay�,
Adopted by Council: Date � ///
' `�
Certified Yassed bS• Council Secretary BY
By, — '
�lpproved by .Vlavor: Date Appro ed by Mayor for Submi��ion to Council
By BY ^._—
. • .
� �� �
+se• 647 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
June 23, 1982
To: Joe Hannasch
Council Resea ch
From: Jim Har
Asst. C' y ttorney
Re : Amendatory Agreement for Increase in
Bond Counsel Fees
Per your request, enclosed are two additional communications
from Bernard F. Friel, Briggs and Morgan relating to this
matter. Please call P�r. Friel should you require elaboration
on these letters .
The fee of 50 cents per $1, 000 of general obligation bond
issue has been in effect since approval of the November 5,
1975, retainer contract. About one year ago Minneapolis
amended its bond counsel contract fee provision to allow
hourly billings for time spent on all but routine general
obligation bond issues in addition to a 50 cents per $1, 000
charge. Tax anticipation certificates and tax increment
supported G.O. ' s are exampl�s of non-routine issues .
It is my feeling that the present fee rate is inadequate
given cost escalation since 1975 and that a fixed rate
increase from 50 to 75 cents will be substantially less
costly than an increase measured by an hourly charge for
time in addition to a fixed chargee
Encs .
yy= .�
ffi.. ���
• • � 'LA��' OF'T�7CES ����V�
CHacte�N'. �e�ccs��uu�.�e�ei T3 R I G G S 11 � n �I� `l �� �T :� \
J.\¢�� ?toxro. . A�t� H.Aintti�
A.Lti@EI:CL DA�'fs , � nA�'ID G.GACYNIYO
Feu�e Hsvvo�o � Devtu B.Sw.�n
B.C.ti�sr 2200 FIRS1' NATIUXAI. FlA�H riIII1.D1�(� CIIAkLES R.II�7NOR
Jous M.SvLUVws Rocco J.Mwrre�.Ja.
Bcar E.Sw•�nsu� SAINT PAUL,M1\1t:SOTA 55101 Mwen� li.Fisa
!S.J.Guvi�.JY. Jow.Bv�.Tan�
D.v1D C.FoQSbceo � ROBLMT L.D�ns
Jo�eY J.Mct:eeix � Rtee�xu fI.M�xrir
GiB�LD H.S�'/��50� ' TRUDY H.SCN@OEH
?ScSttt V.SevHOC�,Je. 3�152 I D 5 Cli\TER MARY L.IPPLL
7sac�a I:.Dor�[ Dev�a J.A�.tcn
Roerx L.Ft�HSen
ourn��H�Moecsv MINNEt�PUL15,?SI\\E•SUTA uG=103 M�eoeestK.Sevsoe
. JE�7TNL M.Foevee�s
Joa� L.Dzvxcr ', Bxtax G.Hcvsie
R.L.Soeersoa ioxr R.S7LNDE60LE
Perar H.Skcn �i (612) 29t-1°15 Msnx SCq�TfNCII EviraeQ
S�ceL L.Ha.vsor I Srevex 7.Hu,vrasov
Ro.r�.n E.Oac�uea I Rwnesa D.Araeasox
Joaa R.Kevcrica y, S�ttt A.Scoaotx
JOYr R.F�,=n,t.... � Mal;r�rll 4,, 19 8 2 .�LM[S F.CHY35T0!!EL
D�na J.Srexcca , D�vta C.McDo�••�
D��caL J.Coce.Jn. Bacce W Moorr
Parte N S�ra:xs ���. Viaccxl�e.Dwrta
Docct�s L.Sxoa Tauax R.G�s:uzoso
E.Seorr D�v�es PfrzII C.A.e.e
�.�_,W.�nu,�e� R E C E I V E D ��L�S H.H�f85
Joax B.Vw ae Noaru.Ja. ,
Sitvi+2,ISaruu or tocnsxt
Rtcneac E.Axtz
Ittcaa�D C,.Maxc I S�xusL H.Moeour
A�raac+�C.Becsea ��I ��^ V �d�� Fadva N.Gxes,v�
Jcroxe e.ea,s �
Srevi A.BQUrn ��
Mr. Albert B. Olson aEp�Y To St. Paul
�ity �lerk I, CITY ATTORNEY
City of Saint Paul �,
City Hall � �
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Re: City of St. Paul - $7 ,320, 000 General
Obligation Capital Improvement Bonds,
Series '�,1982
City of�ISt. Paul - $500, 000 General
Obligatlion Urban Renewal Bonds, Series 1982
Dear Mr. Olson: !
I am enclosing h'�rewith our statements for services
in connection with the abpve referenced bond issues.
Again we are hap y to have been of service to the
city. If you should have any questions regarding this state-
ment _please don' t hesitat to get in touch with the undersigned.
I Very truly yours,
I /;
_ � �� ����1�'G�� =i� � �
I �
�I Bernard 'P . ri
BPF:jat I'
Enclosures II
cc: Mr. James T. Hart
P. S. I thought I should point out that the enclosed bills based
upon the time spent on these issuses demonstrates remarkably well
why our fee arrangement with the city for conventional general
obligation issues has to be adjusted. While our billings for
these _�wo issues total $4',, 150, the time spent on these issues
is nearly $8 , 000. When considered together with the Certificate
issue we are still uncomf;ortably below our actual costs .
.' .
� » ti
; .
c�s��.BB�«a5��aa�-�9�a� B I� I G G 'S A I�T D �1 O I3 G A I� rrdBY w.wHgTS.
J.Nait Moarox Atsr H.MecLiv
A.IdtiRPNCP DAV15 � � `V Dsvtn G.Gexaripo
Faura H�MN07:D R DAViD H.SeFD
LL01�6HD J.REYES Hsrrs L.Hv�e
Joar�M.SeLL7ve7: . Rocco J.Merrat,Ja. �
Bzaxsan P.FaieL �PR �r.�V(� Awnaas M.Born
Bcar E.Swexsor SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 68101 � '�L. Meanx H.Ftsa
M.J.Getvtx,Ja. Joax Bm.rere
D�vtn C.Foasnaeo Roesaz L.D�vis
�"' icaean H.ALa'rnr
Gaaet.n H.SwsxsoN '�2452 I D S CENTEA �ITY A MABY L.IPPEL
R�caean H.P�YLE MI2SNE POLIS,MINNESOTA 55402 Meaoeasx It.Seveoa
Joxerae�c H.Moao�a 4
Joar L.Dn�rzr Jsexxn M.Fosxsais
PE7E8 H.SPED � (B1`L� '281�1`ZIS I�j.sBq SC86PPNE8 EoINGYB
PAILIP L.H@IIHEB �' M�caeeL H.Sraxersa
SeMUEi L.H.NSOx � � . Srzvzx T.Hv,vaasox
Roxa�.n E.Aacaean �] (�Q Rtcaean D.Arnsasor
Joax R.Fatcniw:
Psrsa W Sirs:xs V�so:xia A.Dwrsa
D000�.ss L.Seoa
R.Swn Devtes ELIZAHE78 J.AND8Ew5
J�nLS W.j,(77uPIELD P87E8 C.Hs*Te
Joex B.VL1iDE NOHTH,JH. C8A8LE5 B.RooEas
R�ca�an G.M�aa . R7caesa E.Rrix
Axnetw C.BacaEa � SeHOSL A.MOaoex
Jseora A.Gars Faer.s N.GaeeeM
Srava A.Ba�xa
Mr. James T. Hart $EPL, To St. Paul
Assistant City Attorney
City of Saint Paul
647 City •Hall �
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Dear Jim:
Some time ago you� asked me to provide you with some
supporting information regarding our proposed increase in fees
for the handling of conventional general obligation bonds for
the city. In that discuss,ion I gave you some general infor-
mation regarding our billing, but I did not have at my finger
tips the precise informatibn.
