279709 WH17E - CITV'� CLERK COQflCll 2'�9'7Q9 PINK - FINANCE C I TY OF SA I NT PA U L CANARY - DEPARTMENT File NO. BLUE - MAYOR Coun il Re lution , , ,. Presented B� Refierred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date BE IT RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 161 .36, Subdivision 1 through 6, Minnesota Statutes, the Cor�nissioner of Transportation be appointed as agent of the City of Saint Paul to let as its agent, contracts for the construction of local streets and bridges, and the proper City Officials are hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the City Council to execute and enter into a contract with the Commissioner of Transportation ' prescribing the terms and conditions of such contracts in the form as set forth and contained in "Minnesota Department of Transportation Agency Agreement1° a copy of which said agreement was before the Council , assuming on behalf of the City all of the obligations therein contained. COUNCILMEN Yeas ' Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher Pub 1 i C kI ��rie: (�oa-���s [n Favor Mabanz Nicbsia 6l Scheibel v Against BY ' redesco Dona 1 d E. Ny aa rd, i r c o r wilson Adopted by Council: Date Ja� � g 1��3 Form App o b ' y ttorn , Certified Y s e y Council cretar BY App iVlavor: Dat JAN � 198� Ap ov b M yor for Su 'ssi n to Council By — B PUBLISHED JAN � 9 1983 `�• � � � � - 2C79'709 Revised 12/1982 Cffi,ce of �tate Aid MINNESCTA �EPARTMENT OF ZRP.NSPGRTATION AGENC Y ACREEMEr'T This Agreement made ana entered into by and �etween the 'City of saint �'aul herein after referred to as the "City" and the Commissioner of Transportation of the State of Minnesota hereinafter referred to as the "Cc�missioner" , WITNESSETH: wHE&.EP.� , pursuant to M. S . 1E1. 36 the City of Saint Paui desires the Commissioner to act as its agent in accepting federal aid cn the City ' s behalf , for road and bridge construction and in contracting for the construction, improvement or maintenance of roads or bridges financed either in whole or gart with federal moneys : and wHEREAS, M.S . 161 . 36 , Subdivision 2, requires that the terms and condition of the agency be set forth in an � agreement: ' NCW, THEN, IT IS AGREED: - 1 - That pursuant to M.S. 161 . 36 , the City does herehy apppint the Commissioner its agent with respect to all fed�rally funded Frojects, to accept and receive all federal funds made available for said projects and to let contracts , pur�uant to law for the construction and improvement of local str�ets and bridges. Page No. 1 , Each Froject to be covered by this agreement shall be programmed by the submission to the Commissioner of a programming form together with a certified ccpy of the resolution of the City Council requesting the Conmissianer to obtain federal approval for the project ( sy . Each contract will be in accordance with plans and sFecial provisions for said Frojects on file in the Degartment � of TransFortation , State Transportation Euilding , St. Faul , Min�esota 55155 , and the latest edition of "Stan�ard Specifications for Highway Construction" and all amendments the�eof, which said plans , special grovisions and specifications are made a part of this agree�ent by reference as �hough fully set forth herein. In the letting of said contract, it is hereby agreed tha� thE follcwing Frocedures shall be followed , to-wit: ( a) The Commissioner shall cause the advertisements cal�ing for bi�s on said work to be published in the Construction Bulletin. He shall also cause advertisements for bid� to be published in the officially designated newspager of the City. Said advertisement or call for bids shall sgecify tha� sealed proposals or bids will be received by the City #jf�t�'3�0(�#x Purchas i nq Aaent of Sa i nt Pau1 On behalf Cf the Com�issioner as agent of said City. Proposals, plans and spe�ifications shall be available for the inspection of pro�pective bidders at the office of the Department of TraMSportation, St. Paul , Minnesota 55155, and at the office of the pirector of the Department of Public IJorks, City of Saint Paul Page No. 2 �E��t�t�ti�i�tt���i��c and the a6vertisement shall so state . Zhe bid� received in respcnse to said adcertisements for �ids �hall be opened for and on behalf c . the ccmmissioner by a Cistrict Director of the Degartment of Tr�nsFortation or such other engxneer of the DeFartment of TransFortation as may �e