279263 WHITE - CITV CLERK _)' /���� PINK -FINICNCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council .`�yr vt C A�i�A R V - IJ E P A R T M E N T BLUE �- MAVOR File NO. RETURN COPY TO VALUATIONS DNISIO�'ouncil Resolution Presented By ' "'�°�`"�� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Counci,l of the City of Saint Pa.ul, in accordance with Ordinance No. 1694�, and follawing the public hearing held on July 13, 1982, did adopt a resolution, Council File 278955, esta.blishing the level of operation and maintenance for the Tcrcm Square "Public Spa.ces" located within the following streets; Cedar Street, Eighth Street, Minnesota Street, Sixth Street, for the period. of J�zly l, 1982 to June 30, 1983, and amount of the service charges to be levied aga.inst the benefitted properties; and WHEREAS, the Department of Planning a,nd Economic Development has sub- mitted to the Depa.rtment of Finanee and Management Services a report shawin$ the total cost to be $6�+3,650.00, and that a public hearing be held in the Council Chambers on September 28, 1982, for the purpose of adopting the service cY�.rges aga.inst the benefi�ted properties; and WI�RFAS, the Council of the City of Sai.nt Pau1 did hold a public hearing on September 28, �982, for thispurpose, and having heard all interested parties, does hereby adopt the follaa�ing service cY�rges in accordance with Ord.inance No. 16941, naw therefore, be it RESOLVEA, that the Council of the City of Saint Pau1 does hereby adopt and levy the follawing service cY�a.rges as a special assessment aga.inst benefitted properties; Zone Town Square Oxford $2.4633604 per square foot Zone 1 $ .o94g61 " " " Zone 2 $ .06�+740 " " " Zone 3 $ .0�-3�+11 " " " Z one 4 $ .004102 " " " , COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher Levine [n Favor F�nce and Ma.nagement Services Masanz Nicosia scheibe� _ __ Against sy Director Tedesco Wllson Form Approved by Cit orney . Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary B '-�'7��' B� Approved by ;Vlavor: Date _ Appr v d y Mayor for m ssion to Council . BY - – — B M�HITE - CITV CLERK ��(�7,��� PINK ++FIN+ANCE TF' TT COUIICII V �i CqRJARV - FJEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT 1 A lJ L File NO. BLUE � - MAYOR REI'URrT COPY TO VALUATIONS DIVTSION�ouncil Resolution Presented By ��� � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2- RESOLVEA FURTHER, that the said service charges be and they are hereby determined to be payable in one (1) equa.l installment. FINALLY RESOLVED, that upon ratification of sub�ect service cha.rges the City Clerk is hereby directed to transmit a certified copy of this Resolution to the Ramsey County Auditor so that the service cha.rges levied herein sh�.11 be extended on the proper tax lists of the County and collected in 1983 along with current taxes. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Fietone� Fina e and N�.na�ement Services �evtne In Favor Masanz NiCOSia scheibe� _ � _ Against BY Director Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date SEP 2 8 1982 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified as•e ouncil re BY By F1ppr y :Vlavor: Date _� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By - — BY ����� ED OCT 91982 -�-, °��,� �' / :�' , �,, ,�;'' 43��. �,T; a;., CITY OF SAINT PAUL =4♦` �� ��'l,. ;� �,; OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK `� iu�� ��""'', •; : "" "'11' „= BUREAU OF RECORDS •. �..