O r Z f�L Ce Ordinance N 0. ��G�,�_
Pr �C=�- .T
esented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
An administrative ordinance pertaining to the advisory planning commission of the
City of Saint Paul ; amending the St. Paul Administrative Code, Chapter 107.
Section 1 .
That Chapter 107 of the St. Paul Administrative Code be and the same hereby is
amended to read as follows:
107.01 . Created. There is hereby created an advisory planning commission. The
commission shall consist of twenty-one (21 ) voting members appointed by the
mayor with the advice and consent of the council . Initially, seven members
shall be appointed for a term of three years, seven members shall be appointed
for a term of two years, and seven members shall be appointed for a term of
one year. Thereafter, the terms of commission members shall be for three years
and until their successors are appointed.
107.02. Powers and Duties. The commission shall serve as an advisory body to
the mayor and city council on municipal planning matters as required by the
Municipal Planning and Development Act, Minnesota Statutes 462.351 , and the
Metropolitan Land Planning Act, Minnesota Statutes 473.858. It shal rT—e ew
and comment upon comprehensive plan recommendations, studies and amendments
submitted by the office of the mayor through the division of planning and shall
recommend to the mayor initiation of such planning studies as it deems necessary
for the proper preparation of a comprehensive plan or any portion thereof.
All such studies transmitted to the council through the mayor's office shall
contain the recommendations of both the division of planning and the planning
commission. The commission shall be kept informed by the division of planning
of the planning activities of all city departments and ageneies, including
the ea���a�-����eve�ew�s-ee�����ee long range capital improvement budget committee,
as well as those of adjacent units of government and all other affected public
Yeas Nays Requested by Dep tment of:
�e�ine [n Favor
Nicosia Against By
Form Approve b C' At ey
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved b Mayor for Submission to Council
By BY � �
O� in�nce Ordinance N 0.
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
Page 3.
107.04. Ad Hoc Advisor Task Forces. The lannin commission ma from time to
time create a oc advisor tas orces compose of technical persons appointed
in accordance with the rules of procedure of the planning commission. Such
task forces shall serve as advisor bodies to the plannin commission and its
comm�ttees. Such task forces shall stud technical matters related to committee
business, as identified b the committee, and shall report their findinqs to
the committee for its consideration. All findinqs of the corr�nnittee task forces
shall be for informational purposes and in no event shall eonstitute findinqs
or recommendations of the comm�ttee or of the planninq commission as a whole
Such task forces shall be dissolved following the completion of their assi ned
sub�ect of study in accordance with the rules of procedure of the planninq
107.05. Compensation. Each member of the planning commission shall be paid $25
for each meeting of the commission as a whole or of committees of the commission
that the member shall attend, but in no event sha 1 any commi�sion member receive
more than ��SA $1 ,200 per annum for attendance at such meetings. �q-ad����eq,
�e��e�-�eEe�ve-�s�e-�ba�-$�5A-�e�-�ep�b-�s�-a��epdapee-a�-saeb-�ee��p�s.- The
compensation set forth herein shall be the entire compensation to commission
and/or committee merr�ers for the performance of their duties.
Section 2.
This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage,
approval and publication.
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Fletcher �
Levine In Favor
Masanz �
Nicosia Against By
Adopted by Council: Date
M�Y � g 19�3 Form Appr ved y i A ney
Certifi , ssed C cil S retary BY
. �
B C '
Ap o y Mayor: `�� � � �y�3 Approv b ayor for Submission to Council
PUB�t.i�t�ED�..: �AY ��8 i�83
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D a t e ; rfarch 3, 1983
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TO = SQtn� Pau I Cifiy Cou�ci!
F R � � = C O tn[�7 I�'t g e O h C I TY DEVELOP�tIIVT � TRANSPORTATION
C H A i R Councilman Bob Fletcher
Ordinance, C.F. 1�'0. 279681 amending Chapter 107 of the St. Paul Administrative
Code pertaining to the Plannino Corrunission.
At its meeting of March 2, 1983, the City� Development � Transportation
Comanittee recommended apgroval of ordinance pertaining to the
Planni.r�g Commission, with the amendment that membership of Corrunission
remain at 21 members, and recommended matter be fonaarded to full
Council for scheduling of a public hearing date.
P � EPARTt,1ENT '� ���� b /
P 99Y Rei chert pNTAC�� �
HONE r �� �►r �
M rch 15, 1983 DATE �
. (Routing and Explanation Sheet)
Assi N mber for Routin Order Cli All Locations for orai Si nature :
artment Di rector .
Ci Att�eYv -a�s'-�a
4 D ment/Mla�yor
Fi ance and Management Services Director
5 Ci y Clerk
_.�-- - ctor
i�hat Wil be Achieved b Takin Action on the Attached Materials? Pu se Rationale :
T ese a n ments to t e minis ra ive o e wi up a e e proce ures an pay sc e u e of the
PlanningiCommission, per recommendations of the Development and Transportation Committee
of the C ty Counci1 . Aside from housekeeping changes in the code, the am�dments:
(1) leav the size of the Planning Commission at 21 members; (2) pa�y Commissioners
$25 per iem for. Comnission and Committee work; and (3) a11ow the Commission to form
ad hoc a visory task forces to advise the C.omm�ssion on issues it feels necessary.
