278944 WHI7E — CITV CLERK I ��^ � `- PINK r;FINANCE TT 1 1� CANARV — DEPARTMENT C I TY OF SAII NT PA l} L COUI1C11 ��/7c� BIrUE —MAVOR � ��� File N 0. ` y rdinance Ordinance N 0. Y ! ! Presented By Referred To � Committee: Date Out of Committee By ; Date An Ordinance ame�ding Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legisl�ative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps there;of. WHEREAS� Pursuant to Minnesqta Statutes � 462 .357 and § 64 .210 of the Legislative Code, the Hou�ing and Redevelopment Authority duly petitioned to rezone Lots 1�, 13, 14, 15 and 16, Block 6, Winslows Addition together with l�orth 1/2 of vacated Banfil Street, located at 136, 140, 144 Western �Avenue, from RM-3 to RT-2 for the purpose of constructing 10 townh�uses, the petition having been certified by the Department of F�.nance and Management Services on May 3, 1982 as having been consented to by at least 67� of the owners of the area of the proper;ty to be rezoned, and further having been consented to by at least twb-thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the �total contiguous descriptions of real estate held by the same own,�er or any party purchasing any such contiguous property within one �ear preceding the date of the petition; and WHEREAS The current Zoninl Committee on Ma 20 1982 conducted � Y , a public hearing for the purpos of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to Section 107.03 �f the Administrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commission that the petition be granted; and WHEREAS The Plannin Comznl' ssion considered the r zo i , g � e n ng petition at its meeting held on; May 27, 1982 and recommended that the City Council approve the pe,`tition; and WHEREAS, Notice of a publijc hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition wfas duly published in the official , I COUIVC[LMEN i Re uested by Department of: Yeas Nays i q Fletcher �ev�ne In Favor � — Masanz i N�cos�a Against By scne�bei Tedesco i Wilson i Form Approved y C' y ttor Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary � By ,%' � By Approved by Mayor: Date F Approved by Ma r for Submission to Council By � BY il WHI7E — CITV CLERK ' 1 (Q�4(A.� PINK r FINANCE � COUI1C11 ��V�J .},� CANAIdV — DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAI1�'T PAUL B�UE — MAVOR File NO. '•`� � �rdZn�/'GC� Ordinance PIO. � Presented By � - Referred To � Committee: Date Out of Committee By � Date newspaper of the City on June 12, 1982 and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected pr,bperty and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet o� the property sought to be rezoned; and WHEREAS, A public hearing befbre the City Council, having been conducted on June 24, 1982 where a11 interested persons were heard, and the Council having considered ,all the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT Z�AUL DOES ORDAIN: Sectichn 1. That the zoning map of the C�ty of Saint Paul, Sheet No. 28, as incorporated by reference in S,�ection 60.301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: That property located at !136, 140, 144 Western, being more particularly �escribed as Lots 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16, Block 6, Winslows Addition together with North 1/2 of vacated Banfil Street, be and is hereby rezoned from RM-3; to RT-2 . Sec�ion 2. This ordinance shall take �ffect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage� approval and publication. 