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To: Council Presidenft and Members
of the City Counicil
From: J. William Donovia.n
yalua.tion and As�sessment Engineer
Date: May 27, 1982 '
Subject: Petition of Ear� A. Brawn, Developers Inc. et al,
for the va.catio of a portion of Hazelwood Street
lying between st Idaho and Larpenteur Avenue.
Pub ic Hearing - June 22, 1982
The petitioners Earl A. Brown, Develapers Inc. , et al, request this va.-
cation be granted so they may replat the area and construct five (5)
towrihouses on the site. They lso plan to construct and dedicate to the
City, a cul-de-sac on the sou h portion of the remaining part of Hazelwood
Street at no cost to the City.l, The portion of Hazelwood Street right-of way
to be vacated is appraxima.te]y� 238 feet lon� and 66 feet wide, consisting
of appraximate],y 15,0�+8 squa.re feet with the abutting property being
zoned RT-1 and R-3.
The Depaxtment of Public Works recommends tY�.t the petitioners must agree
to replat the area of this development by January l, 1983, to include the
dedication �of the cul-de-sac to the satisfaction of the Public Works
The Department of Planning anc� Economic Development has no objections to
this vacation but recommends hat a cul-de-sa.c be put in for proper access
to the properties along the n rthern part of the remaining portion of Hazel-
There were no other objection , recommendations or restrictions received
from ar�y City department or u ility company in response to rqy letter of
inquiry sent them on March 31 1982.
In view of the foregoing, I r commend that the vacation be approved sub3ect
to the follawing terms and co ditions:
1. That the description of the portion of said street
to be va.cat@d be described as follows:
All tMa.t ga.rt of Hazelwood Street lying
North�rly of a line run Northea.sterly fr.om
the Squthea.st corner of Lot 1, Block 1,
Phalet� Heights, to the most Souther],y corner
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of Tract G Registered Land Survey No.
186 a Souther�y of a line described as
follo s: Commencing at the Northwest corner
of Tr ct B, said Registered Land Survey No.
186, ence South, along the Wester�y line of
said �egistered La.nd Survey for 300.12 feet to
the pqint of beginning of the line to be de-
scribed; thence West, at right angles to last
descriibed line, for 53.00 feet; thence North—
westerly, along a ta.ngential curve concave to
the N rtheast and having a central angle of
16° �+ ' 29" and a radius of �+5.00 feet for an
` arc d stance of 13•19 feet to the Westerly line
of sa d street and there termirlating.
/1�: That the va.cation b sub3ect to all the terms anci conditions of
Cha.pter 130, codifi d March l, 1981, of the St. Paul Legisla.tive
Code, as amended. •
2� That the petitione must at �expense replat the area of his
development, includi the dedication of the cul-de-sac right-of-
way to the sa.tisfac ion of the Department of Public Works
and in a manner and' form approved by the City Attorney by January
1, 1983.
rz ,�: That the petitionerSwill be responsible for all costs and expenses
in the construction of the new Ha.zelwood Court, including the new
proposed cul-de-sac all to the satisfaction of the Depe,rtment of
Public Works.
r��! That the petitioner' pay to the City as market value the sum of
$8,400.00 as compen ation for the va.cation.
S.C� That the petitioner flzrnish the City with a bond in the amount
oP $5,000.00, and i addition thereto, by acceptance of the terms
and conditions of t is vacation a�ree to indemnify, defend and
save harmless the ity of Sairrt Paul, its officers and employees
from all suits, actions, or claims of a�y character, including,
but not limited to, a claim brought beca.use of an�y in�uries, or
damages received o susta.ined by at�y person, persons or property,.
on account of this vacation; or because of any act or omission,
neglect or miscond ct of�.id petitioner; or because of ar�y claim
or liability arisir� from or based on any violation or ar�y law
or regulation ma.de in accordance with the law, whether by the
petitioner or ar�y ofri�Fre agents or employees.
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cc: Mayor Geor�e Latimer '