Unfortunately wheri we render a bill we simultaneously
erase the computer memory pn the particular files . I have �
just learned that, nevertheless, with some effort we can
reconstruct that informatibn, but it is time consuming to do
so. In any event we have �3one so to the best of our ability
and I set forth below for your information the actual cost
of doing the work in one c�lumn and in the other column the
actual bill rendered based upon the existing fee schedule.
Cc�st of Services Amount Bi11ed
$7 , 320, 000 Capital_ i
Improvement Bonds $ 3, 580 $ 3, 650
$500, 000 Urban Renewal Bonc�s 4, 448 500
$25 , 800 , 000 Tax Anticipatiqn
Certificates of Indebtedness 8, 940 12, 900
TOTAL I $16 , 968 $17, 050
.� , � t �:
, �
Mr. James T. Hart '
April 22, 1982
Page Two '
As you can see considering all the issues together
the profit is so small as !to be almost non-existant and
certainly does not take into account the code of professional
responsibility factors in establishment of a fee. Furthermore,
as you know there are countless matters that we do not bill
the city for which we hope! will be covered by our bond work
fees for the city, e.g. time spent on Charter matters, etc.
Obviously, the current sch�dule does not provide any margin
for these matters and certainly is too low to even make a pass
at taking into account the' code of professional responsibility
standards .
Should you have any further questions regarding our
proposal please don' t hesitate to get in touch with me.
' Ver truly yours,
� �
!-'����'� �
! Bernard P.
BPF: jat
� � ... � 2'�8�61
THIS AGREEMENT entered into this day of
1982 between the CITY OF S�INT PAUL (City) , and BRIGGS AND
MORGAN Professional Association (Bond Counsel) E
, �
WHEREAS, under date of November 5, 1975, the parties entered
Agreement {Agreement) resp�cting retainer of bond counsel and
fees for servic2s which fixed the fee for issuance of general
obligation bonds of $S00 for any bond issue Iess than $1, 000, 000,
and 50 cerits per $1, 000, 000 or more; and
WHEREAS, the parties desire to amend said general obligation
bond fee provision to one of $1500 for any bond issue of $2 , 00O,OOQ
or less and 75 cents per $1, 000 for any bond issue of $2, 000, 000
or more . .
amended by deleting Paragraph 2 in its entirety and substituting
therefore the following: .
. "2 . Bond Counsel will charge a fee for
approving the issuance of general obligation
. bonds of the City 'of $150D for any bond issue
of $2 , 000, 000 or less and 75 cents per $1, 000
for any bond issue over $2 , 000 , 000 . "
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the' parties have executed this Amendatory
Agreement as of the date fir'st above written .
- � 2"18�61
Approved as to Form: CITY OF SAINT PAUL
Assistant City Attorney Mayor
By �
Director, Department of Finance
and Management Services
By -
City Attorney
, Professional Association
' By -
' �
- �
� '
: � � , . . ' ,���1
- ��
- �,;�`T'°=m, •� � CITY OF SAINT PAU(�
�� ��������►�« ,:
�- '•'• 9 647 City tlall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102
GEORGE !A7Lt�ER _ 612-298-512t
h1A1'OR ♦
June 23, 1982
� �
To: Joe Hannasch
Council Research �
From: Jim Har 'v
Asst. C��� ttor
� y ney
Re : Amendatory Agreement for Increase in
Bond Counsel Fees '°
Per your request, enclosed are two additianal communications
from Bernard P. Friel, Briggs and Morgan relating to this
matter. Please call P�ir. Friel should you require elaboration
on these 1e4ters.
The fee of 50 cents per $1,000 of general obligation bond �-
issue has been in effect since approval of the November 5, �
1975, retainer contract. About one year ago rtinneapolis
amended its bond counsel contract fee provision to allow
hourly billings for time spent on all �ut routine general
obligation bond issues in addition to a 50 cents per $1, 000
cha.rge. Tax anticipation certificates and tax increment
supported G.O. ' s are examples of non-routine issues.
It is my feeling that the present _fee rate is inadequate
° ` given cost escalation since 1975 and that a fixed rate
increase from 50 to 75 cents will be substantially less
costly than an increase measured by an hourly charge for
time in additior� to a fixed charge_
Encs .
� .
a . � � " . i- ' .
- , -. . . 2'78961
��u��-. sa,a,��tie--,q,., B A I G G S A rT D AI°O R G �� �' x.�,�a.w=,n.
J.`�ttL Morriov . � PROFESSI0IAL ASSOCIATIpN �'�g'y���x
`�L`°`""p �ECEtVED Jcmcr F.Saa�
R.Lcarrce D.c�� Dwvta G.Gacc�tHa
FIInNi Hw�o�o , D��za�.S�.rn
iaor�ra J.f�cTe` Brrrr L_8cu
B.C.Rwsr 2200 YIRST NATIONAL BA.\H BL"ILDI\G ��ti.as A.H�ot
Josv�l.Scusv�a RaccoJ.Nanz�,Jx.
Bea+�aa P.FauL ' Asarrs M.Bo�n
Bcrr E.Sr�xso:e . , SdIN? PAUL,MIh:CE502A 55I01 ��� � � �U� Munx$.F�sa
![.J.G�cYrx.J w- JoM r Eetnxw
D.�zo C.Foresaro � � Rosarr I,.D�ns
Josw J.�tc\zztr �(��cwarn E.?L�f�¢
Gz��H.Svavwx }T�Ii�L 1' CDF R.SCA)4LR
�IC:`EiL�.SLYMGCR,JY. 2452 I D S CEN?ER � � 4aaY L.}rrYt
Tzasru�.Doru ���Y Aav�a J.�:�.ax
Rrceaaa 8.i:rcc MIA"NEAPOLIS.MI:C;�ESOTA u5402 M�it�a�s�gfi Si eoe
Jox..ru.x H.>loocu. J�xa M.Fo�ca�s
.Tonx L.Dsexrs � � � � � �
R.L.Soa�xso� 8=��x G.Hslast.t �
Pena H.Sc� (912) 2B1^1215 Tox:R.Srzxaerot:
Pe:cts L.Hrc.e: Ji.a�Setvrxts Eossaat
S..ticar.L.H�w�r M�cs�sa 8.Sras�rc:
Rox..xa E.Dxe.an ' S�rccPa�T.8asvaiws
3oax R.fiavenc: Apri 1 2�. 19 H 2 R�es�a D.Axasrsos
JosM R.Fa�eav.�: I Su.cs!1.Sc000�r
D.v�u J.Ssenca■ . J�xcs F.Ca�isrorrct
Da.vc�t J.Coae,Jx. � � - A � � � D�t1n C.McDoxat.n
pzre=N Svttrs Bacu W Moon
Doaoa..s L.Saoa Y�porxL A.D+�rsr
H�ca.ai H,Je�or:„cs iacpt R.G�rz�aoxo
R.Scarr L�nes Ealsar�a J.Axnreas
Jwwas M.Lrrrccneca Parza C.Hwtu
Jonx H.1�tv DC�oBTH,Ji. C71�ALtf B.ROOt1g
or coc�ssi
R�ea,sa G.!La� • Ricwea E.Rnz
A�nxsv C.Bacau � � � S�xccL A.Moaoax
Jeaowz 6.Gs�� � �
SrrvaA.Haw.va ' Fxa.�YV.Gx.�A.�.K
Mr. James Z'. Hdrt gEPLY TO S�. Pau7.
Assistant City Attorney
City of Saint Paul `
647 City -Hall
St. Paul, Minnesota � 55102
Dear Jim:
� Some time ago you asked me to provide you with some
supporting information regarding our proposed increase in fees
for the handling of conventional general obligation boiids for y-
the city. In. that discussion I gave you some general infor-
mation regarding our billing, but I did not have at my finger
tips the precise information.
Unfortunately when we render a bill we simultaneously
erase the computer memory on the particular files. I have -
just learned that, nevertheless, with some effort we can
reconstruct that informatipn, but it is time consuming to do
_ so. � In any event we have done so to the best of our ability
.- and I set forth below for your informatian the actual cost
of doing the work in one column and in the other column the
actual bill rendered based upon the existing fee schedule.