2 . COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher t�„i�,,. In Favor — Masanz N�cos�a � Against BY Scheibel Tedesco Wilson 2 g t962 Form Approved by it t orne Adopted by Council: Date .1UL i Certified a y Council et BY �� gy . Approved b M_�or: ate � Approved by Mayor f Submission to Council B � �/ (/�'� � q"� gY Y PUBLISN�D AU G 7 1982 . . . : � �""l&���� �°'s' °- - • � ' ! CITY OF SAINT PAUL . ,�� „ ; . o - a DEPARTMENT OF iPLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT a u�uitim b '' ���� �� ° DIVISION OF PLANNING . h '86• 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102 GEORGE LATIMER 612-298-4151 MAYOR June 16, 1982 Albert Olson, City Clerk Room 386, City Hall St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 RE: Zoning File #9160 - HRA City Council Hearing: June 24, 1982 PURPOSE: Rezone property at 136-140-i144 G�estern from Rh1-3 to RT-2 for construction of 10 toumhous,'es by National Ataxia Foundation. PLANNING COMMISSIOP� DECISION: Approye (17-0) ZONING COP�IP1ITTEE DECISION: Approve ;(5-0) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve SUPPORT: None OPPOSITION: None Dear Sir: On May 20, 1982, the Zoning Commit�ee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on this rezoning. y�oe Gomez, representing the Housing and Redevelopment Authority was presen�t to answer questions. There was no testimony, and no correspondence w�as received. At the close of the public hearing, the Zoning Committee vot�'d 5 to 0 to recommend approval of the rezoning. P i li i i Z i C mmittee's On h1ay 27, 1982, the lann ng Comr� ss on cons dered the on ng o recommendation and voted 17 to 0 �o approve the rezoning. The rezoning is scheduled to be h'eard by the City Council on June 24, 1982. Please notify me by June 23 if arfy member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the site presente� at the public hearing. Sincerely, � � Patricia N. James City Planner PNJ/mcb attachments - . , ; ZONING STA,�FF REPORT 7883 . • . A OF HEARING 5/20/82 1 . APPLICANT: HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHO�ITY D TE 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CLASSIFi� ICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CURRENT PLANNING & ZONING COMMITTEE BOARD OF ZONIN6 APPEALS . Rezon�ng � Var�ance ❑ Special Condition Use ❑ � Administrative Review ❑ Determination of Similar Use ❑ Other ❑ Chan e of Nonconforming Use ❑ ,i Other � _ Banfil and Goodrich . 3. L O C A T I O N: 1 3 6-1 4 0 1 4 4 W e s t e r n (E a s t s i d e il b e t w e e n ) 4. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 12-15, Block 6, Winslow Addition. 5. PRESENT ZONING: RM-3 ZONINGiCODE REFEREP�CE: Section 60.430 6. STAFF INVESTIGATION B REPORT: DAT� 5/11/82 gy Patricia N. James =====-==================-==========-========�===================================-=========== A. PURPOSE: Rezone from RM-3 to RT-2 to al�ow construction of 10 townhouses by National tA a a Foundation. Division Ma 3 1982. Parcels eligible: 27, B. SUFFICIENCY: Found sufficient by Planni,�ng y � parce s needed: 18; parcels signed: 21i. C. PARCEL SIZE: 113.80' (Western) x 297.7�a' = 33,883.95 square feet. D. EXISTING LAND USE: Vacant. E. SURROUNDING LAND USE: North: Low density residential (RT-2) I East: Parking, commercial (P-1 , B-2) � South: High density, high rise resider�tial (RM-3) West: Low density residential (RT-2); . F. ZONING HISTORY: The site was zoned "B�' Residence until 1975, when it was rezoned to RT-2. In 976 it was rezoned to RM-3 �along with the Hammond School site to the south. ' G. FINDINGS: A it ro oses to rezone this ro erty 1 . The St. Paul