00-562� Y ��� i�o Presented By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA CURRENT BUDGET 0 0 0 28,000 12,500 6,000 1,249,744 1,296,244 Referred To: Committee: Date � WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has agreed tp be a partner with the Saint Paul Local Census Office in z desiring to have an accurate and complete Census 2000 count; and 3 a WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul wishes to reduce any possible census undercount and make the census s process as user-friendly to iYs residents; and s � WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul recognizes a need to implement a multi-lingual and multi-cultural census a outreach campaign to ensure all residents know why iYs important to fill out the census form and where they s can get free assistance to do so; and ,o �� WHEREAS, both private business and community based organizations,( Reliastar, 3M, Norwest Bank, iz Metropolitan Council, Capital City Partnership, MN Latino CCC, American Indian CCC, MN Black CCC, �a Southeast Asian CCC) have agreed to contribute to the Census 2000 project; now, therefore be it �a ,s RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul approve the 2000 budget as amended below. 16 n �a is zo z, zz zs 2a 2s zs z� za zs FINANCING PLAN GL-001- 00100 All otherfinancing SPENDING PLAN GL-001 - 00100 GL-001 - 00100 GL-001 - 00100 All other spending - 6905 - 0219 - 0221 - 0299 Contribs & Donations Total Fees-Other Profsnl Postage Other - Miscellaneous Totai Yeas Nays Absent Benanav �/ Blakey yI Basvom � Coleman Hanis �/ Lantry � 2eiter � 5 0 � Adopted by Council: Date � � � �o Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: By. � �� 1.- Approved by M� Jl>�e. �O 2d�Y�' By: Requested by: Office of the By: Council File # Green Sheet # 7 CHANGES 25,000 0 25,000 9,770 12,576 2,654 0 25,000 do-�2� 704903 AMENDED BUDGET 25,000 0 25,000 37,770 25,076 8,654 1,249,744 1,321,244 Approval Recommended by OFS - Director: L5� Fori � ,-v �� Approve � Mayor fo� ission to Council: OifireofFlnanaal5ernce5-BUtlgel G\SHPRED�BUDGET123U2ESOLU �20W�CENSUS.WKA L DEPARl]dENSIOFFICPfWIM(9. DAlE¢Jll]A1YD �� oi�'iceofthet�tayor 04/21/00 GREEh1 SHEET NO. 104903 le"v6al/Dale VitiaflDaze CO1tTACLPFaSON&FHONE Ot DEPAR1bPcN[DIXEC[OR O QIYWtINfb MayaPetrovicl� 266-6647 ��, Q arrn�xow�r�Q a�nra�uc 6fOSIBEONNONCII.AGFNDABY(�ATE) �.� O2 FINANCJALSEF["I�SDR Q FIN_SERVI�SOFPIACCLG June 14, 2000 � awvoxcoxamsru�r� O a�'nccouerraxr TOTAL # OF STGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGPiATU12E) acnoxxEQUescEn Apprwal to increase the Mayor's Office 2000 budget by $25,000 to accoimt for expenses and receipfs for the Cansns 2000 project ue.00na4.vowu�s: eyy�we(a}o.n�apU PERSOPtAL SERV[CE COPlTRACTS MUST ANSwER'CHE FOLLOWIIVG QUESTiONS: pyn,u�m��caueqSSWre 1. Has dtispeisonlfixm eva wockedundet acanhact fm'iLis depazhnent? c�cw,vurc� � NO ctvu„senvc�coha.asnort 2.4hs tLispeisson7fsmeverbarn a city employee? y-�q� YES NO 3. Does ttispersod5impossess a skiH notnammlly possassedby any au�ent ciTy eviploYce7 _ YES NO 4. Is fhis pe�so¢ 7 fnm a fargeted vendor? YFS NO (Eaplain all yes answers on separate Sheet and atfach M green sheet) INf[IA'PAG PROHLnAt,[SSTIE,04PORlVMlY(F'In, W4a4 Wheq Whett, W4x} To reduce a possible census undercount, to encourage participation in Census 2000, and to reach our new immigrant communities as well as our communiries of color, the City of Saint Yaul will launch an outreach project by producing