00-561ORIGINAL RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: Committee:Date: 1 WHEREAS, the Minnesota Auto Thefr Prevenfion Boud has awarded a Juvenile Auto Theft Prevention Prograzn Grant 2 to the Saint Paul Police Department for the period July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001; and 3 4 WHEREAS, this grant will be used to reduce juvenile auto thefr and develop and implement in-service training for 5 juvenile pro-active auto thefr prevention; and 6 7 RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts this grant award from the Minnesota Auto Theft Prevention Board and 8 authorizes Chief William Finney to enter into an agreement with the Minnesota Auto Theft Prevention Board of the State 9 of Minnesota. lo 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council:Date: �o 0 Adoption Certified by Council S etary: B Y� �,�� '�- �� � Approved by Mayor: ate: � t7+t� 2� Z�"j By; �liJ1� ��_ � Council File # �U�S.g \ Green Sheet# 107004 Police By: - Approval Recommen ed by Bu„dget Director: By: Form By: By: y` v -�- - by City E for autotheftprev juvenilegrantauthorization.cr.00.xis O— DE?AR7ME.'7T/OFFICEICOUNCIL DATE INITIATED Police 06(OS/2000 GREEN SHEET No. 107004 Cj CONTAC7 ERSON & PHONE INmaUDATE IN!(IAVOaTE WII112II1F1IIII0y 292 7 nevaa�xwranECrox $ arccouxa� MUST BE ON COUNqI AGENDA BY (DATE) ^ , J �GmATfORNE! �CLQiK u ��+ �SERNCESqR_ �F4WIMI.SE0.VIACCTG �YOR(ORqS515TAM) � p�u�uuvRlGlRS �a TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION ftEQUESTED Signatures requested on the attached CouncIl Resolution allowing the Police Department to accept a Juvenile Auto Theft Grant from the Minnesota Auto Theft Prevention Boazd and authorizing the Saint Paul Police Department to enter into an agreement with the Minnesota Auto Theft Prevention Boazd. RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this perso�rm ever worked under a coniract for this departmenY? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has ihis persoNfirtn ever been a city employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO � 3. Does this person/firm possess a sldll not normally possessed by any currerR city employee� YES NO 4. Is ihis person/firm a targeted vendoR YES NO Explain all yes an5were on separate sheet and anach to green sheet INITfATITIG PROBLEM 1SSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WMAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) The St. Paul Police Department has received a gant from the Mimiesota Auto Theft Prevention Board to reduce juvenile auto theR (Attached is a copy of the grant awazd letter and applicarionJ ADVAN7AGESIFAPPROVED The Police Degartment will 6e able to accept the funds for an Auto Theft Prevention Boud. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED �1G'� R��€�? �P.�?�Ft" The Police Department would not be able to accept the funds needed to implement the program. �������� TO7ALAMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ 22,924.80 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) : YES No FUN4ING SOURGE MN Auto Theft Prevenrion Board Grant ACTIVITY NUMBER 436-34160 FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) STATE OF MINNESOTA GRANT AGREEMENT i��i�7t��� OU�SI \ Accounting Information: 66�90002-00 Agency: Auto Theft Prevention Prog�am Total Amount of Contract: 5'-2.9?4.80 Commodity Code: 023-09 ObjecC Code: 5B00 � AmounC %??,9?4.80 Accounting Distribution 1: Fuod: 200 pppr: 100 Org/Sub: IS00 � Fiscal Year. 2001 Amoun[ of Contract Fint FY: 5?Z,924-80 Object Codz: AmounC Accounting Distribution 2_ Fund: pppr: Org/Sub: Processing Information: (Some entries may not apply) Requisition: P9Z00000099 Number ( Date / En[ry Initials VendorNumber. 0 Commodiry Code: Object Code: Amount: Accounting Distribution 3: Fund: pppr. Org/Sub: Solicitation: Number! Da[e / Enhy Initials Ordec: P9Z00000173 Contmct Number / Date / Entry Initials Number / Date / Enlry Initia�s (JndiviAunt signing cerlifies t@at funAs hnve been encumGered ns re9«ired Gy hfinn. Slnt. ���6A.I5 16C.05.) NOTICE T_� � GRANTEE' Yo° are required by M+nn. Stat § 270.6G to pmvide your social sewrity number or Fedeal Employer tax identification number and Minnesota tax �dentification number if you do business wi[h the S[ate of Minnesota. Th�s informa[ion may be use8 in the enfoscement of federal and s[ate tax la�vs. S ne 9s (hese numhe s are pfoidzds These numbe:`e9��� a ailable and stat n taPau hor t es state personn linvolved n app�ov ng hz A beemen� and [he p�yment of 5�a�e obiigahons. Grantee Namt and Address. �0� Eas[ E ev D Street ment Sain[Paul,Minnesota SS101 Social Sec. or Federal Emp�oyer I.D. No.: 41-G0055 h(innesota Tas I.D. No. (if apPiicable):_---� THIS PAGE OF THE AGREEMENT CONTAINS PRIVATE INFORMATION. EXCEPT AS DEFINED ABOVE, THIS PAGE SHOULD NOT BE REPRODUCED OR DISTRIBUTED EXTERNALLY WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE GRANTEE If you circulate this Agreement internaUy, only offices that require access to the tnx ider.:ification r.umber nnd nll individ�ia(s/offices signing this Agreement should have access to this pa8e, C�nes & Cwmies Sazu PvW Pa���e D.p�«nkni - ; • ", oo-S�� 'SI'A E ) and Sain[ Paul Yol ce Depa ttmentPaddcez 100� Elev nth Str1eetSSafnoP Minnesnnesotat'SS101r�(here cufter GRANTEE')e w mccseth th [�e'uufter ursuan[ to MiM• Sta[. �t 168A 40 Subd.2.. is empowered to disa bute monev for aummobile theft Dre�ention at¢vi[ia. �d WHEREAS. the STATE, p �yF¢gEA$� GgANt'EE represen�s thac i[ is duly qualified, authorized. and willing to �rry oui tf�e tasks described in Attatiunem C., of this AY,ceement; and NOW, THEREFORE, it is agrezd: shalL I. GRAhTEE�S DL1T _IES �A�tach additiona� pa�e if necessary which is incorporated by reference a� made a part of this AgreemenlJ GRANCEE, GRAhTEE shall carry out ihe tacFs u dzscribzd in GRANTEE's application for grant funds which is hereby ir.corporated by ceFetence and made a pan of this Agreemen[ in Aaachmen[ C. . II. CONSIDERATION AND TERMS OF PAYMENC p, Conslderat�on for aIt serviczs ptcformzd and g�ds or materials supplicd by the GRAMEE pursuant ro this Agreemen[ sYta11 be paid by thz STATE as foilows: 1, Compensation shali bz consitten[ wi[h the bUdge[ oudine contained in A�chmen[ C., of this Agreemen[. 2, Nhen specifically approved by the STATE, reimbursemene for travei and subsisrence exprnses acmally and necessarily incurred by GRANTEE in ptrformavice of ehis Agreemen[ and identified in At[achment C of this Agreemen[ will bt paid providtd [hat [hz GRAN'LEE shall ba reimbursed for ttavel and subsisrence expenses in the samz manner and in no grearer amoun[ than provided in [hz current "CommissionePs Plan" p�omulgated by �e Commissioner oP Employzz Relations. Thz [otal obligacion of che STATE for all compensation and reimbursemenrs to GRAIVTEE shali no[ exceed Twentv Two Thousand Nine Hundred Twentv Four dollars and EiRhtv �ents (S22 924.8� I[I. IV V g, Terms of Pavment 1. Paymzncs ro the GRAN'CEE will be made by the STATE on a quarterly, but noc more often ehan montlily ms[ reimbursement bazis. z, Paymena shati be made by che STATE prompdy after GRANTEE's presentation of itzmized invoices toc services pe�formed. 3, Upon GRANTEB's cequest, an advance payment may bz made aftet this Agrzzmen[ is fu��y execured, in an amount no[ to excetd 25�0 of the totai STATE obliga[ion, as de�ermined necessary for execution of GRAI3TEE's obliganons. q, invoices for ceimbursemenc shall be identified in approved budge[ caregories and submitted on a quarredy, bu[ not more often than mon[hly basis and wichin 20 days of [he end of the teporting period. 5 become unavailable � hs ement hal�l beberminabed�mmedi Te Y u w�Ren notice of suchfac by� ehe STATE G Es In the event of such rermination, GRANTEE shalt be encided ro payment, derermined on a pro rata basis, for services satisfac�orily performed For which such Stace funds are available. The GRANTEE agrees co return any unused funds to the STATE. � Thz GgANTEE will expend grant funds allocared for this Agceement according to the budget ouUine contained in Attachmen[ C of diis Agreement. Thz GRAIQ"CEE wiil submit a revised budgzt fo� any deviation of 30� or more between the allowable fundin8 categories. The revised budge[ mus[ be appcoved by [he STATE before any expendiNres can be made baud on Ilie revised budeet. No deviations between funding ca[egories shall exceed the rotal dollar amoune authorized for this Agreement. 7 STATE s Au hori ed Represen[ t ve and an a endm ne to thi Agr emenc has been duly'z.�ecutedXtUnu ed funds be remmzd to ehe STATE wsthin 36 days of the ending dare of this Agreement. � CO`�DITIONS OF PAY�tENT All services provided by GRANTEE pursuant ro this Agreement shali be performed ro the satisfaction of the STATE. as and r gula � nsheGRP.NTEE` hall no[ re t e ent wo by STA7'E ro ba unsa[isfae[ory2aora�rf rmed�in olations�f federalesiatz'or 1o�al law, ordinance, rules or rzgula[ions. TER�[5 OF AGREEb[EN"C This Agreement shal( be effective on Julv 1. 2000, or upon the dacz thac thz ficu�t required signaeure is ohtained b)' �e STATE, pursuan[ ro biinn. S�at. � IGC.OS. Subd. 2, whichever occurs lareq and shal! remain in efkct until June 30. 200t, or until all obligacions set A�reemen[ unnl ALL reqdi ed signacures have �been obtained, and GRANTEE is no[ified to n W'ork the S"fATE s�Autlionzed R pcesentative � CAYCELLATION Tha Aoreement may be canceted by tht STATE or GRANTEE a[ any [imz. with o� wrthout cause, upon thirry (30) days wt�aen ne�ice to the ochzr pnrry. In ehe evene of such a cancellation, GRAi`1TEE shall bz entit(ecl [o paymrne, detzrminzd on a pro rsea basis, foc work or szn'ices eacisfacrorily perfurmed Ci�ies �Y Counu<s . . �U-Slo� STATE may cancel this Agreement immedia[ely if the STATE finds tha[ Ihere has been a failum to wmpiy with the provision5 of this Agreemrnt that reasonah(e pmg�us has not been made, or that the purposes for which tt�e funds were gan[ed have not b�n or will not be fulfilled, the STATE may take action to pro[ec[ [he in[erestt of the State of Minnesota. induding the tefusal to dubune additional funds azd tequiring the reNrn of al! or pazi of the fu�ds atready disbursed. VI. STATE'S ALTTHORIZED REPRESE.