278922 WHITE f- CITV CIERK COURCII . 2�g9�� PINK ' - FINANCE G I TY V F SA I NT PA U L �CANARV - DEPARTMENT �� �LUE - MAVOR , F�le NO• Council Resolution . Presented By �•��''�t Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date I WHEREAS, funding for the Ci y of Saint Paul ' s Citizen Participation Planning Districts is to ex ire on June 30,1982; and WHEREAS, at its meeting of une 24, 1982, the Council of the City of Saint Faul ' s Committee on F'nance, Management and Personnel did recommend that the funding or Saint Paul ' s Citizen Participation Districts be extended throu h July 31, 1982 in order to provide additional time for further discussion and deliberation by the Council on the funding of the Citiz�en Participation Districts; now, therefore be it ' , RESOLVED, that upon the reicommendation of the Mayor and the Council Committee on Finance, Management and Personnel , the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve continued funding for the City' s Citizen Participation Districts through July 31, 1982. Funds will be provided from the City' s General Fund and Community Development B�ock Grant Program in the �mounts as specified below: DISTRICT GEN RAL FUND CDBG TOTAL 1 $1 , 65 -0- $1 ,165 2 13 $1,208 1 ,821 3 - - 2,084 2,084 4 -�,�0- 1 ,846 1 ,846 5 -0- 1 ,625 1 ,625 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher P - Communi De �evine In Favor Masanz Nicosia scneibel _ __ AgainSt BY Tedesco I Wilson Form Appr by City ttor y Adopted by C ouncil: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � By, Flpproved by ;Navor: Date _ Approved y Mayor for Submission to Council By _ — BY � N/HITE - CITV GLERK ' R4.^,!J- � PINK f- FINANCE GITY F SAINT PAUL COIIIICII ��/�/{�/� CAFIARV - DEPARTMENT �LUE - MAVOR File NO. Coun il Resolution Presented By .l�'',1�' - l� A Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2 ' DISTRICT GENERAL FUND CDBG TOTAL 6 $ ' -0- $1,833 $1,833 � 7 -0- 2,746 2,746 U .� � 8 -0- 2,917 2,917 a� � 9 -0- 1 ,834 1 ,834 � � � 10 938 -0- 938 � � � 11 -0- 1 ,592 1 ,592 � °� 12 I -0- 2,164 2,164 a U � 13 Lexington/Hamline -0- 351 351 .� Snelling/Hamline -0- 343 343 `` Merriam Park -0- 389 389 o � � ° 14 1 ,073 -0- 1 ,073 O U � � � � 15 1,150 -0- 1 ,150 a o ' 16 735 -0- 735 17 -0- 833 833 TOTALS $5 674 $21 ,765 $27,439 APPROUED: � Budget Director -2 - z COUNCILMEN ' Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher � - Commun 'ty el o ent �eV1"e In Favor Masanz Nicosia scne�nei _ � __ Against By Tedesco � Wilson � ��o� ' JUL ° Form Approve y City Attorne Adopted by Council: Date — Certified a- - by Coun Se _p��'"'v BY By � tlpproved by Mavor. Date '�U� 2 A Mayor fo S i ion t� Council By _ B PUBLISHED � DEPARTMENT: vFn _ Cnmm [lcvcl T ent �pN'�'A(,"�'; 6ob Hammer ROUTING nr�n EXPLANATI�N SI�ET pHpp�; 5 G EEN SHEET d. For A�dmiaiatrstive Orders, R solutions, Ordinsnces and A�reementa ROUTING �RDER - ROUTE EY AcsIGN n N�IMAFR: �uN 2 y ���� 4 DIRECTOR OF MANA6EMENT � MAYOR MAYORS OFFICE . �_ DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR _� DIRECTOR, FINANCE $ MIGT. SERYICE3 2 CITY ATTORNEY _L. CITY CLERK �_ BUDGET DIRECTOR _$ Councilman Scheibel . Approval and Signature , Approval of this Resolutio will provide continued funding of the City' s 17 Citizen P rticipation Districts through July �1, 1982. � . . . Both CDBG and General Fund are currently budgeted for this act.ivity. � R F�F�� ATTACHMENTS �LIST ALL ATTACHMENTS): O FFC �2 �O / 'q�Yp'°q�,�,��y �198� �..,, 1, Proposed Counei l Resol ut on 'wC M O�p��F� 2, FNr F�Nq r�R 3� SFR��s C �tP.V�LlW ►ttCt60 OA. 0 �. 0 6 CGIM � • . . C�.tg A.Ltox,ney: 1. Caunai.l Reao.Lu,ti.on Reqwi�cedY �!/€S NO 1. R¢,ao.[u,Li.oitF �YES NO 2. i�ew�a,�ce xe��,�r�r y€s X ao q. Ineunance Su6�.i.c,i.enz? y�s No s. i�ew�ce �tr�.ea� y�s No . Revisi,cn O�i:b/29/82