278926 M�MITE - CITV CLERK �^��w
PINK - FINANCE �7 COUflCIl �� ��
File N .
o n �l Res lution
Presented By � l/v A
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, the Battle Creek Regional Parrk Joint Master Plan has been prepared
cooperatively by the City of Saint Pa�ll and Ramsey County, in accordance with
the Recreation Open Space Policy Plan ,of the Metropolitan Council ; and
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commi'�ssion, on June 25, 1982, found the
Battle Creek Regional Park Joint Maste�r Plan to be consistent with the
Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan subject �to the final determination of the City
Council , upon completion of an Environ�nental Impact Statement, regarding the
disposition of the proposed barge flee�ting area owned by the Port Authority; and
W�IEREAS, the Board of Ramsey County Co�mmissioners, on June 28, 1982, approved
the Battle Creek Regional Park Joint M�ster Plan as amended by Addendums 1, 2,
and 3; and
WHEREAS, the District 1 Community Counc�il , the District 4 Community Council ,
the Pig's Eye Coalition, the Port Auth�rity and others have revie�ved the
Master Plan, and their concerns and the response to those concerns have been
added to the Master Plan as Addendum 1� and
WHEREAS, Addendum 1 removes the propos�d barge fleeting basin at river mile
834.0 from within the boundaries of the�� Battle Creek Regional Park if, upon
completion of an Environmental Impact S�tatement, it is determined by the City
Council that appropriate permits and th'e development of the basin should be
pursued, and the necessary permits are 'pbtained;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that th� Council of the City of Saint Paul does
hereby approve and adopt the Battle Cre�k Regional Park Joint Master Plan; and
FURTHER, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Councll of the City of Saint Paul hereby
authorizes the Department of Community �ervices to submit the Battle Creek
Regional Park Joint Master Plan to the �letropolitan Council for approval .
Yeas Nays �I Requested by Department of:
F�etcher � ITY SE CES �
�evine In Favor
Masanz i n
N��os�e p� , ��
scheibel __ Against � BY — �v1,
Tedesco i
Wilson i
� � 'A��—i Form Appr v d by City A rney
Adopted by Council: Date i
Certified Y•ss y Council Se ar ` � BY
tapprove y IVlavor: Dat � g 1982-� Approv ayor f r Submiss' Council
, � ,�� �
g _ By � �������
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`GiTT p�. i
�� � CITY OF ►�AINT PAUL /\,���4�-�i�
. ; OFFICE O�'F THE MAYOR � +� � ' /
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� �i�i i�" ; � F � ,
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347 CITY HALL � �.'���.'," � ' '���� '"
�J� . 2
���� SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 ,,�
GEORGE LATIMER (61�) 298-4323 � �`�'�;.tr �`���(`
MAYOR � .'_ ,:t , r���A� �
June 30, 1982 ��' �S�`� �,�
'L T�T:_I_-�-;i�
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Council President Victor Tedesco
and Members of the St. Paul City Coun�il
Seventh Floor City Hall
St. Paul , MN 55102
Dear President Tedesco and Members o�' the City Council :
On June 25, 1982, the Planning Commission passed Resolution No. 82-23
approving the Battle Creek Master Pl�n as consistent with the St. Paul
Comprehensive Plan contingent upon the removal of the proposed barge fleeting
area owned by the Port Authority froRn within the boundaries of the park
unless it is determined by the City ;Council , upon completion of an
Environmental Impact Statement, tha�+ this area will not be used for a barge
fleeting basin.
As a regional park, the Battle Cree�C Regional Park is being planned and developed
cooperatively by the City of St. Pa�l and Ramsey County, primarily with funds
provided by Regional Parks grants firom the Metropolitan Council . The City will
have operational responsibility for� the Indian f�lounds Park and Fish Hatchery Lake
areas, and Ramsey County will have ;operational responsibility for the Battle
Creek and Pig's Eye Lake areas.
Because of the storm water runoff �nd erosion problems in the Battle Creek
watershed, it is also being planne� and developed in cooperation with the
Ramsey/Washington County Watershed! District.
The Planning Commission found the ;Battle Creek Regional Park Master Plan to
be consistent with the following �lements of the St. Paul Comprehensive Plan:
The Parks and Recreation Plan, The Bicycle Plan, The District 1 Plan, and
The District 4 Plan. The Commiss�on also found the plan to be consistent with
the River Corridor Plan, except f�r the issue of the barge fleeting basin,
which is addressed in the attache� resolution. The resolution reflects the
final wording of the River Corridbr Plan regarding the Environmental Impact
Statement for the barge fleeting ;basin.
With the condition regarding the !proposed barge fleeting basin, the Planning
Commission recommends to the Cit�r Council adoption of the Battle Creek Regional
Park Joint Master Plan. I am tr�nsmitting its findings to you for your
June 30 1982 �
� ,
Page 2
Subsequent to the Planning Comrihission action, the Board of Ramsey County
Commissioners adopted an amendr�ent to the Battle Creek Regional Park Master
Plan which removes the proposed barge fleeting basin at river mile 834.0
from within the boundaries of t'�,he park if, upon completion of the Environmental
Impact Statement, it is determihed by the City Council that appropriate permits
and the development of the basin should be pursued, and the necessary permits
are obtained. In my opinion, t�nis resolves the conflict between the Battle
Creek Park Plan and the St. Pau� Comprehensive Plan.
Geo Latimer
cc: Jim Bellus
Peggy Reichert
�'��ITE — CiTV GLERK . � ' COU[1CII �
c�iNr, — F�NwNCE CjITY- OF�� S�'� I :�'T �AUL - t �
�l.UE — MAVOR • . � � . � . Flie 1\0. � --
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� . Cor�ncil �esol�tion ::�E;_ �� �,.�
� , .
Presented By `' `
� � �� � � '�'� 't
Referred To ; Gommittee: Date - � �"�
_�,� , ��-, .�`;z�, �
. ��,� �.
Out of Committee By Date �� ` '�
�,� , - " � %
� __ :_; i'
WHEREAS, the Battl e Creek Regi onal Parl� Joi nt Master Pl an has been prepared��=--'"
cooperatively by the City of Saint Pau1 and Ramsey County, in accordance with
, the Recreation Open Space Policy Planjof the Metropolitan Council ; and :
� WHEREAS, the Saint Pau1 Planning Corr�n�ssion, on June 25, 1982, found the
Battle Creek Regional Park Joint Mas�er. �Plan to be consistent with the
Saint .Paul Comprehensive Plan subjec� to the final determination of the City
Co��;:cil , upon completion of an Envirpnmental Impact Statement, .regarding the
disposition of the proposed barge flieeting area owned by the Port Authority; and
4JHEREAS, the Board of Ramsey County;' Commissioners, on June 28, 1982, approved .
�the Battle .Creek Regional Park Joint Master. Plan as amended by Addendums l, 2,
and. 3; and .
WHEREAS, the District 1 Community ;Council , the District 4 Community Council , -
the Pig's Eye Coalition, the PortjAuthority and others have reviewed the
Master Plan, and their concerns and_ the response to those concerns. have been
added to the Master Plan as Addendum.l; and �
WHEREAS, Addendum 1 removes the proposed barge fleeting basin. at.river mile _
834.0 from within the boundariesi of the Battle Creek Regional Park if., upon
completion of an Environmental �'mpact Statement, it is determined� by the City
Council that :�.ppropriate permit5 and the development of. the basin should be .
pursued, and the necessary permits are obtained; � � �
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEDy. that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does
hereby approve and adopt the B�attle Creek Regional Park Joint Master P1an; and
FURTHER, BE IT RESOLV.ED, that; the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby
authorizes the. De�artment of Corr�nuni;.y Services to submit the Battle Creek
� Regional Park Joint Master P1an to the Metropolitan Council for approval .
COUNCILA'(EN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays .
Fletcher .
�ev�ne In Favor
Masanz � _ '
Nicosfa �
schetbe� �' Against BY
Focm Approved by City Attorney
Adupted by Cuuncil: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary j By
�,�ppro�•ed b�� 11avor. Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
f35• _ _�_ By
^ . I�� � / � / � �
� �
city of saint paui , '�, .
pianning comm�ssion resolution
file number 82-23 �; .
date ' _ -
June 25, 1982 ;
�- , , _ -
�.. ;
: ,
. {; ,
�.; - � �
WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes �equire Planning Commission review of .proposed
capital amprovements for com liance with the Comprehensive Plan, and that
its findings be reported to �he Ci.ty.Council ; and :
WHEREAS, the St. Paul Plannir�g Commission has reviewed the Battle Creek
Regional Park Joint Master Pl�an, which proposes extensive capi.tal .improve-
ments for Battle Creek Park, ',for compliance with the St. Pau1 Comprehensive '
Plan; and ! . .
. . .
WHEREAS, the Planning Commiss!,ion has found the Battle Creek Park Master Plan
to be cansistent with the Parks and Recreation, Bicycle, District l, and
� District 4 elements of the Comprehensive Plan; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has found the Battle Creek Park Master
Plan to�be inconsistent with �he�recorronendation of the Mississippi .River •
Corridor element -of the Compr�hensive Plan that the proposed barge
_ . fleeting area owned by the Po�rt Authority_ not be included within the
_ boundaries of the park; and ', . .
_ . � :
� WHEREAS, the Planning Comnissi�on .has found that the addition of�the
proposed. barge fleeting area �,a:the regional park at a later date
- would be consistent with the River Corridor Plan when and if it is �
determined by .the City Council',, upon completion o.f an En�tironmental
Impact Statement, that this ar'�a will not be used for a barge fleeting �
basin; �
_ ..
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT .RESOLVEDI�P by the Saint Paul Planning Commission,
that the Battle Creek Regional �Park. Joint Master Plan is consistent �
with the Comprehensive Plan co�htingent upon the removal of the proposed _
barge fleeting area owned by tMe Port Authority from within the
boundaries of the park unless �t is determined by the City Council ,
upon completion of an Environ�ntal .Impact Statement, that this area
�will not be used for a. barge fleeting basin; and "
FURTHER, BE IT RESOLVED, that he Planning Commission's findings be transmitted .
to the Mayor and City Council �or their consideration.
- -
rr�oved by. C�chrane �� -- —
S�U IUGd b�/ _ Levv II
in fa�ror 1� '�, �
. ,
against- '� .
. �4.,��t' �•� ,' CITY OF SAINT PAUL
a uui�tun , I
� h
+••• 25 West fourch Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102
DATE: June 10, 1982
Carolyn Cochrane, Chairman ! �
FROM: Allan Torstenson
The Battle Creek Park Master Planihas been prepared by the City of St. Paul
and Ramsey County, in accordance �rith the Recreation Open Space Policy Plan
of the Metropolitan Council. The� plan consolidates four elements of the regional
park and open space system identified in the St. Paul Comprehensive Plan: 1) •
Battle Creek; 2) Fish Hatchery La�Ce; 3) Indian Mounds Park; and 4) Pigs Eye � �
Lake. The joint master plan provndes development detail for all sections of
the Battle Creek Regional Park except the Pigs Eye Lake section, which is not
yet at the development stage. Delvelopment information for the Pigs Eye Lake
section will be submitted later ih an amendment to the plan.
The Battle Creek Regional Park Ma�ter Plan must be approved by:
1. Ramsey County Board of Cbrr�nissioners
2. St. Paul City Council �
a. St. Paul Planning Commission
b. District Councils l and 4
3. Metropolitan Council
Staff findings and recommendatior�s regarding the plan's consistency with the
St: Paul Comprehensive Plan and regarding important issues of planning concern
are outlined in this staff report�.�
Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, �hapter 462, Section 462.356, Subdivision 2,
Compliance with Plan. , "After a ¢omprehensive municipal plan or section thereof
has been recommended by the plan�ing agency and a copy filed with the governing -
body, no...capital improvement (�hall be) authorized by the municipality. ..until
� after the planning agency has rel✓iewed the proposed.. .capital improvement and
reported in writing to the governing body. ..its findings as to compliance of
the proposed improvement with th�e comprehensive municipal plan."
� �
� I �` ' {, � � �
� �
June 10, 1982 �
Page 2
Planning for the Battle Creek Regional Park began with acquisition plans in
1975. Conceptual development planning for the park began in 1978, including
work done for both the St. Paul Rive,'r Corridor Plan and the Battle Creek Watershed
Plan. Comments on the Battle Creek �Regional Park Master Plan now under review►
have been received from the District� 1 and District 4 Co�nunity Councils, the
Maplewood City Council, and other ir�terested groups and individuals. Following
- Planning Commission action, the City± Council will hold a public hearing, approve
the final plan, and forward it to th�e Metropolitan Council Parks and Open Space
Corr�ni si son. �
The park will be a total of 2207 acr�es in area, including the 511 acre Pigs
Eye Lake and the 38 acre Fish Hatch�ry Lake. Only about 100 acres remain to
be acquired. The City will have operational responsibility for two sections
of the park: the 97 acre Indian Mo�nds Park and the 105 acre Fish Hatchery
Lake area. Ramsey County will have operational responsibility for the Battle
Creek and Pigs Eye Lake sections, a��though the City will continue maintenance
and operational responsibility for the two areas it currently owns within the
Battle Creek section until they are; developed as proposed. . :
The City and the County will obtain� most of the funds for the rehabilitation
and development of facilities in thie park through Regional Parks grants from
the Metropolitan Council. The res�, will be provided through the Great River
Road_ Project - MNIDOT and through �he Battle Creek Watershed Project.
. _ .
� ,
Battle Creek Section �
1. Group Picnic Area developed at; northeast corner of Upper Afton Road and
l�cKnight Road: group shelters; game fields, trails to connect to rest of _
park, 4 small ponds as part of� Battle Creek Watershed District project.
2. Swimning Area developed at sou;theast corner of Upper Afton Road and McKnight
Road. �
3. Trail Head and Picnic Area devieloped on east side of McKnight Road south
of swimming area: primary ar�a for hiking/skiing and biking trails. �
4. Winter Sports Area bounded by �Upper and Lower Afton Roads, Winthrop Street
and Battle Creek Road to be improved: lighting, improved slopes,-cross-
country ski trails. -
5. Bluff Picnic Area developed between Highway 61 and Battle Creek Road.
6. Trail Head/Visitor Center bui,9t just north of Bluff Picnic Area: trails
to Pigs Eye Lake, Battle Cree�C ravine, the bluff area, Fish Hatchery Lake;
view of river. �
7. Lower Creek Picnic Area to be,' restored by Battle Creek Watershed Project.
� June 10, 1982
Page 3
Indian Mounds Park Section
8. Indian Mounds Park will be improved: rehabilitation of pavilion building,
biking and hiking paths constr cted with bridge over Warner Road to connect
to Fish Hatchery Lake and Batt�e Creek paths.
Fish Hatchery Lake Section ,
9. Fish Hatchery Lake developed a$ trail corridor between Indian Mounds and
Battle Creek sections. �
Pigs Eye Lake Section �
10. Pigs Eye Lake area developmentiwill be limited to passive recreational
use due to the environmentallyisensitive nature of much of the site: hiking
trails, MN DNR management of L�ron rookery as scientific and natural area.
1. The Parks and Recreation Plan,� adopted as part of the Comprehensive Plan
on September 18, 1979, recomme!nds that the county and the Metropolitan
Council share with the City thie responsibility for acquisition, development,
operation, and programning of regional parks, including Mounds Park, Battle
Creek/Fish Hatchery, and PigsiEye. The Battle Creek Regional Park Master
- P-lan is consistent with this. �
. - - 2. The� Parks and Recreation Plan proposes that Battle Creek and existing park
areas be rehabilitated only afiter storm water runoff and erosion problems
have been solved in the Battl� Creek watershed. The Ramsey/ Washington
County Watershed District hasicooperated extensively in the development
o�f the Battle Creek Park Plan� and a project to control runoff and erosion
problems is in progress. ' �
3. The Parks and Recreation Planiproposes, as does the Battle Creek Park Plan,
that the Fish Hatchery area be developed as a trail corridor between Mounds
- � Park, Battle Creek Park and PSgs Eye.
4. � The hiking/skiing and biking trails proposed in the Battle Creek Park Plan
`are consistent with the recom�nendations of the Parks and Recreation Plan.
� - 5. The Parks and Recreation Plan� recorr�nends that the City work with the County
in developing interpretive fa�Cilities and a passive recreation area in
the Pig's Eye Lake Section th�at is confined to the headwaters area to reduce
negative human impact on the �delicate habitats of the downstream peninsula.
This is also the intent of th��e Battle Creek Park Plan, although the details _
of such a development have nait yet been provided.
� 6. The Parks and Recreation Pla � recommends that the old county ski area at
Battle Creek Park be upgrade� as necessary, which is proposed in the Battle
Creek Park Plan.
� �
� � V� � � � �
June 10, 1982
P 4
age ,
7. The Bicycle Plan, adopted as par� of the Comprehensive Plan on August 22,
1978, recommends that separate bncycle and pedestrian paths be constructed
along Battle Creek, with carefuliattention to storm drainage considerations.
It also recommends that the desi;gn speed, with radius of curvature, surface,
etc. of all bike paths built beiof a quality that will insure usage. The
bike paths will be carefully planned, with appropriate coordination with
the Ramsey/Washington County Wa�ershed Distric�t. The bike trails that
will connect the Indian Mounds, ;Fish Hatchery Lake, and Battle Creek sectiqns
of the park is exactly the sortiof thing encouraged by the Bicycle Plan.
8. The Mississippi River Corridor iPlan, adopted as part of the Comprehensive
Plan on July 30, 1981, states �hat park improvements along Battle Creek
will take place following the implementation of ineasures to correct the
creek's hydrological problems, ;and that park development in the Pig's Eye
area will be interpretive and �assive in character and confined to the
headwaters area. As noted in previous findings, the Battle Creek Park
Plan is consistent with this. � It is also consistent with the pedestrian/
bicycle trail system outlined ;in the River Corridor Plan.
9. The Pig's Eye Coalition, in alletter reviewing the Battle Creek Park Plan,
recorrenends that the 43 acre ar�ea immediately west of Fish Hatchery Lake,
which the River Corridor Planiproposes for industrial use, be included
within the boundaries of the park if it is deemed unsuitable for industrial '
use. This recommendation hasibeen accepted by the Public Works/Parks and
Recreation Comnittee of the R�amsey County Board as an amendment to the
Battle Creek Park Plan. The ,hnajority of the area is currently zoned residential,
and would have to be rezoned ;before being used for an industrial park.
If the City Council determin�s that the area will not be developed as an
industrial park according to;the standards outlined in the River Corridor
Plan, including filling to insure safety from flooding and landscaping
to insure the safe venting of toxic gases from the underlying landfill,
� the inclusion of this are in! the regional park would be consistent with
the River Corridor Plan.
10. The Mississippi River Corri�or Plan shows the park in the extreme northwest
corner of the Pig's Eye Lake area extending to Childs Road; it shows a
bikeway and access road to Serve the Pig's Eye area and interpretive center
coming through this property, which is currently owned by the City. The
property is presently used by the Division of Parks and Recreation for
'a chipper and elm tree disp�osal. The Public Works/Parks and Recreation
Committee of the Ramsey County Board has accepted the following as an amend-
ment to the Battle Creek P�rk Plan:
Change the boundary o�' the Pigs Eye Lake section between the
MWCC property and the! Milwaukee Road Railroad property to include .
Battle Creek and the ;�and east of Battle Creek (see attached
map) .
. . �
- i
June 10, 1982
Page 5 �
Thi w uld v th
s o lea e e rest of thil area west to Childs Road within th
� , , e
St. Paul Park System, and access �to the headwaters area would be provided
across this St. Paul park land. �The Battle Creek Park Plan, with the above
amendment, is consistent with th� River Corridor Plan regarding this area.
The area currently used for the �hipper operation can be added to the
regional park later, when it is �o longer needed by the City. -
11. The Mississippi River Corridor Phan states the ash settling ponds now
__ operated by the Metropolitan Wasjte Control Commission on MWCC property
. east of east levee wall will be 5ealed, that the area will become:part
of the Pig's Eye open space syst,�m, and that any tertiary treatment expansion
outside the levee wall would. be �to the south of the levee wall, adjacent
to the river. Not� all of the MW�CE property east of the east levee wall,
shown as part of the regional park in the River Corridor Plan, is included
_ within the boundaries of the park by the Battle Creek Park Plan. Both
__the MWCC and regional parks areiguided by the Metropolitan Council. The
Battle Creek Park Plan places the boundary between the park and MWCC property
� such that the property needed fdr. the Pig's Eye trail system is included
within the park and the propert,� needed by the MWCC for their existing
ash basins. The remainder of the MWCC property in this area can be added _ .
to the_ regional park in the fut�re, when it is no longer needed by the
MWCG. and the Metropolitan Counc 1 considers the transfer of the land to
- - --- _the-�regional park appropriate. The way this area is handled by the Battle
� � Creek Plan is consistent with tl�e River Corridor Plan.
12. The St. Paul Port Authority, in! a letter reviewing the Battle Creek Plan,
noted that the proposed b arge f�eeting area owned by the Port Authority
should not be included within �the park boundaries. The River Corridor
Plan shows this area as outside� of the boundaries of the regional park;
the Battle Creek Park Plan is inconsistent with this. The addition of
this area to the regional park� �at a later date, when and if it is determined
by the City Council that this a,rea will not be used for a barge fleeting
_ basin, would be consistent withi the River Corridor Plan.
- , _
13. The bike and pedestrian paths. aind general improvements for Indian Mounds
Park are consistent with the Diistrict 4 Plan, adopted as part of the City's
Comprehensive Plan on December �4,. 1979. The District 4 Community Council
has reviewed and approved the Battle Creek Park Plan.
� -�14. The District 1 Plan, adopted as part of the Comprehensive Plan on December
15,� 1980, states that "the Dis�rict Council will support needed improvements
at Battle Creek Park after Bat le Creek has been stabalized and the erosion
, problem controlled" . ..and "su�ports the Ramsey County - St. Paul land
exchange to put the entire Bat�le Creek (section of the) Park under the _
ownership and management of th� County." The Battle Creek Park Plan is
. .
in conformance with the DistriCt 1 .Plan.
� � t� ` � �
June 10, 1982
Page 6 �
The staff recommends that the Planning �Commission find that the Battle Creek .
Regional Park Joint Master Plan is con�istent with the Comprehensive Plan con-
tingent upon the removal of the propos d barge fleeting area owned by the Port
� Authority from within the boundaries o� the park. '
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Ramsey Cou�nty - City of St. Paul
J�une 1981
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presented By Commissioner Norgard Ddte June 28 1982 82-551
_ �i � No.
Attention: �
?'udget & Accounting; A.JJi Crea, Parks & Recreation;
WHEREAS, The Board of Ramsey �ounty Commissioners has solicited public
review of the Battle Creek Regiona� Park Master Plan; and
WHEREAS, The public review ha� identified several areas of concern regarding
the Master Plan; and i
WFiEREAS, The concerns and the �iresponse to the concerns has been added to the
Master Plan as Addendum ��1; and
WHEREAS, The availability of fiunding from the Metropolitan Council and changes
due to recommendations of Addendum ����l have required a revision of the C.I.P. ;
those changes have been added to tt4e Master Plan as Addendum 462; and
WHEREAS, Operational and maint�enance costs have changed as a result of the
revised C.I.P. ; these ch�.:zges have ibeen added to the Tfaster Plan as Addendum �t3;
Now, Therefore, Be It
RESOLVED, By the Board of Ramsl'ey County Commissioners that the Battle Creek
Regional Park Master Plan is hereby�iapproved as amended by Addendums 1, 2, and 3
which are �.ade a part hereof by ref�rence; and Be It Further
� RESOLVED, That Resolutions 4179fi1279 and #79-1281 are herewith rescinded.
�//�/ ,%��, i
ROBERT J. ORTH, Cha,v�man I B� �� /'��`��, ��i,.��
e eh. - Caw�,ty �aa
All Cor� r c
e.�ts and re.,�enses on the proposed Battle Creek Re ion P M
Flan have now� been rece�ved. All ;�etters of response are attached�herea�ter
The main issues which were identif,�ied are:
1 :) Cor,munity Garden 5�'ite
2. ) Swimming Pool �
3. ) Boundaries in the �Pigs Eye Lake and Fish Fiatchery Lake
� 4. ) Maplewood City Council Concerns
' «
, 1 . } Co�u^�unity Garden Site
Several letters and numerous' comments at the Public InforTr�ation Meeting
expressed oppositien to the ;�limination of the corr�nunity gardens in the
long term development concepit for Battle Creek Regional Park.