from time to time selected by the Commissioner . After said �ids shall have been oFenec3 , the City Council shall first consider ` the same anci thereupon transmit to the Co�rmissioner all bids received together with its recommendation that the lowest bid submitted by a responsible bidder be acceF�ted or that all bids be rejected . Upon receipt of all said bids , the Commissioner shall duly cause all of said bic�s to be tabulated in accordance witk� law and shall thereupon determine who is the lowest res�onsible Cidder and shall award the contract to the lowest res�onsihle bidder or shall reject all bids. ( b) The Commissioner shall supervise and have charge of the construction of said projects after the same has been let. The City agrees to furnish its City engineer or other registered engineer and assign him to the active suFervision and direction of the work to be performed under any contract let for the aforesaid Frojects. Said engineer �o assigned shall act under the supervisiQn and direction of the Comn�issioner . The City further agrees to furnish such other per�onnel , services, sugplies and equiFment as shall be nec�ssary in order to progerly suFervise and carry on said work. Fage No. 3 . . � ;� 9 7�� ( c ) Zhe Commissior.er may make changes in the Flans or the character cf the work as shall be recommen�ed by the eng�neer in ch�arge of the work. If he concurs in such recom�rendations , the Commissioner may enter into, for and on behalf of the City, supplemental agreements with the contractor for the performance of any extra work or work occasioned by any necessary, advantageous , or desirable change in plans or � construction. It is understood by the City that the Com�rissioner cannot personally investigate and pass judgment on the various items of extra work and plan changes necessary and desirable during the construction of the projects but that he must del�gate such duties to engineers under his suFervision and control that are employed by the Minnesota Degartment of Transportation. The City does hereby authorize these engineers, so delegated by the Commissioner , to enter into , for and on behalf of the City, the supplemental agreements specified in the pre�eding paragraph hereof. (d ) The City hereby authorizes its City Engineer , for and on behalf of the City, from time to time, during the progress of the work on said projects, to request the Commissioner to furnish for use on said projects specific engineering services to be gerformed by skilled emFloyees of the Minnesota Degartment of TransFortation. The Commissioner may but is not obligated to furr.ish the services so requested. Page No. 4 � If the Commissioner in comFliance with such request shall furnish for the use of the City on said Froject the services of any Minnesota Department of TransFortation employee , then and in that event , the City agrees to reimburse the Trunk Highway Fund for the full cost and expense of the furnishing of such services including all costs and expenses of any kind or nature whatsoever arising out of , cennected with, or incidental to the � furnishing of such services . ( e) The Commissioner shall receive the funds to be Faid Cy the City and the funds to be paid by the United States as federal aid funds , for said projects and to pay therefrom when due any and all sums that may become due the contractor to whom the contract is awarded , and upon final comgletion and accegtance of the work, to pay from said funds the final estimate to said contractor for said work. ( f) The Commissioner shall perform on behalf of the City all other acts and things necessary to cause said projects to be comFleted in a satisfactory manner . (g ) The Commissioner may enter into any agree�ent for and on behalf of the City with the �nited States or any officer or agent thereof that may be required or necessary for the purpose of Frocuring and actually causing to be paid the federal aid funds available for said Frojects and to that end to bind and commit the City in such agreement to the �erformance of any and all things required hy any law of the Unitea States or of any rule and regulation issued by federal Page No. 5 � � � 2'79'�09 authority Fertaining thereto necessary for the Furpose of Frocuring and having Faid the federal aid availa�le fcr said projects . (h ) It is the Folicy of the United States Cepartment of Transportation and the Minnesota Degartment of