Housing and Redevelolment uthor y p p P P and sell it to the National Ataxia Foundation, who will construct 10 accessible townhouse units. m nds construction of 10 subsidized 2. The District 9 Housing Developmerrlt Plan recom e accessible housing units on the �ite. 3. Mousing Policy Plan policy 1-5 supports medium density housing on larger vacant sites, and policy 7-5 supports tl�e provision of handicapped housing as a portion of all new housing. - ew develo ment should com lement 4. The Housin Policy Plan policy lil 4 states that n p . P 9 existing neighborhood character.i The RT-2 zoning will match the zoning to the north and west, and the townhouses will provide a transition between the high rise to the south and the single fam�ly homes to the north. H. STAFF RECOMMENOATION: Based on findings 1 through 4, staff recommends approval of the rezon�ng to RT-2. � . . • ' � � � ����•��l . , . . - MINUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE IN CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, ST. PA�JL, MINNESOTA ON MAY 20, 1982 PRESENT: Nknes. Karns and Summers; Mes�'Irs. Armstead, Bryan, and Levy of the Zoning Committee; Ms. McA�'eak, Assistant City Attorney; Ms. Lane of the Division of I�ousing & Building Code Enforcement; Ms. Beseman, Ms. James, and N7r. Soderholm of the Planning Division Staff. I ABSENT: Messrs. Lanegran and Pangal . l � The meeting was chaired by James Bryan;l, Chairman. HOUSING & REOEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY #91�60 : Rezone from RM-3 to RT-2 to a1 ow construction o 0 town ouses a� 6-140-144 Western. The applicant was present. There was ;lno opposition present at the hearing. Ms. James presented slides of the sit� and reviewed the staff report with a recommendation for approval . No correspondence was received on the matter. Joe Gomez, representing the Housing &IlRedevelopment Authority, was �present to answer any questions. � Hearing no further testimony, Mr. Bry;an closed the public hearing portion of the meeting. ; Ms. Summers made a motion to approvejlthe rezoning based on findings 1 through 4 of the staff report. Mr. Levy secQnded the motion. The motion passed on a roll call vote of 5 to 0. . Submitted b : A r b : Y I PP Y .. , � � i - �L �-�� Patricia N. James � J es Bryan, Cha' man . . , �-..,,,.�. ��.w+«�aa�ta^"" ,,> ...,rrrt'r.....,^-� _ �-nr-^"`,---� _ � • � i :. ... � . �� �� i `: . f "�,,.•?' t � . � � .. � , .. . 1 .. ., , .. . , . . , . . � . . .. I . ,> . 'a i . . . i � � ' , . ��i � . . , : r .. . , . , . . , 9 _ , , , t . .. . . .. ... ;{; � . , , . , . � � �'" . . . a ,,1� � � a .'�. � i j ; � '' . �1 I � , � ". 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FU�ilAl�T, to the a�atbority�graate�d by the C9ty Counctl seati�d as t�e Boa�d of�tk�e . ... .4:. ,i1 -.' a�` .�._+f ..:.. ;' .-�.^.+r� . :'_.u�i '/ .:..:. .-..' .. �. „ ' • ��iL d .` �, ' �„� � �', �k�ssing and Redevelopnent Autt�ritp ira Resol,�Lior�- Plo. 7T-5/2�-2, fihe praper�Ct�yr a�s� , . ; , , . ., . - : . ;. ; , ' . : ;_ - .; I�11 Offic9ats are directed�ta authoriae the iinit9a�ion of a r�zo�tng pet�ttcrr� far� e�r� tai� property in itest Seventh District 9� axpre fuliy d�sscrfbed ��: -. �., _ _ � _ . . , "Lots 12 S3 l4.and iS, Blxk 6, �t.•�ows Ar#ditit�n togpth�er^ rv�th the '� - . .. - �iins� North h�lf of vacated 8anftl Sire i - ' .. 4 - The �ezonfng pet�tion for,tbis prcperty cha�nges it from Rf�-� 4�u1���'f�y E'a��ly} tff . � : , .: RT-2 {Tawnhouse Resid�tial Oisfrict} and �rill a116w �or the construc��an a� a t�� (�(�� . �to►rnhouse unit development, which has been�� acc�gted by �he �►es� SE���ath fed�ra�ier� a���a ._ : _ j _ - . :�e�ghbarhood residents. � ,�„,„�..x.