*.'TATNE The STATE's AuthorRed Repraentative for the purposes of adminiscation of tl�is Agreemeu is Dennis Roske, or his euccusor in office. Such representauve shall have final authoriry for acceprance of GRANTEE's services and if such servica aze accepced az saosfactory, shalf so ceni(y on each invoice suhmitted pursuanc to Ciause II, paragraph B. VII. REPORTING GRAD�'TEE wiil advise ihe STATE wncerning progarn pmgress [ivough such rebconable mcans az the S'fATE may find conveciient. These w'ill includz: q. The GRAN"IEE will advise [hz STATE conctrning Ne program progress tivough the submission of quaRedy, but not more ohen then montlily repora as required by the STATE's Author�zed Representative. � B. Following basis: Submission of a final evaluation repott within 30 days afrer the tzrminacion dare of this Agreement. C. Submission of a final expenditure report within 60 days afrer the termination of this Agrezment. D. Making any project rzwrds available ro the STATE upon requu4 �his includes submission of copies of any repocts, data, surveys (including survey iac�ruccions), or oeher materials for review and comment before they are prepared in final form, and six copies of all maeerials produczd by thz pro}ecc following produccion of the ma[erials. g_ pzrmit[ing pzriodic si�z visia by the STATE's Authorized Rzpresentative, other STATE staff or other employees of the Stare of hfinnesom on bzhalf of cht Stace. F. Participacion in [raining and evaluation workshops may be required. ' G. Failurz ro comply with [he p°�eemen[ may resui[ in denial of funding in fuNre requestt for grana. V[II. ASSIGNMENT GRANTEE sha11 neither usign nor iransfe� any righcs or obligafioas under this Agreemen[ without the prior written consent of thz STATE. p. Idemification of source of funding. All repores, materiais, confeience documencs, ard any oehec pcoduccs madz avai(able through this program, shalf carry an acl:nowlzdgmene that it was funded under provisions of the Siare of Minnzsota (Auto Thzfr Prevention Board Program) and give cred¢ ro other parry's participation. IX. AMENDMENTS Any amendments to this Agreement shall be in wri[ing, and shall be executzd by the same partiu who execu[ed the ori�inal Agreemenc, or their succusors in office. X. LIABILITY To die extend permitted by Iaw, GRANT&E shall indemnify, save, and hold the STATE, its reprzsentatives and employees harmiess ftom any and all daims or causes of action, including all atrorney's fees incurred by the STATE, arising from the performance of this Agreemen[ by GRANTEE or GRANTEE's agents or employees. This clause shaii not be conscmed [o bar any Izgal remedies GRANTEE may have for the STATE's fai(ure [o fulfili i[s obligations pursuan[ ro this Agreement. XI. ACCOUNTIYG. AUD[T AND RETENTION OF RECORDS A. GRANTEE wilt establish a separate accoun[ for this program and will maintain fiscal records in accordance with generally accep�able � accountin; principles. GRANTEE's records, doNments, asd accounting procedures and prac[ice5 for this projec[ shall be subjeci to the examination of the STATE's Authorized Representative and the Legislative Auditor. Fiscal records shall be retained for a minimum of sis years following submission of the final report. B. The books. rccords, dowmencs, and accounting procedures and practices of the GR.A�TEE relevant ro this Agreemene shall be subjzce ro ex�mination by the STATE 3 P.u[horized Rep�esentative and [he Legisiative Audi[oa Records shali be sufficien[ ro retlec[ aIl cos6 incorred �� performance of [his Agreemznt. XII. GO�'ERNMENT DATA PRACCICES AC'C: The GRANTEE must comply wi[h [he Minnesota Go�ernmen� Data Prae[ices Act. Minnesota Statu2, Chap[zr 13, as ie applias w all data provided by �he STATE in accordance with this Agreement and as i� appiies to atl data created, collecced. [eceivzd, sror:d.used, main[ainzd or disseminared by the GRAA"PEE in accordance wi[h this Agreement. 7hz ci�il remzdies of Minnesota StaNtes Stetion 13.03 appl}' ro[he release ot [lie data referred to in this Artic4z by either the GRANTEE or the STATE. In cht evenc the GRANTEE rzczives a rzquzst to release the da[a refzrred ro in rhis Article, the GR�YTEE must immediately notify the STATE. The STATE wiii give thz GRANCEE instruc:ioiu conceming the release of che daea requesting parry before the data is released. XIII O��'VERSH[P OF DOCUMENTS. PRODUCTS AND COPYRIGHT q. Any reports, studies phorographs, negatives, instruments, curriculum, vidzotapzs, vaining manuals, meclia messagzs, or o�her docum�mtn� proCuc[s (hereinafttr callecl documen[s or pfoducts) prepared by or for GRANTEE in thz pzrformanzt of i6 obligatio�s unde� ��S A�S sh�ll be esclusive propzrry of the STATE. All such dowmenes or produca shall be remined to thz S i ATE hy GRANTEE �!pon corapkeion, tzrmmation, or cancellation of tliis Agroemenc GRANTEE shall mt use, willingly allon�, or causz m have such marerials used for obligations undzr this Agreemint wichout the priot wri[[en conszn[ of che STATE. Gnn� Concrx�v (AUro R<R Prcvrn�ion &�ardl C��ies A C.wmms S��m Paul PoL.e D.pvrt"m'n' 1u.enile Pro-xeve _ Z XIV. YV. XVI. XVII. XVSII. XIX. oa-ste\ ��. g, p1I right ti[le and inre�at in all copyrighpble material wtuch GRANCEE shati conceive or origina[e either individually or jointly with Otk�ers, and which arises out of the performance of this Agreement, wiil be the p�� ��� GA��,EE aisoYagrecs.up�nethe��eq�ut of the STATE along with ownership of any and all copyrighcc of the �o�acsut the STATE to obtain and register copyrighcs on such maceriats. STATE, ro execute all papers and perform ai� other acts necasary Where applicabk, works of authoalup ccated by GRANTEE for the STATE in perfocmance of this Agrrement shall be considered "works made for hire" u defined in the U.S. Copyright Act. pi7BLiCTTY Any publiciry given w the progrem, 4ub(iwtionc. or secvica provided resulung from chis Agreement, iixWding, bu[ not Iimiced to, no6ca, infortnafional pamphlza, prus relzasw. research, reports. signa, and similar public nocica preparcd by or for the GRAN"CEE or itc emPloYees individualiy or joindy �vitli ofiers, or any subgrzn�ees shall idm¢fy the STATE as the sponsoring age�xy azd shali Iroc be re�eaced• unless such releaze is a specific patt of an approved work plan in.;iuded in this Agreemenc prior to its approval by the STATE's Authorized Representative. AFFIRb1AT� I�'7 (�Vhen appticab(e) GRA�TEE �eRifies tha[ �t haz received a certificare of wmp���ce from tfie commissioner of Human Rights pursuant [o Minn. Stat. 5 363.073. 1� is heceby a�ceed between [he panies that Minn. StaL $ec[ion 363.073 is incorpofated into t3tis ton¢act by reference. NONDISC� �'r As a condition of receiving support for this program, GRANIEE assures [ha[ i[ wi11 mee[ all applicable requiremen¢ o z Civil Righ6 Act of 19G4, as amendzd (nondiscrimination on the bazis of handicapping condi[ions). and of any applicable state civil righ6 stamtes• WpRKERS' COMPENSATIOY GRANTEE shall pcovide ac[eptable evidznce of compliance wi[h the workers' compensa[ion insurance coverage rtquirement of M�na S[at. ys 176.181. Subd. 2. IURISDICT[ON AND VENUE This A€rezmznt, and amendments and supp�ements therero, shall be govemed by the laws of [he Sta[e of Minnuota. Venue for all (zgal proczedmgs arisine out of this Agreemen[, or breach thereof, shall be in the sca[e or fedzral coun with competzn[ jurisdicfion in Ramsey Counry, Minnesota. A. B. C. OTHER PROVISIONS When purchasing equipment authorized by this Agreemen4 GRANCEE shalt comply with aIl procurement procedures and laws that appfy ro the GRANTEE's purchase of similar equipment in the performance of its dutizs osher than ia duties under Ihis Agreemen[. Any equipment purchased undzr this Ag�eement shalt be used for law enPorcemen[ purposes during [he Iife of [he equipmen[. The GRANTEE may not dzvia[e from this requirement and may not dispose of any equipmen[ unless GRANTEE hu fiae obtained written permission from thz STATE. The GRANTEE shali be rzspo�uibie for alI opzrating, maintenance, and repair cosa oF equipment puschased undec ehis Agreement. iN WITNESS WHEREOF, ihe parties have caused tttis Agreement ro be duly execuced intending eo be bou� thereby. APPROVED: 1. GRANTEE: GRANTEE cer[iFies tha[ the approp��ate person(s) hlve execured [he contract on bzha(f of the GRANTEE as required by appiicable articies, by-�aas, resotutio�s, or orJ�nnnces. By . �. . � r� Titlz: �L\ F-'{' p � Date: � �" p " � By: Titk: Date: By: Title: Date: 2. STATE AGENCY: Tide: Execu[ive Director, Auro TheF P��'ention Beard Dace: Distribu[ion: Agency - Original ((uily exewtzcl) Aerezmznt Granree State Authorized ReprtSenta[ive Uuo � Couno.cs Smnt Paul PoLce DcP+nmm�c ATTACHMENT C ��t��1�t�� oo-S� � Minnesota Auto ThefE Prevention Program ( MATPP ) Grant Annlication NOTE This "Attachment C" form should be used if possible. If duplicated, na change in format will be accepted (no deletions or rearrangements) SECTION l: Applicanf Information Type of Governmental Agency or Organization; State ❑ County ❑ City ✓ Private Non-Profit O Name of A�ency or Organization: Saint Paul Police Department A�ency Address: 100 E. 11"' Street City: Saint Paul County: Ramse � State: MiV Zip: 55101 Federal Identification Number: 41-600�521 Private for Profit ❑ Total MATPP Budeet Re uest: $ 22 924.80 Project Tit1e, if applicable: Juvenile Pro - Active Auto Theft Proeram Geographical Area Applicable to Grant Project: (identify statewide, county, city, other) Citv of Saint Paul located within Ramsev Countv , MN. _ Other A�encies Participatin� in the Project: (If a multi-agency project, attach letters of confirmation and resolution(s) by a11 entities). Each agency or participant listed below must pro�'ide a city / county Board resolution before an e�ecuted grant can be issued. form AT:OI (Attachment C) Rev. 2(94 6c?