278900 I '�"' 2'�8�� CiTY oF ST.Pau� COUNCIL FILF NO. FINAL ORDER B ���-�-� �� Y File No. ��1�8s 8`1t1999� . In the Matter of sta+na�kruet�� o! si�3�ewiks aod tll vorlc iacide�r.a! tlat�r+�to a# th� lollvwiags YOlING iiA�RD 5-10�98 iotf� si� � lra� �asa A�rr►�� to �mrth 130' S 8-I1000 wut #id� C� �! lhra� �+aaPP Stre�t te C�■�wa- �► w�+�1 th Aw�ew. �-11q01 Bast sidt �?I!� Sltt�! isa� 8�sw11 A� to t�i�ao�e �rs. 4 ANH, Nw cwutructiva and/a�r r�naor�st�wati+a� ttt�r�eto ot: 8-I0999 ih�t �id�r � s'l�ItLT fra�r ��l Awow to it�sth 195' 4 s�ttia� 2395 1� �erd 1,3�3 *rw�ton. * � A�iR3�1�!' RA'!'*4 �10.00 per liwal i� t - 5 #e�et �►#.d� (1���3 �a�ilr) �a+r CautrMattos � S.00 p.: liw�.l t t » s t..c vid. (1-3•3 i�.ailyj i.+�o�c�amcion t�01l�RCL1L �4�is (All p�cspmctr otb►rr tbu� E�siBeatial) lOf� o! +�atnal eos t -! ��ttsw�tN �o � ��,t�0 p�tar rqwre l�ost «. _. under Administrative Order ' approved under Preliminary Order ' approved The Council of the City of Saint Pa�}1 has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by �he City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the �ity of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are her by directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report t e same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. JUN 2 9 1982 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date Yeas Nays �'i�t�.,;�},�.. Certified sse by Council re �._�'V!�'#� ��n Favor � `�!as�-�:�. (�� JUL � 19�� "' Against A`4'1i:r:° ;i:+; ' Mayor '�:"'`-'�,''` UBLISHED JUt 10 �982 , � -�:=14;t�Cr '��':1::�;;r� _.,.:....,...,,.p� . . . . . . .. . . . . ._ . . .. . . . , ... .._....._------........,...... - ..... . . � . .. . , .. . . . . . , .. . . . . _ . k .. ,_ _ ' . �:t%RR�I,�TED :�OTICE '� .ti..7� ��� � ,� �; �, ADVISABILI Y AND DESIRABILITY I TO COUNCIL: June 8, 1982 �ate o� Hearins; Description Cost 6/29/8"Z In th� matter of reconstruction of sidewalks and wcrk incidental thereto of t�e following PI.ANNIIvG ORDER VOTI;3G DISTRICT NLi�:3ER ?'ROJECT °v+ARD ., S-i0998 Both siues BR�,D EY STr�EET rrom Case Aver.ue to �outh ZS?` ` 12 S-�i��00 ,Jes t s���e i�;?Ei.'�ISFORD �TREET. froc�� Kna -� pp Street to Cos,mor- wealt'r 3venue. 1� �-„ UC? �as � s�.'.� �'STI STR�ET �ram �os-,re:< <;��, ...:t _� C;�:ilc�mbe :�ve. AtiD, ';ew c�ns ;:�� ct:.on andlcr rec�^st.._ct:on ��ere�� o�. _� ;;-'0q�9 Gv'es� s-�de BRCM='T'ON �TREET �rom '.?oscael� :��enue to :�ort!� ?9c' ! a1-.rt=.< <39: Joswe2l at:d i3�3 Broc�p�G_r, I �L �C�.":ICI�.,: J:1[iE �3 , 19�2 ?L-EiT� �vORKS t;C�?�f,:fITTEE MEETI:�G ,j?:re =3 � �`:H2 ::earing D3te - 6�29`�� I_z _::e ;�at�er c� �ew �anst;uc�icn of _,?ewu�;;s and work incide.^.tal �:�ereto � •�_e �eI?owing: ? S-1100� �a*_:� sides c� . :.,A?dDR�.li S'"REE"' from Marylar.d to 6 :rliagton AvPn=.,e, ASSESS:KE'�lT :�,TE; I $10. �1C per �ine 1 foot - � feet wide �1-2-3 Family) New Consr_r�.:cr_ion $ 5.00 per 1ine�l foot - 5 feet wice (1-2-3 Family) Reconstruction COMMERCIAL P,ATE: (dll property ctt.er tnan Residential) 100% o� actual cost - estimated to Le $3.00 per square foot � . � ` �X¢,1e-� � ' V , � T. PA L C I T Y C � UNCIL � , �'789�0 : PU6LIC HEARING NOTICE SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION , City Council District ��5 ttninQ Council �15 . F i L E N 0. 