279281 WHITE - C�TV CLERK COUIICII �� ��[�� PINK - FINANCE � GANARV ,. DEPARTMENT G I TY O SA I NT PA U L �'1 � B::liE - MAVOR File NO• � ��� r � C n il Resolution . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Council o the City of Saint Paul wishes to assist potential cable fran hise applicants in obtaining informa- tion relative to City uses f a cable communications system; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That Council Resolution No. 279053, Item No. 4, Page 2, be and hereby is am nded, for an interim period extending from October 1, 1982 throug the final date for submission of franchise applications, to ead as follows: "4. All informa.tion requests from and contacts with the Cable Commun'cations Staff Task Force and other City staff by potential applicants and , their lobbyists hall be subject to the follow- • ing procedures: a. Potential ap licants and their lobbyists may direct i quiries relative to City uses of a ca le communications system to designated r presentatives of City staff, a list of wh m is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference; b. Contacts wit City staff, except Council members and heir aides and the Cable Communicatio s Officer, are prohibited unless arra ged through one of the named designated epresentatives in accordance with the pr cedures attached hereto and incorporate herein by reference; COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher �evine [n avor Masanz Nicosia scne�nei _ __ Ag inst BY — Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Councii: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY � �' By -- t�pproved by 17avor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for S�bmission to Council BY - – — BY WHITE - CITV CLERK ���{l�� PINK - FINANCE � CANAfZV -�DEPARTMENT CITY OF SAINT PAITL COUIICII �� B!'UE - MAYOR File NO. Coun il Resolution . . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date c. Commencing Nolember 1 , 1982 , and every month thereaf er through the final date for filing fr nchise applications , po- tential appli ants , their lobbyists , and designated representatives except Council members , their aides , and the Cable Commun' cations 0£ficer , shall file with th Cable Communications Officer a re ort detailing the dates , places , and opics of any and all contacts ; d. Designated r presentatives and other City staff s a11 make themselves equally available to al1 potential applicants and their 10 byists ;" and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that non-compliance with any of the provi- sions of this Resolution by potential applicants or their lobbyists shall xesult in the downr ting of the application filed by the non-complying entity ; and, be it FINALLY RESOLVED, th t upon the expiration of the time £or filing franchise applicat ons , Item No. 4, Page 2 of Council Resolution No. 279053 sha 1 revert to its orig�.na1 form and read as follows : "4. All reauest by potential applicants for information £rom the Cable Communications Sta££ Task Force nd other City sta££ sha11 be through the City' s Cable Communications Officer. " COUNCIL�IEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher � Levine [n Favor Masanz � Nicosia Scheibel _ __ A ainst By — Tedesco Wilson SEP 2 g 19 2 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified P•s ouncil t BY t�pp by ,Vlavor: a _ �OCT 1 �98 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By — BY U6LlSHED 0CT 9198 . �����`�. f� � •� � � . � ' � • ' • C TY STAFF DESIGNATE REPRESENTATIVES MP,Y R' S OFFICE Ron Kline 367 City Hall 298-6861 Ron Guilfoile 365 City Hall 298-6861 FINANCE AND� MANAGEMENT SERVICES Miles McGinley 205 City Hall 292-7011 Roy Struble 100 E. lOth Street 298-5892 COMM NITY SERVICES Thomas Kelley 54 City Hall 298-4431 Bob Sandquist 54 City Hall 298-4431 Edward Eberhardt 55 Cedar Street 292-7712 Glen Erickson 44 City Hall 298-4212 Bob Piram 30 City Hall Annex 298-4126 Dick Thorpe 31� Cedar Street 298-4904 Gerry Steenberg 90iW. 4th Street 292-6211 Kathy Stack 90iW. 4th Street 292-6213 Annette Salo 90IW. 4th Street 292-6336 P BLIC WORKS Tom Eggum 600 City Hall Annex 298-4299 Bob Peterson 900 City Hall Annex 298-5070 Dan Dunford 700 City Hall Annex 292-6750 Don Sobania 8 0 City Hall Annex 292-6288 Don Ernster 7 0 City Hall Annex 298-4275 V�ATER UTILITY Bernie Bullert 4�0 City Hall Annex 292-6581 DI�TRICT HEATING Herb Jaehne 1�i8 Bremer Bldg. 4�7 N. Robert Street 297-8955 PLANNING D ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � Allen Lovejoy 100 City Hall Annex 292-6577 Ex. 301 Chuck McGuire 100 City Hall Annex 292-6577 Ex. 329 Jerry Jenkins 100 City Hall Annex 292-6577 Ex. 298 Jane Eastwood 400 City Hall Annex 292-6577 Ex. 204 � . � ` ' ," � • . • �'� / � �� . j ;� � tl ��� w POLICE John McCabe 100 � E. lOth Street 292-3545 Phil Sanders 100 E, lOth Street 292-3592 Ex.599 Sgt. Joseph Polski 100 E. lOth Street 291-1111 Ex.590 Off. Michael Perzichilli 100 E, lOth Street 292-3525 i , FIRE John Rukavina 10 E. lOth Street 224-7811 � � I � ', , , ' _ � '''J�]�_ . • , - . � A al��� CITY STAFF CABLE COP�PANY CO TACT GUIDELINES Purpose of the Guidelines i City staff has proposed ext nsive municipal uses for cable technology. In order to encourage posit've response by cable companies to these uses we must provide open a cess to knowledgeable department staff. At the same time, we want t structure the contacts so that the information given to cable �COmpanies accurately reflects city and departmental priorities. F' r these reasons, we are setting up a structured access policy. Timin This policy as per City Co�ncil Resolution will be in effect from October lst until theiclosing date for cable companies to submit their proposals. Desi nated De artmental Re resentatives g P _ �__ The attached list states tY�e names, addresses and phone number of those individuals designated to epresent their departments or city offices. This list (including any c anges registered with the City Clerk' s Office) comprises the allo able contacts between city staff and cable companies representatives. Method of Contact Contact between the city s aff and cable companies shall be in person or by letter of inquiry wi h minimal or no information exchange by telephone. Department hea s and designated representatives shall provide adequate accessibi ity to all interested cable companies. The designated representat ves shall provide equal access to all cable companies. Other em loyees may be brought in as their expertise is necessary. However, a esignated representative will attend each meeting. Meeting Recording The attached form shall be used in documenting all meetings between city staff and cable compa y representatives. The form contains the following information: da e, location, attendees and subject matter covered. It shall be sub itted to the City' s Cable Communications Office at the end of each onth. Subject matter covered should be recorded only generally - - specifics that may benefit another cable company should be exclude . � i