279273 � WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT 1 A �1 L COURCII �fl CANARY - DEPARTMENT FIIe NO. ��'°�� BLUE - MAVOR Co cil Resolution Presented By o' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Secti n 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul , does certify that there are availabl for appropriation total revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1982 budget; nd WHEREAS, Council File 277510, adopte October 1 , 1981 , did establish certain Special Fund Policies; and WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that t e following additions be made to the 1982 budget: FINANCING PLAN Current Budget Changes Amended Budget 305 Tuberculosis Control/Public Health 33235-3414 Community Hea th Service Act 26,618 34,916 61 ,534 33235-4346 Welfare, Medi al 511 10,489 11 ,000 33235-4348 Welfare, Phar acy -0- 10,000 10,000 NET CHANGE 55,405 SPENDING PLAN 305 Tuberculosis Control/Public Health 33235-111-000 -0- 6,641 6,641 33235-121-000 -0- 21 ,592 21 ,592 33235-215-000 3,000 5,000 8,000 33235-241-000 236 64 300 33235-290-000 1 ,118 2,501 3,619 33235-352-000 16,500 10,000 26,500 33235-439-000 -0- 2,199 2,199 33235-537-000 -0- 7,383 7,383 33235-842-000 75 25 100 NET CHANGE 55,405 Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City Council adop s the above additions to the 1982 budget. APPROVED: COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher � Levine [n Favor �u $�y� • Mesanz Nicosia � scheibe� _ __ A ainst �,�G BY — Tedesco Wilson SEP 2 8 19 2 Form Approved by i y Atto y Adopted by Council: Date Certified Ya;- d n il eta BY , � �lppro y 17avor: Dat �CT 9$� Ap by M r o ion to Council sy _ UBLISHED U� i y 19$2 _ _ ___ _. .r_.�_._ __ _. ._ __ r • ��9���f� � ; � ,, , � • DEt ARTME�lT,: Heal th � , CONTACTI; K. Mohrland � ROUTIN AryD EXPLANATION SHEET � PHONE': 292-7702 (6REEN SHEET) ��S I � ___�� For Administrative Orde s, Resolutions, Ordinances and 9gree�ents RECEIVED ROU I G OR R - RO Y S (' A��G 1 1 �90L DIRECTOR OF MANA6EMENT' CITY ATT4RiVEY ,i1/ DEPT. ACCOUNTANT 5 MAYOR ,,,�DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR DIRECTOR, FINANCE & MGr. SERVICES �, 3 CITY ATTORNEY 8 CITY CLERK ' �& 6 suD�ET �tR�cTOR 7 FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSOP�N��Q„ql �I�';��.� �^ , , , � �1(�� ��- . � �NiAYORS ��""���� Approval to submit Council R solution increasing the 1982 budg t for t� e Division of Public Health's pecial Project - Tuberculosis Pro�ram. �. The revised Tuberculosis Con ro1 Special Project budget will b� entered on the computer. The increase will be financed by the Community Heal h Service Grant and Welfare receipts. � � Increase the 1982 budget by 55,405 to allow for .8 Public Heahth Nurse II , .5 Medical Assistant, medica supplies, fringe benefits, increase in medical .. fees, and transfers for medi al records cost. j ,� ATTACNMENTS �LIST ALL ATTACHMENTS): � 1. Council Resolution � . � 2, ' 3. I N TE: 2ea.ae tev.cuu neceaa.<.ty no.t en.L o� .the 5o cw.cng auppon.tc.ng ocum peKa,�,bnen.t : . C.i.ty A.Ltonney: • 1. Counc,i.Q. Reao.�wti.on Requ,ih.ed? YES NO 1. Reso.Q.wt,�:on? YES VO 2. Inawcnnc2 Req:Li�ed? YES NO 2. Inaatance SuSS.i�,Lv�.t? yES NO 3. Inawuince A,ttACh¢d? YFS NU Re 'sion 0*1:4/29/82