Financia Bud ta and Personnel I acts Antici ated:
Per iem cos s are increase ue o more mee ings o e paid for� Estima�ed yearly
costs a $25,200 (vs. current $17,400) . The 1983 Planning Commission budget allocation
is $20,0 O ,to cover Planning Commission and Board of Zoninc A ea1s per diems. This
will not;cover 1983 anticipated expenses if the new pay schedu e is; adopted: It will
require budget amendment of approximate1y $5,000.
Fundin ource and Fund Activit Nu�er Cha d or Credit�d:
Fund #12 ; Activity #36020
Attachme ts List and Number all Attachments :
Draft or inance, with amendments included.
X Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution t�quired? Yes No
Yes� X No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No
Yes �( No Insurance Attached?
Revision of October, 1982 ` '
f SPe RPVPI^SP S�(IP for 'Instructions)
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Co�sc�lmau Ito�art Fletchsr � ' .
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Ro+te� 722y CiCq Sall '-:
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, �ear Covncil�ariu Fletcfiart �
, Ths Cftq;C!�ail reR#erred to the C�ty Dh►eeluPment & Trans�ort4Clt�aa t�sfttae �
� _ � fcr con�id�tration and reco�dation an ardivanc4� �.F. No. _�746j81 em�ding r ,
: : ,_Chaptar 107 of. 'the St. `Psul Admfnistritive 'Coda part�i� to t�bs Yla�ain� „
�taltion. , . ,
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Plann�ng S�aff �
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WH17E - CITV CLERK 1 ���b��
BLU� ='SvtAYOR File NO.
• O dZ C Ordinance PIO.
_ L __ ; '�
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
An administrative ordinance pertainin�-�to� the
advisory planning commission of the �it f Saint
Paul; amending the St. Paul Administr ive Code,
Chapter 107.
Sec on 1.
That Chapter 107 of the t. Paul Administrative Code be
and the same hereby is a nded to read as follows:
107.01. Created. here is hereby created an advisory
planning commi sion. The commission shall consist of
�;ve���-e�e-� � 13 voting members appointed by the
mayor with e advice and consent of the council.
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��.e} -��.eee�se��-a�e-agge}�.�e�T Of the members first
a inted three shall be a ointed for a term of
on ear five shall be a ointed for a term of two
ars and five shall be a oin ed for a term of
ree ears. Thereafter the term of each commission
ember shall be three years and until a successor is
appointed. No member shall serve consecutivelv more
than two three-.year terms. or for longer than� eigh't years.
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
�evtne In Favor —
Nicosia A gai ns t BY
Form Approv d by City Att ne
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY �
By 1 0
Approved by Mayor: Date Appr ' Mayor for i si ouncil
By BY �
, � , . . . , . �'w'���.,�
. � � �
Page 3.
To discharge its duties and responsibilities, the commission
shall have the power to elect its own officers and
make its own rules for the conduct of its business.
Such rules may provide for the delegation of commission
duties, responsibilities and powers to the head of the
division of planning of the department of planning
and economic development or such employees under his
direction as he may designate, in accordance with and
� subject to law. Such rules and amendments thereto
are not effective until filed with the city clerk.
The commission shall use the services of the staff
of the division of planning as required for the
conduct of commission business a��-sba��-reee��e-sbeb
On or before March 15 of each year, the planning commission
shall submit an annual re ort to �he ma or, cit council
and city clerk. T e repor�. 5 a inclu e, ut not be
limited to, a summarY^o�-'i�ommission activitiesiand
accom ishments in t � recedin ear and a brief
out ine of ro ose accom ishments for the current
ear. The cit er sha kee a 1 anninq commission
annual re ort on file and available for ublic ins ection.
The commission hall conduct its business in such a manner
as to enc urage and utlize maximum citizen participation.
107.03. Z ing committee. There is hereby created a
zonin committee composed of e��b� five members of the
plann ng commission appointed in accordance with the
rule of procedure of the planning commission. The
com ittee shall serve as an advisory body to the
pl ning commission on matters relating to the
Sa nt Paul Zoning 9��papee-�6ba��e�s-6A-�bwe��b
64 e�-�be-�a�p�-Pa��-Ee��s�a���e-6e�e} Code.
T e committee shall , upon proper notification,
c nduct public hearings on district boundary
a endments and the various types of zoning
plications that are duties of the planning
ommission. The committee may also study and ,
pon proper notification , conduct public hearings
n proposed amendments to the text of the code,
unless a proposed amendment is assigned to another
committee of the planning commission. The zoning
committee shall not be required to conduct public
hearings on proposed text amendments or 40-acre
studies if the planning commission holds hearings
. • . .
- � 2`�9���.
Page 4.
on sucF� amendments. The co�nittee shall carry out such �
otlier responsibilities of tFie p1anning commission
under the zoning code as may 6e de1egated to it
by the planning commission.
107.04. Ad hoc advisory task for�es.:�='fTf�e planning
commission ma from time to ti " create ad hoc advisory
task forces com osed of ers� a aointed in accordance
wit t'e ru es o roce ure - f t e n anning comm�ssion,
and cfiaire �y a member of the anning commission.
Suc task forces shall s ve as advisor bodies to
the lanning commissio and its committees. Suc
tas forces s a 1 stu tec nical matters re ate
to committee"busines , as identified b the corrnnittee,
and sfiall report t ir findings to the committee
for its considera ion. All findin s of the committee
tas forces s a e for informationa �urnoses an
� in no event sii 1 constitute findinas or recommendations
of t e commit e of tFie lanninq commission as a whole.
Such task fo es shall 6e dissolved followin� the
com letion their assiqned subject of stud in
accor ance it� t e ru es of rocedure of the olannin
commissio .