��-.� ,� �._.. . _ � _.. ___�___., �,.. .,�,.�---.�' _ti.. N . A� _ . ,. . � . � � � y4�� < , I . �.. '�._ : .:w `�' . . . I �. � � N ! .�hV� � �2 39�oZ s7�-/�z — �� t s� _ y . � . � ��� _ . . ;, _ _ }.._, �:...� �. ; ., ;,.,�: ''",`���'....� ' - �PProved a� �a� Fa�df ng � - , . - T.Mey�r. P D��R� =-�s . _ _ _ r� ;;�,,.t �A. �.. ... � . .. . 4 . . . .. . . . . . 7�..r . . .. .. . .. . . . - . .r . ., � � .. _ . .... ':.!'. +. _ .. .. .. . w:. *u `�F . . . . . . . . . . . . � r i , r � �. '�- .� .�, f�,,����� �� �;=-�, ����,+�� . . �f� w � . �� �a�/S`--•-�"'� � . � . .. . � . .. . , , , �.. . .. , . ' �.�. 1 ` '�'-� -'�-.'�./.._._,.- _ . . '-- ' �' , ° � , ..�,:`:. . -. � Dir�cf.�r of F nance a Management �rvic�� " � _ ��� � �� �� L�� � , � *1 , � 4 - �: � �_ � . _ _ �-� , . � ___� _ . . . � __.__.__�__.�__.___._.�_________�_._ :- .. , . � . _ _ . , - �;. A`'i'1�(�VED AS TO FORM � � .--.�. . _� .� � � � � f , � �� i+' r j!i"�� 4:.�!' _'.-�� /��� � .. . , � • � � �. . . � � � ^I` ��• �_. . -' . ' . . "'V � �' . � ' � ` ; ��,t��,<<:.;cY n«o���Y Exe ut �� Di�.'� `3t���k� , , . :/,� .- � f , � , , A:� � J,, ; , _ D,�:; •` � '.f-�f ��� >-�� ;f���- ' . �' ,/r ��_` ___�_.�._.. - '� A mini rative Assista t t hfayor _ r. " t. . . . � � _ � P%; . . . . . . .. ' ... ��., . _ . i . . . . .. � .. .. . .. -. . . . ., . ' � - " � ' � ' . PETITION TO AMEND Z NING CODE � CITY OF ST. PAUL,. INNESOTA TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL DATE March 19 82 c!o City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall • St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zonin Ordinance and Section 462.357 (5) of the Minnesota Statutes, Housi ng and Redevelopment Au hori ty , the owner of all of the land proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions your onorable Body to rezone the following described property: � Street Address: 136-140-144 Western Legal Description: Lots 12, 13, 14 and 15, Block 6, Winslows Addition from a RM3 District to a RT2 District for the purpose of Constructi ng 10 Townhouses , . . _ ' ; by the Natianal Ataxia Foundation � Subscribed and swo�n to BY� 1 before this .�/-�-� da� - ames 1 us of 19 �� Title: f xecuti ve Di rector �_� _ C�--�-� Petitioner . ��' G���� ' Notary Publi �nnnnnrinr.iv�,nnnn�n,v�nnnn^nRnnnnnnnn h � '"`��Yw R��SErhARY FE2E�EiT� t�G, oT.. �y �p,� �JOTARY Fii3i_IC—MIP3NCc07A � ��` RRMSEY COlirdTY � ���� My Comm.Expires Apri 23, ?�i87 � MNn i -�,,-r-k.�:� � ��� �� �� Page 1 of . � . � , � . � � � 2'��9�� STATE OF MINNffiOTA) I . ss. i COIINTY OF HAMSEY ) Joe Gomez , bein I first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person w o circ at e wit in pe i ion a��d consent, consisting of pages; that affiant is informed and believes that the parties de�eribed are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name, that affi�nt is informed and believes that each of the parties described above is the owner of property wh'ich is within 100 feet from any property owned t�y petition�r or sold by petitioner within on� (1) year preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property described in th'e petition; that except for none of the parties described above has pur hased or is purchasing property rom pe i ioner contiguous to the above described property ithin one (1) year of the date of the petition; that this eonsent was signed by each of said owngrs in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures are the true and correet signatur�es of each and all of the parties so described. . Planning and Economic Development 25 W. 4th St. � 12th Floor ress . 