-S� �: SECTION 2 : CERTIPICATIONS/SIGNATIIRES - I acknowledge Yhat I have read, understand and agree to the conditions set forth in the application and supporting materials and that the information I am supplying in this application is true, complete and correct. Type or Print Name of Proj ect Director: aspects of the grant) SerQeant Shawn Campbell (Name) 651 292-3612 Telephone Number Director is the primary contact person for all (Date) 651 292-6520 Fax Number � Type or Print Name of Financial Officer: Amelia Brown (Name) Phone: (651) 292-3507 (Signature) n i �IZ�D� (Dc�te) Type or Print Name and Title of Authority Official: (Person authorized to enter into a formal agreement) William K Finne� (Name) (Title) Chief Of Police Pltone: (651) 292 - 3588 , . �.�-... �Q • . Form AT:O1 (Attachment C) ��+ �"�'Y�� 3: Current antl Proposed Aufo Theft Prevention Responsibilities - For eaCh of the au�"o` ` theft reduction strategies and activities listed below, check whether they are current efforts undertaken by your agency. Check the activities and strategies that are proposed for MATPP grant-funding. Check all activities and strategies that apply. STRATEGIES AND CURRENT LEVEL OF EFFORT ACTIVITIES (NOT MATPP FUNDED) Mi)I,TI-AGBNCY INVOLVENIENT Multiple Law Enforcement Agencies Prosecutors Insurance Industry Businesses Community Groups Other Pro Active Efforts Decoy Operations Chop Shop Identification Investigations, Long Term Investigations, Short Term Other Crime Anal�sis Identify Trends and Methods Develop Profiles Identify High Risk Areas and Vehicles Identify Repeat Offenders Other Public Erlucation and Atvareness Prevention Seminars Presentations to Schools Advertising Campaigns Other TYlI[l1l/t a Development Programs Law Enforcement Officers Prosecutors Other Form AT (Attachment C) X X PROPOSED FOR (MATPP GRANT) X X X X X X X X X X �i X X X X X X X X X X X Y X x X X 3 , �� � �� SEi TION 4 : Grant Purpose and Descriptior: - Provide a summary description of the p o,}ec t�hat is to be funded by the MATPP. $riefly describe the grant objectives and the grant-funded strategies and activities that will be implemented to achieve the objectives. Describe how the project meet's priorities established by the MATPP, if applicable. Use additional space if necessary. The St Paul Police Department had significant increases in the crime of auto theft for the years 1995, and 1996. The number ��as virtually static (at an all time high) for 1997 and showed a decrease in 1998. The numbers for 1999 indicate a reducfion of approximately 19 % from 1998. We believe the reduction is due iri part to the strategies implemented through the grant program. Numerous auto thieves were identified, arrested and incarcerated due to the additional fiinding. In addition a large number of vehicles with a high dollar value were recovered. The police department statistics show a majority of auto thefts were committed by juvenilesuspects. Last year nearly four hundred (400) juderiiles were arrested for auto theft. The St. Paul Police Juvenile Unit in 1997 recorded 423 arrests for auto theft, in 1998 there were 395 juveniles arrested for auto theft. Those figures coincide with the downward trend after the Auto Theft Prevention Program was implemented. To fiirther deter the crime of auto theft involving juveniles, the SPPD Juvenile Unit will use an aggressive pro-active multi-pronged approach with the following components; • Change policy to have all juvenile suspects in stolen vehicles processed through the booking unit so that we tivill have accurate records of juveniles who are involved in auto thefts and to deter those juveniles from firture involvement based on the lilcelihood of their identification in the filture. • Use updated computer data statistics, to analyze locations and-suspects and coordinate with the Auto Theft and Special Investigations Units to identify trends in auto theft. • Spend some of the grant money on direct proactive auto theft investigation and surveillance techniques to target juvenile offenders using both Sergeants and street ofticers with juvenile eYpertise. • Send letters (in several translated languages) to the parents of}uvenile offenders involved in auto thefts stating what their child has done, what the possible consequences are, and suggestions to prevent future involvement in auto theft crimes. Forn1 AT: O l(Attachment C) -� .. DO 5te.� � • Develop a educational and training video for current and new officers, to help them in detecting auto the$s and catching juvenile offenders. • Use some of the investigative time to do the background work necessary to determine whether a juvenile is a gang member and whether the charge can be "enhanced" under the statute applying to gang members. This would have special application to juveniles who are ultimately charged with "tampering with an auto". It has been our experience that many of the auto thefts involving juveniles have multiple suspects (who may be gang members) in the car, with a lot of problems identifying who the driver was, and who aided in the theft, and who may have driven the car since it was stolen. . Develop and distribute a flyer for the school system to educate and deter juveniles from getting involved in auto thefts. � Form AT: O1 (Attachment C) 5 � � r^ vJ +„ � � U � � � � � � � � V � � � � O E" U � � bA � � � n, � � .� a� > �,�., a O ""' U � .!� � 0 -°�' � � � � .5.� T3 Q� Y � � � -Si •y 5-I .� � Q � � . � � � � Y � N � U � U O � � Q7 �" '� `� O O � � ti v� Q ... y , y � � $� i ~--+ �-" � T � � U � O � O � � .� �] N „� ,� � � � O U -�i � � "� V7 O r � '� � `v W � r �. � � � r., � U � V N U � �" • 0 V] � 3.- N ':� �,', � r �, � :� ,N � � N U � � C]. V `-i--� C�S � o � p � o � � � � O N � � � a� " ^ � .� o "+� Y Y � o � � i � � �� �.e�. 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U " o � w �a � �> �� a 0 0 � '� � U ' � .y .� � � N � , b � F- � 8 oo-�� � � � w � � � � N W � b i � � � L? 1 c/] � � F Q z ca c� X U a � � 0 � Li L'-� � U r F La � a � � 0 � � N � O c�t � � 3 � � F .� > O O O O N EA � o � 'r � U � � N �, �c � o Y o CD -D U C -�. � �^ O r •� -o c� � Y �> � 0 � � N � N N 69 II u 0 c � � 0 F� � U Y � � r r r U r N � w O E--� � r O � ORIGINAL RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: Committee:Date: 1 WHEREAS, the Minnesota Auto Thefr Prevenfion Boud has awarded a Juvenile Auto Theft Prevention Prograzn Grant 2 to the Saint Paul Police Department for the period July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001; and 3 4 WHEREAS, this grant will be used to reduce juvenile auto thefr and develop and implement in-service training for 5 juvenile pro-active auto thefr prevention; and 6 7 RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts this grant award from the Minnesota Auto Theft Prevention Board and 8 authorizes Chief William Finney to enter into an agreement with the Minnesota Auto Theft Prevention Board of the State 9 of Minnesota. lo 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council:Date: �o 0 Adoption Certified by Council S etary: B Y� �,�� '�- �� � Approved by Mayor: ate: � t7+t� 2� Z�"j By; �liJ1� ��_ � Council File # �U�S.g \ Green Sheet# 107004 Police By: - Approval Recommen ed by Bu„dget Director: By: Form By: By: y` v -�- - by City E for autotheftprev juvenilegrantauthorization.cr.00.xis O— DE?AR7ME.'7T/OFFICEICOUNCIL DATE INITIATED Police 06(OS/2000 GREEN SHEET No. 107004 Cj CONTAC7 ERSON & PHONE INmaUDATE IN!(IAVOaTE WII112II1F1IIII0y 292 7 nevaa�xwranECrox $ arccouxa� MUST BE ON COUNqI AGENDA BY (DATE) ^ , J �GmATfORNE! �CLQiK u ��+ �SERNCESqR_ �F4WIMI.SE0.VIACCTG �YOR(ORqS515TAM) � p�u�uuvRlGlRS �a TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION ftEQUESTED Signatures requested on the attached CouncIl Resolution allowing the Police Department to accept a Juvenile Auto Theft Grant from the Minnesota Auto Theft Prevention Boazd and authorizing the Saint Paul Police Department to enter into an agreement with the Minnesota Auto Theft Prevention Boazd. RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this perso�rm ever worked under a coniract for this departmenY? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has ihis persoNfirtn ever been a city employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO � 3. Does this person/firm possess a sldll not normally possessed by any currerR city employee� YES NO 4. Is ihis person/firm a targeted vendoR YES NO Explain all yes an5were on separate sheet and anach to green sheet INITfATITIG PROBLEM 1SSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WMAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) The St. Paul Police Department has received a gant from the Mimiesota Auto Theft Prevention Board to reduce juvenile auto theR (Attached is a copy of the grant awazd letter and applicarionJ ADVAN7AGESIFAPPROVED The Police Degartment will 6e able to accept the funds for an Auto Theft Prevention Boud. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED �1G'� R��€�? �P.�?