The community gardens were d�egun at Battle Creek Regional Park as an
interim use of part of the park. The gardens may continue as an
interim use until that site ;is developed as proposed in the Master Plan.
Replacement sites will be sought within non-regional park sites. The
District 1 Cormunity Council of St. Paul , in the enc�osed letter of
December 15, 1981 , recommen�ied that a corrmittee be formed to locate a
site suitable for gardening; on an on-going basis to replace the Battle
Creek site.
That Ramsey County form a commi Itee to locat
replace the Battle Creek site. � e a garden�ng site suitable to
2. Swimmi �
) ng Facility ,
Several residents at the p�blic information meeting and the Maplewood
City Council expressed opp�sition to the wave-action pool alternative
for the swimning facility.; Concern was expressed that the pool would
generate greatly increased� activity in the area and this activity would
result in increased traffiic and demands upon City of Maplewood services
such as police, paramedics;, and street improvements.
The Master Plan recomnend� that a swirr�ning area be developed in Battle
Creek Regional Park. Twoioptions are recomnended: 1 ) a man-made pond,
and 2) wave-action pool . �Neither option is recomnended in the Master
Plan. The Master Plan st�tes that a feasibility study should be con-
ducted to determine wheth�r a wave-action pool or man-made pool should
be constructed.
The recent reductions in �fiunding for development in regiona] parks will
�ndoubtedly delay the devielopment schedule proposed in the Master Plan
C. I .P. The swimring faci;lity will likely be delayed until 1984 at the
That no change be made ir► the Master Plan as a result of the Maplewood
City Council motion. �
The Maplewood City Council action does not necessitate any change in
the Master Plan. It should be� noted that the implementing agency,
Ramsey County, is responsible �or operational costs of the Regional
Park, and that the City's of Maplewood and St. Paul should provide
certain �municipal services, such as streets and utilities on the
same basis as they would be prpvided for any property owner within
the municipality.
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•=�.• f-..�- COFI�MUNIiTY COUNCIL INC. � •
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�A' , ,,�'� O� March I2. 19�? .,�,
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Mr. Larry HuiT;berg •
Ra-:sey Co. F�rK� and RecrEc��pr, Ceilpt.
P�d�i�l�� & Deveio�^�,er�t �ivision �
161c: White $ear Ave. �
St. Paul , Mn. 551Q6
Dear Mr. Holmberg: ;i
This is to inform you 'hat the Dayton's Bluff District 4 Cor�munity Council
has reviewed the Battle Creek Reg;ional Park Plan, with cpecial atter.Lion
being giver, to tr,� lndian Mounds �Park section because it would i^pact our
neighhorhood the most.
Uerificati r w h n ' .
o as soug t a d rece�lved from the City s Corrr�unity Services
staff that there are no conflict$ between the Battle Creek Regional Park
Plan ard the priorities and plan� we worked �ut with City stoff for the
imprcver�erts to the Indiar Mound� Fark.
Based upon these discussions wit,�h City staff and after careful rev�ew and
consideration �he Dayton 's Bluffj District 4 Corrvnunity Council sup;�orts and
endorses the Sat±le Creek Regior�al Park Plan.
S 1 � � ` ' i
�`�,�Y�� —_ �
�_�� �� � �� � �
Peter D. Valenty, President �
Dayton's Bluff District 4 Co��lnity Council
' . . . �� ��' � ? �
. �
��� COUNC/L t�.����_� _�.� ..'.� :- ; - .Y
v FL�. . ^�v3-_
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Distr�ct f Co^imunity Counci
":� E Sce.:ic.H;I s Sho �r n er
! Pl {P � i
?D��3uL4'u rb��'A ven ue
� St. Paul, A'�nneso*a 55119
Ramsey County Board '
Court House '
' St. Paui , M'J. 55102 •
. Th� District 1 Com-.unity Co�ncil gave tenative approval to the o��rraii dfveTcp-
ment conce�t f�r 6attTe Creek Reigionat Park at their Augusi 24th r!e�eting. We also
call y�ur attention to the fo11�1ing p�ints of concern mentioned et ti�e August 17th
information meeting;
1. The loss of garden piots in �he area west of $attle Creek Road between t)pper
Afton and Low.:.-r kfton was a ¢ancecn expressed by a targe number of peo�ie at
the meeting. It �•�as suggest�d that a suitable replace�Pnt for the garden
plots could be found a,hen deNeTopment takes place (1y85 or $5) and the piots
c.flu 1 d rem�i n unt i 1 thcn. ;
2. S�me residents indicated thalt Indian Mounds Park picnic area was under-utilited
and questiopFd the need for' addit+anal pienic areas as �utlined in the plan.
Need is for an area to accor.h�date large rou s.
3. There was concern for co�ts i- who wi 11 pay - h�►�� mucfi �,i 11 taxes intrease -
wi 11 fedEral funds be avai l�ble (Greai Rivet Road) , and if not a1i 1 ) project
be drop�e�? .
4. There seeT�ed to be supp�rt ,�for somo sort of swim�ning facility eithough eom�enis
ab�ut the wavc tec p�ol w:rje negative (waste of m�ney to be used only 3 rtr�nths
out of year etc.) ti man m��e pool eould possibly be used for skating during
winter rt+onths.
' �$. 3nc�eased traffic on McKni�ht, 8attle Creek Road and Upper A`ton was mentioned
es a poss i b 1'e prot 1 er. �
� 6. 7here was some concern rensrdina the downhill ski nrea ai 8attle Creek, it
needs upgrad�ng - tow ro�e,� shouid be replaced etc. Present plans do n�t seem
to �ddress this issue. ; .
• Tfi�e following is an addit��lonal recommendation made by the So�ia1 Lo��ittee and
endorsed by the Dist�ict tour�cil regarding a future s+�rim�ing facility in the �rea
of Upper Afton and ticKnigh, ; ;
7he Metropoliten Counci ? �houid conduct a �aarket �tudy to lndicate whEiher a
s winrning p�pl such as tfiz wa;ve ttc poal should be locatrd anywhere in the metro
. : area befo�e ma�.inq any reco��nend�t+on a5 to tfie Lype of #acility �o bt located
�n the Sattle Lrec�. F�gional; Qark area. -
; ; . Si�ce�ely,
� � "Ct: ��ern�e f dmont!s i � �
Lrrry Mo1�►�• •9 i : �to�ert Jchnsen� Prtsident
. �1%•�opc 1 i t an Pa►� t.o�ra i�s�on D i s t r,c L t toarnun i ty Lounc+ I
��.�._ _ _._.....__. __. .__ __ i __
�-- .- .
:, �i � CO UI'JC/L
.. - ;� ''T� .
� �-''1 I J ' Dece�Ser 15, 1a91
. ! r� �-' I
� .\ D%s*�ict 1 Communiry Counc:!
..✓� � •� � S^e^-c Hi�!s Sl:�nn�ng CQntcr
����SU.SJ'L'i3r: AVP!]!l�
• St. Faul, A"%nr.e.n�a 55119
. .
Ra^�sey Ccun;y 5oard Co�-;i�sicn4*s
COiii� �"�pU• �_
c` �'= � f'�'J �r 1 C'=
- -- . �.
flo3f CO!n'^t== fGn^r� ,
�n August 2�, 1a°1 , we wtote to share some specifit points of con-
eern a��ut battle Creet: Regio!nal Par�.. Cu� position was further re-
fined in Gcto::��r reqardinG the gardening aetivity no�v taking place on
Battle Crc•ek Rp���. ThaL positio� includNs:
1. P,ec��niti�n of qard,�ninq as a eommunity aetivity.
2. RccoT-�endation tfia�' a committec, nade up flf Ramsey County
?ar!-, and kecreatiori, Ra^scy Louniy fxtension Service.
ra^s�y Soii � wG;e� Con�ervation District, the P,amsey
C�ur„'� f��rd�n ��soti�ti�n a�d any other interested pa�ties�
r•:��t a-+� a:�rf tog�ither ta ioc�tE a s i te sui ta.`.!e for qarden-
i�� on an on-a�i�� basis to �e availa`.�le 4�ithin a period ot
�,.,: y:ars� . .
Th i� ��s i t i an �•�a� the' res ul t or many hours of d istus�ion ►vi th many
differcn� �artics. ThoS� ihotirs should qive clear indication of the
' i:sv�'.� i�n_�,-tanc� tG r�an�� r�:orle. �+F are qr�teful Lo COfl1^1lSSfO�tf'�S
1�ora�rd �-,� ��h:�•�•.r fnr tricir intnr�•�,t �nd p�riici���ti�n in tfic di�-
fi jr� �. � -
. �,l. ..��������,
TOni SakeT, Cam-�unity �rnani2er
cc• M.1 '�r�*g Distritt 1 Con�n�,nity touncil
• Ja^. Peic�son
G i.,nn�. r-oc;t.�
7ony Cr�a :/'
; °,
' 7:00 P.�. . Th�sday, November S. 1981 '
Council Chambers. Mvnicipal Building
~ Hee�ing No. $1-26
A regular meeting of the City Council of Maplevood, Minnesota was held in the Council
�hambers and vas called to order ai 7:05 P.M. by Mayor Greavu.
.' John C. Greavu, Mayoz Pzesent �
Norman G. Anderson, Councilman Pzesent '
Gaz� k'. Bastian, Councilman Present
Frances L. J�ker, Councilpers�n Present
Earl L. Nelson, C�uncilman Pzesent
1. ?7inutes No. 81-15 (July I6, 1981)
Councilman Bastian moved that the l�inutes of Meeting No. 81-15 (July 16, 1981) be
�pproved as corrected:
Page 27 - Item J-lc Add: •'and that the monies be placed in the road fund".
Seconded Dy Councilperson Juker. Ayes - all.
bayoz Greavu moved to approve the ,�genda as amended: '
1. House Numbers
2. Electien Date Change
3. Ozdinances
4. Highwood snd McKnight Intersec ion
S. Liquor: Eatablish Sunday �our
b. l4aple Knolls - Construction Re iev
7. 8reakfast lleeting Novembet 19,�1981
Seconded by �ouncilperson Jukez. J1yee - all.
Council zemoved Item 6 from the Co»sent Agenda to become Item J-S.
��yor Crt�vu �noved� seconded by Co�ncil�oan Bastian. �Ayet all, Lo appreve the Cbnsent
enda Items 1 throu h S and 7 as tcoar+�ended.
3 . . . . . . . . .
1. �1lccounts ��yabl: .:
r�.. ; I ,
.:.�#,pprovsd the �t�cs►imts �lart I -- ��ies, �ervices. ��cpefisrs: C�eck 110. ��MD63d4 �hirou�t�
< �;�eci�o. 00643I — �t04.3�9.6b; cic lto: O1T�42b tl�roujh t�ck.�. '�?1i617 - �135.��2.�5:
-•� -���y �>�art II .— l�yr�i1•�, yi:�seck lb. 0310S tbrau�l► tl�cck IID.�i13�31 - .;S3,b?9,iE� �� �tb�e
: .R a�ovnt of �34.d.)S2.t0. .:.
. . .. . .. . . ... .;. : � ��, � � .. . ,. :....�l1 /i . .. . � .. . ��
, �
_ !2a le400d Mall sub 'ect io the fo�lovin conditions:
l. Any exterioz aignage shall be approved by the Community Design Reviev Board.
� � .
Z. The applic:nt ahall provide vritten approval lrom Homart Develcpnent .
' 3. All required licenses for op'eration ahall be obtained frem the City.
4. This permit may be reneved �}ftez one yeaz of operation provided there have
been no problems caused by �he facility.
5. The bumper cars must be equ�ped �aith safety devices to guard users from
possible injury. ;
� 6. Adequate poiicing must be piovided to assure order, as determined b� the
• Public Safety departmen[. � �
7. Bike racks and exterior lig�ting io be instal2ed as requized by the Public
_ Safet} Department.
8. A licant should be aware dlf and nf w
pp e orce Maple ood curfev regulations.
9. Ownez and applicant shall a�gree to the ahove conditions in wrfting.
Seconded Dy Councilman Anderso�. Ayes — all.
1. Yoya Piletich I
a. hr. Piletich stated he has; cold his pzesent home and would like to have
Council approval to build a ho�me on the preperty to the south. Re stated one
of the tonditions of a previou�s lot split was that he had to reteive Cauncil
approval to build and to meet �ceztain conditions.
b. Council dizected that thf� request be placed on Lhe N�vember 19, 1981 meeting.
J. �IEW BUSINESS (continued) �
5. Subdivision �rdinance Revision,i
a. Councilman Bastian moved lo taDle thfs item to the November 19, 1981 �aeetin . '
Seconded by �ouncilperson Juk�er. Ayee — all.
� 3. Dsttle Crcek Ma�tes Plan � .
a. !l�nager Evans pzesenttd � letter from Ramsey Cvunty �arks and Recreation
_ Depaztn�ent zegardiag tbe Dat�lt Cteek lLster �lan.
�. !!r. Larry �lol�sber�, �ro jkcc ��inceT, �.►�:�y co��,c�►, .�fcplaiaed Lhe spccifics
� �i the proposai. � . : ,~
. , i �
t. �Yyor Cz��vu so�rsd that IMaplevco�d scttpt Lhe �atL1e �reek 'Msctez �lan, ��
but reserve tt'f�t s t to o ect to t e tve o n�ent ar t n t t ty �n t t
� e Metropo itsn ounc t e tost or sireet, re �n �o ce r
` �nd an thi ! at t t voc� :�toti i c t1L stns o .
s -
� i
- �.._. -
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,�, � . . ..._ . - COC►'e�inQ�� �SS't Coord�nA'�'�'
\ , . � ` � : ;.._ ✓ b4'� -925� o� 696-45�/3
Au�. 2 i, ���1 '
Larry ho��:berg �
'�T:sey Cc��.^.ty Open 5pace C :�.�*ission
P1Grlrling A:�d DevE�lo��:r�t D�vision
� 161� � :'r��te �ea� Ave.
� vt• Palll� .�. �jji09 �
� �e: �:.ttle Cr�ek ?�e��o:��ll P�.r�. ?iaster Plan
Dear ':r. �o1-*�berg, I
C?ur Board cf Directorls 2t our Aug. 26, 19$1, meetin�
discussed the Battle Creek-I Re�ional Park Tlzster Plan. :�?e
favor the consolidation of the four pret*ious regional psrk
urits (3attle Creek, Fish �Natchery, Nounds Park and Pi�'s yye
Lzke} into one systemGtic !regional parl�:.
�le a�ree y�.t'� your �.r�lalysis that the value of the
Pi�'s Eye co�^ponent is in Ipreserving and nanaging the
exter�sive and unique natur+al reso�arces fo�.znd there. r;e agree
th�t th� ':inn. De?art:�e.^.t Iof i�atural Resources {�Jh'?) is tr,e
2ppro�riate a�ency to r�an�lge the heron rookery as a stzte
�cie�tific and :�atura� �r a. '::'e agree thzt the pri:aary rECre-
atior. �zvelo�~�e::t at Pig'� �ye sho::ld be h�kino tr�iis, because
r�c�t af t:7e s�te is env�rcpr.-�entally ser_s�tive an� �ust be pro-
tec�ed fro:: over use.
?he one area t�rhere w� criticize the ?�.aster Plan is in tre
t�.*.-.ing of the Pio's �ye s ctior, developr.:ent. Zl�e feel stran�ly
that the Pig's �ye trails�2nd the access road fro:^ �he :�,e*ro-
politan ;�aste Control Cor...�ission (:i►:CC) should be devel��sd
no later than late 3952.
Your �. ster plan s�e�ifies that hiking trails are the
second hi�hest recreatior. 1 need for your service area. :te
feel the Pi�'s rye trail �ystem offers the public- the �ost
interesting a:�d c�na�.ic h'�:ing to be found anS�w:�ere in the
park, bec2use cf the oppo�tur.�ties for wildlife vie�;.�iz�,
birdin�,, river access, an� the �,ix of urban activities juxta-
posed rrith secluded �-iId reas.
. .
, . .
� _.__
�_-•:- _... __,.,.�.�_ -. :_..�__�._�:,.__�1 ._..�..�.._�.� _ _ ��_
� r) �) � 9� r
. d^ �
, 7. �
':'e reGl=ze that s�eedin� �� the t�.:�?r:g �f the ri�•s �ye
. EiE.^..�::i. ?1�CC�5�'i.�t.BS 1::1.:��C1�i.E;' «�1�.'l::i.^.�, fOT ,'t.�'i� �i��S .�.�-
!ji.'r:t� �'ECt.1C: .�:.��c?' ��2'. cT•�r•uF.".1E::t.S. uEC2:1�2 Oi o-ar i^�E:^cS�
�_ �- =e ir j s .`t,Er� iti•:e ��oal;: li�:e to ti:�r:�: clo�:.l;�
�.... �;_��r.,_ .. �l-:_ :a..�
1•���,': ;o-:: o:: the �.iar.� �or ri�•is Ly�.
ice�s t�:�� ti;:, have for D��l: dev2lop�erlt 2t P��'� �}-e are:
Tti1��`�_�:� P�v'S �'::
1) ?�a;:�ng the p�rri rcau �ro^� t?^.e :�;:7CC acce�s rc2d pe�aner.t
�nd ccr.structin� a parl�.�r�'g l�t 1'cr no �ore than 20 cars
�� t?�e r,o^th e�L of Pi�'S E}-e La�:e. i'h:s is particul�rly
i^��or��nt in :Tie�•� oi t'�le ;fact ti'.�t the �edestria:. br�c�E
� o�er }��•.y. 6�. �ape�rs to i�e G lon� v:ay o�f.
. �
�) �L;a;-, �:-:� t?'.e i ea�ibili�;�; of cor.s Lruc�ing 2 ccr:�oe acce�s
�;, �he nortr: �n� cf t:� 1a�:e.
3) ?1Gce��nt of n�turGl be:iche�(p�r::�:�s r.�de oi tr�e �t:�::*�s
cr ethEr "`'o;L-�o. objec�s'1 so t"at if �looc�ng des�r�}�s tl,e::�
. Or Tl:�iti*v.S trivi.� Zl, Zv �� ��� riTldi�1C1G� ��rSS, a1� .Sli�'2tec1C �
voir.ts a3ar.b the pat�.s. ;
1+) St14y feasibility of co�istruct�n� 2 board�;-alk along the
V;etland areas in the na'rthern section of Pi�'s �ye L�ke.
�) Study fea�ib�lity o�' r�introduction and enhar.ce:�e^t of
aouatic pla;ltin�s �n t�:z Lake.
6) Ir.vestigate methods ofi enha:�cing the Lake's characteris—
tics a� a native fishe;ries n�.�rsery.
7) Cc^�i*:ue :r.onitorin� by ::'::CC e� tr,e slun�e de�osit area on
tr.� al� l�r.:fill �ite ;an:: of the ash p�n�s and their effects
on the Lake's water q�ality.
$) P1�=:nin� tne tra=1 sy��e:.^. ti�hich t�es into accou�t the need
fo: � b;�i fer areG 2ro'u::d trie rookerJ.
�) �void placernent of t�ails or vie��.*ing sites r.e�r heron
. I�OOS L.Lrl� and �'eeding��.r�as, avoi3 place:�ent �f s�i trails .
near wi�terin� bald �agle roosting and feeding areas.
10) �estrict u�e o� trai;ls to non—:�otorized traffic.
11) ':on�tor trail u�e and h,.�::►aa irr.�act on Pi�'s �ye and .-7ake
cor.tiagency plar.s Sdr hikin� per�ait syste:� if over use
beco:�es a prob3e::..
� . �. 3
.. r:�G:� �OGi:=�1':
��) :��c t.-.=i1� �n:c er �.�'s?"GU�:1 the roo�ery.
��) T :1::. r }` Y`i.rr .+r�`,' c,v.�- +r��� !}'`'� � }
J 1J�.' �E C� JC�' .J !:v ,' l,W :J:'�... �r ��.r.".1 t~iG11�:1 :�anC. F:G.iG`G� .
i-:�i'.� GS .�.La�Q J�12:�L��iC. �:'�` JY�t.urG� /'�a P.G �J:iA�• �
1�) Ce��inue nor.��orin` c.f r.���ting uehav_or, r.;i-�be^s, a�d
bree��n� succe�s of ��-,e ,�oo�e�y. Stu�es cor.�e �;� 'Jaiversit;�
o� .:�rinesat2 �..^.��or D��.
1�) ?rst�t',li£ DE��t s�•��e:,�,,' OD2�'2i.@C Uy �:�K�S S:Vk prco^�r.:,
: for 2'.:� ',•:ho ti�:�r��. tor �is�t Y�OO2:Cry. Per*�its �houl� be issue�
O.^:iS' t0 t.rCS� 1•:`�t�l �Gri�+fiOE SC12T1�1i1C Tc850.^.S f07' E?nt.Eri;��
t.:� ?'JG�:c:'y.
1�) S�ud;,� tne nece�sit•,- ef �r,d i:��acts to tr,p :oo�.Ery o� �,:::er�:��
to t:ie Ji5E�5EC: Tree Co��r�trol ?roor�^.-, in the Pig's �;E sect:o:..
� �J^�7r• ^��f�� .
l.L tr��f1.'1 r '♦ �
i7) PZaCE 1I'_t�r�re�i,�e si� ::�t:� history and ecolo;y anc :,a�
OI 't:'t@ pI`�S �j�� area �t the I"i0Y'triern plo�S �yE t7'a�l �782C.
1�) �eve2op brochure on hi�tory, ecolo�, and �ignificance
o� Pi�'s �ye �'or di�tr�bu�ion at the �:in Trail �:eac/
Visi�or CentEr. ,
1�) Develo� birc, _*.�:z:w.l '�nd lant checklists for Pi�'s ��E.
2�) ''o�r ilith loc�l er.v_r��:�er.tzl are citizen groa�s to
ce�elc� vol;:::�eer-r�.::�i na�ur� �nd interpret�ve :_:es and
�raora�s on th� Pi�' s �,ye a:ea.
21) �:or:c �•:�ith local �rau�is to cevelop voli:n�eer-run litter
clean-�;� and tra:i ;:i�,�.r,ten2nce p:obrar�s to help c:�f'r�S�
county cos�s of oper�ition and ..:aintena.�ce at Pi�•s �ye.
� ��'e ho�e to r��eet t�zth i�you soon to develop plans f'D: t'r,E
Pi�'s �S�e area.
i'i�i Sonnen, President
. Pi�'s :.ye Coali�icn ' _
�'L/`�s ;
_ �c: John ;ti'ir�ca, St. ?'au;"1 Parks �nci Recreation
CGrro13 �Ienderson, ;b:�: ?�o�-Ga.�:e PT�gra�
. �rb Coffin, �:'?. S��A �'rog.�^a:� .;
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3e te:�ber 15 1981
P �
L2rr Nolmbe
y r
Rzr��se � Count G e:� S ace ��Cor;,mis�ion
s y � � �
: Pl�r.ning and Developme^t '�ivision
1618� White Be�r Fvenue I '�
St. Paul, r:innes�ta 551091
�te: Battle Creek Re iana� Park Master Plan
g �
Dear Mr. Ho�mberg: '�
The B�-rd of Directors of �',the Pig' s £ye Coalition wish to add a few
edditional comments to oux letter of August 27, 1981, regarding the
Battle Creek Regional Parl� Master Plan.
It is our understanding thlat the land T'1�' of Pig's Eye Lake belonging
to the Metro Waste Control�ICommission was to remain within the
regional park boundaries . ��, Easements were to be secured from tk�e
Mt�►'CC and the land was to bg util.ized es part of the park until final
determination could be mad� as to whether this land was actually
needed by the Commissi�n. I
T'he boundary on the extrem� NW section, should be extended to C�:ild' s
Road. The Port Authority �id turn over title of this property to the
City of St . Psul as part o� the Negotiated Investment Strategy agree-
ment , with the stated intention that this property was to be park land.
The Fish Hatchery Lake Bzea�lpian should include a provision to include
the 43 acres IvW of the lake��, if this land is deemed unsuitable for an
industrial park. T his area��, was ariginally included �s part of the park, -
and some metro funds have bgen spent to purshase iand there. When the
City's policy was changed L� designete this area as Bn industrisl
�ark developed by Lhe B urli:�gton Tflzthern R.R. - it wes decided �y the
City ta exchange Gity ownedJiand for the Burlington deed to Lhe Leke
itself. ���
' ,
�here hes been controversy r;eg�zdi�ng it�e establist�ment of :an -
:industzial pazk in this �ezea��„ �ecause �t is loceted in the �loodpiain,
. . -�nd it is t�.so, the site �f e'�, fnrmer landfil�:�- =it it our��P3a�.iaa -�his
'I _
� this land is much more appr:�priately deer..ed park la:,d and we fer-1
that eve�tually time �.-i11 pzove �s correct. To pzovide for t�:is
eventuslity - the Mast Pian should state that this land sho�,�ld be
incozporzted uithin the pazk bou�daries if the land is unsuitable
f or constructian.