292�6182 e ep one umber Subscribed and sworn to before rr�e thi� ,.Jl�day of_����� , Iy�'a2. j G'��i1� � � otary u ic ! �MMM�P.MM�MMn.M.M.n/��.1^,n��.r�MMA n . . � � >„�o';�, ro:;�rr��j�Y F��-.;ETT� �`�d�Q�F NOIARY°U7LIC lrlP•�Pd �0T�3 ' I ? �'��i.,ti K,4PJi;iEY CC;J'1ry � I My Comm.Exp�res r.prilh?3, ?9g7 I > e(MCsNVVVVW�M/VVVVV�/:'W�l4'W`1✓VV`lVVV� . . , Approved ris to form - Feb. 8U - Planning Department Page of _._.__._ � �`�������� ���� ��- _ ___ � ___._ __ __.________�____. _ _ __ ___ __. , � . . � . • �. 2'��9 ,;� .� . ► . 60.430 RT-2 TOkNNOUSE RESIDENTIAL aISTRICT: ( '� 60.431 INTENT: � . The RT-2 Townhouse Residential Di tr � t i s i� s designed to prov�de sites for two-, three, and four-family and townl�ouse structures to satisfy the needs of people seeking this nature of faci�,ity and to serve as zones of trans- ition between one- and two-family resi��,dential districts and multiple family residential districts and business dis��tricts. This district also recognizes the existence of older residentiaT are'�,as of the city where larger houses . � have been or can be cbnverted from single-family to two-, three-, or four- � family residences in order to extend t�e economic life of these structures and allow the owners to justify the ex�enditures for repairs and moderniza- tion. The RT-2 District further provi�es for housing that has many of the amenities of single-family dwellings awranged in a low density, multiple- family pattern. 60.432 PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED: ��� . In an RT-2 Townhouse Residential Distri�t, the use of land, the location and erection of new buildings or struct�res and the alteration, enlarge- � ment, and moving of existing buildings �r structures from other locations or districts shall conform to the falloWing specified uses, unless � otherwise provided in this Ordinance. '� . a. All Principal Uses Permitted in the �'�R-1 through R-4 and RT-1 Residential Districts. The standard� of the "SCHEDULE OF '(� REGULATIONS" applicable to the RT-1 �istrict shall apply as ` minimum standards when two-family dwellings are erected. The standards of the "SCHEDULE OF REGULAI'IONS" applicable to the R-4 � District shall apply as minimum stan�ards when one-family � detached dwellings are erected. '�, � � � b. Three- and four-family dwellings. �'�, i�., c. Townhouse dwellings provided not more��� than six (6) such units are � attached to form the townhouse struct�re. � d. Accessory buildings, structures, and uses customarily incident ta °`�` any of the above permitted uses. '�, �=� � _� 60.433 PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED SUBJECT T'0 SPECIAL CONDITIONS: �� h i ', The following additional uses shall be per�nitted subject to the conditions — hereinafter imposed for each use, and subj�ct to the review and approval of the Planning Commission. I a. Al1 uses as permitted and as regulated �lin the R-1 through R-4 and RT-1 Residential Districts under Principal l�ses Permitted Subject to Special Conditions: ��, 60.434 AREA, BULK, AND YARD SETBACK REQUIRI��MENTS See Section 61 .100 "SCHEDULE OF REGULATIONS',' , limiting the height and bulk of buildings, the minimum size of lot permitted by land use, the maximum ' density permitted, and providing minimum ya�d setback requirements. � � - 2 2 - CONSSNT OF ADJOINIATG PROP�RTY OWNERS TO REZONING ������ ' We� the undersigried, owners of property