�Ft" The Police Department would not be able to accept the funds needed to implement the program. �������� TO7ALAMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ 22,924.80 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) : YES No FUN4ING SOURGE MN Auto Theft Prevenrion Board Grant ACTIVITY NUMBER 436-34160 FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) STATE OF MINNESOTA GRANT AGREEMENT i��i�7t��� OU�SI \ Accounting Information: 66�90002-00 Agency: Auto Theft Prevention Prog�am Total Amount of Contract: 5'-2.9?4.80 Commodity Code: 023-09 ObjecC Code: 5B00 � AmounC %??,9?4.80 Accounting Distribution 1: Fuod: 200 pppr: 100 Org/Sub: IS00 � Fiscal Year. 2001 Amoun[ of Contract Fint FY: 5?Z,924-80 Object Codz: AmounC Accounting Distribution 2_ Fund: pppr: Org/Sub: Processing Information: (Some entries may not apply) Requisition: P9Z00000099 Number ( Date / En[ry Initials VendorNumber. 0 Commodiry Code: Object Code: Amount: Accounting Distribution 3: Fund: pppr. Org/Sub: Solicitation: Number! Da[e / Enhy Initials Ordec: P9Z00000173 Contmct Number / Date / Entry Initials Number / Date / Enlry Initia�s (JndiviAunt signing cerlifies t@at funAs hnve been encumGered ns re9«ired Gy hfinn. Slnt. ���6A.I5 16C.05.) NOTICE T_� � GRANTEE' Yo° are required by M+nn. Stat § 270.6G to pmvide your social sewrity number or Fedeal Employer tax identification number and Minnesota tax �dentification number if you do business wi[h the S[ate of Minnesota. Th�s informa[ion may be use8 in the enfoscement of federal and s[ate tax la�vs. S ne 9s (hese numhe s are pfoidzds These numbe:`e9��� a ailable and stat n taPau hor t es state personn linvolved n app�ov ng hz A beemen� and [he p�yment of 5�a�e obiigahons. Grantee Namt and Address. �0� Eas[ E ev D Street ment Sain[Paul,Minnesota SS101 Social Sec. or Federal Emp�oyer I.D. No.: 41-G0055 h(innesota Tas I.D. No. (if apPiicable):_---� THIS PAGE OF THE AGREEMENT CONTAINS PRIVATE INFORMATION. EXCEPT AS DEFINED ABOVE, THIS PAGE SHOULD NOT BE REPRODUCED OR DISTRIBUTED EXTERNALLY WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE GRANTEE If you circulate this Agreement internaUy, only offices that require access to the tnx ider.:ification r.umber nnd nll individ�ia(s/offices signing this Agreement should have access to this pa8e, C�nes & Cwmies Sazu PvW Pa���e D.p�«nkni - ; • ", oo-S�� 'SI'A E ) and Sain[ Paul Yol ce Depa ttmentPaddcez 100� Elev nth Str1eetSSafnoP Minnesnnesotat'SS101r�(here cufter GRANTEE')e w mccseth th [�e'uufter ursuan[ to MiM• Sta[. �t 168A 40 Subd.2.. is empowered to disa bute monev for aummobile theft Dre�ention at¢vi[ia. �d WHEREAS. the STATE, p �yF¢gEA$� GgANt'EE represen�s thac i[ is duly qualified, authorized. and willing to �rry oui tf�e tasks described in Attatiunem C., of this AY,ceement; and NOW, THEREFORE, it is agrezd: shalL I. GRAhTEE�S DL1T _IES �A�tach additiona� pa�e if necessary which is incorporated by reference a� made a part of this AgreemenlJ GRANCEE, GRAhTEE shall carry out ihe tacFs u dzscribzd in GRANTEE's application for grant funds which is hereby ir.corporated by ceFetence and made a pan of this Agreemen[ in Aaachmen[ C. . II. CONSIDERATION AND TERMS OF PAYMENC p, Conslderat�on for aIt serviczs ptcformzd and g�ds or materials supplicd by the GRAMEE pursuant ro this Agreemen[ sYta11 be paid by thz STATE as foilows: 1, Compensation shali bz consitten[ wi[h the bUdge[ oudine contained in A�chmen[ C., of this Agreemen[. 2, Nhen specifically approved by the STATE, reimbursemene for travei and subsisrence exprnses acmally and necessarily incurred by GRANTEE in ptrformavice of ehis Agreemen[ and identified in At[achment C of this Agreemen[ will bt paid providtd [hat [hz GRAN'LEE shall ba reimbursed for ttavel and subsisrence expenses in the samz manner and in no grearer amoun[ than provided in [hz current "CommissionePs Plan" p�omulgated by �e Commissioner oP Employzz Relations. Thz [otal obligacion of che STATE for all compensation and reimbursemenrs to GRAIVTEE shali no[ exceed Twentv Two Thousand Nine Hundred Twentv Four dollars and EiRhtv �ents (S22 924.8� I[I. IV V g, Terms of Pavment 1. Paymzncs ro the GRAN'CEE will be made by the STATE on a quarterly, but noc more often ehan montlily ms[ reimbursement bazis. z, Paymena shati be made by che STATE prompdy after GRANTEE's presentation of itzmized invoices toc services pe�formed. 3, Upon GRANTEB's cequest, an advance payment may bz made aftet this Agrzzmen[ is fu��y execured, in an amount no[ to excetd 25�0 of the totai STATE obliga[ion, as de�ermined necessary for execution of GRAI3TEE's obliganons. q, invoices for ceimbursemenc shall be identified in approved budge[ caregories and submitted on a quarredy, bu[ not more often than mon[hly basis and wichin 20 days of [he end of the teporting period. 5 become unavailable � hs ement hal�l beberminabed�mmedi Te Y u w�Ren notice of suchfac by� ehe STATE G Es In the event of such rermination, GRANTEE shalt be encided ro payment, derermined on a pro rata basis, for services satisfac�orily performed For which such Stace funds are available. The GRANTEE agrees co return any unused funds to the STATE. � Thz GgANTEE will expend grant funds allocared for this Agceement according to the budget ouUine contained in Attachmen[ C of diis Agreement. Thz GRAIQ"CEE wiil submit a revised budgzt fo� any deviation of 30� or more between the allowable fundin8 categories. The revised budge[ mus[ be appcoved by [he STATE before any expendiNres can be made baud on Ilie revised budeet. No deviations between funding ca[egories shall exceed the rotal dollar amoune authorized for this Agreement. 7 STATE s Au hori ed Represen[ t ve and an a endm ne to thi Agr emenc has been duly'z.�ecutedXtUnu ed funds be remmzd to ehe STATE wsthin 36 days of the ending dare of this Agreement. � CO`�DITIONS OF PAY�tENT All services provided by GRANTEE pursuant ro this Agreement shali be performed ro the satisfaction of the STATE. as and r gula � nsheGRP.NTEE` hall no[ re t e ent wo by STA7'E ro ba unsa[isfae[ory2aora�rf rmed�in olations�f federalesiatz'or 1o�al law, ordinance, rules or rzgula[ions. TER�[5 OF AGREEb[EN"C This Agreement shal( be effective on Julv 1. 2000, or upon the dacz thac thz ficu�t required signaeure is ohtained b)' �e STATE, pursuan[ ro biinn. S�at. � IGC.OS. Subd. 2, whichever occurs lareq and shal! remain in efkct until June 30. 200t, or until all obligacions set A�reemen[ unnl ALL reqdi ed signacures have �been obtained, and GRANTEE is no[ified to n W'ork the S"fATE s�Autlionzed R pcesentative � CAYCELLATION Tha Aoreement may be canceted by tht STATE or GRANTEE a[ any [imz. with o� wrthout cause, upon thirry (30) days wt�aen ne�ice to the ochzr pnrry. In ehe evene of such a cancellation, GRAi`1TEE shall bz entit(ecl [o paymrne, detzrminzd on a pro rsea basis, foc work or szn'ices eacisfacrorily perfurmed Ci�ies �Y Counu<s . . �U-Slo� STATE may cancel this Agreement immedia[ely if the STATE finds tha[ Ihere has been a failum to wmpiy with the provision5 of this Agreemrnt that reasonah(e pmg�us has not been made, or that the purposes for which tt�e funds were gan[ed have not b�n or will not be fulfilled, the STATE may take action to pro[ec[ [he in[erestt of the State of Minnesota. induding the tefusal to dubune additional funds azd tequiring the reNrn of al! or pazi of the fu�ds atready disbursed. VI. STATE'S ALTTHORIZED REPRESE.*.'TATNE The STATE's AuthorRed Repraentative for the purposes of adminiscation of tl�is Agreemeu is Dennis Roske, or his euccusor in office. Such representauve shall have final authoriry for acceprance of GRANTEE's services and if such servica aze accepced az saosfactory, shalf so ceni(y on each invoice suhmitted pursuanc to Ciause II, paragraph B. VII. REPORTING GRAD�'TEE wiil advise ihe STATE wncerning progarn pmgress [ivough such rebconable mcans az the S'fATE may find conveciient. These w'ill includz: q. The GRAN"IEE will advise [hz STATE conctrning Ne program progress tivough the submission of quaRedy, but not more ohen then montlily repora as required by the STATE's Author�zed Representative. � B. Following basis: Submission of a final evaluation repott within 30 days afrer the tzrminacion dare of this Agreement. C. Submission of a final expenditure report within 60 days afrer the termination of this Agrezment. D. Making any project rzwrds available ro the STATE upon requu4 �his includes submission of copies of any repocts, data, surveys (including survey iac�ruccions), or oeher materials for review and comment before they are prepared in final form, and six copies of all maeerials produczd by thz pro}ecc following produccion of the ma[erials. g_ pzrmit[ing pzriodic si�z visia by the STATE's Authorized Rzpresentative, other STATE staff or other employees of the Stare of hfinnesom on bzhalf of cht Stace. F. Participacion in [raining and evaluation workshops may be required. ' G. Failurz ro comply with [he p°�eemen[ may resui[ in denial of funding in fuNre requestt for grana. V[II. ASSIGNMENT GRANTEE sha11 neither usign nor iransfe� any righcs or obligafioas under this Agreemen[ without the prior written consent of thz STATE. p. Idemification of source of funding. All repores, materiais, confeience documencs, ard any oehec pcoduccs madz avai(able through this program, shalf carry an acl:nowlzdgmene that it was funded under provisions of the Siare of Minnzsota (Auto Thzfr Prevention Board Program) and give cred¢ ro other parry's participation. IX. AMENDMENTS Any amendments to this Agreement shall be in wri[ing, and shall be executzd by the same partiu who execu[ed the ori�inal Agreemenc, or their succusors in office. X. LIABILITY To die extend permitted by Iaw, GRANT&E shall indemnify, save, and hold the STATE, its reprzsentatives and employees harmiess ftom any and all daims or causes of action, including all atrorney's fees incurred by the STATE, arising from the performance of this Agreemen[ by GRANTEE or GRANTEE's agents or employees. This clause shaii not be conscmed [o bar any Izgal remedies GRANTEE may have for the STATE's fai(ure [o fulfili i[s obligations pursuan[ ro this Agreement. XI. ACCOUNTIYG. AUD[T AND RETENTION OF RECORDS A. GRANTEE wilt establish a separate accoun[ for this program and will maintain fiscal records in accordance with generally accep�able � accountin; principles. GRANTEE's records, doNments, asd accounting procedures and prac[ice5 for this projec[ shall be subjeci to the examination of the STATE's Authorized Representative and the Legislative Auditor. Fiscal records shall be retained for a minimum of sis years following submission of the final report. B. The books. rccords, dowmencs, and accounting procedures and practices of the GR.A�TEE relevant ro this Agreemene shall be subjzce ro ex�mination by the STATE 3 P.u[horized Rep�esentative and [he Legisiative Audi[oa Records shali be sufficien[ ro retlec[ aIl cos6 incorred �� performance of [his Agreemznt. XII. GO�'ERNMENT DATA PRACCICES AC'C: The GRANTEE must comply wi[h [he Minnesota Go�ernmen� Data Prae[ices Act. Minnesota Statu2, Chap[zr 13, as ie applias w all data provided by �he STATE in accordance with this Agreement and as i� appiies to atl data created, collecced. [eceivzd, sror:d.used, main[ainzd or disseminared by the GRAA"PEE in accordance wi[h this Agreement. 