279265 WMITE - UTV CLERK �
Council esolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul
hereby approves the appointment by the Mayor of
Ellen G. Samp son to the position of Administrative
Aide II , effective October 4 , 1982 .
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Fletcher �
�evi�e [n Favor
Scheibel _ __ Against BY —
S''EP 2 8 ��p1 For Approved rney
Adopted by Council: Date c
Certified P _ e u cil S et BY
tapp by 1�lavor. Da � A r v d by Mayor for Submis 'on t Co ci
By _
u5tcs��o OCT 91982
.�� .;,�t=�o.s , CITY OF SAINT PAUL � �
� iiii lli�� � �
y° �� 347 CITY HALL �����_�'
GEORGE LATIMER (612) 298-4323 �
September 21, 1982
FR: MAYOR GEORGE LATIME .. . . ._ __ _ __
Over the past several weeks, I have communicated to you the
necessity of increasing the City's overall effor�s in the
intergovernmenta� affairs and revenue raising areas. I
strongly believe that the recent cutbacks in federal and .
state funding require the City to make a greater staff
investment to deal with extended budget problems. .
Therefore, I am presenting to you for your approval the
appointment of Ellen G. Sampson to the position of
Administrative Aide II in the Mayor's Office to assist
Mary Schweiger McNellis, whose appointment you approved
- earlier this month, in� intergovernmental relations. Her
major responsibility will be to guide the adoption of the
City's legislative, package. Ellen's experience with the
State Legislature makes her an exceptionally qualified can-
didate for this position. In addition, she will provide
needed assistance in dealing with the federal government
and other governmental jurisdictions.
Again, this position will be half funded by .the Mayor 's
Office budget and half funded by the Saint Paul Port Authority.
I ask your support on this mayoral appointment.
�A copy of Sampson's resume is attached for your review. •
Her extensive gavernmental experience includes the Minnesota
Iiouse of Representatives' Committee on Appropriations and =
the Minnesota Ethical Practices Board. She has had direct
lobbying experience with Minnesota Common Cause and will be
obtaining a law degree in the near future . I feel her employ- _
ment and educational experience will complement our staff .
efforts well and will help to maximize the City's level of -
success during the upcoming legislative session. �
GL:kh -
- ��
' - E:tLEi; Gi:U�;D�cST SAr�iPSOi�! �
(nar.e) 1415 Bayard .'�venue (Office} 246 State Office Buildin�
St. Paul , ty�i•J 55116 ' St. Pau1, ,1:: 55155 .
(612) 698-0320 (612) 29o-OSI3 �'���1��
Born: October 14, ]944, PJeti•� York, PJe�� York �
���arital Status: Married, one child �
Education: B.A. , Coraell University, 1960 (Cum Laude in government)
M.A., Rutgers University, 1974 (A11 course work and exans � �
� completed for ph.D. in Political Science) �
' Student, William Mitchell Co7tege of law, present (Evening '
program , degree expected 12/83) _ , -
Academi c Honors: 4loodro�v l�i 1 son Fel l o��r, Uni versi ty of Chi cago, 1966-67
NDEA Title IV Fe71ow, Rutgers University, 1967-69
� Corr�rnittee Administrator, House Appropriations Commfttee, Dec. 29, 198T - present.
I v�ork wi th the Chaf rman, Mi ke Si eben, and wi th the cfiai rs of the four Di vi s i ons
� i nto wfii ch the commi ttee i s di vi ded and �r�i th the ser��en fi sca't anatysts emp7 oyed
by the comi ttee to coordi nate the Vror�C of the Appropriati ons C = .i ttee and i ts -
Divisions. i1y tasks include scheduling and p'tanning P.ppropriations Coru�ittee
mzetings; notifying intereste� parties; sc::eduting �r:d screening tvitnesses;
conducting researcn and deve'loping re�orts as requested. by th� chair or the .
comnittee rembers; maintair�i»g liaison �,�:�n camriit�Cc:c mem6ers and a1Z other�
i nterested parti es i ncl udi ng o�her i egi sl atj��e camm ittees� arrd a var�i ety of .
executive branch and private. sector agencies as we7I as members of the pub7ic.
�I prepare and administ�r �he Appropriations Cammittee Budget; process a variety
of correspondence relating to mat�ers, before t�e� comrr�ittee; {;eep informed on
• the status of Senate and/or canference co;nr:�ti ttee mee•t7ngs concerni ng�bi I1 s of
interest to the Appropriat�ions Committee; oversee implementatian of previous
� legislation recommended by the Appropriatian Committee and represen� the chair-
man when requested ta do so. I keep updated on matters of interest to the .
� . Appropriations Committee including those i�hich occur at �he federal 1eve1 and .
: in other committees af the LegisTature and inform the c,�air and menbers of �Z �
. developments which may be of interest to them. � In addition, I assist the chair '
� with a wide variety of constituent requests and perform other tasks at his -
- ' request and when appropriate.� � . _ :
Acting Qirector, Minnesota�5tate Ethical Practices 8oard, Se�tember 15, I980 -� '
D2cember 28, 1981. ; ..�._ : ..
With the guidance and supervision of a six member Board, I directed �he activity � -
of the Ethical Practices Baard, an agency created in 1974 by Chapter 10A, the
Minnesota Ethfcs In Government Act. The Board adminis�ers programs dealing ti��ith_
. eam�faign finance disclosul�e, pub'lic.:financ-ing, lobbyist reporting, economic ��
interest disctosure, and conf7ict of•;in�terest and representation dTSClosure.�
• 7he Board adopts rules, issues:advisory opinions, investigates complain;�s and
potentia7 violations, and. in general enforces Chapter IOA; it holds worfcshops -
and prepares materi al s i ncl udi rig forn!s, handboo�cs, news1 etters, surrmaries and
analyses of the 1aw. In add-ition to doing many of tnese tasks and supervising
those who do the others, the director oversees the internal operations ofi _the •
Soard including staff selection and tne budgzt process_ The director also
responds daily to inquiries from public officials, candidates, treasurers,
� labbyisfs, journal�sts and.the publ i c. ' -
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E�IPLOY[tEFJT HI51UKr (Gont�nued) -
_ � � g •;
, • � - �tssistant Administrator, fNinnesota State Ethical Practices Board, January 7,
19�0 - Septer�ber ]4, 198J
I assisted the executive director in �arrying out the duties d�scribed above.
I i�ad specific responsibility for the preparation and printing of all materiats
di stri bu ted by the Board, for �vorki ng r�i th Hennepi n Courity to impl er�ent the
disclosure law passed in t980, for planning the 1920 ca�paign r�aterials and �
for supervising the non-professional staff. .
Instructor, Augsburg Co71eg�, Minneapolis, P4innesota, Spring Semester t980
Taught Introduction to American Palitics to 45 students. - �
Executive Dire�tor/Lobbyist, Cormon Cause/P�tinnesota, St. Paul , Minnesota,
March 1978 - December 1979 _--
(Wy responsibilities included lobbying at the state legislature. My major �
accomplis�ment was spearheading the lobbying effort which resulted -in the
iegislature voting to put a constitutional amendment creating a bipartisatt re- '
apportionment commission on the baltot in 1980. I represented Comr�on Cause in .
a var�ety of public forums. In addition, I adminlstered the state office, �
worked witfi and recruited volunteers and interns, did issue research and pro-
gram development, wrote �nd edited publications, and help�d ��rith �rembership
building, fundraising and organizational efforts.
. . . . �
Instructor, Augsburg College, Spring Ser.►�ster 1979. - "
Taugnt Issues in �torld Politics to 30 students.
Curriculum i�lriter, Editor ar�d Researcher, Social Studies Dev�lopme�� Center, ,..
B1oor�ington, Indiana, January T975 - May 1977 -
• Most of my work re'tated to the preparation of. ComparinQ Po'{itical Experiences,
. an experimental government�:course for ti,relfth.�grade students cleveloped by the �
Center for the American Political Science Assocfation PrecolZegiate project �
wHich held a grant from the Natianal Science �oundation.
. _ _ _
Visiting Lecturer, Indiana University, Department of Political Science, . . -
Sumner 1977, Spri rrg 1976, Fa11 1975 ' . _
Taught Pol i ti cs in both lecte�re and smal T ci ass forr►rats. � �
� . , _ �: .�;_ .
, . . . . , .. _
Administrative Assistant, Washington Representative of the East CentraT .Coltege _ q .
Consortium, October 1970 - Au gus t 1 9 7.1 - � -.
•Repsonsi bi 1 i ti es i ncl uded fo1 i owi ng matters rel ati ng to educati on i rc 6oth � . . � `
the Congress and the Executive Branc h an d in forming our menber colteges about -
developments. A major concern �ras the grant process; colleges were alerted '
about relevant programs and their proposais were revi�red and fo11o►�red through �
NSF, I��EH, or tbe Offi ce of Educati on. . -
. . :w
. .. . .. ..: � ��'. 4 e�.
OTNER INFORMATION � . : . . . . j .
, ... _ �
. . . . . . - - �. '�
• A list af materials I have wr�t�en or edited, of oral presentations I have made, ��
and of my other professional and polztTCa1 activlties is available upon request
as are the names of references.
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