278882 WHITE - CITY CLERK p PINK - FINANCE �QQQ� CANARY - DEPARTMENT C I TY I O F SA I NT ��U L COUIICII Vvy BLUE - MAYOR File N . ou � c 'l Resolution � Presented By `�"�`'� Referred To Committee: Date , Out of Committee By Date An administrati�e Resolution changing the Section Number and clas� specification for the title of Police Trainee �Cn the Civil Service Rules. RESOLVED, that the Civil $ervice Rules be amended in Section 3.I by removing the title of Police Tr�.inee from Grade 22 and inserting this same - title, in proper alphabetical o�?der, in Section 3.M under the heading "Special Employments"; and be it I FURTHER RESOLVED, that thel Civil Service Rules be further amended in Section 32 by striking out the class spe�ification for Police Trainee and substituting in lieu thereof the attached class �pecification for Police Trainee. Approved: � Chairman Civil Servi ce Commission COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt PERSONNEL OFFICE L vine Ffetch6l' In Fa�O[ , dd �evine �� . , � :' i M hon B -e n:r,_/<'.^,!'� � ..��� s �te,kasanz - -- A gai n t Y __1ZG.�_ (. , - T esco Nitosid � il n ���helb6t � ��� �uN `�, t� �982 Form Ap e Cit or � Adopted by Counci Date — � �, VNitson _ Certified Pa s b Co ncil re BY sy Approv , vor Date �UN 2 9 198 App v d y Mayor foc Sub ' i 'Councii By _ �_ By PUBUSH�D JUL 31982 � . � . � � . � 2"18882 Title of class: I �'OLICE TRAINEE DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Dutie�: Performs trainee duties as a student in the basic Police Office� training program of the Saint Paul Police Department; and perform related duties as assigned. Supervision Received: Wor� under the close administrative supervision of a unit supervisor ankl the close technical supervision of the Superintendent of the P�lice Academy. Supervision Exercised: No�e. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED Attends classes in the Pollice Academy to learn police procedures, self- def ense, laws and courtl operations and other law enforcement subject . matter. Performs f ield exercises u�nder the close supervision of police training personnel in order to a�cquire practical experience in police work. Operates, as a trainee, eqluipment used in police work. Accompanies police personn�el in the performance of their regular duties as a learning experience. Per�orms other duties or a�ttends other classes as assigned in order to acquire the knowledge �nd skills necessary to qualify for the classifi- cation of police office�r. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABIL�TIES Ability to learn and retai�n complex information. Ability to perform dutiesjrequiring strength, endurance and agility. Ahility to understand and �follow complex oral and written instructions. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS I High school graduation. Mlust possess a Minnesota driver's license. I . I . � 2"78882 Title of class: � �OLICE TRAINEE DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Dutiel : Performs trainee duties as a student in the basic Police Office� training program of the Saint Paul Police Department; and perform� related duties as assigned. Supervi�ion Received: Wor�cs under the close administrative supervision of a unit supervisor and tfie close technical supervision of the Superintendent of the Pblice Academy. Supervision Exercised: No}�e. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED Attends classes in the Poliice Academy to learn police procedures, self- def ense, laws and court�� operations and other law enforcement subject . matter, i Performs f ieZd exercises �nder the close supervision of police training personnel in order to acquire practical experience in police work. Operates, as a trainee, ec�uipment used in police work. Accompanies police person�}el in the performanee of their regular duties as a learning experience. i Performs other duties or �.ttends other classes as assigned in order to acquire the knowledge �nd skills necessary to qualify for the classifi- cation of police offic�r. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABIL�TIES Ability to learn and reta�in complex information. Ability to perform dutieslrequiring strength, endurance and agility. Ability to understand andjfollow complex oral and written instructions. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS I High school graduation. Must possess a Minnesota driver•s license. I . --- � 2'�8882 Title of class: POLICE TRAINEE DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duti�s: Performs trainee duties as a student in the basic Police Offic r training program of the Saint Paul Police Department; and perfo s related duties as assigned. Supervision Received: Wo�ks under the close administrative supervision of a unit supervisor and the close technical supervision of the Superintendent of the �olice Academy. Supervision Exercised: N ne. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED Attends classes in the Po�ice Academy to learn police procedures, self- defense, laws and cour operations and other law enforcement subject . matter. Performs f ield exercises �nder the close supervision of police training personnel in order to equire practical experience in police work. Operates, as a trainee, e�uipment used in police work. Accompanies police person el in the performance of their regular duties as a learning experience. Performs other duties or �ttends other classes as assigned in order to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to qualify for the classifi- cation of police offic�r. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABIL TIES Ability to learn and reta n complex information. , Ability to perform duties requiring strengtfi, endurance and agility. Ability to understand and follow complex oral and written instructions. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Iiigh school graduation. �ust possess a Minnesota driver's license. � 2't8882 Title of class: I I POLICE TRAINEE DESCRIPTION OF �dORK I General Statement of Dut�es: Performs trainee duties as a student in the basic Police Offi¢er training program of the Saint Paul Police Department; and perfo�ms related duties as assigned. Supervision Received: W�rks under the close administrative supervision of a unit supervisor �nd tfie close technical supervision of the Superintendent of the Police Academy. Supervision Exercised: l�one. TY�ICAL DUTIES PERFORMED Attends classes in the Po�lice Academy to learn police procedures, self- def ense, laws and cou�t operations and other law enforcement subject . matter. I Performs f ield exercises �under the close supervision of police training personnel in order to �acquire practical experience in police work. Operates, as a trainee, elquipment used in police work. Accompanies police person�iel in the performance of their regular duties as a learning experience.l Performs other duties or �ttends other classes as assigned in order to acquire the knowledge �.nd skills necessary to qualify for the classifi- cation of police officgr. KNOWLEDGES, SKII,LS AND ABIL�TIES Ability to learn and reta�n complex information. Ability to perform duties requiring strength, endurance and agility. Ability to understand andllfollow complex oral and written instructions. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS � High school graduation. l�ust possess a Minnesota driver's license. . I YIMK - FIIVAiVGE � I �T � i CANARY - DEPARTMENT ,� I 'I'Y ���+, SA I NT l,t� t1 L COULICII � BLUE - MAYOR File N O. � ��� � Cou�cil �Zesol�tion CITY CLERK Presented By _ Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrati e Resolution changing the Section Number and clas specification for the title of Police Trainee 'n the Civil Service Rules. � RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 3.I by removing the title of Police Tr inee from Grade 22 and inserting this same title, in proper alphabetical o der, 3n Section 3.M under the heading "Special Employments"; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that th '' Civil Service Rules be further amended in Section 32 by striking out the class sp cification for Police Trainee and substituting in - lieu thereof the attached class specification for Police Trainee. , Approved: � Chairman Civil Service Commission COUIVCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt PERSONNEL OFFICE Levine �n BvOi Maddox McMahon B Showalter __ Against Y Tedesco � �Ison Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted hy Council: Date — Certified Vassed by Council Secretary �Y By —_ ' Approved by :Vlayor. Date _ Ap d by Mayor for S m s ion t ouncil BY — - • . � II 2'788�2 Title of class: �i POLICE TRAINEE DESCRIPTION OF WORK II General Statement of Dulties: Performs trainee duties as a student in the basic Police Off�cer training program of the Saint Paul Police Department; and perfqrms related duties as assigned. Supervision Received: T�'orks under the close administrative supervision of a unit supervisoriand the close technical supervision of the Superintendent of th� Police Academy. Supervision Exercised: iNone. . TY�ICAL DUTIES PERFORMED �I Attends classes in the P�plice Academy to learn police procedures, self- defense, laws and cou�t operations and other law enforcement subject . matter. Performs £ield exercisesiiunder the close supervision of police training personnel in order toiacquire practical experience in police �aork. Operates, as a trainee, �quipment used in police work. Accompanies police perso�nel in the performance of their regular duties as a learning experiencel Performs other duties oriattends other classes as assigned in order to acquire the knowledgeiiand skills necessary to qualify for the classifi- cation of police offiqer. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABII1ITIES Ability to learn and reta�in complex information. Ability to perform dutiesirequiring strength, endurance and agility. ATaility to understand and�ifollow complex oral and written instructions. MIi�IT_M[Jr1 QUALIFICATIONS High school graduation. l�ust possess a Minnesota driver•s license . i i � � Qo"not de ach this m�morandum from the ►�yp�p �' 9 • +'�Shc�-t�on s that this information will be 2 i(7C7p� avaii�b?� to he City Co�nci . EXPLANATIO OF ADIKINISTRA�IVE ORDERS RESOL IONS AND ORDINANCES Date: April 28, 1982 R�,CEIV�D MAY 2 01982 T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER MAYORS OFFICE FR: Personnel Office RE: Resolution for submission to i y Council ACTION REQUESTED We recommend your approval and submiss on of this Resolution to the City Councile PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION This Resolution abolishes the title of Police Trainee in Grade 22 of Section 3.I (Police Non-Supervisory Group) and the class s ecification for this title in Section 32 of the Civil Service Rules. This Resolution also establishes the t'tle of Police Trainee in Section 3.M (Specia.l Employ- ment) and a new class specification fo this title in Section 32 of the Civi1 Service Rules. FINANCIAL IMPACT None. ATTACfIl�IENTS: Resolution and copy for City Clerk. _ ' ,_. , i 2'78882 �: `� Title of class: I PIOLICE TRAINEE Purpose: I This class is being est�ablished to give students who have completed one year of college,l particularly those taking courses related to police work, an opp rtunity to be exposed to and learn police work on the job. This wi�l give these students the opportunity to select a vocation in police Iwork before they are 21 years old, and will give the Police Departm�nt the benefit of the training that they receive. Dutie s and re sponsibilitie�S: Under supervision, to be exposed to and to learn the functions of police work such aslpatrolling a beat, the apprehension of criminals, the prot ction of property and persons, the control of traffic, the techn�ques of investigation, and the application of the various laws; Ito attend schools as assigned; and to per- form related work als assigned. Examples of work perforr�ed: To attend classes both I�n the school and in the Bureau of Police �. training division. `' To accompany patrolm�n in an assigned district. To accompany sergeant�s assigned to investigative work. To study and to assist in enforcing traffic laws when making