279706 M�HITE - CITViCLERK 2,�g,�46
� Council Resolution
Presented By ��'�c�����
Referred To Committee: Date
Out'of Committee By Date
� RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul pursuant to Section
' 38.07 of the Administrative Code and pursuant to the provisions of laws of
' Minnesota for 1975, Chapter 261, and pursuant to the provisions of applicable
' City labor contracts that in respect to each item of severance pay provided to
� be paid by said provisions on account of separation from employment with the
� City which occurred in the years 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, and 1982 save any
, such separation which may have occurred in any of the said years by reason of
death of any eligible employee, the same may be paid either in full or paid
� upon a deferred annual installment payment plan, and that the determination of
� the manner of payment of such severance pay shall be at the election of the
' separated employee; and, be it
� FURTIiER RESOLVED, that should the separated employee elect to receive the
, severance pay by def erred payment, such deferred payments shall be made
� annually in the amount of one-fifth of the total amount of severance pay
� granted under the provisions of Section 38.07 of the Administrative Code; and,
' FINALLY RESOLVED, that such payments be made on or after February 20,
' 1983, or as soon thereafter as it may be convenient for the proper City
� officials to made such payments thereon, and in the case of the deferred
� payment method the successive annual installments not in excess of one-fifth
, of the total amount of severance pay granted shall become due and payable on
, or after the 20th day of Febraary in each succeeding year to the extent, and
� only to the extent, that it shall be necessary to ef€ect the payment of the
� total severance pay amounts in each particular case without interest.
� _ —
Requested by Department of:
Yeas Fletcher Nays
�wo�'a/�es Finance and Ma ment Services
[n Favor
N cosia `
sbheibe� _ d __ Against BY �
Tledesco �
� �AN 1 p ��� Form prov d by C't Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date �
Certified N� s b Coun .il S reta BY /A^ ..�
E1p I y iVlavor. D t JN Appcoved by Mayor for Submission to Council
_ BY
' PuBUSHE� JAN 2 9 1983
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► ?"'="":�= ••v D d f e ; January I3, 1983
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�';O = Sarn� Pau ! Ci�� Co� � ci!
'- F�R O I�/� = C O C�!I�7�{!�'�� O Cl FINAitiCE, D��NAGEhlENT Fr PERSOV�EL
' C N A! R James Scheibe 1
' .
' -� m"n i es rom meetin held Ja�uiar 6 1953. E�EQ�-O"�'`
1. Approv� 1 of 1 1 t f g y , ��__.__,_ . .�.�.�,s;,�
, 2. Resolution authoriziiig an aoreement with the biinnesota State
� Agricultural Society (State Fair Board) , providing for the City's
� Police Dept. t furnish�ra,dio re�air services ta the Society.
' ' (Police Dept.) - �:�� '.�� .��`�'^' � �
� 3. Resolution amsndino the Police Special Projects Fund Budoet tQ
, bring it in line with the actual activity planne<1` for 1983. '
� (Police Dept.)�`".�����,!'�'...�.�.=� y-' .-�'�
���a. �i.{ 1
4. Resolution authorizino an agreemen.t bettiJeen the City of St. Paul
' the U of b1 �vliereby-the City �aill provide ari instructor to teach ������ .
� at the U of M's Division of School Health Education. (Health D�pt.) ���
, S. Resolution approving the St. Paul Capi �l All `'
� Program for Capital Improvements (PED)
' 6. Resolution adopting the 19S4-S8 Program for Capital Im ro�rement
� as part of the City's Cor�p.rehensive Plan. (PED
� in in 1982 as well as in
7. Resolution allowing employees reslgn g ,
the four preceding years, the option of receiving the severance
' pay due him/her in full, or in five equal installment ` � �'��.
� . � 3 5'�� � -
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Finance/ ccountin EPARTf�1ENT � , �
Robert J� Vanyo ONTACT
292-6753![ _�HONE I� �fQ►'/O�
January , 1983 DATE ��✓�� � �v� �� �
t (Routing and Explanation Sheiet)
Assi n Nu er for Routin Order Cli All Locations for oral Si nature : j
Depa' tment Di rector ;�A N 5 �983 ,
���` ' ' Attorney C�j7Y ATTORNEY
Di re' tor of Management/Mayor ,
Fina ce and Management Services Director ��
4 Ci tyF C1 erk I,
Bud ' t Di rector
What Will ' e Achieved b . Takin Action on the Attached Materials? Pur ose Rationale :
This allo` those employees resigning in 1982, as well as in the fou� prec�ding years,
the optio of receiving the severance pay due him or her in full, or in fi e equal
installme ts payable on or after February 20, 1983 and on or after February� 20th of
each year� folloming.
Financial �X' Bud etar and Personnel I acts Antici ated: ,
The seve nce pay due has been pravided for in the 1983 budget.
Fundin S urce and Fund Activit Nwnber Cha d or Credited:
50065 - I ity Severance Pay I
Attachmen s List and Number all Attachments :
Council esolution '
X Yesi; No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? � Yes No
Yes �:l X No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? � Yes No
Yes�; X No Insurance Attached? '
Revision of October, 19�2
(See Reverse Si de for �Ir�structi ons)