wit�in 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptions of real estate owned by Petitioner or sold by Petit'�oner within one year preceding the date of this petition, acknowledge tha� we have been furnished with the following: 1. A copy of the Petition of Housi ng and ��Redevel opment A�uthori t_y 2. A copy of Sections 60.430 thraugh 60.434 , inclusive, of the St. Paul Ordinance; and ', acknowledge that we are aware of the uses p�rmitted under a RT2 District zoning classification; end hereby consent tp the rezoning of the property described in the � Yetition of Housi ng and Redevl opment Authori��_ to a RT2 District. �ECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Ci � 1 Jerome Leonard P WZ Janet Leonard.� 5 6 Winslows , . Kevin Burw€11 � E 3 4 6 6 Win / slows . Ralph W. Schmidt W 1/4 6 . Pamela M. Schmidt E 1/2 7 6 Winslows David A. Stockdale I WZ Angane�te Stockdale ��, 7 6 Winslows . Paul , Stanley and EZ Marie Lathrop �� 8 6 Winslows Mar . Gruber � �' W 1 2 8 6 y $ / Winslows . , , Pauline Nichol� • I�� E 1/2 9 6 Winslows . �`` Yetitions shall not be considered as officially filed with�',the city clerk until the lapse of ? w�rkm� uays after a petition is received in the office of the city� clerk. Any signator of any petition may withdraw his name therefrom by written request within�that time. , "'�' �`'h�"�,h � ��� �� �,� ��-1�- �� � _ _.__. ', Page ? uf � _ _ CONSSNT OF ADJOINING PROF�ER.TY OWNERS `I'O RBZONING . . rt � :� � � ' �" We, the undersigned, owners of property wi�hin 100 feet of the total contiguous`descriptions of real estate owned by Petitioner or sold by Peti�ioner wrthin one year preceding the date of this petition, acknowledge that we have been furnishe{3 with the following: 1. A copy of the Petition of Hous i ng an� Redevel opment Authori ty � 2. A copy of Sections 60.430 th�4ough 60.434 , inclusive, of the St. Paul Ordinance; and � acknowledge that we are aware of the uses p;ermitted under a RT2 llistrict zoning classification; and hereby consent �o the rezoning of the property described in the Yefitioli of Housi ng and Redevel opment Author�h ty.. to a RT2 District. �tECORD OWNEK SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION . , � .. Michael J. Camizzi ' , 4 1/2 9 6 Winslows � r I Charles W. Curtice � Q,� I W 10 Julia Curtice I 10 6 Winslows � Norma Lou�smet 1 11 6 Winslows Nick P. Mancini �,6, 17� 18 6 � Winslows Joseph J. Zangel 1 18 Winslows . Znel Pamela J. a 9 � , . Michael S. Frain N. 1138 EZ 15 Gwendolyn S. Benick N. 1138' 16 18 Winslows , Curtis B. Wilbur S. �0 E% 15 2 S : �i0' 16 18 Wi ns 1 ows . Petitions shall not be considered as officially filed wit� the city clerk until the lapse of ? w�rking aays a fter a pe ti tion is receive d in the o f fice o f t he ci�y c ler k. Any signa tor o f any pe ti tion may withdraw his name therefrom by written request withi� that time. . � !°�a,� � R � .l�" �ti � � _ � ��,+'��YIY�V`1 � r �.� Pa�e � uf � CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROP�RTY OW2dERS 'TO R�ZONING ° ;'��_%;,�;�� . ' :. ' ` ; � We� the undersigned, own�rs of property with�n 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptions ot' real estate owned by Petitioner or sold by Petiti�ner within one year preceding the date of this petition, acl:nowledge that we have been furnished with the following: � 1. A copy of the Petition of HOusin � dnd I R�deyelo ment Authori t 2. A copy of Sections 60,430 thrdugh 60.434 , inclusive, of the St. Paul Ordinance; and . acknowledge that we are sware of the uses p�rmitted