5-10998 � PAGE _ , . __ To decide on whettier to proceed, except where good and sufficient sidewalk xiets, with recanatruction of the fotlowin� aidewalk , orders: . �U� P O S� Both s�des BRADLEY STREET from Case Avenue to South 150' � ' AND ' ; L_ OCATION � = H E A R 1 N G Tuesday, ,�une 29, �98z, o:oo � � : City Coun il Chambers, 3rd Fl.00r City Hall � __ _ i , s : If. thR Council approves the ordere� or any pnrt thereof, ; : a por�lon of the costa will be aseessed (aPter c�nskruct.i.c�n) ' again t beneEitted properties. The eatimeted aFSessmc�nt5 � A S S� S S M E N T fo= this pro�ect are as followa: : ` �N F 0 R M AT I 0 N , RESI ENTIAL rates (SINGI.E FAMII.Y TO TNREF FAMII.Y) ; New construction (where no walk exieted) $10.0�* ��er • , fr nt foot � • Re lacement of old wal.k--S5.00* per front foot. . *PLeaAe note thae ltesidential ratea are bf�aed on thc consltruction of a 5-fo��t wide sidewalk; n] l extra wicitl� side�walkH wi.11. be ag5eg:;ed at the estimr�ted rate c�f $2.()U � � per front foot f�r ench fo��t c>ver 5-feee wlde (������I ie�s: t�� � both new and replc�cement) . CUr4fERCIAL ratea (all property other than residenttal ) � 100y of actual co9t estimated to be Approximately S3.U0 per equare foot of walk canstructed with integral curb. ' Without inteRrel cutib the cast ia estimated to be 52.00 : per equare faot of wal.k conetructed. Conetruction: 298-4255 Asaesaments: 292-7029 � 4UESTIONS � � �lso, City str�ff will be avail�bl.e to answer nny laKr. minute que�tions on thia praject in the City Cou�icil Chambers from 9:30 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the ; hearin . . Nor.icc sent by the 'Valuation and Aesesament Divieion j June 16, 1982, Depar.t ent of Finanr.e and Management Servicea Room 2 8 City Hall-Court Nouse , • . St. Paut, Minnesota 551.02 i ��-,�_ � ST. F'A�1L CITY � OUNCIL 2 89�a PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE SIDEW�►LK CONSTRUCTION City Council District ��4 Di ' P in¢ Counci F I L E N 0. s-ii000 PAGE To decidd on whether to proceed, except where good and sufficient sidewalk exists, with reconstruction of the followin� sid�watk orders: ' • I�URPOSE West side CHELMSFORD STREET from Knapp Street to A N D Co�monwealth Avenue I �.ocAT �otv H E A RI N G Tuesday, June 29, 1982, 0:00 AM City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall If he Council approves the orderq or any part thereoE, a p rtion of the costs will be assessed (after constructi.on) aga nst benefitted properties. The estimated a�sessment� �5S� SSMENTf for this pro�ect are as follows: RESIDENTIAL rates (SINGI.E FAMILY TO TNRF.F FAMII.Y) INFORMATION , I�ew construction (where no walk existed) 510.00* per front foot ; I�eplacement of old walk--$5.00* per front foot. *Please n�te th�e Residential rates are hased on the co str.uction �f a 5-fo<�t wtde s{dewalk; a] 1 extra wi.cltli sidewalks will be assessed a� the eRtimal�ct rate oI ;? .