7hz ci�il remzdies of Minnesota StaNtes Stetion 13.03 appl}' ro[he release ot [lie data referred to in this Artic4z by either the GRANTEE or the STATE. In cht evenc the GRANTEE rzczives a rzquzst to release the da[a refzrred ro in rhis Article, the GR�YTEE must immediately notify the STATE. The STATE wiii give thz GRANCEE instruc:ioiu conceming the release of che daea requesting parry before the data is released. XIII O��'VERSH[P OF DOCUMENTS. PRODUCTS AND COPYRIGHT q. Any reports, studies phorographs, negatives, instruments, curriculum, vidzotapzs, vaining manuals, meclia messagzs, or o�her docum�mtn� proCuc[s (hereinafttr callecl documen[s or pfoducts) prepared by or for GRANTEE in thz pzrformanzt of i6 obligatio�s unde� ��S A�S sh�ll be esclusive propzrry of the STATE. All such dowmenes or produca shall be remined to thz S i ATE hy GRANTEE �!pon corapkeion, tzrmmation, or cancellation of tliis Agroemenc GRANTEE shall mt use, willingly allon�, or causz m have such marerials used for obligations undzr this Agreemint wichout the priot wri[[en conszn[ of che STATE. Gnn� Concrx�v (AUro R<R Prcvrn�ion &�ardl C��ies A C.wmms S��m Paul PoL.e D.pvrt"m'n' 1u.enile Pro-xeve _ Z XIV. YV. XVI. XVII. XVSII. XIX. oa-ste\ ��. g, p1I right ti[le and inre�at in all copyrighpble material wtuch GRANCEE shati conceive or origina[e either individually or jointly with Otk�ers, and which arises out of the performance of this Agreement, wiil be the p�� ��� GA��,EE aisoYagrecs.up�nethe��eq�ut of the STATE along with ownership of any and all copyrighcc of the �o�acsut the STATE to obtain and register copyrighcs on such maceriats. STATE, ro execute all papers and perform ai� other acts necasary Where applicabk, works of authoalup ccated by GRANTEE for the STATE in perfocmance of this Agrrement shall be considered "works made for hire" u defined in the U.S. Copyright Act. pi7BLiCTTY Any publiciry given w the progrem, 4ub(iwtionc. or secvica provided resulung from chis Agreement, iixWding, bu[ not Iimiced to, no6ca, infortnafional pamphlza, prus relzasw. research, reports. signa, and similar public nocica preparcd by or for the GRAN"CEE or itc emPloYees individualiy or joindy �vitli ofiers, or any subgrzn�ees shall idm¢fy the STATE as the sponsoring age�xy azd shali Iroc be re�eaced• unless such releaze is a specific patt of an approved work plan in.;iuded in this Agreemenc prior to its approval by the STATE's Authorized Representative. AFFIRb1AT� I�'7 (�Vhen appticab(e) GRA�TEE �eRifies tha[ �t haz received a certificare of wmp���ce from tfie commissioner of Human Rights pursuant [o Minn. Stat. 5 363.073. 1� is heceby a�ceed between [he panies that Minn. StaL $ec[ion 363.073 is incorpofated into t3tis ton¢act by reference. NONDISC� �'r As a condition of receiving support for this program, GRANIEE assures [ha[ i[ wi11 mee[ all applicable requiremen¢ o z Civil Righ6 Act of 19G4, as amendzd (nondiscrimination on the bazis of handicapping condi[ions). and of any applicable state civil righ6 stamtes• WpRKERS' COMPENSATIOY GRANTEE shall pcovide ac[eptable evidznce of compliance wi[h the workers' compensa[ion insurance coverage rtquirement of M�na S[at. ys 176.181. Subd. 2. IURISDICT[ON AND VENUE This A€rezmznt, and amendments and supp�ements therero, shall be govemed by the laws of [he Sta[e of Minnuota. Venue for all (zgal proczedmgs arisine out of this Agreemen[, or breach thereof, shall be in the sca[e or fedzral coun with competzn[ jurisdicfion in Ramsey Counry, Minnesota. A. B. C. OTHER PROVISIONS When purchasing equipment authorized by this Agreemen4 GRANCEE shalt comply with aIl procurement procedures and laws that appfy ro the GRANTEE's purchase of similar equipment in the performance of its dutizs osher than ia duties under Ihis Agreemen[. Any equipment purchased undzr this Ag�eement shalt be used for law enPorcemen[ purposes during [he Iife of [he equipmen[. The GRANTEE may not dzvia[e from this requirement and may not dispose of any equipmen[ unless GRANTEE hu fiae obtained written permission from thz STATE. The GRANTEE shali be rzspo�uibie for alI opzrating, maintenance, and repair cosa oF equipment puschased undec ehis Agreement. iN WITNESS WHEREOF, ihe parties have caused tttis Agreement ro be duly execuced intending eo be bou� thereby. APPROVED: 1. GRANTEE: GRANTEE cer[iFies tha[ the approp��ate person(s) hlve execured [he contract on bzha(f of the GRANTEE as required by appiicable articies, by-�aas, resotutio�s, or orJ�nnnces. By . �. . � r� Titlz: �L\ F-'{' p � Date: � �" p " � By: Titk: Date: By: Title: Date: 2. STATE AGENCY: Tide: Execu[ive Director, Auro TheF P��'ention Beard Dace: Distribu[ion: Agency - Original ((uily exewtzcl) Aerezmznt Granree State Authorized ReprtSenta[ive Uuo � Couno.cs Smnt Paul PoLce DcP+nmm�c ATTACHMENT C ��t��1�t�� oo-S� � Minnesota Auto ThefE Prevention Program ( MATPP ) Grant Annlication NOTE This "Attachment C" form should be used if possible. If duplicated, na change in format will be accepted (no deletions or rearrangements) SECTION l: Applicanf Information Type of Governmental Agency or Organization; State ❑ County ❑ City ✓ Private Non-Profit O Name of A�ency or Organization: Saint Paul Police Department A�ency Address: 100 E. 11"' Street City: Saint Paul County: Ramse � State: MiV Zip: 55101 Federal Identification Number: 41-600�521 Private for Profit ❑ Total MATPP Budeet Re uest: $ 22 924.80 Project Tit1e, if applicable: Juvenile Pro - Active Auto Theft Proeram Geographical Area Applicable to Grant Project: (identify statewide, county, city, other) Citv of Saint Paul located within Ramsev Countv , MN. _ Other A�encies Participatin� in the Project: (If a multi-agency project, attach letters of confirmation and resolution(s) by a11 entities). Each agency or participant listed below must pro�'ide a city / county Board resolution before an e�ecuted grant can be issued. form AT:OI (Attachment C) Rev. 2(94 6c?-S� �: SECTION 2 : CERTIPICATIONS/SIGNATIIRES - I acknowledge Yhat I have read, understand and agree to the conditions set forth in the application and supporting materials and that the information I am supplying in this application is true, complete and correct. Type or Print Name of Proj ect Director: aspects of the grant) SerQeant Shawn Campbell (Name) 651 292-3612 Telephone Number Director is the primary contact person for all (Date) 651 292-6520 Fax Number � Type or Print Name of Financial Officer: Amelia Brown (Name) Phone: (651) 292-3507 (Signature) n i �IZ�D� (Dc�te) Type or Print Name and Title of Authority Official: (Person authorized to enter into a formal agreement) William K Finne� (Name) (Title) Chief Of Police Pltone: (651) 292 - 3588 , . �.�-... �Q • . Form AT:O1 (Attachment C) ��+ �"�'Y�� 3: Current antl Proposed Aufo Theft Prevention Responsibilities - For eaCh of the au�"o` ` theft reduction strategies and activities listed below, check whether they are current efforts undertaken by your agency. Check the activities and strategies that are proposed for MATPP grant-funding. Check all activities and strategies that apply. STRATEGIES AND CURRENT LEVEL OF EFFORT ACTIVITIES (NOT MATPP FUNDED) Mi)I,TI-AGBNCY INVOLVENIENT Multiple Law Enforcement Agencies Prosecutors Insurance Industry Businesses Community Groups Other Pro Active Efforts Decoy Operations Chop Shop Identification Investigations, Long Term Investigations, Short Term Other Crime Anal�sis Identify Trends and Methods Develop Profiles Identify High Risk Areas and Vehicles Identify Repeat Offenders Other Public Erlucation and Atvareness Prevention Seminars Presentations to Schools Advertising Campaigns Other TYlI[l1l/t a Development Programs Law Enforcement Officers Prosecutors Other Form AT (Attachment C) X X PROPOSED FOR (MATPP GRANT) X X X X X X X X X X �i X X X X X X X X X X X Y X x X X 3 , �� � �� SEi TION 4 : Grant Purpose and Descriptior: - Provide a summary description of the p o,}ec t�hat is to be funded by the MATPP. $riefly describe the grant objectives and the grant-funded strategies and activities that will be implemented to achieve the objectives. Describe how the project meet's priorities established by the MATPP, if applicable. Use additional space if necessary. The St Paul Police Department had significant increases in the crime of auto theft for the years 1995, and 1996. The number ��as virtually static (at an all time high) for 1997 and showed a decrease in 1998. The numbers for 1999 indicate a reducfion of approximately 19 % from 1998. We believe the reduction is due iri part to the strategies implemented through the grant program. Numerous auto thieves were