279275 WHITE - CITY CLERK A����� CA ARY �- D PA TMENT COUflCII � � � BLUE - MAYOR G I T O F S A I N T PA LT L File N O. cil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the prop�r city officials are hereby authorized to execute an Agreement with Capitol Medica� Laboratories, Inc., whereby the City will perform zinc erythrocyte protoporphyrin �analyses; a copy of said Agreement to be kept on file and of record in the Depar ment of Finar�ce and Management Services. COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt CO Ser C@S Levine [n Favor � Maddox � McMahon Showalter __ A 1[]St BY Tedesco Wilson SEP 2 8 i582 Form proved b C' t rne Adopted by Council: Date � Certified P _Se Council Se eta BY By Appro d b ;14ayor: Date CT 1 � 1 App by Mayor for Su ion�to Council P By By PU �S�iEfl 0 C T 9 1982 DEPARTMEHT: Public Healtfi-J ' ROU7IN AyD EXPLANATIpN SHEET CONTACT: William G. Timm (GREEN SHEET) PNONE:I 292—TI�3 �A�g�st 2�, ,9Fr�92 ! For Administrative Orde s, Resolutions, Ordinances and Agr�em�ats EJ .�.,._..�..� !—� � I S E P 2 1982 _,_ AIRECTOR OF MANAGEMENT � ^ � � �YOR �a�oRS �F�ic� � DfPARTMEN7 DIRECTOR 4 DIRECTOR, FINANCE 8 MGT SERVICES CITY ATTORNEY 2 CITY CLERK BUDGET DIRECTaR . � Counci I resolution � 'i ; �. ; Thia Agreement would permit t e City of Saint Paul, Division of P1i�lic Health, to provide ZEP (zinc erythrocyte protopor yrin) analyses to Capitol Medical L boratories, Inc., on a fee basis. The Division of blic Health has unique eguipment fc�r this analysis that is not 'elsewhere avai lable throug out most of the state. As such, we have been requested by the 'Minnesota Department f Health and other outside laborato�i s to do this testing. � ; Capitol Medical Laboratories, Inc,, will be charged $2.75 for eac ZEP test' conducted, � This cost covers all of our dir ct and indirect and otheroverhead c arges for this service � and will bring additional inco e into our special laboratory accoun 33239. The Z�P � tests are conducted in batches with.#ests for our own programs, the State Heal#h D�art� m.er►t dnd other agencies, so t r� should be no substantial effect o our per-sonnel except - to provide bette� ufilization o #lie personnel and equipment we hav . Corrtractssuch as this::are generally to the bene i� Qf the City and our agency. AITACHMENTS �LIST ALL ATTACHMENTS): i _ i 1, Counci l Resolution i i 2. Ag reemen t - fou r cop es 3, �, v eaae nev.cew neeesa.c,ty on ent o e eo uw�g auppon,',cng ocum Depun.�nent : - C.i,ty A,ttonneu: 1. Coune.i.e Reao.Lu,Li.on Requ,ined? �y A10 1. Reeo.2uxi.on? YES NO 2. Ineun.anc2 Req:wced? y �CNO 2. InbW�anc2 Su66,r:ci. ? yES ND 3. Ineunanee A.Ltached? Y �NU � Ftevi#i� OM:4f29/82