If you have any questions about bur pasitian, please call us. Thank
. ��
K'iki Sonnen ,' �
, . :
�'eggy Lynch . -� • t �
. �` - ,
cc . R�bert Orth, Ramsey Countiy Baard
John Wirka , St . Paul Parl�s and �tecreation
Carroll Henderson, DNR non-Game Program
Barb Coffin, DNR S�:� Program
District Council I
; , �
� ;
� � '1 �'
�' -.� . .
�$4 � �7
� �, �
Minnesota P�IfutiQ�� Control I-�4 e�cv-- � �
�- � y •
� t • •
� ^ .
, September 9, 1�81
. �
Mr. Larry Holmberg
Ramsey County Parks & Recreation Depjt.
1880 White $ear Avenue
St. Paul , Minnesota 35109
Dear Mr. Ho�mberg:
The Minnesota Pollution Control Agehcy (MPCA) appreciates the opportunity to
review the Joint Master Plan for th'e development of the Battle Creek Regional
Park in St. Paul and Maplewood.
This Agency supports the decision of the Ramsey-Washington Metro Watershed
District to proceed with the Battle Creek restoration project. �IPCA in-
volvement in planning for regiona7! parks is minimai ; consequently, our comnents
are brief. Nowever, as thE park is developed, areas sensitive to erosion
should be identified and mitigati�re measures implemented.
If you have any questions which the MPCA could assist you in addressing, please
feel free to contact Cliff Anders�on, 296-7215.
_: „ - " �
. -,
,- .
Deborah R. Pi1e
�nvironmental Review Coordinaton
Office of Planning & Review
cc: C1iff Anderson '
1935 west Cav�ity Roed 82.Acsev+ue.l�l�nnesosa 35113 -��� -� ��F �
Aeg+o�a� 4�+�ces t7k,Z:�e��a�e►d-'Derro�t LMes i�a•�an•R.�s�r
,i� to.�r`ODOo�+►,rtt FmD+�r _
, � � g9��
. �:�amsey Co�nt� .�:
167 Courmouse � . : - ,
St. Pau►, Minnesota SSt02 KENNETH E. �I1I�LTZIN
- , (st2► 298-aiQp �2 ` Orrecto►
• t 1: ��' ,Rd
' County En��nser
` � L j ' � L.J J4dmin�strative Assistent
September 21 , 1981
' .•
' Larry E. Holmberg, La dscape Architect
Ramsey County Parks &' Recreation Department
Planning and Development Office
i 618� w'hi te Bear Aven e
Saint Paul , Minnesota 551Q6
Battle Creek Regior,al Park Joint Master Plan
Ramsey County Public Works Department has reviewed the Master
Plan f�r Battle Creek' Regional Park.
On page i5 of the rep rt, it is stated, "the County Board has
proposed that if no 1 nger necessary for a correctional facility,
the Work Farm should e used for park purposes." The Work Farm
has been designated as a possible site for a sanitary landfill ,
and you may wish to contact Doug Wood for more information.
Thank you for allowin us the opportunity to review this plan.
. �.,J�'����
Kenneth E. Weltiin, P.f.
Director and County E gineer
�Cd:j s
_ #�s
i .. ,_ :;..
. ^ ,
� - ��N~��lq � � _ .
�� .�
� � Minnesota DeparRment ot Transportation� c �� �
� r�., - : r-,-.
'' ;�,� ��$ Transpor:a;ion Build,"ing, St. Paus,1416�1 551b5 i �
T� TRPa �� � . -•
i �_ , . �
! �' � Phons 2�-i��7
� � �, �� .
SCDteTib22' 2t4� 1981 � �✓
I.HT3"y E. I30�III�JQTQ, .
I.sndscape Architect
Fsmee� County
Parks & Recreation Depar*ment
,.� 185C; k'��ite 3ear �venue
St. Paul. �'L'v 55109 ••
Dear Mr. Holmberg:
The review, in general, of the propo��d c�bir►ztion �f four parks. In�ian
Ho�nds Fark, Fisn Hatcheries Park, B+'attlr Creek Perk, and Pig'a Eye Island
Park� as �ne reRional park fii6 into the ultimate goals an� obiectives of
Great River Road� thus providing pr�servation of the river corridor and
providing recreatioaal facilities w)�ere pos6ible. In understandin� the
report'6 emp'nasis on re6toration and preservation oi most of the aczeage
invo�ved� we feel the plans for Bat;tle Creek Regional Park vould be
beneficial to the river corridor a�d act as an entrance to the Twin Cities
mtiropolitan ares for the Great RiYer Road deaignation.
At pre�ent� two park6 have been sulbmitted to Ma/DOT for inclusioa in the
Great River Road program. They ar,'e Indian Mounds Park and improvement6
and some ecquisition and restorati�on ef Battle Creek Park. Neither of the
otner tvo psrks have been addre6std t'ormally in the Great River Road program.
The funning table identifie6 costis incurred o�er a time schedule. when
detail plana and cost esiimates biecome available. ve cea thea respond to
eligible items for GRF. fundiag psirticipation.
If you have any queStions. pleast contact �ne at 296-164'7.
Sincere /
r.a�s�" . ,�
Andrew J. Go1fiB
Great River Roed Coordinstor
�(n,�W�!{�yp�ortrnitv E�►AloYrr
, _ ��"�
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� � D�•� ���rtrnc�i�i c_,t 7������s��4r�dtiU1�1 ' ,,
^ � I�i�iriCt �� �- . ,
�y pag� 3��� } �<]Cill'�' .��'f')lll(' �1"�!j}l� $()� �'�t_1J�) � -
'oF � \orii.l St. Y�i.,l. �l',»f������c►tv ,»IUu ,
`� ���i:. .:G_3:1
Se;�te-�brr 11, 1981 `` ,
Ramsey County Parks and Recr2otion R�aa�tme�t
Plarrin� and Gevelo�nent Grfice
� 1618-� 1�'hite Beor Ave. �
St. Pa;:l , Mt� 55106
In reply refer to: 319
Battle CreeF: Regional Park: �
Joint Master Plan for DevElotr�e��t (June, 1981 )
Dear Sirs:
In our review of this plan, we observ�d that its references to 7H 61 and
Mn/DOT's plans for TH 61 are generally correct. We are not proposing any
corrections or amendments to the plan. The following comments are intended
to highlight points that may require ;further discussion as the pian is
impl ernented. ,
Section V.E. , p� 24-25 proposes brid�ing 'fH 61 and the �ailroad to allow trail-
access to the Pig's 'Eye Lake section; in 10 or 15 years, efter other sections -
of the park are fully developed.
We agree that trail access to the Pjg's Eye area would significantly enhance
the regional park's potential for n8ture interpretation service. BuL bridging
TH 61 and the railroad may not be fleasible. A previous study of a pedestrian
bridge found the cost prohi�itive, �and came up with no design that was enviror►-
mentally acceptable. -
Section YI .B.2 . 25 proposes th�t Ramsey County request reconveyance of 3
parce s of extess R/W to the count� for inclusion in the regional park. Once
Mn/DOT has established permanent R�%W requirements, we will welcome discussion of
this praposal .
Section YII.A.7, F. 35 states tha� the lower creek picnic area will have parking
ca�acity for 45 cars. The actual; capacity ma;� vary according to the design of
the lot, its nesthetic treatment,; �nd th� kinds of vehicles and vehicle move_
ments allowed there.
/�(r: �F-qr.:'(),�p.�ffY�li'� F►►;/�lf�t'f►
�a�sey County parks an� Recr�ation Depar?m ent
, �lanniny and Ceve�oprent Offite
• Sept�.ber l7, 1981 '
Page 7w� .
Thank you for the opportunity to revieN this plan. Me l�ok forward to further
caordination with you as aur resQective plans �ature nnd are implemented.
Si ncere]y,
��Douglas H. Differt, P.E.
District Engineer
. ,
, '
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'•-� '- " '� . ��hAt� E. NYGAAR�, pIREC70R
�"� 60G Cih Hali ^nnpx. Samt QaL: Mrnn '+
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Z,ar�y E. Ho�_:�e'c,
ZET'i:SCE1^.: i�'_"C�7�.+EC�
: ^SI'.:SE�' v�IWIV� !"�:"ti5 �c 1(EC?'Ec'�1C� i1f��'�"'��I'i:E'D't
� l�j� �:TM=�E 3��: A�c:,ae ;
si. r�:u, I�'��:esota 5j��;
��.. �i:tle t.":2E:: �E�.1G�i51 Y�w'"i.
��� Mr. uo'!-�:�er3:
mt�n'•: ��ou for the oig�rt;i_ity o�' reV��ewi� the anove-re�ereaced p�n. yhe
follow�:� �s the res:z?� of F.�;lic W�:ks staff re�fiew of the �lsr. wi�h the
relevaat page locat�or: sho,�n ;;here poss,ble.
The Ci�y o� Sai.�:t P�ul is loo�_� at N.ilwa�kee t'tailw�y property lo�ated at
the nort� en4 cr �he Pigs Eye La:�e ares for e poFSible `Yi�,v�ac�:" are�
re�ocat��r., whic�: ma� be necessi�atec �f the gresent site is p�,schase� and
Ebsorbe.: into a �;icer Werner Road �nd E:.3D Bypass righ�-of-wa�•. It appears
tre 16�%.7 acre deletwon (�abe 8) s�!ould e11ow1 t�is.
A pe3estri�� br:d�e o�e� ��rr_er Rqad between Mcu.*��� P�r�: ar^ F�s:-: Hetc!-,er�
L�.�e (p�ge 8) �ss des�gr.eu b�� a cp:is;,:�tant �our or :ive years a�o in antic_-
pa�`�oL of �r. e�r�e. reco:�truct�b� Froposal for �ru.ti: Hi�h�ey El, whic:, st
t:.Gt tir::e inclu:C'G 87. �:'i�ETC�L�i�E' 8�i, Tr�.u�.�: ?�];gln+&y F�1 &ri:.' WfiT..eZ Road.
�'i:e tincerr•ass et L3p�er Af'�or. Ro�� for the groLp g�cn;c azea {p�.�e 29) an�
tne �race:��sses at Uppe: f�i'io:l r�osc an� Mct.:.i�.t YOfin (pa�e �Z) are of
cencera fc- s�rety �zc sa:i:tary ,re�.sons. Underpasses in gene:�l L�.ve neve�
bEEL advocated by ou.r bt�ff an� ;generalJ�y cau�e a resl feeLng of uneas�ness
w�e:. lo�Y�ng at t:�e�r acv�r.��es ea� dzsacvantages.
The W_nt�.:op St,reet acc�s� to t�e �:�nter sports nree (page 3I) eauses so�:e
coucern for the resi6enees on W'�nt�rop, �,hic:� Ss e res�:;er.�ial street elresc��
everb;:s�de�e.: by the �raf�;c ger�erate� by the e�sting p:.eygrou.�d. Our
:'ref.�c �iv^�sior� s:;�ests th�:t ;access 1`ra� IJ�ger A�on Ro�d cr I,ower A�`ton
�oa� be invesLigated if it i�ss$�'t alseadSr bee:..
The p�.^. c�lls Por e 15 �.p.h.i speed li�it ir. aqy Open S�ace er en az�v par't�--
va;�. It is o;:r experi ence tt�� arv reduct:or. ia Lhe 6peec li�.it below
3� z.p.h. m•�:st te appro;rec by' ;'the N:ir.aesota Depart�:tn;. of Tr��sper'tat�on.
Contact w�th N�.f Do:, concern:.n� ttiis woald certain� be appropriate.
- 2 -
p�„t1=c ��rfs Sewer �vis:;on st.s:'1' are pTes°�tly ca^...-���cati:� with Bar:
?:,..'-�1::EE�:ZIp COAC�°.+'_^.;� i:�E Sf+'c:.EI:7E: 51.8: fOT �Eyi.�'i.�E �.`Tf2'.:� ia5 erosio� 1S
8 .5��-y_r�C2.^,'., j;TO:�1.E� iTt '�;it ,�,TcEt: �it�C EI'2$.
Also, ti�ere i s co_:ce:r. ebo�� stcr�- wa�er outlets �lor� Ti-u�^.k Xighway 61
a�u a:y e�'fec� the �.lan �.i?1 bsve o.� the�:.
If S�ou h�ve a..-r,� quest:fl�s �or:cer:�n� these co�ents, please call NliYe ��:
at 2y2-7153, Nho will te atle to put you ir. contact k�th the approrr:ate
� Again, �he opgor�ur.��3• to !rev:e�, t2;e pla.^. has bien spprecis;,ea.
1 o�a.�s very tr;:.�y,
Densld E. r�,�8sard,
cc: Bent Schoaberger
N'.i1��e P.�'�
� :
; ; `'
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. � .�! . � � � —/� �!. .
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� �'� ' .t + ' 1'..• �. . . '
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+ �1�: ` ` • ..I�t ��r �-.'�i � � • 1J•,
�',,,,��' �� �".'ES� FO�R?r S7REET • SUITE 130� • �T; PALL. MINN. 55102 • PHONE (612) 224-5686
: i.. ._ i i ._ �..�
Sep.tember 23�l 98l
Mr. Larry E. Holmberg
• Landscape Architect
. � Ramsey Co�nty Parks and Recreatian D�partment .•
Flon�ing and Development Office
� 1613% �:hite Sear Avenue
St. Paul , Minnesota 55106
Dear Larry:
I have reviewed the recently compl�ted Ramsey County Master Plan for the
Battle Creek National Park and not�d the maps 3howing the Proposed Park
a round Pig's Eye Lake and adjacent! to the Mississippi River fail to show
the three existing off-channel barge slips as weli as the proposed new
fleeting basin with this land sti�l owned by the St. Paul Port Authority.
1 have enclosed a map showing theiPort Authority's ownership along the
River, therefore, your final plarr will have to e revised. If you have
any questions, please contact me ;'or Ritk 6ierd 1:.
Your tr;uly
Donald G. Dunshee
Industrial Development
tc: Bernie Edmonds
� .
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Y.r. Ho� T:osgard
Rooa ;15
Ccun�y !'.oue�
St. P�11, ?"•n.
Dear ?!r. Norgzrd� •
I aa wr;ti:� y�u c�out t7:e prc�rcee�? 3:ttle Creek I'ark Qnd the s;��eeruent
dee;.-�ucti�n af �.he BaLtle Creek g,4rd,�en �Iota. 3efore the �eeting oz
f .�uguet 17 at SL. P=ec41' � i c�lled y�ouz office �.�d KQ� L�ld thet you
were in favor Gr keeiin� th� gazden;plott. Sinc� Lhen I h.ve i�een ia-
forse?� L},at you are on the fence 3n' thia �a�tez. Ae a re^Z,�r c. 4 ��rden
4 � � •� ;�et EcYEA ears I na coacerned. M�ill you Cltr��e ar.e�er
plo:. . o. k,� Y ,
the fc:loKing quee`,.ior.e °er se.
;'he tr°a Where tr.e garden r2o:�s Qre locQt,ed is n¢i Aty I'BtB�t1'�':ere�ie tn
hee tieen a:loNed Lo sLay !n a fair,'ly K:Id a�.ate. P
aiund4nce �f �ild life in thiz areia facludin� pheaeanLe� deer, fox, etc.
a� well as eaEles eosring over Lh¢ aren duzing the e4rly afterno�n. The
€ardrne de not hara wild 13fe. Ih fact, unfoztun�Lely� the garden pro�uce
prcvidee geuraet seQls for thc �irde s.-sd +►nimal�. The perim plans call
foz the ias�411z`,.ion of 4 parkia� Iot, picnic �:e�� chalet �ad tiil�e
Lrails 1� t}:i• area. �ia •n a•t�-'�_n�d �shat x.11 ho?pe ^ { F
life w'�t� ±�'• '�a^"���
!�fter t}:e seeting at St. FQSC41'Is I Look � wQlk �l�n,g Lhe r1s of the
alif:e Mhere this �evelor�ent will taks p]�ce• Ont .o`•' t�e r�aeone f�r
t?:is picnic Qrea is to Ye the �Seti+ e!' Lhe riv�r 'selow. Wery litt.e of
Lhe river can �e �een fras the ;to�• of Lhe ':iffs �ecaaeo of the t�ll
trcee groxing along the sides d:' the cliffs. I� 14 the �ln^ t.� cut do�n
th � . � ee in or3er te •ee t?z� rivtr at thie oiaL.
�di12 e ;tir . da+n cf treed and c!:ru►oery contriyute f�rther to eroei�n
a.. :e ^�:^��
GQrdening ie a greot �ecrea:i�an. (It al��o *up�liee �;� faaily with aast
af our vebel.�tilee for the ye�T). lhere��re over^24'�P arden ploth an tbe
�attle Cre�it �iLa. HaK a� ' '�°al• f� ,the we�,kc!a e " e °
e�eci� nce , �, •
� . ►;: l;t an c� . o n r e a �e r,;, e e e r ' . G�rdeni t►E
�.:�• a t ioun e a . p,, ..
�zov: ee recr�a :on .CT • $}►ea er . a►seT ..n c�n�, w • �
eal:v r.aed a.^.o;.hez sec2ude� icnic area to tie use� tor ►eer �� ��'
I ho�e yeu �ill careiLlly �on�ider !»hsse peints ie°are y�+z caet your �rot�e•
! Sinc�s�l;��
. , ."�: ::J
,- , . .
': .
_ j
. � 30 Wh]te Eear Ave.
st. Paul, t'.?� 5�� Ob
Septexber3. l 98�
�:r. Hal Nor�ard
Rfiasey County CosalBSioner
Foo� 3� 6 city A8I1 .
St. Paul. YN SS� 02 .
s : .
Le�r S�r�
� I ��ave been lnvo2ved �n the Aamsey Cpunty Com�ur,ity Go,fl en proEram
�' for �'��ret yesrs . I have seen a' progra� that xozks. All se��ents of
' sac�ety ere reFresente�� voun�. o2d. and disa�leds 1'�ctory Wc�ker�
� student, A�:.rack perter, �ud��, ba�k officer. ttc. At the gerden�
�aLtle Site. sll are on the s�me level. ;he ecology �s in total
. balarce. Ye hsve all types of! animals and �irds �nclu�in� deer and
- ea�le. The program does not �ost the tazpay�ezcept :er land use.
�� I do not support the ne�► suQer park at 4 t�me xhen Ke have to
cTase schools . Pleygrounds. �ibr�arys 4nd re�uce poliea snd fire
Lr�tectior,. The idea t��at t�;'e pari� is beir.g funde3 �y tne Metropol�tan
� Ccw-:cil L�ierefcre t!-.is largs expend�ture is ok t,as no nerit. A'_�
s �:�b21� ezper.�it:�res come frbm taxes. The totai Lax fi�Le is Khat
s I wauld like to tek �dur support for a lim�ted pe.rk perhaps
� repairing the ild park and keeping the garden program. If thegerden
�ro�ra� �s close3 most of �he �arden program xill be ezcluded
,, from publ�c tand use but t�oL fr�T the taa b�,rden.
9 Sinctrely,
c �sl''./ �• /��:c.�/�-�Lc�• _
Robert �'. Mc?"112en
r � � - . � . . .. . . . . .
t � � � . . � . . . . . �. � �.. . .
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I ���� � � � � . � � . � . .� . . . . . . .. . . . . . , . , . . . , ,.
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� .
September 14, 1981
Mr. Hal No�gard
Ramsey County torr�issioner " �
Court Hause
` St . Paul , M�. 55102
• Dear Mr. Norgard: ,�
..� t am Y,riting in recard to the nev� �attle Creek Park that has been
� Please re-examine the use of the �and ��here the comm�nity gardens are
i nor� located. At Lhe meeting at St. Pascal 's Sthool a fer, weeks ago,
� the moderator stated that this lahd �r�as going to be r�ade into a picnic
, grounds and that possibly the gar�ens could be moved to another
iocaticn, 1 ask that you consuiL a horticulturist before moving the
� gardens. The tand he suggested was:
% l . The tree farm operated by ihe City near the present
, gardens. This tand has! very poor soi ) . (7he gardens
r�ere there for ane year) . There is aiso no water.
2. The work farm. Thetioi � here is pure clay. Garbage
'' buried there 20 years �go has not deteriated.
� _
' 3. Land ��est of Carver Sc'hool . 1 do not know the soil
tondition at tfiis sit�. Hov�ever, l believe it is
;c �ather hi11y.
" 1 personnally do �ot believe wre need anoLfier picnic area at the
' garden site. Ask your family !r�here they �rould like to picnic.
� At a spoi t,ith a s��imming bea�h or pool , a place that has Indian
Mounds and a ball field and a vi��, or a ptace r�ith a viea, of
; ihe railroad tracks and the skr�age piani. 1 think that this Inst
� spot rii11 only be used for te,'en-age beer parties.
Thank you for thls consideration.
. �.� . . ZzA -,�• -y �_
. �3eane c c e +sag e � I, : .
;�3�g Stii�weter Road
St. :�aut, Kn. 55119
;' _ .
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� � INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
I. P1 ari Ideriti fi cati or� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
� I I. P1 anrii rig Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
III. Site Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
• IV. Other Agerici es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
� V. Justi fi cati ori . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
VI. Acquisitiori . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
� VII. Developme►it Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
VIII. Operations Details J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
� � IX. Five Year Capital Improvement Program . . . . . . . . . . . 43
1 '.
A. Courity Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
' B. County Park Ordi narice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
C. Parks and Recreatiori Compor�e►it of City`s Comp. Plan . . . . 50
, D. Ski Hill Feasibil �ty Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
E. Mai riteriaiice & Operati ori Agreemerit . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
� F. First Phase Development Furiding Request - Cou►�ty . . . . . 84
� G. First Phase Developmerit Fundirig Request - City . . . . . . 89
� 1 . Componerits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2. Acreages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
� 3. Ce►isus 7ractsi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4. Other Recreatio►i Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
� 20-23
5. Servi ce Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
� 6. Acquisitioru . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
7. Devel opmeri� Co►�cept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
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� creation facilities will be apprnvedjonly after a master plan covering
those facilities has been reviewed by the Council and found to be in
� conformance with the Recreation Ope�i Space Policy Plan".
� The County and City are submi�ting one master plan for Battle Creek
Regional Park. Policy #13 of the �olicy Plan states: "There shall be
� one coordinated master plan for each regional recreation open space site
which involves more than one implpmenting agency. This plan shall be
� approved by each of the implemen�ing agencies , and shall identify the
nature of each agency's responsijbi 1 i ti es for carryi ng out the compati bl e
� develo ent and o eration of the ark.
Pm p P
� D. Approval - The Battle Creek Regional Park Master Plan must be approved by:
1 . Ramsey County Boa rd of Corttnissioners
� 2. St. Paul City Council
a. Planning Commission !
b. District Council 1 & 14
� 3. Metropolitan Council
� E. Units Covered - The Master Rlan covers Battle Creek Regional Park com-
prised of four sections: Battle Creek, Fish Hatchery Lake, Indian
iMounds Park/Munici�al ForeSt and Pigs Eye Lake.
� A. Goals and Objectives:
Goals - To provide a joint master plan for the development of Battle
� Creek Re ional Park which will meet the outdoor recreation needs of
� the people within the s�rvice area of the park and which will be con-
sistent with the goalsa' objectives , policies and qriorities of the
� Metropolitan Recreation Open Space Policy Plan.
Objectives -
� 1 ) Provide regional recreation facilities for the variety of needs
within the servi�e area which are compatible with the site's resources.
� 2 Coordinate '�he master plan and develo ment with the lans of other
) . P p
associated �gencies, such as the Battle Creek Watershed District,
State Greet 'River Road, DNR, Metro Waste Control Commission, and
� City of Mapl�wood.
3) Provide a cod,rdinated plan and establish responsibility for mainten-
� ance and operation.
4) Involve publi� participation in the planning process.
