279691 WHITE � - CITV CLERK CQUIICIl ����� ' PINK �-'FINANCE G I�TY OF SA I NT PAU L CANARY - DEPARTMENT BlJ?E - MAVOR File NO. � �� Council Resolution Presented By �l-S"�'o ,f' . Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION AMENDING 'fHE 1982 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET TO PROVIDE ADDITIONAL FINANCING FOR THE REPLACEMENT OF THE FARMERS MARKET. BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the 1982 Capital Improvement Budget as heretofore adopted by the Council and thereafter amended, is hereby amended as under: FINANCING PLAN Curent Amended Budget Change Budget Sale Proceeds of Old Farmers Site $ 550,000 $ -0- $ 550,000 5D085-537-000 Urban Renewal Bonds 155,000 (41,000) 114,000 76500-537-301 1981 Capital Improvement Bonds 100,000 - 100,000 96081-537-002 Private Contribution: - Broadway Square Associates 37,600 92,340 130,000 - Saint Paul Progress 75,000 (75,000) -0- UrbanJ�evelopment Action Grant Funds -0- 150,000 150,000 3d911-537-089 $ 917,660 $ 126,340 $1,044,000 NET INCREASE '126,340 COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher �evine In Favor Masanz Nicosia scneibe� _ __ Against BY — Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY By tapproved by 17avor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ — BY � WNITE . - CITY CLERK .PINK - FINANCE ���9�91 �CANARY -' DEPARTMENT G I TY O F SA I NT ��U L COUIIGI BLU!3 - MAYOR File N . � � � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date SPENDING PLAN Current Amended Budget Chan e Budget Broadway Market (Farmers Market): - Acquisition of Real Property $ 248,380 $ -0- $ 248,380 - Construction of Public Improvements 587,660 91,716 679,376 - Relocation, Design and Miscellaneous Professional Services S 1,620 34,624 116,244 Total $ 917,660 $ 126,340 $1,044,000 NET INCREASE $ 126,340 . ' ,l/ ��-L �— Budget re or Director, Department of Finance and Management Services S� r COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays � H t — �� _� In Favor � nn� non Le.tr� � __ A gai n s t %~1 BY � "��, � Lx� Sh Iter ���Z - T e � �fL'� ilson �e1� �pN 13 1963 Form Ap d by Cit Att rne Adopted by CouncilT�o Date Certified V�s; d �un .il et ry BY BS' �� f'GG �, A o b Mavor: t �N �� � Approv - i for�ibmi sion to Cou il P Y — By _ BY '� P us D �AN 2 2 i983 (" . : ;�,��:: . CITY OF SAiNT PAUL ��"`��� INTERDEPRRTMEN7AL MEMORANDUM .,� � ,� � ' S.��� . � �� w e...r._a:� Y . � DATE: �anuary 7, l983 � ;,n� � �. . ��.�J J - t��'�}`,� TO: Councilman Scheibel � � FROM: Tom Meyer `+'��'�- � �� � ., ' �r`�=.� - RE: Council Resolution to amend the 1982 Suspense Fund Budget Ttiz Council Resolution tQ amend the 1982 Suspense Fund budget, presented to the Finance Committee on ;lanuary 6, 1983, includes the auth�rization to transfer $29,653 to the Community Development �31ock Grant Fund. Th; , �novement o.f money from the Suspense Fund is necessary because of an established City .:+.ccounting procedure used in depositing monies which are awaiting a decision for�credit to the appropriate account. Through this procedure, cash receipts are deposited immediately to the Suspense Fund and later transferred to the a.ppropriate fune! and account when determined. This procedure insures that interest from the investm�nt of City cash is maximized. Th� amount of $29,663 to be transferred to the CDBG fund represents proceeds from the sale of CDBG acquired land for which the appropriate account was not known until an analysis of the land parcels had been completed. The entire amount of $29,663 has been aQpropriated for use in the CDBG fund. The City Council has �dopted a Community . Development Block Grant budget �vhich includes both the Block Grant entitlement and prograrn incame, such as land sales, for financino the program. In the fu�ture, a Council Resolufion will not be used to handle this type of transaction since it can be handled as a correction of a deposit rather than additional sp°nding frorn the Suspense Fund. ':PM:do cc: �ohn Connelly Greg Blees , v+� ��i� E �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL �'�9691 INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM To: Ja�nes Scheibel C�airman, Finance Gommittee From: Tam Meyer �+�- Department Accountant P.E.D. Date: January 13, 1983 Re: 1982 Budget Amenc�nent: Farmers Market Construction I ask that you consider submission of this resolution to the City Council under suspension of the rules on Thursday, January 13,1983. The council meeting on that date is the last time that 1982 burlget amendments may be adopted. `I�is resolution was approvec� by the Finance Committee T�ursday, January 6, 1983. 'Il�ere was insufficient time for it to be placed on the January 13, Council Agenda. This Special Fund Budget revenue is to increase f inancing for the Farmers Market construction from Urban Development Action Grant anc3 other sources with spending from the Permanent Improvenent Revolving Fund. The net increase to financing and spending is $126,340.00. The resolution is essential to the proper reporting of the affected Special Funds. Thank you. TM/mt cc: G. Blees J. Connelly � ���;r `�- • ,- +, C�ITY 4F S�.INT P.E1t7L �`� 4 �' � jr _ , .' ' '� OF`FZCE OF 7`FiP: CITY COIII�TCIL ���9691 �- �,�..::��;::: �.. t- ••�:�3= :� D d t e . . ,. . .Tanuary 6, 1982 � C4MM [T�" EE REPO �? T ; � ` TO = � Suint Pau f Cifiy Cou�ci t . , F R � � ' C O 171�I r�8 C O h FINANCE, MANAGEMENT � PERSONNEL - C H A 1 R James Scheibel � �— 1. -Approval of minutes frnm meeting held 1Vednesday, Decenb�r 29, 19S2�-d . � � 14. Resolution amending the 1982 Capital Improvement Budget to include additional funding source of UDAG fund increasing the total Capita Cost of Farmers Market. 15. Resolution closing out the Navy Island Ac uisition project and increasing the Hayden Heights project. 16. Resolution approving the bond sale to finance the construction of - -;�,,� a waste water pretreatment facility at the St. Paul Ford Motor plant. 17. Resolution adopting additions to the 1982 Budget. � _ �� ���"�i�l�f#1 f-IL/��Q� , � ' ga - a-�a. D '' � EPARTh1ENT � �9s�� S fi-e- ;� '�TIn t^^ ONTACT ," 7�-/Q ��.��� HONE t�.c` ..�Cu 2�: / ��-DATE re en �� (Routing and Explanation �heet) Assi n N rr�er for Routin Order Cli All Locations for oral Si nature : ar men tor I .� +��J'— ' J�,;� Di ector af Management/Mayor ; ��Fi ance and Management Ser�i ces Di rector ' ��Ci y Clerk i � get Director �_ ! What Wil be Achieved b �'akin Action on the Attached Materials? Pur o�e/Rationale : Amends 1 82 Capital Improvement Budget to include additional Funding '`Sourde of Urban DevelQpm nt Actton Grant Fund and also tf�e additional estimated cost of $1i26,340, bringi'ng total Capital Cost of Farmers Market to $1,044,000. � Financia , Bud etar and PersonnPl I acts Antici ated: I Net Incr ase 9n Flnancing $126,340.00 Net Incr se in Spending $126,340.00 ' Fundin ource and Fund A�tivit Number Char ed or Credited: ' Urban De lopment Action Grant Fund Activity #36911-089 �-j I Attachme ts List and Nurt�er all Attachments : i, Resoluti I DEPARTME T REVIEW CITY ATTORN�Y REVIEW Yes� No Council Resolutian Required? Resolution Required? �C Yes No Yesli No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? �/ Yes _ No � Yes No Insurance Attached? Revision of October, 19�2 , � (See Reverse Si de for �I�hstructi ons)