()� per fronl foot f<�r e.tch fooC e>v�r S-Ceet wl.cle (.�F���1 i.c�r; tc� both new and repl�acement) . C ERCIAL rates (al] property other than residential.) 100% of actual cost estimated to be approximatel.y $3.00 per square foot of walk cc�nstructed with integral curb. Without inteRral cutb the cost is e�timated to he $2,00 per square foot of w�lk construr.ted. Constr ction: 298-4'255 Asse9sments: 292-7(129 ' � �lso �it staf.f will be avallable to answer an la:;t. QUEStIONS ' Y y minute questions on this praject in the City Council Chambet�s from 9:30 to l_0:00 A.M. the same day as the hearin . Nor.ice sent by the Valuation and Assesament Diviaion June 16, 1982, Depa tment of Finance and Management Services Room 218 City Hall-(:ourt House . St. sul, Minnesota 5510'Z �xc.i,,�� � S T. PA�1L C i T Y COUNCIL ����0 PUBLIC � HEARING NOTICE SIDEW LK CONSTRUCTION City Council District 4�4 nnine Council �1 F I L E N 0. s-iiooi � PAGE To decide on whether to proceed, except where good and sufficient aidewalk xists, with reconatruction of the following sidewalk orders: , • Puapos� ' East s de EUSTIS STREET from DosWell Avenue to Chilcombe Ave. AND LOCATION HEARING Tuesday, June 29, �9a2, o:oo City Cou cil Chambera, 3rd Floor City Hall If t e Council approvea ehe ordere� or any part thereoE, a po tion of the costa will be assessed (aft�r construction) agai st benefitted properties. The estimated assessments ASS� SSMENT ' for his pro,ject ar.e as follows: RESIDENTIAL rates (SINGLE FAMILY TO THREE FAMILY) �NFORMATION , .. . ' N w construction (where no walk existed) $1.0.00* per f ont foot � Replacement of old walk--$5.00* per front foot. *Please note that Residential ratea are based on the co 'struction of a 5-foot wide aidewalk; a11 extra wtdth si ewalks will be assessed at the estimated rate oL $2.00 pe front foot far each foot over 5-feet wide (applie5 to bo h new and replacement) . COMMERCIAL rates (atl property other than residenti�l.) 00� of. actual cost estimated to be approximately $3.00 er aquare foot of walk constructed with integral curb. ithout integral cutib the cost ia estimated to be $2.00 er square foot of walk constructed. Conetru tion: 298-4255 Assessments: 292-7029 4, rC ��'O�c ?►lso. City staf.f will be available to anawer any last y G 7 minute c�uestions on this project in the City Council Chamber from 9:30 to 10:00 A.M. the eame day as the hearin Nokice sent by th Valuation and Assessment Divieion June 16, 1982, Department of Finance and Management Services Room �18 City Hall-Court House .. St. P ul, Minnesota 55102 , � T. PAI� L CITY COUNCIL 2�g9�0 PUBLIC iHEARiNG NOTICE SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION City Council District ��4 District Planning Council 4�12 �__...