accident, and other �ypes, of reports. To learn the laws and techniques necessary for gathering evidence. To operate the equipme�nt in the Police Communications Center. To assist officers in th� police community relations unit. To perform clerical wolrk related to police functions. Minimum qualifications: One year of college. Nllust be not less than 5 feet 8 inches tall (bare feet). Must po�ssess a Minnesota driver's license. Must be at least 19 but unc�er 21 years of age. After serving as a Police Trainee until the applicant reaches the age of 21, must qualify and be appoir�ted Patrolman or be separated as a Police Trainee. I Effective July 7, 1969 I ...,...- _.:-..,_.-•v�:^r-r��...�.��.Q,wYr�....y,......--.-.�-�..., ._. _ ._.I . .. ...,. .:a..- :..rrr�_..� . .�.�_ �_. - .... ... o, . � , .. - . .. . . � _ . � - � : .� 8882 � , . 2� . : _� � � � , � � - ± - � i : . . � . . � . , , i , . . . 4;. . . � f . i � ' � aft3slf �! 1.� s �. . � � i 1 - i . • . . , � . . , . . . .. .� . � � -` Cbuncil.man J�s�Sct�eipel ; �;, - � . Q3airmsn� Finaaae, t b Persoanel (�ittsi -. ' . �: 7th Floor, City Hall�� . , . . . _ `� .. . �•-Dear Counailmaa Sche3b I t � _ � , . �_ . � ' ' The City Oouncil tod�ylreferred tbe tollotring raaolutiona to the � �'inance, �Maaagemecit b �eraonuel Co�itte� for cons3d�rstion and recomwendstioas 1 ' � , - .. ._ ��:� 8esolution amend ,the` Civil:..Serrrice aul�es .aad inaerting the title , ,•.:Aesocia�e City eer in 8�ctian 3.g,-Qrrade 31 AHD plsaing aa sateriak . - -: betore the .titie siatant City��gineer•Deetgn and Asatstant City �_ ]i�igineer-Opei-atio�� ARD ameading Section 32 of-th� Aules ,by inserting the specification� f�ar I tbe title Maociate City 8ngineer`AI1D,atr3ldng th. i. _ , �eDeciticationa for t.�e titlee Assietaat City Engineer•Des aad `- _v > , �► - � `, ;.. A�aistaat Ci'Ey Ea -Oper�tiong.: (Se�ond Rdg and �. j t _ } l �� � . � :� f..-. ,r� ._� �. i��.. r�i.C,`_�{ y�z.. x..:F t .;.�, .f�C` ih �_', t�,,�,i.��}v��`•�.�� .. ��' ���� � t* rl . - � / ' - t� $ +�, ��Ol.ilt.�01�� 1SACtiOn. II �,.Qt.. t2le Jatit'y �� ��j $LLtes'Ot V F ��, ��" iLKi .: � � . 4 . y�r � i{�(�►O�lll���� I�dOs !t. 2�$8i'dZ11Q T��! Ot'�Y ,ZO't ��Cf �N. , �1.3�► �•i � r?i t..•ir .Ati+�� . i ..� .i:;"` 3'.t(,. F i ♦ rr , � ' } }C•i+n � i x• �.( "'r lr �t 'f' .�,a' ,p. �� ,� . _� ' . . . .:�' `#..,..F � .. . . . . , ��?� -���esalutioa t.he Civi2 :8�rvicc��RnI�� by re�a�ving`tty� tit].� Polics � ' L,� � '"'� -•'-Tis3ne� �i�con� Sect � �' 3.Z,:arade 22 and 3userting St ia Section 3.x wnder „ :�> "� ��+.� �` r t.he headin6 Spsc IDnD1oY!senti AXD �ndiog Section 32 by� subatitu� � � °�• r ���, ".,: �, nex .�ecsnc.t3rons t�ha tit•l.. �- 4FYrst.Bea�ing� '�.; ;,� �r � .� � ,.;: � j,�*t������, ��k. z .�' � �''� �9��i!,,, c �b, y����� t�.`i�PG�'� ��c,in ��,_, 1 > t: tf -�N i ;;,�,,€� ����x, 1�A��OIS �SeC�G 23.�` 0�,.�!! ��. Se!'r1f�� �i 1'eg�d� ,�r... � : �� ' ":� niasta�em�ai� at'�er unt,axy rp�f�t�! 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I . . . � Cil,y Clerk . ±,r� Attaoh., r � A80 sla � "` . . � cet Personael ' , Dept.I , Publia Works t. . FiDaace, Tr�sau y Division . :��_;,�;-... .. (�ITYi OF ►.�.E�.I1V'T PAUL . 3Z_ �..� I �}` `:�:,� OFF`ICI� OF TIIF. CITY COIINCIL ��QQQ� ;L ►_- V V V �: •��.::�� � ' • 1�1 y'��' �F n�T•ry.q{���' �e� � � � . . -•� ., -: �4� . . � � Date : �`^' `` � June 18, 1982 .�: :�; . - �. c o c� �� ��-�r� � � � P o R -� � . ,� . . _ . T4 : Saint Paul City Councit FROM � Commi��e� O!1 F�NANCE, MANAGE,MENT & PERSONNEL � James' Scheibel !� chairman, makes fhe fotlowing . report on C.F. II � Ordinance �� � Resolution � Ofiher . _ . T I 7 LE : Amending the Civilil Service Rules by removing the title Police Trainee fr',om Section 3.I, Gradd 22 and inserting it in Section 3.1� under the heading Special Employments . - AND amending Sectjion 32 by substituting new specifications _ � for the title. I _ . COMMITTEE ACTION: �i Approved unanimously. . . . _ . I - . _ C I"i`. ,� :� [. I _:`di-:ti"�� ��[JUO:? S:l[�T P:\f`1., �.(�ti.tii-�t?-t'_\ �_�'ii` ..� . _ ._._.... . . ._. ....... ---• -- - .. , I .