� B. Planning Sequence:�', �
� 1) Approval of Acquisition Mas ter Plans (1975)
2) Prepare developrnent concepts for park (1978)
'� 3) Public informat�on meetings on development concepts (1978)
4) Local approval df development concepts (Maplewood & St. Paul Council - 1978)
� 5) Coordinate and pl^ovide input to the St. Paul River Corridor Plan and
to the Battle Cr�ek Watershed Plan (1978-1980)
� 6 Pre are Joint Mas�er Plan for develo ment 1981
) P P � )
� 7) Public review of ,�oint Master Plan (1981)
8) Approval of Joint '�Naster Plan for development (1981)
� C. Public Involvement:
� Informational meetings �'or residents on development concept
� City Council approval o�' development concept (10-5-78)
--Park Corrmission r�view
--Planning Commissio� review
� St. Paul
Indian Mounds Park - thre',e meetings regarding rehabilitation plans for
tpark. (Great River Road Program) District Council 4 Battle Creek -
several informational mee�Cings regarding Watershed District Plans and
� Mn/DOT Highway 61 plans . bistrict Council 1 Battle Creek Watershed -
� various informational meet�,ngs , Public Hearing 2-2�!-81 .
� -4-
� � � �a �
� D. Su porting Studies :
1 ) Metropol i tan Park User Study - S�arrnner, 1976
� (covered user numbers , origin an�l timing)
2) Metropolitan Recreation Demand $tudy - Summer, 1978
� (covered user numbers, origin, �iming, visito r characteristics ,
preferences and activities)
These two studies, limited to the Upper Afton Picnic Area, determined
� service area and needs analysis.
3) Downhill Ski Hill Study - Brauer and Associates , 1977
� The study provided:
--an economic marketability s'tudy
� --a physical feasibility anal''ysis of alternate site development
potentialities !
--a concept master plan for development with cost estimates out-
lining phased developmentjalternatives
� 4) Feasibility ReportlImprovements along Battle Creek/Ramsey-Washington
Metro Watershed District/Barr Engineering - June, 1979. Supplemental
� Feasibility Report - Octob�r, 1980.
The report began with the receipt of a petition from Ramsey County
pursuant to the provisionsj of Minnesota Statutes Chapter 112. The
� petition requested a feasibility report for erosion control along
Battle Creek between Battle Creek Lake, Woodbury and Highway 61 in
St. Paul .
1 5) MniDOT Plans for Highway 61 :
Mn/DOT is planning to re,-build Highway 61 in St. Paul from I-94 to
� I-494. The plan incorpqrates changes in access on Highway 61 which
impacts Battle Creek Pa�k.
� 6) Great River Road Route $election and Development Guide/Brooklyn
Center to Prescott - April , 1979.
7) Environmental Impact Statement for Pigs Eye Coal Terminal - Corps of
� Engineers, 1973.
The EIS provides a gr�at resource for Environmental information on
� Pigs Eye Lake - Battl� Creek area.
8) Feasibility Report fqr Dredging Pigs Eye Lake,lRa�sey County Engineers
� Department , 1975.
9) Inventory and Evalua'tion of Soil and Water Resources in the Battle
Creek Ski Hill Area: Ramsey Soil and Water Conservation District, 1977.
� 10) St. Paul Park and R,�ecreation Plan
� 11 ) St. Paul River Corridor Plan
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A. Designation: Battle Creek RegionaliPark `�°�.. �� " �
,,�.... '/; ,
B. Classification: Regional Park � `�,. �/ �J'
� ;;::��� � �
C. Size: ,�'
N.s � ;�:�'I �
� Section Acres � �
��� ;�
Battle Creek A�� `�
--Acquired (County) 686.48 �� �__,�,�. ;�, �
� --Acqui red (Ci ty) 94.52 — �-.,L
--Remaining to be acquired 28.28 �`;?�
� --Hwy. R/W to be acquired ; 36.81_ � ! �
N 1''
Subtotal - Battle Creek Section' 846.09 •�►
s �
� �' _,
Indian Mounds Park/Municipal Fbrest
--Acqui red (Ci ty) 96.49 y ,� �
--Remaining to be acquired .55 � ,;�;
� $ '-�
Subtotal - Indian Mounds Park Section 97.04 { �1
_ ''�` �
� �µ:''�=�.�
:: ,-.,._
Fish Hatchery Lake �u�,.:j �;r''
--Acquired (City)** 55.56 ��� / �
� --State-leased to Citv ' 49.85 �;;:�
: ,;�
Subtotal - Fish Hatchery Ldke 105.41* ,;�
;.� �
� ,Ir;
Pigs Eye Lake 112Q.94 '�
--Acqui red (Ci ty) .i •„� �
� --Remaininq to be acquir�d 37. 70
Subtotal Pigs Eye Lake 1158.64* ,�i
� � � �
*Includes lakes : Fish �iatchery Lake 38 acres
PigsiEye Lake 511 acres �
**City of St. Paul preslently owns 62.5 acres at Fish Hatchery Lake. After
� trades of land with �NRR as proposed in the City's River Corridor Plan,
the City's acreage w�thin the park boundary will be 55.56 acres.
� _ _
The acreage listed above repr�sent some changes from the qrevious 1975
� Master Plan for Battle Creek and pigs Eye. The changed acreages are a
result of several additions and c{�letions to the boundaries of the oark:
� Deletions - 1 ) Suburban Averiue Pond - 30 acres
2) Afton Height�5 Playgraund - 12.6 acres
� 3) BNRR prnper�y at Fish Hatchery Lake - 61 .94 acres
� 4) C.M.St.P & �. R.R. at north end of Pigs Eye Section -
169.7 acres' (37.7 acres of C.M.St.P. & P. R.R, property
remains inithe boundary - see Acquisition Section)
� D. Metropol i tan Systetns
1 . Mn/DOT - Highway 61
� Mn/DOT is cu rrently �lanning to reconstruct Hwy. 61 in 1983, from
I-94 to I-494. The recorlstruction will limit access on and off Hwy. 61
� in the a�rk vicinit , to' Burns Avenue and Lower Afton Road, where
p Y
� signalized intersections' will be provided. Access to the park has been
planned accordingly.
� The reconstruction plans will also include bicycle paths paralleling
the highway on each side. These paths will c ross the highway at three
� points: a bridge und�r the highway at Battle Creek, at grade crossing
� at Burns Avenue, and!a bridge over Warner Road from Indian Mounds Park
ta Fish Hatchery Lake. The plans for these bike paths are being coordin-
� ated with the RamseyjCounty and St. Paul Parks L�e�artments.
The plans for neconstruction can be accommodated without any addi-
� tional right-of-wayifrom the park. Excess highway right-of-way may be
available to be ad�'ed to the park after a determination is made as to
� the ri ht-of-wa n�eds for the reconstruction (see Acquisition Section).
9 Y
� 2. Battle Creek Water�shed Plan
� -8-
� The Ramsey-Washington Metro Watershed District has completed its
plan for the restoration of Bat�le Creek. The plan involves channel
� restoration and storm-water starage.
� The Public Hearing on the! plan will be held on February 24, 1981 .
After that hearing, the Board bf Managers of the District will make
� the decision whether to proce�d with the project.
The effect of the plan on the park is two-fold. First, the channel
� stabilization work will restore the eroded channel , thus improving the
parks resources and attractirreness. Secondly, an area of approximately
� 40 acres, just u stream of McKnight Road will be utilized as a storm-
� water storage basin. The e�fect of this basin will be miai�nal on park
resources or attractiveness!, however, it will limit development in the
� basin to facilities which a�re not subject to flood damage.
The impact of costs of the plan are reflected in the Capital
� Improvement Program. Ass�ssments and credits for both the St. Paul and
Ramsey County Parks Depar�ment's have been calculated and have been
incorporated into the C,i.P.
� 3. Sewers
The Metropolitan Waste Control Comnission interceptor sewer which
rfollows the course of Balttle Creek has been damaged or threatened on
many occasions over the past years. Th at problem will be corrected
� by the channel stabiliz!ation project of the Watershed District.
� Nothing proposed ait the present time at the Metropolitan Waste
Control Commission Tre�tment Plant will impact the park.
� A. Agency Approval
� -9-
� The agencies which have apprbval authority over any or all actions to
be taken under this joint master" plan.
� Approval of the joint master pl�n document
� --Ramsey County Board of Comni�sioners
--St. Paul City Council
--Metropolitan Council
� Approval of development conce�t in plan •
--Ramsey County
� _-St. Paul
--Maplewood City Council (Maplewood Section)
� Permits for portions of the ;development
--Corps of Engineers
� --DNR
--Ramsey-Washington Nletro I�atershed District
--EQB - (if interim development regulations still in effect for
� Mississippi River Corridqr)
--City Building and Housin;g Code Division (Zoning, building permits)
--City Public Works - sew�r paving permits
� B. Agency Consent
The agencies that haue been or will be consulted about certain actions
� to be taken under this jbint master plan.
--Battle Creek Watershed District
� --DNR
--Metro Waste Control Gommission
� --St. Paul Port Authorti'ty
--Ra�ey Soil and Wate� Conservation District
--St. Paul Public WorkS
A. Social Context
� Battle Creek Reg�onal Park stretches through many areas that are quite
different in populat,non characteristics. Attached is a map of St. Paul
� census tracts alon� !with data sheets covering some of those tracts. The
� tracts surrounding Sattle Creek are outlined. These tracts can be arranged
in three sub-group5 - A, B, C - to reflect the differences within the
� general Battle Creek ser ice area. Area D is Maplewood. Selected
pieces of data for these three areas are as follows :
Category Ar�ea A Area B Area C Area D
� Population (1978) 9,981 11 ,567 9,061 3,490
Number of
� Households (1978) 3,763 4,109 3,052 1 ,147
Persons/Household .65 2.82 2.97 3.21
� Household Income ($) 15 600 17,800 18,900
Percent Households
� With Children 6.8 39.9 46.0
Percent Households
� With Retired Heads 8.0 17.7 11 .8
Percent Households
� Owner-Occupied 4.9 64.0 49.5
Area A, which is closes to the Mounds section of the park, is older and
� less affluent. Over a qwarter of the households have retired heads and
the percent of households with children is lowest. This indicates the
Mounds section of the park should emphasize facilities appropriate for
� this population - paths, benches, viewpoints , good lighting and everything
totally accessible to th� elderly and handicapped.
Area B, which lies acros the northern section of Battle Creek, has slightly
� larger households , fewer retired heads and more money. It appears to be
a middle-aged, middle-cl ss area. The whole range of re�ional park facilities
appeals to this group of people, a little less so with swimning, bicycle
� paths and skiing (both d wnhill and cross-country).
Area C, which makes up t e southern portion of the service area, is probably
the most active group. amilies and households are somewhat larger and
� income is again higher. The most striking differences are in the small
percentage of households with retired heads and the roughly 50-50 split of
owners and renters. The people will use all park facilities very heavily,
so the eastern parts of he park should be designed with them in mind.
� Trails and a swimming fa�ility will be particularly impo rtant. The im-
portance of a swirrming f�cility grows as you go further east.
� Area D, is the Maplewood' section. Figures shown are from the 1980 Census.
The other Figures are unavailable. Generally, Area D would be similar
to Area C except less renters.
� I
� �
� B. Relation To Other Areas
1 . State
� a. Great River Road - ilThe Great River Road follows Highway 61
and Warner Road th 'rough Battle Creek Regional Park. There
will be two exits �'from the Great River Road to Battle Creek
� �-_---�� o��� n„io W;11 hp at t_ower Afton Road which will
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� are currently propqsed, it does have potential for future trails
� and nature interpr�tation.
4. County Work Farm - iThe 260 acre Ramsey County Work Farm is currently
� not a recreationalisite. However, by Resolution, the County Board
has proposed that 1f no longer necessary for a correctional facility,
� the�Work Farm shou�d be used �'or park purposes. The farm is located
adjacent to the sojutheast corner of Battle Creek. No feasibility
� studies have been �done to study potential use of the site, however,
one possibility wauld be a regulation 18 hole golf course. The
� Brauer Ski Hiil s lud showed that there is a need for a olf course
� Y 9
� in the southeast �ector of St. Paul .
5. City -
� a. St. Paul - Ba�tle Creek Playground - Upper Afton and Winth�op -
13 acres.
� 5 ball fieldsi
1 football fi�ld
� 1 hockey rink
1 s kati ng ri n�C
2 tenni s cou r�ts
1 tot lot i
� 1 recreation 'center (aym, kitchen, game room, craf t room)
This playgroujnd is adjacent to the Battle Creek Regional Park
� winter sports ar�a. Due to this very close proximity of the two
facilities , there is considerable overlap of use. Presently the
� Recreational Cen#er is used for a warming house for the ski hill ,
as well as renta�s and concessions. Likew�ise, the parking lot for
the ski hill , wh�ch is within the boundary of Battle Creek Regional
� Park, will undou�tedly be used for the playground also.
The proposed� development for the winter sports area will helo
� minimize conflicit and provide for comaatible joint use of some
� facilities.
' -15-
� � �� ���
b. Maplewood - Afton Heiyhts Playground
Upper Afton and Sterl�ng - 12.6 acres
� Afton Heights Playgrpund is leased by the Cit.y of Maplewood
� from Ramsey County. Thisi playground was originally part of Battle
Creek Park, and has been;included in orevious master plans for Battle
� Creek Park. It should b�e deleted from the officialy designated
Battle Creek Regional Park because the qresent lease arrangement
� seems to be permanent. ;
The playground includes four ba11 fields, two tennis courts,
� skatin hocke and re reational centers.
9� Y �
� Hiking trails and bike trails wi�hin Battle Creek Regional Park
will connect to AftoniHeights Playground.
� 6. Schools
a. Battle Creek Elementary - Ruth Street and Upper Afton Road
� This school is immediately adjacent to the winter sports area
� in Battle Creek Regibnal Park and Battle Creek Playground.
b. Battle Cr�ek Jr� High - North Park Drive - between Ruth and
� c. Carver Elementa,�^y - Upper Afton and Century Avenue
� All three of tFie schools will use the parks trail system for
nature interpretatfion as well as transportation routes between
� school and homes. i The trail system is planned to allow access to
the schools.
� Some recreatibnal programming by the schools is anticipated within
the park. Cross�country running and skiing presently takes place.
7. Churches
� Two churche5', Chirst United Methodist, Sterling and Hudson Road;
and Lutheran ChWrch of Peach, Century near Upoer Afton, are within
� one block of th�e park. Limited use of the trail syster�s for Nursery
Schools, etc. �s anticipated.
� -16-
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8. Private Recreation
� A Racquetball Club is proposed on the vacant tract of land on
Upper Afton, 1/4 mile ea5t of McKnight Road. This is the 3.5 acre
� part of the "Jordan 40" which was unavailable for ourchase. The
proposed development isinot finalized at this time, however, a
� previous plan included j'a health club and anticipated jogging on park
� trails. This would be;compatible with park plans, however, no
exclusive use of trails would be permitted.
� C. Service Area
In the process of doi;h�g the Syst�n Plan, Metro established service
� areas for some facilities at Battle Creek Regional Park. Two types of
service areas have been !defined: Primary (PSA) - those districts pro-
1 ;
viding over 10% of a fa�i�lity's use; and Secondary (SSA) - those districts
� providing between 2� arjd TOq of a facility's use. Maps 5A through 5D show
the PSA and SSA for p�cnic/swimming (social , urban) biking, hikinq and
� ski trails.
The service area �or other facilities , such as interpretive center,
� depend on the scope df programs and the relationship to other qrogramming
� agencies.
D. Needs Served
� The method for �ssessment of needs, completed by the Metro Council
Parks staff involv�s setting a service level goal fo r each kind of
� facility provided py the regional system. Facilities are then planned
and evaluated as �o how they help move various parts of the region toward
that goal .
� To accomplish this , use and visitor origin are measured for a number
of sites offering a certain facility. Variables are used to exDlain the
amount of use ��comin to each site from each sub-area of the re ion.
� 9 9
Variables incll��uded are such things as distances, facility size and
� resource qualil;ty. These same variables are used to forecast the total
amount of use �nd geographic distribution of use for similar future
� �
fac;lities. T�e total amount of use coming from a sub-area of the
� region to all I$imilar regional system facilities, when adjusted for
qualitative fa�tors, becomes the "level of service" to that sub-area
� for tha� parti�ular facility. The goal is set by judging which sub-
� areas appear td, be well-served, in numerical terms. Facilities are
added to the sy�stem in places where the service level is below the goal
and the resourc��es are avai�able to provide them. An example is the
swi rrmi ng faci 1 i��ty at Battl e Creek. The area around th e park i s very
� low in service �rovided for picnic-swimning (social , urban) facilities.
The goal is app�oximately 9.0, and the districts around Battle Creek
� average between ',3.0 and 4.0 on the service level scale.
Overall , th� analysis is all done in the context of the type of �
facilities seen ��as needed by other surveys judgement by implementing
, agency staff and� others about an individual site and the desires of
user groups, conl�erned about a certain park.
� Facilities s�een as desirable for Regional Parks include picnic,
swimning, boating, camping, trails and nature interpretation. The
� reatest need id�ntified throu h metro surve for Battle Creek is
9 9 Y
picnicking and swimming. The proposed development will satisfy this
need. The secon� highest need is for trails. The demand for trail
� development has �een demonstrated by heavy use of undeveloped trails
and by citizen pr!essure for development of trails. The development
� plan will satisfy'; this need.
, -19-
FA C !j L I T Y(�): Pianic- Swimming
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� � � � �� �
� Camping and boating will not b� possible within Battle Creek Regional
Park. The need for nature interpr'etation facilities is not documented at
� this time.
� The judgement of the staff is' that priority should be placed on picnic-
swimming an� trails (hike, bike �nd ski).
� E. Pigs Eye Significance
The Pigs Eye Lake section w�s in the past considered a regional park in
� and of itself. However, the s�te has limited recreational potential for
� the usual regional park activi�ies: picnicking, swimning, boating, etc.
The limitations are due to th� following reasons: 1 ) Pigs Eye Lake is
� not suitable for recreationaliuse and it is not feasible to restore it to
a quality suitable for use, j2) much of the site is inaccessible, except
� by trails, and 3) rr�st of th� site is environmentally sensitive and may
be negatively impacted by ovieruse, esoecially the rookery. �
, The Pigs Eye Lake sectipn is a large, (1200 acre) natural , flood-plain
� environment. If joined toiBattle Creek by trails bridging Highway 61 and
the railroad, the area caniadd a tremendous resource to the nature inter-
� pretive potentaal of the 6'attle Creek Regional Park. The Pigs Eye section
of Battle Creek Regional �ark will offer the unique opportunity of managing
� a significantly large por'tion of an urban regional park as a natural en-
� vironment without compromising recreational development.
Pigs Eye possesses e'xtensive wildlife ponulations, many comnon through-
� out other regional parks, but the large populations of beaver and deer
as well as the corrmon s'ightings of American Eagles and the Heron rookery
� are unique to Pigs Eye; Preserving and managing this natural resource as
a part of Battle Creek' Regional Park is the real value of this section of
� the park.
, The connection of Pigs Eye to �attle Creek by trails is not a high
priority. The other sections of �he park should be fully developed prior
� to adding the connecting bridges.' In that time, 10-15 years, some restor-
� ation work and mother nature canjrestore the parts of Pigs Eye which have
been filled or otherwise altered; in the past. Trails for access throughout
� the site as well as maintenanceiaccess can be developed with an interim
access off of Chills Road near the MWCC. This access will be the permanent
� maintenance access as well .
� The proposed inclusion and; plans for Pigs Eye are consistent with the
St. Paul Critical Area Plan ar�d conditions of the Metropolitan Council and
� EQB approval of that plan.
A. Parcel Information - See chart and map 6
� B. Acquisition Problems/Consid�rations
1 . Parcel No. 3 - The Cityiof St. Paul and the B�rlington Northern Railroad
� will trade two parcels j'of land as proposed in the St. Paul River Corridor
, 2. Parcel No. 4 - Mn/DOT'R/W - After Mn/DOT completes reconstruction of
� Highway 61 , permanent! requirements for R/W will be established. At
three separate locaty'ans, it now appears that there will be excess R/W
� Ramsey County should; request Mn/DOT to reconvey these parcels to the
county to be includ�d withi�r Battle Creek Regional Park.
� 3. Parcels No. 5 and 6! - These are two remaining in-holdings in the County's
River Bluff acquis�tion project. Ramsey County has acquired, with Count.y
Bond funds the blu'ffs between Battle Creek and Mounds Park. Ramsey
� County will acquire these remaining two parcels with County Bond funds ,
however, they andjthe other bluff area between Battle Creek and Mounds
� Park will be inc�u d ed in the boundary of Battle Creek Regional Park.
� -25-
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� 4. Parcel No. 18 - Metro Waste Cantrql Corrmission
Although no property will beiacquired from the MWCC, the plan proposes
� an equal amount of land tra�ed with the MWCC. The purpose of the trade
, would be to include within �he park boundary the entire reach of Battle
Creek downstream of the ra�lroad yards, and further to facilitate trail
, construction around Pigs Eye Lake.
5. Parcel A - Racquetball Cliub site
� This parcel is the 3.5 a�re area originally part of the "Jordan 40"
that was not acquired by Ramsey County. Although not included in the
, park boundaries, consideration should be given to include it if the
, ownership and status change. If that were to be done, an amendment
to this plan would beisubmitted.
� 6. Parcel B - Ramsey Cownty t�ork Farm
The 260 acre Work F�irm is not within the boundaries of Battle Creek
, Regional Park, howsver, if the Work Farm should no longer be needed
as a correction fa�ility, it should be added to the park.
, A. Facilities
, 1 . Group Picnic Area
The group picni'c area will be located in the section of Battle Creek
, northeast of U��per Afton Road and McKnight Road. The group picnic area
is 40 acres in size. Access will be from Upper Afton Road. Parking
� capacity wil� be 310 spaces. Facilities include one large group
picnic pavil;lian and five small group shelters, gamefields, restrooms,
� trails and ;�lay area. Four small ponds will be developed in conjunction
, with the B�ttle Creek Watershed District plans. A larger area will flood
periodica7ly. The ponds will not be large enough for boating or fishing.
, -28-
, The group picnic area willjbe i�nediately across Upper Afton Road
from the swirrming area and be ;connected by an underpass. Trails will
, connect this area with all otfher areas of the park. This section of
� Battle Creek will have 1 .82 miles of bike paths and 3.18 miles of hike/
ski trail . There will be an'additional 80 acres of natural area
, buffering adjacent residenti!al areas in this northeast section.
2. Swimming Area
� Swimming has been iden�G'ified as the primary needs in Battle Creek
Park. With no natural lak�s available, two options exist for providing
� swirr�ning: 1) Construct� a ,�swimning pond similar to the one in Elm
, Creek Park Reserve, Henne�iin County or 2) construct some type of
swimning pool .
, O�tion 1: Man-made swimming pond
Construction Costs $500,000
, Maintenance and Operatiqn Cost 60,000
Anticioated Revenue -0- *
, *Revenue based on the a�ssumption that this swimming facility would
be operated in a similar manner to the other 10 county beaches.
, Option 2: Swimming Po�ol
Two types of swimming pools could be considered: 1) standard
, swimning pool or 2) wave-action swimming pool . The construction,
maintenance and oper�tion costs are comparable for each facility. The
, wave-action pool wou!ld have two advantages over a standard pool :
� 1 ) It would be a n�w facility for the metro area, thus it would not
be duplicating otheir standard pools. This fact should res�.�lt in
� greater use from mt�ch of the metro area. 2) It has proven in other
cities throughout ;the country to be a good revenue producer.
, -29-
, Construction Cost w ve-actiori pool $ 2,000,000
Maintenance/Operati n Costs 275,000
, Anticipated Revenue 325,000
The maintenance, operation and revenue figures are based on the following
, projections :
season 1Q0 days
average attendance/day 1 ,500
, annual attendance ', 150,000
average admission � X $2
, other income 25,000 (concessions, lockers, membership, float
TOTAL INCOME $ 325,000 rentals)
, The costs of maintenanc and operation is typical of 1980 costs for comparable
facilities in cities with s milar seasons.
, These cost figures for swimning pond or pool are a general guide for
consideration of a swimming�' facility for Battle Creek Regional Park. If either
, facilit is to be constructed a more inde th feasibi�lit stud should be con-
Y � P Y Y
, ducted prior to construction.
Either Wavetek or swimm�ng pond would be located in the section of Battle
, Creek southeast of McKnighti� Road and Upper Afton Road. Formerly "Jordan 40").
The entire swimning complex will cover approximately 12 acres. Access will be
, off Upper Afton Road with p rking capacity for 400 cars. The group picnic area
, across Upper Afton Road and general picnic area irrmediately south of the site,
will be accessible to the s imming area without driving.