�� I F I L E N 0. S-10999 PAGE _ To decide �n wheCher to proceed, except where good and sufficient sidewalk exIiats, with reconstr.uction an`td.��hefe'�►d���dewaTk e�ists, fi�_;Sgilst�'i�ction: • r�uRpo�� � I- West sidie BROMPTON STREET from Doswell Avenue to North 195� A N D abutting 2395 Doswell and 1353 Brompton �_ocATioN � HEARING Tuesday, une 29, �98z, �o:oo City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall If the Council approves the ordere� or any part thereof, a pot�tion of the costs will be assessed (after construction) again�st benefitted properties. The estimated assessments � s S� S �7r ME NT for t�hia pr.o�ect ar.e fls follows: RESI ENTIAL rates (SINGI,E FAMILY TO THREE FAMILY) f NFORMATION , Ne�► construction (where no walk existed) $10,00* per front foot ; � Replacement of old walk--$5.00* Qer front foot. *Pl�ase note that Resi.dential rates are based on the con�truction of a 5-foot wide sidewalk; all extra wtdth sid walks will be �ns5essed at the estimated �-ate of $2 ,00 per�I front foot for each foot over S-feet wi�ie (fipplie<c to botlh new and replacement) . COM�iERCIAL rates (all property other than residential.) 100% of actual cost estimated to be epproximately $3.00 p r square foat of walk constructed with integral curb. W�thout inteRral cu�b the cost is estimated to be $2.00 pgr square foot of walk r.onstructed. . Conetruc�tion: 298-4255 Assessments: 292-7�29 ' � �lso, CiIty staff will be available to anawer nny last Q U E S T I 0 N S minute qluestions on this project in the City Council Chambers� from 9:30 to 1.0:00 A.M. the same day as the hearin . Noticc� �;ent by the Valuation and AGSessment Divieion JurP- 16, 1982, Depardment of Finance and Management Services Room 218 City Hall-Court fiouse St. I'�ul, Minnesota 55.10'L __. . . i -_____���_ _. . �-89�0 . � � ..:.>���� -r�>_ ,r;. � '��,iwt�allels� '},-`_ �t� c i r�.Na.t�..� �: t�#�e:ai�e�on�r� m alfior�l� �; i r::.r� a � �e�`.;,,'�� ."> .�•�,;.Y (�',S:�f„�a„{1 sr�..�, O +�� � ���������`. N � ts��� P..;<' J�� � =.�t�m'� �,�t:. � �C,�► "� $ _ �:;��,.��,.� �� Ys;,.. ;z x�,, :� ��� � s.ion " .r + +�',,+�' 4.. r .� , : � nusia,., - -.x ,:. wx?..=$c.;.' 3- 1Yi�lt a�,: STREl�.i�*.+71D�� Ave. tt.:lzeeth 1P�' �! 8�100?�#�" rs',�..'�� 4 ',:_ • Q:00 pqt.tin� t t1-�1-,� F )Diew Cop�tt�qP{op���� ', Y.00 yer ly�i;-toPt �2`ile��¢i�p(1-�.�.:}. F ly)Aeconstruction - OMI�R(.Tl}I.RATB:(�tk ptop�s!!ot�ei'` th �es�tiati 2097�"b��Yf�t�1'�`'-> . 'matad b be�8.00�}�bot=<.,_,,: CWmil ot ti�'�,jt IYE�inYPaqi tiaatt►- in reeelvad ihe�pott,a$t#�:�aDcn t6e a e impm4ement. a�t hwAe�somtlderad sa d aepw�.h�selSy rea�v�, :• •17tat t5e sdd".tap�}►��ip`�9�w1�°�ti" 7:�FP�nni�e1th J��tH�iYiV�:IIWM f��Rimotei;�cwktiiN�oi/!'�Yr� ra,Nabrwf�c,x�3 .t r.=:s� n -:.,,�,;; .T'6nt a p�li6�e�lfib�'iilaeW�". p vement 1 � '�Il�mlt�:pk.f�il�� C !{of�ir,; ;�x.+r� ,x.;i.0 - �°��Iti�paktte Kd1ulf��'lie ������� ���ibq�..=. ...._ ;c; F Na.�-II�M;$��b�.S-ilOd���'!',� �'���a��a_��r _.,; ,� Riuxrt;,[ime 1S.19i2 �.,: «.�-;�,,,„,yr; . _ (dunsll.li�. . �, '�: