278930 WI'IITE - CITYCLERK I �)��A'lo PINK - FINANCE � n COUflCll r i ,�i CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY C�F SA I NT 1 A U L BLUE - MAYOR File N . C un�il Resolution Presented By ° ' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By � Date An administrati e Resolution revising the Minimum Qualifications 3�n the Class S ecification for the P title of Epidem3�ologist in the Civil Service Rules. . RESOLVED, that the Civ�l Service Rules be amended by striking from Section 32 the class specifi ation for the title of Epidemiologist, and by substituting in lieu thereof, the attached class specification for the title of Epidemiologist. � I Approved: �� h i an, Service Commission il i COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays il Requested by Department of: H nt Fietcher i PERSONNEL OFFICE �e �� ���� IIn Favor nne oX , Mc hon MasanZ � �gainst BY S� Iter Nicosia � ifson SCheibel T�� JUL 6 962 For Approved y rne Adopted by Council: yy��� Date — � CertifiE:d P : e by C unci r i BY - 5. � Ap by Ylavor: _ � i Appr by Mayor for Subm' sion to-Council B By i 8 Y I ' � � ������ Title of class: � EPIDEMIOLOGIST DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Dut�es: Performs responsible professional work analyzing the causes of disease , advising on methods of disease controZ and com— municating with the m�dical community and the general public concerning disease control; and �erforms related duties as required. ' Supervision Received: Wprks under tfie administrative and techreical supervision of the Director of Me,dical Services. Supervision Exercised: �Iay supervise lower level clerical, technical or professional workers,l usually on a project basis. TY�ICAL DUTIES PERFORMID j The listed examples may nc�t include all duties performed by a11 positions in this class. I Develops a disease surv�illance system including control metfiods and program evaluation. I Maintains contact with �ommunity pfiysicians and hospital personnel to encourage proper repbrting of diseases. Investigates or coordin�tes investigation of acute disease eutbreaks, Interviews patients, co�itacts and pfiysicians; takes samples and col2ects speeimens; reviews m�edical records and other available information and consults with other �ealth professionals regarding control measures. Does research on speciflic epidemiological diseases. Assi.sts in the preparat�ion o£ information to be disseminated regarding disease control or preventi n measures. Prepares reports and s�cnmaries on both resea.rch projects and program activities and results. I KNOT�tLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Thorough knowledge of t�he epidemiology and control of specified infections or chronic diseases� Considerable knowledgejof the maintenance of disease surveillance systems, data analysis and i�terpretations. Considerable knowledgejof federal, state and departmental public health functions, regulati ns, policies, procedures and programs. Ability to prepare inf�rmation for presentation through the news media and through public heal�h programs. Ability to communicateleff ectively both orally and in writing. Ability to organize an coordinate work activities. Ability to work tactfully and effectively with the general public, staff personnel and other� health professionals. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIOI�IS j A master�s degree in �pidemiology; or college graduation in a health related field and four yea�s' hospital or public health experience in which epidemiology is th� primary duty. ' . . 2'7�9�� Title of class: EP IDE^4IOLOGI ST DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible professional work analyzing the causes of diseas s, advising on methods of disease control and com- municating witfi the edical community and the general public concerning disease control; andlperforms related duties as required. Supervision Re.ceived: Works under tfie administrative and technical supervision o� the Director of M�dical Services. Supervision Exercised: IMay supervise lower level clerical, technical or professiona.l workersj, usually on a project basis. � TY�ICAL DUTIES PERFORMID I The listed examgles may r�ot include all duties performed by all positions in tfiis class. I Develops a disease sur�eillance system including control methods and program evaluation. j Maintains contact withlcommunity physicians and hospital personnel to encourage proper re orting of diseases. Investigates or coordi�ates investigation of acute disease outbreaks. Interviews patients, c�ntacts and physicians; takes samples and collects specimens; reviews thedical records and other available information and consults with otfier