278937 WMITE - CITY CLERK� �j�N�� PINK - FINANCE IJgJ� CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY O SA I NT �A U L COUI1C11 BLUE - MAYOR File N . � oun 'l Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date W�S, Due to an error in R sey County land usage records, the property of Mr. Melvin A. Sinn, paxcel numbe O1-82�+00-2?+0-37, was classified under a "B" cammercial use rather than pror r1y claseified as an "A" residerrtial use, which resulted in overcharges of $ .70 for street maint�nance assessments for the yeaxs 1978, 1979 and 1980; �aw therefore be it RESOLVED, That the praper C3t officials are hereby authorized and directed to pay to Mr. Melvin A. Sinn the unt of $160.70 from fland number 42312. COU C[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays H t F��her Le [n Favbr Ma ox Zew�� �s-�. Mc on ��� �~� ' ,,,,a e� - -- Agains BY — esco Nicosia 'Ison Scheibel Tedesto �L � � Form Approv d b ity ttorney Adopted by Council: yv�yp�� Date CertifiE:d a s by C uncil cr ry BY B}� _ � JUL 8 198 ' Ap by 1�layor: D prov yor f ' s n'to Co il � B — gY PttBttsH�D J U L 17 19 � � - #• �jC ,.�, ——----— �_ ..._... ...�.�.� vv v s.v v�.�..� �� �}t` ":';L i ,,i. . ' � �r � .�;±s�►►�.x,.:�� F - • . . � • �:3 .' , .,/�. . �Q�e - 2'789�7� - - ...� � . • - �. �� C 4 I� �1t ��"T � � � �' � �'� i` . - . ; . - _ . . . . . , - . Y - , � ' _ T4 : Sa�n� Pou� Cii�� CouReii . � � � _ : F�Q M • ��i"�'T t�i�1��'e� 4 Tl F�CNANCE, 1�IANAGE,NfENT & PERSONNEL - . _ J`ames' Sche�.bel : ch'ois-m�n, � . _�__. . ; - The Finance Committee; �at �the meeting of , recommended a roval o� the fallowin�: 1. Approval of minutes fror� meeti g held 3wne 24, Z982. .. 2. Resolution authoxizing an Amen atory Agreement between Bxiggs F biorgan Professional Association for b nd counsel services sa as ta increase fees for issuance of general obliga ion bonds fram SO cents to 75 cents per thousand. - �A7/> OU�2 ?-o �'+vc.� �''�" /�i rG_ 3. Resolution amending the 1982 Parking �, Transit Special �und 13udget. �-GA-�L� Ol/�- ��� 4. Resoluti.on authori.zing the City to refund excess street maintenance charges , to an individual. (Ntr. Melvin A, Sinn) who was ovexcharged due to incorrect praperty usage information used by Ramsey County in computing assessments. ���'����� 3-O. S. Resolution establishing the ti les and class specifications for Loar� and .Grant Assistant I and Laan and Grant Assistant II in the Civil Service Rules. - �PPRpV c.f> 3 -O . 6. Additional Di.sceission of Upcom ng Budget Process -- Property Taxes: Terminology and Trends. �G,�.�, �p 1 "_ ___ Ort-�--� CE'i��' .:,�:_L SE`/Eti?H �I.O�J:� ti:���:T P�r�[., �I��:�f���J-C.t 55:u= �:.�"' - _ ,. _ .. _.. _ _. .. . . _.�..-__ _. . . . ._. � ,, .. __.. -�, ..�,,, . .- _ . : . . ,. „ �,r,,.�.,.-. ,• . , . DEPARTMENT: ��� Work�'789�7 � CONTACT: M�e �� t ROUTING Ar�n EXPIANAT14N SHEET pNp�E; 292-7153 G EEN SHEET � � . ��� For Administrativa Orders, solutions, Ordiaences and Agreemeata RQU'fING QRDER � RQ!!TE BY ASSiGNE� NLM9ERS D REGTOR OF MANA6EMENT R ECEIVED _ YOR `°-T"�TFPK�1'�MEN��T��`44,Tb DIRECTOR, FINANCE Er FiCT. s€RVtc�s��N 21982 •�� C I TY ATTORNEY � C I TY CtERK � �TY qTTORN BUDf,ET DIRECTOR r°w�f_°�'� �`�'w-- ��, � , �JUN g - 19g2 Approval ior submission to co aii ��AYORS OFFICE �. The Resolntion will authorize he City to refl�n8 excese street maintenaa�c� charges to an iadividual �ho s overcharged due to incorreet prcrperty usage inYormation wsed by Rams y County iu computing h3,s asseeemente. - � . Noae. ATTACHMENTS �LIST AU. ATTAtHMENTS): � 1, PraPoaed Council Resoluti n 2. 3, ascee xev.c¢w necese o� o o euppoRtcng cumea.te D�P�►�� : • C�i,ty A.Cto�tney: i. Couxeil Reao4y.ti.on ReQu,i�tedl �YES NO 1. Reeo�u.ti.on.° YFS I� Y. lnaurtanee Re,q;wcedl VES NO Y. inaunance Su66.i�i.eretY 1+�5 NO 3. Ineurtance A�LtackedY YES NO Aevi,siQti OK:6/29/S2 .