1�17.05. Co ensation. Eacfi mem6er of the planning
commis on sF�all be paid $25 for each meeting of
the c ission as a whole that tfie member shall
atte , but in no event s{iall any commission member
rece ve more tf�an �750 per annum for attendance
at ucfi meetings . In addition, each member of the
�e }pQ-Ee����ee shall receive $25 for each meeting
o sa}� establis{ied committees that the member shall
tend, ut6 in no event sfiall any Ee����ee
B��€ '�— t.�AVOR File NO.
^ , ' •
,,� �, .� �-_�
Ordin�nce Ordinance 1��.
Presented By ''�,��,��"�,<_,,�'��;r���
Referred To Committee: Date �
Out of Committee By Date '�
Page 5.
commission mem r receive more than $��9 $100 per month for
atten ance at s� commission and/or corrnnittee meetings.
The compensation s forth herein shall be the entire com-
pensation to commiss n and�or committee members for the
performance of their d IES.
� ection 2.
This ordinance hall take effec and be in force 30 days from
and after its p sage, approval and ublication.
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Fletcher _
�evine In Favor
Nicosia Against BY
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
, . ¢, �. . . _
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•- Out f Co�mittee By - � Date � ;�
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Requested by Uepartment of: ' :r
;`Yeas . ' Nays , . . : �
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{`, - �
�rtns . In Favoc ' _ � . . ~ �
1 N� I Against By ' \,, � ,��� �
Tsdes _ I ���:�
WNso '
Form Appro e by Eity Att y ! ��_ �i�
`'<Adopted by Co ncil: Date `?
, ,
Certified Pass by'Council Secretary � BY , ` ,.
. ^ . � . . � . .� . . . � � � - 'Y '��
$y +�r, ��s
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�`Approved by M or: Date , _ s ' , ,� .�;
:i;.. . :By -, . » �' `' �:g �
: •
Page 2 �
In the selection of appointees, service on the Saint
Paul Plannin Commission as it existed rior to the ,
e fective date of this section sha 1 not be consi ered ,,,�
in com utin the maximum len th of service ermissible � jY�
under t is section.
107.02. Powers and duties. The commission shall serve
as an advisory body to the mayor and city council.
municipal planning matters as required by the M cipal
Planning and Development Act, Minnesota Statu s
462.351 , and the Metro olitan Land Plannin ct,
Minnesota Statutes 473.858. It shall revi and
comment upon comprehensive plan recomme tions , studies
and amendments submitted by the office f the mayor
through the division of planning and hall recommend
to the mayor initiation of such pl ing studies as
it deems necessary for the proper reparation of a
comprehensive plan or any portio thereof. All such
studies transmitted to the cou il through the mayor's
office shall contain the rec endations of both the
division of planning and th planning commission. The
corr�nission shall be kept i ormed by the division of
planning of the planning tivities of all city depart-
ments and agencies, incl ding the ea���a�-���weve�e�a�s
Ee����ee lon ran e ca ital im rovement bud et
committee, as well as hose of adjacent units of
government and all ot �r affected public and private
agencies and corpora ions. Before the comprehensive
plan, any amendment hereto or any proposal for
effecting said pla shall be certified by the
comnission, it sh�ill hold at least one public hearing
thereon. Notice of the time, place and purpose of
the hearing sha 1 be published once in the official
newspaper of t e city at least ten days before the
day of the he ring. An outline of the proposal shall
be transmitt d to the mayor and the city council at
the time th request is made for a notice of the public
At such time s hearings are concluded, and within 30 days
thereaft r, the commission shall certify to the mayor
and cit council its recorrmendations on the comprehensive
plan, y amendment thereto, or any proposal for
effect ating said plan. Until adopted by the city
counc , the plan , any amendment thereto or any
prop al for effecting such plan shall constitute
only the recommendation of the planning commission.
. . � � 2'�s��'��°_
Page 3. .
To discharge its duties and responsibilities, the commissi
shall have the power to elect its own officers and
make its own rules for the conduct of its business.
Such rules may provide for the delegation of can ' sion
duties, responsibilities and powers to the head i the
division of planning of the department of pla ing
and economic development or such employees u er his
direction as he may designate, in accordan with and
• subject to law. Such rules and amendment thereto
are not effective until filed with the ty clerk.
The commission shall use the services the staff
of the division of planning as requir d for the
conduct of commission business ap�-s a��-weEe�ve-sdEM
ee��epsa��ep-as-�s-�we���e�-�y-a�r�' �s�pa��ve-ewd�pa�aEe
On or before March 15 of each ear, the lannin comnission
shall submit an annual re ort o the ma or, cit council
and cit c er . T e re ort s a inc u e, ut not e
limited to, a surr�nar of co ission activities and
accan is ments in t e rec in ear and a brief
out ine o ro osed accom ishments for the current
ear. T e cit c er s a ee a anninq commission
annual re orts on file a d available for ublic ins ection.
The comrnission shall condu t its business in such a manner
as to encourage and u lize maximum citizen participation.
107.03. Zoning corrnnitt . There is hereby created a
zoning committee c posed of e}�M� five members of the
planning comnissio appointed in accordance with the
rules of procedur of the planning commission. The
committee shall erve as an advisory body to the
planning commis 'on on matters relating to the
Saint Paul Zoni g A��papee-�Eba��e�s-6A-�bwed�b
64-e€-�be-�a�p -Pa��-EeQ�s�a��ve-Ee�e� Code.
