278907 WHITE - CITV CLERK COUIICIl �`,���� PINK �- FINANCE G I TY F SA I NT PA U L �� CANARV - DEPARTMENT B`�:IE - MAVOR File NO. Coun 'l Re ol tion Presented By LICENSE CON1[�TTF� � Referred To �� Committee: Date Out of Committee By ' Date REI�EW - PAGE 2 Sonny Miller Construction Co. 2817 Emerson Ave. S. , MPLS D5361 RENE[n1 Minnesota Exteriors, Inc. 295 Hwy. #55, Hamel 5362 " Star Contractors/ A Div. of Star- 6960 Madison Ave. W. , Golden Valley 5363 " bridge Corp. " � r' „ Sterling Fence, Inc. 1 9 W. 78th St. , Blmtn 5364 " The 'I�ansformed Tree, Inc. 2 39 Carter Ave. 5365 " Ztain City Construction 2 4 Cottage Pl. , Shoreview 5366 " Kuehn Roofing Co. 1 540 Prairie Roa.d, Anoka 5372 " Belair Builders, Inc. 4 3-8th Ave. N.W. , New Brighton 5381 " Best Construction Co. 1 595-4th St. N. , Lakeland 5382 " Greg Conway Construction Co. , Inc. 1 27 Marthaler Lane, W. St. Pau1 5383 " G.P. � Son Remodeling 1 360 Goodview Ave. N. , WBL 5384 " Home Owners Improvement Co. 1 111 Hwy. #55, Suite #307, MPLS 5385 " Walt's Repair Service 1 41 Burr St. 5386 " Minnesota Landscape � Construction Co. 5265 Hodgson Road 5393 " D.R. Schultz � Associates 1�50-20th Ave. N.E. , New Brighton 5396 " COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher � �evine [n Fa'�vor Masanz , Nicosia � Scheibel _ __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson JUN 2 9 1982 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified a_ by Co nc , cre By B. � i �1p r v 6 1�lavor: �U� �. �982 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY PtlHE�fi� ��� ` WHITE - CITV CLERK COURCII �(��f!- / PINK - FINANCE G I TY F SA I NT PA U L � / C A N A R V�- D E P A R T M E N T BLUE - MAVOR v e , File N 0. Council R lut 'on Presented By LICENSE COMP�II'1'I'EE ' Referred To ommittee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That applications for a B,uilding Contractor' s License by the following organizations at the add esses stated be and the same are hereby granted. Star-Board Construction Co. 38 Magnolia Ave. E. D5238 RENEW 'Itain City Insulation, Inc. 459 Harding N.E. , MPLS 5267 " Larry's Home Improvements 10 9 Ct�►berland St. 5279 " N.R. Davis Construction Co. 56 N. Dale 5284 " Durabilt Associates, Inc. 73 3 Ann Ct. , Eden Prairie 5286 " Fosle Roofing � Siding 21 0 Nokomis Ave. 5287 " Grandale Construction Co. 620 Grand Ave. 5288 " Hogar Construction Co. , Inc. 1061-109 Ave. N.E. , Blaine 5290 " Home Modernizer's, Inc. 41 3 Minnehaha Ave. , MPLS 5291 " Horner Roofing, Inc. 11 38-7th St. N.E. , Blaine 5292 " Milton L. Johnson Co. 25 3 Central AVe. N.E. , MPLS 5293 " Olympic Decorators, Inc. 88 E. Cook 5295 " Partners 'I7iree Company 26 8 Bloomington Ave. S. , MPLS 5296 " Protective Home Covering 9929 Pleasant Ave. S. , Blmtn 5297 " Schwn Drywall Co. 6215 W. Lalce St. , MPLS 5298 " Robert L. Thell Construction 2308 Carver Ave. 5301 " Fred Bucher 56 Darlene St. 5341 " Ralph Hanson Construction 12 90 Blanca Ave. , Rosemount 5347 " Bec]Qn�-uz Roofing 10 33 Riverside Pl. , M1'LS 5350 " Dale H. Bennett Construction 12 1 Maywood St. 5351 " Bluebird Landscaping 95 Iglehaz*t 5352 " Brelje Construction, Inc. 812 Fourth Ave. S. , S. St. Paul 5353 " Builders � Remodelers, Inc. 35 7 Hennepin Ave. S. , MPLS 5354 " C.O. Field Company 29 0 Harriet Ave. S. , MPLS 5355 " The Denesen Company, INc. 28 6 Colf� Ave. S. , MPLS 5356 " Floodmaster Engineering Corp. 15 5 Selby Ave. 5357 " Harlan Lee Construction, Inc. 46 0 Nicollet Ave. S. , MPLS 5358 " Bald Eagle Siding Co. 1975 White Bear Ave. , MPLWD 5359 " Metro Roofing Co. 8567 Hamlet Ave. S. , Cottage Gr. 5360 " COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher �ev�ne In Fa or Masanz Nicosia scheibel _ __ AgainSt BY — Tedesco i Wilson Form App�oved by City Attorney Adopted by C ouncil: Date Certified Passed by-Council Secretary , BY By� Approved by iVlavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ — BY