health professionals regarding control measures. Does research on speci�ic epidemiological diseases. Assists in tFie prepara�ion of information to be disseminated regarding disease control or preventi�n measures. Prepares reports and s�mmaries on both research pro�ects and program activities and results. KNOGII,EDGES, SKILLS AND A�ILITIES Thorough knowledge of Ithe epidemiology and contral of specified infections or chronic diseases. Considerable knowledg� of the maintenance of disease surveillance systems, data analysis and ilnterpretations. Considerahle knowledg� of federal, state and departmental public health �unc�ions, regulat ons, policies, procedures and programs. Ability to prepare in�ormation for presentation tfirough the news media and througli public hea7lth programs. Ability to communicat� eff ectively botfz orally and in writing. Ab.ility to organize a�d coordinate work activities. Ability to work tactf�lly and effectively with the general public, staff personnel and othe� heal.th professionals. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS i A master�s degree in �pidemiology; or college graduation in a health related field and £our yea�s' hospital or public health experience in which epidemiology is th,� primary duty. ' I . . 2'��9�� Title of class: I EPIDEMIOLOGIST DESCRIPTION OF WORK . General Statement of Dut es: Performs responsible professional work analyzing the causes of disease , advising on methods of disease control and com- municating with the mgdical community and the general public concerning disease control; and performs related duties as required. ` Supervision Received: Wbrks under tfie administrative and technical supervision o� tize Director of Me�ical Services. Supervision Exercised: ay supervise lower level clerical, technical or professional workers,lusually on a project basis. TYPiCAL DUTIES PERFORMED i The listed examples may nojt include aI1 duties performed by aZl positions in tfiis class. I Develops a disease surv�illance system including control methods and program evaluation. I Maintains contact witfi ommunity physicians and hospital personael to encourage proper rep rting of diseases. Investigates or coordin tes investigation of acute disease outbreaks. Interviews patients, co�tacts and physicians; takes samgles and collects specimens; reviews m dical records and otfier available information and consults with other ealth professionals regarding control measures. Does research on specif c epidemiological diseases. Assists in the preparat on of information to be disseminated regarding disease control or preventio�i measures. Prepares reports and s aries on both. research projects aad prograr� activities and results. KNO[dI,EDGES, SKILLS AND AB LITIES Thorough knowledge of t�e epidemiology and control of specified infections or chronic diseases. Considerable knowledgejof the maintenance of disease surveillance systems, data analysis and i�terpretations. Considerable knowledge of federal, state and departmental public health �unctions, regulatia�ns, policies, procedures and programs. Ability� to prepare infqrmation for presentation tI�rough the news media and through public healttfi programs. Ability to communicateleffectively both orally and in writing. Ability to organize an coordinate work activities. Ability to work tactfu ly and effectively with the general public, staff personnel and otherlhealth professionals. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS A master`s degree in e�idemiology; or college graduation in a health related field and four �ear�` hospital or public health experience in which epidemiology is thelprimary duty. ' I � � � ������ Title of class: EPIDEMIOLOGIST DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Du ies: Perforr.is responsible professional work analyzing the causes of diseas s, advising on methods of disease control and com- municating with the edical community and the general public concerning disease control; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: orks under tfie administrative and technical supervision of the Director of M dical Services. Supervision Exercised: May supervise lower level clerical, technical or professional workers, usually on a project basis. � TY�ICAL DUTIES PERFORMED Tfie listed e�xamples may n t include all duties performed by a�.l positions in tb.is class. Develops a disease surv illance system including control methods and program evaluation. Maintains contact witfi ommunity physicians and hospital personnel to encourage proper rep rting of diseases. Investigates or coordin tes investigation of acute disease outbreaks. Interviews patients, co tacts and physicians; takes samples and collects specimens; reviews m dical records and other available information and consults with other ealth professioaals regarding control measures. Does researclz on specif'c epidemiological diseases. Assists in the preparat on of information to be disseminated regarding disease control or preventio measures. Prepares reports and s aries on iioth research projects and program activities and results. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND AB LITIES Tflorough knowledge of t e epidemiology and control of specified infections or chrozic diseases. Considerable knowledge f tfie maintenance of disease surveillance systems, data analysis and in erpretations. Considerable knowledge f federal, state and departmental public health functions, regulatio s, policies, procedures and programs. Ability to prepare info tion for presentation througfi the news media and through public healt programs. Abili.ty to communicate £f ectively both orally and in writing. Ability to organize and coordinate work activities. Ability to work tactful y and effectively with the general public, staff gersonnel and other ealth professionals. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS A master's degree in ep'demiology; or college graduation in a health related field and four years' hospital or public health experience in which epidemiology is the primary duty. ' . . - 2'7�9��1 Title of class: EPIDEMIOLOGIST DESCRIPTION OF WORK ' General Statement of Du�ies: Performs resgonsible professional work analyzing the causes of diseas�s, advising on methods of disease control and com— municating with the edical community and the general public concerning disease control; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: orks under tfie administrative and technical supervision o� the Director of M dical Services. Supervision Exercised: May supervise lower level clerical, technical or professional workers usually on a project basis. � TY�ICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may n t include all duties performed by aIl positians in tfiis class. Develops a disease surv illance system including contral methads and program evaluation. Maintains contact witfi ommunity physieians and b.�spital personnel to encourage proper rep rting of diseases. Investigates or coordin�tes investigation of acute disease outbreaks. Interviews patients, contacts and physicians; takes samples and co�lects specimens; reviews m�dical records and other available information and consults with other ealth professionals regarding control measures. Does research on specif c epidemiological diseases. Assists in tfie preparat on of information to be disseminated regarding disease control or preventio measures. Prepares reports and s aries on tioth research pro�ects and program activities and results. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND AB LITIES Thorough knowledge of t e epidemiology and control of specif ied infections or chronic diseases. Considerable knowledge f tfie maintenance of disease surveillance systems, data analysis and in erpretations. Considerable knowledge f federal, state and departrnental gublic health functions, regulatio s, policies, procedures and programs. Ability to prepare info tion for presentation tfirough the news media and tlzrough public healt programs. Ability to communicate �ffectively both orally and in writing. Ability to organize and' coordinate work activities. Ability to work tactfulSy and effectively witlz the general public, staff personnel and other health professionals. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS A master's degree in ep'demiology; or college graduation in a health related field and �our years hospital or public health experience in �ehich epidemiologp is the rimary duty. ' Oo not detach his memorandum from the � `�` �-`� resolution so tha this information wil! be � ,Cj � available to the ity Council. EXPLANATI N OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS RESO UTIONS AND ORDINANCES ��QQ�(� vv v nate: �y 13, 1982 ," _ `_ a _ .,�..�.���e�.�-m�� T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER -`�U� � 1982 , �. FR: Personnel Office E-`"'\��`��4' ��`'`��L RE: Resolution far submission to City Council ACTION R�QUESTED We recommend your approval and subm ssion of this Resolution to the City Council< PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTI N This resolution will revise he minimum qualifications for the class of Epidemiologist. The purpose of the cha.nge is to ma.ke the experience re- quirement more explicit. FINANCIAL IMPACT None. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution and copy for Ci y Clerk. . .e� t � � � " 2'7�9�� � Title of class: I EPIDEMIOLOGIST DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Dut es: Performs responsible professional work analyzing the causes of di�ease , advisiag on methods of disease control and com- municating with the m dical community and the general public concerning disease control; and erforms related duties as required, Supervision Received: W�irks under the $dministrative and technical supervision of the Director of Me ical Services. Supervision Exercised: ay supervise lower level clerical, tec�inical or professional workers�lusually on a project basie. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED i The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Develops a disease surve�illance system including control methods and program evaluatione I Maintains contact with ommunity physicians and hospital personnel to encourage proper rep rting of diseases. Investigates or coordin tea investigation of acute disease outbreaks. � Interviews patients, cor�tacts and physicians; takes samples and collects specimens; reviews m dical records and other available information and consults with other ea�.th profesaionals regarcling control measures. Does research on specif c epidemiological diseases. Assists in the preparat#.on of information to be disseminated regarding disease control or preventio measures. Prepares reports and su�u�aaries on both research projects and program activities and re�ultso KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND AB�LITIES Thorough knovaledge of the epid�miology and control of specified infections or ehronic diseasese Consider�ble knowledge bf the maintenanre of disease surveillance systems, data analysis and initerpretationsa Considerable knowledgeloE federal, state and departsuental public heslth functions, regulati s, policies, procedures and programs. Ability to prepare inf rmation for presentation through the news media and through public heal�h programso Ability to communicateleffectively both orally and in writing. Ability ts� organize an coordinate work activitiess Ability to work tactfu ly and effectively with the general public, staff personnel and other health professionals. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS � � A master's degree in e idemiology; or college graduatioa in a health related field and four year ' experience in hospital or. public health epidemiology. Effective October 25, 1980 EPIDEMIOLOGiST � _ _ r �I `: . vx x�cu� oF �cFxr cz�cY cors�rci� _ �. ;r.::�1`.� �� � , r � 2'789�� _ _. .��..,:.�.� _ _. . -- -.•� . _ - - :a� .�,,,,: � , Dote ; June 24, I982 " -� _ ,, . • . �`•L`• - - - . . .. . . . _ -- - i �. � `i� t'J I 1�!1 t "' •� ._ - ��'� E f� � P' �} R ! � - � . - - � � - -- " -- -. - . � - - - . � . -_ � . TO : Sa�n� PQUt Cli�'�t Councit . . _ : r= . .� . .. .- .. . - , � - .. .. ... -- � . . . . _ _ _ _. � . . .�:. . � . ._�.., : .. ,..:.-,, � t - � .. - - . F R Q� = C a m m i fi�e� o�3 F�NANCE, MAI3AGENlENT & PERS ONNEL - . . . , . . . _ _ - .. ---�- �..._.�-, ..=- : .. ►Tames' Scheibel i � choirm o n, . _ � . . . .`. ;' . __ ' � . . : - _� - � - - = . _ The Finance Comrrtittee, �at the �meetin� of (/24/g2 , recommendect approval of the following:�. - . - - - _: i - . _. _. .._ ._ . . ...�......_ - _. . . . . __ :.��. _. _ _._... __ ----_ ___: . _.�. -- ---- -- --�- • '.. .._ _ _ .. ._ - - .. - ' l. Approval of mznutes fxo� meet�ing held June �7, I982. (OK 3-0) _ . � . _ � =. 2. Public Hearing of �Citizen Pa�ti.cipation Bucigets. ' . - .' 3, Resolution adjusting the rat� of pay for the cl.ass of Heavy Ec�ui��ment � . Operator--�9ater Department �� the Salary Ylan f� Rates o£ Compensation . Resolution. (13022-JS) (Ap�praved 3-0) - .. . 6' 1� 4. Resolution authorizing fihe.C�.ty to refund excess street �nai���ena��c� ch�crges p�1 _ to an individual (l�ir. rielvin I�l. Sinn) ►�ho �,ras overcharged clue to i.ncorrect� � . property usage information u�ed by Ramsey County in computing assessnentS. (13028-JS) 5. ResoTution establishing the i-[les and class specifications for Loan and Gxant �;j'�'�°� . Assistant I and Loan and Gxa t Assistant II in the Civa.l. Servzce Rules. (13043-JS)� �.�� b. Resolution revising the hlini um Qualifications in the Cl�ss Specification � for the title of Epidemiolog'st in the Civil Servxce Rules. (13042-JS) (Approved 3-0) - ' 7. Additional Discussion of Up oming Budoet Proce� -- Property Taxes_ Terminolop,y� • . and Trends. � 4T�i S�o �u2..,/- . . _ _ �� i � . _ _. . _ � ,_ , ._. _ _ . _ _ _ _._- -- - . - - . � . . � . � _ - . - -- _ _ . . -. . __ . - :. �' I . . � :. _ - _ ,_:.- -: V _ _ - � . _ � -: _ _ - - __ . - - _ _ - . _ _ - , . -_ . _ .. . _ . _ _ __._ a -