and mailing a multi-cultural and mulri-linguai brochure and bus advertising campaign, which wlll illustrate the impoIIance of filling out the Census and locarions of Quesfionna'ue Assistance Centers where individuals in the community can receive free help with Census forms. The funding for the Census outreach project will come from outside contriburions. The design and producrion of the brochure and the design of the bus advertising will be con�acted to Goff & Howard, Ine. ADVANIAGESIFAPPROVEO' . The City of Saint Paul and its Lesidents will beneSt by having an accurate and representa[ive wunt of all residents. Acewate numbers will assis[ in nmking sound urban placuiing decisions. A complete count of residents will ensuce that the City is allocated its fair shaze of federal funds. DISADVAN'i'AGES �P APPROWD None � PLSADVANLAGPS IP NOT APP&OY6D: The risk of a greater Census undexcount and the potential loss of federal funding dollars. ���'� �'��' �t�� , . .t � �.4 G�3�E{ r rorn�.nmo`mroxrre,wsncrsox_ 2500 cosrraevwnesun�eren�cmcueom> ves rvo xmmsicsouece OutSid2 cOntllbutions ncr�vrerx�mmc.n 001-00100 xuanncw.weoamnnoN ry�msam9 (001-00100-6905) � Y ��� i�o Presented By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA CURRENT BUDGET 0 0 0 28,000 12,500 6,000 1,249,744 1,296,244 Referred To: Committee: Date � WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has agreed tp be a partner with the Saint Paul Local Census Office in z desiring to have an accurate and complete Census 2000 count; and 3 a WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul wishes to reduce any possible census undercount and make the census s process as user-friendly to iYs residents; and s � WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul recognizes a need to implement a multi-lingual and multi-cultural census a outreach campaign to ensure all residents know why iYs important to fill out the census form and where they s can get free assistance to do so; and ,o �� WHEREAS, both private business and community based organizations,( Reliastar, 3M, Norwest Bank, iz Metropolitan Council, Capital City Partnership, MN Latino CCC, American Indian CCC, MN Black CCC, �a Southeast Asian CCC) have agreed to contribute to the Census 2000 project; now, therefore be it �a ,s RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul approve the 2000 budget as amended below. 16 n �a is zo z, zz zs 2a 2s zs z� za zs FINANCING PLAN GL-001- 00100 All otherfinancing SPENDING PLAN GL-001 - 00100 GL-001 - 00100 GL-001 - 00100 All other spending - 6905 - 0219 - 0221 - 0299 Contribs & Donations Total Fees-Other Profsnl Postage Other - Miscellaneous Totai Yeas Nays Absent Benanav �/ Blakey yI Basvom � Coleman Hanis �/ Lantry � 2eiter � 5 0 � Adopted by Council: Date � � � �o Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: By. � �� 1.- Approved by M� Jl>�e. �O 2d�Y�' By: Requested by: Office of the By: Council File # Green Sheet # 7 CHANGES 25,000 0 25,000 9,770 12,576 2,654 0 25,000 do-�2� 704903 AMENDED BUDGET 25,000 0 25,000 37,770 25,076 8,654 1,249,744 1,321,244 Approval Recommended by OFS - Director: L5� Fori � ,-v �� Approve � Mayor fo� ission to Council: OifireofFlnanaal5ernce5-BUtlgel G\SHPRED�BUDGET123U2ESOLU �20W�CENSUS.WKA L DEPARl]dENSIOFFICPfWIM(9. DAlE¢Jll]A1YD �� oi�'iceofthet�tayor 04/21/00 GREEh1 SHEET NO. 104903 le"v6al/Dale VitiaflDaze CO1tTACLPFaSON&FHONE Ot DEPAR1bPcN[DIXEC[OR O QIYWtINfb MayaPetrovicl� 266-6647 ��, Q arrn�xow�r�Q a�nra�uc 6fOSIBEONNONCII.AGFNDABY(�ATE) �.