under a RT2 • llistrict zoning classifieation; and hereby consent tb the rezoning of the property described in the . � Yetition of Hous i ng and Redevel opment Authar�i t,� to a RT2 District. �tECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Yvonne Young (fl�l^� IEx W.5` 1 21 Wi nsl ows . Besslen Properties A 7 Winslows � � 1 & 2 8 Winslows W. 7th Street I � Leased Housing Assoc 3b4,5, 6 8 Winslows . � . � . . . Petitions shall not be considered as officially filed w�th the city clerk until the lapse of 7 working u�ys after a petition is received in the office of the c�ity clerk. Any signator of any petition may withdraw his name therefrom by written request wittiin that time. � ���� � �� FILE �� ' �� �._______ ___ � Page :,� uf � . i � �t7�, � w -.�j.�i��c��, '��.�1! / p���;•i � � � �.7 r� � � �i' ^r,�� � ,���q��r��•� ��� V� `� ���� '�. � '.1 :� ��1� �.I� Q - ��� 0 �•-�� ,,t � Q �� ' \ �e,��. ,..`l� � ,� � � � �1 . ,,�il� �. � �, :� .. �� ♦ � I► �� c� �,Q ��• � 0,,�� ` �. � ,�I ♦ � � �� � 1«���.�' �'�'�, �� . �� ,, ,�'� @ �; ���,r � ; �♦ //���,•,���,.� �t ,� � � • � / � . ���°�-�► .�� .� ,.,. .w� �,,� �� �- ���, i � L . �, �:. ., ♦ �. �. � a � � � � 0�_ ;�i�` ' �� � �`�.�� 1 �� ♦ ���1 f� ♦ 4� R, � � ,�1 .�� �.:• .. • .a,� 1� �/jjv ' ' � O�•k`,,�'I� . ._ �, Q� � C)�`�I�: . ;+� ,. O �� :' � ♦ .. •. �,- �� t;� � � ,�� �(i `�• ° ,� . 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J� DATE: June 2, 1982 ' �����. ���ag���� T0: Sue Hurley FROP�: ��lary Beseman - Zoning Office SUBJECT: City Council Public Hearing Please prepare notice for Le�al 'Ledger publication on Saturday, June 12, 19�2, for the following: Housing & Redevelopment Authority (#9160) , 136-140-144 kJestern (East side between Goodrich and Banfil ). PU�L�SHED J UN i� 198? x _ . � 2'7�9��;'� . , _ . � ST. PAUL CITY COUNCIL . PU6l.iC HEARI�V � NOTICE � ZON1 G T0: Property Owners wi th i n 350 feet; F�L E N 0. 9160 Representatives of District 9 PQGE PURPOSE Rezone property from RM-3 (High-Density, High-Rise Multiple-Family) to RT-2 (Townhouse) to allow construction of 10 t nhouses. LOCATION 136-140-1�44 Western (East side between Goodrich and Banfil ) P E T I T 10 N E R HOUSING & REDEVELOP ENT AUTHORITY HEARING Thursday, June 24, '1982 io:oo a.rt. Citv Council Chambers, 3 d Floor Cit�• Hall - Court House Q U E S TIO N S Zoning 298-4154 (patricia James, 292-7359) Contact the Zoning Secti n of the Planning and Economic Development Department, oom 1101, City Hall Annex, 25 W. 4th Street; St. Pa 1, Minnesota 55102 � � Pu���i�Ht� ���� l� 198�. x Kotice aent June 11 , 1982 ! , , .' I , �����"� _ . - I N I s os at�wiva;, > _. �: � �.r- , ..�r zo sssa`r� ; � 1 A�J'ititfon Aav han 51ed requertffi�t �e��daL olthe City of St,Psel, ,j�e at�nded re to reaone from Rlt�to 1IP-2. � �V�9�at 3�x 3N Weatem(eut�ifE�et- Hinl11L'lLeGoueell d tLe (x!y o�8t.Paui bx�the�h is�t,�-io: w ��e�� Hail of 'd CSty,�nd at�id time and , Plaes�'theC wUlk�etal��rtsataodall �oaa' q►i�Hms rnlative to tht�opared' t, D�tad June 8. 9aZ. ;: AI.BEATE.OI,40ld, . , CItyQark uue 13,'188� - _ . i ' i . ^ .- ist �— 8 - n � �na �-- /S=�'� � 3rd � ' �� ` �v� Adopted � - a� — �� Yeas��Z^� i Nays . � FLETCHER j LEVINE � �� . � �,S�Z i 2'7�1��� . , NICOSIA � SCHEIBEL i l� 9�q / WILSON � ; MR. PRESIDENT TEI�ESCO , � . , . . , � . : ; : i . • . . , � i � � �. . . . � I I i I � � �o � '�_.._� � J ,!l'?e- _ _ r :: .. ..�.[.�..L�� r "f[,t�� a,c I �����, .. I .___.�---_�_.1---__ ___1_ _._._._._L 1A � -- 1 j..,+.♦ � ' (� �,/ �,/� - .y� ;t" ". 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