278933 WMITE - CITY CLERK ����yyy ^A PINK - FINANCE ��l)�� CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F A I N T PE1 U L COUflC1I ��� J BLUE - MAYOR File N 0. o l Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By � Date RESOLVED, that the proper city affici�ls are hereby authorized to execute an Agreement with the County of Washirx,�ton whereby the City will provide tuberculosis control services for the County; a cop of said Agreement to be kept on file and of record in the Department of Finance and Management Services. COU[VCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays � t Flet�er mmu 't rvic s ��e �,;� � In Favor I dox �� � M ahon B aiter N-�osia __ Against I Y — T co ����� i Ison redesco r Form proved y rne Adopted by Council: ��Date �1��4�.� r- Certified as• d by Co ncil Secre BY gy, by 1�lavor: ��� o ,� Appr e by Mayor for ub ' si to uncil " I BY PUBLISHED .lUL 17 a9� I ' EXFL�,4NA�ION OF A MINISTRATIVE ORDERS, OM Ol: 12 1975 Rev.: 9�/76 � �tESOLUTION5 ND ORDINANCES � � Rev.: , 5�/� RECEIVED �ev.: a./so/a� � . �U N 2'1 19$2� ����� Dafie: lune 16, 1982 � � � c�rY �rtro���r TO: Mayor George Latimer - FROM: Robert Sandquist, Acting Direcbr, Dep rtment of Communi#y Services RE: � ,4greement with the County of Washingt ACTiON REQUESTED: Executive approval and signahrre , � PURPOSE AND RATlONALE FOR THIS ACfiION: the 1Nashington County Community Heal h Servic� Departmerrt does r�ot �ave e tuberculosis control program. Cor�eque tly, Washingt� �ounty residerrts rec�iri�} fireatment must see a private physician. The cost of the ler�gthy irsaiment .ond medication can be prohibitive far some atients. By contraating with: fhe Division of Public Hetalth, residenh needi,ng irea ent will receive it at a reason4b`le cos#„ � and fhe spra�od of the disease wi#hin the county con be cantained. Similar ogre�- menis exist betwreen :the Division and Ra sey and Dakota Cov+�ties. , FINANClAL IMPACT: The Counly of Washingbn will reimburse the City for servic+es pro�rided. No dollar ` limit fiar i+ctal services has been se#. add�tional s#aff will be required #o #ulfill ': #he contract. ATTACHMENTS: : : _ . A�reement - three copies Council Resolution : '