Cbst of Services Amotznt Bi11ed
$7, 320, 000 Capital_
Improvement Bonds $ 3,580 $ 3,650
$500,000 Urban Renewal Bonds 4, 448 500
$25 , 800,000 Tax Anticipation
Certificates of Indebtedness 8, 940 12, 900
TOTAL $16, 968
..... _.._ .,._.�...�....�..., . _. �.��,�.__ _
� : —..�_..- _..��.-w..t.�.:�..::.:::...,Yw_.i-e.:::-'r_%.-:�:".w:s."�,:
� ` � i . • �`
� r . . . �
� . � 1 • + � . • . �����
Mr. James T. Hart
April 22, 1982 �
Page Two
. �
As you can see considering all the issues together�
the profit is so small as to be almost non-existant and
certainly does not take into account the code of professional
responsibility factors in establishment of a fee. Furthermore,
as you know there are countl�ess matters that we do not bill
the city for which we hope will be+covered by our bond work
fees for the city, e.g. tim� spent on Charter matters, etc. �
Obviously, the current schec�ule does not provide any margin
for these matters and certainly is too low to even make a pass
at taking into account the c�ode of professional responsibility
standards . �
Should you have any� further questions regarding our
proposal please don't hesit�,te to get in touch with me.
Ve truly yours, �
. 11����1 �
. Bernard P, �
� � ,
, +
. , _ �
; .
_ _ � . �
- �
, i
� . �
, . 2'78961
. :�,T, o.� .. � � CITY OF SJ�CNT Pl�UL
�� �� ;�� ._ . ►
�: uei'i iiii: ;� .
,... � 647 City Hall,Saint Paut,Minnesota 55102
. '
March 24 , 1982 ,
To : EPS ' � �
From: JT
Re: . Bond Counsel Fees, i, Request for
Increase on G.O. Bond Issues
Earlier this year Bernie Fr�el gave notice of intent to request
a fee increase for general obligation bond issues subsequent to
three issues sold in February 1982 . On February 25th by letter .
Bernie formally requested ai� increase from $0 .50 to $0 .75 per
thousand of issue , noting cbst increases resulting from increased
legislative regulation and �n extended period of time without an
increase . (The rate of 50¢ I, per thousand has been in effect since
the 1960 ' s when Wood, King & Dawson, New York served as the City' s �
bond counsel} .
3y note of March 4th he ind�cated that the billings on two February
� � issues were in amount of $4� 150 (at the $0.50 rate) with actual
time spent at nearly $8 , 000', The February issues were $25, 300, 000
Tax Ar.ticipation Certificat�s ($12 , 600) , $7, 320, 000 Capital Improve-
ment Bonds ($3, 650) and $SOO, OOO Urban Renewal Bonds ' ($50Q contract
minimum) and total fees bil�.ed were $I6 , 750 . At the new rate the
fees would have been increased by $8, 090 to $24 , 840 . City G .O.
issues have averaged approx�.mately $10 , 000, 000 over the past
. several years . The request�d increase would have increased average
fees from $5000 to $7500 . $ond counsel fees are a part of the cost
. � � of issue payable from bond sale proceeds . �
' I recommend .approval of request under provision of Paragraph �--
of- the Retainer Agreement. ,
� �
:� • .
� � � ' I.A��' pI�I�ICt•:S
�3I� ICsGS A ?� r) �1..Q }2G :1 \
MALLC!M: LM���a��uc�.IMFI
w�x K,1�'��TM♦
�.�s�� �{UNTO� A��� H.k�cur
:�Lt Oer►cs ' PROY2:SSI0�\L A550CIATIO\ Jcn�cr F.Snav
�.L,.cQenee D.��'1� . AA�Y6 r.GACC!rlrG
'w,►�c B�Y!IU�D � . _ �ARIO D.Swyp
�.C.kL�RT 2200 FIFtST rATIUXAI. IfA�K Hi:IJ.DI�(: f���HLCaR.II�TM0�1
�oN�*l.SC��trw.� �.
Rotto J.N��rc�,Jx.
rnu�ca P.FM�nc Axnwr�?4.Iwvn
scrr E.SY�ru,. SA7KT'PAL'L,?ii�\}.SOT.\ GO101 M��nr ILt'�se
3or�o R�crr.*•
�.J.G..iviv.JL. . RoesRt L.L�v�s
).vtD C.Forsrcea -� , .-+ R:cn.wo ii.btawr�x
fors J.Hcrec�r Twvar N.ScK�wce
':�ai,D$.5��..bo. � �
tc�stt V.ScYwocr.Jr. f�4:u2 I D S CL•'\TER � 3laxt L.t►rtt :
;cacv���,Doru , D��•�o J.Au.cz
Rosre t.tturscw
f�..�r�z�B��lo�cix M1N2`EAIPUI.IS.?fI��ESUTA u:.-10'2 M�w�rstk.S��woc
Je�.xx[ M.Fo�Y�xis
toeus L.Deh.ir Hxu�e G.Bzps4s
�.L.So�sa aox
'ttx�H.Sar.a (Ot2) 20t-131S Toxr R.STCx�c�ocx
''btu�L.B�c.aa � � �M�f�t Sck�rrvc:Evtxaes
iaYCCt LYe.��c� Mu+e�c1,A.Srre�rzs
4o.v�E.Oxwan Srsvze T.BaivL�wy
�03M R.I�cranca . . . , . Ricrars D.Axu�iswr
)ox�R.F�uaa,a�+ Sata.r A.Scocotx
)�na J.5►s�csr MarCh , 4�- 19 8 2 Jaxca F.6as�ssarszt
)Jacu J.Co�t.Jn. A�rta C.McS?a��:.a
?nz�N 5�►at,.a � B�CCS W Xooas
)ocaus L.Stioa Viactzu b.D.nt�
hLcaa:t H.Jcoo.i�ua , Ticar R.Gasruso+a
3.�D..,t, R ECE IVEC� Eu=..«.�.�.Ya,z.�
t.a�ee tr.lirres.r�ec.o . Pz�ai C.Aatu
Joas B.v,w ns Norra.Ja. Cwctss$.Roar.sc
>izve.r 2.Kasi.►�r or cocKSSL
'tce�G.!iara Rte�a E.Rnz
!tvuasr C.Hccraa ' 1-� S�xt;YL H.Moaoax
)Yw.L A.Gslf . � . ' . . �J�I l V ((�r1�1 � . . � . F=axi 2i.Gx�bwx
>rr.a A.Buwa � � � t1 �{Jt/ . _
• Mr. Albert B. OZSO21 BEPLY TO �,cj, 't. Paul
city c�erk CITY A�TORNEY
City of Saint Paul
City Ha11 � -
Saint Paul, Asinnesota 55102
� Re: City of St. Paul - $?, 320, 000 General
Obligation Capital Improvement Boiids,
� Series 1982
City of' St. Paul - $500, 000 General �`
Obligati.on Urban Rene�val Bonds, Series I982
� Dear Mr. Olson:
I am encl.osing herewith our statements for services
in connection with the above referenced bond issues.
Again we are happy to have been of service to the
city. If you should have any questions regarding this state-
ment .please don' t hesitate to get in touch with the undersigned.
- . � Very truly yours, -
_ � �G��Zl�;� .;� � .
� L
. Bernard P . r e�
BPF:jat .
cc: rir. James T. Hart �
P. S. I thought I should point out that the enclosed bills based
upon the time spent on these issuses demonstrates remarkabl�r well
:-rhy our fee arrangement with the city for conventional general
abligation issues has to be adjusted. ivhile our billings ror
'�hese :.�wo issues total $4,150, the time spent on these issues
is nearly $8, 000. When considered together with the Certificate
issue we are still uncomfprtablv below our actual costs_
, .� . .
. . , 2"78961
�units M'. He�oc�ueev-wrx� B � I G G S ���A � D ��,� ll G �. �T Axnacr C.StcaEa
,Nzt�Mofroa PEOPE5570�sL ASSOC7AT10X `i•T.F�sw�sec
au Oeeur Jeraxt A.Gen
.Lcaeres D��'IS STL�t 6.Bta7�D
ILLI:l E�MMO/:D ' � . � �IAR{ k�,YHLSTRA
:o�:�sn J.I�irss • Au.� H.Ywct:�
�ax M.Scuriar. D�vm G.Gfresatxn
cn+�a�P.FncL � Dw��n H.Saxa
cas E.S��zwr 51�S2CT PAL�TL,MIT"A'ESOTA 85101 Brrrr t�8cr.
,�,G�,��x,��_ CearLas R.Harxoa
.vxn C.Foassero ,,.,, Fxco J.!tar�s�.Ja.
�sH J.Hcvtsu .wo,�ri.SoKv
er.ts H.S��zso► ?i+�er�r 1!.F�ss
c�c�L�.SrtMOCa.Jr. 2.iS$ I D 5 CEKTER Joaa Etzrs�:•
cacxcs�.Dorcx Roszn L.D�hs
�caa�H.krLZ R�caw�a H.?L.xrix
oaara.a H.Moxo�x MII.'I�EAPO�.IS,MI2CI�ESOTA 55402 Tscvr H.Scsracs
D61� L.DlolLT �n L.If►LL �
.L.Sogzraox Dsnn J.Aucr
crna E.Sera (�12) 291r721S Aosrx L.S,�vsra:
e7Lts L.H:cxu M�.awa=r A.Sav�ot
►�ccL L.H►KSOU B��wx G.BcL�sss
ox�tc E.�rcaa�b Tor's R.SrsxsLaoca
onn R.lCi�crics . y.axY Scuarnta E�ts:cee
oeK R.Fv�n�,.�: Februar 2 5� 19 8 2 H���LL E.STBLTLR
�a�7D J.SYL7:CL1 Y . 7 � � $TL�LR T.S�L�•LYSON
.►rau J.Cocz.Ja. k7ca�pa D.N:�yssov
2TLY M�SI7iiXf . � � S�1.LY A.$C0601T �.
000us L.S:or Janss F.Ceaisrosni
'�eaezi H.JeioxTxvs D.vta C.McDoaaia
.Scorr D.oses Baoee M.?SOOn
�rEx U.1JTZ1iniLD '. . �'IiO17:L ta.�'TLR
oHr 8..�DL�o=T..,•. R E C E f V E D
:r�zK z.x.s,..,i u,covxss1
acx�a G.l�Laa . R�caaaa E.Hr�.s
Fr�xi K.Gs�xax
�. James T. Hart MAR 1 �•�i%� gEPLT TO
._ St. Paul
Assistant City Attorney
�ity of saint pau� CITY ATTORNEY
Office of the City Attorne�
647 City Hall ,
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Dear Jim:
As you will recall I recently raised with you the `-
matter of an increase in our fees in connection with general
obligation issues handled �or the city of St. Paul, and it is
for that reason that I write to you at this time.
My file indicates that the current agreement between
the city and this firm relative to our fees for general obligation
bonds was entered on November 5, 1975 . That agreement provided
� that fees for approving an issue of conventional general ob-
ligation bonds of the city would be at the rate of 50� per
$1 , 000 of any bond issue of $1 , 000 , 000 or more and for an issue
• . of less than $1, 000, 000 would be at the flat fee of $500.
While that is the current agreement, I am sure that
yo�sr records will reflect that our fee arrangement with the
city since we be.gan representing the city as bond counsel in
. the early 1970 ' s has been at the 50� per $1, 000 rate with some
� floor with respect to smaller issues .
Bond work for the city is obviously more complex, even
the conventional general obligation issues today, than it was
in the early 1970 ' s . That complexity has resulted from the
anvent of federal regulations, principally the arbitrage
f � ' I
... � .
BRIGGS Axn MORGAN , �j�g�Js1
Mr. James T. Hart �
February 25, 1982
Page Two
regulations and constantly changing provisions of state �1aw
make even the simplest of g�neral obligation issues very often
subject to statutory fortnuZas that did not exist 10 years a.go.
Obviously it is �also true that during that space o�
time inflation has �taken 3ts to11 on the cost of performing
these services for the city: Whilae it was once thought that
the ever increasing size of �bond issues would take care of
the inflation factor (:somehmw it never did) it is obvious
that the size of bond issue� is no longer on the increase. In
any event the present �ee �arrangements, wi�ich have been in
place for almost 10 years, �o longer adequately cover the
increase in costs we have had during the same period of time.
In view of the foregoing, � we are asking that the
rate on future conventional general obligation issues� be 75�
per $1, 000 with a minimum o�' $1,500 for any bond issue of
$2 , 000 , 000 or less. We propose that this revised rate structure
go into effect with respect, to all issues closed after the
closing of the current capital improvement and urban renewal
issues .
• From time to time unconventional general obligation �`
bonds such as the general obligation tax increment bonds and
. general obligation refunding bonds heretofore issued and the
proposed civic center bonds require a separate fee arrangement
because they are so unique 'and require such an extraordinary
amount of time and research (including at times legislative
drafting) . As has been our custom in the past we will keep
you advised of such issues so that separate fee arrang�ments
can be made in a timely fashion. .
I might say that we have not singled out the city
- of St. Paul, among other municipal . clients for an increase.
. � �� .i•�e have, in the past several montY�s, undertaken to revise �
our fee schedule consisten� with that set forth above with
� ot?�er municipal •and state �lients for whom we do significant
amounts of bond work. ;
. Please don' t hesitate to get in touch with me
should you have any questions regarding the foregoing proposal.
Very truly yours,
, �
��//�/�1r/��� �
�'✓,'vL�,i��.'/ � �3'�`-�
Bernard P . Friel
BPF:j at
o � �`
� �n�i�ni - • -
'� tl{I I!I III c S
�••�� 647 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 5510�
September ll, 1981 iQ
O�'`��`i `r�q �CF��i . .
q'1' F'° �F .�' FO
Councilman Leonard Levine O�9�T��F��r g�,g
718 City Hall ,� �"9G'F��'���0����� �
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 FNT '`�i,�;cT
Councilman George McMahon SF'QL���
716 City Hall Fs.
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Enclosed per your request is this office's January 15, 1981
bond counsel report to the Finance Committee. Bond counsel
must be competent in both mu�nicipal. bond and tax law �
specialties and enjoy sufficient reputation as to competence
and judgment for the bond buyer to risk his money on the basis
of his opinion that the bond is legally authorized, properly
issued an� that the interest income on the bond will _be exempt
"�"- from state and federal taxation. �
It is only in the last fifteen years that the bond market has
recognized such competence might exist outside a very few
Wall Street law firms . Your estimate of the time it might
take a firm to build this kind of customer confidence would
be as good as mine. There is no market acceptance of a
municipal attorneys opinion, which in fact is given the legal-
ity and propriety of issue of a bond and assuming requisite
competence could be given on the tax aspect, as the municipal-
ities interest in concludina� a successful bond sale carries
to i attorney in the purchasers view.
Y s very ,
City Attorney '
Encs .
- - _ *
cc: City Council Members (� .:� t
Mayor Latimer �
/James Bellus � Y �
�/Bernard Carlson
, ,
� � . '.:o,T;o':. �. , �: � CITY OF SAlNT PAUL
� ='�r` ,,., �:'-. OFFICE OF THE CITY A►Ti`ORNEY
'o 'J� : ._ _
'�: ;�;;';;;'�; :` • EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORhEY
.:� I_1 _
�.' - 647 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 5510�
.. ••'; ,.- 612-298-5125
January 15, 1981 -
Councilman George McP�iahon
Chairman '
Finance, Manager.lent and Personnel Committee
716 City Hall
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
RE: P.eport on Selection of Bond Cour�sel and
• Bond Counsel Fees _
Dear Councilman Mcbiahon: .
This report is submitted per City Council and HRA Board request
for information on bond counsel retainers and fees since 1975,
the date of the Bond Counsel Retainer Agreement between the
City and Briggs and !�iorgari Professional Association. Under
this Agreement the City has retained Briggs and Morgan on a
continuing basis as its bond counsel with fees fixed at a rate
of $�J.50 per thousand of bond issue unless a particular issue
would in bond counsels judgment command� a higher fee in whicn
case the City Attorney could approve a higher fee as in his _
determination was justified.
1975-1980 City Experience _
Under this Agreement annu�al issues and fees have been:
Year Bondjs Issued Bond Counsel Fees
1975 $12 , 00O ,O�JO $ 6 ,000
_ : 1976 30 ,790 , 000 60, 350*
1977 7, 180,000 7 ,100
1978 9 ,j450, 000 6, 850
1979 119, 325, 000 137 ,050**
1980 10,710, 000 5,300
* Included a $14 , 590, OOOIrefundinq of outstanding G.O. Bonds. The
bond counsel fee of $51, 000 cvas paid by the Underwriter from the
arbitrage . '
** Included $97, 940, 000 for the BM,IR and B!�SHR revenue bond issues
with $110, 000 in fees . BhIIR fees were paid from under4�riters
discount; Br4HR from bond proceeds.
. . R��•`~J��tii� ' .
.. . "� ��� �-. . � �'. 2'�895�
Page 2 .
22 bond issues of $189,455,000 have been involved. Bond eounse�
fees for these- issues have' totaled $217 , 350* at an average rat�
of $1.15 per thousand of issue. These are identified as follows :
Nur�ber of Issues �pe Ar.iount Fees Fees per $1.•`.
1 3 Conventional G.O.'s $58,430,000 $29,150 $0.499
2 gefunding r.0.`s 19,890,000 61,000 3.07
2 ���� Re�� � g7,94�,000 1I.0,000 1.1?_
(B:�uR, nr�t)
2 Water Reveriue 4,130,000 7,700 I.86
3 �ax Incre�ent 9,065,000 9,500 1.05
2 2 $189,455.000 $217,350* $1.15
The City' s Fiscal Consultant evaluates the $1.15 per thousand average �
rate as very reasonable p�rticul'arly in view of two refunding issuzs.
If the two refunding issues are not included the average fee per
thousand on the remaining' 20 issues was $0 .92.
The City of biinneapolis has exclusive retainer arrangements with one
bond counsel firm. Fee arrange:�ents are $0.50 per thousand for
conventional (net debt) G.O. bonds, and $0.50 per thousand base fee
plus time and charges for actual work and expenses on ta;c increinent
and other non-conventional issues which are runnina up to $2 .00 per _
thousand per such issue. , Saint Paul' s retainer fee arrangement
is the more favorable in , both its terms and its fee charge eYper-
ience . _ ,
1977-1980 HRA Experience,
Between 1977-1980 the HRiA Board has approved the retainer of Briggs
and Moraan on 15 revenuei bond issues or tax exempt mortgage place-
ments for housing and coimmercial development projects. The private
placement, distinct from public sale involves bond counsel in the
negotiation and drafting of a complex set of multi-party agreements
in addition to services �provided in conventional bond issues. This
activity is time consuming which is reflected in the bond counsel
fees allowed for payment+ by the project developer.
* Does not include a sp�cial retainer in amount of $15 ,000 for
actual time on an IRS, ruling request for a orospective District
Heating bond issue to�, be reimbursed or post closing services of
approximately $10,000 on the BMIR and BbIHR separately requested
by pED payable from 5ervice fees collected by the City.
� , ~ ��. � 278961
. , .
Page 3
Annual HRA issues and fees paid by the developer to Briggs and
Morgan as bond counsel caere:
Year Bond's Issued Bond Counsel Fees
1977 $ 3,200,000 $12 ,500
1978 750,000 8,500
1979 14,'950,OOQ 62,107
1980 20,551,000 82,550
By type these issues breakdown as follows:
Pdumber of Issues Type Amount Fees Fees n�s $1,0�
11 Gommerica,al Dev. $22,150,000 $110,850 $5.�0 _
4 N�using 13ev. •� 17,301,000 54,800 � 3.I.7
15 � $39,451,000 $1�r4-,-800* $4-i8
1(.si�Sb �(�2.4
In four other HRA issues other bond counsel** have been retained
by the Board of the following types:
Number of Issues TvDe Amount Fees I'ees �e._.r $I,OC
2 Corr�ercial Dev. $ 3,350,000 $16,600 $4.96
2 Housing Dev. 24,000,000 32,800 1.37
4 $27,350,000 49,400 1.81
Rates for commercial development issues at $5 . 0� and $4 .96 per
thousand are cor�parable. The circumstances involved in the latter
noted housing issues mak� them more comparable with City issues by
public sale. One of these housing issues in amount of $14 , 000 ,000
was sold at public sale bn a Aa rating. The other was privately
placed in tandem with an issue by the City of Minneapolis for a
development of comparabl� size. The ability of the developer to
neqotiate a most favorable bonc� fee with a Zisted Minneapolis bond
counsel for both issues,lwa5 the basis for recom.mendation and
selection of the firm on the HR�1 issue.
* Does not include $17,925 in fees paid nriggs and :iorgan by
developers for service�s rendered on proposed issues which
for various reasons did not close.
** Faegre, Benson; Holmes & Graven; Stoplestad, Erown & Smith;
and Dorsey, Windhorst,� Hannaford, Whitney & Halliday,
�., � - �'78961
� + :-
. . .,. . C:.
Page 4 .
- There is no convenient published record of bond counsel fees.
Information in The Bond Buyer lumps such fees with other costs
of issue in abstracting information on bond public offerings
and sales. In private placements there is seldom any infor-
mation published. In private placements time and hour charges
by bond counsel are prevalent, and an element of negotiation
on fees between the borrower-developer and bond counsel exists.
In City issues and large ,HRA housing issues more than one bond
counsel firm will be involved r,�presenting the underwriter
as well as the issu�r of ' the bonds. From my experience on
such issues there is lit�le variation by firms on fee charges.
Criteria For Bond Counsel Selection.
Inquiry has also been made as to the criteria by which this �
office makes recommendations for bond counsel selection and
as to the nu:nber of requ�sts received from law firms f�or
consideration as bond counsel. The criteria on which this
ofrice makes recommendations .are (1) that the firm has suf�icient
competent personnel to a�t as bond counsel, (2) that the firm has
acted as bond counsel and rendered a recent opinion on a municipal
bond issue which resulted in a sale, and (3) that the firm is
acceptzd as co�petent to act as bond counsel by the prospective
purchasers of the issue. .
Listing in the Directory' of P�unicipal Bond Attorneys published -
by the Bond Buyer is evi�lence that these criteria exist par-
ticularly in the case of a bond issue by public sale . For
privately placed bo�nd or' tax exempt mortgage issues, indepencent
evaluation of an unliste� firm is made by this office.
In the past two years in which the writer has been assigne�
responsibility for City 'bond issues , three inquiries have been
made by laca firms lookin,g to get into bond courisel activity.
Only one of these firms submitted a bond sale transcript and
resumes of attorneys to be assigned. This firm was retained
by H� for a commercial development revenue issue and has
subsequently become listed in the Directory of P4unicipal
Bond Attorneys.
While open to encouragement of new firms in the area of bond
counsel practice, this office, the Administration and Citl
Council must also be concerned with the competentcy, ability
to timely perform, sensitivity to public eoncerns in the use
of the City or HRA' s tax exempt status, and the perceotion of
the firm in the bond ma�ket place . In circumstance5 wh•_:-z fees
are comparable and comp�titive, as is the �resent case, these
concerns, in the writer's judgment, take precedence.
,; �. i� �- �- �. . 2`78961
. . _
Page 5 , .
The retainer of Briggs & Morgan for City issues has proven
consistent with these concerns. The exclusive character of
the agreement has had several results of advantage to the
City. Fee costs have bee}'� competitive. The firm has con-
sistently recognized in the relationship that the City or HRA
and not another party to the issue is its client .* The
continuation of the Agreement and the level af HRP, and Port
Authority retainers has assisted thert in staffing and main-
taining a bond department of ten�attorneys** the efficacy of
which has been demonstrated in the quality, quantity and
timeliness of their perfo,rmance. This firm has been generous
in providing innovative advice and assistance to the Adminis-
tration, PED and this office � in areas of ne�� programs, legis-
lation and willingness to proceed at risk on new projects . .
It has been the most sensitive to matters of public concern
of the several firms we have dealt with as bond counsel:
Yours_ very trul,y, '
James T. Hart
Assistant City Attorney " '
cc: r2ayor Latimer
�ity Council members
- Edward P. Starr
James Bellus
s3E�aeo c.�4aFs�►�
* .iost bond firms act variously in separate bond issues as
attorney for the developzr, the under�oriter, the lender,
or as bond counsel which can result in confusion of loyalty
as to past, present or', future client representation.
** Onlv one Twin City firtn has a larger bond department, hoc•�ever,
unlike Briggs & Morgan, it is engaged in a mul.ti-st�te bond
practice .
Wt11TE —CITY nRK * � ., � . '
PI N K — F:N �E G I Y O F S A I N T PA IT L Counci! �� �
C(1NARY -�Q� ApT41ENT . .
� BLUE —';: OR . File . �'1�.
.. - = , -- � cil .�Zeso�lu�io� _ �
_ 2r8�61
Presented By � `
Referred o Committee: Date
. Out of Committee By Date
RESt#LYSD, that the la� �irm-oi Brig� & l+iorgan, W-22E3Q _. "
Fir�t 3�I$tiona2 Baa3c B��3ding, Sain� Par�I, .Mixiinesota� . i�� herebg_ : . -_ -
- _ appo�tnted an+� des��ted a� ,bons� cts�a9el �o� t�e� City o�' Saint _ _ -
Panl with resgect tc� any serfesr o� bands sQ2� bg ther- C�ty� o� - . . �'` - --
� ' Sa3nt Pa�� iraqs aad a�ter tbe e��eet�ve date o3 t2��s reso�ut:�onE,.� -- _ -
.c�ntil s�a1� tins� as th� Counot� shall otherw�se �T@9{TY�b@� and - _ -.
,__ ..be it
��`; FiTBTBEB RESf3L4ED, that �the� aut3�or�zed ofiieers o� the� Citp �
��flY= Ssint Paul sre herelyy diseeted and anthor3zeci ta exeoute� an
� y a�ree�ea�t bet�e�een the C�tg o� Saint� Pat�i aac� Br.lggs 8� Morgau
-: la�r '#�x�r, a oopy oi snah agreeaent being attaohed heret� and
snoh saree�ent oon�aining t�s terua o� t�e agrae�ent, �uxaludi�
�*�e conpsnsatioa to �re paid to Brigg9 & l+�o�ga� lax Yir�.
� _
- � �'�r' -�l�'a,�
�,�-c�-�-ZC� .�� �
Yeas Nays � . Requested by Department of:
Christensen �
� Hmzt In Favor
Roedler O .
Sylvester Against BY
�''+�. TA.3��.
President�$ SozZ$
��,"�' � � ���,,.. Form Appcoved by City Attorney ,_._
Adopted by Council: Date � ,� � : ,
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY �'� -� r '� ' �� t���'''�r� ' '�� �
Bs, �" � ± �
Approved by tilayor• Date �'� �2 '�S� App�oved by Mayor for Submission to Council
E3y BY
. , Date November 5� I975
� 1U: Mr. Pierra N. Regnier . F. . ���
City Atto��,y •
647 City HaLL Attention Betty Lassen
bear Si�r: ---
I ai�� tranymittin�;, Itcrewltl�, ; 3 cupics uC an a�reenent (describccl
belo:�) wliich I have countersignecl.
Tlie agreer,.ent is authorized by: —�� � ' � �'
Since my office is charged with tpeing an office of record in thesz matters - '
I will appreciate your cooperation in re[urning�the co;,ipleted original agreement -
- to the Dept. oL Finance & Pianagec�ent S�rvices - Accounting Division, I09 Citg HaLi: _ ;
Agresment with Briggs and Morgan to
perform professional leqal services in i .
matters relating to the issuance and sale Rooer A, rlattson, Directoz
of bonds by the Gity of Saint Paul. Finance �. Manage�ent Services
.�' By
, , Yi
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Navember 5, 1975 PIERRE N. REGNtE�
Roger A. Mattson, D'rector
Finance & Managemen Services .
' 113 City Hall '
Saint Paul, Minnesota
Dear Sir : '�
We enclose herewith for filing fully executed agreement
between the City and Briggs and Nlorgan to perform pro—
fessional legal serviees in matters relating ta the
issuance and sale of bonds by the City of Saint Paul,
said agreement dated November 5, s975, and authorized
by Resolution of the Council� C. F. 266224, dated
Octoher 22, 1975. I have transmitted a copy of the -
agreement to bond cbunsel.
Ve truly yo , '
City Attorney ',
Enc .
I City Hatl, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
612 298-5121
' � �� . � 2'78g61
' THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered irito this �if th
day of November � � 19 75 , by and bet�veen the
CITY OF SAIIvTT PAUL,, a muni�cipal, corporation (hereinafter ' �
referred to as "City") , and BRIGGS AND MORGAN, a professional �
' asso�iation (hereinafter referred to as "Bond Counsel" � ,
WI�EREAS, City has, p�trsuant to the provisions of Chapter �
5 of its City Charter, appoix�ted Bond Counsel to perfoxm pro-.
fessional services in matters relating to the issuance and
sa�e of bonds ; and . �
� WHEREAS, Bond Counse� has been consulted by City on a `
continuing basis in connection with the da�elopmertt of tax
increment �inancing progr'ams and other related matters in-
volving complex and novel, legal proUlens not customarily
associated with the performance of legal services i.n bond
matters ; and
WHEREAS, the City Attorney has requested, pur�uant to
� the provis ions of Section 5 of the Saint Paul City Charter,
that an agreement be entered into to allow the City Attorney
to utilize Bond Counsel 's legal services as hereinafter set
forth, .
NOW, THEREFORE , in consideration of the niutual covenants
herein contained, it is agreed by and between City and Bond
Counsel as follows : '
. M � ��rllVV�
1. Bond Counsel agre',es to continue to render to Ci�;y
general consultation servijees on bond-related matters for
which no fee separate from the fee charged for its bond
approving opinion will be charged, except on those unusual
A . .
-- occasions when, due � to the complexity and novelty �of the
legal issues involved, Bond Counsel shall submit a wri�ten
request for authorization 'to the City Attorney setting farth
the basis for extra comper�lsation. Upon concurrence the City �
Attor�ey shali by letter aluthorize the services to be per-
formed and authorize the qxpenditure of funds to pay a
separate fee for such ser`+ices at a rate of �40 to �50 an
hour, depending rapon the a�ttorneys assigned by Bond CounseZ
to handle the matter. Sudh fee would be in addition to the
fee charged by Bond Couns�l for a�proving the issuance of
general obligation bonds i�n the City as hereinafter provided
and may with the approval of the City A-ttorney include legal
. services he retofore rendered by Bond Counsel in connection
with the establishment of the City' s Dawnto��rn Development
District or any projects �,�ithin such districts in an amount
not to exceed �1,500. '
2. Bond Counsel will charge a fee for approving the
issuance of general obliga.tion bonds of the City of �500
for any bond issue less than �1,000,000, and 50 cents per
�1,000 for any bond issue of �1,000,000 or more .
3. The fee for servi�ces rendered by Bond Counsel in
, � � � . . 2'789�61
connection with the issuance of industrial or commercial
revenue bonds shall be determined by separate agreement
entered into by the City, �',the proposed tenant, and the
underwriter. -
� A . . . � � � .. - . . .
�t. This contract may be terminated at any time for any -
reason by the City of Saint Paul by resolution duly adopted
by the Ci�ty Council of the City of Saint Paul.
IN WITI�TESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed �
this Agreement as of the date first above written�.
By ..
May � .
. ....�
By . •�
Dir.ec or, epartment of
Finance and Management Services
' BftIGGS AND MORGAN, a Professional
�G'1�-yt ,
..�.,�.�,�- � �
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.� �
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. � „
, �� .. . � • ..., ������ .
) ss.
c �On th i s ,.7J�� day o f ���'�-�- , 19�r
before me , a Notary Public within and for said County, appeared .
Lawrence D. Cohen and Rog 'r rlattson, to me personalYy known,
who, being by rae duly swo�n, did say that they are the A1a�for
and Director of the Depart{ment of Finance and Mana�ement
Services, respectively, o�' the City of Saint Paul , a municipal ��
corporation, that the seal affix�d to the foregoing instrument -
is the corporate seal of said municipal corporation, and that �
said instrument was signed and sealed on behalf o� said muni—
, cipal corporaption by authqrity af its Council, Resolution �Ta. _ �
_ ��� c�-o"'--}'" , and saic� Lawrenee D. Cohen an.d Roger ��.
riattson acknowledged said in.strument to be the free act and . ' �
deed of said municipal corporation. - �
� /'� - - ��
__ .__ . . . . .. . . . __.Y
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Ik�iYr,y's'?r:��:% ,�'ir,r,ir.iti�3t?'rri'T7rL .
3 . SS.
fln this 24th da� of Octo�er � 19 75 �
before me, a Notary Publi c� within and for said County, appeared
Frank Hammond � , to me personally known, who,
being by me duly sworn, did say that he is the President �
of Briggs and Morgan, a professional association, and that the
seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal.
of said professiorzal asso iation, and that said instrument tcas
signed and sealed on beha f of said professional association
as Bond. Counsel by author , ty of its Board of Directors, and
Sa.ld ' Frank H�mm�nd acknowledged said
instrument to be the free act and deed of said professional
, � �
•�•r i--a a----� .' :f ,1-L--L�-L- t -�- `
_.-��, LORRA11�iE L. BOUR5IER �
_4_ �� My Commission Expires Oct.31,t93t
,.;; ;,::: , , CITY Q�e` S.�.IN'T PAUL ,�+�-��pQ
,;%. '..:�,. Itr/V a,.���.
�1. �.�l;� �.��.
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' '� ' , � �r.:' Dd t e : June 18, 1982 -
. �?'�E-�,;, y,r;; . � ,
�- CQf�i� � �TTEE REPURi' `
� TO : Saint Poul City Counci[
F R O M = C o m m i fi t e e O C1 FZNANCE, MANAGE,MENT & PERS ONNEL' �
►Tames� Scheibel ,'chairm�n, makes the fol (owing
. repori on C.F. � Ordinunce
', [x� Resolutior�
[� Other
� T t T LE : Authorizing an Amendatory Agreement between Briggs
and b9organ Professional Association for bond counsel
. services so as to increase fees for issuance of general
� �. obligation bonds from 50 cents ta 7S cents per thousand.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Laid over to allow for further •
. � �;. ,
� c/ '�,..�
Cii`� -. ',:.'. �G�'.;�t�T i'�,�)l);? 1;1��i[ T�r�T.;�_ ?�i�,�i•-y:�i:�� �>:tl=
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_ � _ _ _ _ __ -_ __ _ __ _ _-- -
City Attny/JTH File N O.
oun i�l Resolution
Presented By � `� '
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of ittee By Date
RESOLVED by e Counci� of the Cit Saint Paul that
the proposed Amendat y Agr ement een Briggs and Morgan
Professional Associati an t ity for bond counsel services
amending the parties Agre of November 5, 1975 in increase
fees for issuance of era bligation bonds from 50 cents
per thousand to 7 ents pe� t usand is hereby approved on
behalf of the ty for exec�tion its proper officers.
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
In Favo�r
__ Against I B —
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date ,
Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY ��
t#pproved by iVlavor: Date _ Approved b Mayor for Submission to Council
BY - — --!— BY b�`'---,1��`� ��Tt�=� `
. . 2�8961
THIS AGREEMENT entered i,nto this day of
1982 between the CITY OF SAINT PAUL (City) , and BRIGGS AND
� MORGAN Professional Associati�on (Bond Counsel) , �
WHEREAS, under date of l�ovember 5, 1975 , the parties entered
Agreement (Agreement) respec�ing retainer of bond counsel and
fees for services which fixed the fee for issuance of general
obligatio� bonds of $1500 fo� any bond issue less than $1, 000, 000,
and SO cents per $1, 000, 000 or more ; and
WHEREAS, the parties desire to amend said general obligation
bond fee provision to one of� $1500 for any bond issue of
$2, 000, 000 or less and 75 c�nts per $1, 000 for any bond issue of
$2 , 000, 000 or more.
is amended by deleting Paragraph 2 in its entirety and substit- �
uting therefore the followimg:
"2 . Bond Counsel, will charge a fee for
approving the issuance of general obligation
bonds of the City; of $1500 for any bond issue
less than $2, OOO,i000, and 75 cents per $1, 000
for any bond isswe of $1, 000, 000 or more . °
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, tY}e parties have executed this Amendatory
Agreement as of the date fi,rst above written.
. . ' �
: � � � 2'�8961
' -2-
Approved as to Form: � CITY OF SAINT PAUL
' BY
Assistant City Attorney Mayor
I� By
� Director, Department of Finance
' and Management Services
' By
, City Attorney
' Professional Association
1TT p� ,
� ,.... �:'-, ' . ' OFFICE OF THE CfTY ATTORNEY
;� '
r R � ^�
���� 647 City Hall, Saint Paui, Minnesota 55102
tGE tATiMER �,_I� �
' ��
MAYOR � �y
' �
/ �
March 24 , 1982 '
To : EPS
From: JT
Re: Bond Counsel Fees , Request for
Increase on G.O. Bond Issues
Earlier this year Bernie Frie'1 gave notice of intent to request �
a fee increase for general obligation bond issues subsequent to
three issues sold in February, 1982 . On February 25th by letter
Bernie formally requested an increase from $0 .50 to $0 .75 per
thousand of issue , noting cost increases resulting from increased
legislative regulation and an extended period of time without an
increase . (The rate of 50¢ per thousand has been in effect since
the 1960 ' s when Wood, King & ' Dawson, New York served as the City' s
bond. counsel) . �
By note of March 4th he indi�ated that the billings on two February
issues were in amount of $4 , 150 (at the $0 .50 rate) with actual
time spent at nearly $8 , 000 . The February issues were $25 , 300, 000
Tax Anticipation Certificate's ($12 , 600) , $7 , 320 , 000 Capital Improve-
ment Bonds ($3, 650) and $500,, 000 Urban Renewal Bonds ' ($500 contract
minimum) and total fees bill�ed were $16 , 750 . At the new rate the
fees would have been increas�ed by $8 , 090 to $24 , 840 . City G .O.
issues have averaged approximately $10 , 000 , 000 over the past
several years . The requested increase would have increased average
fees from $5000 to $7500. �ond counsel fees are a part of the cost
� �f issue payable from bond sale proceeds .
I recommend approval of req�aest under provision of Paragraph �-
of tne Retainer Agreement. .
L 11�• V i S 1 V i✓
BR7GG5 i�ee�-�e�e� . B � I � G S A � L �� O i> � �� �T ��(��� A1tDREV:C,BLCHLB
f1 �S.T.Fw87ATSEL
cyD.�•�� • � , . Sre�•e A.Ba�xn
�SARH M'.M�p5T8A
�MOAD AIw,\ H.�SdC1T�
�.}1LTL5 ''
2200 FIRST NATI02�AL BA..'�8 BL;ILDII�G Jcrraer F.Saev
•�.CLLT��� I DwC1D B.$eXD
Sx�:so� SAIT'T PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 Bsrrs L.Bna
i�zr.Jn. Ce�ALZS R.fS�Yros
;,.Foasaceo r • Rocco J.!�f�rre�,Ja.