The cor�nittee shall , upon proper notificati no ,
conduct publ ' hearings on district boundary
amendments d the various types of zoning
application that are duties of the planning
corrnnission The committee may also study and ,
upon prop notification , conduct public hearings
on propo amendments to the text of the code,
unless a proposed amendment is assigned to another
comnittee of the planning commission. The zoning
committee shall not be required to conduct public
hearings on proposed text amendments or 40-acre
studies if the planning commission holds hearings
- � � ������
Page 4.
on such amendments. The com�nittee sf�all carry o such '
other responsibilities of tF�e planning co 'ssion
under the zoning code as may be delec�ate o it
by tlie planning commission.
107.04. Ad f�oc advisor task forces. e lannin .
commission ma rom time to time eate ad oc advisory
task forces com osed of ersons pointed in accordance
wit t`e ru es o roce ure o e p anning commission,
and cfiaire �y a member of t anning comrriission.
Suc task forces shall serv as advisor bodies to
tfie lannin commission a its committees. Such
tas forces s a stud echnical matters re ated
to commi ttee busi ness , s i denti fi ed b the corr�ni ttee,
and s�iall reoort thei � findin s to the corr�ni ttee
or its consideratio . All findin s of the committee
tas forces s a for in ormationa �urnoses an
. in no event sfiall onstitute findinas or recommendations
of t e committee f tFie ]anninq commission as a whole.
Suc tas�C force shall 6e dissolved followina the
' com letion of eir assiqned sub 'ect of stud in
accor ance wi � t e ru es of rocedure of the olanning
1�J7.05. Compe sation. Eacfi mem6er of the planning
commissi�o sfiall be paid $25 for each meeting of
tfie comm ssion as a wtiole tf�at tfie member shall
attend, ut in no event siiall any commission member
receiv more than �750 per annum for attendance
at suc meetings . In addition, each member of the
�ep�p -ee�}��ee shall receive $25 for each meeting
of s �� establisfied committees that tfie mem6er shall
att d, utG in no event sFiall any Ee����ee
, , . , _ , �, -.: €
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` F� 'f
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�� Against By �; �';
Sc �
T i
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Adopted by Co cil: . Date ^ �orin Appr+�ved by City Attomey
� '
Certified Passe by Council Secrcfary _ ° BY , � : ,
, By ° ��.. :
APProved'by Ma ' r Date _ , ` APProved by Mayor for Suba�i$s'ii�s;td CouttciF' • . '
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WHITE — CtTV LERK .� . ' � ' � � .� �'_L��^�
+ O/ W Z/l�f�L/`CG Ordinance N O.
Presented By '
Refe�f ed To Committee: Date
Out a Committee By Date
#�� �isi�tis�#sa#i�ar �ir� �r ts #i�e �
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COUNCI MEN � Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Fletchsr I
�evine In Favor
Masanz ' ,
B �,�
scne be� Against Y . '
Tedesco�, �
Wlison I �
Adopted by Coun il: Date Form Approv d y City Att e ,
• Certified Passed 4 y Council Secretary BY
gy r"�, , .
. � �` , ,
Approved by May'r: Date _ Appro � Mayor for '�si n� ouncil '
_ �
. .. By BY ' .
� �
. . � � � � � � 2�9b��
Page 2 �
In the selection of appointees, service on the Saint
Paul Plannin Commission as it existed rior to the
e fective date of this section shall not be consi ered
in computing the maximum length of service permissible
under this section.
107.02. Powers and duties. The commission shall serve
as an advisory body to the mayor and city council on
municipal planning matters as required by the Municipal '
Planning and Development Act, Minnesota Statutes
462.351 , and the Metropolitan Land Planning Act,
Minnesota Statutes 473.858. It shall review and
corrment upon comprehensive plan recommendations studies
and amendments submitted by the office of the ayor
through the division of planning and shall r ommend
to the mayor initiation of such planning s dies as
it deems necessary for the proper prepara on of a
comprehensive plan or any portion there . All such
studies transmitted to the council thr gh the mayor's
office shall contain the recommendati s of both the
division of planning and the planni commission. The
commission shall be kept informed the division of
planning of the planning activiti s of all city depart-
ments and agencies, including t Ea���a�-���weve�ep�s
ee����ee lon ran e ca ital i rovement bud et
committee, as well as those o adjacent units of
government and all other aff ted public and private
agencies and corporations. efore the comprehensive
plan, any amendment theret or any proposal for
effecting said plan shall e certified by the
comnission, it shall hol at least one public hearing
thereon. Notice of the time, place and purpose of
the hearing shall be p blished once in the official
newspaper of the city at least ten days before the
day of the hearing. An outline of the proposal shall
be transmitted to t e mayor and the city council at
the time the reque t is made for a notice of the public
At such time as hea ngs are concluded, and within 30 days
thereafter, th commission shall certify to the mayor
and city coun 1 its recorrmendations on the comprehensive
plan, any ame dment thereto, or any proposal for
effectuatin said plan. Until adopted by the city
council , t plan , any amendment thereto or any
proposal for effecting such plan shall constitute
only the recommendation of the planning corrnnission.
. , . . �'�S��d�.
Page 3.
To discharge its duties and responsibilities, the commission
shall have the power to elect its own officers and
make its own rules for the conduct of its business.
Such rules may provide for the delegation of commi,gsion
duties, responsibilities and powers to the head the
division of planning of the department of plan ng
and economic development or such employees un er his
direction as he may designate, in accordanc with and
� subject to law. Such rules and amendments thereto
are not effective until filed with the c' y clerk.