� O2 FINANCJALSEF["I�SDR Q FIN_SERVI�SOFPIACCLG June 14, 2000 � awvoxcoxamsru�r� O a�'nccouerraxr TOTAL # OF STGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGPiATU12E) acnoxxEQUescEn Apprwal to increase the Mayor's Office 2000 budget by $25,000 to accoimt for expenses and receipfs for the Cansns 2000 project ue.00na4.vowu�s: eyy�we(a}o.n�apU PERSOPtAL SERV[CE COPlTRACTS MUST ANSwER'CHE FOLLOWIIVG QUESTiONS: pyn,u�m��caueqSSWre 1. Has dtispeisonlfixm eva wockedundet acanhact fm'iLis depazhnent? c�cw,vurc� � NO ctvu„senvc�coha.asnort 2.4hs tLispeisson7fsmeverbarn a city employee? y-�q� YES NO 3. Does ttispersod5impossess a skiH notnammlly possassedby any au�ent ciTy eviploYce7 _ YES NO 4. Is fhis pe�so¢ 7 fnm a fargeted vendor? YFS NO (Eaplain all yes answers on separate Sheet and atfach M green sheet) INf[IA'PAG PROHLnAt,[SSTIE,04PORlVMlY(F'In, W4a4 Wheq Whett, W4x} To reduce a possible census undercount, to encourage participation in Census 2000, and to reach our new immigrant communities as well as our communiries of color, the City of Saint Yaul will launch an outreach project by producing and mailing a multi-cultural and mulri-linguai brochure and bus advertising campaign, which wlll illustrate the impoIIance of filling out the Census and locarions of Quesfionna'ue Assistance Centers where individuals in the community can receive free help with Census forms. The funding for the Census outreach project will come from outside contriburions. The design and producrion of the brochure and the design of the bus advertising will be con�acted to Goff & Howard, Ine. ADVANIAGESIFAPPROVEO' . The City of Saint Paul and its Lesidents will beneSt by having an accurate and representa[ive wunt of all residents. Acewate numbers will assis[ in nmking sound urban placuiing decisions. A complete count of residents will ensuce that the City is allocated its fair shaze of federal funds. DISADVAN'i'AGES �P APPROWD None � PLSADVANLAGPS IP NOT APP&OY6D: The risk of a greater Census undexcount and the potential loss of federal funding dollars. ���'� �'��' �t�� , . .t � �.4 G�3�E{ r rorn�.nmo`mroxrre,wsncrsox_ 2500 cosrraevwnesun�eren�cmcueom> ves rvo xmmsicsouece OutSid2 cOntllbutions ncr�vrerx�mmc.n 001-00100 xuanncw.weoamnnoN ry�msam9 (001-00100-6905) � Y ��� i�o Presented By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA CURRENT BUDGET 0 0 0 28,000 12,500 6,000 1,249,744 1,296,244 Referred To: Committee: Date � WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has agreed tp be a partner with the Saint Paul Local Census Office in z desiring to have an accurate and complete Census 2000 count; and 3 a WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul wishes to reduce any possible census undercount and make the census s process as user-friendly to iYs residents; and s � WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul recognizes a need to implement a multi-lingual and multi-cultural census a outreach campaign to ensure all residents know why iYs important to fill out the census form and where they s can get free assistance to do so; and ,o �� WHEREAS, both private business and community based organizations,( Reliastar, 3M, Norwest Bank, iz Metropolitan Council, Capital City Partnership, MN Latino CCC, American Indian CCC, MN Black CCC, �a Southeast Asian CCC) have agreed to contribute to the Census 2000 project; now, therefore be it �a ,s RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul approve the 2000 budget as amended below. 