278913 Y ' ` . Coa�eH l�le lJIYiB--B:�1's3�lel� ? :. 2� � ,��� � � � ��`�'/.� ��`;� �,,. .�.� �� d�`Y�i� � .a�.teA �ad BYooat t�i�i�%aad P�� m�ar �'=�� ,_ Alitlut d�atfq.li�tKtd�ioS. V.=em�e"� _ t�o!b'tf,1E �1{.'Idelt' ,1�I�aLo: AI!tlat e1 Mi► ? R�d- w.�'�p �'�t.�� . ar x �.�+►' �1►�ie; ` .��s._ _ - i��r.aw.:-. , �i a� ;�isi�rr.rbr at== t k. _ _ ., . f�i� - , s.ar�L:�. �Ilfl�?1, , . ,:, 'h�tbi ' il�e�s�t to,�+t � ` . '1Ldk"'�ti:�` , �1►�"�«�`*r V• lfi�efs.; w -��� 16��iiS 6-. � a�Li.� E.V. :�:.oo the to�ltb�ne at `�e'[�1h�eoe�torEh �fud . ` ��sW LoZ 7. to �i-1C�a Re.:I�Wltll(i �' anerr -�k'V:�tF'11t��Od an �aetii►� � !Ui it�°tbR,ilMiii'0De ^6!alid'E.of` to the 16te1l�el�the ��E.: :..IG�ne�'.�A�.mil�k._T. _ . . �� Alw - �sa�itf�{a" r� easan*tt.' `c�[m�°� 7 B V o�astfitJp�bti�Jttt. . in wldth IitiQ e�iWb 4d the abope" pt�pe'�rr. tothenb '►".=r�. .-,- . ' ���� 3 E Y���' �a;��.���• in �l�,j��(ttle�'to tht ' 'w�eefi�tM�i'I.fi��.'E:.V: Kemie�3� f1'Wri.ttti 1Wpf]�+!M!�d I.d 7�'' a1tE���.V�Re:ihd Blat7t,7 _: e7tt�t'Pa� '� ;' ��!�� . �" ia s.���r�n�:;�t ua,tq�ra�. �e o;�-�..t�a�a �; 't:- aub3e�t ly ta tM��eobdf' tiQns . and r�tva : �,��" � +, z 1.1Lat th vacaUae b��_ .i�ll�e • ten�e�ed ' ' f�d Mweh-l. -WeR4 _ .�= ._i:ad4 a�sya�a(d�4 ^.e¢_�ll V� J - c . Z'49ut a Ao p�bd faa �Qwer CawP�aT �4�.!� . ., ",WA� Wta��'��r��1ts�Men- ��>> ����� � ,��� u zi�s�e �� �„�'--' . — ��,�a�f� ' ` ; 2 ._...W���: �`��:F.i,� � �� � f '. lmCN�IOE� .�� tdd�tfOrt-�0�. �. qj iceepta� ;-"ind eoodlii�of ot 16�rsacatliR "�� � s�rieti..mtw- t�.i�+lit.` , 'na.ap� �'lMlra dt wdr..a¢fwK.;u daim.,6i� �iodri�{�M�t liPt llmited.�.� ���- baeau�e a[ao� D��`D�'�/�T'� acco�o�t o[ :oe 1��M ef1w�3�t or anLdaa�. "- or mi�irA�i:�N pati .�qr��fW. aAsmt � '+ia�3�i�'1�`;�il�! lavor ��������� ' law�wh�tlrf "qr pii���s ��+�' _ _ Adapbd M Coidl`�1�� Apyiuved J 1.1!/E. " `-"'�to :=�` (Jn1�10.39�51, . . .� � �� . � ��� ����b� �O � . CIT OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARI�MENTAL MEMORANDUM To: Victor Tedesco, Co�cil President and Members of the ICity Catzncil From: J. William Donovan Valuation and Assessment Engineer Date: June 15, 1982 S�bject: Peti-tion of Me.cale�ter College for the va.cation of parts of a certa.in alley and a searer �easement located in Macalester Pa.rk �ddition. Public Hearing - June 24, 1982 Macalester College, being the p�titioner and awner of all the abuttin�._ . property to the proposed vacati� areas, proposes to redevelop and rep]�.t this portion of ?�facalester Park�Addition an3 to provide private driveways for access to the rear of the properties created.. They propose to continue with private use of the sewer. This S-shaped alley is improved, 16 feet wide and approximate�y 270 feet long consisting of 4,320 square feet and zoned R-3• The sewer easement �s �+ feet wide by approxim3.te7,y 145 feet long. North�restern Bell Telephone Compa�y has aerial telephone facilities in the proposed �a.cation area and requ�sts that their interest be protected. Northern States Power Compar�y s faur poles with overhead and under�round conductors in the proposed va.ca�ion area and they request that their interest be protected. ' The Department of Public Works �a.s no objection to the va.cati,on of the alley or se�wer easement. They stated that if the se�rer is to be abandoned, the petitioner �nzst have the sewer ulkheaded off at their awn .expense in a manner and form as approved by he Sewer Engineer. There were no objections from �.�y other public or private agencies involved. In view of the fore�oing, I recommend the alley and sewer �.sement va.ca.tion be approved, sub�ect to the fal�Lc�,ring terms and conditions: 1. That the descript�ion of the alley to be vacated reads as � follc�rs: I All t2�t pe.