278932 WM17E - C�TV CLERK ��unCl� 2'789'�� PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F S�I NT PA U L � � CANARY - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. l�esolution Presented By Referred To i Committee: Date Out of Committee By � Date - BE IT RESOLVED, That the Cou�cil of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifies and approves the action of the City of Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review perta ning to the follo�uing listed property and as shown by the Exce pted Minutes of said Board of Appeals and Review, dated June 8, I1982, and marked EXHIBIT A, and attached hereto and made a part h�reof by reference: DATE OF BOARD MINUTES CASE NO. PROPER Y APPELLANT 6/8/�2 21-82-H 332 N. ILexington L & M Partnership (ll unl�ts} By Michael Kiteck BOARD ACTION: Granted time extenision to October 15, 1982 , to com- plete installation, of combination windows, �ith exception of certa�in small, high windows, where a variance is granteld on St. Paul Legislative Code, Section 34 . 09, per�taining to screening, to permit installation of p�'rmanent glazed storm windows. Property Description: Buel and �ackubin Out Lots N. 50 Ft. �of W. 113 Ft. of Part S. of Rondo Ave.l and E. of Lexington Parkway of Lots 9 I and 10 --------------------------- COU[VCILMEN I Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher � �evine [n Favor Masanz Nicosia scheibel � __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson .�UL 6 ��8� I Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified a �e by Counci ecre I 7�� �� sy Ap v by Mavor: — JUL I Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council _ —J BY PU$LiSH�D ,}UL 17 �98�- � . �x �' i e i 1� i4 �'��9�� • - - 6/8/82 - Meeting No. 185 . � . � . , , ' 21- 82-H 332 N. Lexi�gton Michael Kiteck (11 units) for L F A7 Partnership SUBJECT: Request time extension to complete re' airs , as designated in city' s letter of 4/27/82 , because of high cost of s me items (in particular, stairwell enclasures) , and the delay on the par of the vendor in delivery of com- bination windows , which are on. order ; remaining items will be completed within 60 days . APPEAR.ANCE : Michael Kiteck a PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Kiteck said he had o objections to any of the work or-3ers, only to the time allowed. for �ompletion. Aftei- buying the prop- erty 2% years ago, the partnership ha¢i put in about $18 ,000 for repairs . The city' s letter of 4/2�/82 granted wo months to comply with deficiencies that will cost about $8 ,000 to $10 ,00 . Combination windows were to be , or already have been, installed on al� windows except for a few, very small, high windows . On these latter he wanted to pu� on permanent , glazed storm windows to make them ene�gy efficient. Every room would have other windows with combinations �o provide ventilation. BOARD ACTION: Mr. Tilton moved to gr nt time extension to October 15 , 1 2 , to complete installation of com}�ination windows , with the exceptian of certain small high windows , where �. variance is granted to permit installation of some type of permanen exterior glazed window other than combinations . Mrs . Collins seconded. � MOTION CARRTED AND SO ORDERED. THE VOTE: Ayes - 6 Nays - 0 Abstentions - 0 In regard to stairwell enclosures , Mr� Kiteck stated that the city inspector told him it was impossible to place p rtitions and smoke doors in the usual manner, but proposed an alterna ive method that was acceptable. Mr. Kiteck wanted t�ie inspector' s fin�ings on record, since he himself was not sure that the alternative would meet code. Don Wagn,er , city inspector whose s�eci�al � field is fire senaration measures , assui-ed i�Ir. Kiteck that the method described ivould meet code. I . i . . 6;�8/8l - Meeting No. 185 ' . b2INUTES OFIITHE MEETING - ST. PAUL BOARD OFIIAPPEALS � REVIFSU . 1 Tuesday, J�ne 8, 1982 Room 707 City Hall ,l 15 W. Kellogg Blvd� MEMBERS PRESENT : Ron Glassman , Chlairman Lucille Collins I Glenn Gausman Harold Knutson William Tilton Rudolph Sawyer ABSENT: Rosann Bostrom AGENCIES PRESENT: Dept. of Communi�y Services - Division of Housing � Building CodeiEnforcement : Sarr� Blue I Glenn Erickson Joan Barry Jerry Kern I Don Wagner Barb Franklin St. Paul Divisior� of Public Health: Don Miller I OTHERS PRESENT: Richard L. Smithll Phyllis M. Smith Allan Cederberg Lester H. Bruning R. Cortright Bev Masterman Shelvin Kie�fer l Michael Kiteck Charles Wendle Fred Kueppers , Jr. David Ries Craig 0'Brien Joel Determan Marvin Masterman STAFF PRESENT: Patricia Moxness �I . Chairman Glassman called the meeting �o order at 1 : 30 p.m. The minutes of the meeting of May 11 , 11982 , were anproved as distributed to the members . , Chairman Glassman reported that two c�ses on the agenda had been settled admini.stratavely and had been zaithdra�rn. They were Case No. 18- 82-H, 1702 Hague , Appellant Robert Wetterbe�g, and Case No. 23- 82-H, 2129 Grand Ave . , Appellants Richard L. F PhyllislM. Smith. CASE N0. PROPERTY I APPELLANT 15- 82-Ii 739- 741 Simsl Ave . Carl E. IVarner (four units)I . .. .... . _ _ I