The commission shall use the services o the staff
of the division of planning as requir for the
conduct of corrgnission business apd-s ��-�eee�ve-sbeb
Eer��e�asa��e�-as-�s-�we���e�-�y-a�►�� �s�pa��r�e-e���pa�Ee
On or before March 15 of each ear, he lannin cortmission
shall submit an annual re ort o the ma or, cit council
an cit c er . T e re ort a inc ude, but not be
imited to, a summar of co ission activities and
accom is ments in t e re in ear and a brief
out ine of ro osed accom ishments for the current
ear. T e cit c er s ee a ann�nq commission
annual re orts on file d available for ublic ins ection.
The commission shall cond ct its business in such a manner
as to encourage and lize maximum citizen participation.
107.03. Zoning corr�nit e. There is hereby created a
zoning committee mposed of e�gb� five members of the
planning comnissi n appointed in accordance with the
rules of procedu e of the planning commission. The
corr�nittee shall serve as an advisory 6ody to the
planning commi ion on matters relating to the
Saint Paul Zon ng A��papEe-�6ba��e�s-6A-�Hwe�Qb
64-e�-�be-�a� �-Pad�-�e��s�a��ve-6ede3 Code.
The committe shall , upon proper notification ,
conduct publ c hearings on district boundary
amendments d the various types of zoning
application that are duties of the planning
canmission. The committee may also study and ,
upon prope notification , conduct public hearings
on propose amendments to the text of the code,
unless a p oposed amendment is assiqned to another
comnittee f the planning comnission. The zoning
committee hall not be required to conduct public
hearings on proposed text amendments or 40-acre
studies if the planning commission holds hearings
. 2'�9����_
Page 4.
J ,.,
• .�
� .
on such amendments. The comnittee si�all carry out such '
ot(ier responsibilities af tF�e planning commission ;-"��
under the zoning code as may 6e delegated to it ,.�
by tf�e planning commission.
107.04. Ad hoc advi sor task forces. TF�e 1 aafii n
commission may from time to time create ,ad oc advisory
task forces com osed of ersons a poi ed in accordance
wit t�e ru es o roce ure o t e anning commission,
an cfiaire �y a member of t e m ng commiss�on.
Such task forces shall serve as dvisor bodies to
tFie lannin commission and it committees. Suc
tas forces s a stud tec ca matters re ate
to corr�ni ttee 6usi ness , as ` enti fied b the commi ttee,
and sfiall revort their fi din s to the committee
or its consideration. 11 findin s of the committee
tas forces s a e f r in ormationa �urnoses an
. in no event sfiall co titute findinas or recorrvnendations
of t�e committee of t e ]annin commission as a whole.
Suc tas forces all 6e dissolved followin� the
com letion of th ir assiqned sub 'ect of stud in
accor ance wit t�e ru es of rocedure of the o annin
1�7.05. Compen ation. Eacfi mem6er of the planning
commissi o sF�al l 6e pai d $25 for each meeti ng of
tfie comm' sion as a whole tf�at tFie member shall
attend, ut in no event siiall any corranission member
receiv more tF�an �750 per annum for attendance
at su meetings. In addition, each member of the
�ep� -ee����ee shall receive $25 for each meeting
of �� establisfied comnittees that the member shall
at nd, ut in no event sfi all any Ee�}��ee
.�� WNITE � — CITV.� �LERK.. . .. � .' �. � � � ���� .
BLUE ; -MAVO - � e� Fll@ NO.�
` OI�GLZ�IZCTiIZCP. Ordinance NO.
Presented By "
Refe'red To Committee: Date
Out q Committee By Date �
,,i � 5• '<.
� c�lssiw � r�art�r.�,;
' i#�i�"�'��t �M . � .t� �a�A �l�ir _ .
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Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Fletcher I�
Levine In Favor
Masanz '
Ntcosta ', Against By �
scne�bei '�
Tedesco I
Form Approved by City Attorney .
Adopted by Coun '1: Date
Certified Passed y Council Secretary BY
By _
r Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
Approved by Mayo : Date
: � .�, �?
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� Thomas P. FitzGibbon, ►r . Chairman
ATTACHi�ENT E3 � 25 wesc Fo�.�r,h Street, Sa�ni Pa��l, M�nne.or,� ;510T
1 ,{�{'i�
F Ociober 7, 1982 ���±-�.��.�
The St. Paul Planning Conunission has revieti•�ed the proposed restructur?ng of the
Cornrr�i ss i on set forth i n your 1 etter of P�ay 18, 1982. We offer the fol l owi ng corn-
The 'Comrnission sup�orts the basic thrust of your proposal . W� feel it is particu-
larly importan� that Pianning Commission members continue to be selected on a city-
��ide basis. �•Jhile each Cor3m7ssion member brings a unique experience and persp�c-
tive to the group, as members of the Planning Commission, each of us must be com-
mitted to one �verriding objective - t� recommend a course of action that is in the
best interest of the overall City in the long-run. Commission members should rot
be appointed as advo�ates fcr a specific geographic area, nor any partic�ilar politi-
cal or economic interest group.