� of the a11ey, as platted in E. V. Kenner's r rrangement of Lots 12, 13 & 14 Block 7 N�calestepr Pa.rk; and also: � Al1 that part of the most southerly East-�Test alley as ori�inal�ly platted in Block 7, MacaZester Pa.rk which lies F,a,ster�y of a Northerly extended line located s' een (16) feet West of and pa.rallel to the West 13�ne of Lot 11 and which lies wester]y of the Northerly extended East line of Lot 11, Block 7, a11 in Maca}lester F�xk. i <.��=�. , � � �� - � -3- 2"'189�,3 6. That the petition r p�y to the City as m�rket value the sum of $4,300.00 s compensation for the va.ca.tion. 7. That the petition r f�arnish the City with a bond. in the amount of $2,000. , and in addition ther.eto, by acceptance of the terms and onditions of this va.cation, agrees to indemnif"y, defend and save harmless the City of St. Paul, its officers and mployees from all suits, actions, or cla.ims of ar�y cha acter, including, but not limited to, a claim brought bec use of ar�y injuries, or damages received or susta.ined by a person, persons or property, on account of this vacation; or because of a�y act or omission, neglect or misconduct of aid petitioner; or because of a�y claim or liability aris ng from or based on ar�y violation of ar�y l�.w or regulation made in accordance with the law, whether by the petitioner or ar�y of �ts agent��g�.Qyees. / � � n � r� r' /;,/ `1 �' � f�� ��i------- , , cc: Mayor George I,a.timer � ���� . � . � . � . �'"189�3 -2- � 2. That the descrip ion of the sewer easement to be vacated reads as follaws An easement 4 feet in width for the purpose of constructin� and r.�a.intaining a public sewer on, under and across 'ots 3 and 7, E. V. Kenner's rearrangement of Lots 12, 13 & 14 Block 7 Ma.calester Pa.rk, the center line of which is described as folloRVS; Be- ginning at point on the south line of, and 16 feet east of the southwest corner of said lot, thence north on a line that is pa.rallel to the west line of said Lot 7, to the ttorth line of said lot, thence in a northe sterly direction across Lot 3, of said rearrangeme t, on an angle of 45° measured from the north line f Lot 7, to the intersection with the sout27westerly line of the alley. Also a temporary easement 8 feet in width, for con- struction purposes, on Lot 7, and Lot 3, E. V. Kenner's rearrangeme t of Lots 12, 13 & 14 Block 7 Macalester Park, lying westerly and northwester�}r of the permanent ea.sement, nd being immediately adjacent thereto. 1 Also a temporary easement 2 feet in width, for con- struction purposes on the East 2 feet of the West one- half of Lot, 7, E. V. Kenner's rea.rrangement of Lots � 12, 13 & 1�+ Block 7 Nx�.calester Park lying easterly of the perma.ne t easement and being immediately adjacent thereto. Also a temporary ea.sement for construction purposes over that pa.rt of Lot 3, E. V. Kenner's rearrangement of Lots 12, Z3 & 14 Block 7 Macalester Park deeded in Book 5�+8, Deeds Pa.ge 28, ly ng Southeaster]y of and adjacent to said permanent sement, according to the plat thereof on file and of reco, d in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ra.msey County, Minnesota. 3. That the vacation be subject to all the terms and conditions of CY�a.pter 130, codifie' March l, 1981 of the St. Pa.ul Legislative Code, as amended, includi the retention of all public utilities ease- ments. 4. That a specific ease�nent be retained to protect the interests of Northern Sta.tes Paa�e� Compa.ny within the vacated alley. 5. Tha.t a specific ease nt be retained in the alley to protect the interests of Northwe tern Bell Telephone Compar�y within the vacated alley. - � � \ �`7�9�!� ° �r,� ^�e�G' °' =w _'7 'a�� �Z .', , � ,_C_r .. zm�=':_ n z �,; - c-`h �w �V.. , ,.� � ,�� ...� nr > ;�� nn � _-� oq �� _ ��T.� `��,y `e��•-,�o �o..n rro �.