278939 WHITE - CITV CLERK COUI�CII ��89�9 PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT �AU L CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. il e u ion Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That upon execution nd del.ivery of a release in full to the City, in a form to be a proved by the City Attorney, the proper City officers are hereb authorized and directed to pay � out of the Tort Liability Fund 09070-511-OOO , tD: l. Michael F. Burgmeyer and S san Burgmeyer the sum of $121.90 in full settlement of their claim of damages sustained to their minor son, Scott Bur�meyer, on or about August 6 , 1981, as more particularly set o t in the Notice of Claim filed in the City Clerk 's office on, February 3, 1982 . 2. Emma Metzger the sum of $350 .0� i.n full settlement of her claim of damages sustained on or about May , 1982 , as more particularly set out in t e Notice of Claim filed in ths City Clerk's office on May 27 , 1982 . COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Fletcher �evtne �_ [n Favor Masanz Nicosia scheibei _ � __ Again t BY Tedesco Wilson �U� V 1902 Form Approved by City ttorne Adopted by Council: Date — Certified a_s by Counc Secr r � BY B� � by Mavor: Dat _ 8Z Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - – BY pUBLiSHED JUL 17 lg • � �'��g�'9 F���l==o,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL ; � OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY � iii'iii'ii � m „ EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY ,,,. 647 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR 28 June 1982 M E M O R A N D U M CLAIMS AGAINST CITY OF SAINT P UL BY MICHAEL F. BURGMEYER AND SUSAN BURGMEYER; and EMMA METZGER On August 6 , 1981 , Scott Burg eyer, a minor, was swinging on a swing in Como Park when the chain broke and caused him to fall . As a result of the fall, Scott Burgmeyer was treated at Midway Hospital and the amount of his medical bills totaled $121 .90 . This office approves the settlement of Mr. and Mrs . Burgmeyer's claim in the amount of $121 .90 . In May of 1982, there was a sewer cave-in in front of the home of Mrs . Emma Metzger. This resulted in a break between the house connection and the City 's main sewer. The City 's main sewer pipe settled and was part of the reason for the break in the connection. The City of Saint Paul has agreed to pay one-half of Mrs . Metzger's expenses for replacing her sewer line in the amount of $350 .00 . This office approves the settl�ement of Mrs . Metzger 's claim in the amount of $350 .00 . ' �°�i�a..- �J