• .'_ 386 City Hall,Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 ^��� 612-_'98-4231 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR . October 7, 1982 Lou McKenna County Auditor Room 126, City Hall Dear Mr. McKenna: I ars transmitting to you a certified copy of C.F.No. 279263 adopted by the St. Paul City Council on Sept. 28, 1982. This resolution adopts and levies service charges for the operation and maintenance of Town Square "Public Spaces" as special assessments againt benefitted properties as listed. Very truly yours, ��e�� Albert B. Olson City Clerk ATTACH. sch .�.�:ti, � Dgp�p1gTM�;.Fix�nce & l�a�gement Ser, �� September 22, 1982 ROUTING Ar�n EXPLANAT14N SHEET CONT,ACTs . Wm. Dot�avan , GREEN SNEET PHONES 2 - Ol For administrative Orders, Resolutions, Or8lnances and dgreements , ��Q��� V x� RCUTIPI6 ,QRDER - ROUTE BY ASSIGNED NUMBER: ' „_„ pIR�CTOR OF MANAGEMENT _�. h�14Y0R IIEPARTMENT DIRECTOR 2 DIRECTOR, FINANCE � MGT� SERYICES _� CITY ATTORI�EY �' CITY CLERK i� BUDGET DIRECTOR �CTI N RE�LESTEn �[LIP ALt. LQCATIONS FOR MAYORAL SIGiHATLIRE); I Approval by Mayor ar�d submission to the City Council for approval� �AT WILI BE AC�,€VE� BY TAKING ACTION ON TME ATTACH�D MATER2ALS �PLRP�SE ANi1 RAI'�fONALE)7t AdcYption of service cl�rges against all benefitted pro�erty for th� Oper�tion and N�intenance for the Tqwn S4uare "public apaces" for the period fro� July� l, 1982 to suae 30, 1�83. � . E,(UAN I�11 , B �n„r�-ETARY AND PERSaPlNE,L IMPACTC A�T,j i PAT D t � The cost of Operation and I�intenance for Tc�wn SQuare "public spacles" of $643,650 for the period Jul.y l, 1982 - June 30, 1983 wi11 be fhn�led by speo3al asaessmerit against t}�e benefitted praperties. . ! �TTAGHME"�TS �LIST ALL ATTACHME�iTS): 1. Council Resolution 2. 3, ' ,. G Cf.CWZ �?.�'L::V iL2C2.c1J4.�J �0•i (LLLQuU112/Lt`. Q� •�L2 �0 CtV4.1l9 Stl�?�JC1L�tY.3 OCWItfiLLS Ve�.�.`.D1IPJCL : C-LQ.`If A.LCCiHQCl: ' t. tow�ci,Z R¢scz;:r.i.,::i a2�;ci,�ed:" x vES uc r. Raaceu.r,i.o�e? 1�Y�s �� — — --� — ?. i�uu.zacec2 R2?;.w:e.:? YES �VG' :. ijcsutc,ice Su���.cL�uzt?� YES XV4 3. I,:si•.a:ccz �::c%tied? vES X :vc' ! Re�-isfen ', cM:a�s�sa � - � , • , . • -�"' �.���'�� NOTIC�Of IUdLIC H6Ai1N(i Notice b hereDr�Ivm that a public harin� vill be Add m S�t�ber 4!. 1984.at 1Q00 A.M.in ehe CouncU Chamben o!Ne St.Paul City Ha11 W condder Ne adaptiw of Toan Square "Publlc Spaces" opewtton +nd malnteunce service ehar=es for t6e yerfod tmm Ju�y 1,196�to June 30,19&9. , T6e Seivice ch�r=e ntas p�opo�ed to be adopted are as lollowi: Za�eTowm - .-- r„.•- Squ�n Oxford �t.l63.1ED1 per squue toot: z�i t.ae�eei ���,.�raw z��t s.oe4�~o ve,yw�rooe . ,z��a i.013�11 pa'qua�e toot Zone� � .aalot per tyw�tooe At�aid time�nd place the Coundl aill 6esr ' �II peraons niative to thla propoaal. Deted Septembq Y,198Y. ALSERT S OISON Clty Cierk !Srptember 1l•le.1984i w��iTE� - c�rv CLERK COUflCII l P�NK� �- FINI.NCE G.�TY U F SA I NT PA U L - - CAN/.RV - OEPIIRTMENT � OLIjE - MAVOR- ,. Flle �O• ` L =-'� Council Resolution � � � _____ �,'�y�b� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date ; � Out of Committee By Date �, t1s Cit�► Ca�cic32, pmreu�d to O�diaaao� �o. �l, Ce�uo�il p'iLi So. 2't8955: �P'� �1► �: �s Zsd l�aL� • p�Di3,e ?aa,rf� ar �,1► 73, Z�s fA tb! Cil�r Coimr�il CalYiMe'� !ae t� p�rpoN ot �sb�blf�bir� tbe ].�eatl vt c�at�atiaa aad tar t�r ?c� S4aas� '�ab1La �' - I��d rlthis t�t tb►lla�ria� sts�tts= C�d�s' Sts�at, Esgbt� 3tswt, � , Sis�t sffi 83�c�h Sts�tC, !�s tb� y�rf,od o! �ti.t�y 1, 19QZ to Jta� 3Qs 19�3: ' aa�3 t!r �o�t o�[ �aryio! cl�s@�a to D� lfriad aa►fa�st '� lr�oatitted p�a�rtits; � aod i�8, t2�t Cvmcil at tb� Cit� o,! S�. Pwl d3d �tta�i� tb�ti t�bit percgt� at Operatin� aad ll�iat�s�or to D�e p�aesed rithia tbt Ta� Sq�r�e "publia s,�s�oss' b� 3a t3M �m�r v saC tcar� sad deae�riD�d in �t s�ep�'� � tt� D�pss'taa�n6 ot et�e�ntlop■w�j and . it�AB, tb! Drp�sr� ot Flaaoir�g ae�r! E�.00a■�i+ct D�l+ap�afi. b�s s�dtt�d .. tio tbs Drpurts�rat af li�cs aad �ios�ea� 6a�riaa a s�pet a�orieg t�r tva►1 eost t�o b� �i3s6�0.00, • Co�/ a! sai+d sEpoe�6 l�i d�r�R�ot�A �Nt �lir�ss�d to �r! Cll�► Coo�c�il= noit, tbn�rlar� bs it �7�s tL1►t �3,�•40 aiM►11 b� a�wis�d asalasb b�titt�d gro�art�i�s aeeo�+�i� to tir lbllariq� sst�s= Zart T�raat Sq�s O�cfaed $2,�63�60► p�r s4va:"� !'�c+t ��oais i # ,�9�961 • • • �dew 2 � .06k'7;0 • w • T.ar 3 � 0�21 • • � � . � _ . . ., � - - ; ._-- :.,____------�--—-.c _ . r.---- -r � -----=,-Rt-.-,.;._-...y_ _ . . _. . _ . , :i.+ori� �. ..�__ _ _ �. . ,.. . _,� _ _. , � .=� -'.00�1G� '�.A' aot b� i� COUNC[LMEN - Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: � Fletcne� l3��� �+ ���� ;�j�� �evins ` � [n Favor _ . Masanz - Nicosia ���� ��� ,. ,��.. sche�bs� Against BY ` -� ''� � D�� Tedesco Wllson ' : f �`� Form Approved by C' Ct3�'tt �--�ldopted by:�ounci . Date � � - n�� = .f!..-k,��r ,'� _j Y� Certified Vassed by Council Secretary � " '� � gy. Approved by Mavor: Date _ ____ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - ..------- - BY . .l[pK /- � �G E � COUOCII � ��1���V �ORTMENT GITY O�'' SAINT I AUL � . File N 0. � `� �° °'° nI �uncil Resolution ����b� , ; resented By ' Referred To Committee: Date - Out of Committee By Date !�1'� R�TjB, t�tt a poblt� �'io� sbt31 b� lr�La i4 t3� Co�e11 �a's o! t.bit Cit� a� S�iaQ P�ol at LO t00 �.s. os � 2$, 19�'s :b�' � A� af �3s� a�rvtcr etiarg�r a�iaat �lI b�titt�d �e�a�ct3+�� to w ed.I�rt�d 3o tL� strs �Itanor aa atD�r sr►2 par�cp�t� t��oN itt 1983. COUNCILMEN � Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: ��� Fletcner J� j1t'�ii� a� ���r $!'t�'M �evine [n Favor Masanz � Nicosia � / �;`;,;/f�� ��(t Scheibel b Against BY �i�! � �� Tedssco Wllaon SEP �9 ��81 Form Approved by City A�Lorne� Adopted by Council: Date r. Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY'—��� � h��' '" � �' `' � } 1 By � ti 1 . ; � Approved by Mavor: Date Apprajn+ed by Mayor Eor Submission to Council By -- BY � � ' �"' . ��aJ�Lr�3 k ST. PAUI GITY COUNt;IL PUBLIC NEARING NOTiCE OPERATION Atvu MAINtENANGE SERUICE CHARGE� FILt NO 18113- 82 . PURPOSE TO CONSiUER RATIf�CAtION OF THE StRVICE CNARGES RESLL7ING FROM� �• AND tHE ANNUAL OPERATION AND MAINT�NANCE OF THE CI�Y DWNEG '�# `� ��CATI�V "TOW� SQUARE" PUB�IG SPAG�� LOGATED IN TH� AR�ti BOUNOED BY THt �� FOILOWING STR�ETSt CEOAR STREET , EIGHTH STREtT, MTNN£50TA STREET , AND � iXTH STREfT. HtARING T�ESDAY, SEPTEMBEk 28, 1982 AT 1Ot00 a. M� IN TNt CITY CCUNCIL CHAMBtR�, 3R� FLOOR OF THE �AINi PAUL CIT Y HAIL SERYICE tHE CITY COUNCIL IS PERMITTEU TO CPERATE �1N� MAINTAIN CHARGE TOWN S�ivARE PARK AND TO COLIEGT THt StRVICE GNARGES I�GURREU IN TNE OPERATION ANu MQINTENANCE OF TOWN JiiU�Rc PARK INGER CITY OF SAINT PAUL OROINANCE N0. 16941. TNE rOTAI E�7IMA7ED PROJECT CO�T �0+� TH� OP�RATION ANG MAINTENANCE FROM THE PERI00 JULY 1, 19i32 TNROIiGH Jt,NE ?�, 1983 IS 5643 ,b50. 00 WHICN AMO�NT WILL BE CHAR�ED A6AINST AFFECTED PROPElTY OWNERS. �EGAL THt LE�AL DESCRiPtION OF THE PAi�GEL OF L�1P0 TO 8E I:NARGEU � DtSi,KIPTION AND THE AMOUVT OF SAID SERVICE CHARG= I5i �� �s ,�„ �,_ ' � � �`�92a� -2_ METHOD OF PAYMENT After ratification and adoption of the service charges, in the amount indicated above, the City Clerk shall transmit a certified copy of the service charges levied herein to be extended on the proper tax lists of the County and collected in Z983 along with the current taxes, the said charges to be paya.ble in a single installment. If f`or whatever reason total payment is not maae durin� -che year i983 then interest on the outstanding balance shall be computed. at the rate of 12�fo per annum, and rurina.ng from the c7A.te of ratification until ' the date of payment. APPEAL City Council decisions relative to assessment ratifications are subject to appea.l to the District Court. You must first file a notice stating the grounds for the appea.l with the City Clerk within 20 days after the order adoptin� the service charges. You must also file the same notice with the Clerk of District Couxt within 10 days after filing with the City Clerk. ZJGTE: Failure to file the requa.red notices within the time specified shall forever prohibit an appeal from the special char�es. �L�ST.�O?�IS Cal' 2Q8-5317 a.,�r� refer to the FiZe # above. City staf�' will be avail- I able to answer ar�y last minute auestions on this pro�ect in Room 218 City Ha.11 f�om 9:30 - 10:00 a.�, the same day as the hearing. Notice sent September 17, 1982. By the Valuation and Assessment Division Department of Finance and Ni�.nagement Services Room 2l8 City H�.11 and Caurt House St. Pau1, Minnesota 55�� .. . . b. '� . ',...- ',- . � . - ^7. ' . � r . •� �_ �, A ��� - � ` - . ,� . ` t1•` �.r� - � 3.$ .. +� � . . - , ' 4 �,.: :. . § l,�.. V��L .f�• Y. �. /� ' -+ .. �� �'�t.� � �•.,y�(/��(J'y�T� /-'J� .. .. � �i..'� � 4, lx {•. �.� . ' ' �'f.� . . j I+ . . . . � f ��,� / ,� C W��'!�,7 . �f � � t�K�� YX.f�t 'r. .��`� . 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' T� �6�`�� �a�es�fl���r', adopt are as tollows � 2oae T� .r,. .- , Sqwre fori'. �2.�8336�!p€t sqwir��f��. Zone1�p ,•;c.; �•OA4981, �r.e4u°a�. Zone3 r 4'.664?i0 f3li�l{ta�i�Oik,' �g� a aa�i�s �a�s�ei,- Zone4 ��; Up4t0�'��y��, '���!4PQ'�+4�� ��ut�e��lYn+, . � "all F4�iY�So tlds��� ,ti,� Dated Septw��,�E ,:�, _ I _ .4I.HEAT H.OLSON i°' , »_...,-. ('kY'C1ett` i,N,(�tSlmbm�11-16�1Y821,.,. ,� _ . . —�^� .