, The swimming area will e in close proximity to the proposed private racquet
ball club. This will effec ively consoli�ate these highly active, man-made
, facilities to one location to lessen their visual impact on "natural" areas of
, the park.
The swimming pool ?ocation was selected to offer the least negative impact
, on residential areas and streets. The swimming area will be within 1/2 mile
of the McKnight Road interc� ange on I-94.
� -30-
, 3. Trail Head and Picnic Area
, Although trails g throughout the entire park, the primary area
developed especially or trails, hiking/skiing and biking is the
� section of Battle Cre k southeast of McKnight Road and Upper Afton Road.
• The entire area inclu es 270 acres.
, A 20 acre picnic rea will be located at the trail head. There
, will be parking space for 85 vehicles. Access is from McKnight Road
between Upper and Low r Afton Road. Res trooms and trail information
� will be available at he trail head. The picnic area at the trail head
is adjacent to the sw mming area, so picnickers will be able to walk
, to i t.
The trail head gi es imnediate access to the primary hike/ski and
� bike area. This sout east section contains loops of 2.46 miles for
, biking and 5.53 miles for hiking and skiing. The wooded rolling
terrain is particular ly well suited for trail use, but very limited
� for any other use. T e trails connect by underpasses under McKnight
and Upper Afton to th entire trail system of 10.9 miles of bike trails
� and 24.7 miles of hik /ski paths.
, 4. Winter Soorts Area
The winter sports area is located in the section of Battle Creek
, bounded by Upper and ower Afton Roads, Winthrop Street and Battle
Creek Road. The area includes 90 acres. Access to facilities in this
, area will be from Win hrop Street. There will be parking capacity for
140 cars. Facilities will include: a beginner and lessons ski hill ,
, a sliding hill , cross country ski trails , skating, a new warming house,
, and imprnved parking.
The entire comple will be lighted for night use, including the
, cross country trails n the immediate area. Sumner use of the area
, -31-
, i
will include an ex'ercise trail frisbee olf, as well as other various
� 9
single event uses,' The lighting for winter use will also be available
for the above men�ioned summer use.
� This area wil� be accessible via tne bike trail system and other
trails throughout� tne park. This section includes 1 .2 miles of biking and
� 2 miles of hikin � and skiing.
A Marketing alnd Feasibility Report and Master Plan for the Battle
Creek ski hill w�s orepared in 1977 by Brauer and Associates. Two
esections of that� report, "V. Developmental Feasibility" and VI.
Recommendations"lare included herein as Appendix D.
� The study cqnsidered three prograrrming and development options.
The report, Apo�ndix D, fully describes each of the alternatives.
The following i� a brief description of each alternative:
Alternative I : jThis option represents the "least-develoqment" alternative
and was select�'d on the basis of minimiaing improv�nents while at the
� same time being feasible from an operational budget point-of-view.
Alternative II1 This oation would consist of rather extensive grading
� to increase th� height and length of the ski slopes, add extensive
snow-making capabilities , imprnve tows, and build a more extensive chalet.
This option wauld develop the full potential of the site for the single
� activity of ddwn-hill skiing.
Alternative I�I : This option represents a combination of the oroposed
, chal�t in Alt�rnative I , the proposed ski hill imorovemen�s of
Alternative I;I and an executive 9-hole golf course.
� ,
, �
, �
� � Y1 � >� �
Alternative I - 1 . Low capita cost ($300,000) . 1 . No potential for
2. Projected break-even financial significant revenue.
operation. 2. Not a significant
� 3. Greatest potential for increase in recreational
developing the entire park
into an integrated facility.
, Alternative II - 1 . Much improved down-hill skiing 1 . Although improved, it
facility. would stiil be a beg-
ginner type area.
� . 2. Underutilizes site in
the sumner.
3. The demand would not
justify as large an
� expans ion.
4. High cost ($900,000).
� Alternative III - 1 . Best year-around use of the 1 . High capital cost
site. ($1 ,600,000)
2. Potential for most revenue. 2. A large number of
, mature oaks would be
removed from the woods.
3. The neighborhood is
oppos ed to a golf
, course.
4. Golf course would be
only a medium quality
� course.
The development �f the winter sports area recommended in this master
, plan, most closely cbrresponds to Alternative I. Differences from Alternative
� I would be as fo�lows: The proposed develooment does not include a game room
in the chalet and wi�l not be intended to function as a corrmunity youth
, center. The propose� development does include a slidding hill , minor
grading to improve slopes, minimal improvements for snow-making and lighting,
� and cross-country sk� trails.
� This alternative was choosen for the following reasons :
1 . Utilization f this entire site for golf and down-hill skiing
r duc s if hot completel eliminatin ar� flexibilit for
� e e � Y 9� Y Y
developing t�e over-all park trail system (hike, bike, s�i)
� through this section of the park.
, -33-
� �
2. The other alternat,tives would cause extensive ne ative environ-
mental impact. (C��rading and removal of oak trees).
3. Neighborhood oppoSition to golf course.
� 4. Capital Cost �
f f in h outheast
The Brauer stud did I^eco nize a need or a ol course t e s
, y 9 9
St. Paul sector. The development proposed would not preclude future develop-
� ment of a 9-hole, par-3 Gourse on the site, if it was desirable to do so.
Another option which may �lbe available at some future date, would be to con-
� struct a golf course on �ounty Work Farm property adjacent to Battle Creek
Regional Park.
� i
5. Bluff Picnic Area ,
The bluff to icni � area will be located in the section of Battle Creek
, pp C
between Highway 61 and �attle Creek Road. Th e picnic area will cover 20 acres.
, A comnon access with th� trail head/visitor center, will be from Battle
Creek Road. Parking ca�acity for the picnic area will be 70 cars. Facilities
, will include tables r�lls restrooms and trails. This icnic area will
� 9 � � P
� be the most accessible ;from the Great River Road via the Lower Afton Road
interchange. ,
6. Trail Head Visitor Center
, �
The Trail Head/Vis��tor Center will be located on the bluff between
� Highway 61 and Battle ,'Creek Road. The center will encompass 10 acres
and trails will radiat'e from it to Pigs Eye Lake, 6 miles; the Battle
Creek ravine, 1/2 mil�; the bluff area, 1 mile; and Fish Hatchery Lake
, 1 1/2 miles. Access will be from Battle Creek Road and there will be
parking capacity for �0 cars.
� The building will� be uniquely sited to offer visual and �hysical access
to many river corrido�r interests: flood plain, flood plain lake, river,
� bluff, tributory stream, g�ology, river comnerce, river transportation,
and land use. The buildin will be sited on the edge of the bluff and
� h �iver corridor from downtown St. Paul to Pi s
the view will include t e 9
Eye Lake, as well as a vie��v of the Battle Creek gorge. The center will be
readily accessible from th�e Great River Road. Biking and hiking trails
, from the entire park go to the center.
7. Lower Creek Picnic Area
, The l�wer creek picni area is located in the section of Battle Creek
1 and Ba�tle Creek Road. This icnic area has been used
between Highway 6 P
� for many years, however, in recent years it has been closed due to flood
� damage. The Battle Creek Watershed Project will restore this lower creek
area, and prevent further flood damage. The 8 acre pcinic area will have
� parking capacity for 45 c�rs. Facilities will include tables , grills,
restrooms and trails. Th s area will have access from Lower Af ton Road
� near Highway 61 .
� 8. Fish Hatchery Lake
The Fish Hatchery Lak� section is essentially a trail corridor between
� Indian Mo unds and Battle Creek sections of the park. The site is primarily
wetlands with a narrow st�^ip of higher ground along Highway 61 , therefore,
� development will be limit d to nature oriented, passive recreational trails;
� hike and bike.
9. Indian Mounds Park/Munici�al Forest
� The proposed developm�ent will include rehabilitation of the pavilion
building, protection andlinteroretation of the Indian Mounds, and g�neral
, improvements which will �nhance the functions and aopearance of the park.
Biking and hiking paths v�ill be constructed through the park connecting,
� via a bridge over WarnerlRoad, to Fish Hatchery Lake paths and on to
� Battle Creek.
� -35-
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� Other imorovemen�s will include p�destrian lighting, benches, trees,
scenic overlook repair, picnic facility improvements , handicapaed
� accomnodations and �rosion control on bluffs.
� 10. Pigs Eye Lake
Although additiohal planning will be done on the Pigs Eye Lake section,
� preliminary staff an�lysis of the site would ind�icate that the most likely
development will be 1'imited to extensive trail develooment. Trails through
� accessible areas woull,d cover approximately 6-7 miles. A oedestrian bridge
� over Highway 61 and t�e railroad could connect these trails to the Battle
Creek section. A mairitenance and interim access road will be located off
� the service road to th'e Metro Waste Control Plant.
The Minnesota DNR has expressed an interest in managing the heron rookery
� as a scientific and na�ural area.
B. Public Service Improvements',
� Full utility service; s�wer, water, electrical and telephone will be
� required at the following lOcations within the park:
1 . Group Picnic Paviilion I
� 2, Swirr�ning Facility
3. Trail Head
� 4. Winter Sports Area
5. Bluff Picnic Area
� 6. Trail Head/Visitor Centerl
� 7. Lower Battle Creek Picnic ',Area
8. Mounds Park (existing)
C. Ca acities
Resour e Peak ai P e da
� D ly eak Capacity Us / y
, Facility uanti� Capacity Turnover Per Day 1981
--Group 40 acr�s 1 ,000 2 2,000
� --Trail head 20 acres 200 2 400
--Bluff 20 acr�s 400 2 800 3,000
� --Lower Creek 20 acr�s 200 2 4J0
--Mounds 20 acres 200 2 400
Swimming pool 1 ,500 3 4,500
� Hi ki ng Trai 1 s 24.7 mi��l es 1 ,335 8 10,680 400
Bi�ing Trails 10.9 mi','es 275 10 2,750 2,000
Trai1 Head/Vis. Ctr. 3nn 4 1 ,200
Exercise Course �� 25 10 250
� Frisbee_Golf ', 70 5 350
TOTAL 5,505 14,345
Cross-country ski 23 miles �� 1 ,150 3 3,450 750
Downhill ski 5 acres �� 250 2 500
� Sliding 5 acres ', 250 2 500
Skating 2 acres ! 200 3 600
Trail Head/Vis.Ctr. �� 300 4 1 ,200
� TOTAL 2,150 8,550
*Ex ected Use Per Da estimat s from Metro Council surve s.
� p Y � Y
D. Costs/C:I.P./Phasing (See at�ached C.I.P.)
1 . First Phase Development -I��1981 Detailed Cost Estimates (See Appendix F & G)
E. Policies - (See Appendix A) ',
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� A. Management',Documents
1 ) County Park Ordinance - see Appendix B
� 2) Maintenance and Operation Policies - Ramsey County Comprehensive Plan
See Appendix A
� B. Operating Res'ponsibility
Operation ',responsibility for Battle Creek Regional Park will be divided
� by sections of' the park. The City of St. Paul will have operational responsi-
bility for two 'sections: Indian Mounds Park and Fish Hatchery Lake. Ramsey
� County will have operational responsibility for two sections: Battle Creek
� and Pigs Eye Lak�. Currently the City owns two areas within the Battle Creek
Section. The City shall continue to have maintenance and onerational responsi-
� bilities for those�, two areas until they are fully developed as proposed in
this Master Plan, dt which time maintenance and operation responsibilities
� will transfer to Rat�sey County.
� ' Coordination of operation will be required in the following areas:
1 Facilities : '
� All facilities in the respective jurisdictions can be operated
independently,', with the exception of trails which pass from one
rsection to ano�her. The boundary between maintenance and operation
responsibility Will be Highway 61 . Therefore, there will be two
� points where tra�ls cross the boundary - at Battle Creek and Burns
� Avenue.
2) Hours•
� _ __ ________ __ - - __ _---- __ __ ' --___--- _ --- _ __ _ _ __
General hours f
pr the park will be the daylight hours (30
minutes before sunr'rise to 30 minutes after sunset) . Specific
� facilities within tN,e park, such as the swimming area and the
downhill ski area, will have varying hours of operation. The
� Indian Mounds section' of the park will remain open until 11 p.m.
� -40-
� 3) Si nin :
Consistent sig�ing throughout Battle Creek Regional Park is
� desirable. The C�ty of St. Paul , Parks and Recreation Department
� has developed star�dardized signing for its park system. That
signing will be h�ld throughout the entire park.
i 4) Traffic Control : I
Provisions will be made for closing all parking areas. That
� policy will be colsistent throught the entire park, and all gates
will be consisten� in design.
� 5) Regulations and Or�dinances:
� The existing p�rk ordinance of each agency will reg�tlate the sec•tion
of the park that �gency operates. There are no significant differences
� which would confuse or otherwise be disruptive to park users.
6) Chan es:
� Any proposed ct�anges in the operation will be reviewed and approved
� by both agencies. l
A portion of tt�e Battle Creek section to be operated by Ramsey County
� is owned by the C�ty of St. Paul . A proposed maintenance agreement,
similar to the on� between the City and County at Lilydale-Harriet
� Island Regional Plrk is attached as Appendix E. Approval of this
Master Plan will �pp mve that agreement.
� C. Operating Costs - See char}t on following page
D. Operating Funds Source - �ounty and City
� E. Public Safety Service
Police: The Ramsey County Sheriff has primary jurisdiction for the
� part of the Park operatio I by Ramsey County. They receive assistance from
� the police departments of ISt. Paul and Maplewood.
� -41-
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The St. Paul Police D partment will have jurisdiction for that part
, of the park operated by the City of St. Paul .
� Fire: Fire protection will be the responsibility of respective city
fire departments; St. Paul and Maplewood. Ramsey County Par.ks receive the
� same service as other prOperty owners.
Ambulance: Ambulance service is p►^ovided on the same basis as fire
� protection. Each city h s a paramedic service.
All public safety service for the park will becor� a better service with
� the start of the "911" s stem. This service will also eliminate the con-
� fusion for park users in knowing what department to call .
F. Oisease Control
� The City and County arks nepartment are responsible for control of plan
diseases. The City of S�. Paul Pvblic Health Division of the Department of
� Comnunity Services is re�ponsible for human and animal diseases.
� IX. FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMEN� PROGRAM - See attached C.I.P. (page 39) .
� '
, Appendix A
� Development Policies ll. Ramsey County shall provide a variety of op-
� portunities and facilities within its desig-
nated scope of responsibilities. The facili-
� ties shall be of such quality and in suffici-
ent quantities to satisfy the needs of resi-
dents and users within the service area of the
� open space sites.
�. Ramsey County sha11 receive approval of site
� I development proposals from the governing body
of the municipality in which the respective
projects are located.
�� i. Ramsey County shall apply multiple use and
multiseasonal use concepts to its open space
resources and facilities when said practice is
feasible and such uses are compatibl�:.
� .
�. Ramsey County shall prepare and adopt a F�ve
Year Capital Improvement Program for the Open
� Space System in order to implement an orderly
development program and ensure maximum bene-
�• fits from expenditures. Prir:ary consideration
� shall be towards providing regional facilities
and meeting significant system deficiencies.
5. Ramsey County shall design and construct all
� open space faciiities so that they accommodate
m�des of public transportation and are physi-
cally accessible to all segments of the popula-
tion, including the aged and the handicapped.
� e de-
6. Ramsey County shall implement only thos
velopment plans that are compatible with the
� tolerances and carrying capacity of the re-
source base.
� Maintenance Policies 1 . Ramsey County shall keep all open space sites
and facilities free of hazardous conditions
and in a state suited to their designated pur-
� I2. Ramse County shall provide effective manage-
ment of its resource base and natural systems
in order to restore and/or preserve the qual-
�- ity of the resource base and protect existing
ecological functions.
_ i -44-
� AN OOR T ENCE Appendix B
1.0 SERION 1 -GENERAL PROVISIONS c. Any s�ction or part of ony Op�n Spoc�Sitt moy be d�clar�d
. closod io ih�public by the Dir�ctor nt pny time or for any m•
, 1.1 ►vrpos� �erval of hme,rith�r t�mpororily or ot regu�ar and statsd in-
t�rva�s, ond either�nfir�ly or for ctnoin u+es as}h�D�r�cror
This ordmonu has be�n enoctad pursuant to Chapter 9 t9�i sholl find n�c�swry.
Lows of Minn�sota,as ams�ded. wn�ch authonzes ih�Bo'p rd c`
Romsey County Commission�rs to anoct ordinancos to goyirn-ne
conduct of m�mb�rs of tha pub�ic during thev�se and sn aymant y.0 SECTION II•PERMITS
of the Roms�y County Op�n Spoce System so as to furth�the
, safety,h�alth enjoyrnent ond w�lfore of all persons i�t use y.� Psrmifs sholl b�r�quir�d for the axclusivw use of ail or ponions
thor�of, and to prot�ct public propsrty and rosources for�pos- of sp�cific oreas.buildings ond other system focilit�es:end ior
t��'�Y' conducting special evsnts of o cuitural,�ducat�onal,political.
� � p�����o�� ' raliglous or recreational noture:and for spocific�xemption from
� ony provlsion of this ordinc�c�.Any p�rson,group or associmion
a. "Board"shal!maan and r�fer to the Boord of Ramsey County of p�nons r�quirad to obtain a pwrmit shall 4ile on opp�icotion for
Commissioners. such parmit with th�Dir�ctor.
b. "Op�n Spoce Sita"sholl mton ond refer to any park.l 2.2 The grantee o1 c psrmit sholi b�bound by�his ordinonc�and any
r�serv�,speciol us�oreo,golf course, linear pork orIony Doportment rlgulotions in forc�cs tho�gh th�sama were+n-
othar area owned, improv�d,maimained, oparated dr othvr• s�ned in said p�rmit.
� v`�se co���olled by the Board ot Romsoy County Gom�is- 1.3 The granrte of a p�rmit shall b�lioble for ony loss,domage or
aioners for recr�ction ond natural r�so�rce preservation pur• irtjury sustamed by th�System or by eny person whatevar.by
poses. r�oson of the n�gligence ot the p�rson ur pereons to whom such
c. "System"shcll mwn and ref�r!o the Ramsev CountylOpen permits aro issu�d.
Spoce Systsm wh�ch includes th�sit�s ond facilities owned, ��� The grant�e of a permit shall not trensFer or relinquish said per-
maintained.and operoted by or otherw+se under!ha�cuthori• mit to onother psrson or grouQ of persens wi�hout the written
� ry of the Board of Romsey County Commission�rs pur uont to permission of th�Dir�c�or.
Choptar 950, 1971 Lows of Minr�asota. I 2.5 The Director shall huv�eh�nutho�ity to revnke a permit upon
d. "Direclor"shall m�an ond refer ro�ith�r or bofh rhe IDir�ctor widance of 9ood causa.
of Porks ond OpM Spec�-that penon authorizeo by the Z•6 No person shall in any monner disturb.haicss.or intorfore with
Boord of Romsey County Commissioners to direct ondl ad• tha gramee ol o vol�d permit,nor with any of the granress'prop-
mintstrW�the Deparrme�t of Parks and Open Space,ond th� �rty or�quipmen�.
� Dinetor of R�eneHOn•MM p�no�autho►is�d to dlr�et ond
administrat�th�D�part+n�n/of R�cnotion.
e. "P�rson shall mean ond re4e�to cny indiYiduol,firm�pon- 3.0 SERION 111-SPEC1Al ACTIVITIES
nership,corporotion and assoziorion of parsons.
f. "Dopartment'shall mean and r�ter to�kh�r or both ths 3.1 Pienickiny
Ramsey County Parks and Op�n Spac�Department add th�
� Rams�y County R�crwNon Deporfm��t. I No person shall picnic in any Open Specu Sita excep�in+nose
g "Open Space Weters' shall mean ond refer to any loke. ar�as sp�citically designat�d ond�qu�VPed fo•such use.
pond, rivar,stream or oth�r body ot wohr locmed wl�olly
witl��n the boundories of a Ramsey Cou�ty Open Spack Si�e; 3.2 Swimm�iny �
or ony pubhc snor�line own�d by or und�r the authority of
the Boerd of Rams�y Counry Commissieners, includin�those a. No p�rsen sholl both�.wod! or swim in ony Optn Space
, waters lying within 300 4ea+and imm�diotely abutring such Watars or at ony Roms�y Coun.y beacn e�cept in si�ch creus
shors?in�. I specifically deaignot�d for wch use,and onlv ot such times
h, "law Enforcement ONiter"sholl mecn ond re�er�o ar�y per• when a Rams�y Countv or otherwise cuthonzed li�eguard is
son duly deputi:ed or commission�d by the Boc d of Ramssy on duty.
County Gommissionersi fh�$tat�of MinnQSOte ar the I b. No p�rson shall bathe,wode or swim a+uny beoch except
� municipalily in which a Ramsey County Opan SpocQ Si�rs is whsn dr�ssed in battiing attira which is aucially atceptaale
locmed for the purpose of anforcmg th��aws,ordinarlces end co�ducive to wote•safe*y.
and r�gu�ations ol'heir respect�v�jurisdict�o�s. c. No parso�using Op��Spacs Woters shefl swim outs�ds of
i. "PesiNw Siyn"ahell m�on and r�f�r to any siyn or po�ted th�marked area.
nottc�instoll�d by fh�D�parfin�nt which ovtheri:�> o d. No peroon shali bring intc or use ct ahy bsocn er.y inne�
y�n�rol er sp�cNic oHivi}p,funttion or us�. � tube, life reft or other inflo+obl�r ur buoycnt ooje:t intended
j. "N�qetiw Sign"shall mwn and ref�r ro any sign or pl st�d to suppor!a persor,�xcapt U.S.Const Guard approv�d�ff�
� noric�insfoll�d by tl+�D�paAm�of wh{ch prohibib o��n�ral ixkNS or wsri wh�n p!op�rl�aMOCh�d.
or sp�cYfic edivify,function or us�. e. No p�rsan shall possess,cor�y on�o or sca<ter on any beocn,
�I any glass bottle.orok�n gloss. metal can,cr other debris
1.3 Constructbn and Scope whicfi could be o safe�y hazord.
f. No person shall use ony bwch orea tor purpesws oi picn�ck-
� In the interpreration of this ordinance,all provisions contoiln�d i�g.
horein shall be construed as follows g. No person oeing in cusroc'y o!an�orima:sha! permi:said
o. Any term in the singvlor shall oiso mean the plural. animoi to sn�er ony bsoth orsa d�ring the swimming seasan
b. Any t�rm in the mosculin�shall eiso maon ihe feminine and so establishod by the Direttor�sc�p1 for prop�rlr i�asif�d or
nau+er. j harn�ssed yuid�dogs froln�d fo I�od th�bli�d ar+d occom-
c. Any r�quiremen!or prohibition by any provision hereih. shall yani�d by its bli�math�.
