278894 WH17E - CITV CLERK �^^^� PINK - FINANCE TF' L�`��� CANARY - DEPARTMENT C I TY O SA I NT 1 AU L COUIICII Qv` BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Coun il es u 'on Presented By LICENSE COP�II�LLTTEE �C� . Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREASs Proper notice has been received as to a change of officers in St. Paul Lodge No. 59, B.P.O.E., 131c., On Sale Liquor 'censee at 72 Concord Street, doing business as the Elks Lodge No. 59, therefore, b it RESOLVID: That the current officers are h J. Devine, Exalted Ruler, Paul B. T,nP'iilliams, Sec- retary and W. Ernest Jones, Tre surer, be and the same is hereby approved. COUfVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher � �evine In Fav r Masanz Nicosia scheibe� _ � __ Agains BY Tedesco Wilson JUN 2 9 1982 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Y-_ -ed by Counci ecr ry BY g , � r Appr d b Mavor: D Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By — BY PUBLISHED J U L 10 198 , � �'7889� "�°��"`"`'" CITY OF SAINT PAUL ;o�`����rr o�°ji, '��� '���'' DEP RTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES �� �`; '� iiii�iii�ii '' �%�, �� DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION '-.,, ,�,� ,- Room 203, City Hall �m`°�°�� Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 GEORGE LATIMER I MAYOR June 29� 1982 'I Mr.President and Honorabl Members of the City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota � Mr. President and Honorab e Niembers: The St. Paul Lo e No. 59 B.P.O.E., Inc., currently holds an On Sale Liquor L. cense and miscellaneous licenses iss- ued to them at 72 Concord' Street, doing business as Elks Lodge No. 59. Proper notice has been received as to a change of offi- cers in the corporation. � The exalted rul r is Hugh J. Devin?, the secretary is Paul B. Williams and the reasurer is W. �rnest Jones. This applicatia has been reviewed by the License and Permit Division and the C ty Attorney�s office. The recommend- ation is for approval. Very trul�ours, � � � Joseph F. Carchedi License Inspector 55