278956 WMITE - CITV CLERK COUIICII ��+,/� PINK - FINANCE G I TY O I� SA I NT PAU L . CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Coun 'l Resolution Presented By ��NSE COMMITTEE ���� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That Application R 3896 for the ransfer of On Sa1e Liquor License No. 10134, expiring January 31� 1983, issued to Albe$�ts of St. Paul� Inc. at 380 Cedar Street� doing business a.s Mr. Pedro's, be and the same is hereby transferred to Hun.an, Inc. and La.urislee Pedro at the same addr�ss (Maurice C. Fung, President) AND Application R3898 for Sunday On Sa1e Liquor 'cense� applied for by Hunan� Inc. and Laurislee Pedro at the same address is her by granted. COUNCILMEN ' Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher Levine In Fav r Masanz Nicosia scheibe� _ __ Agains� BY — Tedesco Wilson JUL i 3198�� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certifie assed Cou .� S r�tary BY , � r App by 17avor: JW� � � ,�o� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � BY — — BY PUBtISHED J U L 2 4 198� . � �'78956 � �"°��T�`�' ��� CITY OF SAINT PAUL � � � _=��,� '��,,,, =o *'" a=; DEPARTI!vIENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES "� iiri�ili�ii �' � '�%+, ,:= DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION ��;� ,... ,` j Room 203, City Hall m�� ��� Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 GEORGE LATIMER i MAYOR July 13, 1982 i Mr. President and Honorable Me�mbers of the City Council i Saint Paul� Minnesota ; , I�Ir. President and ��onorable �mbers : Alberts of St. Paul� Inc. and Hunan, Inc. request that the On Sale Liquor License pr�sently issued to Alberts of St. Paul, Inc. at 380 Cedar Street be t snsferred to Hunan, Inc. and Iaurislee Pedro at the same address. H�znan, Inc. and I,aurislee Pedro also make application for Sunday 0� Sale Liquor License at the same add- ress. The officers of Hunian, Inc. are Ma.urice C. �, President� Eugene C. Yen, Secretary-Trea�surer, and Jong-Kang Yi, Vice President. They are also the stockholderls. They will operate this establishment personally and it will be Irndwn as The Hunan. This application has been reviewed by the License and Per- mit Di.vision and the City At�orney's office. The recommendation is for approval. i Very t yours� i � ' C%r���ltl(� Joseph F. Carchedi License Inspector 55 : , � � .� �•, . `-, . , . . y 4f�� ..., . � , . , . , ...t. ,�. .,. . .^ ' � ._:h �:a '' .. :I :". . �. . . . � .: .. ���. 1 '.�. . L. � � ':� -" . � ' .. ' . � . . . �Y . . �� , � .'P`. . . . . . ... � . ' " ' . . . � . .. . , .. ,. . . ' . . . -..i. . .. ' . . � . . . . . . - �- ... . . . � . �� . .. A . . . , . ... . . . . . . � � � . July,$� 1982 . . � . ', _ , �. :. Mi'�� I�fauri.ce Ftimg = . . ` . c/o 380 Ce riar S t,z�ee� " . : . , . ; st.� pau�., ia� SSioi ;, Dear S�r t � , . 1 _ • ;, . : ., tre�sfer oP On Sale Liqnox . . -,, , , , : ,. , _ . , - . , . .-.. , . _ -. ,,; � . �. . .. , .. . . _ July 13r 1�82' � , ,, . , lOtaO A.M. Co il�•Chsunbers� third flnor Cit�r Ha�.l : � � �, t. . - _ - ,. . ; - t" : � , • � , ; .�, . _