^�'k :a=- - �- r - _ 7rr ✓ �=`+�n� � - ^ n�.,r � � �T .�, ���c'� �mc �a. ^i'�"'� _... � �� . n 'C _.� ,-, y ,� - J - �`- 'y .,� � . \- '=7 r� _ .r�� cJ-^ '5� , ' Y !J J..r " . . -7 , . a _� � r �. , . oti W�c�� , o,- . .,� _... - . � - �. . 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H-H-F� SEWER EASE�fENT �� � f � � SCALE: 1" equals 100' ,�' ' ` c �4 3 ' r y �_ + , ' � . � Walt Bowse � �'789_.3 , CI Y OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPA TMENTAL MEMORANDUM To: Victor Tedesco, C uncil President and Members of the City Cauncil From: J. William Donovan Valua.tian and Assessment Engineer Da.te: June 15, 1982 Sub�ect: Petition of Maca.lester College for the va.cation of parts of a certa.i.n alley and a seGrer�easement located in Maca.lester Pa.rl� Addition. Publ'Ic Hearing - J'une 24, 1g82 Macalester Colle�e, being the etitioner and awner of all the abutting property to the proposed va.ca ' n areas, proposes to redevelop and repla.t this portion of Maca.lester Par Addition and to provide private drivewa.ys for access to the rear of the roperties created. They propose to continue with private use of the sewer. This S-shaped a11ey is i.mproved, 16 feet wide and apprcaim�.te�y 270 fee long consisting of �+,320 square feet and zoned R-3. The sew�er ea.sement is �+ feet wide by approxim�..tely 145 feet long. ftort�restern Bell Telephone Co�any has aerial telephone fhcilities in the proposed vacation area and requests tYiat their interest be protected. Northern States pawer Compar�y has faur poles with overheQd and undergranlud conductors in the proposed vacation area. and they request that their interest be protected. The Depa.rtment of Public Works ba.s no objection to the vaca�inn of the alley or sewer easement. They stated that if the seeGrrer is to be aba,ndoned; the petitioner must have the sewer jbulkheaded off at their dw�n .e�cpense i.n a m�nner and form as apprclved by the Sewer Engineer. There were no ob�ections from ny other public or private agencies involved. In view of the foregoing, I re or�ner�d the alley and se�rer �.sement vaca.tion be approved, sub�ect to the fo lc�ring terms and conditions: 1. That the descrip ion of the alley to be va.cated reads as � folloars: ? All that rt of the alley, as platted in E. V. Kenner's rearrangement of Lots 12, 13 & l�+ Block ` 7 Macalester Pa.rk; and also: � Al1 that part of the most southerly East�lest alley as original],y platted i.n Block 7, Macalester Pa.rk ,� which lies Easterly of a Northerly extended line located sixteen (16) feet West of and parallel to the West line of Lot 11 and w'hich lies westerly of � the Northe�ly extended East line of I,ot 11, Block 7, a11 in Mac�lester Pa.rk. ��:�� . - . - � � . � � � �89�!3 _2_ . 2. That the descript'on of the sewer ea.sement to be vacated reads as follows• An easement feet in width for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under and across L ts 3 and 7, E. V. Kenner's rearrangement of Lots 12, 3 & 1�+ Block 7 Macalester Pa.rk, the center line f which is described as folloaas: Be- �r ginning at a point on the south line of, and 16 feet east of the outhwest corner of said lot, thence north on a 1'ne that is parallel to the west line of said Lot 7, o the north line of said lot, thence � in a northea terly direction across Lot 3, of said p, rearrang�men , on an angle of �+5° measured from the �('`� north line o Lot 7, to the intersection with the � south�resterl line of the alley. � Also a tempo ary easement 8 feet in width, for con- struction p poses, on Lot 7, and Lot 3, E. V. Kenner's rearrangemen of Lots 12, 13 & l�+ Block 7 Nia.calester Pa.rk, lying esterly and northwester�y of the perme.nent easeme�rt, a d being immediate�y ad�acent thereto. Also a tempo ry easement 