SJe also support reduc�ng the size of th� Commission from t�;�enty-one to thirteen mer�z-
bers with tne correspondir�g crea�ion of special Task Forces on an Ad Hoc basis to
address i�sues of a more =oc�sed geogr��hic or functional n�ture. We believe, the
degree of citizen ;nvolvc��nt in public decision making in S�: Paul s±ands Y1i�hout
equal in the entire coun�ry. Qur citizEn partici�ation process should be strength-
ened �rhenevc�r and Lvherever possible. The expanded use of soecial advisory co�rn��ttPes
or tas K forces worki ng i n con j ur.cti on wi th the P1 ann�ng Corr�ni s si on ��ri 11 of�er an
opp�rtunity to expand citizen involvement in the d2c�sion making prccess. tJe als��
bel i eve that rr�ani►igful di scussi ons �vi th i n the standi ng Con�mi ss i on ti�ri 11 be enhanced
by ��ie �•e3uctiu�� in size.
�inally, we believe it is very important that openings on the planning Commissior� be
advertised broad'sy and that interested candidates be informed carefuliy of both the
responsib;lities and workload o�f the Cemmission. F�r this initial reerUanizati�n,
���e �•rould suggest that the current Commission be disolved and r�es�r mern�ers selected.
Niany cf us on the Com�rii ssi o;� woul d 1 i ke to conti nue se•rvi ng, but �ve f�el you sf;oul d
consi der our appl i cati or,s al ong wi tf� those of ne��� candi dates . Fr�om our vrork �rri th
Uistrict Councils and many special task forcFS, we are convinced that ther� a7•e n�any.
persans within our city �rrho i;�ould do �n excellent job as members of the Plannir�g Cem-
mi ss i on. tve ����oul d al s� recomanend tna� once a nea�! Corr�r,i ssi -� i s es tai�l i shed, an �!"i°il—
tation :. ,d trainirg sessior� be conducted to educate the me:�bership for its critical
Ir we can be of ary further assistance �o yoi�, i�� ref;�ing or impiementing the p��-
poseJ restructuring o� th�� C�mrnission, please do not h��si-;,a�e to �a� i u�,on us .
S i t�ct.�^e iy V��.;r.S ,/
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{'%:i�l Tra�es and LaE�or F;sse�;ly .
It is -irnpc�r�.ar�� thz� w� stress that ti�e appointmen�s be mad� or a c�ity adlClE�' f)351S 'E�G
re�uce cr�� pvssibilizy of� Garoch�ialism on the city ��la�nn-ins com;niss�io». .
P-1[��Se �;�2p �h i s �.hougl�t i n m�i nc� wF�er� voti ng co�`s up.
. � . � , �
: . . ThanE: you a��d fraterrall.��,
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. Will ia��� A. Hai,n�ierrnan
� . � Secre�ary-Treasurer �
o��:.i.. .:c:`1 %r� .
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GUCj`'�-r e �'_"I.C)
�}��: Czt�� �'lar�niri,s, Cc��_ei�si.on
l;:i�i:'�1.S. T'r,e 2;ayor' s pr.o}�os:.,l to cut � ._
�:OU1Cl �Sl*E 3�� 1:E'.USt' Oi)i.—I1?_li O:� � fU1.�_—L'llilc: c:�.;�1.t�,�ec:� 27)C�
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'ii:;':;'.::.I:�: 1[iF: :;fi�JOr :� �TO�US�3� C<�l..i_ foT C .
apT,o:int:ed s� that tl�e P3annin� Com�rission wo�.�ld xefle.c�
a c�t�-•�T1.de perspecr_Cve, nckT be it •
Y.ESO?,DED: T.hat t��e St. Pau1 Trades �nd labor Ass�:;:bl} support t=he
1-;ayor' s Yro�osal cat�! iT,� i or � reduced PI a�nin�
L ip1 u �i JV.I.:�i'Cl �.i:r.i_ �.�1�...' . . .
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Dt(�iISE M. ANDERSON °��''"'�
„?,�;°`&E oNOM,� S A I N T P A L' 1.
t AINT PALJL � t982 OF COMNERt'��,
a REA CHAMBER �o� 2���nh c�n.�-ai T�,W�-
OF CO'4�:�ZERCE 44s Minncso�a Screec
Saint Paul, t�tinnesots
-v�: �;�P.TN cr�;P.AL T0�-ER �rge Latimer SStUt Pbonc: 222-iSGi
,.6 �Si\:=b50TA STREET � H�� j
',5:0: • Pf:OKE: 2��-SSS� �` l , Minnesota 55102
Dear Mayor Latimer:
Thank you for requesting comrr�nt from the Saint Paul Area Chamber
of Cornmerce on the proposed restructuring of the Saint Paul Pla►�ning
After reviewing th� proposed chenges, the �hamber is supportive of
the basic thrust of the proposal . It is important that the system
of selecting members on a city-wide basis be maintained. A c+ ty-wide
seiection system ensures that the Commission maintain a city-wide
perspect i ve.
Reducing the size of the Gommission from 21 to 13 members snould tead
to increased ef�iciency and rr.anegeabili �y while retaining the ability
to at�ract memL�ers with diverse backgrounds and expertise.
The use of Ad Nac committees has proven Offective in the pasr when �
special exper-tise was needed or when an issue had prima�rily n�ighbor-
hood im�pact or significance. Continued and expanded use of Aa Hoc
could suppl�ment t�e activities of the full Commissian.
Finaily, we think it is important that any restructuring include adequate
representation by business including neighborhood businesses. When
neighborhood representation was included on the current Coromission ,
neighborhood small businesses 4tere overlooked. Busi�ess o5viously has an
im�ortant role to play and can of`er valuable input on decision� affecting
planning and development in S?int Paut .