� respe:tively ex�end to ond include tne cousing.procur ng, h. No psrso�shal!lounch dock o�op�rate ony watercraft�n
aiding or�batt�ng.diroctly or YndirecNy,of such acts;�nd ony deslgnat�d swimming orea.
tha permitting or a4bwing of cr.y minor by ihe respon{ible
parent, guordion or custodian�o tommn any svch actl 3.3 Fiahlny
d. No provision herem sholi mek�unlawlul pry act neta sarily
parform�d by any low e�forcemen!o�ficer. �m�rg�ncy�or a. No person shall roke any fish:frog, t�r+ie or crayi�sh by
, nscw offic�r,or G�partmem amployee as a/roieinq a�r• ongling. spearing.erchery.neHinq or treppmg 4rom any
cis�or in fhe line ei duty or wcrk os such or by ony prersor Open Spoce Wot�rs or from ony shoreiine pier ar dock.
his ogen�s o�empbyees, in the arooer ond n�cessory aracunon of under the�urisdiction oi the Bocrd exc�pt in speutitG�ly
ths tarms ef any contrvct a ogreemen+with Romsey Covn�1'. dssignat�d areas,and then only in occordonce with Chap}ers
e. Any act otherwise prohibiteC by this ordinonce. providled it is 98 and 101.Minn�soto Stofutes 19'4,as am�nded.
not othorw�s�prohibir�d by sfante or locei ordinancey. sheil b. No person shall fish in e rac�lesa or caroless manner so as
� be lowfut ,f p�rformed�nder, by v�rtue of and stnctly Lvnhin ro creore a nwsoncs or ro endonger the safety of sa�d per•
the provision of o Deportmenr permit to do so, ond to Ithe son, or other fishermer�or opan space users.
axtsnr authori:ed thersDy. c. No parson shoil cut o hole in th�ica of or.y Ope�Space
Wot�rs oYCept wh�r�ite fishinq is spscifical�y p�rmitred,
1.4 tloun end Acc�s� and then only when said hola is less rhon ien inchas in
� o The r�veorron ond educofion opper:unines of ihe Syst�m d. No p�rson shol��rec+e permonen!or porraole ice i�shing
shell be a.-miobie ro alt aembe�s o} �he publlc regardi ss of shel+er on ony Open Space Watars w�thou!the wrrtten per�
roce, s�■ oge, vaed no��onel ongin o�place nf res�dp�cy m�ssron of the D�recfor.
b. ihf System sha!f b�open to}he publ+c d�ring�noi perlod of a. No p�rso�sholl mo�e on ice(nh��g she�ier omo or aff o��he
time 30 rninu�es b�Foro sunnse and 30 mmutes ofte�sy�sat ice Irom any Open Spo:�Site ercoot from access points so
No p�rson shal� r�ma+n.seop. use or y�preser�w�tfiicl fh� d�s�g�o*eo by the Director ond th�r.only wAen said sheitP
� con!ines o�ony Open Spoce Sire dunno Thot peroa e4 time ond olocement�s to be+n ac.ordenct w�rh�hoprer 10' Mi:
30 m�nu�es ah�r sunset ond 70 mmutes beiore surr�so I Ex n�sota Srotut�s 19'4.cs omsndad.
csot�ons may be mado ar rhe discre�ro�oi tRe Dvec!er m the
case o7�merpency or when sDeua�use perm�±s na�e Oleen 3.� {fcpclinq
ou��on:ed or fo�o+n�r r�osons rhe D�rec�or mav oe+ermn�e
, necessory or dos�raDie-Ooen Spece inas ore suo��ct t a. No p�rsan sha�l naa o�werote e b�qde m any Ooen Sooce
wri�w ho�rs m force i�u�e munit�oaiit, m wrt�ch ine�pen —46— Site e.cepe pn d�s�g�a<e.:o�kvwors or svr'rocps normol!Y
Soo�e S�re u�«etod prov�o�d tcr vshru�nr+raif�c.
, b. No parson shall.id�or opsrote a b�cycla�n viclation f 4. No parson ahall operot�o snowmobils unless such vehid��s
Choprer 169 Minnasota Stotutes 197� os amentled. G rsons p�ipp�d with o h�ad lighi ond toil fight ehot an illuminot�d
riding o bicytle shalt obs�rw ond obey oll trof+ic ond irso at cll t�mn during such opermion. Snowmobiles equi p�d
tionol s�gns with on�ngin�of five(5)hon�pow�r or less shoil be ex�
� � c. No perso�sho ll ride or opsrote o bicycie in any Open'Spoce empt.
Site excapt�n a prudent cnd carelul monner, ond unless g. No person sholl opercte o snawmobife unl�ss s�ch v�hicle is
such parson shall be ccpoble oF eHective control ond qpsro• puipped with a red oi blc:a orongs pennant flog oi ot isosf
tion of so�d veh�de. Pedestnans and motor�zrd vehic! s sholl forry�r0;squore+nches in ar�o on�disployad ot o heiqht of
heve rhe nghf•of-way where o b�keway intarsects ped srrian not less ihon iiv�(5)fa�t pbove the traodway.
trails or roodwoys.
� d. No persor.shoil ride or operote o bicycle in ony Open Space 3.9 Nbroris�d R�cr�ation V�hic�� '
Site lostar thpn is reosonable ond safe with regord to'.the
sofety of the operotor ond orher persons in the immedliate No person ahall operate a metori:ed eif-rood or oll•t�rrnin
orea. r�crsorion vehide within any Optn Spoce S��e except in such
e. No person shol�ride or operote c bicyde m ony Open Spaw creos ot on pov�d�u�foc�s spocrficolly ossignafed ior sucfi use.
Site 30 mi�ut�s a4ter sunset end 30 minutes before su rise No person shcll operate a non•licensed vehicle on any parkwoy
, withou!apOropriote fronr a�d rear lighti�g. or oth�r roadway wrthin an Optn Spcce Site.
f. Ali bityclt ridors shall reman m single file and proc in
tha extreme nght hc�d lons of a drive ar bikeway at II 3.10 Equ�strlen
timos except whon passinq another vehiclt or bicyclis�
pork�d or trcv�ling in the som�direction. o. No psnon shail rid�or drive a horsa in ony Op�n Spoce Site
g. Wherover pro��ded.bicyd�s shcll b�porked in locatio s set s:cept in oreas.ond on bndle paths,troils ond roadways
asid�specifically tor their sroroge. specificolly desig�med for such us�.
� b. No penon sholl nd�or drive a hors�in ony Opan Spoc�Sire
3.5 GoN b�twoen the tim�s of 30 m��utes after sunset a�d 30 minutes
b�fort sunrise,unl�ss horse drawn v�hicles are adaquotely
a. No parson or group of psrsons or orqanization sholl ploy golf lighted.
or hold a tournomant or use ony golf course under the c. No person sholl ride or drive ony horse which cannot be held
� jurisdicrion of the Boord without hoving procured a pertmit or undar auch control tho�it may be easily turned or stopped.
green fae receipt from the Director or his repreaentoti e. No parson who is a beginner shoU ride or drivs a horse in
b. No porson shall driv�,putt or in any other manner pla or any Op�n Spoce Sits unless occomponi�d by copable supervi-
practice golf eacept in areos specificnlly designatsd fo such sion.
use. d. No p�rson shali rid�or drive o horse in a r�ckless or
c. Volid p�rmits or gr�sn f��receipts issued by the Dapartmant coralsss monner so as�o create a nuisoncQ or to endongar
� shall b�carried on tha piayer,or group rspresentat�vt and the satety or propeny of soid rid�r or oth�r riders,
shall be exhibiied upon d�mand by the Director or his pedastricns,or vehicies.
repr�sentotive. •. No person sholl mistreot,over•rido,cru�lly beat,mutilate or
d. Golfars shoi�ba properly ottired in occordcncs with so ially tortur�ony horse.
occeproble standards. f. Na person shall permit any horse to stray unatiended or
e. No person sholf tamper with any irrigation system,ta graze in any Open Space Sits.AI!unbridl�d, unmounred,or
� morker,greens flag or maintenonce equipment. vnoftended horses ahall be securely hitched or corralled at
f. No person shoil sall any merchondise on any golf courfo ex- locotions specificclly designated ond provid�d for such pur-
cept thos�conc�ssioners authori:ed by tha Board. poses.
g. Entranca to or exit from any golf courss shall o�ly be g. No person shall ride or drive a horse so as to obstruct in any
through d�signot�d occ�ss points. way the us�oF nding troils or bridle paths by other riders.
P�destrions and vehicles shall hovs the right-of•woy wherQ
, 3.6 loaNny an�quesfrian trail mtersxts oth�r�sroblish�d troils or rood•
a. No person shall optrota any wotercraft on any Open Spoce h. No person shall ride or drive a hon�at o paca faster than a
Waters comrary to or in violotion of Chapt�r 361, Minn�esoto walk or slow t�ot when pasning a p�destrion.
Stotut�s 197I.as am�nded. i. No penon sholl ride o�drive o hona at a pocs fast�r thon o
b. No person shall lounch or land ony boot,canoe.raft o�oth�r trot wh�n poss�ng onother rid�r going in tfi�opposite direr
� wot�rcraft on or from ony shor�fine under the jurisd+ct on o1 fion.
M�Boord eacapt at locotions sp�citically d�signated f r such j. No p�non shall ride or drive a hone ot a px�fost�r thon a
purposes. slow gait wh�n passing another rider going in th�same
c. No parson shall op�rats.row or paddle a boot,conoe or dir�cfion.
oth�r watercroft on any Open Space Waters unless ablk to
hondle the aam�with safety to hims�lt,otfier occupan s 3.11 Carnpiny
th�rwi,or in such manner as not to annoy or endang r ihs
� occuponts of oth�r boats. o. No penon sholl�stcblish or mointain any camp or other
d. No p�rson shoil I�ove ony wotercraft unattendsd�xca t in t�mporary loeging or slseping plac�in ony Op��Space Site
or�os specifically d�signoted for mooring,anchoring oi �xcept by permit and then oniy in ar�os specifically
b�aching. designared for such use.
� e. No person sholl op�rot�uny wotsrcroft within an or�o,which b. No penon ahall camp for o pe.�od long�r thcn that author-
has b�tn designat�d as o awimming arta. ized by rhe pvrmit.
f. No p�non shall drop or throw from o�y watercroft go age, c. All gcrbog�or refuse of ony kind shall b�ploced in rxep-
litt�r or oth�r d�bris. toclos provided for that purpose.
g. All watsrcroft launch�d from a System fac�lity or op�r ting d. No p�non shoil install psrmanent comp iocilities or physi:al-
on Op�n Spcce Watero shall hove o Coast Guard opprqvad ly olter th�camp site.
� life pr�servsr for aoch occupanr. •. No person shail wosh cooking cnd�ating utensils,or clecn
h. No person sholl stand up in,rock or op�rate any wotercrnft fish fxc�pt ot locarions designated for such ust.
in a caroiess or rackl�ss mannsr. i. No p�no�snall cut or gath�r wood on ony Open Space Site
for fual other Man thot providW by th�D�partment and
3.7 WfM�r AttivitiN stor�d for such use.
g. No person sholl d�sert a[Omp sita�until ths sit�is compl�te-
� No panon sholl s�owmobil�. �kate, toboggan, slsd,or ski n any ly raz�d a�d is thoroughly cleonad.
Op��Spat�Si1��xcept at such times and in such oreas h. No person or group of persona sholl us�a park lodg�unl�ss
sp�titicolly dosignated for such uss. o sp�cific p�rmit has bwn grontad by th�Dir�ctor for such
3.8 Snowmebillny �. Permits for lodg�s shall b�issu�d to adults only,and soid
adult shall be on the prsmis�a at al!tim�s during thw dura-
, o. No p��son sholl oparote a snowmobile in cny Open 5 ce tion of th�p�rm�t.
Site,on ony public trail or loka sur+acs undsr the juris iction
of Ramsey Coumy�rcept in oreos and on rrails cnd IaA�s SJ4 AI►born�Adldfi�a
specilimlly d�aignoted for such uso.
b. No p�non sholl opero»a snowmobile in ony Open Sp c� No p�nen sholl nwk�an escMt trom oeqr Op�n Spac�Sit�in any
Si�e,on ony public troil or lak�surfau und�r th�juns iction balfoon,ei►plan�,pUd�r,hanq ylid��or oth�r eirborn�con-
� of th�Boord tontrary to or in violation of S�ctio�B.r.BI to w�a nc�,aor eny d�sc�nr te any Op�n Spoc�St»i�or from ony
8�.90.Mi�n�sota Stctut�s 1971,as om�nd�d ond the R ula- belteon,airphn�,yNdK,hong ylid�r,parochut�or wh�r uir•
tio�s of tfi��ommiasion�r of Nofurol R�sourt�s N.R. 5 to born�cenv�ya�c��:c�pt In ar�as sy�cHically dNiqnW�d for such
59.as om�nd�d. us�or wtfh wrilf�n p�rmiasfon oF tM CouMr beard
c. No p�rson shcll op�rot�o snowmobile ot o sp�ed in�xcess
of limi�s sp�cificoliy pos��d for such us�or m a sp�� n sx•
, c�ss of 15 mil�s p�r hour wifhin 150 fNt of ony fish�r an, 4.0 SECTION IV-GENERAI CONOUCT
fish hous� p�d�strion, ski�r. skoting rink,slidmg ar . ski
tow or�o or oth�r ar�o wh�n such op�rotion would c nHict 1.1 Wix�M,DMfrudlon ef Prop�rfy and R�saurc�s
with or�ndang�r oth�r p�nons or prop�rry.
d. No p�no�sholl op�rc��o snowmobil�within 150 1Nt of any o. No p�rson aho�!tamp�r with. climb on. injure,d�foce.
� rtild�nhal shor�hn�on aanction�d loK�s in Roms�y County d�sfroy,oisturb,damag�or r�mow any port of any Syst�m
�=c�pt ot o speM of t5 mil�a pK ho�r or I�ss tor p�r s�of buddmg structuro sign. lighr vole O��nking fountain
occ�ss ro ond�qr�ss from ihe lok�.or for the purpos of hydran�, tobfe gnll puipmenf.statw or otfie�propsnv
porkin9 such wh�cl�s n�or th�shore6ne. Found th�rein.
•. No p�rson shall op�rat�o snowmobile so us to tow o prr- b._ No p�rsnn snoi!de4oce. dist�rb ar r�mova in any monner
aw� sl�d or oth�r conv�yance�xc�pt by tha us�oS o g�d any soi� orti�o:.� fosail ro<k or otMr min�ro!rssourc•
� tow bar anach�d ro M��r�or of such snowmobil• Disa I�d p c. No p�rson sha�!oxcavotv any ditch.tr��ch.tunne�. or hels
snowmopd�s sholl y����mpt. —Y7� in ony Op�n SDOU SiH.
, d. No p�non shoU saw,wf,pefh�r or r�enow en�I d�odFell. cigm�rf�s, tobocco, paper or athe�combustibi�moterlal.
trN IiM�r or standing tn�r�mnenfs.fro�n a�� p�w Spac�
SN���t�p/with w�M�n y�rmiasioe of tl��Dfr�cplor. �.7 Rn Arnn,Wwpons.fir�works
� �.2 Pnwrvation of V�qetation o. No persan shail poss�ss f�re.O�schnrge,or s�t oif any
fireorm. missils, fireworks or explosrves fn any Open Space
a. No person shoil injure.cut.des!roy, mutilo�e. � root. Site.
disturb or removo ony flower •ree. shrub or o�+y plont b. No p�non excep�o law enFOrwm�nt officer sholl possess or
wh�ther wifd or cultivated.or ony pan rhareof. ' corry o fireorm of any desvipt�on�c ony Op�n Soace S�+e.
� b. No persor.shail piam or couse ro oe pianted ony� wild. No p�rson s�all possess or corry in any Oper Spocs Sits ony
cult��o�Qd or exor�c tree shruC or plant excep+In spscifically oi.gun bow ond arrow. knife winc�biade'greottr then 3
designofed areas w�rh the wrirren permiss�on of the Dlrector. inchss slingshor.dort or pro�ecr;te fhrower.or ony orher
c. No person sholl fei�.or cl�mb a�y rree. pick any lowers. truit dong�rous or+Ilegal-waapon.Nofh+�g in fhis section sholt be
or vegerable inct seli growni rrample anv�low rs.tree construad to prewnt the ncrQOr�onai�se of fireorms and
seedlinqs flower beds vogetable gardens or n�w turf sasd- bow and arrows on oRiuoily estcb:�shed 41QId or targe�
� lings. ranges.
d. No person shall h�tch ony ommai or fasten. anthor or other- �, q�y�nouthoritati or ill�gol weapon within on Open Spac•
wise attoch any w��e, rope, coble,s�gns, poster�or othor ar• Site shatl be sub�ecr f�se�zur�by a low enforcement officer.
tides�o any tree `rub or plant
e. Na person sheU r -e any unathonzed use of a y Opon 1.9 Di�turbfng M�Pwcr•Coeduct
Space Site which . detrimertol to tne turf ond�ii mndi•
� tions. a. No porsor.or group of persors shall dist�rb the peace and
L No psrson shall remove any.device.opparotus¢r mmerial good ordar in ony Open Sooce Site by either word or ac+.
installed for the protection. suQport, or pres�rvdtion of any b. No pe-son or group of p�rson shall use threate�ing,obusive.
trae,shrub or plont. insulting.obsune or indecant longuage or comm�t, p�riorm
ar�ngage in any I�wd. lascivious.a6scene or indec�nt act.
4.3 Animals c. No person or grouo of parsons shall engage�e hghting,
, quarreling,wrangl�^g. rictous damor or rumult.
a. No peraon owning.being in custody,or hovi�g�ontrol of ony d. No person or grouo of persons shal!disturb,haress or in-
onimol, whether wiid,per or domes+ic,sholl cayse or ollow terfere with any opan space user or the user's property.
such ammal to roam or ba at large m any OpenlSpoce Sife. e. No penon sholl solicit or osk anvone to tommi+, pe�form or
b. No parson be�ng in cusrody of any onimol snoll�permit said engage i�any I�wd, lastivious ocscene,or indocent act of
animol to enter any beacn area,noture interprehrve oreo, behovior.
wiidlifa refuge, go�f course or park building�:cJ►pt for prop-
, �rly I�osh�d or hern�ss�d guid�dogs train�d to Iwd M� 4.9 Audio Dwic�s
blfed and occomponi�d b�ih bli�e mas»r.Whe�e such
animals ore outhorized they shc r,e rcstroined pt all times a. No p�rson sholl operete or pioy any musical insfrument,
by o suirable leash not more than six feet long¢r confined radio,tele�ision,record or tope ployar, loudspeaker public
tc a suitable mge. addross system or sound ompDlying equlpmem of ony kind
, c. No person in cus�ody of any pet or onimal shall Ilow said in ony Open Space Site in s�:h o manner fhot the sound
onimoi to disturb.horass or imerFare with otherPopen space emanoting therefrom�s audib!e 6eyond rho immadiate vicini•
users or their propsrty. ty of the sN or instrumant.and subsequeMly int�rfsres with
d. Any unattended domestic ar,�mol or pet found rqammg or at the use of tha Open Space S�te by other users or disturbs ehe
lorge within any Opan Spoce Site shall be impou'nded. rosidvnts of edjacent prop�rry.
� e. All stoto and local ordinances relating ro the lic nsinq and
muzziing of animals ond pets shall apply to sam�brought in- �.10 loit��iey
to any Open Space Site.
f. No person shall r�laase or introduce ony�xotic pr wild a. Ne person over the oge of�ix sholl enter eny cemfort stotion
onimal in ony Open Spac�Site wiTnout the wrin+n permis- or restroom,y�oshroom or toilet focility set apart or
sion of the Diractor. d�signated for the opposite sax.
g. No persen owning or in custody of any pet or do�mestic b. No person sha�l lurk or Iciter in or around rha toi�et or atner
� enimol shall allow such amma!to groze or brow�e in any Systam structure�xcept to use such focility for rhe purpose
Op�n Spate Site. for which it is intonded.
4.a Nuntiny.Fishiny o�d Mol�stf�q Wi1dIH• 4.11 Aleoholic and IMo:ieoNny B�v�roy�s
a. No person shall kill, hunt trap. pursue.injure.I olast or un• No p�rsor sholl transport. possess,otfe�fnr sole.consume ony
� n�ussarily disturb or hove in possession ony sp�cws of beor, wine,liquor,or o�her olconolic or intox�ceting beveroge�n
wildlife including birds,woterfowl fish or orhor bnimals a�Y Open Spou Site�xcopi with wAtt�n p�rmission of th�Oir�c•
iound within rhe confin�s o4 any Open Space Sit ,excapt fer end/or bard ond th�n oniy in such oraes and at such times
that fiahing moy be parmitted in designmed orec�s subj�ct to os may be d�signated.
lows end r�gulations as ostobl�shod by rhe Stote of Mm- �.�Z �onM011�d Subsfanc�s
� nesota.
b. No panan sholl rob.disturb.or molest the nest.eggs or
young of ony birds or oihar onimols within the c�nfines of No ptrson sholl use,oossess,coneume,edminister,d�spense.
any Op�n Spece Site. seil, give oway or be vnder the mflusnce of any cc�tro ed
substonce listsd in Schedules I•V, Chaptsr 159,Minnesota
Stututas. 1971,as omend�d ercept wnen s�ch use. possession.
, 1.5 Fi�es I influence and odminis!rorion are authorized by steture<_.
c. No person shaii stort or maintoi�o fire in any Opan Spaca 4.13 Gamblin9
Site�xcept smeil recreelional fires n fireplocas.lfire rings,
and grills providsd tor thot purpo-.:m oreas specif�coily a. No p��son shall play.participata in,waqer on o�ogainst ony
designoted for such use. Private g•iils may be usjed in yome oi thanca or activiry yelined by Sections 609J5 ond
� d�signotfd orws prov�ded that all ashes ond r�didue 609.76.Minnesota Statutes. 1974 as amended.
therofrom be disposed of in conroiners provided�fo�such b. No persor shall opsrote any gambling dev�ca or conduct any
disposal. I yome of cnonc�defined by Section 609J5 and 609J6.Mir-
b. Any p�rson who starts or maintoins a fire in on puthorizad nesota Stotutes. 197a.�s amended.
arsa shafl ex�rcise continuous supervls�on from he time ihe
fire is kindied until it is extingu�sh�u. No fire sh II couse ♦.1� Parod�s,Ent�rfainm�nl,Pubiic MIMrEnys
� damoga or constitute a thraui to site vegatofion nd
r�so�rcas. nor shall i�cause discomfoN to other�pen space No prxsssions, para:•.�:. pageonfs, uremonies, axhibi!�ons.
users. ulabrafions,troimnq �-.eruses,speeches,en�ertmnmsnt or other
.c. Ths Direttor mav ot his dlscret�on prohibit fins fpr limired public getherings shai. ae a�lowed te pass through or roke piace
periods at any iocation for any purpose when it i�s nocossary i�any Open Space Site or on any parkway except with wrinen
fo�the continued protection o�System property qnd psrmnsion of th�Director.
� rasourcas.
�.15 Ga�n�s
�.6 WaN�and lfth�
No p�rson sha�l enqaga in ony potentiolly dangerous gomes in-
a. No p�rson sholl throw.cast dr�p. pou� sv���or�ischerge, volving thrown or prop�ll�d objects.s�ch os roo*beNs. bosebolls.
or p�rmlt to escope in or upon any land pond, nhrer, creek, horseshoes.anows, golf balis m�dei airpiar.es o�similor objects
, streem.ditch, storm sow�r or droin flowing imo pr through �xcspt in ar�as spec�f�ceily dsrg�eted for sucn usoge.
o�y Op�n Spacs Site.ony substance. mott�r oi trying
wh�ther sol�d. Ilqufd.or goa, which shall r�sulf n�ihs poilu- �.16 Adv�Aisiny
tion oF said watsrs, inTer{srs w�+h the conssrvoti n monage•
m�m of th�wo�er rho�rca,o�endongor tM hw�ltfi of ths a. No p�rson shoi{oistrfbute or dissemmot�any leeflats pom�
� pubLc. phlets.urculors,handb�'Is adven�semems or orner wr�ne�
b. No person sholl d�pos�! scaner drop o�a6ondo �n ony or print�d mo�eria�erupt with tha wnrNn parmmsion of*he
Opa�Svoce S�to ony pGper DOfTIPS cans sswo�e wash. Direcfor.
rrasti or other yebns�aceo�m�KlD�OCIlS D�OV��by ih� b. No pa�son shail post,dispiay afh■or o�!ach ony s�gn
papartmsnf tor such purposes Nc psrsor sho�l d posit 1n post�r plocaro no�ICe benner w oa�erty�men'ru ony rree.
ony �scep�ocle�n ony Gpen SDOCe S�fe any accumu�atio�of bu;!d�ng sheHer fonce pol�or o•he-s*ruc�u�e excep+�:tt
was�e or�ros!:gerQ�atep e��s�oe+ne bo�ndaries�ef ths s��e tAe written�srr+a�ss�on of'�e D�rec�or. �
, c No person snaii aroc •'+��w o�o�he�w�se iw�e u ottendW n c. No penor.sho! �.ee'e�dsoeaken sounC omofty�^c,eq��p
m anr Own Spoc�S�+a ngh�w ma•cnee burmng i iqors. �`��� ment mus�coi�OU�pTYr!'or teuu on�+no�se+o be ma0e for
, adv�rrising p�rpos�s or for the purpos�of atrrachnQ y. No pKSOn sholi opKm�a whide in ony Op�n Spocs Sif�
tion to any�ahibition.p�Aormanca, we�+t, show or tMr which�mits�xcess�vs or irritaeing nois�,no�ious fum�a.
purposs�YC�p�wirh writt�n pe�ission of th�Dir�ct r. d�ns�smok�or ofh�r pollutents.