2 feet in width, for con- struction p poses on the East 2 feet of the West one- half of I,ot , E. V. Kenner's rearrangement of Lots 12, 13 & 14 lock 7 M�calester Park lying easterl,y of the permanen easement and being immediately adjacent thereto. Also a tempo ary easement °or construction purposes over that pa.rt o Lot 3, E• V. Kenner's rearrangement of Lots 12, 13 & 14 lock 7 Macalester Pa.rk deeded i.n sook 548, Deeds Page 28, ly` Southeaster�y of and adjacent to said permanent easement, according to the plat thereof on file and of recor in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota. (r3: Tha.t the vaca.tion be subject to all the terms and conditions of Cha.pter 130, codifie March l, 1981 of the St. Pa.ul Legislative Code, as amended, includi the retention of all public utilities ease- ments. Zi*': T�.t a specific ease ent be retained to protect the interests of Northern States Pvwe Compa.r�y within the vacated alley. ?h: That a specific ease ent be reta.ined in the alley to protect the interests of Northwe tern Bell Telephone Compar�y within the vacated alley. . . . � �. � � � _3_ 2'789�.'� � `f-Ff That the petition r pay to the City as market value the sum of $4,300.00 s compensa.tion for the va.cation. � S i w t e.e 1 s�� ar� cv3.3� .���, ��': That the petitionler�flirnish the Cit�with a bottd in the amount of $2,400.p0;' and in add.ition ther.eto, by acceptance of the terms and conditions of this va.cation, agrees to indemnif�, defend and save ha.rmless the City of St. Pa.ul, its officers and employees from all suits, actions, or cl�.ims of any character, includ.ing, but not limited to, a claim brought because of ar�y injuries, or da.mages received or sustained by any person, persons or property, on account , of this va.cation; or because of a�y act or omission, neglect or misconduct of said petitioner; or beca.use of any claim or liability arisling from or ba.sed on any violation of ar�y law or regulatio made in accorda.nce with the law, whether by the petitioner or any of �ts agents,l��-em}�-lpyees. � 1 k� � i i �"j,, T � ``;� � . , ;. '�:2.----_ / , _ � /� cc: Ma.yor George La.timer � I �I � �� . ., . . �,. 2'�89�:� . . ._ � 1 . ..; �j `o . _.: � . v . ,,.1� :� ,.. � __ . _ . �.� � . 7;�,- �..y zt . :��.�;E4.•,•-�, It�X . y'�. � sc. °c ii�c5.1• �� .... i - � . .�.. . _ ..,r. _ _ '. . .. , _ . :ocafed B - �-,:a _ _. ;85 3� , Y �,e _.._ _ „ __ _Z�., . ,,` � ;b'a ���:� `�.. � 'r ,` !' . °r r z°.` i �� ; t ' p r' � ''� �.. i ; . uiz c.� � , QN .. .�; � �� �� ��� 4.`F ; 14 -� �r t-� "":., � -L �l�7 1 I�� . � - ^, �,s w �. 6 �., � �� 3� _ �"'•=': ,�'�, � ( �� '7 ^ � . r_�'-£ ..� i 1 � r +.�"'"�'�""1 �8 � i j ' ` � .. � a�.33 I;�C� ' .... ,} �D5 7 . .� �. : s-''-._.Qf<�4___ . .'�.:� �. . . _ . _ �}S. � �.�� .> s - . �.Y ,,•TS �C��� :G�� �•V2a ... . __ � . � � ��. � � �� �\ � r1 ��.Vl ! `3 � `� ,� `'� t �' Q � ��'6 Y� �' . ~ � ; , .�, � : �� �v: � � ,; _. . �. � � � -.��- ; �; �' � � � , ___ __ _ �. , . � J�L_ " r''� /LG�� , _ > , . �-- - - ._ : 5 �y''sy �QS .�.�j � � � -. � . . ._. _ ._ .... . .. >c.. . . _.._ � "' . ` � ._.. _.. - �! --. __. _. �_... . � � � � '` iZ 9 � . r�� . 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I'A ( V � !l � F z0 $ ;: � �, '.ss�o:s.s7.yo � T� '' " ;e.s� � - -- ---- -- � ,�, ,�9 ,a— � -- -� - e-- �^- __- -- - -. �O a ,; ` �: 652 � � �: � ,.? ,o . � � �/ ti ` :^ ; �--� a R•7a.eg. : ` � f ^ ~ �O ^rle a.., „� ,1 �p .4 Se 3 -� �' ,� c��' � � o°�, �'; � i 6 �f � _;,,�� , , !i P � .�-ac c�— �.SU �51 � � ,��• �c _ __ - - _ __._ �._L.__ __ __ . . / ', \ ___._._-- -- -- .� ,\, � / o � T �5 � Z .1- _� AREA TO BE VACATED \ � R'ses � ' ' ( ; ��; � a=z2° � ALLEY - '�I _ _�-_ ,___. -` _. . _ -- - F�—i--F—F� SEWER EASEriENT \� � i � SCALE: 1" equals 1pp� �' � �4 3 =