16 n �a is zo z, zz zs 2a 2s zs z� za zs FINANCING PLAN GL-001- 00100 All otherfinancing SPENDING PLAN GL-001 - 00100 GL-001 - 00100 GL-001 - 00100 All other spending - 6905 - 0219 - 0221 - 0299 Contribs & Donations Total Fees-Other Profsnl Postage Other - Miscellaneous Totai Yeas Nays Absent Benanav �/ Blakey yI Basvom � Coleman Hanis �/ Lantry � 2eiter � 5 0 � Adopted by Council: Date � � � �o Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: By. � �� 1.- Approved by M� Jl>�e. �O 2d�Y�' By: Requested by: Office of the By: Council File # Green Sheet # 7 CHANGES 25,000 0 25,000 9,770 12,576 2,654 0 25,000 do-�2� 704903 AMENDED BUDGET 25,000 0 25,000 37,770 25,076 8,654 1,249,744 1,321,244 Approval Recommended by OFS - Director: L5� Fori � ,-v �� Approve � Mayor fo� ission to Council: OifireofFlnanaal5ernce5-BUtlgel G\SHPRED�BUDGET123U2ESOLU �20W�CENSUS.WKA L DEPARl]dENSIOFFICPfWIM(9. DAlE¢Jll]A1YD �� oi�'iceofthet�tayor 04/21/00 GREEh1 SHEET NO. 104903 le"v6al/Dale VitiaflDaze CO1tTACLPFaSON&FHONE Ot DEPAR1bPcN[DIXEC[OR O QIYWtINfb MayaPetrovicl� 266-6647 ��, Q arrn�xow�r�Q a�nra�uc 6fOSIBEONNONCII.AGFNDABY(�ATE) �.� O2 FINANCJALSEF["I�SDR Q FIN_SERVI�SOFPIACCLG June 14, 2000 � awvoxcoxamsru�r� O a�'nccouerraxr TOTAL # OF STGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGPiATU12E) acnoxxEQUescEn Apprwal to increase the Mayor's Office 2000 budget by $25,000 to accoimt for expenses and receipfs for the Cansns 2000 project ue.00na4.vowu�s: eyy�we(a}o.n�apU PERSOPtAL SERV[CE COPlTRACTS MUST ANSwER'CHE FOLLOWIIVG QUESTiONS: pyn,u�m��caueqSSWre 1. Has dtispeisonlfixm eva wockedundet acanhact fm'iLis depazhnent? c�cw,vurc� � NO ctvu„senvc�coha.asnort 2.4hs tLispeisson7fsmeverbarn a city employee? y-�q� YES NO 3. Does ttispersod5impossess a skiH notnammlly possassedby any au�ent ciTy eviploYce7 _ YES NO 4. Is fhis pe�so¢ 7 fnm a fargeted vendor? YFS NO (Eaplain all yes answers on separate Sheet and atfach M green sheet) INf[IA'PAG PROHLnAt,[SSTIE,04PORlVMlY(F'In, W4a4 Wheq Whett, W4x} To reduce a possible census undercount, to encourage participation in Census 2000, and to reach our new immigrant communities as well as our communiries of color, the City of Saint Yaul will launch an outreach project by producing and mailing a multi-cultural and mulri-linguai brochure and bus advertising campaign, which wlll illustrate the impoIIance of filling out the Census and locarions of Quesfionna'ue Assistance Centers where individuals in the community can receive free help with Census forms. The funding for the Census outreach project will come from outside contriburions. The design and producrion of the brochure and the design of the bus advertising will be con�acted to Goff & Howard, Ine. ADVANIAGESIFAPPROVEO' . The City of Saint Paul and its Lesidents will beneSt by having an accurate and representa[ive wunt of all residents. Acewate numbers will assis[ in nmking sound urban placuiing decisions. A complete count of residents will ensuce that the City is allocated its fair shaze of federal funds. DISADVAN'i'AGES �P APPROWD None � PLSADVANLAGPS IP NOT APP&OY6D: The risk of a greater Census undexcount and the potential loss of federal funding dollars. ���'� �'��' �t�� , . .t � �.4 G�3�E{ r rorn�.nmo`mroxrre,wsncrsox_ 2500 cosrraevwnesun�eren�cmcueom> ves rvo xmmsicsouece OutSid2 cOntllbutions ncr�vrerx�mmc.n 001-00100 xuanncw.weoamnnoN ry�msam9 (001-00100-6905)