� h. No p�non shoil wosh,gr�ase,changa oil,s�rvic�or r�poir
4.17 UwMwful Sabs ony v�hiclo in ony Opa�Spoc�Site.Ail di�obl�d v�hiclss
shall quickly b�mode op�rotional or rsmovad from rh�Op��
No p�rson shall s�ll.oNer for sol�. howk. p�ddl�or leose ony Spoc�Sits.
obj�ct, merchondis�or service or corry on o�y manner of i. No penon shall pork a vohicle odjocent ro o�y curb painf�d
business or comm�rciol enr�rprise�respt those concessio s y���ow in ony Op�n Space Sit�.
outhorized or op�rotsd by the Bocrd. � j. Vehicl�s ill�golly porked,disaolad or obondoned moy be
� ' tow�d awoy and impound�d ot the owner s�Ypense. Sa�d
4.18 SellcfHnq Al�ns vehicle moy b�sold if vnciaim�d after ninery(90;days to
poy towing end sfomge chorges.
No p�rson sholl b�g or soficit olms,donotions or contribut ons. k. No penon ahall drink, consuma or hove m his poss�ssion cn
op�n bottle or contoiner of an alcoholic or intoxicati�g
, �.19 Phoro9rophy R�shictien b�v�roge in ony motor vehicls wh�n such v�hicle is in an
Open Spoc�SiN or on o porkway.
No ptrson shall tok�any photographs,or motion or soun pic- I. V�hicl�s sholl yi�ld ih�right•of-way ot aIl timss to
turos for commsrciol purposes or for uss i�comm�rcial odvertis� pr�d�strions.
ing�rc�pt with the writt�n permission of the Director. m. No p�rson shall porticipate i�a drag race or test of
unr�csonoble acc�larotio�in any Open Space Site or on ony
� t.ZO UflNfi�t porkway.
n. No p�non shall caus�ony faxi,limousine or oth�r v�hicle
c. Th�loca�ion,,co�struction or eraction of cny sew�r,g s pipe, for hir�to stond in ony Open Spoce Sit�or a�ony porkway
watar pipe,hydrant, lomp post.t�l�phona and elettr ior th�purpose of soliciting or taki�g in pcssengers other
power post,conduit.pump,lift station and other�tility thon those who rpu�stsd or were carri�d to the site by said
faotur�oroposad in ony Open Spou S��e shall be sub��ct fo whicle, unless licans�d by the Board.
, the approval of fh�Board.
b. No parson.firm or corporotion shall construct or r�lo�ate
any of th�se utility installations or tixturas without th writ• 6.0 SERION Yt•►ENALTIES FOR VIOLATION
t�n p�rmi:sion of the Dirxtor.
c. Every psrson.firm or corporotion who shail receive a con- 6.1 R�yulations In thh PaA
tract or permit to do work sholl uftsr such work hos aom•
, menced and until the same has been completed: �solaM rhe a, Any psnon violating ony of the pro�isions of this ordinonce,
construction areo by socurity fs�cing,warning lights nd shall b�odjudgad guilty of o misdemwnor.
signs,or oth�r cppropriata meosuras fhot will protecf iho b. A�y Q�non violating any of the prov�sions of ihis ordinance
p�blic from�xposur�to dangsr and provo�t unneces ary ac• moy bt�xp�ll�d,ejact�d or ousted ot such time trom on
cidsnts. Open Space Site at the discretion of o law snforcement of-
� 1.21 lo�t and Feund Acficl�� ficer or D�partm�nt�mployN.
Lost or misloid articles or monav or personol property whi h ore
fou�d in cny Open Space Sito sholl be dalivered or furned over to 7.0 SECTION YII•RE►EAL
the Romsey County Sheriff's Potrol Stot�on or to the neara t on•
duty low enforcemant oHicar. If ths lawful owner of ony a icle or This ordino�ce upon promulgorion repeals all pre-exis!ing regula-
� money deposifed with the Sheriff do�s not claim the samf,within tions in force,�xcept that sucn r�gulotions shall be doemed to be
o p�riod of sixty(60)days, it sholl b�returned to the finder upon in forte for ifie purposs of p�rf�tting any right v�ated, accruad or
r�qu�st. or�siny theretrom.
4.22 lew EnForcem�et Offlc�n ond EmpbyNS �
� o. No penon sholl willfully resist, r�f�se or 4oil to compl with
ony order dirsction o.requost lowfully given by ony ow an• Ths provisions of this ordi�once shall b�s�paroble, ond the in-
forcement offici�r or Dapartment amployoe octing under the validity of ony section,porogroph,sub-peragraph subdivision or
authority of the Boord and in occordo�ce with this ord��ance. oth�r oort thereof sholl nat make void, impo�r, involidme or af-
b. No penon shall int�ri�re with, or in ony monner hind r o�Y fact the r�mainder th�rwf.
, Deportmen.employee or low enforc�mer+f officer dur�g+he
p�rformance of his ossignsd dutian nor ony amploy of a
conrroctor or othsr County departmant engaged in co struc• �,0 SECTION IX•NOTICE TO TME PU6lIC
+ion. repoiring or coring for ony Open Sva�e SirQ or rt
th�reot or while in tht discharg�of duties confercad by this Th� blieafion ef this Ordinonc�in th�eFficial nwvs �r ie
ordinance. � P°P
� which th�6oe►d procNdinps or�puW�sh�d s6all consfituN nofic�
4.�3 Post�d R�yulotions.Dincffonel Signs and Gnphics �*�y�n�ral publit end pork us�rs thW fh�principl�of pox•!v�
•{gnina or uw d�siynmion sholl pr�voil in fh�sysf�m ond ell
No person ahall disreyord or foil to comply with any posta Op�n Spoc�Sihs.In th�abs�nc�oF poaiNr�signing,nya�fvo
r�gulotions,directionol signs ond grophics, barriers or oth r co�• signs nNd nW b�post�d fo Msur�eWhetify for a+Forc�nNnt of
trol davices located within ony Open Space Site or on any Mis Ordlnanc�.
, Parkway. /����i(,!/G! ����Y��
_ �
5.0 SECTION V•TRAFFIC RULES Robert J.Ort larry J.Brown
Choirman of Board of County Exetutive Oirector
� a. No parson shall drivs or oDe�ete a motor vehicle with n any County Commisaioners
Opon Spoce Site excspt upon roedwoys parking oraos.
parkways or other areaa d�s�gnated for such use. Dispbled STATE OF MINNESOTA)
vahicles may be moved off a poved orea�o allow for ihe ; SS
continued flow of trof4ic bul the vehicle must ba repair�d or COUNTY Of RAMSEY j
rsmovsd withi�two houn. �nlass other arrangement ore
� made with the Dir�ctor. I.Narry E.Marsholl,Chiaf�lerk,duly eppoim�d and qualified for Romsey Gounry
b. No person sholl operate o motor vehicle within ony O en Minneso�a do h�r�by cfrrify thar rhe forego��q copy is a frua ond correct�ronscripr of
Space Site or on any porkway in violation of posred r ulo� a r�solution adopt�d by th�Board of Ramsey County Commissioners on December 8,
tions ond�dir�ctlonolsigns:Chopfer 169.Minnesoto Statvres, 1975.
1971,as omsnded: co�nty or mumclpal trotfic ordinen es,or
orders or directlon oi low�nforcement otficers or De ort- Doted ot Sf. Paul,Min�eaoro this Bth day of D�c�mber. 1975.
� moN�moloy�es. ��,y�C�i�E�l�E�,��u�
c. No parson shall drive or op�rate o whide on or alon any
roods dr�ves or porki�g lors which hove been rastrict d, � �
closed or posted with appropriots s�gns or berncodrs!The MARRY E.MAR��+ALI.Chi�t U�rk.
Dirocror sholl hove rh�authorrty�o order roods.dnves or
porki�g lots within ony Opan Spau Site or a�y parr y
� dosad during ih�procass oi constroction. reconsrrudi �, or Adopted Dac.8. 1975
rspar or when�n his op�mon waather condit�ons r�n er Pubhshed Legof L�dger �Doc.30. 1975
irovel unsoFe or vnduly dsstructi�e. Ammendments:R�solunon/79-53�
d. No p�non sholl oporots a moro�vehicle�n o cor�less or
r�ckl�ss monner or w�thout dw r�gord 4or the sofaty ond 5�c. 1.2p. 1.2F, 1.ZI, 1,2J, 1.3D 1.18, 3.10, 3.2G. 3.9. 3.12. �.1D. �.38. a.tt. S.OE.
nqhrs of pad�stnons ond driv�fs ond occupanrs of oI1 other 6.18.9A
� van�des so as+o andongsr Me lii• '�mb or property of ony
otn�r person wh�le m lowF�l us�01 on Opan Scoce S� Adopr�d Moy 7. 1979
e. No p��son shal!pork stop.or Iwv�o.enirie m any��n P�blish�d�. l�gol��dg�r-Moy 29 1979
Spaca S�te or on anr porkwoy d�rinq fhat p�riod oi ti 10
TIIIYIM ON��tY1�fN OIIA�O T111Y1M b�Ot�fYI�1�N. u I�ss
orrongtman!s aro mod�wnh tne Direcro�
, f. No D��SOn s�+oii op�ra�a o v�hide�n o�y Op�n Spaca or on
any po•kway or a so�!�n a►cess of 15 mnes per hour ar,� -49�
exuss ot pos�eC spNd i�mrts. � �:".���
, � .�� ' .
, � \ ,
� ! - �C. .� , `.'
� ,
� �i'Q"'`• '�r,`,i�.a'� C'cacn�a.�:�.��1a� Cmu�,ok,L'
5 p-�Q.�.+
� � �
� I I
i Appendix C �I
/ � I
' ���
� FTpure 3 Reglonal Pa�k a Open Space System � . � i" —'"""- ��?� i; �
/ , ��� :j ��;�'�•� � __ 1 �� ; l�h F n�$"rk: � . �
,� � ......... Pa iks ��.�j�--- _ i����s _. �__ _i_ I J .. t _ ::�..-_'—L'__�
� �� TraiJs :�l� .��' .---�-�_� � _ - - I i I � � '�,-'��,.--_�
� I ;� ' t ` ,i_. � ',—� — �' —�
' � Special Use 'T: � � ' -- I �
, , `�. � i1 L
jComo Zoo ,i �.._�._ — .—. _ '. _ — !.
. � ti ��
! Como Conservatory � �'--;'-- -- '_ "- ` ` �- ` g ' — -'_--=;-�
� � Harriet Island Marina i I -- ;'_ --- Tq�$Q`�e�„��� •.� _ �
, - _
, � _�,,.+��
j •, � :.R'' .
� • � � � .
Watergate Marina : = = \ - =--� -;. `� y� ''`�.� t,�� ;,,�
� �,...� r. " f
lndian Mounds Park � � '��• `` � •�ffk����
_._-- •_ `�\. — �' - - ;;�:iieCl�land Park� t a}7d'frr,sh'H tc�
� 1i # ; �. ~ - -= — - - � • i �••:;.�:;.,:,
, y -? - - - =f;:• \``� f�ir�` � ,gio�l
, � " ::;�'.�ie[Qlsse PcZlk � `�'•�f �`'' t
i t - r- . . .;::�::�:�:...;, _'__�._ - 8�1 �51ain�
'¢: �;�:
w � 1 — -- • - - ;�;jtjyi7ale Regiona!Park '�?' �s ��Fa�illt
, - , - •�'•���. �. �'';•'ti :�::
, FaJls ;:.'"%�'��'�:�and Pa(eonto/ogical Interpretive Fa �{ty.::�:;'�.•.•• �
i - .. ..{•..,•�•:•:i; I
', �...' a
� . '�•��•�'• �:t
' �$by Farm Floodp/ain Park �
i .r.� .,r'd/nteip�etive Facility
.. �.
. .•.�'..
. .
. . _�.
�ate �
* � 6. TOWN SQUARE There should be a better pedestrian access between
In the downtown there needs to be innovati�e methods Cherokee Boulevard and Water Street. Such a connection
used to meet the daily recreational needs o the large re- would make Harriet islandlLilydale more accessible to the
gional, and in some sense, captive, clientel�. The concept West Side residents. The neighborhood and the Parks De-
, � of a regional park-regional special use arealneeds to be partment shouid discuss this possibility with the State
broadened to meet the recreational needs ojf downtown Highway Department.
residents, workers, and visitors.
' To meet these needs we propose a pedestri�n loop Mounds Parks is the site of Indian burial mounds. It is
through the downtown from the river corridqr. This loop unique in the metropolitan area. It offers superb views of
; will lead off the Keilogg Boulevard system at the public the river and the city. Although some information is avait-
1 � library location, follow Seventh Street throu�h the pra able in the park, additional background and interp�etive in-
� ; posed Town Square and pedestrian mall and return to the formation should be availabie.
� river corridor via Mears Park on Sibley Stree . It wiil link
major open space, cuiturai, and historical el�ments of the
I CBO such as Mears Park, Lowertown, Rice F�ark and the _
Old Federal Courts Building, the Library, thelArts and
� � Science Center and the St. Paul Civic Center. One of the
� attractions will be an indoor park. This is to�e developed
, on the upper level of the 7th Place commerc al develop-
ment. (See the Downtown Plan for a discuss1on of this
-- --
� proposal.)
Cherokee Park and Lilydale/Harriet Island co�ld be essen• , �
� tfally one park. The former is on the top of th�e bluff and
the latter on the bottom. Because Cherokee PIark is adja-
cent to a residentiai area, it wil! co�;;�nue to serve both
neighborhood and regional passive open spa�e needs. ' -
� Neariy all of the bluff from I-35E to Wabasha lis already in - ,
public ownership. However, a few small parc�is at the i��
base of the bluff remain in private ownership.l These
� . should be acqufred.
9-�sas -50-
, ,
, . Appendix D
Marketing and Feasibility Report' & Master Plan
, - �
prepared for: -
� Ramsey County Parks and� Recreatian Department
Bernard Edmonds, Director �
, .
� prepared by: � ',
, Brauer b Associates., Inc. . �
6440 Flying Cloud Drive
Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344
, .
� • '
, •
� . . -52-
, I
, I .
iNovember 28, 1977
Mr. Bernard Edmonds, Director '
Ramsey County Parks and Recreatior� Dept.
` 520 Commerce Building i
St. Paul , Minnesota 55101
RE: Battle Creek Park
B&A Pro�ect #77-57 . I
Mr. Edmands:
We are pleased to submit this report as documentation of the planning process
, which was applied to the Battle Cr�ek Ski Area site. The report encompasses
physical facilities suitability and operational economic projections for three
alternative development packages. � �
, We wish to especially thank you anq Larry Holmberg for your patient review of
materials presented, your construc�ive criticism and your counsel freely given.
Your encouraqement was consistenti� timely and helpful .
! The process is not at an end, 5ut r�ather is just beginning. We feel this
document provides a sound basis for� the continuation of the process including
the stages of design develo�nent, �onstruction documents, and final implementation.
1 .
� .
Paul S. Fjare, M.L .
, Yice President - Landscape Architelture
mt •
� Enclosure � �
, '
, i
, �
_ .
, i
� Abstract , �
Re ional - Ski
, Regiona - Go f
, �
Land Use
Trans ortation !
, Recreationa Programs
, Climate Orientation i
opes Drainage
Ve etation �
, Exist n Develo ent
xisting Master p an
� n �
Programning 8 DevelopmenthOptions '
, Winter Development
Winter Programn�ng �
Surrnner Development ;
, Sumner Programming �
0 erational 0 tions � .
� A ternative Option Packag�es '
� �
, � ►irJ
� 5�1,�t�Ns �rJGc.os p H�� ,
, �
� -54-
� �� ,�� �
� �
� In order to lace the ro sed develo �nt and ro ram o tions in a
P P Po Pm P 9 P
proper perspective, the study objectives sltated at the outset bear reiteration.
, They are:
1) to determine what range and scale ofi recreational opportunities
should be provided in order to sati�fy the recreational needs
, of a significant segment of Lhe metrlopolitan population.
2) to determine how these opportunities� can be offered in a financially
, self-supporting manner.
These objectives are not mutually excl�sive; they are, in fact, highly
� inter-related. In exploring development �nd program optio�s, it becomes apparent
that both objectives can be met, generall , by offering recreation programs that will
utili2e the site more efficiently on a ye�r-round basis.
� Programming & Development Options
The basis on which options were initia�ly considered was premised on the
, follow�nq assumptions (which were derivedlfrom contextual analysis (Sections II and III)
and site analysis (Section IV)) : I
1 ) that the downhill ski area would r�I in as the primary winter rec-
, reational activity, but that either' physical or non-physical alterations
(or both) would have to be made in lorder to make the area more attractive
and profitable, I
, 2) that, if feasible, a golf course luld be tfie primary summer activit , and
� y
, 3) that the winter and surtmer activit�es utilize the site and structures
efficiently and in a coordfnated rr�nner.
Based on the above-stated objectives �nd premises, the following development
, and program optians are listed in con�un�tio� with the rationale for their initial
consideration. In some cases, the optioq�s are contradictory, but are nevertheless
included inasmuch as they represent feas�ble alternatives. There is, furthermore,
� some overlapping between development opt ons on the orie hand, and program options
on the other, owing to the interdependen�e of the categories.
, I .
, I
, �
, I
� i
, -
I, Winter Recreation - Developmet�t Optiorts Rationale •
� A. Chalet ��
l . Youth oriented, provi�ing -will attract both skiing
� snacks, games, music, '�etc. and non-skiing youth; parlor
games and food will produce
� revenue
2. Adult oriented, provi�ing , -will attract both skiing
dining an�. li4uor , . and non-skiing adults; dining
, and liquor will produce revenue
3. Full-service oriented ! -co�ination of above ration-
, ales (physical separation essen-
tial for success)
B. Cafeteria dinin room �� - r m
� / g with prope anagement, a
potentially large source of
revenue; increase area's attrac-
� C. Lounge/bar -large source of revenue
D. Novice skier orientation -site will not support advanced
; skiers without massive altera-
� �
E. Install chairlift or t-bar �� -reduces slope maintenance and
� is easier for young and elder-
ly beginners
F. Facilities runs lifts ch��lets -reduce ex enses and make area
, � . � ) P
laid out such that they can! be more attractive
opened/closed with demand alnd without . �
� compromising area's overall! integrity •
� �
� G. Sledding, tobogganning, tubing alea -provide recreational oppor-
with separate rates, tows, runs � tunity for non-skiers (children
, and fam�lies); neighborhood
market primarily.
H. Ice rink for skating, hockey, brpom- -offer recreational diversity,
�. ball increase area's visibility, and
g.enerate direct revenue from
fees, group reservations and
� indirect revenue from chalet
, I services
� I. Recreational trail system (crossi- -offer recreational diversity,
country skiing, snowshoeing increase area's visibility and
generate indirect revenue from
� chalet services; regional trail
system component
II. Winter Recreation - Prograrrxning Op�ions
� A. Instruction orogram (ski school -a means of attracting novice
skiers and introducing tfiem to
� the sport; potential source of
B. Rental equipment -to meet needs of novice skier
� not yet comnitted to sport;
large source of revenue
� C. Rental equipment with purchase � -encourage repetitive patronage
option and reduce off-season storage
and maintenance requirements
� D. Instructton package including I -encourage full use of facili-
reduced rates on lift, rental , I ties and programs; reinforce
instruction combination Mill 's novice skier image
� . .
� E. Instruction programs coordinated -allows for off-peak, predic-
with area schools table usage
� F. County-wide promotion of pro�rams -will increase market area and
• attract skiers who might other-
wise ski at other facilities
—" G. Promote off- eak da s/times -will tend to smooth out peak
� Y
demand, thus reducing expenses
� H. Season tickets/memberships . -allows for a "front-ending" of
revenue and predictable usage
� ,
I. Food services -essential in terms of comple-
menting recreational services
� and ge�erating revenue
J. Provision of liquor � � -large source of revenue
� K. Private party rental of -predictable saurce of revenue
facilities during off-peak periods
� '
L. Promote mass transit patronage -reduce parking requirements;
(particularly charter - and school - make skiing accessible to
buses) larger segments or population
� M. Provision of games, music -will produce revenue and
attract young skiers and non-
, • sk�ers
III. Sumner Recreation - Developme t Options
� A. Go1f Course
1 . Regulation - 9 hole -attract serious and occasional
� goifers by providing most
challenging course that site
will support; produce revenue
through fees
� .
� � � a �
, � ;�
� �
2. Par 3 or Executive - 9 hole ; -attract occasional and neighbor-
� hood golfers; produce revenue
through fees
B. Clubhouse
� 1 . Utilitarian structure -sunmer use of youth-oriented �
- • ski chalet• will enerate some
� 9
revenue depending on services
�, offered; complement Par 3 course
� �
2. Full-service structure -surt�ner use of full-service
(or adult-ariented) ski chalet;
� � , will generate revenue tfirough
' . services offered; complement
regulation course
C. Cafeteria dinin room � - en r r v
� g g e ate e enue and increase
courses's attractiveness
� 0. Lounge/bar � - enerate revenue and increase
course's attractiveness
� E. Practice green � -increase course's attractiveness
F. Picnic facilities � -increase area`s visibility and
� provide passive recreation
G. Recreational trails system � -increase area s visibility,
� (horseback, bicycle. pedestrian,; r�egional trails system compo-
exercise stations) nent, provide diverse recreation
opportunities and complement
winter trails system
� -
H. Court games (paddleball , platfor,'m -generate revenue through fees;
tennis, tennis) increase area's attractiveness
� I. Drivin ran e - r
g g ene ate revenue and attract
�practicing) golfers
� �
J. Pro shop � -generate revenues throu h sales
� 9
� �
� i
� i
Iy. Sumner Recreation - Programnina Opti�ns
� A. Golf club, pull cart rental i -generate revenue (virtually
mandatary service for golf
B. Food services � -generate revenue and attract
� non-golfers as well as golfers
� C. Provision of liquor � -generate revenue and attract
. both non-golfers and golfers
� D. Golf inemberships, season i -encourage repetitive patron-
ti �� ��
ckets age; provide front-ending of
revenue and predictable usage
�' 1 evel s
E. Golf league play -predictable, repetitive
� patronage
F. Coodination with area schools � -predictable, repetitive
� patronage
G. Provision of parlor games, i -attract young galfers and non-
music i golfers; more consistent with
� Par 3 than Regulation course
H. Promote mass transit and -will reduce parking require-
� pedestrian transportation i ments, possible congestion,
and patron's energy use
� Implicit in the above options list a�d in the following alternative option
packages is that Ramsey County can, to a� large extent, determine usage patterns
and characteristics (not to mention revQnues) simply be manipulating fee structures.
Among the many possible fee alternative5 are:
� 1) Discounts for - •
� -time of day -ski st�dents '
-day of week -senioricitizens
-women -groups�
-children -transi� users
� -families -pedestrians ,
� �
� i
� -60-
� �
� qlternative Option Packages
From the listing of programning and development options, three distinct
alternative option packages have been selected. Each package is composed
� of consistent development and progra ing options for winter and surtxner
uses. The packages are roughly addi ive, that� is; Alternative I represents
a minimum development scenario, Alte native II adds to this minimum a discrete
� amount of improvements and Alternativ III follows in kind. Selecting alte►~- '
native packages in this way facilita es the evaluation of the economic impact
of a specific improvement or a progra ming emphasis.
� Alternative I
This package represents the _"lea t-development" alternative and was selected
� on the basis of minimizing improvem nts while at the same time being feasible from
an operational budget point-of-view. The salient features of this alternative include
the construction of a youth-oriente chalet, a lengthening of the ski season. and no
� provision for a qolf course.
. The chalet would be, generally, utilitarian structure located a t the convergence
of the ski runs at the bottom of th hill . Skiing services to be offered would include
� equipment rental and sales and ski instruction. In order to assure the economic via-
bility of the area while at the sam time avoiding duplication of services offered by
other entities, the chalet would al o accomodate a game room (for electronic games and
� pinball machines) and a snack bar ( ither vending machines or an informal cafeteria) .
With this emphasis, it is felt that the structure would function as a community youth
center as well as chalet, thus attr cting both skiing and non-skiing youth.
� Physical site improvements in this alternative are minimal ; in fact, the only improve-
ment directly related to skiing would be lengthening the season by the addition of two
snow making units, for a total of five.
� Because Alternative I represents the minimum-devel�pment, economically feasible
scenario, no provision for golf has been made. By not including golf, this alterna-
� tive can be used as a basis for the cost/benefit evaluation of additional improvements
proposed in Alternatives II and III. Excluding golf from this scenario for economic
reasons does not, however, preclude the non-economic (recreational ) need for• other activities.