identified, arrested and incarcerated due to the additional fiinding. In addition a large number of vehicles with a high dollar value were recovered. The police department statistics show a majority of auto thefts were committed by juvenilesuspects. Last year nearly four hundred (400) juderiiles were arrested for auto theft. The St. Paul Police Juvenile Unit in 1997 recorded 423 arrests for auto theft, in 1998 there were 395 juveniles arrested for auto theft. Those figures coincide with the downward trend after the Auto Theft Prevention Program was implemented. To fiirther deter the crime of auto theft involving juveniles, the SPPD Juvenile Unit will use an aggressive pro-active multi-pronged approach with the following components; • Change policy to have all juvenile suspects in stolen vehicles processed through the booking unit so that we tivill have accurate records of juveniles who are involved in auto thefts and to deter those juveniles from firture involvement based on the lilcelihood of their identification in the filture. • Use updated computer data statistics, to analyze locations and-suspects and coordinate with the Auto Theft and Special Investigations Units to identify trends in auto theft. • Spend some of the grant money on direct proactive auto theft investigation and surveillance techniques to target juvenile offenders using both Sergeants and street ofticers with juvenile eYpertise. • Send letters (in several translated languages) to the parents of}uvenile offenders involved in auto thefts stating what their child has done, what the possible consequences are, and suggestions to prevent future involvement in auto theft crimes. Forn1 AT: O l(Attachment C) -� .. DO 5te.� � • Develop a educational and training video for current and new officers, to help them in detecting auto the$s and catching juvenile offenders. • Use some of the investigative time to do the background work necessary to determine whether a juvenile is a gang member and whether the charge can be "enhanced" under the statute applying to gang members. This would have special application to juveniles who are ultimately charged with "tampering with an auto". It has been our experience that many of the auto thefts involving juveniles have multiple suspects (who may be gang members) in the car, with a lot of problems identifying who the driver was, and who aided in the theft, and who may have driven the car since it was stolen. . Develop and distribute a flyer for the school system to educate and deter juveniles from getting involved in auto thefts. � Form AT: O1 (Attachment C) 5 � � r^ vJ +„ � � U � � � � � � � � V � � � � O E" U � � bA � � � n, � � .� a� > �,�., a O ""' U � .!� � 0 -°�' � � � � .5.� T3 Q� Y � � � -Si •y 5-I .� � Q � � . � � � � Y � N � U � U O � � Q7 �" '� `� O O � � ti v� Q ... y , y � � $� i ~--+ �-" � T � � U � O � O � � .� �] N „� ,� � � � O U -�i � � "� V7 O r � '� � `v W � r �. � � � r., � U � V N U � �" • 0 V] � 3.- N ':� �,', � r �, � :� ,N � � N U � � C]. V `-i--� C�S � o � p � o � � � � O N � � � a� " ^ � .� o "+� Y Y � o � � i � � �� �.e�. 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U " o � w �a � �> �� a 0 0 � '� � U ' � .y .� � � N � , b � F- � 8 oo-�� � � � w � � � � N W � b i � � � L? 1 c/] � � F Q z ca c� X U a � � 0 � Li L'-� � U r F La � a � � 0 � � N � O c�t � � 3 � � F .� > O O O O N EA � o � 'r � U � � N �, �c � o Y o CD -D U C -�. � �^ O r •� -o c� � Y �> � 0 � � N � N N 69 II u 0 c � � 0 F� � U Y � � r r r U r N � w O E--� � r O � ORIGINAL RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: Committee:Date: 1 WHEREAS, the Minnesota Auto Thefr Prevenfion Boud has awarded a Juvenile Auto Theft Prevention Prograzn Grant 2 to the Saint Paul Police Department for the period July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001; and 3 4 WHEREAS, this grant will be used to reduce juvenile auto thefr and develop and implement in-service training for 5 juvenile pro-active auto thefr prevention; and 6 7 RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts this grant award from the Minnesota Auto Theft Prevention Board and 8 authorizes Chief William Finney to enter into an agreement with the Minnesota Auto Theft Prevention Board of the State 9 of Minnesota. lo 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council:Date: �o 0 Adoption Certified by Council S etary: B Y� �,�� '�- �� � Approved by Mayor: ate: � t7+t� 2� Z�"j By; �liJ1� ��_ � Council File # �U�S.g \ Green Sheet# 107004 Police By: - Approval Recommen ed by Bu„dget Director: By: Form By: By: y` v -�- - by City E for autotheftprev juvenilegrantauthorization.cr.00.xis O— DE?AR7ME.'7T/OFFICEICOUNCIL DATE INITIATED Police 06(OS/2000 GREEN SHEET No. 107004 Cj CONTAC7 ERSON & PHONE INmaUDATE IN!(IAVOaTE WII112II1F1IIII0y 292 7 nevaa�xwranECrox $ arccouxa� MUST BE ON COUNqI AGENDA BY (DATE) ^ , J �GmATfORNE! �CLQiK u ��+ �SERNCESqR_ �F4WIMI.SE0.VIACCTG �YOR(ORqS515TAM) � p�u�uuvRlGlRS �a TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION ftEQUESTED Signatures requested on the attached CouncIl Resolution allowing the Police Department to accept a Juvenile Auto Theft Grant from the Minnesota Auto Theft Prevention Boazd and authorizing the Saint Paul Police Department to enter into an agreement with the Minnesota Auto Theft Prevention Boazd. RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this perso�rm ever worked under a coniract for this departmenY? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has ihis persoNfirtn ever been a city employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO � 3. Does this person/firm possess a sldll not normally possessed by any currerR city employee� YES NO 4. Is ihis person/firm a targeted vendoR YES NO Explain all yes an5were on separate sheet and anach to green sheet INITfATITIG PROBLEM 1SSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WMAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) The St. Paul Police Department has received a gant from the Mimiesota Auto Theft Prevention Board to reduce juvenile auto theR (Attached is a copy of the grant awazd letter and applicarionJ ADVAN7AGESIFAPPROVED The Police Degartment will 6e able to accept the funds for an Auto Theft Prevention Boud. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED �1G'� R��€�? �P.�?�Ft" The Police Department would not be able to accept the funds needed to implement the program. �������� TO7ALAMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ 22,924.80 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) : YES No FUN4ING SOURGE MN Auto Theft Prevenrion Board Grant ACTIVITY NUMBER 436-34160 FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) STATE OF MINNESOTA GRANT AGREEMENT i��i�7t��� OU�SI \ Accounting Information: 66�90002-00 Agency: Auto Theft Prevention Prog�am Total Amount of Contract: 5'-2.9?4.80 Commodity Code: 023-09 ObjecC Code: 5B00 � AmounC %??,9?4.80 Accounting Distribution 1: Fuod: 200 pppr: 100 Org/Sub: IS00 � Fiscal Year. 2001 Amoun[ of Contract Fint FY: 5?Z,924-80 Object Codz: AmounC Accounting Distribution 2_ Fund: pppr: Org/Sub: Processing Information: (Some entries may not apply) Requisition: P9Z00000099 Number ( Date / En[ry Initials VendorNumber. 0 Commodiry Code: Object Code: Amount: Accounting Distribution 3: Fund: pppr. Org/Sub: Solicitation: Number! Da[e / Enhy Initials Ordec: P9Z00000173 Contmct Number / Date / Entry Initials Number / Date / Enlry Initia�s (JndiviAunt signing cerlifies t@at funAs hnve been encumGered ns re9«ired Gy hfinn. Slnt. ���6A.I5 16C.05.) NOTICE T_� � GRANTEE' Yo° are required by M+nn. Stat § 270.6G to pmvide your social sewrity number or Fedeal Employer tax identification number and Minnesota tax �dentification number if you do business wi[h the S[ate of Minnesota. Th�s informa[ion may be use8 in the enfoscement of federal and s[ate tax la�vs. S ne 9s (hese numhe s are pfoidzds These numbe:`e9��� a ailable and stat n taPau hor t es state personn linvolved n app�ov ng hz A beemen� and [he p�yment of 5�a�e obiigahons. Grantee Namt and Address. �0� Eas[ E ev D Street ment Sain[Paul,Minnesota SS101 Social Sec. or Federal Emp�oyer I.D. No.: 41-G0055 h(innesota Tas I.D. No. (if apPiicable):_---� THIS PAGE OF THE AGREEMENT CONTAINS PRIVATE INFORMATION. EXCEPT AS DEFINED ABOVE, THIS PAGE SHOULD NOT BE REPRODUCED OR DISTRIBUTED EXTERNALLY WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE GRANTEE If you circulate this Agreement internaUy, only offices that require access to the tnx ider.:ification r.umber nnd nll individ�ia(s/offices signing this Agreement should have access to this pa8e, C�nes & Cwmies Sazu PvW Pa���e D.p�«nkni - ; • ", oo-S�� 'SI'A E ) and Sain[ Paul Yol ce Depa ttmentPaddcez 100� Elev nth Str1eetSSafnoP Minnesnnesotat'SS101r�(here cufter GRANTEE')e w mccseth th [�e'uufter ursuan[ to MiM• Sta[. �t 168A 40 Subd.2.. is empowered to disa bute monev for aummobile theft Dre�ention at¢vi[ia. �d WHEREAS. the STATE, p �yF¢gEA$� GgANt'EE represen�s thac i[ is duly qualified, authorized. and willing to �rry oui tf�e tasks described in Attatiunem C., of this AY,ceement; and NOW, THEREFORE, it is agrezd: shalL I. GRAhTEE�S DL1T _IES �A�tach additiona� pa�e if necessary which is incorporated by reference a� made a part of this AgreemenlJ GRANCEE, GRAhTEE shall carry out ihe tacFs u dzscribzd in GRANTEE's application for grant funds which is hereby ir.corporated by ceFetence and made a pan of this Agreemen[ in Aaachmen[ C. . II. CONSIDERATION AND TERMS OF PAYMENC p, Conslderat�on for aIt serviczs ptcformzd and g�ds or materials supplicd by the GRAMEE pursuant ro this Agreemen[ sYta11 be paid by thz STATE as foilows: 1, Compensation shali bz consitten[ wi[h the bUdge[ oudine contained in A�chmen[ C., of this Agreemen[. 