Transgortation that minority �usiness enterprises a� defined in 49 CFR, Part 23 , shall have the maximum oFF�ortunity to � participate in the performance of contracts financed in whole or in Fart with federal funds under this agreement. Consequently, the minority business entergrise requirements of 49 CF&, Part 23 , ap�ly to this agreement. The Commissioner will insure that minority business enterprises as definea in 49 CFF., Part 23 , have the maxi�rum opgortunity to �articiFate in the performance of contracts , financed in whole or in gart with feasral funds . In this regard , the Commissioner will take all necessary an� reasonable steps in accordance with 49 CFR, Part 23 , to insure that minority business enterprises have the maximum opgortunity to comFete for and perform such contracts . The 'Commissioner will not discriminate on the basis of race , colqr , national origin, or sex in the award and performar.ce of federally funded contracts under the terms of this agreement. ( i) The Commissioner may perform on behalf of the City any other and further acts as may be necessary or required und�r any law of the United States or of any rule or regulation iss�ed by proger federal authority in order to cause said projects to be completed and to obtain and receive the federal aid made available therefor. Page No. 6 . . �'79`7�9 - z - The City agrees that it will from time to time , after the execution of this agreement, make such reports , keep such recards and perform such work in such manr.er and time as the Commissioner shall from time to time request and direct so as to enable the Co�rmissioner as its agent to collect for it the federal aid sought. Said records and regorts shall be retained � by the City in accordance with the Commissioner ' s record ret�ntion schedule for federal aid projects. - 3 - It is anticiFated that the United States will pay to the Commissioner as the agent of the City , the federal aid funds available to said City toward the construction of said pro�ects. It is further anticiFated that the contracts to �e let by the Commissioner as the agent of the City, for the construction of said projects shall provide that the contractor , as the work progresses , shall , from time to time, be �aid Fartial payments designated in said contract as partial esti�nates and on the completion and acceptance of said work to be �aid a final payment designated in said contract as a final estimate for all work performed. The City further agrees that any City funds and/or Municipal State Aid funds to be agplied to any contract covered by t�his agreement shall be deposited with the Commissioner in accordance with 14 MCAR Section 1 . 5032. At regular �r.onthly intervals after contractors shall Page No. 7 have started work ur.der contracts let by the Commissioner as agent fcr the City for the construction cf said �rojects , the eng�neer assigned to and in charge of said work shall gre�are partial estimates in accordance with the terms of said contracts let for said projects and the prccedures establishe� by �he Cffice of Construction , Minnesota Depart�ent of Transportation. The said engineer in charge of said work shall � immediately after greFaring each partial estimate , transmit the same to the Commissioner in quintuplicate . Each such Fartial estimate , shall be certified by the engineer in charge and by the contractor Ferforming such work. The said engineer assigned to and in charge of said work shall alsa pregare and sub�it to the Commissioner the final estimate data , together with the required project records in accordance with the ter�s of said contracts let for said projects . Quantities listed on said gartial and final estimates shall be documented in • accordance with the guidelines set forth in the aFplicable documentation manual. After the approved final estimate has been submitted to the Commissior.er , the City will Fay to the Commissioner any additional amount together with the federal funds received for that project will be sufficient to pay all the contract costs of the project. - 4 - when the contractor shall have completed the work on said projects, the City agrees to inspect the same and fo�thwith ugon the completion of said inspection advise the Fage No. 8 . 