. _v:nau M.Bora
�.�SC�LEL7 "� �R711: �.FISE
�D H.SM'��EOa
iL�'.Sn•woca.Ja. 245� I D S CET"TER JOA%BLLTLae
.Z.cc�.DoYic Aoaiar L.Davis
aaan H.l+rLC MINICEAPOL.IS,MI2.'I:ESOTA 85402 Tavns H.ScsaoFa
;,ure.x H.Hoacur
�e* L.Dr��:rr Mear L.IFPLL
..L.Sorta soa Aoan: L.�szt:
PHI11P L.HBS17:L8 � B 1R w�: G.BLL sLE G=
Rox�t,n E.OacaeaD ALer SC6�1T.'Y8 E�-in�ce
''°"" R."t''L"`E February 2 5 , 19 8 2
.I06T R.F�cniu.� MlC1LL1 H.STHf67ER
D��1D.1.$YLaCYB S7L�'CX �(.$plcpgSpT
Dar.tci J.Coic.Ja. R�caasa D.AJ:DERFO�
p�Lg M�S1PEIr5 'i . SwI.iY A.SCOC+OST'
?licsazi H.Jcaoxtxoa , Devin C.McDo�ein
BsocL ti.Moorr
R.Sccrr Da�es Vtaon:�e A.Dwrna
.Tares K.I1rrLCnsin ' R E�E 1 V E D
Joar B.�'��DC 1o8T8.J8. OP COUNSPl
STL�'LN Z.li�suH i Ricaaan E.Hsu
��g�yiD G,t�Lni S�IiVYl H.MO@G�a
Faaxs ti.Gp•�•w
�. James T. xart MaR � �,'�� BEPLF TO C�t. Paul
Assistant City Attorney
c�ty of Saint Paul CITY ATTORNEY
Office of the City Attorney
647 City Hall .
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Dear Jim:
As you will recall I recently raised with you the
matter of an increase in our fees in connection with general
obligation issues handled for the city of St. Paul, and it is
for that reason that I wri�te to you at this time.
My file indicates that the current agreement between
the city and this firm rel�ative to our fees for general obligation
bonds was entered on November 5, 1975 . That agreement provided
, that fees for approving an� issue of conventional general ob-
ligation bonds of the city would be at the rate of 50� per
$1 , 000 of any bond issue of $1 , 000, 000 or more and for an isstie
of less than $1, 000, 000 would be at the flat fee of $500 .
tiThile that is the current agreement, I am sure that
your records will reflect ,that our fee arrangement with the
city since we began repre�enting the city as bond counsel in
the early 1970 ' s has been , at the 50� per $1 , 000 rate with some
floor with respect to sma�ler issues .
Bond work for the city is obviously more complex, even
the conventional general bbligation issues today, than it was
in the early 1970 ' s . Tha�. complexity has resulted from the
advent of federal regulat�ons , principally the arbitrage
��$ RIGGS t,rn MORGA?3'
Mr. James T. Hart �
February 25, 1982 '
Page Two
�� regulations and constantly �hanging provisions of state law
; make even the simplest of general obligation issues very often
subject to statutory forinulas that did not exist l0 years ago.
Obviously it is al!so true that during that space o�
time inflation has taken its toll on the cost of performina
these services for the city. While it was once thought that
the ever increasing size of bond issues would take care of
the inflation factor (somehlow it never did) it is obvious
that the size of bond issues is no longer on the increase. In
any event the present �ee arrangements, wi�ich have been in
place for almost 10 years, no longer adequately cover the
increase in costs we have hiad during the same period of time.
In view of the foregoing, we are asking that the
rate on future conventional general obligation issues be 75�
per $1 , 000 with a minimum af $1, 500 for any bond issue of
$2 , 000 , 000 or less . We propose that this revised rate structure
ao into effect with respect to all issues closed after the
closing of the current capital improvement and urban renewal
issues . '
� From time to time unconventional general obligation
bonds such as the general obligation tax� increment bonds and
general obligation refunding bonds heretofore issued and the
proposed civic center bonds require a separate �ee arrangement
because they are so unique and require such an extraordinary
amount of time and researcY� (including at titr�e.s legislative
drafting) . As has been our custom in the past we will keep
you advised of such issues so that separate fee arrangements
can be made in a timely fashion.
I might say that �e have not singled out the city
of St. Paul , among other municipal _ clients for an increase.
- ���e have, in the past several months, undertaken to revise
our fee schedule consisten�. with that set forth above with
- other municipal and state clients for whom we do significant
amounts of bond work. ,
Please don' t hesitate to ,get in touch with me
should you have any questicins regarding the foregoing proposal.
Very truly yours ,
, �
� �/ /n/'�\
�.f��� ����� � '�;��' '
Bernard P . Friel
BPF:j at , �
> '� � t � , DEPARTPRENT: City Attorney �
� � � CONTACT: .,�im Ha�rt .
, REEN SHEET `1����
� 1�
'For Administrative Orders, esolutions, Ordinances a Ag�reements
:�.- -
. .. _
� dl�- ��1- z�l-52--
Signature for introduction of esolution
Increase bond counsel fee from 50 eents to 75 cents per $1, 000 �
of bond issue by amendment of etainer Agreement with Briggs and -
Based on old 1982 G.O. issues including Tax Anticipation Certi€icates)
bond counsel fees would increa e from $16,750 to $24,840 per annum
payable from bond proceeds.
L Resolution
2� Amendatory Agreeme t
3. �March 24 Memo and ebruary 25, 1982 letter.
K .�ea.ae nev.cew neceae.c,ty ort. o e �o.2.eow,cng auppant,c.ng ocum
�e ant : . - Ci�y A,ttoaney:
l. Counc,i.� ReaoR.wti.an Requ,iw�ed? X YES NO 1. Re.ao.�wti.on? X YES NO
2. inaunance Reqa.i�ced? YES N0 2. inawcance Su6�.i.c.i.en.t? yES NO
3. Inaunance A#,ached? YES NO
Fasvisi.aat OM:4/29/82
,.- �,,:.. ._�.�..,-...�_.n,, 4_..r `.,�.., _... - ... �_ . , '__ r_ ._ . .,. - . .
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� . � , _'� . �uu» 8,� 1982 ,{,'�; �: ,
.. � - . � � r
_. ��
. Ao�uocilma:t Je�m�s 8cheibel'� �
� 4'hs3rmsn, �Finaaae, I�taaageapoernt b Personnel Comittei <
_ 7th�Flaor, Cit,y Aall ', , _ _
r_ - —
� . �`-Dear�Councilmsn. Scheibsl s' � - , .
� ; .
� ' .. • Y'he City Couacil toda�y re�'err�d the folloxtng resolutions to the
-: �'inaace, Msnagemeat b Per�onnel Committee for consideration_aad
� . . - recomraendation s - 'i � ,
_ • , ' ;. , . . � � �
� . _ Z��� 8eaolution amendiag_t,�e Civil, 3ervice �lea snd' !ns'erting t,he #.itle -
-` 1 :�;-Aesxiate Ci.tY &�gine�r in Seetion 3.K� tirade 31 AI4D placing ao sateriak
`' : ` before the titls Msi tant d.ty:Btigineer-Deei end Assietant City
._ � , 8a_
_ ..
" ,�ineer-ODe�-stiona ' amtnd3ng 8tclion 32 ot the Rules by_iaserting the
�� � � `'' ' �pecificstiona !'iar, �,title Maoeiate- City 8ngineer'AUD etr.ilcing the
'� ,_ ,�°epe�ificationa f�r ,tt� 'titlea 1ltststaat� Cit�t angineer-De�f�ar and '
�, � : 3 ;,. t.v S�g�he�'-Op.r *°,��`� �g � ' .
r .� k�aietant Ci atfona«�: 8�eeon�d � ,and Xaa�tt3ott• '' ,r-
� � ..
� i . :_ � ��• I,� �- a d.? p; fs.+ �c,y#� t� �c'y��� y h ti, �,t U,� .� �'
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Publie Wor�ca DeDt. �
F3aaaae, Tr,seuuryj Division