2, Nhen specifically approved by the STATE, reimbursemene for travei and subsisrence exprnses acmally and necessarily incurred by GRANTEE in ptrformavice of ehis Agreemen[ and identified in At[achment C of this Agreemen[ will bt paid providtd [hat [hz GRAN'LEE shall ba reimbursed for ttavel and subsisrence expenses in the samz manner and in no grearer amoun[ than provided in [hz current "CommissionePs Plan" p�omulgated by �e Commissioner oP Employzz Relations. Thz [otal obligacion of che STATE for all compensation and reimbursemenrs to GRAIVTEE shali no[ exceed Twentv Two Thousand Nine Hundred Twentv Four dollars and EiRhtv �ents (S22 924.8� I[I. IV V g, Terms of Pavment 1. Paymzncs ro the GRAN'CEE will be made by the STATE on a quarterly, but noc more often ehan montlily ms[ reimbursement bazis. z, Paymena shati be made by che STATE prompdy after GRANTEE's presentation of itzmized invoices toc services pe�formed. 3, Upon GRANTEB's cequest, an advance payment may bz made aftet this Agrzzmen[ is fu��y execured, in an amount no[ to excetd 25�0 of the totai STATE obliga[ion, as de�ermined necessary for execution of GRAI3TEE's obliganons. q, invoices for ceimbursemenc shall be identified in approved budge[ caregories and submitted on a quarredy, bu[ not more often than mon[hly basis and wichin 20 days of [he end of the teporting period. 5 become unavailable � hs ement hal�l beberminabed�mmedi Te Y u w�Ren notice of suchfac by� ehe STATE G Es In the event of such rermination, GRANTEE shalt be encided ro payment, derermined on a pro rata basis, for services satisfac�orily performed For which such Stace funds are available. The GRANTEE agrees co return any unused funds to the STATE. � Thz GgANTEE will expend grant funds allocared for this Agceement according to the budget ouUine contained in Attachmen[ C of diis Agreement. Thz GRAIQ"CEE wiil submit a revised budgzt fo� any deviation of 30� or more between the allowable fundin8 categories. The revised budge[ mus[ be appcoved by [he STATE before any expendiNres can be made baud on Ilie revised budeet. No deviations between funding ca[egories shall exceed the rotal dollar amoune authorized for this Agreement. 7 STATE s Au hori ed Represen[ t ve and an a endm ne to thi Agr emenc has been duly'z.�ecutedXtUnu ed funds be remmzd to ehe STATE wsthin 36 days of the ending dare of this Agreement. � CO`�DITIONS OF PAY�tENT All services provided by GRANTEE pursuant ro this Agreement shali be performed ro the satisfaction of the STATE. as and r gula � nsheGRP.NTEE` hall no[ re t e ent wo by STA7'E ro ba unsa[isfae[ory2aora�rf rmed�in olations�f federalesiatz'or 1o�al law, ordinance, rules or rzgula[ions. TER�[5 OF AGREEb[EN"C This Agreement shal( be effective on Julv 1. 2000, or upon the dacz thac thz ficu�t required signaeure is ohtained b)' �e STATE, pursuan[ ro biinn. S�at. � IGC.OS. Subd. 2, whichever occurs lareq and shal! remain in efkct until June 30. 200t, or until all obligacions set A�reemen[ unnl ALL reqdi ed signacures have �been obtained, and GRANTEE is no[ified to n W'ork the S"fATE s�Autlionzed R pcesentative � CAYCELLATION Tha Aoreement may be canceted by tht STATE or GRANTEE a[ any [imz. with o� wrthout cause, upon thirry (30) days wt�aen ne�ice to the ochzr pnrry. In ehe evene of such a cancellation, GRAi`1TEE shall bz entit(ecl [o paymrne, detzrminzd on a pro rsea basis, foc work or szn'ices eacisfacrorily perfurmed Ci�ies �Y Counu<s . . �U-Slo� STATE may cancel this Agreement immedia[ely if the STATE finds tha[ Ihere has been a failum to wmpiy with the provision5 of this Agreemrnt that reasonah(e pmg�us has not been made, or that the purposes for which tt�e funds were gan[ed have not b�n or will not be fulfilled, the STATE may take action to pro[ec[ [he in[erestt of the State of Minnesota. induding the tefusal to dubune additional funds azd tequiring the reNrn of al! or pazi of the fu�ds atready disbursed. VI. STATE'S ALTTHORIZED REPRESE.*.'TATNE The STATE's AuthorRed Repraentative for the purposes of adminiscation of tl�is Agreemeu is Dennis Roske, or his euccusor in office. Such representauve shall have final authoriry for acceprance of GRANTEE's services and if such servica aze accepced az saosfactory, shalf so ceni(y on each invoice suhmitted pursuanc to Ciause II, paragraph B. VII. REPORTING GRAD�'TEE wiil advise ihe STATE wncerning progarn pmgress [ivough such rebconable mcans az the S'fATE may find conveciient. These w'ill includz: q. The GRAN"IEE will advise [hz STATE conctrning Ne program progress tivough the submission of quaRedy, but not more ohen then montlily repora as required by the STATE's Author�zed Representative. � B. Following basis: Submission of a final evaluation repott within 30 days afrer the tzrminacion dare of this Agreement. C. Submission of a final expenditure report within 60 days afrer the termination of this Agrezment. D. Making any project rzwrds available ro the STATE upon requu4 �his includes submission of copies of any repocts, data, surveys (including survey iac�ruccions), or oeher materials for review and comment before they are prepared in final form, and six copies of all maeerials produczd by thz pro}ecc following produccion of the ma[erials. g_ pzrmit[ing pzriodic si�z visia by the STATE's Authorized Rzpresentative, other STATE staff or other employees of the Stare of hfinnesom on bzhalf of cht Stace. F. Participacion in [raining and evaluation workshops may be required. ' G. Failurz ro comply with [he p°�eemen[ may resui[ in denial of funding in fuNre requestt for grana. V[II. ASSIGNMENT GRANTEE sha11 neither usign nor iransfe� any righcs or obligafioas under this Agreemen[ without the prior written consent of thz STATE. p. Idemification of source of funding. All repores, materiais, confeience documencs, ard any oehec pcoduccs madz avai(able through this program, shalf carry an acl:nowlzdgmene that it was funded under provisions of the Siare of Minnzsota (Auto Thzfr Prevention Board Program) and give cred¢ ro other parry's participation. IX. AMENDMENTS Any amendments to this Agreement shall be in wri[ing, and shall be executzd by the same partiu who execu[ed the ori�inal Agreemenc, or their succusors in office. X. LIABILITY To die extend permitted by Iaw, GRANT&E shall indemnify, save, and hold the STATE, its reprzsentatives and employees harmiess ftom any and all daims or causes of action, including all atrorney's fees incurred by the STATE, arising from the performance of this Agreemen[ by GRANTEE or GRANTEE's agents or employees. This clause shaii not be conscmed [o bar any Izgal remedies GRANTEE may have for the STATE's fai(ure [o fulfili i[s obligations pursuan[ ro this Agreement. XI. ACCOUNTIYG. AUD[T AND RETENTION OF RECORDS A. GRANTEE wilt establish a separate accoun[ for this program and will maintain fiscal records in accordance with generally accep�able � accountin; principles. GRANTEE's records, doNments, asd accounting procedures and prac[ice5 for this projec[ shall be subjeci to the examination of the STATE's Authorized Representative and the Legislative Auditor. Fiscal records shall be retained for a minimum of sis years following submission of the final report. B. The books. rccords, dowmencs, and accounting procedures and practices of the GR.A�TEE relevant ro this Agreemene shall be subjzce ro ex�mination by the STATE 3 P.u[horized Rep�esentative and [he Legisiative Audi[oa Records shali be sufficien[ ro retlec[ aIl cos6 incorred �� performance of [his Agreemznt. XII. GO�'ERNMENT DATA PRACCICES AC'C: The GRANTEE must comply wi[h [he Minnesota Go�ernmen� Data Prae[ices Act. Minnesota Statu2, Chap[zr 13, as ie applias w all data provided by �he STATE in accordance with this Agreement and as i� appiies to atl data created, collecced. [eceivzd, sror:d.used, main[ainzd or disseminared by the GRAA"PEE in accordance wi[h this Agreement. 7hz ci�il remzdies of Minnesota StaNtes Stetion 13.03 appl}' ro[he release ot [lie data referred to in this Artic4z by either the GRANTEE or the STATE. In cht evenc the GRANTEE rzczives a rzquzst to release the da[a refzrred ro in rhis Article, the GR�YTEE must immediately notify the STATE. The STATE wiii give thz GRANCEE instruc:ioiu conceming the release of che daea requesting parry before the data is released. XIII O��'VERSH[P OF DOCUMENTS. PRODUCTS AND COPYRIGHT q. Any reports, studies phorographs, negatives, instruments, curriculum, vidzotapzs, vaining manuals, meclia messagzs, or o�her docum�mtn� proCuc[s (hereinafttr callecl documen[s or pfoducts) prepared by or for GRANTEE in thz pzrformanzt of i6 obligatio�s unde� ��S A�S sh�ll be esclusive propzrry of the STATE. All such dowmenes or produca shall be remined to thz S i ATE hy GRANTEE �!pon corapkeion, tzrmmation, or cancellation of tliis Agroemenc GRANTEE shall mt use, willingly allon�, or causz m have such marerials used for obligations undzr this Agreemint wichout the priot wri[[en conszn[ of che STATE. Gnn� Concrx�v (AUro R<R Prcvrn�ion &�ardl C��ies A C.wmms S��m Paul PoL.e D.pvrt"m'n' 1u.enile Pro-xeve _ Z XIV. YV. XVI. XVII. XVSII. XIX. oa-ste\ ��. g, p1I right ti[le and inre�at in all copyrighpble material wtuch GRANCEE shati conceive or origina[e either individually or jointly with Otk�ers, and which arises out of the performance of this Agreement, wiil be the p�� ��� GA��,EE aisoYagrecs.up�nethe��eq�ut of the STATE along with ownership of any and all copyrighcc of the �o�acsut the STATE to obtain and register copyrighcs on such maceriats. STATE, ro execute all papers and perform ai� other acts necasary Where applicabk, works of authoalup ccated by GRANTEE for the STATE in perfocmance of this Agrrement shall be considered "works made for hire" u defined in the U.S. Copyright Act. pi7BLiCTTY Any publiciry given w the progrem, 4ub(iwtionc. or secvica provided resulung from chis Agreement, iixWding, bu[ not Iimiced to, no6ca, infortnafional pamphlza, prus relzasw. research, reports. signa, and similar public nocica preparcd by or for the GRAN"CEE or itc emPloYees individualiy or joindy �vitli ofiers, or any subgrzn�ees shall idm¢fy the STATE as the sponsoring age�xy azd shali Iroc be re�eaced• unless such releaze is a specific patt of an approved work plan in.;iuded in this Agreemenc prior to its approval by the STATE's Authorized Representative. AFFIRb1AT� I�'7 (�Vhen appticab(e) GRA�TEE �eRifies tha[ �t haz received a certificare of wmp���ce from tfie commissioner of Human Rights pursuant [o Minn. Stat. 5 363.073. 