Thank you again for requesting input from the Saint P�ul !�rea Chamber of
Corrner ce.
-- Sincerely, .
�MOS M.�1RT(fd
. = ��ss��.
. �_. - , _ ______ _____— _ -.�
: � �� �, _ � i
� Ham{k�e-iAlt�wsy Loce! De:�elop+:+enE Compeny i
( G90 North Snelling Avenue
� °,Y. Paul, MN 55104
j July 22, 1982
� .
' Ms. Peggy A. Reichert
I Deputy Director for Planning
I City Hall Annex
25 W. Fourth Street
Saint �aul, MN 55102
Dear Pe99Y=
Thanks for sending the HI�.�DC a copy of Mayor Latimer's nroposal for restructur.ing �
�the St. Paul Planning Com�r�ission. In a meeting this week, the HI�,DC: board dis-- �
cussed the proposal and reaehed consensus on several points regarding it. �
i �
� 1. We wholeheartedly support in general the three main parts of the !
� prot�sal : cit�-wide selection, redL?ced �ize and. increased use j
of ad hoc advisory committees. �
2. We recommend that t�'�e Mayor and planning staff appoint new commissior. �
members in such s way that at least one member, but no more t:nan three, I
be from each Ward. (Several here though�t that seven com*r.ission mer.�ers
actually be designated to represent the ward, while six be des�_gnateci I
at-large me:r�ers.?
3, We all ag�ee� '��,��• must be a�pointed by the City instead of being selected �
by the Distric� �o»ncils or ?_n the Wards to insure the proper talent ar3
� diversity needed.
• 4. 4v'e stress that the openir�gs for the new cor,unission membershia, �n� future
; openincs, be weli adv?rtised early enough �.h rough '-�he DIS.ATCn/PIOti�ER PRESS�
� neighborhood and special interest newspapers, District Councils and che �
j early warning mailing list. We also strongly recos�mend that mandatory �
� appl�cations be submitted by those desiring to serve so �s to more ;
I easily ascertain what talents, strengths and exnerience each applicant �
brings to th2 cor.LLnission. �
i5. Finally, our most firm recommendation is that a careful balance oi member- �
I ship is providEd; needed is a cross section oi citizens represe:;ting t�E �
� entire geographical areas of the city with a delibeY�a�e r.�ix of age, race, j
isex, profession and political a�filiation. I
� We believe that Wl'ttl 't}1e52 additions, t.?1E I'12W COIiIiT•.1SS1Oii W111 be 8 Ldlt?iitFC.� t
j open, well-balanced, responsive �r�dy able to provide tn� necessary perspac�ive
i for the broa3er and longer range city issues that go beyonc �h2 te.r�-itorial I
� interest of both Wards and D?strict Councils. I
� � • �
� Sincerely, cc: Ma��or George �a�im.er •
=��/ j�� �,�>i RO7: C 1 a-k - ST. PALTr.� :iI SPA'I'�.�; j
� ( ' ��� }�,��. BCii "ZGt.!;P_E�.'= �t'. �a�.'.l �J.i,j' rOU.["iC?1. ,
FtO�bE�� L. Ni1C'Y.cr I
H:�!LLC Vice r rFside:�t �
� i
I �
, Steve Billinn,;, Presic;e�t 6�`J-3379 cd Campbeli, Dirc-ctor 6:L-Ef:s.1 7im N2!son, TreasurPr fi1�70d� ,
�' _ �_._J
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. Jur�e 15, 1982 , v-c� j 7 'I��SI
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I�a;�or George Latiner
_ i1r'.l�i�� J'i� C:.��.7 uC�.l� .
St. Pa::l, i:inneso'ta 55102
Dear ��ayor I�ati;,�er: .
The I•;erriam Park Cor,::�unity Council reviewed the pr�posal to re6uce the
Planninr Co;nmission fro;�i t�venty-one to tnirteen me�bers.
Our Council unani,��ously pass�d a motion opposing the reduction in size of
. the Planning Co:amissior. f_or the following reasons:
1) t��e find little, zf any, probler,s wit� tne current functio;�ing
and decisior. ::iaking process of t'r�e Planning Comr;,ission.
2) tve believe �he Iarger number of re:�bers provides a broaaer
geographic representation on the Planning Co,;;nission which
assures gret�ter c�mrnunity/neighborhood input.
3i Our Council totally agrees with your ar,alysis that proble:�.s
and opportunities facing St. Paul in the co;r,ing year will. be
addr�ssed nost effPC.tively �r.. a snall local scale throuch
District Co�ncils. &owever , we feel a large aap will b�
created if the responsibilities and autharity of the
Plannina Co�;�^issio:� are reduced with no corresnondinc, increase
in District Council responsibilities.
�) t�ie feel the Plailril?'iG Conr�ission will becone .�,ore poli�i�al
if the �,u°.�ber is r�duce•d Gs there will be a area� r+���Ji:t of
� pressure for the 7 at-lurge appoir,tees to pe �:ard up�Ol::t?E'S.
Our Co�.::�cil beliFVes the Plar.nir,g Commission ���e*�bers wili
provide better representation if bas�o oa neighbcrhood or
District Council boundaries than on ward boundaries �ahich often
.. cut across �eighborhoods.
O�r Council ��elco,;�es ani� further co�-�ent or infornat?on regarding your
pro�osed reciuctior,.
=;��s: r�cards, �
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august 20, i982 � _. AREA CHA���ER
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, '�"� f i y °�-- OF COMMERCF
: �:_�.
