278954 WHITE - CITV CLERK �I J /�]���� • PINK - FINANCE COUnCll �f V GANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY i F SA I NT PAUL File NO. BLUE - MAYOR C� cil Resolution Presented By -� �L� Referred To � Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the pr�per City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an Agreement of Unidale Partnership providing for the lease by the City f om the Unidale Partnership of premises within the Unidale Iylall for 'purposes of housing elements of the St. Paul Police Denartment; saic� lease becoming effective August l, 1�E2 , and providing for a lease p�riod of three (3) years; a copy of said Agreement to be kept on fil� and of record in the De�artraent o� �i- nance and Management Services. COUNCILfVIEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher �evine In Fa�or Police Masanz Nicosia I �� �K �j scheibel __�__ Again5t BY -l4L--��� Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date JUL 1 3 1982 Form proved t e Certifie asse y nei ,ecretary � B ..__ /�1ppr by ;Vlavor. te r — i Ap ove y Mayor for Su 'ssi n t Council BY — —�_ BY PuB�►st� .�UL 2 41982 i � -��i �"1895� DEPARTMENT: Police ROUTING AND EXPLALIIATION SHEET CODITACT: 'T �c �j,�,���T (G EN SHEET) PHONE: 291=.f.ro/ F'or Administrative Orders, Re olutions, Or nan s and Agreements < ROUTING ORDER - ROUTE BY ASSIGNED NUMBE : J U N 2 4 �C�2 � DIRECTOR- E GEMENT x rixYOR MAYORS OFFICE EPARTMENT DIRECTOR X DIRECTOR, FINANCE & MGT. SERVICES - X CITY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK BUDGET DIRECTOR ACTION RE UESTED (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FO MAYORAL SIGNATURE) : Council Resolution and signatur s of Mayor and Director, Finance & Mgt. Services. WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION N THE ATTACHED MATERIALS (PURPOSE AND RATIONALE)?: Permit the West Sector Patrol U it to move from Edgecumbe School to the ° Unidale Mall. FINANCIAL, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPAC S ANTTCTPATED: Recent City Council budget trans ers have provided the ,finances to im- plement the lease agreement. ATTACHMENTS (LIST ALL ATTACHD3ENTSJ'i 1. Four (4) copies of Agreement Three (3) to be returned to landlord. 2. 3. NOTE: Please rev�iew necessity for attac ent of the following supporting d�cuments. Department: City Attorney: 1. Council Resolution Required? Yes No 1. Resolution? ✓`Yes No 2. Insurance Required? Yes No 2. Insurance Sufficient? �� No 3. Insurance Attached? Yes No Revision OM:4/29/82 IiOW TO USE THE GREEN SHEET The GREEN SHEET has severa3; gu=poses: 1. To assist in routirig:_:docum�ents and in securing required signatures. 2. To brief the reviewexs' of documents on the impacts of approval. 3. To help ensure th�t necessary supporting materials are prepared and, if r�quired, m'ttached. ROUTING Most GREEAi SHEET actions must be rev}ewed by a Department Director, the City Attorney, the Director of .Management, the Director of Fi- nan�e and. �anag.ement Services. ; Other possible reviewers/signatures are listed. BRIEFING Most of the GREEN SHEET head�ings are designed to assist in develop- ing a _ reeis of �he .decision wh2ch the a.ttachments represent. The headi�ngs are of ered to r m nd user� of some of the more critical - elements of this brief. � The Financial, Bud etar and Per�onnel Im. acts heading .provides a - space to explain the cost benefit aspects o the decision.. Costs and benefits relate both- to City budget (General. Fu,nd -and/ur Special. Funds) and to broader financial impacts (cost .to users,homeowners or other groups- affected by the action) . The personnel impact is a de- scriptian of change or shift of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) positions. SUPPORTING MATERIALS �. In the. Attachments section, iist all attachments. If ths GREEN 5HEET is we11-3one, no letter of t�ansmittal need be included (unless sign- ing such a letter is one of the, requested actions) . Note: Actions �rhich re�uir..�e. City Council resolutions include: a. Contractual relationship with another. ga�ernment unit. b. Collectiue bargaining. c. Purchase ar sale of land,, or lease of land. d. Issuance. of bonds .by Cit�r. . _ _ e. EminEnt domain. f. Assumption of ].iabil,ity by' City, or granting by City of ' indemnification. g. Agreements with State or Federal Governmerst und.er. which - _. they are pr.oviding funtiing. Note ,also: If an agreemenf requires evidence of insurance/coinsur- ance,. a Certificate of Insurance shauld be one of the attachments at time of routing.