1� is heceby a�ceed between [he panies that Minn. StaL $ec[ion 363.073 is incorpofated into t3tis ton¢act by reference. NONDISC� �'r As a condition of receiving support for this program, GRANIEE assures [ha[ i[ wi11 mee[ all applicable requiremen¢ o z Civil Righ6 Act of 19G4, as amendzd (nondiscrimination on the bazis of handicapping condi[ions). and of any applicable state civil righ6 stamtes• WpRKERS' COMPENSATIOY GRANTEE shall pcovide ac[eptable evidznce of compliance wi[h the workers' compensa[ion insurance coverage rtquirement of M�na S[at. ys 176.181. Subd. 2. IURISDICT[ON AND VENUE This A€rezmznt, and amendments and supp�ements therero, shall be govemed by the laws of [he Sta[e of Minnuota. Venue for all (zgal proczedmgs arisine out of this Agreemen[, or breach thereof, shall be in the sca[e or fedzral coun with competzn[ jurisdicfion in Ramsey Counry, Minnesota. A. B. C. OTHER PROVISIONS When purchasing equipment authorized by this Agreemen4 GRANCEE shalt comply with aIl procurement procedures and laws that appfy ro the GRANTEE's purchase of similar equipment in the performance of its dutizs osher than ia duties under Ihis Agreemen[. Any equipment purchased undzr this Ag�eement shalt be used for law enPorcemen[ purposes during [he Iife of [he equipmen[. The GRANTEE may not dzvia[e from this requirement and may not dispose of any equipmen[ unless GRANTEE hu fiae obtained written permission from thz STATE. The GRANTEE shali be rzspo�uibie for alI opzrating, maintenance, and repair cosa oF equipment puschased undec ehis Agreement. iN WITNESS WHEREOF, ihe parties have caused tttis Agreement ro be duly execuced intending eo be bou� thereby. APPROVED: 1. GRANTEE: GRANTEE cer[iFies tha[ the approp��ate person(s) hlve execured [he contract on bzha(f of the GRANTEE as required by appiicable articies, by-�aas, resotutio�s, or orJ�nnnces. By . �. . � r� Titlz: �L\ F-'{' p � Date: � �" p " � By: Titk: Date: By: Title: Date: 2. STATE AGENCY: Tide: Execu[ive Director, Auro TheF P��'ention Beard Dace: Distribu[ion: Agency - Original ((uily exewtzcl) Aerezmznt Granree State Authorized ReprtSenta[ive Uuo � Couno.cs Smnt Paul PoLce DcP+nmm�c ATTACHMENT C ��t��1�t�� oo-S� � Minnesota Auto ThefE Prevention Program ( MATPP ) Grant Annlication NOTE This "Attachment C" form should be used if possible. If duplicated, na change in format will be accepted (no deletions or rearrangements) SECTION l: Applicanf Information Type of Governmental Agency or Organization; State ❑ County ❑ City ✓ Private Non-Profit O Name of A�ency or Organization: Saint Paul Police Department A�ency Address: 100 E. 11"' Street City: Saint Paul County: Ramse � State: MiV Zip: 55101 Federal Identification Number: 41-600�521 Private for Profit ❑ Total MATPP Budeet Re uest: $ 22 924.80 Project Tit1e, if applicable: Juvenile Pro - Active Auto Theft Proeram Geographical Area Applicable to Grant Project: (identify statewide, county, city, other) Citv of Saint Paul located within Ramsev Countv , MN. _ Other A�encies Participatin� in the Project: (If a multi-agency project, attach letters of confirmation and resolution(s) by a11 entities). Each agency or participant listed below must pro�'ide a city / county Board resolution before an e�ecuted grant can be issued. form AT:OI (Attachment C) Rev. 2(94 6c?-S� �: SECTION 2 : CERTIPICATIONS/SIGNATIIRES - I acknowledge Yhat I have read, understand and agree to the conditions set forth in the application and supporting materials and that the information I am supplying in this application is true, complete and correct. Type or Print Name of Proj ect Director: aspects of the grant) SerQeant Shawn Campbell (Name) 651 292-3612 Telephone Number Director is the primary contact person for all (Date) 651 292-6520 Fax Number � Type or Print Name of Financial Officer: Amelia Brown (Name) Phone: (651) 292-3507 (Signature) n i �IZ�D� (Dc�te) Type or Print Name and Title of Authority Official: (Person authorized to enter into a formal agreement) William K Finne� (Name) (Title) Chief Of Police Pltone: (651) 292 - 3588 , . �.�-... �Q • . Form AT:O1 (Attachment C) ��+ �"�'Y�� 3: Current antl Proposed Aufo Theft Prevention Responsibilities - For eaCh of the au�"o` ` theft reduction strategies and activities listed below, check whether they are current efforts undertaken by your agency. Check the activities and strategies that are proposed for MATPP grant-funding. Check all activities and strategies that apply. STRATEGIES AND CURRENT LEVEL OF EFFORT ACTIVITIES (NOT MATPP FUNDED) Mi)I,TI-AGBNCY INVOLVENIENT Multiple Law Enforcement Agencies Prosecutors Insurance Industry Businesses Community Groups Other Pro Active Efforts Decoy Operations Chop Shop Identification Investigations, Long Term Investigations, Short Term Other Crime Anal�sis Identify Trends and Methods Develop Profiles Identify High Risk Areas and Vehicles Identify Repeat Offenders Other Public Erlucation and Atvareness Prevention Seminars Presentations to Schools Advertising Campaigns Other TYlI[l1l/t a Development Programs Law Enforcement Officers Prosecutors Other Form AT (Attachment C) X X PROPOSED FOR (MATPP GRANT) X X X X X X X X X X �i X X X X X X X X X X X Y X x X X 3 , �� � �� SEi TION 4 : Grant Purpose and Descriptior: - Provide a summary description of the p o,}ec t�hat is to be funded by the MATPP. $riefly describe the grant objectives and the grant-funded strategies and activities that will be implemented to achieve the objectives. Describe how the project meet's priorities established by the MATPP, if applicable. Use additional space if necessary. The St Paul Police Department had significant increases in the crime of auto theft for the years 1995, and 1996. The number ��as virtually static (at an all time high) for 1997 and showed a decrease in 1998. The numbers for 1999 indicate a reducfion of approximately 19 % from 1998. We believe the reduction is due iri part to the strategies implemented through the grant program. Numerous auto thieves were identified, arrested and incarcerated due to the additional fiinding. In addition a large number of vehicles with a high dollar value were recovered. The police department statistics show a majority of auto thefts were committed by juvenilesuspects. Last year nearly four hundred (400) juderiiles were arrested for auto theft. The St. Paul Police Juvenile Unit in 1997 recorded 423 arrests for auto theft, in 1998 there were 395 juveniles arrested for auto theft. Those figures coincide with the downward trend after the Auto Theft Prevention Program was implemented. To fiirther deter the crime of auto theft involving juveniles, the SPPD Juvenile Unit will use an aggressive pro-active multi-pronged approach with the following components; • Change policy to have all juvenile suspects in stolen vehicles processed through the booking unit so that we tivill have accurate records of juveniles who are involved in auto thefts and to deter those juveniles from firture involvement based on the lilcelihood of their identification in the filture. • Use updated computer data statistics, to analyze locations and-suspects and coordinate with the Auto Theft and Special Investigations Units to identify trends in auto theft. • Spend some of the grant money on direct proactive auto theft investigation and surveillance techniques to target juvenile offenders using both Sergeants and street ofticers with juvenile eYpertise. • Send letters (in several translated languages) to the parents of}uvenile offenders involved in auto thefts stating what their child has done, what the possible consequences are, and suggestions to prevent future involvement in auto theft crimes. Forn1 AT: O l(Attachment C) -� .. DO 5te.� � • Develop a educational and training video for current and new officers, to help them in detecting auto the$s and catching juvenile offenders. • Use some of the investigative time to do the background work necessary to determine whether a juvenile is a gang member and whether the charge can be "enhanced" under the statute applying to gang members. This would have special application to juveniles who are ultimately charged with "tampering with an auto". It has been our experience that many of the auto thefts involving juveniles have multiple suspects (who may be gang members) in the car, with a lot of problems identifying who the driver was, and who aided in the theft, and who may have driven the car since it was stolen. . Develop and distribute a flyer for the school system to educate and deter juveniles from getting involved in auto thefts. � Form AT: O1 (Attachment C) 5 � � r^ vJ +„ � � U � � � � � � � � V � � � � O E" U � � bA � � � n, � � .� a� > �,�., a O ""' U � .!� � 0 -°�' � � � � .5.� T3 Q� Y � � � -Si •y 5-I .� � Q � � . � � � � Y � N � U � U O � � Q7 �" '� `� O O � � ti v� Q ... y , y � � $� i ~--+ �-" � T � � U � O � O � � .� �] N „� ,� � � � O U -�i � � "� V7 O r � '� � `v W � r �. � � � r., � U � V N U � �" • 0 V] � 3.- N ':� �,', � r �, � :� ,N � � N U � � C]. V `-i--� C�S � o � p � o � � � � O N � � � a� " ^ � .� o "+� Y Y � o � � i � � �� �.e�. 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