�ol 2`Ianb c�acnl Towct
�'��,; � . � � 445 Minar.sota $trcct
Mayor George LatimQt' _ , � ^ Sa�nt Pavl, Mianzsota
.�•,�r^.;<�y S).01 Pbone: 22"l-SSbI
347 C i ty Ha 1 1 �'�;:-., .; J. . ..�.
Saint Paul , Minnesot� 55102
Dear Mayor �atirr�er:
Thank you for requesting comment frorn �he Saint Paul Area Chamber
of Commerce on the proposed restructuring �f the Saint Paul Planning
After r�viewirg the pr•oposed cha�iges, the CF�arr,ber i� suppertive or
the basic thrust of the proposal . It is important that tt�e system
of selecting members on a city-wide basis be maintained. A city-wide
selection system ensures that the Comnission main�ain a city-wide
Reducing the size �f the Commission from 2l to 13 members should lead
to increasec! er=i �i�ncy and marageability ���hile retaining the ability
to attract members with diverse backgrounds and expertise.
The use af Ad Hoc committees has proven effective in the past whpn
special expertise was needed or when an issue had primarily neighbor-
hood impact or sign� ficance. Continuecl and expanded use or F,d Hoc
could supplement the a,:tivi ties of the full Corrmission.
Finally, we think it is important that any restructuring include adequate
representation by business inctuding neighborhood businesses. When
neighborhood representation was included on the current Com�ission ,
neighborhood sma11 busi�esses were overlooked. Business obviousiy has an
important ro�e to play and can of`er• valuable input on decisions a�fe::�ing
planning and .development in 5�aint Paul .
Thank you again fior requesting input from the Saint Faul Area Chamoer cf
-• Si er �y,
MJiRI f n!
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�l�i�tV�:A: `�:`i�IL:r
October 15, 1982
_.� �tay�r George Lat�mer ._
.. __.. __.._. �_ � ._. - _ _
� 347 t:ity FIaIl _ _. __ . . _.
St. Paul, Mn. ..
DEur tifayor Latimer:
The F.xecu�ive Board of the Greater East Sid� Comr�tcnity Council voted
unanimously ta supp.ox�2 your poz-�wsal to reduce the size o£ the Plannzng
Commission fxon 21 to i3 members. Than;c you f�r brin�zng this proposal
to our attention.
���S ���-'��. �,��y-, �
Otas R. Helemas, �
�ESCC Ex.e�utivc 3oard Chazrman
. . �'����'�'�y
�.� ; �i��, i��,,
o � � OFFICE OF THE MAYOR �����=-- '.
'' iiit i t�u ; ��Y _ ��`
♦o n° ��,�,;! . . .��
347 CITY HALL '�j \
SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 ---� �"j�n
GEORGE LATIMER (612) 298-4323 ' ^ �
MAYOR �1 " � ;
r�� " _ . `�Q` �_- - t
, l
December 7, 1982 �
i ,.
" „ �- ___ ;
Council President Victor Tedesco and
Members of the City Council
Ci ty Hal l
Saint Paul , MN 55102
Dear President Tedesco and Council Members:
In my attached letter of May 18, 1982, I proposed a restructuring of the Saint Paul
Planning Commission. I concluded then, and continue to believe, that given our
Ward System and Community District Councils, the Planning Commission should continue
as an advisory body representing the long-range, citywide perspective. My proposal
to maintain a citywide basis for Planning Commission appointments also includes
reducing the size from twenty-one to thirteen members, and utilization of district
councils and ad hoc task forces working with the Planning Commission to address
issues of local geographic or specific functional concerns.
This proposal has been under review for the past six months. We have received quite
a few letters of support (attached) , including that of the Planning Commission itself.
We have only heard from two district councils to date, however - one in favor and
one opposed.
New appointments to the Planning Commission have been put on hold for over a year,
pending reorganization. At this time, I would like to place the question before you
and the citizenry of Saint Paul by way of a proposed ordinance encompassing my
proposed restructuring. The formal public hearing before the Council will provide
an opportunity to solicit additional public comment.
If the ordinance is approved, the current Commission will be dissolved and a new
one appointed. Current members wishing to continue serving may reapply and be
considered along with new candidates, without prejudice to their previous service.
All candidates will be required to submit a formal application and may be requested
to attend an interview at which the duties and responsibilities will be explained
and the candidate's potential contribution and commitment evaluated. In forwarding
my appointments to the Council for your advice and consent, I will be recommending
thirteen individuals who will reflect, as a group, a balanced cross-section of
community interests and who demonstrate qualities of leadership, experience in
community affairs, and commitment to serve.
To serve on the Planning Commission is to devote a great deal of time to community
service with nominal remuneration. We have been truly fortunate in Saint Paul to
have had citizens willing to devote their time and energy to the Commission. I am
� � � ������.
..,, ,
Council President Tedesco and _2_
Members of the City Council
Re: Planning Commission Reorganization December 7, 1982
hopeful that with this restructuring, the Commission will be able to provide us
with its advice and perspective in a more effective and efficient manner, drawing
upon the help of our district councils and task force representatives as appropriate
to the issue.
I would request City Council consideration of the proposed ordinance and urge your
support for it.
Ma r
cc: P. Reichert
- � ' � �/� -
lst � � /� � ��2nd 5 � .
� ''' — �,j Adopted -5 ' l `� � �,-�-- .
3rd �'' �"
Yeas ,
FLETCHF.R ,� � /� �
- l �
T _.---..�._�.,.�.._.�-.
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