2'79'709 Commissioner whether or not the work gerformed should be , by the Commissioner as its agent, acceFted as being performed in a sati;sfactory manner . In the e ent the County should , after said inspection , recommend to the Commissioner that he should not accept said work, then the City shall at the time such recqmmendation is made specify in particularity the defects in said work and the reasons why the work should not be accepted . ` It is further agreed that any recom�rendations n,ade by the City are ' not bincing on the Commissioner tut that he shall have the right to deter�rine whether or not the work has �een acceptably performed and to acceFt or reject the work performed under any said contract. - 5 - It is further agreeci that the decision of the Commissioner on the several matters herein set forth shall be fin�l , binding and conclusive on the garties hereto. - 6 - It is anticiFatea that the entire cost of said gro�ects is to be gaid from funds made available by the United Stakes, by way of federal aid , and by the City. If for any rea�on the United States fails to pay any gart of the cost or exp�nse of said Frojects, then and in that event the City agr�es to Fay the same. The City further agrees to pay any and all claims or demands of any kind or nature whatsoever arising out', of or incidental to the Ferformance of the work under any contract let for said projects in the event that the United Fage No. 9 --. ; . . 2'79`�09 .. States does not pay the same, and in all events, agrees to save the ,State of Minnesota and the Commissioner harmless and to pay any and all expenses and costs connected with said projects or the censtruction thereof which the United States does not pay. - 7 - The City further agrees that 1 ) where there is federal aid in right-of-way; ` The City will meet the require�rents contained in the Federal-Aid Highway Program Manual Volume 7. Note : If there is federal aid in relocation only, the contract discussed in Chagter 5 , Section 1 , Paragraph lOC, of said Volume 7, must be executed . 2 ) where there is federal aid in construction only; Z'he City will meet the requirements of the Uniform Relocaticn Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policy Act of 1970 together with FHwA regulations implementing Zitle II of the Act on relocation ( FHPM Volume 7 , ChaFter 5) , and Federal-�ic 6ighway Frogram Manual Volume 7 , Chagter 1 , Section 4 , Paragraph 5A pertaining to civil rights. - 8 - All references to statutes and rules shall be con�trued to refer to the statutes and rules as they �;ay be amemded from year to year . - 9 - The Commissioner accepts this said appointment as ager�t of the City and agrees to act in accordance herewith. Page No. 10 . 2'79`709 CITY OF S�I�:T PP,UL � By Di rector,Departi�ent of Publ ic 1Jorks � � 'layor ~� f �ate R ��a' APPROVED AS TO FORM: ` By Assistant City Attorney ��� Director,Department of Finance and Management Services STATE OF F11 NNESOTA RECOMMEtJDED FOR APPROVAL Bv DireCtor, Office of State Aid � Date Commissioner of Transportation APPRCIVED AS TO FORM APJD EXECUTION: Date Date Page No. 11 � _ . _. _ � , _ N/ _ . _ _ _-_�_ 9�p9. EpART1�IENT Bp�$ erger.J,rcONTACT � 292-6 1 H4NE � ' r 27 1982 DAtE _ 1 Q��r� �I �r Qi (Routing and Explan�tioh Sheet) . Assi Number for Routin Order Cli All Locations for Ma oral Si nature �E -- - _ ; . ' JA N 4 19� ,�/ fi ty Attorney f _ � ay� }�) `v'1... � �' CITY ATTORNEY V�— i nance and Management Servi ces Di rector ��1='��•! � '' �, , 4 ity C1erk �!,i; � - 1983 �' udget Di rector ' ,•„r..,, F�;�r�. �=��.,�:I � . ; � , �Ihat W 11 be Achieved b Takin Action on the Attached Materials? Purlose Rationale : Under the ttached agreement, between the City and Minnesota Department ot ansportation, the Co�i ioner o!` Transportation would act as the City's Aqeat in accepti�g federal �i�d on the City' behalf for rcaad and bridge construation in accordance with State Statues 161.36. T'his is a evision of an existinq agreement approved Jauzuary 12, 1979. Financi 1 Bud tar� and Personnel I acts Antic.i ated: ' N ne , I � � Fundin Source and Fund Activit Number Char ed or Credit�d: I' ne , Attach nts List and Number all Attachments : II py of agreement ' , � ., , DEPART NT REVIEW ' CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW '', x Ye No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? � Yes No Ye � I�Q, - Insurance �Required? Insurance Sufficient? i :. . Yes No �;�;,,�Y� ;„=� I�nsdrance Att�ched?.: � -w: r § � , „ � Revision of October, 19�82 �SPA RPVPI"�P S�f�P ft1Y' ��nstructions) dc � ;