� Summer activities should be focused on non=structured recreational programs/facilities,
particularly a recreational traiis system. A trails system for bicyc�ists and pedes
trians will allow for greater user njoyment of the topography, scenic views, and
� .
� �
:� 2) Separate fees for -
- r id nts non-res�dents
County es e /
� -specific activities/ali �ctivities �
-annual/seasonal/daily pa�tronage
-all County facilities/Ba�ttle Creek facilities
� These fee alternatives can, o� course, be utilized in virtually any combination
and will produce a variety of re�,ults.
� �erational Options , �
' 1 a ct of the
Before selecting alternative option packages, another fina spe
� possible options (particularly p,�rogrartming options) must be considered; what entity
should be responsible for the op;eration of the various services selected? This decision
is critical since, 1n the finaT �analysis, the management/programming of the recreation �
� area will determine the area's 9uccess. Four possibilities are:
1 ) Ramsey County 3) Ramsey County and St. Paul Public School
nd h Cit� of St. Paul
2) Ramsey County a t e � 4) A concessionaire (either alone or in cor
� junction with any of the above)
r ' th area's facilities is �n obvious choice
Having Ramsey County ope ate, e
� since the County could own most;, if not all of the facilities. Some of the options,
however, such as operating pari�br games and offering quality food and liquor services,
might better be operated by a p�rivate entity specializinq in same, inasmuch as these are
areas in which the County has l�imited experience. Perhaps more importantly, the County
� has historically demonstrated l;ittle inclination towards offering and promoting quasi-recrea�
tional activities such as, thes�. .
The advantage to having the; County and the City operate the area is that
� greater coordination and less �uplication of programs would result. Such operation
could maximize the range of op�tio�s provided by integrating the existing programs
� offered at the Battle Creek Re�reation Center with those offered by ihe County.
Cooperation has taken place in; the joint use of the Recreation Center structure, but
it appears to be to neith�r er�tity's advantage, and furthermore, does not trulv
represent programmi^g or operational cooperation. (7he City of St. Paul has offered
� instruction programs at the ski area in the past, but, for a variet� of reasons, this has be
discontinued) .
* �- a � �� �
r i h h 5 . Paul Public Schoois
By having Ramsey County coordina�Ge prog ams w t t e t
� 5ystem, the ski area (and golf cour�e) would be assured a sizable user populati�n that
Mould complement the beginner/instrwction orientation of the area. Progrartming could con-
teivably be coordinated with both tf�e Community Education and Physical Education Depart-
ments, thus allowing for use both d�ring the day and evenings. Once again, however, this
� coordination does not seem apt to h�ppen because the potential for such coordination
�vith respect to .ski programs has exhsted (and does existl, but none has taken alace.
Finally, having a concessionaireloperate some or all of the servlces and promotion
� coul�d prove to. be the most profitab�e operational mode. TF�e primary benefit of a con-
cession arrangement is that a conce�sionaire can most effectively compete in the
"open market" and would be more likely to coordinate programs with a variety af pri-
� vate and public bodies if dic.tated �y economic necessity. Just how well the Battle
Creek ski operations would fare und�r a concessior. arrangement is almost whfllly can-
tingent upon the provisions of the County's contract with the concessionaire. Two
�' examples of typical , yet widely disparate contractual agreements are:
1 ) The County would make tfie la�nd available, at little or no cost, to the
� concessionaire for a fixed period of time, say 25-3Q years. During this
period. the concessionaire wc�uld develop, operate and maintain the ski area
and/or golf course at no cos� to the County. All development would be con-
� sistent with County policies# procedures, etc. and, since the concessionaire
would be responsible for the �management, maintenance and operation of tfie
facilities he has inv�sted i�, quality construction techniques would be
guaranteed. At the end of 3� years, the con4essionaire would have,
� theareticaliy, retired all initial development costs and the County could
take over the operation and c�anagement of the recreation area or the er,ist-
ing lease could be reneqotia�ed ard extended. In any event, the concessionaire
� would have first right to neg�otiate lease extension. �
2) Another contractual agreemen�, is more conventional ; the County would develop
all site improvements in accordance with a master plan and lease the facilities
� to the concessionaire. This �lease could be for a fixed figure ar a percen-
tage of profit or both. Othe� than perhaps having the County stipuTate mini-
mum programming and maximum p�icing guidelines, the concessionaire would be allowed
� enough flexibility to make mo�t operational judgements.
Regardless of actual contract provisl�ions, this general mode of operation
appears to be the most flexibie ond otentially creative of the four opera-
tional alternatives explored. A con�Cessionaire mode r�ro uld be most likely
� 1�
to generate revenues in excess of ex�enses and offer, in the process, rPC-
reational opportunities to the large�t number of people.
� , •
� .
� �
� ,
� e etation of the site, and could becom� a uniquely esthetic segment of the regional
trails system. Consideration should al�o be given to creating a so called "Swedish
� exercise" trail spur. This type of tra�l , consisting of a jogginq path with regularly
Spaced exercise stations, is presently �n use in Minneapolis and Roseville. One draw-
back to this option, however. is that t�e upper reaches of the site have been subjected
to vandalism in the past; the exercise 5tationswould have to be either readily access-
� ible for security purposes or constructied in a vandal-proof fashion.
Finally, it is recomnended that thelproposed winter services included in this aiterna-
� tive be operated by a concessionaire. �Such an arrangement would be most likely to be
profitable to the County, and would no�� require the County to acquire an expertise in
such areas as pro►notion and marketing: ; Just how profitable the ski area could be
would ultimately depend on the leasing; and service provision stipulations in the County-
� concessionaire contract.
B followin the Alternative I dev�lopment plan, the ranking of Battle Creek Ski
Y 9
� Area would increase from 52.0 to 59.4 �as per the regional ski area analysis in Section
II, This increase can be attributed to 1 ) the addition of
skiing during weekdays, [) the additi�n of a chalet and 3) the provision of rental equip-
� ment. With such a rank, 6attle Creek� would become the 2nd highest ranked public ski area
in the metropolitan area, as indicate;d in Figure 16.
The following table indicates thejprojected operating budget of the Alternative I
� facility. The estimates are conservative and made with no regard as to whom the
actual operating entity would be. �
� �
. � �
� �
� ,
� ,
` a s { s � s 9 a s �
j� � =--a , ;i iTiTif�lili i
_ ' � �
- � , � ;,,���i j
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� Table 1
� Expenditures Revenues
Salaries � $1^,700 Ticket Receipts $11 ,045
* Electricity 800 Food Receipts (net) 1 ,425
Water 400 Arcade Receipts (net) 3,750
� Fuel 1 ,800 Rental Receipts (net) 3,560
� Promotion 800 TOTAL REVENUES $19,780
Printing 150 _
Maintenance, Repair BALANCE $30.00
� -e uipment 750 . �
-building 100
� -grounds 500
Parts, Supplies
-equipment 600
� -building ?00
-grounds 250
� Electrical Supplies 1 ,000
Other, Miscellaneous 1 ,800
� The projections in the above tabl¢ are based on the following assumptions:
1 . 75 day ski season •
� 2. approximately 95 skiers/da;y, equivalent to Battle Creek's best year (71-72)
3. a modestly increased promation and advertising program
4. an average lift ticket pr�ce of $1 .55 (roughly $1 .50 for students and $2.25
� for adults)
5. net food income of $.20/skier visit
6. net equipment rental revehues of $.50lskier visit
7. net arcade revenues of $5.00/game/day •
� .
� �
� ,
Alternative II
. �
Alternat�ve II contains more axtlnsive site improvement recomnendations than does
� Alternative I, but is similar in no� recommending a golf course. This simiiarity is
retained to facilitate evaluation of the economic impact of logical development incre-
ments. • �
� Site improvements would consist pf some rather extensive grading and the re-
orientation and adaition of tows (ads recomnended by the Battle Creek Ski Area renova-
tion report of 1975). The primary �objective of the grading would be to remove a kno11
� near the bottom of the hill that pr�esently inconveniences skiers and limits the longest
run's potential . and place the res,�plting fill a t the top of the slope, thus increasing
the vertical drop somewhat and sig�hificantly lengthening the slope.
� Lifts and tows required for the; site would total seven in number; six being
rope tows and one-the longest, cen,�tral lift-being either a chairlift or t-bar. A
� t-bar or a chairlift would facilit�te use by beginners (particularly the very young
and elderly), with the chair lift �having the additional advantage of redacing slope
grooming needs, though initially c�osting more. Provision is also made for a separate
rope tow and run on the north sid� of the ..site reserved for sliding.
Another development increment Ihat Alternative II offers is the redirected social
orientation'and resultant physica� alteration of the chalet as proposed in Alterna-
� tive I. In this alternative, the� chalet would be more imposing and the services
offered would be more extensive. �
This chalet would serve to att��ract adults through offering quality food and
� liquor in a dining room setting. ; Such a service would require the physical separation
of the youth chalet and ski servi�ces on the one hand and the restaurant on the other,
� necessitating a considerably lar�er structure. A large kitchen area would also be
necessarv. It is felt that the r�estaurant would attract predominantly non-skiing
adults ��retically providi�g rpore revenue without proportionately increasing the
skier �ensity on the slopes. �
� The ski-related services cont,ained in this package also inciude ski instruc-
tion, ski rental and sales and a; "pro shop" selling ski wear and accessories. The
� o eration of all services would �be through contractua`I agreement with a concessionaire.
I� the area is not operated on a; concession basis, the County must be prepared to,
amonq other things, engage in e�tensive promotional activities to assure ? large enough
� clientele. �
� ,
Summer recreational em hasis shouldilrevolve around a bic cle/ edestrian trails
� P Y P
system linked with the metropolitan r�gional trails system. As in Alternative I . con-
sideration should be given to creatin� a "Swedish Exercise" trail spur, if the capital
outlay can be justified. Because of �he additional adult orientation of the area,
� other summer activities should includ� court games with user fees. Fees will dis-
courage use by youth, (who can and do� use St. Paul Parks Department facilities anyway)
and tend to rei�force the adult empha5is, as well as generating revenue.
� Court games should consist not of ,�t�nnis, but of paddleball and/or platform tennis.
These games are not commonly found o�t-of-doors in the Twin Cities region - their
uniqueness would serve as an attracti;on� to the site and restaurant, as well as justi-
� fying user fees. Such games could al�so promote an atmosphere similar to that found
at country clubs or athletic clubs. ;Equipment and accessories utilized in these games
should be offered in the "pro shop" drea of the chalet.
� By adhering to the Alternative IIldevelopment scenario, the Battle Creek Ski
Area would become the highest rankedjpublic ski area in the metropolitan area with
a score of 62.4 (see Figure 17) . Th,�e factors contributing to this increase
� in rank include increased ratical dr'op, more tows, weekday ski..ing, a chalet and equip-
ment rental . .
Table 8 outlines the projected o�erating revenues/expenditures for this
� alternative option packag2.
� ' .
a -� � �� �
� Table 8 -
� Expenditures Revenues .
Salaries Ski Ticket Receipts $22,090
� -restaurant � 72,900
-other 25,100 Food Receipts (net) 11,300
Electricity 1 ,400 Arcade Receipts (net) 18,250
� �
Water 650 Rental Receipts (net) 7,125
� Fuel 2,300 Court Game Receipts (net) 4,050
Promotion 1 ,600 �4dse. Receipts (net) 2,140
� Printing 300 Liquor Receipts (net) 24,300
Maintenance. Repair TOTAL REVENUES $97,255
� -equipment 1 ,600
-buildings 250
,-grounds 1 ,600 BALANCE - 22,895)
� Parts, Supplies
-equipment 1 ,500
� -buildings 250 �
-grounds 1 ,700
Electrical Supplies ' 2,500 �
� Other, Miscellaneous 6,500 '
In projecting the revenues/expenditu,'res for Alternative II, the following assump-
tions were made: _. . �
� 1 . 75 day ski season
2. approximately 190 skiers/day, equivalent to a total attendance twice that of
Battle Creek's best season (71-�2)
� 3. strong emphasis on promotion and advertising
4. an average lift ticket price ofi $1 .55 (roughly $1 .50 for students and $2.25
for adults)
� 5. net food revenues of: a. $.4d/skier visit (190 skiers/day for 15 days)
b. $.4q/non-skier vis1t (100 visits/day for 290 days)
� 6. net equipment rental revenues bf $.50/skier visit
7. net arcade revenues of $5.00/g�me/day
8. net court game revenues of $1 .i50/hour/court assuming 3 courts utilized
� 6 hours/dey for 150 days �
9. net liquor revenues based on data in Golfdom Magazine, February 1973 and
adjusted at 7% annually . .
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Alternative III
� This alternative represents an amalgamjof the proposed chalet in Alternative I,
the proposed ski hill improvements of Altiernative II, and an executive•9 hole goif
course. The c�ialet would have to be modi;fied somewhat to accorm�odate clubhouse re-
quirements, but the basic thrust would remain that of a utilitarian structure.
Construction of the golf course wouldinecessitate the removal of a large number of
mature oaks on the west side of the sit� and eliminate the possibility of an extensive
� trail system. A golf cou rse would also 'preclude development of any court game faci-
lities on site. Figure 20 illustr.ates. �he physical attributes of Alternative III .
� If the Alternative III development p;�an were followed, the Battle Creek Ski
Area would have a ranking of 60.7, makijng it the 2nd highest ranked public ski area
in the metropolitan area (see Figure l�) . The proposed golf course would
� have a ranking of 59.4, which is the m�dian rank of public par 3/executive courses
in the study area (see Figure 19) .
Once again, the recommended operat�ng entity is a concessionaire. Under pr�vate
� management, the area would be more fl�xible and thus more able to coordinate pro-
grams with St. Paul and neighboring cfities and metropolitan schooi districts. Should
the County choose to operate the area, it must strive to achieve the above-mentioned
� coordination to assure a reliable base level of patronage. The following table
depicts the projected operating budg�t of the Alternative III facilities.
� .
� � - -
� Exaenditures (Ski) Revenues (Ski )
Salaries $25,10� Ticket Receipts $11 ,045
� Electricity 1 ,40p Food Receipts(net) 1 ,425
Water 65p Arcade Receipts(net) 18,250
Fuel 2,3a0 Rental Receipts(net� 3,560
Prortation 1 ,6�0
� Printing 3Q0 Sub-Total Revenues $34,280
Maintenance, Repair � (Ski )
- Equipment 1 ,6�0
� - Buildings 250
- Grounds 1 ,6,i00
Parts, Supplies
- Equipment . 1 ,�00
� - Buildings �50
- Grounds 1 ,�00 Sub-Balance (Ski). =($9,470)
Elec. Supplies 2,500
� Other Misc. 3,p00
Sub-Total Expenditures $43�750
Expe�ditures (Golf) Reuenues (Golf)
� Personal Services Green Fees $25,000
Salaries and Waqes $23,000 Food Receipts (net) 2,000
Part Time and �Overtime� 2,200 Rental Receipts(net) 5,000
� Pension and Retirement� 3,000
Insurance 400 Sub-Totai Revenues $32,000
� Commodities
Operating Supplies 600
Repai�r and Maint. Supplies 450 �
_ �::
� . �
� •
TABLE 9 (Cont'd) '
�' PROJECTED OPERATING BUDGE7 (1918-1979) lAlternative III
� Services and Charges
Comnunications 200
Trars. and Education 300
� Insurance 1 ,Q00
Public Utility Service 700
Repairs and Maintenance 3,000
Rentals 200
� Misc. � 300
Sub-Total Expenditures (Golf) $35,350
� Sub-Balanc� (Golf) =(g3,350)
� Final Bal�ince =($13,$20�
Alternative III revenue/expenditurejprojections are based on the following assur�-
� tions:
1) a 75-day ski season and a 200-day golf season
� 2) approximately 95 skiers/day, equivalent to Battle Creek's best year (71-72)
3) an increased promotion and adv�ertising program
4) an averaae lift ticket price qf $1 .55 (roughly �1 .50 for students and $2.25 for
adults); average green feelof $2.50
� 5) net food income ot a0.2Q/skier visit and $0.20/golfer visit
6) net equipment rental� revenue5 of $0.50/skier visit and $0.50/golfer visit
7) net arcade revenues of $5.00,(game/day
� 8) 10,000 rounds of golf played! during first full year
This last assur�tion---that 10,p00 rounds of go3-f will be played--is a conservative
� estimate. In any event, a qualityjexecutive nine at Battle Creek could expect to draw
15,000 rounds within 2 to 3 years af opening and 20,000 rounds within 3 to 5 years.
Such patronage growth is well docutnented and thus, more reliable than predicting ski
hill utilization. Based on 1) 15�'000 rounds of play and�Z) 20,000 rounds of play,
� the total operating balance of Al�ernative III would be expected to increase to
approximately ] ) $3,180 profit within 2 to 3 years of openinq and, 2) $19,180 profit
within 3 to 5 years of opening, a�suming ski hill revenues/expenditures to be constant.
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� No single recommendation will suffic� to cover the range of possibilities open to
Ramsey County with respect to the Qattl� Creek Ski Area�. The desirability and feasi-
bility of any'course of action depends !not only on all of the foregoing data and find-
� ings (Sections II through V) , but also on policy decisions made by the County and the
Metropolitan Council . For this reason;
- Alternative I is conditionall re ommended
� - A ternative II is not recommended'
- A ternative III is unconditi.ona 'y recommended
� Alternative I is recortxnended on the basis of its low capital requirements and
projected breakeven financial operatipn. This alternative represents a conservative
development approach with relatively small financial risk invol�ed. The drawbacks to
� such an approach, however, are - 1 ) �hat there is virtually no potential for anything
more than insignificant financial gain and 2) that there would not be a meaningful
quantitative or qualitative increase' in recreational progrartming opportunities.
� Alternative I has the greatest potential for transforming all of Battle Creek
Regional Park into an integra ted multi-program facility by virtue of its not offering
golf on the specific site in question. By not doing so, there exists the possibility
� of golf course construction at other sites within or adjacent to the park at some
future date. Although beyo�d the scope of this project, a preliminary screening has
indicated that a site amenahle to �he development of a comprehensive sumner recrea-
tional facility - a regulation 18 q�ole golf course, a par 3 golf course, a driving
� range, and support components - do�s exist in Maplewood, partially within Battle
Creek Regional Park and partially !within the County Work Farm adjacent to the park.
� Alternative II is not� recommen�ed primarily for financial reasons. Exclusive
dining facilities at Battle CreekjSki Area would have to compete with other, better
situated restaurants in the area.j Alternative II would also underutilize ti�e site
during surtgner r�nths.
� Alternative III is recommended on the basis of its provision of a range of year-
round recreational programming opportunities as well as potentially creating a sizeable
� operating cash surplus. Alternative III best fulfills the objective of satisfying the
recreational needs of a signifiGant segment of the metropolitan population. The syner-
gism of the golf/ski combinationi serves to encourage patronage from a wider area and,
� not incidentally, efficiently a�d profitably utilizes the site throughout the year.
� .
� I
� Table 10 indicates the construction cosit estimates for Alternative III,
the recomnended alternative. The con5tru�tion phasing in tfiis table is graph-
� ically illustrated by Figure Zl .
Table 10 - Alternative III Single Phase
� Construction Cost iPhase I Phase II Construction
Estimate j (1978) (1979) in 1978
Site Work
Removals $j 64,080 $ 14,500 $ 78,080
� Earthwork ' 158,400 94,000 240,800
Utilities - water � 9,080 --- 9,080
- storm sewer 5,640 --- 5 ,640
� - sanitary sewer 8,490 ___ 8,490
Concrete 11,740 11,740
Asphalt 9,000 --- 9,000
� Lightinq 20,OQ0 --- 20,000
Total $ �,� $�, �b0 $ �,�
� CF�ia�et 200,000 ___ 200 ,000
Maintenance Buildings 60,000 60,000
Total i $ 260,000 --- S 260,000
� Golf Course Construction
Bridge --- 17,000 15,000
Green and Tee Construction ! --- 142,000 125,000
i Irrigation System --- 140 00�0 $ 265,000
Total --- $�,�U
� Ski ___
Tows 100,000 100,000
Snow-making Equipment 120,000 --- 120,000
� Lightinq 100,000 ___ 100,000
Total $ 2�'p;ppp $ 20,0 0
Equipment �
� Grooming Equipment 25,000 --- 25,000
Ski Rental 24,000 --- 24, 000
Chalet F.quipment 10,000 11 ,500 20, 000
� Total $ 59,000 $ 11, 500 $ 69, 000
� .
� �
Table 10 - Alternative III Constr�ction Cost Estimate (cont d)
� .
Sod, Seed and Planting
Planting 15,OOQ 69,000 57, 500
� Sod/Seed 11_000 16 ,700 22, 500
Tee/Green Seed 11,500 10,000
Total tiS 25,000 $ 97,200 $ 90,000
� Sub-Total '$ 951,430 $504, 300 $1, 376,830
+10$ Contingency . 95,143 50,430 137,683
Sub-Total i1,046,573 55� 1,514,513
� +5$ Architectural and 52,329 27,736 75,726
Engineering Fees
Grand Total ;$1,098,9�2 $594, 366 $1, 600 ,239
� .
� -80-
i'FO R
� i OF
� THIS AGREEMENT, Made and eritered into this day of , 1981 ,
by arid betwee►i the CITY OF ST. 'PAUL, a mmni ci pal corporati ori orgar�i zed a►id
existi ng ur�der the laws of the !State of Mi rmesota, hereiriafter cal led the
� "City," a►id the COUNTY OF RAMS�Y, a political subdivision of the State of
Mi rinesota, herei►�after cal 1 ed "C�UNTY";
WHEREAS, The Ci ty arid Cbunty wish to prnvi de for an orderly al locati on
of responsibility for the opeiration and mairite►�ar�ce of the BATTLE CREEK
WHEREAS, The City ai�d !County agree that the logical and orderly
� divisiori of this respo►isibiltity for development, operatio►i, mainteriance
and control of the Battle Creek Regional Park Complex, now ir� various
stages of acquisition, devel'opmerit arid operation, should occur at the
� centerline of Highway 61 ari� the southerly right-of-way line of the
Mi lwaukee Rai 1 road; ►�ow, th�erefore
� 1 . That the Ci ty shal l conti r�ue to operate arid mai rita,ln the
India►i Mounds Section a�id !the Fi sh Hatchery Lake Section of Battl e
� Creek Regional Park as shqwri ori the attached map which is made a oart
of this Agreement arid mar�ed �xhibit I.
2. That for the sutn of One Dollar ($1 .00) in hand paid by the
� County to the Ci ty, toge�her with other gaod atid val uabl e consi derati ons
to be derived by the Cit�v from this trarisactiori, the City hereby leases
for public park and operii space purposes for a period of twenty (20) years
� commericing the date fi rst above written, al l 1 arids which i t riow owns
within the Pigs Eye Lake Sectior� of Battle Creek Regiorial Park.
3. That for the �um of One Dollar ($1 .00) in har�d qaid by the
� County to the Ci ty, tog!ether with other good and val uabl e consi derati ons
to be derived by the Ci;ty from this transaction, the City hereby leases
for public park arid op�►i space purposes for a period of twerity (20)
� years all lands which �t riow owns withiri the Battle Creek Section of
the Battle Creek Regioh�al Park Comnlex, comme►icing on the date which
those areas are fully jdeveloped ir� accord with the 5 year CIP iricluded
� i n the proposed Joi rit;Mas�er Pl ari for Battl e Creek Regi onal Park.
4. That i n ord�er to ensure continui ty of pl anni rig, devel opmer�t
arid operatiori, the approval in writirig of both Aarties shall be necessary
� to imalemerit ariy pol�cies , pla►is, developmerit, constructiori or alteratia►i
of that larid leased 1lereurider.
� � � /� ,�
� p�
� 5. That at al l times h�'ereurider, it is the i ntent of the parties
that the Courity shall use th� larid leased hereurider for the purposes
of mai ntai ni ng publ i c park a►;id open space area consi sterit with the
� Metropolitari Council 's Appm�val Pla►i for recreatiorial developmerit of
this area.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, TNe parties have set their harids the date
'� fi rst wri tten above arid to pe i i�s erted by the Ci ty's Di rector of Fi►iance
arid Managemeiit Servi ces.
� By' ; By:
George Latimer, Mayor ; Robe�rt Orth, Chairmari
Board of Ramsey Courity Commiss�ficners
By• By:
Harry E. Marshall
� D��t. of Firiarice & Mgm�t. Services Chief Clerk
Thomas Foley
County Attorriey �
By: ; BY: ; , � . �
� Assistant City Attotl�ney Assistar�t County Attorney
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