279268 �NHITE - CITV GLERK �� /���7�Y( PINK - FINANCE GITY OFI SAINT PAUL Council � �U CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File N . Counci Resolution Presented B ���� � � Y Referred To I Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED that the follo�p' ing securities: $100,000 U.S. Treasu�$y Bills due November 18, 1982, ��2053 $100,000 U.S. Treasu�y Bills due November 18, 1982, ��2030 Pledged as collateral to protectldeposits of public funds of the City of Saint Paul with Summit Nationa�l Bank, hereby is authorized, ratified and approved, such having been dqne in conformance with the applicable statutes of the State Of Minneso�a. , , COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays I Fletcher F' and Mana ment Services �evine (n Favor I Masanz Nicosia scheibel _ __ Against BY Tedesco I Wilson Adopted by Council: Date SEP 2 8 1981 Fo�m A ro d by ity Attorney Certified P s-e y Counci ecr r}r i By � ` OCT 1 ��1 II App v d by Mayor f r b i ion to Council tap by Ylavoc Da — By _ — B ��IB�ISHED 0 C I � 1982 I . � DEPARTMENT: Fina�ce �"��2�� � Gar Norstrem ` � ROUTING ANn EXP NATION SHEET CONTACT: • IGREEN SHEET) PHONE: 70 16 , August 27, 1982 ,g — ��o � For Administrative Orders, Resol tions, Ordiaances and Agreements RQUTING ORDER - ROUTE BY ASSIGNED NUM9ER: . . �IU G � 1 1982 � DIRECTOR OF MANAGEMENT ' ��R Ci ATTORNEY DEPAR7MENT DIRECTOR DIRECTOR, FINANCE 8 MGT� SERVIC S 2 CITY ATTORNEY . 4 CITY CL�RK I I 3UD6cT DIRECTOR � R�CEIVF�D ` F S�� 1 i�8�� The passage of the attached resolutinn pproves the securiti�¢A���� E Summit Natianal Bank to protect funds o the City of St. PauY'wh e e n said bank. T � 7� MSA 118 requires collateral to protect ublic funds and sets out a _proced�re to be followed in the handling of said ollateral inc�uding the requireme�t of approval by the governing body. , ' . None. - � ._ - --_ _ - ATTACHMENTS �LIST ALL ATTACHMENTS): I � 1 �Proposed Council Resolution � 2. 3. � _ � N eaae •t¢v.cew nec¢,as.c,ty �oa ent op .t e Do ouu.ng 6uppoR.tcng cum¢n.ta Depan.bnent : , Ci,ty Att.onney; ' i. Counc.i,L Reaoeu.ti.on Reqwi.t¢d? YES NO 1. Reao.tuzi.onP YES I NO 2. Insuna►:ce Req;�,ined? VF.� NO 2. Inewcance Su5$.i.c,i.en.t.' YES I NO 3. Ir.,aunctnc2 A,Ltached8 YES .NO I _ _ ; , ' I ����` p�•, , CITY OF ►�AINT PAUL � � e1���t���n OFFICE OF THE CITY COt�77T7��L ���E� .:j�' c�"� I��2�,R r r,t � �r �? ,';!,F'F?��S � L JAMES SCHEIBEL ! ^` !',; � OJ'� „ Councilman . C' 1'3(M/�/ r"� I TQ; Counc�,l MemT�ers FROM: J'Xm S r.fieibe 1 � RE: Council Resolutions Submi.tte� Without Committee Recommendation Attached are the green sheets e laining resolutions being refexred by the Finance Committee to the ouncil without recommendation. The resolutions involve routine ma.tt rs and were not passed upon in Committee because of time constr ints and the need to address other important matters. Please review the sheets, and if there are c{uestions contact me or the appropriate ci�y staff. Thank you. I i I i I I I CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR i SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5679 a��ss